#casino business plan
connabeth · 8 months
immediately, percy walking into crusty’s water bed palace saying “i know who you are. you’re procrustes. son of poseidon, murderer of travelers” and “i know the beds are a trap” and “i know there’s a secret entrance to the underworld here” and i know this and i know that is making me want to rip rickald to shreds and gnaw on his bones. so they know about medusa before they enter her lair. so they know about the lotus casino before they go inside. so they know everything about everything and there’s no real element of discovery and revelation because he’s somehow armed with allll this knowledge he’s not supposed to have, drastically reducing the stakes and excitement of one of the most naturally exciting plot lines ever, completely slamming a wrecking ball into the fact that he’s a 12 year old on his first quest who has to learn that everything is a trap and reality is never what it seems. so now instead of the three of them running unknowingly into procrustes’s creepy business as they’re trying to escape a gang of LA street bullies (bc surprise surprise the real world is where the monsters also are), he just fucking walks in and knows everything with a plan already hatched, courtesy of annabeth. how are you going to make me hate the episode five seconds in?
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Okay so yesterday was technically a travel day but, as you'd expect, it started at the breakfast table on camp time with Kimmer who, in that moment, realized
"My dad would've loved this."
And yes. He would've.
Not even here with us. Or even at this specific camp or any of the camps at which we stayed.
He would've loved this.
The act of camping. The experience of it. Family. Friendship. Being in that moment of community a little. Being in those moments of solitude a little. Being inside the outdoors and being conscious of it.
A little.
Most of all, just being.
It's harder to do in the city, is my point.
And he would have loved.
Yesterday was technically a travel day but, as you'd expect, we're near to where kimmer's aunt and uncle once lived, the place they called home, and we're near to where Kimmer's aunt is staying. So our first stop, leaving at 8:30, was in the opposite direction of where we're meant to go and, by 'n by, we pull into the drive of Kimmer's aunt's and uncle's old place where she sets about cleaning, clearing, and organizing their shed which has been pretty piled up inside with a random collection of this 'n that. She needs to get all of it into a state where she can easily determine, during her next visit, what stays and what goes.
Now, while she set about that project, I drove to a family laundromat we used once before, shortly after the death of Kimmer's uncle. This is yet another divergent experience from my Boy Scout days. Back then, whatever clothes you packed on a camping trip were the clothes you had for the entirety of that trip in whatever condition they were in or had become. But hey! Welcome to the modern world where you can Google map the nearest laundromat and return your clothes to a state of cleanliness they would otherwise not achieve until you got home.
The laundromat experience, by the way, is an interesting riff on camp time. It's definitely in the city, of course, but once you have a load of laundry going and there's nothing to do until it's done... you're just sort of being during those minutes whether it's reading a story (not news, not op-eds), whether it's writing, or whether it's just settin' and thinkin' or, as is sometimes said...
Just settin'.
Eventually I'm back at the homestead where Kimmer's showing off her hard work that is not only considerable but completely serves her purpose. She definitely did Future Kimmer a huge solid.
So now we're packing up to head out and I'm finding I'm doing that thing I do whenever I think I'm leaving some place for good: taking photographs of the place with an urgency that's misplaced. I'm sure I'll be back. Kimmer definitely will be back within a month.
So what this really is... is a need to document. To preserve this place in my memory, to preserve the choices of people who purposefully crafted, who intentionally decorated, who made this place just. so.
My need is to document the people who invested the place with a personality that can both be seen and felt.
Yeah. That's definitely it.
And then the packing's done, the photos are taken, and we're on our way to see Jacquie who welcomes us in a courtyard shaded with a plentiful amount of trees.
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We're there from around 130 to 215. Right at the beginning, though, when Jacquie spots Kimmer, a look of O-shaped surprise comes over Jacquie's face before Kimmer envelops her in a great big hug. And then I take my turn enveloping her in a great big hug.
We walk over to the shaded end of the table in the courtyard where Kimmer does some touch-ups with nail polish on some of Jacquie's fingers and some of Jacquie's toes.
We take a lot of pictures, of course. The pictures, these individually framed instances often capture more than what's there. It sets in amber some of the old Jacquie. Her smile. Her laughter. Her body language. She's definitely one of those human beings who would communicate just fine through a silent movie.
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The conversation isn't a typical conversation of course. She makes clear statements that often trickle away in mid-sentence and we pick up wherever she left off until we can bring our words to the next place, the next topic, the next vibe, with which her brain can and does re-engage. Until her words run out and we pick up where she left off again.
And so on.
And so on.
Sometimes she has questions.
"How do you know my name?"
"How did you find me?"
"When did you get here?"
At which point the burden of conversation is on us and we carry it, toss it back and forth a little. It's not super hard for us to do. I just have to remember to focus on the present, to pretty much remain disconnected from previous events. Even if they happened only two days ago.
I definitely have to pay attention to questions or topics that don't register on her face... so I know to simply move on.
The true reward of these visits are moments that conjure the quintessential Jacquie. Moments where she looks you straight in the eye and begins with "Ya know..." as if launching into some grand story.
My favorite Jacquie, however, is the one who smiles and chuckles to herself, tilting her head down a little before smacking your arm with the back of her hand just before letting you in on the joke.
It's only a moment, though. A simple one. A powerful one. But her memories cannot sustain.
They just can't.
It's still meaningful to us, though. Because we do want to know that the essence of this woman we've known for most of our lives is still in there.
Even if we don't know exactly where.
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A little aside: early in our visit, we were joined by Geraldine, an elderly African American woman who stopped by to listen in for a little bit before sitting down, making herself comfortable, and occasionally contributing a few words into our stream of conversation that seemed appropriate to her.
I do hope we see her again. She was very sweet. She was very attentive. She was very dignified.
And maybe I don't see that combination enough.
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Yesterday was technically a travel day but, as you'd expect, we got a tiny bit distracted. We had, of course, managed some work at Jac & Dave's old place, gotten our laundry done, and spent meaningful time with Jacquie. So now we were on our way west to Laguna.
Except we were gonna stop for tacos along the way through town. We were gonna stop along the way... until Kimmer mentioned a better taco opportunity at the Soboda Casino Resort that is, technically, a few miles in the opposite direction. And since the tacos sounded yummier that way... that's the way we went.
The opposite direction.
When eventually we found our spot in the casino's parking lot, I thought maybe we were in trouble because almost immediately a motorized cart pulls up. Instead of being in trouble, though, we're being offered a ride. So on we hop, transported from a faraway spot in the parking lot to the very front doors of the casino through which we mosy, pass all the slot machines, until we arrive at a restaurant along the far wall at which are made the most heavenly tacos and molita (in pork and beef variations) followed by a pair of bottled Modellos.
Now, we are here for lunch. But we're also here to continue some business planning. As it turns out, part of our trip has turned into a business retreat in a number of parts, in different locations, on various dates.
When we finish off our impromptu business meeting... okay yes. It is time to head west to Laguna. By the time we arrive in the neighborhood, however, looking to meet up with Kimmer's cousin Derek and the boys to celebrate her nephew, Kyle's, birthday at Ruby's diner... by the time we're in the neighborhood, we're running a little longer than expected so Derek lets Kimmer know over the phone to meet them at Ruby's.
We're already heading north on the Pacific Coast Highway, though, so we turn around and head farther south to Ruby's with Derek and the boys pulling in shortly afterward around 630.
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Okay so this... is an early birthday celebration for Kyle. Over the years, we've done this particular dinner at this Ruby's in lots of different ways with lots of different friends. My favorite time's probably the one on the roof with a bunch of friends and family including Kyle's cousin, our daughter, Linzy.
Still, no matter how we do it, the milkshakes are the stars of the show every time. I think the boys had chocolate chip mint this time while I had black cherry topped with chocolate sauce. And since this is Ruby's, the amount of milkshake is always more than the glass into which it's poured.
So they pour the extra into a metal cup and serve that up, too.
It's around 8 by the time we finally check into Moro Campground overlooking Crystal Cove. It's dark out. Nighttime. And, while you can't see as many constellations like at Lake Perris, the sky is still quite astonishing.
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We do have plans for the night, though, so we dive right into setting up the campervan for our overnight. Then we hit the showers which are a lovely kind of hot.
And then...
The main event of our evening: Uno.
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Now I won't lie. Uno is the most competitive game we all play together. It's the most ruthless, screw over your neighbor relentlessly... game we play.
It's also boisterous. Loud. With just a hint of mockery and taunting. With definitely obvious whining and complaining and faux tantrums. With a lot of fun and laughter.
At one point, Kimmer throws down her last card, the one she's been hiding under the table, and declares herself the winner. Unfortunately for her, Kyle penalizes her four cards because the rule is you've got to declare "Uno!" when you're down to just the one card.
"But I forgot!" explains Kimmer.
Alas... no. She did not win. Instead she had to draw four new cards as opposed to dancing in the endzone.
We all gave her a hard time about this until finally she declared
"Okay I didn't forget. I cheated. Because I didn't want him to take my Fudging card!!!"
Only she didn't say "Fudging".
The "he" to which she referred, by the way, was me. Because I was holding a card that would enable me to swap cards with any player of my choosing. So I was waiting, biding my time, for someone to get their hand down to one.
Which turned out to be Kimmer.
Now, I won't say she did any additional cheating by taking random peeks at the cards I was holding or even the fact she kept declaring to one and all which nasty cards I was holding. I won't say she cheated in those ways because we all did that.
And we couldn't all be cheaters. Could we?????
Anyway. We had the best time playing Uno.
Afterwhich we kicked the boys out and went to bed around midnight.
The end.
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lemoncrushh · 6 months
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>> Learn a little about me and my writing here <<
>> Check out all my old fics on Wattpad (2015-2022) << * I am currently reposting old fics here since Wattpad decided to delete some. *
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Everything is in order from oldest to newest. You will see me adding more links to the top as I'm reposting old fics.
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Show Me Your Texts, or It's Over Harry finds out you've been in contact with your ex and gives you an ultimatum.
Just for the Record After returning home from a concert with Harry, you share a smoke and a bed.
Scars You have scars and are hesitant about letting Harry see you naked for the first time.
I Miss You You’ve grown frustrated and lonely because Harry is always busy.
Best Friends You and Harry are best friends, but he would love for it be more.
Rooms On Fire (The Morning After) You meet Harry Styles at a party and have an amazing night.
Slave 4 U 2 Harry is ready to take you home for a little role play.
The Opera You and Harry can’t keep your hands off each other at the opera.
My Home You and Harry visit his family, but you have to stay in Gemma’s room.
A Night Out with Harry You take care of Harry after a drunken night out.
Back For You Harry is in town, and you go visit him at the hotel.
Melt A sexy evening with Harry.
Heartstrings You become One Direction’s new guitarist and you and your best friend Harry realize you have feelings for each other.
What's It Like You can’t sleep and decide to pay Harry a visit in the next room.
The Lucky One Harry is not too pleased when you run into your old high school crush at a restaurant.
Too Long It’s been too long since you and Harry have had sex.
Anniversary Pancakes Harry and his daughter make breakfast for his wife on their anniversary
We're Gonna Have a Baby Telling Harry he’s gonna be a dad.
Lyrics and Melodies: AM A very smitten Harry takes Julia back to his place for drinks and more music.
Claiming His Territory Harry gets jealous when he thinks another guy fancies you, and he decides to claim his territory.
This Is Me You're Talking To You and Harry are divorced, but you both still have feelings for each other.
Meeting Harry Styles After actress Mia Tangelo meets Harry Styles at a One Direction concert, he surprises her by showing up at her film premiere.
Kiss Me Kiss Me Samantha and Harry’s story of young romance and a first kiss.
Sweat Some post-workout sex.
Saturday Night Harry needs comforting after his performance on SNL.
Live From New York Harry’s on SNL and he gets a little jealous when he thinks you’re not there for him.
Leather and Lace The night Harry sang with Stevie at the Troubadour.
I Wish That It Could Be Like That An affair with Harry has taken its toll and is no longer enough.
Faithfully Harry shares the story of how you two met and fell in love.
Running On Empty An unfortunate incident at the gym.
Sometimes It Be That Way Soon after a breakup, Lilliana met Harry…but their relationship may have been doomed from the start.
Stones T-Shirt Commenting on Harry’s Rolling Stones shirt at a party leads to going to a concert with him.
Carrot Cake Harry has something he’s been wanting to ask Y/N, but the timing is never right.
Kinda Perfect It’s a girls’ night out and Harry shows up, but you decide not to let your new friend Tiffany know that Harry is your boyfriend.
What Happens In Vegas... Your Vegas trip to celebrate your friend’s birthday turns into a night you hadn’t expected when you meet Harry Styles in the casino.
Easy Like Sunday Morning It's your last day with Harry before he leaves.
Connect Not wanting to lose their connection, Lily takes a surprise trip to see Harry.
Comfort Food Jessica, a self-proclaimed foodie, helps her classmate Harry study for their Biology test.
Her Album Harry has finished recording his album, and he wants her to hear it. [in Harry's POV]
Ruin the Friendship It’s Ella’s birthday, and her best friend Harry plans to tell her how he feels about her.
You and I Alyssa always wanted Harry, so every time he called, she was there waiting for him at the bar. But one night, things shifted between them.
Rain Rain Lexie is on her way to visit her sister, and she’s taking Harry on the road trip with her, planning to drop him off at his friend’s house for a wedding. But the weather has other plans.
That Sunday, That Summer Kelly’s roommate Bianca talks her into participating in a celebrity charity scavenger hunt that Harry Styles surprisingly attends.
Friends Don't Harry and Gabriella have been good friends for a few years. But neither of them knows the feelings the other has.
Dressing For Revenge // Part 2 Still heartbroken from finding your ex cheating on you, you go to a nightclub with your friend Kelsie, where not only do you run into your ex, but also a handsome gentleman who’s willing to help you get over him.
Kiss Me Deadly The annual Halloween party at the local pub has Y/N excited when she decides to invite her boss at the University, Mr. Styles. But she soon begins to second guess her decision when Harry starts acting odd. Is Harry Styles really who she thinks he is? Will this Halloween be a fantasy come true…or the kiss of death?
Through the Wall Harry is your handsome neighbour, and you keep hearing him through the wall.
bad idea harry styles is back from uni and he looks better than you remember. problem is, he's your ex's brother.
break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored part 2 of bad idea - after that one night with harry, you can't stop thinking about him...but things don't exactly turn out like you'd hoped.
Touch You’ve been having a hard time getting yourself off, so your roommate Harry offers a hand.
Filthy Cute You and Harry are in a secret relationship, and you get a little jealous when you think he’s flirting with your friend.
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Out of Bounds After a few years of being a housewife, Tisa Jordan decided to go back to school. Hoping to find inspiration and a new direction in life, she didn’t expect to meet Harry Styles, a handsome British twenty-year-old. [39 chapters, reposting daily]
Cubicle  I’m Harry. I have a mundane job where I sit in a cubicle all day. But things just got better because the hottest babe just started working here. And I’m determined to make her mine, even if just for one night. I’m Roni. I just started this new job, but all I can think about is the hottie in the corner cubicle. I think he likes me too. [22 chapters]
Fratboy Harry Harry Styles was a boy with a reputation, one that you couldn’t care less about. Yet one night at a frat party changed everything. [10 parts]
The Entertainer Set in the 70s, Sky Jones, a young woman from L.A., meets Harry Styles, an up-and-coming musician and frontman for the band Wildfire. Told in first person from Sky’s point of view, she shares her journey and what it’s like to fall for a rockstar. [10 parts]
Too Far From Texas Stacey Barnett is a writer and a single mother. Her hands full with two daughters (one with special needs), a newly published novel, an extroverted best friend and a controlling ex-husband, the last thing she expects is to meet an international pop star. [33 chapters]
Seven Six Five They met once seven years ago. Now music has made them cross paths again. (Real Harry x Plus Size OC, enemies to lovers) [6 parts]
Tattooed Heart You are a cocktail waitress at a swanky lounge. Harry comes in one night, and you instantly dislike him. But another encounter eventually changes your opinion. (Tattoo artist!harry x waitress y/n, enemies to lovers) [6 parts]
The Entertainer II * Updates will be sporadic * What if it wasn’t the end? What if Sky did actually see Harry at the Forum in the early 80s, and he saw her too? What if fate took hold of them both, and they realized their journey was not over? Set in 1981, Harry and Sky’s story continues with more music, more romance, and a few more twists and turns.
Wild Horses * Updates will be sporadic * Amber Crosby didn’t end up with the life she’d expected, but that didn’t keep her from following her dream. A young, up and coming country recording artist, she and her band set out to do just that. Trying to leave her past behind, it wasn’t until meeting Harry Styles that she realized just how her life could take a turn and alter her future forever.
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arsonlookers · 5 months
Hi! I had just finished the penacony story quest and umm came out with random ideas….. PLUS after listening to White Night I-
I was wondering what you would think about an AU where time slip is possible and that Yan! Aventurine lost reader (idk how in what situation😭😭😭)
but like yea….
N then like he just literally time slips back to the past before he lost them and like gets super protective???
Idk like I'm-
Omg help idk but like yehhhh
Oh My God your a GENIUS!!! Imagine an au like that!! But let's give it a twist shall we 😉
Yan! Aventurine in his first and original timeline falls in love with you but keeps it a secret relationship because there are plenty of enemies he made in the way who wanted to hurt you just to hurt him. So he keeps his distance from you in public and in private he is just so clingy and SO loving but in recent times he has just become more distant from you after meeting the trailblazer not only he is a million times busy and with dealing with his past he also started to become more interested with this "FRIEND" of his the trailblazer.
So he spends less and less time as it goes on and you are just so lonely whenever he is not even planning to go home. Or he just kind of ended up ignoring you when he comes home because he is exhausted from all the drama. [he just needs time poor baby]
But then one day an accident happens to you, an accident he never expected, and will forever regret. Of all the people in that accident you his very beloved partner were the only one who perished the most and died alone.
"aventurin-" were your very last words you only wanted to see the love of your life one last time and at least be able to say goodbye to the person who saved you and made your life worthwhile...
the news states the attack was from a man who lost in a gamble storming out from the casino with pent-up anger and ended up venting his anger to a poor woman a passerby who was the first person he spotted to look so weak so he attacked her and stabbed her 10 times to vent his anger because of the lost.
After hearing the news Aventurine can't believe what he is hearing and dashes immediately towards your location. just outside of the casino he was in right now.
in front of the lobby there he saw a group of people gathered in front of the entrance cameras and all.
he never is the type to jump in the scene but this time he jumps in the crowd to look for you to believe that it is not you and you are safe, to hope and in his luck that YOU are safe.
In his mind he is already panicking, sweat going down from his forehead and hands shaking non-stop he can't even control it. Inside of his mind were all prayers and all begging to keep you safe from every harm that past these people you are safe and sound.
But past the one last person he pushes aside instead of your sweet smile and a hug of comfort.. all he sees is blood.. blood everywhere his eyes tremble his bones are about to give up as he looks at the body in front of him there lies you wearing your favorite dress that he gifts you in your anniversary... a sunflower dress being splattered and filled with red blood still running down from your dead body.
and with that is the very last straw of his sanity.
He comes close to your body, and his eyes behind his glasses start to water, overwhelming emotions bearing him and tying in his throat restricting him from breathing and making his heart beat as if being chased by a killer or worse death wanting him dead. and maybe it is better to die right now he thought.
just the sight of your back and your dress being soaked in your own blood was horrendous and worst sight he had laid his eyes upon.
everything was so slow yet so fast at the same time. You were taken away from his grasp and then the next you are being sent away to be mourned by your family. But you don't have a family. he is your family. the one and only family. but because the two of you are still not married and just dating/ engaged he cant have you ... he cant mourn you... And the worst part is he has all the money and power but mourning you, He cant even DO THAT?! He have all this for you for HIM but why? why? WHY?!WWHYWHHYWHYWHWYWHY?????? WHY?!WWHYWHHYWHYWHWYWHY???WHY?!WWHYWHHYWHYWHWYWHY??? WHY?!WWHYWHHYWHYWHWYWHY??? WHY?!WWHYWHHYWHYWHWYWHY???
everything in his mind is starting to crumble as he starts to drink and gamble his life everything is on the line yet he just can't die. HE IS JUST TO LUCKY TO DIE. THEN WHY??? WHY DO YOU NEED TO DIE??? WHY YOU??? was all he can asked day in day out in his life. when he comes home all he can remember is YOU every memory every furniture everything reminds him of you and he just cant he might loses his mind more if he stays more than a hour a minute in once your shared house.
After everything he just cant take it anymore and goes to your house drunk and just starts calling your name waiting for you to respond.
"Yn~ baby~ ! Im home! " He calls drunk inside the house falling flat in the entrance and everything. He closes his eyes and All he can think and hear about is how warm he feels the house is clean and how you will be coming out of the kitchen and calling his name so lovingly.
"aven! Aven! AVEN!" how you will call his nickname how sweet your voice sounds like at first it sounds so far away and now he feels so nostalgic how you shake him the same from all those months ago when he comes home drunk.
He wants to stay like this ... if he can he wants to stay like this forever hearing your voice calling his nickname ...
"more. more call me like that moreMORE MOREMORE "
"KAKAVASHA!!" was when he opened his eyes and bolted his eyes from the voice that called him
and here presents you... in your glory and in your lovely apron. that says 'HAPPY WIFEY HAPPY LIFEY~" It was cheesy but it looked so perfect for you.
"vasha!! are you ok!? " you grabbed his face and all he could feel was how warm you were not cold and wet as he last remembered.
before he knew it tears drops one after the other in his eyes.
"aventurine!! hey come on are you gonna leave me hanging and worried?? did someone beat you? Are you ok?" You grabbed him for a hugged and rubbed your hands in his back
and all he can think is how warm you are how nice it was to feel your warm body against his and how you smell so good. and then he just thinks that he wants this to last forever, he doesn't want this to end, he doesn't want to go back to that dark place. he doesn't want to go back in that nightmare ever again.
Feeling all these emotions he hugged you and started to bawl his eyes out and hugged you tight as if you would be gone in a matter of seconds now.
you can't really know what is going on with him but it truly is rare to see him like this and this time he needs your comfort and love so instead of breaking the hug because of it being too tight You instead hugged him tight and comfort him with your words and back rubs
"its ok, aven, its just a nightmare . shhh its fine , its fine Im here now, Im here" As you keeps your gesture and kinda calm him down his gripped unto you was still on and tight but not that tight.
That is until he falls asleep.
"cute aven" you say as you pinches his cheeks before moving him to your shared bedroom.
Aventurine woke up and just in a panic he searched the room he cant see you there so he rushed down the stares and searched for you outside he was screaming your name and on the verge of crying again. that is until you called for him from the kitchen.
"morning darling!" You say as flipping the pancakes and smiling at him from the kitchen wall.
and there aventurine was feeling relieved that you weren't just a dream.. and even if this is a dream of a hallucination he don't care all he cares about is you and him in this time together eating your pancake and you in front of him smiling happily.
AND AFTER SPENDING MORE AND MORE TIME as he starts to notice that he was in the past a year before your tragedy he promises that he will. HE WILL. PROTECT YOU.
may it caused of his death he dont care he will never ever EVER going to see you in that state again.
WITH out you knowing he actually in this timeline he did kill your killer after he tracked him down so that he wont be able to do the murder again. Aventurine puts more in security and becomes more and more clingy since then.
But one thing he will put first. HE ASKED YOU TO BE HIS WIFE This time he will never ever gonna regret pausing to make you his wife. This time YOU ARE HIS WIFE.
He wont ever EVER FACE ALL THOSE HAPPENING AGAIN. He wont ever make you feel sad and distant and he wont make you regret saying YES to his proposal now that you are going to be his WIFE.
He will plan the wedding immediately.
Suggested warning!!
and fckng his wife should be the first priority right~ so he does~
Every night and every possible day he has been so horny to the point of fcking you in every possible place in the house on your dates in your backyard, and even in his office. EVERYWHERE
[this is the birth of the most possessive and overprotective yandere aventurine who loves love LOVES you very much ]
ARS: Donee!! damn anon thank you for the idea! but really I was not gonna make it since been busy but I guess my writer brain just turns on immediately thinking about the plot and how i would write the story I wish it was to your liking anon! I wish this is how my brain would work in my exam wow that finished within one hour hahaha anyways have a great Day!!
©2024arsonlookers: do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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curseddollfaye · 8 months
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toxic baby daddy! toji x reader headcanon
ᥫ᭡ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! ty! please let me know what you think! ^.^ requests are currently open!! ᥫ᭡
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:· ੈ✩‧·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:· *ੈ✩‧₊˚
- you meet him through a friend of a friend. Your bestfriend Moonie insisting that you need to find someone! Although you had no issue in the looks department by any means. Men that tended to try and get your attention were just..meh. You knew what you wanted in a man and none of them could provide you with that.
- well, until you met him of course. you remember clear as day. Sitting in a very expensive restaurant where you were told to meet him at. Glancing around you expected a middle aged man to be your date. Probably expecting you to open your legs just because of where he planned to dine you. hah…
- and then he walked in , tall. 6’1 to be more precise. green eyes bore into yours as soon as he walked in. a scar decorated the corner of his right lip. and god was he muscular…so muscular. your legs might have squeezed shut instinctively
- if there was video recording of your face the entire night you might as well have the ground open up and swallow you hole. hearts practically taking your pupils face. you learned so much in such little time. his grin was surreal, the way the veins in his hands popped out whenever he grabbed hold of his steak knife to cut into his food.
- “So tell me a little bit about yourself sweetheart, I love hearing a pretty woman talk”
- safe to say you were a goner pretty quickly.
- and the feelings were mutual between you and him. you had him with your heel in his chest from the get go.
- long story short, you ended up dating not too long after. you learned about his ex wife who tragically passed away. you learned that he had a son named Megumi who was just shy of 3 when you met him, you learned Toji was a very wealthy business owner. Casinos and Clubs all across the country.
- He was older than you, but that didn’t bother you one bit.
- you ended up getting pregnant after two years of dating.
- splitting up wasn’t on your bucket list. But a few months after your daughter turned 3 months you had found some pictures hidden in Tojis wallet as you were grabbing his card to pay for family’s take-out dinner. His ex girlfriends face decorating each and every one of them, and her tits staring right back at you.
- a huge argument ensued. “Tch…come on baby. ‘Yer overreacting over something that doesn’t need it…” as soon as the words left his mouth he regretted them. your tear stained face was something he will never forget. Your beautiful smile replaced by something close to betrayal. To be honest Toji didn’t know how he would have reacted if the situation was flipped. He knew he fucked up. He just didn’t really know how to say sorry.
- he did feel bad. All they were, were just some silly Polaroids he meant to throw away after finding them in some old box in the garage.
- sure she was naked but it’s not like they turned him on. gross. only you did that to him.
- all night he tried, to no avail.
- “So you’re just not gonna eat because ‘yer mad at me? Don’t be ridiculous doll face” He scoffed a laugh and shook his head.
- “Hmm, fine then. I guess Rin and I will just eat alllll those stupid little candy snacks you like so much”
- “Ya think these cookies are expired? Wouldn’t want your man to die now do ya baby?”
- “go to hell Toji” you had slammed the door right in his face. you didn’t know what had hurt more. the intimacy of them or the way you had pushed out a 7 lb baby out of your vagina 3 months prior and were a wreck emotionally. your body and mind adjusting to having a tiny baby to look after. as well as a energetic 5 year old.
- he lets you go. because he doesn’t want you to be unhappy. even if it eats him up when you tell people you’re single.
- Or when you post your little thirst traps on Instagram (they’re just pictures or videos you post of yourself but Toji begs to fucking differ; you’re beautiful. they’re all thirst traps to him. he knows how men think)
- really you should have known better given his reputation of being a little bit of a player. but your heart outweighed the negative. oh well.
- you live and you learn…right?
- wrong.
- because even 2 years later you still let him fuck you. I mean who wouldn’t? He laid it down on you and you needed your fix even as a single mother. Who better to get it from than your asshole baby daddy?
- he doesn’t fuck anyone but you, states “ best pussy I’ve ever had. Why would I need someone else? Tch…silly girl”
- “fuck yeah…take me baby…heh…You like that? Hmm? Look at yourself in the fucking mirror and tell daddy how much you love his cock stretching out this tiny pussy sweetheart” fuck him and his big add hands holding your hips as he plows you from behind. unforgiving pace as he reminds you who you’re always going to belong to.
- still provides for you although you’re not together. Not only because he’s still batshit crazy about you and in love with you. You’re the mother of his child. Kids if we’re being real. Megumi loves you to death and you love him. He would never take that away from the both of you, which is why every month without fail an additional 300k is wired directly to your bank account. which is just spending money for you because he takes care of everything anyways… ‘the least he could do’ you have to mumble to yourself when the guilt eats you up of the outrageous amount of money he spends on you.
- Not that he would miss it anyways.
- generous and gorgeous
- is a DILF personified.
- watching him pick up your tiny daughter and press smooches all over her chubby cheeks when he comes to pick her up sends you into a spiral
- thoughts of giving him another one enter your mind for a sec…
- before you damn near concussed yourself from how hard you slapped your cheek to get rid of them.
- stays the night at your house often (when he feels like it) “You don’t want the kids to miss their daddy do you?” He throws you a stupid lazy grin.
- Which leads to nasty dirty fucking whenever the kids are tucked in their respected rooms and asleep.
- the next morning you find yourself in a situation when you’re date knocks on your door arriving just as planned to take you out for breakfast.
- A bouquet of flowers in your dates hands a smile graces his lips.
- When the door swung open and he was greeted with a bare chested irritated Toji. It quickly disappeared. Sweats hung low on his hips and his hair messy from last night’s activities. He fucked you so good you forgot how to walk.
- Toji blinked at the man standing in front of him. Of course Toji always made himself at home in your house. Not because he paid for it, but because if anything in his eyes you were still his. “You got lost on the way to jackass city or something? You know what time it is?” Toji grimaced in annoyance. Yawning lazily and scratching his bare chest. A lighter and a pack of cigarettess held in one hand.
- “Um..” your date watches as Toji smacks the red pack against his palm before taking one out and placing it in between his lips. Hands flickering the lighter as he heats up the end of his cigarette and take a drag. Toji’s green eyes locking into his.
- He figured out what the fuck was going on and he didn’t like it one bit. “You walk up these steps, ringing and knocking on the damn door while my kids and my woman are tryna sleep…” Toji blows the smoke in the poor guys face and flicks the ashes into the floor. A grin permanently on his face before he continues. Muscles flexing as his jaw clenches.
- “You must’ve lost ‘yer damn mind kid”
- Putting out the cigarette on an ashtray outside that’s sole purpose was just for Toji’s use. The door closes in your ex- dates face.
- Safe to say you don’t even remember you had a date and didn’t need a reminder when your date blocks you off his phone and deletes your number.
- toxic baby daddy! Toji who curses at himself and keeps himself up at night when he thinks about how badly he fucked it up with you. because throughout everything he still loves the hell out of you. you’re perfect in his eyes.
- and he’s determined to get you back.
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rizsu · 1 month
+ love, ‘su: he's so crazyyyy!!! can't take him anywhere lol XD ── tw. mentions of murder (not u)
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yuta’s been acting weird, but you can’t put your finger on it. you’ve this aching gut feeling that something’s off with him, but he hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary.
he’s still acts like your loving boyfriend who refuses to sleep unless his arms are wrapped around you. each time the thought of yuta suddenly changing crosses you, a pang of guilt hits you.
you don’t want to doubt him, but it’s getting difficult to not suspect him. he’s no longer punctual — you can’t predict his timing anymore. even the hour he returns home is now a guessing game.
what happened to him? something’s weird — no, not just weird. it’s terrifying. physically it’s your yuta but is it really? why are his eyes unfocused all the time? is something or someone bothering him?
questions after questions swirl through yet there isn’t an answer that can satisfy you. you need yuta to speak, but he dances around the questions, refusing to give in.
the more you pry the more he gets annoyed. he doesn’t show it, but his firm answer never fails to stop you.
“baby, i said nothing. is. wrong.” he’d insist, warmingly smiling at you before he follows up with a question. “don’t you trust me?”
like usual, you’d remain silent, unable to drag it on. the conversations continued to run in circles. soon you gave up.
you can’t shake off the feeling, nor can you make him talk. as unfortunate as it is, it’s better to go with the flow. it’d be meaningless to anger him with butting in his business.
as for yuta, it pains him that he’s acting so cold, but that’s the only way to get you to stop. he loves you — worships you — but it’ll be detrimental if you were to find out that he isn’t your sweet boy.
you shower him with praises everyday, he can’t imagine what life would be like if he loses you. you’ve always said his hands are your favourite, which is why he bought multiple pairs of gloves. he can’t have the hands you adore be tainted. it’s a bit sloppy to cover his traces, but it’ll do.
after all, he’s not skilled in killing humans yet. his expertise is knowing how to murder curses, but maybe he can transfer those skills to humans too.
truth be told, this has been going on for some time. if he were to recall correctly, it’s been approximately twenty-three days since his first killing. he didn’t plan for it to happen — heavens, no! it just… did.
yuta’s self control is something worthy to be jealous of, but he lost every ounce of it that night. he gifted you a new dress, one that’s perfect to be dolled up in an expensive club that’s part casino. so said, so done.
you were his woman, ever so beautiful, but like moths to a flame, you attracted unnecessary attention. the amount of men that attempted to whisk you away exceeded the number ten. he couldn’t keep count on his fingers anymore. of course, you never hesitated to reject them. you even went as far as to slip in “i’m here with my boyfriend” whenever they approached.
but they were filthy flies. flies aren’t able to read the room, nor can they handle rejection. they’ll always come back to the meal — even if all they got was a whiff of the scent. flies are known to be pesky, greedy animals. unless you see them to their death, they’ll never leave.
the night played out smoothly, but yuta’s annoyance wasn’t soothed. he wanted to relieve it physically. he needed absolute dominance over something — something that’ll be easy to register a power imbalance with. what’s better than to overpower one of the flies? they’d be drunk and yuta happened to have held his alcohol, so he’s quite sober.
once he’s assured you were in deep sleep, he quietly left to set his plan in motion. he never thought that he’d feel ‘the hunter and the prey’ emotions against a human, but here he is. life is truly unpredictable. it’s unfortunate the random fly that was singled out couldn’t predict his murder.
a death by asphyxiation. the easiest way to kill someone if it’s your first time. yuta didn’t bother to clean up, simply opting for dragging the body in a back alley. there’s been a number of violent crimes the past week, he was sure it’ll be played off as one of those crimes. in that way, he won’t ever be suspected, and he was correct.
however, yuta, too, fell to greed. the adrenaline rush, the feeling of seeing someone struggle, the continuance of the life of someone being his decision to make — he wanted more. he couldn’t settle for just one. with long eyes that yearned for more than he should’ve, yuta’s killings didn’t stop. it soon became a pattern: every two weeks he’d kill someone — it didn’t matter who, as long as they did something he deemed wrong. yuta believed he acted on justice, but he knew he was just as wrong.
he became a vigilante to some, and a serial killer to others. regardless of what the public viewed him as, it caused unrest. the only time he stopped was the day you refused to go out in fear of the increase of murders in your city. your pain is his pain, he couldn’t bear to watch you cower in fear at the thought of becoming the next addition to the kill count.
the stop only lasted for one scheduled killing. he returned to his usual activities, becoming more and more skilled. with each murder he became braver — sometimes taking a limb off depending on if he liked the person or not.
but every secret was bound to be revealed, and his almost got caught when you found a patch of blood on his sweatpants.
“yuta, did you injure yourself and didn’t tell me?” you asked him with a disappointed tone, holding up his sweatpants to show the blood.
his heart stopped, a sick feeling in his stomach bubbled up. he didn’t injure himself, but he injured (killed) someone else. it’s not like he can say that and hope you bypass it.
“oh — i, i did,” he answered, nervously laughing. “i accidentally dropped the knife on my leg, sorry baby.”
it was a half-assed excuse, but since you trust him, you’ll believe it.
“then you should’ve told me!” you pouted, jokingly thinking that he didn’t trust you.
“sorry, sorry. but next time, don’t wash my clothes. i’ll do it.” it was a sudden demand, subtly killing the mood.
your eyebrows furrowed. you found it weird, but didn’t question it. yuta knew how absurd he sounded, but he can’t have you connecting the dots. sooner or later you would’ve realised his lies.
however, even without the clothes, you still found holes in his behaviour. you kept quiet about it until you couldn’t, but that resulted in him redirecting the conversation.
you’re too smart for your own good, if you were to cast aside your trust in him and realise your worries aren’t insane, you’d leave yuta in a heartbeat. he can’t have that. he won’t settle for it. heavens know what he’d resort to just to keep you in his arms.
yuta’s your sweet boy, and he’ll continue to be. if it meant giving up the killings, he’d do it. it won’t be too hard to find a replacement to satisfy his needs. but, would he need to give it up? if you find out, can’t he keep you tied down with him? he’s the hunter, after all.
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heartpiratedrabbles · 7 months
Unexpected Surprise
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Prompt: Crocodile comes back from an extended leave to find you holding a baby
Crocodile X Fem Reader
You groan hearing the crying of the 2-month-old, sluggishly getting up from your bed to pick up the baby, reaching for a bottle to warm like instinct. It had been a while since you’d gotten a good night’s rest, and while you could ask some of the workers to do it, you couldn’t find it in your heart to let anyone else look after the child at night. During the day it was easy letting someone take him into another room but at night you got too anxious if he wasn’t within eye shot.
         As he drinks the bottle you go to sick in the rocking chair you had brought in a while ago, someone had told you the rocking would calm the baby but really it helped you calm your own nerves most of the time. Soon enough the baby is slowly shutting his eyes, you cooing and singing while delicately placing him back into the crib before starting to head back to your bed.
         The most silent knock in the world alerts you to another person, and you sigh opening the door, squeezing your self out of the room as to not wake the baby. “What is it?” You ask looking to see Mr. One towering over you with an emotionless look.
         “Mr. Zero will be back tomorrow. We just got word of it a couple minutes ago.” You smiled a bit; it had been about 8 months since he’s been back. It’s been a busy year with him enacting some of his plans. All you knew is that he told you to wait at the casino and not ask questions. And that’s what you did.
Mr. One glances at the door behind you before looking at you again and you can’t help but grin. “Don’t worry bout it. You won’t have to explain anything I promise.” No body had informed your lover of the infant now taking residence in your home, no one felt it was their right. You wave the man off before slinking back into your room to head off to sleep. You could deal with any repercussions in the morning.
         You got dressed and went to your office, fulfilling your job while the basinet lay empty in the corner, a worker taking the child off your hands for a couple hours. You gotten word that Crocodile had arrived earlier that morning, but he hadn’t come to check on you yet. It didn’t surprise you, he had plenty of paperwork to sift through and get done after being gone for so long.
         Still, after lunch and checking in on the child, you decided to also check in on him. Knocking on the door before entering without a word, a hook immediately going into the wall next to you, your hair becoming slightly messy at the sudden movements. Brushing a strand behind your ear you take further steps in, “It’s nice to see you too darling.”
         “Y/N, I’m too busy for this.” He grunts, his hook returning to his wrist while he sits back in his chair. You hum silently while pouring him a glass of bourbon, setting the glass on his desk, leaning down enough for your cleavage to be on full display for him.
         “I’m just making sure you remember I’m alive, I won’t stay for long.” He glances up at you before reaching up and pulling you further down, a deep warm kiss placed on your lips.
         A squeeze to the back of your neck before he releases you, “I’ll be done in a couple hours.” His last words before you leave his office.
         You hold the baby in your arms, their subtle noises making you smile as you wiggle your finger in their grasp. “Whose an absolute cutey? You are, yes you are,” The soft words leaving you without noticing the door behind you opening. You gently rock the child singing praises, slowly spinning to face the door.
         Crocodile meanwhile had his mind racing at the display in front of him. You hadn’t noticed his presence as he watched you cradle the baby in your arms. Your gentle, motherlike voice, sounding nothing like what he was use to. He hadn’t remembered you being pregnant when he left, he would have had plenty of words about bringing a child into his world.
         And you certainly weren’t stupid enough to find another man, if anything it made less sense for you to have gotten pregnant after he left. He supposed that he had been gone for 8 months, so maybe you hadn’t realized before he left. Another issue being why didn’t you reach out to him? Sure, he hadn’t let you have his contact himself, but he had plenty of employees who could relay important information such as this. Had you hidden it because you were afraid, he wouldn’t accept it.
         Crocodile never had plans at being a father, and her certainly did not feel prepared to be one now. But seeing you gently rock the infant in your arms, singing small praises did unlock a part of his heart he hadn’t thought he had. Slowly he took a deep breathe, and just as you fully spun to face him, he finally spoke, “And who is this little guy?”
         You stop at hearing Crocodiles voice, looking up at the man inf front of you. The tired look on his face with anxious eyes you’d never seen before as he tried to keep his voice neutral. This, was entertaining. You wondered how long he had been standing there as you give him a toothy smile, “This is Kenji, isn’t he adorable?” You walk up to your lover, lifting your arms to show him the baby whose eyes were locked onto the new person.
         Crocodile’s face became unreadable as he lifted a finger to the baby’s outreached hands, one taking a firm grasp and a tug. “He looks just like his father don’t you think?” Crocodile remained silent, studying the child more at your words and it took a lot in you to not chuckle.
         After a long silence Crocodile finally let out a defeated sigh, “When did this happen?” You suppose he’s referring to when Kenji was born and let him know that it had been just over two months ago. His eyes got wider before shooting you a gentle glare, “Why didn’t you inform me?”
         His voice was firm but soft, much softer than you had thought given the situation you had put him in. “I didn’t know when you’d be back, I’d assume he’d be gone before you could meet him.” Crocodiles face twists into that of discomfort before turning into anger.
         “What were you going to do to him?” He gripped your arm tightly, but still rather careful as to not alert the baby in your arms. His eyes turning darker the more he studied your peaceful face.
         “Well, my sister should be back in a day or two. She had to go grab something from our home town and didn’t want to bring Kenji with her.” You watch as his face processes the information you just told him. “And you know my sisters’ husband is on a trip until next month, you were the one that sent him on his mission after all.”
         You could tell your smile was turning into the biggest shit-eating grin it could as your lover blinks in recognition a couple times. He lets out the heaviest sigh as he walks past you, siting down in the rocking chair you had placed in the corner while loosening his tie. “He’s your sister’s child then,” His voice turned much more relaxed realizing you hadn’t been the one to give birth to the baby in your arms.
         “Of course, Darling.” You say while placing the baby in the crib before walking to your lover and placing both your hands on his shoulders, “I didn’t mean to scare you like that.”
         The scoff that leaves his mouth as he pulls you closer, “Don’t give me that, I thought I had missed something huge here.” His hooked arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you to straddle his lap. His other hand going to your chin to meet your lips to his.
         “I thought you didn’t want children,” You chuckled slightly. You knew it wasn’t in his life plans to have a child around, and while it saddened you slightly, you had accepted that part of him fully. Watching your new nephew every now and then would be good enough if it meant staying with the man you love.
         “Yea well, maybe I can be convinced otherwise.” His low tone as he shifted his eyes from the crib to you, “Seems like you’d make a wonderful mother, Y/N.” Your heart melts at his words as you gently kiss him. Just as you are about to say something, Kenji starts to cry again, and you immediately get up to look after him. Crocodile watching with a smile splayed across his face.
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madamechrissy · 2 months
♡ Time after Time ♡
♡ ♡ Pairings ♡ ♡ CEO! Satoru Gojo x Fem Reader
♡ ♡ Warnings ♡ ♡ MDNI- Just sexual tension in this chap hehe, more explicit as we go. Gojo is really a dick at first FYI
♡ ♡ Word Count ♡ ♡ 4,165
♡ ♡ Summary ♡ ♡ Satoru Gojo is your boss And you've been his head assistant for over two years now. You do everything for him, including and not limited to cleaning his messes, picking out his clothes, and writing his speeches. Sixteen hour days... night calls... You are tired of being overworked and at his beck and call. You decide you are going to put in your two weeks notice. He is shocked, and wants to try to keep you, because you're the best. But you know better. Right? . You really wanna fucking quit. You also wanna fuck him. Also, fuck him.
A/N (Kinda has 'two weeks notice' vibes a bit! No use of y/n.) Fully finished. This was my first gojo fic so maybe a Lil less put together than my current ones
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Chapter 1
You looked up at him from your desk. You were tired, so damn tired. You needed a fucking break, a long one. Your mind wanders to that vacation away from Tokyo that will never happen, not because you don’t have vacation days or money. Nope, it was  because you work far too fucking much, twelve to sixteen hour days sometimes. For him, your damn boss, Satoru Gojo.
Always asking you to stay late, always running his errands, saving his ass, covering for him. Writing speeches, making presentations, finding him dates even. When Gojo wanted something, he got it, and it didn't matter if it ruined every plan you ever had, you had to get it done for him.
He ran casinos, owned a hotel, a nightclub, you name it, Satoru Gojo owned it. He’d inherited some from his family but mostly he was self made. Even the tower you worked in, Kamo Tower, was one of the best in the city. Everything Gojo touched seemed to turn to gold, or better yet platinum.
You had been so excited two years ago to be his intern, then ecstatic when you quickly moved up the ranks to be his head assistant. You made good money, enough to send home to your family and take care of them too. But you literally were constantly at that man's beck and call.
Your tired eyes lower as you rest your chin on your hand for a moment, for even last night at two am you'd had to run to his fucking rescue.
You were asleep, but the phone never stops fucking buzzing.
Dick boss: I need you.
You: no.
Dick boss: triple OT pay?
You: fuck. What is it?
Dick Boss: I'm in a bit of a bind…
The bind? Three passed out naked women in his bed, and a room destroyed, that he needed to get fixed so he could sleep. Yeah.
The night before? Well he had urgently needed you to pick out his outfit for his soiree, he was too coked out to pick apparently. And Gojo Satoru had so many three piece suits, ties and shoes, it was actually disgusting.
Nanami Kento walks up to you, overworked from his own boss in the building, a trait you two share as head assistants. He hands you a cup of coffee in a styrofoam cup, with your name written on it in sharpie, clearly from one of the coffee shops nearby. If you had time to have a fucking life you would have flirted with him, for sure. Maybe he would have, too?
Dirty blonde and handsome, his suit stretched across his muscles just so… and fuck if he didn’t look like he needed a damn vacation too.
“Long night?” Kento asked, grabbing you out of your thoughts, an amused and tired expression on his face. You sigh, nodding.
“Thank you for the coffee. I owe ya one.” You let the sweet liquid hit your lips, eyes peering to Gojo's office. There was some lady in there, pretty as fuck in some crazy attempt at business stripper, but he for some reason was scowling at you. What, you dared to sip coffee and not work for two minutes?
“Not at all. Happy birthday.” 
“Shit that’s today?” You teased, but you did know.
“We don’t really get birthdays.”
“Haha no we don’t. But thank you!”
“Of course. Take care of yourself okay? Gojo is… ugh.” Nanami looked disgusted as he shook his head, pushing up his fancy glasses. You couldn’t help but giggle at that as Nanami walked off.
Your phone rings, because of course Gojo can't just come to you, you must go to him. Your eyes roll.
“Yes, Sir?” You answer the phone, tapping your glittery manicured nails on your desk, the one treat you gave yourself.
“My office.” That silken command may have excited most women, shit, most human beings, but it was a source of annoyance for you.
You sighed, hanging up the phone and sipping your coffee. The office coffee usually went cold daily with the amount of shit you had to do. You smooth down your dress, adjusting the buckle of your belt just a tad before walking towards the giant glass office.
Gojo’s office had floor to ceiling windows surrounding it that had a ridiculous view of the cityscape below. You all were on the top floor of Kamo Tower, after all. The air was filled with a faint scent, woodsy and fresh, a signature fragrance that lingered in the space, distinctive to Gojo.
As you enter, you see Gojo himself reclining casually in a lavish chair, his signature Gucci sunglasses on, covering those ridiculous blue eyes. Which you honestly appreciated because he made shit hard to focus, even after two years of working as his assistant.
“Sir?” You stand there cautiously, thinking of just putting in your notice then and fucking there, like that dream you had in your two hours of sleep.
“Status update on my meetings?”
“I sent you them all.” He smirked, arrogant. You grit your teeth. “You have two meetings today, Sir, one for the new hotel partnership, then you have a meeting with Mr. Suguru about your casino. And of course, you have your event tonight.”
“Speaking of that, I need you to come with me tonight for the charity ball.” You sigh, shutting the door behind you, resting your aching head against it.
“I asked for tonight off.” You murmur, and Gojo scoffs, grinning, damn fangs like some vampire glinting from the sun that beamed in. He stands, stretching his long elegant limbs, before he walks closer to you, making the scent of him waft through your senses.
“I'll pay you well. Plus you’ll be going as my date for the event, not going to make you actually work. You'll get to relax and shit. Drinks and food.”
“As your date?” You blink, pursing your lips.
“I know, it’s kinda a dream scenario.” He laughed at his own joke, a habit he certainly had.
“Since when does CEO Satoru need a date? Especially me . I can just arrange you a date like I always do.”
“It's a delicate partnership and I need someone who is smart. Not eye candy. I need you, law school girl. Plus you’re American, and a lot of the people there are too. So it’s a no brainer.” You sighed, the comment about eye candy biting.
Men hit on you pretty frequently, any time you weren’t working, which you could not say was very often. But of course Gojo banged models on the regular, and you had no time to look like a model, you barely had time to slap on some mascara and concealer every day to hide how tired you were.
“So you don't need anyone pretty… is what you're saying.”
He pauses then, frowning at you. “You're very pretty.” He'd never said that. He'd barely complimented your work. You catch your breath; looking up at him, curious how he had gotten just an inch away.
“‘Not eye candy.’”
“We'll no, you dress kinda boring… like business and shit. Not sexy at all. I mean I’ve never seen you not in a business dress unless it’s at night and I call you, then you wear pajama shorts and shit?”
You snort. “I would dress up if I had a life. All I do is work.”
“Exactly, that’s what I mean by not ‘eye candy’. How you dress, not your looks. But I'll make sure your outfit looks killer, no need to thank me.” Gojo winks at you, lowering his shades, those insane cerulean eyes making you overheat against your will. Big and glittering with silver, the irises the prettiest blue that the earth could scarcely recreate. Eyes that made anyone do anything he wanted.
You were almost immune to that by now.
“It's my fucking birthday and you want me to do overtime?” You demand, and frowns with those full lips.
“Birthday?” Gojo looks confused, as if you should not have one of them, for it’s inconvenient.
“Yeah. Twenty-sixth.”
He evaluates you. “Why did I think you were like twenty two?”
“I’m not sure. If I was I wouldn’t even have my law degree yet, baby face maybe. But it’s my third birthday here, and you never give me the day off. I will absolutely not put in OT.”
“What, you have plans, hot shot?” Gojo chuckles, his tone mocking.
No. Sure don't. “Yep.” You lie. He knows.
“Cancel em.” He shakes a hand dismissively and you scowl.
“No.” You cross your arms under your breasts, and his gaze darts down for the briefest of moments.
“No?” No one turned Gojo down. No one ever told the gorgeous CEO no. His six foot four frame hunched as he placed an arm on one side of you, peering down, frown still on his handsome features. You bravely glare back up at him.
“No. Gojo, I'm really exhausted, and I just want to have fun and actually relax for my birthday.”
“Have fun with me. And make killer money. Win win.”
“That's work. Not fun.”
“Hmm.” He tilts your chin up with his long fingers, making you peer up at him, surprised at the contact. “I'll make it fun. Promise. Then I'll give you the day off tomorrow. Deal?”
“I could find you a smart American girl? Eye candy too.”
“You're my best, though, I need you.”
“Ugh. Fine.”
He grins, and you catch a breath as he backs away. “Good. I'll have the outfit brought to your apartment later? I’m assuming you don’t have anything fancy enough for this one.”
“Probably not. Fine. Need my size?”
His eyes are drinking you in as he smirks. “You think I haven’t gathered your size by now?” Your cheeks overheat. Though you’re used to him, at the end of the day you still had a damn vagina, and it reacted to him. He chuckled deeply, turning away and waving a hand. “You're dismissed.”
Just like that, your birthday night was just work. Work for Gojo.
“Can’t wait to put in my two weeks ugh.” You grumble to yourself as you finish up your makeup, for once having fun with it. If you had to work your birthday you would absolutely look gorgeous for it. Lashes, winged liner, red lips.
The dress he had ordered laid in a satin box on your white day bed. You sigh, opening it finally, and you blink rapidly as you look at the gown encased in baby blue and white tissue paper, the colors of Gojo himself. You gently pulled out the gown and most of your irritation died off.
Black and decked with sequins, it glittered in the light, it was a velvety fabric, as soft as a caress. As you slid it on it glided over your curves, accentuating the nip at your waist, the arch of your hips. The neckline plunged ridiculously low, revealing a generous amount of cleavage that you typically kept under wraps at work. You wonder how Gojo knew you had just so much up top…
Pervert is what he was.
Pervert with killer taste.
The dress had a slit that went dangerously up one of your well toned thighs, exposing nearly all of one leg, while the rest of the dress hit the floor. It was if he truly knew every measurement you had, for the dress could not have hit any better. Those damn analyzing eyes of his…
You spun to look at the back of the dress, which dipped daringly as well, exposing an expanse of skin, from shoulder blades down to the dimples on your lower back. You rummage through your little cherry wood jewelry box, eyeing to see what would work with the dress. Luckily, everything went well with black, so you snatched up a pretty silver cross necklace and earrings.
A text pops up, and you read it.
Dick Boss: Waiting out front in the car.
You: Just a few.
You slip on your shoes and spritz some body spray on, your favorite from Victoria’s Secret you save for special things, then slide on a pair of black heeled boots, contemplating putting on underwear. Did it matter what kind? It wasn’t like you’d had any dick since like college at this point. And you definitely weren’t fucking Gojo, since neither of you were interested.
You because you saw the girls he fucked. Him because… you weren’t ‘arm candy’. Or a dumb ass bimbo. Sometimes you wished you were, since they seemed sweet and happy in life, while you drowned.
Dick Boss: I’m waiting…”
Fucking Gojo. Ugh. You decide to slide on some lacy boy shorts, just in case that slit did go too high you’d have some coverage. Peeking one last time at the mirror, you had to admit you looked beautiful. You text Gojo.
You: Coming now.
You locked up and headed down the stairs of the apartment building, and there was Kiyotaka, Gojo’s driver, opening the door of the black limo for you. Kiyotaka, who somehow was your age now. That boggled your mind more than Nanami. Gojo wore people out, very clearly, but even you had it easier than Kiyotaka.
“My lady.” He said sweetly, and you smiled at him, sliding in, and there Gojo was across from you, long arms spread across the backs of the seat, his head rested back so that his throat was exposed. His head snapped down, and he looked right at you, no sunglasses, only those eyes. His lips parted, and you tensed, prepared for some lewd comment or rude one.
He blinked those white spiky lashes, arms sliding down as Kiyotaka shut the door, gaze taking you in ever so slowly, as if he had all the time in the world. You felt yourself holding your breath as it lazily traveled down and back up your body, clutching your little black evening bag tightly.
“You look…” He trailed off, shaking his head a bit.
“Thank you for the dress.” You cut him off. He exhaled, nodding.
“Of course. Consider it my birthday gift. You look… really fucking hot.”
You giggled at that. Not beautiful or breathtaking. But you’d take it. “Thank you, the dress is so beautiful.”
“Your body is that banging and you hide it like that?” He was somehow right next to you now, and you shiver a bit at the nearness. “I should reprimand you.”
You roll your eyes. “I can’t dress like this at work.”
“You sure the fuck can. I’m the boss, I say so.” His fingertips trailed down your shoulder, and it sent tingles through your body. Why was he so close? “I’m buying you a new wardrobe.”
“The fuck you are. I like to be professional, unlike you.” You smack his hand off errantly, and your bare shoulder grew cold without the touch.
“You do really look good.” You took in his outfit, a black tux, which fit his slim muscles perfectly. It was some shit Bruce Wayne would wear. Maybe Gojo was some super hero or villain. It would fit.
“You do too. You always do.”
“I know.” He winked at you, leaning forward to snatch up champagne and pop it, pouring you both glasses. You took one, letting the bubbles tickle your nose, taking a sip of the sweet drink, moaning softly and shutting your eyes.
“Delicious.” You lick your lower lip and find him a breath away. You don’t move, but you’re frozen, confused as he looks at you like he never has. “Satoru?”
“Are you really thinking of quitting?” He asked softly. You have never seen Gojo like this.
“How did you know?”
“I know everything, baby girl.” He gently runs his long fingers through your hair, a rare frown on his lips.
“Baby girl? The fuck, Satoru. Yes I was thinking of it, an seducing me is not going to change my mind. Is that the point of this?” You demand, irritated, and against your better judgement, fucking horny. His eyes study your own seriously.
“If that was my intention, you’d damn sure know.” Each word was bit out, distinctive, and his hand tightened in your hair, far too strong, yanking your head back. You scowl up at him, your hands clenched into fists.
“Oh, would I?” You challenged him, notching your chin up a bit. He laughed but it was without humor.
“How many women have you heard me fuck in my office? How many have you had to send home? You think I don’t know how to fuck the shit out of you if I wanted to. You wouldn’t even be able to walk.”
Gojo’s whisper was against your lips, and you could taste whiskey on his breath, mixed with his mints he constantly sucked on. He wasn’t touching you, but he was so close you could feel him…
“I won’t fuck you though, so what’s the point of even joking about it. You don’t want me anyway. Not your type.” He snorted, and one of his big hands came to your waist, touching the bare skin of your back and wreaking havoc on every sense you’ve ever had.
“You know my type?” You nod. His thumb brushed under your breast, an action that made the peaks of your breasts tighten, aching against the sequined gown. Damn if his gaze didn’t drop down. You cursed yourself. “The women who entertain me aren’t necessarily my type.”
“Hmm.” It grew difficult to focus. You sip your champagne, leaning back a bit, but Gojo’s grip stays. “It doesn’t matter. You’re talking out of your ass. Too much cocaine tonight?”
His grip tightened, and it made you gasp, looking up at his darkened eyes in the dim light of the limo. “I haven’t had any. I’m just pretty fucking irritated my best assistant wants to leave. You’re ungrateful.”
“Ungrateful!” You snort at that, tossing back the champagne and grabbing at his hand, his wrist, trying to get him off of you. “How the fuck, Satoru? I literally do everything for you!”
“And I pay you damn good!”
“I know. I’d rather be broke somewhere than do sixteen hour days. It’s my damn birthday and here I am!”
“As if you really had plans. You have no friends and no life.”
“Bullshit.” You grit your teeth, shoving at his hard chest. “That’s because I have no damn time! You think I wouldn’t have a boyfriend or something by now?”
“Maybe that’s your problem, why you’re so bitchy and stuck up all the damn time. You need to get fucked good.”
You slapped him then. Slapped your Boss. Slapped Satoru Gojo.
His hand caught your wrist, brutally squeezing, pale cheek just hinted with pink from your mark.
“Ring a little true?”
“I can get fucked if I want.” You yank your hand back.
“I didn’t say that. Clearly you can get fucked. It’s just you don’t even want to and you blame it on my hours, as if you were the type.”
“I’d fuck Nanami Kento if I had any damn time.” Gojo’s eyes widened at that, and his grip on your waist became brutal. “Yep. Sure would. He’s built as fuck, oh and he remembered my birthday. If either of us had time I sure would. So does that answer it for you?”
Gojo bared his teeth at her, a little blue vein in his temple popping out. Your heart beats in your chest, brutally, the thudding loud in your ears. “You… would fuck… Nanami… Kento?”
Each of his words were forced through his teeth.
Ah, you made him mad.
“Who wouldn’t? He’s hot.” You try to shrug casually.
“Out of anyone in the office?”
“Including me.”
You open your mouth to say yes, but you know it’s not fucking true. Of course you’d have fucked Gojo, if he wasn’t a dick boss, if he was just a dude…
Look at him.
“Cat got your tongue?” His free hand caught your chin, forcing your gaze to his piercing one. You gulp, licking your lips.
“No, what?” His voice was a wicked caress.
“No… not including you. Goddammit. Is that what you want to hear? That I’m not blind? Of course you’re attractive, and you know it, stupid!”
He scoffed. “You’re childish.”
“You!” You shoved at him again, and he let you go, grabbing your glass and refilling it, watching you like a hawk. “It changes nothing. I am planning to leave. I will find a replacement, someone even better than me.”
“There is no one better.” He sounded sincere, a rare thing for Gojo, emotion cracking in his voice as he downed his own glass.
“You think fucking me will keep me as your damn assistant?”
“It’s worth a shot. I’m the best fuck there is.” He shrugged, some of that casual demeanor coming back, and you wanted to yell at your body for its reaction.
“It won’t happen.”
“Yeah? Why?”
“You’re my boss!”
“But you’re leaving.”
“Hmm? You seem at a loss for words.” You scowl, looking out the window as the lights flickered by.
“Are we there yet?”
“Says you!”
“You need a good orgasm. Or ten. Get you to be less of a stuck up nag.”
“I do not! And I am not!”
“You do, and you are.”
“I orgasm plenty, thanks!” You felt your body on fire at that, and Gojo couldn’t look more satisfied, like the Cheshire fucking cat, the grin as wide as it could go, running his hand through his silken white locks.
“Oh, do tell.” He practically purred.
“Cut the shit, Satoru. You’ve never talked like this in the years I’ve worked with you, where the fuck do you get off?”
“I get off in women. Or on them.” He shrugged, enjoying your open mouth, once again lost for words.
“You know I did not mean that!”
“Where do you get off? On a dildo maybe.” You blinked, eyebrows low in a scowl, wanting to hit him again. “No, don’t look the type. Maybe a rose toy. Hmm… or just these little things.” Gojo lifted your hand, already small but ridiculously small in his own, swallowed by him. “They don’t hit deep enough, do they?” His whisper shook you to your core.
You burned, breathless, as he held out his own hand to yours, fingers so fucking long they rivaled the length of a dude’s dick. Likely larger than the couple of dude’s in college, which was about all of your experience. He grinned as you stared on, palm hot and hard against your own.
“I… you…” You wanted to cuss him out. Quit right then.
You also wanted his fingers in you.
“I could get you off, put you in a good mood. We don’t have to have sex for that.” His hand took your own, putting your hand by your heat, between your thighs.
“Why… are you…act- acting like this?” You managed to breathe out, but you had no energy to move away from him, or shove his hand off. Because if you were being honest with yourself, you’d love to ride your frustration out on him.
“Maybe I realize how much I need you to stay as my assistant.” Gojo’s supple lips kiss down your jaw, firm but delicate, as his hand brutally grabs yours and shoves it against yourself, moaning in your ear. “Is my assistant already hot for me? Are you that easy to get wet?”
“Fuck off.”
It’s a whisper. You want it. And you hate him. You hate that your pussy is pulsing against your joined fingers through the barrier of your panties, that the moan in your ear made you wonder what he sounded like when he came. Gojo slid his own finger against your panties, pausing, moaning again, pulling back to look at you.
He was gorgeous.
Your chest rose and fell with your breath.
“Fuck.” He whispered, and something was just different. You saw Gojo with women, always so self assured. But something seemed surprised, vulnerable, when his long finger pressed against the damp sticky fabric, just grazing your clit. You arched your hips up, and his fingertip ran up slightly, pressing more, and Gojo’s lips were just a breath away…
“We’re here, Sir, my Lady.”
You two shot apart, and you struggled to catch your breath, adjusting your dress, gulping down one more glass for good measure. Gojo adjusted his pants, not even looking at you, clearing his throat. You cursed as you saw his tie.
“You can’t tie a tie for shit, Satoru.” You leaned over to him, pulling it apart gently and re-tying it. You noticed his Adam's apple bob up and down. He was quiet. Satoru Gojo, quiet. “There.”
“Thanks.” He said gruffly, and your eyes met.
What the fuck just happened?
Kiyotaka opened the door, exposing them to some cool night air, and you got out, curious just how the fuck this birthday night was going to go.
Chapter 2
Completed fic on ao3, will post chaps on here as well
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damagedintellect · 2 months
Alpha Fyodor x Omega Fem!Reader
💌 The Poetic Nature of the DOA Novelist: Chapter 1?  💌  
Summary:  You were hired as the DOA's novelist, usually Nikolai is your heat partner but sometimes Fyodor takes advantage of the fact that you are an omega
Notes:  I'm drunk and on my period there's not enough omegaverse for me to consume so fuck I gotta wrtie me own ughhhh why caan;t my fingers hit the right letters.m I'll fix it when I'm sober. Sober me here fuck it I'm gonna keep it, I just can't be bothered
Fem!Omega reader bc it's self indulgent 🍋
💌 Word count: 2,540 💌  You are here | Chapter 2??? idk durnk me wants a part 2 but w/Nikolai 🍋
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Your mind has been foggy all day and only seems to be getting worse by the hour. You’ve been staring blankly at the pen in your hands, unable to focus on finishing your current sentence. Last night you thought it was a fever but looking at the calendar you groaned. That's when the realization hits you, your heat came early and that's why you feel so out of it. You step into the hallway knocking on Nikolai's door. No response, there's a good chance the alpha was out. You pressed your head against the door.
This wasn't good.
You tried jiggling the knob but it was locked and there was no key, only Nikolai could open the door. You've tried to pick the lock before it doesn't work. That's what you hated the most. All you wanted was to make your nest but Nikolai hates when others go snooping through his things. Which was fair even though Fyodor and Sigma both respect each other's personal boundaries but Nikolai is Nikolai you supposed. Thinking about it, the alpha in question was the only one who has ever sifted through everyone's personal belongings. Besides the point without his body or even his scent you were starting to suffer. The curse of being an unmated omega.
You sniff the air trying to see if anyone else was around who would know when he'd be back. To your dismay it seems only Fyodor is here at the base. Go figure. Outside of recruitment you've never seen Fukichi or Bram around and now that Sigma has his casino to run, this has been the case more often than not. You hobble over to his door which was already open. He must not be busy at the moment otherwise he wouldn't let the others openly pester him. You knocked at the entrance before letting yourself in as he was typing away at his computer.
"I assume you're not that busy right now?" You glanced at his twelve monitors, unable to comprehend the mess displayed across the screens.
"Correct." He glanced over his shoulder "I assume your heat came early?"
"Correct. Can I sit in your lap until Nikolai gets back? I would ask for your blanket or pillow or something but I already know it wouldn't smell like alpha." He doesn't sleep in them most nights so why would they. Sure you could have asked for his ushanka but he wasn't wearing it strangely enough. You liked when he didn’t have his hat. His hair was beautiful. You want to run your fingers through it, maybe even braid it like Nikolai’s.
The alpha smirked, motioning you to take your seat. He must have planned this. There's a good chance he just sent Nikolai off to make you desperate. Normally Nikolai's schedule works around your heats perfectly and Fyodor's in charge of planning the timeline of events. What an asshole. It's a shame he's the only one who can help you right now. Honestly you want to be mad but your inner omega has a thing for this bastard.
You situated yourself so that you were facing Fyodor. He even went as far to lower his chair to help you get into his lap. Once comfortable you nuzzled into his neck breathing him in. Just the scent of the alpha alone was already making the dull ache dissipate. You were safe and protected and even though you know you were never in any danger your body needed the confirmation. Secondary genders suck.
When you were recruited as the novelist for the DOA Fyodor was quick to make it known he had no interest in helping with your heats but after Nikolai volunteered to be your heat partner you noticed Fyodor's almost taken aback expression. Then Fyodor's rut hit when you were the only one around. Which at the time was odd but thinking back surely he planned that too. He cornered you, had his way with you and you would hate to admit it but you liked it. You liked it a lot and that's a horrible thing to admit. You would have never expected to have a thing for the russian. It’s not like you were even an acquaintance, nor was he someone you despised. You were just here for the job and by technicalities he was your employer. 
Fyodor was always cold and distant until he needed something, which from you was very rare. You could even say he seemed kind of bored and aloof until you got him talking about his master plans but even then he kept the details to a minimum. However after being forced to spend his rut with him your view of Fyodor started shifting. There was something about how assertive he was yet uncharacteristically affectionate towards you that left you in awe. It was like you were pulling back the curtain ever so slightly to see that there really was a human behind the facade. That and his scent drove you crazy as is and it's extremely subtle, so subtle that you can't even smell it half the time. 
The moment he was consciously himself again, he smiled wickedly or rather you think deranged would be a better word. He kicked you to the curb without any acknowledgment of what possessed him to have such poor planning. This has repeated for a few cycles at this point and things didn't add up. You were used to his hot cold demeanor by now but you still don't understand why he makes a big deal out of it. Actually scratch that you knew it's because it bothered him that his secondary gender takes control of his actions. He doesn't take any blockers or suppressants, apparently for religious reasons, but still. He holds great disdain for the fact that no matter how he feels about you deep down there will always be that innate instinct to take care of you simply because you're an unmated omega.
At the end of the day you don't care who fucks your brains out but Fyodor likes playing with his food. Which is why you wish Nikolai would come back already. Your hole ached to be filled. Nikolai teases you but he always makes sure you are taken care of. He was the best alpha of the DOA in your opinion. The two of you had such instant chemistry and you talk about it often enough. Honestly you don't know why he doesn't just claim you now but that's Nikolai for you. He likes his freedom and you can admire that. A man who sticks to his philosophy. Fyodor confuses you because he says one thing but will do another. Like right now, providing his scent to comfort you.
You slowly rocked your hips into Fyodor whimpering pathetically. You could  practically hear the grin as he hummed. You took another deep breath of the alpha's scent. You would kill for him to scent you right now. You'd kill for anyone to scent you right now. Your movement grinds to a halt when his fingers dig into your side. 
"Enough of that, continue and lose your scent privilege."
Had you been in your right mind you would have laughed. You didn't know you had scent privileges. That would sound a lot like helping with your heat. Part of you hopes you'll remember this when your heat is over so you could throw it in his face. Instead you begged and moaned under his touch.
"P-please, just let me warm you until Nikolai gets back. Being filled is enough. I can't think straight. Everything hurts."
The sentence was shaky at best but you felt him twitch between your legs. He was already mostly hard from your lazy attempt at relief. You didn't even expect him to answer your half drunken rambling when he sighed.
"Fine, if you wish to fuck yourself silly than be my guest but I offer no further assistance."
His tone was as uninterested as usual but it sent shivers down your spine as you fumble with his pants to set his cock free. His expression was neutral but there was a sharpness to his features that was undeniable. For the first time since entering the room his eyes were glued on you as you hastily situated your own clothes and aligned yourself, sinking down on his inches. You were twitching and holding back moans as you bottomed out. Instant relief and pleasure flooded your senses. The sensation of feeling full was so divine. You stayed there panting into Fyodor's neck refusing to move. You prayed that this would be enough. The last thing you want to do is beg him for help.
You gasped, biting the back of your hand as you felt him twitch inside you. You clenched around him involuntarily feeling a wave of pleasure wrack through your body. You were drooling at the fullness while gripping his shoulders tightly. He technically gave you permission to move but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. Although your head was screaming at you otherwise. His scent was growing stronger, it had you reeling almost like he was urging you to help yourself. To be a good little omega. 
To be, his, good little omega. 
With that in mind you slowly rolled your hips choking on a moan as your body twitched around him again. The angle he was able to hit like this was driving you mad. Why have you never done this before? You would have to make a note of this for later. You’ve fooled around with Nikolai quite a bit so why have you never fucked on a chair? With how sensitive you were in heat you could cum just like this. It took all of your strength to lift yourself up enough to sink back down completely. He was just long enough to brush past the right spot to make your legs feel like jelly.
True to his word he did not help you although his hand found itself around your waist. Probably to make sure you didn't fall out of the chair. Your body was spasming in pleasure to the point where your thighs were shaking an awful lot and you have yet to cum. The sheer idea of being bred was enough to satisfy that urge. It felt so good you might even pass out. The more you inhaled his scent the further your mind slipped into heat. You were too busy chasing that high you hadn’t noticed the low grunts and panting in your ear. If you took the time to observe Fyodor you would have seen just how disheveled his demeanor had become.
 A thin layer of sweat plastered his bangs to his forehead. He stopped typing ages ago but he still managed to maneuver the mouse around, doing who knows what. His breathing had become ragged when you started moving and the grip on your waist had tightened. You hoped it would leave marks for Nikolai to see. His eyes jumped back and forth from his monitor to you. At this rate neither of you would last much longer.
“F-Fyodor, nnghh, I'm-”
He pressed his lips to your ear murmuring “Cum for me darling” in that deep rich tone of his before he kissed your temple. You slump against him gripping his shoulders tightly as you reach your climax. You were such a panting mess you didn't notice Nikolai had been standing in the doorway the whole time.
The jester took that as his cue to enter the scene bouncing over to you both. “I'm back, did I miss anything?” Nikolai surveys the room cheerful as ever, wiggling his eyebrows while Fyodor's expression goes flat. 
He leaned into Fyodor’s personal space with excitement “Oh good you finally confessed! It's about time you figured it out. Honestly it was so uncharacteristic for you of all people to be the last one to know.” He clapped his hands as Fyodor frowned.
“I do not understand what you are referring to, neither (Y/N) nor I made any confession. I was simply minding my business when her preheat kicked in.” There was something about the way that Fyodor said it that sounded dismissive like he was trying to convince himself that it was true.
Nikolai rolled his eyes “Well then if you haven't realized it that's fine. I'll be taking her now if it's all the same to you.” his smile turned into a sneer.
“By all means her heat is your responsibility after all.”
Nikolai helped delicately peel you out of Fyodor's lap holding you in his arms like a princess. You were extremely sensitive to touch and both Alpha's couldn't hide the soft satisfied expression as they watched you enter Nikolai's cape. 
“Careful Dos-kun, get too attached and I might have to claim her for myself~” the jester teased even though Fyodor knew if it came down to it Nikolai wouldn't mind sharing at all. 
It was the reason he knew he could get away with using you during his rut cycles. Although the first time was purely a miscalculation on his part, but he digressed. The rest was about convenience. Fyodor had or ever wanted to have rut partners in the past, which was unfortunate because having one makes things so much easier to manage. Besides the point he was getting sidetracked in his head.
“As if the thought doesn't excite you.” Fyodor quipped back as his attention was drawn to his monitor. Dazai had managed to put him in check twice since you was being very distracting.
Nikolai laughed ruffling the other’s hair. “Guilty as charged but still,” he trailed off turning towards the door “It's not fair to play games with someone who doesn't know they're playing a game.” Nikolai waved his coat as he vanished to his room leaving Fyodor to scowl at the vacant space.
You were happily making your nest on Nikolai's bed. The room smelled very strongly of the alpha, it helped keep your mind clear especially after you came on Fyodor's cock. In your brain the faster you set up your nest the quicker you could be knotted. Slick was still running down your thigh when Nikolai joined you leaning over your shoulder. “I like what you've done with the place.” He snickered, placing a kiss on your scent gland “Can't wait to ruin it!” He chirped.
You moaned as he pressed himself against your backside. His hands were set on removing the rest of your clothes “By the way did you know Fyodor was playing chess with Dazai that entire time?”
Your eyes widened at the sudden insight. “That's what he was doing! I'm surprised he even let me in then, he hates losing to Dazai.”
Nikolai's hands danced across your exposed skin, kissing everywhere he could while undressing himself. “That's how important you are to him.” 
You scoffed “Yeah as if.”
You can’t say he didn’t try, Nikolai has known for a while now that you and Fyodor are fated mates. He's astonished that neither of you could smell it on each other. It wasn’t his job to interfere though he hoped that you'd realize it sooner, But that's not his problem!
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jessica-larson · 10 months
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Experience the thrill of success with our Casino Business Plan—a brief infusion of entertainment, hospitality, and gaming excellence. Join us in redefining the gaming landscape, where every visit promises a winning blend of excitement and fortune.
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fruittt-punchhh · 3 months
Pop My Cherry!
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all parts
Synopsis: your dad's best friend is none other than Toji Fushiguro, and you can't help but wonder what he could do with his hands.
Characters: Toji Fushiguro x reader. Geto x reader a little bit, kinda not really. Nobara x reader (kissin’ n stuff)
Content: Minors Do Not Interact! smut, afab! reader, fem! reader, dad's best friend! Toji, suggestiveness, cursing, inexperienced (ish) reader, reader is a virgin but has done things ya know, female masturbation, male masturbation, mutual masturbation, getting caught in the act, reader smokes weed, alcohol usage, pet/ affectionate names, age gap (reader is 24, Toji is in his 30s), Toji calls reader (doll, slut, bitch, etc.), big dick! Toji, cunnilingus (f! receiving), jealousy, Nobara and reader kiss and stuff, sending nudes (if that makes you uncomfortable just scroll through!), public sex if you squint really hard.
TW: karaoke lmao
Word count: 7.5k (ur welcome)
Notes: why hello again cuties!🫶😭thank you for all the support. Please enjoy this part! Next part is currently in the works so it’ll be up soon-ish. As always, let me know what you think! much love, fruit punch🧃
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You awake in the morning to an empty house. Toji must still be working, and your dad and brother were packing to leave already. You stretch and yawn as you place your feet on the floor, hips still aching from the rough treatment from Toji last night. You put on your house shoes as you shuffle into the living room.
“Hey, y/n! Thought you’d up and died in there, haha,” your dad says, reaching to give you a hug.
You three discuss the fishing trip, school, and your dads next big project at work. You woke up pretty late, so they were almost out the door by the time you caught them. You all exchanged goodbyes and I love you’s before you head back to your room.
You decide to clean up the mess that you had made last night, throwing your sheets in the wash along with your bikini. You try to distract yourself from the thoughts that flood your mind. You turn up the music playing in the speaker as you decide to tidy the rest of the house. You knew you’d have a busy night ahead of you, and you definitely wanted to come home to a clean house.
You finished the rest of your drink as you started to curl your hair. You had previously planned to go to the club with some college friends that lived in the area. It was Saturday night, and after your experience with Toji last night, you knew you needed to get fucked up. With no new texts from him since yesterday, you figured it’d be best to forget it ever happened and just try to get laid tonight if you could manage. You swiped left to delete the messages, hoping your drink hits your system quickly.
Everything with Toji was perfect- thinking about it for longer than you had to was making you sweat. But you couldn’t help the nagging feeling of guilt deep in your core. It would crush your dad to find out that you were into older men, especially when those older men were very close to him. Plus, you and Toji were in two totally different phases of your life. You had plans to go to graduate school and well, he just sat around and drank and when he wasn’t drinking he was at work doing god knows what. You still had no insight as to what his profession was (if you can even call it that), but you knew he made enough to go out to clubs, bars, and casinos most nights of the week.
You knew Toji had a gambling problem from your father, but he made it seem like he had plenty of money to spare. Toji didn’t seem like he was rich by any means, always wearing the same cycle of workout clothes, jeans, and sweats. You don’t recall ever seeing him dressed up.
As you finish the last few curls in your hair, you run to your dresser looking for the package Toji left there yesterday. It had a fishnet bra, panties, and stockings. You really just wanted the stockings to go with your black skirt and black bra combo, but the full set was ridiculously on sale. You just had to get it. It hugged your figure in all the right ways and made you feel, for once, really fucking sexy.
You had no intentions of leaving the club without someone with you, so you decide to take a tasteful nude just in case you want to use it as a bargaining chip later. You continue with the rest of your outfit, opting for black platform boots instead of your regular stilettos. All that was left was your makeup, a shot or two, and you were good to go.
You finish the last coat of your mascara, and as you wait for your lash glue to dry, you order the Uber. Your dad had to return to work back in the states, and your brother went back to campus early. It was just you in the house. You decided to blast your music, dancing as you await your ride. You looked pretty damn good and you were ready to get laid, or at least find someone to dance with at the minimum.
You walk into the club — the music was so loud you felt the bass in your heart and your ears were rattling. The DJ was doing a great job, and you knew just the thing to get you back into the dancing mood.
“Who wants shooooots?” You yell to your girlfriends, and a few random patrons at the bar. You order shots for everyone, including two for yourself. The liquor burned on the way down but you knew in just a few minutes you wouldn’t have a care in the world.
You finish your other drink as your friend convinces you to join her on the dance floor. You two take turns guessing how big everyones dick is, far too drunk to care who can hear you.
“Oh his is definitely bigger than average and he looks like he knows what to do with it,” your friend Nobara giggles, blushing as she covers her mouth. She points to a tall, pink haired man behind you, with little scars near his eyes.
“Ohmygod! Okay, n-nobara you’re literally so right bitch,” normally Nobara would never let you address her as that, but you were all too fucked to care. Your other friend mentions that the tall black haired man with the plugs looks like he’s hung, to which you agree. They dare you to go get his number, and you wouldn’t mind finding out if your speculations were true.
“Hi, I’m y/n, -sorry, s-so loud in here, hah” you yell, grabbing onto his sleeve for support.
“It’s okay pretty, I’m Geto. Nice to meet you,” he says in your ear, making shivers run down your spine. You knew he was hot but you didn’t expect his voice to turn you on that much.
Feeling all confidence being thrown out the window, you ask him, “my friends dared me to get your number and you are really cute. You can give me a fake one if you want!” You beam up at him. He was quite excited to exchange information. His phone was on a charger somewhere, so he puts his number in your phone.
“Ohmygod, you got it?!” They scream. With happy giggles they order another round of drinks for themselves and a shot for you, to congratulate you on your stunning victory.
At this point, your vision was hazy and you were far too sweaty for your own good. The DJ had started playing some of Charli XCX’s new album ‘brat’, the title of which you felt was a very applicable name for yourself.
“Holy shit-“ your other friend starts.
“S’up?” You yell.
“I know we stopped playing a while ago, but he looks like he’s got the biggest dick of them all”
You turn. Trying your damndest to keep your balance, you look towards the entrance to see none other than Mr. Fushiguro.
You knew you were fucked. He had left you on read and you hadn’t seen him since. You were confused about the relationship between you two, especially since you were back to university in a few days. You pray to god that he doesn’t notice you and turn back around, trying to shuffle more towards the middle of the dance floor. You mutter a halfhearted ‘yeah’ to your friend before you spin her around and start dancing to the next song.
Geto appears behind you and he grabs on to your waist, asking if he could dance with you and your friends. You yell back an ‘of course!’ as you all start jumping to the music.
He walked in the bar, looking to occupy his favorite seat for most of the night. He came here after he was done at the casino, usually to get a couple drinks, listen to music, and maybe get his dick sucked in the bathroom if he was lucky. He had been feeling much too antisocial lately, opting to drown his sorrows in another drink instead of another woman.
He looks through the crowd as he sees someone he never expected to go on stage.
The song comes to an end as the dj yells ‘karaoke anyone?!’ You had just finished yet another shot Geto bought for you as your friends are pushing you to the stage. You try to plant your feet flat on the floor to no avail as your balance was questionable at best. Before you know it you’re on stage, grabbing the microphone, looking out at the crowd and seeing nothing but blurry faces.
You tell the dj to play the song ‘Guess’ by Charli, just to keep the vibes going. You hear the beat come in as you start to dance on stage, currently unaffected by the hundreds of eyes planted on you and your movements. You were a shitty singer so thankfully, this song was more talking than anything.
‘You wanna guess the color of my underwear.’
‘You wanna know what I got going on down there.’
You chant as you hear your friends screaming in the crowd for you.
‘Is it pretty in pink or all see-through?’
‘Is it showin’ off my brand new lower back tattoo?’
You spin around, lowering your skirt just a hair to reveal the little heart tattoo you have on your lower back. It definitely wasn’t a new tattoo by any means, but it fit the song nonetheless. You spin around, seeing Nobara shout for you near the front.
To your surprise, you also see an all too familiar face approach the front of the stage. Toji looks up at you and you swear you see him sweating. He has a cigarette in between his lips and a drink in hand, not even dancing to the music. He was too entranced by your presence on the stage to think about anything other than you.
‘You wanna put ‘em in your mouth, pull ‘em all down south.’
‘You wanna turn this shit out, that’s what I’m talkin’ about’
You failed to pull your skirt back up from earlier, leaving little to the imagination as your fish net panties peek through the top of your skirt. You feel the beat drop as the hook comes in, charli’s voice saying the words for you this time around as you continue to dance. You sway your hips and the crowd is going wild for you. You know the beat drop is coming so you start to jump. You repeat the chorus from earlier, dancing as slutty as you can for the man in front of you. Your tits were bouncing as you jumped and you had to put your hand on top of them to keep them from escaping.
The bridge is coming as you drop to your hands and knees, crawling towards the black-haired man in front of you. He takes a final puff of his cigarette before he’s putting it in between your lips with a smirk. He takes a drink as you take a puff, blowing out the bitter smoke as you continue.
The crowd goes wild as you see everyone, excluding Toji, jumping up and down to the beat. He has a thumb tucked into his belt as he bites his bottom lip, eyeing your figure up and down. You and the crowd chant to the bridge.
“Guess. Guess. Guess. Guess. Guess. Guess.”
You finish your little dance as the outro plays. The part you had to sing was practically over, so you head to the stairs on the side of the stage.
You meet back up with your friends and they are all but losing their shit.
‘Y/n that was so fuckin’ good!’
‘Okay girl who knew you had it in you??’
‘I’m deeeeeead, you looked so fucking hot up there!!’
You fan your audience away, telling them ‘please, no paparazzi’
You feel Geto come up behind you as he congratulates you, telling you your performance was amazing. You thank him with a smile as he goes to find his friends in the crowd.
Toji must have missed you when you rejoined the crowd because he was no where to be seen. At this point, you’ve had so many drinks you can’t count. You feel a buzz in your pocket from an unknown number.
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You assume it must be Geto. You search the crowd for him, spotting him in the back. You shoot him a smile as he does the same.
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You remembered the picture from earlier, hoping this might signal him to take you out of here.
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The nickname rings an all too familiar bell as you try to forget the ache in your stomach. You send him the picture with a heart emoji. You search for Geto again, hoping to see his reaction. You catch his eyes again as he turns around, continuing to dance with his friends. Odd. But not out of the ordinary.
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Whoa. It must have worked. You anxiously await the clock as you dance to the last song of the album.
You start to push yourself through the crowd as you head towards the bathroom. You see Geto to your left, and he hasn’t moved-only greeting you with a smile and a sloppy wave. Weird. Maybe he was just waiting for you to see if you were down? Who knows, you think, as you finally make it to the bathroom.
It’s dimly lit with only red LEDS along the ceiling. It’s a family bathroom (in a club yeah right) so the door (thankfully) has a lock. You put your back against the wall as you wait for geto.
You continue to bob your head to the music as the door opens. Before you can turn your head to greet him, you are slammed against the wall with a hand up your shirt. That’s when the all too familiar scent of pine and liquor hit your nose.
You find it hard to push him away as he is grabbing every inch of your body, so possessively and full of want. He grunts in your ear as you hug him back, scratching down his back underneath his slutty white tee.
“I didn’t think you had it in you, doll. Getting up on stage, dancing like a fuckin’ stripper in front of everyone. You were makin’ me lose my mind.”
You feel so embarrassed, knowing that toji was witness to the whole performance.
“And you really think you’re slick, huh? Sending me pictures like that and thinkin’ I won’t fuck you right here in front of everybody on the bathroom floor.”
Sending pictures? Oh shit. There’s no way, I mean it had to be Geto. You didn’t recognize the area code and there were no previous messages. But that would explain his distant behavior earlier.
“I-I’m sorry, I thought I-I was sending them to some-someone else.”
“Yeah I know you did you slut. These tits and this pussy are just for me, ya’ got it? Thought you woulda’ learned that by now, seein’ as I made you squirt all over me yesterday.”
You face burns as he rubs you through your fishnet panties. You whine underneath him, desperately holding onto his arm for stability.
“I’m sorry, T-Toji. I can take some mo-more for you if ya want”
“Oh there’s no ifs. You’re going to.”
Toji crouches down and suddenly has you in the air above him. Your back is still to the wall as he lifts your right leg up, bringing your wet cunt level with his face. He throws your leg over his shoulder and scoots your left leg out, making you spread yourself in front of him once again.
He wastes no time devouring you through your panties and he doesn’t even give you the decency of pulling them to the side. He slides his tongue through the holes of your panties, drawing out cry after cry from you. All the liquor has made you too horny for your own good as your orgasm fast approaches. You thread both hands in his hair as you pull him close to you, desperate to cum.
“T-Toji, fuck, m-cumming”
He pulls off of you and drops your leg down onto the floor. Did he really just edge you?
He’s pulling your panties down your plush thighs and shoves them into his pocket. You think he’s going to finally have his way with you, until he starts standing up.
“I’m keeping these. You know better than to wear something so slutty in front of me and not expect me to devour you.”
You couldn’t help but feel a little flattered, knowing he liked your outfit and everything you had on underneath. He kissed your cheek as he pulls back to whisper in your ear.
“Good girls get to cum, but you haven’t been that good have ya’? That’s for tryin’ t’show those pretty tits to some other bitch. Just know the only reason I’m not fucking you right here right now is because I wouldn’t want to pop your cherry in the club bathroom. You’re a slut, but you’re not a whore,” he says, giving your ass a hard slap as you yelp.
“Now get the fuck outta here. I’ll find you when I’m ready to leave, yeah?” He says as he turns you around and pushes you out the door. You’ve barely maintained your balance as you’re shuffling out the door as you hear it close and lock behind you.
Toji shuts the door and locks it and immediately has his pants around his ankles. Seeing you up on stage, showing everyone your tattoo that he had never managed to see, while you sway your hips directly in front of him. He saw the fishnets peeking out of your skirt and your top and he knew he had to see what you had on underneath, just as the song implied.
He decided to text you instead of approaching just in case you wanted nothing to do with him. You responded quickly, obviously very drunk, and sent him a picture that nearly had him poking someone’s eye out with his raging hard-on. He had to taste you, even if just for a moment.
His hands are working on his length furiously. He brings your panties up to his big nose, smelling them with a grunt. Covered in perfume, sweat, and your wetness. He spits on them, bringing them down to his hard cock.
He doesn’t want you to leave without him, and he’s scared you’ll go find the younger, raven-haired man to accompany you instead of him. He runs his hand over his slit, rubbing his precum all over the tip. He’s coming closer to his orgasm as he rubs your panties up and down his length. He pulls out the picture you sent him earlier before he’s accidentally cumming all over his phone screen, paying tribute to your slutty thighs and big tits as best he can. He washes his phone off and buttons his pants before he’s back on the dance floor.
You were pretty short, so Toji had a hard time locating you. He was about to ask the bartender if he’d seen you, when he catches you traipsing out the front door with a couple of friends. Were you leaving?? Surely not after the interaction you two just had.
Had he really just edged you?? In the club bathroom nonetheless. You needed a smoke break and a break in general from the flashing lights and loud music. You take Nobara and another friend outside as you pull out the joint from behind your ear. You weren’t sure if you wanted to smoke tonight, but the adrenaline rush from being on stage on top of the feeling Toji left you with was enough to seal the deal.
Toji heads towards the door, hoping to catch you and offer you a ride home before you’re gone. He had only a few drinks and would be sober enough in no time. He grabs your arm as he sees you light up your joint.
“Where d’ya think you’re going, huh?” He whispers in your ear as he pulls you close to him by your waist.
You take a deep breath, letting the harsh smoke enter your lungs and praying it will fix all of your problems. You felt a large hand on your arm, thinking it might be a security guard ready to chastise you for smoking so close to the entrance. Until that hand becomes two hands on your waist and you feel an all too familiar length being pushed into the softness of your ass. Toji had really followed you out here. Did he think you were leaving or something?
“N-nowhere, I just needed a smoke after-“
“After what?”
“Uhm, the song, that’s all,” you say, blushing as he takes the joint from your hand. You look at him surprised, not expecting the old man to be okay with smoking weed. He takes a long puff as he brings his lips to yours, blowing the smoke into your nose and mouth as you kiss him back with fervor.
“Um hello? I’m right here lovebirds,” you hear Nobara say to your left.
“Jesus, s-sorry Nobara”
You pull away from Toji and you let him keep the blunt.
“Why don’t ya’ lemme’ have this? Wouldn’t want ya’ killing all your brain cells before your last semester, right? I’ll get you some more drinks when we go inside,” Toji murmurs in your ear, just loud enough for you to hear.
“Are you gonna’ introduce me to your friend here or are you two just going to fuck in the street?”
Nobara says, snapping you out of your trance for the second time that night.
“S-sorry, this is… T-Toji, the one I was telling you about,” you say as Nobara’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates.
“This is Toji? Like the Toji?” You wish Nobara wouldn’t lay it on so thick, as if you hadn’t spent all day on the phone telling her every detail about your escapades.
“Yeah, that Toji. I’m her dad’s best friend, isn’t that right hun?”
If you thought Nobara’s eyes couldn’t get any wider, you were wrong. She somehow hadn’t put two and two together that the Toji you were fucking was also the Mr. Fushiguro that your father was friends with.
“Ohhhhhhh. Ohhhh, okayyyyy. Everything is connecting now, haha. I think I might head back inside and leave you two to it. Come find me when you get back inside y/n”
“Of course, we’ll be back in just a second! You still owe me a dance,” you can barely get the words out before Nobara is closing the door and Toji is turning you around.
“Let’s sit, yeah? I’m sure you’re exhausted from shaking your ass for everyone.”
Toji pulls out a chair only for himself as he watches you sit across from him.
“Silly girl, your seat’s right here,” he says looking into your eyes as he pats his lap. You regrettably get back up and go to sit on his lap, knowing that your lack of panties would not help your arousal. You sit down and immediately feel a large rod underneath you, lined up with your cunt so perfectly, you could sit here forever.
“That’s right, good girl. Now try not to make a big mess on me, okay? These are my good pants and according to you we’ve still got some dancin’ to do,” Toji says with a smirk. He’s finished nearly half the joint now, and you can tell his high has definitely hit him. His eyes are two lines as you attempt to make eye contact with him.
“Somebody’s hiiiiiiiiigh,” you say in a singsong voice, giggling at him as you do so. He keeps puffing until you feel him shaking underneath you. You look back to see Toji giggling too. Scratch that, he was full on laughing. He was slapping his knee and everything like some old fogey. He couldn’t put the joint down now, not while there was so little left. But you were right in your assumption. Toji rarely smoked, preferring to drink when he got off work. Yet here he was, toking on the weed like it was a cigarette and he felt like he might have fucked up. He wanted to think of something sly to say back to you, but his mind was empty except for thoughts of you, as always.
“Hell yeah I’m high,” he says, giggling like a little school girl. “Wanna get back inside? I still never rewarded you for your stellar performance earlier.” Curious as to what reward he had in mind, you stand up and grab his hand. The two of you walk back inside as he leads you to the bar.
“Let me get a vodka cran’ for my lady, please”
Your lady? You were loving this special treatment, wanting to bask in it all night long. He hands you your drink as you chug it, not wanting to waste one of your hands holding a drink when it could be on Toji’s body. You two make it back to the dance floor and you find Nobara talking to a tall, fit woman with a long white braid on her shoulder. The braid was hanging in her face and you wondered if she could even see walking around in a dark night club like that.
“Ohmygod, Toji?!” She exclaims, running up to him to hug him, nearly pushing you over out of excitement. You don’t know why, but seeing him hug her back sent you fuming. You felt as if everyone could see the smoke coming out of your ears. You knew Toji wasn’t your boyfriend or whatever, but you still had some sort of feelings for him, even if they were only rooted in lust.
“Mei, h-hey, how’ve you been? It’s been a while!”
You’d never seen Toji say anything exclamatory in his life, except for when he was laying with you. You watch the two of them catch up as you grab Nobara by the hand and walk away.
“Are we leaving?! I found this cute girl and I was just about to go talk to her!” You assure her that while you weren’t leaving, you had a new mission: make Toji jealous.
Nobara suggested you go grind on Geto, which seemed like an excellent idea, if you weren’t scared for what Toji would do with him if he saw you. Besides, he was absolutely no where to be found. You checked your phone to see a missed message from him.
‘Hey, y/n, it was super nice to meet you! Had to go home, and you looked pretty occupied with your friend in the white shirt, so I didn’t wanna bother you. I’d love to get coffee sometime! x’
Jesus, you were such an asshole. You text him back, letting him know you were too fucked up to come up with a coherent response and that you would say something back that actually made sense tomorrow. You let Nobara know the bad news, but she is quick to come up with another plan.
“You definitely don’t have to, but you could grind on me if you want… or kiss me. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, you know I’m always down to help out a friend,” Nobara stammers as you watch a faint blush creep up her cheeks.
“Oh, Nobara, don’t be embarrassed. I’d love to. I’ve always thought you were cute, but you’re too good of a best friend to try and date I think,” you admit. You definitely found yourself looking at Nobara’s curves all too often when you were at the gym together.
“No, I totally agree! I mean you’re hot as fuck, but if we broke up someday I don’t think I’d be able to look at you ever again,” she says, inching closer towards you.
You wrap your hands around her waist, bringing her even closer to you.
You both say, trying not to make this mission any awkward than it already was. You hear the next song come on and the beat was shaking the floor. You take this as a sign to step even closer to Nobara as you put your lips on hers.
You two were moving with the music and the bodies in the crowd, as you run your fingers through your hair. You two were full on making out now, laughing in between breaths as you try your hardest not to take Nobara home instead of Toji. You didn’t really care if Toji noticed or not since you were having the most fun you’ve had all night wrapped up with Nobara in this way.
She sucks on your lip, pulling away to ask if she can touch your butt.
“Nobara you touch my butt all the time,” you say, giggling, looking up at her puppy dog eyes.
“Yeah, but this is different. You can totally say n-“
You grab Nobara’s hands and reach them behind you as she grabs a handful of you under your skirt. You kiss her back as her eyes are wide open. You continue this for a while, switching places with her as you grab on her body, not wanting the moment to end.
Toji tells Mei he’ll see her later as he goes to close his tab. He had already spent far too much for his liking, and you were way too drunk to have anything else tonight. The drink he got you earlier was just straight cranberry juice, little did you know. He thanks the bartender as he puts his card back in his wallet, turning around as he felt the wind get knocked out of him.
He saw you in the crowd, tongue shoved down some red head’s throat. She was grabbing your ass as you knead her tit, giggling as you two whisper to each other.
Nobara just admitted you may actually have the biggest dick at the party, to which you can’t help but giggle. Being edged earlier made you feel all too eager for things to move further as you hear someone’s throat clearing to your right.
You pull away from Nobara and look beside you to see Toji sitting on a bar stool, a cigarette trapped between his teeth as he grabs both of his legs, trying to keep himself from standing up.
“Havin’ fun?” He says with a glint in his eyes. Not to be a perverted boy, but he could watch you do this for hours. The way you had your friend melting under your touch, gasping for more than just a kiss as you teased her for the sole purpose of making him jealous.
Nobara looks at you with a grin on her face. She leans in for another peck, as she turns away, “Looks like it worked. That was fun, we should try it again sometime. I think I might call an Uber. Getting late,” she says, yawning. She seems totally unfazed, as if you two weren’t just swapping spit for the last few minutes.
“I can ride with you!” You say before she’s interrupting you, telling you to stay with your man. You wouldn’t exactly call him that, but one thing you never did was start an argument with Nobara.
She mouths to you, “let me know if he’s good or not,” winking as she heads for the door.
“Who’s that little redhead? I like her, seems feisty. I like ‘em with a lil’ bit of attitude,” he says, smirking as he puts out his cigarette. He stands up, having had enough of his private show.
“Her name’s Nobara and she’s my friend. Who the fuck was that girl with the braid?”
“Seemed like more than just a friend, your tongue in her mouth and all.” Toji tried so hard to not let on that while he was extremely turned on by the sight, he was also entirely too jealous for his liking. Jealous was not an emotion he frequented. If he even though he might get jealous, he moved on to the next bitch that was fawning over him. But here he was, seeing red as he awaits your response.
“She is just a friend. But you still didn’t answer my question, ya’know.”
“Her name’s Mei. Old coworker. Haven’t seen her in years and last I heard, she was missing. You’ve never been excited to see an old friend?”
Oh. You thought she was definitely an ex-lover, given their tight embrace. Toji didn’t come off as the touchy type, so watching him hug her back so eagerly made you livid.
“No I have, but you look like you wanted to fuck her, I mean what is your-“
“Doll, if I wanted to fuck her I already would have. I’ve only got eyes for one person right now, if ya’ couldn’t tell.”
You walk towards him, hands clasped in front of you as you ask who this person might be.
“Probably the girl I just jacked off to in the bathroom, I think. She sent me this slutty picture and I came all over my phone as soon as I pulled up the pic,” he says, grabbing you by your hand.
Had he really cum to that picture? You didn’t think you looked all that hot, and knowing Toji, you figured he needed to watch a thirty minute gangbang video in order to get his nut off.
“Wooowwww. I mean even I need a video to cum, but you’re over here cumming to a picture? Pathetic.”
You had no idea what you just said. He yanks your hand as he quickly makes his way towards the exit.
“T-Toji I’m joking, please s-slow down! Where are we going??”
He doesn’t answer as he drags you along the street. You figured you’d get an Uber in case Toji was just being dramatic, but he snatches the phone out of your hand before you can even unlock it.
“Don’t want’ya sending any more pictures tonight little girl. We’re going to mine, pick up the pace before I carry you,” he finally says. You tried your hardest to keep up with the large man in front of you, but his stride was so big. You had short legs and you were ridiculously drunk. You try your hardest to plant your feet, forcing him to turn around. It had started sprinkling at this point, and you raise your hands above your head to keep the rain from ruining your pretty face of makeup.
“Toji, you’re too fucking fast. And you don’t have to hold my hand, you-“
Toji has had enough. The rain was picking up and like he said, these were his good pants that he did not feel like dry cleaning.
You watch Toji get into a stance as if he’s about to tackle you, picking you up under your butt and throwing you over his shoulder like a rag doll. He holds the back of your knees with his large hand as he starts to walk towards his apartment. He kept an apartment downtown due to how often he was out at the casino too late in the night to spend $50 dollars on an Uber back to the condo.
You don’t even care to protest as you’d rather have the rain hitting your back anyways. It was cool to the touch and you didn’t really mind letting this man have his way with you. You did want to play fight with him, lightly hitting his butt as you let out, ”nooooo, please don’t take me and do whatever you want to me sir”
He responds only by giving your ass a light smack before he kisses it. You couldn’t help but call him a pervert, and the sound of that word leaving your lips had him rock hard again. He was a pervert to an extent, but only for you.
He plops you down at the front of his door, motioning for you to go inside after he unlocks it. You stumble in, reaching for the light switch, flicking it on as you hear Toji hiss behind you. He fumbles for the switch, turning it back off quickly.
“Too fuckin’ bright, Jesus”
He grabs your hand and walks you to the bathroom. His apartment was clean, and pretty cozy. He didn’t stay here often, so you noticed the dust covering most of his appliances. You turn on the bathroom light and turn around to ask him what his plans were for you.
“My plans? Get this makeup off and get in the bed,” he says, fumbling through the shelves to find a washcloth. You cross your arms and pout as you grab his arm.
“But Toji I want it. Want you, please”
He grabs a new bar of soap from underneath the sink and turns the warm water on, giving it a moment to heat up. He puts his hand on the counter and gives you a stern look.
“Look, y/n. You couldn’t possibly understand how bad I want you, too. But you’re too drunk and I’m the highest I’ve been in a while. Last time I checked, you were still a virgin. Doesn’t mean I plan on going easy on ya’, but we need to wait.”
You continue to pout, poking your bottom lip out. Maybe you can convince him with your mouth, and not your words. You reach for his belt buckle as you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him.
He kisses you back, hesitantly at first. You moan into the kiss, unable to control yourself. As soon as that first moan leaves your lips, he’s pulling away so he can run his hands under the warm water, adjusting the temperature so it’s not too hot.
He brings his wet hands to your face, making sure to cover every inch of your skin so this process wouldn’t take any longer than it already has.
“Keep making noises like that and I won’t be able to stop myself. Shut up and lemme help you, then we’ll get in the bed. I can sleep on the couch if ya’ want”
You couldn’t seem to take no for an answer, as you let out the most earth-shattering, loud moan you can muster. Your mouth is stuck in an ‘o’ shape as you moan Toji’s name, trying to see how far you could push the man.
Hearing that from your mouth made him feel like his cock would explode. He puts a hand over your mouth and pushes you against the wall, making your head hit the wall a little too hard for your liking.
“Have ya’ lost your fuckin’ mind? I have neighbors ya’know? I already told you no, and if you can’t take that as an answer, you’re gonna be the one sleepin’ on the couch.”
You look at him with wide eyes as he removes his hand from your mouth. He kisses the top of your head, muttering an apology for hitting your head on the wall. He grabs the soap, letting it run under the water before he lathers it up in his hands.
He brings his hands to your face and starts washing your face for you as if you were inept.
“I can wash my own damn face, Toji”
He laughs at you, still very high from the joint he stole earlier.
“Yeah, not before you poke out your own eye with those nails. Just lemme’ take care of ya’ then we’ll get in bed.”
You huff as you let him continue. You enjoyed seeing a more gentle, domestic side of him. Albeit in odd circumstances, it was still an unexpected surprise. He tells you to rinse your face off and gives you the washcloth to dry your face.
“Just throw the lashes away, I’ll get ya’ some new ones tomorrow.”
“What, these old things? They’re all natural,” you say with a fake accent. He simply reaches up and takes the pair of lashes off, dropping them in the trash.
“How do you know to do this shit anyways? Lots of experience?”
He glares at you as if you just asked if the sky is blue.
“I wash my own face woman. Makeup is just another layer of shit to wash off.”
You somehow find yourself agreeing with him as you finish wiping the water off of your neck. You start to take off your jewelry as you watch him pull his pants down as he whips out his cock.
Well, you don’t know if you should call it that, given that he was almost entirely soft now. He flips the lid of the toilet up, taking care of his bladder right in front of you. You look him up and down with questioning eyes.
“Ewww, you could have waited!”
“You’re the one starin’, doll. Look who’s the pervert now,” he says, cleaning himself off and only pulling up his boxers. “Let’s get in bed,” he says, leading you by your lower back to his bedroom.
He’s taking off the rest of his clothes on the way, leaving them scattered in the hallway. You wanted him taking those clothes off in other circumstances, but you follow his lead, taking everything off except your bra (since someone still had your panties).
“Whoa, gotta let me know when you’re getting undressed next time. Got me sweatin’ over here,” he says, trying to think of his most annoying coworkers to help his chub go down.
“You think m’sleepin’ in this? Pssshh-,” you say, laughing as you try to unclasp your bra. Your nails were too long and it was only making it more difficult.
“Here,” he starts, making his way behind you to help you take it off. He tries his best to avert his eyes, somehow feeling guilty for admiring you when you two were supposed to be strictly going to bed right now.
“I know we’re not fuckin’ tonight, but you are so goddamn perfect f’me,” he admits, letting out a breath as he watches you walk ahead of him, hips swaying so tantalizingly back and forth. Hair cascading down your pretty back. Tits so big he could see their outline from the back. He clears his throat, mentally cursing himself for jacking off earlier. If he would have just let it go down, he’d probably be fine right now. But cumming to that picture and thinking about cumming on those tits forreal had him feeling like a creep.
You wait for Toji to join you near the bed. You don’t want to overstep and you didn’t know what side of the bed he slept on. He asks what you’re waiting for, and when he hears you mumble ‘you’, he smiles so bright. You’re both totally naked now as you climb under the sheets, shivering at the cool linen brushing against your warm body. Toji sat across from you, not touching you anywhere.
“Ya’know, seeing you makeout with that girl was hot n’all, but you really pissed me off doing that.”
Pissed him off? That was not your goal at all.
“What, w-why? I was jus’ tryin’ to make you jealous is all,” you admit.
“Yeah, well it fuckin’ worked. Don’t do that shit in front of me again unless you want to see me go to prison.”
Oh. He was really serious. You could only imagine what he’d do if he saw you grinding in Geto’s lap. Thank god for Nobara.
You scoot towards him, “M’sorry, I won’t do it again, promise. Now can we cuddle please? So cold, baby,” you huff. He wraps his arms around you as you bury your head in his chest, entwining your legs with his.
“You’re lucky. Don’t do this with just anybody. And it’s takin’ all my strength not to bend you over and break you right now. Only reason I’m not makin’ you cum right now s’cuz I wanna’ give you a break before tomorrow.”
You mumble an ‘awwww’ as he tells you to shut up and go to sleep. You thank him for the second night in a row, only earning a ‘mmmhm’ from the man beside you. He’s already drifting off to sleep, exhausted from the night of work before and the long night he’s spent with you. You shut your eyes, trying to steady yourself as you feel the room spinning around you. You take a few deep breaths and finally fall asleep, knowing you needed all the rest you could get for the day you had ahead of you.
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@scorpiosugar @theobsidianempress mwahahah
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lovelywritinglady · 4 months
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Crocodile Tears pt.1
Crocodile xfem!reader
In which you and your husband,Crocodile, get into an argument and it spirals out of control.
Heavy angst, hurt with no comfort, usage of bitch, Set a little before Alabasta. Could be split into more parts if requested.
You were so tired of being put last. Nearly a decade spent with this man. All of the work you put into this relationship. All of the broken promises. All of the times he was late or completely forgot about your plans together. Normally you’re a very patient woman and had always been sympathetic of your husbands time. But not today. Too many damn anniversaries missed and you were now fed up. You decided to confront your husband on his bullshit and demand a solid reason for being late to your own anniversary dinner that you had spent hours perfecting.
You walked straight into his office that was located in the basement of your shared casino. You didn’t bother knocking as whatever he was doing was no where near as important as him missing your anniversary dinner. His head shot up at the sound of someone barging in. Crocodile gave confused and angry look before softening it ever so slightly at the sight of you. He sighed looking at you as you’d told before him. He could tell that whatever you were mad about was completely his fault.
“Yes my dear?” He asked giving very little of his attention as he continued writing on his documents.
“You know why I’m here.” You spat crossing your arms.
“What is it now?” He sighed
“Don’t you know what day it is?” You questioned harshly tired of his forgetfulness.
“No idea, but I’m very busy right now, I’ll deal with you later.” Crocodile bit back now giving you attention.
“It’s our fucking anniversary!” You yelled as frustrated tears rolled down your cheeks.
“I’ll make it up to you later. Right now I’m in the middle of something important. You can damn well wait.” He snapped slamming his hand down.
“Am I really not that important to you?” You cried as your body trembled.
“No, you’re not! Now I’ll deal with you later!” He yelled
“No fuck that, why am I not important to you? After all I’ve done. I love you why can’t you ever prioritize me!” You exclaimed balling your fists to your sides.
“Maybe if you weren’t such a nagging bitch, maybe I would. Now leave I have more important things to do then bitch with you. Get out!” He furiously yelled standing up out of his chair as he gave you a look of pure hatred.
You stood there trembling in fear as your tears stopped as your hands were now shaking. Crocodile noticed the look of fear in your eyes but was too mad at you to even care. You couldn’t move, however, a hand touched your shoulder. You moved with it still too stunned to react as it led you out of your husbands office and into the long carpeted hallway and then into the Casino that was owned by both you and your husband. Soon enough, you were outside and now were alone as the figure left you alone in the dark
You looked out into the pitch black sky as you came back to your senses. A furious son left your body as you sunk to your knees. You cried and cried until your body felt numb and your eyes felt raw from the salty tears that left them. You then hugged your now cold body as your rocked yourself trying to give yourself some comfort. After a few more moments, you slowly picked yourself up off the ground and walked to the shared home that you and crocodile lived in together that was about a five minute walk from the Casino.
There you grabbed the first suitcase that you could get your hands on and filled it with as much of your personal belongings as you could fit not caring too much about your fancy clothes and trinkets. Once you were done, you took a good look at the outfit that you were still wearing and promptly took it off and replaced it with more comfortable clothes.
You had no pleads of what to do but you knew you needed to leave. Too long had Crocodile forgotten about your needs. Too long had he put you last. Too long have you stayed with someone that didn’t love you the way you loved them. Too long had you given him everything while he gave you nothing. You were done and tired of his half assed apologies and broken promises. So, you made a phone call to the harbor. The transponder snail ring for a while and you were scared that because of the hour, they wouldn’t pick up.
“Yes, hello miss how may I help you?” The transponder snail finally spoke.
“Yes, hi, I’d like to book at ticket to the first ship that will go to Dressrosa.
“Dressrosa? Well you’ll have to take multiple ships to go there but we can get you on a ship that will take you to the next available island that has a ship that goes there. Is that alright?” The teller spoke
“Yes that should be fine.” You spoke doing your best to sound normal as your voice was still sore from crying. “When is the first available ship?” You asked
“At 6 in the morning.” They responded
“I’ll take it.” You replied quickly.
“Alrighty, I’ll see you then. I’d like to let you know that it’s firsts come first serve here so be sure to arrive early to get a good seat.” They told you kindly.
“Thank you, have a good night.” You said
“I will, you too miss.” They responded
And with that you hung up the transponder snail. You signed hanging you head before standing up straight and focusing on the task at hand. You decided to go into the shared safe that you and your husband had in your room and put as much cash as you could in your suitcase and one of the purses that you decided to take. It was a lot and you just hopped that you wouldn’t be robbed as that money would help you with the next step in your life. You then grabbed a piece of paper from your side table drawer and a blue inked pen and wrote a small good bye letter to Crocodile.
My dear husband,
You might not care about any of this but I need to let you know my feelings.
I love you and even as I write this letter I love you. And despite my burning love for you, I cannot stay in this loveless marriage any longer. You have proven time and time again that I am not an important aspect of your life and I’d rather leave than be a hindrance to you or the empire you are trying to build.
With all my love,
Y/n L/n
Once you were done and with your suitcase in hand you walked all the way to the harbor. When you arrived you promptly purchased a ticket not caring about where you sat. As you walked onto the boat, you looked back at the vast desert that you once called home smiling bitterly at the events of last night.
“The ship is now departing. I repeat the ship is now departing.” A voice called out
“Goodbye my darling.” You whispered into the wind as the ship left the harbor.
“Where the hell is she!” Crocodile yelled in a furious rage as he walked into your shared bedroom some of the maids were cleaning.
“Sorry sir, we were asleep when the mistress came in.” One of the maids spoke meekly as she was scared of Crocodile.
“Daz, find her!” Crocodile barked
“Yes sir.” Daz Bones responded as he immediately left to find you.
Crocodile was furious, confused, and guilty. He knew he fucked up. He was so stressed about all of the work that had to be done and the news about a bunch of rookie pirates finding out his identity that he snapped and completely disregarded your anniversary. His mind was scrambled and his heart was aching for his sweet wife who now is nowhere to be seen.
“Umm… Sir.” Another maid spoke quietly
“What!” He snapped looking at her with pure fury.
“Sorry sir but we found this on the side table.” She spoke quickly handing him your letter.
He read it silently as he took in each word and sentence that you had written out just for him to read. His heart broke but the sudden realization of how much of a shitty husband dawned on him. And unfortunately for him, too late. Now you were gone, his sweet wife, his love.
“I’ll find you y/n.” He whispered before waking out of your shared bedroom determined to find you no matter the cost.
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Thank you so much for reading!💜
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• I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
Part 1 Part 2
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nayziiz · 4 months
Witness | CL16
Summary: In the shadowy world of Monaco's elite, the Leclerc family reigns supreme. Charles Leclerc, the charming middle son, maintains their pristine public image—until one rainy night, during a fit of rage, Charles does the unthinkable. A young woman witnesses his actions, and her terrified eyes haunt him. Consumed by guilt and fear of exposure, Charles embarks on a desperate search to find her before she can destroy his family’s legacy. As he delves deeper into Monaco's underbelly, Charles must confront his own darkness and the lengths he will go to protect his family.
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x OC (name to be revealed)
Warnings: Violence, blood, angst
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Chapter 1
The Leclerc family was a name whispered in awe and fear across Europe. They were a dynasty built on power, wealth, and an unyielding code of loyalty. At the helm was Pascale Leclerc, a woman of unmatched grace and formidable strength. Widowed early, she had single-handedly nurtured her empire and her sons, instilling in them the same indomitable spirit that had forged their legacy.
Pascale's three sons were as different as they were indispensable to the family's operations. Lorenzo, the eldest, was the family's anchor. A man of few words, he shunned the spotlight, preferring to navigate the complex web of their financial empire from the shadows. His meticulous nature and unerring judgment made him the backbone of their financial success, ensuring every transaction, every investment, was flawlessly executed.
Arthur, the youngest, was a prodigy with a flair for the entrepreneurial. Despite his youth, he had an uncanny knack for identifying and nurturing the family's smaller, yet highly profitable ventures. Arthur's enthusiasm and innovative ideas injected new life into their enterprises, making him a rising star within the family ranks.
And then there was Charles, the charismatic middle child. Charles was the face of the Leclerc family, the diplomat who moved with ease through high society and business circles alike. He was the one who smiled and shook hands, sealing deals and forging alliances with a charm that belied the ruthlessness beneath. Charles was the family’s shield, ensuring that their operations always appeared legitimate, always above reproach.
The Leclerc brothers never got their hands dirty; they always had someone to do their dirty work for them, people who left no traces behind. Until one very rainy night in Monte Carlo when some brave soul thought stealing Charles' €400,000 Richard Mille RM UP-01 Ferrari watch was a good idea. It was a simple enough plan. The man followed Charles as he walked out of the casino and stopped him by the car pretending to ask for directions. When Charles lifted his hand to point in a certain direction, the man saw the perfect opportunity to try to snatch the watch.
There was a struggle, and before Charles knew it, they were down a dark alley. The rain pounded relentlessly, masking the sounds of their scuffle. The would-be thief underestimated Charles. In a surge of primal fury, Charles found himself repeatedly punching the man through the face until he was unconscious and eventually no longer breathing. He didn't know what possessed him, but something snapped in his mind that night.
Charles stood there, drenched and panting, staring at the lifeless body before him. The rain washed away the blood from his knuckles, but it couldn't cleanse the darkness that had surged from within. He had always been the charming diplomat, the public face of the family. But now, with the cold rain and the colder realisation of what he'd done, Charles knew that the mask he wore had irrevocably slipped.
Charles returned to his Ferrari Daytona SP3, hands covered in blood. As he reached for the door, he looked up and met the eyes of a frightened and frozen young woman. She stood a few meters away, her face pale and eyes wide with terror. He attempted a small smile, a reflex of his practiced charm, but it only seemed to magnify her fear. The woman turned and ran, her footsteps echoing down the sidewalk, disappearing into the shadows of the surrounding buildings.
She had seen everything. She saw how Charles snapped and kept punching the man. She wanted to stop him, but she couldn't move. It was like her feet were cemented into the pavement as she watched the drenched men fight over something she knew nothing about, but she saw enough to scare her into a different dimension. She ended up cancelling her shift at work, citing a bout of vomiting as the cause for her absence. She wasn't lying. When she got back to her and her best friend's apartment, she spent the rest of the night throwing up her entire day's meals.
As Charles drove away, he couldn't shake the image of her terrified eyes. He knew that his life, and possibly hers, had changed irrevocably in that rain-soaked alley. The cracks in the Leclerc family's facade were starting to show, and it was only a matter of time before everything began to crumble.
She had heard about the Leclerc brothers a few times since she moved to Monaco, but she never saw them. They were the stuff of local legend, their names whispered in hushed tones at the markets, cafes, and in the bustling streets of the city. She knew they were powerful, influential, and perhaps even dangerous, but she didn't even know what they looked like. If only she knew she made eye contact with Charles Leclerc. If only she knew the amount of anxiety her presence caused.
For Charles, the days following the incident were a blur of paranoia and dread. He spent the following three days waiting for the police to show up at his doorstep, waiting to call Lorenzo to bail him out, but nothing. He had mentally prepared himself for the sound of sirens, the cold steel of handcuffs, and the grim faces of law enforcement officers as they took him away. Each passing hour was a test of his sanity, his nerves fraying under the weight of his guilt and anticipation.
He thought she called the police to report the murder, but nothing. The silence was both a relief and a torment. He had the body disposed of as discreetly as possible that same night, utilising the family’s network of loyal associates who specialised in making problems disappear. The rain had been merciless, washing away any other evidence of the encounter, leaving only the haunting memory of that night etched in his mind.
Yet every time Charles saw the bruises and gashes on his knuckles, her petrified face would flash through his mind. The vivid image of her wide, frightened eyes lingered, a stark reminder of his loss of control. He desperately wanted to explain to her why he did what he did, that he didn’t normally commit such heinous acts. He wanted her to understand that he was not a monster, that there were circumstances, fears, and pressures that had driven him to that moment of madness.
But how does he explain to Lorenzo and Arthur there was a witness to the murder he committed and he had no idea who she was, where she lived, or worked? The mere thought of their reactions filled him with dread. Lorenzo, with his calculating mind, would demand a solution, a way to neutralise the threat. Arthur, the heart of the family, would be shaken, his faith in Charles's composure shattered. So he didn't tell them about the murder and he didn't tell them about her. The secret festered within him, a poison he couldn’t expel.
He had to find her. The compulsion grew stronger with each passing day. He knew it was a dangerous obsession, but he couldn't help himself. He needed to see her again, to make sure she wouldn’t destroy his life. He needed to explain, to somehow make amends. The problem was, he had no idea where to begin looking for her. The streets of Monaco, once a familiar playground of power and luxury, had become a labyrinth of uncertainty.
Charles's search for the mystery woman quickly became more desperate. He trawled through the streets where he had last seen her, visited the local establishments, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. His inquiries were subtle, his approach cautious, but the urgency behind them was undeniable. His nights were restless, his days consumed by the hunt.
He had to find her. Not just to silence the witness, but to find some semblance of peace. In his world of calculated moves and controlled appearances, she was the variable that could unravel everything. And as he delved deeper into Monaco's underbelly, one thing became clear: he was willing to go to any lengths to find her, to confront the fear and guilt that haunted him. Only then could he begin to piece his fractured life back together.
He had to find her.
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skellyflowers · 5 months
Too Many Beds
Ployvessels x reader
The world tour is going amazing. We just finished the Australian leg where IV really stole the show. Our next destination is America. We got a flight and landed a few days early so we could recover and be ready for the next part of the tour.
Management got us a hotel to recover in. The room would be purchased home for the next two days before the tour starts. We kick off in Las Vegas at a music festival. Check in was a quick process and we were given our key cards and room numbers in no time.  Wait numbers? Like more than one?
If I wasn’t so jet lag l would have said something earlier but I didn't really pay attention. I  wanted to take a shower and get a nap. When we get to our room I take my bag to the bathroom.  II and IV planned to go get a drink at the hotel bar and III wanted to go to the hotel casino. Vessel is only one without a plan, so he is either going to stay with me all night and get room service or wait until I fall asleep and join the others. 
The bathroom is pretty big, it has both a shower and a bathtub. I put my bag on the counter and went to report the information to the boys.
“The bathroom is nice. Shower and tub are only big enough for two.”
I was expecting to hear III moan out a complaint about no group showers. However that is not his main grievance.
“There are too many beds! And they are all too small!” He yells.
“What do you mean too many? How many is too many?”
Vessel and IV watch us talk back and forth. Both clearly trying not to laugh.
“What III means,” interrupts II, trying to defuse to tension “That we have 4 Queen size beds in two rooms”
“We have two rooms?” I ask, still confused.
“Yes they are adjoined right there.” II points to another door that must lead to the other room.
Why did we get two rooms? It’s not like management didn’t know about the five of us and our relationship. We were not trying to hide it. We regularly turn the back lounge of any tour bus into a big bedroom.
“Relax, it's not the end of the world.” Says IV.
“This shouldn’t have even happened!” III grumbles. “We always get a king size.”
“It was pretty last minute. This may have been the best they could do.” I defend.
“That’s enough bickering.” Vessel finally speaks up. “V, go take your shower. We will wait and go get dinner.”
I do as asked and hope the boys calm III down. I decided to dress up a little and not get into my cozy clothes. All five of us go to one of the restaurants near the hotel. It was fun and really what we needed. Afterwards, we walked around the casino and played a couple of slot machines.  We eventually got back to the hotel room.
When I get ready for bed I finally check out the adjoined room. As I expected the room is exactly the same, just flipped. I walk to the bedroom and see that one of the beds is missing a mattress. I head back to our main room to ask what happened.
When I get there I see what happened. All of the furniture has been pushed into the corners, I assume that Vessel was responsible for that, and all three mattresses are on the floor. Vessel and II are making the bed. IV comes up behind me and gives me a hug.
“You ok with this?”
“Yes. As long as it makes your boyfriend stop freaking out.”
“When he’s like that he is their boyfriend.”
That comment makes me laugh. I am not sure how long we are standing next to the new super bed. The others are busy arranging blankets and pillows. I feel my eyes starting to drift close, all the activity from the day catching up with me. IV swaying us is also putting me to sleep.
My eyes open when someone grabs my hand. It’s II, he gently pulls me away from IV. Now it’s time to arrange the sleeping positions. III is in the center on his back, me on his right and II on his left. Vessel is my big spoon and IV settles next to II.
“Four beds really is too many.” I say.
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kolyasangel · 4 months
five more minutes?
synopsis: you convince sigma to spend a little more time with you in his office which leads to something unexpected...
content: fem!reader, a bit of fluff, nsfw, dom!sigma, mdni
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When all in the world felt wrong, the only haven you could fall back to was in Sigma's arms. His warm embrace and intoxicating scent were unparalleled, providing you with comfort like no other. You felt like you were floating on clouds as you lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and breathing that were synced with yours. Sigma looked down at you with a smile, cherishing the adorable sight of you so comfortable, eyes closed while lying on his chest. He gently smoothed your hair and placed a tender kiss on your forehead. It was difficult for him to leave, feeling so cozy being with you, but he had responsibilities to attend to as the manager of his casino.
"Love.. I have to leave now.." He hesitantly said before sitting up from the loveseat, being careful not to startle or hurt you.
"Where do you think you're going?" You slowly opened your eyes, tugging on his tie before he could stand up, eliciting a squeak from Sigma.
"I was going to go back to work, dear.."
"Nooo, stay with me for five more minutes. Please?" You put on your best puppy eyes to sway him into staying longer with you, still grasping onto his tie, feeling the silky material underneath your fingertips.
"But-" He involuntarily sighed as your adorable eyes begged him to stay. It was impossible not to say yes to you. 
"Just a few minutes? Then you can go back to bossing around your employees."
He laughed before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close, burying his face in your neck. 
"I'm not that mean, am I?"
You smiled and wrapped your arms around him, feeling grateful that he had decided to stay by your side despite the responsibilities calling out to him. You knew very well that he was busy, but it wasn't like you planned on keeping him for too long, just a few minutes is all. Sigma was a hardworking man and he could use a longer break anyway, you thought.
"Not at all Sigma, you're an amazing manager, so kind and understanding. You're a wonderful person in general."
His face lit up with a smile and a blush as he received your compliment and attentively listened as you continued to speak.
"But you can still be stern when you want things done, and honestly, I find it incredibly hot when you're all commanding and authoritative."
"H-Huh?" His jaw dropped in disbelief and his ears reddened more when he heard the words come out of your mouth.
"What? I think you're a sexy manager." You traced your finger across his jawline enticingly.
"There's no way you're being serious.. I-I'm not that.. that.." He refused to believe he was that attractive to you and resorted to hiding his face with his sleeves in embarrassment. His humility and timid demeanor were qualities you always admired and found endearing.
"Have some more confidence in yourself, baby, you're so handsome." You whispered in his ear, shifting his arms away from his face and kissing his flushed cheeks. Sigma had no choice but to face you again and deal with the position you had put him in. He felt so shy whenever it came to you speaking about his physical appearance, never wanting to accept any of your compliments out of modesty. You seducing him didn't make the situation any better, as he knew very well that this was going somewhere and he didn't know how to feel about it considering he was in his workplace. Usually, when he had urges, he would try to contain himself as much as possible before returning home to you at the end of the day. But he found it difficult to restrain his burning desire when his hands snaked around your waist as you crawled onto his lap. You're just too tempting. 
"You should boss me around like that sometimes.." You bit on the shell of his ear teasingly to rile him up even more. 
You had no idea what you had just awoken in him.
It seemed like he was starved of affection the way Sigma glanced at you with lustful eyes before his soft lips collided against yours hungrily. He was unable to form a single coherent thought before his tongue sneaked its way inside your mouth. You had given him the green light, allowing him to release all he had previously held back. He pushed you down on the couch, placing himself on top of you. You kissed back and started to palm him through his trousers, causing him to moan into your mouth. The bulge growing in his pants didn't go unnoticed as you felt it against your hand, the same hand that soon wandered with the intent to undo his pant zipper until he stopped you, grabbing your hand.
"Not yet." He drew away from your lips and sat up, pulling you up as well. You were confused as to why he halted your advances abruptly and pouted.
"On your knees." Sigma stated in a firm tone, and your eyes widened before you obliged, kneeling in front of him on the floor. The sudden shift in his behavior and his deep voice caught you off guard, as unexpected as it was, but you couldn't deny the short rush of excitement you felt in your veins as he took your request seriously. 
He softly lifted your chin, guiding your gaze to meet his. His captivating gray eyes seemed to hold a different intensity than usual, perhaps a hint of desire mingled with the familiar softness.
"Tell me how badly you want it."
This side of Sigma both surprised and aroused you at the same time. A surge of nervousness washed over you as you gazed at him with pleading doe eyes, your hands resting on your knees, begging him with your cute expression to the best of your ability. 
"Use your words, darling." He looked down at you with intimidating eyes and pulled you closer so both of your foreheads were touching as he looked into your eyes intensely.
"Please let me touch you, Sigma. I need you, I promise I'll be the one leaving you begging for more." You told him as your hand found itself in shorter pieces of his hair, watching your fingers run through the smooth strands like silk as he backed away from you slowly.
"Oh? Such a bold claim. Why don't you show me what you need from me then?" He spoke patronizingly, spreading his legs slightly, finally allowing your hands to roam his body as you please.
Your hands inched to unzip his pants and slowly rubbed your knuckles against his clothed bulge, earning a whimper from Sigma. Dragging your hands over his abdomen and soft abs, teasing and causing him to squirm before pulling his underwear down and releasing his hard cock, relishing the sight before you. 
You ogle at the view, his erect cock already glistening with excitement, carefully trailing your fingers along his shaft and giving the tip a lick to provoke him further. He lets out a low whimper as his legs twitch, fingers running through your hair, each teasing lick driving him further to the edge than the last. You take him in your mouth and gently swallow him as his head rolls back.
"That's it.. just like that." He shivers, his eyes rolling back into his skull, and head falling back against the couch. His hands frantically tangled in your hair, desperate to grip onto something and have you even closer to him. Your hands trail over his pale thighs, gripping them while your nails dig into his pale skin.
"Use those hands." He said callously, trying hard to maintain composure, though that seemed easier said than done as he was already falling apart under your touch. To his dismay, the stone-cold demeanor he put on still couldn't hide the fact that Sigma was incredibly sensitive, which proved to be correct as you slid your tongue up and down his shaft. Your hands curled around his cock after he told you to, hard at work as you stroked and sucked him off simultaneously. 
His hips bucked forward while he held onto the back of your head, forcing you to swallow more of him and triggering your gag reflex as his tip brushed the back of your throat.
"I-I'm sorry love.." He let go of your head so you could retract just enough to breathe. His eyes softened as he looked down at you, admiring your pretty face, not minding how obscene you looked in this moment.
“Feels so good..” He whined as he tightened his grip on your hair. Up to this point, the two of you tried your hardest to keep your voices down, but even Sigma had nearly forgotten where the both of you were, groaning as you lightly grazed your teeth on his cock. A small smirk tugged his lips, his gray irises boring into your glassy ones as saliva dripped from your mouth as you focused on the task at hand. 
"Sweetheart.. mm- 's too much, can I cum soon?" 
You nodded in agreement while feeling his whole body quivering in pure ecstasy as you sucked him off and stroked him faster, flinging his head back again and biting his lip to stifle any lewd noises from coming out. He's so pretty. You eyed him and the way his brows knit together as he gazed lecherously down at the stunning sight of you in between his legs. 
Sigma's cock twitched just before you felt your throat fill with warmth, overflowing to the brim with some dribbling from your lips. Immediately, he drew you closer to his chest, kissing you again before even giving himself time to come down from his high. His panting and shivering sent chills up your spine, even more so when he kissed the crown of your head before his lips brushed against your ear, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and praises to let you know how good you've been for him. 
"Are you okay?" His gentle eyes were so cute as he rubbed your head affectionately before kissing you on the forehead. Sigma couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart when he noticed your tear-stained cheeks as his slender fingers caressed your face, thinking he might've caused you any pain or discomfort.
"I'm okay.." You reassured him with a soft smile, thinking about how adorable the way he prioritized your comfort was.
"I'm sorry if I was too ro-" He couldn't finish as someone else interrupted.
"Manager?" A voice came from behind the office door, thankfully locked. Sigma instinctively pulled you close to him. He recognized the voice of one of his dear employees and cleared his throat, trying to discard any trace of hesitation and nervousness in his voice before he responded.
"Is everything alright? I heard you in pain or something and I thought I should check on you."
"I'm okay! I just hit my knee against my desk. You can go back to work now, thank you."
"Yes, sir!" The footsteps gradually fading away from the door made Sigma sigh in relief, relieved that the employee decided not to question any further. You giggled at the situation as you glanced at Sigma.
"Do I get a promotion, manager?" You teased, playing with a few purple strands of his hair as you sat back on his lap.
"S-Stop it.. we're alone you know, so you don't have to call me that."
"Oh, I know.. but I also know it turns you on like crazy.." You felt him getting rock hard again against your thigh, and you couldn't stop yourself from grinding against him, your panties getting more and more soaked with every movement. 
Maybe an additional five minutes, or longer, wouldn't hurt.
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more-the-maryer · 5 months
I'm finally unpacked and getting back into the groove after my cruise, so I thought I'd share a bit about the trip
Every morning I started my day at the buffet. My usual go-to's were yogurt with fruit, bacon, eggs benedict, sausage, french toast, a croissant and a cinnamon roll. Sometimes they'd have gelato so I'd get that too ☺️
Between breakfast and lunch I hung out by the pool. They had a soft ice cream dispenser and chicken burger place right next to the pool so I'd snack on that while sunbathing. I think I had upwards of 6 ice cream cones per day haha.
For lunch there were a few different restaurants, as well as the main buffet. I cycled between getting tacos, burgers, and chicken sandwiches. They had a cafe that served really good milkshakes so I often grabbed one of those to pair with my meal :) 
Between lunch and supper I actually tried to not eat that much because I didn't want to spoil my appetite for my favourite meal of the day. I was also pretty busy in the afternoons, i went to some of the onboard events like trivia and bingo (yes, I'm an old timer at heart), and spent a decent amount of time in the Casino (I'm not any good, I was just having fun learning blackjack). 
For dinner I went to the main dining room where they served a three course meal every day. The menu was on rotation but every meal was amazing. Id get 1-2 appetizers (often alfredo, shrimp, escargot, and other unique samplers), 2 mains (the brisket and salmon were some of my favourites), and 2 desserts (my favourite was the melting chocolate lava cake and the Baked Alaska). I could rarely finish it all, but I ate until I was completely stuffed every single night 🤤 it was all inclusive so I just ordered as much as I wanted haha
Almost every night after dinner I went to the comedy show, followed by whatever big show they had in the theatre. The comedy shows involved a lot of crowd work so they had me cackling every time. The entertainment in the theatre was a little lacking, but I still enjoyed it. 
They had a 24 hour pizza shack so I'd always go there in the late evening after each show, then I'd sit out on the main deck and watch whatever movie was playing while eating my pizza, it was so relaxing. 
I had a great time at each of the ports too. One (San Juan) involved a lot of walking but it was a beautiful city with really neat forts. The bars there made a mean Pina colada, so truth be told I was a little tipsy while wandering through the city haha. Another port had beautiful beaches and really clear water, so I spent most of my time laying by the beach and swimming. I didn't go on any excursions because I really wanted to relax on this vaca ☺️
Anyway it was a really great trip and I made sure to overindulge the whole time ☺️ I plan to post a post-cruise weigh in video on my OnlyFans soon, I can't wait to share my progress with you all!
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Here's some pics of my first day relaxing on the pool deck 🍹​​​​​​​
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