#castell de castells
useless-catalanfacts · 3 months
El Castellet or Castell de Serrella, ruins of a castle at the top of the mountains between the towns of Beniardà and Castell de Castells, Central Valencian Country.
This castle, built of rammed earth and masonry, dates back to the Islamic period, probably to the 11th century. The earliest written mention of this castle that we know of is the Pouet Treaty (Pacte del Pouet) signed in the year 1245 between the Catalan king James I and the Moorish commander Al-Azraq.
Video by sanchis2 on Instagram. More information: Mancomunitat Comarcal de la Marina Alta.
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weirdlookindog · 9 months
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Marie-Pierre Castel and Kuelan Herce in The Shiver of the Vampires (Le frisson des vampires, 1971)
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schweizercomics · 27 days
Hey, there, friends! I'm going to be releasing a collection of one hundred sword drawings from my recent visits to museums in NYC, Leeds, London, and Paris. I hope you'll visit the kickstarter preview here and click the "Notify Me" button - I'll be launching soon!
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chic-a-gigot · 1 month
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La Mode illustrée, no. 32, 11 août 1867, Paris. Toilettes de Mme Bréant-Castel 28.r. Nve des Pts Champs Envois de la Mon de Commission-generale. 53. rue d'Hauteville. Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands
Jupon de taffetas gris-Suède, bordé d'un volant ruché dont la tête est fixée par un galon de paille. Robe de dessus pareille au jupon; deux écharpes très-longues, encadrées de grelots en paille, forment par devant une ceinture en se croisant, puis passent sous les bras, et sont encore croisées par derrière; des grelots en paille simulent une sorte de pèlerine sur le corsage montant; manches très-larges et très-longues; manches étroites en mousseline bouillonnée; entre chaque bouillon un galon de paille. Chapeau en tulle gris de Suède, orné de roses. Ombrelle pareille à la robe.
Grey-Suede taffeta petticoat, edged with a ruched flounce whose head is fixed by a straw braid. Overdress similar to the petticoat; two very long scarves, framed with straw bells, form a belt in front by crossing, then pass under the arms, and are crossed again at the back; straw bells simulate a sort of cape on the rising bodice; very wide and very long sleeves; narrow sleeves in bubbled muslin; between each bubble a straw braid. Hat in grey-Suede tulle, decorated with roses. Parasol similar to the dress.
Costume en deux teintes Bismark. Le jupon (teinte claire) est bordé de dents foncées, surmontées d'un biais. Robe courte (teinte foncée) avec rouleaux clairs sur toutes les coutures, et sur le bord inférieur dents claires, surmontées d'un biais. Depuis le col jusqu'au bord inférieur, gros boutons recouverts en teinte clair; corsage montant en teinte claire; corselet de teinte foncée, orné de dents claires; manches étroites, claires; manches larges et longues, foncées doublées de teinte claire, avec dents claires. Chapeau de même couleur que le costume.
Two-tone Bismark suit. The petticoat (light shade) is edged with dark teeth, topped with a bias. Short dress (dark shade) with light rolls on all seams, and on the lower edge light teeth, topped with a bias. From the collar to the lower edge, large buttons covered in light shade; high bodice in light shade; dark bodice, decorated with light teeth; narrow, light sleeves; wide and long, dark sleeves lined with light shade, with light teeth. Hat in the same color as the costume.
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tea-and-scribbles · 8 months
"Hate is the door through which self-destruction enters each of us."
- Sebastien de Castell, The Way of the Argosi
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The Shiver of the Vampires (1971)
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ahma-art · 2 months
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This took me an ungodly amount of hours, but I just had to draw my blorbaux after seeing the teaser
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hayzeydayzey · 6 months
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Messing around with familiar characters. "Alternate timeline" Dead Kings DLC.
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Lèvres de sang (Jean Rollin, 1975)  
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Everyone in this country is talking about what happened in the Coldplay concert in Barcelona (Catalonia's capital city), and honestly I must say it's very funny.
As we've joked about before, Catalan people in music concerts always climb on each other in the way of castellers (traditional Catalan "human castles/towers"). Well, a girl was doing a small version of it (it was only two people!!), and Chris Martin (Coldplay's singer) stopped the concert to admire it and said "it's the best thing I've ever seen at a concert".
Chris, this is nothing!
He's impressed by a 2-people tall pilar. It's funny to us because this is what castellers look like in festivities in Catalonia:
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There can be structures of only 1 person in each floor (called a pilar) which is what people do in music concerts, or there can be other kinds of castells with more people. Here's some of the best ones I've found on a quick Google search:
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Before anyone misunderstands the situation, we're not laughing at Chris Martin in mean spirit, we know he's not Catalan so he just had never seen this before. But it's funny to see something that for us is so normal amaze a foreigner.
Well, Chris, if you want to learn to climb I'm sure any of the colles castelleres (castle builder groups) will be more than happy to teach you!
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Marie-Pierre Castel and Kuelan Herce in The Shiver of the Vampires (Le frisson des vampires, 1971)
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zsorosebudphoto · 6 months
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Castell de Bellver, Palma de Mallorca, Mallora, 09-12-23
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chic-a-gigot · 2 months
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La Mode illustrée, no. 29, 16 juillet 1876, Paris. Toilette de promenade. Modèle de chez Mme Bréant-Castel, rue du Quatre-Septembre, 19. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Jupon en soie de couleur vert myrte. Polonaise en cachemire de l'Inde, uni, de même couleur que le jupon. Cette polonaise est boutonnée sur le côté, et garnie d'une ruche en soie pareille au jupon. Le milieu du dos est orné d'une bande de soie plissée qui encadre l'encolure et descend jusqu'au bas du corsage.
Grandes poches Louis XV, garnies de boutons en métal bronzé et de petites ruches en soie. La polonaise est boutonnée par de longues boutonnières bordées de soie, et de gros boutons en métal bronzé.
Myrtle green silk petticoat. Polonaise in cashmere from India, plain, same color as the petticoat. This polonaise is buttoned on the side, and trimmed with a silk ruffle similar to the petticoat. The center back is decorated with a band of pleated silk that frames the neckline and extends to the bottom of the bodice.
Large Louis XV pockets, trimmed with bronzed metal buttons and small silk ruffles. The Polish is buttoned with long buttonholes lined with silk, and large bronzed metal buttons.
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The Shiver of the Vampires (1971)
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