#category 100 babygirl
lenfantdeverone · 26 days
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Jim Kirk's babygirl face which he could have used as a weapon to make the Universe implode but gladly he never did
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mamamittens · 1 year
Reader who got turned into a child with platontic yandere strawhats.
My god this crew is already chaos, and that's with One (1) Baby on Board (possibly more depending on your babygirl headcanons). Ngl, not super heavy in the yandere category, but I tend to make yandere groups lighter since they balance each other out more than small teams and it's harder to 'upset' the balance with so many people. Individuals may be unhinged af to make up for a lack of control, but groups can quietly distract you while the shady shit happens elsewhere. That and it's a kid, so there's less opportunity to meaningfully upset the dynamics.
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Luffy is, of course, thrilled cause child reader is so impressed and enthused with damn near everything on top of being clingy. Screams laughing every time he launches them to another crewmate. Loves just bundling up the kiddo to run around with if they happen to go to an island. Food runs are with kiddo in front to distract Sanji cause he's not going to let a kid go hungry regardless of gender, though he will still gladly punt Luffy for stealing.
Reading time with Robin! Reading time with Robin! Robin loves hanging out with child reader raptly listening to everything she reads. If Reader can't read yet, she will teach them despite knowing they'll turn back eventually. Just really likes the chill, soft hang out time and absolutely gives %100 of her attention to anything the kiddo brings. Sometimes adding small, neat fun facts to enrich the experience.
Sanji is very careful with baby in the kitchen but will fondly have them assist with small tasks like carrying over food items and things that won't break if dropped. Can and will walk them through fun recipes with them on his shoulders, taste testing along the way. If he doesn't think they're old enough for cutting, he'll gladly let them mix or mash potatoes. Has them lowkey on Luffy watch to give the captain sad, weepy eyes that "you can't wait for the surprise, luffy 🥺?" works like a charm.
Zoro is weirdly good with kids and will jokingly engage them in a workout. Lifting the baby barbells for like, five reps before exaggerating how bored he is of his weights and inviting kiddo to sit on them only to effortlessly keep going. Or like, sitting on his back with an extra bounce to make them laugh. Naptimes are spent tucked into his yukata (it's a yukata, right? Either than or kimono, I'm not sure of the difference, but you get what I mean). Very easily gets Reader to settle down. Traveling with Reader is fun cause he will actually listen to Reader's directions and only get's lost like... 1/3 less of the time.
Nami is slightly awkward around kids for a moment before she just starts emulating her late mother. Getting them to help pick and sort her fruit harvests or doing small tasks to make them feel useful like delivering messages to the crew. Is the first to tie them down if the weather threatens to turn foul just in case or sends them below to 'watch over' supplies that she knows damn well aren't going anywhere. Might even go over budgeting (child friendly version) with them. Has an incredible aversion to engaging in map making with them due do her past trauma but, if the condition persists, she will eventually have them help pick out ink and paper, perhaps even letting them draw with pencils on scrap paper. But nothing more than that.
Franky has a blast making small inventions for child reader to pilot around with hilariously over the top safety added on top. Like a helmet for a bike with an auto targeting system that activates if they cry. Will gladly carry them around on his shoulders while showing off the many neat tricks he put into the Sunny. Has them 'help' with projects, at first forgetting that they can't carry whole ass beams of wood before giving them buckets of nails and whatnot.
Ussop is literally in his element entertaining the kid with wild tall tales until it's time to eat. The first to lift reader into the air if anything remotely dangerous happens before running off to a safe distance. Probably gives them a little sling shot to 'assist' in fights while he praises them endlessly for incredible aim (even if they never get close). Probably the first to make a child carrier to fights so they can 'watch his back for him' despite being a long distance fighter.
Child Reader will be absolutely floored by Brook, undoubtedly. Just wide eyes watching him play in awe as he shows off. Probably letting them play with his hands and the many small bones, quietly informing them of their proper names. If they promise to be gentle, he even lets them touch his hair. If he's got a child-sized instrument, you can bet he's giving them lessons on how to play. If not, he probably talks them through music theory while demonstrating the notes and details. I imagine he plays piano with their hands under his to give the illusion of skill while he idly comments on how much better it is to play with someone else.
Chopper is really thrown to have someone as short as himself around but he's happy to have their help. It's kinda hard to do some things without opposable thumbs, alright? Of course, work never lasts, so he's off to play with them in due time, really livening up the ship as Reader compliments him endlessly about literally anything. And he gives them fun health advice on top of convincing them to eat whatever healthy food Sanji makes (because we all know it'll slap, but kids don't typically jump right into gross healthy food).
Jinbe has a bit of an awkward standoff at first, unsure if the reader will be frightened until they gleefully marvel over his fishman attributes right down to his skin color and webbed hands. The one to swim with them (or just hold them in the water if they've got a devil fruit) never letting them go for a second. Has them 'help' steer the ship on occasion, making them think it's effortless for a child when in reality he's guiding them through it entirely. Talks about the people in his life that he misses with them, glad to have a child marvel at the great but dearly departed. Legitimately tears up when they console him in that special, innocent child-like way at the news that they'll never get to meet these people because their gone.
Now, the Thousand Sunny also has plenty of love to give in a much more... quiet way. Soothingly rocking child reader to sleep when they're struggling and no one sees it. Secretly guiding them to fun little cubbies and passages to spook the crew and captain. They may not be there physically, but the spirit is definitely guiding them every step of the way in the rare moments they're alone.
Of course, engaging in a fight while the reader is a vulnerable child is a terrible mistake. At first the crew will fight normally, shielding the reader and guiding them to less dangerous parts, but the minute it looks like they'll even get grazed a rubber limb is sending the perpetrator into the stratosphere. Assuming a flaming leg, swords, bullet, hands, water, staff, hoof, or (insert robo-tech here) doesn't do it first. Might even be a race as they keep the atmosphere light to make sure child Reader knows that they're still safe.
God forbid you make the baby cry.
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altf4d3lete · 3 months
Okay I feel like I gotta talk about this because I’ve been feeling this way for a while. I like Tyler, but I feel I fall in a weird category.
I agree that the emotional beat at the end was all about Wednesday and Enid, not any of the boys. Tyler was used as a way to strengthen their relationship in the end, but I also feel like all of the characters got a backseat development wise since they had to develop Wednesday and Tyler first so that they could properly set up the story. I don’t see this as a Wednesday and Enid story, or even a Wednesday and Tyler story, I see it as a Wednesday story.
I will admit I like Tyler because he’s the most complex character on the show purely because they were forced to take the time to. Though, the person we see on the show is manipulating Wednesday 100%. It’s not really romantic, it’s most likely all manipulation. I also don’t think you can blame “Tyler” though, I don’t even think Tyler even exists really in this first season. We as the audience probably haven’t even met him.
I think in any other situation you could point to him confessing in the police station as him actually liking what he’s doing, but this world is magic. The Hyde isn’t a real illness, and it seems the Hyde personality completely corrupts the host personality no matter who it is. The most moral and amazing person could get their Hyde unlocked and they’d become a serial killer, so it’s probably not because Tyler pre-Hyde is a serial killer. There’s also the added layer that the Hyde is controlled by the person who unlocked him. Again, being that this is a supernatural world, it is completely possible that since it’s a magical bond there is literally no possible way he would not be able to do what she wanted. I feel like unbreakable magic mind control could make the person “believe” exactly what the unlocker would want them to. I understand not liking Tyler and I also think he’s a tragic villain, but the teenage boy “Tyler” probably has absolutely no autonomy behind both the magic serial killer disease and the magic brainwashing disease. I could be wrong since nothing has been confirmed, but I just think it’s odd when people think the teenaged boy Tyler would have autonomy in this situation. The only times he had a choice was when beating Xavier up, which who knows what happened with that, and when he had to “choose” to let Thornhill take him over. With Xavier, that was horrible, but we don’t know if he actually felt bad after or not. He stopped hanging out with those friends after coming back home and working at the Weathervane, which means he could’ve done that before Thornhill. Or it could mean he was bad, but there’s still a difference between that and the slew of violent murders he commits later under Thornhill. Also, I don’t think he really “consented” to being under Thornhill’s control. I don’t think he had the capacity to since they briefly depicted the horrible abuse he was suffering right before Thornhill made him submit. You still could be right, as we just don’t know right now, but I think it’s worth exploring. He’s not a babygirl (though it’s fun to joke about), he’s not completely evil, he’s somewhere in between which makes him all the more tragic. Though, it sure made him a lot more interesting.
I also don’t think Wednesday’s character is very consistent. I understand they tried to go for the “murder and torture as a form of retribution” for her, but I don’t think it works. She’s such a classic character who was created in the context of an ensemble comedy, it feels a bit like trying to fit a square peg in a circular hole. She often contradicts this, like when she says she would’ve done worse to Xavier. She kind of thought he was the Hyde at that point, but not to the extent where she’d think he should be beaten horribly. I also don’t think she would’ve been very interested in Tyler. I think the fact that he’s a serial killer makes so much sense as to why she was cool with him, since there wasn’t much else to him before that reveal. The writers are trying to keep Wednesday the princess of darkness who doesn’t have morals and loves all things dark and horrible to an extreme degree while also having her hate people who don’t have morals and love all things dark and horrible because they hurt “normal people” . They try to fit torture and murder into a moral code when you just can’t, at least not the way Wednesday feels about it. I think that’s why the Hyde likes her, not enough to actually care about what happens to her because the Hyde doesn’t have the capacity to (also magic brainwashing adds another barrier to it), but because she’s also sadistic and not afraid to show it. Tyler is just the personality traits the Hyde taps into when it wants to seem like a normal harmless person because it isn’t able to do that. Tyler the person can be a harmless good person, which is why the Hyde uses what’s left as a mask.
I honestly like Enid too much to have her have to deal with Wednesday for her whole life. She’s a good person. I do like your point though that Wednesday would like her because she is a werewolf with the ability to murder people and does if she needs to but overall a normal person. I think they could be cute together still. Though, the writers could completely prove me wrong on all of this so I guess we won’t know until future episodes, but I feel it’s worth exploring this perspective. Tyler the teenage boy could be dead for all we know, but I think it’s interesting to argue he had the ability to make any decisions during the first season.
I completely agree with you that a lot of the characters felt like they were backseated in favor of developing Wednesday and Tyler. Especially Wednesday. She is the main character of the show, of course, but I think the amount of time that Jenna Ortega was onscreen as Wednesday was an insane amount more than any of the other characters. If you really go back and watch it, characters like Enid, Bianca, and Xavier are rarely onscreen. I think that they'll hopefully change this come season 2, because they did talk about giving side characters more screentime. I'm especially hopeful for Enid, since they talked about wanting Wednesday and Enid's relationship to be the central aspect of the show. As of now, though, the show is solely about Wednesday, I agree.
I think it's fair to say that we probably haven't seen the "real" Tyler yet. Though it isn't a good look that all we know about him is he beat Xavier so badly he needed court-ordered therapy. My best guess is that Tyler pre-Hyde was a bigot anyways, likely because of his dad's views. His dad seems to have a grudge against outcasts and against outcasts from Nevermore specifically because of something that likely happened with his wife?? Other than disliking them because of Garrett's death, I have a feeling Sheriff Galpin was unsure whether Tyler was a Hyde or not and bitter towards Nevermore for not allowing Hydes because in case his son turned out to be one he'd have nowhere to contain him. I think the closest we get to Tyler's whole and uncorrupted personality was his first meeting with Wednesday in the Weathervane, since I think that was before he knew she was part of Laurel's plan. I also think that he sold Wednesday out to his past friends, because it's too convenient that they knew she would be in the parking lot with Tyler at the fair.
I see where you're coming from with the being-controlled part of the Hyde, but there's really just so little information. If I remember correctly, and I may be wrong, but there was talk of a Hyde who murdered its master in the show? I'm not completely certain, I'd have to go back and rewatch. The way I think of the Hyde is that the user can still control their own actions, it's just that once they're ordered to do something, they have to do it. I also think though, that Laurel wasn't that specific in telling Tyler to manipulate and get close to Wednesday via flirtation. I think it would have been too risky if Wednesday was turned off to the idea. I think whatever part of Tyler was left/the rest of his Hyde personality got a kick out of manipulating Wednesday. I think he could have made a conscious decision to not pursue her romantically, but he did. And he was really pushy about it too. I'm sure Laurel also didn't tell him to kill Wednesday should she somehow manage to live in the Crypt. Laurel for certain thought that she was dead. So, Tyler trying to kill her was of his own volition. I think there's not enough information about the corruption of the Hyde and not enough information about what happens to the personality of the person who is affected as a Hyde.
I do think, however, that Tyler agreed to help Laurel because of his pre-existing hatred towards outcasts. All he knew at this point was that his dad hated them for whatever reason, and he clearly followed in his father's footsteps. Whether he was actually trying to change or not, he was easily swayed by Laurel feeding him lies about outcasts because he already had a dislike for them, even before his Hyde was unlocked. I obviously don't think he consented to being tortured. I think he didn't know what he was getting into when he agreed to help her.
Anyways, moving on to Wednesday. I think that with Wednesday, her thing with saying she would have done worse to Xavier was with the annoyance that she may have been feeling towards him at that point. I mean, he had been telling her what to do without good reason, bossing her around and just expecting her to listen to what he was saying with zero proof. And he did it multiple times despite Wednesday telling him that she'd make her own discoveries and decisions. I think that's why she may have said what she said about doing worse to him. She does have her own kind of weird moral code in this, which very much includes loyalty towards those that she cares about. Which is also why I think that it would be weird if they had her just forgive Tyler for what he did after he mauled Eugene, was involved in Thing nearly being killed, and hurt Enid. This is the girl who dropped piranhas in a swimming pool because people bullied her brother. And the manipulation and making her look stupid was just the cherry on top.
Also yeah, wenclair would be cute. I just am really into grumpy x sunshine and the "looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you" x "looksl ike they could kill you, would kill you" trope. I think that they fit that nicely and Wednesday would be into someone of the "looks good but could kill you if they REALLY wanted" type. and I think that she would appreciate that Enid doesn't kill unless necessary.
I do think your perspective is worth exploring. I think that everyone interprets things in different ways and it's interesting to see different views and explore and explain different views. To be honest, I think that whether the Hyde works in the way you propose or not, Wednesday will still have a difficult time forgiving Tyler, that is, if they don't kill him off as a redemption, which I have a feeling might happen in the later seasons, though I'm not sure how to feel about it. Anyways, yeah, I think it's worth exploring multiple viewpoints, we can all still be respectful while talking about the different ways we perceive things.
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pralinesims · 1 year
Now onto the whore vs. babygirl polls:
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You guys see one (1) apathetic, asocial man, and declare him to be the biggest whore out of all?? IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK OF HIM? A heartbreaker? But he DOES seem like a fuckboy, so I kinda get why he was the popular vote for the category “whore”.
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Babygirl... yes, that’s one hell of a babygirl right there. Got my personal vote, too. He just screams “BABYGIRL” with every fiber of his body. The babygirliest babygirl out of all. I 100% understand why he won that poll. Isn’t he just so cute??
As a little bonus, here’s a pic of our favorite idiot cousins at a family gathering: (and that stare, my god LMAO).
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What are some of your all time favorite tropes to use when you write or draw your ships or and ocs?
I really love the size difference one you went with for Bluffy🥰 it's my favorite! Your art made me a Bluffy fan btw. It's gorgeous.
I have quite a few that I enjoy.
My top five favorites are
Size difference. Probably my biggest weakness when it comes to pairings. It could be done a number of ways. Tall bottom/short top, short bottom/tall top, switches with size difference, etc. I try not to lean into bl tropes too much, but it doesn't mean I don't dabble lol. I have a variety of ships with a size difference going both ways and even ocs with it. It really just depends on the character.
Age difference. I don't ship anything with children. I just can't. But a noticeable age difference between two adults is just 🤌🏻
Feminine bottoms who aren't helpless. I see the trope a lot where the bottom is feminine and can't defend themselves for shit. It's not that I don't mind it, I just see it a little too much. I like when the bottom is super pretty, but can also kill you 🫠 which is a major thing that happens with my oc, Talon. I also like tough bottoms who become whiny and pathetic when their top is around.
Puppy dog top/vicious bottom and vice versa. Those kind of pairings are loved by a lot of people, including me.
Demon/angel or a god, demon/priest. To me it doesn't matter who tops or who bottoms in this trope, it's the evil corrupting the good or even the good influencing the evil for me. I even like a little mixture of both.
Some honorable mentions:
Dom/sub. This one has a very wide range. Both could be doms, both could be subs. The top could dom or the bottom could dom. They could switch and mix up their dynamic. I really like power bottoms with doms bc that's basically what my husband and I are and it's what I see with Buggy and Luffy.
Mpreg. I LOVE me some mpreg because it's just so damn sweet. Idc how it happens, trans men, some unknown force, etc. Idc. I will read it or draw it a hundred times over.
Murderer or kidnapper/victim and hunter/prey. People know me. I like the dark stuff. Something about a character being hunted down just UGH. Toxic tropes in fiction just scratch an itch, ya know?
The size difference between Buggy and Luffy is already pretty apparent in the show. Luffy's head reaches Buggy's chest. However, my version just took it a little further because it's my all time favorite. I put them in a lot of categories because they're both bold and they just fit.
To me, Buggy is not a bottom. He just isn't. People can try to tell me all day that he is, but I can't be swayed. That man is a top 100% It's just his personality. People can babygirl him all they want, he's still a top lmao. Now, I'm not opposed to him being a sub sometimes. Give Luffy the reins every now and then, because that's Luffy's personality. Buggy still has that pathetic side to him where he would definitely cave and allow Luffy to take control of what happens in the bedroom, office, bow of the ship or wherever they decide they want each other.
Also, thank you for liking my art🖤
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tabletopper · 1 year
I feel like there's a bunch of people who don't fully grasp Reigen's roll in the tumblr sexyman polls. Yes he is not a Tumblr sexyman. He is not a Twitter sexyman either though.
He's an invasive species who's only poll he could accurately 100% fall under the category of was the pathetic man poll, which is why he was omitted and saved for a bonus round (unless there was a babygirl poll I didn't see).
The sweaty con man is not a sexyman, he is an internet sex symbol (very different) and a babygirl (the original). His appearance and achievements operate on the rule of funny. I totally understand why he lost to Cecil. On Cecil's home turf no less, but like, it would have been so funny-
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sugarcherriess · 1 year
I would happily accept Younghoon as the ceo of babygirlism because I’d be his little secretary that he fucks every day. Younghoon is in this very specific category that I like to deem as: a whiny babygirl dom. Now what does this category entail you may ask? Well, it means he’d act like a spoiled little whinny brat, but he’s still 100% the dom. For example: “babyyyyy 🥺 keep your legs open! I want more pussy!” In this scenario, if I opened my legs, I’d end the night sucked dry and dumb because he’s a little pussy addict who I couldn’t stop. “H-Hoonie b-bear~ That’s enough for one night don’t you t-think?” “No”. Another example is this: “Hoon you really like sucking on my tits don’t you?” *hoon proceeds to moan with a mouth full of tit* “I think it’s time you take a break and-“ and just like that I have two fingers in my mouth and a cock in my cunt to shut me up while hoon continues to enjoy his tit sucking. In conclusion, hoon is the most whiny, needy, babygirl dom ever.
- 🍞
Whiny babygirl dom hoon 😭😭😭😭😭 his brat fucking ass why are we literally his simps
Spoiled bratty dom hoonie… spoiled absolutely rotten. God i have to grind my teeth to not start barking this is insane 🫶🏼💔
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l0w-p0ly-3dz · 2 years
Sexuality Headcanon: pan babey😎!! But he is also a lesbian hope this helps<3
Gender Headcanon: transmasc but in a gender ambiguous way. y’know????
A ship I have with said character: zonourge obv<3 I think they’re funny and also him and Fiona<33 but in the very specific way in my brain<333
A BROTP I have with said character: I have specific thoughts about him and prime tails<3 I’ve also been thinking about him and surge recently idk if they’d 100% fit in this category but I think they could hypothetically be friends u kno,,
A NOTP I have with said character: hrmm I don’t really think I have anything specific, I have seen people ship him w/ anti tails etc. tho and that’s like so fucking gross to me like ew. die :(((( gdhffdg
A random headcanon: he spends 5 hours perfecting his eyeliner/mascara(not accurate representation of time but oh god oh fuck he takes so long fiona specifically comments on this on a daily basis lol)
General Opinion over said character: he is my babygirl, my skrungy rat man, one of the og blorbos fr fr<3 I think he’s neat😌 holding him in my hands like a lil creature🤲
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lenfantdeverone · 12 days
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Happy Pride month to the best piece of clothing ever made this shirt is so pretty it's my top 1 thing ever
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ao3feed-the100 · 1 year
From Clarke Griffin To Wanheda Then Hopefully Back To His Princess Clarke
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/kHThn8Z
by Corinne26
Bellamy Blake realizes it is time to take matters into his own hands & betray Josephine & her friends, including her boyfriend who just so happen to be some of his friends (or rather now ex-friends) when he realizes it is the only way to save the woman, he loves who is on a verge of a dangerous spiral after a game that was supposed to be fun took a turn for the worst. Realizing he can't help Clark alone he enlists the help of some of her friends which includes his sister Octavia, Raven Reyes, Nathan Miller, just to name a few. But for Clarke, her road to recovery is far from over & will be a long road as she chooses to seek revenge over accepting what has happened to be able to allow herself to heal. Will Bellamy & Clarke's friends be able to save her from herself before it's too late as everyone involved in their lives will be affected by the outcome of what Clarke endured.
Words: 886, Chapters: 1/200, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), The 100 Series - Kass Morgan
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Bellamy Blake, Emori (The 100), other 100 characters from book/show, Echo (The 100), Indra (The 100), Gaia (The 100)
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Octavia Blake/Levitt, Eric Jackson/Nathan Miller, Abby Griffin/Marcus Kane, Raven Reyes/Kyle Wick, Monty Green/Harper McIntyre
Additional Tags: Explicit Language, Kink Exploration, Explicit Sexual Content, Self-Harm, References to Drugs, Suicide Attempt, Panic Attacks, Nightmares, Friends to Enemies, Rape Aftermath, Rape Recovery, Original Character(s), OCC - Freeform, Daddy Kink, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Body Worship, Trauma, Inaccuracies, Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, mentioned Jake Griffin - Freeform, Bellamy Blake Loves Clarke Griffin, Clarke Griffin Loves Bellamy Blake, Hurt Clarke Griffin, Worried Bellamy Blake, Protective Bellamy Blake, Protective Raven Reyes, Unplanned Pregnancy, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Anal Play, Cock Worship, Cock Rings, Dom/sub Undertones, Dom/sub Play, Med Student Clarke Griffin, Artist Clarke Griffin, Drinking, many more tags, Belts, Top Bellamy Blake, Babygirl Clarke Griffin, Cunnilingus, Multiple Orgasms, Ice Play, Massage, Large Cock, Established Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, mention watersports, Consensual Sex, Barebacking, Octavia Blake & Clarke Griffin & Raven Rayes & Niylah & Harper are best friends, lovers to enemies (not Clarke & Bellamy.)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/kHThn8Z
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bacarasbabe · 2 years
hi beloved! 15, 24, and 23 for the asks? 💞
Thank you so so much for the questions Sira! 💗 Looking back at my answers— I'm so sorry for such long answers 😞
15. something you learned this year
I think the biggest takeaway I learned was to look at my writing more critically. I try very hard to keep the reader character in my fics a blank slate. I know I used to fall into the category of coding my reader insert as a small white woman. I'm not even small! And I'd always be taken out of fics when the reader was "lifted up easily" or described with blonde hair and blue eyes. I know it's 1000x worse for poc. So I'm trying my hardest to change the way I describe what the reader is feeling. Just trying to be more aware so anyone can feel included in my writing. I know I have a long way to go. It's a continual process but I think it's important.
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
I have a Fives x Reader fic that I'm 3.5k words into right now. Idk if I'll ever finish it, but I love it so much. I really wish I had finished at least the first chapter because then I think I'd have more motivation to finish it. Hopefully I get to it next year!
24. favorite fic you read this year
There are too many to name! Seriously. So here's a handful. These are just ones that I had on hand and were easy for me to find. There's plenty more though!
Pretty in Pink - Reader x Fives x Echo x Rex
The Violet Hour - Thrawn x Reader x Maul
Captain Rex - Rex x Reader
Eat You Alive - Echo x Reader
Sweet Dreams - Echo x Reader x Fives
All of Dogma's Babygirl Series - Dogma x Reader (And others)
Right Where you Left Me - Ech x Reader
I know I'm leaving so many out of this list. I've read literally 100's of fics this year.
fanfic end of year questions
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inkykeiji · 3 years
hi clari !! hope ur doing well on this v fine day😄😄 hope u had enough water and have eaten today !!
i think if reader were to witness him murder someone, itd mess with their head. i mean it wasnt a secret he was... a criminal to put it lightly. but its something they never had to witness, therefore it was quite easy to live in denial and ignore the voice nagging at the back of their head telling them that daichi wasnt a good person. after seeing him tho, reader is almost catatonic, unable to rationalize whats going on. daichi would become borderline yandere, scared that they'll leave him out of fear or resentment. late at night you probably end up laying on top of daichi, your head laying against his chest like you usually do. he could see right through your facade, youre trying to act like nothing is bothering you.
then he starts whispering sweet nothings in your ear like usual, but theyre... different this time. 'everything i do, i do for you sweetie. you know id never do anything to hurt you, right? i mean, you always knew who i was, i never hid that. i am sorry that you had to see that, baby,'. his words continue to echo and they become almost white noise.
you start to think to yourself, that hes right. he'd never hurt you. you always knew what he did. who were you to get mad now just because you witnessed the ugly truth about his.. job. maybe, just maybe, you didnt care enough about what he did and thats why you fooled yourself into just denying the truth. daichi was always right anyways, right ?
daichi hated playing with your emotions, especially when you were so vulnerable. but if he has to manipulate you emotionally into being with him, so be it. you were his and that was never going to change. he knew that he had you right back at the palm of his hand when he felt you nod against his chest softly, tracing the tatoos that decorated his pec. you were so enamored by the house and life you two had, the one he built for the two of you, that it was so hard to miss the locked doors. - love bot anon
hello sweetpea!! i am okay, i hope you’re taking good care of yourself and staying hydrated + taking time for yourself during the holiday season <33
yes yes yes i agree!!! i agree 100%! fuck i love the idea of daichi being emotionally manipulative because he would be so good at it, especially since in this case it kind of comes from a sincere place??? like of course he’s already got a very skewed moral compass but the thing i really love about yanderes is that most of the time they really DO believe what they’re doing is the best for their darling (that’s the term right?? i haven’t delved into yandere too much yet but god do i WANT TO). they through and through 110% believe what they’re doing is right and that they are the only ones who know what’s best for their darling, too, they’re the only ones qualified enough to make these decisions, they’re the only ones who can protect their darling the best. and i think daichi would absolutely fall into this category. he isn’t manipulating you into staying just because he’s possessive over you and doesn’t want you to leave him, it’s also because he really thinks this is the best for you and your safety. i mean, who better to protect you than him??? you don’t have a say in the matter because you simply don’t need one, he knows best, you don’t have to worry your pretty lil head about anything <33
he would definitely gaslight you, as well, any time second thoughts begin to creep their way into the back of your mind, he’s right there reassuring you that it’s all for you and don’t you trust him? it hurts when you question Daddy’s love, babygirl. and he’s right, every single time, and it makes you feel GUILTY, because he’s always quick to point out that he’s never lied to you, has always been so honest with you, so you have no reason not to believe him. is something wrong, did Daddy do something to upset you?
of course not, Daddy treats you so well, keeps you so safe, gets you whatever you want whenever you want it, all for the low low price of being his forever <33 which is no problem, because you love him too, right? you love him so much that you haven’t even noticed the way he’s begun to cut you off from the outside world, from your friends and family, because now he’s paranoid, paranoid that any one of them could start planting ideas in your head, and neither of you need that <33333
THE WAY YOU ENDED THIS ASK THO oh my GOD yes!!!!!! yes
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bun-fics · 4 years
Comfort Stray Kids
Trigger warnings: Anxiety attack
Tags: Fluff ! Angst !
This is a sort of reaction of all the members, I’ll keep changing the prompt but they will all fall into the category “Comfort”. This is part 1 and our Leader is first of course ! - Bun 
  It was 4 in the morning and you had trouble sleeping, this is a normal occurrence to you though so you didn’t mind. You sat watching things on various platforms, thinking you’d sleep when you could. That was until a familiar feeling rose from your stomach, clutching your throat in panic. You were having an anxiety attack, your face felt flushed, heart beat became faster, you breathing more labored, and you started crying. Trying to find a cause as to why you were having an anxiety attack made it worse, you just found different things you thought were wrong with you. You knew that it was way too early and everyone was asleep, but you felt so alone in your bedroom. Deciding to try and message your boyfriend, you typed a message on your phone, “Are you still awake?” And sent it. Chan
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  Just as Chan thought he should start wrapping up his night at the studio and began properly closing all of the software he uses, his phone vibrated on his desk. It was unusual for him to get texts at this time so he assumed it was just a notification but he quickly picked his phone up anyways to check it. Surprised to see a message from his girlfriend he read it to himself before sending a reply.
“Yes?” He was unsure if you meant to text him or not because he usually was awake at this time. 
“Can I call you?” At this he became a little worried.
“ Of course!” He replied while he waited for your call.
“Hello, are you okay?” He asked firstly while he stopped packing up his equipment.
“Not really. I’m sorry to call you so early, you’re probably still working, I wanted to talk to you.” you said trying not to cry.
“ Aww baby what’s wrong?” Hearing you crying made him much more worried, so he quickly shoved the rest of his equipment in his bag,
 “You can always call me, at anytime for any reason.”
“I’ve been having an anxiety attack” you said curled up into yourself holding your chest.
“Okay, okay. Are you at your apartment?” After you hummed as an answer he had already left his studio, and was in the elevator.
 “Will you let me face time you?” He asked as he stepped off, leaving the JYP building.
“I look like a mess but okay” you said quietly as the screen asked to accept his face time request. His features filled up your screen, his expression flooded with concern as he looked at you. Seeing him made you feel a little better but you had been focusing on your breathing too much that you felt like you were on manual mode, so you couldn’t quiet focus on how handsome he looked even though it was almost 5 am. 
“ y/n , look at me baby. I’m right here with you and I won’t hang up until I get to your apartment okay? It will only take about 5 minutes for me to get there. Everything is okay love.” He spoke to you while looking at you trying to calm your breathing.
“I know” you said as you wiped your eyes, you’ve been telling yourself you were okay but your body doesn’t believe you. “ be careful “ you said, voice cracking. The phone call consisted of Chan saying “you’re okay baby” over and over until he unlocked your apartment door, “ I’m here.” He hung up and dropped his bag off his shoulder along with his shoes before rushing to find you in your room.
Quickly embracing you into his chest, he wrapped his arms around you securely. You loved being held by him but you still felt anxious, and Chan could tell. He pulled you a short distance away from him so he could look at your face. Chan took your hands in his, “ follow me baby” he breathed in deeply and your eyes were locked on him so you did the same, he held it in “1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6,7” and he exhaled then counted to seven again before repeating this process. It helped you a lot, soon your own breathing rhythm took over and you sighed at the new found comfort. His huge hands held your face in them letting his thumb gently caress the skin under your eye, you stayed like this for a few moments. When he was certain you had calmed down he brought his lips to meet yours for an innocent peck. “ Shall we sleep babygirl?” he asked checking your features. “Yes please.” You smiled gently at him in return. “Thank you so much for being here for me baby. I love you and appreciate you more than I can express.” He chuckled at your sweet words while tucking you both under your blanket. “I can say the same 100 times back at you sweet love.” His eyes crinkled while smiling down at you huddled into his chest. “Get some rest babygirl.” with a kiss to the top of your head you both settled into each other and soon after into sleep.
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tinytwineofficial · 3 years
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lenfantdeverone · 28 days
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Meow meow???? Prrr prrrr psss psssss meow meow
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