#catherine barton
newtonian-tragedy · 7 months
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I don’t have a type…
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gundamzine · 5 months
Rhythm Generation
It's been 5 years since we released the first of what would become known as the "Rythm Generation" Gundam Wing fanzine project. For about 4 years, the fandom came together to share some really phenomenal fan creations - art, fic, meta, traditional crafts, and more.
Although the project has ended, I did want to share past publications for those who missed out. Each one of the zines was a labor of love, and I want to again thank everyone who participated--as moderators and contributors.
So jump down below the cutline and take a gander. Link to download page at bottom.
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2019 Rhythm Generation (released May 4, 2019): A fandom zine for the Gundam Wing After Colony universe and a celebration of the fandom that has been 20+ years and counting. It featured written and graphical fandom work which provided depth and breadth to the AC universe and the world of Gundam Wing. The collection included a wide array of world building meta, articles, art, and graphics focused on science, politics, society, and art from the fandom’s resident experts and enthusiasts which highlight the creative dynamism that underpins the AC universe. There were several charities for this publication.
2020 Rhythm Generation (released April 7, 2020): An unofficial 25th anniversary fandom zine for Gundam Wing and is a creative celebration of the After Colony universe and the fandom family itself.  The anthology showcased a wealth of fandom content in celebration of the show’s 25th anniversary: from fanfic and fanart to cosplay and gunpla to meta, tech specs, and fandom history.  The project included both a core zine—Shooting Stars—with a generalized focused on the fandom and a bonus zine—The Measure of a Year—which featured content centered around the crowd-sourced theme of “Seasons.” The chosen charity for this publication was War Child 
2021 Rhythm Generation (released October 1, 2021): The 2021 Rhythm Generation Gundam Wing fandom zine—East of the Sun, West of the Moon—featured canon-compliant, canon-divergent, and alternative universe explorations and retellings of classic fairytales, folklore, mythology, vast epics, urban legends, and even cryptids. The anthology included a wide variety of both SFW and NSFW fan content—so tread carefully!—to include stories, art, and other fanwork. The 2021 chosen charity was World Literacy Foundation
2023 Rhythm Generation (released July 1, 2023): The 2023 Rhythm Generation Gundam Wing fandom zine returned to the two-part structure celebrating canon and alternate universe fanworks. The main zine—Battle Scars—centered on the Gundam Wing characters as they move on with their lives after a major event. The bonus zine—Kitchen Cabinets—featured fanworks with a tasty twist plus sprites and recipes as digital swag! The chosen charity was The Hunger Project
To download any and all of the zines above, you can GO HERE.
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Cathy: I thought you said you weren’t a Gundam pilot!
Trowa: People said the titanic was unsinkable. Look what happened, people lie.
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gwlemonyshenanigans · 8 months
Lemony Shenanigans 2024 Sign-ups NOW OPEN!
Hey everyone! I'm a little late to the Tumblr party, but we're BACK!!!!! Sign-ups are now open! https://forms.gle/4S3QQnSjKQq48gef8
As always, Lemony Shenanigans features high-spirited fan works with a NSFW twist. There are no prompts, word limits, or how professional your fanworks has to be. As long as you have fun, that's all that matters! Also, we here at LS do not limit just to NSFW content; anyone who wants to participate can and should. We welcome SFW! (You would just have to be okay with being a part of NSFW content.) 
We are mixing it up this year and adding more fanworks that can be created to the event! Such as.... 
Fan Art 
Mood Boards
Depending on how popular the event is this year (I always say this and it grows every year :D), the goal is, starting Wednesday, May 1, through Friday, May 31, 2024 each participant who signs up will be scheduled a day to post (or several days, depending on how many works, or chapters one is willing to contribute) in May and will post their works on Archive of Their Own. If you want to check out the amazing works from the last three years, please check them out: 
Here:  https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Gundam_Wing_Lemony_Shenanigans
Here:  https://archiveofourown.org/collections/LemonyShenanigans2022
Or Here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Lemony_Shenanigans_2023
As I said above, the details of your work are entirely up to you. All pairings are welcomed (except any having to do with pedophilia specifically, an adult having sex with a child, or underage parings) Other than that, let your creativity flow!  More info in the sign-up form! Hope to see you there! ;)
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sweet-rabbit · 7 months
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trowa month starts tomorrow! we'll see how on time date wise i'll be *shrug* and this is a betty boop reference more than anything i'm probably the only one who finds it funny
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the-notorius-bhg · 2 years
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cromwelll · 3 months
My Wolf Hall & The Tudors Masterlist of Fics
Maddening* || Thomas Cromwell/Anne Boleyn || PG-13 || One-shot
Making Your Bed and Lying in It || Thomas Cromwell/Multiple || R || Multichapter
Survive the Night || Thomas Cromwell/Henry || R || One-shot
Proximity || Thomas Cromwell/Henry || NC-17 || One-shot
Appeasement || Thomas Cromwell/Henry || NC-17 || One-shot
Courtly Love || Thomas Cromwell/Jane Rochford || R
Burn the Midnight Oil* || Thomas Cromwell/Multiple || R || Multichapter
If You Wish It || Thomas Cromwell/Henry || NC-17 || One-shot
Force || Thomas Cromwell/Henry || R || Multichapter
Pierced || Thomas Cromwell/Henry || NC-17 || One-shot
Poison || Thomas Cromwell/Thomas More || NC-17 || One-shot
Force: Extended Cut || Thomas Cromwell/Henry || NC-17 || Multichapter
Alter || Thomas Cromwell/Henry & Thomas Cromwell/Johane Williamson || NC-17 || One-shot
May Day || Thomas Cromwell/Johane Williamson & Thomas Cromwell/Thomas Wriothesley || NC-17 || One-shot
Plead Your Belly || Thomas Cromwell/Elizabeth Barton || NC-17 || One-shot
Lost Along the Way || Thomas Cromwell/OCs (male & female) || NC-17 || One-shot
In the Moment || Thomas Cromwell/Henry || NC-17 || One-shot
A Great Many Things || Thomas Cromwell/Rafe Sadler || R || One-shot
Between the Light and Darkness || Thomas Cromwell/Henry, Thomas Cromwell/Charles Brandon, & Catherine Howard/Henry || NC-17 || One-shot
Influence* || Charles/Thomas/Henry || NC-17 || One-shot?
*Abandoned or Unfinished
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heartofsabs · 18 days
Welcome to my tumblr, my name is Erin and i am an Irish fanfic writer and roleplayer. I mostly post about fanfics i’ve written or roleplays i’d like to do. i aim to post more about Sabrina Carpenter, Marvel, and musical theatre, as those are some things i am passionate on.
right now, i am trying to introduce myself to the world of marvel fanfiction and roleplay. i’ve read a ton, but i would love to write my own sometime, which is my ultimate goal. I do however have a few fics to do with Six The Musical, were i write about the queens.
I am completely open to the idea of oneshots and full fledged fics if anyone has any ideas. or if you would like to rp with me (i dont rp smut etc), you can dm me at any time, and i will send you my discord!
thank you sm, and i hope you decide to follow me :)
~ Erin 🩷
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bobo-is-tha-bomb · 2 years
Gundam Wing Novels artwork - Part 6
The Gundam Wing novels contain some amazing art work! When I mentioned it on the LS server, I was asked to share, so I took pictures of everything. Might as well share them here!
Art from Endless Waltz volume 2, chapters 1 -5
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acrochetedgundam · 10 months
since i'm being slow af with this chapter, here's a little snippet :)
“Self…detonation?” Cathy breathes, shaking her head. “No, it can’t be…” She looks up at him then, her face ashen. “The Gundam pilot…”
His blood runs cold, his breath catches in his throat. Of course she would have been following what was going on. Of course she’d known that a Gundam pilot had self detonated; OZ had broadcasted it everywhere, hoping to show the surrender and capture of the Gundams to further discourage the colonies and the growing rebellion. He shouldn’t have been so specific. How fucking careless of him.
But she’d promised secrecy. And he trusted her.
“He’s…if he’s…,” she stammers, eyes catching Trowa’s. He can already tell that she knows. Of course she was smart and observant enough to connect the dots. “Then…you…you’re…are you…?”
He moves impossibly fast, squats next to her and clamps his hand over her mouth. “Stiy,” he whispers, swallowing thickly in an effort to keep his voice from shaking. He knows, knows what he’s supposed to do if he’s found out. If he’s even suspected. But he can’t. It’s Cathy. He won’t.
anyway tro's getting put through the wringer these next few chapters sorrryyyyy
(Stiy = Ukrainian for "stop")
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bethanydelleman · 9 months
New Year's Resolutions for Jane Austen Characters (mid-novel) Part 2
George Wickham: Marry a heiress. Stop gambling lol, as if, that's what marrying the heiress is for.
Lady Catherine: Convince Darcy to follow through with his duty and honour of marrying my daughter Anne. Learn pianoforte
William Collins: Continue in the esteem of my patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh in order to secure additional livings. My wonderful partner in life joins me in this goal.
Charlotte Collins: Convince husband to spend as much time in the garden as possible. Secure extra livings in order to gain more Mr. Collins-free time.
Georgiana Darcy: Practice harp at 10am sharp every day until fingering improves
Mrs. Jennings: Marry off every eligible girl within sight, beginning with the Miss Dashwoods.
Fanny Dashwood: 1. Suck up to mom to secure inheritance 2. Keep Edward & Elinor apart at all costs, 3. Hang out with this Steele girl to make Elinor jealous
John Willoughby: 1. Marry an heiress before my entire life explodes 2. Worm my way back into Mrs. Smith's good graces. 3. Marianne???
Sir John Middleton: 1. Go hunting 2. Host parties and balls 3. Make sure my tenants in Barton cottage are happy (Not actually goals, just what he does anyway)
Lady Middleton: Maintain the propriety of my great house and title while spoiling my children
John Thorpe: 1. Marry that rich heiress I so cleverly secured 2. Buy and sell horses for extravagant prices 3. Attend Belle & James's wedding (If I have time)
Isabella Thorpe: ❤️❤️❤️ Marry Captain Frederick Tilney ❤️❤️❤️
Jane Fairfax: *hands back the paper blank and blushes*
Frank Churchill: MARRY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE JANE FAIRFAX um, some girl I know. Don't tell my aunt, please
Mr. Elton & Mrs. Elton: keep being the hottest couple in Highbury *high five*
Dr. Grant: Eat a lot of yummy dinners (same goal since he was born)
Julia Bertram: Catch a better husband than Maria Keep partying with Maria
Mrs. Price: hire better servants, have Rebecca fix that carpet... I really have the worst servants in Portsmouth, it's a tragedy... (we cut off her complaints here)
Sir Thomas: Finally figure out how to make Tom stay at home and do his duty as the eldest son. All the other kids are doing very well so I have nothing to improve there.
Sir Walter: There is nothing I would ever change about the amazing person that is myself.
Elizabeth Elliot: Marry Mr. Elliot and reestablish myself as the mistress of Kellynch
Lady Russell: encourage Anne to marry Mr. Elliot, read all new poetry publications
Mr. Elliot: Keep Sir Walter from marrying that vile seductress so I stay in the line of succession
Mrs. Clay: Marry Sir Walter, at all costs
Part 1
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thatscarletflycatcher · 6 months
@miraculoushedgehog replied to your post: I need this info on 81’ Thomas 😂
In Sense and Sensibility 1981, the servants of Barton cottage are not ones coming with the Dashwoods from Norland; whether sir John sent them or they are just a fixture of the place, the series doesn't tell us, but they do get a grand introduction:
Thomas, who is doing some gardening as he awaits the Dashwoodses, with as much or more enthusiasm as Mr Collins' noticing Lady Catherine's carriage, tells the maid when he sees the carriage:
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Darcy cannot fix the hour or the spot? Skill issue. This man certainly can, as he ran inside, put on a coat and proceeded to greet them:
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What a meet cute! Ma Dashwood is not at all displeased:
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She has not withdrawn her hand! she smiles at him!
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I know who this woman was voting for on that tournament.
Once she moves past him, he pointedly looks at her as she makes her way to the front door, and then adds:
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He introduces Susan, and then:
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He's taken with her!
You'd say, Scarlet, you are reading too much into this! these are just some perfunctory introductory lines!
Well, you are wrong, because this sequence hasn't ended yet! I'm tempted to think this is the servant character with the most lines in any Austen adaptation. Which reinforces my theory that this is done ON PURPOSE :P
He shows her the different rooms, and then:
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He smiles at her approval, and clearly attempts to prolong their conversation with:
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Realizing perhaps this is pushing his luck, as she doesn't answer, he adds:
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This is not the last time we see him in this very episode, as he comes in to assuage Lady Middleton's fears that her son might be injured, and informing all that only his cucumber frame has been destroyed, showing with that his great presence of mind.
Episode 2. Tom, who introduced himself last episode as doing gardening and odd jobs, has been ascended to doorman:
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After we meet Willoughby, the same way Andrew Davies treated us to some wet shirt Edward, we are treated to some Tom doing physical labour, clearly highlighting how romance is blossoming in parallel between so similar a mother and a daughter:
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He stops to listen to Marianne and Willoughby sing a song:
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The face of a man in love!
The Queen Maab scene follows this one, and then, as Marianne and Willoughby are singing again another day, what do we see first as background to their singing?
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Ma Dashwood! Carrying flowers! This is such an obvious yet subtle romantic parallel. This is the kind of soft romantic storytelling I'm here for.
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That's Willoughby's carriage as he's brought back Marianne from Allenham. Would Thomas be complete if he didn't love horses?
Episode 3: We open with some Thomas working in the background:
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So that we not forget his real relevance in this story's subtext.
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Ma Dashwood not even trying to be subtle.
Another Tom cameo:
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And another:
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Ma Dashwood's reaction upon hearing that Mrs Jennings has invited Elinor and Marianne to go to London with her:
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It is worth mentioning that in this adaptation, there's no Margaret. Ma Dashwood is not sick. There's absolutely no reason for her not to be invited, so why didn't Mrs Jennings invite her? Well, of course, because with her nose for romance she's sniffed her secret out! Ma Dashwood does then demolish all Elinor's objections, is truly overjoyed at the idea of being left behind, and explicitly mentions her having Tom and Susan with her as a reason for Elinor and Marianne to go with a clean conscience.
Ma Dashwood's face after her daughters leave the room:
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During episodes 4-5, the series of course focuses on our main heroines in London and Cleveland, leaving us to imagine the full blossoming of this romance happening at Barton cottage, and all the angst and heartbreak that their class separation imposes on these middle aged lovers. Ma Dashwood may be a romantic, but she understands that her daughters come first.
As soon as we return to Barton in episode 6, so returns our favorite gardener-doorman-oodjobman Tom! Without seeing him, Ma Dashwood recognizes his way of shutting the front door, and calls his name, and then smiles at his answering:
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♪ So this is love... ♫ (notice Elinor drawing Edward's portrait)
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(Then we get the "Thomas tells them Mr Ferrars is married" scene)
Then this scene follows:
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It's a really clever piece of writing, where the writers both show us the grown intimacy, respect and appreciation between them, and give us a nice metaphor, where the flowers of the hedgerow, that represent Tom, are picked by Ma Dashwood, beautiful in her eyes, and made fit for polite society. Alas, the crucial question remains: how can they love be, without ruining Marianne and Elinor's prospects?
As we all know, Edward comes and proposes to Elinor, and marries her. We are then treated to a visit of colonel Brandon, where Ma Dashwood sees how much Marianne's feelings and attitudes towards the colonel have changed.
The last line and frame of the adaptation belongs to Ma Dashwood:
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That would, to any distracted viewer, seem very odd. Why that? And why that line? But for the attentive viewer who has been able to piece together the little drama behind the curtains, it's patently clear: she has realized that Marianne will marry Brandon, and once that happens, she will be free to have her own second happily ever after herself, with Tom, the gardener of her heart.
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Cathy: Are you busy?
Trowa: No.
Cathy: Wanna do something?
Trowa: Why would you try and ruin this for me?
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gwlemonyshenanigans · 5 months
Lemony Shenanigans 2024 KICKS OFF!
It's May 1st EVERYONE!!!!! Yes, THAT'S RIGHT, Lemony Shenanigans is off running!!! Go ahead and check out the work that has already been posted thus far!!! :D Happy LS month! Ao3 collection
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thisweekingundamwing · 2 months
This Week in Gundam Wing 23-27 July 2024
Here’s the roundup for July 23 - 27, 2024!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make this next week!
~Mod Hel
A Promise Made is Promise Kept https://archiveofourown.org/works/27540730
F/M, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft, Original Characters, Mentioned Duo Maxwell, Mentioned Trowa Barton, Mentioned Quatre Raberba Winner, Mentioned Chang Wufei, Mentioned Lady Une, Mentioned Catherine
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Endless Waltz, Not Frozen Teardrop Compliant (Maybe), Australia, Shameless Usage of OCs, Not Beta Read, Relena Darlian I don't like using Relena Peacecraft, Heero has a heart now, English
Vice Foreign Minister Relena Darlian attends a major conference in Australia, accompanied by her aide and two Preventer agents. She also has the added protection of one Heero Yuy, who is always off the grid for unknown reasons.
Gundanium and Preventers https://archiveofourown.org/works/27629063
F/M, M/M, Multi, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Treize Khushrenada/Lady Une
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Lady Une, Lucrezia Noin, Sally Po, Original Male Character(s), Treize Khushrenada, Mentioned Zechs Marquise, Mentioned Relena Darlian Don't like using Peacecraft
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Alternate Universe - Federal Agents, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Crimes & Criminals, Little Teenage Terrors, Getting Recruited to Save the World, Not Beta Read, My OC is an Australian, I do explain why I have him there, English
Out of all the crazy ideas Director Treize Kushrenada had come up with in his years, this certainly was at the near top. But after recruiting Milliardo Peacecraft, now going by Zechs Marquise, and Lucrezia Noin, not to mention appointing his aide to lead this new initiative, truth be told Treize only kept his job because the ideas worked. And that was the problem.
* - *
Lady Une is putting together a new initiative for the new United Nations Investigation and Intelligence Division and meets six young men hurt by the world they are attempting to rebuild.
Wufei Chang Is Not A Prude https://archiveofourown.org/works/43044165
F/M, M/M, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei/Long Meilan
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Relena Peacecraft, Hilde Schbeiker, Mentioned Sally Po, Mentioned Lady Une
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, Canon Compliant, Not Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Compliant, But Who Actually Likes It Anyway, Dom Hilde Schbeiker, Submissive Duo Maxwell, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Wufei isn't a prude, No Underage Sex, Wufei and Meilan were too young, Wufei Isn't Too Bad, Not Beta Read, English
Despite being abhorrent and closed off on most things, Wufei Chang was not a prude.
Contrary to the opinion held by Duo Maxwell and Lucrezia Noin.
Wufei catches his fellow ex-pilots in compromising positions and isn't bothered by it.
Wufe Chang Is Not A Prude - Round Two https://archiveofourown.org/works/51580723
F/M, Other, Treize Khushrenada/Lady Une, Sally Po/Original Male Character(s), Zechs Merquise/Lucrezia Noin, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei/Long Meilan, Chang Wufei & Sally Po, Mentioned Heero/Relena, Mentioned Duo/Hilde, Mentioned Trowa/Quatre
Chang Wufei, Sally Po, Lady Une, Original Male Character(s), Zechs Merquise, Lucrezia Noin
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Not Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Compliant, Fanfiction Continuation, Part 2 of 1, I blame My Commenters, You Inspired Me, Wufei is a voyeur, Voyeurism, Masturbation, Closet Sex, Janitor Closet Sex, Bondage, Sub Zechs, Dom Noin, Dirty Talk, Not Beta Read, comments please, Past-Wufei/Meilan, Mentioned Meilan, English
If there was one thing Chang Wufei could be convinced about the existence of a life beyond death, it was how determined it was to be right about something that it was quite wrong about. That he was, for all intensive madness and non-reasoning, a prude. The times he caught his four fellow ex-Gundam pilots amidst sexual acts, however, instead led to several very relieving late-night tensions had managed to convince the young Preventer agent that someone from the beyond had it out for him.
The universe vs. Wufei, Part II.
Golden pleasure https://archiveofourown.org/works/55623622
M/M, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero Yuy
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Sex, just porn, Lemony Shenanigans 2024 (Gundam Wing), 3x4x1, English
In this night only one thing matters;
And Quatre prepared something beautiful for his two lovers;
He looked like a Greece god;
made of gold and white.
Sunflowers and white sweet peas https://archiveofourown.org/works/57318649
M/M, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Rashid Kurama
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Fluff, mentioned sex, Love, sweet stuff, English
Trowa had to sit down for a moment, the thought was so big. Back then he hadn't even dared to imagine such a thing. Something like love, a home, marriage... a name. He had grown into a man who could call all of that his own. He had gone from being an emotionless, nameless boy to a man who had earned a name and would marry for love.
Arts/Crafts/Photo Manips:
Deathscythe, official art
Heero Yuy, fanart by GIO
Lady Une, card, official art
Epyon, gunpla
Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, fanart
Heero/Duo, fanart
Heero Yuy, Wing, fanart
Fandom Discourse:
Looking for a fic! I am looking for a fic that was post war. The pilots were gathering for a party with Relena and company. Duo was en route but was waylaid by (space) port authority. They were prejudiced because he was coming from L2 (I forget where the gathering was but it was somewhere “fancy”) Duo bides his time and asks for the guards to call Relena/et all to verify who he was and that he was shops to be there. Long story short Relena/Une? Comes to the holding facility and hints at who Duo is (Gundam pilot).
Other similar recommendations are welcome!
We are definitely out here. ^_^
Calendar Events:
Gundam Wing AU Fest
All info about the event is in the post!
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompts for Friday, August 2nd https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/757157571941498880/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-august
In need of prompts!
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/730188053636841472/updated-events-calendar
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
Needs to be updated...
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