#cause I every time I boot it up the whole time I keep thinking about the
sanasanakun · 4 months
Since Pinocchio and Dorothy exist in the "Lies of P" universe and all that there's quite literally a possibility of Shrek making a cameo
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lovebugism · 5 months
how abt eddie x shy reader , she meet’s wayne accidentally & she brings like sm food for the week he LOVES HER but shes so shy
a request deep from the archives that i haven't stopped thinking about since i got it hahah please enjoy xoxo — you spend a fluffy morning in with the munsons (established relationship, fluff, 1.2k)
bug's one year celebration ♡
Eddie rouses from his sleep like a king on a sunken-in couch. 
Saturday morning cartoons play on the TV just ahead of him, mostly on mute ‘cause you’ve got the radio going in the kitchen. Something soft and soulful and too low for him to hear. The trailer swells with the scent of something sweet, of syrup and cooked sugar. 
Speaking of sweet…
His flushed cheek rubs against the arm of the couch when he looks up to find you. He can see you just over the top of the counter, like a scene from a movie. You’ve got a bowl of something wedged in your elbow, and you stir at it with your free hand — half-distracted because your nose is stuck in an open recipe book on the counter. Your glasses fall slowly down your nose. You try to push them up again with your shoulder, but they slip back down a second later.
Your gentle humming fills his ears, and Eddie figures this is what heaven must be like. There’s no greater nirvana than this.
He rises and stretches and walks the very short distance to the kitchen. Still warm with sleep, he wraps himself around you, chest flush to the expanse of your back. “Whatcha doin’?” he lilts, muffled into your sweater.
“Cookin’,” you answer in the same tone, only softer and a little more sheepish.
Eddie breathes hard once. You think you feel him smiling. “Dumb question, huh?”
“Did you sleep good?” 
“Too good to be passed out on the couch for an hour.” He lifts his head to prop his chin on your shoulder. It bobs against you with every word. “You were supposed to be sleeping with me, by the way.”
“I tried. But then I wanted to make you breakfast.”
“Correction. You wanted to make Wayne breakfast.”
Your giggling is as soft and sweet as the cinnamon concoction you’re stirring at. “Well, I don’t want either of you to starve, actually. So sorry for making sure the Munson’s are taken care of.”
Eddie’s chest swells. His heart starts to warm so much he’s scared it might burst. He tucks his face back into your neck and holds you tighter. “Don’t apologize, sweet thing. ‘M just being stupid.”
“That nickname’s not gonna stick, Eds,” you tease, tilting your head until your cheek meets his wild hair. “You can stop trying now.”
He scoffs and pulls back from you. His eyes, still softly swollen with sleep, are wide and glittering. “Why not?” he shouts, a bit too loudly to be so close to your ear. “You’re sweet and you’re my thing— it’s literally the perfect nickname.”
“You’re thing?” you echo with a distant laugh. “I’m not a toy, Eds.”
“Not all the time—” His boyish giggling is followed by a scoffed breath when you elbow him with your free arm. You shove him away halfheartedly, pushing him out of the tiny kitchen. “What?!” he exclaims, laughing loudly.
“Get out of the kitchen!”
“What’d I do?”
“My french toast tastes good ‘cause it’s made with love, and you’re tainting it.”
“How? I love you more than anything in the whole wide world.” He gravitates back to you despite your efforts to keep him away. He plants a smacking kiss to your lips and grins wide when he pulls away. “See? Now it’ll taste extra sweet.”
You’re glaring at him one moment, then happily accepting another one of his kisses the next.
The front door opens, squealing in protest and rushing in the cool morning air. It’s unsurprisingly Wayne. His work boots stomp heavy on the carpet. He holds a greased hand over his forehead. “My eyes are still closed,” he jokes, voice deep and gravelly. “You two have about three seconds to stop touchin’ each other.”
Eddie scoffs but steps back from you anyway. “That was one time!” he argues boyishly. “And we weren’t even doing anything!”
Wayne laughs a sharp breath, just like Eddie had, but a little bit gruffer. He forgoes the petty banter and shoots you a smile — tightlipped, barely-there, and weighed down by the exhaustion of the graveyard shift. “How ya doin’, sweetpea?”
“Good,” you answer, shrinking into your shyness. “I’m makin’ french toast.”
“That’s my favorite,” the older man grins. “How’d you know?”
“‘Cause it’s my favorite,” Eddie insists.
“It’ll be done soon,” you tell him, all quiet in your sheepishness. “If you wanna get changed or whatever.”
Wayne heads to the hallway, stopping short in the kitchen to muss at Eddie’s curls and pat you gently on the shoulder. “Thank ya, sweetpea,” he murmurs, voice dripping with fatigue. His accent always gets real heavy when he’s tired.
“You’re welcome…”
Eddie doesn’t say anything until he hears the bathroom door shut. “So Wayne can call you sweetpea, but I can call you sweet thing?” he asks, features swirled with offense.
“It’s different!”
The boy follows you to the cabinets like a lost puppy. Then, when you have trouble reaching the vanilla extract on the top shelf, he leans over you to grab it. “No, you just have favorites,” he argues, passing you the small container.
“That’s not true!”
“Whatever,” he grumbles, still pouting as he leans against the counter beside you. He mourns the lack of your attention when you give it all to the french toast mixture on the counter. You spoon in the vanilla with a practiced touch. “…Are you staying over again tonight?” he mutters, shier than you are now.
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “If it’s okay with Wayne, then—”
“Wayne! Sweet thing’s staying the night— is that okay?” Eddie shouts before you can blink. The trailer rings with the volume of his voice.
“Eddie,” you scold quietly.
The bathroom door squeaks open. A grunt sounds from the hallway, a nonverbal answer you’re not totally sure what to make of. The man returns in the pajamas he pulled from the hall closet — a thin t-shirt older than Eddie is and a pair of plaid pants.
“I’ll make dinner before your shift tonight,” you tell him with a soft grin that neither of the Munsons can say no to. “I promise.”
Wayne makes another scoffing sound. A laugh, maybe. A smile hints at the corner of his bearded mouth as he pours himself a coffee across the counter — in the painted mug Eddie made him for Father’s Day, several years ago now. 
“Well— In that case, I’m afraid I have to insist on you stayin’, sweet pea.”
“Thanks, Mr. Munson.”
“Call me Wayne,” he tells you, playfully chiding in a parental sort of way. He gives you a pointed look over the cup he sips from and heads back towards the living room. “You’re feedin’ us too good to be so polite all the time.”
You smile to yourself and laugh a quiet, slightly forced laugh.
The sofa squeaks when Wayne settles onto it, sprawling out the same way Eddie had before. Too tired to reach for the remote on the coffee table, he watches He-Man re-runs with heavy eyelids.
“Alright, sweet thing— what do you need me to do?” Eddie asks with a clap of his hands, making a very pointed effort not to drop the nickname. You get all flustered when he calls you that — smiling softly to yourself and then ducking your gaze to hide it from him. You’ll have to pry the name from his cold, dead hands.
You turn to peer at him from beneath your lashes. “You dip the bread, and I’ll fry ‘em?”
“Sounds like a plan, sweet thing.”
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you know i've been thinking about the consequences of malleus's actions in book 7 and i realized how much he's fucked everyone over including his grandma. bc like other than the fact that he ob'd (which literally has NEGATIVE connotations one of which being is idk ""UNSTABLE"" which isnt necessarily a good look for a crown prince is all im saying) he's literally causing terrorism (??? can you call it that idk how else to call it) which is going to setback his grandma's efforts (and lilia's and baul's, and every supporter of his and his family) in keeping peace in their kingdom and the favor of the humans towards the fae. Like. i feel so bad for grandmother draconia rn i can only imagine the stress and pressure she's under.
Then theres also aside from PHYSCIALLY compromising everyone's healths in sage island (BECAUSE THE MAJORITY ARE HUMANS OR AT LEAST THEY DONT LIVE AS LONG AS THE FAE). He's also fucked everyone mentally twice over!!!! By booting them straight into a world where none of their problems exist. Now that wouldnt sound bad if it weren't for the fact that dreams have to end, and life isnt kind. It rarely ever is, and i can only imagine how distraught i would be if i were to say, hypothetically lost someone a year before and the wound is so fresh and raw and, in my dreams, they never died and everything is okay, then i wake up and realize that it was just that. A dream, they are still gone and i wish i never woke up which would be a LITERAL DEATH SENTENCE. This isnt just an event that takes place in NRC either BUT THE WHOLE ISLAND and that domain is GROWING, GROWING. I can't imagine just how many would be so emotionally ruined after this. Like.....
If Malleus does not suffer the consequences of his actions istg i will be so pissed, at least REMOVE HIM FROM THE PREMISE OR SOMETHING GODDDDDDD this cannot be remedied with a slap on the hand!!!!!
(Note: Sorry for the long rant. I felt the need to get this out of my chest bc i dont mind malleus's archetype actually nor do i actually hate him, bc i enjoy him interacting w other characters a lot (my fave ever vigenette is him giving deuce the equivalent of minecraft diamon for fixing a retrobit gaming toy) BUT GOD DOES HE MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL)
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Yeah, I do feel like the scale of Malleus's actions cannot be understated. I know it's kind of a fandom joke that the OB boys are left off with a slap on the wrist + maybe some social ramifications at school, but this is the ONE time in the main story where things are getting super big and the effects could be cripplingly long-lasting.
I don't know if TWST will seriously address the consequences after book 7, but I sure hope they do!! There is a lot of interesting ground to cover (many points which this anon has already brought up) in a follow-up main story arc or the next book.
For example:
Malleus obviously has to regain the trust of his peers and staff. He didn’t really have it before but now has to work twice as hard to make connections since he just took a drastic action that confirmed the rumors some were already spreading about how he’s a monster.
He’s the sole heir to the throne and has just betrayed the trust of the people of Briar Valley. How are they feeling about him now? Do they still trust him to lead them?
How does this impact their relations with other countries (since Malleus himself stresses how he represents Briar Valley)? This is a problem visible on a global scale, and surely this would damage their rep with other nations, particularly the predominantly human ones. It’s setting back what is hundreds of years of trying to fix the broken trust between their races.
Malleus’s UM potentially puts his victims in physical harm; in book 7, Ortho suggests that since everyone is sleeping, their bodies are not getting the food or water they need. As a result, they may physically waste away and then perish. (We have seen that there are sleep blessings that keep people sleeping for hundreds of years without detriment to the blessed though, such as the one cast on Silver—so we cannot be entirely sure if Ortho’s theory is correct or not.)
There is the possibility that Malleus’s dreams may traumatize or retraumatize his victims, particularly those with deep rooted troubles. An example of this is Idia, who had suffered the loss of his brother when he was like… 8 years old??? But then in his dream, Idia is living a happy false reality that Ortho never died. When he finally comes to this realization, he has to relive the trauma of the discovery all over again and breaks down sobbing. We also see in the most recent book 7 update that Vil had to face the evilest aspects of himself and a dark reality; Rook became very emotional upon waking himself. Admittedly, Idia and co. coped with it well enough—this is proof of their character development and the strength of the new friendships they’ve formed. However, all the people on Sage’s Island/Twisted Wonderland may not react so positively or be so accepting of their cruel realities.
Again, just the overall moral dilemma of one person robbing all of Sage’s Island (and soon all of Twisted Wonderland) of their autonomy.
Potential extra work for STYX and whichever countries Malleus’s magic manages to spread to (repairing any physical damage caused by the thorns + mental damage done to those that fell asleep). That’s money, time, and resources that aren’t going toward other everyday endeavors.
How will Malleus himself mentally and emotionally cope with what he has done? Is he going to show remorse and shame? How does he plan on rectifying his actions, if at all?
Will this change how his dorm members + family view him? For example, will Sebek become disillusioned with his liege/realize Malleus is not as perfect as he seems? Will Maleficia blame herself for not being there for Malleus? Will Lilia feel guilty for not teaching Malleus right from wrong? Etc, etc, etc.
I’d honestly love to read all of these! 🤔 It would add a lot to the lore and history of Twisted Wonderland, as well as serve as motivators for Malleus to change, “be better”, and actually earn the respect he’s so used to being handed by default. This would be huge for him, especially seeing as he has not really faced significant backlash or consequences for any other missteps he was responsible for or involved in. (I know I bring this one up a lot, but Endless Halloween Night is one such major example.)
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justagalwhowrites · 1 month
Gurll, lavender is my go-to reread everytime. Ig u are taking requests (😂🫶🏻), I would really like to see how Joel found out Doc was pregnant of Sylvie and those sweet pregnancy exchanges - like him being worried (‘cause in the original we skip the whole pregnancy). 😎
OMG Hi Bestie!!!
So you'll see some of this in Girl Dad, a canon one shot I did for Doc's birthday back in October. You see some of Doc panicking about Sylvie on her birthday because she's never made it further in a pregnancy and her birthday has just such an awful personal history for her and Joel loves her through it. We also see Joel being just a precious father to his newest baby girl.
BUT... here's some more of the pregnancy for you ❤️
20 years after your first pregnancy, you find yourself expecting again. Things are a bit different this time. A Lavender Drabble.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader from Lavender
Warnings: Pregnancy. Smut adjacent. No use of y/n. 18+ only Minors DNI
Length: 2k
September 2, 2024
The first time you threw up, Joel was on patrol.
It's not like you'd gotten your period since the two of you had started trying but you didn't put much stock in that. You'd never been regular and you were nearing menopause now. Missing a period or two was hardly monumental.
But the nausea the morning you woke up alone was.
You rocketed to the bathroom, doubling over the toilet, everything left in you from the night before coming up.
"Shit," you whispered, wiping your mouth on the back of your hand as your stomach still churned.
You knew this feeling. It had been a long time but you knew it.
And you knew you should be happy about it. It wasn't like last time. You and Joel were together now. Not just together, you were married. Things were secure - as secure as they could be in the apocalypse, anyway - and you were trying for this.
But it was still the apocalypse.
It was no small part of you that thought this wasn't going to happen. That you were going to try and try and then menopause would kick in and you'd never have a child you made with Joel. You'd resigned yourself to that a long time ago, that you'd never be a mother to someone that grew inside of you, never raise someone that you'd brought into being through love. You had Ellie who was your child in every way that mattered and that was more than enough.
But you were pregnant. You were sure of it. And you should have been happy about that - thrilled, in fact. Part of you was. The rest of you was terrified.
What had you been thinking? Bringing a child into this destroyed world? Would Joel even still want this now that it was real and not some imagined, idealized thing on the distant horizon? How were you supposed to protect a baby from the horrors of this reality? Even here in Jackson there was fear and risk and you'd gone and done this on purpose.
You didn't tell anyone, though the nurses at the clinic could tell you were off all day. You assured them that you were fine while trying not to panic. What if Joel changed his mind? What if, when faced with the reality of it, he didn't want to bring a baby into this world?
You threw up again that afternoon, the sickening feeling hanging around after everything came back up and you tried not to cry.
Joel got home after Ellie was already in bed that night, his patrol keeping him out late. You were pacing the kitchen when you heard the front door open and close quietly, the squeak of the floorboards under his heavy boots.
"Baby?" He frowned poking his head into the kitchen. "What're you still doin' up, it's late..."
"I know," you smiled a little, looking him up and down and taking stock to make sure he was still in one piece. "I'm glad you're back."
He smiled back, coming all the way into the kitchen to take you in his arms and kiss you, gentle and deep.
"You and me both," he said. "Gettin' too old to be sleeping rough like that, feel like I did my time with that shit getting out here..."
You laughed a little and nuzzled into him, breathing in the sweaty, woodsy scent of him.
"What's wrong, baby," he whispered, his arms enveloping you totally, holding you against him. "Can tell you got somethin' on that big brain of yours."
You pulled back from him just enough to see his face, his arms still holding you loosely. His face was smeared with dirt, the grime of the trail and sweat on his skin and his eyes were soft and warm and like home.
"I'm pregnant," you said softly. Those eyes got wider. "I know we've been trying but... It's real now and..."
"You're pregnant?" He breathed, stepping back from you, his hands going to your shoulders. You nodded, tears stinging the corners of your eyes. "Oh Baby..."
He took your face in his hands and kissed you again, so hard you could taste the passion on his tongue.
"Really?" He asked, his eyes searching yours as he pulled back from you and taking your shoulders again. You just nodded again, your heart pounding. "Fuck, that's... that's amazing, we're gonna... Baby, you're pregnant!"
"Yeah," you laughed a little. "Yeah, I am... You're happy?"
"Happy?" He laughed back. "Baby, I'm... I'm so far beyond fuckin' happy that word don't even begin to cover it."
He got to his knees in front of you, his hands on your hips, sliding around to cradle the small of your back as he looked lovingly at your stomach.
"You're pregnant," he said, awed, almost to himself. He pressed a kiss to you, over your womb, before one of his hands came to hold you reverently there. "Our baby is in you, right now."
"Yeah," you smiled, voice wet. "Yeah, they are."
"That's amazing," he whispered before looking up at you. "You're amazing, you're the most amazing thing I've ever seen..."
You ran your fingers through his curls before cupping his cheek.
"Thank you," you said, your whole being feeling lighter now, knowing that he was really in this with you.
"For what?" He asked, getting to his feet and pulling you against him again. "You're the one doin' all the work."
You smiled a little.
"For wanting this with me," you said quietly. "I was afraid... I'm still afraid. But we can do this."
"We can do this," he echoed you, kissing your temple. "You, me, Ellie, this baby. We're a family. We can do this."
You put a palm over your womb again, cradling where the child you'd made with Joel was growing inside you.
He was right. You could do this.
But things were different after that.
Joel hovered. It reminded you a bit of when he first came to the QZ, back when he thought his fear was something he could push past if he just got close enough. You’d be working at the clinic, turn around to pick something up and then Joel would be there. You’d be relaxing on the couch and decide you needed a cup of water and, the second you started to move, he was up instead asking what you needed.
“I’m perfectly capable of getting my own drink, you know,” you said a two months after you’d told him you were pregnant and Joel had damn near held you down instead of letting you go to the kitchen. “Also capable of walking to the mess hall on my own, making my own lunches…”
“All the work you’re doin’ growing my baby, I should do something,” he replied, bringing you a glass of water. “Seems like this is the least of it.”
You might have believed him if it wasn’t for the other things, too.
You’d become insatiable during pregnancy, all but demanding sex at least once if not twice a day. You couldn’t get enough of Joel but he seemed to be able to get enough of you.
It was close to Christmas when you finally brought it up, Joel’s hands more gently roaming over your skin rather than with any desire or need.
“We don’t have to do this if you’re not interested, you know,” you said, hoping you didn’t sound too desperate.
Joel frowned, looking over your face for a moment.
“What?” He sounded completely puzzled. “Why would I not be interested?”
“I know I look different now,” you ran a hand over your growing bump and took a deep breath. “It’s OK if you’re not as attracted to me at the moment…”
“In what fuckin’ universe am I not attracted to you?” He asked, his eyebrows knitting together. “Baby, if I could spend the rest of my damn life inside you, I’d be a happy man.”
Your confusion must have shown because he brushed your hair back before adjusting your face to look at him.
“What’s goin’ on,” he asked gently. “Why are you saying this stuff.”
“You don’t touch me like you used to,” you said quietly, hoping you didn’t sound too wounded by it. “And it’s OK if you don’t want me like that right now, I don’t want you to do anything you don’t really want and…”
“Baby,” he cut you off. “I’m gonna stop you right there. I’m not sure I’ve ever wanted you more than I do right now. Not when I first met you and you were some hot young thing, not when you first got off the plane to come visit, not when I first saw you again in the QZ. Seeing you grow our baby is the most beautiful, most sexy thing in the damn world, don’t go thinking otherwise.”
“Oh,” you frowned. “Then… I don’t understand. What’s going on?”
“I just…” he sighed, closing his eyes for a moment before looking at you again, a pained look on his face. “I’m scared, baby. I’m scared in a way I ain’t been since we came to Jackson.”
“Joel,” you whispered, running your fingers through his hair. “We’re OK here, we’re safe here…”
“I know,” he said. “You’re safe from infected and you’re safe from raiders but… baby, what if you get hurt? You’re the doctor here, what if something happens to you or the baby? What if there isn’t someone who knows how to save you? What if I do somethin’ to you on accident, what if I’m too rough because I’m caught up in touching you the way I want? I can’t risk that, baby, I can’t.”
“Oh Joel,” you breathed, pressing yourself closer. “You’re not going to hurt us. I promise, you’ve never been too rough with me. If something doesn’t feel right I’ll tell you but it’s OK. We’re safe. You’re safe.” You guided his hand to your breast, his large palm curving around the soft flesh. “And I want you to touch me, really touch me. Please.”
He was cautious at first, hesitant. Now that you knew he was afraid, it was easier to see it on his face and feel it in his touch. But you guided him through it, holding his hand, reassuring him, until he was lost in you and things felt right for the first time in months.
You learned how to head things off after that. When he would appear in the clinic, you would give him a kiss and tell him how you were feeling. If the baby was moving, you’d guide his hand to your stomach to let him feel them alive inside you. When you needed something at home and could see that he was restless and distracted by worry, you’d ask him for help. You started meeting him at the gates after patrol so he could see you and touch you as soon as he was back, feeling how he relaxed when his hands were on you.
When you went into labor, though, you were worried. You knew he was afraid but then, so were you. You were afraid not just of what could happen, of how it would hurt under the best of circumstances, but of how to help Joel through it, too.
But he sensed what you were doing right away, so in tune with you now. He climbed into the bed behind you, pulling you back so your head was resting on his chest.
“Don’t you dare worry about me,” he said, kissing the crown of your head. “I’ve got you, baby. Got both of you.”
You smiled a little as the contraction eased and he held you a little tighter.
“I know you do,” you relaxed into the firm, strong body of your husband. “I know.”
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seijorhi · 4 months
Tendou and Ushijima are such scary yanderes! Tendou cause he's already kinda insane and Ushijima is like a brick wall when he puts his mind to something.  
i feel like ushiwaka's the type of guy that could pretty easily convince you to start a relationship with him. cuz let's face it he's stupidly attractive, a crazy talented volleyballer and an olympic medalist (to me) to boot, and he's not actually a dick, he's just a little intense. blunt. some might say slightly awkward.
but at the start of it all, you don't see the red flags. you like ushijima. he's surprisingly attentive for an athlete playing at his level, which you weren't really expecting but it makes you feel special. wanted.
and then you meet his friends. tendou, specifically.
the thing is, wakatoshi's kind of a possessive guy. not jealous, exactly. he's not glaring down every guy that dares to look at you that's just his face and throwing punches, he's not even that big on PDA, he just likes it when you're close, when he's got his hand wrapped in yours or resting on your thigh. he enjoys that physical touch, a tangible reminder that you're there, you're his.
he doesn't take it well when other people try it.
tendou, apparently, is an exception to that rule.
while you've been walking around with rose tinted glasses this whole time, ushiwaka's got full on blinders on – at least where his high school bestie's concerned. he almost growled the other night when eita went in for a hug hello, but he's sitting right next to you, seemingly unbothered by the redhead practically draping himself over you, the long fingers fiddling with the hem of your skirt.
you'd knocked his hand away – he keeps sliding it back.
not wanting to make a fuss, you'd kept your mouth shut, only bringing it up with wakatoshi later, when it was just the two of you. but he shrugs, like it's no big deal – no, like he doesn't understand what the issue is to begin with. why you're uncomfortable with tendou being friendly.
and so you drop it. maybe you are reading too much into it. tendou's an odd guy, maybe that's just how he is and you haven't known him long enough to get accustomed to it.
except it gets worse. it's uncomfortable and a little creepy. you're out for drinks one night at a bar, and when you come out of the bathroom, tendou's right there, almost caging you in. it's always a joke, or you think that's what he's aiming for, because he wears that same too wide, glittering grin and laughs when you get flustered and uncomfortable.
he shows up at your job to drive you home when wakatoshi's held up with training. lets himself into your place to 'hang out' while you wait for your boyfriend to get home. always staring. amused, apparently, by the six feet of distance you seem determined to keep between you and him.
the next time you go to one of wakatoshi's games, he's got tickets too, his seat right next to yours, and spends the match with his arm slung over the back of your seat, playing with your hair and asking whether you let your boyfriend cum inside you before the game started. y'know, for good luck.
it's too much. you've tried to talk to ushijima about it but you might as well be talking to a brick wall. in the end, you make a choice.
you like ushijima, you even think there might've been a future there, but if being with him means letting yourself be subjected to tendou's friendliness, then it's not worth it.
when you explain this to him, however, trying to break it gently, you see an odd stoniness cross over his features. the hand enveloping yours tightens for a beat, bordering on painful, before he exhales. 'you want to break up with me?'
swallowing, you nod. it's not what you want, really, but you're not going to keep putting yourself in this position. you're not going to be uncomfortable in your own relationship – and you're not going to have a third party involved at all.
he breathes in, a muscle in his jaw ticking, and when he speaks, when he looks at you with dark, flinty eyes, there's nothing but iron determination, 'no.'
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MORE Spider Society Headcanons
Halloween: Spiderween
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First of all: DECORATIONS??????
The ENTIRE campus done up with jack-o'-lanterns and lights and smoke machines and COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF SPIDERWEBS for the Spooky vibes???!!!
Spider decorations EVERYWHERE. From October 1st.
There's a haunted house on campus - filled with volunteers AND REALLY REALLY good jumpscare holograms made by Lyla
The food court starts serving Halloween specific food. Like a Vampire Miguel Milkshake at McMiguels.
TRICK OR TREATING Some people stay home at their universe and people portal over for candy and they get to see a glimpse of your universe
Or you get to hop universe to universe dressed like a Spider-person dressed like a giraffe. And since it's Halloween, it's fine if a bunch of Spider-people are running around dressed ridiculous because so is everyone else on most Earth's, Miguel's like 'yeah sure okay'
BIG BONUS POINTS if they dress up like ANOTHER Spider-person but like... Still over the suit.
Like wearing the crappy costume Miles had over your actual suit and 'acting' like someone else.
And EVERY TIME you see someone dressed as you, or wearing the same costume -
You know what you must to do.
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One year Hobie comes as Ben Reilly. All dressed up in punk but with a blue hoodie crop top to match . He spends the whole day wailing about the harrowing memories and crouching on ledges. Dramatically collapsing in people's arms
Is your Spidersona small? Imagine them dressed as Miguel. Walking around acting and irritated and fake angry and DOING THIS TO MIGUEL
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Miguels like 'are you serious? Cut that out-'
"aRe yOu SeRiOuS?? cUt ThAt OuT'
(and Lyla's like 'oooo that was good. They sound JUST like you Migs')
Lyla being a very popular costume
A bunch of Spider-people wearing fur coats and heart glass and they just decide to spend the whole day being useless to Miguel.
They all lounge around on all the seats like her, some even in bob cut wigs, and they follow Miguel and trying to get selfies with him LMAO
The Lyla with the cutest or funniest Miguel selfie gets put in the Campus newspaper
ALL the lazy Spider-people wanna throw a red party city wig over their suit and be like 'I'm MJ'. NO YOU'RE NOT.
Or some will even wear their MJ's clothes. Walking around calling everybody, Tiger. (Mayday gets the joke - they're supposed to be her mom - she thinks it's HILARIOUS and giggles the whole day)
Sidebar - can you image Gwen with a wig over her suit BUT LIKE under her hood??? SO SHE WOULDN'T LOOK BALD?? I'M SCREAMING AIRPOD LOOKING AHH
VILLAIN COSTUMES - Spider people dressed as Doc Ock over their suits, coming in with fish bowls on their head and going 'Look, I'm Mysterio!! Lol'
While the caged villains are looking at them like
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('y'all mfers got a lotta nerve')
I bet some people get REALLY REALLY into it and go all out, designing everything to a T. (Like the perfectionist!pavitr)
Some friends even do joint costumes - WebSlinger makes a costume for Willow so they match. Hobie does all his costumes DIY and it's like the ONE thing on campus he participates in.
Because he loves the DIY spirit. And the chance to mock his bosses on company hours.
Goes ALL IN on him and Gwen's (he wants to match) costumes. Or maybe he doesn't participate cause-
What's even better is people 'Punkifying' their suit to be like Spider-punk is a popular costume too!!
They throw together their own vest and jeans and jewelry and boots. And follow Hobie around, hands in pockets, and they all act all cool and fake punk all day , Hobie hams up the act for the occasion
Hobie of course weaponizes this by annoying Miguel with his 'clones'.
Ten Hobies outside his office sturming untuned guitars REALLY badly and Hobies likes 'Keep it up you !! U sound great!!'
Miguel's office full of Hobies and Lylas, Last year Margo went as Jess and Jess was touched
Then there's some Spider-people that are broke as hell. But since they all have top tier humor they make the intentionally cheap or out of the closet costumes. that ends up being stupidly hilarious.
Like wearing boxes and drawing a Spider-suit on it. Boom - Lego Spider-man.
Sometimes people might wear their makeshift suit over their new suit. So like a Spider-person having this as their costume OVER their suit
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And arguably the funniest of them all - having a really elaborate overdone homemade costume of a specific hero on campus, and everyone is like woah so cool have they seen you in it yet?
And you take off the costume mask... And it's just you... AS YOURSELF Like it's just the same mask underneath LIKE A HAT ON A HAT
Venom and Deadpool.
Venom is too risky. Deadpool is not allowed on campus and if THE REAL ONES seen they have to evacuate and deploy the capture team cause he gets too excited (you'd be surprised of what one man is capable of in the need of Spider-attention)
Anything else is fine though-
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 2 months
I Need You To
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Casey Novak x autistic!fem!reader Warnings: pure fluffy fluff, established relationship, injury, hospital, coming to terms with a disability, insinuations of sex Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: After a serious injury, you're diagnosed with a disability that inhibits your day-to-day life. There are accessibility tools you can use, but you're self-conscious about using them out and about. Your girlfriend, Casey, is there for you every step of the way.
"Hey, Case, can you grab my glove?" you called, double-knotting the laces of your cleats. You were jittery with excitement. It was your first softball game since last October, when you'd broken your ankle running to first. And then played through it. And then fallen again and slammed your head into the ground and passed out. You'd woken up in an ambulance with a teary and terrified Casey grasping your hand so hard she almost cut off circulation. She was livid when she found out later that you'd been hurt and kept playing.
But you were better now. Well... mostly better. At the emergency room after the game, the doctor had examined your x-ray, MRI, and EEG results.
"It looks like you've broken this bone in your ankle before?" he said, frowning.
"I have."
Casey whipped her head around to look at you, her eyebrows a question mark. The doctor stared at you pointedly.
"How many times exactly?" he asked.
You felt yourself shrinking under Casey's hard gaze. "Uh... this ankle? Three times."
"In how long?"
"The, uh... the last five years."
Casey's jaw dropped and you winced. You were gonna get an earful on the way home.
"What about the other ankle?"
You felt like you were digging yourself a deeper and deeper grave.
"Any other broken bones? In the last five years?"
You listed them off, trying to avoid Casey's eyes.
"My thumb, my wrist, a toe or two."
"Any falls with seemingly no cause?"
"How many?"
You glanced furtively at Casey. "More than I can count."
The doctor nodded and asked you a few more questions. Casey sat beside you, fuming, as you answered.
At the end of the visit, you had two crutches, a boot cast, some heavy-duty pain meds for your concussion, and a referral to a genetics clinic.
"I think you might have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome," the doctor had said.
Casey googled the condition all the way home.
"Y/N, this is serious," she said earnestly, supporting you as you hobbled through the door of your apartment.
"I don't know. None of that stuff you said about it sounded too bad. I'm just super flexible, basically."
Casey rolled her eyes at you. "Yeah, and apparently break every bone in your goddamn body on a regular basis."
When you were scared, you froze. You always froze. Casey did not. Casey made sure you scheduled your genetics appointment. She made sure you went. And when the geneticist confirmed the Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis, she was the one who asked what things you could do to help the condition, while you stayed silent, anxious and overwhelmed.
You just wanted everything to go back to normal. So what if you broke a bone more frequently than everyone else? It was no big deal.
"It is a big deal if it keeps you from doing things you love," Casey argued on the way home. "And if there are things you can to do to get better, you should do them."
"I guess so," you conceded, staring out the window of the cab.
"Y/N," she said, gently grabbing your face and turning it towards her when you didn't answer.
"Why can't you just let it be, Casey?" you whispered.
"Because you deserve to live the best life." She looked at you so intensely you had to look away. "You deserve to live without fucking breaking a bone every year. You deserve to play softball if you want to and run if you want to and not look at the fucking ground the whole time when we're on a hike because you're so scared you're gonna fall and break something."
You glanced at her, surprised and a little ashamed. "I didn't know you noticed that..."
"You love being outside. I'm gonna notice if you're looking at tree roots instead of a mountain vista. I just didn't know why."
You looked away, anxious about the Ehlers-Danlos. Anxious about what you'd have to do to make it better. Anxious that all those things wouldn't make it better in the end, would all be for nothing.
"Hey," she said wrapping an around you and planting a kiss on the side of your head. "We're gonna figure this out, okay?"
You nodded and exhaled quietly. "Okay."
Now, after months of healing and then more months of physical therapy, you were finally cleared to get back out on the field. You couldn't play catcher anymore—unnecessary strain on your ankle and knee joints, the physical therapist said. But you'd been practicing playing third base with Casey, and you'd grown to enjoy it almost as much as playing catcher.
"Casey, come on!" you yelled, tapping your foot on the floor. "We're gonna be late!"
Casey sauntered in, team uniform on, softball bag slung over her shoulder.
"I put your glove in the bag," she said, then dropped a pair of AFOs in front of you. "Put 'em on."
You hated them. You hated the way they looked, like some kind of plastic, kiddie Forrest Gump contraption. You hated that they altered the way you walked, the ease with which you could run and twist and reach.
You shook your head. "You know, I don't think I need them. I've been doing the exercises and stuff. My joints are stronger now."
"Y/N." Her voice was forceful as she squatted down in front of you. "Put. On. The AFOs."
"No," you said, trying and failing to sound nonchalant. "I'm telling you, I don't need them." You stood, making a move toward the door.
The pure, physical fact of the matter was that Casey was bigger and stronger than you. She didn't manhandle you often, but she did now. She grabbed your shoulders and shoved you back down onto the chair, huffing as she pulled off one cleat and then the other.
Now you were both mad.
"Casey, it's my fucking decision," you argued, trying to wrench your foot from her grip as she slipped the AFO over your softball sock. "I don't want to wear them! I hate wearing them!"
"I need you to!" she yelled, her face flushed, looking at the ground.
You watched her, your anger dissipating as you saw the worry in her eyes.
"I need you to," she repeated, softer this time. "I don't want to carry your body off the fucking field again."
You were both silent and still for a moment, Casey's hand resting on your leg, yours running gently through her hair.
Casey resumed her work on the AFOs, gently pulling on one and then the other, tightening the Velcro straps, forcing your cleats over them. You let her.
"There," she said, looking up at you. "Was that so bad?"
You hadn't worn the AFOs out yet, not where people could see them. You always had on sweatpants or joggers or jeans, something that covered them up. But with your softball shorts on, everyone would be able to see.
You avoided Casey's eyes, your hands shaking at your sides.
"Y/N," she sang, taking your hands gently in hers and flattening them, massaging the stress out.
"I look stupid," you whispered, trying not to cry. "Everyone's gonna make fun of me."
She cupped your face in her hands, looking earnestly into your eyes. "No one's gonna make fun of you, sweetheart." She brushed her thumb along your cheekbone. "And if they do, I'll kick their asses."
You nodded, still slumped in the chair.
"I think you look hot," Casey added, grinning slightly.
You rolled your eyes at her. "Yeah. Sure you do."
"I do," she nodded, moving her hands to your hips and planting kisses from your collarbone up to your neck. "In like a... cyborg, Inspector Gadget kind of way."
"What?!" you said, laughing. "That's so dumb."
She finally made her way to your lips, and the warmth of them took your breath away, made your stomach flutter.
"You know what's really hot about them, though?"
"What?" you replied, following her out the door.
She kissed you one more time for good measure. "It's one more thing I get to take off of you afterward."
You smiled, blushing. Maybe the AFOs weren't so bad after all.
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Rebel Yell -D.R.W
Author's Note: I am so happy to finally be able to put this out, this story took me ages but I am so very proud of it. Am I projecting here? Maybe. But hey, I too am living for the single life.
Synopsis: A shitty party gets turned around after a playful game of spin the bottle.
Word Count: 8.5k (you asked for it!)
Warnings: 18+ MINORS NEED NOT INTERACT. Alcohol, mild violence, foul language, rough sex, choking, spanking, slight domination, oral, fingering, raw doggin’ (wrap it before you tap the hottest guy at the party.) Smut but make it Danny with eyeliner. 
Pairing: Tattoo!Danny x Female Reader
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Have you ever even been to a party where you had a genuinely good time? One without awkward conversations with people you hardly know, one that matches the high expectations for a night that only happens in movies, or one where you have a few drinks and don't feel like vomiting all over the friend's car that drives you home? Well, this is worse than any party you've been to so far. Mainly because you're fucking ex and his friends are here. 
You pound the rest of your drink from the plastic red solo cup of Malibu and coke, who fucking made that anyway? It'll have to do until you can get a baker's dozen of shots poured for you to even think about being in the same room as him. The music is loud and obnoxious and the tile of the kitchen is sticking to the bottom of your Docs, but, at least you're in the clear. Looking around for a familiar face you find one of your girl friends you came here with, Summer. She's walking with your other friend who looks like she's had way too much to drink and is making a b-line to the bathroom. You do not envy them in the least, you would go and help but the anxiety building inside of your chest needs to be dampened with more liquor. 
Pouring yourself a more than hefty amount of tequila in your cup, you slam the whole double (most likely double and a half) shot down. You cringe and squeeze your eyes closed as you take a breath. You groan as the alcohol burns down your throat when you meet eyes with a guy across the room, some very tall drink of water with long dark curly hair, you saw him earlier in the backyard puffing on a joint with some long haired hippie wannabe looking friend with a stoner laugh to match.
You hold his gaze a moment in the crowded room, you think you saw smudged eyeliner on him earlier and had to keep yourself from nearly falling instantly head over heels for the bad boy in the black leather jacket and Church of Rock N Roll muscle tank. The combat boots and ripped black jeans with the chain hanging off his belt wasn't helping your cause either. He sends a small nod your way along with a subtle yet confident smirk that lights you on fire. You can't help but smile back, you can feel your heart race in your chest as you look away, keeping your cool as best as you can. You've been told before that people can read your mind based on the faces you make, subtlety not being your best quality. 
At least you have positive qualities, unlike your ex, Ryan. You had been dating for about two years, your longest relationship to date and your first real boyfriend. It started out great, he was super sweet and funny, gentle and interesting. But he got distant, so distant in fact that he would almost never reply to your messages or calls until it was too late and you started seeing each other less and less. It wasn't until you were out with friends to dinner one night when you saw him there with another girl. Long story short, they had been talking for a while and hooked up a few times, poor girl had no idea you even existed. So yeah, the lying dick head was here and grinding on every girl in sight. 
Being single again after so long has been feeling so foreign to you, almost like you were doing something you shouldn't, forgetting you have no loyalties to anyone anymore. So fuck it. Tonight, you were gonna have fun and flirt your ass off. Why shouldn't you?! It's been almost seven months since your messy breakup with Ryan, might as well have some fucking fun for the first time in a while. And hey, if you end up having some stupid one night stand, who cares? You're owed at least one good orgasm that's not by your own hand. 
The music is thumping through the house and you've had enough to really feel the music and let your body talk for you. You make your way over to the makeshift dance floor and sway to beat. Closing your eyes and just allowing yourself to let go of the anxieties you were holding on to. You meet eyes again with that curly haired guy again through the crowded floor, damn he's good looking. He takes a sip of his drink, eyes not tearing away from you as you sway your hips up against some girl behind you. She laughs and begins dancing with you, she spins you around and you get lost in the song, your eyes only flitting away to the guy leaning up against the wall who keeps meeting your eyes, his conversation with the three other guys he's with be damned. 
The crowd moves to the kitchen as someone brings up the idea of playing spin the bottle. It seems like the whole party has decided to gather in the kitchen, to play or just spectate around the round dining room table. You stand at the table and your stomach drops into your shoes when your ex is almost directly across from you. You move to leave when the hot guy you've been eyeing all night stands right beside you. 
"Hey." The tall drink of water says accompanied with a smile that makes you mirror his expression. "Hi." You reply almost shyly, he's quite intimidating to be honest, maybe it's the bone structure or his clothes but something about his warm brown eyes that makes you feel safe to talk to. "Big fan of spin the bottle?" He asks. "I've never played." You answer, fiddling with your rings, your eyes take in his appearance now that he's right in front of you, his smudged eyeliner making your heart skip a beat, fuck he's hot. 
"The rules aren't very difficult, I'm sure you'll be a natural at it." He teases, a smile pulling at your lips as he gets a chuckle out of you. "Well, if anything, I think it's a great way to make friends." You counter flirtatiously that makes the man smirk. "I'm Danny, by the way." He says introducing himself, finally giving a name to the gorgeous face, you extend your own introduction when all of a sudden a voice rings out, "Alright, fuckers listen up!" A guy begins to shout, holding up an empty beer bottle. "I don't care if you're gay, straight or anything in between! A spin is a spin! So either play or don't." The guy finishes before spinning the bottle, starting the game. You exchange a look to Danny who keeps his ground, ready to play, come what may.
The bottle spins several times with no real wild kisses exchanged. You're nervous for when it will land on you. The empty Dos Equis bottle is spun and the girl on the other side of you gets a kiss, prompting your turn to spin. You take a deep breath before and your bottle is spinning rapidly, you're practically sweating as the bottle begins to slow, coming to a stop on the long haired stoner guy Danny was talking to earlier. He's cute, tall, tan, with a sweet disposition, why not? The crowd around the table "oohs" as the stoner walks over to you. 
He gives you a small but gentle kiss, his hand on your cheek, he tastes like tequila and weed, he smells like cologne and his lips are a little dry, probably cottonmouth. The kiss doesn't last long but the excitement from the kiss makes you buzz with confidence. The guy gives you a wink before walking silently back to his side of the table. You take your place back next to Danny, he whispers in your ear, "I see you've met Sam." He jokes, "Well Sam's a pretty decent kisser." You smile back, Danny gives you a chuckle before he looks back at the game unraveling ahead. 
The bottle spins and spins for a few turns, you and Danny quip back and forth, passing the time and flirting a bit as the game rolls on. Danny even gets landed on by a friend of his, some shorter long haired guy who joined him by the wall near the living room dance floor. It's short but kinda cute to see two guys kiss without making a big deal about it, but instead joking about, "Who hasn't kissed their friends before?!" The friend laughs before going back to his spot, saying something in a very drunk and very fake accent. 
The bottle takes a few more spins, you watch uncomfortably as your ex kisses some red headed girl for a little too long and gets a little too handsy, only egging on the crowd. You roll your eyes, crossing your arms and standing awkwardly. Danny gives you a look, tearing his eyes away from the scene ahead. "Will these two just get a room already?" He whispers to you. You can't help but show an uneasy expression, Danny must sense your discomfort because he asks you very gently, "Hey, you okay?" You nod quickly in silence, offering no reply. You look over at him, almost ashamed, "That's my ex." You say with a bitter taste left on your tongue. "Oh. Well he seems like a real stand up guy." Danny comments with a sneer, watching as Ryan practically sticks his entire tongue in the girl's mouth. It's like a train wreck, it's awful but you can't look away. A red solo cup is held in front of your face, "Here. You need it more than I do." He hands you the rest of his drink. From the smell of it, coke and fireball, which you happily sink the rest down, you sigh with a slight cringe as the drink slides down your throat. Danny brings his hand to your back comfortingly, "Good girl." He praises. That phrase shouldn't affect you the way it does but holy hell do you feel like a whole new woman. The pair finally disconnects and the game continues on. 
Your friend Summer appears behind you tapping your shoulder. "Oh there you are! Danny! This is my friend Summer!" You can already hear the semi drunkenness in your voice as you're introducing her to Danny. He smiles charmingly, "Hi, it's good to meet you." He introduces himself, "Oh, hi." She smiles, but you notice she's got her purse and your other drunk friend in tow. 
"We're leaving, Mari is a mess and I'm tired. Are you coming?" She asks, her keys jingling in her hand. They are your ride, but your night just got interesting. Fucking carpooling. You look back at the table and roll your eyes as you come to the realization that the party for you is probably over. "I mean, um, I guess-" "If you want, I can take you?" Danny interrupts, "If you don't wanna go, I can drive you later if you like?" His offer hangs in the air for a moment as you look at your friend, speaking practically telepathically with the other if that all sounds okay to the other. "Yeah. That would be great actually. Only if you don't mind, I don't wanna put you out-" "It's really no big deal." Danny assures you with a smile. Your friend shrugs, "Alright then. Just text me when you get home, okay?" Summer smiles at you knowingly. You widen your eyes at her turning your head so Danny doesn't see your obvious smile as she walks away. 
"You really don't have to do all that for me, I can take an uber or something later." "It's really no bother. Besides, I'd hate for you to miss out on having a good time. I think you deserve it, especially since that asshole gets to, I think it's only fair that you do too." Danny smirks as he motions to Ryan. You smile, your heart thumping in your chest with excitement at the idea of Danny driving you home. 
The game continues on and the guy next to Danny gets a kiss from some girl and it's Danny's turn to spin. You make accidental eye contact with your ex who just chugged the rest of his drink while his buddies laugh about something. It makes you practically freeze in an almost anxious fear until you hear the spinning glass begin to slow on the wooden table. The last rotations make its way around until the end of the bottle is pointed at you. 
You take a moment to even realize it's pointing at you, you look up at Danny, he wears a face of 'I'm down if you are.' A small smile pulls at your lips, this was exactly what you were hoping for when you joined the game. You step forward shyly, Danny brings a hand gently to your chin, "Let's give 'em a show, huh?" He rasps against your lips, only quiet enough for you to hear. You nod before bringing your own hands to his chest, letting him take you to his lips. His lips slot gently against your own, you move in time with his lips. His hands venture down to your waist, pulling you close to his body, he's so tall it makes you feel like swooning here in his arms. The crowd hoops and hollers loudly as you let him slip his tongue in your mouth, your nails come to his back, clawing into the back of his leather jacket. He smirks against your lips, his hands wander down toward your ass, but stays respectfully on your lower back. You bite his bottom lip, grinning as you meet his eyes again, they're darker than before and you want nothing more than to keep kissing him. 
You almost completely tuned out the woo’s of the party goers around you until now. You smirk at Danny, knowing damn well you put on a good show, and knowing even more that he's a great fucking kisser. 
"Fuckin' slut." A scoff sounds across the room. You turn your head fast to the voice the comment came from. Ryan rolls his eyes as he toys with his empty red cup. Before you can say a word, Danny stands up straight, "What the fuck did you just say?" He asks, his voice is deep, completely sincere in his question and it commands the room in a way that makes Ryan look in his direction. He scoffs again, the crowd hums with whispered excitement, "Just funny is all, a little desperate I think." Ryan says. "It's just part of the game, dude." Danny laughs. “Danny, really, it’s fine.” You say quietly, you gain his attention and he looks upset. “No, I think he’s a fuckin’ asshole.” Danny says to Ryan and the rest of the party. Ryan steps closer, his gaggle of idiot friends behind him making their way through to the side of the table by you and Danny. Sam comes up silently behind you and Danny, getting ready to jump in if the situation calls for it. 
“I just think maybe she and I broke up too soon, especially because she was never that freaky with me.” Ryan smirks at you, his friends laugh at his statement. Danny bows out his chest and looks down at Ryan who is only a few inches from meeting Danny’s eyeline. “Maybe you should learn to shut your mouth before it really gets you in trouble.” Danny threatens, his jaw is clenched as he stares Ryan down. “I’m not talking to you anymore, I’m talking to her.” Ryan says as he tries to walk past Danny and toward you, you take a step back, Sam places a hand on your shoulder to help guide you away from your ex while Danny puts an arm out, keeping you out of Ryan's reach. “I have nothing left to say to you.” You say, anger and anxiety adding a tremble to your voice. “We don’t have to talk, baby, what I have in mind doesn't require much talking.” He quips, your stomach churning at his words. “That’s enough.” Danny says firmly, putting a hand on Ryan’s chest, keeping him in his place. 
“Get your fuckin’ hands off of me.” Ryan shouts as he pushes Danny but he hardly even moves. “Then leave her alone.” Danny’s voice is deep and threateningly quieter as he steps even closer to Ryan. He smirks over Danny’s shoulder to you, "Oh come on sweetheart, just one last kiss, huh?" Ryan shouts at you. Danny shoves Ryan backward, he falls back into his friends. Ryan’s face twists into a furious scowl as he lunges towards Danny with his fist, but he’s too fast. Danny dodges the hit and swings, punching Ryan right in the nose. It spews blood as Ryan falls flat on his back onto the sticky kitchen floor, his hand comes to his face and his friends are too frozen in shock to do or say anything. A harang of people gasping and shouting and cheering echoes through the kitchen and it feels like time stands still until Ryan shouts, “You broke my nose?! You broke my goddamn nose!” 
“Then get the fuck outta here before I break your fucking legs!” Danny bellows at Ryan, his stance is intimidating and large as he leans over Ryan. Scrambling to his feet, Ryan stumbles as he gets up and to his buddies and begins heading for the front door. “Have fun with my left overs, asshole!” Ryan shouts over his shoulder. “You son of a bitch!” Danny shouts as he lunges forward, making a run for Ryan but Sam’s long arms grab a hold of his friend’s large frame first before he can even make it out of the kitchen, allowing Ryan and his posse of douchebags to run out the door. 
“Hey man, chill out okay. Just let it go.” Sam says, calming Danny down before letting go of him. Danny turns to look at you, his intense glare of anger in his eyes softening as they settle on you before him. “Are you okay?” His voice is soft as his hands hold your arms gently, bending a bit to speak to you. 
You blink rapidly as you try not to let the tears in your eyes fall. “Yeah, I’m uh, I just need some air.” Your voice cracks before you turn and walk out the back door to the backyard, letting the cool breeze of the night wind calm the heat of your embarrassed face. You look up and stare at the crescent moon in the sky, taking in a deep, yet shaky, breath and you can’t help but feel absolutely mortified by the scene that just transpired. 
Fuck Ryan. 
Fuck parties. 
Fuck this. 
“Hey.” A voice says gently, almost nervously behind you. You turn to find Danny coming out towards you. You turn back around and quickly wipe your eyes as you keep your arms crossed and your eyes trained up at the sky, dark clouds moving over the night sky and through the light of the moon. "I'm really sorry about all of that." Danny's voice is soft as he comes to your side. The thumping music from the party inside only makes you feel like curling up into a ball, never to be seen again. "It's fine. He's uh, yeah, he's not nice." Your voice is like a whisper, trying not to let it break as you hold back the tears that threaten to pull you down with them. "No, no he's not. I'm sorry." Danny apologizes again. "No I should be sorry, I feel like that was all my fault in there." You say, shaking your head. Danny's hand comes to your back, prompting you to look at him, "None of that was your fault-" "I should've just left when Summer said so. I knew he was here, him and his fucking friends. I hate that you got dragged into any of that. You don’t even fucking know me!" You say with a bewildered laugh as a tear rolls down your cheek. Your words hang in the cool autumn air for a moment before Danny speaks. "I think I know you enough to know that you're a really great kisser." He says with a smile, knowing that would make you forget about the whole Ryan thing, if only for just a second. You chuckle as you dry your eyes, "Oh my God, how could I forget." You smile at him, you can see his features perk up as you finally meet his eyes. "Besides, Ryan just seems like the kind of guy who deserves a punch in the face." He smirks pridefully as he thinks back to replay the look of shock on Ryan's face when he hit the floor. 
"It was kinda cathartic to watch the hottest guy at the party deck my ex in the nose." You smile playfully, turning to take in all of Danny's gorgeous face. He smiles charmingly, "Well, I'm just glad I got to kiss the hottest girl at the party." He muses before giving you a look that only makes you want to kiss him again, and again and again. You move to step forward but let your eyes wander to the house, a handful of prying eyes from the fight in the kitchen looking intently at you and Danny's conversation, only reminding you of how you wish you could be somewhere more private. 
"If the offer still stands, do you mind taking me home? I think I've had about enough of this party." You ask, crossing your arms to warm yourself from the evening breeze that seems to blow right through you. A smile pulls at Danny's lips, "Yeah I think I'm ready to go too, I'd say we made quite the impression though." He jokes before turning to leave, you walk along with him and head to his car. 
Your hands run up and down your arms, trying to preserve whatever heat you can keep from escaping your thin long sleeve shirt. Before you even really notice, Danny pulls his large leather jacket off and places it over your own shoulders. "There." He simply says. You smile to yourself before turning to him as you both walk, the whole thing feels like it swallows you up, the sleeves so long your hands aren't even poking through. "Fits you better than me." He jests with an endearingly sweet look, his smile is contagious and you can feel your cold cheeks warming from the blush on your face. You bury your burning face into the collar of his coat, relishing in the mix of musk and cologne of the well loved jacket. 
The ride to your place isn't too long, the conversation is easy and soon you're pulling up to your apartment. The silence in the car is heavy as you think of what to say next. "So-" "Do you wanna come inside?" You beat Danny to the punch, interrupting him. He meets your eyes with a look of subtle surprise, "I'd love to." He says, his voice low and soft in the confines of the car in a way that makes the butterflies in your chest explode. 
You show Danny up to your apartment, you close the door and take off his jacket, "Thanks for letting me wear your coat." You say before handing it to him, "What kind of man would I be if I let you freeze to death in the cold?" He jokes before taking it from you, hanging it on your coat rack as you both take off your shoes. You laugh before walking off to the living room, sitting on the couch, Danny follows suit and sits beside you. You both smile fondly and comfortably at each other, unsure of what step comes next. A familiar anxious feeling in your stomach begins to stir, one that could be described as really overactive butterflies when in such close and intimate proximity with a hot guy alone with you in your apartment. 
You cut through the silence with a scoff. "For the record, I just wanna say, you're a much better kisser than Ryan." You smirk, Danny chuckles, "I'm sure Ryan lacked in several departments." He smiles to himself, crossing his arms in pride. You stare up at the ceiling and huff a sigh. "Ugh, you have no idea." You wish you could say you had been in more of a slut era than you really were since your breakup, but honestly, it's been dry as hell. "That bad?" He cringes, bracing himself. "He was fine, just, I don't know, kinda… boring?" You reply, shrugging as you try and gently explain how your sex life for the last two years was less than satisfying.
"How bad was it?" Danny asks, you search the ceiling for a moment, Danny stirs next to you, sitting up straight, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry-" "No no it's fine! He just, uh, he just wasn't very um, creative?" You explain vaguely. Danny chuckles, "Creative?" He repeats with a smile, "Just that it was very vanilla I guess? He never really wanted to try anything new or different." "Sounds like he was pretty selfish." Danny extrapolates. "Oh absolutely. If it didn't end with him cumming first, he wasn't super interested." You explain irritatedly. 
"He's an asshole." Danny snarks, you just chuckle a knowing laugh. "Most times I had to use my vibrator later when I got home." You cringe with a chuckle as you recount the many nights you spent with a toy between your legs. "What would you think of?" Danny asks softly, "Oh." You pause a moment in anxiety at the idea of having to speak your innermost fantasies to this gorgeous man before you. 
On your couch. 
You could feel the blush creeping in on your cheeks. "I uh, I liked to think about… ya know, getting tossed around, someone being rough with me." You confess, unable to meet Danny's eyes as you mess with the rings on your fingers. "Mmm, I see now. He was too soft? Too boring?" Danny speaks with a smirk that lights you on fire. "Y-Yeah, I uh, I'd bring up the idea but, he never really did anything new, maybe he thought it was weird?" You shift in your seat, ready to hear the judgment in Danny's voice. To hear the same put off tone like Ryan had. Instead, he places his hand on your knee, you turn to finally look at him. 
"I don't think it's weird at all. I like being rough." Danny smiles, you can feel the wave of relief washing over you. "Yeah?" You ask. "Mhm, to take control, to have a pretty little thing under me, letting me touch her all over, kiss her wherever, grab her however I want. Hear how good she feels." His voice feels like silk as he speaks, warming you all over. You can't think of a single thing that isn't a kin to 'fuck me', so you stay silent. You look over Danny's lips, he smirks at you as he moves closer. 
"Tell me what you've been dreaming of, angel, because I know I am a much better listener than that prick ever was." Danny grins, you can't help the hitch in your throat at the nickname. "Lots of things." You whisper. Danny smiles, his hand runs up your knee to your thigh, his large hand radiates warmth through your jeans to your skin beneath, fuck his hands are big. 
He leans in close, his cologne flooding your senses, his breath fanning gently over your lips as he brings his other hand to your chin, his eyes holding yours. "Did he never pull you onto his lap? Spank you over his knee? Squeeze his hand around your throat a little?" Danny asks, his finger under your chin holds you gently, your face is flushed as he tilts his head awaiting your answer. "Never." You whisper, your eyes practically begging his lips to yours, instead he runs his hand against your cheek, his thumb softly moves along your cheekbone. "Would you like that? If I did?" Danny asks softly, a rasp in his words sends a delicious chill down your neck. You nod embarrassingly quickly but it makes Danny chuckle at your eagerness. "Words, angel." He smiles. 
"Yes, I'd like that very much." You say, a slight shake in your voice, you almost don't even sound like yourself, you're so desperate. "Good. Because I think you deserve a good fuck." Danny pulls you in, a soft kiss at first, softer than the one at the party but it doesn't stay sweet. 
Your hands come to his face, to his hair, wanting to touch him where you've been dying to. Your kiss becomes more desperate, his tongue enters your mouth, your hands tug at his hair, he groans at the pull, smirking as he breaks the kiss, “Oh angel, that’s my job.” He teases before kissing you again, his hands on the small of your back brings you closer to him, bringing you on to his lap, he captures your bottom lip between his teeth making you moan. He pulls away, allowing you to grind down to feel his already hardening cock in his pants, you whimper out a pathetic sound at just the feeling of him near you. 
“You sure?” Danny asks, breaking the bad boy persona a moment as he reads your face, “Take me to my bedroom.” You sigh as you roll your hips against his. Danny sighs at the feeling of your movements before he huffs a small laugh, “Where is your bedroom?” He asks, you laugh, “Down the hall to the left.” You smile. With no hesitation, Danny stands from the couch, you wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you to your room, his hands holding you close to him as he makes his way down the hall. 
Your room is warmly lit, a gentle glow from your fairy lights and salt lamp you left on, Danny sets you down on your bed before looking around the room, “Cute.” He simply states, making you roll your eyes. 
You go to take your top off, “Wait.” Danny interrupts, you stop your hands, dropping the material of your sweater. “Come here.” He says, you smile in response as you make your way over to him, clambering off the bed and standing in front of him. Danny brings his hands to the hem of your sweater, pulling the material over your head and off to be discarded to the floor. “Pretty girl.” He smiles, a rasp to his voice makes you blush as you stand before him in your bra. He undoes the button of your jeans, pulling them down your legs until you stand before him in just your underwear. 
You stand before him, his eyes scanning your half naked figure, he gives you a ‘come hither’ motion with his finger, you walk up to him, your doe eyes looking up at him as his hands come to rest warmly on your sides. “So pretty.” He whispers, his voice bringing goosebumps to your skin. His hand trails down to your panties, his fingers running over the already dampened material. You sigh at the touch, “Mmm, already so wet for me. Aren’t you such a good girl?” Danny praises, his lips right against your ear as he speaks, your heart nearly jumps out of your rib cage at his words. “Just for you.” You breathe, Danny smiles, kissing your neck.
He pulls away, his hands come to his own shirt, pulling his church of rock ‘n roll tank top off, tossing it alongside your own discarded clothes. You watch astounded at the beauty of his body, the dark ink of the tattoos you never saw are revealed as he peels the tight black jeans from his body, leaving him clad only in a tight pair of black briefs, the outline of his dick takes your breath away. 
Danny pulls you to him in a gentle kiss, he pulls away after a moment, taking you by the hand and leading you to the bed. He sits on the edge of the bed, he pulls you on to his leg, you sigh at the contact. “Wanna watch you ride my thigh, show me how bad you want it.” He says, his hands on your hips, pulling you down onto his muscular thigh, making you whine. 
You roll your hips down against him, a moan rolls out of your throat as you grind down, you place your hands on his shoulders as you move, his hands come down to your ass, dull nails digging into the softness of your muscle. “That feel good, angel?” Danny asks teasingly, you offer a hum as you chase the feeling building up in your lower stomach, “Tell me baby, tell me how you feel.” He smirks, his grip tightening and pulling you to rock against him harder and faster, “Ah, fuck, so good.” You whine. “Yeah?” Danny asks, his hand coming down hard on your ass, you yelp out in shock, the stinging a delicious blend of pain and a euphoric sensation that only makes you wetter. “How good?” He asks, looking at the way your eyes have widened and the way your mouth hangs open, his hands gripping tightly, “So fucking good, oh god.” You cry out.
Danny brings his hand behind your back, unclipping your bra and pulling you closer to him, his lips latching around one of your nipples. You moan as you rock back and forth on his thigh, his teeth grazing your nipple, his other hand gripping the small of your back, encouraging you to move. The wetness in your panties and the friction on your clit against Danny's muscular thigh, feels like nothing you've ever felt before. He pulls away from your chest, his hands pull you to him as he flips you onto the bed and lies you on your back, manhandling you and laying between your legs. He kisses you hard before sitting back on his heels, a shining wet spot on his thigh tattoo catches your eye, making you blush. “You need it bad, huh, baby?” He teases, grinning at the wetness on his thigh. 
"God yes." You sigh. He looks so dreamy under the lights like this, like an angel with his curly hair catching the warm lighting from the salt lamp. The golden hue makes his skin look so soft and warm and you cannot wait to feel him. "Then let me give it to you." He smirks, his hands come down to your panties, he gives you one last look for permission that you immediately grant him before pulling them down.
You can’t stop the instinct of closing your legs out of shyness as Danny tosses your panties to the side, Danny laughs a moment at your coyness. “Oh, baby, don't act shy now. Spread your legs for me, sweet girl, show me what a good girl you are.” Danny’s voice makes you sigh, no one has ever talked this way to you before, you keep your eyes on him as you slowly open your legs. Danny’s eyes travel down to your glistening core and subtly palms himself over his briefs, only making you wetter at the sight. “Fuck angel, you are dripping.” His voice laced in seduction as his hands come to your thighs, spreading you wider. 
“So fucking gorgeous, all laid out for me. I want a taste.” His proposition makes your eyes widen. “Fuck yes please. I haven’t…” Your voice trails off making Danny look at you with an air of confusion, “Haven’t what?” Danny’s voice in that perfect mocking tone that makes your brain hazy. You can’t help but blush and look away before answering him. 
“I um, I’ve never really cum from… oral before.” You confess. Danny almost looks pained by your statement. “Never?” he asks as his hands softly wander up and down your thighs. “My ex didn’t do that much.” You say nervously, Danny brings his hand closer to your core making your breath hitch, he leans in close to you, his face inches away from your own, eyes boring into yours. “With a pussy as perfect as yours, I don’t see how he wasn’t between your legs all hours of the day.” Danny whispers as his hand slowly glides down to your center, you sigh as his fingers bring your wetness up and around your clit, making you moan. Danny smiles as he watches your expression change as his fingers roll slow wide circles over your clit, your mouth hanging open. 
“Let me take care of you, pretty girl.” He says softly before kissing your neck, down your chest, your stomach, kissing his way down all the while his fingers play with your clit. Danny lays down on the bed, he watches as his fingers make a mess of you. “If it ever becomes too much, just say Metallica, that’s the safeword.” He explains, you simply nod. “No angel, I need to hear it. Be a good girl and repeat it so I know you understand.” “M-Metallica, yes, I-I understand.” You stammer out, “Good girl.” Danny grins before kissing your inner thigh, heading closer until he removes his hand from your clit. You take a deep shaky breath as Danny’s breath warms over your folds, his warm tongue licking languidly up to your clit. You sigh a moan as he takes his time, licking slowly along the sensitive bud, your hands clawing at the duvet beneath you. 
Danny’s mouth moves faster, lapping up at your soaking wet pussy. He moans against your core, making your back arch, “Fuck, Danny.” You moan, Danny brings his hands to wrap tightly at your thighs, gripping you to him, holding you in place as he eats your pussy. The delicious sounds of Danny’s mouth makes you whimper at the beautiful lewdness of it all. “So fucking sweet,” it was muffled but you just barely registered it from Danny, like it was never even meant for you to hear but you did and fuck that was hot. “Oh fuck, holy fuck.” You cry out, your eyes rolling back in your head as you clutch tighter at the balled up comforter beneath your writhing body.
Watching as Danny’s mouth works over you, the way his large hands hold you open for him and the way his nose nudges against your clit as he tongue fucks your weeping pussy has you moaning and your legs shaking uncontrollably. The prideful smirk you catch on Danny’s features makes your breathing more uneven than before, because he is so fucking good at this and the way you’re moaning is making him want you to cum even more. “Oh god Danny. Fuck, I’m gonna-oh fuck I’m cumming, oh fuck.” You moan out as Danny latches his lips around your clit, sucking on the bundle of nerves that has you clawing onto anything that can hold you as your orgasm takes root in you. Your hands come to Danny’s hair as your hips attempt to buck, but the firm grip he has on your thighs, move to your hips, pinning you down as his tongue fucks you hard and fast into the most intense orgasm of your life.
Danny’s name and a string of other expletives fill the air until you’re hit with a wave of pleasure so hard you can’t make a sound. Your body goes rigid, your grip in Danny’s curls is tight and rough, only making him groan against your core which feels like it's sparking like a live wire. Then something inside of you snaps and you can breathe again, uneven and labored breaths as you try to make sense of the bliss you just felt from this man you’ve only know for a matter of hours could make you feel like this, a million times better than a guy you were dating for two years could have ever dreamed.
His tongue slows to a stop as you come down from your climax, “H-Holy shit.” You huff out, you're in awe and just staring at your ceiling. If that’s what he can do with just his mouth, then you have to know what else he can do. 
You sit up and look at him with a look of insatiable lust. He smirks as he sits up and wipes the shine of wetness from his lips and chin with the back of his hand. “Oh angel, you look like you need more.” He teases as he sits up on his knees, the very prominent outline in his briefs pulls your attention away. “Please.” Is all you’re able to say. “I saw you sizing me up earlier, baby. I know you’re not as innocent as your boy toy thought you were.” Danny grins as he moves closer to you, his hand resting on the thigh of your spread legs. He moves to take his briefs off, you’re practically drooling as he pulls them off. His cock springs up and slaps against his stomach, “Fuck.” You whisper, a thought that wasn’t meant to come out. 
Danny moves closer to you, his fingers coming to your core, you almost jump from the enhanced sensation from between your legs. His fingers dip inside you a moment, you sigh out, your breath making Danny’s curls sway against his face from your proximity. “Show me what a good girl you are.” He whispers before pulling his fingers away and bringing them up to your lips. “Taste how sweet you are.” His voice sends chills across your body. Your eyes don’t leave his as you present your open mouth to him, sucking on his slender fingers. You hum against them, tasting your own arousal from his fingers. You open your mouth again, allowing him to pull away, but he doesn’t. 
His fingers rest on your tongue, “Such a good girl.” Danny whispers, he experimentally pushes his fingers back in your mouth, further back. You don’t dare break eye contact as he slowly runs his fingers in and out of your mouth. “Pretty little slut.” He smirks as you gag around his fingers, your eyes water, but you don’t retreat. “Suck.” He commands. You do as you're told and suck on his middle and index fingers, he sighs at the feeling. You release them with a ‘pop’, Danny smiles as he watches your face when he brings his fingers back down to your pussy, teasing your clit before pressing back inside of you.
You can’t help the moan that rolls out of your throat at the feeling of him filling you up. “Mmm, you are so tight.” Danny rasps, he moves closer to you, prompting you to lay back, his fingers slowly pushing in and out of you. He envelops you into a kiss as he makes work of you. You moan against his lips, grinding down on his fingers, your eyes fluttering closed at the feeling of him grazing your g-spot. “I know baby, I know.” He teases you as he continues finger fucking you, his pace speeding up a tad. His hardened cock lays against your thigh, you whimper as his fingers move faster. “You need it so bad, huh, baby?” Danny’s voice sends a chill over you, “Mhm.” You can’t even speak it feels so good, playing your body like he’s done it so many times before, so intune with you for absolutely no reason, it makes your head spin. 
“I wanna hear you say it.” He says, your eyes look at him, almost shyly. “Yeah, I wanna hear you say it. Hear that innocent little voice of yours ask for what you want me to do to you.” He smiles devilishly, the sound of your wetness all over his fingers fills the room, making you want him even more. You move to speak, but his fingers curl up inside of you making you moan, “Oh fuck,” You whisper to yourself, trying to get yourself under control. “I-I want you.” You say, Danny just chuckles, “Oh sweet girl, you’re gonna have to ask a lot prettier than that.” He teases, he adds his thumb to the mix, rolling over your clit as he finger fucks you. 
“Mmm, fuck. I-I want you to fuck me.” 
“Not even a please?” 
“P-Please, Danny. Please, I wanna feel it. N-Need to feel it, fuck me.”
Danny thinks for a minute to himself, a smug smirk on his face, “Yeah, that’ll do.” He grins before kissing you, his fingers pulling away as he puts himself between your open legs. You hum against his kiss as you feel his hardened cock resting against your warm core, begging for more. You buck your hips against him, hoping and praying he'd understand how much you need it. He smiles against your lips, "Oh yeah? That bad, huh?" He teases. You open your mouth to protest but whimper as he slowly taps the head of his cock against your needy clit. You look at him with eyes of dismay, shocked how your body reacts with a jump with every touch like this. "Like that, baby?" Danny speaks in a way that makes you practically buzz with excitement. "So much." You whisper. 
Slowly he presses inside of you, both of you moaning at the stretch. It feels like a wave flowing through you, from your scalp down to your toes. All you need in this moment is him. "Fuuuck." Danny's voice waivers as his eyes close, "So fucking wet for me." "Fuck baby, just for you." Your voice breathy and small sounding as you rake your nails down his back, making Danny sigh in your ear. His hand comes down to your thigh, pulling it over his hip, gripping so tight you pray it leaves bruises, wanting some sort of proof that this pleasure wasn't some fleeting dream. 
The angle is so deep and you can't help the way he's making you sound. Your nails gripping into his back and pulling him closer to you. It's all so fuckin perfect, you've never felt this good, so all consumed by desire and a euphoric pleasure that takes you under like the wave of tsunami. His breath cascades over your cheek and you can't help the way you wish you were the only oxygen in his lungs. "Fuck, Danny." You moan out as he speeds up his pace, the head of his cock grazing against your g-spot in a way that has your legs spread even wider for him. "So good angel, so fuckin good." He practically growls as he moves faster. 
A moan rips through you and you're clawing at the sheets beneath you, your hands detach from the linen and take root in Danny's curly hair. He groans at the pull, the way your nails scrape through his scalp. You're so close to the edge, the way he's pounding inside of you and the way the bedframe slams against the wall of your bedroom makes your eyes roll back in ecstasy. 
Your eyes slam open as the presence of a large hand presses against your throat just right. "Look at me baby. Want you to look at me when I make you cum." Danny's voice is so raspy and commanding you can't help but say, "Yes, sir." It must have sparked something in Danny because the way his eyes glint in the golden light of your bedroom leads you to believe you must have stumbled upon something. His pace quickens and his hand on your throat closes tighter, your eyes roll back and a devilish smile pulls at your lips as you completely surrender yourself to Danny. 
The building pressure inside of you has you moaning against Danny's strong hand surrounding your throat, making only a weak and broken whimper come awkwardly tumbling from your mouth. Danny releases his grip on your throat and instead holds your wrists down to the bed as he fucks you. "Let me hear it baby. Come on, angel. Be a good girl and cum for me." He whispers, his own voice shakes as he's barely holding on to his own climax. Your moans are so loud and Danny's name falls so easily from your lips, crying out for more and for him. He watches intently in your eyes, feeling the way your pussy flutters around him, and the way you can barely keep yourself from moaning as you cum hard around him.
Your climax makes Danny practically collapse against you, letting go of your wrists and opting instead to hold you close to him, both of his arms encircling your waist, hands grasping to your back. His nose presses against your neck as he groans, your name like silk on his lips as his hips stutter and slam back inside of you, cumming so deep. 
The two of you lay this way for a moment, both panting and searching for something to say, but you're both practically fucked so stupid you can't form any notable shit to say. Your pussy flutters around him, both of you moan exhausted at the intense shock waves that course through you and to him. Slowly and gently Danny pulls out of you, you whine at the loss of him and the way you can feel his cum leaking out of you so deliciously. "Uh where's your bathroom?" He blushes as if he weren't just choking you and fucking you senseless. "Uh, yeah, uh right down there." You chuckle as you point to the door that leads to your en suite bathroom. He returns with a clean washcloth and helps clean you up, a thing your ex never once cared to do for you. Your heart swells at his tenderness with you. He returns to your bed, motioning you to come closer. 
You waste no time as you rest your head on his chest, looking at the tattoos that intricately swirl in dark ink over his body. His warm hands hold you close, your leg over his, soft fingertips run over his ribs. "That was…" You trail off, blushing as the words evade you. "Yeah, that was everything." Danny smiles, hands gently caressing your back. 
"I've never felt that good before." You confess. "Never?" Danny asks surprised, you shake your head. "I could've guessed, you really weren't lying." Danny smirks. "Can we, um, do this whole thing again sometime?" You ask looking nervously up at his big brown eyes. His eyes light up innocently, "I don't think I could make this a one time thing if I tried." He smiles, his arms subtly hold you tighter. 
"Wanna stay the night?" 
"Baby, I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way."
My faithful tag list (pls update me if you changed your user)
@tripthelight-fanfic @emsgvf @ageofstardust @dakotadovato @screechesincoherently @gretavankleep37 @strangeh0rizons @capturethechaos @kiszkathecook @jakeslovehandles @depressingdarlin @gretavanfleas @samsurfgreenbass @prophetofthedune
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kriffingstars · 6 months
johnny mactavish; t-shirt
pairing: Johnny MacTavish x Price!Reader summary: Uncle Price doesn’t know how to feel about you wearing Johnny’s t-shirt warnings: verrrrrry slight age gap (I imagine reader to be around 20, Johnny is 26), allusions to sex a/n: hahaha left you all on a cliff hanger! sorry not sorry. this series is intended to be released in non-chronological order, which allows me to write whatever i’m in the mood for. it alsoooooo allows you guys to send in requests so keep ‘em coming. prompts, lines of dialogue, non cod gifs. and once again, thank you all for your continued support! i promise i will post a continuation of found out, but i want to flesh the relationship out a little more so we can understand everyone’s reactions better, and build on the lead up to the Price/Soap confrontation
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You expected the morning after to be awkward. One night stands aren’t really your thing, especially when said one night stand works with your Uncle and you already have feelings simmering beneath the surface.
Never one to disappoint, Johnny is sauntering into his bedroom with a mug of coffee and a plate of bacon and eggs. It’s not his smile or the corny, but still somehow endearing joke he makes, that causes you to laugh.
No, it’s the kiss the cook apron he’s wearing with nothing but the boxers he slipped on when he got out of bed, long before you were awake.
Once both things have been handed off to you, he’s pressing sweet kisses to your forehead before chasing after your lips.
In the sanctity of his flat, nothing else matters, it’s just the two of you, and the surprising domesticity.
“I want to take you out, proper date. Dress up and everything for you.”
He admits as you rest your head in the crook of his neck, breakfast long since finished. His hands dance innocently on the outside of your thigh, appreciating the feel of your skin on his.
“I’ve got nothing to wear,” you giggle, pressing your face further into him.
You don’t think you ever want to leave his embrace.
“I don’t mean now,” he mumbled, another kiss to your crown.
“I mean when you’re home. I’ll pick you up…want to do things properly with you.”
Now’s not the time to question about what your Uncle is going to think of it. That’s a worry for later, and whilst you’re here with Johnny you’re going to make the most of it. Leave the overthinking for when you’re back in your own bed at home.
The morning slips away far too quickly for either of you. Johnny savours every moment he can, as if this is the only chance he’ll have.
It will be for a while. Two weeks at least, until his leave is over. He knows he can’t go back to base too soon. I mean he would, but he knows you’d hate the thought of him spending any extra time in the barracks, instead of the comfort of his own home.
When it’s time to get your things packed and ready for the short flight home he chucks a t-shirt from his draw at your head, muttering about how it would be more comfortable than the smart top you were wearing yesterday.
It doesn’t really match the bottoms you have, but you think it doesn’t really matter and Johnny’s not thinking about anything other than he wants to see you in his clothes more, because you look mesmerising.
The drive to the airport isn’t that long, but it’s spent in constant conversation. By the time you’re out the car, your sides are aching from laughter, and you’re beaming at the Scot in front of you.
“Safe journey, text me when you’re home.”
And that’s all he really says as a goodbye, before letting the hand resting gently on your waist slip a little lower and connecting your lips in a sweet kiss.
It leaves you yearning for the slightest bit more, and you guess that was his intention because with one more peck to your cheek his heading back to the car, glancing as he goes and flashing you that boyish grin that lights up his whole face.
The flight is uneventful, and before you know it your bag is in the boot of your Uncle’s car as he drives you both home.
It’s uneventful, mundane conversation about how your conference was, and what he’s been up to in your absence.
Even if it is mundane, it feels like home, and you relish the time you get to spend with the man, before he’s jetting off to some country in need of him.
It’s only when you’re in the kitchen, making the both of you a brew, when Johnny comes up in the conversation.
“That’s not your t-shirt,” is what breaks your concentration from the two mugs in front of you.
“No, it’s not.”
You completely forgot about it, it’s not like you can pass it off as a new one of yours either.
“Put it in the wash, I can give it back to Soap when we’re back at work.”
That’s definitely not the response you were expecting. You were expecting something more chastising and another warning about leaving the man alone and not getting too invested.
“Hope he didn’t try any funny business.”
Ah, there it is.
Your Uncle is trying to be as nonchalant as possible, and had you not had a pang of guilt punch you in the gut it would be funny. The way he’s trying to casually lean on the counter in the kitchen and carefully studying your face for any sort of micro reaction.
As good as John is at his job, when it comes to you, he can never read you quite right. Sure he can tell when you’re happy, sad and anything in between, but what irks him the most is that her can never tell when you’re lying.
Maybe it’s because your tells are exactly the same as his, and recognising that is that bit harder. Either that or you’re just as good a liar as him.
So he misses the brief flash of panic before you plaster a smile on your face, recounting how he was the perfect gentleman, and even slept on the sofa and gave his room up for you.
“I’d expect nothing less,” He surmises, as he accepts the tea from you.
He doesn’t even bat an eyelid when your phone doesn’t stop buzzing all evening, a quick, “It’s just Georgie, from uni. Wants to know all about the conference. She’s gutted she couldn’t go.” settles any doubt he had.
Of course it’s not Georgie, it’s the man he warned you about.
The rest of John’s evening, once you’ve gone off to bed, is spent sat on the sofa, catching up on the episodes of bake-off he’s missed over the last few weeks.
It’s nice, and it’s the perfect monotonous activity to tune his mind off from the ruckus that usually follows him.
It’s not long before he’s padding out to the stable door the leads to the back garden, and swinging the top open before lighting the cigar hanging from his mouth. No use letting all the warm air out.
Thanks for looking after her. Appreciate it, mate.
It’s intended as a genuine thank you, and also a subtle reminder of the conversation they had when Soap first met you.
His phone chimes with Soap’s reply.
All good mate, anytime.
Taglist: (please let me know if you’d like to be added, all requests from my taglist will get priority)
@cassiecasluciluce @misshoneypaper @unknownduck0 @iwannabealocalcryptid @darkangel4121 @clear-your-mind-and-dream @mothiing @pepsicolacoochie @samanthamarkle92
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lu-vin-it · 7 months
Parties, Zombies, And Hayrides
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Summary: You miss your first halloween party post apocalypse, but Daryl makes it up.
Pairings: Daryl Dixon X Reader
Pronouns Used: None mentioned
Word Count: 1,059
Warnings: None
A/N: Thank you to @stqrluvr for proofreading
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“I’m sorry.. by the way.” You look at Daryl in shock.
“For what?”
“For you having to come with me.” You look at the ground.
“I don’t mind going on runs with you, D.”
“You were looking forward to the party. I know you were. Wouldn’t shut up about the costume you put together.” You shrug.
“Maybe next year. It’s no big deal.” You were lying to yourself. It was a big deal. Halloween had always been your favorite holiday, for obvious reasons, you weren’t able to do anything for it for years. But this year there was going to be a party, and you were dying to go, to get that sense of normalcy back. But of course, something came up and you had to go on a run. Typical.
“Maybe next year?” Daryl scoffs. “You and I both know next year ain’t a promise.” You sigh.
“What do you want me to say, D? That yes, I am disappointed? That I’m upset at Deanna for making me go tonight?” You look at him.
“Yeah. Kinda.” You roll your eyes.
“Do you see any walkers?” He shakes his head.
“Me either. Cover me while I go in.” You go inside the warehouse without waiting for a response.
“Y/N!” Daryl whisper-shouts. You ignore him and keep walking, placing your gun in its holster to grab your backpack. Daryl walks in behind you, gun still drawn.
You start piling supplies into your bag, completely oblivious to the walker coming up behind Daryl. A faint growl pulls you up, you turn to look at Daryl and see the walker barely two steps behind him. You draw your knife and quickly push the man aside to stab the walker.
“Thanks.” You pull the knife out of the walker's skull.
“Of course, D.” You look into Daryl’s eyes. The same eyes you’d been looking in for reassurance since the beginning of the apocalypse, the same eyes you fell in love with. “At least I got to see a zombie, am I right?” Daryl rolls his eyes.
“You know, I still don’t really get the whole Halloween thing.” You smile.
“That’s ‘cause you’ve never had a Halloween with me. Man.. if I could, I’d take you to a pumpkin patch… make you ride a hayride.”
“A hayride?”
“Yeah! They hook a trailer up to a tractor, fill the trailer with hay and hay bales, and then you get on and they take you on a drive. It’s fun. You get hay stuck everywhere— and I do mean everywhere— but it’s fun.”
“Was that your favorite part of Halloween?” You purse your lips in thought.
“No. I think carving pumpkins was my favorite part. My friends and I used to do little carving competitions. I’d win every time, of course.” Daryl gives you a ‘really?’ look.
“You can’t even draw a map, you tellin’ me you can carve a face in a pumpkin?” You squint your eyes at him.
“Okay fine, I won once. Buzzkill.” You shake your head. “What’d you do?” He shrugs.
“Watched a movie maybe. Go to the bar. Nothing special.” You nod.
“As expected.” You sigh and lean back down to gather more stuff. “I hope everyone is having fun back home.”
By the time you get back to Alexandria, everyone— other than those on patrol— was already asleep. You sadly walked back to your house with Daryl.
A week later you were sitting on your couch reading your favorite book when Daryl came in.
“D! Mud on your boots! What have I told you?” You jokingly chastise as you jump up to kiss him. “How was patrol?”
“Huh? Oh. I didn’t go. Had Glenn cover.” You cock your head to the side.
“Where’ve you been since five a.m. then?”
“Get your shoes on and I’ll show ya.” You squint your eyes at him.
“What’d you do?” He shrugs.
After being led to the opposite end of Alexandria, Daryl finally brings you to one of the empty houses.
“Go inside.” He says. You slowly do, revealing a fully Halloween decorated house.
“D? What.. What is this?” You ask with a smile.
“You’re throwing another party. ‘Sposed to start in an hour.. so you should get ready.” You gape at him.
“Daryl.. you did this?” He shrugs and looks at the ground. “I can’t believe you did all this. Gosh I love you.” You grab his face and kiss him hard. “You’re the best, you know that?” He blushes.
“It’s true. C’mon I can finally show you the matching costumes I got us!” He furrows his brows.
“Matching what now?”
Daryl politely declined— “I ain’t wearing that shit.”— to wear the costume you put together for him, but you didn’t care a bit. Everyone was complimenting the two of you on the party, and you were just glad that you got to make everyone happy.
At around midnight, Daryl pulled you outside.
“Got one more thing to show you.” You stare at your boyfriend in disbelief.
“There’s more?” He nods.
“C’mon.” He grabs your hand and drags you down the road.
You walk on the road for about five minutes and then veer off to a small farming area. You walk past the crops and stop when you’re besides the greenhouse.
“Close your eyes.” You cover your eyes with your hand.
“Okay!” Daryl places the hand that wasn’t holding your own and gently guides you forward a few steps. He then turned you and guided you a couple more steps.
“Alright.. you can look now.” You move your hand slowly to see what looks like a barrel full of leaves hooked up to Daryl’s motorcycle. “Didn’t have hay so I used what I could.” Your face breaks out into a grin with the realization that this was a hay ride. He made you a hay ride.
“Daryl.. I don’t know what to say to you. You.. You are the most amazing man I’ve ever met.” He blushes and scratches the back of his neck.
“You gettin’ in or what?”
“I think I need a kiss first.” You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss softly. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Now get in.” You do, as quickly as you can.
“Is this safe?” Daryl shrugs, getting onto his motorcycle.
“Guess we’ll find out, I’ll go slow.”
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chronurgy · 7 months
i loveeeeeeeee your hc about gortash in all your tags!!! can you share your favorite hc about durge/gortash shenanigans in the city?
Yeah absolutely! Shenanigans hmmm....
Some of these will be a little more specific to my durge (Vesper, half-drow wizard) than others
During the Hall of Wonders heist, gortash specifically left some guards out of his reconnaissance to test how Durge handled themselves under pressure. He wanted to know if this was someone he would work with or someone too crazy to manage.
Gortash and Durge did a heist in the House of Hope as a trial run for their heist of the Crown - this is when they stole Raphael's shoes (the helldusk armor boots that Gortash keeps in the chest at the foot of his bed). Gortash didn't tell them about his history there or with Raphael before they went in. I think after seeing him there Durge did put at least pieces of it together and really left lots of burn marks and blood and guts spread around in their wake to get back at Raphael. They also broke at least one priceless and irreplaceable vase on "accident" while they were there. Their ire towards Raphael from this realization actually manages to carry over even when they can't remember why and it's partly why they're so determined to kill Raphael and so insistent that they won't work with him.
Gortash takes Durge to fancy parties, for a number of reasons - as a bodyguard, to bring them close to a murder target, to introduce them to the kind of high society stuff they'll be involved with as his co-ruler. But also because he loves to show them off, his darling assassin, loves the vicious little comments they make about the other attendees. He starts finding excuses to bring them to any party he can because he only ever enjoys these parties when they're with him, when he has someone just as brilliant as he is at his side. Durge usually has to attend in disguise but sometimes just dressing up fancy enough not to look like a sewer rat is enough to fool people.
Gortash is the kinda guy who will work himself to exhaustion and then fall asleep at his desk. The first time Durge found him like that, completely dead to the world on top of his diagrams and sketches, they thought about killing him. They imagined every detail, knew exactly how it would go. It would have been so easy, because he's so defenseless like this. They see his eyes moving under their lids, see his hands flex, and little expressions pass over his face - they know he's dreaming. They wonder what he's dreaming about (is it them?). And they don't kill him. They just watch him sleep, fascinated by the differences between the waking man they know and this unguarded sleeping one. They leave before he wakes up. I think they do this a couple of times before he finally catches them (maybe because they try to stroke his hair or something in a fit of softness). At first he's like, "oh my apologies, please don't hesitate to wake me should this happen again" before he puts together the look on Durge's face and realizes they've been watching him sleep and tried to like, touch his hair. He considers this a success because they could've killed him a whole bunch of times and didn't and they seem to be developing some sort of feelings towards him. He resolutely does not acknowledge the existence of any things he could possibly be feeling about this. Not at all.
Gortash keeps a large fancy estate in the city, Durge has a guest room there - it starts out as just an extra room but as they spend more time there Gortash starts to customize it more to their liking. He also moves their room to be next to his once he realizes that they're staying over more often, blaming a maid for knocking over a candle and causing fire damage in their old room when they ask why it was moved.
I think one night they have to have at least one really stupid caper they pulled off while extremely drunk that neither of them will talk about - as an example, they got super drunk, decided that since they were so good at heists they should do more of them, broke into some patriars estate, and stole a ton of fancy liquor. They also stole the bust of some guy from the entryway and staggered up the stairs to escape out the window of the daughter of the house's dressing room. Anyway, they woke up the next morning on the floor of Gortash's bedroom, extremely hungover and both of them (and the bust they stole) were wearing fancy little fascinator hats they can't remember but must have stolen out of the dressing room. They try to laugh at each other but gortash just ends up violently throwing up in a trash bin while durge lies on the floor with their eyes squeezed shut because the room won't stop spinning. They refuse to speak of this and will adamantly deny it ever happened if asked. Durge absolutely killed sceleritas while trying to force him into a stupid hat. The exact series of events might need some workshopping, but the core idea is some extremely stupid adventure the two of them had together that neither would ever admit to but is also a cherished memory for both of them.
Gortash's gauntlets (before he had the netherstone) used a series of capacitors and a setup akin to a self winding watch to generate an electric charge that he could attack people with. He designed them himself.
Vesper finds these gauntlets fascinating. When they first meet in person, he shows them off and discusses their construction and it's the first thing about him that they find impressive and intriguing.
As a gift, Gortash gave Vesper a set of sharpened rings designed after his gauntlets.
Vesper actually helped Gortash with some of the designs for the steel watch, looking at the plans and making suggestions - they were especially helpful when it came to the magical portions of the construct.
I think the closest the Urge ever comes to forcing Vesper to kill Gortash isn't when they first meet or during sex. It's one day when they're waiting for some spy's report, so they're sitting around in his room. He's tinkering with something at his workbench, and they're sitting at a desk working on a spell. They realize they need certain special inks for the transcription and look up to see them in the desk's little shelving unit and then they look closer and realize the desk is stocked with all the things a wizard needs - inks, chalks, paper, magical components. And this is the desk they always sit at when they're here and need to do some work. And Gortash has stocked it as a wizard's desk. He's made it their desk. And he's working at his workbench and they're working at their desk together in companionable silence. It's domestic, almost. And that's when the urge hits, with just absolutely crushing intensity, and they turn on gortash. Jokes on them, he's into that shit. After some back and forth between them (the level of explicitness is up to you! Or me, if I can get my act together and write this!), Vesper more or less jumps out the window and spends the next couple of days cutting a bloody swathe through baldur’s gate. When they finally return to him, gortash just asks them if they enjoyed their little vacation. After that, even when recreating much the same scene, the urge never comes on as strongly again (they don't know it at the time but this is the first time they've managed to throw off Bhaal's yoke when he really wanted them to kill someone. He never pushed that hard again with gortash because he's afraid of the consequences, though he still does push them to kill him a little bit).
Gortash gave durge a number of gifts over their acquaintance, both practical and fantastic: jewelry, enchanted items, clothes, shoes, books, any and everything you can imagine. He loves seeing them using his gifts, carrying or wearing something he gave them, because it helps mark them as his. He spends absolutely lavishly on them, buying them beautiful and fancy clothes for them to wear when they're in his house or out with him in public. He also buys them more practical gifts, well-fitting boots, weapons, armor, all of it enchanted and worth a small fortune.
On some of his gifts to Durge, he encodes messages for them in their cypher. They say things like "For my dearest assassin" and "To the sorrow of all" on a weapon and "pari pasu" (Latin for with equal step) and "I've always liked to play with fire", plus any number of other things.
Gortash has a thing for Durge wearing his clothes. One cold morning durge throws on his black coat when they get out of bed to check something and seeing them wearing nothing but his coat is such a thing for him that he ditches all their plans for the day to spend the day in bed with them.
Gortash has a number of affairs, to help his star rise in the upper city. He may use them to make durge jealous, but they are ultimately people to be used and discarded. He doesn't care what they do, because they're tools. Durge is his. His partner. And that's why he doesn't share.
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conchcronch · 3 months
Sword Swallower - Part 2
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You're left feeling confused, heartbroken, and needy but before you can go to port to 'blow off some steam' there's something nagging at you. And that something hasn't spoken to you since kissing you in front of the whole crew.
NSFW under cut.
You hadn’t seen Buggy in almost two days. After he had left the party you had drunk everything in sight. Leading to a very hefty hangover the following day. Thankfully for you, and most of the other crew, Buggy had deemed the day at sea as a rest day, something that he did as an unspoken praise to the crew for a raid well done. You had spent about 90% of that rest day heaving over the side of the ship, unable to keep any food down.
Thankfully that was a few days ago and today you were feeling better, still only able to keep small things down and even the smell of beer caused you to gag. You had spent the better half of the day preparing the ship to be docked at a pirate island to restock and gather information, also giving the crew some time on land to blow off steam as they put it.
You had been feeling antsy since that kiss, taking any opportunity to try to satiate your sexual urges yourself. But by the third underwhelming orgasm in the shower you realized you were probably going to have to join the crew at port and find someone who can help you out.
You threw on a pair of plain black underwear, with a matching bralette, something easy to take off and throw back on to avoid that awkward post sex dynamic. On top of that you pulled on a long black flowy skirt and a black and white striped tank top, carrying your boots with you as you headed out to the deck. The sun was just beginning to dip, and the air was cooler than you expected. Just as you were about to climb the ladder to the dock you threw a look over your shoulder and noticed a light coming from the captain’s quarters.
Something tugged at you, telling you you should at least go tell him you’re popping out for a bit. Even though he had been held up there since the party, not even coming out for meals and specifically requesting Cabaji bring him food. You drop your boots on the deck and pad to his door, knocking and half expecting him not to answer.
To your surprise, the door is pulled open by a detached hand, retracting back to the wrist of its owner without so much as a glance in your direction. You step inside his office, closing the door with your foot and taking him in. You missed him, you weren’t going to tell him that but the sight of him felt the same as seeing land for the first time after weeks on the sea. His jacket and hat were thrown on a chair in the corner of the room leaving him in his striped vest, gloves and his hair was tied up in a loose, low bun.
You catch him glance up at you through his lashes before turning his focus back to the map he has covering his desk, a compass and a sexton sitting within reach. The silence stretches around you, making you fidget in the doorway. You walk towards him, leaning over the map to try and see the cluster of islands he’s got his eyes locked on. “Can you move those, they’re blocking my map,” He makes a swiping motion at your chest that had spilled a touch and was blocking a few of the islands he was looking at. You laugh, standing up so you’re not blocking anything.
“I’ve barely seen you lately. '' You say, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Someone has to get shit done on this ship.” He doesn’t look up at you.
“Nope, I’m not buying that,” You shake your head even though he’s not looking at you.
“Don’t care if you do or not.”
“Something’s got you acting weird.”
“Maybe it’s the fact I can’t get any peace and quiet ‘round here, ever think of that?”
“I don’t think that’s it,” You walk around the desk, wanting to get close to him, hoping you can read his vibe.
“I think I know what it is,” You stare at him, studying his every move. The way his gaze flicks from the compass to the cluster of islands, how his gloved finger tries to map a path from where you are to where you’re going, the way his biceps tense and relax as he shifts his weight.
“Don’t care.”
“We never talked about the other night.” If you hadn’t been watching him so intently you would have missed it. The way his whole body freezes for half a second before shifting his weight onto his hands that are planted firmly on the desk, his fingers digging into the wood just a bit more than before. You can see his painted jaw tighten and untighten, something you know he does when he’s thinking harder than normal.
“Didn’t think you’d want to, or that you’d even remember.” His words are cold, you’d only ever heard this tone when he brings up Shanks.
“Why wouldn’t I want to?”
“Dunno.’” He shrugs, eyes practically boring a hole through the map. “Didn’t want it to change things.” For a moment you let the words hang there. Let them solidify between the two of you. You nod, taking the statement in, accepting it. You wouldn’t risk your friendship over anything. You had been traveling together for years, bickering at each other like an old married couple but never crossing the unspoken line. Always returning to your own beds after nights of deep conversations when no one else was around, kisses only ever lasting a second and exclusively on noses, hands and cheeks. Anything more would be too intimate. Sure you thought he was handsome, he was practically oozing charisma. But you never let that thought linger, worried you would allow your attraction to evolve into something more. You’d be lying if you hadn’t thought about how much easier it would be if you could just come to him rather than having to find someone at a port when your fingers are no longer enough to satisfy you. But you weren’t going to cross that line…you weren’t…
You force a smile, sling an arm around his neck and pull him close as you look down at his map. You feel him relax into your embrace, pulling the compass closer to him before he gives you a side glance. “Your big head is blocking my light,” His tone’s lighter than before.
“You’re very boring, you know, I came to you for entertainment and this is all I get?”
“You have an uncanny ability to bother me whenever I’m trying to do something.” You let your arm slip from his shoulder and you step around to the side of the desk so you can watch him,
“Come on, can’t this wait?” You pop up onto the edge of his desk, kicking your feet.
“Go bother someone else.” You grab your chest, wheezing out a gasp,
“Oh captain,” before laying back across the whole map, “you wound me so! I could be out on the town but instead I chose to come and spend my day with my very favourite clown on the high seas!” You grin up at him, seeing the corner of his lip upturned,
“We both know your ego is too big to be hurt by that,” He smiles with an eye roll. “But unless you want to stay at this port forever, I gotta figure out where we’re going next.” You gracefully roll off the desk, landing on the balls of your feet before shrugging at him,
“Guess I’ll just go to port early,” You say, smoothing down your skirt before turning and reaching for the door knob. You heard him scoff, almost as though he didn’t actually expect you to leave.
“You never go to port.”
“I go sometimes,” You say, looking over your shoulder at him.
“Not without me,” He’s looking up at you, still bent over his desk, a piece of hair dangling in front of his face.
“I just got something I gotta’ do,” You look away from him, knowing if you held his gaze much longer he’d know you were up to something. That was the only downside to being so close to him for so many years, he could read you like a book.
“Like?” You stay silent, hoping he’ll grow bored of this conversation and wave you off to go find someone in a tavern who can at least make you cum. “Oh hoho!” He almost giggled “Now I have to know!” You turn to face him, refusing to meet his gaze, opting to look everywhere else but him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this,” He brings a hand to his chin, his eyes scanning you up and down. “Should I just start guessing?” You shift your weight from side to side, your skin feeling weirdly tight all of a sudden. You know your cheeks are burning and the longer you go without looking at him the guiltier you look.
“C’mon, don’t make me say it.” You finally meet his gaze through your eyelashes and watch the realization hit him.
“Oh…OOOOOOHHHHH!” His cheeks rouge and he looks away from you, rubbing his hand across his face. “Didn’t realize you…did that…” You can even see the tips of his ears are red.
“Have sex? Ya Buggy, most adults do. Only so long I can avoid it before it gets distracting.” You turn around, deciding this is more than enough embarrassment to last you a lifetime, you grab the knob and just before you can pull it over you hear him speak, his voice softer, more delicate.
“You know, I can always…” He trails off, probably hoping you can fill in the words he doesn’t want to say. You let go of the knob and turn back around to see him staring holes into his desk, his hands in tight fists on the map.
“Always… what?” You walk closer to him until you're across the desk from him. You bend down, trying to catch his eye line but he purposely avoids it by looking down at the forgotten compass. When he doesn’t look up at you or make any signs that he’s planning on finishing that sentence you reach out, tucking that piece of hair behind his ear, racking your nails behind his ear, the tips of your finger grazing his pierced lobe. You watched as a shiver passed through him before he was able to hide it.
“Forget I said anything.” He sighs heavily, “Go off and find some crab addled sailor.” He waves his hand at you, trying to shoo you away, “Have fun.” He’s trying to resume his jovial tone but you can hear it crack, which churns your stomach.
“What if I don’t want to forget what you said?” You snatch the compass just as he goes to pick it up and resume his charting.
“God, you’re a pain in the ass!” He finally looks and you smile at him.
“That may be, but you didn’t answer my question.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” He says calmly, sitting in his neglected desk chair. “You’re probably still hung over from the other night.” He pulls open one of the desk drawers and starts digging around in it, probably looking for a backup compass since you still have his in your hand.
“Come on Buggy,” you walk around his desk, grabbing the back of his chair and jerking it to face you, you lean it close to him, your forehead almost touching his. “I just want to hear you say it.”
“Are you just trying to make me look like a fool?” He accuses, browns knit together and a hard frown on his lips.
“Bugs, I’m being serious,” You reach out and touch that piece of hair behind his ear, “I just want to hear you say it.” His head drops so he’s looking down at his lap, your hand on his shoulder.
“If you wanted, I could…we could always…ha…have sex…just to avoid outside people, no strings just fun,” He roughly rubs the back of his neck, surely leaving red irritated skin.
“That’s quite the proposition, Captain.” You lean forward, pulling his chin up with a finger, smiling at him for a second before closing the space between your lips and his.
You had exchanged small pecks over the years in times of stress or drunken excitement, but never before had your lips slotted together in such a perfect way. His hands immediately found your hips as his mouth opens with a small moan, your tongue sliding along his. You can feel him very gently lead you forward, slowly inviting you to straddle his lap. Your knees fitting perfectly on either side of his thighs as your fingers tangle themselves in the hair at his neck. His hands move from your hips to your long skirt that’s constraining your thighs, pushing it up just high enough you can move freely without the chiffon digging into your thighs. His hands drag out from your thighs to the bottom of your tank top, pulling it up over your head, your lips parting for just long enough to get the shirt over your head and tossed somewhere else in the office. He pulls his lips away from yours, a small whimper leaving your lips before you can stop it.
“Damn,” He breathes out, barely loud enough for you to catch it as he looks at you. You were only wearing that simple bralette that did your chest very few favours. The longer he stares the more you want to make excuses about your choice in underwear, you bring your arms up to cover yourself.
“If I had known it was going to be you seeing me, I would have worn something nicer,” His hands come up to your arms, gently pushing them away.
Without realizing it, you relax your thighs that were growing a bit sore from holding yourself up in such an awkward position. Your full weight falling on his lap, feeling his bulge right against your wet core, only a few layers of fabric were separating you. His head leaned back a bit and a breathy moan fell from his open mouth. When he is composed enough to look back at you – his eyes lidded and full of lust – you reach behind you, unclasping your bra and letting it slip off your arms and onto the ground next to you.
“Holy shit,” He breathes, eyes glued to the small silver barbells that accent each of your nipples, catching the light in such a way that he swears they sparkle.
“Don’t start, I was 18 and felt rebellious,” You try to stop the jokes before they start but they never come. For once in all the years of knowing Buggy, the Flashy Fool, the Genius Jester, he was at a loss for words.
“Stop staring.” You’re suddenly very aware of your lack of clothes in comparison to him.
He blinks a few times, before pulling his gloves off and dropping them on the ground. You furrow your brow, trying to think if you’ve ever seen him without his token white gloves. Without much thought you grab his bare hand as he’s pulling his second glove off, looking at his black painted nails and feeling his calloused hands. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without your gloves on,” After allowing you to inspect every part of his hand he reaches forward and cups your cheek, you allow yourself to push your face into his touch, looking up at him to see a gentle smile on his lips. You were both thinking the same thing, how nice it was to finally cross that line. He draws you in, kissing you softly, his hand moving to the back of your head to tangle his fingers in your mused hair. You break apart but just enough that he can speak, “Wanna’ move to my bed?” You nod but back peddle as you remember something.
“Do you mind if I shower first?” He nods, smiling that familiar smile.
“You’re telling me, you were going out planning to get laid and you didn’t shower? That’s gross, doll.” He helps you get up before adjusting himself so his aching erection isn’t quite as apparent, but it’s still very apparent. He stands up, looking you up and down before starting to roll the long forgotten map on his desk.
“I did shower, thank you very much! But it’s different when I’m with someone I actually care about.” You see him pause for a second before continuing to roll the map up and slip it into its bronze tube.
“Aw, I’m flattered,” He puts the tube into a locked chest next to his desk, your eyes trained on his every movement. “You can use my bathroom, if you want?” He says, going about cleaning his office as you stand there leaning against his desk, still topless.
“Now I’m the one who’s flattered. You don’t let anyone use that, I don’t think I’ve even seen it in all my years here.”
“Better get used to it ‘cuz you’re not using the crew shower anymore,” He says, seemingly pleased with his office and turning to you.
“What?” He clears the space between the two of you in a few steps before he pulls you close to him, his hands sliding up your sides, his thumbs grazing your nipples making you all but whine wishing he would give you more.
“I don’t want anyone else to see you like this,” He puts two fingers on either side of one of your barbells and tugs, forcing a breathy moan from your lips before you could stop it. His eyes meet yours and you can tell that for once he’s being serious. All you can do is nod, loving the way he’s seemingly possessive of you now.
He ducks his head just low enough to make you think he’s going in for a kiss but just as your eyes flutter closed his lips graze your’s before pulling away, an embarrassing whine leaving your throat. Your eyes open to see him smirking, which only widens when you grab the front of his vest and yank him down, hoping he’d get the message. But he expertly dodged your lips aiming for your neck instead, his lips latching onto your exposed skin, surely leaving a trail of hickies and red grease paint. You couldn’t stop the moan as he nipped at the crook of your neck, his hands sliding down to grope the meat of your ass. As his lips and tongue glide along your neck and his hands explore your bare skin you find yourself melting into his grasp, barely able to think clearly enough to string words into coherent sentences. “B-Buggs,” He hums into your skin, you can feel how hard he is against you. You crave him in a way you’ve never experienced. You don’t want him, you need him. You’ll take anything he offers and still beg for more.
“Don’t you want to go shower?” He asks smugly, lips never leaving your body.
“I do,” His arms fall away from you, no longer keeping you from leaving and yet you make no move to leave.
“Then go,” His lips drag up your neck, until they finally meet your own for a quick peck before pulling back just enough that you lean forward in search of them, your eyes meeting his sea green gaze.
“I-I don’t want to.” He smiles before wrapping his arms back around your waist, pulling you flush against him, his bulge pressing into your bare stomach, the heat radiating through his pants.
“Then don’t.” His words are simple and in that moment you know you’re caught. You lean forward enough to press your lips against his, feeling your lips become stained with his. A laugh barely leaves his throat as your hands greedily claw at his vest, trying to get any sort of contact as you nip at his lips until he parts them. In most circumstances you’d be embarrassed by the level of neediness in this kiss, but with Buggy you couldn’t care less. All you knew was that you had to have more of him.
It takes all your strength to pull away from his lips and push him back, hearing him groan a bit. But before he can complain more, you drop to your knees, guiding him to lean against the desk for extra support. You work his button and fly open, pulling his pants and boxers down just enough that you can fish out his cock. You had always avoided thinking about how big he could be, feeling like it was crossing a line and knowing that once you thought about it, it would plague your mind more than you were willing to admit to yourself. So you just avoided it.
But now that it was in front of you, you were forced to admit that you knew it was going to be big, but not like this. Buggy couldn’t help but smile as you wordlessly stared at his cock, and just as he was about to crack a joke it died in his throat as you licked a long strip along the underside from base to tip. You encircled the head in your mouth, sucking on it hard and smiling to yourself as you felt his hips jerk from the sudden overwhelming pleasure. You flick your gaze up to him to see his hands are on the desk, supporting himself, his head lolled back as you slowly take more of him into your mouth. Once you find your rhythm you bob your head, beginning to let your hands wander in hopes of getting him to be more vocal. Your hands slide up his covered thighs until they reach the warm bare skin of his lower stomach, slipping further under his vest then around to his lower back, dragging your nails along his skin. He isn’t even looking at you.
You pull off, gaining a whine from him but he still doesn’t look at you. “I want you to look at me, Bugs,” You say, dragging your mouth along the side of his shaft, sloppily licking as you go.
“Don’t wanna-’” You pull back completely, shrugging even though he’s not looking at you.
“Guess I’ll just stop then.” He whines out a no, jerking his hips forward a bit. He finally looks down at you and you can see his painted smile is smeared all over. “I don’t want you to take your eyes off of me.”
“I won’t last,” He drags a hand over his face, smudging his makeup even more.
“Then don’t.” You watch him huff out a sorry excuse of a laugh at you using his own comeback against him. His hand reaches forward, carding through your hair before grabbing a handful, pulling a moan from your lips.
You watch his erection jump in your grasp, your grip on the base tightening before licking a long and painfully slow strip along the underside, playfully flicking your tongue on the head, all the while staring at him. You see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows hard, his jaw clenching and unclenching when you repeat the action.
“Buggs,” You whine, stroking his member slowly as you lick the head of his cock, repeating yourself when he doesn’t look at you. “Buggs, please.” You had never acted like this for anyone before, you’re sure you’ll overanalyze it later but all you could think about in this moment was how badly you needed him. “I need you,” Breathing deeply through your nose you swallowed as much of him as you could, pausing about half way to inhale again before pushing yourself to take all of him. Your eyes squeeze shut for a moment, just long enough to force your focus away from gagging and back to him, opening your eyes again to finally meet his. This gave you the fuel you didn’t even know you needed. Pulling off of him, the head of his cock resting heavy on your tongue before you swallowed him again, nose nestled in his neat blue curls. You pulled back but not off, deep throating him again, your heart pounding as a deep groan blesses your ears.
Before you can even start to pull off of him again you feel his detached hand leave your hair. He drags the tips of his fingers along your bare back, running along your hip before ducking under you to touch your belly just before you feel the fabric of your skirt getting tugged around. You pull off his cock as both your hands grab his just as it was pulling your panties to the side.
“Why,” Is all he says, his cock twitching at the sight of you half naked and kneeling between his legs.
“I…” Your cheeks burn hotter than they had this entire exchange. “I haven’t shaved in a few days…” Your grip on his hand loosens enough that he can squirm out of your clasped hands and it flies up to pull your chin up and force you to meet his eyes.
“Is that why you wanted to wait?” His voice is almost breathless, his lips parting and you can just barely see his tongue dart out from between his teeth as you nod. “Seriously?”
“Normally all I’m looking for is just a fuck, and not a fuck with my captain!” He starts to laugh, tossing his head back and grabbing his stomach. You grab the hand from your chin and throw it at him, standing up.
“Don’t be a dick!” He grabs his hand, gently leading it to his wrist before dramatically wiping fake tears from the corner of his eyes.
“You’re just so cute.”
“Oh, fuck off.” You start looking around for your tank top, doing anything to avoid looking at him. Before you can peek around his desk you hear his chair scrap against the floor and feel both his hands grabbing your waist, he presses his body against your back, feeling his warm breath on your neck as he speaks.
“I couldn’t give a shit if you shaved or not,” He presses open mouth kisses from the crook of your neck to just behind your ear. You could hear just the faintest snicker when you lean into him more, allowing him to hold you up when your knees falter. He takes his chance, leading you into the chair he was just sitting in and crouching between your knees like you had been just a few minutes ago.
He pushes your skirt up to your waist, sucking in a breath when he finally gets a glimpse of your plain black panties. It takes a lot of his self restraint not to comment on how boring those are, but he knows one more joke could be the difference between sex and no sex so the the joke dies in his throat. He glances up at you, waiting for you to give him permission. “Fine.” You say, looking away from him but scooting your butt forward on the chair to make it easier for him.
He runs his thumb over the fabric, humming as he feels the dampness against his skin. “God, I can’t wait to hear you moan my name,” He says, surprisingly without a shit eating grin. He applies just enough pressure on your covered clit for you to whine, bucking your hips up wordlessly trying to tell him to hurry up. With both hands he slowly pulls your panties off, tossing them over his shoulder before leaning forward, his nose nudging your clit in the perfect way, earning him a breathy moan from you already. “You’re so wet,” You can feel his breath on your core, and before you can say anything he licks a long strip along you, flicking the tip of his tongue against your clit before watching as he slips his middle finger into you, his other hand grabbing your leg and guiding it over his shoulder allowing him to get closer.
Almost on instinct you tangle your fingers in his long hair, not moving him but silently encouraging him. He begins to obscenely lick at you, moaning as he stretches you out with one finger, then two, then slowly three.
You had never really thought about what Buggy would be like in any sexual situation, but you definitely had never thought about how his nose would nudge your clit in the best possible way, or how easy his hair would be to grab or how perfectly he would fit between your legs while being held in place by your thighs. “Wouldn’t it-“ He pulls his mouth away, still roughly fucking you with his fingers while now smiling up at you, “wouldn’t it be so funny if I stopped?”
“If you stop,” You whined as he flicked your bundle of nerve endings with his long tongue as you spoke. “If you stop I swear to god I'll never swallow another sword on your stage ever again.” You ball his hair in one hand, shoving him back down where he immediately went to town on you, you could feel him say something against you but you were so crazily close you couldn’t give a shit about some joke about swallowing his sword he couldn’t resist saying.
The wave of climax crashes into you so hard you can’t even consider controlling your moan. Your thighs lock around his head, your fingers contract roughly pulling at his blue strands harshly as you moan out his name accompanied by a string of profanities. He slows his minstraction but doesn’t stop until your body goes limp against your control and your vision spots. You barely register him moving from between your legs while peppering the insides of your thighs as you come down.
“Fuck,” You huff out, he has his gaze trained on your every breath, his chin glistening and his makeup smudged. “This is already better than anyone I’ve found at any port.” You push your hand through your surly wild hair as you tuck your legs in front of you. He sits back on his ass on the floor, wiping his face on the back of his hand,
”Glad I could help.” He pushes himself up, adjusting himself in his pants as he leans back against his desk. “So,” He looks down at his boots as though they’re the most interesting thing he’s seen all day. Clearly trying to act nonchalant. “Did you still wanna’?” You were surprised he managed to ask that without a waggle of his brows.
“Of course I do,” You wrap your arms around your legs, bringing them against your bare chest as if you were attempting to have some decency but you could tell by the way his eyes scan your legs that there’s no point.
“Wanna’ head to my room then?” He starts looking around for his discarded vest, clearly not wanting to walk across the ship in only his tented pants.
“God, yes,” The words left you the way air leaves your lungs after holding your breath.
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missyandthemisfits · 9 months
One Piece Headcanons - Mechanic Girl
A/N totally random prompt I gave myself at work - the first two are most likely to date a mechanic, Law is just a bonus cause he's HAWT- 
Usopp, Franky, Law x Mechanic!Fem Reader
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- Truthfully, Usopp is just smitten from the jump 
- A cute, intelligent girl who's not afraid to get down and dirty, can defend herself when the moment strikes, AND cleans up to be more attractive than Robin (in his personal opinion)??? 
- Sign him the fuck uP-
- All that said, he is so damn awkward and self-conscious, doesn't even bother with the romance, not at first anyway
- You're very fast friends, often times found working together but separate, each of your individual projects keeping you in blissful silence, back to back 
- Every now and then he'll crack a joke or two in-between breaks, stretching his legs and playfully pushing you to do the same
- Your usual response? An eye roll with an involuntary smile, an exasperated "Fine." falling from your lips
- There's always some sort of playful banter between you two, accompanied by some light shoving, perhaps playful poking 
- All the while he is FORCEFULLY shoving his feelings down so hard that his stomach is in actual knots around you and it's this not-so-subtle mix of a pleasure and torture to be around your intoxicating person-
- Safe to say he managed to fall face first in a matter of a few short months, hopelessly in love 
- Doesn't EVER plan on confessing and it's honestly for the best (or so he thinks) ...but it comes tumbling out eventually, one way or another
- One of the rare times there's a disagreement between the two of you - he, for whatever reason, doesn't want you to go with Luffy on what could potentially be his toughest battle yet
- "Ugh, will you give it a rest already?! I'm perfectly capable and you know it!"
- "Not the point! There's absolutely no way I'm letting the woman I love throw her life away!"
- Deafening silence 
- Sweating profusely
- Stuttering cutely trying his damndest to take it back
- "Will you shut up already?"
- "I just mean- mmph?!" 
- You say screw it, ignoring your heart in your ears along with every thought of what could go wrong in this moment 
- He is frozen for quite a while before he kisses back shyly 
- His face is completely flushed and he's at a loss for words after you pull away, fingers still laced neatly behind his neck, caging him lazily
- "...So um... I take it you like me then?"
- You snort
- "Duh!"
- He is relieved and so very, very thankful 
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- This guy is just a liiittle old fashion, honestly preferring a real lady
- That said he'd be lying through his thick metallic teeth if he said it didn't rustle his jimmies to watch a fine woman such yourself straddle metal with all the grace and confidence of a professional grease monkey- 
- Something about the sight gets him a little too excited in his mind, not that anyone (save for Robin) would notice 
- But Franky is Franky and as such, introduces himself with ease, striking up conversations about the kinds of work you do vs work he does while throwing in things like "Wow, quite a woman." and "Gorgeous and resourceful - you're the whole shabang, aren't ya?" 
- A natural flirt, charming to a fault when he actually tries - and an honest man to boot, so you know for a fact he means every word of it
- He gets to know you through random adventures on the Thousand Sunny and realizes pretty quickly he'd like nothing more than to spend as much time with you as possible
- Much less about him 'finding the courage' to ask you and is more about the timing of it all and how he wants to approach the ask
- Doesn't give it much thought tho, cause it happens over drinks, plus Franky is a simple man 
- "So how 'bout it, (Name) - you wanna get hitched?"
- You snort, breaking into fits of laughter, already pretty tipsy. He's grinning at you endearingly, chuckling at the beautiful sight
- He was joking for the most part, but that means there's a small part of him that's actually serious about the proposal 
- He had a feeling he'd worm his way into your heart regardless 
Trafalgar D. Water Law
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- He's honestly really impressed, not that he'd ever show it
- You hadn't meant to showcase your workshop to the entirety of the Straw Hat Pirates + Law, but here they stood, laying low for the time being in your admittedly messy place of residence as the Marine's marched by
- It's in the way he takes his time peering at every one of your creations, a faint sparkle in his eye at even the unpolished works in progress
- You had everything from altered weapons, to miniature submarines, to automail, small trinkets littered about in-between the larger works 
- He was in awe
- "Woooah, look at all this cool stuff! You should join my crew!" 
- And as expected, his associate Luffy expects you to uproot your entire life to go galavanting with a bunch of pirates. To his surprise, you say yes - ecstatically 
- "Law, right? I've heard a lot about you."
- He nods with a hum. He managed to get himself stuck with the newest Straw Hat on night watch, but he wasn't exactly complaining
- You'd comment sporadically on random things like the night sky at sea and snippets of your background here and there, but for the most part you were content tinkering and he was content watching you
- It's a gradual thing, the friendship that forms, and it takes a while longer for him to unintentionally seek out your affection, to give you his, however small the gesture
- He becomes aware of his rampant feelings far too late and by that time, he's well adjusted to the lingering touches as he hands you a tool and the subtle glances you share from across the ship
- It's on another starry night that you confess in a very roundabout way
- "I like spending time with you, Law...especially on nights like these."
- And honestly he's inclined to agree, his smirk softer than usual
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bandulin · 10 months
I love the idea of Daemon x Alicent
Imagine this...
Alicent and Daemon get engaged in an attempt to settle the feud between Otto and Daemon. Viserys marries Laena instead. (Rhaenyra still marries Laenor and still has bastards with Ser Harwin. The Velaryons will try to get Laena's firstborn son on the throne instead of Rheanyra. Thus Team Blue is born. )
Otto keeps his position as hand (because Viserys is not falling over himself to get Rhaenyra to forgive him for marrying his best friend). In his eyes it's all the better because this way his daughter won't be corrupted by his brother anymore, so she can complain all she likes his mind is made up.
Because of this, the newlyweds stay in King's Landing, and as a boot this way Viserys and Otto can keep an eye on them, Alicent is not so isolated this time.
Daemon can't hurt Alicent physically at all and the one time he humiliates her in public (by calling her his green broodmare) Viserys tells him that one more stunt like this and their kids will get the Hightower name. (Otto was also seen leaving a conversation with Daemon but there were no witnesses in the room. No one is sure what Otto threatened him with but Daemon was visibly shaken after it. (He will deny it 'till his dying breath that he was ever afraid of Otto but the truth stands))
The point is that he can't hurt Alicent in an overt way, so he keeps needling her to cause enough distress for her to find a way out of the marriage. He is sure that if she bats her eyelashes and asks nicely enough, Viserys will annul the marriage. (He could never resist a pretty face after all)
At first Alicent is walking on eggshells afraid of his husband. She is still young and Daemon's insults cut deep, making her insecurities so much worse. She still refuses to ask for an annulment though because of her faith. Duty is more important than her feelings after all.
They have to lay together every week to make heirs, but it's a very miserable experience for both of them. Daemon can't help noticing how beautiful Alicent is, and he hates it.
Otto encourages Alicent to 'kill him with kindness' so she starts to be super nice to Daemon. Trying to have bonding time, showing interest in Daemons hobbies (mostly dragons and swords, but after about a month she finds out that he has a love for theatre (the dramatic cunt) and she is gleefully dragging him to their favourite plays) . She even let's him take her for a fly on Caraxes. (Daemon ofc knows she is afraid of it that's why he offers (as the sad excuse for a semen sack that he is)) She is trembling the whole time and she clutches Daemon so tight it leaves bruises, but afterwards Daemon respects her a lot more so it's worth it.
She even tries to resolve the past conflicts between them. She opens up about why he disliked Daemon (she refuses to use the word 'hate' even if it would be an adequate expression) and Daemon seems to be understanding and even apologetic about it. Ofc she doesn't get an actual apology but the next day there is a beautiful hightower green dress in her room with a necklace with the symbol of the seven incorporated in it. It's everything Daemon claims to hate and Alicent is so moved she cries.
Daemon is softer a bit but still not trying to make an effort to make the marriage work. So after her mooncycle is late, and a master affirms her that she is pregnant, she gives up and adapts the tactic of not bothering his husband at all if it's not necessary. She is still kind and polite when they are together but she doesn't make the effort anymore.
And Daemon... Misses her. He is too proud to reach out to her, but he can't stop himself from thinking about her every day. He keeps an ear on court gossips and tries to watch her from a distance, and he swears if Ser Criston touches her shoulder one more time he will break something. (all the while Alicent and Criston bond over their thoughts on duty and their shared ideas on cleaning up Flea Bottom. Alicent thinks the white cloaks could close the child fighting rings, while Criston believes the prostitutes wouldn't feel safe asking the guards for help even if they needed it. They also share cherry tarts sometimes as a treat)
Since getting married Alicent slowly but surely starts to get more confident in herself. Laena reaches out to her and they become fast friends. They bond over complaining about their husbands (in a polite way), and they find out they have a lot in common. They take a stroll in the gardens almost daily, and it's as much sweet as it aches for Alicent to have this friendship with someone other than Rhaenyra. But Rhaenyra is not here and even if she was Alicent is not sure they would get along again.
Alicent tries to help the common folk whenever she can, and she is loved by them in return. Otto notices (with glee) that Alicent has an affinity for politics and tries to cultivate it. He asks her opinion on resolving court matters and after a while it turns out that Alicent can be ruthless and cunning and in the end she still always comes out smelling like roses. Daemon sees this from afar and for the first time he thinks he is in love.
Parenthood brings them even closer together. Their love for their child turns out to be a wonderful base for their relationship. Daemon for the first time actually tries to woo Alicent. He is rusty but it's the effort that counts. He tells her his favourite tales of Valeria and in turn she shares the sauciest parts of Hightower history.
Aegon is a delight to them both, and spending time with him is the highlight of their day. He loves flying on Caraxes especially if his mother is with them as well, so Alicent has to get used to flying on the Blood Wyrm every second Tuesday. (She brings him a fat goat beforehand every time. They have an understanding.)
Daemon and Otto declare truce after Alicent, pregnant with Helaena, yells at them so hard they are afraid she will go into labour. (They have to make peace with each other or so help her...) Daemon tells her he loves her the very next day.
The dance still happens. Alicent leans towards team blue because of her friendship with Laena and because of the morals of the faith. Daemon still holds fond memories of Rhaenyra and wishes to fight next to her. They can't agree on it at all.
The decision is made when Helaena approaches them with the declaration that she wishes to marry the first son of Laena. Daemon would let it happen for the political opportunity alone but for Alicent the thing that settles it is the tangible love between the two of them. With love like that she would let her marry him even if he was a street urchin.
The path behind them was long and hard and in front of them it will be bloody too but at least they have each other to lean on.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
HOCKEY AU IN THE AIR I AM SO SO SO SICK.... kicks my legs n everything just thinking about big and beefy kiri :[[ just the whole notion that he could easily overpower you and beat your ass up like he does to every other team on the ice sending shivers down your spine...... he's so sweet to you off the ice but when his figure is towering over you in bed he's just so mean...... I CAN'T DO THIS MISS AALI hockey au on the brain.........................................
shaking in my wee boots :(((
idk cause after a game there’s two ways sleeping with hockey au kirishima can go. he either wants you nice and slow, passionate cause he won and wants to treat you— or he’s gonna rough you up a little cause he lost or had a shit game.
if a shit game’s the case, hockey au kiri will stimulate you to hell and back— not with his fingers, oh no there’s no time for prep when he needs to fuck the stress out on you. he’ll shove you face first into the sheets using his sheer size and strength, push your pretty face into the pillows and tell you to “shut the fuck up,” growling into the shell of your ear. “speak when you’re spoken to, kay sweet heart?”
gonna be sick bc he’ll barely have his uniform off— save the padding and just pins you down with a hand on the small of your back, shoving the swell of his cock deep into your unused and tight little hole with no prep, teething along your neckline with sharp teeth cause kiri is so pissed, he’s too far gone to remember to be gentle.
the bed would be creaking under the weight of hockey eiji’s thrust, and all he does is pound at you despite how much you cry, force you to cum at least three times with his fat red tip pressed up against your g-spot even when you beg him to stop. “don’t remember askin’ you what you wanted sweetheart, quit your whining. be good and take it, yeah?”
you’ve got nowhere to go but lay underneath kiri!! and he’ll keep fucking you until it hurts to be inside you because of how stimulated your cunt is and how you won’t stop fluttering— and if it gets to that point, eijirou just pulls out, slapping his heavy cock against your back and grinding into it until he paints the skin white <3
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http-tokki · 1 year
You were meant to be mine
~prohero!bakugou katsuki x fem!reader ~ tags/cw: aged up bakugou, toxic bakugou, smut, explicit language, possessive/toxic relationships, dark content, borderline abusive relationship, dub con ~ wc: 840
Katsuki doesn't handle your breakup very well; psychotic levels of not handling things well. From constantly texting and calling, sending flowers, showing up at your job, waiting outside for you to get off work, following you to the gym, and walking behind you as you rush home, Everything that could warrant you getting a restraining order, but because he is a hero and has the entire fucking system in his pocket, everyone brushes it off as him being concerned for the wellbeing of his girlfriend. 
Your phone blinks again with a new message. 
Answer your phone. I need to talk to you.
More messages follow.
Baby, please, I miss you. Call me.
I'm sorry, can you please call me.
Answer your fucking phone. I swear to god. 
I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to be so rude. Please just answer your phone or call me. I need to talk to you. 
Baby, please.
You refuse to answer, fearing to let him back in because you love this type of desperation. A small part of you screams in joy every time a message comes through, excited to see how much he begs for some form of contact. Bakugou needed you, the great pro hero was metaphorically on his knees for you, pleading with you, and you weren't ready to give that up. 
Princess, I'm begging you. Answer me before I lose my fucking mind. Please, angel, talk to me.
Your stomach twists, and you're so close to giving in and texting him to come over and bend you over the couch so he can fuck you good and dumb, filling you up so you are tied to him forever. You bite down on your bottom lip, teeth digging into ravaged flesh as you battle your logical self. Logic wins out, and you let your phone ring all night. 
Umm, idk what I was going to write here because there was a massive gap, but it was filler about you hanging out with Izuku, cause you two were close before you and Katsuki got together, and that's what sends Bakugou over the edge. He then breaks into your house, and this is the scene we have, lmao. I told y'all this is draft dumping.
So you get home one day, and he is sitting on your once-shared couch. All the lights are off to avoid giving him away in case you had brought home Izuku. Katsuki's imagination had run wild with that scenario. There were two paths he could go down. One, chase Midroiya out of your apartment with the little knife he had bought with him, ending his hero image, OR make Deku watch while he fucks you, reminding you and his former friend who you belong to. Either way, he was about to ruin his future and didn't care. You were getting back together with him even if he had to hold you hostage. You only notice someone else is in your apartment when you hear his boot knock against the coffee table. You jump, shopping bags falling from your hands as they fly towards your bag, searching for the pepper spray you keep.
"Relax, it's me." he drawls from the darkness. 
Your heart stops as you recognise the voice. "What the fuck, Katsuki?" your fingers wrap around the small aerosol in your bag. 
The couch creaks as he stands. "I could ask you the same thing," heavy footsteps echo in your still-dark apartment. "Deku? Really?"
"Yes, because we are friends. Am I not allowed to have friends?" 
Katsuki's chuckle is low and menacing. "No, because I saw the way he looked at you, and I don't like it," you feel the warmth radiating off his body as he stops before you. "Only I'm allowed to look at you like that. I'm the only one who can think about you that way." He places a hand against your chest, fingers digging into your collarbones, itching to reach up and wrap around your throat. "I'm the only one who can kiss you the way you like" You feel his lips ghost along your cheek.
Your grip on the can of mace slackens, your whole body giving into his touch as his other hand rests on your hip. 
"I'm the only one who can grab you like this" his fingers slide up to the base of your throat, squeezing lightly. "the only one who can slide their cock in your mouth and watch you gag and drool while you try so hard to swallow me" the hand on your hip tightens, pulling you closer against his hard body. Your head spins at the closeness, your heart pounding in your chest, and your stomach twisting because you're going to fuck him. You've decided that you're about to fuck your crazy stalker, yet hero boyfriend turned ex in your doorway, and would you come out of it alive? At this point, you didn't care. 
"Do you want me to do that?" Katsuki's mouth ghosts over yours. "Do you want my cock in you, huh?" 
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a/n: thats all i got lmao
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