#cause adhd be like “we gotta do it the last moment”
didiwaffles · 1 year
Recently I have been struggling to make any plans, even though it doesn't involve anyone else but me. Because what if I'll feel so bad tomorrow I can't get out of bed?
Mid 20s be like.
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ask-karlachbear · 11 months
I'm a Virgo. I enjoy writing, reading and caring for animals. I'm currently studying to be a zoologist and help in animal conservation. I have a minor in Geology because I also like to learn about landscapes and evolution from dinosaurs to modern day. I'm not very good at expressing how I feel all the time and I'm a huge people pleaser. I'm kind of shy and have a hard time connecting with people especially if we don't have any friends or classes in common. I hate parties and I have pretty bad anxiety which can cause panic attacks where I cry and often last 15-20 mins because I'm terrible at dealing with them. Also might have ADHD but I'm not entirely sure.
But congrats on 100 followers!
Everypne will agree that @oakfathers-embrace would be your soulmate..
first of all because of your shared love for animals and nature, i bet he'd love to share his knowledge with you, give you little fun facts as you walk together, and showing you those secrets that only people who are in full connection with nature can know..
Since he's very attentive, he would learn very quickly of your hardship in expressing yourself, and he'd teach you tricks to make it easier for you to share your feelings, like using other means rather than words.. He would give you reality checks on people pleasing, sometimes even in the wrong moment, like when you are talking with someone, and you are definitely p.p., he'd just jump in and be like "my sun you dont need to try so hard to please them" RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER PERSON.. and im sure abt it cause mr nature here sometimes is so out of pocket.. anyways, he doesn't mind your shyness, actually he'd be pretty endeared by it.. he'd boost your confidence so much though, especially when it's just the two of you..
He's chill so he wont mind if you dont like partying, he'd actually enjoy quietness with you, if you want of course..
He'd learn your boundaries about anxiety, and he'd look for ways that can help you destress quickly and effectively.. but he'd also ask you about your triggers to make sure no one around you will make you uncomfortable.. one thing that he'd do to help you ground is sitting you in his lap, he'd rest your head on his chest and tell you to concentrate on the heartbeat.. he's just a teddy bear mhmh..
about the adhd he'd love to listen to you ramble about your hyperfixiations, and he'd support you in any of them, whether he's gotta buy 200 gp worth of art supplies or you gotta run every day at 5 am.. and ofc he'd help you find a healer to help you figure out if it's adhd or not, just so he can make sure he has proper accomodation for you..
like he will make sure you are treated as you deserve!!!!
(thank u so much<3)
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mxxstiq · 1 year
answering some asks i’ve gotten in the last little bit in one post:
“mix how did you overcome your depression and get back to your regular self?”
being honest, i don’t think i’m fully back to “being myself” but it took a long time. i made mistakes and i regret them more than anything. and yet, some good things have come from those shitty mistakes. i’ve grown as a person and continued to push myself through college. i’m one step closer to becoming a fire fighter now! i don’t know if i’ll ever fully overcome my depression but i’m getting there thanks to the support of those around me.
also, reading fluffy shinobuxreader post surprisingly helps at like 2am when i’m on the verge of a breakdown. i shit you not. not making it up. and not embarrassed by it
“hey mix! how’s it going? haven’t seen you in a bit? have you been taking care of yourself?”
heya :)) im doing good. well better at least. i’ve been taking care of myself, kinda. my lovely roommates have been acting like parents and making me eat (bro makes the best fucking rigatoni i’ve ever had)
“what’s up with the shinobu obsession?”
i wish i had a full answer, not gonna lie. but uh, i saw her and went “fuck, she’s hot AND badass” it’s also a thing with my adhd/autism where i hyperfixate on someone/something and shinobu just so happened to be one of those things.
“hey mix, hope you’re doing well. if you don’t mind me asking, how are things with you and faust? are you two dating yet?”
no we are not. never will. faust is a really really good friend and i will continue to avoid any advances they make towards me. plus, there’s someone else i think(???) i may like but idk for sure.
“are requests gonna be open again?”
probably not, for a while at least. i’ve lost the spark i had for writing. and schools not being nice at the moment + with work, it’s been a pain in the ass.
“what recommendations do you have for fluff and smut??”
probably maddy (@heyiwrotesomethings) for some shinobu and mitsuri fluff
but for smut, there’s not too much for shinobu. best all around smut tho is May (@xxsabitoxx)
“hey! how are you doing? just got a question for you! what fandoms are you in and what do you enjoy the most about them? thank you!”
doing well :))) i’m in the demon slayer fandom mainly(duh) but i’m also into like dc and marvel and recently i’ve watched/read the harley quinn series! it was so good. i honestly enjoy the more wholesome sides of fandoms like the writers and the artists and the collectors. stuff like that! but you gotta be careful with those people sometimes cause damn, have y’all seen the my hero fandom literally falling apart? (love my hero but damn 😔)
that’s about all the questions that were in my ask box. most were asking where i went and how i was doing. thank you all for your support :))
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triscribe · 2 years
Well then!
So, last July, I came down to visit my dad’s new house in Florida for the first time.
(It’s not a retiree thing, it’s a ‘my father has been a Disney fanatic his entire life and corrupted my stepmother into loving it too, so much to the point they picked out a home less than an hour’s drive from the Magic Kingdom’ thing. But that’s not really relevant at the moment.)
We spent a long weekend pretty much just hanging out, like we used to when Dad lived fifteen minutes away from me, with a couple trips to the local movie theater and LOTS of enthusing over new comic books. But! I ended the trip on a bit of an unhappy note, realizing only when I got home to Texas that I’d accidentally left my colored pencils in Florida.
The 24-piece set wasn’t especially important in and of itself, but I’d spent decent money on a nice zippered case that matched the one my watercolor pencils are in, and I wanted it back.
Dad had no luck finding it. On my next trip, a couple months later in September, I also had no luck. *rassafrassamumblegrumble*
However, being emotionally damaged to the point I don’t cry unless something really terrible happens CAN have an upside, and in this instance it meant I sighed and moved on, trying other sets of pencils and not bothering to buy any new cases until I could find something I really liked to use.
But now! I am on my latest trip, sneaking in a few days before Thanksgiving before I gotta go back home and work Black Friday weekend (be nice to your delivery drivers, guys, this is their shittiest time of year). On both previous visits, my stepmother was out of town for different things, intentionally timed so that I could have Dad all to myself, she’s thoughtful like that. Last night, though, all three of us were hanging out in the den, doing various things on our different laptops and idly chatting, when I asked if Dad ever happened to come across my colored pencils.
Stepmother picks her head up.
No, Dad says after a moment, Sorry, still nothing. Stepmother blinks at him.
For her benefit, I start to explain about misplacing my pencils two visits prior. I get no further than a single sentence before she’s setting her laptop aside, standing up, and announcing Well That’s Easily Fixed!
My occasionally (read: frequently) insane step-parent disappears briefly into her office. She returns with not one, not two, but three, MASSIVE sets of colored pencils, one in a thick zippered case and two in tin containers with layered trays. VERY high quality, one hundred and eighty pieces EACH.
This is a woman who grew up on a limited household budget, and lived the first couple decades of her adult life in a similar, frugal-by-necessity manner. But! Ever since marrying my dad, getting to live on his income while going back to school, and steadily climbing her way up in the medical profession to a point where she now makes As Much and Half Again of what my computer engineer father does- she likes to buy Shiny Things. As in, she will happily throw herself into a new hobby for the excuse of purchasing all kinds of cool materials for it (skeins of yarn, paint supplies, baking equipment, etc), dabble for a few months, and then move onto something new. ADHD Mood, anyone?
The coloring book phase is apparently long since over, and she happily gifted me with two of these massive colored pencil sets. Dad reminded her I only came with a small suitcase and mini duffel bag. She airily waved a hand and said if I needed more carrying capacity, they’d get me another suitcase before I go home.
I may have had my reservations in the early days, but I can easily state now that I wholeheartedly love this woman.
(And that I anticipate the distant day when the grief of losing her and Dad will hopefully be offset by inheriting an insane amount of old art supplies and comic books, ‘cause like hell are my stepbrothers getting any of it.)
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salaciousslut · 8 months
How has your day been so far, sweetheart?<3 also im ngl sometimes when i listen to Igual Que Un Ángel by Kali Uchis i think of you🫣
I'd trust you with my life if i ever blacked out tbh! I dont trust many people around me when im drunk but you give off a really safe feeling so if it were just us two i would maybe over do it on the alcohol 🫣 the thought of being hung over is so scary to me tbh!! I never wanna be hung over! And if i drink on an empty stomach im fucked like im just real drunk off one shot its not fair 🙄 i hope you'd have fun with us if you got drunk with us!! but im ngl i think i was a lil weird last night due to unfortunately getting a bit horny but y'know thats life😩 im just glad my friends werent able to tell cause that's between me and whoever i wanna tell. Normally though we are just big dorks abour anime, movies, and random tv shows, and i cant shut up about music half the time. 🤭
Im the same way!! i just unfortunately occasionally have some like autism/adhd moments where suddenly ive focused too much on trying to actively listen and end up not listening, so if i ask you to repeat yourself a few times its either bc of that or the fact that my audio processing stuff is kinda crazy at times. But i know i'll enjoy hearing you talk<3
Tease me as much as you want to<3 and by all means go ahead and be a menace. Either way im gonna end up with my fingers inside you🥰 i wanna make you melt, i wanna see just how much you need someone inside of you<33
Its sweet that you wanna spoil me<3 like it feels like a crime that youre calling me kind when you keep talking about taking care of me and spoiling me and im just saying nice things. Like i should be taking care of you, youre the princess here sweetheart<3 and i swear to you im thriving under any circumstance, the universe wakes me up every morning by gently kissing my eyelids hehe🤭
I hope to show you my smile and see yours, i dunno how you feel about video calls, but maybe when im comfy with it and if youre comfy with it (and after ive been in your dms a little while) we can do a lil video call! Just an innocent little hang out between a butch and a pretty girl<3 I'll let you know if you feed it too much in that case, I could use a lil more confidence just not too much. I can teeter on the edge of entitlement if i let it go too far, and i hate who i am when i act entitled like that version of me is such a dick and not even in a hot way.
its been okay, ive been studying all day because i have a big exam on monday which is soooo boring but im trying my best! and omg i just listened to the song and its so pretty!! im really honored that you think of me 🥺☺️ ive listened to a few of kali uchis stuff and its sooo good!!
aww yes i take care of my people!! im the mom friend so i gotta make sure everyone is alive and safe! but hehe i hope u werent horny because of me 🫣 if it was then oopsies sorry babe! and i love big lil dorks!! im a lil nerd myself so i totally understand!!
its okay i know what u mean! i have auditory processing issues too but im very understanding and well always do as asked so u never have to worry being around me!
ahh youre soo swoon worthy, i want you inside me now!!!! 🥺
youre saying nice things because you are nice and kindhearted! plus i just like seeing other happy!! and we can take care of each other!! none of that one way shit!!! its give and take!! hehe im kissing u on the nose and temple rn 😘
yes yes i love video calls, im the type who if u give me permission to call u whenever, ill learn ur schedule and just ft out of the blue bc i miss ur face and presence. i know how u feel tho so please take ur time!! hehe handsome butch and a pretty princess on the phone is too powerful tho, everyone else needs to watch out
okay i understand!! but dont be too hard on yourself okay? u deserve good things
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abbinurmel · 1 year
One of my favorite underappreciated animated moments:
Ok so while An America Tale/Don Bluth hasn't lost notoriety or fan size at all; I gotta hone in on this sequence because its just one of those "money scenes" that won't ever leave my adhd brain unless finally I smash it out with a sledgehammer.
So like, just for a moment lie back and study this scene. I mean really study it from beginning to end. I marvel at it because there is just....just....SO MUCH STUFF GOING ON all over the place, yet majestically orchestrated too. Like first of all, love the way the energy is paced here. I didnt include it but there is a whole slow drawn out ominous scene setting sequence of Fievel Mouse wandering the sewer tunnels til he approaches the villain cats crimelord hideaway. Then there is the little character establishing moment, to show us that Warren T. is not MERELY just a villain in disguise, he is also cultured, generally laidback, threatening but in a very grounded and self-composed way, not like a villain such as Cruella Devil or Carface or even legends like Maleficent who'll easily fly off the handle when minions get uppity or stupid. He's a villain comparable to one like Shere Kahn, or Shan Yu. The guy acts totally relaxed, cos they already *know* they are the one in charge, and the most cunning dangerous guy in the whole room. He does not need lose temper or actually smack up his sassier minions, just goad them playfully a bit whenever he wants for blithe amusement. This character gets sometines annoyed but just never raises his voice, unless shit really hits the fan for him, as it is finally about to, for once, in this scene.
Then we get Fievel's shocking discovery, he in five seconds easily establishes he was betrayed, and even we the audience up til now who knew Warren is a dirtbag, even we do not realize he is a cat until this very effective reveal scene, which nicely draws out the highly relatable RELIEF this villain gets from taking his costume off, like when a cosplayer or an actress finally gets to be themself and take all the crap off their face. Warren gets pissed, Fievel gets pissed, violent, and then we get a chaotic chase sequence, with multiple characters actions and lip sync set beat for beat to the score, along with foreshortened perspectives, natural effects, and all with little to NO computer, just handdrawn animation hand painted frame by frame. The chase doesn't merely do what it needs to do, which is just show Fieval run away thru some tunnels back to the surface, they decide to A) drop him and his pursuers into water/animate that and a rattled anchor chain and all the turmoiled bubbles it causes, B) a torn bead curtain with all its beads getting ripped and scattered, and finally, a VERY effective last second "gotcha!" moment, where Fieval and the audience thinks he is safely getting away, but he doesn't. Watch how they turn the music off and milk those few seconds for all they are worth in his poses. He's so relieved and joyous but exhausted, he isnt thinking clearly, he looka almost mockingly stupid with it, little details like the tongue and the gleeful dazed expression right as he turns really sells that disoriented BUT TRIUMPHANT "whew I survived!!!! Haha that wasn't so bad afterall!-"moment, like a kid who just endured their first terrifying rollercoaster and stepped off the car. They know the worst is all past, they just still have adrenaline wildly surging thru their brain. So the cockiness and unawareness is justified, and just as expected, like build up in a classic horror movie, out jumps the claw, and it grabs him. Even yet, the music is stil. naively triumphant, until the very last second.
So very very much effort and nuance is packed into this little scene and it all happens without very much dialogue, or fancy effects, or big show stopping Beauty & The Beast style music numbers, or sentiment, or gore. Just real effective storyboarding and incredible music and fluidity, as with all the rest of this film, but yeah I just wanna say, not only do we not enough receive great 2d films or tv in general, I feel like we do not get specifically *chase scenes* with this much layered energy to them in cartoons now. The last shows I can think of that really got my blood pumping with a chase like this was Avatar, Gravity Falls and Invader Zim, cos their climatic animation always had incredible weight and camera planning. I maybe would also count Samurai Jack save for the fact it is kind of made up entirely of such things, its sort of the intentional bread and butter that it runs on, thus while an equally magnificent show in its own right it doesn't make such "dramatic chase climaxes" have quite the same impact because that its 80% of ALL it does throughout each episode, so there is little breath to measure it by. The best episodes (like the graveyard one) would be arguably the best example of what I mean here but I am sure everybody reading this will have no idea what I am trying exactly to say anyway. I am bad at articulating things.
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day entry 4: i love uma thurman
since i have trouble doing things i actually want to do im changing the “day” to entry because i suck at forcing myself to commit because i may have ADHD which im going to talk about with my doctor soon why am i exposing my medical stuff on tumblr??? nah i dont think this is exposing i think its already pretty fucking obvious that im mentally ill and so are like 80% of the people on this app. and i say that ENDEARINGLY <3 (umm maybe not too endearingly considering there are people that have like really serious problems that are not very Nice)
so now we are doing entry (insert number) instead of day (insert number) and my diaries will alllll be non-linear in time like the storytelling in Kill Bill. oh yeah i finally watched Kill Bill after all these years of hearing about it. didn’t expect to love it as much as i do now but there ya go. the power of women + badassery. im not a Film Critic™️ but watching that made me feel all the Film Critic™️ things. or at least i think i felt what i assume should be felt. god i love uma thurman though she’s a goddess. dont like the uhhh the too much Feet though. i felt like QT wanted to brainwash me into having a foot fetish. no kink shaming though but like why so much Feet. in a movie. also. i dont rly like QT he gives off … such … weird vibes. but i gotta say i love the film and the story. oh and every time i see mention of QT i think about that one time the camera man spent waaayyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on the close up shots for the cast of OUAT in Hollywood (is that the title???) and margot robbie awkwardly smiling at the camera. i wish i had been there. both to experience the very strange moment and also so i could’ve saved margot. i would have just bitten the hand of the cameraman honestly. why didn’t anyone do that? sometimes i wish biting other people was normal in society but then again we’d be dogs if that happened huh? woof
ummm so i was so overwhelmed with Noises™️ so im now alone in my room. i lied about having to do course work because im actually going to go write the walking dead fanfiction but its al for a good cause. the cause being My Sanity because it was about to explode and i did not want to snap in front of the kids. the kids, lisa! the kids!
i have to go to class tomorrow and GODDDD im so fucking tired im exhausted im lazy but i know i have to go because i already missed 3 days of class last week. good thing my car is fixed now and i finally have working a/c so i wont have to drive while also going through the dress rehearsal of how it would feel like in hell.
wish me luck.
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Wounded Love Pt. 2 (Lady Dimitrescu/F!Reader)
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T? Maybe? Almost the exact opposite of the first one. Language, minor violence Genre: Fluff, mainly, with admittedly a little bit of humor? I blame my lack of sleep. And my adhd. Warnings: Implied cannibalism adjacent activities because guess what honey, this is a fucked up family, what do you expect of me??? Sure, they have breakfast in this, there's cute stuff, but c'mon, they don't eat flowers and oatmeal! Notes: Doubt it needs to be said, but this is a sequel to the good ending of part one. Also Cass has one line in this that might be OOC, or seem oddly placed, but admittedly this chapter is also loosely based on a dream I had, and I couldn't not include the few direct quotations I remembered, and she seemed the most likely to say the line. And yes, there will be a part 3, because I am weak and also kind of maybe made this one less plot-moving than intended.
{Wounded Love: The re-woundening}
Every step ached more than the last, even with Alcina supporting you. She had wanted to carry you down the stairs, of course, but you had insisted that you would be fine. Now you were just determined not to complain out loud. One yelp or cry and you’d be scooped up in her arms, surely to be carried for the rest of the day. As much as you appreciated your girlfriend’s assistance, you hated feeling useless, and hated putting a burden on others. So here you were, one arm wrapped around Alcina’s waist, limping ever-so-slowly towards the dining room.
Further ahead (unburdened by your injury) the three Dimitrescu daughters talk among themselves, voices hushed as they too headed for breakfast. It was odd to see them all awake, and socializing, as there was usually at least one who came to meals late. You couldn’t help but wonder if it had something to do with your condition… or the circumstances that had caused it.
Less than eighteen hours had passed since your fight with a stray lycan, and tension had been high since. While you hadn’t yet spoken to the sisters, you had spoken to Alcina, who had briefly mentioned their concern for you. Whether they actually cared about you as a person or just cared because you are dating their mother is unclear. Based on how they had acted while treating your wounds, though, you were inclined to think that they were fond of you. And seeing as Alcina had already vowed to get revenge on your behalf… well, you wouldn’t be surprised to learn that her daughters intended to assist.
“Careful on the last step, dear,” Alcina says, positioned as to catch you if you fell. It takes a little willpower to resist the urge to hop down the rest of the way. As long as you landed on your uninjured leg, it wouldn’t even be that bad. Still, irritating your girlfriend first thing in the morning felt like a pretty stupid thing to do. Instead you just nodded, slowing down even more, and took visible care not to trip. “Good girl.”
Well, you certainly couldn’t say that being careful didn’t have its rewards.
“I have my moments,” you replied, blush rising to your cheeks. Suddenly your pain didn’t feel so bad (at least until you took another step and winced). “Damn, who woulda thought that cutting a chunk out of my leg would make it hurt more?” The leg in question throbbed in pain, as if to prove your point, protesting the weight you put on it. Changing the angle at which you stood helped some, allowing the lower half of the limb to bear more of the burden.
“Dearest…” Alcina starts to say, looking like she was going to readdress her desire to carry you. For a moment you try to avoid her gaze, but she moves in front of you, making sure that you could still hold onto her for support. “I know how you feel, how you want, desperately, to be independent. When I was first… granted this gift, it took a long time to adjust. There was so much I had to relearn how to do, so much that I suddenly needed done for me.” A pause, a deep breath. At last you look up at your girlfriend, warmth in your heart, reaching out to hold her hand. “You have time, my dear, and plenty of it. More than that… this will not last forever. The more you push yourself, the longer your recovery will take. Now, please, allow me to assist. You have already proven how strong you are.”
“Oh, you drive a hard bargain… but if you insist, who am I to decline? Or, well, who am I to decline twice in a row?” You answer, somewhat begrudgingly. It wasn’t much farther to the dining room, you figured, so it wouldn’t be much of a loss to accept help. Or at least that was what you told yourself. Even with Alcina’s encouragement it was so hard for you to accept her help. After all, you were the one that worked for her. Never mind the fact that she was somewhat responsible for your injury- really, you were actively avoiding thinking about that.
It’s much easier to forget once Alcina carefully picks you up. One arm goes under your legs, the other under your chest, lifting you without any effort. You might as well have been a kitten or a child’s toy. The movement does, however, shift your injured leg in such a way that it aches. At this point you can hardly move the limb at all without it hurting, and even the slightest friction against the bandage makes your eyes water.
Apparently someone would be delivering some painkillers later in the day. You assumed it would be The Duke (whose name is apparently not Doug, as you had thought), seeing as he knew some special way to get to and fro without risking the same fate that had befallen you. Which, of course, made you feel a lot better. Getting someone else hurt would weigh on your mind forever.
Regardless, you were safe now, as was your strange, bloody little family. Before long you would even be enjoying a pleasant meal together. Certainly that would help get your mind off of your wound? For now, though, you were met with an unexpected impasse. The sort of impasse that really, really should have been expected.
“Why… is the doorway… so small?” You asked, jokingly, as you stare into the mildly embarrassed face of your girlfriend. It’s already hard enough for her to crouch through the gap normally. When she’s carrying you? Impossible. “Can we ask Mother Miranda for bigger doors? She gave you eternal life and also three kids, she’s gotta be capable of making bigger doors. Put me down, I’ll go call her and-”
“That won’t be necessary, dear,” Alcina cuts you off, not fully appreciating this part of your humor. Or maybe she had already asked for bigger doors, only to be told no?... Okay, yeah, it was probably the first option. With a sigh she sets you down, as gently as she can manage. Ready and raring to go, you start to hobble forward, only to find all three of the daughters waiting for you, just beyond the door. They’re grinning as they watch you, and Bela extended her arm to offer her help. “What appears to be the matter?” Alcina asks from behind you. Accepting your fate and Bela’s arm, you let the sisters guide you to the table, Cassandra holding your other side, and Daniela pulls your chair out for you. Honestly it’s pretty adorable. Evidently your girlfriend agrees, from the way she smiles as she follows.
“Thank you,” you say, more out of reflex than genuine gratitude. Again, you weren’t thrilled about needing this assistance. If the girls notice they’re at least polite enough not to mention it. They simply move to their own seats at the large table, eager to dig in. It feels… strange, to be here, on this side of things. Stranger still to realize you’re the only one intending to eat actual food. There’s wine in your glass, but it’s a much fainter red than those you’ve previously served to your girlfriend. Thank goodness, you think, after how raw my throat was yesterday, I really don’t need to taste any more blood.
Once Lady Dimitrescu sits down, the meal formally begins, with several maidens appearing from the kitchen. Several seem relieved to see you, although surprised, and one even gave you a brief smile. The smile did not last, however. It wasn’t unexpected, considering the nature of her job, the pressures that it put upon her. No one smiled at mealtimes. Well, no maidens, that is. They simply moved around, wordlessly, faces blank, doing exactly as instructed. Only a few days ago you had been among them, fear keeping you in line. Was it wrong of you to care for Alcina, knowing what she was capable of doing to others? Knowing what she might have, in another life, done to you?
A maiden places a plate of warm food, as well as a bowl of fresh fruit, in front of you. For a moment your eyes meet, but she looks away instinctively. Your heart threatens to break.
“This looks wonderful, thank you for your hard work, all of you,” you speak up, glancing at each of the women working so hard. There’s more you want to say that dries in your throat; you are valued, you are deserving, someday I will join your ranks again.
“You don’t need to thank them, they’re just doing their jobs,” Cassandra chimes from the other side of the table. Hearing her say that damn near makes you drop your fork. It’s not an uncommon settlement, particularly among older generations and the rich, but one that irks you nonetheless.
“They’re doing my job. They are taking on extra work, for no pay, because I am injured. Why would I be so cruel as to ignore them? Have I not toiled alongside them enough to call them my kin?” You ask, struggling to keep your voice even. Next to you Alcina is slowly cutting into her meat, watching the scene unfold out of the corner of her eyes, perhaps considering when to step in. On the other end of the table, Bela looks increasingly uncomfortable, as if silently willing her sister into silence. None of the maidens have reacted to what you said, likely too afraid of Cassandra to even consider speaking.
“Ooooh, this is much more fun than our usual breakfasts,” Daniela says, stifling a giggle. “Do you have any other thoughts you’d like to share? Preferably ones that aren’t about me.” At this, Alcina sets her utensils down, clearly intending to put an end to the discussion. Unfortunately for her, you were a bit… impulsive, especially considering the previous night’s activities had left your mind struggling to cope.
“Dead lycans smell terrible. Literally the worst thing I’ve ever smelled, easily, no question about it,” you answer, shrugging a little as you do. It’s such a simple thought that you almost don’t realize how the others at the table react. Until the clatter of silverware on the table catches your attention, that is. All three sisters are eying you with different expressions (Bela is confused, Cass is impressed, and Daniela looks shocked). But it’s Alcina’s wide-eyed stare that gets you to elaborate. “Should I have said ‘a dead lycan’? I only got one, so I guess I shouldn’t say they all smell bad. C’mon, though, they have to all smell bad, right?”
Suddenly Daniela shifts from shock to pure amusement, a fit of giggles overtaking her. You’re still confused, not sure what the matter was, so you just sip your wine and hope someone asks the right questions.
“You… killed the lycan that attacked you?” Bela finally says, after a few moments of her sister laughing, expression still incredulous. When you nod she sort of shakes her head, trying to clear her thoughts. “May I ask how you managed that?”
“Oh, you know, I just meh meh-” you mime a stabbing motion with your fork- “until the stupid thing stopped moving. I had to use a tree branch as a weapon, but then it broke after a few whacks, which actually helped because then I had two stabbing implements to, you know, stab with. That’s right around when it got my leg, and it tried to bite me. Thankfully it wasn’t very smart, so when it leapt at me I just hyah-” this time an upwards strike- “right into its neck. That didn’t kill it, but it was enough to slow it down, which allowed me to stab the other half of the branch into its skull. Made this horrible, horrible sound as it died. Seeing as we are eating, I will not imitate the sound. Not that I could, now that I think about it…”
Once again there’s silence. Even Daniela has quieted now, and is watching you with rapt interest, likely hoping that you’re hiding another story up your sleeves.
“So… did you guys actually think that I managed to run away from the lycan? Or were you under the impression that it simply got bored of me and left?” You ask, casually returning to your breakfast afterwards. No one says anything, at first, taking in your words as best as they can. A few moments later both Daniela and Bela resume their meal, as nonchalant as one could be in the current situation. Alcina, however, rests a gentle hand on your shoulder, meeting your gaze with a loving look.
“You will never cease to amaze me, my dear. But let us ensure you never have to… smell, or see, one of those wretched things again, yes?” She says, softly squeezing you as she does. You can’t help but agree, and nod eagerly, mouth too full of hashbrowns to speak. Still, there’s been a shift in the atmosphere of the room. It’s not that the family didn’t respect you before, as far as you can tell, but they evidently hadn’t expected you to prove as capable as you had. It brings a sense of pride to the forefront of your mind, making you completely forget about your injury for the remainder of the meal.
Unable to stop yourself, you insist on helping the other maidens clean up, and Alcina eventually agrees to let you wash a few dishes- as long as you stay sitting the entire time. The last thing you hear before you shuffle off to the kitchen is the start of a conversation between Cassandra and her mother.
“You picked quite a feisty one, didn’t you?”
“That I did, that I did…”
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into-the-linkverse · 3 years
Of rupees and Koroks
my first LU fanfiction! I am horrible at endings so...yeah. i definitely went off the rails from my original plan (ADHD my beloved) and I am SO SORRY in advance if any of the characters are OOC.
“Okay, and that would come to…200 rupees, Mr. Captain Hero Sir!” Ravio cheerfully stated, holding up the bottle of shimmering red potion for War to admire. The warrior actually scoffed upon hearing the intended price.
“Something wrong, War?” Legend asked, his back leaning against a rather large crate.
“No, no, it’s just…really cheap.” War pointed towards the potion. Both Legend and Ravio blinked blankly. Legend’s face soon turned into one of severe confusion, whereas Ravio’s eyes lit up with excitement.
“200 rupees? Cheap? Were you hit in the back of the head by a bulbin?!” Twilight almost shrieked from his side of the Barnhouse He stopped playing with the cows and quickly jogged over to Ravio’s makeshift shop.
“Back home, a red potion would cost around 10,000 rupees. Isn’t that the case here?” War stated eyebrow raised as Twilight began twitching at the mention of the rupee count. Ravio’s jaw practically dropped.
“My wallet can’t even hold that!”
“Hey, I heard screaming. Who’s dead?” The barn’s door creaked open to reveal Wind, accompanied by a sweating Sky and an unfazed Four.
“War said a red potion would cost 10,000 rupees in his world!” Legend blurted out, almost barking at the heroes. Four huffed for a second, then walked up to Ravio and snatched the red potion.
“Hey, 200 rupees, y’know!”
“This. Costs 20 rupees.” He pointed at the potion, as War soon broke down in a fit of laughter.
“What’s so funny, pretty boy?” Legend folded his arms.
“You guys must be broke! 20 rupees? That can’t buy you shit!” He managed to get out before banging his fist against the hay covered ground.
“Hey, watch your language!” Sky shouted, moving to cover Wind’s pointy ears. “There are children here.” He lowered his voice as Wind swatted his hands away.
“Okay, okay, I’m trying to run a business here. Let’s go…2,000 rupees, Mr. Captain Hero Sir!” Ravio clasped his hands together, only to realize the item he was selling was nowhere on the table.
“Um…Mr. Smithy? My red potion?”
“Oh, sure.” Four passed the glittering potion back to the purple-haired hero, acting as if he wouldn’t be committing a crime if he didn’t hand it back.
“Here you go, Mr. Captain Hero Sir! Please come again!” Ravio smiled gleefully, having 2,000 rupees handed to him like it was nothing.
“Pfft- I guess War really is a rich snob.” Twilight sniggered, shaking hands with Legend in a mutual agreement.
“Hey, you take that back, farmers!” War shouted, fiddling with his glove as if preparing for a fight.
“War, you realize you’re saying that on a ranch?” A voice called from outside. The door was already opened (Wind forgot to close it) so it was easy to tell that the voice belonged to Time.
“Oh, hey, pops, wanna help us take on pretty boy?” Twilight greeted happily, only making Warriors more enraged.
“No, I’m quite fine. But thank you for the offer anyway. Hyrule asked me to collect you all. He’s having trouble with something. And for Nayru’s sake, behave yourselves.” Time explained to the group, trying not to bring up the fact that he almost locked them in the barn to keep them out of trouble.
“What do you mean “something”? I thought nothing happens on this ranch!” Wind protested, running his hands through his hair, obviously trying to make himself more presentable.
“I have no clue what the deal is myself. Wild and Hyrule are already investigating.”
“Those two? They were better hosts than us?” Warriors looked almost horrified at the idea of being upstaged by Wild of all people.
“Do you want to be cooped up in here all day?” Time asked, almost laughing at War’s sudden reaction.
“Come on, let’s get moving now!” Warriors announced, starting to direct (push) the other heroes out of the barnhouse.
Hyrule was ecstatic. He’d been picking up stray rocks for weeks in hopes to find the small beings called Koroks. Wild had told him all about the strange little creatures that hid under rocks and in trees, and Hyrule soon became intent to find one. At last, at the gates of Lon Lon ranch, Hyrule mindlessly picked up a rock and proceeded to shout in happiness.
“Wild! Wild! I found one!” He cried, perking the ears of the long-haired Hylian. Wild rushed over, practically throwing the Cucco he was holding. He jogged over, only to stop a few feet away from the brown-haired hero.
Hyrule’s eyes were alight with glee, his smile looked like an innocent rabbit’s. He tossed the rock aside, unfortunately landing on Wild’s foot, as he winced. He placed the rock to the side and crouched down to the Korok’s level.
“Yahaha, you’ve found me!” The Korok excitedly squealed, Wild rolling his eyes as he heard the line for the 400thtime. Hyrule nodded in response, too glad to speak and ruin the moment. Before he knew it, Hyrule was handed a small, foul seed. He looked confused for a second and looked up to Wild.
“Yeah…not that impressive, is it?” He sighed, snatching the seed from Hyrule, and adding to his collection. Hyrule blinked as he saw Wild open to pouch to see a mountain of the horrid smelling things. “Gotta get these back to Hestu sometime.” He casually stated, closing his pocket again.
“Buh-bye!” The Korok exclaimed, waving his small, rounded hand towards the two Hylians. Hyrule was not having this. He had spent two weeks searching for the little creatures, and when he does, he’s just supposed to say good-bye after minutes of meeting one? He reached out his arms and took the Korok up to his torso in one swift movement.
“I shall name him Peppers and he shall be mine!” Hyrule proclaimed loudly, much to Wild’s shock. He tried to wrangle the Korok out of Hyrule’s embrace, but the Korok spoke up.
“Actually, I’d love to be Mr. Hero’s friend!” It chirped, sinking into Hyrule’s green tunic. “Aw, see? He likes me!” Hyrule cuddled the Korok, adding a whiny tone to his words. Wild groaned, as he almost felt like Time, having to take care of someone like this.
“You’ll have to ask Time if we can keep it.” He sighed, poking the pointy nose of the leaf faced spirit. As if from nowhere, armored footsteps approached the two Hylians. “Keep what?” The firm voice spoke, making Wild jump for a moment.
“The Korok…?” Hyrule trailed off, still clutching the forest spirit. As the chain came into sight, some stood dumbstruck, whereas Wind’s eyes widened drastically. “Korok!?” The pirate pointed; mouth open wide as he bolted to Hyrule. “What in Din’s name is a Korok?” War groaned; his breath slightly hilted from jogging across the ranch.
“I’m not sure myself…but it definitely looks cute!” Time let slip a small remark of childish nature, a warm smile creeping up on his face. Legend soon ran up to his descendant and grabbed the Korok out of his hands.
“Where’s this little bugger from anyway?” He mumbled, turning the spirit face down to have a proper look at it. He furrowed his brow, then turned to Ravio, gestured to see if the rabbit hero had any clue about the creature. Ravio simply shrugged at him. “Hey! He isn’t some toy to be held like that!” Twilight shouted, scooping up the Korok from Legend’s hands. He held it carefully on his shoulder as one would a cat, as the Korok began playing with Twilight’s hair.
“I’m the best at dealing with animals here. I say we keep it,” Twilight nodded as the Korok’s hands started folding braids into his hair. “Peppers.” Hyrule quickly added, placing a hand on the little Korok’s back. “What’s this about p-peppers?!” Four almost leapt out of his skin after hearing “peppers”. Wild simply laughed and wrapped an arm around him.
“His name is Peppers!” Hyrule said once again, a smile dawning on his face. “Why peppers, though?” Four protested, his disdain for the food clear as day. Wind coughed a bit, trying to hold in a laugh. Sky gave him a light pat on the head and shook his head, mouthing “don’t”.
“Well, I think it’s a great name! Did…Did Wild pick it out?” Sky laughed wistfully, trying to discourage Wind from making fun of Four. “Nope, completely ‘Rule’s idea.” Wild answered, causing Four to instead eye Hyrule suspiciously. Legend folded his arms and let out a huff as Ravio giggled behind him. “Perhaps he’d be interested in renting?” Legend twisted around as Ravio flatly suggested.
“No one in their right mind would be interested in renting, Ravio.” He scoffed, turning back to face the rest of the chain. “I, personally, don’t want it. What if it steals our items and flees in the night?” War accused, pointing a finger towards the creature. A paranoid Warriors, Time couldn’t help but laugh.
“No, the Korok’s come from the Lost Woods. They’re the children of the Great Deku Tree, so I’d doubt they’d do that.” Wild explained, peaking the attention of Time. If the Korok’s were from the Lost Woods, he would have seen some by now, wouldn’t he? Or maybe they only showed up far after his era…
“Wait! You’ve met the Great Deku Tree too?!” Wind’s small figure jumped up, tugging on Wild’s tunic. Twilight eyed the older hero for a moment, he seemed…off. Korok still in arms, he strode up to Time and placed his free hand on his shoulder. “You alright, dad?” Time snapped out of his state of thought and quickly waved it off.
“I’m fine, just…glad that the Deku Tree still exists to them, I guess.” Time replied wistfully, his gaze trailing to the two blue-clad heroes, sharing their experiences with the ancient talking tree. “He was the…closest thing I had to a father.” His next comment caught Twili completely off guard. Does that mean he was related to a tree?
“Wait, your dad was a tree?! Are you joking?” Twilight exclaimed a bit too loudly, catching the attention of Four and Sky, who had been watching the unfolding chaos. Sky’s eyes widened immensely, full of curiosity as he quickly trotted over.
“Time’s father? A tree? My, that must be an interesting story!” Sky clasped his hands together in delight, eager to learn more about the mysterious Time.
“No, the Deku Tree was the closest thing to a father I ever had. I am not part tree.” Time had to hold back a snicker as he clarified that he was not of leafy descent. “I doubt that. Your hair is a very light shade of green.” Four pointed out, raising a hand to his chin in deep thought.
“I think that colour’s called yellow, dumbass.” Wind called from where he stood. Sky growled for a moment then proceeded to shout back: “Watch your language!”
For the rest of the evening, the chain shouted and argued, but settled on to keeping the Korok, naming it Peppers, much to Four’s disgust.
@bokettochild I hope you don't mind I borrowed Ravio's nicknames for everyone :)
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anileahvictoria · 3 years
Inside out (But It's Dyslexic and ADHD) P.S This Actually Happened To Me.
"Good morning, sister Eggbert!"
"Morning, Anileah. Can you take attendance today?"
Drama *yelling into the intercom*: AAAAHH! CODE RED, CODE RED! I REPEAT, WE HAVE A CODE RED!"
Social Skills: Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down. We'll just use the chalkboard excuse. We've seen plenty of kids use that excuse before.
Self Doubt: It's not gonna work. It's a whiteboard.
Mean Streak: You're kidding me. That's it, this is all your fault, Dyslexia.
Dyslexia: My fault? I didn't put the whiteboard there!
Mean Streak: Yeah, but everyone wouldn't be freaking out if we could actually spell something!
Dyslexia: I can't help it! My brain just shuts off!
Mean Streak: Exactly! Thanks to you, all our brains shut off, so thanks for that, thank you.
Passion: It's ok, Dyslexia. No one blames you. You help us out in a lot of ways!
Mean Streak: Speak for yourself.
"Sure, no problem!" I said, trying to ignore my pounding heart as I walked up to the whiteboard and picked up the marker.
ADHD: Wait, what did we just agree to do?
Mean Streak: Social Skills just agreed to get us all killed.
Social Skills: We had to say something! What was I supposed to do? Say no?
Everyone: YES!
Social Skills: Come on, guys, that would be uncooperative. We don't even have a valid excuse.
Mean Streak: Yes we do, and it's standing right in front of you.
Passion: Don't be mean, Mean Streak. Dyslexia's strengths just lie elsewhere. For example, did you know she is VERY creative?
Mean Streak: Oh, that's wonderful, Passion! Maybe she can write everyone's names in pretty cursive! Oh wait, she can't even read cursive, let alone write it.
Social Skills: Argue about this later, guys. Drama, got any other excuses for us?
Drama: Sure, sure, how about the fact that WE DON'T KNOW EVERYONE'S NAMES!
Social Skills: What? Yes we do.
ADHD: LOL, nope.
Social Skills: What do you mean, 'LOL nope'?
Mean Streak: You never actually introduced us to anyone.
Social Skills: Oh. Yeah, you're right. Sorry guys, that one's on me.
Mean Streak: Of embarrassment.
Social Skills: Wait, there's Landon! We know his name.
Mean Streak: Yeah, but does cross-eyes over there know how to spell it?
"Hey Landon, come write your name down on the board."
ADHD: Oo, good call.
"Uh, isn't that whoever's taking attendance's job?"
ADHD: I take it back.
Sister Eggbert peeked up from her lesson plan, "Yeah, just write their names down as they come in."
ADHD: Busted.
Everyone: Will you shut up already?
Social Skills *taking deep breath*: It's fine, guys, we got thi- DYSLEXIA NO!
"Alright." I say, scribbling 'Landin' onto the board, cringing inside at how sloppy my handwriting was.
I cringed even harder when I heard Landon say, "Um, you spelled my name with an I."
"Oh, yeah, oops." I could hear the gears turning in my brain. "It's with an E, duh."
"Uh, no. L-A-N-^%$#@^*."
Drama: ABORT ABORT! He spelled it too fast! We already failed twice! Give up while we're ahead!
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah. Landon."
"No, no. How'd you spell it?"
"I just told you. L-A-N-$#%^$#. Landon. With an O."
I sighed inwardly with relief at the last sentence. Thank heavens I wouldn't have to ask him to repeat himself a third time.
"Oh, of course! I knew that." I said, trying to laugh it off.
Mean Streak: Dyslexia, not cool.
Social Skills: Yeah, I gotta admit, Dyslexia, that... that was painful.
Passion: It's ok, Dyslexia. One person at a time. Who's next?
Social Skills: Coltrin.
ADHD: YES! My main man Coltrin! We had WAY too much fun sitting next to each other.
Mean Streak: Yeah, that's why sister Eggbert separated you two.
ADHD: Ah, good times, good times.
Social Skills *ignoring ADHD and Mean Streak*: Ok, but this time we're gonna ask him how to spell it BEFORE we attempt to. Ok Dyslexia?
Dyslexia *not paying attention*: Col-trin. Coltrin. Is it with a K or a C?
"Yo Coltrin, how do you spell your name?"
Coltrin lifted his head up from where it was nestled in his arms on his desk, "Seriously, bro?"
Drama: *passes out*.
Mean Streak: Great, now he thinks we're an illiterate idiot.
Self Doubt: Are we?
Passion: No! Of course we aren't!
Social Skills: Ok, ok, I admit, things look bleak, but I can get us out of this.
Passion: Actually, I was thinking we'd let ADHD try.
Everyone except ADHD: WHAT?!
Passion: Well, he does know Coltrin best. Aaand, he's already at the controls...
"Yes, seriously. Dude, Landon literally spells his name like someone misspelling London. For all I know, you spell your name with a C!"
"Dude, my name is spelled with a C."
"C what I mean?!"
Coltrin gave his signature lopsided grin, "Heh, I C what you did there."
I grinned right back, "Dude, you C right through me."
"No one C's you the way I do."
Mean Streak *facepalming*: Great. Now EVERYONE in the class thinks we're idiots. Nice going ADHD.
Social Skills: Actually... ADHD managed to handle a potentially awkward situation with humor.
Mean Streak: Yeah, stupid humor.
Social Skills: I mean, if it works, it works. Well done ADHD.
Drama: Uh, I hate to ruin the moment, BUT WE HAVE TEN STUDENTS INBOUND!
Social skills: Ok team, game plan. #1 from now on, we ask how to spell their names before attempting it on our own.
Self Doubt: What if they speak too fast?
Social Skills: There's no shame in asking them to repeat themselves more slowly.
Mean Streak: Yes, there is.
Social Skills: #2 no one listens to Mean Streak.
Mean Streak: Oh, so it's ok to listen to neurodivergent over there, but not me?
Social Skills: #3 we are going to ignore Mean Streak. And finally, to avoid this situation in the future, we will wait until at least three other students are in class before entering the premises.
Self Doubt: But what if we get here early? We always get here early.
ADHD: Easy, we sleep in.
Social Skills: And risk being late? No way. We'll just wait outside the class or hide in the bathroom or something.
Mean Streak: 'Cause that's not weird.
Social Skills: Whatever, we'll figure something out. Until then, we've got Marin coming in on the right. Dyslexia, does two R's look right?
Dyslexia: Hmm, no, that doesn't look right. I think It's just one.
"Um, it's just one R, Anileah." Marin said sweetly.
"Was just about to fix that."
Social skills: Ee! A cool kid knows our name!
Mean Streak: Of course she does. Unlike some people, she actually pays attention when someone introduces themselves.
ADHD: Don't look at me! How am I supposed to pay attention when Passion is using up all the memory space to remember everyones favorite color?!
Passion: Landon just changed his to blue last week.
ADHD: Whoa. Seriously, how'd you know?
Social Skills: Right. Well, good call, Dyslexia. Passion, the two boys behind her-
Passion: One of them's Noah, the other's Jacob... I think.
ADHD: Naw, Jacob's the tall one who sat down like five minutes ago.
Drama: Five minutes ago?! WELL, WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING?!
ADHD: I thought you already got him.
Social skills *going through the list*: No, I don't see any Jacob. But there's a Joey. We don't have a Joey in our class... Dyslexia?
Dyslexia: Sorry! I didn't know if Jacob was spelled with a K or a C, so I just put Joey. That's short for Jacob, right?
Social Skills *dragging a hand over her face*: No, Joey is short for Joseph, not Jacob.
Dyslexia: W-what?
Social Skills: Try both. *speaking slowly* J-A-C-K-O-B. See if that looks right.
Several agonizing minutes later, after attendance has been successfully completed (more or less).
ADHD: There's something off about Jacob.
Social Skills: Really? He seems fine to me.
ADHD: No, not the boy, dingbat, the name.
Dyslexia: There- there is?
ADHD: Yeah, your J is backward.
Dyslexia: No. Gosh, please no!
ADHD: Mmhm, and your K.
Dyslexia *groaning and burying her face in her hands*: Oh no...
ADHD: J.K! Ha! Get it? Cause I said, your J and K were backward! J.K!
Everyone: SHUT UP!
The End
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link-of-time80 · 4 years
Dandelion in the Witcher 3 is an ADHD icon. That man is so chaotic and just out of it that Zoltan (who was trying to teach an owl to talk) said he'd just looked away for a moment and suddenly the place is trashed, Dandelion's slept with 1000 people and then gone missing, and now Geralt's shown up saying Ciri and Dandelion met up, did crime, and set a new record for the least sneaky/covert people ever.
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"Hah, Dandelion and planning? Good one. Besides, anything he wrote here -- probably had a special system, chaos only he could ever decipher. Actually, in the past, sometimes not even that." - Geralt 'Dandelion is my bestest bud despite his shennagins' of freakin Rivia
And also this interaction.
"(Explaining the last time she saw Dandelion)
Marabella: Oh yes. Longest afternoon of my life.
Geralt: He read you his poems?
Marabella: No. We perused the Illustrated Guide to Fungi.
Geralt: Hmm... Maybe... Nope. Won't even try to guess why he wanted to do that.
Marabella: Mold -- that was his interest [...]"
The poor chaotic dumbass literally has -3 impulse control and half a braincell that Ciri split between them. I mean even Ciri showed up for 10 seconds and instantly they were like 'LeTS dO cRImE' (the pair of them could bring the continent to its knees through mischief alone, without using any other their other skills at all).
Dandelion: Ciri you need a mages help? I know of a man name Whoreson, he's one of the four big city gang lords – yes, it is a terrible nickname, right? – anyway he's pretty chummy with all the mages in hiding, I'm sure he'll catch one to help fix your shiny thing. Oh we need to pay him??? We need to steal 4 tonnes of gold and jewels??? Oh this is gonna be the greatest heist ever! Lets blow it up!!
Ciri: 🏦🏃‍♀️
And I still can't get over Dandelion just doing the first thing that comes to mind.
Geralt: Why did you go to Whoreson?
Dandelion: 🤷‍♀️ No one else came to mind.
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It makes me a little bit sad whenever I see people getting super annoyed with him and I think its because to me he is super relatable. Like Dandelion, I too have to constantly rely in my friends to help me out because I'm stuck neck deep a dumbass problem that I made for myself. And I know that they can't always rely on me to get them out of trouble because most of the time I am the cause. Sometimes its gotta be enough for them to know that I am truely trying and that if I can I will go through extra ordinary lengths to help them out.
He may seem a bit heartless and self centred but I don't think that its coming from a bad place. Out of sight out of mind is a very big issue for a lot of people with ADHD and sometimes it makes it seem like have no empathy. This isn't true, personally I am simply uncomfortable and many times I do the whole out of sight out of mind routine and launch straight into trying to make things better for everyone else. When I am upset I like it when people tell me stories of similar experiences and so I try to do that to help ofhers but I have recently realised that it makes me seem unempathetic and very self centred (especially when I try and make the other person laugh which something I had been trying to work on not doing).
Dandelion seeing Ciri's powers and badassery in action kinda made him think that she was immortal and that may have made him a lot more lax about Geralt concern.
Again all this is just my opinion. Maybe after reading this you'll see Dandelion through new eyes next time you play the Witcher 3 ;)
SIDE NOTE: Dandelion was 100% gonna fuck Elihal.
I didn't really think so at first but I then I thought come on! He knew the whole time and wrote it down in his his little love keeping book! Sounds to me like he even preened to Zoltan about it with how Zoltan talked to Geralt about it
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Team Chaotix found out how to Time-Travel and are (probably?) using their powers for good
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[I.D.: Screenshot of Shadow the Hedgehog, the cutscene before “Mad Matrix.” Shadow approaches Team Chaotix, standing in front of Eggman’s computer. Vector says “Well, we need your help to hack into [Eggman’s] computer... and don’t ask why!” End I.D.] 
What a title, huh? Let me complicate this more by explaining this is going to deal near exclusively with the 2005 game Shadow the Hedgehog and Chaotix’s role in it. 
My thesis statement for this is as thus: In Shadow the Hedgehog, all endings are actually technically canon; the universe was reset back at the end of them all until the True Ending was reached, and the universe was reset by none other than Team Chaotix. 
Is this theory going to make at least two insane reaches? Yes. Is it a crack theory? uuuuuuuuh depends on how people react to it 
So, let’s get into the logistics of how and why I think this went down.
Part One: What was Team Chaotix’s Mission?
Team Chaotix appears very briefly in ShTH; Charmy is on a solo mission on “Prison Island,” the whole team seems to be in “Mad Matrix” with Vector in  “Cosmic Fall”, and they appear briefly aboard the ARK at the end of the game. (Which... I don’t think they left? Were they up there when Shadow isolated himself inside? Is that why he wasn’t gone for long, did he get sick of their shit and pilot them back to the planet--) 
The point is, from the few appearances of the team in the game, we know that they are on a mission, one so secret/confidential that no team members tell anyone what it is- even Charmy, who has the impulse control of a kid left alone in a room with a million buttons. 
Of course, with their appearances, we can figure out some elements of their mission, and it becomes quite clear that their mission has something to do with the Space Colony ARK. 
Charmy’s solo mission, for starters, in “Prison Island.” Charmy is there to collect five discs from GUN, discs that I don’t believe the player ever finds out the contents of. 
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[I.D.: Three screenshots from Shadow the Hedgehog, of Charmy’s dialogue in the “Prison Island” stage. He says, “Heeey, Shadow! I gotta ask you something! Vector told me that he wants to find five top secret discks... but, like... what’s a top secret disk?” End i.D.]
As the Hero Route of Prison Island immediately transitions to “Mad Matrix”, the implication is the GUN discs have something to do with hacking into Eggman’s computer. 
Oh, yeah, the team needed to hack into the files of Eggman’s computer, with Espio having to gather data himself. Again, what they were looking for is never revealed, but Vector insists that it’s urgent. 
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[I.D.: Screenshots from the beginning of the “Mad Matrix” cutscene. Espio is sitting at a computer, attempting to hack. Vector says, “Are you done yet? At this rate, the entire day will be wasted.” Espio turns and says, “Hey, back off! Data retrieval isn’t exactly my specialty.” End i.D.]
Vector attempts to locate the ARK’s computer room, again for no stated reason. 
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[I.D.: Vector at the beginning of the “Cosmic Fall” route. He says to Shadow, “We’ve got to make it to the computer room before this place collapses!” End I.D.]
Upon it being found in the True Ending, Team Chaotix once again hack inside the computer. After Gerald’s video begins playing, we don’t see them again. 
So, to recap: they are all gathering information from GUN- which was pretty much the only organization with any information on the colony- and Eggman, a member of the Robotnik family; with the fact they were later on the ARK and stealing GUN documents, it’s likely they were looking for information on Gerald on Eggman’s computer. 
So, while we don’t have the explicit mission, we can clarify that it definitely has something to do with the ARK. An important question, though, which might be able to clarify their entire mission, is who is their client? 
Part Two: Who Sent Team Chaotix on this mission?
Team Chaotix’s missions are almost exclusively client-based, and even if we say that they don’t have one, there has to be something that tipped them off that they needed to get to the ARK. 
The client themself is a bit of a mystery- it can’t be any non-chaotix main character, as literally nobody seems wise to what they’re up to. And considering Charmy was, uh, pretty much literally stealing GUN files, we can safely assume they’re not working for GUN. 
But their client had to be someone who knew there was important information on the ARK, which was pretty much unknown to everyone before SA2, and afterwards, even if we assume the ARK incident is common knowledge, there has to be something specific the Chaotix were sent after. 
And something important. 
In case you haven’t played ShTH, during the entire game, the world is being attacked by demon aliens intent on murdering and eating everything on the planet while also setting it on fire. You’d think that Chaotix would want to deal with that above a relatively unimportant mission. So whatever they were doing was more important than fighting/hiding from/investigating the apocalyptic monsters attacking them. 
What would be important than the, as I said, apocalyptic demon monsters? 
Potentially... a way to stop them. 
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[I.D.: Screenshots from a cutscene in the Last Story. Team Chaotix are attempting to hack into the ARK’s computer. Vector says, “Espio, we need you to focus, cuz if we don’t hurry all the data we recovered will be lost.” End I.D.]
So. You know how in every one of my metas there’s a part where I leap off the deep end? 
Let me just say this outright. 
What if the one who sent them on their mission... was none other than Gerald Robotnik?
So, here’s my mission statement. 
Gerald Robotnik, sensing that something bad was going to happen on the ARK, made his video message for Shadow. We know this because of, you know, the content of the message. 
After the ARK massacre, Gerald obviously cracked, but left behind some hint of the video’s existence, or a hint of a way to defeat the Black Arms that nobody picked up cause nobody knew they existed except the people on the ARK. Who, you know, GUN massacred. Thanks GUN. 
What the hint exactly was I’m not sure-- in Sonic X he wrote a shitton of stuff on the walls of his prison island jail cell, maybe he left something there. [Something to note-- Sonic X begun airing before production of ShTH, and it second and third seasons, the ones featuring Shadow, would probably be being made while ShTH was in production.] 
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[I.D.: Screenshots from Sonic X of Gerald Robotnik’s prison island cell, which has multiple scientific notes scribbled across the walls. End I.D.]
We already know the Chaotix know of Prison Island and can get there from Charmy’s appearance in his route, so them being there and seeing something left behind isn’t impossible. 
So this hint was discovered by the Chaotix, who pieced together that this ARK message would give the information needed to defeat the Black Arms-- I believe they knew that there was a message specifically, as they seem unsurprised and happy when the message appears at the end of the game, meaning it was among the things they were looking for, if not the only thing. They also figured out that the only one who could defeat said Black Arms was Shadow. Hence why they’re not only hacking into the computers of two Robotniks, but they, in different timelines, accompany and assist Shadow in his little angst party missions. 
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[I.D.: Screenshots from the end of the “Cosmic Fall” Hero Route. As Shadow walks away, depressed that he’s what he considers a failed experiment, Vector says, “Hey... don’t go there... yet! Things may not be what they seem. You could be...” End I.D.]
But then why wouldn’t they tell Shadow what they were up to? Sure, he has amnesia, so you can’t just say “your granddad might have a secret way to kill the demon aliens,” but you could say “we think there’s a message for you.” So why didn’t they? 
Because, my dear friends, they only have twenty-four hours, and it takes quite a while to explain and prove time travel to an amnesiac hedgehog. 
Part Three: What Route leads to the True Ending? The Time Travel One 
Here’s where we get into crack. 
Let’s put everything together and then go into Connie’s HellBrainMode™
The Chaotix’s mission is so secret that either they didn’t dare tell Charmy, or the ADHD 6yo understood that he had to shut up for once (and I say that with love) and thus not a single one of them dares reveal it. 
The Mission definitely pertains to the ARK, Black Arms, Robotnik Family, and Shadow. 
The Chaotix vaguely knew of the message that was needed to defeat the aliens, and so they were attempting to hack Robotnik computers to find it. 
For some reason, they don’t even tell Shadow what’s up, even though due to their penchant for traveling with him and protecting him, they likely are aware he’s a bit important at the moment. 
...so why does Shadow the Hedgehog have so many endings anyway? 
On that last point... ShTH has an insane amount of routes, but really only eleven endings, with #11 being the final, canon ending. But all the endings are plausible routes, no matter how goddamn dark they can get. It seems the only thing that separates the endings is Shadow’s choices; whether he remains neutral, assists the Black Arms, or fights for Earth. Of course, the true ending involves him fighting for Earth, his friends, and Maria’s final wish, but the path he takes over the day of the Black Arms invasion needs to lead him there. 
Does that mean he must follow a Hero route to reach that? By the time he gathers all the chaos emeralds, he can’t be in the depths of despair or convinced he’s an android, etc.; he’s definitely not in one of the endings where Eggman or Sonic die, seeing as they help him out in the True Ending. So if Eggman and Sonic are alive and Shadow’s not literally losing all hope in everything, we have to assume neither a Dark nor Neutral route was taken, as Dark tends to end with dead Sonic and Neutral tends to end with Dead Eggman. 
Something interesting-- several Hero Routes involve helping the Chaotix. Gathering the discs for Charmy, helping Espio collect necessary data, helping Vector find the infamous computer room... Of course, most Hero Routes involve helping your friends when you see them, but the Chaotix specifically are looking for GUN/Ark/Robotnik/BlackArms information. While they will not share this information with Shadow, helping them puts him on the Hero Route, aka closer to the True Ending. 
But which ending leads to the true ending? None of them, and yet all of them. 
None of them end in the place where the true ending begins-- Shadow alone with the Chaos Emeralds, ready to discover the truth about his past, and about to be ambushed by an uninjured Black Doom while his friends are about to burst in to try and save him, having apparently discovered more about what’s happening. 
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Hero endings end with Shadow defeating Black Doom earlier, Neutral ends with depressed Shadow and dead Eggman, Dark ends with angry Shadow and dead Sonic. So a whole nother timeline was taken. Then what was the point of the first ten? 
Well, through the first ten, you do learn certain information, don’t you? So who’s to say someone else going through the first ten endings wouldn’t learn something as well? If someone could, say, reset the day to the beginning every time Shadow has an angst moment and fails to save the world, and then use what they learned the last time in order to try and steer Shadow on a better path... 
And in the True Ending, when Shadow and his friends are attacked by Black Doom, Shadow hears voices in his head-- voices from several different routes. Almost as if something in his mind clicks, something that feeds every route into him to make a final decision. 
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[I.D.: Gif from the Last Story of Shadow the Hedgehog; Shadow is on the ground, and voices are heard, represented here by captions, which read, in order: “I will avenge those whose blood has been spilled!” “Did I... die?” “That’s why you were created...” and “Please help me, Shadow.” End I.D.] 
So what route leads to the last ending? All of them. All of them, so that the information gathered... gets the Chaotix on the ARK. To get the message out to Shadow. 
Part Four: The Timeline of the Chaotix Time Travel 
Every route begins with the same cutscene-- the beginning of the day, as the Black Arms invade... as their comet gets close enough to reach the planet. Let’s say, hmm, Gerald, for example, realized something might go horribly wrong when the Black Arms showed up if Shadow was traumatized and confused, and tried to make some kind of safeguard. The safeguard ended up being a reset button,* but it relied on the position of the Black Arms’ comet-- so thus, you can only reset to the beginning of its approach. The beginning of the day. And only the one(s) pressing the button remembers the reset, that could be an issue. 
*Note: we’re using “reset button” as a general term, obviously it doesn’t have to be a literal button. 
The Chaotix break into the remains of Prison Island sometime before the Black Arms attack; perhaps they sensed something was up, perhaps they noticed some weird stuff was going on, who knows. But they get in there, and find Gerald’s notes, and figure out some important stuff-- the Black Arms are invading, there’s a way to stop them on the ARK, and... oh, what’s this, this thing that the GUN scientists could never figure out how to use but hid away in case they figured it out one day. It’s a comet reset button? 
Oh, comet, like the one right overhead-- oops. 
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The Chaotix are unable to stop the comet from arriving in the first place. So Vector puts together all the pieces-- “ultimate lifeform,” fifty-year timeskiip, whatever hints Gerald left-- and figures out that, likely, Gerald knew about the Black Arms, how to stop them, and that his ultimate lifeform, Shadow, is the key to saving the planet. 
He sends Charmy to retrieve discs from GUN involving the ARK and Gerald on Prison Island, and then sets Espio to hacking into Eggman’s systems. Once they’ve got the info they need, they hop on a spaceship and race to the ARK. Thing is... each of these steps could go wrong in any way. Charmy doesn’t find the discs, Espio can’t reach the data, Vector can’t find the computer room, they fail to reach the ARK, or, above all, Shadow shows up and fucks up their shit. 
Thankfully, the Chaotix have the day reset. Every time the planet starts to go to shit, Vector resets. Shadow just killed Sonic? Reset it, now, before those demons crash into Earth. Omega just texted Rouge to tell her that Shadow is convinced he’s destined to lead a robot uprising? Reset. Shadow is depressed thinking he’s a failed experiment that never should have been created and thus literally falls into such a state he can’t or won’t fight the Black Arms? Gotta reset that shit. They reset at least ten times, each time gaining more information and figuring out what they have to do. Charmy gets Shadow’s help in one route, then in the next timeline repeat remembers the locations. Espio knows how to break into Eggman’s computer. Vector figures out where they need to go. They figure out where the Chaos Emeralds are and where and when to get them to Shadow. 
The eleventh and final reset begins, and Chaotix informs the Sonic Squad that the Black Arms need the Chaos Emeralds to destroy the planet and that they need to go keep an eye on Shadow. Somehow they get Eggman onboard-- idk they probably just namedropped Gerald and he listened to whatever they had to say. Once they’re sent off, they rush to the ARK. 
Shadow, in the Last Route, has gathered the Chaos Emeralds off the ARK, somewhere on the below planet. Everyone else is on Earth, including Sonic, Black Doom, Eggman... 
Everyone but the Chaotix. 
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The Chaotix, who continue working on this Big Case even after the Black Comet has descended through Earth’s atmosphere and the Black Arms are killing everyone on the planet. 
The Chaotix, who are trying to hack into Gerald’s computer, looking for something important. 
The Chaotix, who show absolutely no surprise or concern when Gerald’s message appears, implying that this could be what they were looking for. 
The Chaotix, who are not seen again after the message is played. 
Because their work is done. 
Shadow’s choices lead him to make the right decision, but that final push he needs to defeat Black Doom is Gerald and Maria’s message. And once it’s played, he saves the goddamn world. 
And then is stuck on the ARK with the Chaotix until the next game. Oops. 
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willowaudreykeyes · 4 years
Okay: I’ve watched it 4 times and here’s the things about the episode that I find interesting. Or that I’m looking too much into. You guys can all decide because idk.
- Roman seems to make alliterations when he's shocked? He's done it before, but now he's done it again and when he's surprised that Thomas 'lied' or 'tricked' the ticket person.
- Virgil has resting disappointed face even as he eats popcorn.
- Roman is very dramatic about the age thing. "He's in his thirties, he may as well be in his sixties." "Can't think of new excuses quick enough in his old age."
- "I love you" is very big words. Do not use them, or forget them, lightly around Virgil.
- Have they always been on his back so much about lying, or was it only after Janus was introduced?
- Possibility: Romans eyes actually change into hearts when cute guy appears?
- Also: Roman goes into Shakespearean when cute guy appears.
- Roman is so optimistic when it comes to love! But not about other Sides? He's rather pessimistic when it came to Virge (at the beginning) and Janus. And kinda Remus too.
- Roman has used "We don't know if he's not gay" more times then the three can count.
- Pins equals introverts way of talking apparently. I guess that makes sense, since there’s pins for almost every kind of hobby, and Virgil knows this too.
- Roman sounds rather happy when they found out that Nico likes Paramore. Supporting his emo friend and his hobbies right there.
- “The Nightmare Before Christmas” is and will always be a Prinxiety thing. Did you see those star eyes Roman gave? And how happy-surprised Virge was?
- Virgil does think about romance too. “You can live like Jack and Sally, if you want.” Kind of cute.
- Virgil has eyes like a damn hawk. He saw those pins and went full on x10 zoom on them.
- Roman’s got some adorable music happening when more clues appear.
- Sticker/Button System must be followed or Virge no happy.
- Roman is almost as good as Patton with puns, except he has to explain it. Has he done that before? I feel like he has. I feel like this is a thing but I’m not sure.
- Roman and Virgil have about the same wavelength when it came to the creepy stalking-ish part. They both cringe when Thomas goes off to the side.
- If you use a word at the end of a sentence that sounds like a name at Roman, he thinks you got his name wrong. He did it at some other point I can’t remember when but he does this. Kind of feels like a autism and/or ADHD trait? (I know I for sure get confused sometimes)
- “Great... he’s gay” “Great indeed...” “GREAT INDEED” I love them. Just gonna say that again.
- Roman has this big thing about his name and it doesn’t seem like its a thing he’s faking? He seems genuinely confused. The one that’s two above mentions it, and the way he spelt it at the trial? And how he seemed very defensive when Janus spelt it wrong? This is a thing.
- Virgil is a self-proclaimed expert of anti-social etiquette and I say he deserves that title. 
- Virgil also really likes non-verbal ways of communicating. 
- Roman does the thing where you put your two pointer fingers together and its adorable.
- Fast head nod of agreement coming from Roman here. Over dramticness? Or actual quirk?
- Roman very much freaks out when flirting goes wrong. Not just a Virgil thing. 
- Virgil be scaring Thomas with zero regrets when he lost his test that the Universe gave him.
- Virgil be very glad to admit when he’s panicking. He also has admitted when he’s anxious in the past. He knows it, acknowledges it, makes Thomas and the others deal with it because dealing with it isn’t in the job description.
- Roman’s fine with compromise! Virgil gives an idea that attempts to help the romance part, Roman’s not 100% happy but rolls with it. Besties right here (even if they don’t know it). He does have a limit though.
- Nicknames are forever with Roman.
- Virgil is on Thomas’ left side, the more ‘thinky’ side of the brain. Roman is on the right, the more ‘feely’ side of the brain. It’s kind of more obvious in the scene where they grab Thomas a lot.
- Roman really slips with his feelings when he’s stressed. He says stuff that’s usually more about his self-worth. “You’re making a mistake.” “If I am, I’ll add it to the list.” That was said under a lot of stress and frustration. He’s done it before and he’s done it again; except now they don’t address it and it’s just a passing sentence.
- pLaNt
- Virgil would rather embarrass Thomas by making him talk to a stranger, instead of the guy that he thinks is cute? I mean, its very embarrassing by the end of it and Virge barely seems affected by it.
- And now Virgil is compromising. He works with Roman to make sure that Thomas looks okay (the “check your teeth” line).
- idk wtf the sty’s thing is about. Weirdly placed anxiety over it? Or something?
- Roman is very impulsive and basically throws Thomas into the trash can when a bad thing happens in front of a lot of people. Ego was definitely hurt there. Why hide instead of run away? Did Virgil sorta influence that?
- Plans help anxiety. Pretty sure they’ve covered that topic before, but lets just do a recap in this I guess.
- Virgil is half the people on this platform “Cyberstalking... but real life”. I mean, everyone makes a metaphor that has an actual word behind it sometimes. 
- “Try Speaking from the heart” ... I expected Patton, but there has been moments before where a Side who is expected to be there, isn’t there. Logan showed this in “Moving On” when he physically left but he never REALLY left. Patton showing up to add his own words to this may have been too much for him? Or he thought it would be for the others?
- Ah crap here’s the monologue-
- First off, it’s very honest. Full on honesty. With no holding back. And it really hit the feels; but is it realistic though? (Genuinely asking I’ve never been in that kind of situation)
- Very rambly too “I honestly don’t know what I’m doing at the mall today. I don’t know what I was looking for... I guess that answers my question- The mall is where you go when you want something but you don’t know what it is because the mall has everything.” Very rambly, very nervous, very honest.
- Roman and Virgil are very... in awe? Shocked? What is this? Roman looks so contemplative as he looks at himself in the mirror and I wanna be in his brain and know what he’s thinking.
- “I don’t know a lot about anything. Least of all, myself.” Okay, Janus just pulled all the way away for a full minute and forty-eight seconds (this is 99% accurate) to just let Thomas talk and feel didn’t he? This is just complete honesty.
- Anyone would be awkward with the guy coming out of that stall. I’m awkward thinking about it and seeing it again. Moving on-
- “I gotta stop wooing strangers in bathrooms” just a 3000 word fic of at least one other time that he’s done this and I will be yours forever
- Virgil is a dramatic emo who dislikes lying. Crossed arms, waiting outside for him, looks up when he says “you know what I meant”- They’re all part of an actor your at least a LITTLE dramatic.
- Virgil has a big thing about lies and relationships. This has to do with him and Janus’ relationship somehow- It’s about Thomas’ relationships with friends and his romantic life too. He didn’t seem as annoyed about them in the ‘Lies’ song way back when which didn’t mention lying about any type of relationship.
- “Can’t have true love if the relationship isn’t built on truth.” Is this what he was thinking about in the bathroom? Its a cute line either way. 
- Okay, Roman and Janus have some kind of... something. Cause a lot of Roman’s talks about his goals for Thomas pushes Thomas into relying on Janus until Roman realises that it’s morally bad OR (as seen in the talk after the bathroom scene) when he realises that it’ll be bad for Thomas in the long run.
- “Will (D)deceit continue to be the answer to all of your problems? Is that fair to him?” HIM WHO!? Janus or Nico!? Both!? AHHHH! This could mean so much in any direction you throw it but I can’t find the dang words!! “No, he’s better off without me.” This could just be Thomas misunderstanding the ‘him’ Virgil means too or he does understand idk-
- “I was afraid you left!” *INSERT TWO SIDES SCREAMING HERE* Hahaha he’s literally screaming on the inside omg-
- “He fears things too!?” Virgil doesn’t understand how people work when he’s worked up. Duly noted.
- Roman and Virgil equals A Gay Panic
- Thomas’ first thought when panicked is to ask the guy, that he thinks is cute and has been trying to get the attention of for the last while, ‘what is wrong with you?’ ... 10/10 Thomathy
-  .Roman seems... a little resigned that another ‘chance at happiness’ is walking away? I mean, he’s super sad but resigned to his fate. That’s sad as hell. He’s USED TO THIS and I don’t like that 😢
- Virgil’s scene where he looks between, NOT Thomas, but Nico and Roman, is really well done and filled with... a lot. He psyches himself up first of, taking in quick breaths before pushing Thomas, obviously afraid but still doing it anyway. And the look he gives a very resigned Roman looks like its both guilt and sadness. Could just be me thinking that he has a ‘this is my fault’ thing.
- Full on surprise on Roman’s face when Virgil pushes Thomas. No one was expecting that.
- Carrots. The carrots brought them together. Thomas... you don’t have to eat carrots, but at least say ONCE that they aren’t all bad.
- “I like songs” you’ve also written some and sung x5 as many but okay, go with that I guess. (Is this to not brag about being a singer right away? I guess so?)
- If Nico was writing about something that happened midway through his visit to the food court, what was he writing about before that? Did he have nothing until Thomas tripped over the bin?
- “I tend to waste a lot of opportunities in my life” Then cuts to Virgil. Ouch. Direct hit on Virge...
- BRAVERY. (i’ll get back to this-)
- “Shut up, emo.” No complicated nicknames; just the easy picking. Very cute. Very yes. Roman your a sap and its great.
- When Thomas is telling Roman to ‘get out’, he sinks down and is he biting his thumb? He’s still excited. And I’m adding ‘biting’ to his list of stims.
- Virgil claps his hands.  Roman and Virgil both cover their mouths. Both yell. Manic hand movements. Virgil gets Thomas to walks around and flappy hands. (And the nervous pee too I guess?)
- OKAY. EYESHADOW. Big thing, also new. I believe that it may be him ‘growing’ as a Side. First, he believed that he was JUST Thomas’ anxiety. Then comes to term with being more then that, which helps him become a ‘Light Side’. And now, he’s learnt that ‘fear’ and ‘bravery’ can both be present at the same time and is now growing from that as well. So, his back and forth between black and purple could mean a back and forth of the ‘fear’ and ‘bravery’ aspects. Thomas about to send a bad tweet? Black. Optimistic about things ‘never being the same again’? Purple. Thomas bringing up that they just met? Black. Its a promising start? Purple again.  Purple when something optimistic, its purple. Pessimistic, its black. There’s a thing happening there.
- And also, lots of smiley Virgil when he goes purple. Brave enough to smile? Or optimistic enough to be truly happy about it?
- “Join me! No thinking!” Okay, all the ‘Roman Himbo’ stans have already gone nuts over this so I’ll keep going XD
- Roman’s first date idea is to go to France immediately and I love him for being so honestly over-the-top
- Dogs are the demons of anxiety its now a fact. They even bring out the Tempest Tongue, despite hearing the dog “thirty times a day”.
- Do not tell Virgil to relax. Black eyeshadow. Very on brand tbh. He does not relax and you should know this by now Roman.
All in all; I love them and the entire episode ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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goatbi · 3 years
We know literally nothing about bleach but we know it's a special interest of yours so gimme bleach hcs legend
Uhhh let's have some fun lil six hearts sexuality/gender headcanons
Alright so, first off, Uryu is autistic and asexual, so jot that down. I'm also getting the vibes of aromantic from him, tbh, though maybe demiromantic. Not really sure on that front. He figured himself out very very quickly, simply because he likes to read so much, and just kinda vibes all the time, and figured 'hm something about me is different from everyone else around me' and then like. Figured it out. Was very open about it the SECOND he moved out of Ryuken's house, like, he doesn't ever talk to Ryuken, but Uryu was open about who he was at school enough that word got around to Ryuken very quickly. The reaction there was exactly what Uryu had expected. A fuck ton of passive aggressive bullshit! Also uses Ve/Ver He/Him and Phi/Phim pronouns cause Why Not ! I say so ! I bounce back and forth on if he's trans or not, because A) how obvious am I gonna be that I kin him, and B) just in general I dunno if I fully get The Vibes from him. Maybe he's trans sometimes because kinnie moments.
Ichigo gives me the vibes of like, a guy whose very very comfortable in who he is, but also has no clue exactly what that is, and whenever someone makes a dumb joke like 'oh what are you, gay?' Ichigo just kinda looks at them and then shrugs a shoulder like 'i don't fuckin know, I know I'm a teen and thats when you start figuring that shit out usually, but I'm busy, y'know, saving the universe and shit.' His level in comfort with himself does not change ever, I think, no matter where in the process of figured himself out he is, he's just like 'i'm chillin' cause at least he's not looking down the barrel of a gun with Yhwach or Aizen on the other side ! No clue anything about him other than that. He/Him
Orihime feels like a lesbian who was told all her life that she should just find a nice boy to settle down with, so she's like comp-hetting her crush on Ichigo hella hard, because he's like! The perfect boy to do that with! He's super powerful, he cares a lot, he's saved her when she was kidnapped, it was perfect and fun. They tried to date, the summer after high school, because despite what people think, Ichigo is not that dense all the time. They attempted it, lasted like two weeks, then very amicably broke up, because Orihime was like 'hey I think I'm actually a lesbian' and Ichigo was like 'sick, because I'm really not feeling romance here' and they were both just kinda like. Alright then. Back to friendship! She's also SUPER ADHD. Probably uses fae/faer pronouns too, and giggles cause her powers include fairies.
Chad is just kinda. There. He just identifies himself as queer, and that's about as deep into he's going. The intricacies of his sexuality and gender are a mystery to everyone, including himself, so. There's that. His grandfather was similar in that regard, which is why Chad is just so chill about it. He doesn't really care, he just knows he's not cishet. Other than that? Not really important to him. He's happy. He/They/Thon pronouns for this large man!
Rukia and Renji are really fun in this regard. Starting with Rukia, she spent a good amount of her life in Rukongai just existing and being whoever the fuck she was, not really caring who she was because who cares when you don't know if you're gonna be alive tomorrow to keep being that person, and then suddenly she was thrown into being a noble and having to fit that, so she spent so long constantly being like 'gotta be perfect for the clan' that she really didn't think about herself for ages! And then, when she finally got the chance, she started realizing things that would have upset the Clan Elders, and she was like 'Fuck! Time For Repression!' which worked, up until her execution fiasco, and then she was like 'fuck! I can't just die not knowing who I am and being happy with who I am! Fuck you people, the clan elders can't fucking stop me from doing shit!' and she had Ichigo's really chill ass right next to her like 'alright have fun!' Which lead down the road of her discovering that she was a bisexual, with a preference for women (and Renji's muscles specifically), and used any pronouns. She came out to Byakuya about this one day, and Byakuya, who was trying to be a good brother, told her that he would handle the clan elders. She didn't hear a thing about it from them, and Byakuya only smiled when he saw her later.
Renji, on the other hand, was in the same sort of thing, but never had to worry about disappointing anybody. Renji has always lived for himself and only himself. He got his tattoos because he wanted them and no one could tell him no. He's exists as he is because he fucking wants to. He's been like this since he's a kid, so in the Soul Reaper Academy, he was experimenting with everybody, just for the hell of it. He was gonna be proud of who he is, no matter who he found himself out to be, so it didn't matter how long it took him to figure it out. So, honestly, when he finally sat down next to the GAYEST MARRIED COUPLE OF SQUAD ELEVEN (Ikkaku and Yumichika) and finally went 'huh... I'm pansexual' it wasn't like, a big thing, he just kinda said it, and then Yumi was like 'are you like... nervous about coming out to us or something?' and Renji just kinda shrugged and went 'I don't give a shit, I'm happy with it' and Ikkaku was like 'right fuckin answer my man' so. The same sort of process with his gender happened, but that one's an ongoing thing, since again, no matter where he is, he's comfortable with who he is, but he hasn't really like, sat down to ask himself any questions about it. So he's kinda nebulous. Just uses he/him for now, but it's also like, that's just cause how everyone else sees him, very masc. If people used other pronouns for him, he wouldn't object to it.
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ghostiewriter · 4 years
chapter one | tale of a slightly unstable teen hero
Summary: JJ is starting to gain recognition around New York as the new hero in town. However, some complications arise with his new chemistry partner. Oh, and turns out he isn’t the only bloke around here with powers.
Warnings: John B is a simp, I feel like that needs a warning tbh. Umm there’s a lot of swearing (I’m Scottish, don’t judge), again some violence and fighting, also some cute ass moments between JJ and his mum so enjoy that
Word Count: 8.1K
A/N: Sooo there’s finally some Jiara in this chapter!! Hope you enjoy👀and I’m not responsible for any feels caused by JJ and Georgia Maybank!!
masterlist // taglist // ao3
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“Spider-Man does it again! Report of our favourite web-slinging hero saving the day once again after a fatal accident left an apartment complex on the corner of 5th and 36th street in flames. The teen hero arrived at the scene not long after the distress call was made to the local fire department and managed to rescue over twelve people that were trapped on the top floor. New York thanks Spider-Man once again.”
JJ grinned as he leaned back in his seat, sparing a smug look towards John B in the driver’s seat. JJ didn’t usually carpool with John B but it was getting colder and his extra-curricular activities were wearing him exhausted by morning. Plus, the last time JJ skated to school when he was half asleep, Pope had to pull him out of a trash can. Turns out raccoons can be very territorial and did not appreciate the blond taking a small visit into their home. He was pretty sure he still had scars on his back from some of those little bastards.
“Three weeks on the job and you already have a little fanbase,” John B commented, reaching over to turn the radio down a little since the reporter moved onto some irrelevant news neither of the boys cared about. “Soon you’ll have a swarm of fangirls chasing after you while you fight crime.”
“Don’t be jealous, JB,” JJ grinned, both arms behind his head as he looked at the passing view. “I’m sure one of my groupies will slum it down for you.” He teased, only laughing when he felt the flick on his forehead.
As much as he hated to admit it, JJ had seriously enjoyed the past three weeks. They were intense, impulsive and unpredictable. Just how JJ liked his life to be. It wasn’t easy at first though, it took a good few attempts before the people of New York actually labelled him as a hero. Maybe it was because he was some young bloke who popped out of nowhere with abilities that no could really understand. Or maybe it was because he was going around in a red ski mask, blue shirt, a red vest with an awfully drawn spider on it and some blue joggers. He looked like a right on idiot, especially with the chunky goggles Pope added to his costume. But if it kept his identity secret, then so be it. The last thing JJ wanted was a bunch of journalists swarming his apartment, especially since he wanted to keep this whole alter ego away from his parents. In fact, he wanted to keep it away from anyone who wasn’t John B or Pope.
It was safer that way.
“At least that’s one more that Pope.” John B said nonchalantly.
“As if, dude!” JJ scoffed, grinning at the distressed—and fairly high pitched—‘WHAT’ that came from the brunette. “Oh, c’mon, Pope created a whole ass bat signal for me! You just sit there and look pretty! Pope gets at least two groupies.” He said with a shrug.
It was true. JJ knew Pope was smart, but this was next level. After realising that JJ wasn’t getting the recognition he needed to be labelled a ‘superhero’, Pope had come up with the ingenuous idea to infiltrate the police radio stations. Not only did they have full access to updates on crimes around the city, but Pope even felt a little fancy and made it so JJ would get a notification sent to his phone the second there was a job for Spider-Man. That boy was way too smart for his own good, but JJ was grateful for it.
“Aw, you think I’m pretty?” John B asked with a teasing grin.
“Yeah,” JJ smiled, reaching to place his hand on John B’s shoulder with a squeeze. “Pretty fucking ugly.”
John B’s smile instantly dropped as he scowled at JJ, who was happily snickering at the sudden change in mood. “Whatever, Spider-boy.”
“Yikes, low blow.”
The rest of the journey was spent in a similar vibe, except with JJ checking his phone every five minutes. He couldn’t help it, but the past three weeks had been some of the most exciting in his life. JJ had been labelled the troublemaker his whole life, the one that was throwing pencils into Mrs Ramirez’s curls because they looked like little hoops. Or even just doing his damn best to avoid the work he was given. It was a force of habit. JJ’s brain was running at a million miles a second. Nothing could hold him down, keep him entertained for longer than thirty minutes at most. And his teachers had constantly reminded him that his impulsive nature and high energy would lead him nowhere good in life.
All JJ had to say to them now was a massive ‘FUCK YOU!’ because how wrong they were. It was those qualities that made JJ the perfect hero. He could react quick to a sudden change, he was always on his feet, he had found something that not only could he channel all his energy into—but he was damn good at it as well. John B and Pope had warned him that it was best to keep himself humble, to not get too arrogant. But who was he kidding? JJ made a pretty fucking bomb superhero and everyone loved him. It seemed like he deserved to feel arrogant, to soak in his time in the spotlight. He enjoyed every single second.
So, can you really blame JJ for checking his phone, wanting an excuse to put that mask on and do the one thing he is good at? Except for skateboarding. Everyone knew JJ was the best skater in Queens.
Unfortunately, there was no sudden crimes that JJ could use as excuse to ditch school. A true tragedy, if you asked him. It seems like he will just have to suffer through another day of learning things that either happened way too long ago, didn’t make sense to him or he just truly didn’t care about. Which just happened to be basically every subject—excluding wood-shop. Except he was taken out of the class because apparently making mini bongs for birds is not okay. Who would’ve thought.
“I don’t see what the issue is—it’s a fool-proof plan!” John B argued as the two boys made their way through the corridors of Midtown High. Only stopping once they reached John B’s locker where he exchanged his books and JJ checked out the hallway for anything that caught his eye.
“Bro, you have a ten-year plan to end up with Sarah Cameron,” JJ stated bluntly. “And even then, you end up as her second husband—“
“No one can prove what happened to the first.”
“It’s fucking sad, JB.”
“It’s a solid plan.” John B stated simply and shrugged his shoulders, deciding to ignore JJ as he rolled his eyes, muttering something about John B being a ‘hopeless fool’. John B only grinned wider and glanced at his watch before whispering a small ‘shit’ to himself. “I gotta go, see you at lunch.” And with that, John B was zooming his way down the corridor.
“You know it’s really creepy that you plan when you bump into her!” JJ called down the corridor, but he doubted John B heard him. “Like really fucking creepy…like restraining order level creepy!
Once he noticed John B’s head turn the corner, undoubtedly on his way to ‘coincidentally’ bump into Sarah Cameron, JJ calmly made his way to his first period class, not in a big rush to get there.
You see, after the incident in wood shop and many others after that, the school had taken the decision to move JJ into a class they deemed more valuable of his time. Chemistry. Stick the ADHD kid in a room full of chemicals…seemed about right. However, JJ was being transferred half way through the term with absolutely no knowledge in chemistry other than how to make a Molotov cocktail. Therefore, he didn’t really see an issue in showing up to a class he was already hopeless in. His teacher disagreed.
“Mr Maybank, it’s nice of you to finally join us.” Mr Marino—a middle-aged bald man who had looked as though he had been through one too many divorces and contained most of his knowledge in the form of his beer belly—commented as JJ entered the class.
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me!” JJ sighed dramatically.
“Let me guess: your alarm didn’t go off.”
“It was my pet monkey, sir. Has a mind of its own.”
“Your pet monkey?”
“Yup, his name is JB. Nasty wee guy but I keep him around, he’s a good laugh. Could do with a shower though.”
“Take a seat, Maybank.”
“I can feel the love.” JJ grinned before he turned to look at the class. It was set up with eight workbenches, two seats at each. His eyes scanned over each one before he caught an empty seat at the back-left workbench, the only empty seat—and just his luck it was next to the curly haired beauty for the trip.
JJ was starting to think he might actually enjoy this class.
“We just keep meeting, sweetheart. I think it’s a sign.” JJ whispered to her as he took his seat next to her, definitely sitting a little closer than he had to. He tried not to smirk when he noticed her subtly moving away from him. JJ always loved a challenge.
“Or a punishment.” She replied bluntly, not even sparing JJ a glance.
“Aw, is this how it’s going to be for the rest of the year, princess?” JJ muttered with a pout. He tried not to smile when she finally turned to look at him.
“Rafe got a concussion.” She hissed.
“So?” JJ frowned.
“So? You caused it!”
“And I should care because?”
“He is banned from the football team for six weeks!”
JJ stared at her blankly. “And…?”
“He is the captain!”
“Boohoo, they’ll survive without him.” JJ shrugged, leaning back in his stool as he flashed her one of his usual girl-charming smiles. “But hey, if you’re really stressed out about it, I’m sure I can help you find a way to relax.”
“You’re a pig.” She stated with a small huff, stubbornly turning to face the front, planning to not even give him the chance to redeem himself. Trust me when I say Kiara is an open person, always there to give people a second chance. But JJ Maybank was not one of those people. In the three times she had met him, he had been nothing but a shameless flirt who had no care for the world beyond his sex life. She could be judging him too quickly, but in her defence, he hadn’t given her anything else to work with.
However, Kiara assumed her behaviour was clear enough that she didn’t want to talk to him, that she could gladly go the rest of the year without willingly speaking to him. But this is JJ. Hyperactive, unable to sit still JJ. He didn’t get the hint.
“So, do anything interesting this weekend?” JJ asked her, that classic smirk of his on his lips. But she didn’t answer him. Instead, she kept her gaze on Mr Marino and his oh-so interesting talk on bond orbitals within an atom.
JJ raised his eyebrows when he received no reply from her. “Giving me the silent treatment now? That’s a bit rude.” He commented.
“So is giving someone a concussion.” She stated.
“Do you want to know what I did?” JJ asked.
“Geez, princess, no one ever taught you manners?” He teased, taking the pen he was spinning between his fingers to gently poke her arm. She only huffed and moved her seat further away.
“Okay, alright, fine! I get it…” JJ trailed off, and Kiara couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. But she spoke to soon. She heard the scrape of a chair and suddenly she could feel the warmth of JJ right beside her, their elbows just touching.
“Is there an issue, Mr Maybank?” She heard Mr Marino call out but the boy next to her just shook his head, that mischievous glint shining in his eyes.
“No, please carry on, Alan.” The blond replied, his fingers tapping against the worktop counter.
Kiara sighed. She knew very well that she could put her hand up and complain, or even ask Mr Marino to change seats after class ended. But she was stubborn, and she would be damned if she gave JJ that satisfaction of knowing that he got under her skin.
This was going to be a long year.
“She called me JB! That basically takes three years off my plan!”
“Dude, I don’t know if this is really sad or creepy now…” JJ grimaced. He had spent the last fifteen minutes listening to John B and his ‘coincidental’ encounter with Sarah Cameron. And if he was being honest, he was concerned for his friend. And his stomach…this boy needed to let JJ eat his lunch before he had to hear one more comment about how ‘yellow is totally her colour’.
“I mean, it just compliments her complexion so well! C’mon, how many people do you know that can pull of yellow and not looked totally washed out!” John B argued. But JJ just met him with a blank stare.
“When the fuck did you become a fashion expert?” JJ spoke up, his nose scrunched in confusion.
“I took a class once.”
JJ looked at him with his mouth agape. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Piss off, I wanted to learn how to dress better.”
“Says the guy that wears horrible thrifted Hawaiian shirts.” JJ deadpanned. John B only rolled his eyes and turned his attention back onto Sarah.
JJ followed his line of sight towards Sarah Cameron and her group, and he was shocked at the sight. He noticed the usual people in their uptown outfits and obnoxious laughs he could unfortunately hear from his seat. But it was the sight of his chemistry partner looking quite cosy under Rafe’s arm that caught him off-guard. His eyebrows furrowed a little, but hey, JJ should have seen this coming. The uptown kids like to stick with each other. Yet, JJ couldn’t help but find the sight quite uncomfortable to look at—Rafe had that effect on people. It was a surprise he managed to score…JJ paused. He had spent a whole hour with her and yet, he didn’t even know her name.
He nudged John B, yet neither one of them looked away from the group. “Hey JB, who’s Sarah’s new chick?”
“The pretty curly haired one standing next to her, dumbass.”
“Oh…I don’t actually know—“
“—Kiara Carrera. Relocated here from Kernersville, North Carolina. Her father owns a large chain of restaurants around the country. She is also the only junior other than yours truly doing three AP classes, including environmental science, biology and English.” Pope finished, panting a little considering he had literally just ran into the cafeteria and heard the last few words of their conversation.
JJ looked up at Pope with a mix of awe and fear. “What, you forgot her national insurance number as well? How the fuck do you know all that?”
“The school files.” Pope answered easily as he turned his laptop around and with the screen facing them, JJ decided he was definitely a little scared of Pope.
“Those are meant to be locked away in some super, secret network thing!” JJ hissed, only to be met with a smirking Pope.
“As if, it’s easy as fuck to hack something as amateur as the school’s firewall. Could do it with my eyes closed.” He grinned at the two of them. “Why, JJ? Hiding something from us like…I don’t know…your middle name being Belinda.” He snickered.
“YOUR NAME IS BELINDA?!” John B gasped, looking at JJ with wide eyes.
“Shut up, would you!” JJ hissed at the both of them, leaning over the table to flick John B on the forehead. “I was named after my grandmother.”
“Aww, Grammie Belinda.” John B cooed. JJ only glared at him.
“Hey, Grammie Belinda was a saint, don’t disrespect her like that.” JJ huffed, pointing a finger towards John B. He then turned to Pope who had made himself comfortable in the seat next to him.
“Why were you asking about Kiara?” Pope asked JJ, snatching a few chips from his plate. JJ swatted his hand away but didn’t stop Pope from doing it again. “Does JJ have a little crush?” He teased, pouting a little.
“Piss off,” JJ laughed as he nudged Pope with his shoulder. “She’s just my chemistry partner.”
“Ooh, so you guys have chemistry together?” John B grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Fuck off, JB. Go back to stalking your little uptown princess.” JJ commented, returning the grin as both friends shook their head. They both knew the other meant no harm.
“Well, if you two little lovebirds are done having your moment,” Pope piped up, both boys looking over at him. “I need you to meet me on your rooftop at nine sharp tonight.”
“Damn, Pope, finally taking me out?”
“You wish, Spider-Boy,” He grinned, but the look he was giving made JJ a little nervous for what Pope had hidden up his sleeve. It could honestly range from a pet raccoon he befriended to creating some weird Frankenstein bug. “Just be there.”
John B pouted. “What about me?! Is this where I become the third-wheel?”
“In here!”
JJ dropped his bag by the couch as he made his way to the kitchen, the soft sound of the click telling him the door shut behind him. He sniffed the air as he walked in, seeing his mum at the stove and grinned a little, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“What’s for dinner?” He asked, peeking over her shoulder.
“Spaghetti,” She hummed, a soft smile on her lips as she peeked a glance at her son. “How was school?”
“The usual,” He answered with a shrug as he made his way to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water before heading towards his usual spot on the counter. “Teachers still don’t appreciate my comments, Pope said smart things I didn’t understand and JB was a love-sick puppy.”
She grinned, shaking her head a little. “I find John B’s attempts to woo that girl quite admirable actually,” She commented. “It wouldn’t kill you to be a hopeless romantic every once in a while.” Yet, she only laughed when she saw JJ’s face scrunch up in disgust.
Despite JJ’s reputation for being an adrenaline junkie who loves to live life on the edge, these were actually his favourite moments. The little moments he shared with his mum, just the two of them. It is one of the few moments in his life where he feels relaxed, no expectations or pressures. And as sappy as it sounded—and no offence to John B and Pope—but JJ wasn’t ashamed to admit that she was one of his best friends, one of the few people in his life he truly cared about. People like her are the reason he enjoys being Spider-Man, because despite the shit people in the world, there were some genuinely good people out there, like Georgia Maybank.
It was hard to believe JJ and Georgia Maybank were related. She was a sweetheart, the type of woman who would take time out of her own life to volunteer at local food shelters despite having just done a twelve-hour shift at the hospital. She is the type of woman to buy flowers and hand them to strangers on the street just to brighten someone’s day. She is the type of woman who would work her ass off to give her son all that she could, despite the struggles she faced with the bills and rent because her son was her life. She was the opposite of JJ’s hyperactive self.
But boy, did they look very similar. From the sandy blonde hair the two of them shared, to the bright blue eyes, to even the exact same smile. JJ really was a carbon copy of his mother. And there was a small part of her, one she would never outwardly admit, that adored the fact JJ looked so much like her. Like a primal mother instinct, she loved her son and she loved that everyone knew he was her son. She would be damned if someone ever asked her to hide that.
Georgia was the type of mother that had that warm aura around her, the one that made you just trust her with your life. The hugs she gives just makes you want to stay in her arms forever, because everything is just better with Georgia Maybank. JJ knew that and he always reminded himself of that. No matter what shit he gets into, no matter how much he may envy the uptown kids—none of them will ever have Georgia Maybank and he would gladly flaunt that.
He may not have designer clothes or a fancy car to drive to school. But they don’t have Georgia Maybank, dancing around barefoot in the kitchen while she badly sings along to some old 80s song that is playing on the radio, just to make him crack a smile.
JJ grinned as his mother grabbed his hand, pulling off the counter before they jokingly began to waltz around the small kitchen, some classical song playing from the small radio that sat on the counter by the stove. JJ only laughed as he apologized for stepping on her toes again, but she didn’t mind. She just smiled and continued to dance.
“Why do I have to do this? I’m starving, woman!” He whined playfully as he twirled his mum around a few times.
“Because, JJ, one day you’re going to have a beautiful girl—or boy, I won’t assume—that will somehow fall for that charm of yours,” She spoke softly, placing a hand on her son’s cheek, a proud glint in her eyes when he rolled his eyes at her statement but still had a small smile on his face. “And I will be damned if I don’t teach my son how to sweep a girl off her feet.”
“Nothing says romantic like stepping on a girl’s toes.” He stated bluntly.
Georgia only laughed and ruffled his hair before she turned back to the stove. She grabbed two plates, putting in a larger portion for JJ—which with his new transformation wouldn’t actually be enough but he will sneak out during the night to eat the leftovers when she’s asleep—before placing them on the small dining table in the corner, gesturing for him to join her.
The rest of the dinner was fairly uneventful, simply just JJ telling her about John B’s updated seven-year plan with Sarah Cameron and Georgia sharing any particularly interesting stories about patients she had to deal with during her shift. JJ really let this dinner sink in. As much as he loved his mother, her inability to say ‘no’ and be so giving kind of bothered him. Because she had taken up extra shifts for a few of her colleagues due to something about the ‘stress of wedding planning’. JJ had been seeing her less and less—and though it was good for his recent Spider-Man shenanigans—this dinner made him realise just how much he missed her. Just a nice, wee dinner with his mum, nothing else. And everything seemed to be going well, until he heard the radio presenter’s voice flowing through the kitchen.
“Locals say that Spider-Man is the next best thing to happen to New York since deep-fried pizza! But I don’t know, Janet. I mean, who is this kid? Where did he come from? There just seems to be a lot of unanswered questions with this so-called hero. Can we really trust some prepubescent boy who probably spends his day with his head in a textbook? It just doesn’t seem—“
The radio presenter was cut off by Georgia turning the volume down. “People can’t appreciate a good gesture anymore.” She huffed. JJ watched her closely as she finished off washing the last of the dishes before turning to face him, a small frown on her lips.
“I think he’s doing the city a favour.” JJ said half-heartedly with a shrug.
Georgia nodded, her fingers gently fiddling with chain around her neck, well more specifically the gold ring attached to it. “I know but,” She sighed. “What a shame, putting all this pressure on a poor teenage boy. Oh, I feel bad for his parents!”
JJ coughed a little. “It could be his decision, you know.”
Georgia continued as though she hadn’t heard him. “I could only imagine how stressful it would be have your son out there, throwing himself at danger.” She shook her head as she made her way to where JJ still sat at the dining table. “Promise me you wouldn’t do something so careless?” She asked sweetly, gently cupping his face in her hands as she looked down at him.
Now, JJ knew there was a teasing tone to her words. She wasn’t being serious because, how could she? Her son being a superhero with crazy powers? Not possible. She and JJ shared everything and it was because of that he couldn’t help but feel a wave of guilt wash over him. He hated lying to his mum, he hated keeping secrets from her. They were always close, JJ never felt the need to hide things from her. There was always such a comfortable vibe between them. But he knew how she would react if he told her the truth. He knew she would freak out and make him stop. And JJ didn’t want to stop. As much as he hated the guilt that bubbled inside him, he pushed it away and gave her a grin.
“Of course not, I would come up with a better name than Spider-Man.” He joked lightly and closed his eyes when he felt his mum press a kiss to his forehead. He nuzzled his head slightly as he wrapped his arms around her, resting his head against her stomach. He smiled softly when he felt her hands running through his hair, just like the way she used to do when he was younger and struggling to fall asleep. He tried to hold back a yawn.
“That’s my baby boy.” She said with a gentle laugh.
“Mama, I’m a not a baby! I’m a man now.” He whined but he didn’t pull away from her grip just yet. He missed his mum’s hugs, sue him.
“You’ll always be my baby boy.” She commented with a small shrug.
“Yeah, yeah,” He murmured. After a few moments of silence, he looked up at her, giving the best puppy-dog eyes he could. She was always a sucker for those. “Can I go hang out with JB and Pope tonight?” He asked with a sweet smile.
She rolled her eyes but nodded. “Just be back before your father gets home.”
JJ rubbed his hands together as he stared at the view from the roof. New York looked absolutely stunning this time of year, especially at night. The sky was pitch black, and it should’ve seemed daunting. But the bright lights of the city illuminated everything. It was mesmerising, a sight that JJ would never get tired of seeing. And with his newly discovered powers, he found something therapeutic about swinging around the city and being surrounded those bright lights. It felt like he was swinging through the stars—he obviously didn’t share that with the boys, they would take the piss out of him. Speaking of which…
“Where the fuck is he?” JJ hissed, turning to look at John B who only shrugged in response. As much as JJ liked New York at night, it was cold. The lower body temperature caused by the spider bite really didn’t help the situation. He had a hoodie and a jacket on and still the light breeze was making his teeth chatter.
“I don’t know.” John B shrugged. JJ rolled his eyes in annoyance. It was 9:15pm and JJ was about five minutes away from freezing to death.
Just then, the rooftop door opened and a wild Pope was sprinting towards then, panting heavily as he ripped his backpack off and quickly unzipped it. Words were leaving his lips but between the panting, neither of them could work out what he was saying.
“Dude, calm down, breathe!” John B exclaimed. Pope nodded and took a minute to catch himself.
“Your lives are gonna change forever!” He grinned before looking at JJ. “Strip.”
JJ raised his eyebrows. “What?”
“Dude, it’s like fifty fucking degrees, I am not gonna fucking strip!”
“Stop whining and do it!”
JJ huffed and started to take his clothes off, muttering some very…colourful phrases towards Pope. However, he didn’t get much time to question his friend’s demands because the second he was stripped down to his boxers, he had a bunch of fabric thrown at him.
“Wait…is this…?” He trailed off, looking at Pope with a new look of excitement shining in his eyes.
“You bet,” Pope grinned. “Say hello to your brand-new suit, Spider-Man.”
JJ excitedly began to pull the suit on, suddenly forgetting all about his theatrics with the cold. But Pope wasn’t done with his surprise.
“The suit is a total upgrade!” He began, his hands moving wildly as he spoke. “The fabric is strong but flexible. I have added small web-shooters to go over your spinneret glands so you can have a more direct shots. There are a few extra things I’ve added like a small heater to keep you warm and a few sensors, so we can keep track of your vitals. Oh, and for us—” He paused before handing John B a silver bracelet.
John B looked at the bracelet in confusion. “Uh, thanks?”
Pope only grinned and showed John B that he was wearing a similar bracelet. He slipped it off before unclipping a small oval shaped device from the middle of the bracelet. “This is the coolest part,” He nodded for John B to copy his movements. “To be honest, these took the longest. I had JJ’s suit done like two weeks ago but—”
“And you made me wait this long? Dude, I looked like a weirdo running around in joggers!” JJ groaned, but there was no real hostility in his voice.
“Just put on your mask, dude!”
JJ rolled his eyes but didn’t answer as he slipped the mask over his face. He was a bit surprised at how easily he could see through it, way better than the goggles he had before. The suit was a perfect fit—props to Pope after it took an hour to get all of JJ’s measurements. The material was tight and breathable, practically clinging onto JJ like a second skin. Oddly enough, he felt far more comfortable in it than his last costume. Pope clearly liked the colour scheme, having kept the red and blue palette but with a massive spider on his chest, with lines wrapping around him to look like a web. He looked totally badass, he felt badass. He felt like a proper hero from one of those comic books and posters Pope has around his room.
“So, how do I look?” JJ asked, flexing as he gave the boys a little spin. Pope only grinned, proud of his creation. John B gasped, clearly just as hyped as JJ was.
“Dude, your ass looks great.” John B commented, causing JJ to snort.
“When does it not look great?”
“Guys! The last surprise!” Pope piped up, causing both boys to stop staring at JJ’s ass and instead turn to him.
“These little guys,” He said, nodding between the small oval devices in his and John B’s hands. “Are gonna help us keep in contact with you while you’re swinging around. Little ear pieces so we can help you out and keep tabs on you if you need any help.”
“Where’s my bracelet?” JJ frowned beneath the mask.
“You don’t need one, dumbass. Your ear piece is connected into your mask!” Pope grinned proudly. JJ let out a scoff, shaking his head.
“Pope, you fucking genius!” He yelled, and he pulled his friend into a tight hug. John B, feeling a little left out, quickly joined the hug.
“This is so cool, dude, now we are like an actual team!” John B grinned.
Pope was the first to pull back, looking at JJ with a wild look in his eyes. “I think it’s time for Spider-Man to show the city his new look.”
JJ grinned under the mask, already beginning to take a few steps back. “I think you’re right.” And without a second thought, he left himself fall off the edge of the building.
On that October night, New York watched their own hero swing through the streets, letting the cheers and whoops of the strangers sink in. They watched their hero in a new light, a more professional one. The next day, he was no longer that kid running around like some wannabe. He was Spider-Man, the new saviour of New York and a beloved hero.
It was wild what a good new suit could do for your reputation.
“Did you see the pictures The Daily Bugle released?”
“He looked so hot!”
“I’d let him save me any day!”
“You don’t even know what he looks like…”
“So? Have you seen those arms? Nothing else matters!”
JJ couldn’t help but let the smirk on his face grow as he walked through the corridors of the school. It was the day after his new suit reveal and he wasn’t going to lie, he was soaking in all the attention. He was particularly enjoying the twitter thread that was made about his ass. John B didn’t lie, his ass did look good in this new suit.
He continued his way through the sea of students before he made it to his chemistry class, not surprised that people were still talking about Spider-Man. His eyes instantly glanced over at Kiara, who was sitting at their workbench scrolling through her phone.
He grinned as he quickly past the other students and sat quite comfortably in his seat. His eyebrows raised slightly when she didn’t react at first to his appearance. His curiosity got the best of him as he leaned towards her, peeking over her shoulder to see what she was looking at. Now, JJ won’t lie to you, but when he saw her staring at pictures of Spider-Man, his ego definitely inflated a little. Okay, maybe more than a little but you get the point.
“You a fan?” He couldn’t help but ask, trying to keep his smirk to himself.
Kiara quickly snapped her head to look at him, slamming her phone down screen first onto the desk. “Can you mind your business?” She huffed, trying to calm her heartbeat a little. She didn’t even hear him come in, which is odd since usually you could hear JJ from a mile away.
“Aw, c’mon, Kiara! I thought we were besties now.” He grinned to her, wiggling his eyebrows a little. He leaned forward on the desk, bringing him a little closer to her. His forearms were pressed against the desk, his body leaning on them. She noticed how close their hands were. But after yesterday, she refused to left JJ get under her skin again. Or at least let him see how much he is bothering her. So, she stayed where she was, not moving back like he expected.
“You know my name.” It wasn’t a question, more a statement.
“Surprised?” He whispered, smirking a little when he noticed he wasn’t moving away. JJ risked it a little more and moved a bit closer.
“Took you long enough.” She replied with a shrug. JJ’s grin only widened.
“Oh yeah, counting down the days, princess?” He raised an eyebrow. He noticed her lips quirk a little, like she was fighting back a smile.
“You wish, pretty boy.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“Shut up.”
“I think someone has a little crush, Kiara.” He grinned at her, only to witness her roll her eyes and push him away.
“In your dreams, Maybank.”
“Oh, you’re definitely in my dreams, Kiara.”
She rolled her eyes again but didn’t bother replying this time. She instead focused her gaze on the front of the class as Mr Marino entered the room, beginning the lesson. But if she had glanced over to the blond sitting on his right, she would’ve seen he was smiling throughout the whole lesson.
“Thank you, dear!”
JJ nodded his head a little in acknowledgement and gave the older woman a small salute. “Always here to help, ma’am.” He said, handing her the small handbag that he had just rescued from the hands of some man who had tried to steal it from her.
“Aw, you’re really starting to win over the senior citizens.”
JJ rolled his eyes when he heard Pope’s voice through his earpiece. “Dude, I think she pinched my ass.”
“Lucky you, older woman, that’s hot.”
“JB, shut up.”
JJ snorted a little at the bickering, extending his arm out before he was swinging between the buildings with no trouble. He had been using any free time he had lately to be out in his suit, getting used to all the cool, extra bits that Pope had added. And he won’t lie, the boy really outdid himself. JJ felt like a total badass, being able to swing around and save people and feel like a real hero. He also enjoyed the change in attitude people had with him. He was Spider-Man, the city hero. He was appreciated. He was wanted. Not something JJ felt very often.
“Anything happening around town?” JJ asked, his eyes scanning the streets below, waiting to see any conflict. He couldn’t help but feel as though there was a part of him that was on edge. He couldn’t really explain it, it was like a bad shiver down his spine. It was a similar feeling he felt before that bank robbery fiasco a few weeks ago. It was a nasty wee feeling, one that had him on alert. Something was wrong, he didn’t know what. But he could sense it.
“Nah, everything seems to be fine. Maybe you should take a break, you’ve been swinging around for, like, three hours. You need to rest, dude.”
“What?” JJ muttered, so quiet that the boys on the other side barely heard him. That couldn’t be right, he can feel it. Something isn’t right, something bad is going to happen. “Guys, are you—”
He was cut off by a series of screams.
JJ’s body was reacting way before his brain did, like his hero side just leaped into action at the alert of any distress. He was swinging as fast as he could, his arms burning a little as he got closer and closer to the sound of those screams. He could hear his blood pumping in his ears, could feel his heart rate pick up. The adrenaline coursing through him, making him forget about the burning in his muscles from the three hours of patrolling he had done.
“That’s fucking weird, there is no police reports coming through.”
JJ ignored the voices coming through the earpiece, his whole body feeling rigid as he crouched on top of a building, looking at the carnage below. There, in the middle of the square stood what looked like a moving black cloud. Civilians were screaming and running away, but the black cloud just remained. His eyes narrowed slightly, like he was waiting for it to do something, to lash out. But it didn’t. He opened his mouth, ready to ask Pope if he was just imagining something when he heard the black cloud speak.
“Spider-Man, oh Spider-Man! Come out, come out wherever you are!” It spoke in a raspy, demonic voice. Whatever this way, it wasn’t human. JJ may have failed biology, but he knew that for sure.
“JJ, don’t. We are have no idea what this thing is. It could be a trap—”
“I got this, Pope.” JJ muttered, ignoring his friends’ pleas to think this through as he swung down, landing a couple of feet away from the black cloud. “You called?”
Suddenly, in the middle of the cloud, JJ swore he could see lips begin to materialise. He frowned beneath the mask but didn’t move away. His fist was clenched at the side, ready to react if the cloud tried anything.
“Ah, we finally meet, Spider-Man.” The cloud spoke again. The voice sent shivers down his spine. JJ pushed away that feeling of discomfort. Something about the cloud felt familiar, but he couldn’t tell what. It was like an annoying itch he couldn’t reach.
“Am I supposed to know who you are?” JJ questioned. “Look, dude, if you’re a fan, I appreciate it, but you don’t need to scare away a whole block of people to get my attention. You can just ask for an autograph like everyone else.”
“JJ stop provoking it!”
“You’ll know me soon enough.” The voice replied ambiguously. JJ furrowed his eyebrows together. Whatever this cloud was, it was being far too vague for JJ’s liking.
JJ winced, clutching his ears. His body was on high-alert, his ears sensitive to pick out any small noise or rustle. He looked at the cloud and then at his surroundings, noticing how every screen—every phone, every billboard, every electrical compliance in this vicinity that he could see—was projecting the black cloud. It was broadcasting to the whole city. JJ couldn’t help but wonder where the fuck the hidden camera was. How was it doing this?
“YOU LABEL THIS KID AS YOUR HERO! YOU TRUST THIS CHILD WITH YOUR LIVES! YOU ARE FOOLISH!” The voice boomed, suddenly the black cloud began to form tentacles that were slithering from whatever was at the centre of it. “LET ME SHOW YOU THE TRUTH! LET ME SHOW YOU WHO YOU HAVE TO PROTECT YOU!”
JJ was a little too distracted by the concept of a cloud broadcasting to the city that he didn’t even notice one of the tentacles slithering towards him. It wrapped itself around his leg before swinging him into the nearest building.
JJ let out a small oomph as his body made contact with the brick wall. He could hear yelling in the distance, the sounds of people screaming. But nothing was overpowering the ringing in his ears as he slowly dragged himself to stand up.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” He muttered, blinking a few times before he turned back to look at the cloud. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and quickly rolled over to the side, the tentacle that threw him smashing into the wall not even a second later. That rush of adrenaline hitting JJ again as he quickly swung out of there, not even looking behind him until he knew he was a good distance away to assess the situation.
JJ swore under his breath, trying to catch up with his thoughts as he watched more tentacles appear from the cloud. “Where the fuck are they coming from?” He muttered before swinging down to a lower building rooftop, crouching at the edge. He narrowed his eyes as he extended his hand out, shooting a web towards the centre of the cloud. There had to be something solid within this thing, something he can grip on to, something he can fight. But he was met with nothing. “Fuck.” He frowned before he began to crawl down the side of the building.
“You seem a bit jealous, mate!” JJ called out, watching as all eight of the tentacles seemed to snap their attention towards him. God, that was scary. “Don’t you have to tell me some wild origin story before you kill me?”
“Oh, that’s really reassuring, thank you so much.”
“A bit of an odd wish, if you ask me.” He murmured to himself, quickly snapping his wrist before swinging around the black cloud. He watched as the tentacles reached out for him, just grazing him as he swung between the buildings.
“How the fuck do I fight something that isn’t solid? Get a vacuum? If you have one big enough, please do share. Call the ghostbusters or something!”
He heard more screams, some closer than he expected. He assumed everyone ran off, but when he turned his head to the side, he noticed a man standing there, frozen in fear. More importantly, he saw a car heading straight towards the scared man.
“Shit, shit, shit,” JJ yelled as he quickly yanked his web, spinning around and landing in front of the man, his hands extended out in front of him. Seconds later he felt the impact of the car, the weight and momentum it came crashing in at hit him strong enough to make him slide back a few feet. “Go, dude!” He yelled at the man, who had finally come to his senses and thanked JJ profusely before sprinting away. JJ groaned and threw the car away from him, huffing slightly.
“Oh, no shit, Sherlock! I thought it was Barbie’s Dreamhouse.” Only JJ would be sarcastic while his life is in threat.
But it was that sarcasm that distracted him long enough for one of the tentacles wrap around his ankle, yanking him down from the small jump he had taken so the web he was currently gripping snapped with ease, preventing him a quick escape like he planned. He didn’t even have time to scream before he noticed the tentacle bringing him closer to the middle of the cloud, his eyes widening slightly.
He wiggled around in the tentacle’s grip, trying to find a way out but it was relentless. He wasn’t sure what was real or not, not sure if he imagined screaming in his head or if he actually did as he was dropped into the centre of the cloud.
Then, he felt nothing.
JJ was vaguely aware of his surroundings. He didn’t know if his eyes were open or not, but it was dark. He tried to move his arm, but it felt constricted, like he was swimming in something really thick. His brain was screaming at him to call out for Pope and John B, to move his hands and swing out of here, to do something. But another part of JJ felt completely content in this situation. He couldn’t explain it, but something washed over him, like a massive electric shock that made him aware of just how…familiar this seemed. It was similar to the feeling he had earlier.
He felt safe, understood.
And then that feeling was gone.
Suddenly, JJ found himself being thrown around in circles, something holding a tight grip on his ankle. But soon enough, that let go too and JJ was soon flying through the air, too out of it to even react fast enough to web onto something or soften his eventual crash.
JJ felt the air be completely knocked out of him, his body bouncing off the concrete a couple of times before he rolled over. It took him a few attempts to finally open his eyes, take in his surroundings, to see he was in some dingy alleyway. He turned his head to the side, briefly seeing a black blob in the distance. He could hear some muffled yelling.
JJ vaguely furrowed his eyebrows together before turning his head to stare at the blue sky above instead. When the ringing and the muffling was over, he could hear the screams of his friends coming through the earpiece.
JJ frowned a little, his whole throat felt dry and numb. There was also a metallic taste in his mouth that told him he must’ve bitten his tongue at some point. God, he hated the taste of blood. “It…It felt…”
“It felt just like me.” He finally got out.
Then everything went black.
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eeveecryptid · 4 years
a thrilling saga of shit i’ve heard while listening to my friend play borderlands: the pre-sequel, with the occasional moment of my own commentary. may include nsfw material. feel free to change names/pronouns/etc.!
“ maybe i wanna look around and start some shit. ”
“ you dumb bastard! ”
“ i'm a healer, but-- [ reloads shotgun ] ”
“ look bitch, i'm not afraid to die-- ”
“ hi, i'm jericho, a model of the claptrap android, i'm too stupid to die and i'm not afraid to die anyway. ”
“ hi, i’m (name), i’m too stupid to die and i’m not afraid to die anyway. ”
“ i've played enough resident evil in my lifetime to go 'whatchu gonna do, kill me? okay'. ”
“ sorry, buddies, but i like to break into shit too. ”
“ just lower your shields, i just wanna talk! ”
“ after all this time, claptrap has a grenade! ”
“ after all this time, (name) has a grenade! ”
[ excessive high-pitched swearing in the distance ]
“ i didn't die like a warrior, i died like a bitch. ”
“ you got knocked the fuck out! ”
“ please just die faster and i will see that you're well treated. ”
“ i have a feeling i'm gonna have a boot up my ass because of you talking shit, and i don't even have an ass! ”
“ if you don't die, i may have to kill you. ”
“ a platypus loaderbot? PERRY the platypus loaderbot?? ”
“ this is my emotional support dumbass. ”
“ and i thought /i/ was supposed to be an idiot! ”
“you bring me into this spaceship with a shitty loader and now i gotta kill this fuckin-- i don't know who he is, but i gotta kill this fuckin clown! ”
“ i don't need ammo, but what i do need--- dad, if you're reading this, please come home-- ”
“ i'm a robot, i'm incapable of feeling many strong emotions. ”
“ ’aim straighter’-- hate to break i to you, but i ain't that straight. ”
“ why are you talking shit, i am small, i am mildly homosexual-- ”
“ hi, i have adhd, i can't focus. ”
“ (name), stop being mean, i have what the kids call-- ”
“ (name), i'ma punch you in the balls.”
“i have adhd, (name), i can't focus like that! ”
“ i know what i must do, but i don't know if i have the strength to do it. ”
“ i'm like 5'3, maybe 20 pounds, no brain cells up in here. ”
“ please, (name), don't leave me, i'm small and gay-- dad! it's like he never left! ”
“ i am a tiny homosexual, we gonna die-- ”
“ . . .i called you an asshole because i thought i hung up? ”
“ hey buddy boy, is that where we're going next, ‘cause i choose life. ”
“ i thought you were bae, turns out you're just a bitch. ”
“ yeehaw, except more incoherent screaming. ”
“ (name), why do i feel you're gonna be the death of me and not in a cute way? ”
“ when i die, i want (name) to be the one to put my casket in the ground so s/he can let me down one last time. ”
“ i dedicate my life to our lord and savior snoop dogg and this is the thanks i get? ”
“ i am small and dumb, but you make me feel like a genius right now, i won't lie. ”
“yEET-- ”
“ i'm not badass enough, i'm just kinda dumb. ”
“ (name), please, i'm putting a lot of faith in you. ”
“ bohemian rhapsody, but every mama just gets more and more distressed. ”
“ s/he's more flaming than i am. ”
“ (name), i've always considered you a friend, but-but-but my m-m-mom says we can't play together anymore you're too-- too violent and you get me hurt and into a lot of legal trouble that i should not disclose in front of children. ”
“ (name), please stop talking shit, do you see how well we're doing-- which is to say, not well at all-- ”
“ does my rooty tooty point and shooty have ammo? finally! ”
“ heehee-- we're in danger, i can feel it. ”
“ i have a bad feeling about this, a /really/ bad feeling about this. ”
“ you have a real bad definition of badass, i’m just queer and scared and angry. ”
“ it make me feel good that s/he think about me, i'm stupid but--”
“ useless, just like me! ”
“ am i more than you bargained for yet? ”
“ my mama always said i was a dumbass. i never wanted to listen, but she may have been onto something. ”
“ you didn't really save my life, love, you just kinda putting me in extra danger. ”
“ finally, i'm doing something right for once! ”
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