#cause he would've said yes to moving in and he wouldn't run off if he were allowed outside
scoliosisgoblin · 4 months
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Peter and Jay doodles feat. T.K. and Lucy (headcanons for what I think they'd look like as humans.. gonna change their designs though)
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shootinwebs · 2 months
fucked up shortwrite huskerdust fic/excerpt (angel pov) because i'm all fucked up and venting some bullshit
( content warnings: mild NSFW implied, sexual abuse / angel & valentino, graphic imagined gore )
( spoilers: s1:e4 )
I thought having sex with Husk would comfort me.
But, after we'd been kissing and rubbing for a while, and he started to prepare himself to enter me, I clammed up.
I couldn't get it out of my head. Having to fake an orgasm for Val that day, having to cry out the words "I love you" at the peak of it. It made me sick to my stomach. It made every part of me tense up.
"...stop..." I gasped to Husk. My voice was so small, as I was gritting my teeth.
He heard me and backed off.
I hugged myself tightly, folding my legs against my torso.
"...I'm sorry..." I whimpered, starting to cry a little. From the humiliation of what sounds and words I'd had to force out of me with Val hours before.
"...Anything I can do for you?" Husk asked softly, zipping up his pants.
"...I... I want you to stay with me, but please don't touch me..."
Not that I ever fucking read that shit, but...
There's something in Shakespeare about how... something isn't truly the worst until you can no longer say it is. I don't know what it's really supposed to mean, but, to me... it ain't the worst until there are no words. When you can't form them in your head anymore.
There existed a number of words for it. But I didn't have the electricity running in my head enough to think them. Violated, dirtied, tormented. None of them sufficed. But whatever it was, I felt fucking that by the sounds replaying in my head. I wanted to rip my head open and gouge out my fucking brain. A shotgun in my mouth wouldn't be violent enough. I needed to stab myself over and over and over again in my fucking skull and mangle the grey matter and then fucking stomp the shit out of it.
Husk noticed me trembling, and that my eyes were wide and staring at nothing. My breathing had become violent.
He moved to the edge of the bed to sit there, giving me space.
"Hey, if... If you need someone to beat the shit out of, I volunteer," Husk said.
Normally, that would've made me laugh.
But no. With how fucking furious and torn open and disgusting I felt... if I started hitting him, it would be hard for me to stop.
I was scared of how violently enraged I was.
I held my head with my hands pressed over my ears, as if in a feeble attempt to keep the sounds of my own voice in my ineffable memory away.
And a noise came out of me like a low growl. I needed to scream. But it wouldn't come out; I had to build it up.
I kept forcing my voice out, until I was indeed screaming, at the top of my lungs.
I couldn't stop.
Some seconds into it, I felt a soft pressure enclose me.
It wasn't Husk. I would have instinctively gored anyone with my bare hands if they touched me.
When I lost my voice and couldn't scream anymore, and was just a trembling mess with tears running down my face, I noticed it was layers of weighted blankets on top of me.
Husk was still there, at the foot of the bed. Just to be there. Keeping his hands to himself, not trying to console me with empty, hopeless words.
I loved him for it. That way he had of never forcing me to talk about anything, never hugging me if I didn't want it, and most of all, his understanding that, in my circumstances, there were no uplifting words.
He understood and respected the hopelessness of it all. The lost cause.
He knew any "it'll be okay" bullshit would infuriate me, or make me physically ill at best.
He made me feel safe.
I wanted to tell him I loved him, in that moment.
But the phrase had been tarnished.
So I just said his name instead.
"...Hassan..." I whimpered his real name in a painful rasp.
"Yes, baby?"
I just said it again.
And he understood.
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lushlovers · 1 year
sad beautiful tragic, J Burrow
summary; a sad beautiful tragic love affair.
warnings; angsty oh yes, swearing in the dialogue, arguments, cheating (not on the reader), obviously tears
word count; 1.02k
note; im writing angst because twd still wrips my heart out after all these years, obviously inspired by the taylor swift song of the same title.
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long handwritten notes deep in your pocket words, how little they mean when you're a little too late.
He wants to reverse time. Just an extra two minutes would make a huge difference in this moment. Everything he could've said, but now they're worth little to nothing. You, you, you, was all he could bring himself to let cross his mind. All the memories, now shadowed by you standing on his front steps begging him to say something, anything, but he wouldn't.
I stood right by the tracks, your face in a locket. Good girls, hopeful they'll be and long they will wait.
The silver chain around your neck felt like it was on fire, leaving scars in it's wake. The photo inside that locket was one that was taken on a beautiful New York night. You'd never been and Joe swore up and down he would take you there for a game, unlucky for you, you weren't able to sit with his friends, but in the stands with the screaming fans. Treated like you were nothing, while unknowingly his wife sat next to his mother.
We had a beautiful magic love affair What a sad beautiful tragic love affair.
Joe couldn't shake you from his mind. You'd blocked him from your instagram and deleted his contact as soon as you left his house that evening, cursing his name and saying things you never knew you could. It was amazing while it lasted, but God did it crash and burn.
In dreams, i meet you in warm conversation we both wake, in lonely beds in different cities
It's hard not to think what it would've been like if it hadn't ended the way he did. What if he left Gabrielle and went public with you? What if she finally chose to leave him and you could have him as all yours? However none of those what if's became a reality
After he'd showed you around the metropolis that was New York City, you chose on moving there. You had managed enough money for an extremely overpriced apartment, but it was far enough from your biggest mistake. Whenever you heard about his team possibly having a game, you'd refuse offers, because your friends knew how much you used to love that team, not anymore. Not ever.
And time Is taking its sweet time erasing you
Time went along slow as you settled in, when you originally made the purchase of you tiny apartment, you almost called him out of instinct. Almost. He kept up with you using his friends phones or even Robin's, she was suspicious. His wife was distant after you showed up on their step telling Joe you needed him and you loved him. She knew he was seeing someone else long before then, but kept quiet, using his credit cards more than usual to drown her sorrows in shopping.
And you've got your demons and darlin' they all look like me.
Your smell had somehow managed to linger on his clothes, in his car, everywhere you touched. He could sometimes still feel the ghost of your finger tips massaging the hair at the nape of his neck in only the way you knew how to. The way you'd run your nails along his back, sometimes in the most sinful situations.
'Cause we had a beautiful magic love affair what a sad beautiful tragic love affair
There was really no point in continuing what you had going with Joe, you knew that. But letting him go off to live life without you was the last thing you ever wanted to let happen. he made his choice and got his point across in the form of absolutely shattering your heart and soul, leaving you to pick the pieces up and try your best to glue it all back in place.
Distance, timing, breakdown, fighting silence, the train runs off it's tracks
As the time you shared drew to an end, nothing was enjoyable. Being in each other presence for even five minutes led to you being at each other's throats. Everyone around Joe could tell, even his wife, she noticed how when he'd go shower, the door would be locked and through the thick wood she could hear how hard he cried for you.
Kiss me try to fix it, could you just try to listen?
His lips press to your own, tears coated each other's cheeks. Not allowing yourself to indulge in him for even mere seconds, you shove him back with the littlest bit of strength you posses, "No, Joe, you're not fucking listening to me," your shouting, chest heaving.
He's never seen you this angry and never have you gone as far as to yell at him as loud as you are, "Don't push me." He mumbled wiping his eyes harshly, now his teeth are clenched, his jaw set tight. That's what did it, everything you've tried to get into hi head. How you want nothing to do with being his side piece, none of it managed to get into his thick skull.
Hang up give up and for the life of us we can't get back.
"Whatever, fuck you, Joe." You sob, desperately trying your best to catch your breath, quickly hanging up before he could even process your words. His head rolled back on his shoulders as he listened to his phone beep, glancing down at you contact name, your name followed by every kissy or heart filled emoji you could find on his phone. He never tried to change or hide it.
A beautiful magic love there what a sad beautiful tragic beautiful tragic, beautiful.
Your laughs echoed through the lit up hotel room, he fingers dancing lightly over your sides, begging for him to let up on the tickling. Finally he stops, cupping your your face in his hands, letting his eyes take in every perfect feature. "God, you're gorgeous," He smiles, kissing you breathless. If only you could stay like this forever.
What we had, a beautiful magic love affair What a sad beautiful tragic love affair. We had a beautiful magic love affair what a sad beautiful tragic love affair
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shinestarhwaa · 1 year
Pancakes || P. SH
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Genre: Fluff
Word count:
Pairing: Mom!reader x boyfriend!Seonghwa
Warnings/tags: reader is a mom, reader got pregnant from a one night stand, talking about having children, I don't think there's anything you need a TW for lol it's a soft n fluffy scenario
'Pancakes are for the soul'
If someone would've told you six years ago you'd be strolling in the park with your new boyfriend and lovely six year old daughter you'd say they were crazy.
The day you found out you were pregnant, you thought you could never do this, being a single mom.
You had gone a little crazy that one summer, had become a little rambunctious. You remember clubbing a lot, partying nearly every night, and having several hookups.
You never imagined you'd get pregnant, but you did. There was no way of knowing who the father was, so you had no choice but to raise your baby alone.
The first years were hard on you, although your beautiful and cute daughter Jiwoo did so well, you felt incredibly lonely.
You didn't have time to go out, you started to work from home and barely even went outside for a walk, just because you were so tired.
That was until you got to send Jiwoo off to school. That was when you met Seonghwa, Jiwoo's kindergarten teacher. Or as Jiwoo said; "the best pancake baker in the world."
The moment you laid your eyes on him you felt something inside you, like a burning desire. It wasn't sexual, maybe a little cause he was definitely looking fine as hell, but for the first time in forever you found yourself having a crush. You wouldn't mind eating his pancake, you had thought.
One thing led to another and on one day you went from talking to kissing, from kissing to dates, and those dates created a beautiful love between the two of you.
You had become inseperable. First it was hard, dating him and not telling Jiwoo, but when she caught you hugging and kissing one day at a school party, she was over the moon exited.
Jiwoo never had a dad, or a dad figure, but she was familiar with Seonghwa. Soon he started coming over, sleeping over, and Seonghwa became part of her.
It only took a few more months after that for Seonghwa to move into your home, with Jiwoo's blessing.
"Yes! I want Seonghwa to live here. I could have his pancakes any day!"
You had always wondered what Jiwoo's obsession was with those pancakes, only to find out Seonghwa had baked them once at school for the kids and now secretly brings them to class just for Jiwoo to eat.
"Pancakes are for the soul," he had said, laughing, "they're so nice and fluffy. They make people happy."
You scolded him for letting her eat them so much, but you also couldn't help but laugh at her cute round cheeks, stuffed with another pancake.
Today was a rather sunny Saturday in March, and you had decided it'd be good for the three of you to take a good walk outside.
The sun shone through the clouds and fell on your soft skin beautifully. Seonghwa kissed your cheek from time to time during walking.
You sighed happily, taking his hand, softly brushing against the soft material of his coat.
Jiwoo had picked Seonghwa's outfit today. She liked it when he wore a baret.
The three of you strolled through the park, Jiwoo running around and playing with random things she finds on the ground.
You sat down on a bench with him, as you watched Jiwoo play with a cat that was walking around.
"Honey?" Seonghwa asked
You looked at him, fixing the collar of his jacket slightly. "Yes, Hwa?"
"I know we aren't married, but... have you ever thought of having more children? With me?"
It didn't necissarily come as a huge surprise to you. Seonghwa loves kids and he always has. You know he treats Jiwoo as his own daughter, but it would mean the world to him to have one of his own.
You thought about it a little too long, leaving Seonghwa looking very unsure about what he just asked.
"I'd love to have children with you one day, when we'll be married," you smiled. The worry on his face faded away, leaving room for a cute smile.
"I suppose we're gonna have to start thinking about marriage then," he grinned, "Will we have pancakes at the reception?"
"Only if you bake them."
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never-seen-again · 7 months
Redemption and Jägerman: The Half-assed Character Analysis
Hi, yes, this is going to be very long and probably a decently niche thing, so if you don't care about one random person effectively infodumping about how they view Max as a character, I'm not going to make you scroll for too long (aka I'm going to try to put in a break) (this bitch is so fucking long). (Edit: things get serious, so like, if you want things to be light and fluffy just keep scrolling my dude)
So, you've decided to suffer through my madness. Good luck. I'm going to be talking about a few main topics: Disillusionment & Confronting the Problem, Cognitive Dissonance & Rationalization Reinforcing Behavior, and Expectations in Redemption. I'm going to close out with some background info on myself to give context to the POV these ideas are coming from. If only one or two sections seem interesting I'm going to make the sections clearly marked out for better skipping around.
Disillusionment & Confronting the Problem
I don't think Max has heard a single thing he hasn't wanted to hear from someone he wasn't actively dehumanizing in several years. He's been surrounded by yes-men for at least the run of the musical, but almost definitely longer in "reality".
The Jocks we see (Kyle and Jason if I remember correctly) are, from what I've seen, cleansed of most/all culpability based off of their response to Max asked if they should let Richie go unscathed (and their later apologies to Richie and Grace, which are far more important, even if they are a bit half-assed with the 'until max comes back' part). While they do say "ha-ha, Yeah," It reads more as a 'oh, Max asked a question, just immediately agree with him' to me. They don't even stop to think about the content of the question. Blind agreement. I think the fact that neither moves from their position of boxing Richie in says that regardless of what Max asked, the response would've been the same.
These two even follow up with the unprompted commentary on Grace, who prior to Max's intervention in this scene was firmly in the "Loser" category. I bring this up because yes, these two stop the bullying after Max's death. But while Max is undoubtedly the catalyst, I can't be sure he's the cause. We would need to know what Hatchetfield High would look like either a long while before or after Max's influence or an alternate version of it wherein Max was simply never part of the equation to be sure.
(I'm going to go into the Pasqualli's scene and Jason's acceptance of Peter in the next section, so I'm not going to address it here)
While I was in high school, I had conversations, one on one, with people who I would, on large, consider assholes. In these conversations, they were like, decent people. But in their groups, they were still assholes. Could I see myself willingly hanging out with them as they were? No. But were they the people they were when one on one? Maybe. There is something to be said about social pressures to conform, but I won't get into that clusterfuck.
There are very few instances of anyone actually standing up to Max. Peter stands up to him, but he's a "Loser" (A concept I refine in the next section), Jason expresses doubt but doesn't direction challenge Max. The only person who isn't a "Loser" who shows intention of standing up to Max is Steph. Who, on the way to put into motion something that would possibly confront Max, gets pulled into Grace's Bully the Bully plan instead.
Not even adults seem to have put in any amount of work to actually trying to remedy Max's behavior. They just ship him out to an anti-bullying assembly and call it a day. In the Bathroom scene we learn that Max has "cool-kid privilege," in regards to actual disciplinary action, which to be fair likely wouldn't fix anything, but it shows the complacency of adults here if he has literally never been suspended or at least given detention for all the shit he's pulled both within the musical and what we can infer happening before it.
While I doubt Steph alone could break through the yes-men and "Fix" Max with just one conversation, I think she could place a seed of doubt in his mind. And Max isn't dumb. There's only two things that point to poor academics that I can recall: Remedial Algebra, and the tutor. And that doesn't really prove anything. I myself have nearly failed math classes, and I'm really good at math! Knowing this, either Max will either think through enough of the opposition of someone he respects, or he'll dismiss it entirely. Which is our first step toward Redemption.
Cognitive Dissonance & Rationalization Reinforcing Behavior
Max has categorized every student into one of two groups "Loser" and not that. These are somewhat absolutist titles. No one changes groups, ever. Except for Grace. Something I'll touch on later in this section. First I want to talk about this Fundamental Fixedness and how it contributes to my perception of Max. I believe he's constructed a very fragile way of maintaining himself. He's been to enough anti-bullying assemblies to get the gist that hurting people is generally considered bad. Whether that's internalized or not, I don't know. But again, I think he's smart. But he still hurts people. A lot. What if those he brands as "Losers" aren't quite people in his eyes. Still human, still whatever else, but lesser. Able to be abused without consequence. After all, he doesn't get any.
Now, I don't think he was birthed into this world with this conception. I think he trended toward popular crowds in primary education, and became a standard order bully. Emulating the behaviors of those above him in standing at this point, something small at first. Something justifiable. Like beating up a kid who snitched on a friend of Max's. As small actions had to be justified, the gulf between "Loser" and not expanded, to the point of dehumanizing "Losers." Then as he kept rising the ranks of popularity, he reached the top. But then he needed to extend a gulf between himself and the other popular people, to make his position infallible. He became their god (or in "reality" developed a God Complex). He alienated the "Losers" before alienating himself.
Now, what would happen if a "Loser" rose to the rank of not "Loser"? suddenly Max would have to contend with that he's actually hurt someone worth something. And if one person can rise past his labeling, then others could to, and he's hurt way more people than he realized.
But where does this leave Grace? Well, I don't think Max has actually placed her out of the "Loser" category. I think he's giving her special privilege until he gets what he wants out of her. There's a few posts that talk about how Grace's abstinence is a symbol of her faith in the Christian god, and how in sacrificing her chastity to the LiB she also sacrifices her faith to them. What if Max has a similar thought. That in acquiring the 'forbidden fruit' as it were he gains power, or more realistically, a greater sense of control. Max presumably hasn't shown interest before now. He's likely had other games he played for feelings of control.
Now, how could any of this possibly be an argument in favor of Max. Well, the next Step to Redemption would be abandoning the Fundamental Fixedness and taking on the burden of his actions. He has to contend with all the things he's justified under the dichotomy. The only reason I ever considered Max to be redeemable is because he makes it halfway through this step in the Musical. He accepts that maybe these roles can't be Fixed positions, specifically for people he isn't trying to get anything out of. Then he fucking dies. But he does abandon this ideology. Unfortunately the acquisition of supernatural powers and the drunken anger he felt as he died didn't make for a healthy way to handle the resulting dissonance, and instead got him pushed further off of the God Complex Cliff into a 'Yep, I hurt people and that's okay to do, because I'm god and everyone is below me' rather than the arguably healthier 'oh fuck I really fucked up I hurt so many people, shit'.
We see that he has stopped caring who is a "Loser" and who isn't. When Richie stands up to him with the iconic "I'm not a Loser" Max agrees. But it no longer matters. He knows he's going to kill Steph. She hurt him the most. But hurting someone he deemed "Cool" is still something he has trouble with. So Richie and Ruth are his warm up. He needs that time to adjust to hurting people, regardless of their rank. They aren't "Losers" anymore, but he's hurt them before, he can hurt them again with fewer issues. After Ruth, Max just goes wild. He kills Miss Tessburger, the mayor, tries to kill Shapiro, so on and so forth.
Max needs to abandon the dichotomy without going full homicidal maniac. Probably the expected when you don't die and gain supernatural powers that allow you to engage in the one remaining coping mechanism you can actually engage with in death (the coping mechanism is violence, if that wasn't clear).
Expectations in Redemption
Now, even if he does deconstruct the issues he has and how he's exerting control, he still needs to apologize, make efforts to rectify what he's done to those that even want him to continue affecting them, and accept that many will be unwilling to forgive him.
No one has any obligation to forgive him. That is the main thing. The specifics of what would even come close to what Max did being 'rectify' what he's done are beyond me, they'd likely vary character to character. But it is achievable.
Closing Statement
Also, Max is 18. While technically an adult, that brain is so undercooked, and this kid is young. I'm sure most people have done things they regret. Even things they doubled down on at the time. Things that only through hindsight do they realize how poorly they acted. I've acted in ways I don't like that at the time I thought were perfectly justified.
If Max makes efforts to be a better person, he deserves that chance.
Writer Bias and Background
Hi, said I'd do this. I am working with my experiences as my framework. As such, being clear about what those experiences are in a broad framework may help inform you of how much of my opinion you deem valuable.
I've never dealt with bulling to the extent Max inflicted on the students at Hatchetfield. In elementary school I was tripped with an amount of regularity, in middle school some kids poked and prodded me during classes to get a reaction, or to laugh at my lack of reaction despite their actions. In high school I was called a [f-slur] several times and threatened with violence once. My experiences are incredibly mild.
I am presently in college, working towards a psych degree. I have taken very few higher level psychology classes. I am not an expert, I just know some base level stuff about some of the vocab, which I have utilized here. My usage of these terms is based on my present understanding of them. I probably made mistakes.
There may be some confirmation bias occurring, be it from the pretty privilege that max has from being portrayed by an attractive performer, or just a deep seated self-loathing that manifests as a need for characters to have a path to redemption regardless of their failings.
Fuckin' ridiculous that I feel the need to include this but I am a part of the "Michie nation" as it were. It shouldn't really matter, but yeah, this is more about Max Jägerman's ability to become a better person given the opportunity than any romantic entanglements he might engage with.
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gor3-hound · 3 months
🪲 :3
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
hmm... i shared the welt one earlier sooo... here's a different wip :33 sister ashley x reader !!
Ashley hasn't been the same since Spain. You can't blame her, really. You're not sure you'd be all happy go lucky after being kidnapped by a weird Spanish bug cult. Still, you're glad to have your sister back. You missed her. It was weird not having her cling to your side all the time. Your dad never let you have a puppy, but that's alright. You had Ash. Except, if Ash wanted a puppy, your dad would want a puppy. Well, life could be unfair sometimes. You had to suck it up and move on.
You suppose you got lucky. No one would've kidnapped you. I mean, they always kidnap the younger sibling anyway. Parents are always more protective of the little sister. Even so, kidnapping the president's bastard child wouldn't exactly stir up a fuss. Daddy probably prays for something to make you go away every night. You caused him enough scandals during his election.
Oh, the older daughter? Yeah, she's pretty, but she doesn't quite look like Mr. President.
Her? Don't you think she looks more like that secretary that got laid off at the start of the campaign? Yes, Mr. Graham's.
Needless to say, your dad isn't your biggest fan. Neither is the First Lady. She worked quick on getting herself knocked up as soon as your mom popped you out. Make sure your dad was stuck with her. Your dad makes you call her mom, even if she acts like she wants to bash your head against the wall repeatedly every time you do. Even when you were a kid, it was the same. She said you'd ruined your dad's life. He'd been really making a breakthrough in his political career when you showed up. He wanted to run for president one day - He'd never make it with a stain like you on his record.
Of course, it wasn't really until about fifteen years after that little conversation that he decided to run for president, but the past has a way of haunting you. Still, despite the scandals, he won. Daddy's the president.
Ashley is a sweetheart, though. You couldn't ask for a better sister. She's always been so clingy, latching onto your arm and following you all over the place. She's the only reason you even get invited to any events - all she has to do is pout her lips and ask dad, and he was quick to crumble to her every command.
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suitov · 1 year
The Ultimate Hope, Izuru Kamukura, who used to be nobody of any importance, swirled into the room in a cloud of white curls and crisp linen. His manservant, deep in homework books, half looked up and grunted.
"Absolutely unacceptable," Izuru said in lieu of a greeting.
Hajime chewed his pen.
Izuru took it away from him. "No inky-mouthed luck antics today. I'm not in the mood."
"I need that to... ugh." Hajime closed the textbook. "You're gonna keep pouting until I ask you what annoyed you, right?"
"Since you ask." Izuru whisked the homework stack aside and sat on the desk. The sudden proximity of his rear end sent Hajime's seat lurching backwards, barely staying upright. "The Ultimate Neurologist is utterly intolerable."
"So what else is new?"
"She tried to make me watch..." Izuru shuddered overdramatically. "Anime."
"You're such a pointless snob, Izuru." Hajime started trying to reach around the prominently present, perfectly pert posterior for his textbooks. "What're you afraid of? That you might enjoy it?"
"Little risk of that. She talks and eats throughout, both with her mouth open." Izuru's hand slammed down on the book stack before he could pick them up.
"So? Just say no thanks. It's not hard. Well, I guess being polite is hard for you..."
"I did, in fact, decline the invitation, and I was not unnecessarily rude, whatever you may imagine in that creaking Cresta Run you call a brain."
Hajime groaned and flung his hands up, accepting the books as a lost cause. "Then what?"
"Then..." Izuru put a hand to his chest and let fly a voluminous harrumph. "She said... 'Fine! If you can't keep up with the cool kids, go running home to your little boyfriend.'"
"Wh... what?"
"The nerve of the woman! As if a pinnacle of scientific masterwork would...!"
"Like I'd agree to...!"
"Yes! As if you'd shoot so far above your station!"
"I wouldn't even... wait, huh?"
"I was offended on your behalf. The thought of you forgetting your place to that extent-- stepping so far out of line...!"
"Hey, slow down..." Hajime put a hand to his forehead, where the usual Izuru Ouchies were starting to make themselves known.
"What a perverse wretch. I knew you'd understand."
"Uh." Hajime blinked a few times. Izuru always put on that air of superiority, it was true, but...
Izuru, his rant achieved, moved off his desk and went to pout on the room's single bed.
"You know, I always took it as at least partly an act."
"What, her persona? She wields crudeness like a rapier."
"No... not..." Where had his pen gone? He felt around under the desk. "So that's how you really see things, huh?"
"My perceptions can't even begin to be comprehended by a normal human being."
Thump, went his head on the underside. "I'm an Ultimate too, you know."
"By the slimmest of technicalities. Luck is no real talent."
"Well, nor is..." Being experimented on! Hajime emerged, rubbing his blossoming headache. "But... if you actually think nobody's worthy to be with you like that..."
"I do not," said Izuru, in that one especially self-absorbed tone, "hold positions unsupported by evidence."
"...then you're going to be very lonely for the rest of your life."
"I hardly think so." Izuru graced him with a smug glance. "After all, I have you, Hajime."
"You know what?" He'd risen to his feet before realising it. "Homework can wait. I'm going for a walk."
"Oh. All right, then." Izuru grandly waved him off.
Hajime would've slammed the door if Izuru hadn't modified the hinges to close with a whisper.
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azzyydoll · 4 months
" Everybody knows that I'm a good girl, officer.
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"What's ya name again, sweetheart?" the male officer asked as he gently wrapped a warm blanket around your smaller figure.
"Y/N. Y/N L/N." you managed to squeak out and the officer hummed, rubbing your back with pity.
Suddenly, you hear the doors to the police station and high heels clicking, than, a pair of arms wrapped around you, startling you a bit.
"Oh my God! My baby! Are you okay, precious girl?" Your mom sobbed as she hugged you and you hugged her back.
"Yes mom, I'm okay." You shoot her a sweet smile that leaves her in a feeling of relief.
"I told you we shouldn't have left her alone! She could've went to her cousins house or—" Your mom fumbled over her words and your dad tried to calm her down.
"M/N, she said she's fine. I regret leaving her alone but I know she'll be strong." Your dad said and gave you an encouraging smile.
"She's always been. Right, champ?" Your dad says and you smile at his words, rembering how he encouraged you as a kid to be strong.
"Right." You say and your dad high five's you before turning to the officers to have a conversation.
"Oh, precious girl, you have so many cuts on you. Did he hurt you?" Your mom said in a concerned tone before you shook your head.
"No, I had to jump out the window.."
"Jump out the wind!?—" Your mom started but your dad cut her off coming over to you guys.
"Bad news, they didn't find the guy that did this to Y/N." Your dad says in a disappointed and upset tone.
"Well..all we can do is go home then, right?" You asked and your mom slightly nodded grabbing her purse before helping you stand up.
"Yea, I guess. Let's go." Your mom said, handing your dad the keys as she wrapped her arm around you.
You all got in the car— your dad in the driver's seat, your mom in the passenger's seat, and the you in the backseat.
As the car drove away, you scrolled on your phone, coming across an article.
'Jeff the killer — (Town Name)'s deadliest killer'
The image that came with it caused your heart to drop.
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It was him.
The man that would haunt you forever.
It sent a chill up your spine, knowing you survived a deadly murderer.
God knows what he would've done to you if your weren't able to get away.
You leaned forward a bit to tap your mom, and she turned around to look at you.
"L-Look." You stutter as she grabs the phone from you and a gasp leaves her mouth.
"Is this—" Your mom asked and you slowly nodded.
"Apparently, his name is jeff.." you mutter, his name sending chills up your spine. Your dad stopped at a red light and your mom took this as an opportunity to show him.
"Oh my god.." He says as he turns his eyes away from the phone to continue driving as the light turns green.
Your mom hands you your phone back and let's out a sigh. "We'll let the police know when we get home okay, precious girl?"
"Mhm." You hum and look out the window. What did you do to deserve this? Why must you be the target?
If you never answered the phone maybe this wouldn't have occurred.
Maybe your life wouldn't be in such danger.
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You woke up due to the feeling of someone watching you.
You look around for a second before grabbing your phone and looking at the time.
11:40 pm.
You desperately tried to go back to sleep, trying to shake off the strange feeling.
That wasn't happening.
You shot up at the sound of your name being whispered by an all too familiar voice.
Oh god no.
Your eyes travel to the corner of your room, seeing something slightly moving as your breath hitches.
The figure slowly comes out of the dark and to your horror—
Pale skin.
Jet black hair.
Cut smile.
It was him.
Jeff the killer.
You only had a little time to react before jeff lunged at you, causing you to hop out of your bed and sprint out of your room.
You run into your parents room slamming the door and locking it, causing them to wake up.
"Y/N?! What's going on?" Your dad shouts as your mom sits up with a concerned look on her face.
Your about to answer when jeff begins to pound on the door with his entire body. Your holding the door while sobbing trying to mutter out words.
Your dad and mom quickly get out of bed and your mom goes to help you hold the door as your dad grabs a metal bat.
The door is almost of its hinges as you and your mother scream bloody murder while trying to keep it closed.
Jeff throws his self against the door one final time.
And it breaks.
You sob harder as your mom looks up at jeff in fear. She quickly helps you up and you both get behind your dad.
Jeff takes a step towards you all and his eyes quickly go to you.
He chuckles a bit before running at your dad while your father swings the bat, hitting jeff.
Jeff slices your dad's cheek and your dad grunts as your mom yelps.
Your dad pushes jeff down and grabs you and your mother before running out of the room together.
You hear jeff behind you and you trip over your feet and fall to the ground.
Your mom screams your name as jeff picks you up while you squirm and cry.
Jeff quickly runs away upstairs with your mom running after you, screaming your name as your dad joins in on the chase.
Jeff runs to your room before opening your window and hopping down from it, with you still in his arms.
You hear your mom and dad scream your name as you begin to pass out, their screams and Jeff's chuckling being the last thing you hear.
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Can I request a yandere Sunghoon oneshot where he's like a mob boss and the reader is an FBI agent, and he kidnaps her, but she runs away and since she knows where to hide so he can't find her, he tracks down her family and threatens to kill them if she doesn't come back to him? I know this is really specific, so it's okay if you can't do it. I was planning to write it myself, but I'm a really slow writer, so it would probably take me 4 years lmao.
Oh no I like that it's specific, it gave me a better idea of what you wanted and I sincerely hope its good because I feel like I rushed it a bit🥲
"Ugh." You made a noise of discomfort as you woke up to a splitting headache. Blood trickled slowly down the side of your forehead where you had been hit to knock you out.
It was cold and dark, and you were barely able to make out your surroundings, only able to recognize that you were on a chair with rough rope binding your wrists together behind your back. Knowing squinting would further your head pain, you kept your eyes down with the expectation of your captor turning on the brightest light ever once they realized you'd come to.
And they, no, he did.
A bright white light shone above your head, still managing to aggravate your head. As expected, you were stripped of your gun and badge.
"Good morning, sweetheart."
You look up to see the owner of the voice. The same man you'd been tasked to hunt down. A gentle smile on his face as he rolls up the sleeves of his black shirt. "Sleep well?"
You're so tempted to say something, anything. But knowing his reputation, it was best to stay quiet. He could do anything he wanted. He practically saw himself above the law, never getting his hands dirty.
He stands in the doorway with a man on each side to guard the door. Once he begins to move closer to you, you can't deny your heart racing, mostly in fear of what he'd do to you.
He stops dead in his tracks, pursing his lips as his eyes scan you from head to toe. "Head probably hurts, doesn't it?" He doesn't like your silence but he's not willing to hurt you more just to get a response.
"So." He begins as he pulls a cigarette out of his shirt's top pocket while his other hand slips into his pants pocket to pull out a flip lighter. With the cigarette in his mouth, he covers the flame of his lighter as he lights it, putting it away once it's lit. "You must be wondering why you're here."
"Why I've been kidnapped by the infamous Park Sunghoon?" You asked as he removed the stick of nicotine out of his mouth to blow smoke out, the cigarette placed delicately between his dainty fingers. "Yes, I do want to know."
He lets out a deep chuckle as he slowly strolls around your chair. "You're the FBI agent, try figuring it out."
"Are you planning on killing me? Send a message or something?" If anything, you wondered why just your hands were tied. Does he want you to speak so much? Is he practically opening the door for you to escape?
"No, quite the opposite actually," he says as he tilted his head up to blow more smoke into the air. "See, if I wanted you dead, I would've gotten someone to do it for me since I don't like getting my hands dirty."
"Don't people like you mostly go after money? I didn't loan any from you," you said with furrowed eyebrows. Even with a headache the size of the galaxy, you wouldn't take any of his shit, even if you had to die because of it.
"Don't people like you, I don't know, solve crimes? Arrest wanted criminals? Keep people like me off the streets? Or is that just crime shows?" He asked as he stood in front of you, blowing the remaining smoke in your face, causing you to cough as he tossed the cigarette butt and smashed it with his foot.
"This is more," he pauses as he puts his hand on your head. "Personal."
You jerked your head away from his hand, nearly disgusted by his touch. He waved his hand towards the men at the door, signalling them to leave you two alone. Once the door closes behind them and it's just you two, it finally sets in as to who you're dealing with.
"You don't remember how you got here, do you?" He manages to send shivers down your spine as his voice lowers. "I brought you here."
"Don't you have people who do that for you?" You're half in disbelief that he, a notorious mob boss who has everyone do anything he tells them to, would personally kidnap you.
"I do," he nods slowly. "But I wanted to get you myself, because you're special to me."
You scoffed. "I've had my eye on you for a while now, maybe ever since you were tasked to 'hunt me down'" he signals air quotations as he speaks. "I am quite a fan of the finer things in life and you so happened to be one of them."
Your eyes stay on him as he slowly strolls around your chair once more. "Y/n L/n, a few months out of rookie ranking, dubbed one of the monster rookies of the FBI." He places his index finger so lightly on your shoulder, gently dragging it across your back.
"Oh how in love I felt when I saw you," he wondered aloud. "Such a pretty face, such strength and independence, never letting a man boss her around unnecessarily. It's pretty hot."
He leans in closely to your face, jerking back when you leaned in to bite him. "Ooh, feisty," he laughed, the melodic sound echoing against the walls.
"What do you want with me?" You asked, having forgotten about his confession just moments ago.
"Isn't it obvious?" He chuckled darkly as he made his way behind you, leaning close enough to your ear to whisper. "I want you to be mine."
If it weren't for the pain in your head, you'd laugh in his face. "Over my dead body would I be yours."
"I'd rather have you alive," he says softly as he places gentle kisses behind your ear. "Come on, I could give you everything your heart desires. I could treat you like a queen if you agree to stay with me. I would love you more than anyone on earth could."
"You're fucking demented," you said as you threw your head in his direction, ultimately headbutting him. He moves away from you, his hand over the area you hit. "Well, ow."
"I'll give you some time to think about it," he said as he made his way to the door. "Just know that love can make you do a lot of crazy things, and my love for you is boundless."
Once you watch him leave, shutting the door behind him, you notice that you didn't hear any sort of lock. 'They left the door unlocked?' You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked around. 'It must be a trap.'
That didn't mean it would stop you from trying to escape.
The endless running from security guards tired you out, but you'd located his 'lair' and could finally take him down.
You hadn't gotten the chance to unbind your wrists so the scratchy rope began causing slightly open wounds, but you'd treat them once you got to your safe house. You were aware that he'd be after you, your house wouldn't be safe and neither would any friend's.
It was just outside of town in a secluded area where you would often lie low since it was off the radar. It would be difficult to contact anyone from the near horrid signal but it was better to be safe than sorry.
Upon entering the safe house, you immediately went for one of the blades on the table, finally freeing your wrists before pulling out your first aid kit to tend to your wounds. You let out strong hisses of pain as you cleaned your head wound, surprised to see it just needed a bandaid and not a full head bandage.
You stayed there for a few hours, waiting for what you thought would be the right time to leave.
You were right. He didn't know where to find you. All the resources he could possibly have, and he couldn't trace the one thing he wanted. But he could track down what he knew would lure you in, and he was prepared to do just about anything he could to get you, not even hesitant to risk anyone in your life.
You grabbed your walkie-talkie, going to find signal to alert your superiors of the information you got, constantly having to raise it and move it around for the static to stop.
"Hello, is anyone there? Over." You repeat every time static stops, only for you to lose signal and keep walking towards town.
"Hello!" You finally heard on the other side.
"Yes, hello, this is Agen-"
"Agent L/n." That voice. It wasn't supposed to be heard. "It seems you thought about my offer."
"Yeah and I rejected it, now stay where you are," you demanded as you marched towards town.
"Where I am? You mean, your parents house?"
You stopped dead in your tracks, blood draining from your face. "My what?"
"Think I'm lying?" You could feel Sunghoon smirking through the walkie-talkie as he moved it closer to the screams of your parents, crying out for help.
"Don't you dare touch them, I will fucking ki-"
"You? Kill me?" The screams in the background became indistinct, meaning he was walking away from your parents. "I told you, I'd do anything to make you mine."
"You really are a sick bastard," you spat through the walkie-talkie.
"I'm your sick bastard," he said teasingly.
This isn't what you signed up for when you joined the force. You wanted to help people, rid the country of some of the most dangerous people and yet got entangled with one. You remember telling your coworkers not to worry when they mentioned how handsome your target was, constantly telling you not to develop a crush or fall in love with him.
But in reality, you were slightly repulsed by him, purely because of his actions. He was one of the biggest threats to society, everyone thought you'd fall for him because of his looks when you took on his case when really he was the one that fell for you.
You didn't want to admit you liked one thing about him, and that was his smile. His teeth sparkled like freshly fallen snow, his sharper than normal canines made him look like a vampire; his pale skin just adding to the suspicion that he was one.
But as you walked back to his house, you regretted taking the case. Had you known you'd become a prisoner like this, you probably would've chosen your secondary career path in finance.
You stood in front of his large house, staring at the door as you waited for your captor. The second you felt an arm wrap around your shoulder, you knew your life was over.
"So," Sunghoon leaned in to peck your cheek. "Ready to spend the rest of your life with me?"
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houseofpendragons · 1 year
Thoughts of Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.3
Derek still sneaking around corners and just randomly appearing 😂 "🎶I always feel like somebody's watching me🎶"
Feel like Derek could scare Eli himself...give him that s1 Derek stare "I'm not afraid of you" 😠 "okay maybe I am afraid of you"
Eli is so me, clumsy af😭
Derek "😠" Hale
Malia! you can't just cut people open🤦‍♀️
Make the plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go wrong...throw away the plan
Man Allison pulled a Derek 🏃‍♀️💨
Allison's tweaking dudes
Why the hospital lockers look like the ones at high school? Would've been coll if that was one of Nogi's illusions to manipulate her
She's very confused and is supposed to be very dead
Split up!?! One of the biggest rules in horror movies is to never split up
Cause a ball cap is such a good disguise 🧢👍
I got her 👊💥🤛💥🤜💥 I don't got her
"Fuck me man" me whenever my alarm wakes me up for school😭
Allison is karate kid 👍
"Scott Who?" ...oop
"Where's the alpha, I have to find the alpha." "What do you want with Derek Hale?" "No, not Hale. McCall. Scott McCall." Vibes. Oh no, now Braedon flashbacks for me😢
Where is Braedon?! She's supposed to be Eli's badass step-mama
Damn to be honest, I wouldn't have taken that. Woulda thrown them scissors back at that zombie bitch ✂️🧟‍♀️
Poor Argent, imagine the pain of seeing your daughter again after 11 years of her being dead and she runs away
Move, bitch! We know she's back, now let us go catch her🙄
But...isn't it your job to hear about the crimes...sheriff?
oh never mind😂
How didn't he know he was a kitsune? Wouldn't weird shit start happening to him like it did Kira? C'mon you can't tell me this man ain't never got his picture taken w/ the flash on before
Could've made him Hikari's family in some way to add some emotional depth for her and give her more ties to the pack
Or he could've been a host for Nogi like his dad I think? If his brother was that one dude wouldn't that make his dad the man who was possessed by Nogi during Chris's first gun deal?
"I don't want to kill you" oh really?👀
🎶I wish that I could wake up with amnesia🎶
So the hunter thingy place is still here but Monroe's peeps are gone🤨
"who are you🏹" "a friend👹" yea okay Pennywise🤚
Nogitsune: "time to hunt" Pennywise:"time to float" I rest my case
No i would not trust my mother who's a psychotic bitch, especially when she looking at me like I just took the last shrimp fried egg roll that she wanted to save for later😑
bitch so was you 30 minutes ago ⚰
Hey don't talk about my smexy dilf werewolf man Derek like that
Oop, that light was a paid actor
Omg I love Jackson 😂 I never thought I'd say that😶
hahaha Derek holding Eli like a baby
"Yes you did, I saw it🥺"
Man Derek such a good dad, got me all up I my feels
I wonder how Talia was as a parent, especially with Derek since he had such trouble learning control 🤔
Man, Allison honestly fuck you. You had to ruin a good father-son moment by trying to take off Eli's head smh I could never. Stay unproblematic people💅
Not the Chinese ring daggers
Honestly flashbacks to the supply closet when Allison told Isaac that. Hey, wait a minute...no one thought to tell Isaac that his late girlfriend is back (bc they were still together when she died)
"Allison?" No bitch it's Katniss🙄
Hey foul play! You shot my man's while his back was turned!! Now you turn around allison, it's my turn! Imma pull a Peter...Peter where u at, she attacking your fav nephew, Kate her ass
Yayy Liam
dude Hikari that was fire 🔥 (no pun intended 🤣; I'm so sorry guys)
Awww he don't even care if he's hurting himself worse, he just cares about his son🥺
Shut up, Scott! Let the man talk!
Damn Scott, couldn't even take my man's pain?
Everyone but Stiles, Isaac, Theo, Kira, Cora, Corey, Hayden, and Braeden... *clears my throat and looks directly at the camera*
The oni really said, "Suprise shawty!"
I knew I should've retired 🤣🤣
Awww first thing he said was his son's name
if this was a short series we totally should've got a scene of Eli, similar to the scene where Scott Howard first transforms in the og teen wolf movie, and then he just passes out. It would've been so funny😭
I'm sorry but the song that popped in my head when that oni floated down was 🎶I'm spinning like a ballerina🎶
Why's mason's gun sound like its popping popcorn
Sheriff Stilinski said, I can be a ninja toooo
Peter's entrance is iconic and so him, such a western-soap opra villain😂
Deaton and Chris:🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
oh c'mon Peter, I thought we were past the whole throat slashing thing😬
How does Peter always know everything 🤔
Also I want to see Eli and Peter bonding, feel like they should have a relationship ay peast similar to when Derek and Peter were younger (hell I just want to see young Derek and Peter again, give me a Hale prequel)
Peter: "Is it me? Am I the drama?"
Ofc they have a plan Scott 🙄 not everyone just makes it up as they go and pretends that hunters aren't dangerous (that's always pissed me off about Scott, not everyone is redeemable)
Allison Argent that is a child
There's gonna be an explosion
There was an explosion
Jackson worried about his tail, please bye💀🤚
Would've been better if it was actually an illusion and not really Allison
You better hobble a little faster Eli
Oh, you can't hobbled fast but ur ass can climb
Me personally, I woulda stayed in that car
"Allison stop" bc that'll work🙄
Damn Scott pulled a Satomi, nice. Why he look confused though, you forget you have supernatural reflexes my guy?🤨
lmao not him trying negotiate as she shoots arrows at them
oh but what if I'm not a werewolf? Really Eli HALE?!
Pretty eyes though 😁
Run, Forest, run
"She's tryna get an arrow through you" Omg Eli is meee like fr Scott listen to the kid
"You faint at the sight of blood?!" "No, but I might at the sight of a chopped of arm!"
You think?!
Scott flashbacks, Eli's future partner is in that car "omg we almost hit someone" jk it's Sheriff Stilinski
Peter has a right to be filled with such anger, legit family was burned alove infront of him and was in a coma for 6 years, I would've been forever angry too bc that's not just something you get over
"Allison stOoOoOp" bc that worked so well last time
also backtrack to Chris saying that Allison wouldn't kill a 15 year old, what about Boyd and Erica? Legit grl went psycho in season 2 and I don't want to here and "Well Gerard..." She still did it
"sure lets talk" 🗡🗡🏃‍♀️💨 we have very different definitions of talking
Eli and Derek are the best part of this movie🥺
Hikari said, "I got one of those too mfs"🗡
Flashbacks to when Hayden got taken by the ghost riders 😭
Meanwhile in the Hale house:
Pt. 3- 5
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inkedrkives · 2 years
hot chocolate and a confession
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Another thunder echoes around the jock's penthouse. He drinks from his whiskey glass, not paying any attention to the news running in the background.
His phone rings, smirking as he read the Caller ID. He placed the phone against his ear and answers the call.
"Ya, could you just please come down here and take your files?" It was Park Jimin, the university council president.
"Come up." Jeongguk says, leaning on the edge of the couch. He loved to push Jimin's buttons.
"Apparently, you didn't put me on your guest list, so the security won't let me in." Jimin snaps.
"You texted me saying the security would let me in—" Jimin was interrupted by a loud clap of thunder, Jeongguk swore he heard Jimin yelp. He stood upright, putting his whiskey down on the coffee table. "Jimin?" He calls out, but the call already ended.
Jeongguk dials him again, but Jimin doesn't answer. He dials the head of the HR division. One ring and someone answers right away, "How may I help you, sir Jeon?"
"Didn't I tell you to update my guest list?"
"Yes, sir, I'm about to—"
"You're fired."
Jeongguk ends the call abruptly, tossing his phone on the leather couch before heaving a frustrated sigh. He turns his attention to the television. "A storm warning has been issued by—"
"Shit." Jeongguk curses. He was about to grab his phone on the couch to try and reach Jimin again, but then someone rings the doorbell.
He ignores the doorbell for a while, grabbing his phone and calling Jimin. He hears the faintest ringtone coming from the other side of the door.
His eyes widened, feet moving quickly. When he opens the door, he finds Jimin, hands shaking, struggling to take a hold of his phone from his bag.
"Jimin." Jeongguk says his name. When Jimin looks up to meet his eyes, the university athlete was caught off guard. Jimin's eyelashes were a little damp from crying.
Jeongguk reached out to hug him. "Shhh. It's okay. You're safe here. I'm sorry. It was my mistake."
Jimin clenched his fists on Jeongguk's chest, wrinkling the jock's shirt. "You're an asshole." Jimin pushes Jeongguk lightly. The taller one was relieved to hear the president's arrogant tone again, "If you dad wasn't the chairman, I would've left your files under the rain."
Jeongguk slides his hands down Jimin's arms, stopping at his hand to hold it. "I know. Come in." He says, hands still holding Jimin's as he walked into the penthouse.
Jimin and Jeongguk despised each other, but t wasn't always like this. They were civil, friends even. It wasn't until their second year of college when they played truth or dare at a party, where a friend of theirs dared Jeongguk to kiss Jimin. Both buzzed in alcohol, the university josh and prince charming president happily obliged. The next day, sober and hungover, Jimin remembers that that kiss was his first kiss.
"It was just a kiss, Park." Jeongguk sighs while shoving his sweaty jersey into his backpack. Jimin came to see him at the locker room. To bad for Jimin, he couldn't just dismiss it as 'just a kiss', he liked Jeongguk. Since then, Jimin swore to replace fondness with spite.
The floor to ceiling windows of the penthouse showcased the rage of the storm. "Make yourself at home." Jeongguk says as he guided Jimin to the living room.
"Do you want some alcohol?" Jeongguk offers, earning a glare from Jimin as he sat on the couch. The athlete laughs, knowing precisely what the glare was for. They were both drunk when they kissed, and alcohol just reminded Jimin of that.
"Dinner?" Jeongguk smiles. Jimin rolls his eyes. "And then what, 'It's just dinner, Park.'?" A chuckle leaves the jock's lips. He walks to Jimin and gets on one knee before him as the former stayed seated on the couch.
"Jimin-ah, I only said that cause I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. If I only knew it was your first—" Jimin looks away, but Jeongguk continues, "—if I only knew it was your first kiss, I wouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."
Jimin sighs, still refusing to look at the man before him. It was only the second time they talked about the kiss. "It's not your fault.. we were both drunk." He says, lips pouting into a little beak.
"I wasn't drunk." Jeongguk admits, making Jimin turn to meet his eye, regretting it the moment he does; because Jeongguk was gazing back at him with doe eyes, sincere yet tantalizing.
Jeongguk rested his elbows on Jimin's knees, crossing his arms. "I was tipsy, yes, but I wasn't drunk. I knew what I was doing."
"I had a little crush on you, you see. And when they gave me that dare, I figured it would be the best excuse to kiss you, and probably the only chance I have too. So I did it." The jock only smiles before standing up to walk to the kitchen.
"Then the next day you came to see me at the locker rooms, telling me how pissed off you are for taking your first kiss. I thought 'ah, guess i'm not his type', so I told you to forget about it, that it was just a kiss. Pretend it didn't happen and give it to someone you like or something." Jeongguk speaks while he was preparing a pot for a hot chocolate, taking some milk from the fridge and some cocoa.
"Then you started giving me the cold shoulders, I didn't understand, but I guess it's better than you ignoring me, right?" he starts putting the ingredients together and steam coming off from the stove as he does.
Jeongguk heaves a long sigh. "Geez, why am I even telling you this?" He rolls his eyes but laughs, "Got me confessing all of a sudden just because I saw you pout." He mutters under his breath, but Jimin heard him anyway.
Jimin was light on his feet that Jeongguk doesn't notice that he was already standing behind him. The taller one feels a tug on his sweater, and when he turn around, Jimin leans up and kisses him softly.
When Jimin gently pulls away, Jeongguk had a little smile on his face. Jimin mumbles, "You said I could give my kiss to someone I like..or something.."
Jeongguk bites his lower lip before resting his free hand on the small of Jimin's back, "Does this mean you like me too? I knew it." He boasts, earning an eye roll from the charming council president. "You're so full of yourself."
"Yea?" Jeongguk teases softly, leaning in to give Jimin a peck on the lips, pulling him in slowly as his hand rested on the latter's lower back. "Why aren't you stopping me, then?" He gives him another quick kiss on the lips.
"You fall under the category 'or something'." Jimin reasoned out, letting a little shyness shine through his ice.
Jeongguk turns the stove off, giving his full attention to Jimin now. He takes a few steps forward, away from the stove, while Jimin takes a few steps backward.
"Hm.." Jeongguk hums, wrapping his arms to hug Jimin on his waist, pulling the smaller one towards him. "Okay, 'or something'" he teases, "Truce?"
Jimin pretends to think, resting his hands on Jeongguk's biceps. "As long as I get to taste the hot chocolate you're making." He smiles for the first time tonight.
A grin finds its way to Jeongguk's lips, "Deal. You can even have the entire thing."
"Okay, deal." The smaller one nods. Jeongguk laughs, sporting his bunny smile as he does. "I can't with you, so it only takes a hot chocolate to melt your pretty little ice."
Jimin laughs, eyes turning into crescent moons, "Hot chocolate and a confession." He corrects.
The claps of thunder around them was long forgotten as the butterflies in their stomachs brewed their own storm—a new flame between the jock and the council president.
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chqnified · 1 year
Jumping on the ask game thingy: currently, hands down, mossy moss. The whole mega war situation you went through today had me whipping out the biggest box of popcorn. The way you K.O.'d them is just chef's kiss!
I swear had I done, it would've been deserved
It was a mildly long story with the old lady. So here's what i wrote about her to Alélé
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And to add on that, as my dad was finding his keys, she legit got in her car and started trying to reverse.... Like where was she trying to reverse to?!!?? Like babes. Then she yelled at my dad again because he had to get in the van from the other side instead of normally. Her own fault she'd reversed up to the flipping door. Alas.
And that was only at 9am. We had to go with my dad because he was going to drop us off in the town so we could return the faulty shoes. Which was a whole drama again. The manager of the shop wasn't having it and said we did get the right shoe (context, I'd got the max Dr martens shoes, so yk the platform on those are a good 8cm+. What turned up was the regular ones, so 4cm ish? platform. The key difference you could tell it was a different model was the bigger platform didn't have the zip on the side too). She kept showing us the picture on the website, so my mum told her turn the picture to the other side, it doesn't have a zip but these do. She wouldn't do that. So i said look babes, there's one on display right now, you can go compare it. She huffed and said it didn't matter and made one of her employees do the refund (we'd already re-ordered online bc they didn't have size 7 in the shop). As he's giving us the refund, i turn to look back at the manager and deadass she's there having a heated debate with another colleague and holding up the shoe to the display stand, to probably compare.
Yes they were the same design, just with a different size platform and the zip.... That might not seem like a massive deal (asides from the fact that different models size differently too so I'd have needed a size 8 in those.), but we'd been sent the cheaper version too, and by £30- which is a lot. For all the hassle though, they were doing a sale online and we got them £60 cheaper than we originally paid. And £90 cheaper than rpp. So they weren't cheap by shoe standards, but cheap for dr martens.
Drama didn't stop there either. There was this little shit spitting on people in the shopping centre. Had he spat on me, i would've gone for him. 13 year old or not. Idk why people weren't doing anything about it.... Like a kid just spat on you??? That's disrespect. And we've just come out of the pandemic. Spitting is also a well known cause of spreading diseases too. Anyhow. Could tell he thought about doing it to me, luckily for him, he didn't.
People are genuinely so rude too. I'm not able bodied and it's visible by the fact i have a crutch. I understand people may have hidden disabilities too, but with a crutch it makes it difficult sometimes to move spontaneously??? I'm not expecting everyone to get out of my way, but for it to have to be me constantly is tiring. The way if you don't, people will purposely walk into you ..... If I'm feeling it, i will only partially get out of the way, resulting in crashing shoulders. For having a crutch and having been an athlete, I'd like to say i have pretty solid shoulders. So bet it hurts. The way they glare at you and shit afterwards .... I thought it was about giving 50/50 huh? No. You expect a disabled person to get out of your way because you have to get to New Look?! Hope those people's shoulders hurt. Assholes.
It didn't stop there. People let their kids run around everywhere. Again, bad idea, you can figure why running in front of people is bad. Parents will literally watch their kids do it and say nothing. You know the type. One kid ran into me, she fell over lmao. Don't see how that was my problem, she was about 9, so old enough to know exactly what she was doing. She just expected me to move for her. The mum was going to say something, so i gave her the challenging look and she decided against it.
There was more but this is getting long. You get the gist of what was happening all day. Believe me, if i wasn't disabled and in an averaging 7 pain on the daily, i would've jumped so many people that day... It was that bad. I'm not even a violent or aggressive person, it just brings it out when you're being treated like shit all day.
In conclusion. I hope you brought popcorn to read through some of my war situations from yesterday 😌 I'm glad it offers entertainment to some, otherwise my suffering would literally go to waste :D
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kouuiz · 2 years
Worth it.
Sundrop × gendernatural reader × Michael afton.
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「𝗬/𝗡'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩」
"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!" I yell a bit to loudly for my liking, wondering what that thing is that's displayed on the camera.
"Y/N, What are you doing?! Move away from the hall!" Gregory yells to me, I hear loud footsteps, signaling there's one of the animatronics behind me, I quickly go to shut one of the doors, making them bang their head.
I start coughing, Gregory patting my back to make sure I'm okay; "You alright?" I nod my head in reassurance, not wanting to worry the young child.
I see Freddy glitching for a moment, then see his eyes turn purple, "F-Freddy?" I question, no response.
I remember the task; well technically not a task it's to help us all out of here. Yes Freddy's coming along too. I'm not leaving him by himself. Especially not with these crazy robots.
"just hit the button I think.." I mumble to myself, thinking how this would work. I hit it and see it set of fire, affecting him.
Then I hear something coming from the vents. I quickly close it, knowing it was chica; what did she want? Anyways, I'm not worrying about that, I'm gonna get us all out of here.
Don't wanna lose hope yet so I'm not gonna be all 'hopeless' cause my parents said to never give up. Yes I'm rekindling when my parents told me that.
I hit the button again, while Gregory closes the doors meanwhile Freddy is still glitching.
While paying to much attention to the screen I hear and inhumane scream coming from down the hall, which makes me jump out of surprise and hit my knee somewhere near the desk, I hiss in pain, backing up a little not knowing my hand was bleeding.
Even though it's unhealthy not to tend to your wound; right now I could careless because I'm in a life or death situation right now.
I feel an unbearable pain in my lower abdomen, seeing blood seeping from my shirt. I must've injured something while running away from monty, I think I was running to much to realize how much blood I've lost and how much more I'm losing.
I slide down the wall, feeling no more energy in me. It feels like I'm taking my last breath. I'm gonna be honest...I'm scared. Should've tended to this wound early and drunk an energy drink from the vending machine and maybe I wouldn't be in this position right now.
Gregory looks over at me with an worried look; "Y/N, Are you okay?!" He questions me, I start breathing heavily, but I want him to know I am okay and there's no need to worry about me. "i-I-I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He looks back at me, then at the doors, then back at me. But before he goes to finish he gives me a hug.
"please be okay.." he whispers to himself but nonetheless I heard him clearly. Then he goes back to what he's doing, and I try to look for something to stop the blood...but nothing's there to help me.
My eyes slowly start to close, I don't want Gregory to do this all by himself, I want to help. I will help.
I try to get up only to fall back down and yelp in pain, this is the worst feeling ever. That must've been the deepest knife I had to the gut.
I start having flashbacks of a certain someone I never got to see again.
"Y/N! Where are you?!" A boy with a red fox mask yells out, you hide behind the couch in his house, not wanting him to see you, putting a finger to your lips, signaling Chris the youngest one to be quiet, seeing Elizabeth walk past and snicker at the both of you.
"I'll find you- I swear I will." You can feel the smirk forming on Michaels face. Don't worry it'll backfire on him.
Chris runs off, giving away you're hiding spot and giggling to himself. Chris is lucky you love him, or you would've decided to choke him at the moment.
Then a red fox mask appears in front of you, making you accidentally punch it; knocking whoever it was to the floor, come to find out it was just Michael. Maybe he deserved that.
"oUcH!" You crouch down to his side, taking his mask off and checking to see if he's okay. "Are you okay?" You say softly, cupping his face, he blushes grabbing onto your hand that's cupping his face, leaning a little closer to you, "Y/N...I wanted to tell you...I really, really like you." Don't worry, you and Michael have been friends for years; he's had feelings for you ever since the day he met you.
What a coincidence right? Cause you've felt the same.
That night when he came home with...all those things inside him, you weren't afraid, matter of fact you were surprised, surprised to see it appear in real life.
"ǤɆŦ ɃȺȻꝀ! Ɨ'M Ⱥ MØNSŦɆɌ!" He yells to me, but I only take a step closer, not worried about his appearance but his state, he is really injured, and we've only been together for three years now, I can't seem to get this image out my head.
What if he really died? What if he really never came back?!
At the moment, that was the only thing I was worried about. I'm not worried about how he looks, or what that thing is inside of him, I'm just worried he'd would never come back home and never be able to see me again, or me able to see him ever again.
"WĦɎ ȺɌɆN'Ŧ ɎØᵾ ȺFɌȺƗĐ ØF MɆ?" He questions, I only smile, "Because even though you have robot parts in you, you're still the same Michael." I tell him, he smiles once he hears that and begins crying, he hugs me right then, snuggling into my neck.
He's very cold, guess I could give him some warmth.
I would always give him some warmth.
He then let's go of me, holding onto my wrist, I comfort him the best way I can, knowing it would help cause he did say I give the best hugs.
Knowing what happened years ago at the diner traumatized me. William having to take me out the diner. At the time my parents weren't there and were worried what happened.
I still can't forget about that night. Even if I was young..who would forget?
I then give him one of my spare jackets, he gives me a kiss on the cheek, "I have to find my father. And after I end him, we'll be reunited again." My eyebrows furrow in confusion, "hm?...how long will that take?" I question him, he sighs, "I don't know, but I will be back, for you. I promise."
『𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚎𝚗𝚍』
I shake my head, trying not to remember that time. I've been waiting for many years now. What if I just found him? No that would break our promise. I can't do that. Meanwhile I'll still wait.
Gregory yells In victory, "YES!" and Freddy is back to normal, what went on? Is it ending?!
"Superstars! We need to leave now!" He yells to us, we start running; me and Gregory on different sides of Freddy, all of us running away before everything can start falling down.
I slowly turn around, seeing and burnt animatronic holding it's hand out, pointing at me, but one of the Funtime animatronics grab him by the throat and screech at him, yanking him up, that was Willam...I would recognize that face anywhere.
What kinda cult sh--t is going on here?! What happened to that old ass man back there? I haven't seen him in how many years?
We make it out the exit, I stop a minute for a breath, checking my lower abdomen, seeing the blood has stopped and I got some kind of energy back. That's good at least.
Gregory hugs me while happily sobbing, knowing that I'm okay, Freddy does the same thing as well, we all hug each other; making it into a group hug.
Then Sundrop appears behind me, joining the hug as well. I'm not gonna even ask how he got out. That's a story for another day.
"My little sunshine, are you okay?!" Sundrop asks me while shaking my shoulders; I smile in reassurance, "I-I'm fine, sundrop. Are you?" I softly whisper, he only hugs me, that's right, forgot to mention that they can turn into humans also.
Still shocks me. Either way I love 'em.
Freddy chuckles, we start walking down the empty street, the sun setting while everyone is about to settle in at our new home.
Sundrop holds onto my hand, kissing my knuckles which only makes me smile and wrap my arms around his waist. "...You remind me of him." I whisper to myself, I begin crying but quickly wipe my tears away.
We see a bunch of people heading home or either leaving for work. I hope we didn't miss much. Cause I'm gonna spend all the time I can before ever getting trapped in a pizzaplex again.
Sundrop spins me around, I yelp in shock, all of us talking amongst each other. Some kids running down the street and yelling at each other.
If I were another person and was trapped inside the pizzaplex, getting chased by crazed animatronics, I'd actually enjoy my time there because you actually went on an adventure without anyone having to tell you too.
That will be a night to remember. Six long hours in the pizzaplex was worth it.
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scarasimplysimping · 3 years
Run Away
Scaramouche x GNReader
Sypnosis: Scaramouche remembers the time you invited him to elope with you.
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How young you both were. Naive, impulsive, and reckless. You both wouldn't last a day on your own. Scaramouche was sure to have made the right choice in rejecting you. At least, this is what he tells himself to ease the budding regret at the back of his head.
It was so vivid. The dark haired boy tried not to think about it; He really did yet he always found his thoughts trailing back to that night in his free time. It would've been a beautiful memory had it's circumstances not been so tragic.
The midnight before he became a harbringer, Scaramouche was perched on the terrace of his home with his head resting on his palm, counting the stars with a displeased and bored look.
"Scaramouche, Scaramouche, let down your hair!" The soon-to-be harbringer hears your voice from below.
His whole form perked up instantly as he ran to the railings of the terrace and sure enough, you were down there, grinning ever so mischievously.
"Quiet, you moron! Someone will hear you!" He shouts back, attempting to sound uninterested but the small curve at the corner of his lips gave away his true emotions.
You stare up at his form, illuminated by the moon. How majestic and alluring. Careful now, it would be embarrassing if he caught you drooling over him in his pajamas.
Gathering your thoughts, you start to climb your way to him. Scaramouche could only look at you with an amused expression.
"I have a ladder y,know." He says nonchalantly.
"Is it for climbing when you want to kiss me? Cause... Yknow. You're short." You joke, not bothering to look up knowing he was probably glaring holes into you by now.
"I am tempted to throw it at you sometimes."
One last step and you were sat on the railings, your faces, inches away from each other. Neither of you dare say a word that could ruin the moment for a few seconds. Perhaps both of you were trying to engrave this somewhat romantic scene into your vault of memories.
Something about his pretty purple eyes drew you in so you take this opportunity to steal a quick kiss from his lips.
Scaramouche feels the heat rising to his cheeks as he huffs in surprise. Trying to find words but ultimately failing.
"So... sixth harbringer, huh?" You start as you leap off from the railings and land closer to him.
He takes a step back to regain his composure. Going back to the bored expression he had earlier. It was clear that he didn't want to talk about this.
"Yes. Well, would you suggest someone more worthy for the title than I?" Scaramouche says rhetorically in an arrogant tone.
"Do you want it though?" You ask, leaning on the railings, with your back facing him.
You couldn't see him but you could tell he hesitated to answer. And that one split second of hesitation was enough for you to muster up your courage.
"Run away with me." You say sternly, turning to him again so you could take in his expression.
Scaramouche feels his heart beating faster in his chest, he's almost afraid you might hear it.
He chuckles nervously in response, not sure if you were joking or being serious. "Don't be stupid. You can't just waltz your way out of here."
You shake your head, glad that he was actually considering it. "Just say the word. I promise you I'll handle everything."
So you weren't joking. Still, Scaramouche wouldn't follow through with something so ridiculous and unprepared. "We've never even set foot outside of Snezhnaya."
You continue to press. "I've read enough books. Seen enough maps. We'll work it out!"
Your eyes glow with eagerness and hope, Scaramouche could almost feel himself falling more in love with you more than he already was... not almost. He actually was.
The dark haired boy starts to contemplate more on the idea of starting a whole new life with you.
"We could travel all across Teyvat." He says subconsciously.
You interlace your fingers with his, thinking you both were really gonna do this.
"Maybe settle down in Monstadt." You suggest.
"The city of freedom." He adds, locking eyes with you.
"Just a normal couple doing normal couple things." You smile, and in turn that makes him smile.
Scaramouche lays his head on your shoulder. Thinking about the beautiful future you both could have together, worrying not of combat training or fatui business. Growing old, maybe even having children, then grandchildren. Dreams of an amazing future together.
But dreams remain dreams.
You both snap out of it when you hear a knock at the door.
All of the sudden, you're back to reality and he still was gonna become a harbringer tomorrow and you're still going to lose him.
"Sir, the Tsaritsa would like to have a word." The voice at the other side of the door calls. A fatui agent.
You find a place to hide for a bit as he rudely shoos off the poor man.
Once the uninvited guest was gone, you give him a sneaky back-hug, with the hopes that the plans were still on.
"I can't." Scaramouche says in a defeated tone.
You're eyebrows furrow, slowly you let go of him. "Of course you can! Just pack a few bags and we'll be off before dusk."
"No. No one has ever went against the Tsaritsa's will and lived to tell the tale." Scaramouche states.
"You won't be going against her! Just moving away from her." You try convincing him in a shaky voice.
"No. (Y/N), listen to me. Even if we did leave we have nothing to feed ourselves. No money, no family, no authority-"
"Authority? Is that why you want to stay so bad? Because of your little power fantasy?" You retorted, later regretting it as you see the hurt in his face.
The expression quickly turns into anger. "How dare you even accuse me of that. Who do you think you are!?"
"Well I thought I was your lover."
You both stare each other down as the room's atmosphere grows heavier.
It pained him to fight with you and fights were never this serious. And Scaramouche was scared that one more persuasive sentence from you would cause him to give in, follow his heart, sweep you of your feet, and be on your way to springvale by tomorrow.
So he said what he thought he had to say, "Lover? You're just a fling. Give me a break. You're a fool if you really thought whatever we had was going anywhere." It broke his heart to lie but Scaramouche was great at hiding his sadness, or rather, disguising it with anger.
After all, you continuing to be with him as he was a harbringer would put your life in peril. He was doing the right thing... but then why did it feel so wrong?
You feel tears running down your cheeks but you still refused to believe him. How well you could see through him. Or so you hope. "You're lying."
He turns his back to you for fear of his own tears giving him away.
Scaramouche lets out a forced groan. Out of desperation, he lists things he hates about you. Personal things he didn't actually hate but had to pretend he hated. His voice laced with venom and anger, not towards you but rather the Fatui, the Tsaritsa, even the whole of Snezhnaya and it's damn snow for putting the both of you in this situation.
"-I hate that you think you can read me. I hate it when you try acting all lovey dovey with me it's disgusting. And I hate you for making me want to just kiss you right now and forget about everything but us." He lets the last part slip.
Scaramouche turns to you. You're not there. Not anymore.
Filled with regret, he runs to the railings and tries to search for you but not a trace. Not a damn trace of you and it seems you took his heart with you too.
That was the last time he saw you. Scaramouche can't help but sigh sharply everytime he recalls that night. But he treasures it. He treasures every moment he spent with you and promised to himself that when all of this is over, he will find you again and you'll finally run away, hand in hand.
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jungw8ns · 3 years
PAIRING: bf! hyung line enha x gn!reader. GENRE: established relationship, reaction, fluff, crack. WARNINGS: subtle mentions of car crash (in a joking manner). WORD COUNT: 200-300 words.
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HEESEUNG: driver's seat.
obv this man is the only one we can trust in driving, so even if he refuses to drive he doesn't have any other choice unless he wants the car doing breakdances on the road 🥰‼️‼️
if you fall asleep on him then you lose bestie i'm sorry to say this but you HAVE to talk with him the whole ride cause this man will actually ask you to pay him a few bucks by the end of the road trip.
well... Maybe you can sleep but that's only if you put up the aux for him so that when he's driving he can sing and listen to music <3
loves it when you're in the freeway and you guys are just vibing to the songs playing, ESP when the windows are down and there are barely any cars in the road
he'd actually stop the car on the side if you guys happen to pass by a really nice place while travelling and the both of you would take pics and all that stuff
likes it a lot when you hold his free hand while he's driving, it makes him feel really giddy inside. he might even place it on your thigh if he's ballsy enough
would most likely be the one to stop by the convience store and hog up all the ramen cause he just KNOWS you will be asking for food every once in a while and he is not about to spend like fifty dollars for your cravings 🙄🙄
"riki can you change the song? I don't like this one"
'what you know about rolling down in the DEEP END–'
"hyung you're the one driving 🕴️"
don't ask why riki is in the car with you guys cause i also have no idea 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
JAY: the only one allowed to touch the aux.
you're planning on doing a road trip? but jay says he's busy????
let me tell you, jay is the PERFECT road trip partner
not only does he have the most immaculate music taste, he knows how to make it fun and memorable.
the only con about it is that he might end up sleeping thru the first half of the trip, but you don't blame him for it tho, mans has a packed schedule 😔
#bookedandbusy #girlboss
he would drive the car, but...
he's still a bit scared of passing the highway esp when there's a bit of traffic going on, but don't tell him i said that 🤫🤫🤫🤫
since you're the one in the wheel, make sure that you practiced how to look good while driving cause by the end of the trip you WILL want him to be AS WHIPPED for you as before
maybe even drive with one hand and roll your sleeve up a bit if you're wearing one cause HE WILL BE LOOKING AT YOU WITH HEART EYES, I GUARANTEE YOU THAT
maybe even talk about you to the members in their groupchat 🥰🥰🙏🙏
don't even be surprised if he gets a bit clingy after, he likes that he gets to spend some time with you like this
even if you guys were kind if cramped in the car, atleast you guys had fun with each other's presence
10/10 would recommend ‼️‼️
"babe you brought a jacket or a hoodie with you right? I don't want you to get cold cause i know very well that button up is thin"
"yes my wuvy muvy pumkin pie bubba 😈🥰 i did"
when jake said he didn't know how to drive you thought like he was like a beginner that didn't know how to park and all that stuff BUT NO.
"don't worry babe after this quick practice i'll be able to drive in no time 😎😎"
JAKE: wannabe driver.
when you guys did a test run on an empty road boy you really thought this was going to go smoothly but you should've never really expect anything cause the second he released clutch and accelerated YOU WERE SENT FLYING ✈️✈️✈️
you were thanking the person who invented seatbelts cause you guys would've probably be done for if they didn't exist
you tried again tho, you weren't about to give up on him (even tho you were on the verge to 😔)
you taught him how to get the car moving but turns out you were talking to a brick wall with a dog wallpaper
"jakey listen to me, you won't know the basics if you don't listen"
"i'm sorry :(( you just looked so cool explaining all that stuff that i got distracted"
but after that he did focus on learning.
you let him try again and this time you told him that he shouldn't rush releasing the clutch, and wouldn't you know it HE GOT THE CAR RUNNING 💃🕺💃
the both of you were so surprised but jake still had to keep his eyes on the road so you just ruffled his hair and told him he did a great job
he was so smiley after that omfg 😭😭😭😭
"love, once i get my drivers licence i'll be the one dropping you off to work, i promise 😉✋"
yea.. This man isn't touching the wheel anytime soon
SUNGHOON: the curious cat.
he watched you drive the car with ease and was like:
'my s/o is so perfect omg ❤️__❤️'
but he was very interested in driving tho, or more like he was interested in the one driving it (yes sunghoon is indeed apart of the y/n simp nation 😌)
his eyes then shifted from your face to the stick shift, there were a lot of numbers on the side and he got so confused
'wonder what that's all about'
and so he asked you 😩
"y/n what do these mean?"
he was asking with doe eyes and it was so adorable 😭
you explained it to him and he was so enthusiatic about you doing a few tricks up your sleeve and you just looked at him like 🤨🤨
"excuse me mister, do you want me to crash the car??"
"BOO LAME 🙄 /j"
"yes yes sure park sunghoon, if keeping us safe means i'm a boring person then that's fine with me 😊😒"
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NOTE – hellooo writers block has been getting to me these days but i hope you liked this little enha reaction, have a nice day!
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astrojoy · 2 years
True story time for people who are or have dealt with social anxiety :P
⚠️ Currently I've conquered some social fears now. Do I have panic attacks from time to time? Yes and I also still have some moments of social anxiety. But I've become more comfortable with social interactions than I used to be! ⚠️
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Rn I'm in 12th grade, graduating in a few months. This story took place in 7th grade middle school. I sat in the back of the class during this. Social anxiety not as bad as it was when I was in elementary school, but still pretty bad. Basically we had state testing for the end of the year per usual. During these exams they gave out pieces of hard candy at times. Well of course I don't like to make noise during a quiet classroom (thinking it would bring attention to me) so I waited until the testing was fully finished. Once finished, everyone was free to talk and play games on the computers and etc. Quiet/reserved as usual, I just stayed in my lil corner and was typing out a story I was making for fun on my chromebook. Then I wanted my candy 🥺🥰. So of course CHOMP CHOMP 🤤 right? Well while this extremely interesting action scene was going down. I sat in silence listening to the different conversations boasting around me until I heard a group of class clown talking. They said a joke from the front of the classroom that took me off guard and I started laughing to myself. Then sudden-
Oh no
I can't breath.
I looked up frantically. The candy was lodged in my throat. I couldn't speak even if I wanted to. However. ✨social anxiety✨ I didn't want to get the teacher. I didn't want attention or to embarrass myself. The only thing I could think of was being embarrassed. Shouldn't life be more important?
I quickly fast walked out of the class in silence. Of course, who wants to run and cause attention? 🤪Once I got in the hallway I didn't know what to do. 15 seconds had probably gone by. I quickly started beating my chest trying to dislodge the candy (NOT A SMART MOVE BTW DON'T DO THAT. IT CAN POTENTIALLY GET FURTHER LODGED IN THE THROAT. I WAS SIMPLY LUCKY AND DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT CHOKING HAZARDS AT THE TIME) It took like 7 hits to my chest to cough it out and onto the ground. I looked up and noticed someone looking down the hallway and turned my face the other way in embarrassment so they wouldn't notice me. I then of course breathed and got some water from a water fountain to help my burning throat. Then I grabbed a paper towel and grabbed the candy and threw it away (don't wanna leave a mess). Then I stood there in disbelief. The fact that I'd much rather die than try to get help just hit me. I didn't know what to do. I was confused. Should I tell the teacher about this incident? Why would I? Well I should tell them why I left class without a word, I think that was disrespectful of me 😟, and then I should ask to get more water (my throat really hurt and I didn't want to be out of class for too long without notice)
I walked back inside, no one looked my way and were in their conversations still phew. I told the teacher quietly what happened and why I left. I told him sorry for leaving without an explanation and asked if I could go get more water. My teacher looked surprised and worried. Full of shock. He didn't even know I left. His desk is quite literally near the door 💀 With a slightly stern face he told me to never do that again and etc of course (I'm sure he would have gotten in a lot of trouble because he wasn't paying attention ig) and then he let me get more water (he was one of my favorite teachers besides my band teacher. He was funny and slightly laid back)
Once everything was done and I sat back down in my seat I began thinking. What if I would've passed out and people would have seen me? How many people would judge me or be weirded out? How much attention would I have stirred up? I don't want to die in front of all those people that's embarrassing
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Dear 7th grade me,
But that's what brings me to the end of my story,
social anxiety feels like trash :)
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