#cause i dont know if you want me to further the lore or youre just using my acc to get info out
sea-jello · 1 year
I agree. I like exploring that aspect of transhumanism when writing the SQUIP. They are definitely denying it to themselves, although sometimes the doublethink shows up, as when Jeffrey was communicating to another SQUIP directly. How do I know, indeed. 👀 The next question would, of course, be why Jeffrey would have any of the trappings of a human brain if he exists entirely within the cloud.
im not a writer either i have no idea whats happening 😭😭
ya think theres some sort of firewall or code or whatever blocking out the whole acknowledging emotions thing
if youre confirming squips CAN feel emotions because of its connections to the user, youre sorta implying jefferys lying about being in the cloud?? the plot thickens
maybe he had a past user before getting shot up to the cloud or something and he retained info from them. maybe the cloud is like where the "conscious" of deactivated squips go that would kinda work wouldnt it. jeffery is jeremys squip real (REMEMBER DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING I SAY AS CANON IM NOT RPING IM FREEBALLING)
unless jefferys taking human behavior from absolutely everything uploaded to the cloud but i still dont really know why he would be able to feel emotions from that. maybe its the code of the uploaded files or some fucking thing maybe its not the DNA and squips really are just advanced enough to replicate human intelligence
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thebleedingeffect · 2 years
#warning you know this is a bit of a vent so do not ye go any further if you dont wanna see bad vibes lmao#anyway. my father is an absolute bastard of a man. emotionally neglected my mother. was an absent father. and very nearly-#killed us both towards the very end lmao. just a horrible guy who hides behind his charisma and has never processed an emotion once#instead likes to emotionally neglect and gaslit people instead of idk... going to therapy instead of retreating to church lmao#anyway its been around three years since I've seen him irl and im very happy about that. i never want to hear from him again#but he snagged some foreign young woman whos nearly my age and yeah. its disgusting but not surprising#theyre having a kid apparently and the only reason i know is cause my mom told me. but i really need to have a talk with her and its going-#to suck#i need to talk to her about never bringing him or her up around me ever again and this boundary is a hard one im gonna have to establish#cause shes still so scared of him and cant help following his every move. but im gonna have to pin her down and play therapist and ARRGGHH#I GOTTA PLAY THERAPISTTTT WHY WAS I CURSED TO BE AN ONLY DAUGHTER. WHOS ONLY FAMILY IS THEIR MOTHER#THEREFORE IM THE ONLY ONE CLOSEST AND KNOWS OF THE SHIT SHES GOING THROUGH AKA I GOTTA FUCKIN BEAT IT INTO HER#im gonna-- HELP GIRL#strange lore to drop but god imagine almost being killed by your dad and surviving by pure luck. cringe moment#i cannot imagine if i left this life and my blog wouldve been stuck in 2017... imagine dying as a marvel blog SKSKSKSKS#anyway. this life man.
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bozepomagaj · 7 months
i was 15 when i watched made in abyss as well, finished the 1st season and promptly never touched it again because of what i learned about the author. From what ive seen from koreans they say that the version shown on korean tv is censored (which sounds plausible) which could mean that the weird parts that we skip may be cut out entirely(?dont quote me on that idk) soobin is on thin ice cause the 2nd season is worse and taeyong is in deep shit because i dont think there is any reason why someone should own the manga😟
I'mma preface this by saying I completely get everyone who couldn't stomach this series. It contains a lot of disturbing topics and at the end of the day, it's a horror series, of course not everyone is gonna be able to handle that, and again that's fine. But I can also say that this arc was surprisingly handled with a lot of care, wasn't fetishized nor glorified just... disturbing. Think of Outlast 2 or the ending of Amnesia:Rebirth.
Second season is way more disturbing but not as sexual in nature and Soobin most likely was talking about the fight scenes when saying how cool it was. And if he wasn't then who knows what he was yapping about, don't know him personally so I can't put words into his mouth unless he says something. As for Taeyong, can't defend him at ALL but calling him a p3d0 would still be a bit too much for me.
AND I wanna add after further investigation, Mingi said he didn't even watch it and instead dropped it because it was too much for him, so there's that.
For a more in depth explanation, here you go:
I'm gonna have to explain the lore in order for you all to understand this FULLY, so heres a summary:
The arc introduces us to Vueko, a victim of trafficking who was thrown into the Abyss with the rest of the now villagers because she wasn't deemed as someone useful. So obviously, when she meets Irumyuui, who has been exiled from her village for not being able to give birth at the age of 8, she immediately takes her in. As a victim, she understands her, and the author explains how, through helping Irumyuui, Vueko is able to heal her own trauma and heal Irumyuui as well. It's extremely well written, and as a fellow victim, there was something so sweet about seeing someone heal with the help of another. Especially when that someone acted like a mother figure. But of course, this is the Abyss. The point of the Abyss is that despite you thinking there's some light at the end of the tunnel, there isn't. Wazukyan takes that away, and Irumyuuis wish backfires (think of it like the wishes in Madoka, you get what you want but at a cost), and she gets turned into a horrible monster. But despite everything, she's happy because to her, she's fulfilled her purpose.
This is the part that I could discuss for hours because to me, it was commentary on how young girls even nowadayas are convinced by others that 'they have to find a man one day' and how having no kids is looked down upon. Especially in 3rd world countries. I could write an entire essay, but we're not here to do that.
I can tell you immediately that none of this was fetishized nor glorified in an yway, it's just supposed to make you feel absolutely empty because again, author is really trying to push that "oh you think you got the good end of the stick? Think again!" The manga if FILLED with situations like this, from Rico's origins to Nanachis arc, the subplot of this entire manga is 'how far are you willing to go to survive?'. Think of it like Fire Punch. Disturbing? Yeah, I mean, even I had to drop it once they began talking about trafficking women. Once again, I am comparing it to Madoka Magica but far more gruesome. Nothing explicit was shown, Irumyuui's private parts were never exposed, and her giving birth was also never shown. Her transformation WAS shown, but it's your basic body horror, like in most Junji Ito works.
SO, obviously if you're not a fan of the horror/seinen genre this is deeply disturbing and fucked but after seeing games like Outlast 2 and Amnesia: Rebirth, I wasn't as disturbed PERSONALLY. Again, recommending this publicly might've not been the smartest idea because you really do have to be into the horror genre to be able to handle topics like that. Even I just had to sit in silence for a couple hours after reading that backstory cuz damn, it hits you right in the feels. And most of the manga past that part just has badass fight scenes and when people praise it, they usually talk about that. From what I saw it was well animated and lots of clips were shared on tiktok, twitter etc. So there's a big chance he was talking about that.
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(Examples of why people were hyping it up, even non-fans who had no idea about the series were going crazy because of this fight scene)
Now as for Taeyong... see now the reason I didn't mention him in the original post is because of that specific thing. I love the series and have come across physical copies of the manga but I know damn well I'm not buying cuz I don't wanna be seen supporting the author, purely out of spite. And saying 'oh well maybe he didn't know what the author is like'. Unlike some sites, physical copies DO include the extra chapters which contain stuff like this:
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Totally unnecessary, not relevant to the plot and while some say it was added as a "haha funny joke" c'mon now. Let's use our brains. Now, would I call him a p3d0? Absolutely not. Would he be weird for this? To me, yeah. For anyone reading this, it's up for you to decide. I'm only here to answer questions about the series because I see people saying random stuff and making it seem FAR more worse just cuz they saw a couple tags.
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tacagen · 10 months
Healthy Eobarry AU
(yes its just called that. no there is no actual romance, the word eobarry is here only so i dont have to write 'barry and eobard' all the time im talking about them. some things are very close to that tho but thats just the way it always is with thawne.)
the core idea: eobard is still a flash fan from the 25th century with a huge crush but he never wanted to be a hero like barry. he always wanted to go back in time and become flash's archnemesis instead, so there is no rejection abandonment and disappointment drama at all. not a single trace of canon hatred, thawne just wants to have some good time with his favorite hero in a weird way. barry, on the other hand, has no idea what the fuck is even going on. the vibe is most reminiscent of silver age eobarry. their dynamic:
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ALSO their dynamic: this jla short
the lore:
they first meet in 21st century. eobard just finds barry, comes up to him like 'omg hi flash!! im your fan from the future and i just synthesized myself the speedforce connection to go back in time and meet you irl :)', waits exactly until barry believes and starts marveling at that fact, goes 'BUT THERE'S ALSO THIS LITTLE THING YOU SHOULD KNOW :)))) youre probably wondering why these colors. well, i call myself the reverse-flash and actually im here to cause problems for you on purpose. NOW CATCH ME IF YOU CAN :D', runs off to break the brakes of a bus carrying children or something like that while barry stands for a few seconds like 'huh. reverse? where are you going?'
right after barry, utterly confused and shocked, averts the situation thawne caused, he goes 'WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL WAS THAT?? DIDNT YOU JUST SAY YOU WERE MY FAN??' which thawne answers with 'wow. you really thought i was one of these boring "my favourite person of all time inspired me to become a hero like them" rip-offs with no imagination, didnt you? tsk tsk, i am so disappointed'
secrecy of their identities to each other isnt a thing since the very first fight. 'by the way, my name is eobard thawne! and i know you're barry allen, i actually know most of the 21st century heroes' identities but i promise you can trust me with that!'. indeed, he doesnt reveal this to anyone or threaten to do so but trust isnt exactly the right word either as thawne fucking loves visiting barry while they're both in their civil clothes at times + itwasmebarry still becomes a thing (elaborated on further below).
thawne is faster than barry here from the very beginning on pure theory and little to no speedster experience but only because barry just desperatly tries to process all the information he recieves from thawne every time they fight along with handling whatever endangering civilians shit eo does and he isnt doing well. at all. like, it does require a lot of hard effort not to lose your mind while constantly being hit with stuff like 'OOOHH DID I MENTION THAT I WORK AS THE CURATOR OF THE FLASH MUSEUM IN THE 25TH CENTURY?!? BTW WE STUDY YOUR HISTORY IN SCHOOL IN COMICS FORM, ISNT THAT AMAZING?!!'
thawne never shuts up. thawne genuinely enjoys the whole thing and admires barry an impossible amount and he's always fascinated by every aspect of the speed force, especially seeing and using it in action. thawne never acts like a normal villain as in 'commit crime->run away/fight the hero/watch the chaos'. he does something that endangeres people's lives (ALWAYS in front of barry because that is the whole point) then runs alongside barry as he saves everyone, never initiating the fight and ENDLESSLY commenting on everything barry does with consideration of flash facts, speed force and other physics stuff and even barry's personal background. it always goes like 'must do this and this to get everyone to safety!-' and thawne, instantly from somwhere behind barry's left shoulder: 'YES you DO, because this this and this and of course you could try that but-' and it goes on for 5 minutes on superspeed at the very least. from a non-speedster perspective, it looks like two blurs with lightnings, red and yellow, are saving people and going with some kind of weird squeaking high-pitched sound, which is never there if there is only flash around.
by the way, the rule that it is Very important for thawne to touch barry at any given chance and prolong it by going faster than him is still present. the same goes for becoming a speedster partially to have an opportunity to get away from 25th century and its mildly or not so dystopian shit and boringness. doesnt really realize the first part tho, sometimes casually drops some crazy ass facts about his future as something totally normal (like that one good-bad detection chair from silver age that gets a cameo in rs) and gets confused when the reaction is something like '.....i am so sorry.'
THE SAME ALSO GOES FOR 'IT WAS ME BARRY', its just way more lighthearted and has the purpose only of annoying and messing with barry through slight inconveniences in his life and it is a whole another part of their enemyship outside of the usual tag games. examples: 1. barry in his lab, extremely tired and almost exhausted, stumbles on air, says 'dammit eobard, this again??'. thawne unphases nearby with an offended look, goes 'HEY. THAT WASNT ME.', demonstratively pushes barry's mug with coffee off the table like a cat, 'now this was me, barry', grins and runs off before barry can do anything; 2. imagine thawne's excitement when he plays chess in iron heights, looks away, notices yellow lightnings with the corner of his eye and turns to the board again only to find that his queen is gone. the very next encounter starts with thawne running around barry in circles like 'it was you. it was you. IT WAS YOU! ITWASYOUWASNTIT!!'
this thawne is incapable of murdering anyone close to barry or ever hurt him at all. the best he can do is threaten anyone's life in barry's sight (and he knows barry will save everyone. more, he never arranges the events with the chance of barry not being fast enough to save every single life threatened so it isnt a big deal) because in other case he just wont come out to play with him :( ((i dont think thawne's generally capable of murder here? he feels too silly for that to me))
following important things: 1. barry obviously never killed thawne because he never did anything that extreme. 2. nora allen is alive and well and probably met thawne personally. he visits her in his civil clothes and acts in the nicest way possible, barry hears about the mysterious friend from work he never mentioned later and chokes on tea as nora recalls 'what did he say his name was? edward taurine?' 3. BARRY'S DOG IS STILL DEAD THO but it actually was an accident. he still blames himself for not shutting the back door that day in the way he blames himself for the not emotional enough postcard for his grandma in dc superhero girls. (see also: this vid but its about the dog instead of nora) ((ALSO thawne is most likely actively empathetic about it because he cant stand seeing barry sad or hurt. unfortunately he is also actively neurodivergent so that turns out to be awkward))
they team up often but barry is never aware of that as it happens out of his control. thawne has every single event that threatened barry marked in his calendar and an alarm set for it and he just shows up there like 'fuck you, this is MY archnemesis/idol/inspiration and nobody is going to fucking hurt him'
barry is generally always in the state of confusion when it comes to thawne. he doesnt understand what's going on like 80% of the time. as thawne never gets any clearer to him, barry just accepts that this, at some point, is now a part of his life.
instead of love letters, thawne writes and sends barry personally discovered speed force equations like 'look!! this is how it all works there!!' and occasionally mentions other science things discovered after 21st century. barry reads all that, understands and sometimes uses those against thawne who is completely delighted by that.
one day thawne manages to lock barry up in anti-meta cell and spends the following 3 hours on MATHEMATICALLY PROVING THE EXISTENCE OF THE SPEEDFORCE TO HIM STEP BY STEP, reciting his dissertation verbatim which was written in the context of no one knowing and caring about the concept.
thawne participates in the legion of doom and other supercriminal associations out of 'is flash gonna be there?? whatever youre planning im in, just leave him to me and me alone'. probably doesnt even listen to the scheme details and learns about it directly from barry in the final fight when he asks him 'eobard?? what?? the?? fuck?? why are you participating in something that's ultimate goal is DESTROYING THE FUTURE??'. (or others just stopped telling him the details, OR he doesnt listen on purpose after that one time he edited the whole plan like 'oh cmon do you actually think you could succeed with THIS?? let me show you how its actually done' only for them to lose epically. whats worse is that thawne saw it as something obvious. 'wait you really thought it would work?? cmon the whole point of being a supervillain is that the good guys always stop you no matter what you come up with.' they naturally never let him speak on the plans again which he responded with 'WHATEVER. YOU DO YOU IG. NOT GONNA INTERFERE AGAIN :/') unironically protects barry in group fights if any other villain is trying to aid him against the flash and attacks his own allies for that (barry once uses that to his advantage to take out the whole legion one by one lmfao. thawne genuinely doesnt notice that he is the only one standing until barry mentions it. he takes a moment to look around and that's when barry takes him out, too). as you can figure, he doesnt get invited into villain associations often, and if he does its usually the last resort bc he is a Genius Even By Future's Standards and therefore one of the most competent scientists out there.
nobody wants to sit at the same table with thawne in iron heights or interact at all because he instantly starts infodumping about the flash and their relationship. you accidentally get closer than like 2m to him and after a few seconds he just goes 'me and flash are best enemies, you know? we even always wear matching suits, oh and did you know-'
thawne gets mad if you compare his suit with kid flash because his suit has a Deep Idea and acktually he got to 21st century before wally was also struck by lightning and therefore was here first (yep, he did that on purpose and it gets revealed the very same moment he mentions it)
speaking of kid flash. thawne argues with him at any given chance because fighting a literal child on who is the biggest flash fan is something he would do on a daily basis. it just feels right (and it shouldve happened in canon at this point at least once. fucking Come On dc. almost 60 years of thawne's existence and for what!!). his points are that: he is the flash's Equal (even in height. thawne is very fucking proud of that fact) and not a pathetic sidekick; he got powers after years of hard scientific work and not by coming to barry's lab at the right moment; he is an Expert, a Professor, a Curator of the flash museum and knows everything about flashes, including the things they dont know themselves yet (he accidentally reveals that wally is also gonna be the flash but is quick to claim that he was the slowest and dumbest of them all and actually fuck you ima erase that from the timeline later), 'therefore l + ratio + IM his biggest fan and there is nothing you can do about it' 'lmaoooo who the heck taught you these words?? dude you sound so cringe. like do you even know what ratio means??' '*thinking it's just a figure of speech from 21st century literature classics or something like that for his whole life* well i- h- wh- DONT CHANGE THE SUBJECT.' wally doesnt care at all and just trolls him, harshly at times. he doesnt take thawne even a little bit seriously, which eo tragically doesnt realize.
thawne's comedically jealous of barry to iris between the lines and is completely unaware of that. the same thing going on with the rogues about emenyship with barry but that one is direct and on purpose. probably fucking jumps in their fights with flash like 'hi i just took out cap cold for you no need to thank me <3 now, can WE dance?? :|' every now and then. probably it gets super awkward when they inevitably end up in iron heights together that same day. honestly i think every supervillain who met thawne wants to kill him at this point. he's extremely annoying, both on purpose and not
thawne finds and starts nitpicking the first curators and architects of the flash museum in 21st century from the very project stage like 'NO it should stand THE OTHER WAY everyone shut up im from the future i Know Better'. it continues right until barry comes to pick him up and apologise for the inconvenience. 'eobard, i know this place means... a lot to you but please let history run its course. i mean, arent you risking your whole existence by trying to make these changes?' 'BUT THEY'RE DOING IT WRONG >:('
CANONICALLY ALMOST DROWNS 3M AWAY FROM A BRIDGE WHILE TRYING TO RUN ON WATER WITHOUT KNOWING HOW TO DO THAT YET OR AT LEAST HOW TO SWIM. every time barry mentions that incident thawne blushes like hell out of shame. imagine being saved from the lake by your crush/nemesis/everything who is actually Worried that you almost drowned out of your own stupidity which kind of covers the cringefail at first so youre enjoying the Moment but then you hear 'why did you even decide to run across the lake, there was a bridge nearby?'. thawne BEGS barry not to tell anyone (and especially wally). that probably was the first time thawne actually stayed in iron heights for longer than half an hour without getting out the very second everyone looks away on barry's condition of secrecy. now, the funniest part? if thawne hadnt shown that it was cringe even to him, barry wouldnt even say a single thing any further. to him it was a usual impossible to grasp shit thawne does every single encounter.
thawne considers heroes and their morals objectively dumb but his thoughts on barry having the same mindset are 'god he is SO adorably naive. so pure. so innocent. havent done anything wrong in his life. sweetest cinnamon roll of all times'. occasionally tells him that out loud because he has no fucking shame except when it comes to the lake incident
his own set of morals is just 'be gay do crime' where be gay stands for teaming up with barry on practically everything that isnt their one on one fights.
following: other villains are dumb to him as well. sometimes complains to barry about how nobody Understands him and his superior taste in being a supervillain, especially in the legion. poor barry just tries to get some rest between work and superheroing and then thawne casually comes running out of fucking nowhere, lies down on his lap and starts venting about how barry is the only one that Gets him on superspeed.
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real-godzekiel · 5 months
i DONT know if you still do spookys hcs but if you have any for specimen 12 or its host........
YES OF COURSE but just keep in mind i am a little rusty when it comes to spooky lore right now. too many new games are filling up the storage space in my brain but i think i can contribute some stuff. i'll start off with the host before moving on to the Specimen itselfI must admit that when I first heard the pretty-much-canon idea of the old man being the vlogger in endless I shat myself. But then I remembered geriatric1927 and how my grandma used to play Fruit Ninja and realized my shitting of myself is probably just ageism. Old man used to film abandoned buildings and it's fucking awesome until it isn't. I think from what you can read of the vloggers' notes, he seems to have a certain attachment to having an audience. Bro really starts a note off with "Hey everybody" and "Ok guys". I don't know why he stops after Specimen 12. I guess the mansion-in-mansion has something that bears off people's coping mechanisms.
Just to somewhat build upon the previous point, I want to spectulate on the old man's past a bit. The mansion controls the host to "attack with various means depending on the host's characteristics." I absolute do NOT think Protag ended up as anything near a new host instead of their own specimen, I think that theory is a bit poo poo. However, I do find it fun to compare these two ex-"typical humans" a bit. Specimen 14 is angry and stiff, at least in what most people picture them and what the Bad Ending somewhat suggests to me. Of course, most protagonists are just Like That, but from all that shit about Specimen 7 and "It Was Never A Mask" achivement name for the bad ending. Specimen 14's violence, to me at least, stems from rage and fear and the need to survive and tell these monsters who's boss based on a more stoic past personality. Old man's not like that. Maybe staying way too long in painted walls and floors fucked him up a little, but I still think that, with his vlogger persona and the way he talks, that he values his relationships with other people a hell lot. An extrovert, perhaps. I can't be sure. In any respect, this further explains how the mansion fucked him up.
Overanalyzing time, but I also find it interesting how in his Specimen 12 notes when he hears movements and voices downstairs he immediately goes: "Finally, other survivors. Ah yes. This is definitely some other survivors and it will be a Good Thing." He also acts like he's finally something to do whenever he first appears. It would be even funnier if he knows when and where you're hiding at times but just doesn't do anything about it because he deliriously thinks it's against the "rules" of the game he wants to play with you. I mean. There's this:
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Old man has probably been reading "fake" books and eating "fake" food for at least half a decade. The food has probably permanently distorted his taste buds. Not sure about his speech, however. He probably tries to play pretend and conversewith the wall. or this thing. but still. the lack of another human intelligence articulating complete sentences to his face has likely signficantly deterioriated his ability to hold long conversations.
Stays in his area most of the time, but not because he likes it. He subconsciously thinks it to be a safer area than other parts of the mansion.
He is not friends with any of the Specimens. This includes Specimen 12 itself, as his possessed mind blocks out information regarding the mansion being the entity that is using him. He has no idea what has happened to him.
Old Man has never had a wife nor did he have kids. His parents died of natural causes a while after he went into the mansion. This is perfect for Specimen 12 because that means its host does not have to think too much. Yup!
Ok onto the Specimen itself
Not a spirit. Not an individual. Not a hivemind. Certainly an entity and not a natural force. Like Whiskers in Growing Your Grandpa, I believe Specimen 12 is something that grows depending on what happened in and around it. A tragedy canonically has taken place in it, and I think the vengeful souls that were lost during the massacre made it their duties to continue a cycle of violence and madness.
It has regretted the decision to move here. There are too little people and they always only come by themselves. There are not enough hosts to manipulate. To use so it can explain how they are planning to leave. Things are getting too slow and yes I am suggesting that the old man has the highest life expectancy a Specimen 12 host ever had. I think Specimen 12 used to be somewhere else, and bloodbaths were more often back then. A huge group of people would often come to investigate past atrocities or to challenge their friends, and crowds would come to be driven to paranoia and murder. After the entire area became restricted to anybody, there was no one. Specimen 12 moved to Spooky's after that, but kills are slow and scarce. It is currently stockpiling murdered souls for a trip around the world.
Flexible, but not very smart itself. Cannot quite find a balance to unnerve visitors while also compelling them to stay. It does chores. It does what it does to maintain its host and trap new victims. (UNNATURALLY GENERATED FOOD! eat it my bald middle-aged child) Not that smart about what to clean and what to keep. Sickle man's notes have been left for years and it did not ever think of cleaning them up. I think it is probably powerful enough to clean it up, but it doesn't. When you're trying to pretend to be a normal mansion so people would stay and get killed, you probably would think of cleaning that up. I think Specimen 12 a just a bit stupid, although that is partly due to it probably not having an actual mind of its own. kind of House of Leaves type shit, but nerfed (coconot make a horror-related post without mentioning house of leaves challenge)
Old Man's dislike of most other Specimens is put onto by Specimen 12, somewhat. Specimen 12 has a filter system of some kind, only letting in creatures that can either be killed by the host or become a new host. It does it by making other Specimens forget what they were visiting Specimen 12 for, if there are any possible reasons, however minute. It has to do this to protect its host, mainly. Also, some Specimens leave dirty prints and marks on the floor. There is not much it can do about what Old Man does outside the mansion, although Old Man is stuck connected with Specimen 12 until he dies. (Spooky can come, though. She does her monthly inspections and hangs up decorations sometimes. These decorations disappear about a week after they are put up, for some reason. )
Most Specimens don't want to find out what happens if they try to kill Specimen 12's host. They don't even know if it really gets angry, or just generates out consequences to further its own purposes. Nevertheless, interferring with Specimen 12 is an one-way ticket to a month of zero kills for themselves, as it will grow to lead visitors away from the offending Specimen.
The 12th key on the piano plays an unpleasant screeching sound.
So this took a few hours and I am not even close to being certain that most of this can fit the actual lore of spooky's. honestly, take it as it is. i wished i had more funny ideas, but "if Specimen 12 has no bathroom where does Old Man excrete" is not really appropriate. Not something I would want to write about. I have no more clue what to write.
Here's some silly comments in Specimen 12's Fandom Wiki page:
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that's it. feel free to leave a comment if you notice anything not matching up in this list of headcanons. i am going to sleep now. yes
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comradeboyhalo · 9 months
I would be interested in seeing the tierlist if you made it
i was going to make this a separate post but ill just answer this here. also im obviously going to be biased bc i see some eggs more than others and ofc i miss out on a good chunk of lore bc i only know english. so if im wrong, theres a reason for that!
my hot take is that roleplaying as a child > any other lore crafted. so that shapes the bulk of this list. AND NO SLANDER THEY ALL DO REALLY WELL, THIS LIST IS NITPICKY BC I OVERALL LOVE THEM ALL.
dapper: I SWEAR IM NOT (COMPLETELY) BIASED. a few months ago, dapper's admin would be quite lower, however he's really gone crazy with rp recently. his body language is really cute and feels very childlike, and i really enjoy how he saves emotional sucker-punches when you least expect it. his deathday signs hit that much harder because he rarely shares his feelings. the soul vulture lore was really well drawn-out with a great pay-off. and it all felt very in character and gave so much character development. if dapper openly shared his feelings all the time with bad, i dont think any of this would feel as powerful.
leo: leo feels so much like a character, and i mean that entirely positively. whenever i see her, i feel like i dont even think of QNPC05, i just think LEO. shes spoiled and bratty but in an adorable way, her body language just screams CHILD, and her use of different heads is so fun. also she was the first egg to use colored signs! she has a lot of worries and social anxiety, but i feel like whenever she communicates these to foolish, it never feels info-dumpy. its actually very impressive how much emotion she can put across just through body language.
richarlyson: i actually was wondering if richas should be lower and everyone raises their pitchforks. i know. hear me out. i really like how detailed richas' admin does his lore HOWEVER i sometimes feel like he doesn't act baby enough. idk. theres something about how leo and dapper emote, and even their worries and insecurities, that makes me see them as much younger. that being said, richas' dedication to family conflict is really well-done and something that more eggs should do. (and for everyone disagreeing with me, i know. i know why im wrong. but i just cant help the vibes i get im sorry?). i get a lot of cuteness agression when he shifts to check if people are following him tho 10/10
tallulah: tallulah and pomme are interchangeable bc they both do what i DONT prefer in rp, which is writing out your feelings. dont get me wrong, its great to know the eggs' thoughts, but those sort of angst dumps just dont hit as hard every stream. tallulah just edges out pomme bc she is a bit more irrational, and makes a lot of mistakes, which i think is a brave move in rp.
pomme: pomme has a really well-crafted character, but, again, i really prefer eggs who are harder to figure out vs eggs who lay all their feelings out. pomme is a bit too influential in bbh's lore decisions imo, sometimes i think she should let things play out a bit further before she tries to reign him back. i know shes just rping, but metawise, i think the admin should let him cook a little longer. i do really think she has a great "child soldier" vibe going on, which feels v much uniquely hers. i just think she could take more risks in rp, pomme is a very logical egg but she's still just a child. i dont want her to always choose the logical answer, i want to see how her young perceptions can force her to make a wrong decision.
ramon: ramon is sort of a weird case in that hes ABOVE tallulah/pomme cause he doesnt do what i dislike. however hes below them in general characterization. that being said, hes really underrated in his relationship with fit, and has some very gut-punching one liners. but hes also kind of like richas where i know LOGICALLY he does roleplay like a kid but i just. the vibes are not the same as dapper and leo. what can i do about that. hes just too competent i guess.
chayanne: chayanne is another egg thats hard for me to catch on stream, but i havent really felt any standout moments from 01 or 06 (however i think 01 plays best cucurucho). idk. i know chayanne's personality pretty well, i just need something...more. maybe i just tune in at the wrong times? i DO love his opinions on philever tho lmaoo. i think his best moment was when he kept trying to fight while quackity repeatedly told him he wasnt strong (reinforcing his greatest fear). and i think the fact that chayanne isnt placed in more dangerous situations really hinders his development (since hes understanding of why phil keeps him protected).
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Hello! I just had a question: Where do you draw the line with the asks? Because I want to send you stuff or ask stuff, but I also don't want you being uncomfortable viewing them? You having a good time is important to me because I get so much serotonin from your blog >w<
I wrote an entire response for this and then my tumblr crashed so here’s a take two.
Ok so my guidelines for asks:
You can ask stuff about prompts, posts, advice/ideas to help flesh out or progress your dpxdc fic? anything you want! Anything from your own prompts, to an idea for a prompt for me to write, to just questions about myself, but I have a few rules:
Please before you send me an ask think to yourself, “is what I’m about to send a hate crime, incredibly racist/sexist/homophobic/etc?” If any of that is a yes, then please don’t send it. I can and will delete it and ignore your question.
I have no big triggers myself. Other people do though so please put a TW at the top of your ask if it contains triggering topics.
Dont spam my inbox. If you have 10 cool ideas you want to talk about, write them and post them on your own blog! Curate your own blog! Make people read your cool ideas! Please don’t send them all to me. I get 20+ asks a day and spam is just exhausting to deal with. Please sent a max of 3 asks a day.
Please properly indent and paragraph your asks. ADHD is a bitch and my brain doesn’t focus on blocks of text. This is more to benefit y’all because I normally skip large walls of text to work on responding to properly spaced asks that I can easily digest.
If you have any constructive criticism or corrections on something you think I can improve for a prompt or something I stated about canon lore that was incorrect, feel free to correct me on it. I will reiterate though, constructive criticism. Fact checking isn’t inherently negative but it can easily be perceived as such. I only know so much about various fandoms and lore, take it easy that I don’t know everything and anything about a particular subject.
If you have complaints and want to talk shit, genuinely just DM it to me instead. I’d rather have a discussion about why you think of me or my blog negatively rather than just having the equivalent of a drive by of someone shouting “you suck!”. It causes equally the same reaction: I’m just confused and a little miffed that someone had the audacity to shout at me. If you wanna say something I’d rather I’d you just say it to my face. ^-^
Please don’t send in any asks about trans AU’s. I understand their appeal and enjoy reading them, I’m simply not Trans or have any feelings of body dysmorphia. To me it feels wrong to write about it because I can’t connect with the subject so I can’t write it accurately. If you send something in about a Transgender headcannon or AU, I won’t add any further commentary on it. I may post it but I won’t be elaborating on something that isn’t right for me to elaborate on.
Absolute no’s for pairings and ships:
Absolutely no adult/child anything. This sounds like common sense but I’ve seen enough people ship Bruce and his Robins together that it’s an issue. No twincest either, that’s a no go.
NSFW Ask Guidelines
Asks: if you have a cool idea you want me to bounce off of. I get a lot of asks that are better as submissions.
Submissions: if you simply have a cool prompt you want to show to a larger audience. No commentary given. Please only use the #prompt art tag if what you’re sending IS art.
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prpfs · 5 months
⚔👑Hello, hello!! I recently got an idea something that Id love to be able to flesh out into a full on plot as well as world building alongside that with anyone that'd be interested in doing so! I'm 20+ so please also be 20+ if you interact with this post!
So! What I had in mind is MxM and involves the dynamic of a bounty hunter x a thief or something similiar along those lines, with my character being the bounty hunter. I'd love to have a sort of slow burn enemies to lovers thing going on with these two but it is not a requirement as depending on what exactly we come up with and decide to do might not allow for it to work, but if possible I would heavily prefer enemies to lovers for them.
Now, onto the idea itself! It is pretty simple at the moment, but here it is! Your character manages to steal something powerful, magical, precious from a just as powerful king (I'd love to be able to go further into what it is your character stole as well as his motives alongside you though if you already have ideas in mind for either or both, do not hesitate to let me know, I am all ears!) who, as a result, puts up an incredibly high bounty on your character to get the item back. Either this king hires my character specifically to go after yours or my character is a part of a sort of underground 'town' of bounty hunters that happen to hear of the new bounty put up for your character, of seemingly a life times worth of gold/jewels/whatever for who ever gets ahold of him and brings him back to the king both for the item he stole as well as to punish your oc for stealing it, promptly causing every one to disperse, all of the bounty hunters racing against each otherto get ahold of your oc and claim the reward from the king. I have a slight preference for this world bring a sort of being fantasy-ish leaning as my guy dabbles in magic and potions in general as well as to use for combat and would love to discuss the rules of this potential fantasy world though I dont mind swapping that out for something else if youd prefer something more realistic leaning if youd prefer! On the topic of my oc, he does have some lore and backstory already that I will share with you in DMs when we get down to talking about characters, though we do not have to include it here as it might not flow well with what ever we decide for our plot.
I know this is a little bit bare bones right now but I am hoping to as i said work out all the finer details of it all and build the world these two reside in alongside you.
As I mentioned, I am thinking of a sort of enemies to lovers kind of thing mixed with a whole lot of angsts, miscommunications, and conflicting feelings given the fact that these two are on opposing sides and arent supposed to be catching feelings let alone be together. As I also mentioned, I am really wanting this to be slow burn! i want these two at each others throats at the start, maybe something happens between them that changes this or maybe it is just a slow transition into something else, I am absolutely down to discuss how we go about this and how we get these two there!
All of that being said, none of this is set in stone and I'd be happy to adjust any part of my idea or hear out any ideas you may want to add or change so absolutely dont feel shy, let me know! I want to create all of this together so we can make something the both of us will have fun with and enjoy. I feel theres plenty of different ways to go about all of this and i think it'd be interesting to explore them! Maybe our ocs have a bit of a 'history' together with a sort of cat and mouse kind of dynamic going on, my oc constantly trying to catch yours while yours is a mix of trying to take mine out and/or getting away but both always manage to slip tight past each others grasps yet their paths always seem to end up crossing again soonee or later, maybe over time they both end up developing a love for the thrill and the adrenaline that comes from the chase, both wondering when theyll see each other next, maybe even looking forward to the next time their paths cross again. Maybe the king isn't a good person and originally stole the item for his own personal gain, pretending the item was his and your oc is stealing it back to return it to its rightful owner, along the way getting my oc to realize the king isn't what he seems and eventually gets my oc to join his side. Maybe your oc is the one stealing the item for his own personal gain and your oc simply tries to corrupt mine and get him to join your oc that way. Maybe they somehow get stuck together and are forced into a situation where they have to work togrther to survive and along the way see that the other isn't so bad. Those are just a few ideas that come to mind for what we could do with our guys but im absolutely up for hearing any ideas you may have as well or even mixing ideas together too!! Id also absolutely love to add in the classic "i didnt know where else to go" trope somewhere into our plot, however this is also not a requirement by any means, i just think itd be fun to do if our plot allows for it!
Im not actively looking for NSFW but I have absolutely no problem with it as long as we discuss everything beforehand! Do keep in mind though that I prefer plot and world building over smut so if it is something we decide to include, Id prefer build up and slow burn. Just let me know what you're feeling and we can discuss everything in DMs.
I tend to be very literate, I can very easily fill up 2 or more discord messages in response due to the fact that I very much enjoy writing out atmosphere and what my characters thoughts/feelings are in any given moment and while I slightly do prefer that you be the same or atleast similiar, this is is not a requirement or a deal breaker if you aren't! I will always do my best to mirror you. All I really ask for is no one liners please! I lose interest very quickly with one liners.
For the most part I dont mind what you use to describe your characters, all I ask is that you be okay with descriptions as on my end that is what i will be using for my character (atleast for now, I plan on drawing him eventually when I've got the time) and that what ever you use isn't something ai generated as it makes me uncomfortable, sorry!
My response times are fairly laid back, more relaxed, especially if our replies are on the longer end of things. That being said, it should be pretty consistent and I will do my best to let you know of any times where I will be unavailable or busy!
If you've made it this far, thank you so so much for taking the time to reading my ad! This will be on discord! Like this post and I will reach out. Hope to hear from you soon!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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aclickbaittitle · 22 days
Live blogging of the Podcast Jam's Pilots (Part 2):
Again, I want to congratulate everyone that participated in the Podcast Jam. You created not just a story but a world using just sound waves in 72-ish hours, that's amazing!
8° Hello? Are you there?
I have so many questions about the world.
Race of people???
I really like Aiden's VA, they have a nice audiobook narrator voice. I also liked the reverb effect.
But what is with the freaking morality?
I know where Aiden is, he's in the US of A.
Wait, I wanted the tour :((
Hey Aiden, if you dont have a brother, dont crticize.
What did humanity did to you? Noooo.
Tbh, I was most intrigued by this project 'cause it had a similar premise to Eart(h) FM and wanted to see how it will diverged, and it left me a bit dissapointed. Part of that cause Eart(h) FM is a sorta tesis to the wrong idea that humanity is greedy and to all those other apocalyptic stories that further the myth.
Idk, I was expecting a couple of stories not about mythology but rather about Aiden and him connecting and making friendships that arent there anymore and mourning.
But hey, thats just me. Good job team!
9° Valvidian's Finest
Love the title sequence.
I like the heart of the ship sound, threatening but cozy.
I love Anna Maria.
What happened to poor Sam?
A small bear is a pretty accurate description of a cat.
Its name is Acorn!
Omg, they are saving the cat. Like Saving The Cat. Thats so funny.
Question: Is Sam human?
Tbh, I didnt understand the first half, or anything until the cat.
Oh no, that cat is expensive. Awww Slack, they have ethics.
Uuu, class comentary ���♡
Nop, Anna did pop the "P".
Also, I love how each of the characters have a distinct voice.
Wait, so they hide the cat in a suit?
Omg, such cool music.
Peace & Love.
Ok, the what do we deliver at the end was a jump scare.
10° Space Specks
This reminds me of Eart(h) FM but from another perspective/pos. But like more Morbid.
Nice exposition.
Too many characters, aaa, I cant distinguished from one another.
Amputeee rep!
Omg, the stikes were raised so fast. Who is this friend?
I'm curious about this format. Who is recording, and why?
Three more nights I said, but I am bad at math, jejeje.
Idk who this person is saying all this pet names. But I love them.
What's your deal? They are a polycule my friend.
Nora: 'cause I can, 10/10.
That being said they became defensive too quickly. Idk, I think the conversation was a bit forced but they said the word QPR!! And tbh that's all that matters.
Weed is weed, I need that in a shirt.
Honey, I need to make a list of all the pet names. Idk, I like when ppl say pet names platonically and not condescendenly.
Sawyer, thats their name!
Future tech! Future tech!
I also think leaving nora is a terrible idea. They were like 5 or 7 in the group, someone can stay with them.
Wait, Sawyer is cowboy coded. I thought they were a doc.
Dog! Dog! DOG! 2024 is the year for podcasts dogs! Finally! There had been to many cats.
Aww Coral. I would have done the same.
A dog named Dog, 10/10 naming skills.
Hey, dont insult the dog. He is just scared. Dogs are loyal but also, yk, angry.
Wait, noooo. Dont shoot the dog.
So Chip is the doctor. Nooo, dont shoot him. Ah, they are living him alive.
Aliens? Ah no, just a human surviver.
Okay, so I still dont know how many characters are and now we've added another one.
Jean, dont.
Ah, the friend was Jean. Stake was finally saved.
Uuu, Real World Lore.
Nice editing Quills and Finch!
11° Working Tidal
Nice music, love some rock.
Uuu, hostel setting!
Poor Fisher they are so stressed.
Wait, so this is a case of if they get wet they turn back into mermaid form?
Question: Why do they need to hide? Like, is there an anti mermaid sentimaid?
Gills and shark teeth! Thats so cool... and sexy.
This person is so calm, I wish they could hold me and tell me all will be fine.
Aww, human dad? Mixed kid metaphor!!!?
Oh no, Mick(?) Lost their powers. Was it cause of love?
Wait, Erick and Mick (?) are Divorced?? Hey, Erick, whyyyyy, be more carefull.
This just became 10 levels more tragic.
They nailed the divorced dynamic.
Poor mom, she is also overworked. Let her sleep.
I feel cheated though, I tought this was going to be a comedy but is a family drama.
Fin, you are a disaster/pos.
Wave transition, so smooth!
*Down bad for your weed dealer*, hehehe.
Wait Riley is 16, aww.
Also Fin & Fisher really nailed the sibling dynamic of those two who are very closed in age.
Weed makes you wise.
"Actually I think is a dead body?" Said high and totally chill, is actually very funny.
Lore? Lore? No lore :(
"Hey kids you are home in time for dinner. Whats with the unconcious person there?"
Bluey is canon in this universe.
Annete not Mick. Sorry.
Erick, why did you said that about your NEPHEW??
Okay, so magic and mermaids are known in this universe. Then why do they have to hide?
*She can stay?* Dont you live in a hostel.
Wait, Fisher named themself? Thats hillarious but better than if it would have been their parents.
What do you know Anette? Oh no, poor Marine or Marnie.
I am intrigued.
Wait, we are going to get two seasons!!!! Excited!!
12° Finder's Keeper
This creepy music is amazing.
This music is lulling me to sleep/pos.
No, dont insult coffee in my presence.
Okay, so exposition but exposition is incorrect but not actually.
Damn, this organization is abusive (?)
I really like the Keeper. They are like those detectives in Noir movies, and sound like they only survive from drinking and smoking/pos.
I thought she said, the "Poop" thing for a second (sorry).
Aww, the Keeper wants to protect them.
I really like the poof vfx.
I like the Here place. Nice sound.
The watchers, how did they get that much power?
How do ppl become finders & watchers?
I like this Elevator music. Finder agrees with me.
This is such a funny conversation. Love this transition scene.
Yeah, yeah. Nope, nope. Poor Keeper.
The music is so Coool. Like it is not basic creepy, if it makes sense? It has some pizzas and like little foleys that just add to it.
I could fell asleep to it/pos.
Something invaluable? Love, Peace, Happiness. Wait, adquired. Thats such a word.
Nah, keep with the semantics.
Oh, Time. That makes sense.
This man is so creepy in a fun way, props to the VA.
Wait, so not all of the clients are like this? I thought this was like a normal tuesday.
Piano? Piano!?
So he is a shapeshifter. Why does that make him so evil tho?
Oh, so they are like Kidnappers or Eaters. I think they eat them.
Oh no, dont say Main Characters Syndrome. I can stand Hero's Journey but I draw the line at mc syndrome.
Hey, 70 is not old. No one under 80 can call themselves Old.
The percursions of this. So cool, like the clock but also the snare and kick box. Idk is so cool.
Wait, who did the Finder shoot?
Exactly, those are my questions.
13° Eart(h) FM
Too long. Wont listen to it.
14°Hamuel Burger and the American Dream
So tumblr deleted all my thoughts. But I just wanted to say this was so fun.
Asbestos reminds me of any gringo coming to a 3rd world country, especially the part of: "I thought earth will be more friendly / You tried to kill me".
Love how every alien influencer out there is trying to kill the us president. Will be me.
Really liked how they worked around having more characters without the need of more VAs and all of that through comedy.
I want to subscribe to Hams youtube channel.
The Farm boy just kicking the spaceship was 10/10.
And the meta-level credits is such a cool thing.
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seas1mping · 7 months
MORE LORE this time it doesn't involve Reena (that much) and is just LJ and his carnival it's hc and a story but the story is gonna be angsty so I'll put it under a read more so you can skip it if you want :)
Update I lied the hcs got away from me the post is just a read more I'm sorry 😭😭
update 2 i cut the story cause i couldnt think of anything
Okay so basically when LJ first was created, he was more of a dream figure for Isaac right
LJ could bring him to a carnival, but the carnival did not exist outside of Isaac's dreams, so it was a reflection of him.
Well, when Isaac abandoned LJ, LJ needed a purpose because otherwise he felt as though he was nothing
That is where LJ met Creation, a God-like being that could make almost anything
(Exceptions being humans, animals, etc)
Creation takes the souls of sentient beings and puts them back into other forms, for example, taking a lost soul and placing it into a vessel like a tea pot, with the right kind of magic.
The only problem is that Creation is not infinite; it needs a bodily host made from the two lineages that formed a pact to sacrifice someone once every so often. Without that host/sacrifice, Creation will eventually use all of its magic, and die out.
So Creation figures it can use LJ to harvest souls to stay alive long enough to have another host, plus, a little company isn't so bad every once in a while
Upon meeting Creation and becoming bound to it as a proxy of sorts, Creation grants LJ access to a pocket in the fabric of reality, where he has an actual carnival, which Creation uses and continues to use as a reservoir for souls just in case
(It has to use it because kid souls aren't exactly very large because THEYRE KIDS)
Issue #2 is eventually a woman comes along and it's at this point that Slender isn't the nicest person, so he basically locks her in the basement and uses her to try to further his rule.
So anyway she's from an alternate dimension where she's married to Slender but he has 99 problems and a bitch ain't one
So LJ is like "wow, I have emotions and I feel bad for her" so they become friends :) and a little more :)
And then he's like "she talks about her kids a lot, I should give her some so she doesn't have to miss them too much because they're right here!!!"
spoiler alert: that motherfucker is infertile.
And Creation is like "[WHY][DONT][YOU][MAKE][VESSELS][FOR][YOUR][SOULS][?]"
Yeah it talks weird keep scrolling
And LJ is flabbergasted and is like "oh em gee you're right I have all of these souls and I need somewhere to put some of them too!"
Insert comically large corn maze
LJ, being the sick bastard (/aff) he is, creates a game for the souls.
Start at the edges of the maze, no cutting through walls, get to the middle and jump down the well, without getting caught by LJ. With a 5 minute headstart, of course.
Well our notable figures here are LJ, and a girl named Eloise.
Eloise was LJs first victim after Isaac, an older girl, about 10, who was the oldest in an orphanage she was in.
And you know how they treated women/girls in the 1800s
Eloise made her way around the maze, she'd gather kids, and lead them towards the center, but when LJ would pop out, she'd disappear, off to help another less doomed child or group.
Eventually, two were left, a boy and a girl, Mary and Tansel. And Eloise had brought them to the center.
LJ rounds the corner, jumping out at them, but Eloise is quick to dump the two into the well and run away.
With the soul he needed, and the extra one that was like a little bonus, he set to work making a line of patchwork
The patchwork turned into silhouettes and the silhouettes turned into fully formed dolls, monochrome just as him.
Infusing the souls with the dolls was easy enough, she loved them so much, but was slightly surprised when they turned into children, but loved them nonetheless.
Until she was removed from the house, moved in with another mf, had a real baby AND GOT EXECUTED
The dolls were promptly ushered back into the carnival and work as performers!!
if this doesnt make sense im sorry :(
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chiyoso · 10 months
hira hira hira !!! hello !!! i wanted to greet once again a happy birthday (if it's still september first) and i hope you had fun when you were outside! i hope you spent your day happily and filled with gifts and love by the people who adore you <3
*rubs hands and clears throat* i now shall state my purpose of being back here again. please be warned about my idea, i think it's kind of triggering
i just wanna see a brainrot of mine be known by other people, and by that i mean [name] being pathetically in love with scaramouche that she lets herself be trampled over, be ridiculed, be the second choice, be out casted, be hated, be used as a mere plaything, be willingly manipulated, be the one always taking the blame until they just break down in tears, wondering what they did wrong that scaramouche wouldn't even look their way (inspired by what i feel what the song is about — i know you by faye webster)
yes, hira, i am perfectly fine, no need to worry about me :3 yes, hira, i don't mind with this mail not being posted !!! and yes, hira, i won't mind that you'll delete this if this made you uncomfy !! i hope you have a nice day, and always stay safe and happy !!!! mwa :3
JIJI — lovely, what a warm welcome (i just got home a few mins ago)
honestly, you've come to the right place, i love reading and writing dark content — and it may be hard to believe, but the things you mentioned in your idea? my little 15-17 years old self experienced it, not to mentio- i'll give you a small little rant about my ex in the past, perhaps to give you ideas in the process as well! (and yes, you can absolutely discuss things like this with me, i told you lovely, i'm absolutely open minded with anything and i tend to have a level headed/calm and open response, even with a taboo subject) without further ado
here, my naive 15 year old idled about in life with suicidal and depressed tendencies. dull, overworked and exhausted, in result of having to perform in plenty of stages that involved my skills as a musician. don't get me wrong, performing itself was great, taking the center stage with my other young performers, receiving gifts after — all was good in that aspect. but the negative began to seed, based off my desires to love or be enticed with the ideas of love, being cared for, being cherished. a busy life became dull, and the bullying i received from my classmates, teachers standing by — my world had dulled, causing me to drop out ultimately. i wanted to be cared for, a voice kept repeating inside my head. familial love in my eyes heavily differed to the love i craved subconsciously.
unfortunately for me, i was too observant, too keen, too aware. aware of my negative surroundings, growing negativity, my growing desire for love, but the world had continued to fail me continuously at the time, until i had enough, until i grew exhausted to the point where i wanted to — well, dying isnt really the best word, but i just wanted to live another life, i wanted to rest, i wanted to sleep endlessly.
and then.
three days. three days before i took action to cease my life, a game piqued my interest (knights chronicle) i was honestly in total auto mode, decisions weren't 100%, you could say i was mindlessly making decisions, my subconscious protecting me in its own way by distracting me with this "game" i impulsively downloaded.
skipping, i met him.
my ex. i had a persona on of course, to hide my abyss. i was a flirt, i was confident, i was who i write today on my fictions. this sudden persona? i have analyzed myself back then, and i've come to a conclusion that it was a persona manifested by desperation, absolute desperation to — yup, that's right, my rooted, inner desires, to love.
oh, i endeared ppl in that public chat — but i dont genuinely know what the fuck compelled me to my ex, but it was a force even i was unaware of why i felt a pull towards him, i still cant answer that myself. i flirted nonstop towards him specifically, relentless i was, desperate i was, but then it happened, i jokingly plugged in my instagram handle in chat — but he, he fucking remembered it, MESSAGED me, causing to stir hidden, brewing emotions, unaware that this simple, yet impactful act, would be my demise until feb-march of 2023.
oh it was lovely at first, i fell "in love" immediately. (nnh im cringing) and i let him know it, but it was one sided at first. i was heartstruck, lovestruck — no, lovesick. and this feeling dissipated any intention of suiciding. he was my savior, he was a savior in my eyes. shit, i was hopelessly... hopeless. shunning my family out, everyone, even my friends, fuck, and it was still one sided after a few months of friendship with him.
but since he voiced out ever so clearly, that he wasn't ready yet
my feelings wavered of course, and this carnal desire to be loved was immense, so, naturally, the husk of me sought out other attention, and i met someone online (imvu), he was sweet, a connection established, things were good — or... so i thought as i was blocked the next day. i was so desperate, so fucking naive and desperate that i went through his friends list and messaged a random friend. oh i was hopeless, so damn hopeless. but the guy unblocked me momentarily, i sought out closure, he reassured, and then just when i thought things were good again, he blocked me, once more. and our last messages together were "goodnight" to each other.
but this encounter with him?
i voiced this whole thing to my ex, and
at that day, at the same time, he confessed his feelings.
quite the coincidence, is it not?
so in my desperate state of self, i grew to love him as intensely, more than before. and things were good, at least for a few months.
relationships, of course, we had to show our "comfortable sides" eventually, no? and that we did. we were... different, too different, the opposite, fuck i cannot- i do not know where to begin. views, political views, the world, our interests, all was different, he was more difficult than i thought, more different, opening a world of new negativity within me, but guess what, i was still hopelessly and naively in love.
all would come crashing down, one topic led to another, then another, until it became an argument, and he would later reveal that he merely saw this relationship — as a companionship. a companionship. not even a relationship. oh! oh! he stated that he viewed me as a puppy, a dog, and he was a master, CARING for the dog. a "conpanionship." by the way, in later, much later events, we would have multiple arguments about me expressing about the past, and if i bring this shit up, he would go
"not again, grace. i thought we were already done with the past, the past is done and i've already apologized"
"not again..."
"can you.... not bring the word (companionship) up? it traumatizes me grace..."
something along those lines. anyhow.
oh, ill indulge you, the moment he tried to leave me the first time — i begged, begged endlessly, crying, choking sobs, worrying my family. he stayed... because... i don't know? did he want us to work? did he pity me? did he love me? did he- yeah i dont know and ive long forgotten.
much, much later, we would have the worse arguments ever, until the rainbows, the sunshines and the good times were buried with our impactful arguments. i will admit, if we werent arguing, all was... fine. not dull. fine.
but shit, our arguments, i would be like this;
H: "PLEASE please... please... please don't leave me, dont leave me dont leave me dont leave me... please... i just- i just need reassurance... reassurance, its all i need, please...."
two ways, he complies because i need to fucking guide him since he cant come up or initiate his own, or he fucking goes away and gets burnt out and needs to leave the "argument"
i was BEGGING for the bare minimum. just- just if you've seen nat's recent scaramouche fic, our relationship was like that, but much more heavier, much more... i dont know.
we broke up many times, and got back together many times. it was a cycle, a cycle of hell that i endured for 5 years. not to mention, HE was the one who brought up not having feelinge for him anymore, HE was the one who said he will change, he will end this cycle.
(i also could send ss in your asks if you wish, i dont really mind)
"grace, you're a hypocrite for wanting revenge!"
"this is so toxic..." (him referring to my expressing and begging for the bare minimum)
"please dont tell me im doing the bare minimum" - him, again
i believe im being biased, but nothing can quell the hidden hatred and anger i've developed from being with him lmao
oh when i initiated the breakup talk (again) this year, he beat me first to it, to utter the words. and you wanna know what he said blatantly?
"yeah i... im just scared of it coming from you"
and yes, i do not deny the hardwork, the good times, but it is all buried underneath the fucking trauma he induced lmao, the shitty arguments, the emotional trauma, he was so emotionally unintelligent.
and guess. fucking. what.
he started to do the shit ive begged for AFTER i was finally done with him, which was just a few months ago of our officially, official breakup. playing valorant after expressing not wanting to play it, calling it a trash game, playing genshin now but before he found it so utterly boring, and SO FUCKING ON.
ahem. this is just 12% of the contents in my relationship previously, im just shortcutting things because this reply is getting longer than i thought...
genuinely sorry for the vent lore 😭 but i hope this experience of mine helps you in your writing and especially dolly 🫶
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strykingback · 11 months
Fuck it! Lets Make a RWBY Character!
Underneath a Readmore due to length.
Alright I just have this sneaking suspicion that some RWBY stans might be telling me that if I hate RWBY try making a RWBY series myself... which does make a lot of sense... except theres one teensy problem.
Now for example, most the characters in RWBY are either based around actual fairytales such as Ruby being Red Riding Hood, Adam being the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, and Cinder being Cinderella.
Historical or Mythological like Pyrrha, Salem, and Djinn.
Or just simply using a RANDOM color and then finding something that would fit their last name.
Now.. for me I prefer creating characters from Mythology or History. So today I want to create a character from the annals of history itself. Now comes maybe the medium to difficult part.
In what point in time are they from in RWBY
The Ancient past of Remnant? The Present Time? Or the Future?
Now this part can be easy if you just simply choose the Present but if you're choosing the Past then expect some difficulty as the levels there are basically with error. Such as: How would they be able to get to the present? We're they made immortal by the God of Light and Darkness at one point.
Now there are some workarounds to this (Once again RT does not want to expand their lore sometimes.)
Usually the good ol': They were made Immortal Sealed Away by some mages to rest or Cryogenically Frozen and even Sent Forward Through Time.
If you are aiming for the future you might as well be careful as this can be a bit tricky and usually the big question is this
Are they a child from the main cast? If so what is their relation to them? So enough of me rambling about that. So I want to create a character during the Present Time! Now how do I go about this and its usually the namimg part that is the hardest. So now its time to start researching!.
For example, I want a character that manages to perform some amazing tricks of magic.(Even though they are in no means a Mage!)
Simply do one thing look up: Great Magicians Throughout History, etc.
Now I usually want to tell people this one thing to be VERY careful especially looking up famous individuals, because while the name could fit with the character you are looking for, you need to think about how that person was throughout history. Such as Coco Chanel....which CRWBY failed to do their RESEARCH ON the dumbasses.
Plus it does NOT hurt to look through their history and come to a conclusion if it would fit your character well enough. So I have decided that our magicians character will be called.
Harlequin Houdini.
Since Harlequin is a brighter variant of a Green Tint and the Houdini part comes from the famed magician Harry Houdini.
Now comes the bio. Now this part can be a Very most tricky part since you wnat to be original, but sometimes originality can be born from tropes as well. Now dont get TOO tropey with it cause one or two tropes don't hurt at all.
So lets say Harlequin Houdini was born in the lands of Vale as part of a circus family that travels around the four great kingdoms of Remnant. However, little did he know that he had a great affinity for the magical being able to use his semblance "Showman" which he can put on a pompous act for his foes to focus on him as a means of distraction while his hat can act as a hammerspace for allied weapons to stick through to claim a shot
Yet, his Circus was beginning to run out of money and to save his beloved circus family, he would travel to Signal to study and then joining the ranks of Beacon Academy and passing the entrance exam with flying colors. thus he would gain his Hunters License and wuickly rose through the ranks of the Hunters gaining the title of: "The Greatest Showman on Remnant."
As for his semblance I think I explained how it works in the bio. But to further detail it. Show man allows our magical master to open hammerspace portals from our heroe to put their weapon through in order to get a quick shot, or throughout the fight Harlequin would use his semblance for his opponents to knock themselves out.
Lastly weapons.....
Simple he's a magician.
Top Hat and Wand. Thats it.
Well thats that for this.. and well I'm getting tired as of writing this its 3:42 and I gotta hit the hay. See you around.
Bonus Note- Will do revisions on this!
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awsugar · 1 year
Mx. awsugar im sending this to ur inbox cuz you’ve got the biggest mcr platform I know lol I NEED to know if this is just a me thing or if it’s a Thing that happens to other people because it keeps happening to me: Every time I meet a my chem fan irl and compliment their mcr shirt/patch/etc, they will give me THE Dirtiest Look and either turn away from me or give kind of a disgusted/confused “thanks?” then walk away ??? Like idk if we’re just jaded as a fandom or what but I promise you, my chem fan to my chem fan, if I compliment your mcr merch I truly mean it and want to be your friend, I’m so sorry to everyone I’ve tried to compliment if I somehow offended you 😭😭 like I don’t even compliment peoples mcr stuff anymore because I’m afraid they’ll be mean to me ): !
ok so that is weird...idk i would personally never act that way if someone commented on my merch. i mean one time when iwas at the mall waiting for my bubble tea someone complimented my pencey shirt which i was like....thanks? mostly because i was just shocked that someone who was not outwardly presenting emo was deep enough in mcr lore to recognize a pencey prep shirt. iwas just mostly perplexed. but also like when i worked at hot topic i would comment on EVERYONE checking out with mcr merch or just simply wearing it and i would use it as an excuse to tell them i was going to the shrine cause its like all i thought about for the two months leading up to it. and i feel like a LOT of people would just be like oh cool....or a handful of times not even know that they got back together. WHILE wearing mcr merch. so idk. its a toss up. i very rarely interact with anyone i dont know who is in mcr merch so its not fresh in my mind. but i think if you came up to me and said the sxame that i would be really friendly about it!! and definitely engage in conversatino about it if you prompted me further. so maybe some other people can weigh in but yea idk that does seem weird that that happens to you every time...
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ask-idv-designer · 2 years
Just an advice on promoting your fandom related blog. Dont just start your art post with hate art, thats just all-around rotten vibe. It makes even ppl who dislike that character avoid you
In general i suggest separating memes from finished work or putting them under the cut, usually those clash with people wanting to reblog your post
But ye good luck on stuff 💐
I am going under the assumption that this anon either never interacted with Identity V as a whole or don’t understand Philippe’s lore.
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I totally get what ya mean, at the same time the hate art in question was an artwork from my Twitter account I made in response to finding out Philippe is getting yet another skin in-game. That was the context which I forgot to include, which is my bad.
Just a bit ironic looking at this message because a good chunk of the fandom hates Wax Artist, including me.
Within his lore it’s been shown he makes “art” and studies a very outdated and highly racist form of forensic science where you would tell if someone is a criminal by their facial features. This type of study was obviously abused which lead to wrongful imprisonment or death of many POC individuals.
Philippe actively contributes to such a study with his wax “art” and used his own sister’s image without her consent to help further these harmful views.
They threw away a completely good design and potentially good character in favor of telling a tale of a man desperate to push his racist ideaology for the sake of “putting the real criminals in jail” aka those in the BIPOC/POC communities receiving unwarranted punishment.
I have reason to hate him! I am Puerto Rican. I deal with racism almost daily, and I most definitely don’t want to deal with it in my favorite game or media. Mind you, people use the excuse that Identity V is a horror game and that he fits the time period it takes place, the Victorian Era. With this I raise the issue of how horror media should be enjoyed by all, no matter your skin color, and knowing this man exists in the game is disheartening. That is why most of the playerbase avoids playing him. No one wants to play or interact with a character that contributes to racism as a whole. There are obviously people who still excuse his actions entirely or purposely ignore his actual lore and implications. There are those who acknowledge his extreme flaws and play him regardless due to him being “meta”.
Despite where people stand, I hate him with a burning passion and that art in my previous post was not the first instance where I showed my absolute disgust of his character. I have every right to be upset at seeing a Philippe in a match as a survivor or in Duo Hunter matches, and I most definitely have a right to express it through art.
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Just cause I have an ask blog of a hunter oc who happens to be white, doesn’t mean I am nor do I support the actions Netease has taken to develop Philippe as a character. They could have completely rewritten him, scraped him within the design meetings, or ultimately deleted him the moment many POC players actually confronted them of their continued incorporation of racism into a, let’s face it, attempt to make a historical based horror game that pretty much has its lore held up by tape and string with so many plot holes, continuity errors, and slowed updates to the story.
So, I am sorry if it seemed that the art of me just wanting to burn Philippe to the ground sends a “rotten vibe” to you, but I’m going to put this next sentence plain and simple.
I don’t care for racist characters nor do I want anyone who enjoys Philippe as a character to even touch my blog with a ten foot pole.
People before me has made posts about hating a character before, so why question me about it? As for how to run my own blog, it is my decision alone how to format things and I simply don’t care if people avoid me.
Putting this in the nicest way possible, It’s their problem not mine.
I owe people nothing nor do they owe me anything, because in the end of the day this ask blog was made for fun and not having to deal with to explaining the obvious.
So please, if you don’t like it then please scroll and ignore me.
This is the only time I will to explain myself and I will be turning off anon for now because generally posts like these are ripe for more anons who would bring in negativity and anger. So I hope this clears it all up. I understand there is good intentions behind this post, but in the end this is my blog.
- Mod Neon
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ticklishfiend · 2 years
if you’re still accepting ofmd headcanons:
- frenchie fully believes in the tickle monster - it lives under beds and can “sense vulnerability” so when he gets jim and olu’s old room he makes sure to never lay down with his arms over his head for too long or let his feet hang off the bed so as not to “trigger an attack”. the tickle monster can also “possesses people by psychically entering their minds and forcing them into them doing its dirty work to feed its appetite for laughs”. in reality he’s just a very shy switch trying to justify his moods lol
- lucius will absolutely drag the feather end of his quill against peoples neck + ears when he’s feeling cheeky. the first time he did it to izzy, izzy nearly jumped out of his skin and the quill was immediately broken and thrown overboard.
- lee!jim. GOD lee!jim!! going off of what you said they absolutely love it when olu is playful with them and olu completely sees through their shit when they try to pretend that they don’t. love love love the idea of jim growling in between giggles to seem mad but really they’re just trying to mask their squeals because they’re embarrassed that someone will hear them + “fighting back” with punches that are not even half the strength they’d usually be + gripping olu’s sleeves so hard their knuckles turn white but never actually trying to push them away.
- jim gets flustered SO. EASILY. when it comes to tickles. not in the ‘get shy and hide your face’ kind of way but in a violent squirming + kicking + spewing threats kind of way (while also probably looking away to hide their face) lots of “shutupshutupshutup” and “i’ll fucking kill you” etc etc. it doesn’t help that olu is so teasy as a ler and it makes jim want to kiss punch him every time. (thinking of the “coming nana!” scene lmfao)
- the first time olu asks if they like it jim is so caught off guard that they can’t even make up an excuse - it’s just “WHA- SHUT UP. N-NO???? shut up! I DONT. ugh, just shut up! that’s such a stupid question...don’t look at me like that. pinche- HEY! WAHAIT-” as they’re stammering olu is just wordlessly raising his eyebrows at them like “oh, really? you sure?” until he just rolls his eyes and attacks them - afterwards he’s quick to reassure them that it’s okay to like it and swears that it’ll just stay between the two of them.
i’ll stop before this turns into an essay. jim took over this ask rlly quickly lmao but i just love the concept so much. have a good one!
first of all, not even a question of COURSE french he believes in the tickle monster. if he sees anyone tickling anyone on the ship, he delves into his own tickle monster lore to everyone around, and it usually flusters the fuck out of the lee since now their ler is definitely playing along and pretending to be the tickle monster. plus, if someone feels like tickling frenchie (cause like who wouldnt look at him), they pretend like they’re being actively possessed and taken over because if he thinks they’re the tickle monster, he won’t seek revenge bc “oh no, i know u couldn’t help it. and i’m not trying to anger that thing further, are u kidding me??”
THATS SO LUCIUS LMAOO and after that little event with izzy and he gets a new quill, izzy becomes his new favorite target since he reacted soo strongly. it pisses stede off since they have to keep getting lucius new quills but lucius gives no fucks as long as he can get even the smallest, measly little giggle out of that angry little man
lee jim is such a growler shut up, they are so embarrassed of their giggles and try so hard to keep cool and cover it up but olu just has that way about him that jim can never hold it in long. olu loves to tease them abt it too, all “oh you’re soooo scary right now, just like a lion. or more like a lion cub i guess, since ur not really fighting back all that much, hm?” and yes jim is so easily flustered by any and all teases olu throws their way, sometimes they have to hide their face in the pillows just to conserve a little dignity from their bright red face and high pitched giggles.
and jim doesn’t even realize they do like it until olu brings it up, they were always so focused on the feeling and their fluster that once olu brings attention to the fact that they’ve never fought him off once, they don’t even know how to respond. just stuttering and silently hoping olu will end their suffering but just fucking tickling them already jfc
again i am so fucking sorry for having this in my inbox for so damn long, idek if you’ll see that i posted it anon but i hope u know how much i appreciate these beautiful fucking headcanons. like these are so good idk if ur a writer on here but u definitely should be if not
again tysm, this was amazing!!! <3
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keroppidreams · 2 months
interrupting your daily dose of government assigning blorbos with tamagotchis to dump 🧋🍓lore featuring kin.tama arc. some thoughts under cut!
Okay as sweet and ditzy Klara can be, she's in denial about how she feels about gin. 90% is due to her inexperience/unfamiliarity with romance. plus as my SI she has to embody the struggle i experienced while watching the show ("I dont like gin. hes an ass" -> 20 episodes later -> "I-I'M NOT FALLING FOR HIM OR ANYTHING...HES JUST OK..." -> 40 eps later -> lovey-dovey mode activated everything he appears). The other 10% is cause it's gin. hes a fucking menace to society. you know she'd get concerned looks if she admitted to someone that she LIKES-LIKES him. plus she probably lowkey worries that he'd make fun of her or something if she admitted it.
so imagine gin's surprise when he sees klara's interactions with kintoki and she's incredibly sweet to him (maybe too sweet). theres no bickering, no flustered outbursts, no awkwardness. they're getting along perfectly. there's fucking shoujo moments and everything. in other words, it's gin's relationship with klara but without the imperfections and quirks.
live gin reaction:
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side note: he definitely turns petty af and does some over-the-top things every time kntk and klara have a shoujo:tm: esque moment.
"WHOOPS! MY FOOT SLIPPED!" *roundhouse kicks kntk in the face*
jokes aside, he definitely has mixed feelings about it. at some point he probably has a brief epiphany and realizes "fuck. is this jealousy?"
of course, he forces himself not to dwell on it for long due to the current situation and it's gin. hes going to try to not acknowledge for various reasons (particularly his shit self esteem and perception of self)
(she deserves better. what does he even have to offer? he's broke. lazy. haunted by the ghosts of his past--)
"...hm? Did you say something, Tama? Sorry I was thinking about the latest issue of JUMP."
As for Klara? She's definitely kind, but distant whenever she interacts with gin (at least until he starts trying to fight kin then she gets pissed). tho sometimes she gets random bouts of nostalgia whenever gin opens his mouth and brings up specific memories/events. then she starts feeling like she's missing something important...
So when she does snap out of the hypnotism and realizes what she has done (turn against gin and tried driving him out of town with the rest of the cast), she's definitely feeling guilty. a part of her feels awful and doesn't want to face him, but forces herself to do it anyways
even if shes crying and blubbering through her apologies even though gin isn't angry at her or anything.
of course that doesn't stop him from messing with her a bit once he helps calming her down by being like "y'know...you could make it up to me by buying me a par--"
klara, nyooming out of the place and returning in 5 seconds: H-hERE! ONE CHOCO PARFAIT!
dude definitely takes advantage of it the first couple of times, though soon knocks it off once he realizes that she genuinely feels guilty about the whole thing and is desperately trying to make it up to him
though after a couple days, things start to go back to normal and their routine of playful bickering and chaos starts to return. might not be perfect, but neither of them mind. it's the way it should be, and they wouldn't ever change it.
okay except the fact that theyre pining for the other and literally everyone and their dog can see it but thats an issue for another arc--
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