#cause she keeps following the broom and the mop and trying to jump in the dirty water
jonny-b-meowborn · 9 months
"what the fuck, father is doing something that makes the ground wet???? I hate when the ground is wet. I should walk all over the wet and investigate"
- my cat, whenever I wash the floors (paraphrased)
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natedogx15 · 1 year
Miraculous Descendent Chapter 40: Double Trouble
Previous Chapter
Marinette and Nate look at the charging entourage in shock before running up the stairs to get away.
"I thought you said the Akuma was that guy that got kicked out of the hotel?" Marinette questions him.
"It is! I have no idea why Chloe is Fashionista again." He tells her as the entourage chase after them.
The two run up the stairs toward the top floors with the entourage hot on their tails. However, while climbing the stairs to another floor, Nate sees Ivan and Alix pushing a luggage cart. Grinning, Nate rushes toward them and takes the cart.
"Hey!" Ivan and Alix shout in surprise and anger.
"Sorry, I have to borrow this!" Nate shouts as he pushes the cart toward the stairwell as some entourage climbs them.
"Sorry in advance!" Nate shouts as he shoves the cart toward them, and it crashes into them.
As the cart falls down the stairs and takes out some entourage members, the two other teens run toward Nate and glare at him.
"What was that for?" Alix shouts at him.
"There are two Akuma in the hotel right now! We need to hide!" Nate shouts at them.
That news causes the two other teens' eyes to widen in panic.
"Two?" Ivan questions fearfully.
"Yeah> Where's Sabrina? Isn't she a part of your group?" Nate asks as he looks around for Sabrina.
"She had to use the bathroom." Alix shrugs.
"That's not a bad place to hide. Let's take cover over there before the entourage finds us." Nate tells them before leading the way toward the bathroom.
"What about Marinette? She ran off without you." Alix tells him while pointing upstairs.
"She'll be fine. She's tough." Nate waves Alix's concerns off to avoid her finding out Marinette is Ladybug.
Alix glares at him before accepting his answer and following him to the bathroom as the entourage begins recovering.
While this is happening, Cat Noir is getting annoyed. Despite being trapped, Pixelator isn't making his object a walk in the park. He's constantly shouting and struggling against Cat Noir's attempts.
"Can you please stop? We don't need to keep doing this if you just let me find the object. Where is Ladybug?" Cat Noir questions before pulling out his staff and opening the phone function.
"Hey, Ladybug. I'm at Le Grand Paris with an Akuma pinned. Do you think you could come over here?" Cat Noir says, leaving a message for Ladybug to pick up.
As he waits for a reply, he reaches for Pixelator's camera eye, much to his horror, as he struggles more to get free.
"Stop it! Let go of me already!" Pixelator shouts desperately.
"No. Now let me see your eye." Cat Noir says as he tries to grab the eye.
However, Cat Noir freezes what he's doing when a butterfly outline appears, and Pixelator gains a relieved smirk a second later. Soon his enhanced hearing picks up on the sound of what seems like a mob of people running down the stairwell toward the lobby. He looks toward the stairs to see who's coming, only to gain a shocked look when he sees people dressed like the entourage he dealt with before entering the lobby. This surprise only increases when he sees Fashionista saunter down with an arrogant smirk.
"Well, well, if it isn't the cat. I'd appreciate it if you could stop being ridiculous and let my photographer go." Fashionista tells him as she motions for her entourage to attack.
Several members charge forward while shouting.
"Release our Fashionista's photographer!"
Cat Noir quickly jumps away from Pixelator and climbs up a pillar to get out of their reach before jumping onto the chandelier.
"How are you back?" Cat Noir shouts toward Fashionista as her entourage grabs brooms, mops, and other supplies to try and pull Pixelator out of the black hole.
Fashionista only laughs in his face and says.
"Did you honestly think you and Ladybug were the only ones with multiple powers? Hawkmoth also has a few tricks up his sleeve. One of which lets him create a second Akuma." Fashionista laughs at him.
Cat Noir's eyes widen in horror, and he immediately pulls out his staff to try and call Ladybug again.
"Ladybug! We have a problem. Fashionista is back and is trying to free the new Akuma!" Cat Noir shouts into the call as a dozen entourage members pull Pixelator out of the black hole. However, it took great effort to do so, and a couple of entourage members got their legs stuck inside while trying, causing other members to try and help them.
"Thank you. Now it's time for me to get my picture of Jagged Stone." Pixelator excitedly says as he heads toward the elevator.
He presses the elevator button, but when it opens, it reveals Penny, Jagged, and Fang are in the elevator. When they see Pixelator and Fashionista with her army, they look shocked. Pixelator, on the other hand, looks ecstatic to see him.
"Jagged Stone!" Pixelator says giddily.
As this happens, Marinette enters her room and heads toward her closet. She opens a cabinet and takes out a box before opening it to see the puzzle box is still safe inside. When she sees it's still there, she lets out a sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness. It doesn't look like anyone found this." Marinette says as Tikki pops out.
"That's good. It seems Hawkmoth isn't attacking you because he knows the box is here then." Tikki tells her with a smile.
Marinette looks toward Tikki with a worried expression.
"Tikki? How is it that Hawkmoth created two Akumas? I thought he could only make one." Marinette asks her Kwami.
"That's true if Hawkmoth only had one power. He's probably only been limiting himself to using a single ability until now." Tikki informs her.
Marinette looks shocked at Tikki's announcement before looking down in deep thought.
"Cat Noir's new power must have scared him enough that he's willing to use more powers. He's older than us too. Who knows how many powers he may have access to." Marinette thinks as she begins to panic.
However, Marinette quickly takes a deep breath and calms down before placing the puzzle box back in its hiding place. She then looks toward Tikki with a determined expression.
"I need to think about this later. Right now, we should try and focus on what's happening right now. Tikki, spot on." Marinette orders, causing Tikki to fly into the earrings and for her to turn into Ladybug.
"I should get down to the lobby quickly since Cat Noir is down there," Ladybug mutters as she pulls out her yo-yo. Only to hear it ding with Cat Noir's earlier messages.
She quickly opens it, and when she hears his messages, she gains a look of panic.
"I need to get down there fast!" She shouts as she jumps out of her room and heads toward the roof.
When she gets to the roof, she runs toward the edge but stops just before jumping to look down nervously.
"Is this a good idea? The armor will protect me, but that's still a long fall." Ladybug thinks to herself before remembering the panic in her partner's voice.
"You know what. I need to get down there as fast as possible, and I don't want to use Seamstress yet. Well, here goes." Ladybug says as she jumps off the roof and uses her yo-yo to swing toward the hotel's front door with the added momentum from her fall.
As she's swinging towards the doors, Pixelator has an excited grin as he looks at Jagged.
"Jagged, you came to see me. This is perfect. Now, look into the lens." Pixelator says as he reaches for his camera eye's button.
"Jagged, look out!" Penny shouts as she gets between them to take the blast for him.
"Penny!" Jagged shouts in a panic when he sees her disappear.
Fang heads toward Pixelator and growls at him.
"Quiet you," Pixelator says as he hits Fang with a laser.
"Fang!" Jagged says as the leash in his hand vanishes with Fang.
"Hurry up already. Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. It shouldn't take this long to take a picture." Fashionista says as she impatiently taps her foot in annoyance while her entourage tries to find a way to reach Cat Noir.
However, all movement stops at the sound of a slight scream. Everyone turns to the doors just as Ladybug slams through them. The force from her falling off the roof doesn't stop after that, and she ends up flying toward Pixelator and crashing into him.
Ladybug shakily stands back up and holds her head.
"I can't believe I managed to do that." Ladybug groans to herself as she checks her surroundings.
When Jagged gets over his shock, he grins at Ladybug.
"That was awesome! Totally rock and roll, Ladybug." Jagged compliments her while making rock and roll signs with his hands.
"Um, thanks," Ladybug says while rubbing the back of her head until she hears a groan under her and immediately jumps off of whoever she hit.
"Sorry! Are you okay?" Ladybug asks until she realizes who she landed on.
"Why do people keep getting in my way when I try to get a picture with my best friend?" Pixelator shouts as he stands back up and glares at Marinette.
"Ladybug! Watch out for his eye! It shoots a laser that'll make you vanish!" Cat Noir warns his partner.
Ladybug's eyes widen as she quickly jumps away right as Pixelator reaches for his camera eye.
"Look into the lens," Pixelator says as he fires a few shots.
Ladybug tries to avoid the shots and quickly ducks behind a pillar.
"Entourage, bring me her Miraculous!" Fashionista orders, causing her entourage to forget Cat Noir and charge toward Ladybug.
Ladybug panics as the entourage charge toward her. However, Cat Noir jumps off the chandelier and spins his staff in front of them to keep the entourage at bay.
"We need to get out of here," Ladybug tells him, causing him to nod in agreement.
The two run towards the door, but before they leave, Ladybug throws her yo-yo, and it wraps around Jagged Stone's waist before she pulls him toward them.
"Hey!" Pixelator shouts when he sees this happening but can't do anything before the two heroes take off.
"Rock and roll!" Jagged Stone shouts as Ladybug zips across Paris with him under her arm, Cat Noir behind her using his staff and enhanced agility.
"So, where do we go?" Cat Noir asks her.
Ladybug thinks for a few seconds before an idea pops into her head.
"We'll take her to the school where we fought Fashionista and Lady Wifi. Who would expect Jagged Stone to be somewhere boring like a closed school?" Ladybug asks him with a playful smile.
Cat Noir grins with his partner, and the two head toward the school. They quickly enter one of the classrooms, and Ladybug sets Jagged Stone down.
"Wow, you are strong for a girl your age. I guess superpowers really do come in handy." Jagged says while looking toward Ladybug with an impressed expression.
Ladybug blushes at the compliment and thanks him before Cat Noir asks something.
"So, what's with the guy wanting your picture?" Cat Noir asks, wanting to see if he can get more information.
Upon hearing that question, Jagged Stone gains an ugly scowl as his brows furrow.
"Oh him. That guy's been following me around throughout my whole tour. He always says we're best friends and wants a picture to prove it. He's tried everything. Following me backstage, breaking into my private jet or the hotel I'm staying at, and even driving his car next to my bus while we're on the road to snap a picture of me. The guy's so crazy that I've banned him from my concerts, and he still manages to find a way in." Jagged complains as he lists everything he's had to deal with Vincent.
Both heroes winch when they hear what Jagged Stone's been through.
"I'm sorry to hear that. He shouldn't be able to find you here, though. So, you're safe." Ladybug tells him before looking toward his partner.
"Speaking of which, my partner and I need to talk about something. So, we'll leave you here. Please don't go anywhere and hide under a desk until the Akuma is defeated." Ladybug requests before dragging her partner out of the room.
When the two are outside, and Ladybug closes the door to the classroom, she looks at Cat Noir with a grave expression. One that he matches.
"What are we going to do? I mean, we have to go up against two Akumas. One can create an army, while the other makes people vanish. I didn't think Hawkmoth was able to make multiple Akumas." Cat Noir says as he racks his brain for an answer to their current problem.
"I don't know. It's weird that Hawkmoth never bothered creating another one before. I guess when you gained another power, it scared him." Ladybug tells him as she runs through her own idea on how to get them out of this situation.
"So, this is my fault?" Cat Noir asks in a panic before Ladybug rests a hand on his shoulder.
"No, he'd of used it at some point anyway. All you did is give us a better chance at dealing with them." Ladybug reassures her partner.
Cat Noir calms down after hearing that, and his mind wanders toward another topic.
"If only we had a way to get more teammates. That would make this job a lot easier." Cat Noir mutters out loud, causing Ladybug to freeze.
She looks toward Cat Noir with a shocked look, and he immediately backtracks while waving his arms defensively.
"Not that working with you as a duo is a bad thing. You've been doing most of the heavy lifting with your three powers. So, I have nothing to complain about there. But all the best superhero teams usually consist of five or more people. That's why I was saying it would be nice to have more teammates. Because it would make our lives easier." Cat Noir tells Ladybug, hoping to quell what he thinks is her anger.
Ladybug bites her lower lip and turns her head from Cat Noir while muttering.
"I may have a way to get us more teammates," Ladybug tells him in a tone that would have been impossible for him to hear if it wasn't for his enhanced hearing.
Cat Noir's eyes widen as he looks at Ladybug in shock before asking.
"You've had a way to get us teammates? How long?" Cat Noir asks her in shock.
Ladybug rubs her arm and says.
"I've technically had one this whole time but have only recently figured out how to use it to get us a third Miraculous," Ladybug reveals to her partner.
"Well, why haven't you used it?" Cat Noir asks her in confusion.
"Because I'm afraid of what'll happen. Tikki told me that a Kwami might not choose a friend of mine if they complete the challenge and will find someone else. What if they choose someone like Hawkmoth, and we have to fight them too?" Ladybug shouts at him, fear and worry evident in her eyes.
Cat Noir looks at her, seeing her point, but another question comes to mind.
"Why didn't you tell me that you had another way? We could have talked about this, at least." Cat Noir tells her, slightly hurt, that she kept this information from him despite having worked together for a couple of months.
Ladybug has a guilty look before saying.
"Because it's a family heirloom. You told me I shouldn't reveal my identity to you for safety reasons. I figured that might fall under the category of revealing my identity. Plus, I was trying to figure it out on my own." Ladybug explains to him.
Cat Noir rubs his head when she says that and sighs.
"I guess that's fair. I'm still sad you didn't tell me about this, though," Cat Noir informs her.
"Sorry. I promise we'll talk after we deal with Fashionista and the new Akuma." Ladybug apologizes before promising him they'd talk later.
Cat Noir nods before the two's weapons suddenly ding. They open them to see a live news broadcast.
"This is Nadja Chamack coming to you live from a news copter flying over downtown, where two Akumas are rampaging, turning people into their minions or causing them to vanish in a pink light," Nadja explains before the camera shows Pixelator and Fashionista walking side by side while using their respective powers on any civilians walking around.
Unfortunately, Pixelator looks up toward them and fires an eye beam at the helicopter. The next second, the feed is cut.
Ladybug and Cat Noir look at each other in worry. However, in the next second, Ladybug takes a deep breath.
"Well, this seems like a good time to use my Lucky Charm," Ladybug says before throwing her yo-yo in the air and shouting the moves name.
What lands in her hand is a red card with a black symbol of two arrows whose sides connect before the arrowheads go their separate directions.
"Is that a Duo reverse card?" Cat Noir asks in confusion.
Ladybug releases a sigh of annoyance before nodding her head while saying.
"Yep, I hate using this power to figure out new suits," Ladybug tells him while putting the card in her pocket.
"Well, we can figure out what it's trying to tell you on the way there." Cat Noir tells her before the two leap away, not noticing Jagged Stone sneak out of the classroom.
Next Chapter
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binnieboyswhore · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Changbin x Reader Genre: smut Word count:1,723 Warnings: Pet play (he just calls you bunny nothing more than that), Hickeys and of course Sex Authors note: Sorry this has taken so long to get out, i’ve been trying to write like five things at once and my head gets jumbled. Also sorry if this is trash, i deleted it all and re wrote it idk how many times but i need to put something out.
Please if you are under the age of 18 do not interact. Thank you :)
Normally going with Binnie to music video sets wasn’t that big of a deal as you always made food for the boys and helped waste time with them, today though was different. You set down the food you had brought, the boys thanking you one by one as you find a corner to snuggle into. Your body exhausted from the over stimulation of the night before thanks to Changbin.
Chan passes by you on his way to the food table, “You okay Y/N?”
You open your eyes and smile softly at him, “ya, just extra sleepy today.”
He smiles cutely at you, “okay hold on” he sticks his finger up at you and retreats back to the room he was in returning with a blanket.
“Stay cozy,” he said, laying it on top of you.
You mumble out a soft “thanks Channie” and he pats you on the head and goes to join the other boys.
You lay there eyes closed but unable to fall asleep instead focusing on Changbin theatrically re telling the story of how he had to “save” you from a spider in the bathtub last night. He went on and on about you screaming and how he basically had to wrestle the spider cause it was so big when Han had thrown in “are you sure the spider was big or are you just that small?”
You could hear Binnie grunt at his remark wishing he could smack him in the back of the head but showing restraint. The group went on to discuss other things and go from topic to topic.
What Binnie didn’t mention was how you showed your gratitude towards your hero and how one blowjob accidentally turned into hours of him just obliterating your pussy. Just at the thought of last night, between your legs grew damp and you faintly felt his hand wrapped around your throat. You’re breathing started to become heavy as you tried to think of anything else besides Bins head between your legs. As you squeezed your thighs you felt someone lay on the couch behind you and as you felt the hand that gripped onto you you can’t help but feel a little devastated.
“Wakey, wakey.” The deep Australian voice whispered in your ear.
“What do you want Felix?” You mumble, “I’m trying to take a nap.”
“You’re kidding yourself if you think you actually are, I give it 10 minutes before Jisung and Hyunjin start opera singing for no reason” he giggled. You roll your eyes while turning on your side to face him.
“Why are you so tired anyway? You texted me you were going to bed early.” Felix said repositioning his head on his arm.
“Ya, I was but then ya know Binnie.” You said feeling the heat on your cheeks.
“God you guys are like bunnies, are you ever not doing it?” He rolls his eyes at you.
“Well we’re not right now and we very much could be so be thankful.” You huff at him.
“You’re so gross. Anyways after this we’re all gonna do a movie night at the dorm, do you wanna come?”
You thought about it, go home and sleep or stay around these hooligans and spend time with your boyfriend? “Ya I guess I’ll come but I’m not bringing anything.”
“Great, I already baked some stuff so don’t worry.” He said, his smile growing and roughing up your hair. You “hmph” at him as you try to fix your hair, exposing the hickey right behind your ear.
“You forgot one.” You stare at him in confusion until he pokes it with his finger. Your eyes go wide bringing your hand up to cover it. “Don’t worry stay here and I’ll go grab some green concealer.”
You nod your head in thanks as you sit up covering it with your hair knowing if Minho or Jisung got a glimpse of it they wouldn’t let you or Binnie live it down. Thankfully he hurried back with a small bag and a sponge and got to dotting and blending the make up in.
“Next time, tell him to not be so rough,” Felix said, putting everything away.
“Who says it’s him making it rough?” You smirk at him and he scrunches his nose at you. You can’t help but let out a loud laugh catching everyone’s attention, including the eyes of your boyfriend who was playing some slap game with Jisung.
Binnie, noticing how close you and Felix were came sauntering over, sitting next to you wrapping his arm around your waist, “Secrets don’t make friends.” he said, feeling left out.
“I know they make best friends.” You said kissing his cheek and smiling at him.
“We weren't telling secrets anyway, I was telling her she needs to tell you to stop being so rough with her.” Felix told him matter of factly.
“Hey,” Binnie says, grabbing you under your chin, “if bunny wants it rough bunny gets it rough. I could never say no to this cute face.” he kisses you smiling knowing he’s grossing out Felix.
“Y/n please tell your boyfriend to stop being gross.” Felix says, his nose scrunching once again.
You lean into Binnie resting your head on his shoulder, “Why? Would you tell bunny no?” you tease him pouting your bottom lip.
Felix's cheeks turn bright red at the thought of being there with you and Binnie in a sexual situation. “You guys are no fun.” He says getting up and heading to snuggle with what looks like Han.
You look at Changbin who’s already staring at you, “What?” you question him.
“I just missed you.” He said, cocking his head to the side like a puppy.
“Binnie you literally spent the night at my house and we drove here together. How could you possibly miss me?” You say giggling at him.
He gives you another kiss and grabs your hand, placing it over his crotch, feeling his stiffening cock you open your eyes, “Here?” you asked in a hushed whisper.
“Only if you’re comfortable with it.” he says sincerely studying your face.
You start to remember your thoughts before Felix had interrupted them, “Where would we go?” you grab his hand.
He smiles at you grabbing your hand back and dragging you out of their room and down a hallway as he checks every door, you follow holding the blanket Chan gave you close around your shoulders. Every door Changbin had tried had been locked and you were whispering for him to hurry before Chan caught you guys and finally he pulled a door open and not really looking in it he pulled you in closing the door behind him. He laid his lips on you heavily, rubbing his hand all over the wall to find a light switch.
Your hip bumped something and a loud clang happened, you jumped a lightbulb smacking the back of your head. You reach up to turn it on and look to see what has fallen then look around where you are and changbin and you start laughing. Of course the only door that would open would be the janitors closet and on the floor was a mess of brooms and mops.
Changbin had found a table and continued with what he came here to do, you. He grabbed the side of your head capturing your lips in a kiss backing you into said table. Grabbing the back of your thighs and pulling them up for you to jump, he set you top of it, moving his mouth to kiss down your neck.
You reached out to start unbuttoning his shirt when he grabbed your hands chuckling, “We don’t have time for foreplay babe, I’ve gotta be on the floor in like 15 minutes.”
He reaches his hand down between the band of your pants rubbing his fingers on your clit that was very much so still sore from the night before. You let out a moan as his finger gathered your slick from between your folds.
“Geez that fast?” Changbin says smirking
Your cheeks burn a shade of red, “Don’t get shy, I think it’s hot.” He says leaving kisses along your jaw and down your neck.
He quickly uses the slick that he built up on his fingers to cover his cock as a makeshift lube. He lowered your pants just enough to slide himself inside you, wasting no time he grabbed onto the table and started pounding into you causing you to yelp and moan. You could hear every grunt he let out with his lips being right next to your ear, only feeding into the building knot in your stomach. You use your hands to keep yourself stable on the table but with the roughness that Changbin is pounding into you with was making it difficult.
“Binnie, please” you whine, throwing your head back “I need to come.”
He brings his ring clad fingers between the two of you, finding your clit and begins rubbing it in rough circles, trying to milk every nerve in your body for this orgasm. He knows he’s on the brink of achieving it when your walls begin to spasm around him.
“Come on then, come for me bunny.” Binnie whispers to you as his hips snap harder and hand rubs you faster.
You begin to let go and just as your moan slips past your lips the door swings open and Chan barges in, “Bin let’s go- OH MY GOD.” He steps back out of the room as he makes eye contact with you completely ruining your orgasm and making you scream.
You take the blanket and cover yourself with it as you hear more feet come running down the hall.
“Stop, don’t go in there.” You hear Chan say to whoever is approaching.
Binnie looks at you with big eyes trying not to laugh mean while you look like you’re about to cry.
“Is Y/N okay?” You hear Felix's voice question with worry.
“I’m fine,” you yell at him, “Chan just scared me.”
“What’re they doing?” Felix asks Chan.
“What do you think they’re doing?” Chan answers, annoyance very evident in his tone.
“Ugh, are you guys ever not fucking.” Felix yells.
Binnie can’t help but laugh looking at you blush, “I don’t call her bunny for nothing.”
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free-pancakes · 4 years
A Fire in the Shadows
LeviHan - Avatar the Last Airbender AU fic
Characters: Levi, Hange, Erwin, Mike, Nanaba, Moblit, Kenny, Zeke, Sasha, Jean, Armin, Kuchel, Porco, Pieck
Summary: Levi, the nephew of a fire nation captain, stumbles upon a ragtag group of 5 known as the Scouts, formidably known for foiling the plans of local fire nation control, living in the forests a few miles north of Ba Sing Se.
Chapter 5: Interconnected Chapter 4: The Fire from the Shadows Chapter 3: Bonds  Chapter 2: Trust  Chapter 1: The Scouts
(crossposted to ao3)
CH 5: Interconnected
A 10 year-old Hange sat by the edge of the river running right outside her home, listening to the happy quacks of little turtle ducks swimming by. She smiled as she molded the fire in her palm into a small ball of flame, tossing and kicking it back and forth to herself. Erwin walked quietly towards the river, and stared at Hange from afar. He couldn’t help but watch, mesmerized at the finesse of her movements—she was a natural, more adept than even the adult firebenders he knew, at just 10 years old. She was just a kid, but she was skilled beyond her years. He was so proud of her, but admittedly, a little jealous. He looked down at his hands, sad that he wasn’t gifted with the ability to bend an element. He lowered them and shook his head—despite this, the pride he had for his best friend far outweighed any sadness he felt being a non-bender. He’d always stand by her side.
“Hange, I got the stuff you asked for.” He pulled off his backpack and shook its contents onto the grass—a metal funnel, metal clamps, and wax adhesives. Hange’s eyes glowed with fiery excitement as she squealed with joy. “These are perfect!” She gathered the supplies and ran towards the house. “Come on Erwin, race you back to my room!” She sprinted ahead, and Erwin laughed as he ran to catch up with her.
Hange ran into her home, tracking dirt all over the wooden floorboards. “Hange dear, come on, I just mopped the floor!”
She disappeared into her room and yelled, “Sorry, Mom! I got a super-top-secret-urgent project to work on!”
Before she could ask Hange to come back and clean up her mess, she turned around to find Erwin already sweeping up the dirt.
“Oh Erwin, you’re so sweet, you don’t need to do that!” She gently took the broom out of his hand and ruffled his hair. “Go join Hange, don’t worry about it,” she said softly.
“Thanks for having me, Mrs. Zoe,” he politely nodded his head and walked into Hange’s room, closing the door gently behind him. He looked down to find Hange busy producing a tiny fire at the tip of her index finger, welding the metal to the rest of her contraption. Erwin knew better than to talk to her while she was engrossed in conjuring up her newest invention, so he put his backpack down on the floor and sat neatly across from her. He stared up at the wall, at the same picture frames he always looked at whenever he waited for Hange to finish her latest project. The picture was that of a man who resembled Hange’s father, his arm around a young Avatar Roku and a few other people, all of them smiling together.
According to Hange, the bespectacled man in the painting was her great grandfather, a good friend of Roku. Beneath this was a picture of Erwin’s grandparents arm-in-arm with Hange’s grandparents and all of their friends. The picture below that was one from a few years before either Hange or he was born, showing his and Hange’s parents laughing together, and in the center, a beautiful woman with long, black hair and the most gentle eyes. Generations… lifetimes of the most powerful firebenders, yet the most kind people were displayed there before him, and it was almost crazy to think that he and Hange, along with their new friends, Mike and Nanaba, were probably next in line to join that wall—a wall displaying both genuine friendship and deep loyalty to the peaceful and harmonious land the fire nation once was. Erwin smiled as he remembered his father’s words to him one night not too long ago—“Friendships really do transcend lifetimes.”
“Success!” Hange held the contraption in her hand, a mess of metal tubes swirling into a metal funnel at the end. Before he could ask what it was, Hange was dragging him by the hand and climbing out the one window in her room. “Hurry up ya slowpoke! Before my mom or Moblit hears us!”
They ran towards the small barn marking the halfway point between their houses. Hange walked along the edges of the barn to a spot in the dirt marked with a small scarf of hers. “Here! Help me dig, Erwin!” They used their hands to scoop piles of dirt out, deep enough to fit the end of the funnel under and inside the barn.
“Ok! Can you stay right here and listen to me through the pipe? Tell me how clear the sound is.” Hange ran around the corner and into the barn, and began to speak and whisper, alternating between the two. Erwin’s eyes widened in shock at the clarity—even Hange’s whispers were audible through the pipe. “How did she even manage to do this?” he thought to himself. Now they could listen clearly to their parents’ secret meetings, and he was quite excited with their new tool.
“From the look on your face, I take it that the acoustics are perfect, no?” Hange smiled deviously, and Erwin returned it. The two friends happily bumped fists. “Now we can hear about their next mission without taking turns pressing our ears against the wall!”
Ever since she and Erwin stumbled upon a meeting about a year ago, their minds became hyper-fixated on discovering their parents' work and uncovering the secrets behind it all. Since they were probably the two most dangerously curious kids of all the fire nation, it was only natural that they’d figure it all out eventually. They had spent the past year trying to listen to the group meetings in the barn, and learned all about their missions. Ridden with curiosity, the two eventually found years of hidden documents containing information on their families, kept in boxes under faulty floorboards of their homes.
When Avatar Roku mysteriously died nearly 100 years ago, his group of friends awaited their friend’s reincarnation as a child from one of the air temples. But after the fire nation attacks on the airbender monks, they feared the worst. The world began to tip out of balance, and when no avatar seemed to appear in the earth kingdom, they wondered whether the avatar was gone for good. But among Roku’s friends, hope was not lost—they passed down their stories from generation to generation, and as the fire nation grew in power, the Zoe family was the face of those defending from the inside, attempting to do what they could to restore balance. They became the crux of movement within the shadows of the fire nation, thwarting plans of conquering villages and cities of the world, keeping as many citizens and innocent people safe from fire nation soldiers’ violence. Their numbers have dwindled over the years from fighting for their cause, and most of them eventually moved into the earth kingdom colonies to help out the villages more closely, though a few stayed behind in the fire nation to continue retrieving intel from the inside and kept correspondence with any information gleaned.
Hange was quite keen on listening for more every week, confident in her desire to follow in her family’s footsteps. As much as Erwin shared Hange’s excitement, part of him was deeply concerned about Hange’s safety. Out of the families that moved out into the earth kingdom colonies, she was the only firebender in their generation, and he was afraid that she’d have to take on too much responsibility and carry the brunt of the work in order to live up to their families’ names. But they were only kids, right? He waved away his own worries—it’s not like they’d have to join in on this right away. Their parents didn’t even know that we found out about all of this yet.
-------- When the sun just began to set, the two friends snuck their way back to the barn under the calm, orange glow of the sky. They crouched down at the spot where they lodged Hange’s invention through the ground and listened in—but to their disappointment, the adults were simply chatting and enjoying each other’s company. “Booooring,” Hange sighed. “Maybe we should just call it a night, huh Erwin?” As Erwin readied himself to walk Hange home, he overheard the quiet closing of a door and a new voice sound through the pipe. They locked eyes and quickly threw themselves down to press their ears close and listen.
“Kuchel!” Hange’s mother exclaimed, and they heard the soft sound of sniffles and happy cries of the reunion.
“KUCHEL??” Hange exclaimed loudly.
“Who’s Kuchel?”
“My mom’s friend! Her best friend!” Hange clasped her hands together and jumped around in excitement. “Oh I’ve always wanted to meet her, she sounds so nice and—“
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Hange and Erwin spun around to see Hange’s dad staring at the two of them and eyeing their little listening device. “Eavesdropping now, are we? You might have made something where you can hear us loud and clear, but did you consider the possibility that we could hear YOU loud and clear from the other side?” Erwin and Hange nervously laughed at his words—they really did forget to consider that. He bent down to look at Hange’s creation and his facade of playing “bad cop” parent melted away quite quickly, and he turned to his daughter and chuckled. “So how did you make it?” As the two Zoe’s babbled on about the intricacies of Hange’s ideas, Erwin continued to listen into the barn.
“Oh yes, Kenny’s alright, as annoying as ever, telling me we should give up on all this and that my son and I should just move out here with all of you. But how else would we get more intel without me on the inside?”
“But you can move in with us! We can adjust. Our plans can change! Kenny’s right, it’s probably safer for you to stay here. On top of that, I’m sure your son would love to meet Erwin and Hange,” Hange’s mother answered.
“I’m sure he would. He’s very quiet and doesn’t really have any friends. But I have no doubt they’ll all meet someday.” She smiled at the thought of Levi making new friends, but her smile slowly transitioned into a concerned frown. “It might have to wait a year or two, though. I don’t know if I trust Zeke anymore...”
“Well what do you mean by that? Hasn’t Zeke proved himself to us?” Erwin’s father asked.
“I’ve seen him spend some more time with Ozai recently. I can’t put a finger on it... but I think something in him has changed. I think we may be able to trust him for now, but we’ll have to see.”
The doors of the barn slammed open, revealing Hange’s father holding Hange in one arm and Erwin in the other. “I think we found our culprits!”
Mike and Nanaba’s parents burst into laughter, while Hange’s mother and Erwin’s father darted looks of deep disapproval at their children.
Hange’s dad playfully threw the two down into the pile of hay that the horses were working on, who seemed to neigh at them in disapproval. Hange and Erwin lost themselves in a fit of giggles that simply lightened up the room from the bleak conversation about Zeke. The rest of them began to catch up again and reminisce about the “good old days” while Erwin and Hange pet and fed the horses.
A few hours later, Kuchel made her way over to them, and the two suddenly felt shy, falling quiet.
Erwin’s eyes widened in recognition as she sat close to them. “You’re the beautiful lady in the picture,” Erwin accidentally whispered loud enough for Kuchel to hear.
Kuchel laughed, “You’re Erwin, right? You’re the spitting image of your father, and from what I hear, the only person smart and strong enough to keep this one under control right?” she said as she looked over to Hange.
“What, me?” Hange questioned. “Yes, you! Come here, dear,” she waved Hange towards her and gently pulled her glasses off, and wiped them clean with her sleeve, and carefully pushed them back onto Hange’s face. “And you’re the infamous, reckless Hange Zoe, correct?” She laughed, and Hange was simply mesmerized by her kind soul and the loving twinkle in her eyes.
After warming up to each other, Hange soon begged for stories from Kuchel about how all their parents became friends and both she and Erwin eagerly listened. The three of them talked for what felt like hours, until Erwin and Hange could barely keep their eyes open, their sheer curiosity and interest in Kuchel the only thing keeping them awake enough to listen.
“So that’s the sign of you all being undercover firebenders right?” Hange asked sleepily as she pointed to the little charm peeking out from pocket of her skirt. Kuchel was startled by her question, and sighed in defeat. “Well, neither of you should know anything about this until you’re old enough, but it was silly of me to think that you two wouldn’t figure that out by now being the nosy little kids you are,” she said with a small laugh. She pulled out the charm to show them. “When the time is right, we’ll all pass them down to you. It might not be as significant now—it was once used to prove that you were one to be trusted, but now that there’s not too many of us left...” Erwin noticed the hint of sadness that showed in her eyes.
“Well, it‘s still important, something to remember who you are and where you came from. Whenever you look at it, I hope it brings you peace and reminds you that it’s our responsibility to bring back stability and light to our nation, no matter how dark it may become. But who knows, it still might be important in recognizing who is a friend or foe someday. Whoever holds one is someone you can trust—I can promise you both that.”
Hange asked, “Kuchel, will we ever get to meet your son?”
“I have no doubt you will,” she said with a smile. “Hopefully soon. I think you both would be really good influences on him.” With a yawn, Hange asked one more question.
“What’s his name?”
But before they could hear Kuchel’s answer, both of them were fast asleep. Kuchel smiled lovingly at the two. She gently pulled off Hange’s glasses, pocketed them before picking her up. She chuckled at the sound of her snores as Hange’s face leaned against her chest— “Just like her mother,” she thought and suppressed full-on laughter. She then whispered quietly into Hange ear, hoping it would somehow register in her heart, despite her being asleep. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Hange. And.... I can’t wait for you meet Levi someday. Don’t let his little scowl fool you—he has a good heart.” Kuchel beckoned Hange’s mother over to pick up Erwin. “Come on, let’s go put these two to bed.”
-------- Levi could not believe Erwin’s story. But... there was no denying the description of his own mother.
He remembered the day before his mother died, and her words that morning echoed in his mind, “Levi, did you know that some friendships are strong enough to transcend lifetimes?” He wondered if that applied here—an explanation as to why his bond with Hange ran so deep, and why he felt like he’d known Erwin, Moblit, Mike, and Nanaba for much longer than he actually did.
They had been interconnected this whole time. As much as it frustrated him that knowing this would have made their meeting 3 years ago much easier, he felt a wave of happiness fall over him, and he was absolutely overwhelmed from head to toe.
“So, you’re Kuchel’s son.” Erwin remembered her kind eyes and gentle voice, and began to laugh.
“Oi, what the hell are you laughing on about?”
Erwin continued to laugh and started to wipe tears from his eyes. “I was just thinking about how you’re just...well let’s just say I never thought Kuchel’s son would turn out to be such a small, angry man.” He laughed, along with Nanaba and Mike. Levi grumbled but couldn’t help but let out a tiny smile.
After their laughter died down, Levi let the information sink in a little along with the situation at hand. “I didn’t know you met her...” he sighed. It seems there was a lot he didn’t know, and he wished he could turn back time and ask his mother everything.
Mike asked, “What did happen to your mom anyway? I know you said she was gone but...”
“She died after she saved a child from a house fire. My uncle and I were gone training for a weekend. I was only 12 at the time,” Levi said as he stared down at the ground.
“Since you and Hange are the same age... that must mean she died around the same Zeke betrayed everyone and had fire nation soldiers kill our parents,” Nanaba said quietly.
Each of them held their parents’ charms tightly in their hands. All was silent except for the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze and the crackle of logs from their campfire. Dusk quickly fell upon them, the glow of the moon peeking through the light cloud cover.
Erwin’s eyes softened as he looked at Levi. “Well, we got some work to do, don’t we? Hange and Moblit are in trouble—I can only imagine what Zeke wants to do with them.”
Levi looked up at Erwin, noticing a minuscule flicker of worry in his eyes. “My bet... is using an Agni Kai versus Hange as public display to destroy anymore hopes of internal rebellion.”
The other three furrowed their eyebrows at this, gritting their teeth in anger.
“And... killing the last firebending Zoe would be the ultimate symbol of crushing any hope that may be left.”
Levi stood up and looked out into the horizon, in the direction Zeke and Kenny escaped the night before. He had a good idea of where they might be, but the exact coordinates of that base was kept hidden from everyone except for high ranking officials. However, knowing Hange, he had utmost confidence that she marked a way for them to find her. They'd just have to figure that out—and soon.
Levi balled his hands into tight fists and fierce determination flickered in his eyes.
“Well, we’re not gonna let her face Zeke alone, are we?” he whispered, not taking his eyes off the horizon.
As Hange’s screams grew silent, Armin breathed a sad sigh of relief—either they stopped torturing her or she finally just passed out from the pain. Either way, she at least had some respite. He looked at the thick wooden bars of their cell, cross hatched like a solid net, trapping them inside. He could only assume that at least one guard was standing watch outside the metal door about 8 feet away from their cell—the only exit point in the room. How in the world were they supposed to get out of this mess? And more importantly, why were they targeting Hange? Where were the rest of the Scouts, anyway?
He turned back towards Moblit, “Hey so... what happened? How did you get captured?”
Moblit used his sleeves to wipe at his tears, revealing his swollen eyes, filled with a terrifying swirl of anger and hopelessness. “They ambushed us, Zeke and Kenny. They set everything on fire and we didn’t stand a chance—and they told us...” He looked down, tangling his fingers in his hair anxiously, like he was trying to pry the memories out from his mind.
“Told you what?”
“That Levi led them to us, and...that he was a firebender and... that he’s Kenny’s nephew.”
Sasha and Armin’s jaws dropped at the news, and Jean looked away, as he knew Levi’s secret. He wrestled with the possibility that he might have made a mistake in trusting him. “No... there’s no way I made the wrong call,” he thought.
“I’m not sure if I believe it, though. Hange was very adamant that we should trust Levi.” Happy memories of his relationship with Levi came rushing relentlessly into his head. “No, I don’t think we should stop trusting Levi.” He paused. “After that, the next thing I knew, I woke up restrained on the komodo rhino, and then saw all of you.”
“Moblit, why did they only take you, and no one else?” Sasha asked.
“Well Hange and Levi were in Ba Sing Se that night. And I think they were just using me as bait.”
“But why not any of the others, why just you?” Armin asked. “It doesn’t make any sense. Couldn’t they have just taken Erwin since he leads the Scouts?”
Moblit sighed. “I guess I better just fess up and explain everything, right? All of this would be easier if we were just on the same page.”
He fished a small, metal keychain from his pocket, a fire nation emblem etched into it, matching the one stitched into the red tapestry behind him. He held it up for them to see.
A dull pain ached against the left side of Hange’s face, the skin around her eye throbbing alongside her steady heartbeat. She felt a warm hand pressing a dressing over her left eye, and saw strands of black hair hanging over her. She blinked her right eye, confused as to why she wasn’t still in the barn back home, laying in the hay next to Erwin and Kuchel.
“K-Kuchel?” Hange croaked.
She was answered with a soft whisper, “No, I’m sorry, I’m not Kuchel. My name is Pieck.”
“Oh…” Hange sighed, wishing she could return to dreamland, back to her old, yet comforting memories.
A harsh, gruff voice sounded from the dark corner of the room, “Kuchel’s been long gone, dearie.” From the shadows, Kenny stepped out into the light next to Pieck. “My dumb sister died saving some stupid kid a long time ago.” He peered down at Hange and scoffed. “Didn’t think she’d go that way, to be honest. I thought she’d at least have gone doing the pathetic work your parents and her other friends got into.”
“Yeah, my dumb old sister. What, the genius Hange Zoe hadn’t figure it out yet?”
“Sister… then… you’re Levi’s uncle??”
He let out a chilling laugh and began clapping—pathetic applause at her realization. Kenny stepped closer and bent down, staring right into Hange’s face. “Zeke told Porco to do much worse than what he ended up doing to you. You’re lucky I happened to walk in and stop him—what kind of self-respecting uncle would let his wonderful nephew’s girlfriend suffer right in front of him?”
Hange felt her brain short-circuit at his comment. “Oh I know how my nephew works, I saw how he looked at you after your cute little group took down that fire nation camp in the forest. All of you trying to be like your parents—their work was pathetic and so are you.”
Hange tried to make sense of everything and it was difficult to concentrate against the throbbing pain in her eye, but she quickly focused on the situation at hand—no need to show him weakness at anything he decided to say to her. She wasn't sure if she could trust him, though his tone seemed genuine underneath the rough exterior. She laughed to herself--she knew how to read and communicate with Ackermans.
“Their work wasn’t stupid, you pathetic old man,” Hange retorted.
Kenny laughed. “I told my sister not to get into that business. World’s gone to shit anyway, why not just live for yourself at this point?”
Hange began seething at this response. The only reason why she didn’t burst out flames at Kenny was because she was completely disoriented to her surroundings. Sadly, she figured she’d kiss her left-sided vision goodbye. Plus, she didn’t want to injure the girl next to her, as she was clearly very kind, tending to enemy’s wounds. “Maybe if you actually joined your sister back then, you could have helped them!”
“Well maybe if they all just gave that up, none of them wouldn’t have died and left you all as orphans. Have you ever thought of that?”
She stared back at him and spat as she spoke, “Well if you’re arrogant ass is ‘living for himself’ then why the hell do you care about that, and why would you decide to lay your loyalty to Zeke?” Kenny stepped away to make sure no one was within hearing range in the corridor. He walked quickly back towards Hange and leaned down close to her face.
“Listen here, little girl. My loyalty is to no one but myself. Zeke is simply offering the best deal I’ve gotten over last few years—we’re protected among his crew, plus the money’s good. And don’t get all disrespectful now, you’re lucky I didn’t let Porco take out that other eye of yours!”
“Or maybe you did it to keep Levi safe too, you DO care about him don’t you?” Hange teased.
Kenny scowled and grumbled at her comment—Hange stifled laughter as she now knew where Levi got it from.
“You’re delusional, Zoe. You’re just like your parents.” He turned around and slammed the door behind him—the metal reverberating around the walls of the room, the force causing her sensitive eye to throb again. Hange winced in pain.
Pieck held a cold compress to Hange’s face, and she sighed in relief. “Thank you,” Hange breathed out.
“Of course.”
Hange looked curiously at Pieck—“So, why are you helping me, anyway?”
Pieck answered softly, “Hange, I know what Zeke wants to do with you. But I don’t want him to go through with it.”
Hange held back the fear in her heart. She abandoned her curiosity at Zeke's plans with herself for a second--she needed to clear up other information with Pieck first.
“We’ve been friends since we were kids, and… I think he’s truly lost himself. This isn’t him, and it hasn’t been him in a long time. A lot has happened, Hange, and I think you’re just unfortunately stuck in the midst of it." She peeked out the doorway for any listening ears, and sat back down, whispering to Hange.
"There are guards everywhere though, and I can’t just let you out, plus your friends are still trapped somewhere in the building, and I don’t know exactly where. All I know, is that we have a decent amount of time before Zeke returns. In the meantime, rest.”
Hange breathed a sigh of relief—she was ridiculously lucky, she thought. Her mind scrambled to put together all the information she’s gathered and started on mustering up a plan to get everyone out of here safely. But one thing was really bothering her—was being friends with Zeke enough for this girl to help her, a Zoe, a target of the fire nation? There had to be something else--could it be?
“Pieck, can I ask you one more thing?”
She nodded, inviting her to continue.
Hange nodded back, “Is there any more reason why you’re trying to help me?”
Pieck smiled—Hange was just as sharp as the rumors told. She reached into her pocket and held out a luck charm, identical to everyone else’s, the fire nation emblem shining brightly back at Hange. Hange closed her eye and laughed, feeling nothing but hope and happiness. She wondered if Levi felt the same way at this same moment--after all the events of the past few hours, she thought it'd be quite likely that Levi, Erwin, Nanaba, and Mike were likely revealing their charms to each other right around now. It was about time.
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better with time. Ch 13
annie leonhart.
You learn about Annie Leonhart, some questions are answered, while more form in their place. (AO3)
Words: 2,143 Two more days passed before Hange finally submitted to Levi’s pestering and protesting to put you back to work. You were thankful for it though, sitting alone with your thoughts and wracking your brain for your lost memories quickly grew boring. You were weary, and looking forward to getting out of bed and doing someone around other people, be it cleaning or eating. Something, some sort of human interaction. You were dressing for the day, just buttoning up your oversized blouse when the door was forcefully kicked open. It was later in the afternoon so; you suppose Levi assumed you’d be dressed and was uncomfortably surprised to find you only half way done. He quickly turned his back to you and you did the same gasping at his intrusion. If he was nervous you couldn’t tell, his demeanor didn’t change. His voice was steady as ever, his body language showed he was unfazed for the most part. “Sleeping in i guess. You got cleaning duty today, made sure the kitchen was nice and filthy for you.” He said as he quickly shut the door behind him. You could tell he hadn’t left just yet as you saw his shadow linger on the other side. He heaved a long-suffering sigh before you heard him bark at some other innocent victim and stalked off. Your shoulders finally relaxed as he left, a warm heat rushing to your cheeks momentarily. You groaned as you quickly finished dressing, wearing an oversized pair of slacks to match your shirt and some heavy-duty boots. You tied your hair back to keep it out of your face while you worked for the day. Awkwardly, you poked your head out into the hallway to check if the coast was clear of Levi. You’d hate to run back into him after that run in earlier. You knew he couldn’t care less, but still you weren’t looking to address that just yet. You looked left, right, and then left one last time. No one was around, you released a puff a breath before stepping into the hall.
“Who are you avoiding!” Hange shouted right behind you. They must have just materialized out of thin air, because truly you were sure no one was in the hallway just a moment ago. You felt as if you jumped about four feet into the air, your heart hammering hard in your chest. “N-no one Hange! Where did you come from?” You asked, stupefied at Hange’s apparent speed. “Never mind that, where you headed then?” Hange always had a talent for ignoring your questions, whether intentional or not. You sighed before responding, telling Hange that you’re headed to the kitchen to clean. “Ohh, sounds fun!” They playfully mused before telling you about what they had planned for the day. Training, research, more training, a meeting with Levi and Erwin, dinner, and then more research. “Commander Erwin? I thought he wasn’t coming for a few more weeks?” You inquired, cutting into your friend's dialogue. Hange explained that after Erwin heard about how your test went that he put all of his affairs on hold to come down and discuss next steps. “What do you think will happen...?” Instantly, Hange could sense your unease. Fear of the unknown, anxiety must be eating away at you. They wrapped an arm around your body before giving you’re a comforting squeeze. “Don’t worry. This is all just to understand your situation better. The quicker we figure you out, the quicker things can settle for you.” Hange gave you a small smile, their eyes crinkling along with it. You could tell by the darkening bags under their eyes that they were sleepy, working through the night to meet deadlines. Writing up reports and filling out their notes... their notes about you. You couldn’t help but fear you were causing them trouble but, its not like it’s something Hange, Levi, and Erwin could ignore. And not just them, Moblit and Mike were picking up more slack to help the others. Taking more shifts to train the young scouts in their absence. All while still going out on expeditions and scouting the perimeters once a week. Your arrival changed a lot of things for these people. You smiled back to Hange, in hopes to take some of the edge off of them. Hange always had fun talking to you, and you were a great listener. Thus, it always cheers them up to see you happy and more comfortable with each passing day. That’s what friends are for. You were eternally grateful to Hange Zoe, your first friend since becoming human again. Understanding, patient, kind, funny, a great distraction from all of the noise in your mind. As the two of you reached the kitchen you both parted ways, waving good bye as you both went to handle your duties for the days. At the end of the hall, you caught a glimpse of Levi’s shiny black hair slipping into a room and following behind him was Hange, while Commander Erwin held the door for the both of them. He gave you a curt nod and professional smile before closing the door. He was out of sight now but still you felt compelled to nod back to the man, and so you did just that before turning on your hell and walking into the canteen to clean. Inside you were immediately introduced to two sets of large eyes boring into your own. One set an impressive golden hue, and the other a lovely mahogany brown. A third pair farther away looked you over once before they averted their gaze to the broom in their hand. Clumsily you stumbled off to the side to put some space between you and them. They were young, at least ten years your junior. A boy with a shaved head, large owlish eyes, one curious brow cocked hard as he studied you. A girl with her hair pulled back into a high pony tail, a loaf of bread stuck into her mouth and crumbs dusting her cheeks. “Um, hello...” You said sheepishly, you stuttered feeling awkward as they stared intently at you unblinkingly. “Are you really a titan?” The girl asked, her voice muffled as it was still filled with food. The boy next to her frowned before turning to her and snatching the loaf from her mouth. “Oi Sasha, you can’t just ask things like that!” She ignored his scolding in favor of fighting for her food back
while the third off into the corner scoffed at the comment. “Why not? She’s another one just like Jaeger... and Annie.’’ He said, he seemed to be sulking but you weren’t sure why. However, you were interested in what he had to say, and he seemed to pick up on that. “Jean...” The one with the golden eyes warned. “She clearly wants to know Connie. And I doubt there's any harm in telling her about Annie, it’s been months.” Connie, Sasha, and Jean. Weeks ago, you remember Levi telling you about these three, they seemed close, always eating together at every meal. Just as Connie opened his mouth to protest you interjected. “If you don’t mind! Please, I keep hearing about her but I don’t know anything about it. What happened?” You asked, eyes darting between Connie and Jean. During the momentary silence Sasha finally managed to get her bread back from Connie and she scurried off to a table to eat in peace and listen to the story. Connie shrugged his shoulders before going to plop down in his seat next to Sasha, he laid his head onto his folded arms while he listened to Jean retell the events that took places months ago, not too long before you were found and taken into custody. “Months ago, just before you got here there was an abnormal titan chasing us through the woods during an expedition trying to take Eren. Well, long story short that titan was actually a girl named Annie and she was a part of the Military Police in the capital.” You gawked at the news, trying to understand the implications. “But how?” “Exactly! No one knew, we found out on accident about Eren, he didn’t even know he was a titan but that was back at our first mission. Annie seemed to know what she was doing, she’s a spy for someone. Any who-––” Jean continued recalling the story, how so many people died including all but one of Levi’s old squad. How Annie escaped but at this moment, they still weren’t aware that she was the titan. Erwin had growing suspicions, but his quick thinking helped them to realize that titan was lurking about in scout gear. He told you about how Armin created a plan to capture Annie but that it ended up costing a lot of civilian lives, but they learned a lot in the end despite it all. Your expression fell, and heavy weight landing on your shoulders. “I’m... I’m sorry for the loss. That’s terrible.” The room fell silent for a moment, you had long abandoned your chores in favor of giving the story your full attention but it left you disturbed and with plenty of questions running amuck in your mind. “Where is she now?” You asked innocently, looking between the three kids. Sasha opened her mouth getting ready to answer but just before she spoke Levi was stepping through the door. Sasha, Connie, and Jean simultaneously snapped to their feet and stood straight with their lips pursed shut for their Captain. “I don’t know that you lot were ever given permission to talk about that with her.” He said, his voice icy. Your heart dropped; you hadn’t meant to get them in trouble. You didn’t know it was anything classified. “I’m sorry, it was my fault for asking–-” “ Quiet .” He snapped. You stepped to the side so he could address his scouts without you in the way. Your heart was stuttering in your chest. You felt like you really messed up now. Not only were they getting scolding by Captain Levi, but with Annie’s story being classified now you look extremely suspect to him. Of course, luck would have it that he walked in just as you were asking where she was. His hands planted themselves on his hips, he sighed before she addressed the three brats. “Don’t let me catch any of you talking about that again. Got it?” The three scouts quickly nodded their heads in unison before chanting a ‘sir yes sir’ and placing their fist over their heart. Without another word they picked up their mops and brooms and got back to work. Levi’s eyes scanned towards yours, he didn’t have to say a word. You understood exactly what he was saying. “Don’t ask the scouts any questions.” “I’m sorry.” You whispered. With the tense relationship you had
with Levi, you never imagined you’d apologize to him about anything, but this, this was in regards to his trust in you. You did not want to tarnish the progress you made for anything. You feared, if Levi couldn’t trust you, nothing in your life would progress the way you wanted. He didn’t respond, instead he just walked out the room and after hesitating a moment you rushed after the man. “Wait, Levi.” You called after him, he stopped in his tracks before looking back over his shoulder to you waiting on you to continue. “I’m sorry about your loss. Your last squad...” You chose your words wisely, afraid to overstep, but you didn’t want him to leave without you giving your condolences. His eyes softened a moment before he turned himself forward. He took a moment to respond, taking time to remember his fallen comrades. “It comes with the job. Get back in there and finish cleaning. Silently .” He spoke, his voice was softer than usual, almost hushed to a whisper. You stayed staring at the back of his head a moment before doing as told, you turned back towards the doors to the canteen and stepped inside. Hearing the doors shut quietly behind you, Levi let a puff of air slip passed his parted lips. He rolled his head back to glance at the ceiling, or rather, toward the sky obscured by the ceiling. He thought of many people he lost over the years, in all this time only people who were like him gave a damn about their deaths. Only the scout regimen cared and even then, not everyone would console him, not that he was needing consolation in that moment. But... it was a pleasant surprise. In that moment, Levi was thankful to you. You gave him a moment of peace to remember his long-lost friends, he made a mental note to go a little softer on you for a few days. Just a few days.
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hillnerd · 4 years
How about my Prodigal Prat Percy and My shy neurodivergent Hugo who is his favourite Nephew - if you like. (No obligation what so ever.)
It was take your kids to work day at the Ministry. Percy knew his own job was rather boring for his twin daughters. Lucy looked on with polite interest, while Molly didn't bother looking interested until she found out more about the Floo network and how there were maintenance workers who would go into it.  "It's the most dangerous job at the Ministry beside those at the MLE office."  Molly's eyes lit up.  "What happens in there that's so dangerous?" "Well you have to go in there with specially charmed gear so you can breath and travel through it without getting your lungs messed up from prolonged exposure to all that soot and flame. Also the workers are fighting a tornado of flames and Floo magic when doing the charms in there-- so it's rather hazardous. Easy for someone to lose their footing and get tossed around for hours on end if you don't take all the proper precautions." "Oh! Ohh! I want to do that!" Percy let out a sigh. Of course she did. She said that about every dangerous job she'd ever heard of. Dragon taming, Auror, experimental potioneer, curse breaker... The list went on and on.  "I'm sure you'd be very good at it. What about you, Lucy?" "I'd rather keep my feet on this side of the Floo," she quickly answered. “What kind of spells keep a person in place through that, though?” His twins weren't identical in looks or personality, unlike his twin brothers. He wondered if they'd be sorted into the same Hogwarts house or not. Molly was as Gryffindor a child as he'd ever known, but Lucy was harder for him to pin down.  He looked at his pocket watch. Nearly half past three.  "Time to meet your mother."
"Ohh Daddy can't we stay longer? I want to go do maintenance in the Floo!" "Only trained professionals get to do that, Molly," he said, leading them down the hall to Floo them to their mother. "I wanted to see the mail sorting room again," Lucy added, looking with longing down the hall.  "There'll be plenty of other times you can see that," he said, but his chest puffed up a bit. Perhaps he'd managed to make their time at the office less than boring, after all. "As I recall, you both wanted to visit the Magical Child Welfare Office today." "The Adoption Carnival!" Lucy smiled, hands grasping together beneath her chin. She excitedly twirled her skirt back and forth like a bell. "I'd forgotten!" Molly gave a whoop, punching the air. "I LOVE the carnivals!" "Once you're done with your volunteering, you get to have fun with the other kids, but not until then." Both his daughters rolled their eyes. "We know, papa!" "You tell us that every time!" "I don't want you to forget the reason for the carnival," he forewarned, wagging a finger their way. "It's so the kids can find families, we know!" Molly moaned. "We're not dumb." "It's not a question of your intelligence. It's a matter of slowing down to recognize how lucky we are to have families, and to prioritize those children's needs." "Will there be a petting zoo?"  He gave a sigh. Maybe they were a little young for him to be giving this speech.  "I believe your mother might have mentioned baby nifflers." He could barely contain his smile as the girls squealed and laughed.  When they arrived at the MCW Office it was controlled chaos, as it ever was.
 Kids were running about in much nicer clothes than usual, though many weren't quite finished dressing yet. The twins were happy to join the ruckus, both yelling 'Uncle Ron, Uncle Ron!' and running across the den to join their Uncle in braiding some little girl's hair. Various Weasleys were part of the fray. He spotted George out in the garden setting up carnival games, Ginny polishing brooms, his Mum magically changing spots of grass to bright colors for a cake walk, and various other brothers and spouses were walking between booths, arms laden with supplies.  Percy looked about for his wife. He soon found Audrey chasing down a four year old who was wearing socks on both his hands and running away with no trousers. Percy quickly headed the boy off, picked him up and presented him to Audrey. "Thank goodness for you," Audrey panted, blowing a curl out of her face. "This conejito doesn't like putting on trousers, even though he knows guests are coming." "Is that so?" Percy asked the boy with his sternest of faces, as his wife pulled the polka dotted socks from the small boy's hands. "It is quite important you wear proper attire when meeting new people." "Trousers are hot!" the boy exclaimed, head dramatically thrown back. "Hmm... A very good point," he nodded, looking to Audrey. "Perhaps we can turn these into shorts instead?" "You do it? I'm too tired to remember how to tailor things," she quietly griped, pressing her head against his arm. He tried his best not to smile when she was put out like this, but always found her pouting looks rather adorable.  "Long day?"  "Long month!"  He quickly spelled the trousers into shorts and they finally got the wriggling boy. They went about the room tying shoes, tucking shirts. It took a whole lot of child wrangling from Audrey, her staff, and all the Weasleys-- but they finally were ready for the prospective foster families (and perhaps even future adopters) to arrive, and for the children to go about the carnival having an intense amount of fun. Later on Harry arrived with his own children, which caused a lot of turning heads, not only because it was ‘THE Potter,’ but because James had let out a cry of glee and immediately knocked over a table full of food. Percy’s twins joined with their cousins, and Percy was happy to let Harry look after them for a bit. With so many staff on hand this year Audrey didn't have to be as hands on for the paperwork side of things for once, giving them a chance to slip away.  They went back into the center to their favorite spot, a little sunroom with an old comfortable couch.
"This looks to be your best carnival yet. Wonderful turnout."
"I'll feel better next week when I know if it paid off," she said with a sigh, putting her head on his shoulder. "But yes, it definitely looks like fun. Nothing but toothy grins everywhere I looked."
Percy nodded and leaned his head on top of hers. Their peace was broken by the sound of fireworks going off, making them both jump. "Those weren't supposed to go off for an hour! I was going to have ear plugs for the children and everything!" "Can we have a strict family foster George for a bit?" asked Percy, shaking his head.  "Sadly he's past the age limit for fostering by fifteen years." She closed her eyes and rubbed her brows.  Another great bang came, but this one sounded more like a slammed door followed by the pattering of tiny feet. Audrey made a move to get up but Percy waved her down. "I'll get this one." It didn't take much looking to find a head of bright ginger curls poking out from under a craft laden table.   "Hugo?" Percy asked. His knees creaked as he squatted down, something they'd been more and more prone to doing lately.  His tiny nephew had his back to the wall and hands over his ears as he rocked a bit. His eyes were tightly scrunched closed.  Percy did a quick Muffliato, and closed the curtains with a flick of his wand.
Despite saying he'd take care of it, Audrey had some in to fix the problem. He silently mimed 'tell them I have Hugo,' which she immediately understood. 
Knowing there was little point in talking to Hugo at this time, he gathered a few books and a cup of water. He gently placed them in front of his nephew as he waited for the boy to open his eyes. They had an old copy of 'Beedle the Bard' he'd given the house a decade ago he silently read. A good five minutes passed before his nephew started to move.  "Water?" Hugo nodded before drinking the cup and giving a small 'ahhh' as he finished it. "I have a few books we can read from in the sunroom, if you like. Which do you prefer," he said, laying the three books out. "Beedle the Bard, Stellaluna, or Arrow to the Sun?" Hugo pointed to Stellaluna, grasping Percy's finger as they went to the sunroom to read.  He read Stellaluna three times, at Hugo's silent request. The boy's bright brown eyes lit up every time the bat and her little bird friends hugged at the end.
"Do you want to go back to the carnival?" Hugo shrugged and buried his mop of curls into Percy's side.  "Was it just the fireworks that were too loud, or were the people too loud too?" he asked, weighing his hands back and forth. Hugo put both hands in Percy's. "I understand. It was rather chaotic out there. Lots of noise." Hugo nodded.  "If I put some headphones on to make it quiet, would you like to go outside? The petting zoo, cake walk and broom riding booth looked like fun." Hugo worried his lower lip, looking much like his father had at the same age.
 Ron hadn't been on the spectrum, exactly, but he'd always been a more sensitive child like Hugo. That was most likely why he was so partial to the lad. He'd always preferred Ron to the rest of his siblings, though he tried to cover up his partiality the best he could. Whenever he had a choice, he'd make sure Ron got his castoffs first because it meant more to him and he showed such care and kindness to all his items and pets. 
His nephew had just turned four and still barely talked, but he had that same deep care within him about things. He held books with reverence, smiled with the same whole-bodied smile, and had a natural curiosity all his own. He hoped to hear Hugo talk more, eventually, because he imagined the boy had quite a lot to say. "So, headphones?" "Are... Are they Muggle?" Hugo whispered.  Percy had to fight back the mad grin trying to make its way across his face. He hadn't heard Hugo in months, despite being around the boy many times.  "They're very close to the ones you normally use, so sort of," Percy answered, bringing Hugo with him to raid the supply closet. "Your Dad and Uncle George invented them based on Muggle technology, but they don't use electricity. They use magic to help cancel out certain sounds, but still let you hear the important things." He held up a pair and Hugo looked glum. "Ready for me to put them on you?" Hugo shook his head, brows furrowing a bit.  "What's wrong?" Hugo looked away and bit his lip. His nephew didn't much like things that were different from what he was used to. What did his headphones look like? They weren't the mass-produced ones. No, they were the prototypes, so they'd used actual Muggle tech and just spells on top of it. Percy racked his mind trying to remember the details of them.  "Sorry they don't look like your normal ones from home. Did you need me to spell them another color?"   Hugo stopped responding, looking to the ground.   "They do the same job though... I can magic them to look more like the ones from home. Make them have have the same padding on the inside, change the color... Make them plastic-looking." Hugo suddenly nodded, running up to Percy and pulling at his sleeve. Ah, he'd forgotten about Hugo's interest in plastic. It took a few spells before Hugo finally put on the headphones and smiled.  "Ready to go back out?" His nephew nodded, giving a thumbs up and a broad grin. "Excellent. I have it on good authority that there will be baby nifflers at the petting zoo."
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aries2887 · 3 years
Death Starters
1st Rough Draft... Not the Complete story!
(THE NAMES IN THIS DRAFT ARE NOT WHAT'S CURRENTLY BEING USED, Though some may have not changed, The Final Edit is different, This is a little teaser and again, there are mistakes that I can even see, So I don't want grammar and punctuation comments lol, just comment on what you think. :)
“Guys they got in! They’re in the house!” Someone screamed from inside the house.
Waking up from a dead sleep, I Jumped up and grabbed the shot gun next to my bed, with Jade following close behind me, she stopped only for a quick second to grab her two hand guns that were sitting on a small night stand next to the door. The House was dark and cold. Throwing my door open, I could immediately tell there was something open, letting the air in… and letting those things inside. Unknowing where the scream came from exactly, I paced myself, slow and steady steps, trying not to make a lot of noise. I stopped at the first door next to my room. Grabbing the knob, I turned it slowly and swung it open. There was Tyler asleep and in his bed, tangled up in his blanket and unturned.
“I can’t believe he didn’t hear that.” Jade said in a stern tone.
I walked through his door, up to his bed and shook him on his shoulder.
“Tyler, Tyler, wake up, they got in.” I whispered.
“Are you fucking kidding!?” Tyler said out loud.
“SHHHHHH!” I snapped back.
“Grab your gun and be quite.” I ordered.
Walking out of his room, there was a huge crash of pot and pans along with something heavy that hit the ground twice in succession. Not Bothering to stop at the next room I ran past and took a left. It was to dark to see what had crashed in the kitchen. A door opened from behind us.
“What the fucks wrong, did they get in?” Skyler asked.
“I think so.” I said
“How?” Asked Kayla.
No-one answered her. I readied my gun and took a step in the kitchen. There was a light switch, to my right. I reached for it. Flicking it on. I stood there in horror, frozen like ice. It was Reighly, but something wasn’t right, his feet weren’t touching the ground and he was bleeding from his chest. There was blood running down the side of his neck and down his arms. There was blood everywhere, the floor was totally shrouded with a red liquid, Reighlys’ blood.
“Get… out… guys… I… tried… to… stop… it… I’m sorry…ack-gulp” Reighly gulped out.
Just as he finished what he could, there was a hand that was planted on is left shoulder. It was glowing with a dark black glow and Reighly Started to scream.
“Help him!” Kayla screamed from behind.
But we all knew it was to late.
With a single motion Reighly was ripped in half, from his left shoulder to his right hip. With a blank stare and some short twitching, Reighly was dead.
All of us, stood frozen in fear and unable to move or think about what to do next til it moved. Snapping us out of the trauma and engulfing us with anger, we all let out a ringing barirage of gun fire. Flash after flash, the bullets entered the ghastly flesh and rotten meat. We kept firing til we all ran out of ammunition in our guns, the demon creature laid there on the floor, lifeless as a stuffed teddy bear. After a few seconds, with me in the lead, I took a couple of steps closer to the phantomed demon. I could here Reighlys’ lost blood splash as I step and walk through it. I could here the others closing in as well, following my steps and staying close behind. As I got closer I could smell this things’ rotten flesh and even see parts of flesh missing all the way to the bone.
“Is it dead?” Asked Tyler.
“I don’t know, but it’s not moving. It could just be unconscious. Lets get it out of here before it wakes up.” I replied.
Slowly inching closer and closer. The smell got so bad I had to forces myself to take breaths of air every so often. Inching my way around the back of it, Tyler and Skyler also do the same thing but stay to that side and inch closer to it’s body. Skyler stopped and looked around for a second, turning his attention to a broom that was laying up against the wall. Reaching for it, he grabbed it.
Clang, clang, wawawa. A boiling pot fell making everyone jump and staring at the thing that just killed Reighly, hoping and even waiting for it to spring back up after all that noise.
“I think it’s dead.” Skyler said.
With the broom in his hands, he reached down with it and poked it in the arm...nothing. He did it a second time… nothing.
“It must be dead.” Tyler said.
I reached down, scrunching my nose, nervous, and wet from fear. I pushed myself to grab it. Going down, my hand goes right through it and hits the floor. Unexpected with what just happened, I fell and I went through the shady demon. It smelled like rotten meat in the sun. Shocked with fear, I stagger to my knees , almost falling again, I caught myself and quickly turned around to see if it had waken up. Still the same position as it was. Unmoved.
“What the fuck? Didn’t you just touch it with that broom?” I screamed in confusion.
“Yeah, I fucking did!” Skyler snapped.
A couple seconds later, there was some movement, with it we heard a scream.
It was Kayla. Turning around, struck me with fear, I couldn’t move one inch of my body. It was Reighly, his upper body was dragging himself with one arm. He wasn’t making a noise at all and with every couple of inches he crawled, blood squirted from every place that was open, from his shoulder down to his hip.
“Reighly, can you hear me? You shouldn’t move man.” Skyler said.
“Guys keep me away, I’m not doing this on my own guys. That things controlling my body, it’s not me. I can hear it. It’s saying new soul, KEEP ME AWAY!” Reighly screamed.
Pulling himself closer and closer, he’s now only a foot from the phantom corps.
“Look!” yelled Jade.
Everyone turned there attention to the life less phantom. It was moving but towards Reighly.
“Someone grab a broom or something we can touch it with this.” Skyler said.
It took a second but Tyler found a mop and I found a squeegee. We set our self around it to try to lift it. Ty’s and Skylers lift it up but mine just went right through it.
“What the fuck? Why can’t I grab it or even touch it?” I asked myself out loud.
“Skyler, lets just get this out of here!” Tyler shouted.
The two set themselves so each of them balanced the thing on top of both handles. Slowly they raised it. Step by step, They went for the front door. Getting further from Reighly even as he crawled closer, trying to get to his prize. I was in front just making sure they got there and to open the door they could throw that thing out of the house.
I unlatched the door and peeked out. It was cold and windy. I couldn’t see much of nothing past the porch light. It must have been early in the morning or a little later in the night.
“You see anything babe?” Jade asked.
“Do you think they’ll come if they see the door open?” Kayla asked from the back somewhere.
“I don’t know but I guess we’ll find out huh.” I replied.
I swung the door open and they threw it out the door. Slamming it behind em. I latched it, leaned on the door and slide down till I was sitting on the floor.
“What about the others?” Jade asked.
“Fuck!” I replied.
I stood up with her helping me up by my arm. Everyone’s just standing there staring at Reighly, that’s still trying to inch his way to the lifeless phantom. After three or four pulls from his right arm he stops.
“I’m sorry guys.”
And his body calaps now lifeless.
Skyler walked up to his old friend and stands there for a minute in silence.
“How many more are going to die to these things? Are we going to ever get out of these houses alive?” He asked out loud.
“I don’t know man but it’s worth trying.” I said.
There a good amount of silence, til footsteps upstairs alerted us. Everyone one of us running to get to the stairs. Two of us, Skyler and I fall on the blood but manage to catch ourselves on the counter top. At the end of the kitchen, the stairs are to the right. We hit those stairs in an ant line. There was blood trailing down em and was probably from Reighly. As we get to the top, we could see the only door open was Reighlys with the blood trailing from in there.
“Lorili was in there with him.” Kayla whispered.
Who was right behind me, with Jade and Tyler trailing close behind.
No one said nothing to what she said.
Skyler was the first one in the room, seeing everything first, he glanced at me. His expression gave me chills down my back. I knew what to expect just because of that just because of the way he looked at me… I was right… When I walked in, all you could see was blood. The whole room was layered in it. Lorili was laying there on the floor, face down. Her arms were missing and she was naked. It looked like they were both sleeping when it got in. Examining the room from where I stood. The boarded up window was clean open, nothing was there but pure outside exposure but I couldn‘t fell no air. Both of there guns laid next to there bed on there night stand.
“They didn’t even get to get to there guns.” I said
“How bout’ everyone stays out, well take care of this. Go Check on the others, see if there alright and let em’ know what happened.” Skyler instructed.
They did as he said each of them going to each room of there own and telling them what happened. All the doors were locked and reinforced. I could hear Brianna scream in agony. Lorili was her best friend and the only one left in her family or close to it.
The closer I got to the window, the harder my heart started to pound. Cause I do know that this one window i boarded up but I kept the window in it… and it still was… there…. Then…
“Skyler! There in the house somewhere else! Didn’t you feel that breeze down stairs? I could and this windows closed. I don’t know how they got into just Reighlys room but they did either it got in in here and killed Reighly and I just was feeling things or something’s open down stairs and that wasn’t the only one in here…”
Boom-Bang. My sentence was pause.
“Did that just come from the closet?” Skyler asked.
“I’m thinking it did.”
“Guys bring the guns you have and Don’t go down stairs, something’s open down there! AND HURRY!” Skyler screamed.
There was a pounding of feet and Ty walk in the room, followed with Eli.
“Holy shit!” Eli said stunned.
“Damn it, he couldn’t save her.” Ty said.
“Don’t go down stairs, something’s open. The other one is locked in that closet right there, you bring the guns?” Skyler explained.
“Dude Courtney’s down there in the shower, I have to go back down there.” Ty snapped back.
“Go down there and get her and bring her back up here til we find what’s open down there k.” Skyler demanded.
“something’s open down there?”
“Ya, but we don’t know where, so be careful take a few guns k.” I replied.
Being careful and hurrying at the same time Ty and Eli walk down the stairs skipping a one every other step. Getting to the bottom, they take a left into the kitchen. Reighly was still in the same spot, lifeless.
“Fucking idiot, why didn’t he yell for help?” Eli asked.
“He did I guess, we were just to late.”
The two didn’t go into the living room where the corrupted slain body of Reighly laid. But they went through the kitchen and took a left to the end of the hall way. They could hear that shower on and gargling from inside.
“Babe, are you alright? We need to get up stairs, something’s open down here…. Babe…”Bang, bang, bang, Ty said knocking on the door.
Ty steps back and kicks the door in. There she was sitting in the bottom of the bathtub naked. But she was looking up at something… They followed her eyes up. It was another one, but he wasn’t fully in side, just his arm. Trying to reach for her through an open window not big enough to even squeeze a cat out.
“Don’t move k. Ty don’t shoot it, I have an idea. Maybe if we teach it a lesson it wont come back, you said the broom stick can touch it right?” Eli said.
He left the room for a second and returned with the broom.
“You fucker, I’ll fuck you up!” Eli told the phantom.
With all his strength, he swung it, hitting the arm multiple times. Each tme the thing made a noise of pain and even though the arm flung around and tried to grab him it couldn’t do nothing. Finally it stop and pulled its arm out. For a second it was pitch black ubtil the this stuck its face in.
“Your one ugly mother fucker!” Eli yelled.
“Get the hell out of here!”
Grabbing the broom with two hands he stabbed as the face out the window. With a scream, the thing was gone. Eli shut the board window.
“You can finish your shower, we have to clean up a little before we let you girls see anything k.” Eli told her.
Getting closer to the closet door, Skyler grabbed the door knob. I was ready to fire when it was swung open. He looked at me and nodded. He swung the door open and sure enough, there was one in there, that came right out. I started firing, Skyler join in and within a couple of seconds I was killed. We opened the window and threw it out side.
3 days later
We were all sitting in the living room, everyone from all four houses, or the survivors of them. The same situation happen over at one of the other house the same night. Three were killed there, til they took control over the situation. It was hard to keep one conversation going. But we did finalize on how Reighly and Lorili was killed at least. Two of them got in through the window. Reighly got the first one in the closet, but as soon as he did that, the other one got in and killed Lorili first, with Reighly already injured pretty bad, he just ran down stairs probably hoping there was someone up and only got to yell what he yelled before that thing grabbed him. But that wasn’t the only thing we discussed. It was the window and how they get in and why we can’t touch em’. We concluded that these things, whatever they are, can go through things, well anything except wood… and certain metals. There’s one more thing we haven’t figured out yet…
Why do the people they kill come back to life just to get to I thing that killed em? We haven’t figured it out yet and we don’t want to…
6 months before
“Hey guys!” A voice echoed through out the house.
Some how, the yell woke me up. I glance over at the nightstand.
“What the fuck.” I whispered to myself.
I could feel Jades naked body still laying on me the way she had fell asleep last night. I could tell she didn’t seem to hear the yell that woke me up and was still well asleep.
“Was I dreaming?” I whispered to myself again.
I lay there, listening and waiting for the yell to echo throughout the house again, but there were only the sounds of our fans blowing on our bed from either side. I closed my eyes and started to drift back to sleep. Several minutes past, just as I was about to fall back asleep, the door flung open. Sitting up, startled, I forgot Jade was laying on me and she was nearly thrown off the bed, but grabbing my arm, she caught herself.
“What the Fuck!?” I yelled.
It was Eli; he was still in his pajama pants with no shirt on.
“Fucking come and see this shit guys, I’m fucking freaked the fuck out.” Eli demanded.
“Fucking Eli, why did you wake us up, it better fucking be good or I’ll be pissed.” I Said with a yell as he started to walk back through the hall way.
“I’m fucking pissed Eli, I swear to god, if this isn’t important, I’m going to fucking kill you.” Jade yelled.
I swung my feet around til they were both on the floor, it was cold, not only were the fans on, but the windows and screen door to our balcony were wide open. I had left it open last night to cool it down from the summers heat. Which didn’t really help much; it didn’t really cool it down but instead let the hot air inside, til much later. But the floor was cold now, as well as the room. I could feel it on the wood floor, it almost hurt the bottom of my feet, it was so cold.
“God damn! It’s so cold in here; I’m freezing my balls off Babe.” I complained.
“Well put some cloths on, I think it feels good.” Jade stated.
“I’m just going to put my Pajama pants on, I don’t think I ‘m going to need a shirt. Babe hurry, I want to see what’s so important. It’s not everyday something freaks Eli out.” I said in a rush.
Slipping the pjs on while she slipped hers on, I threw one of her random shirts to her that had been lying on the floor. I walked over to the window and peered out for a second. It was a bit cloudy and the sun was no where to be seen, just a gloomy and grey day. I walked over to the open screen door and walked out on the balcony. It was wet and humid; I could smell the morning dew, and the mountain rain. Taking a deep breath of the fresh, wild mountain air, i turned around and stepped back inside. Jade wasn’t in the room and the door was open a little more then had Eli left it.
“Dang it, she left without me. Bad woman.” I mumbled to myself.
I left my room taking a right through the hall way, passing Tylers and Justines room, Skylers and Kaylas shortly after that. Taking a left before I get to the Bathroom, took me into the Master Living room. Almost everyone was in there except for Eli, who was probably hiding from Jade and I. Skyler and Kayla were on the love seat to the right and Cody, Cami, Soyer, and Brianna were all on the corner couch in the middle of the room and Tyler and Justine were on the recliner. I didn’t see Jade, Eli, or Jamie. I could smell food cooking and hear clanging of dishes and pans in the kitchen to the right of me.
“I’m bettin’ that’s Jamie.” I thought to myself.
“What the fuck was Eli yelling for? It better be good cause I’m pissed. “ I swore.
“Dude, we’re all going to die, it’s the end of the world and there will be nothing left.” Cody blurted out.
“Shut the fuck up jerk!” Cami said ending the sentence with a smack on the back of Codys arm that echoed throughout the room.
“Yeah, if you say that again I’m going to do more then a smack Cody.” Kayla added.
“Guys! Listen its back on!” Soyer cut in.
“We still don’t know the whole story, but it is confirmed that there are two asteroids that are in the path of the Earth, one of which being the size of the state of Delaware and the second, trailing it, half the size of that. It is speculated that they’ll both hit about 100 miles west of Florida, simultaneously, The President of the United States has issued a national state of emergency and has ordered the entire west coast to be evacuated, we are urging you to get under ground or find shelter, with plenty of food and water, along with blankets or whatever you can grab that might be of use. There is at least three or four days of time before for they will hit our orbit and another two til impact. We are now transferring you to Dane Loughin, the NASA astrolagist that made the discovery and was in on the calculations of time of impact and where…” The TV Anchor man said.
“Dane, so explain the situation a little more clearly, we know there’s two asteroids on our course, but is there anything we can do? Is there anything that we and the people need to know that hasn’t been said already?” the Anchor man asked.
“Well, there’s a lot to taking into thinking, Yes , there are two asteroids on course for Earth, one being 1,545 square miles and the other 720.5 miles wide. They are expected and has been calculated to impact around 161 kilometers or 100 miles west of Florida. As of right now there has been no change in the situation, other then what other countries are doing. Russia, Japan, and North Korea have already launched there own global defense missiles to try to knock the larger one off course and there has been no further information or news about that. The U.S. Government are getting together and, as we speak, are trying to see what they can do as a country, to stop this catastrophe. Until I have further news, all I can say is what you all have already heard, take shelter, under ground would be the safest and the further under ground u get the safer, and obviously most of you don’t have that kind of place to go to take shelter but there are bomb shelters. Schools and libraries all are made to take shelter from elements like this. Take as much perishable foods and water as you can. Do not take things you will not need or balky things, you will need room. Make sure you bring plenty of blankets with you cause it will get cold. Other then that, I do not have any more advice to give you on that.” Dane explained.
“Dane, you said that Japan, North Korea, and Russia have launched there own defenses separately, what is there goal? Do they think they have the technology to do this and do they? And if they miss does The U.S. have there own plan for this?” The Anchor man asked.
“Umm, to my knowledge, these missiles are to hopefully knock the bigger asteroid off our course, but from what I heard, it’s only a 30% success rate, even with three missiles, it’s just by chance the missiles will do that. As far as the technology to do it, I myself believe we do, but it just haven’t been exposed yet, and if we do, this will be the time to expose it. The United States, undoubtly, has a plan, but I haven’t been informed about it and if I do ill let you know.” Dane Said.
“Kay, thanks Dane, hope to hear from you soon.” The anchor man finished.
“Umm, so what do you guys want to do? Do you want to go home? We are in a pretty safe place here you know.” Soyer suggested.
“Well , I know there’s like 5 days til it even gets here, so if we’re going to stay here then we need to make it livable for all of us and we don’t have enough food or gas to even last 4 months, so I think we need to get a move on.” Skyler Protested.
“Ok, does everyone want to stay here then?” I asked.
There was a short time of silence and I could tell and even see fear and uncertainty on half of there faces, with excitement on the other half. Looking around I notice Jade, Eli, and Jamie joined in the little congregation and for what seemed a long time, everyone just stould there, silent, looking at each other and waiting for someone to speak.
“Well k, then I’m taking that as a yes.” I said, breaking the silence.
“Umm, but I think we should call our families before we finalize our decisions. What if they want us with them?” Brianna added.
“I think we should all just stay here, I mean, it’s not for me to say, but I think this place is one of the best places to at least keep out of the confusion of the towns and city’s, I know we have to go down to town to stock up, but thinking past that. If we went down there, where are we going to go to take shelter? The school, the Library, or what? Those places are limited with space and we even have three more huge houses out here, if we want, our families can all come out here, room here isn’t the an issue.” Jamie pleaded.
“Well, my family’s in a different state so I’m out, and Flints, Jades, Kaylas, Jamies, and Codys families are all out of state or won’t drive all the way out here. I mean we can see if they all will still.” Eli stated.
There was another moment of silence until it was broke by a pop in the kitchen.
“Oh shit, I forgot about the eggs!” Jamie said running into the kitchen.
No-one said another word to each other for a good hour, everyone just went to there own spot and called there families to see what their plans are and to see if they want to come out here. Most of the girls were crying except for Jamie. I can see why though, when she was little, her whole family was killed in a car wreck after dropping her off at a friends house. Since she was too young to even realize what really happened, she went to her aunt and uncles and was abused til they to were killed in car wreck , but this time it was them drunk and it was them that killed another whole family. Luckily she had a steady job and was in school. They even brought up her grades and even down to what she looked like, so the courts ruled her an adult, and able to think and live on her own, ever since then, she lived with Eli, in a month, it’ll be two years since she moved in and three years since they have been together. It’s easy to tell what she’s going to do. But it’s hard to tell about any of the others, even with Jade.
After about an hour or two, everyone started to get back together in the living room.
“Well, me and Kayla’s staying.” Skyler threw out there for everyone one to know.
“So are me and Cami, but Cami wants to spend some time with her grandma though.” Cody added.
“Umm, Jade and I are staying too, but my brothers are on the way, my mom and dad want to spend what time they have left together since he just got out of prison. Jade’s lil bro and two lil sis’s are on there way too, they’ll be here in less then 24 hrs; I have to pick em up at the airport. In 18 hours.” I said.
“We’re here to stay too.” Soyer said.
“My little sis is on her way here too, she’s going to call me when she gets to Sandpoint. But Justine’s going down to her parents cause they want her to but they don’t want me there, so she’s going alone and I’m stayin’.”
I could see hurt in his eyes when he said that. She had tears in her eyes, you could tell she was doing it against her will. After a second of silence, Eli broke in.
“K, well we need to get things going then, we have five days, to get four houses blow-up proof, livable, and comfortable. We Have 2 generators for each house one gas and one electric/gas hybrid for each house and they all need to be wired to the house, my dad did set up a wind mill up there on top of the mountain big enough to power all four houses but he could never get it to work even though it was set up by the book. Good thing about it is once it starts going it wont stop till we stop it ourselves. All my dad does when he is here, is work and add to the houses, he’s crazy but now that he’s gone and Tracey’s not living here anymore, there are things he didn’t get to finish that I don‘t even know about yet, But aside from that, we still need a lot of things. Like gas and alot more water, enough to last a whole year. Our Neighbor has a water truck that he’s been trying to sale and we could use that to fill up all the wells, once filled. I bet we would have enough water for two years with over a hundred people.” Eli Planned out loud.
“After we get the water filled up and shit we could use the truck to fill up barrels and put em’ out back. There has to be at least 200 barrels out at the recycling center. and there plastic to with no wholes.” Soyer added.
“I Guess I’ll use my credit card to get the gas then.” Skyler sighed.
“What about food?” I asked out load for opinions.
Everyone just looked at each other waiting for someone to speak, everyone looked like they just hit a brick wall going a hundred.
“How bout we go down to that deer farm. There’s some huge deer there and enough to feed all of us a long time, I know how to make jerky, and that lasts, and it almost never expires.” Cody blurted out.
“This is fucking crazy! Why didn’t they tell us earlier, they had to of seen it a long time ago with all that technology, don’t you think?” Cami said panicky.
“They probably did know, but didn’t want people to worry to early in case they changed course or something."
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imagines-fr-days · 6 years
Hey:) I came with another Fred x Reader request, hhh hope you’ll love the idea. So the Slytherin!Reader dating Fred and once on one of the lessons Angelina started argument with OC and as a true Slytherin, reader wasn’t ready to back off but Fred interrupted them and said something harsh to his girlfriend like “stop being such a repulsive serpent as everyone in your bloody house” I want angst I’m sorry.. with the angst prom#4; thank you and have a nice day❤️
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Here ya go! Sorry it took so long, I’ve been busy taking finals before winter break. Also, part 2 of the last Fred request is up!
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!reader
Prompt: angst #4: “I never meant to hurt you.”
Warning: a lot of angst, sadness and heartbreak.
Serpents and Lions
You climbed off of your broom and ran to Fred, your boyfriend. “That was amazing!” Slytherin, had just beaten Gryffindor in a Quidditch match, where you played Keeper. Fred let you jump on him but his grumpiness showed.
“Come on, Fred. You beat us last time and I wasn’t such a sore loser.” You jumped up to kiss his cheek, teasing him and laughing.
“Because last time we won fair.” Angelina spoke as she walked passed you both, holding her broom.
“Excuse me?” You turned towards her.
“I think you heard me, (y/l/n).” She turned to glare at you.
“Oh yeah, I heard you. I was giving you the opportunity to rethink what came out of your mouth.” Your arms crossed in front of your chest.
“Well it’s not my fault Slytherins are a bunch of entitled, cheating, tantrum throwing brats when they don’t get their way.” Angelina looked between you and Fred.
“We don’t cheat. We simply find loopholes within the rules. Still a fair game. You’re just not cleaver enough to think of such tactics. I think you’re just being a sore loser.” You chuckled a little which only seemed to make Angelina more angry.
“You call that cleaver?” Angelina raised a brow at you. “Fred, you-.”
Your fists clenched as you took a step forward, “Fred stays out of this. I can fight my own battles.” Fred grabbed your arm, stopping your would-be expulsion-inducing assault on the Gryffindor.
“Would you knock it off?” He growled, glaring down at you.
“You’re kidding me, right?” You scoffed.
“No. I’m not.” Fred rolled his eyes.
You ripped your arm away and turned your anger to him, “she’s accusing me of something I didn’t do! I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit here and let her spread lies about me!” You shouted at him.
“Will you shut up?! You’re such a repulsive serpent, just like every other person in your house. No wonder everyone hates Slytherins.” Fred shouted at no one in particular, just more to himself. You stood back, blinking at your boyfriends outburst. After a few seconds you came to your senses and gripped your broom. You ignored Fred’s voice calling after you as you swung your legs around and took off towards the castle.
You stormed into the packed celebrating dormitory, slamming doors behind you. Causing quiet to fall around the common room.
You stayed in your dormitory all night, thinking about everything Fred said. Did he mean it or was he just angry about losing.
“Hey, you okay?” Your best friend, Baylee walked into your dorm, “everyone’s in the common room talking about you.” She sat on your bed across from you.
“No... Fred. He said something and it just got under my skin and I stormed away because I didn’t know what else to do.” You sighed heavily, your fingers running through your hair.
“Well what did he say?” She raised a brow.
“Well Angelina Johnson accused Slytherin of cheating and so I was like excuse me bitch and I was about 2 seconds from ripping her head off and Fred stopped me and said ‘Will you shut up. You’re such a repulsive serpent. just like every other person in your house. No wonder everyone hates Slytherins.’ And I just kind of stared at him and then left. I didn’t know what to do.” You looked at Baylee and shrugged.
“Are you kidding me??” She sat with her mouth agape. You shook your head.
“I just don’t know what to do. I think he was just mad that he lost.” You scratched your head lightly.
“Even if that was the case that’s not right for him to say anything like that to you. You’ve been nothing but an amazing girlfriend to him and you always supported him.” Baylee growled.
“Yeah I know. I don’t know what to do.” You looked at her.
Baylee sighed, “Well I think you should break up with him... I just want you to be happy and you deserve someone who treats you like a queen. And that’s not Fred.”
“I guess you’re right...” you nodded. Tears brimming your eyes at the thought of ending your relationship.
“Wana come down and party with me?” She nudged your arm.
“No, I think I’ll just go to bed. I’m really tired.” You forced a smile, starting to undo your quidditch robes.
“Okay. If you need anything I got you.” Baylee clicked her tongue and left the dorm. You changed into pajamas and crawled into your bed.
When you woke up the next morning you went to the showers to clean up and headed for the great hall, in need of a delicious breakfast.
Fred hated that you would wake up so early for breakfast, as he liked to sleep in as late as possible. But when you approached the doors to the great hall you saw a tall mop of ginger hair in gryffindor robes.
“(Y/n)!” Fred shouted once he spotted you. You ignored his call and kept walking to the Slytherin table. Fred followed you and spent your whole breakfast trying to get you to speak somehow.
“Hey princess, look at this.” He laughed but you kept your eyes on your eggs and bacon.
“What do you say we skip potions and go to the black lake?” He nudged your arm, you shifted away from him.
“Why don’t we go to hogsmeade after classes?” He spoke again.
When you finished your meal you got up to go towards the library to study. Fred of course followed you out.
“(Y/n)!” Fred shouted as you kept walking but with his long legs he easily caught up to you. “Why are you ignoring me?” He grabbed your arm gently. You ripped it out of his grasp, glaring daggers at the ginger Gryffindor.
“Seriously?” You laughed, “how thick are you?!” You caught the attention of the entire corridor. Your voice cracking as you yelled.
“Come on, (Y/n). It was just a game.” He laughed.
“Okay, first of all. You were the one pouting. Second of all, Angelina started that fight and you sided with her.” Tears brimmed your eyes, “i was your girlfriend, Fred! And you picked the half-blood?! That hurt.”
“She’s my friend. And I didn’t even mean it... I never meant to hurt you.” Fred frowned. You hated seeing him like this but you were too furious to care.
“But you said it and you did hurt me and that was my mistake for trusting you to not hurt me.” You scoffed at him. You turned away from him to once again have his hand grab onto your sleeve.
“Keep your filthy blood traitor hands off me!” You hissed as you pushed him away.
Fred whimpered. The sound broke your heart but your face remained neutral, “I tried Fred. I was happy with how I was before but you changed me. I tried really damn hard. But I’m not going to let anyone put anyone or anything else above me, I deserve better than that.”
“Wait- What... what are you saying?- So were not together anymore?” Fred stepped back from you. The pain in his voice was just enough to let tears fall down your cheeks. You quickly wiped them away.
“That’s what I’m saying. Why don’t you go hang out with some courageous lions. Merlin forbid anyone see you with a repulsive serpent like me.” You stormed away with a cold expression and a broken heart, leaving Fred alone in the hall and other students whispering.
“Angelina is just my friend. You’re more important than her. I didn’t mean anything. I was angry because Gryffindor lost.” Fred ran in front of you, stopping you from walking.
“I don’t care! I know she’s just your friend! But you still put her in front of me. Do you know how many people I’ve put in front of you??? NONE! I’m not making that mistake again. I’m putting me first now. Whether you meant what you said or not, you said it. Slytherin has lost a lot of games to Gryffindor and I was always happy for you because I loved you. And when slytherin wins you pout like a baby, instead of being happy for me.” You growled at Fred, walking around his tall frame.
“You love me?” Fred chased after you once again.
“Loved. Past tense. I loved you until you told me that my entire house, and myself included, were repulsive serpents and no one likes us.” You glared into the eyes you once loved looking into. Now they just fueled the fire of anger in your bones.
“I love you... do I not get a say in this..?” The desperation in his voice making your heart cry out for him.
“Merlin’s beard, Weasley! No! It’s a break up! Now, please, leave me alone!” You pushed him away, blinking the tears from your eyes as you rushed towards charms class. Your heart tugging in your chest.
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Part 6/16 of 16 Glenya Commissions
Read them all here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16412702/chapters/40536092
Submit your own commission to [email protected] with Glenya Commissions in the subject box.
High School AU (Also I locked them in a closet)~
Anya tapped her fingers on the desk in front of her to the time of the bold handed clock on the class room wall and looked around the mostly deserted classroom. The room was empty with the exception of herself and the one other deletion-ee, who was diligently bent over the desk in front of him scribbling away furiously at their assigned work, work which Anya had already neglected and turned the page over, filling it with sketches of the Eiffel Tower, her sisters, and some nearly demonic half peacock half pig monstrosity.  
Anya let out a huff of air as she looked back to the clock to see not even two minuets had passed since she last looked up at it. Looking over to her comrade she almost felt bad for him. The student, Gleb, she remembered, had obviously never served a detention before in his entire high school career.
Glancing back at the closed door Anya knew her suspicions were most likely true, their detention teacher, Mr. Glorinsky, had probably retired to the teacher's lounge to wait out the rest of their detention.
Smirking to herself Anya pushed back from her desk suddenly, scraping the legs of the chair on the floor, emitting a banshee like screech. Standing up Anya made her way over to the ground level window and began to fidget around with the latches, pulling her hand back sharply, cursing under her breath and shaking out her hand after pinching it on one of the latches.
"What are you doing?" Gleb hissed, turning around in his seat to see her.
"I'm trying to leave." Anya grunted as she tried hopelessly to open the seemingly sealed window.
"What?" Gleb asked incredulously.
Giving up on the window Anya turned and walked over to the door, peering out the rectangular square window to see if the hallways were clear.
"I'm leaving, common." Anya turned back to Gleb with her hand on the door.
"What? No way, I ended up here by doing what you said!" Gleb snapped.
Shrugging Anya pulled the door open and stepped out into the hall.
"Anya, no!" Gleb tried but the door had already closed, effectively locking her out. After a moment of mental debating Gleb jumped out of his chair and pulled open the door, propping it open with his foot. "Anya!" Gleb whisper-yelled.
"What?" Anya turned around throwing her hands out.
"Get. Back. Here." Gleb pointed to the ground in front of him before looking back over his shoulder to make sure no one was coming.
"No." Anya said stubbornly.
"Anya!" Gleb reach out hopping forward and grabbing her arm, careful to keep his foot holding the door open.
On instinct Anya stepped back, but Gleb already had his hand on her arm and fell forward as she moved, both freezing as the door slammed shut, echoing ominously through the empty hall. After a moment Gleb seemed to come back to his senses and rushed back over to the door and tried the handle.
"You know that won't work." Anya tried as Gleb pulled on the handle, trying desperately to get back into the classroom.
"No, no, no, no, no!" Gleb moaned running his hands through his hair.
"Don't blame me!" Anya took a step back holding up her hands innocently.
"I blame you!" Gleb ground out, stepping towards her just as the sound of someone coming down the hall caught their attention.
"Run!" Anya yelled and by the time Gleb had looked down the hall towards the sound and back to her she was rounding the corner. Nearly slipping Gleb sped off after her just as Mr. Gorlinsky came into sight.
"Hurry!" Gleb yelled as he caught up and passed Anya, turning and running up a flight of stairs, Anya hot on his heels.
"What are you doing!" Anya shouted as she pounded up the stairs after him.
"What do you mean?" Gleb asked as he rounded a landing and began going up a second flight of stairs.
"Why are you going up! This is the only flight of stairs on this side of the building! You're pigeon-holing yourself!" Anya reasoned.
"Wh- I" Gleb immediately began to look around for an exit, the sound of a door opening and slamming shut on the ground level beneath them echoed mixed with the voice of their teacher shouting.
"This way!" Anya mouthed as she ran out the door opening to the second floor. Gleb followed before quietly closing the door behind him.
Rows of lockers blurred passed him as they ran towards the other side of the building to get to the other set of stairs.
"There they are." Anya panted as the neared their destination.
Just as they were nearing the stairs the door flew open to reveal the angry face of Mr. Gorlinsky. Skidding to a stop the two turned tail off in the other direction.
"What are we going to do?" Gleb asked as they ran passed a supply closet.
"Hide!" Anya grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, the door shutting behind him and clicking in place.
"Anya." Gleb whispered.
"This wouldn't happen to be the supply closet on the second floor that had the broken handle they replaced it with the same ones they put on the classroom doors, only backwards so it only opens from the outside unless you have a key?" Gleb mono-toned.
The was the sound of a handle jiggling in the dark before Anya's reply.
"I think, this would be that closet."
"So... we're stuck."
There was a long silence and Anya began to shift on her feet. Reaching up Anya moved to tuck a strand of hair that had fallen forward during the chase out of her eyes when her elbow caught something. What followed was a crash of buckets, cans, brooms, mops, and other cleaning supplied falling over, knocking her straight into Gleb's chest. Gleb managed to catch her in the dark stumbling back as she fell forward letting out a small yelp. They stayed frozen like that as they waited for the inevitable opening of the door, there was no way no one hadn't heard that ruckus.
After what seemed like five minuets Gleb spoke and Anya finally realized just how close they were.
"Anya, do you think you could manage a quiet step back?" Gleb put an emphasis on the word 'quiet'.
Anya thanked the heavens it was pitch black in the closet, though she was sure Rudolf the Red-nose Reindeer had nothing on her and her cheeks. Slowly she tried to shuffle back only to find the way blocked by something. Her cheeks only reddened and Anya was sure they would light up the room any time now when she realized the couldn't move from their rather intimate position.
"Anya?" Gleb tried again.
"I'm trying." Anya whispered. "But I can't move."
A new, almost uncomfortable silence settled over them.
"What do you mean you can't move?" Gleb asked quietly, the words coming out harsher than he meant.
"What do you think I mean, Gleb?"  Anya hissed. "I can't move! Is there any chance you can?"
"I'm already against the wall." Gleb answered.
Groaning Anya's head fell forward onto Gleb's chest before she realized what she'd done.
"Sorry." Anya said quickly, lifting her head up.
"For what? Getting me a detention, locking us out of the classroom, or locking us in here?" Gleb whispered.
"Technically the last two aren't my fault." Anya pointed out.
"It was your idea to leave the classroom, and then your brilliant idea to hide in here." Gleb argued.
"First off, you didn't have to follow me, and the classroom door closing was your fault, because you tried to grab me, and second off how was I suppose to know that this supply closet was the one with the screwy door knob?" Anya's voice climbed in volume as she spoke.
"The only reason I tried to catch you is because you were leaving!" Gleb tried to reason with her.
"Well you didn't have to, so in all actuality the only reason you're here is because of you!" Anya lifted her chin in defiance. "Why are you so worried about me getting in trouble, hmm?" Anya pressed.
"I'm not." Gleb attempted to push her back only for the pile behind Anya to give away beneath her, causing both of them to tumble to the ground.
"I suppose this is my fault to?" Anya asked as soon as the noise settle once more and Gleb sat up quickly realizing he was on top of her.
"Shut up." Gleb said reaching out to find Anya's arms and help her to her feet.  
"Make me." Anya shoved him off her before slipping forward and knocking him back to the ground, winding up on Gleb's chest instead.
"You know," Gleb teased, "If I didn't know better I'd say you liked it here."
Anya sat up ready to respond when the sound of footsteps coming down the hall stopped her. Quickly she fell back forward, so if the door was opened there was less of a chance of anyone seeing them. From her position she could clearly hear Gleb's heart pounding in his chest as they waited to see if their luck had run out and they'd finally been caught. After what felt like an eternity the footsteps passed and fell off into the distance and they were alone once again.
It was now when Anya realized three things in rapid succession: one, that she could feel Gleb's breath on her face, two: she didn't particularly feel inclined to move, and three: she wanted him to kiss her.
"Anya-" Gleb asked quietly, almost as if reading her thoughts.
"Kiss me." Anya whispered, cutting Gleb off.
"Wh- what?" Gleb stuttered.
"Kiss me." Anya repeated.
Slowly she felt Gleb's hands come up from their resting place on either arm to circle around her, one wrapping around her upper back, the other finding its way to the back of her head and gently pulling her down.
Somehow, the darkness around them made the kiss better than any other Anya had had, not that she'd kissed many people, mind you. Anya chalked this up to the fact that due to being blinded by the lack of light all her other senses were heightened, or maybe it was Gleb. Probably both. His lips moved gently against hers, and Anya let out a deep sigh, splaying her hands out on Gleb's chest. All too soon they pulled apart gasping for air before Anya bent down pressed a chaste kiss to Gleb's lips.
"That was..." Gleb started but trailed off, seemingly unable to find the words.
"I know." Anya finished, sitting up. In the dark she reached up and pressed a finger to her lips. Wouldn't this make a good story to tell her sisters, or maybe this is one experience she'd keep to herself, a private memory, just for her.
"Here." Anya startled back to reality and clambered up, quickly reaching down to pull Gleb up once more. Stepping back Anya leaned against the door, trying to catch her breath, her hands behind her back fiddling with the door knob.
Her thumb slipped on the lever and there was a sudden click and before Anya knew it she was stumbling backwards out of the closet into the, lucky, deserted hall.
Looking back into the closet she could see Gleb staring at her in disbelief.
"Figures." He mumbled before stepping out into the hallway next to her.
Quietly Anya closed the door behind him and stepped back, looking at the ground blushing furiously.
"We should go." Gleb touched Anya's arm lightly to get her attention before walking soundlessly in the direction of the east stairwell.
Wordlessly Anya followed him as they snuck down the stairs and out of the building. Neither of them said a word until they were off campus and walking down through a park in the center of town.
"Sorry for the whole closet thing."  Anya mumble kicking a pebble with the toe of her shoe.
"It's not your fault." Gleb said before adding, "And I'm sorry for anything I said in the closet, except for the bit where you got me in detention. That part was true."
Anya reached over and punched Gleb's shoulder in response. Aside from the slight laughter the action emitted they fell into a companionable silence once more until Gleb spoke up again.
"Tea?" Gleb pointed in the direction of a small cafe across the street.
"What?" Anya looked up from the pebble she'd been kicking with her feet.
"Do you want to get some tea?" Gleb asked again.
"Yeah, tea sounds nice." Anya agreed.
"Good." Gleb took her hand and Anya's heart skipped a beat before she closed her fingers around his.
"The thing is Anya," Gleb spoke as they stepped off the curb after looking both directions for traffic, "I really like you. Like, really like you."
"Good, because... I think I really like you too, Gleb." Anya stepped closer to him, expecting to feel uncomfortable, or like she was invading his personal space, but instead feeling better that she had before.
"Good." Gleb echoed as they entered the cafe, leaving the brisk autumn air behind them.
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mundieoriley · 6 years
An Open Doorway | Stephen Strange x Oc (Part Four)
Summary: Stephen Strange came to Kamar-Taj to repair his hands and return to his old life as a world renowned surgeon. Hayden Jones came to Kamar-Taj to escape her past and the abuse she faced for simply being as she was; a mutant. 
When these two radically different individuals meet, an unlikely friendship is formed.  But as feelings deepen and Kaecilius  threatens everything Kamar-Taj stands for, Hayden Jones and Stephen Strange must stand even more firmly together to defeat Kaecilius and save the world.
Masterlist is linked on my profile page.
Author's Note: Hey everyone! So, I know I said before this would only be a four or five part story, but it's turning out to be longer than I thought. Whoopsie doopsie.
Four: All Encompassing
In the beats of silence that follow, Hayden approaches Stephen. “So, I guess this makes us even, right?” When he doesn't respond, she reaches out and touches his shoulder. Even though he’s just an Astral Projection, Hayden can feel the tension beneath her fingers. “Stephen?”
He turns around, shaking her hand from his shoulder. “Even? After that stunt you pulled?” he says, voice harsh as he scowls down at her, tight lipped. “Do you have some sort of pathological need to put yourself at risk?”
Hayden takes a step back, gaping at Strange, hands clenched at her sides. “What is your problem-”
He takes a half step closer. “You’re dying-”
“So, what, Stephen?” Hayden straightens up, looking him straight in the eye. “That’s what people do.” She jabs a finger at the operating table, breathing heavily. “I’m sorry I’d rather be on that table instead of you, since me saving your ass is obviously a huge nuisance for you!”
Stephen face is beginning to turn red. “Oh, please. If anything, I’ve been nothing but a nuisance to you right? So, why would you do that?”
Hayden’s voice rises to a shout. “Because I can’t lose you too!”
She turns away from him, fighting down the sudden spike of emotion and the tears stinging the back of her eyes. The night she mutated rises with a vengeance in her mind and she clenches her fists hard enough to cause pain. That forces the memory away, along with the tears.
There’s another long moment of silence, then Stephen places a hesitant hand on her shoulder. “Hayden, I’m-”
“What, sorry?” She lets out a small bitter laugh.
His hand tightens on her shoulder and when he speaks, his voice is soft, all traces of his earlier anger, gone. “Did it ever occur to you that I actually care about you?”
Hayden feels his words like an electrical shock that leaves behind hope and warm feelings instead of pain and tingling.
But a long piercing sound from the heart monitor hooked to Hayden’s physical body cuts through the room and sends a jolt of a completely different kind through her Astral form. She had totally forgotten about Christine and the urgency of her physical  predicament
Stephen shoves her toward the table roughly. “Get back in your body, now!”
Hayden doesn’t need to be told twice. She darts over to the operating table and closes her eyes, blackness once again overtaking her.
Hayden jerks back into reality with a gasp. She looks around wildly, the bright lights blinding her for a moment.
A warm and familiar tremulous hand takes hers. “Hayden, everything’s alright. You’re back.”
The gesture and Stephen’s voice grounds her, calming her rapidly beating heart. She relaxes back on the table, blinking the glare out of her eyes. The first thing she sees is Stephen leaning over her, his brow creased and lips turned down in a frown. Next, she sees Dr. Palmer setting  a defibrillator aside.
Hayden looks back at Stephen, the memories of her Astral experience returning to her. “My heart stopped.” Stephen’s hand tightens around hers and she returns the pressure. She realizes how terrible it would have been if the last thing she ever said to Stephen was out of anger. “I’m sorry.”
He nods, a small smile on his lips. “Me too.”
That leaves a warm feeling in Hayden’s chest and she returns his smile.
Christine turns back to Hayden, holding a thread and needle in her gloved hands. “I’ve never seen a wound like this before, Hayden. What what you were stabbed with?”
Hayden remembers the front of her tuic is partially opened and she represses the urge to flush in embarrassment. “I don’t know.”
“Hayden, I’m a doctor,” Stephen says, noticing her embarrassment. “It’s not anything I’ve never seen before.”
She lets out a small, nervous laugh as Christine gets to work stitching her up; thankfully, there’s no pain, only a strange tugging sensation. “That’s not very comforting, you know.”
There’s several moments of awkward silence.
Dr. Palmer makes brief eye contact with Hayden. “Do either of you care to explain what the hell is happening? I mean, it’s been months since I last saw Stephen and he shows up out of the blue and passing out on the ground with barely any explanation.”
“That’s kind of a long story,” Hayden says, looking between Christine and Stephen, realizing there’s definitely history between them. Which is none of her business of course. “And I honestly think you don’t want to know.”
“It’s okay, Hayden,” Stephen says with a reassuring squeeze of her hand before he lets go. Hayden immediately misses the warmth.
He goes on to explain where he’s been all this time, telling Christine a little about Kamar-Taj.
“So, you joined a cult,” Christine says, finishing up a suture and moving on to the next. She looks to be about three quarters of the way done already.
Hayden gives a light laugh as Stephen back pedals a bit. “Well, no, not exactly. I mean, they did teach me to tap into powers I didn’t even know existed.”
“That sounds like a cult,” Dr. Palmer says with a small smile.
“It’s not a cult.”
“That’s what a cultist would say, Stephen,” Hayden says as she catches his eye.
Christine finishes up the last suture, strips off her gloves and helps Hayden close her blood stained tunic. “So, you’re part of this cult too, huh?”
“You heard Stephen, Dr. Palmer. It’s not a cult,” Hayden says, managing a weak joke as she begins to push herself into a sitting position with a groan.
Stephen helps her sit up and Christine looks alarmed. “Whoa, where do you think you’re going. I need to keep you under observation for at least twenty four hours.”
“It’s alright,” Hayden says as she flexes her stiff wings. Christine notices the movement and jumps a little when she realizes what they are. “I’m a mutant. I happen to heal faster than normal people.”
“Christine’s right,” Stephen says as he bends a disapproving look on her. “You should stay here.”
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily, Strange.” Hayden eases her legs over the edge of the table. “We’re late for a cult meeting anyway.”
Hayden gingerly slides off the table, thankful Stephen is there to steady her. Her legs feel like a strange mixture between super stiff and jelly.
Stephen wraps an arm around her shoulders, letting Hayden lean on him. “I want you to know I think this is a really bad idea.”
Christine walks ahead of the duo and holds the door open  as they shuffle out of the operating room. “I second that…. Where are you guys even going?”
Stephen and Hayden exchange a look.
“Just tell me the truth,” Christine says as she walks on Hayden’s other side.
“Well, a powerful sorcerer, who gave himself over to an ancient entity and can bend the very laws of physics, tried very hard to kill us but we left him chained up in Greenwich Village-,” Stephen says as they arrive at the double doors they came through earlier.”-and the quickest way back is through a dimensional gateway I opened in the mop closet.”
“Okay, don’t tell me, fine,” Dr. Palmer says as she opens the doors and allows Stephen and Hayden to go through first. Her eyes widen as she lets the broom closet doors shut behind her. The sling ring portal is still there in all its sparky glory. “Whoa.”
Stephen steps up into it and helps Hayden through as well.
“Thanks for patching me up, Dr. Palmer,” Hayden says as she gives a little awkward wave at the gaping Christine.
“We really must be going,” Stephen says, before he lets the portal close.
“I kind of feel bad for her.” She turns to face Stephen, feeling much steadier on her feet. “It’s a lot to process.”
“She can handle it,” he says. “She’s a strong woman.”
There’s a hint of remembrance in his voice and that forms a bitter and unpleasant knot in Hayden’s stomach. She forces it away, telling herself she has no reason to be-
She bites her lip and looks away from Stephen. “She sure seemed like it.” That’s when Hayden notices the cloak waiting patiently a couple feet away, levitating serenely a couple inches from the ground. “You’re cape’s waiting for you.” Stephen goes over to it and Hayden follows. “It’s not a cape, it’s a cloak.”
He wraps his fingers around the collar and with one deft motion of his arm, it whirls around him in a soft red blur and settles on his shoulders.
Hayden raises her eyebrows in an unimpressed fashion at him, despite the warm feeling growing in her chest. “If you’re trying to be cool, then it’s (working) not working.” Stephen shakes his head at her and opens his mouth to retort, but she cuts him off. “Anyway, where has it been this whole time?”
Stephen’s face tightens a fraction. “It was keeping that zealot busy while you were….” He winces a little and Hayden touches a hand to her chest. “I was able to get my sling ring back because of it.”
Hayden takes a half step closer to him and hesitantly takes his hand. “About back at the hospital, you’re not actually a nuisance, Stephen,” she says, briefly making eye contact with him before looking away. “I’d be dead if you hadn’t been here and I don’t know how to thank you enough for that.” She draws her thumb over his knuckles. “Despite the fact we bicker a lot, you’re the greatest friend I’ve ever had-” Friend? Why does that feel so wrong to say? “- and you’ve always been there for me. I’m sorry I haven’t been as good to you as you’ve been to me.”
Stephen’s fingers squeeze hers. “Hayden, look at me.” She does as he asks and there’s a blatant softness in his eyes she can’t recall seeing before. It fills her up and warms her heart. “You have been more than I could have ever asked for, so don’t think for a second you haven’t been enough.”
His kind words cause tears to prick at the back of her eyes. She looks away from him for a moment, blinking them back and letting out a small self deprecating laugh. The world has been telling Hayden her entire life that she’s a freak, that she doesn’t belong and that she’ll never be enough. So to have Stephen, the man that she’s grown to-
Her thoughts grind to a screeching halt and the realization hits her like a ton of bricks. All these warm feelings and pangs she’s been getting around him, her jealousy of Christine, her willingness to throw her life away if it meant he got to live, it suddenly all makes sense and boils down to one all encompassing phrase.
The man she’s grown to love.
There’s a release somewhere in her, thanks to finally admitting it to herself, and that release brings forth a whole wave of emotions crashing over her, drowning her.
“Hayden.” Stephen’s voice silences and calms the wave back into peacefulness. “Are you alright?”
She blinks rapidly and looks back up at him, her heart giving a lurch when their eyes meet. “Oh, um, yeah. I’m fine.” Which is a complete and utter lie. Her eyes flick down to his mouth for a moment and she gulps. “I just- realized something.” Almost without her noticing, she begins to slowly lean up, thanks to a strange and new magnetism forming between them.
Stephen’s other hand comes up and brushes a strand of hair back into place, eyes following the movement, before lightly cupping her cheek. “And what would that be?” He begins to lean down too.
Hayden’s voice dies in her throat when they make eye contact again, her train of thought careening off its tracks. She gathers the courage to close the gap all at once and-
“Strange, Jones! You’re okay!”
Stephen and Hayden immediately pull away from each other and turn to face the direction the unwelcome voice came from. It’s Mordo, coming down the stairs with a distinctly relieved and oblivious look on his face. She wishes she could punch him for barging in at exactly the wrong moment.
Hayden suppress a sigh. “Well, generally speaking.”
Mordo stops at the bottom of the stairs and motions for them to follow him. “Come, the Ancient One is waiting.” He turns and begins to make his way back up the stairs.
Stephen glances at Hayden and offers her a small awkward half smile before following Mordo. She goes after them, attempting to calm the maelstorm brewing in her mind. She and Stephen were about to kiss, kiss. That means he’s at least attracted to her, right? People normally don’t go around almost- kissing people they’re not attracted to, right?
As the three of them emmerge into the artifact room, stepping around the piless of broken glass scattered about, she forces any thought of what transpired between her and Stephen away. She’ll have plenty of time to overanalyze it later. Momentarily tuning out the conversation between Stephen, Mordo, and the Ancient One, Hayden notices what appears to be the body of the zealot from the operating room laying on the ground near the top of the stairs. She goes over to him and crouches down, wincing when she notices the glassy look to his eyes. Hayden presses two fingers to his throat and doesn’t feel a pulse. Letting out a slow breath, she stands back up and moves away from the body.
Yes, Stephen obviously saved her life in that operating room, but he had to kill someone, albeit someone who was arguably evil and definitly trying to kill her. It’s a weight he’ll carry for the rest of his life and that’s the last thing Hayden, knowing from experience, wants on Stephen’s shoulders.
“No, it’s Doctor Strange. Not Master, not Mr. Doctor.”
Hayden stops at Stephen’s side and bites her lip, her hands twisting in front of her.
“When I became a doctor, I swore an oath to do no harm.” He gives a small angry gesture. “And I have just killed a man. I am not doing that again. I became a doctor to save lives, not take them.”
Hayden winces when he says this and she looks away from him as her shoulders droop a bit. If she had done something different in that operating room, then maybe Stephen wouldn’t have had to kill that zealot. Maybe she could have prevented that from happening somehow.
Thanks to her bad habit of getting lost in her own head, Hayden missed another chunk of conversation.
“Like how you feed off him?” Stephen takes a step closer to the Sorcerer Supreme, shoulders tight and voice sharp. “You talk to me about controlling death, but I’ve seen the rituals from the book of Cagliostro.”
“Measure your next words very carefully, doctor.” The tone of her voice is calm, but there’s a subtle hint of warning in it too.
“Stephen, what are you talking about?” Hayden says, stepping up beside him and touching his arm.
Mordo looks between the three of them, obviously feeling the rising tension in the room.
“I’m talking about her long life, the source of her immortality.” Stephen turns his head and makes eye contact with Hayden. “She draws power from the Dark Dimension to stay alive.”
Hayden opens her mouth, but Mordo is already speaking, stepping forward. “That’s not true!”
Stephen breaks the eye contact with Hayden and looks over at Mordo. “I’ve seen the rituals, worked them out.” His gaze cuts back over to the Ancient One. “I know how you do it.”
She’s standing there, just looking at him. “Once they regroup, the zealots will be back. You’ll need reinforcements.”
With that, she turns and exits the room.
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