#cause we'd have to go through yet another change
lqvesoph · 2 years
the commentator just said that it's probably be worse for chelsea than for potter if he leaves... probably true
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patscorner · 24 days
pairings: paige x oc
contains: angst
word count: 686
a/n: let's try another shot at this series thing... here we go
JUNE 2020
I dribble the ball between my legs before taking a step back and shooting the ball. It's almost midnight, and the thunder claps should've kept me in bed, but it seems like the last thing I can do is sleep. It's been three weeks.
Azzi already got her acceptance letter to Uconn. We'd applied at the same time, yet hers came almost a month ago, and I'm sitting here empty-handed.
What if they denied me? What if they just forgot to send it, and I don't find out until I'm in the middle of Texas? Sure, it's not common for colleges to scout one school and find what they're looking for. But with us, I feel like they could. It's always been us two- Azzi and I- and even Paige, and although Paige and I aren't speaking, I don't think I'm ready to let that go yet.
I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to let that go.
But here I am, letting them slip through my fingers. Letting her slip from my grasp.
How did I get here? How’d it get like this? It seems like these past few months have been nothing but loss, love, and the bittersweet taste of change.
I’m a great basketball player, I know that. But if any coach was scouting me right now, they’d cross me off the list immediately. The way the basketball clangs off the backboard once more causes me to groan in frustration, throwing my head back. I chase after it, positioning myself at what would be the wing.
Basketball is a mindless game. Something I do well without even thinking about it. The movement of the ball, the way it bounces off the court, the way my wrist flicks when it leaves my hands, the swish of it passing through the net, whatever; the motions are fluid. Subconscious, even. Something I can do with my eyes closed without a second thought. But right now, I'm thinking about everything, including her. And as though I'd summoned her…
“Dude, it's midnight, what the fuck are you doing?” a groggy voice calls. I flinch at the unexpected presence, and turn around to see Paige. She's got her hair down, the blonde locs frizzy from her sleeping position.
The house lights illuminate her hair, the yellowish glow casting a shadow on the cement. Her red plaid pajama pants hang dangerously low on her waist, her Nike Pro boxers peeking above the cotton material. She's wearing a Uconn hoodie because, of course, she is.
I roll my eyes. “Just throwing shots up.” I say, holding the ball on my hip. I could practically hear her eyes roll. “No, no, I can see that, I just mean, why? It's literally about to rain.”
“Why do you care? Why don't you go back to sleep?” I huff, shooting the ball up again.
She scoffs. “I'd actually love to. In fact, I couldn't think of anything better to do-” I wince as the ball bounces off the rim again. “-but when all I can hear is a fucking ball bouncing, it's kinda hard to enjoy slumber.”
I roll my eyes. “Whatever, I'll be done soon.” I mutter as the ball bounces towards her, internally sighing as she picks it up. I hold my hands out, motioning for her to give it to me. She doesn't.
“Why can't you sleep?” She asked, her voice sounding genuinely concerned. That's the thing. She's pretty fucking good at that.
I sigh. “Can I just get the ball, bro.” She can't make anything fucking easy.
She smirks. “Nah. Not ‘till you tell me why you're playing basketball in the middle of the night when it's about to storm.” I groan.
Don't let her in again.
“Nevermind, I'm tired anyway. Court's yours, asshole.” I say, shoving past her and stomping into the house.
There's nothing more I've wanted to do than break down in her arms and tell her everything that I'm thinking, and have her hold me and tell me everything's gonna be okay.
But I've already done that.
And I'm not making that mistake again.
taglist: @wintersstan @bueckerrss @lilia22hicks @fake-intelligences @girlokwhatever @pbloverr @breeloveschris-deactivated20240 @cosmopretty @hellokittyfeenie @averagelobotomyenjoyer @elliewilliamsthang @chelisbae @angelscovee @st4rrzynight
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tarjapearce · 1 year
I had a cute idea of the soccer family and it’s like wife reader and Miguel after a long long day and they finally put kids in bed clean the kitchen from dinner and their both ready for bed in their sleep clothes and they decided to watch a movie but the movie its a sad movie when a kid dies or get really sick and the wife reader gets really sensitive about that cause she imaginé the movie kid as her own kids and start crying and Miguel it’s trying to comfort her (I already ask for this in another page but I think you would get this better) I think it’s a cute idea, love your writing. 🫶🫶
Omg, I saw a movie that reminds me so much to this!!! . Not precisely physically injured but yeah. Hope you like! ❤️✨
(If you're into drama, Watch it ❤️)
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The quietness after another successful day in the O'Hara household meant another victory for daily activities. Benjamin was changed into his little blue and red onesie, and put to sleep. Gabriella was tucked in bed; You and Miguel were ready to enjoy a little time together before going to bed.
Miguel had been zapping through the channels, you cuddled him and he put an arm around your shoulders.
His eyes were settled on the tv, the scene of a blonde little girl looking at to what seemed to be her legal guardian, confused as to why there was a new lock in the door.
The movie title displayed on the bottom, 'What Maisie Knew'
"She's such a cutie" You mumbled as you watched the little actress making an appearance in school holding hands with a man as he walked her towards the classroom.
As the movie advanced you couldn't help but to cling to Miguel, he was as tense as you were. Seeing the characters fight over the custody of their only daughter and making her to choose gave your heart a doleful flip.
Eyes couldn't help but gloss at a certain scene, the little girl being awaken in the middle of the night just cause her emotionally neglecting mother thought it was a good idea.
Resentment, pain yet understanding were one of the primary things the movie had stirred within your pot of emotions but soon sadness joined.
How could a mother do such thing to her only child? Still was beyond you. You had tried to be empathic with the character, but still, was something your mind couldn't quite grasp.
Her neglect and abandonment was deliberated. Sussan didn't fight for her unless she saw Maisie being happy with others.
Fat tears rolled down your cheeks and Miguel frowned
"¿Estás bien?" (Are you ok?)
His hands pushed you closer to him on his chest as your head shook. He turned the TV off.
"How can she do that? Resent her own child to be happy. Like, she is a child! It's not Maisie's fault she's been an unstable woman."
Miguel gave a deep exhale and rested his head ontop of yours.
"You know that not many parents are meant to be."
"It only makes it worse to know that she is aware of everything that is going on. I just... ugh, I could... I could never do something like that. Marrying someone out of spite, dragging your kid into a grown up fight, and make her choose!"
You hiccuped and he wiped away your tears.
"It's just a movie, mi amor."
"I know. Still... It's so damn awful knowing that parents like these exist. I couldn't help but imagine Gabi like that. And God... I swear I'd fight with teeth and claws for her."
Miguel chuckled, a bit sadly. The sudden image of him and you fighting over Gabriella and Benjamin surely didn't sit right on his chest.
"You know we are far from perfect, right? Marriage wise."
You nodded and clung to him once more.
"But know this. We'd never get to that, ok?"
"Te lo prometo. You're stuck with me forever, cariño." (I promise)
His lips kissed your forehead.
"Besides, think it as a win for Maisie. She gets to have loving parents that truly look after her wellbeing and those cabrones will think twice before having a kid again."
"At least they know they're shitty parents."
"Cierto. But don't think too much about it." (True that)
He cradled you in his arms and caressed your hair.
"That movie is banned from this household"
Miguel chuckled and nodded.
"Need a glass of water or tissues?"
"Hold me?"
"Of course."
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History will judge you
No matter what you do, values will change in the future. You are a product of your time just like everyone else always has been and always will be. You do not magically know the values people will have in the future just like people 100 years ago couldn't have predicted our values today.
"I know what I'm doing is right" yes by your values today. Everyone thinks what they're doing is right, and it often is by some framework within their own time. Doing what you believe is right is generally a good thing to do.
"I know I'm on the right side of history because I'm working to reduce suffering and harm to a marginalized group." But how are you doing this? Are you unnecessarily advocating for increasing harm to another group? Is what you're doing actually helping?
In the future, people might be viewing it through a different lens, and the good guys vs bad guys narrative might be reversed or might not exist anymore. It might look more like harming one group because another told you to. Or it might look like something we can't even imagine, just like how people in the 16th century couldn't imagine how we'd view them from the 21st century. People in the future might just be viewing it with hindsight and know about unintended consequences that we don't know yet, like how we view prohibitionists.
The future isn't a static thing, either. No one time period is a monolith. There are people on this website who view the American Civil War from completely different angles, much less how it was viewed in the 1880s vs now vs 300 years from now. Individuals change how they view the same event as they learn more and as life experiences change them. History isn't one thing.
There is no point to doing anything to be on "the right side of history." Do things because you think they are right at the moment. And if someone tells you that how you are going about your fight is causing harm, then consider what they're saying. Just because you're doing something for the right reasons doesn't mean everything you do is right.
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skelliko · 4 months
Hello first time requesting
I was wondering if I can request reader x hanma were they have a toddler and hanma rough plays with him and overall hanma being a good father to the point that the reader is moved to tears as they see that since they never really saw how a loving father is supposed to look like so it’s like healing their inner child seeing their kid being genuinely loved by their father not just in name
(It’s to heal them daddy issues yes)
a/n: we're in this together cause me too. at first I didn't wanna write it since I've stated I wouldn't write about marriage or pregnancy but I'll let this dodge just cause I said so. (btw I did the kids gender as a boy cause you mentioned 'him' once, not sure if that was on purpose or not but i hope thats okay)
Hanma Shuji |-° a good father
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it was scary getting married, afraid that it would turn south and become unhappy to the point where we'd turn down walls just to get our points across. afraid that cause of all our bickering he'd secretly go with another woman, become avoidant and distant but that hasn't happened, at all.
finding out I was pregnant was terrifying, afraid that I would fail as a mother of a sweet baby and id be the reason for his dreams and innocence being taken away. you don't need to be drastically smart to know that you eventually become your parents, everyone has some sort of element inside of them that resembles their care givers. so I was petrified that I'd turn out like my father, or maybe that I had married the wrong man to commit in having child with; just like my mother. generational trauma doesn't go easy on anyone, so my heart always shook and sank whenever i held my boy.
I try, I really do try a lot to make sure that what I went through won't ever happen to my- our kid and he'll grow up to be loved. but fear does still strike me since I'm yet to figure out how to be as a parent, Im aware that how I grew up wasn't right at all, but that doesn't mean that I know what good parenting looks like.
I've told hanma about my fear of parenting before we had agreed on having a kid, he didn't look at me weirdly, he didn't say anything negative, he didn't tell me that I shouldn't worry half assed as if it should be common sense to figure it out on the spot. instead, he told me not to worry sincerely, he meant every word he said, soothed me with warm words and some of his little jokes, and told me I have plenty of time to figure out if I want to be called 'mom' and that there was no reason to rush into things. so after a few days I've made up my mind and went on to discuss baby names as a hint that i want to keep it.
I hear small giggles in the other room, ones that belong to our child, a child that has the most gorgeous smile and has his father's eyes. his tiny baby hands have grown to be toddlers and he's still growing everyday.
I wiped my hands dry and clean on a towel in the kitchen from washing the vegetables that I was about to cut up and cook. I could have started right away with the cooking but I wanted to quickly see what's so amusing that got our boy all loud and humoured.
leaning against the door frame I saw our boy stood up on his little feet with his arms circling around in the air, Hanma was gently pinching his tummy with this thumb, pointer and middle finger making him ticklish and making 'pow' and 'wow' sounds. Hanma was smiling and laughing along as he'd change him movements to then annoy the kid by tapping him on his cheeks and nose, the boy would try and move hanma's hand away but despite his annoyance he was enjoying it and that just kept Hanma to keep playfuly annoy him.
is that something that fathers do? is that what they call rough play, or is this something else?
a main thing that also struck me in this moment was that hanma was smiling while playing with the boy. Im aware that parents can still smile but seeing his joyed expression instead of a bothered and annoyed look felt really refreshing.
for the past few years we've had our boy he's been nothing else than a good father, sure we've had a few off moments but there will always be short lasting moments where it feels like we're all sinking because of our own mistakes and flaws.
but over time Hanna has made me realize many things, about himself, myself, our boy and on an overall what it means to be a good parent. what considers to be good parenting is a very controversial topic for most but I'd say as long as the child is happy and isn't sat through abuse or neglect, that's more than enough.
my boy will have the childhood that I needed but couldn't have, Hanma is being the father that I needed but didn't have. our boy will be smiling all throughout. while im over here trying to keep in my angsty emotions, c'mon I'm better than this aren't I?
I put a hand over my mouth to stop my quivering lips but my teary eyes took that as a chance to spill over before I could wipe them away. looking away to avoid any attention but before I could go back to what I was doing before; Hanma called my name out and I felt his hands slide up my upper arm and turn me around. he saw me cry before I saw him notice.
"hey hey, what happened? talk to me" he said worryingly
looking at him briefly, I wanted to speak up but even I was unsure on what I was crying about, but then i looked at our boy for a few seconds and it only then clicked in. I shook my head gently before replying "no it's just- you're a good father. and I'm glad our boy will have you to look up to"
hanma immediately brought me into a tight hug but then chuckled a little, I felt the vibration of his laugh against his chest. whats so amusing? "and he has an amazing mother to look up to as well. I know how stressed you've been and I'm really proud of you for how far you've gotten"
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dixons-sunshine · 4 months
Because Of Her | Michonne Hawthorne x Fem!Reader
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Summary: You met Michonne not long after your camp fell. The two of you wandered the world side by side, always sticking by one another's side through thick and thin. However, somewhere along those lines, friendship and feelings got blurred together, and all it took was for you to get hurt for her to admit that.
Genre: Angst, fluff.
Era: Prison, season 3.
Warnings: Swearing, blood, mentions of death.
Word count: 1.9k.
A/n: Changed the title because this took an entirely different turn than what I originally wanted. Also, I'm sick at the moment, so my mind isn't really clear, so I apologize if this sucks. However, I hope you like this!
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Everything was a blur to you. One minute, you were laughing and checking for weapons in the abandoned prison bus with Michonne. The next minute, you found yourself cowering to avoid the bullets that the Governor and his men were shooting at you, using your own weapon to eliminate the approaching walkers while you made a run for the safety of the cellblocks.
“Shit! Michonne, to your left!” you called out desperately, using your gun to shoot a walker that nearly took a chunk out of your arm.
Michonne used her katana to take out a walker that was heading towards her. Once the threat was taken care of, she turned towards you and extended her hand in your direction. “Come on, we gotta go!”
Grabbing her hand, the two of you made a run for it, evading the undead that wanted to make the two of you their next meals. Michonne had to temporarily let go of your hand to kill an approaching walker, and you took the liberty to shoot back at the men that wanted to murder each and every one of you.
You felt a sharp pain shoot through your side, and you hissed. Michonne, perceptive as ever, looked over at you, concern written all over her beautiful features. You wanted to do nothing more than to cup her cheeks and kiss her frown away, but you knew that would never happen—so you settled for her friendship. It was better to have her as your friend than not have her in your life at all.
“You okay?” Michonne hurriedly asked you, her eyes scanning over your form worriedly.
You nodded and took her hand again, subconsciously longing for the comfort the warmth of her hand brought you. “I'm fine. Let's go!”
What felt like centuries but was in reality only a few seconds, you and Michonne finally reached the gates leading to the cellblocks. Maggie, spotting you and Michonne, hurriedly opened the gates and ushered the two of you inside. Just as the two of you rushed to safet, the Governor and his people retreated, their vehicles rumbling away in the distance.
“What the fuck happened?!” you exclaimed, sharing bewildered looks with Maggie and Michonne. “How can they retaliate this fast?”
“They have the numbers. The Governor told a story to his people and he decided that we'd make the perfect antagonists,” Maggie spat out bitterly. “With people now thinking we're the bad guys, it would make sense for the Governor to play into their fear and convince them to fight.”
Before you could reply, Rick came rushing through the gates. The man you had learned to be named Daryl was hot on his tail, followed closely by the guy you probably hated more than the Governor—Merle Dixon.
Rick, cleverly sensing that you, Michonne and Maggie weren't all too thrilled to see the man who caused you all so much pain and suffering, sent you all a warning but pleading look. “Not now, please. We'll discuss this inside.”
Eyeing the older Dixon with distaste, you scoffed and turned to walk back into the safety of the prison. Michonne followed behind you, not sparing the people she had yet to trust a second glance.
As the two of you walked into the prison, your adrenaline started to wear off. The sting in your side started throbbing painfully, but you chose to ignore it for the time being, not wanting to start a fuss over you when there was more pressing concerns at hand.
And as you walked, you were unaware of the blood seeping through your shirt, the bullet still lodged in your flesh, no exit wound in sight.
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“Field's filled with walkers,” Rick Grimes started, walking over to the group that had assembled to form a plan to fight back against the Governor. “I didn't see any snipers out there, but we'll keep Maggie on watch.”
“I could be up in the guard tower. Take out half them walkers and give these guys a chance to fix the fence,” Daryl offered an idea, standing with his hands on his hips.
“Or use some of the cars to put the bus in place,” Michonne replied, sharing a glance with you.
You nodded at her suggestion, subtly clutching your side as the pain only worsened. “I could do it. Just give me some extra ammo for my gun.”
“No, there's no way you're doing it alone,” Michonne instantly denied. “I'm going with you.”
“No, you need to stay here. You're one of the strongest fighters. It doesn't matter if the walkers get to me. If the Governor comes back—”
“I don't care about that,” Michonne cut you off, shaking her head and sending you a pointed look. “I can't let anything happen to you.”
“No need to go at each other's throats,” Hershel interrupted, diffusing the situation in a calm voice. “Besides, there's no way we can access the field without burning through our bullets.”
“So we're trapped in here,” Glenn mused unenthusiastically. “There's barely any food or ammo.”
“We've been here before. We'll be alrigh',” Daryl replied, chewing on his thumbnail.
As Glenn countered his words, your head started to spin. Your vision was starting to blur and it felt as if all the life had been drained from you. You stumbled a bit, accidentally bumping into the archer.
Daryl steadied you, sending you a confused frown. “The hell's wrong with ya?”
Michonne looked at you in concern. She placed her hand on your forearm, gently rubbing her thumb over your exposed skin. “Y/n, are you okay?”
You nodded weakly. “Yeah, I'm...” you started but trailed off, unable to speak properly. The world was spinning, and the floor was seemingly starting to disappear around you.
Michonne's voice was the last thing you heard before everything started to go black. You fell back, your eyes closing. The last thing you remembered before you fell unconscious was someone catching you, their arms wrapping around you to pick you up.
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You felt groggy when you finally woke up again. The pain in your side had somehow increased yet lessened at the same time, and your head was pounding relentlessly. You groaned and tried to sit up, but a voice startled you.
“S'probably not a good idea to do tha' righ' now.”
Looking up, you locked eyes with Daryl. The man was leaning against the open cell door, watching you in intrigue. His eyes closely followed your movements, ensuring that you didn't injure yourself more, a pleading request for him to do so by Michonne.
“Why do you care what happens to me?” you asked in confusion. “If I were to stand up right now and drop dead, why would you care?”
“I dun',” Daryl shrugged, pushing himself off the doorframe and walking into the cell. “But yer girlfriend cares, and I promised her I'd make sure ya were okay, and I ain't one fer breakin' promises.”
“She isn't my girlfriend,” you corrected him, eliciting an amused snort from the man.
However, when Daryl saw that you were being serious, he looked surprise. “Damn, the two of ya ain't goin' steady?”
“No,” you confirmed, albeit with a sullen undertone in your voice. “She isn't even in to women.”
“But ya are.”
“Yup,” you confirmed, knowing there was no use in hiding the truth from him. “But Michonne isn't. You have a better chance to get with her than I do.”
“Fer some reason, I highly doubt tha',” Daryl mused, chuckling at your confused expression. “I overheard her tellin' Carol tha' “it wasn't supposed to be like this” and tha' she “should've said somethin' sooner”.”
“That could mean a lot of things. It doesn't mean that she's in to me.”
“If ya say so,” Daryl replied, sending a nod in your direction. “I'll go tell her tha' yer awake.”
“Thanks, Daryl,” you thanked him, receiving another nod in return before the man left the cell.
A few painful, agonizing minutes passed before you could hear shuffling outside the makeshift medical cell. You looked up just in time to see Michonne rushing in, a relieved expression on her face.
You opened your mouth to talk, but you were cut off. Michonne dropped to her knees beside the bed and gently grabbed your face in her hands, firmly pressing her lips against yours.
Your eyes widened in surprise for a moment, completely caught off guard, but you soon closed your eyes and felt yourself melting into the kiss. The kiss ended way too quickly for your liking, Michonne being the one to pull back first.
Michonne looked deeply into your eyes, worry and relief fighting for dominance in her beautiful irises. You brought your hand up the her face, softly rubbing her cheeks with the pads of her thumbs.
“Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?” you asked her in a whisper.
Michonne shook her head, willing the tears in her eyes to go away. “Just in case something else happens that takes you away from me,” she explained. “I needed you to know how I felt, even if I'm fucking pissed at you.”
You frowned in confusion. “Wait, why?”
“Because you kept that bullet wound a secret and you almost died!” she exclaimed in exasperation. “How long have you had this?”
“A bullet wound?” you questioned, shaking your head in realization. “That's what that pain was. One of the Governor's asshole groupies shot me.”
“Yeah, and you told me you were fine, you bitch,” she replied, wiping the tears that formed in her eyes away. “Don't ever hide something like that from me again. I can't lose you too.”
“Wait,” you started, finally grasping what had happened. “You kissed me. Holy shit, you kissed me! You like me!”
Michonne laughed and nodded. “Yeah, I do. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I was scared I was gonna ruin our friendship.”
“I didn't even know you liked women. I thought you liked guys,” you responded, surprise evident in your tone.
“You do know it's possible for someone to like men and women, right?”
“I wouldn't know. I've only ever liked girls.”
Michonne chuckled, before lowering her head to rest against your hand that layed flat on the bed. “Please don't leave. I wouldn't survive if I lost you too.”
You smiled at her, the atmosphere between the two of you making a permanent shift. “I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me.”
“I guess I could live with that,” she smiled, before lifting her head and leaning in for another kiss, one that you instantly reciprocated.
As you melted into the kiss, even though your side was killing you, you had to admit to yourself, you have never felt more at ease than at that moment. And you guessed you probably should tell Daryl he was right, but that was a discussion for another day. At that moment, all you wanted to do was melt into Michonne's arms.
You were content for the first time in a long time, and it was all because of her.
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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mediocreanomaly · 1 year
Oooh uncanny Vash! Yes! May we have hsfw hc with him?
Authors Note: I'm so sorry I turned this into a drabble instead of a HC list- if you guys still want general HC's lmk and I'll write it but hit with inspiration after a week of writers block. oh uh also no beta (we die like wolfwood?)
*Gender neutral reader but AFAB anatomy used. Inhuman genitalia, general uncanny bf stuff*
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Uncanny Vash x Reader NSFW Drabble
Vash swallows, he knows you can see how hard he's staring. He couldn't count how many times you'd playfully shoved his face away with a smile on your lips.
"You know the reflection of your eyes give you away every time" you'd tease.
You don't laugh right now, not when your laying in front of him on the bed in nothing but your underwear, watching him through hooded eyes. God you'd be the death of him he was sure of it.
"Vash?" your voice is velvety with need "I want you"
He makes a high pitched keen at that, the two of you had been talking about tonight for awhile but he was still a bit apprehensive. You knew about his less than human traits and you loved him anyways. You never pulled away when his too long fingers laced with your own nor did you flinch when his body made noises it probably shouldn't. This was different though, he didn't want to hurt you, didn't want to be the cause of anything but your pleasure.
You watch as Vash's iris dilate watching you intently, he could see better than any human could in the dark something he was currently using to his advantage. Yet despite the longing look on his face he doesn't move, just lets his fingers flex and unflex at his sides as if it's causing him physical pain to not be touching you. That won't do at all. You reach out gingerly and take his hand in your own. His skin is cool to the touch, it's honestly a bit refreshing considering how obnoxiously warm all of Gunsmoke is. Although his fingers would feel better other places.
"You won't hurt me Vash, I trust you" and you do, more than you probably should.
Vash's breathing stutters and another whine bubbles up from somewhere in his chest.
"Mayfly...what if I go too far? What if I-"
"You won't" you interrupt. "And we have a safe word remember? Even if something happened I'd just say donuts! and we'd be done"
He weakly smiles at that, the silliness of the word easing a bit of the anxiety that's surrounding him but you can tell he needs a bit more convincing. You move forward and run a hand under his shirt, tracing out the scars the litter his body. He shivers and you can hear the creaking of his limbs as he leans forward.
Whatever he was going to say dies on his lips as you push his shirt up and litter kisses along his abdomen trailing down his blonde happy trail lower and lower until you stop right above the sweat pants he has on, luckily he was smart enough to have changed out of the ridiculous leather outfit for tonight...not that it didn't look good on him.
Vash can feel his will power slipping away, he should be stronger than this but he's not. You've barely even touched him and his mind is going fuzzy with thoughts of you being bare under him.
He glances down at you, the room suddenly feeling too hot, he blinks lazily and you get of glimpse of his extra eyelid clearing his eyes.
"I need you" you let your breath fan his hip and have to rub your thighs together when a low growl rips though Vash.
He drags you up further on the bed and you feel his body straightening out. Vash is already tall, but he has a habit of hunching so humans don't realize how tall he really is. You can hear the snap and groan of bones as he hovers over your body, seven feet at least if not more.
His hands roam over your body cool skin making you shiver as he pulls your underwear away to expose you fully. Any protest about you being the only one bare are fully interrupted when Vash makes an eager chirp noise. He opens his mouth revealing a row of razer sharp teeth and is it sick that only makes you more aroused?
An abnormally long tongue darts out of his mouth to drag across your aching sex. You whine throwing your head back as Vash eats you out, moaning when the thick muscle presses against your puffy walls. It reaches deep inside you, Vash seems fixed on mapping you out, exploring every part of your body he can. You mewl which causes drawn out clicks from the man- or plant between your legs.
He pulls his head back and you make a soft protest at the loss but it doesn't last long. Vash focuses his tongue on your aching clit as two fingers move to replace the empty space his tongue left. You cry out, thanking every god you can think of that Vash's fingers are longer than most, or at least certainly longer than any normal persons ought to be as he curls against a spot that makes you see stars.
"Mayfly please, need to taste you" he begs proving his point by burying his face back between your legs, assaulting your bundle of nerves.
You shudder as you cum, burying a hand in the mess of blonde hair that's adamant on taking you apart. It's almost comical when Vash looks up at you. Eye's so dilated there's almost no white or blue to be seen, mouth lulled open too far, putting his teeth and serpent like tongue on full display, faint feathers already beginning to peak out along his cheeks. Something probably meant to be an apex predator watching you as your own release drips off his face.
Vash makes a trill noise and crawls on top of you, long limbs framing your form as he leans down to kiss you. You can taste yourself when he presses his tongue into your mouth, you reach up to card your hand along his under cut rewarding you with as purr as his chest rumbles against your own. Speaking of which, you lazily peak your eyes open to see he's undressed, when did he even do that?
He pulls away to look between the two of you and you finally see Vash fully. Something akin to flower petals sit between his legs, they flare out, thin lines of some sort of bioluminescent slick string from petal to petal. There's a slit nestled among the flower, when something wet begins to protrude from it. It reminds you a bit of a tentacle although it looks smooth and is covered in the same substance at the petals. You tentatively reach down and the member wraps around your hand, it pulses slightly trying to chase release. Vash's chest rumbles with a growl as he buries his head against you neck bucking his hips slightly, an embarrassed keen joining his sounds of pleasure.
"So pretty..." you breathe watching the way Vash's body so eagerly reacts to you.
"Mayfly please- no teasing I can't take it" he whines, although it sounds a bit off like two voices slightly delayed over each other. That was new, what else could Vash do?
You guide Vash to your entrance and he's all but panting, his body creaks and groans as his real form shows through more and more, you can see the bones of his hips and spine jut out against his skin but he seems to out of it to notice, not that you want him to hold back. You want to show Vash he can be himself, that you won't run.
He lifts his head to look at you, his eyes widening when he sees your face. You look intoxicating, your cheeks flushed, lips swollen from kissing, eyes hazy with lust. He swears something short circuits in his brain his instincts screaming claim. He can't help it, he jerks his hips forward sinking into you in one motion.
You moan at Vashs sudden movement, he doesn't give you time to recover either, growling and whimpering as he fucks into you.
"a-ah m'sorry Mayfly, can't help my-myself" he whines between noises, you can't respond but you show him your okay by crashing both your lips together, moaning into his mouth which he dutifully swallows down.
His body is vibrating, a deep rumble coming from his chest paired with the sound of something snapping and ripping. Multiple pairs of large white wings sprout from his body reaching up high enough to touch the ceiling. Some of them curve out in pleasure while others wrap around your body as if protecting you from the outside world. Vash's breath catches and he mewls as he thrust before biting down against your neck.
You arch into him and he tightens his grip on your hips, fingers long enough they almost fully wrap around your waist. He makes a cooing noise as he licks up any of the blood beading from the wound soothing it down.
"Mine" he snarls in your ear, you moan squeezing down around him making his wings flex as a needy whine leaves his mouth.
You can feel his cock moving in you, fucking itself even deeper into your wet pussy, it's a bit odd but certainly not unwelcomed especially when you can feel the tip of it's blunt head massage at your womb.
You can hear the bed creak from how rough Vash thrust against you. his body shivers and he makes a shrill noise. His hand flies down to grip at the sheets, you hear it rip he cums with a cry.
It's warm, filling you to the brim and he pumps you full of it. It doesn't seem to stop, continuously leaking out of him as he shows no sign of slowing down.
"May-mayfly cum on me- want to feel it, want you to feel good too"
His movements are desperate and you can feel his own cum frothing at your entrance as he spills into you then fucks it back in. You reach up to claw at his back and he shivers when you touch along where his wings meet flesh. His hand moves between your bodies to press against your clit and it's all it takes to send you over the edge.
You tremble crying out his name as you finish. Vash howls at the feeling burying his face against your neck as he finally spills all he has left into your pussy. You can tell the blanket is soaked from how much Vash came but you're too tired to do much about it but shift slightly out of the wet spot.
The two of you breathe when you hear a small whimper from your boyfriend. His kisses along the bite he left and looks at you teary eyed.
"I'm sorry Mayfly was I too rough? Did I hurt you?" he ask looking you over, you silence his worries with a kiss. He melts into it with a pleased hum, loud purrs starting back up.
"I love you" you stroke your fingers softly over the feathers that still cover his cheek and temples, a happy chirp leaves his lips as he turns to kiss your palm.
"I love you too"
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janewaykove · 2 months
Title: Avoidance
Characters: Janeway/fem!reader
Rating: G
Warning: Slight roughness.
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You've been avoiding Janeway for a week now. A week that had been hard on her, the crew, and Voyager itself. You didn't want to add any further complications to things. A longing glance into her eyes would just lead to a kiss, which would lead to more. You knew keeping your distance was the best choice. Janeway, on the other hand, did not see it that way.
As you were walking down a corridor you knew she wouldn't be in, you were taken by surprise. Barreling towards you at high speed, and with determination, Janeway was quickly approaching, and there was nowhere to hide. (She later reminded you that she could locate anyone on the ship at any time and that she wasn't thrilled about having to track you down this way.)
Your personal space was no concern to her as evident by her being a mere four inches from your face. "Why have you been avoiding me?" Her was voice a low growl.
Before you could even get a word out, she held up her hand to stop you. "Actually, don't say anything." This wasn't the time or place to be causing a commotion for everyone to witness. There were rumors of your relationship, but nothing official. "Explain it to me in my quarters in one hour." She turned and hastily walked back the way she had came. You didn't mind the view.
The hour seemed to drag on, but at the same time, it sped by. You arrived at her quarters but there was no answer. You let yourself in. She had given you special access long ago in case she was running late at times.
You entered her quarters and had a quick look around. She wasn't there yet. You made your way into her bedroom and sat on the bed. You missed being there. A whole week without lying next to her. You slid your hand across her pillow. After all she'd been through lately, she barely had time to sleep. You hadn't wanted to occupy her rest time even more. Things would eventually get better.
You were lost in thought and didn't notice she'd entered her quarters until you heard rustling in the next room. You stood and made your way from the bed and were greeted by Janeway in the bedroom doorway. She had removed her jacket and undershirt, leaving just her tank top. The sight of her wearing that made your breath catch for a moment, and it didn't go unnoticed by her.
She grabbed you, spun you around and pushed you back against the wall. "You always liked me in this," she purred. "Maybe it'll do the trick and make you stop avoiding me."
You realized that all the while you were avoiding her for her own good, you never stopped to think how she might have been feeling abandoned by you. You explained to her why you'd been keeping your distance. The expression on her face changed drastically. Her eyes softened and changed into an understanding appreciation.
She relaxed her grip on you. "You've been trying to shield me from the stress of my job, but you were unaware of how you help me relieve so much more stress just being near you. At the end of all the chaotic days, I have you to look forward to. I haven't had that all week and I didn't understand why until now."
"I didn't want you having to worry about making time for me on top of everything else that's been going on," you said, feeling bad for how you'd handled it.
"You let me decide who and what to worry about," she said placing her hands on your hips. "Deal?"
You nodded, slipping your hands up her arms and resting them on her shoulders.
"If I had been avoiding you for other reasons," you added, "This tank top would have changed my mind in a heartbeat."
"I was prepared for anything," she smiled. "We've got a week to make up for. We'd better get started." She pressed her body against yours and kissed you passionately, not wasting another moment.
The end.
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rize-said-so · 1 year
One Piece Live Action Ep3 Tell No Tales
I'm going to trust Oda in everything now. I'll let him name my child.
Cause Syrup Village was my least favorite story in East Blue arc but that changed.
Like it got me thinking. Oda submits his stories weekly. He's limited when it comes to editing his work. So imagine what One Piece could be if he could fine tune it and has all the time in the world to edit. God that's a tease.
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Why is the Strawhat jollyroger Luffy version not on sale yet
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I commented this before but I firmly believe that Garp took in Coby because his two grandsons are pirates and his son is the most wanted man in the world.
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Merry flashbacks ... I'm not ready for Enies Lobby when we get there
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When your captain is all about his dreams and just goes with the flow, some have to pick up the pace.
Love Zoro and Nami just doing it for him so their captain can live freely as he wishes.
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Captain Kuro really did his work. I love the changes they made with the staff already being part of the Black Cat pirates.
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Usopp and Kaya... didn't expect the escalation but good for him. They were two interesting characters that deserve a little bit of their own story
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The dynamic of the three are building and the strawhats that I love are starting to bloom in them
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The key to Luffy is always through his stomach
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I honestly think Kaya was already convinced. Luffy was damn charismatic in this scene. Talking about his dreams that you just want to give in to his wants. No matter how selfish he was
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Glad they had Garp chasing Luffy around. He was an East Blue vice-admiral, I wanted to see him more at East Blue doing his thing
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I was thinking that we'd see Arlong near the end of the season. Establishing him now was a good choice. And having him interact with Buggy suggesting pirates know each other was a good addition
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The Nami and Kaya friendship was unexpected but I enjoyed it. Nami always built a friendship around other women in the show. With Vivi, Robin, and Shirahoshi. So another like this is quite nice to see.
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Koby having a bigger role here instead of saving his next appearance for later was a good choice.
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My denden mushi appreciation
It coughed! Ohmgod! Makes me think about the den den mushi at Enies Lobby
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perspectivestarters · 5 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan (Part II)
We broke up on a Tuesday.
Who knew that we'd let it get this bad when it ended.
Karma's real.
Hope it's your turn.
I heard from *Name*, you're losing it lately.
It's hot when you have a meltdown.
It's hot when you're drinking downtown.
You're getting called out 'cause you're running your mouth.
It's coming around.
People say I'm jealous but my kink is watching you ruining your life.
People say I'm jealous but my kink is karma.
Wishing you the best, in the worst way.
Using your distress as foreplay.
Six months since April and I'm doing better.
No need to be hateful in your fake Gucci sweater.
It's hot when you're going through hell.
I'm feeling myself.
It's hot when you know that you're caught and you're getting pissed off.
It's getting me off.
Draw the blinds.
Slip off my pretty dress down my chest.
It's ritualistic.
Counting lipstick stains where you should be.
I need you around.
I'm getting close now.
Do you picture me like I picture you?
Am I in the frame from your point of view?
Do you feel the same?
I'm too scared to say half of the things I do when I picture you.
So, tell me now all your perversions.
Here we go again.
Everything is fine.
I guess we could pretend we didn't cross a line.
Ever since that day, everything has changed.
The way I write your name
If you really wanna leave, I'll never make you stay.
Whatever you decide, I will understand.
It will all be fine.
Love is a kaleidoscope.
How it works, I'll never know.
It's somehow all the same
It's beautiful somehow.
It's never just a shape alone.
Well, I'd love to see them try.
There's no one else who could.
The only one is you.
If you change your mind, I will understand.
It'll just take time to go back to being friends.
Don't be afraid to hold it close.
I know you wanted me to stay.
I can't ignore the crazy visions of me in *Place*.
I heard that there's a special place where boys and girls can all be queens every single day.
I'm having wicked dreams of leaving.
I swear it's calling me.
Won't make my mama proud.
It's gonna cause a scene.
I know she's gonna scream.
God, what have you done?
I'm just having fun.
It's where I belong.
I'm gonna keep on dancing.
Every night's another reason why I left it all.
I thank my wicked dreams.
You've been too good to me.
Don't think I've left you all behind.
You're always on my mind.
I can hear your southern drawl a thousand miles away.
I know you just landed.
I know you're probably busy but I would love to see you.
Call me when you can.
I'll never cross the line.
I pushed you down a million times.
I'd love if you knew you were on my mind.
Boys suck and girls I've never tried.
We both know we're getting drunk tonight.
Touch me, baby.
Put your lips on mine
Could go to hell but we'll probably be fine.
I know you want it.
You can have it.
I've never done it.
Let's make it cinematic
I wanna know, baby, what is it like?
An inch away from more than just friends.
If I don't try, then it's my loss.
Won't you fucking touch me?
I just want to touch you.
I want all of your love.
I stretched myself across four states.
I trade amber clay roads for the sea foam and the endless sun rays.
I was never told that I wasn't gonna get the things I want the most.
If it hasn't happened yet, then maybe you should go.
Come get me out.
Thought I'd be cool in here.
I'd make you proud
To think I almost had it going, but I let you down.
Too hard to find reasons to stay.
Learned it on the internet.
Wild thoughts that make me melt.
Sometimes I scare myself.
I can't help what I can't help.
So shame on me, and shame on you.
I fantasize what we would do.
How would it taste?
Some good girls do bad things too.
I want this like a cigarette.
Can we drag it out and never quit?
Oh my god, you are heaven sent.
You give me guilty plеasure.
You're a pothead.
You're a cinephile.
It's been awhile since you turned up the dial.
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violetnerves · 5 months
The Rise and Fall of Jenny Hopkins, aged 15: Bully Genderbend Au/Rewrite. Chapter 1, Part 1:
So this is Part 1 of an au/rewrite I've been working on for a bit... And it ended up getting out of hand because I ended up hitting over 12000 words just for Chapter 1 alone.
As a result, I had to split Chapter 1 into 2 parts, and even after that, both parts ended up being over 6000 words. It seems like a lot to me personally, but maybe I'm wrong.
Anyway, here's a summary of the au:
In this Au/rewrite of Bully, Jimmy Hopkins is instead Jenny Hopkins, a 15 year old girl with a history of delinquent behavior. She exhibits some symptoms of Anti-Social personality disorder, even being diagnosed by a therapist with Conduct disorder.
The female cast has been expanded a bit, and some of the existing female members have been fleshed out a bit more, some of the male cast has been given some care too. As a rewrite some things have been changed about the Canon story, partly to fix a few plot holes and issues with the original that may have been caused by the original games rocky development history, though not to the point where it's unrecognizable since I do enjoy the game's original story, despite it's many faults.
Regardless, I hope you enjoy what I've written so far.
Part one of Chapter 1 starts under the divider. I'll also be posting the story on AO3, under the account: BlueEclipse7573
Total word count: 6565
Content warning for violence and strong language. If there's anymore I should list, please let me know!
'Here we go again'
I was laid back in the backseat of my stepfather's rental car, staring up at the roof. It felt as though we'd been driving for days, even though it'd been a 1 hour trip to Bullworth from the hotel at most.
"Jenny..." My mother spoke up, trying to get my attention after i'd decided to just ignore her for the whole trip. "...Please say something," her tone was aggravated at this point, annoyed that she was being given the silent treatment by her own daughter.
Yet again, I didn't want to bother with a response.
It's not like I wanted to be mean to my mom, but it was the nicest thing I figured I could do to protest against getting sent to yet another Boarding school while my mother ran off for the year with yet another one of her flings.
The silence, aside from the noise of the car, would continue on until my new step-father, who was old enough to be her mother's father, decided he was going to parent me despite the fact that I'd only known the old guy since last week, when we'd first me during my mom's wedding.
"Speak to your mother, Jane..."
*'Oh, please'*
"What? Who are you? Mom, this creepy old guy is talking to me, I think he might be one of those 'perverts' you've warned me about," I replied. Granted, the new guy - whatever his name was, mom went through men like one of those revolving doors you see in fancy and expensive hotels, so I never really bothered to catch his name - surprisingly hadn't been creepy around me, at least compared to the other men mom decided to have relations with.
Mom always did have shit taste in men.
Mom groaned, clearly being driven up the wall by my attitude at this point.
"Jenny, please be nice to your new step-father. He's not a 'pervert'."
I sat up.
"Yeah, you might be right, but he's not really doing himself any favors with the whole 'fat, old, and balding child molester' look he's got going on."
The old man sighed, and mom turned her head to look at me, her mouth twisting into a snarl. I wasn't phased, I was used to it at this point. The older woman looked like a clown with how overdone her makeup was, with her dark purple eyeshadow and lips covered in a cheap waxy red lipstick, and with a foundation that barely matched her actual skin color.
She looked so old and trashy with all that crap on her face.
"That's enough! I've had it with you, you little brat. All I want is a little peace and quiet with my new husband, and you insult him!" Mom wailed, setting a manicured hand on the old man's shoulder.
"Now look what you've done, you've upset your mother!" The old man growled. "I've got half-a-mind to beat you..."
I frowned, giving him a clear stink eye.
I knew it. Just another phony. Just like the others.
"I doubt you would, i'm sure you only do that kind of crap to the women dumb enough to marry you."
The two adults gasped.
"I can't believe you, you little monster! We'll deal with you when we get back from our honeymoon... next. year..."
Mom had left it at that, much to my relief.
Getting into arguments with mom never made me feel good, even if I did enjoy pissing off whatever awful man my old woman decided to bring into her, and therefore our lives. I didn't want our relationship to be so bad. She was my mom after all... So why couldn't she just act like it for once?
It was sooner rather than later when the car slowed to a stop, and I looked out toward the large, foreboding entrance to the school I'd be stuck in for an entire school year.
The entrance to the school was a large, old-fashioned, dull red and white stone archway, the red color clearly faded a bit with time and wear. Chipped into the stonework near the top of the structure were the words "BULLWORTH ACADEMY." The dark Iron gate doors were wide open, yet I couldn't help but think they looked the complete opposite of inviting. Like a fancy jail cell.
"Finally..." The old man sighed heavily with relief.
*'Yeah, feelings mutual you shriveled old bastard'*
"Here we are, young lady, Bullworth Academy, just the kind of place a girl like you needs."
I pushed open the car door, grabbing my purse on the way out. I didn't even bother to spare a glance at the two adults behind me in the car.
"Have fun, Jenny! I'll think of you from our cruise ship!"
Mom giggled in response to her new husband's goodbye, but all I could give was an eye roll in response.
"Whatever," I muttered, shutting the back car door behind me.
The car revved, and the vehicle left the property entirely. Against my better judgment, I turned and watched as it drove off the premises.
I couldn't help but wince, accidentally letting the hard, emotional barrier I'd built up over the years crack a little.
"Mom, why'd you marry that phony? What is wrong with you?" I asked no one but myself. A question that already had an answer, and one I'd asked so many times before.
Mom married that old fart for protection, for money, and just because she wanted to. Getting a good husband for herself and a good father never was a factor for her to consider, not with how much of a revolving door her love life was. I hadn't been a priority to her for the last 10 years. It was always going to be just *her* needs.
So what *wasn't* wrong with her?
"I can't believe this..." I said to no one. A lie, really. One I'd said way too many times.
And I'd probably keep saying it for as long as I lived.
I was so caught up in wondering why I still wanted to defend my mom from her own awful decisions that I hadn't noticed the clicking of heels against concrete slowly growing louder.
"You must be the Hopkins girl,"
I jumped and turned, taken aback.
"Huh? Where'd you come from?"
It was a woman who was doing a bad job of looking younger than she actually was. She wore a dark, long-sleeved dress shirt with a matching pencil skirt. Her hair was done up a bit, curled up into rolls at the ends. In general, the woman had a very... old-fashioned look to her, as if the act of stepping out of my stepfather's rental car had sent me back in time a few decades.
"We've been expecting you, welcome to Bullworth Academy... (sigh)," the well-dressed woman said, putting an odd emphasis on the word Bullworth as well as raising and dropping her arms in a slow, dramatic arc as she did.
*'So weird'* I let the thought hover a bit.
"I'm sure you'll be happy here, very happy indeed..." She shrugged, "Anyway, I can't spend my life waiting around for naughty little girls... I've got a *man* to make happy"
*'Yeesh, you already remind me of my mother. That can't be a good sign.'*
"The Headmaster is expecting you Hopkins, in his study,"
"Ok, I'll go see him then," I replied. I then immediately turned and walked in the opposite direction of the school.
"Oh no, no, no, his study is over *there* girl, in the main building?" The over dressed woman adruptly mentioned in a hasty manner. I frowned and turned back to the woman, who pointed a finger towards the largest building on campus.
"Right... my bad ma'am." I tugged on the strap of my purse, silently annoyed that I wasn't able to get away with fleeing and hiding out until the school year ended.
It's not like mom would've noticed if I'd done that anyway.
I walked in through the entrance to the campus, already feeling like a trapped animal despite the gates still being open.
"Don't keep Dr. Crabblesnitch waiting, he's a brilliant man... brilliant..."
The gates behind me closed, and along with it, my one chance at freedom.
The woman took off without me for some reason, and I was left to just look around the area.
In front and to my left and right were two other buildings, both two stories tall.
However, I was stopped in my tracks by a group of three male students, all of whom seemed to be lacking the sweater vests that they should have been wearing. Their dress shirts weren't tucked in and instead left to hang out. They weren't even wearing slacks either. Instead, they all wore denim jeans for pants. Were they even following the dress code for this place?
They crowded around the middle of the two routes to what I could see were the two dorms, separated by gender.
It seemed they immediately noticed me as well, eyeing me down as fresh meat, clearly noticing I wasn't wearing the uniform.
Well, things were already off to a good start. I was still near the frigging entrance!
That *had* to have been a record.
The one in front, a white blond with a pimple problem, but an oddly charming smile approached me. The two behind the blond were backing him up, a dark-skinned black guy with a rather enthusiastic tone of voice yelling excitedly at the blond to "put the new kid in an armbar" and another white guy, except he had brown hair, as well as slightly tanned with a slingshot sticking out of his front pocket. He was quietly looking over the situation, It's like he was scheming hard about something, and I had a feeling it couldn't be anything good.
I was short, even for a girl, standing at barely 4'10. So despite the blond probably being average height for a guy his age, that still meant he had the height advantage. Same for the other two guys, who were a bit shorter than the blond but still obviously taller than me.
But that didn't mean much, in my opinion. I always felt the saying, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" was accurate for a reason.
And if he didn't want to back off, "blondie" here was going to learn why pretty damn quick.
"Hey, new girl, a pretty face like mine is expensive to care for... How about a little dono to help keep it lookin' good?" He stuck out a slightly calloused hand, palm up and in my face. The other two boys behind him chuckled as if the whole thing was just a practical joke to them. One that "I" was the butt of.
I spared a glance at his open hand and then up to the face of the boy it belonged to.
"Wash your face first fucko. You've got the little dipper growing out of your forehead," I mocked, hissing the sentence out spitefully and glaring up at the taller boy. The grip on my purse tightened a bit.
My response made the blond drop his smile. I was white-knuckling the purse strap at that point.
"Eh! Wrong answer!" the blond reached for my bag.
Friggin' idiot.
Before he could react, I grabbed the arm that was reaching out for my bag, tugging him forward. I drew my head back and slammed it on his jaw, sending him falling back as I let go of his arm.
The two boys behind him yelled something out - a name, "Trent" or something - but before they could retaliate against me, I ducked away and sprinted off in the direction of the main building.
On the way, I bumped into a few students, earning a few insults and curses thrown my way. Luck was on my side, though, as a student exited the school building just as I neared the main door. I ran in while the door was still open, and it slammed shut behind me. I let out a breath, stepping forward into the large room.
A few students had taken notice of my adrupt arrival, but only for a few seconds, because they quickly went back to their daily routines just as soon as they had stopped.
*'...I guess that could've gone worse...'* I thought, heading up the stairs and into Dr. Crabblesnitch's office.
The first room I entered into was weirdly dark, with the only bit of light coming from the ceiling of the other room, which looked to be Crabblesnitch's main office. I took a few steps inside until I was in the other room, catching Crabblesnitch's attention soon after.
The light above turned out to be a skylight set into the ceiling, illuminating the room in the sun's natural yellow glow. There wasn't any sign of artificial light in the entire room, which... gave me a few thoughts, the first being of how cool it'd be to take pictures in here. The second thought was of how comforting this place should feel... yet I couldn't help but feel so uncomfortable and tense. That clearly wasn't a good sign.
"Ah, yes, so you must be Miss Hopkins," the older man said, gesturing for me to take a seat on one of the chairs lined up right in front of his desk.
I sighed.
"Uh huh," I said, hoping to get out of this room as soon as possible.
Crabblesnitch's brow furrowed, clearly annoyed with my overtly informal reply.
"What? 'Uh huh', what?"
I grumbled quietly.
"...I meant 'yes sir'..."
"Very good, now let me see..."
I sat down as Dr. Crabblesnitch brought out a folder nearly bursting with papers, which were the documentation of my record from the last 7 schools I'd attended along with some police reports. I thought it was impressive how thick the folder was. Anyone else probably - rightfully so maybe - might've felt a bit of shame looking at it... but not me. You couldn't pay me to care really.
So it wasn't surprising that the papers pretty much smothered Crabblesnitch's desk, covering the fine maple in a sea of white. As well as some red and black, due to the pen ink on the papers.
Crabblesnitch feigned a gasp, dragging his finger over multiple spots on different papers.
"My, my, Miss Hopkins, you've done a lot of naughty things, haven't you? Vandalism, graffiti, bad language, violent conduct, disrespecting staff, a shoplifting charge, and is that..." He motioned to a particularly large bit of red writing. "Arson? Oh, I'm absolutely terrified of *you* Miss Hopkins!" Dr. Crabblesnitch concluded, feigning fear much like that gasp from earlier.
"Aw c'mon, give me a break. That last one was an accident..."
Aside from everything else. Arson was probably the one I *hadn't* meant to do, oddly enough.
Crabblesnitch didn't appear convinced.
"Regardless, I don't think I've ever met a girl like you, never in all my years! You must be the rudest little girl I've ever encountered!" He lowered himself down to meet me eye-to-eye. "Tell me, Jane, why should I waste my precious time on *you*?"
I shrugged in response.
"I dunno."
Dr. Crabblesnitch stood up straight.
"Because it's my calling! It's what I do!" The older man pointed at Jenny. "*You* excel at causing trouble..." He gestured to himself. "And while my expertise is in fixing little boys rather than little girls, I'm sure my methods could work on someone 'butch' such as you, eventually you'll be the respectable young woman that you're meant to be! I have a good feeling about you, Miss Hopkins, I'm sure you and I could grow to be great friends..."
*'Sure, whatever you say.'* was my first thought. Okay, not really. My first thought was actually: *'Did he just call me 'butch'? What does that even mean? That's a name, isn't it?'*
Regardless, I was able to see through this guy like glass. I was sure the Dr's definition of a "respectable woman" was probably a few decades passed.
I was starting to see a pattern...
"Now, you keep that nose clean girl, or I'll scrub it raw myself if I have to!" He turned to the open door of his office. The clacking of heels caught my attention, so I turned to look as well. The lady who'd met up with me and abandoned me at the gate earlier strutted through the door, a serving tray with a tea kettle and a matching tea cup set in her hands. "Ms. Danvers?"
"Yes, Headmaster, and I've got your tea..."
"You are good to me, Ms. Danvers"
"No more than you deserve... Headmaster," Ms. Danvers said demurely, setting the tray down on a nearby table.
*'Ugh, i'm gonna hurl. Might get me in trouble, but that's better than whatever i'm sitting through right now.'* I shifted in my seat a bit, looking away.
"Ms. Danvers, would you kindly take our new friend Miss Hopkins here to the girl's dorm so she can be properly attired?"
"Certainly Headmaster," Ms. Danvers turned in my direction. As she did, her expression instantly changed from pleased to something akin to a disgusted sneer. Like she was addressing a bug she'd accidentally stepped on. "Come along, girl. I haven't got all day,"
I stood up, but before I could finally leave, Crabblesnitch addressed me one last time.
"And remember, young lady, you will have a clean nose, so keep it clean; or we'll do it for you."
As I left Crabblesnitch's office, I pondered at my current situation.
*'So, here I am at the worst school in the country, whose alumi are nothing but arms dealers, serial killers, and corporate lawyers. Real scum. And that out-of-touch old creep thinks he can tame me? We shall see my friend, I only give people what they have coming to them'*
Oh, that's good, that's something I'll have to remember to write into my diary later. I stuffed it in my suitcase for safe keeping, which was *hopefully* put into my dorm room.
Ms. Danvers and I stepped back into the school's main office.
"Go, run along to the Girl's dorm, young Hopkins, i'm far too busy to deal with you." Ms. Danvers abruptly said, much to my confusion and a little bit of anger..
"Weren't you supposed to take me there? Like Dr. Crabblesnitch told you to do?" My mind thought back to those boys from earlier. I didn't doubt that they would try to harass me again, especially after what I'd done to their buddy.
"The girl's dorm is the first building to your right when you enter the school. I'm sure you can find it on your own. You'll have plenty of time to get unpacked as your schedule is still being set up due to your mother's inability to send in your admission slip on time. Now, get a move on, little miss." Ms. Danvers replied, pretty much ignoring the question.
Well, there went my security.
I struggled not to flip off Ms. Danvers on my way out as I left the building. On my way out I saw a group of well dressed guys who all simultaneously radiated an air of smug get into a fight with what I could only guess were a few background characters from the movie Grease.
What the hell was wrong with this place?!
*'Just gotta get to the Girl's dorm, and I can keep my head down till lunch. Seems like a solid enough plan to me.'* it wasn't like I had classes to go to, at least not until tomorrow, or, if I was lucky, the day after maybe; Until then, just keeping a low profile was the best option.
As I made my way down the steps, I noticed two of the bullies from earlier walking my way, the karate obsessed one and slingshot kid. Without hesistation, I began speed walking back to the large circle walkway near the entrance, the middle area separating the two dorms. In my haste, I figured going right was correct, going off of memory of what Ms. Danvers had told me minutes earlier. I mean, shoot, my memory couldn't have been that bad, could it?
*'Ms. Danvers said something about going right, so i'm going right. Screw it'*
It was only when I reached the front of the building that I realized I'd fucked up my directions. I could clearly make out the words, 'BOY'S DORM' above the entrance to the building.
The blond, Trent *if* my memory was correct - considering how I ended up here, I was justified in having my doubts - who had tried to shake me down for money earlier stood in front of the steps leading to the dorm's entrance. His lower lip was swollen and turning a nasty shade of red and purple. He was joined alongside two redheads - auburn on the right and maroonish in front of the two - dressed similarly to him on the stairs leading up to the Boy's Dorm.
"It's her! That's the new girl who did it, Wade! I'm gonna end up relegated to backstage duty for my next play because of her!" Trent motioned at me, then to his throbbing, already starting to redden lower lip as he addressed the leading redhead.
"YOU'RE GONNA GET IT WWIIMMMPPP" the other red haired boy to the left practically shouted out. I wasn't sure if the guy lacked an inside voice or if he was just *really* that mad about what I'd done to his buddie's lip.
"You're dead, new kid, DEAD!" The redhead who'd been referred to as "Wade" shouted, making his way down the steps with his fists up and at the ready.
I backed away and turned, ready to sprint away again. Instead, I found that there were 4 other people behind me. There were the two other boys from earlier, the karate kid and Slingshot blocking off the entrance along with a black haired boy with a hell of a black eye on his right eye in the middle of them, though he looked a bit nervous. I knew he was with them, though, with how similarly he was dressed, with the white school button up with jeans look.
Then there was the last member, and she probably stood out the most, even though she was clearly with them given her outfit. She was a blonde, like Trent; and while that probably didn't necessarily mean they were related, the way she smiled certainly matched the same one he'd had earlier. She had those... weird emo kid hairstrips, the ones with jagged purple and black stripes. Her button-up shirt was open, and under it was a black spaghetti strap undershirt.
Her makeup was all fucked up, streaks of eyeliner haphazardly swiped under her eyes onto her cheeks as well as on her lips, which had some purple lipstick on peeking out from underneath all the mess. It was like she'd done her makeup while she was in the middle of a mental breakdown, just swiping and swiping until she'd finally felt satisfied.
She wore striped arm warmers and even though she wore jeans to match with the other boys, they were noticeably ripped to the point where the right pant leg was just gone, cut off to probably the beginning of her thigh. Underneath that was a pair of thigh-high socks, similar in color to her hair strips and arm warmers. Her shoes were a pair of Chuck Taylor shoes, yet again, the same color scheme to the aforementioned other articles of clothing she had.
She still had the school issued skirt and tie, but even she'd managed to put her own... unique touch on how she'd worn them. The skirt was tattered, not really exposing anything since she wore jeans, but I was surprised she was bold enough to just wear them destroyed like that. Then there was the way she wore the tie, which had me all kinds of confused. She had it in her hair, using it as a hair tie to pull some of her long hair into a side ponytail.
It was kind of difficult not to notice and point out all the oddities of her outfit. It was just... all out there.
She held up a video camera and pointed it at me. Great, so she thinks she's gonna record me getting my ass kicked? Nice, real nice. What a goddamn joke. I was just gonna be a part of something her and her buddies would laugh at later.
"Yeah! Get her! Get the new kid!" the karate obsessed boy jeered.
*'Damn it, mom, why'd it have to be this school?'* I thought as Wade began to get closer and closer.
"You jerks are really pissing me off! That's not something you wanna do, I'm only gonna tell you once! Screw off!" I carried myself and threatened him in the most intimidating way I could. A part of me knew it wouldn't work, though. It rarely ever did.
It wasn't fair. People always just had to pick on me, and for what? For what goddamn reason?! Why was I some kind of target for people to pick on?!
"A bit late for that bitch! Now put up or shut up and i'll beat your ass!"
I grabbed at the strap of my purse, letting it slip off my shoulder and fall to the ground.
What right did these jerks have to push me around? What dumb justification did they have? It was probably some bullshit about them being sad or something, as if that gave them any right...
I scowled, stepping forward towards the taller red-head.
Well, no more. These guys were clearly asking for it, so they were going to get *exactly* what was coming to them. I'd make damn sure of it.
I didn't notice the growing crowd forming behind the bullies blocking my only exit. Mainly students lured by all the commotion going on. I hardly heard the yipping and yelling of the crowd, my anger and frustration causing it all to merge together into some incomprehensible mish-mash of sound.
Wade took a step toward me, getting within a distance where he could hit me; instead, my fist cracked against his face, and the sound of my knuckle hitting spongy skin made an unpleasant sound. The force caused Wade to stumble back. His body barely turned 180 degrees before he fell back. His body hit the stone ground, and, for a moment, it all went quiet aside for the sound of me exhaling angrily.
Trent and Troy looked down at Wade's knocked out body in surprise, then looked up at me. It wasn't long until Trent blurted something out.
"Grab her Ethan!"
Behind me, Ethan grabbed at my arms, clearly trying to restrain me, but I realized he wasn't that much taller than me, so I retaliated by headbutting him. I whipped around, realizing that it was the Kung-fu kid from earlier. I threw a hard punch at his gut, and it was enough to double him over.
With my back turned, Trent took the opportunity to grab what little hair I had on my head and yank me back, followed by him pinning my arms while Troy prepared to punch me in the face.
Bad idea.
I ducked at the last second, and instead of Troy's fist hitting me, he'd accidentally socked Trent in the jaw instead.
Trent let go of me, and I kneed Troy in the crotch. Returning the favor, my fist met the middle of Troy's face. I got a bit of a thrill as I felt some of the bones of his nose crack from the force. He screamed and fell over, his nose already gushing.
I backed away, now facing the rest of the jerks who were stupid enough to mess with me.
2 down... 3 more to go. Trent, black eye kid, and Slingshot.
The three came at me all at once. Black eye kid tried grabbing for me.
"Nobody beats on Tom's frie-AaagGGGHHhhh!"
I kicked the kid, whose name was Tom, apparently, hard in the groin. I slammed my head on the left side of his face, subconsciously hoping to give him another black eye just for being stupid enough to grab me.
Slingshot grabbed me, and I took Tom and shoved him at Slingshot, causing the both of them to topple over. Slingshot kid hit the ground rather hard, and with the weight of Tom, he was knocked out.
Then there were just two, me and Trent.
He caught me off guard. Trent threw a punch at my face, and it connected. I stumbled back, and he hit again. That time it was a kick to my gut.
I found myself stumbling back a bit, but rather than that screwing me over, instead I ducked his punches. Trent was a lot taller than me, and I knew an easy way to use that against him.
I backed off, ducking to avoid both his punches and kicks. This only agitated him further, and he tried to get closer.
Before he knew what I was doing, I charged at him. I ducked, wrapping my arms around his waist and tackling him to the ground. He couldn't even act, freezing up as I laid punches on his face and chest. I was nearly out of breath by the time I was done.
Eventually, Trent stopped resisting altogether, head lolling to the side as the only sound he made was some pained groans.
I stood up, and only then did I notice the crowd blocking the entrance.
Every single one of them was shocked, and for a moment, their reactions had me a bit giddy. Especially the other Bully girl who was dressed weird, who was still filming *everything.* She appeared as if she wasn't sure if she should still film everything or not.
I was tempted to laugh until I heard a familiar voice behind me.
"Y-You! Bitch! Once I'm- I'm done with you! You'll be drinking from a straw!"
Behind me, Wade yelled, and I turned around just as he swung for my face clumsily, as if my earlier punch still had him a bit dazed. I grabbed his arm, forcing him to turn.
A smirk crossed my face knowing what I was about to do.
With Wade's back to me, I grabbed his jeans and gave him a wedgie, causing him to squeal in a high pitch. I kicked him in the lower back for good measure, and the combination of the kick and his dazed state caused Wade to lose his balance, and just like when I'd slugged him in the face earlier, he fell and knocked himself out on the concrete.
And then it was all over.
I turned to Trent, and just to rub salt in the wound, I snorted and spat a wad of snot and spit on him.
"That's what happens when you screw with Jenny Hopkins! Who's your momma! Yeah!" I raised a fist to the air in triumph. Sure, my face kinda hurt and I was sure it'd bruise like hell, but hey! Things were actually going my way for once! I totally taught those jerks a lesson!
The crowd at the entrance began murmuring, and while I didn't catch what everyone was saying, one sentence stood out to me for whatever reason.
"Wow, what an idiot. Russell isn't going to like this." One of the more snobbish, uptight voices in the crowd spoke, giving me pause.
I waved it off, and spat back.
"Pft, who's Russell? I'll kick his ass too!" I said proudly. I'd already beaten all these guys. How could another dude be any more trouble?
My newfound confidence proved to be short-lived, however, as I began to feel the earth shake from beneath me.
An Earthquake? In New England?
No, that couldn't have been it, did they even have earthquakes in New England? What else could it be?
Whatever it was, it couldn't have been anything good, judging by how the crowd that surrounded the entrance to the Boy's Dorm just seconds earlier seemingly vanished without a trace, including the weirdly dressed girl.
A loud, ear shattering bang of wood hitting stone sounded behind me.
I twirled around, my usual squinted eyes now wide open in *bafflement* at the sight of the possible missing link in human evolution that she'd kept hearing about from those Bigfoot hunting shows.
At the top of the steps to the Boy's Dorm, an overly large ogre of a - Adult? Teen? I couldn't tell - student, judging by the uniform, stood as tall as he was wide, his frame taking up the entirety of the double door frame. He took one look at me, and then the group of boys laying prone on the concrete.
If this was a cartoon, I was sure there'd be steam pouring out of his ears. His face was redder than a chili pepper from rage.
He yelled, literally roaring as if he was some kind of beast instead of a man... boy...
*'Fuck my life.'*
The brown haired beast rushed toward me, and for the first time in forever, I was stuck in place and couldn't move.
His fist met my face, nearly knocking me off balance. I felt a hot fluid spray out of my nose from the hit, and my hands clasped my nose immediately after, coming back colored in a dark red that contrasted heavily with the light freckled skin of my hands.
I yelped, stepping back as the beast roared again and beat his chest like a goddamn gorilla. Before he could unleash another blow, however, a voice I didn't recognize yelled from behind me.
"Russell! Russell, no sir! Back off of that girl at once!"
I turned and saw as a thin, young adult woman with yellowish blonde hair ran towards Russel and I, getting in between the two of us. She started grabbing at my shoulders firmly as a way to get ahold of me and away from the much bigger boy in front of us.
My nose blood trailed down my mouth, and I tasted copper - A taste I was all too familiar with - as I looked to the woman who was now focused on Russell.
"That'll be enough of that young man! I know your mother taught you better than to lay your hands on a fellow student like that!" The woman who couldn't have been that much older than me barked to the boy who towered over her. The over developed brute didn't give much of a reaction. In fact, it didn't seem like the kid even had much of anything going on upstairs.
Yet he complied, stomping back into the Boy's Dorm, like a well-fed bear returning to its cave to hibernate for the winter.
I sniffed, looking up at the woman.
A teacher that actually gave a shit for once? It was like I'd found a 4-leaf clover... or something like that.
When the woman turned to me, her face looked like she'd been on the verge of bursting into tears at any moment. Yet when she spoke again, her voice was weak and quiet, but not really wobbly like you'd usually notice from somebody about to cry.
"Oh dear... Your nose is bleeding... I really ought to take you to see the nurse for that, it could be broken..." She pointed at the main school building, to the left door next to the main entrance. "The nurse's office is just right there."
I shook my head.
"N-no, it's fine. I know what a broken nose feels like and what I've got... isn't it." I said, blowing my nose and feeling a bit of blood ooze out. To say I was familiar with having my nose broken would be like asking me if I was familiar with eating. Or breathing. "I just need a napkin or tissue, whichever one I can get a hold of."
The lady still looked a bit worried, but she didn't hesitate to dig into the satchel she had hung on her shoulder. She brought out a small pack of tissues sealed in a plastic wrapping, opening it and offering some of them to me.
"Here, you ought to make your way into the Girl's dorm. It's the building just over there. Mrs. Peabody is inside, and she'll make sure you're taken good care of. She looks after the girls here in Bullworth Academy."
She stuffed the remaining tissues back in her satchel as I tore and stuffed the pieces of it up my nostrils to block the blood flow. I felt and looked dumb, but that was better than getting blood everywhere.
Begrudgingly, I thanked the blonde woman, and in response, she gave me a smile. It was... rather nice. But I didn't give much of a response other than a nod. Adults tended to be two-faced and phony, and for all I knew, this was just gonna be something temporary.
"Oh no need to thank me, miss, I'm just doing my job." she gave me a pat on the back, which simultaneously felt a bit patronizing... but also kinda nice.
Huh, it looked like she really was just a nice lady. At least something was going good for me today.
"My name is Dr. Lamb, i'm Mrs. Peabody's aid as well as the school's guidance counselor. We'll probably be seeing a lot of each other from now on," Dr. Lamb looked around at the bullies who were currently writhing around in pain on the ground. I noticed she had a frown on her face, which made sense given what she had to deal with now... thanks to me no less.
"Go ahead and get yourself settled over in the Girl's Dorm. Mrs. Peabody might be a little strict, but she genuinely does care for the well-being of all the girls here in the Academy. I'll just take these boys over to Nurse McCrae."
I looked around and only then really took in the carnage I'd caused. Trent, Wade, and the rest of their buddies were sprawled out all around us. At least two of them had a bloody nose, and the kid with the thick Brooklyn accent had a tooth knocked out and a small trickle of blood trailing down his lips. Yeesh, I might've headbutted him harder than I thought. Wade's underwear peaked out of the back of his pants as he laid face down, clearly stretched out from the wedgie I'd given him.
I felt like grinning, but I felt that'd probably upset Dr. Lamb. She'd already been so nice to me, fucking up her opinion of me by being my typical snarky bitch self would suck.
"Yeah, I'll just get going... Thanks Dr. Lamb..."
I looked to the Girl's Dorm, only to notice her, the girl from before who'd been recording everything, running back to the scene. I'd been prepared to beat her ass like I'd done to her friends when she just bumped into me, running past *without* apologizing and yelling:
"Guys! Don't worry, I've got my healing crystals!"
A chorus of groans came from the boys lying down, and I stifled a laugh before making my way to the Girl's dorm properly.
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
If Benjamin were to use his ECHO ability on each member of the Funkin' Gang, what physical traits and/or abilities would he take on after copying them? Actually, on that note, how do you think he'd end up interacting with each of them?
Grace: Hey, guys! We got our first question.
Benjamin: Sweet! Now, let's see... @trocyte asks, "If Benjamin were to use his ECHO ability on each member of the Funkin' Gang, what physical traits and/or abilities would he take on after copying them? Actually, on that note, how do you think he'd end up interacting with each of them?"
Pico: Ah, yeah, that situation. I remember now.
Benjamin: Yeah. I joined the fight with them after the Funkin' Society's boss tried to apprehend me before. My trip through the Funkinverse helped me see about another counterpart of me that also has the ECHO ability, but let's see... If I was replicating Salty's powers, I imagine my hair would briefly change to white, and I guess I could turn invisible or shoot electricity?
Grace: I remember hearing that Brooke has this ability to phase into arcade cabinets and take on a different form when he did so. I'd say Benjamin could do that if he could ECHO that ability.
Benjamin: That said, I just hope I won't have to worry about Sinnoh coming for me if I go into the wrong cabinet...
ErrorSky: What about Toon BF?
Benjamin: Ah, yeah. ECHOing him would definitely give me cartoon properties for a little bit, which would help with avoiding fatal attacks.
Pico: And to be fair, I'm not sure if Aloe really can be ECHOed, what with her being a succubus and all.
Benjamin: Yeah. Of course, I wouldn't want to ECHO the Funkin' Gang without their explicit permission, considering several, including the guys and girls I allied with, have fairly similar power outlets. That said, of course, it'd be interesting to see how Boom does her hardware interfacing.
Grace: I imagine that's down to her being a robot, with that AUX cord she has.
Pico: On the topic of that, considering she used to be with the Funkin' Society before defecting, how did it go getting Softie, Neo and B3 into defecting Cam's ways?
Benjamin: The audience out there won't know for sure on their end with the "canon" continuity, considering Beyond the Spider-Verse is yet to release in cinemas, but from our end, B3 seemed to leave on his own volition after seeing how rage-induced Cam can get. Neo/Leo switched sides after his GF managed to convince him to stand down, and when Softie was reunited with his Pico, those -friends he had helped through therapy were inspired and followed suit.
ErrorSky: Man, he must've really helped out a lot of fellow -friends with their struggles, huh?
Benjamin: Yeah. And he genuinely happened to enjoy doing it, too! Well, save for one particular case he couldn't work his head around.
ErrorSky: If there's one thing we can agree on between Softies, it's that the Fairests absolutely STINK!
Grace: Too right! Even MY parents have done better for me than they've EVER done for him.
Benjamin: So, back to the question at hand, if MIX BF or B-Bot had allowed me to ECHO them, I'd imagine I'd gain their sharpshooting skills and, in B-Bot's case, the ability to utilise further Copy Abilities from Rock's lineup.
Grace: We'd better see if we can get the Gang's opinion on this concept later.
Benjamin: In general, of course, I'd say I've gotten on very well with the Funkin' Gang during our time together. Our general motive of defying destiny and doing the right thing for the multiverse is what bonded both our respective groups together, and I wasn't gonna let innocent lives be claimed by a failed theory.
Pico: Heh, looks like me accidentally causing your creation AND helping defy your fated death at Ultra M's hands rubbed off on you.
Benjamin: Heh, yeah. Thanks for your help back there, Pico.
M: Yeah. I got a happier ending thanks to you guys.
ErrorSky: Huh? Did your cap just talk, Benji?
Benjamin: Heh, yeah. M's pretty much become my Cappy after me and her put Xenophanes to rights the other day.
ErrorSky: Hehe, awesome!
Benjamin: What about you, Sky? How'd you get on with other Skys out there in the multiverse?
ErrorSky: Well, simply put, I respect them all, despite some of their issues. Well, except for Miko. She's an absolute internet jerk.
Pico: Well, there you have it, trocyte! Thanks for the debate!
Benjamin: Oh! And as quick clarity, the MIX Boyfriend I was with wasn't the same one as the one in the Funkin' Society. I was with an alternate counterpart of him.
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lesboylycan · 6 months
How did SzPD and ASPD influence how you split? Also, as a plural werewolf do you find plurality helps you manage shifting easier?
Hi thank you for the ask!!
So, I'm going to answer the second question first since that's a little simpler: it doesn't really affect it very much? Shifts are very much involuntary, although we've sussed out a few rules and we know how to trigger them if we want to be a beast for any reason. Not that we get to choose what we become but y'know lmao. Some are definitely less enthused about the whole thing than others, but that just means that if they're fronting and we start shifting, they get someone who'd actually like to be in front for it (provided we still have the mind for it, that is--beast brain isn't exactly capable of using words very well lmao).
(Note: While writing this, wei realized that it was actually ASPD specifically that causes it, not SzPD, since wei decided to go more in-depth on the reasons Why wei split which led to figuring out the specific cause. So thank you lmao! (Although, because we figured out in the middle of explaining, some earlier wordings might seem a little weird oops))
For the first question, I should clarify: for the collective in general, we don't really split, we form independent of one another. Or, in the case of many of our introjects (which, to be fair, make up 85% of the collective), they stumble through a portal somewhere--usually while on the run--and fall into here. The portals are unstable and only one-way, so they usually close after one or two headmates drop in, but sometimes there's situations like the Plainsmen where *checks notes* six people all fall in at once.
Anyways, that whole thing makes the way Wolf splits pretty unique compared to the rest of the collective. And it all started a little over a year ago, back in 2023, when we made our side blog, back when this blog was still a fandom blog for [special interest book series].
What happened was Oakley ended up forming a specific mask for @local-lovey-wolfboy, thanks to trying to avoid being found out and risking the integrity of the persona we'd portrayed on this blog. This mask was a lot colder and harsher than Oakley actually was--and is--when talking to people it knows (and when talking here, back when 'here' was a fandom blog). Slowly, though, that mask became more and more differentiated from Oakley itself... until the mask was no longer Oakley, and started becoming its own consciousness: Matty.
Okay. Try again. This time, both Oakley and Matty run the blog, although it's still Oakley... with yet another mask. Well, actually, with another two masks, technically: one of them colder for the side blog, the other a lot warmer and more excitable for this blog.
And the warmer and more excitable mask slowly became more... and more... differentiated... until the mask became Dave. Sigh. Clearly this isn't working. (Thankfully for us, we'd soon leave the fandom and make the blog into what it is today--which means less need to avoid vulnerability and foster separation between the blogs, which means less differentiation between the masks and Oakley. Yippee!)
"But um. Oakley, Matty, and Dave aren't the only parts of Wolf," I hear you saying. And you're right!
- Inti was the next one. What happened with it was, Oakley got a little too vulnerable and scared, and the vulnerable-and-scared fraction got shunted off of Oakley and became Inti. This one is less of a mask, and more related to ASPD fear of vulnerability. Inti still isn't super separated from Oakley, but neither of them mind too much; unless it specifically fronts for some reason, it usually ends up fronting to be the "mask" that shows the vulnerability and fear so Oakley doesn't have to.
- Then it was Junie. With Junie, we started getting paranoid around November that Oakley would no longer be the default; we were already struggling a lot with change, and we'd noticed a pattern of hosts and defaults only lasting a year max, and always getting switched out of the role in December. Junie, a calm mask, got separated from Oakley, who remained paranoid and scared of the idea of being forced away (but is still here!! yippee :3)--similar to Inti, it's also not the most separated from Oakley and still functions as a mask in some ways.
- And the latest one is Twitch. We won't talk about why he split off, but he is also very specifically ASPD related, specifically in the "i don't care, fuck everyone, i don't need anyone and everyone who tries to 'help' is secretly dangerous and not to be trusted" kind of way. He's also less differentiated from Oakley--enough that when he first split off, we thought he and Oakley might be a median subsystem of their own. They're not, but that's just the level of non-differentiation that's been maintained, largely because Twitch is still having to function as an uncaring, impenetrable mask instead of as his own person pretty much every time he fronts, which means he hasn't really gotten much of a chance to actually flesh himself out outside of being that mask for Oakley.
Those last three folks are the main reason why wei consider myurselves to be a disordered system via ASPD; because of the way they tend to function as masks instead of people, even when in possession of their own personhood, wei aren't always the most... functional? Wei guess? Myur problem is that wei aren't really separated enough to function, and all of them basically formed because of Oakley's inability to be vulnerable and desperation to keep itself safe from perceived threats--threats to its ego, its self-perception, its carefully-manicured outward appearance, its status and stability... you get the point. And all of meus represent a facet of one or multiple of these in some way. For meus, healing or recovering from the specific way in which wei're disordered would mean separating from each other more, combined with treating the underlying cause and thought patterns that leads to these masks being created--thought patterns directly caused by ASPD (and the trauma that led to myur ASPD developing in the first place).
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equallyshaw · 2 years
𝔥𝔬𝔭𝔢 𝔲𝔯 𝔬𝔨𝔞𝔶 𝔣𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔞𝔪 𝔫𝔶𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯 (𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢 +𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔞 𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔱)
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Warnings: none
Word Count: 868
Sour Masterlist.
I knew a boy once, when I was small
A tow-head blond, with eyes of salt
I knew William back when we were just some random younglins in sweden. Our blonde hair and blue eyes could be spotted from a distance away and they know it was us. We grew up next door to eachother, and if you couldn't fine one of us, we were most likely with the other. Growing up Mrs.Nylander always liked to joke that we were soulmates, well actually she wasn't joking. I thought that too but then he left, for Toronto and then it was too late. I really thought we'd somehow, someday be together. I still remember that day, the sun was shining so brightley, the air just right, the lake calm as ever with soft waves and the perfect picnic to end the summer.
I remember doing a double take, and then blabbering about college and how we had planned to go to college together while he was in the Sweden Pro League. All he did was stare at me, and I realized that our plans had changed without me knowing.
And somehow, we fell out of touch
Hope he took his bad deal and made a royal flush
Don't know if I'll see you again someday
After he left for Toronto, we planned to stay in touch. We did until his first game in the NHL. His family and my family flew out to Toronto to catch his first pro game and then after that, things changed. More time passed between text messages and face times. More and more excuses from him and at some point I'd had enough. So I blocked him on social media and his phone numner. The Willy I had grown up with and the one I had cared so deeply for, was no longer the one I knew. Maybe the billet family had changed him? Though when we met them, they were sweethearts especially the blonde mom. Maybe the money had but that would have been so out of character for him
The Nylanders moved a few blocks away in 2019, and that was the the first time she had heard about them or William for that matter. Despite having the home next store, they spent most of their time in Miami and their Canadian home. So there was really no way that I'd see him ever again. Our lives were just so different.
After they moved, she heard through the grapevine that William was having a hard time in Toronto. He had even reached out to my dad for some advice, because of his time in the Sweden Pro League and understood long negotitations on contracts. My dad spent the better part of a day talking to him and for the first time in years, she heard his voice. It was deeper than the last time she had heard it, and his laugh even more hearty.
My dad went on to explain that his contract wasn't what he deserved, at dinner after his signing. He had wastde the first part of the season, and feared it would harm his career. My dad said that he'd get paid no matter what but would of walked away and try to get another contract for smaller time. But that was his decision, because he loved the team, staff and city. That meant, he would not be seeing the family anytime soon. He wouldn't be seeing me for who knows how longer.
Address the letters, to the holes in my butterfly wings
William left a hole in my heart, that has yet to be closed now at 25. . I fear that it will never be. My grandmother explained that the reason it hasn't healed is because I still am holding onto hope that Ill see him again and he'll see me the way I see him. My grandma jokes I should fly to Toronto without a return ticket and see what happens. But everybody knows I'd never do that.
Well, I hope you know how proud I am you were created
'Cause I love you, and I hope that you're okay
My dad during the 2022 playoffs, said one night at our weekly Sunday dinner that he was getting a ton of hate that was unwarrented. But explained that it was just part of the job, and the hardships of it. I remember nodding and making a note to look him up when we were done. I saw the hate that they were giving and going after who he was as a person. I debated on reaching out to him and wish him well in the playoffs but debated if that was weird or wrong of me. I enlisted the help of my two sibilings and they pushed me to do it. Stating that I was his absolute best friend at one point.
I opened instagram, unblocked his account and opened messages.
Hi Willy-
hope ur okay! Sending so many positive vibes and love as the season rolls on. Keep pushing the boundaries, Raring. (darling)
Sent- May 19th, 2022
Read- May 21st, 2022
Hi Rosey-
thankyou for the encouraging words! hope ur doing okay too, blond. (blondie)
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@rosetheviking: s/out to mama for sending me some archives from back in the day.
Location: Scandinavian
2.9k likes, 78 comments.
@sibiling1: the first photo 😭
@sibiling2: more like an outfit recap for the past 20 years
@rosetheviking: tbh
@bestfriend: iconic in every era
@rosetheviking: 🫶🏻🫶🏻
@alexnylander: but y’all were so cute !!
@sibiling1: ummmm that’s what we have always said 💀
@sibiling2: where have u been??
@alexnylander: trying to beat this guy @williamnylander
@randomuser1: he fumbled a dime
@sibiling2: this !!!
@cousin1: such a cutie pie 🥹
@rosetheviking: 🤍
@williamnylander: two peas in a pod 🤞🏻
@rosetheviking: srsly
@williamnydlander: wait — you had red hair ???
@rosetheviking: yep unfortunately you missed my rebellious era 👼🏼
@sibiling1: it was a fun time
@williamnylander: I’m sure. I definitely was on the receiving end of mischief as a kid
@williamnylander has messaged @rosetheviking: fancy a Toronto trip?
Hope you all enjoyed ! Please like and reblog if you did :)
- tbh not my best work but wanted to get it out !
@seattlekrakengirl @slafgoalskybaby @bitchinbarzal @z3gras @zegrasbabyyy @hockeyboysarehot @fallinallincurls @zegras2crosby @jayda12 @nicoleloveshockey @hockey-lover86 @huggybug @cellythefloshie
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ohsalome · 1 year
Thank you for speaking out about Western centrism.
In one of your last your last post you mentioned in the tags that Ukrainians were traumatized living in Germany and fled in horror.
What caused this? What can Germans do to make Ukrainians feel welcome here
I am Ukrainian diaspora living in Germany and working with Ukrainian refugees here. Ukrainians refugees have told me that they can't believe that some Germans are unwilling to support Ukraine, while their family and friends are bombed in Ukraine and they themselves experienced air strikes. They are angry that some Germans think they deserve to die and are calling for so called "peace"
Hi! First of all, thank you for helping our people out - this really means a lot. If not for the genuine help that came from common people, I don't know what we'd be doing by now. So thank you once again.
Appeasenick Germans are, undoubtely, an infuriating factor, but I have huge doubts they can be, like… talked out of it. It would be nice to at least keep them away from traumatised refugees, but I currently cannot see any realistic solutions to this problem.
The biggest trouble, of course, is the parts of the German government that advocate for appeasement and prevent us from getting weapons. Sorry but this is Нікчемщина
The things I've heard people complaining about the most are of bureocratic nature, and I'm afraid this is not something that can be changed overnight. But this comes back to my point that every country has its pros and cons; for many years we looked up to Germany as an ideal of perfect European life, and after going there, we discovered that many things are much more comfortable in Ukraine.
For example, opening a bank account. To do this in Ukraine, I don't even need to leave my home - this can be done in half an hour through an app. A shitton of governmental services are fully digital as well - like opening a private business or applying for a marriage - and full digitalisation of the governmental services is in the plans. Another thing that is much better in Ukraine - we don't need to wait months for a doctor's appointment. Some time ago I needed to visit a doctor, so I just walked into my nearest hospital, and there just was a free opening in an hour. I had a consultation, ultrasound and prescription in one go, and all of it was for free. Oh, and not to mention, shops and other establishments are open on Sundays. Should I even mention the difference between Deutschebahn and Ukrzaliznytsya? Guys, sometimes I wonder how do you even survive like this.
Now, to think about it, I have heard some problems ukrainians had in german refugee centres specifically. For example, the abundance of russian workers. Now, I fully understand and respect their desire to help refugees, it is a morally sound choice, but you have to understand that many people flee from occupied towns or places that underwent constant bombings. Many women escaped to Europe after being raped by russian soldiers. They might be literally triggered by being in the proximity of russians or hearing russian language, yet german government had dispatched them to work in centres because "we speak the same language"? At the very least there needs to be some type of filtering system to screen out the russians who will get angry at ukrainians for not acting sufficiently grateful for their help, or genuine rushists (I have heard a story of one old russian man in Germany who was yelling at the ukrainians for not taking russian passports and "provoking" russia into attacking Ukraine. wtf). Oh, and another issue I've heard about is that many paper materials like leaflets etc. are only avaliable in translated into russian, but not ukrainian. This is genuinely insulting because it reinforces the already existent stereotype that "ukrainians don't need ukrainian language since they understand russian anyway".
A necessary disclaimer that the problems described above are not an issue to everybody - a plenty of ukrainians are perfectly fine with being around russians.
Also, not all refugees from Ukraine are met equally as well - roma people in particular face much more trouble getting help and are often denied the services accessible to other ukrainians.
This topic was widely discussed around last summer, and most of the info I know is from that period; so if the issues I've described have been fixed - good. Hope my answer was of any help.
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theygotlost · 2 years
I like alister azimuth a normal amount: an almost 1,000 word reflection on ratchet and clank: a crack in time. thanks to the 2 people who will read this
Part 1: Gay Alister Truthing just for funsies
Textually, Alister's motivation is to rewrite history to prevent the Lombaxes from being massacred and absolve himself of his mistake. I don't deny that he wants to save all the Lombaxes who died, but I think he has an additional, more selfish reason: he just wants Kaden back. 
Alister and Kaden were childhood friends and it's obvious from the way Alister talks about Kaden that he's very fond of him. 
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ALISTER: Kaden and I were good friends. He was a great Lombax, smart as they come.
These are in-game voice lines he says in the cave on Lumos, and unfortunately don't have subtitles. I was going to embed screen recordings, but I can only embed one video per post :(
ALISTER: Your father and I used to come here all the time when we were children, back when it was a raritanium mine. It's all dried up now, but believe me, this whole place used to shimmer! We'd sneak in after the vullards left and just... hoverboot through the darkness. Heh, Kaden almost broke his arm right over there. We had some good times out here.
ALISTER: You're reminding me more of your father every minute. Come on, we're almost through. I recognize all of this! There's a rock ledge down there we used to hoverboot off of, straight into nothingness. Heh, I was scared the first time, but your father? He didn't blink! (very quietly) Feels like yesterday. RATCHET: General, can we talk about what happened? With my father? With the Lombaxes? ALISTER: Now is not the time for distractions! Not when we're this close! 
Note on that last one: why would Alister dismiss Ratchet's questions about Kaden as "distractions" when he was just idly reminiscing about Kaden a second ago? distractions from thinking about how awesome your boy best friend was? 🤨 jk I know the real reason he was dodging the question was because of his guilt but like...
Alister literally carries around a gay ass pocketwatch with Kaden's picture inside it. Make of that what you will. 🤨 Saving all the Lombaxes is undoubtedly important to Alister, but it seems to me like he wants to save Kaden a little more than everyone else.
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(Sidenote: Alister literally opened up his pocket watch to look at it while saying this line. Maybe he was just checking the time, but the current time is irrelevant in this context.) 
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Also… why did he have Kaden's hoverboots?! From Alister's accounts above, it seemed like Kaden loved hoverbooting so I don't think he would let Alister have his boots out of disinterest or something like that. It kind of implies that Alister took the boots after Kaden died as yet another keepsake of him, especially if they were important to Kaden. 
Part 2: the “““Found Family”””
Ratchet's arrival is nothing but a constant reminder of Kaden, from the physical resemblance to his personality to the mere fact that Kaden’s son is standing right there in front of him after all these years. Alister repeatedly compares Ratchet to his father, even to the point that it starts to piss Ratchet off. 
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ALISTER: And you, my dear boy, look just like your father…
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RATCHET: Age before beauty, General. ALISTER: Wiseguy. Just like your father.
From one of the voice lines mentioned earlier:
ALISTER: You're reminding me more of your father every minute.
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ALISTER: How relevant is the past when it can be changed? Your father would have said "not very". RATCHET: That's him. And you still haven't given me a straight answer! 
Alister has been agonizing over his mistake for the past twenty years, but meeting Ratchet is what finally caused him to spiral. He reminds him so much of Kaden that everything just becomes too painful. Every time he tells Ratchet he's just like his father, he's probably thinking, Kaden should be here to see this. He should be the one to see what his son has achieved. 
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ALISTER: I don’t know how long he survived before Tachyon caught up with him, but I know I was responsible for his death.
Alister's #1 motivating force is guilt. Guilt that he made the wrong decision and wiped out his entire species. Guilt that his best friend was caught in the crossfire so his son had to grow up an orphan and the last of his kind. It's his fault that Ratchet's parents weren't there to raise him, so it's his responsibility to do the job himself. He can absolve his guilt toward Kaden by taking care of his son for him, and absolve his guilt toward Ratchet by becoming the father figure he never had. I'll never forget this line (using my 1 video per post for this one)
ALISTER: Just so you know, I'm sorry that you had to go so long without another Lombax to talk to. If I had known you were alive, I would have come for you. Just know that from this day forth, you have a family. 
This is probably why Alister is kind of obsessed with the fact that now Ratchet is there, the two of them can save the Lombaxes together. He’s desperate for Ratchet to forgive him, even if changing the past means he won’t remember any of it. 
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ALISTER: I can make it right, Ratchet. All of it. I… we can fix it.
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ALISTER: It’s just… We’re the only ones who can fix the past.
Voice line during the final boss fight:
ALISTER: I didn't want it to be like this! You were supposed to be here, on my side! We could have saved them together! Have I taught you nothing?!
(Notice the paternal “kneeling down to Ratchet’s eye level and reassuringly putting his hand on his shoulder” body language in the first two)
On a lighter note, I love that Alister decides to give Ratchet a hoverboot lesson. Very “father teaching his son to ride a bike” vibes. Not to mention the number of times he encourages Ratchet or says that he’s proud of him for doing something. 🥺
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ALISTER: Are you ready for your first lesson?
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ALISTER: The ion coils might be a bit rusty. You’ll get used to ‘em.
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ALISTER: Nice job, Ratchet! I knew you could do it! Come on. Get back up there and let’s fight that Eye!
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ALISTER: I'm proud of you, Ratchet.
The theme of father and son runs parallel for both Ratchet and Clank. Ratchet’s father died when he was a baby, but Alister gives him answers about the kind of person he was and what happened to him, and takes on a paternal role himself. Clank’s “father” also disappeared before Clank could ever meet him, but is able to learn about him with the help of Sigmund. While Alister and Orvus are both father figures, their attitudes are polar opposites.
When Alister realizes that Ratchet isn’t going to do what he wants him to, he FREAKS OUT and literally fucking kills Ratchet. Meanwhile, Orvus hopes that Clank will take over as caretaker for the Great Clock, but makes it clear that he encourages him to make his own choices even if they don’t align with his own expectations. 
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ALISTER: Where are you going? This is your responsibility. You can’t just walk away! The Lombaxes need us! Don’t walk away from me! I said stop!
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ORVUS: But like any father, my only wish is that my son does that which makes him feel whole […] So should the Clock be too small for your plans, I pray the cosmos light the way toward a future that you yourself design.
And of course, this iconic callback:
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ALISTER: Sometimes the universe has a cruel sense of humor. 
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ORVUS: And remember, the universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke! 
Alister is tormented by his past decisions, so his idea of mentoring Ratchet is to prevent him from making the same mistakes he did. The massacre was when he lost all control, so he is desperate to control anything he can, including Ratchet. Life sucks and then you die. Orvus is literally like a time god or something, so he has none of that baggage. Maybe you could even argue for generational trauma here. As sad as I am that Alister had to Die In The Explosion I think it sends a clear message of who the better father was here. Orvus simply went missing forever but lives on through his recordings.
As for our titular heroes, Clank pretty clearly states that he considers Ratchet to be his family. Though it’s pretty sad how he implies that once Ratchet has found his “real” family, Clank can/will leave him?! :(
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CLANK: I cannot stay. I am sorry, but discovering my family has made me realize that I cannot leave Ratchet. Not until he finds his own. I hope you understand.
Either way, it makes for the best ending scene to any RaC game since the very first one. It gets me every time. I hate writing conclusions so I don’t really have anything to wrap this up with sorry… um sparkle on and don’t forget to be yourself!!!
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