#cbs ghosts season 4
Wish list for CBS ghosts season 4
Make Patience a recurring antagonist for at least 2-3 episodes before that story gets resolved and she gets regulated to a background character.
Patience character to be 50% good religious farm girl, 50% crazy witch. She also needs to have a wicked(ly cool) ghost power
More of Isaac loving dinosaurs
More solo development for Isaac
More of Isaac and Hetty's awesome friendship
No Nigel for a while. I do not like him. He did a lot of things in his and Isaac's relationship that are textbook abusive partner behavior.
I think it is about time for Jay's restaurant to start up, and I would like that to actually become pretty successful/profitable. Mostly because I would like Sam and Jay to have a bit more disposable income to do things around the manor, and I know the B&B is unlikely to become super busy next season (unless the show is ending , which I really do not want).
The difference in treatment between the above ground ghosts and basement ghosts to be addressed. I know after season 3 that they aren't going to move them all up stairs. But it would be nice if Sam and Jay could like furbish the basement , and then more Basement ghosts than just Nancy got invited to come upstairs for games or discussion.
Just to be clear I still want Nancy to keep making her frequent visits up stairs and hang out with the man 8. I just also would not mind seeing Stuart or another nameless basement ghost standing or walking by in the background on the occasion.
Explore Pete's power more. He does not need to hop on a plane and go across the country or anything, but let him keep going out into town and having adventures. Also let him keep going on dates with other random ghosts outside of the house.
I know that Pete&Alberta will probably happen at some point in season 4. The thing is though while that ship was cute in season 1, the way the ship was handled in season 2 soured it like milk to me. Both characters need a lot of development, and separate explorations of what they want out of a relationship, before I can ship them again.
H-Money is still a couple I kinda like. I do not expect them to get back together in season 4 (Please not another season that is fully devoted to coupling up all the character), but I would like them to start scheming together again. Let them figure out how to interact together as friends, and build a stronger foundation to eventually, in season 5 maybe, try again.
I have heard people suggest that Pete's power could maybe be extend to getting the other ghosts through the barrier if they are like holding onto Pete's hand. I want this. Now I know Sass will want to visit a Pizza Hut, and Issac a dinosaur museum, but I would say the most important thing to do with that would be to take Thor and Flower over to the Farnsby manor to visit Bjorn and his girlfriend Judy. It would also be cool if there was a lesbian ghost living there they could set up Nancy with. Since Nisaac is on a "respite" and queer representation (preferably healthy queer representation) is important.
Everyone remember in season 2 when we learned about Flower's super protective, formally MIA, army vet brother : Rob. You remember how the show's staff said they would love to have Rob come to the B&B for a visit, and were already considering actors who could play him? I want this episode. Also if you cannot directly tell Rob his sister is a ghost on the property, then can Trevor or Alberta use their powers to help Flower send a message to Rob. To say that she still loves him. I cannot deal that both siblings spent like 50 years thinking the other hated them when neither did. It is to sad.
It would be cool if we could also have Ira visit once too. I know Flower did not love him like she did Michael or does Thor, but he was still someone who was a big part of her life for a while, and knowing her cannonly had a large impact on his. Maybe we find that while he has done charities in her memory, trauma over watching her be killed by a bear has also lead him to sponsor bear hunts or poaching. Flower is horrified. Then Sam and Jay have to spend his visit looking for a way to convince him that is not what Flower would have wanted.
Four standard episodes for each season are a Halloween episode, an episode where Bela visits, one where Stephanie wakes up, and one where Crash appears and is slightly relevant. I have no idea what to do for an episode with Crash, but for the others
-Ghost animals on Halloween
-Home theater night for ghosts and guests on the night Stephanie wakes up, complete with all the drama of set up and shenanigans that going to the movies encores.
- Bela is broken up with Eric, she does not even like him. This time her and Jay's parents come with her for the visit. Bela wants all the latest gossip surrounding the ghosts, but they have to tip toe around the parents. Jay's dad does not fully support the B&B even without the knowledge that it is haunted, and Sam does not want to give her mother in law another reason to suspect that she might be crazy.
Owning back to the "Can Pete take the other ghosts off the property" theory, can Thomas Woodstone be a ghost who died visiting a neighbors property. We have no reason to see Elias again since he has decided to stay put in Hell. But Thomas reappearing could be interesting for both Hetty and Alberta. If he does show up though I want the twist to be that he is actually severally cognitively impaired (think Lenny from oMaM)... I mean the man was from an inbred family, played with lead based toys as a baby, had a cocaine addict mom, and a father who was a lot of things. He could not have been all there. Also address more on if Earl ever actually cared for any of the people he was two timing (again development that needs to happen to make Alberta want to go from dating an Earl to a Pete).
A Sasappis based episode that is not his death story. I feel like he needs at least one more episode exploring what his life alive was like, to be appropriately gutted when we learn about his secret death.
Actually maybe we can hold off on Sass's death and Hetty's ghost power until season 5. let's keep the element of mystery in the show for a little longer.
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Isaac: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon. Sam: Spear. Isaac: BLOCKED.
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cutesycadaver · 1 month
I think we just got our Supernatural Turbo Hell moment.
Let's hope that this is the most homophobic they get.
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ladyannelister · 2 years
Nigel Chessum 🤝 The Captain
British military gays who love watching ants
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novelswithariana · 6 months
I kept thinking Maggie would have trusted OA on his instincts. I didn't like Nina in the beginning of the episode at first. But at the end, the care she showed OA redeemed her earlier actions somewhat. So I forgive you, Nina.
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cbsghostsdaily · 3 months
Congrats to the cast and crew! 👻🎉
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fallowtail · 8 days
Rules: Answer and tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
Tagged by both @zaryashame !!
Last song you listened to: Good Together by Lake Street Dive
Fav color: Warm browns & mustard yellows & yellowish-khaki greens...sucker for a neutral color palette
Currently watching: Devious Maids season 4
Sweet/savory/spicy: Savory, I'm not huge on sweets and they tend to make me sick, and while I do like spicy foods & can handle them fairly well, I don't eat them very much because I'm a fragile white woman and just don't seek out the taste sensation often lmfao
Relationship status: 12 years with this guy so I guess I love her or whatever @hedgepods 🙄
Current obsession: CBS Ghosts & Rebecca Wisocky which is a shocker to nobody.......I don't have room for anything else when I'm in fixation mode, lol
Last thing i googled: "opossum holding a banjo"
Tagging the first mutuals who pop up when I hit the @ button: @mooncalf87 @petersthree @church-of-lilith @cassiesinsanity @marshgremlin @lavenderbehindherear @mallowbirb @tiggyloo @missielynne
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https-hunter · 1 month
So far this summer we have
- part 1 of cobra kai season 6
- cbs ghosts starts filming season 4
- season 3 of the bear
I am not at all apologizing for the person I’m going to be come June/July
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It’s become somewhat of a tradition for CBS’ Ghosts to end on a cliffhanger.
And Season 3 was no different. While audiences are going to be left waiting anxiously to know what, exactly, is going to happen to Isaac (Brandon Scott Jones), showrunners Joe Port and Joe Wiseman are delighting in the latest pickle they’ve gotten their characters into.
Not only has Isaac decided not to get married to Nigel (John Hartman), he’s now in the clutches of Patience the Puritan ghost, who struck up a friendship with Flower (Sheila Carrasco) while she was stuck in the well and has a bone to pick with Isaac since he let go of her hand while they were escaping from their own hole on the grounds a few hundred years ago.
“We really just enjoyed the possibilities of Patience,” Port said. “She’s become sort of a favorite in the writers room as we discussed what she could be like. So we just decided to have that be a turn that happens at the end of the of the season finale. I think it was just such a big part of the prior episode that we found it enticing to bring her back and finally meet her.”
Having already been renewed, the Season 4 writers room is officially open. The first order of business is “how we get him back,” Port said.
No doubt, there will also be some retribution for the basement ghosts, who were somewhat culpable in Isaac’s kidnapping. Although, Wiseman is quick to come to their defense. After all, the upstairs ghosts do treat them pretty awful — and they never intended for Isaac to really get hurt.
“We thought it was too far if they knew that Isaac was going to be kidnapped, but I don’t think they would have literally lured him into such a precarious situation,” he said. “You could argue that they had a right to be upset. They weren’t invited to a very big event in the house. They’re very much treated as second class citizens all the time. But we wanted to make sure that they didn’t know it was going to be so crazy. So we’ll see if they come clean next season or not.”
Among those relieved to hear that the writers plan to bring Isaac back to Woodstone Mansion is Brandon Scott Jones, the man behind the character.
“That means I still have a job,” he joked. “I have no idea how they’re gonna play it out. I don’t know if we’ll ever see Patience. But I think it’s a cool way to expand the world and remind people that there are so many more ghosts on this property than we’ve even seen just yet.”
Jones did have some ideas about where Isaac’s story could go in Season 4, now that he’s single once again and (probably) escapes the clutches of Patience the Puritan. He discusses all that and more in the interview below.
DEADLINE: When did you find out that Isaac and Nigel weren’t actually going to get married?
BRANDON SCOTT JONES: Somewhere towards the end of the season. I can’t remember where, but I think Joe Port and Joe Wiseman came to me and they said that they were thinking about breaking Isaac and Nigel up. Things change, so I knew that there was a chance before we even got the script that it was going to happen. But when I got the script, I just didn’t know what the machinations were going to be. I think even as we were filming it, it went back and forth a little bit between who left who at the altar, so I was a little bit…unsure of which way it was going to go, which kind of made it a little fun. I’m sad to see the relationship end, but I think it’s probably the best thing for both characters.
DEADLINE: Joe Port and Joe Wiseman mentioned to me they felt that maybe Isaac and Nigel rushed into their engagement. Did you feel the same?
JONES: Yeah, I always felt that, when he proposed to Nigel, it was a little bit of like a panic proposal. Isaac spent 250 years not really being himself, so he finally gets this opportunity and he kind of admits to at least the other ghosts, who he really is as he’s exploring that. He immediately finds himself in this relationship with Nigel, and I think it’s funny because it’s almost like he decided to go right back into the traditional steps of a relationship rather than exploring any other new thing. He just kind of felt like, ‘Alright, well, I guess I’m now gay, but I’m still going to propose to this person and live with this person and do all the necessary things.’ But I don’t know if he’s doing it because he wanted to or just because he felt like he had to because of the traditions of his era. When the stripper comes, it was definitely one of those things where I think it started to open up his eyes of like, ‘Oh my god, could I even find myself attracted to somebody else?’
DEADLINE: The stripper-turned-DJ being Isaac’s moment of awakening is quite funny and somewhat touching. It seems like he’d never considered there was anything else out there for him.
JONES Yeah, I think so. I think he probably has comfort in tradition. The idea of deviating away from any of that…it’s probably the reason he stayed in the closet for so long, even after he died. And I think the idea that this guy opens up his eyes, but also Pete really opens up his eyes too. He has this awesome story, which I think poses a really great question. What do you have to live for if you are already dead? What really, to me, made it cool it was that how they connected those two storylines and the wheels started to turn for Isaac.
DEADLINE: I thought it was quite beautiful how the other ghosts were reassuring him that there have been so many ways that they’ve met knew people and ghosts they never knew existed, and there is still so much for Isaac even though he’s dead.
JONES: Right. All these ghosts are stuck in purgatory. I think in Episode 3 of the entire series, they mentioned how their dream is to move on from this existence, no matter what. I think, as an actor, that’s sort of like your supreme motivation in almost anything you do on this show. This might be an opportunity where Isaac’s finally starting to wake up and realize, ‘Oh, I don’t have to just check boxes. Maybe the reason I’m stuck here is something a little bit larger that I have to go out and seek and find.’
DEADLINE: Do you think this is really the end for Isaac and Nigel? They do still have to exist on the same property basically forever.
JONES: It doesn’t sound too fun to be trapped in the same space as the person who left you at the altar. If there is a path forward for the two of them, I can imagine it’s not going to necessarily be smooth sailing. But then again, I also don’t know. Maybe it’s good that they spend time apart and if they never get back together again, that’s okay. But hopefully they’re both better because of this relationship, and they can find some common ground somewhere, either quickly or down the road.
DEADLINE: Isaac has to come back first, though. That cliffhanger at the end. What did you think of it?
JONES: The easiest way to describe it is that it feels like Isaac gets what he deserves, because he left this woman literally in the dirt. Then he recently left this man at the altar. He was, even in this episode, just a little persnickety with Sam the entire time. He’s a messy, messy dude that has a lot to figure out. Anytime he’s called out on his bullsh*t, or he has to pay the price for some of the things that he does, I think it’s a good moment because it’s funny, hopefully. But also, hopefully, he’ll be able to either learn or at least figure something else out. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I have no idea where this is gonna go, but I hope he does have to atone for something.
DEADLINE: Did they tell you they were going to do this to Isaac?
JONES: No, no, I didn’t get a heads up on that. I read that in, I think at the table read. It was definitely right before we were filming. I wasn’t sure if that was going to stay or not. But yeah, we filmed it and it’s in there. I’m excited because I think it’s gonna be a cool opportunity.
DEADLINE: Isaac is now the third ghost to ‘disappear’ in some way from the property this season. What do you think that means for the rest of the ghosts?
JONES: I don’t envy the job our writers have of sort of being like, ‘Well, these people can’t live or die, or hold anything. They can’t touch anything. They can’t talk to people that aren’t also dead.’ How do you tell the stories? But they always find a way to do that. I love any opportunity that we can to just deepen the mythology of the show. It is funny you actually pointed that out. I hadn’t noticed that, but yeah, this is the third person to go missing.
DEADLINE: Since the show has been renewed, what are you hoping is in store for Isaac once he’s back?
JONES: I try not to think too far ahead because the writers always keep us guessing. But I guess I hope this experience of leaving your fiancé at the altar, getting dragged into the dirt by a woman you left for essentially dead — if you can leave a ghost for dead. I hope that it sends Isaac on a new path of self discovery. There’s something really, really funny to me about somebody really trying to make a hard right turn into being a better person. That could be really interesting.
DEADLINE: I do think Isaac trying to be a nicer person would be a hilarious story.
JONES: Exactly. It’s really coming to terms with the atonement of all the bad things that he’s done. Like he killed so many people when he was alive. I would love to see him start to really try to figure things out and see how difficult it really is to change in the afterlife.
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umbrellalavender · 8 months
Series 5 of Ghosts was so good!!!!
I don’t think any of my friends at work/college have watched it yet, so I’m going to Tumblr (again)
Spoilers… obviously.
This whole season was so cute and emotional in my opinion and the best series they’ve done so far.
Episode 1:
The idea of an April fools episode was so good. I like seeing Alison and Humphrey working together. I liked seeing how each one of the ghosts went down, especially The Captain. I expected Alison to be pregnant on the last season so it’s nice that I was correct.
Episode 2:
The Kitty plot in this gave me second hand embarrassment, but I liked how it ended with her grossed out by people with parents. Fanny being a better poet than Thomas was cool. I found it cute when Thomas put her name at the bottom. Also, I love how Thomas is Scottish. Pat and Julian arguing over the north and south is pretty funny, especially as someone who lives in the midlands. The reappearing solicitor jokes are great.
Episode 3:
KITTY HAS SUCH A COOL DEATH!!!! I didn’t expect that at all and I love it. Out of all the characters, I didn’t expect Eleanor to make me cry. Looking at theories, I never really liked the idea of her killing her. It’s nice to see her actually sad by her sister’s death. I liked how even Kitty didn’t know what happened. It was a better mystery than Alberta in the CBS version.
Episode 4:
Another episode that I cried at. I love Sophie and Robin’s relationship, even if Sophie never knew he was there. It was quite depressing watching Robin being alone. It didn’t even pass my mind that he was on his own. I do want to learn more about William though. He seems like an interesting character. I was a big fan of all the French in it. I’m not French, but I did pretty well in my GCSEs and I haven’t looked at the language since, so it’s nice I understood a lot of it.
Episode 5:
I love this episode! I think it had a great plot with Robin believing one of them is going to get “sucked off.” By the end, even if it’s so unbelievable, you do start to worry one of them might go. It was finally nice to learn about The Captain’s death, however, it did give me second hand embarrassment. I was too worried about him. The moments with Havers was great, and I didn’t expect Haver’s to have given him the stick he has. It makes me change his view on him. When I first watched them together, I always thought it was a one sided relationship. I always though Havers saw him as a good friend and colleague, not in romantic way. This episode changed my view of that. I felt so bad when The Captain tried to reach for his face but he had to stick to holding his hand because… you know… 1940s and homophobia. Yes, I do have Achy Breaky Heart drilled into my head.
Episode 6:
I do like how Kitty accidentally stuck her head in Alison’s belly and her being really bad at keeping secrets. Also that she didn’t know it was the umbilical cord. I’m glad they brought up that Julian pushed her out the window because I know that’s been a big question for years whether she was aware. I’m glad they decided to stay.
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nkatr84 · 8 months
Only Murders in the Building series 3 finale “opening night”
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I may have taken a few detours to get there, (my completely wrong publicity stunt theory and my producers killing Ben to make money theory) but overall I did figure it out! We all got the Ben talking to a Cookie theory and Donna and Cliff were the killers after all. It was more of a crime of passion than premeditation but now we’ve got season 4 to make up for that! Ah heh…Poor Sazz…
I mean I hope she somehow survives but honestly I knew since the moment she was introduced as Charles stunt double that she was doomed…
Hopefully Loretta and Oliver aren’t doomed since she’s getting more offers from LA. They’re too cute!!!🥰
See you next year Arconiacs ✌️
Ps would anyone be interested in a fanfic based on BBC/CBS Ghosts but with the people who have died at the Arconia? I need more Ben Glenroy in my life. (BTW how fun was it that they got Paul Rudd to perform the musical a little?)
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Questions I have about Patience the puritan, and
Can she still see? She has been in the dirt, away from sunlight or electricity for over a century? So would it hurt her to be back in the light? Or would being a ghost render her unaffected by such sever changes?
What were her relationships like with Thor and Sass. Some people have pointed out that while Isaac was the one to let go of her hand, all three men kept walking without her. So does she want vengeance on them next.
On the flip side of that what were the three older ghosts relationships like her. Thor is still with Flower when Isaac and Sass tell the group about Patience and he never comments on her. But I imagine having to leave someone behind messed with his PTSD over what his old crew did to him, and that he does miss her/feel guilt. It is hard to say what Sass feels about her. Telling the story it seemed like he was annoyed/upset about her being gone now, but then his comment to flower "She might be feral. Do not engage" implies he is afraid of her. As for Isaac... well he was visibly fighting the urge to cry when he had to confirm what happened. So we know she was important to him.
On that note is Isaac being the one who let go of her hand the only reason she has singled in on him for revenge. It has been a hot minute since I took a history class, but generally when I read about Puritan villages the stories take place before revolutionary war. So I am guessing Patience died in between Sass and Isaac. We also know that a big part of Isaac's ark is that he has only in the last few years started to really understand his own romantic/sexual feelings. It is cannon that Isaac used to court women because that was what he thought he was supposed to do. The show already covered Beatrice ... are we sure she was the only women.
I am wondering if maybe the show will go the route, that Isaac and Patience used to be a couple after he died. That like Beatrice Patience eventually caught on that Isaac did not really feel romantic for her. But unlike Beatrice who accepted this and they lived as very close friends, could Patience believe he let go her on purpose? That getting her lost in the dirt was his way of breaking up with her? Drama
Flower says Patience was married to a man named Josiah, and talked about him a lot, along with butter turning, Isaac, and revenge? Was Josiah abusive to her? Does feelings about her treatment by him mix into her feelings for any of her old ghost friends.
Flower calls Patience her friend. Does Patience see Flower as her friend. Would she accept help from Flower if Flower saw her again and offered it.
What is Patience ghost power. Please make her one of the secondary ghosts who knows theirs. (Can we eventually see Stephanie and Nancy's too).
Purtian women were mostly homemakers, sometimes educated, very work oriented (again Flower mentioned Patience talked a lot about butter turning, This implies she was possibly a dairymaid on her husband's farm), up tight, and extremely religious. What balance between that and "Scary witch" will Pateince be? Note I am assuming that Patience was accused of witchcraft and put to death.
How long will it take her to move out of the ground and into the house/shed/some above ground structure on the property? How often will we see her once things settle?
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
CBS Ghosts: A Plural Review
This show was recommended by @livseses for being plural-coded, and I just wanted to say that it's absolutely amazing! If any systems out there aren't watching it, you absolutely should!
Ghost is about a woman named Sam who gains the ability to see... well... ghosts.
In truth, while the show always did a great job juxtaposing the chaos of the ghost world with the mundanity of the human world, it wasn't until episode 4, the Dinner Party, when I really got it.
What ensues after that is a hilarious scene where Sam has to act like everything is normal at dinner while ignoring all of the chaos going on that only she's aware of.
This is a consistent them throughout the show where Sam is exposed to difficult situations where she tries to hide what's going on. It's a situation that I think many systems will find extremely relatable.
In another episode, she has to act as the go-between for the ghosts so they can play DnD with her husband Jay.
As an aside, I want to say that I love just how super supportive and understanding Jay is of the ghosts, and how he tries to have relationships with all of them even if he can't see them. It's a really great dynamic.
There's definitely an implicit sense of multiplicity in how her ability is presented. While the ghosts aren't technically in Sam's head, the fact that she's usually the only way they really interact with the physical world makes it very similar functionally.
Later in the season, there's an episode where one of the ghosts is suffering from night terrors, and they call out a therapist to help work on that ghost's past trauma with Sam acting as a go-between and presenting the ghost's issues as if they happened to her.
And while the ghosts don't generally front, there is a really fun episode where a freak accident causes one of them to possess Jay.
And I just want to give a shoutout to Utkarsh Ambudkar for his brilliant portrayal of Hetty in that episode! 💖
This is also not a stagnant sitcom. The characters actually feel like they are growing and developing throughout the first season. And while it's a pure comedy, it's never hard to genuinely connect with the characters.
It's also very light-hearted and optimistic despite being about death, which I think is really important in a world with so much cynicism in media. While there is conflict in the show, the characters actually care about and respect each other. These relationships lack the toxicity that are so common in so many other sitcoms.
So if you want a fun, positive show with great characters about a woman who may not quite be a system but is close enough to be extremely relatable, I would highly recommend it. It's on Paramount+ right now!
(Host: In addition to everything Soph said, I was a huge fan of The Good Place, and Ghosts hits so many of the same notes for me. I didn't think I'd find a sitcom I liked as much as The Good Place, but this is it. At least so far. I know as well as anyone how shows can go downhill in later seasons. But right now, Ghosts is a close second.)
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unitedbydevils · 26 days
Match Review: Manchester United 0-1 Arsenal
Tumblr had a freak-out at my last attempt, so I lost all my work. This will be a short re-write.
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The depressing thing is that this wasn't a bad result for us based on this season. Shows how shit we've been, and shows how our standards/expectations have slumped. Miserable isn't it.
We deserved defeat because we don't learn our lessons. Casemiro was way too deep on his own for no reason and forgot to play the offside trap, and then we let Havertz cutback for Trossard to tap in. LIKE EVERY GOAL THIS SEASON AGAINST US. JESUS WEPT.
The Positives: Amad. Kid looks real good. Really nice on the attack; composed, creative, offensive. More intelligence there than Garnacho.
Kobbie Mainoo. He's just a class act. Smooth and reliable midfield operator.
Sofian Amrabat also gets some praise. He wasn't amazing, but he was solid. We've not had a solid CDM this season. Ten Hag's system relies on that pivot and clean up role. Amrabat is not a passing master like a Frenkie De Jong, but he is a seasoned international with Morocco. I'm taking his 6 or 7/10s over Casemiro's nothings every time.
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The Negatives: Aaron Wan Bissaka never wants to cross, so he's very easy to read.
Jonny Evans is old and slow. Smart, but outdone easily.
Casemiro is old and slow and not a CB.
Diogo Dalot sucks at LB. He is a RB.
Scott McTominay is a ghost of a midfielder and needs to play for a team that has a diamond 4 or a central 3 and 1 in front. He's a good lad, and a passionate player, but he needs to be moved on.
Alejandro Garnacho has been overplayed and is just making the same mistakes. He's great on the break and on turnovers of possession. That transition is primetime for him, but he's not skinning people like Peak Rashford. That's his next step of evolution, but you get that in training and by being a super sub. Not starting every week because we need you.
Same goes for Rasmus Hojlund. I love the kid, I really do, but he also needs a bit more game intelligence. He's great at receiving crosses, but we don't do them, so he needs to figure out how to make do with what he can get. This sucks, because he's strong and pacey and wants to run on beyond, but he might need to learn to loiter deep and burst forward as a surprise package; race away from their CB or CDM and cause confusion amongst the marking.
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So yeah, 8th place, 3 behind shitty Chelsea, two games to go. Newcastle on Wednesday, Brighton on Sunday, and then the FA Cup Final vs City. Somehow I hope we magically find some form in the midst of this. Who knows, maybe the returns of Bruno, Marcus and Martinez mean we can bench Garnacho, Casemiro and McTominay and we might - just might - play some semblence of Ten Hag Ball. It'd be a magical ending to a horror show season.
Oh, and the heavy rain at the end was so bad it flooded the pitch just before full time and flooded half of a stand to the point of evacuation. LOL. Old Trafford is falling down. Fuck the Glazers.
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ladyannelister · 2 years
I never realized until yesterday just how much I need a full story on Mary. Also...will Robin's story consist of poor Larry playing every character? Curious minds need to know! ;)
Ever since I saw the teaser for S4, and we see the brief shot of Mary in a very Puritan-style dress, I was like 'Oh yeah! Mary backstory!' *cheers* And then I started thinking about how Mary might have been accused of witchcraft... whether falsely accused OR a little closer to the truth than we expected?
I am also so excited about Robin's story! I can't remember if there has actually been a hint given as to HOW he died... but I can't wait to find out!
LOL That would be hilarious if all the cavemen were played by Larry for Robin's backstory. But hey Larry could do it! Dude, is so talented!
Also, switching Ghosts shows for a sec, did you see the BTS photo I posted of the anticipated "Halloween" episode in S2? Nigel is going to be in that one as well!! So, now we have two confirmed episodes with Nigel! I wonder how successful Isaac will be at integrating Nigel in with the other ghosts enough that we will see him in a lot more episodes in S2. *crosses fingers*
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insert-neologism · 2 months
ranking of flower face (album)songs on (?? fuck prepositions) how jackieshauna they are!! imo
+my thoughts bc. decided thats better than just a list. if u do want just a list Idk look at the spotify or smth
blue is The Shark In You Water (edited this one to jackieshauna though so I might be biased)
black is Baby Teeth
purple is Fever Dreams
cornflower blue - literally them. biased bc of edit but it's like. describes them fr (esp jackies part) BUT ITS LUTERALLY THEM
maybe - beneath cb bc bit less parts but the ones that are are OVERWHELMINGLY jackieshauna
baby teeth - i think it's very jackieshauna. crying.
bedroom ghost - AHHHHHHHH. only 4. bc she didnt rlly tell her to never die
tell me when it hurts - SHAUNA POV
bad astrology - idk how to explain but. omg
stranger - JACKIE POV
back to you - it IS back to you again. like, thry r just like that forever buttt it's not that specific and like repeats so it's down here
jupiter - them if theyd be alr lol
cigarettes and champagne - also them if they would be alr. they arent thiugh
hangman hands - very metaphorical (shauna n jackie/dead!Jackie) and I love it SMM also literally them (she's lying. she wants her. i could write a while analysis on this fuck)
spiracle - they do want each other. has parts that fit v well, mainly with cannibalism and the end; again not very specific though
nathan - cause she sees her everywhere!!
paper doll - yasss. they do wait and thats their problem. Also homophobia but yk
pisces moon - yeag
always you - IT IS always her. it always will be.
october birds - it IS jackieshauna. judt not that much
sugar water - doesnt like to keep her out. much irony in the edit or like the opposite yk? . they do have it bad for each other though!!
nicole - the 'ure just a child' wouldve fixed them probably
descent - cant fly withiut jackie. cant live without jackie
raphael - the beginning???
honey and milk - there's a whole animatic in my head (jackie pov) but it's not rlly like this universe
Interlude - yah
isobel - some jackieshauna. not much but there's def some.
settle down - eso thr dont leave me part
another life - hoping
sleeping season - sorta??
angela - pls it's judt soo lottielee. cant rhink og anything eske omg what the fuck this is SO lottielee
april to death - it's so lottienat to me cant see anything else
virgin - jeff & shauna to me
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