crescentbunny · 3 years
Alright which of ya’ll sluts wants 2700 words in one shot shakarian smut and fluff?
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coachbeardblog · 3 years
Hello dear TL fans!
This is a side blog and I'm here to join you in Ted Lasso journey and add my two cents every now and then.
I'm an author but don't have any ideas for fics on this show, so we'll see how that goes. I also make gifs from time to time.
Happy to be here *waves*
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thekeyten · 5 years
“When the time finally came, I stared death in the face. 
The two-by-fours precariously balanced in the bed of the truck in front of me jostled, as if ready to dive through my perfectly positioned windshield and take me to the end in the most comically karmic way possible. 
The truck turned right. Crisis averted, then. Shame.”
-- the first lines to a story i may never write
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chocojjk-sideblog · 6 years
Shocked and Confused
Words: 1.6k
Summary: “the reader is tom’s best friend and she’s in love with him but he likes zendaya”
(A/N): @ the anon who requested this, im so sorry this took so long. I hope you enjoy it as much as i had fun writing it, thank you for the request ☺︎,, oof, i almost forgot to mention, i based this off of the movie “Im Drunk, I Love You”
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When feelings started to surface for the curly headed boy, you were left shocked and confused. Tom Holland was your best friend. And you shouldn't be having feelings for your best friend...right? I mean, you never had them before, why now?
It all started when you guys were sixteen. Tom took care of you after you found out your boyfriend of six months have been cheating on you. Honestly, you could care less for the cheating bastard. Him leaving you didn't hurt. What hurt though, was knowing that you weren't good enough for someone. That he easily manipulated you and that you let yourself eat up all his lies.  
“Any guy would be lucky to have you, you know,” Tom whispered, a way to try and soothe you. As soon as you called him and he had heard your cries from over the phone, he was at your door in less than a second, pints of ice cream in one hand and a bottle of alcohol in the other, which you assumed he stole from his parents cabinet. By how fast he got to your house, you wondered why he got the role for Spiderman and not The Flash, but that's besides the point. That night, you guys talked and talked, until all you heard were the quiet snores coming out of his mouth. Deciding to just let the boy sleepover, you looked over at him, the way he was sleeping, your night light shining on him making him look like an angel.
And that's when it hit you. You were in love with your best friend.
Flash forward to the present day and you guys are now 22 years of age. You have been in love with your best friend for a total of 2,190 days or, in more simpler terms, 6 years. For 6 years you’ve kept this secret to yourself, afraid that if he ever finds out then the whole dynamic of your guys’ relationship would change. You’ve watched him go on dates, even saw girls come and go, some staying longer than others but never actually staying. Fearing that you’d end up being one of those girls, you never confessed.
Every time he needed you, you were there in a heartbeat. He needed a wing woman? You’re at his side. Girl problems? Your ears were always attentive, listening to every word he said, giving him advice when he needed them. A girl broke his heart? You guessed it! There you were, wiping away his tears, taking care of him the way you should've been taking care of yourself. But you couldn’t help it, you would do anything to keep the smile on his face, even if that means hurting yourself.
“Oh my god y/n, so Zendaya said something funny on set today but i mean when is she not funny,” Tom exclaimed, snapping you out of your thoughts as he entered your apartment. 
You lived near the set location of Spiderman: Far From Home and seeing that you had a vacant room, you offered it to the boy. It was a win-win, he gets a free room and you get to see him and that was enough for you.
“Yeah, what did she say?” you questioned, plastering a small smile on your face, seeming to be interested in the conversation when in all honesty, you’d rather be talking about something else, anything else.
“She said that -” as he continued to talked about her, you fade back into your thoughts. Thinking back to last month, the first time he told you that he had feelings for the actress.
“I really like her y/n, i really think she can be the one,” Tom gushed. You smiled at him, hiding the fact that your heart just broke into a million pieces. He’s never said that about the other girls and it broke you that he wasn't saying it about you.  
“That's great! im glad to hear that someone has finally caught your eye,” you said excitedly, hoping that he doesn't notice your pained expression and since he was so caught up with his newly discovered feelings, he never even paid attention.
“What should I do?” he asked you. Tom valued your opinion more than anyone. After all, you knew him more than anyone, even more than Harrison, and that's saying something. You have seen all sides of him, the good and the bad, so if anyone has to give him any advice, it has to be you.
“You said you liked her so just go for it!” you exclaimed.
‘Go for it’ ~ Oh, how you set yourself up for heartbreak. 
You could’ve told him then and there but all your fears just continues to haunt you. The fear of losing the friendship and the fear of not being good enough all jumbled together. However, you truly believed that it was easier this way.  
“Anyways she’s having a party tonight and she told me to invite you and - wait are you even listening to me?” Tom inquired as he looked at you, snapping you out of your thoughts once again.
“..yeah, yeah you said she’s having a party tonight,” you replied, waving him off as you took a sip from your water.
“Ok well, can you please be there, i think im going to confess to her tonight and i need all the support i can get,” Tom informed you, giving you his best puppy dog eyes knowing that you wouldn't be able to resist.
Almost choking from your water, you nod at him, “i wouldn't miss it for the world,” you cheered as he tackled you onto the sofa, giving you a hug and softly planting kisses on your cheeks.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Tom exclaimed, your guys laughter filling the room. “You should probably get ready because it's in 2 hours,” he finished.
You look at him, your eyeballs almost popping out your sockets, “Thomas Stanley Holland, i haven't even showered! Oh my god!” you yelled as you ran into your bathroom and out of his arms to get ready, his laughter still ringing in your ear.
You guys have now arrived at the party and you felt like an absolute outsider. You didn't know anyone besides the Homecoming cast and so you stayed by them the entire time. Seeing Tom interact with Zendaya just took pieces from your heart left and right. Realizing that Tom didn't need you and that he knew what he was doing, you ventured off into the house, looking for something to drink.
You were supposed to stop after 6 shots, knowing that if you took more, you’d be beyond your “fun” alcohol stage, and will reach the “sad-girl” stage. However you couldn't stop it, you needed something to ease the pain, and right now, vodka seemed to be your best friend.You didn’t mean to get so drunk, and you didnt mean for the next events to start happening.
You were now seated at the edge of Tom’s bed in the bedroom you have gladly offered him. Tom grabbed the makeup wipes you kept in the bathroom and started removing your ruined makeup. He found you midway into the party drunk as hell, slurring words and laughing like a maniac. Knowing that you probably have had enough, he decided to just leave the party early with you in his arms.
“Why the hell did you get so drunk, y/n?” he chuckled, amused at the way you were poking his free hand, a smile still instilled on your face as he removed your lashes. “Weren't you supposed to be my support system?” he said jokingly, flashing you a smile as he started to make his way to your eyeshadow.
It took you a while to process what he has said, considering that the alcohol was still buzzing in your system. “Heh. sorry,” you finally replied with a toothy grin until you remembered the reason why he needed support. Your smile disappearing, you stare at him as he carefully takes off your lipstick, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at your lips, a clear determination to get rid of the red paint.
“I’m in love with you,” you quietly whispered, catching his attention. He stops to look at you, taking his hand off your lips as you look down at your lap.
“For 6 years, i've been in love with you,” you admitted, “6 years,” you sniffled out as tears started to flow out of your eyes. Not wanting him to see you, you brought your hands up to your face, a way to shield yourself from his unwavering eyes.
“6 years,” you whispered again, your muffled cries filling the tension-filled air. You’ve ruined the friendship and you know it. There was no going back now.  
Tom takes a seat beside you. Slowly he brings his hand up to your face, wiping away your tears. “Come here,” he whispers as you continued to cry into his shoulders. He tries to shush you but nothing was working. Again, he grabbed your face, making you face him this time. He gives you a small kiss on the forehead, as he made his way down. First, to kiss the tears that have escaped from your eyes, then down to your nose, and finally, your lips.
You kiss him back, the taste of alcohol on the tip of your tongues. He gently leads you back making you lay down on the bed and that's when you realize what was actually happening. You continued to kiss him for a while, savouring the feeling of his lips on yours before you stopped it. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you hugged him tightly as your tears continued to make their way down your cheeks. He sighs into your neck, hugging you back and then - you gently pushed him off. Not even sparing a glance at him, you walked out of his room and into yours, leaving him in his bed - shocked and confused.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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chocojjk · 6 years
Hi... My bias is Chan and my ideal date would be watching the star by the ocean. Thank you... 😊
chans been up in the studio the whole night 
everyones already gone back to the dorms except him cause hes a freaking workaholic 
woojin calls you hoping that maybe he’ll listen to you and finally get some fresh air 
you walk into the studio to find him stressed as fuck 
hands in his hair
eyebrows furrowed 
you slowly make your way over to him, gently massaging his shoulder and kissing the top of his head
as soon as he felt your touch, he relaxed like putty into your arms - letting out a deep sigh
“lets get out of here”
he smiles up at you and you take his hand and literally pull him out of the building because he was starting to have second thoughts about leaving
you guys walked hand in hand all the way to the beach 
he was shocked because he thought you were gonna walk him back to the dorms 
but nope , yall were at the beach 
he never noticed that you took a different turn because he was so tired
“what are we doing here?”
“I thought you could clear up your head a bit”
he gives you his shy smile (you know THAT smile he does when he acts like the fake maknae omg please i need to see that in real life )
you guys lay down and start to count the stars in the sky 
at one point he stops counting and just looks towards you 
you, still fascinated at the scenery above was so oblivious to the fact that he was just staring at you 
“gosh stars are so beautiful”
“yeah, they are,” he says, while still looking at you (anyways bye i fucking want this with chan)
you finally notice him 
“thanks for taking me here”
“of course”
“one day, ill buy you your own star” (anyways im gonna go now because this is fucking long and im crying what the fuck why dont i have a bang chan please god )
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kangofu-cb · 6 years
Chapters: 13/15 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton Characters: Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff Additional Tags: Cabin Fic, Tropes, Slow Burn, or at least my version of it, learning to be people again, sniper assassin courtship rituals, sniper nerds, Things This Is Canon Compliant With: Nothing, actually not true, possibly canon compliant with Captain America: TFA and also Iron Man, but I'm not positive, Civil War Fix-It, I honestly just wanted to watch these two idiots fall in love in a secluded cabin ok, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Flashbacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Canon Disabled Character, Deaf Clint Barton, Texas Two Stepping is a thing, Sorry Not Sorry, tags updated to include country music, winterhawk - Freeform, magic woodland archer cabin Summary:
A love story involving Billboard's Top 100, chopping firewood, and not looking like incognito serial killers when out on the town.
Chapter 13: Bad Moon Rising
Enter T’Challa, and a whole lotta drama.
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screechingaussie · 6 years
I need opinions
Should I start writing? I used to years ago but I don’t know if anyone will read them 🤷🏼‍♀️
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heonyz · 6 years
hoshi one shot inspired by this post and written for @hoshees 
554 words, fluff, non idol verse 
@caratober day twelve: alternate universe
i hope you enjoy this!! its been a while since i published any writing~
Surrounded by cases and shelves of books of every genre, the university library was absolutely filled to the brim with knowledge of any topic you needed. Perfect for scientific analyses, historical reports, and literary essays. Of course, if you weren’t into studying, it was a good place to relax and unwind near the café on the third floor. Any and all students took advantage of this space for much more than just doing homework. Most of the time it was used to kill time in between classes, an hour to waste watching YouTube or chatting with friends.
You were there for work, not so much play. This particular report you had was for an analysis on romantic literature of your choosing, but you weren’t sure what to choose just yet. Standing in front of rows of books stacked higher than your tallest classmates, your eyes scanned for interesting titles that might stand out.
Looking to your left, you notice a student reading spines intensely on the shelves. He hunched over, getting closer to the books with his lips slightly parted, eyes squinted. His gaze shifted to notice you looking over at him and his eyes widened in surprise, mimicking yours. The connection startled you both, immediately flicking back towards the wall of titles in front of you.
After a few moments of browsing, you finally settle on a book that’s slightly too high to grab. You stretched your body as long as it would go, but the shelf wasn’t reachable.
“Um,” you hesitated, “excuse me?” Your attention was back on the boy beside you. “Can you help me reach this book? I’m too short,” your face drooped to the floor.
“Oh! Sure thing, which one is it?” His bright smile and soft features rendered you speechless as you pointed to what you wanted. He grasped it with ease and brought it down into your hands, fingers grazing each other’s just slightly. Your eyes met his with a warm smile that displayed over his whole face. “Here you go!”
His demeanor was so different from when he was struggling to find a book, his gaze was so intense you thought he either needed glasses or was a tough boy. Relief flooded you when you ruled out the second option. Again, you found yourself speechless, taking in his features. A quick “thank you” left your lips as you tried to come back to reality.
He had other plans, to keep you in this dreamlike state, “What’s your name?”
“Y/n,” you told him, “What’s yours?”
“Soonyoung, but you can call me soon.”
Your wheeze turned into giggles, “Did you really just say that?”
“So what if I did? You’re awfully cute.”
“Oh, so you do need glasses.”
“What! I do not!”
“You were hunched over those books like you couldn’t see anything, and now that you’re calling me cute, I know for a fact you need them.”
“I do not!” Soonyoung repeated, looking rather fake offended. “You are indeed cute and now I want to know more about why you chose this particular book so,” he took a piece of paper from his bag, “if I write my number down will you maybe think about texting me?”
“Do you want to get some coffee from upstairs?”
You’d never seen a boy’s eyes light up so fast. “Yes!”
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youngcaai · 8 years
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Tulad ng mga alon tuwing ika'y nasa barko-- ang bawat paggawa ng daan kung saan tutungo ang isang malaking sasakyang pandagat. Isa kang mandaragat, hanga ako walang halong biro. Tulad ng mga suliranin sa buhay lakas loob mong sinusuong. Salamat sa paggawa ng mga direksyon na hindi natututunan sa isang paaralan. Mga leksyon na kung minsa'y hindi maintindhan; kalaunan ay nauunawaan. Salamat sa pagturo kung paano lumangoy sa agos ng buhay. Baon mo lagi ang pagmamahal, tatay!!!! — C. Sulat para sa aming Chief Teddy 👮🏽 #fathersday (at Subic Beach, Matnog, Sorsogon)
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coachbeardblog · 3 years
I was going through the funeral scene posts and the gifs made me cry.
I don't know if anyone can make something so thoughtful, so funny, so emotional ever again.
I am in love with this episode.
But will want to be burried with the scene.
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chocojjk · 6 years
Since you're bored eh why not, I am bored too so. My stray kids bias is Felix or Lee Know lol my dream date, is very simple. Just like cute (im basic ik) movie night or something at an apartment/house cause I don't go out like ever lol.
i’m choosing minho for myself tbh ahdajdhajbs
so a movie night with the brat
you guys literally spend half of the night choosing what to watch
he wants to watch an action film while you wanted to watch a horror movie
but he was like hell no fuck that
and you were like ‘well I’m not watching another action movie’
so you guys meet in the middle
and end up watching mean girls
bcs why not
you get up to make popcorn
and when you get back aN ACTION FILM WAS ON
but then you pout
and he’s like “ugh fine”
puts it back on mean girls
and you situate yourself under his arm
halfway through the movie he starts getting bored because yall have seen this so many times
becomes so touchy
you tell him to stop because...mean girls
but he doesn’t
you look over at him
and he has THAT ducking smirk on his face
and you’re like oh well fuck it
so you guys start making out
and that’s what you do for the rest of the movie
credit scenes come on
and whew ! Child!
both of your guys’ lips are so pink
and y’all hair were so messy
“So can we watch that action film now?”
you smack him all the way to the moon
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chocojjk-sideblog · 6 years
Shocked and Confused (3)
part 1  part 2
Words: 836
Summary: “the reader is tom’s best friend but he likes zendaya”
(A/N) : Thank you so much for reading part 1 and 2. Sadly, we have reached the last chapter. Im so sorry for this. 
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The skies above were dark and gloomy, letting you know that you should probably stay home today. It’s been a while since you enjoyed the comfort of your own home. As much as possible, you tried to go out, to distract yourself from the pain that you were feeling. Being at home doesn’t do its job since every room in your tiny apartment carries a memory with the boy who broke your heart. 
Seated by your window, a cup of tea in between your hands, you let your eyes roam around the room, stopping at a picture of you and Tom on the wall, you think back to two months ago, at the beach.
You faced him seeing the hurt expression on his face, quietly whispering, you gave him a sad smile “stop apologizing. It's not your fault that you don't love me back.” You’ve realized now that you caught the boy off-guard as he sat there, mouth agape at your statement. 
It took awhile for Tom to answer you, as you guys listened to the waves crash against each other, becoming one and then slowly dispersing for them to meet once again. 
“Im really sorry, y/n,” he says once more.
“I told you to stop saying that,” you warned him. You were about to lose your head if he keeps sympathizing you. 
“Sorry,” he says, looking up at you. Noticing the hard glare that you have given him, he quickly added “i mean, i... just... i don't know what else to say...I really like Zendaya” he stuttered out.
“Why did you kiss me?” you asked, the burning desire of wanting to know the answer has been jabbing at your heart ever since it happened. 
“I-” he takes a quick pause, gathering his thoughts, “I don't know, i think i just got caught up in the moment, i’m sorry” he embarrassedly admitted, disappointed at his own actions. 
You nod at him as you gulped down the pain that was hitting the back of your throat, “It’s fine Tom, i always knew you didn’t feel the same way, i mean how could you ever love someone like me, when there’s someone like her?” you sighed. Holding back your tears, you look back out into the ocean, avoiding his gaze, as you accepted the fact that your heart was being split in two and there was nothing you could do to prevent it. 
“What do you mean?” Tom questioned, his eyebrows furrowing. “You know it’s not like that,” he added, making the effort to reassure you. 
“Look - im not going to explain anymore, don't you think it's time for me to stop making a fool of myself?” you shot at him, getting angrier with every word. Never did you think you would be having this conversation and never, in a million years, did you want to. 
“y/n, any guy would be lucky to have you,” Tom comforted you. He said that same thing the night you fell in love with him, but now you realize what it meant. “C’mon, you are y/n l/n, you can make anyone fall in love with you,” he continued, trying to cheer you up. 
“Just not you, right?” you questioned him waiting for an answer, yet you never did get one. At this moment, you just wanted to get away. To escape his pitiful eyes. You wished so badly for a miracle. That somehow, you could go back to the last two nights and stopped this from happening but obviously, that was not possible. Your heart aching and your mind wondering of what's to come next, you added “Its fine.”
“y/n -” he starts before you cut him off, not really wanting to hear anymore of what he has to say. At first you thought that maybe you did have a chance. The way Harrison rooted for you to talk to him made it seem like the boy knew something that you didn’t, obviously you were wrong. 
“really Tom, it’s fine. I just have one last request from you?” you said, giving him a small smile. 
“What is it ?” he says, returning a similar expression to yours and you realize how much you are going to miss seeing him on a daily basis. The way his eyes crinkle when he gives you even his smallest of smiles and the way they seem to disappear when he's laughing. All of it is just going to be a memory now.  And as much as you didnt want it to end up this way, it has to. Because after 6 years, it was time to move on. To put yourself first this time. And so you uttered out five words. Five words that you regretted once they left your mouth. 
“Help me get over you.”
And that was it. You guys decided that it was best that the both of you stopped seeing each other. That in order to get over him, you would need time on your own.  
The End
tag list: @itsanonymouschick​ @stuckychild​ @i-aint-nobodys--bitch @youcouldneverhurtmeijustfeelyou @weshipandstuff​ @watch-myheartburn​ @heyyyyitsanie​
part 4 
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chocojjk-sideblog · 6 years
Shocked and Confused (pt 4)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
words: 1.7 k
summary: “the reader is tom’s best friend but he likes zendaya”
(A/N): Hi! I would like to apologize for playing you all during the last chapter, please let me explain myself: That honestly was the original ending that I had planned in my head. I wanted it to be as real as possible and that seemed to be the realest route out there. However, many of you are hopeless romantics as fuck, like myself, and wanted a happy ending so i wrote one. But really, it could go both ways :)
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this takes place right after part 3! 
i bring you guys, the much awaited happy ending :-) .... or is it???
The clock read 10:18 pm and you wondered what he was doing right now. Is he at home getting ready for bed? Is he still at set, shooting his movie? Or is he out with his friends, having a good time? Is he out with her?
It's hard to be so clueless on what the boy was up to when you used to know his everyday schedule. It was hard to lose someone who you never thought you would lose. I mean? You guys were best friends and it was supposed to stay that way for many more years.
The heavy rain that was now pouring outside was a representation of your sad heart. For once, you were alone - with your thoughts being lost, now more than ever, as you sat there listening to the piercing droplets of water hitting your window. 
A loud knock on your door was enough to bring you back to reality. You wondered who it could have been considering that it’s late and your friends would usually text you before coming uninvitedly.
With every step you took towards the door, the knocks also became more ferocious, a sound of desperation can be heard. Looking through your peephole, you saw him. Tom was standing right there, the only thing separating you guys was the wooden door. His orange hoodie clinging to him, and his hair all wet as he shivers and you assumed that he was out in the rain longer than he should have been.
If it was any other day, you wouldn't have opened the door, but as you look at him, desperately struggling to find warmth, you couldn't help but let in the light you have lost.
“What are you doing here?” you say exasperatedly. Instead of answering, he engulfed you in a tight hug, and you realized how cold he felt, his teeth quietly chattering by your ear.
“Come inside,” you say pulling him in, leading him to sit on your couch. You quickly turned, about to make your way to the room that once belonged to Tom, when a hand grips your wrist, holding on to you like it was the last time.
“Don't go, please,” Tom whispers out. You look at him, your eyes softening, “i’ll be back okay, i’m just gonna get you some dry clothes,” you comforted the boy as he slowly lets go of you, a look of uncertainty clear in his eyes.
You quickly make your way to the dresser that held Tom’s clothes, grabbing him one of his dry t-shirts and a pair of grey sweats. As you made your way back to the living room however, he was already standing under the doors archway, intently watching you. You take him in and noticed the tired expression on his face. His eyes that were once full of life were dull and puffy, almost like he had been crying. Bags underneath them and you wondered what has kept the boy from sleeping at night.
“Here, change into this,” you ordered, giving him his clothes as he did what he was told. You’ve seen Tom in his underwear way too many times for it to be awkward, however you still looked away as he was changing, giving him some privacy.
Taking a seat on the cold bed, your back against Tom, you stare out the window, watching the rain fall. Slowly, the other side of the bed sunk and you realized that Tom has taken a seat next to you. Arm to arm, both of you guys just admiring the scenery ahead.
“I’ve missed this,” Tom weakly mumbled. The last time you guys were both in this room was the night that ruined it all and you wondered if tonight will hold similar results. Knowing that you shouldn’t even be talking to him, you remained quiet.
“I’ve missed you,” he continued. You can tell he was looking at you now but you didn't want to act upon it.
He grabs your hand and takes it in his, letting the feeling linger for a second before you pulled away. “Tom, please,” you whispered, “don't do this to me.”
“I’m sorry y/n, but i have to know,” he says softly, before slowly grabbing your face, making you turn to him. He pushes your hair out of your eyes as he slowly leans in, giving you a small kiss. Your eyes opened, you watch the boy, as you let him kiss you. Somehow you were unable to move, captured by his trance. The way his slightly chapped lips quickly brushed on to yours made you feel alive again, but none of this was making sense and you were frustrated.
“I love you,” he whispered, a small smile place upon his lips and that's when you lost it.
“What the fuck are you doing tom?” you snarled as you got up from the bed, looking down at him as he remained seated.
His smile disappearing once he realized what he had done, he tried to explain himself, “I-”
“No! Ok, y-you can't do that!” you yelled, tears welling up in your eyes.
“y/n-” he tries again.
“What are you trying to do? Are you trying to hurt me?” you scoffed, nervously prancing around the room, your hands sweeping through your hair as you tried to calm yourself down.
“No, im -” another failed attempt at trying to talk to you.
“Tom, i asked for one thing, please, stop. This hurts too much.” you sniffled out as tears made its way down your face, “you can't just come back after 2 months and tell me youre in love with me when you made it clear that you were infatuated with her!” you continued as he watched you. His heart breaking at the mess you guys have made.
“What? Did she not like you back!?” you yelled, furious at the actions the boy decided to take.
“No -” he shot back, quickly defending himself.
“So now that you can't have her, y-you're running back to me, because you know! You know i would take you in in a heartbeat,” you accused, interrupting him, your hands waving all over the place.
“y/n, no-” he says, butting in, another attempt to get you to stop talking.
“And here i am doing exactly what you thought i was going to do, god!, i’m so stupid!” you shouted, out of breath, as you shake your head, your hands going up to your hair.
“y/n please -” he cried out, trying to get you to stop, at this point he was crying too, both of you sounding like a broken record.
“You know i tried,” you spoke.  “i tried to get over you Tom, i really did. I went on dates, everything,” you revealed, “… but my heart still screams your name -”
“y/n stop,” Tom warned.
Not bothering to wipe your tears, you cried out “I never wanted this! everyday i wonder why it had to be you! Out of everyone, why do i have to be in love with someone who never saw me! I-”
You were rudely interrupted as his lips crashed onto yours, shutting you up. This time the kiss was rough and passionate and this time you kissed him back. Your back hitting the wall as the taste of cherry chapstick and salted tears created a combination that you both craved. Your hands going up to his hair, Tom deepened the kiss. Lips hungrily moving in perfect sync - almost like they were made for each other.
After awhile, you finally pull away, stopping the moment before it can get any further. “This isn't fair Tom,” you let out as you broke down into his shoulders. Tom hugs you tightly, gently rubbing your back to soothe you. Hearing your cries made him realize how badly he has hurt you and he couldn't help but let a couple of tears escape his eyes.
Once your cries started dying down, he broke the silence between you guys, “how the hell did we get this broken?”
You look at him, staring into his eyes. “Why are you here?” you mumbled, asking him the same question for the second time that night.
“Because it's you.” he declared.
“What about Zendaya?” you questioned.
“She's great,” he took a pause, waiting to see if you would cut him off again, but as you remained silent, he continued “but if she was to disappear from my life right now, I could still live.” he professed.
Not knowing where he was going with this, you look up at him nodding for him to go on. “Once i let you walk away from me at the beach, i knew i messed up,” he explained, “i'm sorry it took me so long to realize it,” he continued.
“Realize what?” you asked. You once thought that you had a chance and you didn't want to give yourself the same false expectations. You needed to hear it from him.
“If you leave me, I don't know how much longer I can take it,” he hummed, closing his eyes as he lays his forehead against yours.
“What do you mean?” you whispered, letting out a breath.
“I can't live without you y/n. I’m in love with you” he proclaimed. Tom held your face in his hands like you were the most fragile thing in the world, wiping your tears away as he repeated the actions he had taken during that unforgettable night.
“I love everything about you, the way your forehead crinkles when you're thinking real hard or when you're mad,” slowly he gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“I love your eyes that seems to scream my name,” he continued, kissing away the remaining tears that have escaped your now tired eyes.
“You’re cute nose and the way they scrunch up in distaste,” he added, softly chuckling as he placed a soft kiss on the top of your nose.
Finally, “I love your lips, the only ones in the world that could drive me crazy,” he finished, looking deep in your eyes, as he leaned in placing a sweet kiss upon your lips. Feeling all the emotions that the boy felt for you in that one soft kiss, you knew that this time, it was real.
This was how it was supposed to go. This is what you had imagined in your head. This is what you wanted to happen that night. But life is tricky that way. As the saying goes, you have to lose something in order to truly understand its value. It might have taken a while but after six years and two months, the boy that you have fallen madly in love with has finally found his way to you.
The End 
(forreal this time, i don't know what else to do with this)
(a/n): sorry for so many of these but i just wanted to say, it has been so much fun writing this for you guys. Seeing all of your comments fueled me into wanting to continue this story, which originally was supposed to only be a oneshot. To the anon that requested this: thank you so much! and for all of you who read it, from the bottom of my fucking heart, thank you ❤️
my requests are open so dont be afraid to pop in and ask :) 
taglist: @itsanonymouschick @stuckychild @i-aint-nobodys--bitch @youcouldneverhurtmeijustfeelyou @weshipandstuff @watch-myheartburn @heyyyyitsanie @meyrapp @vogueworthy-barnes @chem-on @my-babies-are-ash @hollandjmc
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chocojjk-sideblog · 6 years
as of july 8, 2018
☺︎ = personal favorites
✎ = requests
☞ currently not writing,, sorry :-(
Peter Parker
Dance With Me  ☺︎
 the avengers have figured it out and everyone starts reappearing, but a certain spider-boy is taking his sweet time
The Donut
peter leaves the safety of the yellow school bus 
Back To You 
 the reader finds out that peter parker didn't make it back
All of Me  ✎
the reader ends up in the soul stone and peter comforts her
You're Spiderman?!: part 1 part 2
the reader finds out that peter and spider-man is one person
The Accomplice: part 1
the reader is a superhero
Tom Holland
Shocked and Confused: part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 ☺︎✎
“the reader is Tom’s best friend but he’s in love with Zendaya”
Summer Games  ✎
based off of Drakes song 
Comic Con ☺︎
you’re an actress. you're in comic con. 
Gilmore Girls  ✎
+ harrison osterfield, inspired by a scene from Gilmore Girls
Debbie ✎
“when the reader was little, she used to be a Debbie in Billy Elliot”
Boyish ✎
“tom is dating someone that’s girly but also a tomboy”
Insecure ✎
“tom is dating someone with serious self-esteem issues”
Medical ☺︎✎
“tom asks you to teach him some stuff to help you [study]”
Moving Along ✎
based off of a 5sos song 
tom holland is a ghost. based off of a 5sos song 
Take Her to the Moon ☺︎
tom left you for another. based off of a song
Harry Holland + you are on your period  ✎
Harry Styles + you are on your period  ✎
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chocojjk-sideblog · 6 years
Take Her to the Moon
Paring: Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1232 
(A/N): OK ITS LIKE 3 AM AND I CANT SLEEP SO I WROTE THIS. This is based off of the song “Take Her to the Moon” by Moira Dela Torre which I recommend everyone to listen to. This song came on and i haven't heard it in a while and idk, it just shot me in the heart all over again so I was like why not write about it lol. This hasn't been edited cause I’m lazy and I was kind of just writing so sorry if its all over the place.
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“I know its been a while since our eyes last met, too many words were left unsaid. Your head was poking out of the driver's seat, eyes full of tears, I couldn't leave.”
It has been six months since your boyfriend of 2 years called it quits. You remember that day like it was yesterday. You in the passenger seat, him in the driver seat. Hushed voices and tears falling. Tom had decided that it was best for you guys to end it. With his career skyrocketing, he just didn’t have the time for a relationship anymore. You understood. You supported him. You loved him. You knew that this was his dream. And as much as you wanted him to stay, who were you to tell him to stop? 
“No matter what I do, I still feel you coming back to me, when I know that you never will.” 
Even though it’s been six months with him not being on your side, you can still feel him everywhere you go. Everywhere you look, there's a piece of him there. Coming home from work was the worst. The apartment that you once called your home just felt like another house because ever since he left, he took your home with him. You can still see the both of you dancing to the refrigerator noise in the middle of the night as the two of you sneak in some midnight snacks. You see the both of you cuddled up on the couch on a rainy day, blankets all around you, a marvel movie playing in the background as you focused on the rhythm of his heartbeat. It was your favorite sound and you wished you could have savored it more because even though you can still hear it, it slips from you day to day. You see the time where you guys bathe together, nothing sexual, just simply taking care of each other. You can imagine his hands working his way up to your hair, the smell of honey filling the steamy air. The way you guys would end up making soap bubbles, laughter echoing all around you. Just happy and carefree. As you end your day on the bed you once shared, that's when it hits you the hardest. The feeling of his arms around you, radiating warmth, was replaced with your blanket. Though, it was never as good as him since it didn't bring you safety. Not as much as Tom did. You remember the nights where you whispered sweet nothings into each others ears. Long nights where the only thing that could be heard is his name mixed in with yours. Harsh breathing as you guys moved together as one - completely in sync. You remember the way you would wake up in the morning, still wrapped up in each other. You remember the way his brown eyes twinkled as he wakes up, a small smile place upon his face as he sees you. But then the image goes away because you understand now that the puzzle can’t be created again as he took his parts with him, leaving you with only half. 
“So before I say goodbye, would you do one last thing for me? Be happy?”
Then you remember the goodbyes. You remember your heart breaking, shattering into pieces. You remember the tears threatening to spill. You remember the way he grabbed your hand, trying to comfort you, but all it did was make the goodbyes even harder. You remember the way he held you, so gently, as if he knew that one wrong move will cause you to break. You remember the sobs that escaped his lips and soon enough, you broke. You remember the look of his glossy eyes as he looks at the broken girl in front of him replacing the strong woman he once knew. You remember holding on to each other so tight that your lungs couldn't fill you up with air any longer. And then - and then you remember how you actually couldn't breathe when you found out he loved another. Seeing him with Zendaya killed you. Especially when he told you that the only reason he left you was because he didn't have time for a relationship. But you love him, so you kept your mouth shut and took the pain. After all, you remembered how the last thing you told him was to ‘be happy.’ And if he’s happy with her then you’re happy. At least, that’s what you told yourself. 
“And take, take her to the moon for me. Take her like you promised me. Say you love her every time, like how you told me that last time.”
You remember his last words. The way he told you he still loved you and that you will forever have his heart. You just hope that he still remembers it too. But if by chance he doesn’t, you hoped he truly loves her. You don’t know the basis of their relationship. You didn’t know if it was real or just a public stunt. But you hoped he was happy, because even though it hurt you to see him look at her the way he used to look at you, you only wished for his happiness. You hoped that he would take her to the all the places he promised to take you. You hoped he holds her the way he held you. You hoped he loved her the way he loved you. And you hoped that she does the same. You hoped that she gives him the world and more. Because then that makes it easier. It makes it easier for you to move on when you know that she has beaten you. It makes it easier for your heart to cope with the fact that he loves her because she is kind and lovable. You hoped that their love wasn't just for the cameras, because then that would end up with you wanting to reach out to him. Wanting to hear his voice again, to hold him again, to be loved by him again. You just hoped and hoped that their love is real because moving on would be effortless once you accept the fact that you are not the name in his heart anymore. 
“Someday I know we’ll meet again. In heaven, by the rainbows end. And I only wish you happiness. Until we meet again.”
You think to yourself that maybe someday, when the pain is gone and the time is right, that he would come back with his pieces and build the puzzle with you all over again. That one day, maybe you’ll be dancing in kitchen, relaxing in the living room, laughing in the bathroom, and being one in the bedroom once again. But until then, you’ll sit back and watch as life goes on around you. You’ll go on your own dates, meeting new people when you get the chance. You’ll start to not miss him, maybe even forget his scent. You’ll start changing the apartment, making it your own until it starts to feel like home again. You’ll start to love yourself more. You’ll stop checking the news for the couple, knowing that in the back of your mind, he is happy - and that is good enough for you to start forgetting him and remembering yourself. At least until, his brown eyes meets yours again.
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chocojjk-sideblog · 6 years
thank you! take the time you want 😘here's my request: when the reader was little she used to be debbie in billy elliot with tom and she had a crush on him but he liked this girl megan (he said in an interview that she was his first kiss lol hope you remember) anyway the reader grew up and she is a singer,actress and dancer only for musical theatre,and one time tom went to see something like les miserables or idk and he saw her and he has this feeling that he knows her so he goes to find her?)
Tom and Harrison were in Los Angeles for the week and since a show was promised to them by their lovely friend, Zendaya, the three were seated in the fifth row of Pantages Theatre. The golden lights illuminated the chamber beautifully as they all relaxed into their vibrant red seats, waiting for the show to start.
As he sat there astounded, Tom couldn’t help but ponder about his early days performing in Billy Elliot. The feeling of nervousness as you remain backstage, waiting for the spotlight. The feeling of ease once you’re on stage - the only thing on your mind is putting on a good show. Finally, the feeling of euphoria as you come in contact with the broad smiles letting you know that the show was a success. He wondered if he would’ve ever gotten a chance to perform in this beautiful theatre if he stayed.
Tom continued to ponder when his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by darkness. And then - a spotlight. The show has begun. “Beauty and the Beast.” We all know the story, it starts off with the Beast and it’s beautiful rose. 
The eerie music finally transitioning, y/n appeared on stage in her commoner outfit and has taken the full spotlight. While she focused on hitting her notes correctly and immaculately playing her role, the only thing that the boy in the audience could think about was where he has seen her. He couldn’t quite remember who she was but he was certain that he has seen her face before. Also, her voice, it was  such a sweet but familiar sound to him. Tom continued to rack his brain for information but as much as he tried, the answer he was searching for unsuccessfully came to him.
As the show went on, the more aggravated Tom found himself to be. y/n was now wearing the beautiful yellow gown, making her the brightest star on stage, yet he still had no idea who she was. So captivated by the sight in front of him, she has completely distracted the boy from thinking. Her hair - swaying perfectly to the rhythm of the music. Her eyes - showing every emotion. Her lips - delivering every line with the passion he desired. Tom Holland was definitely flustered.
The show has finally ended, everyone joining their hands together as they gave a big round of applause, wide smiles etched on their faces. The light has now focused its attention on the audience, lighting up the once dark room. Then she saw him. The boy she has been pining over for years. She couldn’t help but think her eyes were deceiving her. Making direct eye contact with her, the boy gave her a slight nod while she gave him a small smile in return. A miniscule, yet meaningful moment between the two.
Tom was just about to leave the theatre with his friends, when his blonde headed best friend grabbed him by the arm. “What are you doing bro? Don’t you wanna personally congratulate her on her first broadway show?” Harrison inquired. ‘But who is her’ Tom thought to himself, all while nodding along to Harrison, the identity of the girl capturing his mind.
“C’mon, we’re wasting time, lets go backstage,” Harrison announced, grabbing the clueless boy along with him. 
Tom, still lost in his thoughts, haven’t realized that he was now standing in front of the girl that has occupied his thoughts for the past three hours.
“Hi Tom, it’s nice to see you, I hope you enjoyed the show,” y/n thanked him.
“Uh y-yeah, I-i did, you did a fantastic job uhm - ?” his eyebrows furrowed together as he thinks of what he should call her. Usually he would go for the name, but since he never figured it out, should it be love? Darling? or is that too forward?
y/n, noticing the pause, realized that the boy in front of her has no clue who she was. Clearing her throat, she spoke “You don’t know who I am, do you?”
“I know who you are!, I just, uhm, can’t remember your name,” Tom replied, defensively, scratching the back of his head.
“y/n. My name is y/n,” she said with a tight smile, trying to hide how hurt she was by the comment. Once Tom heard her name, everything clicked. She was a Debbie.
“You were a Debbie?!” he pointed out excitedly.
“Yeah, i was a Debbie,” she returned, giving the boy a genuine smile. ‘At least he remembered where he knew me from’, she thought to herself.
“How come i don’t remember your name?” he said to himself, not expecting the girl to hear him.
“Well, you kinda had your full attention on Megan Jossa,” y/n says chuckling. “I don’t blame you though, she was gorgeous,” she added.
Tom gave her a smile, “she was, but uh- i think i just got caught up with the acting,” he explained.  “How come you remember me? It’s not like we were paired up together? Right?” inquired Tom.
“No we weren’t,” she said giggling, “and i know you because well, for starters, youre Spiderman,” Tom chuckled upon hearing this. “-and well, i kinda had the biggest crush on you back then.” y/n confessed as she looked down to her shoes, avoiding his gaze.
Tom couldn’t believe what she said. He wasn’t the type to make the first move, hell, he hasn’t been in a relationship for years and have only ever really had one girlfriend. So the girl’s confession left him shocked in place, not really knowing what to say or do with the information.
y/n quickly realized the awkward tension that settled above the two, rambling, she added “i-i don’t anymore though.”
“Oh,” Tom murmured. The tension at a peak level of awkwardness. “Well, i don’t know anything about you now to have a crush on you, is what I mean” she added quickly. y/n didn’t quite know why she was explaining herself, it’s not like she owed him an explanation. However the the look on the boys face was enough for her to know that she took a jab at his heart.
Tom looked at her finally catching her gaze, “well, why don’t we change that?” hinted Tom, as he shot her one of his million dollar smiles. “Tomorrow night, at 7. You and me. I’ll pick you up?” he said confidently. However on the inside, his newly found confidence was confusing him every second. He just wished that it won’t backfire on his face, i mean, he’s seen this be done in the movies and thought that it was cute. Hopefully, she felt the same way.
“I’d love that,” y/n replied, a small smile plastered on her face.
(( omygod i finally finished this, i had to write this 2x adfjasl;kfjl,, idek if im happy with this…..BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST I WAS VERY EXCITED TO WRITE IT UNTIL MY DUMBASS ACCIDENTALLY DELETED EVERYTHING LMFAO ))
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