dalliansss · 1 year
Love Paradise Prompts:
"Since when did you know how to barbecue?" "I always have. I've just never gotten the chance to cook for you like this." - Celegorm/Luthien (I'm dying on this hill...likely alone.)
love paradise - summer vacation scenarios for your otp
Himlad was looking like the home base. At least, Lúthien thinks it is -- they haven't moved for months now, and going on for about a year, and her husband's hunters and people have begun building a settlement. All around the hills and plains that made up the region, there is always an on-going construction project, mostly supervised by Turko's brother, Curufin, and nephew, Celebrimbor.
She gave birth here, in the wild regions of Himlad, with nobody to assist her except Turko. For an ellon, he surprisingly knew what to do, and he gave her a leaf to chew on as her labor pains wracked her, and gave her leave to curse him as much as she liked. This she did, and she found she rather enjoyed it, and -- if he was up to it, gave her more children of his, she'll happily continue cursing him as she birthed their infants.
There is one infant now, one they (well, she, mostly) named Dior. Said boy had gone out an hour ago, skipping happily along being trailed by butterflies, dressed in pelts his ada found and sewn for him, toting around his small bow, a quiver of arrows on his back. This left Lúthien free to continue her chore in the kitchen: marinating some wild hog meats with a sauce the recipe of which she learned from Talathiel, her handmaiden, who had relocated to Himlad with her after her marriage.
Somewhere outside her house, a small explosion is heard, no doubt from Curufin and Celebrimbor's forges. Something always explodes one way or another in those forges. Turko told her to keep away lest she might be caught in the blast radius.
She has an hour for her marinade to be done. Lúthien occupies herself by getting some books Celebrimbor left her -- helpful language books that dealt with Sindarin translations into Quenya. Her hour she passes reading words and passages in Sindarin, then pronouncing them in Quenya, learning her husband's language more with each day.
When the hour is done she returns to her cooking, and she starts a fire at the backyard and soon she is grilling the hog meats. Turko taught her many things: how to start a fire, both for campfire and cookfire; how to forage for edible berries, fruits, roots, herbs and mushrooms. She wants to learn how to hunt as well, and how to skin and quarter game, but Turko tells her they have all the time in the world and she needn't rush.
She is supervising her cooking when she hears Turko come in. Dior's laughter is ringing bright and clear like a silver bell. Lúthien straightens up and turns, just as Turko joins her, holding Dior by the right ankle as if he was not their son, but some wayward beast Turko caught in the wild. Their boy however is flushed with laughter.
"You're cooking?" Turko asks, quirking a blond eyebrow at her, then at the grilling meats behind her.
"Yes, I put to good use the recipes I learned and the skill set you taught me," Lúthien smiles.
"Didn't know you can barbecue," Turko continues as he flips Dior upright with ease, and sets their child upon his broad, strong shoulders. Dior is grinning wide, and quickly buries his small hands into his father's honey-blond braids.
"It is a recently acquired skill, and I wanted to show off," Lúthien grinned at him, cheeky.
Turko smirks in answer. He leans in and helps himself to a kiss off her sweet, miruvor-like lips, and Lúthien answers the kiss just as fervently.
"Disgusting," Dior wrinkles his nose at his parents from his perch.
Turko breaks the kiss, and he pulls back, patting their son's right knee. "Yes, yes, Dior. Kissing a woman is disgusting to you now, but I'll laugh once you grow up, and discover that elleths are a noble pursuit all on their own."
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nailsinmywall · 3 months
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Family portraits: in tirion, himlath (ft. proud uncle celegorm and tiny celebrimbor), nan elmoth and doriath
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akzgaj · 5 months
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Luthien with Huan and Celegorm.
Watercolor and gouache.
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corsairspade · 1 month
me: i really like celegorm. i think he's a really interesting character and i enjoy rotating him in my mind like a particularly ill tempered pigeon
also me whenever i see luthien content: get his ass. steal his dog. bonk him over the head with a hammer. no rights.
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myceliumelium · 4 months
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Listennnnn, "can't catch me now" just has Celegorm and Aredhel vibes. And poor luthien just got caught up in the middle of that.
I might end up colouring it in, but I'm tired of it for now.
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psstwantsomecheese · 2 months
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Silmarillion as stuff I have on my phone
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stellavesperis · 2 months
Can I just say that one thing I appreciate about this fandom is how vast and varied our interpretations of characters are? I mean, I think it’s crazy when we all agree on one thing given half the times we’re just going off pure vibes (i.e. that one post that said we all picture celegorm sleeveless 99% of the time), but I love how each of us has a unique take on each character, or has crafted a version of them that fits what we need to see. Maybe you need to see a Maedhros that heals after Angband during the watchful peace. Maybe you need to see him be not healed at all during that time. Maybe you need Fëanor to be a great father. Maybe you need to work things out and see Fëanor as less than stellar. Maybe you need Maglor’s choice to live and cast away the Silmaril to be something more than just a decision made in pain but something done in hope that there is still something left. Maybe you need to use the space of Celegorm and Curufin’s choices to capture Luthien to process things. Or maybe you just need to explain it away as narrator bias. As someone who’s used this book as a crutch through a lot of rough times, I just think it’s cool when the characters start to reflect not so much what is perfectly canon, but whatever you needed them to be for you in that moment.
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luthiendear · 1 month
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Hi all! Announcing a new Tolkien fandom event: Lúthien Week, taking place October 14 – 20, 2024 on this blog! This event is dedicated to the characters of the Beren and Lúthien story, from the star-crossed protagonists to faithful allies to villains... And everyone in between!
Why October? It captures the mood of the story. In all its spookiness, October is the perfect month for Lúthien Week, as the tale features vampires, werewolves, talking dogs, and even talking cats (yes, I mean Tevildo). At the same time, October is cozy, and Beren and Lúthien is ultimately a comforting story to read while curled up in a blanket with a warm cup of tea.
Follow this blog to stay tuned for more info about Lúthien Week! Prompts to come soon. If you have questions, send an ask! 💜
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 2 months
love the fact that tolkien had celegorm, curufin, and caranthir specifically be the feanorians who died in doriath. celegorm and curufin for what they tried to do to luthien, thinking they could bend her and doriath to their will -- celegorm especially, dying at the hands of the son of the woman he tried to force into marrying him. and as for caranthir, he ridicules thingol as a dark-elf in his caves, only to meet his end in those very same caves under the blades of those so-called dark-elves
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likesdoodling · 19 days
Guess what I just finished ehehehe >:D
Oh yeah- the 'I see your wife' was a bit hard to do so I just replaced it with the next best 'murderer plus innocence' parallel I could think of-
(and the tags I got to cover the last few bits got cut off, so I have decided to include the last minute of dramatic commentary here instead-
:(:( Alas alack~ poor Finrod-
Oh look it's Gondolin! And Maeglin too, fancy that. Wonder why he's there, anyway, moving on-
Fingon gets some more screentime, -and no. I am not naming the Balrogs involved. They don't deserve it >:(
And after that it's pretty self explanatory.
I mean.
If you know who Feanor and his sons are you probably get what's going on here. :'(
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soranatus · 2 years
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Lúthien, little lover & elven jocks By Cami | morchlav
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serene-faerie · 3 months
Reblog if you think Lúthien should've committed violence against Celegorm.
Beren already got to commit violence against Curufin, so logically, Lúthien should've gotten dibs on committing violence against Celegorm
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curufiin · 3 months
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Apparently Celegorm and Finrod were the same character at one point earlier in Tolkien’s works and honestly it explains so much about the things I found odd/strange about Beren and Luthien/The Lay of Leithian in the broader context of the Silmarillion.
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I find the idea of this proto-Celegorm/Finrod being forced to choose between two simultaneous and contradictory oaths to be extremely compelling. In a way I’m kind of sad that Tolkien didn’t stick with it, but I also love both Celegorm and Finrod as characters independently and it’s hard to imagine the Silmarillion without Finrod proper. However this definitely explains where the werewolf throat removal idea came from.
I attached the article by Dawn Felagund from the Silmarillion Writer’s Guild below.
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A few people seemed confused so I’d like to clarify
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