#celiac disease specialists
gastroenterologist · 10 months
Discover why early detection of celiac disease in children is crucial. Learn about symptoms, health benefits, and the role of healthcare professionals in ensuring your child's well-being.
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gimedicalservices · 10 months
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Discover top-notch care for your digestive health with our GI Medical Services skilled team of Gastrointestinal specialists in Staten Island. From diagnosing and treating digestive disorders to providing personalized solutions, our experienced doctors are dedicated to your well-being. Health specialist doctor digestive Staten Island Experience relief and improved digestive wellness with cutting-edge treatments tailored to your unique needs. Trust us for compassionate and effective care. To schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact Us: 718-605-5000
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oliveasaltylife · 5 months
I got a celiac diagnosis on Thursday after having unresolved GI issues for my entire life that pediatric specialists just labeled as “overweight.” The pediatric specialists (at UCLA nonetheless) told me I was anemic and then didn’t run any further diagnostics. And now, 20-some odd years later, I have confirmation with my celiac gene and extreme response to gluten!
My current doctor said it’s also still possible I go on to develop (or have already developed) Crohn’s Disease because of the damage that gluten has done to my gut! Wow! Fun!
Also my on/off lifelong butt and thigh rash is likely dermatitis herpetiformis from my autoimmune response to gluten. Which makes a lot of sense as it tended to clear up when I periodically went gluten free. Funny how that works.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad I have more information, but fuuuuuuck I was not really prepared for a celiac diagnosis. And because I’m so sensitive, my husband and I have to replace basically everything in our kitchen to avoid any cross contamination. I’m talking new pots & pans, silverware, knives, bakeware, Tupperware containers, baking sheets, glassware, cutting boards, and utensils—everything that’s scratched and can trap gluten, which is like 90% of our kitchenware. We can’t afford this shit so we’re going to have to put it on my credit cards.
If anyone is able to help out at all with the cost of making our kitchen celiac friendly and totally gluten free, my Venmo is linked at the bottom. I also have ko-fi and buymeacoffee but I haven’t started using them yet.
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gastroenterologists · 10 months
Consult Gastroenterology Associates of Tidewater for Celiac Disease Treatment
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Foods containing gluten can be harmful for patients suffering from Celiac disease. The celiac disease doctors in Virginia Beach recommend consuming gluten-free foods to prevent damage to your intestinal lining and manage associated symptoms. If you seek celiac disease treatment in Virginia Beach, contact Gastroenterology associates of Tidewater today. Our consultants can provide a customized celiac disease diet plan in Virginia Beach according to your condition.
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lifblogs · 1 year
Happy Disability Pride Month to
The GI issues! No one wants to talk about GI issues, but here we go! Some of them are:
Celiac Disease
Lactose Intolerance
Crohn’s Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Barrett’s Esophagus
Colon Polyps
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
Dumping Syndrome
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction
Microscopic Colitis
Stomach Ulcers
Ulcerative Colitis
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
If it seems like most of these were found on a list somewhere, you are correct, but I read up on every condition.
I invite anyone to use this post to discuss their own GI issues, and to add ones I have missed. Let’s get people talking about this! And let’s take stomach aches seriously. Many people go undiagnosed for a long time because of how abdominal pain and symptoms are brushed off. It’s important to listen to what you’re body is telling you, and to seek out help as soon as you can if it’s telling you it’s not feeling good. And going to a GI specialist can feel weird because who even wants to discuss excrement issues and vomiting? But come on, let’s do it. It’s okay to not feel well with your GI tract, and you’re not gross for it.
(A video I wanted to add to this post, but thought it would ruin the tone.)
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hi! could you maybe do mini hcs about the LIs responding to a Mc with celiac disease. it’s basically an autoimmune disease that makes you allergic to wheat/gluten. if you want to make it more broad you could definitely do the LIs responding to a Mc with just a generic allergy! thank you so much!
The Arcana Mini-HCs: When MC has allergies
Julian: takes your allergies very seriously. as a result, the new love language he's developed is dropping random new medical facts about allergies any time there's a lull in conversation with you
Asra: very careful about never exposing you to something that could hurt you, waits until you're not around to indulge their culinary curiosities. gets a rude awakening when he can't kiss you afterwards
Nadia: you had a mild allergic reaction once when she forgot to vet the dishes at dinner and she's made a list of foods banned from the Palace grounds as a result. a criminal could gain easier access now
Muriel: so scared of accidentally hurting you by bringing your allergens around you that now he just avoids them like the plague. you can't have gluten? bye-bye, bread, he's not touching it again
Portia: determined not to let your allergies stop you from enjoying yourself. carries meds for you wherever she goes and will make allergen-free versions of whatever foods you've always wanted to try
Lucio: when he lost his arm or got sick with plague, he hunted for every specialist he could find until there was a cure. he's still doing that now, you're on a quest for an allergy-healer (whatever that is)
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quillyfied · 7 months
Probably a mistake, but let’s do this: That Homophobic Chicken Place is the one fast food restaurant I can eat at with celiac disease and IBS. The only one. The singularity. They have not only optimized their restaurant to the producing of safe grilled nuggets and fries that I can trust once I tell the staff to flag it for a gluten allergy, but the food itself is incredibly tasty and convenient and fast and affordable.
I’m open to other suggestions. But That Chicken Place is the only restaurant outside of hecking Disney World that has had an actual manager/specialist check with me on almost every occasion when I get my food to make sure it’s safe and to double check with me before I wind up with regular nuggets when the order was flagged for gluten allergy (and therefore saved me the embarrassment of having to send something back to the kitchen). I know. I KNOW that the owner of the company is terrible and funding terrible things. But. Also. Try living with severe food restrictions. Sometimes you get tired of lugging around a cooler or turning down plans and just want something quick and easy and cheap and safe.
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I have a feeling doctors in my area are just not great. For many reasons. One that just flabbergasts me every time is that after diagnostic things like an endoscopy and bloodwork they proceed to ask me if I feel better and when I say no they tell me it all came back okay so am I sure and then when I say yes I'm sure they get snippy with me.
If you have had diagnostic tests for health things, do your doctors ask if doing the test or the results of the test make you feel better?
*Asks are for fun, no pressure.
Oh boy, do I feel this on a personal level. 100% yes, this has happened to me.
So, I have celiac disease, and was diagnosed about sixteen years ago, when I was eleven. In seventh grade I came down with strep throat, and it "attacked my stomach", which brought out the celiac disease. (It's been so long that I truly don't remember how the doctor worded it, so that's my short paraphrasing of a blurry memory.)
Before that, I was a very healthy and active child...but when I recovered from strep, I still couldn't hold anything down. I was out of school so often, going to my pediatrician all the time, and eventually going to the hospital to see specialists about it. Blood work showed absolutely nothing wrong with me (maybe low in electrolytes and calcium.) so the doctors gave me a kids book called "Be The Master of Your Pain" or something.
They were convinced I was faking it to get out of school and have attention. It took so long for anyone to believe me. Any time I went to the doctor or specialists they'd request bloodwork, and when the results came back would ask "hey, you feeling better now?" Ummm...no? Obviously not if this is my fourth month of random blood tests?
Finally, I went in for a endoscopy, had a biopsy and, wouldn't you know...I had celiac disease! I went under fully thinking that I was faking it for attention because they had convinced me of that. Instead, I was right. Something was wrong.
I was then put on a gluten free diet, which was really hard sixteen years ago (definitely easier than twenty or more years ago, but still way harder than it is today) and after a week, I had already started feeling better.
It was a really formative time for me, and ruined a lot of the trust I had in doctors for a good amount of time. I'm still very skeptical of going to doctors because of how they waved off my pain when I was a child. Blood tests don't show everything. Endoscopies don't show everything. Just because it comes back "normal" or "fine" doesn't mean anything. How many autoimmune conditions don't show up unless your tested during a flareup, like Lupus, for example.
I still have chronic pain to this day, getting worse by the year, but I no longer go to doctors to help with it if I can avoid it. The common cold or a flu? Sure, hit me up with those meds, doc. But when something else feels wrong, I try to deal with it on my own simply because of those experiences. You know your body, you know what feels right and what feels wrong. Don't let doctors confuse you or make you doubt yourself!
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nei-ning · 6 months
My blood test results are finally here! Tho I don't understand shit about their weird markings :'D However! I managed to figure out which one is for ferritin.
Recommended ferritin level is 13-150ug/l, mine was 30ug/l which is not the lowest BUT it's still BAD! Woman's ferritin level should ALWAYS be around 70-75ug/l at minimum (this is said by a specialist who writes a blog, in Finnish, about iron and ferritin and their job / effects etc on human body). Also, another ferritin level (don't know how) of mine was 10.2 umol/l when it should be between 9-34 umol/l. Again, not the lowest so to say, but still at the bottom part on the line.
So I guess I start to eat ferritin pills now too! See if they help.
I started my depression / anxiety medication on Monday, tho. Their effect should show after 2 weeks of use. However, I've been feeling my happy normal self now that sis is with me, keeping me company, so I assume I see their REAL effect after she leaves and I'm alone again.
Luckily there hasn't been bad side effects. So far only side effects are constant ringing (heck annoying) in my left ear and today dry mouth.
EDIT. I also found out that based on the test I don't have celiac disease based on the markings. If the level is under 10, then you shouldn't be having celiac. Mine was <7 / -7 U/ml but at the same time my body DOES react on wheat so I assume I have this "ON-OFF" celic disease, just like I have this "ON-OFF" lactose intolerance. Like I can eat chocolate without any issues but eat or drink milk or yogurt with lactose and, boy, doesn't my stomach let me know about it!
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Okay as anyone who’s been around for any amount of time since 2021 knows I have colitis. And I’m gonna run through everything that happened before and after my diagnosis. Under a read more to save your dashes.
I first started having problems after easter 2014. Constant diarrhea and constipation and it was switching between the two constantly. It started off by me only having bowel movements every three days and I found my bathroom usage got worse after either eating high fiber foods or pizza. And as I kept going through highschool it got worse and worse, I had a hard time going to school and staying in class, my guts were constantly churning and accidents were not uncommon. All throughout this I had no idea what I was experiencing was a bowel disease, I just figured it’d clear up eventually. 
My mom and me thought it was a diet thing, so we tried adding more electrolytes, these blueberry smoothies and I tried to add yogurt. None of it helped. So now we’re coming up to late 2018 the end of my highschool career and start of my failed college career. I went to my doctor, he sent me to a specialist. I filled out a form, said specialist told me to just take metamucil, I thought that was the end of it. It wasn’t the metamucil did nothing.
2019 I was still experiencing problems. Went back to my doctor, said hey I think this specific type of food is setting this off. My doctor agrees that I should cut it out. I find out on my own somewhere along all of this about the gluten free diet and celiac disease. So I decide to go gluten free, it helps.
2020 since our family doctor retired me and my mom go see a satellite doctor, a small little cubicle in our local pharmacy with a nurse practitioner and the doctor on video call. I tell him about the problems I’ve been experiencing and he writes up a recommendation to send to a specialist.
Late 2021 I receive a call from said specialist, I have been scheduled for a colonoscopy early 2022. Colonoscopy gets pushed back a month from late January to early February. I go for my colonoscopy and after I am told that I have ulcerative colitis. I was prescribed an enema for like 2 weeks and mezavant(big pills we started at like 4 daily) which was constant. After that I had to get a TB test to make sure nothing would affect any current or future medications. Went back in March for a sigmoid( get yourself knocked out never do it while awake.) We scheduled another sigmoid for May, this time I would be knocked out for it, things were looking better. Also throughout this whole time, I was getting bloodwork off and on. Went into my doc’s office in September and my levels were looking good but around that time I accidentally had non GF spaghetti. After September things got rough for me again.
Now in early 2023, I had my first sigmoid of the year in April. My doc told me instead of ulcerative colitis it was looking more like chron’s colitis. I was told to stop taking my mezavant and was instead prescribed a steroidal medication as well as calcium tablets and vitamin d tabs. I was also prescribed another steroidal medication that required constant bloodwork. About a week or two on the new meds I was told to stop taking the new steroidal meds because my liver enzymes were up. Makes sense because I was extremely sick and after I stopped taking the medication I started feeling better. Saw my doc again end of June so now we’re in July and I’m getting a chest x-ray done this Friday and if everything’s good probably starting my new medication treatment after. the medication is delivered through IV but can be given through a needle injection after, it’s called entyvio.
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gastroenterologist · 7 months
Explore the reasons why tracking the frequency of heartburn occurrences is essential for proactive health management. Uncover insights into potential triggers, effective symptom management, and the overall improvement of digestive well-being. Take charge of your heartburn experience with informed tracking and personalized care strategies.
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gimedicalservices · 2 years
Dr. Purow brings thorough and complete care to his patients. He provides expertise service and has been in practice for over 35 years. Dr. Purow brings years of experience such as, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Downstate, an attending at the V.A. hospital in Brooklyn NY from 1978 – 1980, and Associate Director of G.I. Department at Staten Island University Hospital from 1990 – 2007.
Elias Purow, m.d. gastroenterology & hepatology​ provides colon cancer screening to achieve early detection of colon cancer.
In addition to providing general gastroenterology care, Dr. Purow performs specialized advanced therapeutic endoscopy procedures such as Capsule Endoscopy. He specializes in the field of disorders of the bile duct, pancreas and liver.
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itsnotyouitslyme · 1 year
Dear Body, I'm sorry.
BLUF: Your body might not be the reason you are sick and it is suffering just as you are. Try to be kind to your body, don't be like me. While on my road trip I did some introspective thinking. Driving is probably where I do my best thinking honestly. While I was pondering life, how to recover from POTS, how it got this far, etc. I thought about something my POTS specialist said during our appointment last week.
"Your cardiac tests are not for a lack of effort. I can see that your heart is doing everything it can, it gave it everything it had." Since I was 17, there has always been a part of me that resented my body and the cage it represented. That resentment has only grown with each piece of my life that has been taken away from chronic illness. It's not that I sit there and think "I hate my body" 24/7 but those thoughts that sneak in about my body being a prison, my version of hell, or how I feel as though my body is decaying while I'm still inside it...that can't be healthy.
I work in mental health, I know it's not healthy.
How do you stop those thoughts when its your body that's betraying you every time you turn around? First I lost energy, then my mind (cognition and memory encoding), had pain that led to intense fear of never having that pain again. I overcame Fibro through stress management and just listening to my body. But by listening to my body, I had to cancel plans or not go on trips when I was feeling poorly...resentment builds.
Then I get diagnosed with Endometriosis, cool my body is just being a jerk at this point. My endometriosis is almost completely controlled by continuous birth control. Every few weeks or so I get cramps like a period but they don't last long at all.
Then I can't have Gluten...I have Celiac and Hashimoto's. The Hashimoto's is not going well. Apparently, my autoimmune response levels is something that my specialist has never seen before and I am being sent to a research endocrinologist. My thyroid medication gets upped every 8 months or so since I've started to need in 2018.
Now POTS and the stupid elevated heart rate issue (I cannot for the life of me remember what he said it was called). The weight gain I've experienced throughout the past 2.5 years, is unreal. It's demoralizing and I feel completely uncomfortable in my own skin.
HOW does someone not end up resenting their body throughout all of this? I think the quick answer is: you can't.
The longer answer which I did not realize until literally 12/23/22 was that my body didn't do this to me, it was also done to my body.
Everything I am going through, everything my body is dealing with can all be traced back to a singular point: Lyme Disease. Unfortunately, I've had two late stage Lyme Disease incidents...that cannot be good for anyone's body.
It sticks in my head "your heart gave everything it had." This entire time I've harbored this resentment towards my body like a dog with a bone collection, just looking for more reasons to add to my collection. This entire time my body has been doing everything it can for me. It's not my body's fault that ticks found me and that I never had a bulls eye rash to notice I was bitten. It's not my body's fault that my doctor's don't listen to me on my first suggestion. None of this was my body's fault and this entire time I've been placing a large chunk of the blame on it's shoulders.
I read peer reviewed research, I know that Fibromyalgia and POTS don't appear out of no where but yet I just kept on with my resentment. I'm not sure why it took me so long to acknowledge this within myself but I am doing my best to have a few moments of self talk with my body to apologize and acknowledge how hard it has been working while under assault from disease but also from my spirit.
I know a few days of love and appreciation doesn't make up for 16 years of gaslighting my own body but I have to start somewhere.
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drankitagupta · 2 years
5 Reasons to See a Best gastro doctor in Delhi
What is a Gastroenterologist?
A gastroenterologist is a medical specialist who diagnoses and treats disorders of the digestive tract or gastrointestinal (GI) system. People turn to a gastroenterologist when their condition is beyond the capabilities of their primary physician. The primary doctor is generally the person who refers a patient to a Best gastro clinic. A gastroenterologist treats both women and men.
5 Reasons to See a Gastroenterologist
Heartburn: Heartburn can be described as burning or pain in the throat or chest. It is caused by acid that comes from the stomach re-enters to the esophagus. It's the tube which connects the mouth with the stomach. Many suffer from heartburn every now and then. It is usually gone on its own or by taking prescription medications. However, signs that appear more frequently than once a week may be an indication of a more serious issue: gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is caused by acid that comes from the stomach causes irritation to the esophagus's lining. GERD is more prevalent among smokers or those who are overweight. Pregnant women are also more likely to be affected by the condition. There are medications available to treat GERD. Severe cases may need surgery. If left untreated, GERD could lead to more serious issues, like chronic inflammation of the esophagus, as well as breathing issues.
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Gallstones : Gallstones are tiny, hard nuggets formed inside the gallbladder, which is an organ that is located inside the abdomen. Gallstones could be as small as the size of a grain of sand, or as large as the size of a golf ball. Many people possess one huge stone. Other people have multiple stones with different dimensions. A sudden discomfort at the back of the stomach may be due to a gallstone. Gallstone pain disappears after they are moved. Gallstones form due to unbalanced components that form the bile. This is the digestive fluid produced by liver. Doctors aren't sure what causes these imbalances. Pregnant women and overweight people are more likely than other women to develop gallstones. Gallstones are also more frequent with age. Anyone who has suffered from one gallstone is likely to be at the risk of having another. Most patients who suffer from gallstones undergo surgery to eliminate their gallbladder. In some instances, medications can help dissolve the stones.
Lactose Intolerance: Individuals who experience uncomfortable symptoms when drinking or eating milk products could suffer from lactose-intolerant. Lactose is a type of sugar that can be found in milk. The body produces lactase, a protein in order to breakdown milk-based products like yogurt and cheese.
However, people suffering from an intolerance to lactose aren't able to produce enough lactase to completely absorb even tiny portions of these food items. This may cause gastric pain, bloating gas, diarrhea, and upset stomachs. The symptoms usually manifest at least two hours after having eaten dairy. They can be moderate to severe. Gastroenterologists may check to determine if you have lactose intolerance. Treatment can involve supplements to your diet and modifications in your food.
Celiac Disease: Celiac Disease is an inherited disease which affects an immune system. The sufferers should avoid eating gluten. Gluten can be found that is found in wheat, rye , and barley. It is also found in certain medications or vitamins as well as supplements. When those suffering from celiac disease consume gluten, their immune system is triggered by causing damage to their small intestine. This may cause pain or diarrhea. A blood test is a good way to determine if you have celiac disease. A gastroenterologist might also be required to analyze a sample from the small intestine in order to check for any damage. Celiac disorder is not similar to gluten sensitivities. Both conditions have similar symptoms. The primary distinction is that those with gluten sensitivities do not develop damage to their small intestines. Eliminating gluten completely can help ease signs of celiac illness as well as gluten sensitivity. It is possible that you will require further treatment to treat intestinal damage.
Colon Cancer Screening: A gastroenterologist may examine for the signs of certain conditions, like colon cancer even if you do not have symptoms. In an colonoscopy such as a colonoscopy the doctor inserts the thin tube and tiny cameras inside the rectum in order to view how the colon is constructed. Imaging scans as well as stool samples can aid in diagnosing cancer.
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Colon cancer typically develops due to abnormal growths that occur on the rectum, or the colon. Rectifying these abnormalities early can help doctors eliminate them before they stand an opportunity to develop into cancerous. Early detection and treatment of cancer helps save lives. At the age 50, all patients should be screened regularly for colon cancer.
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gastroenterology2 · 2 years
Gastroenterology Medicine: an outline
Gastroenterology could be a branch of medication that focuses on the health of the system digestorium or the GI (gastrointestinal) tract. Gastroenterologists diagnose and treat medical specialty diseases associated with the system, everything from irritable gut syndrome to viral hepatitis. elements of the GI system treated by a physician include the tongue, epiglottis, secretion glands, esophagus, liver, bladder, pancreas, stomach, intestine, bowel, rectum, and anus.
Who square measures Gastroenterologists? Gastroenterologists square measure specialists United Nations agency primarily diagnoses and treats medical specialty diseases. They additionally perform scrutiny procedures during which they use specialized instruments to look at the canal and create an identification. In some cases, they'll work closely with GI sawbones to higher perceive things about the patient and supply the most effective medical aid.
The system functions:
Digests and moves food Absorbs nutrients Removes waste from your body And, Gastroenterologists will treat any part of this method.
Key Areas of medical specialty Hepatology focuses on the identification and treatment of diseases of the liver, bladder, biliary tree, and duct gland Pancreatic illness Liver Transplantation Inflammatory gut illness, or the other chronic inflammation of the digestive tube Gastrointestinal cancer Endoscopic police work of the digestive tube Reflux rubor, that's normally caused thanks to reflux illness When must you Visit a Gastroenterologist? Your primary Dr. could refer you to a specialist if you're stricken by medical specialty symptoms such as:
Unexplained blood in your stool Unexplained issue swallowing Experiencing abdominal pain If you're over the age of fifty, take into account checking out “Gastroenterologist close to me” and acquire the preventive care you would like. Men and girls over the age of fifty have a high risk for carcinoma so they ought to keep an eye fixed out for the signs and medical specialty symptoms associated with such issues.
Common practical epithelial duct Disorders A disorder is one wherever the gastrointestinal tract appearance traditional but doesn’t work properly. These square measure the foremost common issues poignant in the gastrointestinal tract. Irritable gut syndrome (ISB) and constipation square measure the foremost common examples.
Many factors upset the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract including:
Stress Eating giant amounts of farm merchandise Traveling or alternative changes in routine Controlling the urge to own gut movements thanks to pain from hemorrhoids Eating a diet low in fiber Not enough exercise Traveling or alternative changes in routine Pregnancy Taking medications like antidepressants, iron pills, and powerful pain medicines like narcotics Overuse of laxatives (stool softeners) that, over time, weaken the gut muscles Taking antacid medicines containing metallic elements or metal What square measure the Common Diseases Treated by Gastroenterologists? Gastritis Acute Liver Failure Alcoholic liver disease Celiac Disease (Sprue) Cholecystitis Liver liver disease Colitis Colon Cancer Constipation Esophagitis Fatty Liver Food Poisoning Gallbladder Cancer Gastroesophageal Reflux illness (GERD) Lower epithelial duct hemorrhage Malabsorption Peptic Ulcer illness Ulcerative inflammation Upper epithelial duct hemorrhage Viral liver disease Acute liver disease of gestation Anal Cancer Diarrhea Gallstones Hemorrhoids Hepatocellular malignant neoplastic disease Rectal Cancer Typhoid Fever What square measure the Common Procedures Performed by Gastroenterologists? Capsule scrutiny Colonoscopy Endoscopic diagnostic assay Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Glue injection of varices Liver diagnostic assay Oesophageal stenting Piles adornment Upper epithelial duct scrutiny /Gastroscopy Sigmoidoscopy Education and coaching Requirements: the trail to Becoming a physician To become an authorized physician, a doctor should receive 5 & 0.5 years of coaching in M.B.B.S from a medical school. once graduation/M.B.B.S, a post-graduation in general medicine for 3 years is critical to qualify for coaching, which is followed by an excellent specialization degree in a medical specialty. 
Leading Gastroenterologist in Nagpur :=
Dr. Rachit Agarwal
MBBS, MD (Medicine), DNB (Gastroenterology)
Dr. Rachit Agarwal is a Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist, And Therotoscopic Endoscopy Doctor In Nagpur. He Provides Services Related To Gas Acidity, Constipation, Fatty Liver, Abdominal Pain, Jaundice, And Diarrhea. He has vast experience in treatment alcohol related liver disease, Cirrhosis, Pancreatitis, Hepatitis, Biliary and GI cancer . He completed an MBBS from Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur with a first-class grade. He pursued his Post Graduation (MD Medicine) from Topiwala National Medical College, Mumbai and DNB Gastroenterology from Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi. He has good experience in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. He is a Consultant Gastroenterologist at SS Multi specialty Hospital and Saraswati Kidney Care Hospital, Consultant Gastroenterologist at Orange City Hospital and Research Institute, and a Consultant Gastroenterologist at Sparsh Polyclinic and nursing home. He is a member of ACG (American College of Gastroenterology), Lifetime member of ISG (Indian Society of Gastroenterology), Lifetime member of INASL (Indian National Association for the study of liver), and Lifetime Member of SGEI (Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India). To contact Doctor click here
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quillyfied · 6 months
what are ur fav foods or restaurants that are gluten free?
Aha! A tricky one! I will endeavor to provide a good answer!
So, disclaimer: I also have IBS, which complicates the tummy question, and I also have severe anxiety, so I’ve refused to go to or eat at many restaurants with my family since being diagnosed. This will be a short list, but I highly encourage you to do some research in your own areas and to either get comfortable asking people working in restaurants questions or have someone do it for you. YOU MUST LET THE RESTAURANTS KNOW YOUR CONDITION IF YOU HAVE CELIAC OR ARE GLUTEN SENSITIVE. And realize that most people still don’t understand what you mean when you say you have celiac disease or even a gluten intolerance. But they will understand wheat allergy, especially if you start listing common examples (buns, breading, gravy, etc). Don’t rely on “oh but it’s fruit, why would fruit be a problem?” Because sometimes you find yourself in a Cracker Barrel asking a waitress who has to go ask her manager and the manager will frankly tell you that there’s so much flour flying around back there that if you have any kind of gluten problem, this place is not safe for you. Incidentally, Cracker Barrel is not on my list of safe restaurants, but it is on my list of places to play a fun peg jump game.
Sit-down restaurants, I very much enjoy Cheesecake Factory’s mashed potatoes, and some of their burgers come with a gluten free bun that’s pretty good. Olive Garden has gluten free pasta and tomato sauce, but if tomatoes aren’t your thing, they will absolutely just coat them in butter (and add grilled chicken if you want, and they do scrape and clean the grills). There’s also quite a few local sit down places that I’ve had success with, so, again: research what is in your area! There’s actually a whole gluten free bakery and bistro in my area that isn’t exactly easy for everyday eating but great for a sometimes treat. And I just found a local Italian place that does a delicious chicken Alfredo that didn’t make me sick! Local restaurants can be such treasures, friends.
Quick service joints, by far my favorite is Five Guys Burgers and Fries. They already cook their burgers and buns on separate grills; all you need to do is tell them about your allergy, and they’ll flag it for their people to change gloves when handling your food. Freddy’s Frozen Custard and Steakburgers has a grilling process where they flip their burgers onto a separate grill to cook the second side where the buns also go, but if you tell them, they will keep it on the meat-only grill; their fries are made in the same fryer as onion rings and therefore not safe. Chicken Salad Chick is a pretty good one so long as you pay attention to the chicken salad ingredients and ask for the Quick Chicks, which are individually packed. LawLer’s BBQ is really good; my sister in law gets the loaded baked potato without cheese, but I think I’ve gotten it before with cheese since I got sick and been fine? I don’t remember, but be safe and maybe skip the cheese, since anti-caking agents in shredded cheese is a sneaky place for gluten to hide and few restaurant workers will even know to check that.
Fast food, there are so few options for actual meals. Wendy’s Frosty is good, but not a complete dinner; I think their baked potatoes and chili might also be safe but I’m not a fan. Some salads are okay (check the dressing always), and many fries are okay (NOT MCDONALDS, THEIR FRIES ARE NOT GLUTEN FREE THANKS TO GLUTEN IN THE BEEF FLAVORING THEY ADD AND ALSO NOT DEDICATED FRYERS), but in my area, the safest place to get a fast, tasty meal is Chick-fil-A. They have dedicated fryers for their fries, and dedicated grills for their grilled nuggets, and they have managers and in some locations allergy specialists on site to make sure your food is made and handled carefully. I’ve never gotten sick from eating it. The moral implications are less than stellar, but. It is what it is. They’re the only place I can eat. And sometimes, I don’t have the time to run home and cook myself a meal before keeping other plans.
I can’t cite my sources here; I spend a lot of time googling and looking up menus and asking questions. Please do your own research and figure out for yourself what is near you that you can have and what you like. It’s a hard thing to live with. Good luck, friend!
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