#Routine colonoscopy
vistakai · 8 months
I would like to understand what people think they're saying when they say, "Universal health care will create long wait times." Because, disregarding for a moment that there are already months long wait times to see specialists in the US, I don't think they understand what they're saying at all. Why would wait times be longer with universal Healthcare? Because everyone would now have access to care? You are okay with openly stating that you would like less people to have care so that you can have it faster? You're okay, with your full chest, admitting that the current system relies on people to remain uninsured to continue on? I don't understand why SO many people are okay just... saying this.
"I want less people to go to the doctor so that I can see one quicker." Hm. Okay.
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gimedicalservices · 1 year
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Discover top-notch care for your digestive health with our GI Medical Services skilled team of Gastrointestinal specialists in Staten Island. From diagnosing and treating digestive disorders to providing personalized solutions, our experienced doctors are dedicated to your well-being. Health specialist doctor digestive Staten Island Experience relief and improved digestive wellness with cutting-edge treatments tailored to your unique needs. Trust us for compassionate and effective care. To schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact Us: 718-605-5000
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mars-ipan · 1 month
woke up to use the bathroom (well. bedside commode. trying to reduce/prevent foot pain) and folks i am so comfy. i love the pressure from the compression boots they have me in and OH MY BIRTH CONTROL I NEED TO TAKE THAT
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sabraeal · 2 months
ok so i don't know if you've already read this manga and (sorry if you didn't care to see this), but it reminds me of ANS and i thought you might like it? the name is Doumo, Suki na hito ni Horegusuri wo Iraisareta Majo desu | (Hello, I Am a Witch, and My Crush Wants Me to Make a Love Potion!)
I had heard of this manga but I have not gotten to read it yet! A quick google informs me that this is gonna rocket right up my TBR, since I'm looking for a shoujo to read and I no longer have to read Maid-Sama for research 😂
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champagnesupernoel · 3 months
it's absolutely criminal ..
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magomi · 8 months
trying to be happy bc yay the doctors figured out whats wrong with me. only to be slapped in the fact by having to live with this chronic debilitating disease literally for the rest of my life
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evildilf2 · 7 months
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Hey guys, my friend Ayiko recently got diagnosed with colon cancer and needs help paying for his cancer treatments.
“*grey freeze frame* i’m sure you’re wondering how i got here—and for those of you who don’t know, i’m Ayiko, a 22 year old queer artist and musician. I’ve always been a creative, from theatre to a film major. My dream is to keep creating, to keep telling stories, to keep sharing my art with the world and with your help i’ll be able to continue with what i love, with my passions. On the night of February the 6th, what was thought to be a routine doctor visit for severe stomach pain turned into an in-patient hospital stay. A CT-Scan revealed the source of the pain was from a rare telescoping and entanglement of the intestines, known as Intussusception. After a successful colonoscopy relieved the pain, it also revealed a lump that was removed during the procedure. Further testing by the pathology department discovered that not only was the lump cancerous but there were additional tumors that were inaccessible without open surgery. The cancer had grown into 5cm tumors and had spread to some lymph nodes. On February the 17th i went under the knife(or in this case a laser) for a robotic colectomy to remove the remaining cancer. There was very little risk in it spreading and it was one of the least aggressive cancer of its type(Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Gastrointestinal Tract). After the surgery, i will be unable to lift more than 10 lbs or walk for long periods of time, which has left me unemployed. Now in post-recovery, i gently ask the community to rally behind my family and i as we face the financial burdens of hospital bills. As a first generation immigrant i am also aware of the family back home that my parents have to look after too(in fact my father is going to visit Uganda in less than a week). That’s why we would greatly appreciate donations of any amount, as i continue my recovery and face the possibility of chemotherapy. Just sharing the link can go a long way. Thanks for reading!” -Ayiko @pretty-roach
Currently donations are at 1.2k out of a 20k goal- any & all help is appreciated, please reblog to circulate.
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creekfiend · 2 months
went to dentist today. it was Fine. got a good grade in Having Teeth. I found a place that does nitrous oxide for cleanings and boy does that help. I could tell exactly when the nitrous wore off bc my mental state went from "🎶🎵" to "oh. a medical setting. I Need To Leave Right Now Immediately."
they should offer this for other Commonly Dreaded Routine Medical Procedures. laughing gas at the gynecologist. laughing gas for your colonoscopy. etc
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booklove22 · 4 months
Last night, my 47 year old “otherwise healthy”brother died of Stage 4 colon cancer. He was diagnosed 6 months ago at age 46 and did not have a single symptom until 8 months ago. The tumor in his colon was the size of a softball and his liver was covered in several inoperable tumors that had spread from the first one.
The first line treatments did not work (which is quite common unfortunately- the chemo options for this type of cancer often aren’t effective) and his liver began to fail just a week into his 2nd line treatment (which was even more unlikely to work anyway). He leaves behind his wife and two teenage sons, his step-daughters, my devastated parents, and me and my other siblings.
The age for colonoscopy screening in the US starts at 45. Even if my then-symptomless brother had gotten a routine colonoscopy screening on his 45th birthday, he still would have been diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer. His oncologist estimated he’d probably had this cancer for the past 7 years or so. Its extremely slow growing and a “silent cancer” - meaning it typically doesn’t present symptoms until its Stage 4 and considered “incurable”. Most people diagnosed at Stage 4 die with a couple of years of diagnosis. My brother got 6 months.
This cancer used to be uncommon in people under 60. However people are now being diagnosed in their 20-40’s because of factors primarily related to the problems inherent in the food we eat (processed, pesticides, and microplastic contaminated).
The point is, getting a routine colonoscopy at 45 would not have saved him.
I’m taking every opportunity I have to beg people to start getting colonoscopy screenings much earlier than 45. Here is what you need to know (FYI this is United States specific):
1) If you are 45, insurance will cover routine colonoscopy screenings (which generally occur every 5-7 years). Screenings last about 30 min and occur under some level of anesthesia (from “awake-but-loopy” to “fully unconscious” if you prefer that). You can opt to do it without anesthesia too, if anesthesia makes you nervous.
2) If you are under 45 with no symptoms, you can still request one. If you have the money to do so, you can pay out of pocket (you should be able to get an estimate beforehand).
3) If you are under 45 and have any symptoms (for example: GI pain, blood in your stool, recurring diarrhea, etc.), you can request one and it will be covered by insurance. I’m not encouraging lying about having symptoms to get insurance coverage. 👀
4) Likewise, if you have a family history of colon cancer (particularly a 1st degree relative), age is irrelevant and insurance will cover it. I’m not encouraging lying about having a family history to get insurance coverage. 👀
5) Some people are afraid or embarrassed to get a colonoscopy (they stick a camera up where?? 🍑 ) but please I can tell you that all it really amounts to is a really good 30 min anesthesia nap, some residual gas, and a day off from work. Compare that to watching my brother slowly and painfully die these past 6 months.
6) Also important: getting regular colonoscopies actually prevents you from ever getting colon cancer. Colon cancer always begins as a non-cancerous growth called a polyp. Those polyps sometimes stay non-cancerous but sometimes they evolve into cancer. Any polyps found during a colonoscopy are automatically removed by the doctor during the colonoscopy, thereby preventing you from ever getting colon cancer at all. This differs from say, a mammogram, which doesn’t prevent you from getting breast cancer, but does provide an avenue for catching it earlier if you do develop it.
7) Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers in both men and women (Top 3 most common) and one of the most deadly.
This has been my PSA for the day.
There are so many cancers that we are simply at the whim of, this doesn’t have to be one of them. And don’t let garbage age minimums for screening get in the way.
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iinryer · 5 months
favorite lines
rules: share your favorite lines or paragraph you've written from one of your fics, posted or wip.
tagged by @sibylsleaves ty! this is from where my armor ends :) it’s not particularly deep but it’s fun tipsy dialogue and i am fond of it
It makes him flush warm and pink and affectionate, but it’s also making his nighttime routine take ten times longer. So at one point he just sort of shoves Eddie towards the bed, and Eddie lets himself fall face first into the mattress with a breathy laugh.
Eventually, Buck rounds the room to set a glass of water, a handful of ibuprofen, half of a sleeve of saltines, and some TUMS on Eddie’s nightstand and his own glass of water on the other. Eddie has rolled himself onto his back and is smiling softly, watching Buck move around beneath heavy eyelids.
“You done?” Eddie mumbles.
Buck snorts and rolls his eyes, “Yes, your majesty, I am,” which receives a sleepy and smiley middle finger in response.
“You have too many—,” Eddie gestures vaguely, eyes closing again for a moment, “things. Tasks. Come lay down. You’re making me dizzy,”
tagging @gayeddieagenda @try-set-me-on-fire @colonoscopys
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sibylsleaves · 1 year
seven sentence sunday
im guessing a lot of you are busy for easter or something (idk im jewish) so i’m going to start this off because I wrote a little more of my eddie/lucy date fic i started on a lark....(local fic author will start 342837230 more fics before finishing the wip she’s been working on for 9 months....news at 11)
“You know what I think?” Lucy asks. She does not wait for him to reply. “I think he was trying to one-up me because you were impressed. Because he wants to impress you.”
“That’s—” Eddie is blushing again, he can feel the heat in his face. “He knows he doesn’t have to impress me.”
Lucy smiles, all sly and knowing. “Sure. But maybe he wants to. Haven’t you ever wanted to impress him?”
He thinks about Buck turning to Bobby, saying proudly, “This guy’s a professional. I was never really worried.”
Eddie thinks about Buck’s hand on his shoulder, “What’s with the Spiderman routine?”
He thinks about Buck wolfing down a plate of home-cooked dinner, joking around with Chris about Eddie’s newfound cooking skills.
He thinks about dressing up in his best suit, taking Buck to a secret underground poker game.
Eddie ducks his head. Lucy is still grinning at him. Christ, she’s got his number all right. 
tagging @rewritetheending @messyhairdiaz @gayhoediaz @colonoscopys @alyxmastershipper @spaceprincessem @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @homerforsure @clusterbuck @markofalover
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darkworkcourier · 2 years
Can I get uhhhhh Dr Adler hanging out with the 141 boys?
This is short, very silly, and probably not what you had in mind.
Also my first fic of 2023! :D
"Jesus Christ— Out of the way, Gaz! Pick a damn side of the hallway!"
Gaz pins himself to the wall, dodging a vaguely Soap-shaped blur. His string of curses has a Doppler effect, changing tone as he hauls ass. Then he disappears around the corner, leaving Gaz in stunned silence.
For about fifteen seconds.
"Sergeant Garrick."
"Fuck!" Gaz yelps in surprise, pinning himself to the wall anew. Dr. Adler gives Ghost a run for his money in the silent sneaking department, appearing in all her bescrubbed glory, hands on her hips, determination plain on her face. Gaz swallows hard, then raises his hand and gives a weak, "Heyyyy, Doc. Nice day we're having?"
He doesn't mean for it to come out like a question, but he's really having doubts on if this is a nice day or not.
"Mhmm. Did you see where Sergeant MacTavish went?"
"Um. Y'know, I— I haven't see him all day, and, uh." He gives a useless shrug, brain quickly trying to throw together a smokescreen for Soap's sake. There's no way he can leave his comrade in the killzone. No man left behind. He offers a quick, "Sorry," which is directed as much to Dr. Adler as it is to Soap.
"Right. Well. If I can't find him, I suppose I can fit in an appointment for you," she says.
Gaz swears her eyes glint. How the fuck did they do that?
"F-for what?"
"Both the SAS and KSK strongly recommend that their special forces members undergo routine health screens and preventative care. This includes prostate exams and colonoscopies," she explains, repeating it nice and even like a PSA. Then, her eyes narrow, and Gaz feels very much like a butterfly pinned to styrofoam. "And I take your health very seriously, Sergeant."
A cold bead of sweat drips down Gaz's face, and he immediately points to his right. "That way," he says, breathless. "Soap went that way."
She nods, expression not budging an inch. "Danke, Sergeant Garrick. I appreciate your assistance," she says. She walks away, steps brisk, trainers squeaking on the tile.
He'll apologize to Soap for the betrayal later. In the mean time, he has to find a good hiding spot.
"Evenin', Ghost."
"Nice view, eh?"
Price examines a piece of gravel wedged in his boot, picking at it while his cigar smolders in the ashtray at his hip. The wind picks up, whistling around the antenna behind him.
Ghost looms by the hatch to the roof, crossing his arms over his chest. "You got rations up here by any chance?" he asks.
"Two weeks worth."
"Good," Ghost replies. At the same time, they hear Soap's faint wails of protest. If either of them shudder, the other politely keeps quiet about it. "I'm not goin' back down there."
"Neither am I."
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runfast-runfar · 1 month
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August Things ✨
- I spent the first week of august cat/house sitting for a family that I got connected with through an old dog walking gig I had years ago. The cat (named Kitty haha) was soooo sweet and a snuggle bug. And the area they were was beautiful and had running trails so that was really great!
- I spent each day running, doing peloton classes (they had a bike too!!), reading, watching You (late to the game but it was so good!), and playing the switch!
- I just got back home yesterday and it’s so nice being back at my own home and back with my own perfect Thea 🐱
- I was going to go on a run this morning but I woke up with stomach cramps and bloating. And so I decided to walk. And got to visit the good ole ducky besties 🫶🏻
- I am also incorporating yoga and meditation back into my daily routine bc my anxiety and stress levels have been horrendously bad. This is potential tmi, sorry.. but I’ve been having blood in my stool on and off (but pretty consistently) for over 2 months now. Getting it looked at properly and the tests needed to concretly give answers has been a nightmare. And so I’m trying to eat as if I have IBS to see if that reduces the symptoms (bloating, excessive gas, bloat, bleeding etc) while I work with the medical system to try and get a colonoscopy or something that will rule out serious things.
- that’s all been so frustrating and stress inducing, BUT.. I’m actively trying to do things to combat that anxiety bc it will just exacerbate the symptoms and make it all worse.
- went back to 2018 me and did two yoga with Adriene videos which was SO nice ☺️ I’m excited to do a class or two a day again now. I forgot how much I loved her!!
- anyway, I hope you’re all doing well! And happy Sunday ♥️
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the-metatron · 11 months
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Ah, I remember the night I brought you home from the hospital so fondly. Of course, you were already full grown man at the time, only in hospital for a routine colonoscopy. But you will always be my baby.
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katsuko1978 · 3 months
The joys of growing older: spending nearly a month stressing over a routine colonoscopy, being talked down first on FB then in text messages by your younger immunocompromised younger sister who got it done last week and was all good, then going under so smoothly that you literally blinked in the procedure room and are now back in recovery demanding a Big Mac and are cleared until 2034.
How was your week so far?
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oriun · 3 months
So... I've been sent for a colonoscopy on a two week wait referral (aka suspected cancer referral) because, TMI, I've been having blood in/on my stool for a while and my FIT result is through the roof (it tests for hidden blood and if I understand correctly, it's meant to detect the not so fresh blood, ie not blood from a fissure or haemorrhoid bleeding right as you're passing the stool, and can actually show up negative even when the blood is visible because of it being so fresh... Or something like that). Add some family history of bowel cancer to that and I am STRESSED and WORRIED. But like, just lowkey. I'm not dwelling on it all day but it's just always in the back of my mind ever since I saw the FIT result (before that, the GP was just referring me as a routine thinking of something along the lines of internal haemorrhoids he may not have noticed in the PR exam). I don't like not knowing. Do I have a sneaky haemorrhoid or fissure that escaped my GP's finger, or is it a benign polyp, or is it a tumour and if so how large and invading how much? I'm not stressing out assuming the worst, it's just the lack of knowing. But I've worked with the GI team and I know I'm in good hands, so at least medical incompetence or straight up negligence isn't one of my worries with this. Not something I ever thought I'd say, but I can't wait to have a camera up my ass ASAP.
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