#ceo!dean Winchester
holylulusworld · 2 years
Designed by pain masterlist
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: Former Dean Winchester x fem!Reader, Arthur Ketch x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, mentions of a break-up, sadness, rejection, jealousy, unplanned pregnancy
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Designed by pain (Prologue)
Designed by pain (1) 
Designed by pain (2) 
Designed by pain (3) 
Designed by pain (4)
Designed by pain (5)
Designed by pain (6
Designed by pain (7) 
Designed by pain (8)
Designed by pain (9)
Designed by pain (10)
Designed by pain (11)
Designed by pain (12)
Designed by pain (13)
Designed by pain (14)
Designed by pain (15) FIN
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sammybeann · 2 months
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clearlyaginger · 1 year
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verobatto · 3 days
Hi people! I'm back with some destiel for all of you!
This work was written for @reverseprompts : "Books of Whimsy"
You can find the post here.
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Title: "The Lost Princess."
Art and story by: BENKA79 (verobatto)
Rated: Mature
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Length: 4.6k
Beta reader: @queer-dancing-fandom-nerd
Warnings: N/A
Tags: childhood friends, miscommunication, friends to lovers, fluff and light angst, happy ending. Dean's POV, modern setting, CEO!Castiel, par time worker!Dean, top!Castiel/bottom!Dean, first time together, live confession, first kiss, two dumbasses in love, misunderstandings, flirting, smut.
Is it fine to love your best friend in silence?
Is it dumb to wish a fairy tale to come true?
Link yo fic on AO3
Art under the cut
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Tagging: @magnificent-winged-beast @michyribeiro @lapsus-story @casualpandabeliever @a-bit-of-influence @trashblackrainbow @bluebell-24 @ashleyzander @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @destiel-shipper-11 @love-neve-dies @sunshineandwings86 @staycejo1 @justmeand-myinsight @dizzypinwheel @piratebuttercup @shippsblog @spnsmile @mrsaquaman187 @all-or-nothing-baby @espejonight28738 @babysimpala @legendary-destiel @ballistamoon @theshipinspector @rosegirl1994 @sidewaysprogression @profoundgay @cmths5 @bill-nye-is-a-russian-spy @saratsuzuki @nguyenxtrang @mylovelydame21 @yeah-i-get-that-but-why @darkwings17 @supernaturaljess @tobeleftoutinthedark @byebh @ballistamoon @pacers98 @jack-of-all-fandoms25 @yagmcb67 @f-able @moosetex @dancerdovegirl @mybonsai1976 @sweetsatty @inexahustablesourceofmagic @ioascc
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One thing about me is that I’ll ALWAYS defend eldest siblings in medias
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talesmaniac89 · 2 years
Limelight Masterlist
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A Dean x Reader Social Media AU
Pairing: CEO!Dean x Journalist!Reader
Summary: The workaholic and media shy CEO of Winchester Inc, Dean Winchester, is forced to try online dating by his friends. What will happen when he swipes right on (Y/N), who is working on a series on online dating for her magazine?
Warnings: Red dating flags, Exes, frustration and misunderstandings
Watch the trailer here
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Chapter 1 - Adventures in Online Dating
Chapter 2 - Workaholic Incorporated
Chapter 3 - Greenlit & Grumbling
Chapter 4 - Waxing Poetic and Idiotic
Chapter 5 – You have a Match
Chapter 6 – Mr. Right and Mr. Totally Wrong
Chapter 7 – Every Fairy Tale’s Got a Wicked Witch
Chapter 8 – No Strings Attached
Chapter 9 – Vague or Vogue
Chapter 10 – Assassin or just an ass?
Chapter 11 – Freaking out for dummies
Chapter 12 – Who you gonna call?
Chapter 13 – Panic, but make it Fashion
Chapter 14 – Off the Record
Chapter 15 – A guide to dating as a workaholic
Chapter 16 – It’s not stalking – it’s research
Chapter 17 – 15 Minutes of Fame
Chapter 18 - Putting the “lousy” in jealousy
Chapter 19 – Clear the Air (Coming Mar 3rd)
Chapter 20 – It's Just a Prank Bro (Coming Mar 10th)
....And much much more planned for future months!
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333 notes · View notes
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Pairing: Arthur Ketch/Dean Winchester
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 877
Summary: Arthur finds Dean has had a bad day and will do anything he can to make his partner feel loved and desired by him. ❤️
Dedicated to my wonderful @spnfanficpond Manta Ray , @heavenssexiestangel
Arthur Ketch and Dean Winchester were an unexpected couple when people met them. The Brit and the American tended to argue, even in public, but were quite affectionate with each other. When they spoke about the other, their eyes showed how much they adored one another.
When Arthur came home one evening to an empty kitchen, it was a surprise and worried him. Dean loved to cook and bake; he was quite the natural caretaker that seemed to enjoy it. Immediately, Arthur took off his shoes and suit jacket, putting them in their usual places before he went to search for his love throughout the penthouse.
Arthur found Dean on their bed, wrapped in his gray robe with at least two fingers of whiskey and binging Dr. Sexy.
“Dean,” Arthur called
Dean hummed, questioning.
Arthur walked over to Dean’s side of the bed and put his hand over Dean’s heart. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
Dean takes a swallow of the whiskey before replying. “Bad day.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“No,” Dean replied in a monotone voice.
“Have you eaten?”
Arthur took a deep breath trying not to show his annoyance when Dean is drinking on an empty stomach and is probably drunk.
“I’m going to order out. Do you have a preference?”
“Not hungry,” Dean stated, never taking his eyes off the television.
“How about pizza? I’ll order your favorite.”
Dean shrugged, noncommittally.
Arthur quirked a brow at his partner. He started contemplating all of Dean’s favorite foods and activities that they could do at home. He patted Dean’s chest, gently, walked away and out of the room as he ordered Dean’s favorite pizza and his own separate one to be delivered. He opened a delivery app ordering an apple pie from Dean’s favorite bakery and went into their playroom looking for the hat and boots Dean just loves him to wear as he quietly practiced his (awful attempt at) Doc Holiday accent that Dean seemed to enjoy. Arthur began to wonder if he was going overboard but last time he had an awful day at work, Dean just went all out and made the evening about him. He remembered how loved and desired he felt. He wanted to do the same for Dean.
After gathering the two pieces, he realized he needed to wear more clothes so they could eat and cuddle before any undressing would occur. He beelined for the laundry room and grabbed a pair of blue jeans and his black button down he wore when they went out to the club last weekend.
He waited downstairs in his black button down and jeans with matching socks. He was putting on the belt buckle on his belt when the doorbell rang. With a smile, he greeted the pizza delivery man and took the pizzas and signed the receipt. “Thank you,” Arthur greeted and closed the door. He was getting his boots on when his doorbell rang again. He was greeted with the smell of pie. “That was quick,” he said to the delivery woman.
“You had great timing. They just came out of the oven.”
“Oh, thank you so much!”
“Of course, Sugar. G’night.”
Arthur made sure to tip her extra for getting a hot apple pie. He was so excited that he put the hat on and stacked everything up along with forks, napkins, and a few cold water bottles before headed back to their bedroom.
“Is ther’ a Dean Winchester her’?” Arthur greeted Dean, resting his hip against the doorframe. Instantly, Dean’s attention was on him, looking him over and the food.
“Is that pie?” Dean smiled, trying to not laugh at his boyfriend.
“Apple, righ’ outta the oven from your favorite bakery.”
Dean gasped and paused the show. He scooted up, back to the headboard. Arthur was so proud of himself. Dean looked so excited to him.
“I also have dinnuh.”
Dean laughed. “Ketch, babe, stop with the accent.”
Arthur rolled his eyes and huffed, “Fine.” He walked to his side of the bed and set down the pizzas and boxed pie in the center on top of the comforter before climbing up on the bed, making sure to sit on his hip with his knees bent to show the boots off.
Dean practically purred at Arthur’s display. “You’re really pulling out all the stops tonight.”
Arthur shrugged noncommittally. “I love you.”
Dean’s face softened. “I love you too.” He leaned over, placing his hand on his cheek and kissed Arthur with fervor. Arthur hummed his approval and pulled away. “Food, Dean. Then play.”
Dean playfully pouted before reaching for the pie and a fork.
Arthur laughed. “How predictable.”
“It’s pie, man.” Dean inhaled, loudly. “Oh, Apple, how I love thee.”
Arthur laughed again. “Dean, eat it, not attempt poor poetry.”
“Hey, I’ve read Shakespeare.”
“I remember reading it to you,” Arthur said, fondly.
Dean stuck his tongue out at the man who has his heart with a small smile. He opens the pie and digs in from the center.
Arthur smiled and placed his pizza box on his lap, leaning back against the headboard. He glanced at the tv. “Which episode?”
“Um, where he cheats on Piccolo.”
“Limey bastard.” Arthur took a piece and bit into it.
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limbel · 3 months
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🏳️‍🌈 day 11 ~ truth
dean winchester ceo of casually dropping the bomb on cas declaring his love on a random monday during a random fight
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queen-of-deans-booty · 2 months
Don't Fight It
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Warnings: angst, gun violence, murder, fluff
Request by @jessicalynnann: Dean standing by a window and he is a multi millionaire mob boss… any ways. Standing by the window with a glass of whiskey waiting for the reader who he keeps denying his feelings for…. Any ways her best friend calls says that someone is bothering the reader and won’t leave them alone. Well he rushes down and saves the reader after he finds her in the alley almost being attacked and then he confesses everything 😂☺️
Summary: You work for not only a successful businessman but also a man who does less than legal things in his spare time. He hopes to never have to bring you into that side of his life but when your ex makes an appearance, he has no choice but to use his deadly skills to get you out of trouble alive.
Square Filled: “it’s not an addiction. it’s a coping mechanism.” (2023) for @spnaubingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Never in your professional career have you ever been late except for today. Your car didn’t want to start this morning so you had to jumpstart it using a portable charger you had lying around from the last time your brother was staying with you. He claims he forgot it but you know he left it there intentionally. He’s always looking out for you whether you want him to or not.
You walk into work clutching your purse and water cup to your chest as you make your way to your desk. Due to the darkness coming from underneath your boss’ door, you assume he’s not in right now. Thank God. You don’t have to confront him after being late. You quickly get settled in and immediately pull up your emails to see what kind of day you’re going to have today.
As the personal assistant to the CEO of Winchester Industries, you always have a lot on your plate. There is seldom any time for yourself at work which is a good thing because that means the day goes by faster. You admire Dean for what he does and the impact he has made not only on the town you live in but in towns across America. He is involved with environmental technologies, medical devices, and the telecommunications sector. He cares so much about the environment that he develops equipment that helps farmers, medical devices mostly for animals, and strengthens the telecommunication sector across America.
He had an idea one day and decided to do something about it instead of waiting for someone else to do it. Now, he’s one of the richest men in the country because of it.
Speaking of the devil, when Dean walks out of the elevator, you’re already halfway through your emails.
“Good morning, Y/N,” he drawls.
“Good morning, Dean.”
“Hey, did you happen to get the contracts for--”
“Already on your desk.”
“What about the proposal for--”
“Already done, waiting for your seal of approval. I also have reached out to Phoenix Zoo and set up a Zoom meeting at ten since their medical equipment broke for their gorilla.”
Dean leans against your desk with a sexy smirk on his face. What you wouldn’t give to see that smirk behind closed doors. If you put aside the fact that you’re his personal assistant, there is one reason why you shouldn’t fall for a man like Dean Winchester. He’s a successful CEO but you know he’s involved with shady shit on the side. You’re not sure what his deal is but you know it isn’t legal. You turn a blind eye to the many times he’s come into work with bloodstains on his stark white shirt.
Maybe you should run. Any sane, logical person would but you’ve never been the one to listen to that side of you.
“What would I do without you?”
“Cry, maybe. This business would crumble without me.”
“Don’t I know it,” he chuckles.
“So, I have two interviews coming in today, both for the marketing department, Dalton Martinez wants to schedule a meeting with you, and--”
“How about this,” he cuts you off, “you take care of the interviews today and I’ll take care of everything else.”
He walks into his office and you can’t help but watch him leave. He’s such a good-looking man that it’s hard not to fall for his charm. You tried asking what he does in his free time when you saw his bloody shirt for the first time but he refused to talk about it. You haven’t asked him about it since even though you want to.
The two interviews come and go and now you’re stuck at your desk replying to emails, drafting up contracts for Dean, and planning his next work trip. Right when the clock strikes twelve, Dean comes out of his office without his jacket on. He rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, and you vermouth waters at the sight of his white shirt stretching across his broad chest.
“Hey, are you busy for lunch?”
“Want to have lunch with me? I’ll be stuck in this office all day.”
“Sure,” you smile. You log out of your computer and grab your lunch bag from the fridge you have underneath your desk. You pass by one of the other ladies on the floor and she tsks when you approach her desk. “What?”
“Be careful not to get involved with him.”
“I’m not. It’s just lunch.”
You walk into Dean’s office who is standing by this floor-length windows with a glass of whiskey in hand.
“Don’t tell me that glass is your lunch.”
“No.” He walks over to his desk, reaches into the mini-fridge, and pulls out a meatball sandwich he made before coming to work. “So, tell me about your day.”
You eye the glass of whiskey on his desk. “Maybe we should talk about your day. Addiction can ruin someone’s life.”
“It’s not an addiction. It’s a coping mechanism.”
“Want to talk about it?”
“I’d rather talk about you. Any plans this weekend?”
“I might need something stronger than water if I’m going to talk about that,” you chuckle.
“Don’t let me stop you.”
You get up and pour yourself a strong drink before downing it in one go. That will be a mistake later but you don’t care. You pour yourself another glass before sitting back down across from him.
“Let me know if this is unprofessional but I haven’t had a date in two years. In the last relationship I was in, he tried to have me killed. I come from very old money but I like to work hard for what I have instead of using what my family gives me every week.”
“I understand,” Dean nods, leaning back in his chair as he listens intently.
“When my ex-boyfriend found out about my money, he wanted it. He wanted to be rich and powerful, but I realized that all he ever wanted from me was money. I was done giving it to him so I broke things off which is when he tried to kill me. I tried to move on but he’s always there to ruin things for me. I kind of gave up on romance and having friends. So, the answer to your question is no, I don’t have any plans this weekend. He won’t let me.”
“What’s his name?”
“Like I’m going to tell you that,” you scoff. “Don’t think I don’t know you’re into some shady shit. I might not know what you do in your free time but I know it’s not legal.” He raises an eyebrow at you. “Am I wrong?”
“No,” he shakes his head.
“Don’t worry about me. I can handle him, but it’d be really nice if I could just wake up one day and feel free.”
Dean leans forward and rubs his hands together. All he can think about is your life in danger and the mere thought sends him into a rage.
“Listen to me. I want you to call me any time of the day and I will help you if you need it.” You nod. “I need you to promise me.”
“Okay, I promise.”
“Cherry is my safe word.”
You immediately choke on your water and almost spit it out on the ground. You cough as you try to regain your composure while Dean watches with an amused look.
“Excuse me?” you cough.
“When someone I know is in danger, they tell me cherry and I know to drop everything for them. That includes you, too.”
“I don’t think I’ll need it,” you clear your throat, “but I promise to use it if I do.”
The rest of the day goes by smoothly and without issue. Dean has been working hard to get everything done before his work trip to Europe, and you’re working hard to make sure he has everything he needs. He asked you to come but you haven’t given him an answer yet. A whole trip with Dean by yourself? That’s a mistake waiting to happen but it would be nice to go to Europe for a week.
Every day for the remainder of the week, you and Dean have lunch in his office and talk about anything and everything. If you didn’t know him as your boss, you two would have made such great friends… maybe something more. He’s leaving for Europe on Monday so you have at least three days to give him an answer on if you’re going or not. Everything will be paid for so all you have to do is show up at the airport at four in the morning if you want to go.
Friday comes around and you’re staying a bit later than normal to finalize everything he needs for his trip. It’s past eight when you finally get done and you shut your computer down for the weekend. Dean is still in his office when you leave, and you head to the carport where your car is. You’re looking at your phone and not paying attention when someone steps in your way. You stop feeling a set of eyes on you and you look up to see your ex-boyfriend at the entrance of the carport.
“Hey, Y/N, long time no see,” he grins.
You immediately turn and head back to work when you see two of his friends blocking that way. The only way you’re going to get out of this is to use the alleyway next to the building. If you can cut through it, you’ll be on the other side of the carport where your car is. You might be able to make it if you’re quick. Elijah must know what you’re going to do because he starts walking over to you. You jump into action and sprint into the alley with your phone clutched in your hand.
Cherry! Cherry! CHERRY!
You almost run into Elijah because you’re texting Dean, and you nearly fall on your ass while stumbling away from him.
“Why are you running from me? I just want to talk.”
You look behind you and see his two friends right blocking the only other way out of the alley. You turn back to Elijah and notice something black glinting in his hands. He has a gun. Your heart starts to race but you force yourself to keep a clear head.
“What do you want, Elijah? I made myself clear the last time I saw you. I don’t want anything to do with you. Please leave.”
“I will when you give what you owe me.”
“What I owe you?”
“You know the trouble you caused the day you left me? You know me pretty well so you know I don’t tolerate bratty behavior. I think two million dollars will make me forget how you left me. Right, boys?”
One of his friends steps to your back and you freeze in fear when you feel his hot breath on your neck.
“Look at her, Eli, she looks like she’s about to cry,” he grins.
“She’s always been a crybaby.”
“I don’t have what you’re asking. Just leave me alone.” His friend grabs your hand and yanks your head back. “You son of a bitch!”
“Give me what I want and I’ll get out of your hair,” Elijah says and steps closer to you.
“Until you need your next fix, huh? Bite me,” you growl.
His friend lets your hair go and steps back to allow Elijah to deal with you.
“Leave her alone.”
All four of you look at the entrance of the alley to see Dean standing there with a deadly look on his face. He came. He got your message and he’s here. You’re scared that Elijah is going to hurt him even though Dean doesn’t seem the type to be scared of a gun.
“Beat it, old man,” Elijah growls.
“I don’t think you heard me,” Dean chuckles. “Get. Away. From. Her.”
“Yeah? What are you going to do about it?” Elijah waves his gun around and you stiffen in fear. “You don’t know what you’re dealing with so just leave before you get put into a body bag.”
“It’s you who will leave in a body bag. Not me.”
Dean takes out a gun from his suit jacket and points it at Elijah. Your ex panics and jumps behind you to use you as a shield, and he presses the barrel of the gun into the side of your head.
“Yeah? What about now?”
“Dean,” you whimper in fear.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m very good at what I do.”
“Get back! I’ll shoot her!” Elijah yells. “She’ll be dead and it’ll be because of you!”
Dean aims his gun at Elijah and pulls the trigger. The shot causes both of his friends to scatter knowing you’re not worth the trouble. Blood sprays on your neck just as you scream in terror. Elijah’s grip on you loosens and he falls back onto the ground. You’re about to fall yourself but Dean is quick to catch you. You’re shaking like a leaf in his arms, and he uses the sleeves of his white shirt to wipe the blood off your neck.
“You’re safe, sweetheart.” You look around frantically, having not heard him. “You’re in shock right now but you’re safe. I didn’t shoot you.”
“What?” you ask and finally look at him.
“I didn't shoot you. You’re safe. He will never bother you again.” You try to look at your ex on the ground behind you but Dean grabs the sides of your face to stop you from doing so. “I told you, I’m very good at my job.” You put your head on his chest and cry, and he smooths down your hair. “Do you live alone?”
“Not tonight, you won’t. You’ll stay with me.”
“Okay,” you whisper.
“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“Thank you,” you say as Dean is bringing you back to his office.
“You don’t ever have to thank me. I will always be here if you need me.”
Yeah, falling for him is inevitable. It’s going to happen whether you want it to or not so may as well run with it instead of fight it.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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ninii-winchester · 16 days
Behind Closed Doors (Part 1)
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Pairing : Boss!Dean Winchester X Assistant!Reader
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: fluff, not proofread, and tbh I don’t even know where this is going.
A/n: new series (hopefully) First time writing an AU. Don’t let this flop please🙏🏻
Dean Winchester is the CEO of Winchester Co. for the past four years. He’s the oldest son of John Winchester the found and owner of Winchester Co., a real estate business spread all over the country. His office corner suite on the top of the floor in the building with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a panoramic view of the city skyline. The décor is modern yet understated, featuring a large mahogany desk, plush leather chairs, and abstract art on the walls. Behind the desk is a sleek bookshelf lined with awards, framed contracts. A smart wall panel controls lighting, climate, and the room’s privacy settings.
On the top floor other than the CEO’s office is his personal assistant’s work space. It’s a sleek, efficient area with a streamlined desk equipped with multiple monitors for scheduling, managing calls, and overseeing the flow of appointments. The space is minimalist, with soft lighting and ergonomic seating, offering both a professional and welcoming atmosphere for visitors waiting to meet the CEO
“Good morning, Mr. Winchester.” Y/n said entering his office. Dean looked up from his computer and glanced at the woman standing in the doorway with a styrofoam cup in her hands. “Got you your coffee.” She said holding it up. The man nodded and she entered the room completely, moving to hand him his daily dose of caffeine, which has been the routine for the past four years.
Y/n reached his side and he took the cup from her hands gracefully and placed it onto the table before pulling her down onto his lap. Y/n gasped at the sudden pull and he grinned up at her.
“Good morning baby.” Dean leaned up to place a soft kiss to her lips. “You’re late.” He commented resting his hands on her hips.
“Sorry boss, my boyfriend is a bit clingy in the morning.” She replied with a mocking smile. “Acts like a baby doesn’t let me leave when I spend the night.” She added with a pout. Dean barked out a loud laugh and it was moments like these that he was thankful for having the whole floor to himself.
“Acts like a baby, you say?” Dean feigned curiosity. “Well tell him you’re my mine and I need you here on time.” Dean mock reprimanded her. Y/n rolled her eyes at his teasing.
Dean Winchester is a private man. He doesn’t like expressing his emotions or talk about his personal life. He’s a workaholic and is married to his work. He had been working at this company ever since he was in college. While perusing his degree in business he did part take in business matters, worked as an assistant for his father. He’d worked hard for this title and four years ago he was appointed at the CEO of the company when his father stepped down.
When Dean was appointed CEO, he clearly needed an assistant too. He confided in his best friend, Castiel. Although Cas also had a degree in business administration he was not interested in taking over his father’s business and was rather interested in charity work and philanthropy. Castiel had suggested Dean to appoint Y/n as his PA, since he knew her from college and she had remarkable skills as well.
Although Dean did appoint her on Cas’ insistence he was a bit skeptical of her skills she needed a ‘recommendation’ to get a job. For the whole year, Dean made her work relentlessly, putting her skills to the test and demanding a high level of performance to prove her worth. And she did. With her hard work and extremely remarkable skills she impressed Dean, more than professionally.
In a typical cliche manner, the grumpy boss fell for his assistant. Though persuading her was a challenge for Dean. She was hell bent on keeping things professional and not wanting to cross the boundaries at her workplace. She was a hard nut to crack but eventually Dean worked his charm on her, showing her beyond his grumpy boss personality and wooing her with extreme gestures.
Now the two had been dating for almost three years and the only person who knew about them is none other than Castiel, the one who introduced them. Even Sam was not in on the secret.
“Can I go back to work, now?” Y/n asked getting up from his lap but he kept his hold firm on her hips, not letting her leave.
“No.” Y/n pouted in response, she hated when he did this, holding her hostage while at work . She really wanted to keep her personal and professional life apart, not wanting anyone to find out or even think for a second she’s sleeping with her boss.
“Dean.” She scolded when he kissed her pouty lips.
“Relax sweetheart, nobody’s coming up here anytime soon.” He shrugged and she sighed loudly, indicating her defeated even if she was reluctant. “Besides, I’ve got news for you.” Y/n raised her brow in curiosity urging him to continue. “We,” he traced her arm with his finger. “are going on a vacation.” Dean beamed at her.
“A vacation? We?” Y/n furrowed her brows. “Who’s we?” She questioned, clearly not understanding the situation. Is this a office vacation or the top officers vacation or just the two of them.
“You and me. A week in Bahamas.” Dean replied casually.
“A week? You want us to take a leave at the same time? It’d rise suspicion.” She whispered alarmingly.
“Baby, if I’m on leave then you’re on leave automatically. Besides, I’ve asked Cas to manage for a few days for me.” Dean replied. “We both have been working our ass off for the past four years, I think we deserve a vacation.” Dean grinned at her and for the first today, she agreed without interjecting. She’s just as much of a workaholic as Dean. She had taken a day off here and there but never a complete vacation. “Besides I’m dying to spend some time quality time with my girl without her grilling me about work.” Dean sassed and she smacked his arm lightly making him laugh.
“I’m not gonna slack off at work just because I’m dating you.” She said matter of factly. “And I do think we could use a vacation.” She finally agreed making his smile broaden. “God, if anyone could you see right now, Mr. Grumpy Winchester.” She giggled when he rolled his eyes. He loved it when she teased him about being a grumpy ass to everyone else except her but he would never accept it in a million years.
The door swung open and sauntered in Castiel in the flesh. Y/n quickly jumped off of Dean’s lap but relaxed when she saw it was Cas.
“Ever heard of knocking, Cas?” She taunted her friend, crossing her arms across her chest.
“Ah lovebirds. Ever the cautious.” Cas sassed back and Dean snorted earning himself a glare from her. “Don’t stop on my account, just wanted to deliver these, personally.” He said holding up two flight tickets to Bahamas.
“Thanks man.” Dean said getting up from his chair and getting the tickets from his friend. Castiel shot Y/n a teasing grin and she rolled her eyes at him, clearly unbothered by his teasing. He thrives in teasing her because she was the goody two shoes in college and the two had become friends after being paired up for an assignment, so seeing a different version of her around Dean, leaves him anything but amused.
“You are a bad influence on the both of us.” Y/n said feigning an angry glare at Cas.
“Oh dear Y/n, I know.” Cas winked and Dean laughed at his best friends shamelessness. The trio’s camaraderie was a reminder of how personal and professional lives often intersect in unexpected ways.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
@s0urw00lf @monkey-d-hoshizora98 @deans-baby-momma @fullbelieverheart
@riah1606 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @hobby27
@starkleila @suckitands33 @m3ntally-unstable @kanekilovelove-blog @candy-coated-misery0731
@blackcherrywhiskey @ladysparkles78 @goest-and-fuckest-thyself-blog @graywrites5567
@thelittlelightinthedarkess @enamoredwithbella @winchesterwild78 @myuhh8
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s0urw00lf · 18 days
You matter too
Pairing: Sam Winchester x sister!reader, Dean Winchester x sister!reader
Summary: Your heart breaks a little more when you run into Sam and dean (your brothers) after being casted out by your father years before his death.
Warnings: angst, being disowned, familial heart ache.
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When you got home from work you immediately kicked off your heels, ridding yourself of the strain they had put on your feet all day. You looked around your apartment noting how dark it was ‘Aaron must not be home’ you thought to yourself, making your way through the darkness to your bedroom and into the closet, hastily changing into more comfortable clothes you tried to give yourself some relaxation and comfort after your hard day at work dealing with that asshole mark who couldn’t mind his business to save his damn life. You wished Arron was home so you could curl up to him and rant about how much you wanted to strangle that CEO asshole with his tie.
Exiting your closet you sighed, making your way to the kitchen to find something to eat before you heard what sounded like your glass potted plant fall over. Immediately you tensed, stopping all movements, pausing your breath as you strained to hear anything else. When you heard hushed voices it sent you into full throttle. You quickly but quietly made your way to your bed and pulled out the coffin-sized box filled with guns and ammunition and grabbed your shotgun mentally thanking god that you kept it loaded, not wasting any time you slowly tiptoed out of your bedroom looking around the corner and your heart dropped when you spotted to decently sized men seemingly in a disagreement.
“Are you sure this is it?” The shorter one asked, “yes this is the address he gave us” the taller one said, and again your heart dropped. This could be anybody coming to make you pay your dues. After you’d been practically disowned by your father you’ve been on your own since 15, and of course, you’ve made some very stupid choices and gotten in with the wrong people. Now 20 with a full-time job and career you figured your past had finally caught up with you. With your heart racing you stepped out from your hiding place and quickly jumped on the one closest to you, harshly pressing the pressure point in his neck rendering him unconscious, you let him fall and put all of your attention on the taller one, you cocked your gun and pointed it at his forehead and he did the same to you. “You’ve got .3 seconds to tell me what you want before I put a bullet in your brain” you threatened.
You couldn’t see the man's face in the darkness especially since his back was facing the window, his tall frame cast a shadow over you. Your heart raced in your ears “3” you began counting, and quickly the man dropped his hand holding the gun. “2” you continued in confusion, as you started with the last number the man in front of you said your name. You paused in shock, nobody you dealt with in the past knew your real name, you weren’t that stupid. Nobody outside of your family and your boyfriend knew your real name. “Who are you” you questioned, moving your finger to the trigger. “Y/n it's me” the man spoke quickly. And for what you doubt would be the last time that night. Your heart stopped. But not in fear, this time it was in shock. You backed up making your way towards the light switch, keeping your gun pointed at his head. When you flicked on the light and it filled the room your tense frame immediately softened. “Sam,” you said, in shock.
He awkwardly smiled and sent you a wave “Hey” he said, you stared at him, taking him in. The last you saw him, right before he went to college he was skinnier and a little shorter. He seemed to be doing the same thing with you. “You’re so grown up” You nodded awkwardly. Just then it dawned on you that he hadn’t come alone, you circled the couch blocking your view of the man you knocked unconscious. Immediately when your eyes set on him your heart tightened in guilt, “oh god Dean” you said dropping your gun and falling to your knees assessing his head, which had been bleeding. He probably hit his head on the coffee table on his way down. Just as you sat down Dean began to groan, you sat back as his eyes opened, seemingly adjusting to the light before setting his eyes on you. His face immediately changed, and you couldn’t tell what the expression meant. After spending a little over five years away from him you were practically strangers.
“Hey kid,” he said, groaning as she sat up. You winced “not much of a kid anymore if you haven’t noticed” you said. You stood up, looking back and forth between your two older brothers. “What’re you doing here?” You asked folding your arms. Dean stood up joining Sam, awkwardly standing in the middle of your living room. They both looked at each other, silently debating who would be the one to talk, unfortunately, the torch fell into Dean's hands “We wanted to see you” he said with an idiotic smile. You tilted your head not believing him for one second “Then why didn’t you use the door like a normal person” you asked. Dean awkwardly laughed quickly glancing at Sam who rolled his eyes “We need your help finding Dad” he said. You smiled bitterly “Ah, there it is,” you said. You moved over to your kitchen, resuming your task of finding something to eat.
“C'mon y/n don’t be like-“Dean started but you cut him off. “Like what?!” You turned around and shouted at him. “Don’t act like you don’t care, our father is missing-“Dean said, but was cut off by Sam this time “Dean-“ he started but was cut off by you walking toward him. “No, that's where you’re wrong, that is not my father. Maybe a small part of the reason I’m here but he.Is.not.my.father” you seethed. “So what were not your brothers now?” Dean said raising his voice a little bit. “I don’t know, are you dean? Because I don’t recall you reaching out in the past five years. I don’t recall you fighting for me to come home. You wanna know what I recall?” You asked stepping closer to him. Sam watched from behind Dean, he wasn’t there when you were kicked out but he wished he was. “I recall being hated by that man. The unwanted bastard child of John Winchester, that's what I was. And that day he left me at that motel I begged you to stay with me. Not to leave me and you did. I watched you drive away into the sunset while I sat alone in this big world full of monsters wondering how I'd survive alone at fifteen.” Tears began to flood your eyes, as you relived the heartbreak you tried to bury for five years.
“Five years. No calls, no visits, nothing. I was alone and I had to learn how to survive alone Dean and you weren’t there, so I tried to go visit Sam” you said, teary eyes cutting over to Sam, “but he didn’t want anything to do with me, wouldn’t even hear me out as I begged and pleaded for him too. But nope he sent me away, just like john, just like you,” you said trying your best not to sob in front of your brothers. “My big brothers, who promised to protect me, who swore to me that no harm would ever come my way as long as you were alive.”
Sam and Dean stood in front of you, both of their eyes were teary and you didn’t feel the least bit bad, you were happy they were feeling even a fraction of what you felt all those years ago. “John never wanted another kid let alone a daughter, he took me in because he had to. And it took me a while to realize that the same applies to you too” you said, your voice cracked as tears poured freely from your eyes. The silence that followed your statement was deafening. Neither of your brothers could even start to fathom what you’d been through in the time you were alone. The silence was cut when your front door opened, you quickly turned around and rushed to meet your boyfriend at the door. “Hey honey how- why are you crying?” He asked worriedly cupping your cheeks and whipping your tears. Instead of saying anything, you dragged him to the opening of the apartment so he could see for himself. “Family reunion” you whispered so only he could hear. His face immediately changed into pity.
Aaron knew your past having come from a slightly similar background. You turned to Sam and Dean, who hadn’t moved from their spot “You have a-” “boyfriend yeah” you cut Sam off wiping your tears. Glancing from them to Arron who was just shocked. Dean stepped forward, seemingly to play protective older brother, and for some reason, you didn’t stop him. Because even after the hurt they’d caused you, some part of you, maybe that small 15-year-old you, still wanted your big brothers in your life.
Surprisingly to you, Dean didn’t say anything to you, Aaron, he came to embrace you. Sam followed quickly after and joined the hug. Right there and then, you felt all of your hatred and anger towards them melt away. Neither of them was in the clear, but you didn’t want to go the rest of your life hating your brothers because they were too afraid to stand up to your dad. You knew they had their reasons, and even some things couldn’t be placed on John but you were willing to give it a shot at rekindling the relationship you had with them.
Your boyfriend stood behind you watching happily as you embraced your brothers, it was the most relaxed he’d ever seen you and he wanted to keep seeing you in said state. Sam pulled away first, then Dean did and you all stared at each other. “I’m sorry kid, every day after we left you I tried to find you but you were too good, I resented Dad for years after that, and even started hunting on my own because I couldn’t look him in the face and stand the fact that he left you and I didn’t say a damn thing about it,” dean said, the sincerity was shown on his face, and you knew dean was never one to show hid emotions ore even apologize at that, but you could see that he meant every word that spilled out of his mouth.
Sam apologized next “I i wish id known that's why you were there, I thought Dad had talked you into talking me into coming home, and I knew if you did that I would have come without second thought.” He said. You couldn’t find anything to say. You brought them in for another hug, squeezing them as tight as you could before pulling away. you looked at Aaron who stood behind you with a smile on his face “Sam, Dean, this is Aaron, my boyfriend” you said introducing them. Sam was the first to step forward to shake Aaron’s hand “Nice to meet you man” he said with a smile. “You too” Aaron replied. Dean shook his hand next, as much as he wanted to play that overprotective role, he hadn’t earned that right so he played fair and shook his hand giving Aaron a tight-lipped smile.
The three of you knew you had a long way to go, but you were happy to begin the journey.
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Surrogate or Love
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Summary: Dean is ready to have a baby. Just not the way you’d like to have it…
Pairing: CEO!Dean Winchester x Bestfriend!Reader
Square 11 filled for @spnfluffbingo (expired): Childhood sweethearts
Square 5 filled for @spnchristmasbingo: Friends to lovers
Warnings: angst, language, a hint of crack, wish for a baby, flirty John, alcohol abuse, drunkness, talk about being a surrogate
Words: 2,2 k
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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“Dean, whoa…slow down,” you try to keep up with Dean’s long steps. He came to your apartment, and stormed right in, barely greeting you. “What happened? Where is the fire? You said something about an emergency.”
“It’s…you know,” he looks at the manila folders in his hands. Five manila folders filled with everything he’ll need to convince you to agree to his suggestion. “I got an important question. No…I mean.”
“Dean, take a deep breath,” you chuckle. “It’s only me. We are best friends since childhood. There is no need to be nervous around me. I’ve seen all of you. Every side. Even the ugly ones…”
“I want you to have my baby,” he blurs out. You want to laugh and tell him that’s the best joke he ever told you but he looks so serious.Hands clutching the manila folders to his chest he looks at you. “What do you say?”
“You’re not fucking with me, Winchester?” quirking a brow you look at Dean. “Dean, this is a bad idea…or not. I mean…we didn’t even have sex—”
“Oh…no…no!” he chuckles nervously. “We don’t need to have sex. I will beat my meat and use a cup…or something. The doctor said they’ll take my seed and we can use the eggs from her…”
“Her?” you watch Dean open one of the folders to show you the information about an egg donator. “You—you want me to have the baby of another woman? I-I don’t understand. My eggs are just fine.”
“I want you to be my surrogate. I thought it’s easier if the egg is not yours,” you feel like someone just punched you in the guts.
“Oh, my eggs are not good enough for you, huh?” you sarcastically say. “Why do you want me to be a surrogate? I don’t understand.”
“I only want a child, not a relationship, Y/N,” Dean swallows thickly when you turn away from him. “I thought we can do this together. We are friends and you’ll get a lot of money.”
“I don’t want to be a surrogate, you asshole!” you sniffle. “I want a child for so long. We could just…I mean we are best friends. We could’ve had a child together. But you are, just like all the other guys I know – an idiot who won’t settle down. You want a kid without a mother. You selfish prick. What the fuck is wrong with men?”
“Prick? I—no. Sweetheart.”
You start to pace back and forth in your living room. 
“There I thought you come around to talk about your plans for Christmas Eve. Now you want me to become your birthing machine,” you groan audibly. “I guess Lisa was right, I should go for an elder man just like her. She found a nice guy and father for Ben.”
“An elder man,” Dean splutters. “What do you mean with an elder man?“
“A DILF. A hot elder guy who is ready to take responsibility and take care of me and his baby,” you nod to yourself. “Someone like your daddy. John is hot with his salt-and-pepper beard, and those hazel eyes.”
“My father? You want my father to give you a baby?” your friend panics now. He chokes on his words and drops the manila folders to the ground. “You can’t do this!”
“Why not? He’s divorced and single. John made you and Sammy,” humming you look at the folders on the floor. “He’ll be a good daddy and father. Maybe I should agree to go out with him next time he asks me out.”
“My father asked you out?” Dean steps closer to you to size you up. “When? How often? Why? I swear I’ll kill him.”
“That’s none of your business, Mr. be my surrogate,” you bite back. “If you want a baby, go, and find someone else playing your birthing machine. I’ll go for your daddy. He will gladly fuck me to get me full of his baby!”
“WHAT?” Dean stutters. “You can’t be serious. My father is a womanizer and he’ll eat you alive. There is no way he’ll give you a baby and raise it with you.”
“Well, it’s enough he wants to fuck me,” you shoot back, hitting Dean hard. “I bet he’s more than willing to give me all the orgasms I need and want. The baby will be a bonus.”
You shove Dean toward the door, not stopping when he begs you to listen to him.
“Get out of my home and fuck off. I can’t believe I wasted so much time finding the perfect Christmas gift for you.”
“Y/N, please wait…” you open the door and shove Dean out. “Sweetheart…I’m sorry.”
“No. You’re not,” slamming the door in his face you huff. “Dean Winchester never says he’s sorry and means it. You told me so years ago.”
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“Doll, hey,” John jogs after you. He caught a glimpse of you at your favorite café and now he tries to get you to join him for coffee. “Long time no see!”
“Mr. Winchester, hey,” you swallow thickly as you remember the conversation you had with his son not two weeks ago. “How have you been?”
“Good…good,” John smirks as you nervously shake his offered hand. “Dean came around the other day. He asked me a lot of questions.”
“Oh-what kind of questions?” you stammer. “I haven’t seen Dean for the better of two weeks. Whatever he said didn’t have anything to do with you. We got into a fight and…”
“He wanted to know if I ever asked you out,” John smirks. “And he was mad at me for no reason.” The bastard licks his lips; the tip of his tongue poking out of his mouth. “We could give him a reason to be mad at me.”
Fuck, no. Dean went to John and tried to find out if you told him the truth. 
“Listen…I’m sorry for dragging you into our fight. I was just so mad at Dean for asking me to become his surrogate.”
“He did what?” John chokes out. “You didn’t get him wrong. Maybe he wanted you to be his baby mama.”
“Right? That was my reaction exactly,” you chuckle humorlessly. “I thought he wants us to have a baby together. I can’t count how many times I told him about my wish for a baby.”
“Dean also told me you are looking for someone more…mature.”
You wish the ground will open and just swallow you. “No—he didn’t.” You whine loudly. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am, John. What I said to Dean…I…I wanted to make him jealous.”
“Don’t be sorry, doll,” John takes another step toward you and cups your cheek with his right hand. “If you want me to be your baby daddy, I’ll do it. I always had a thing for sweet little things like you.”
“John,” you squeak. His cologne fills your nostrils and his hand on your cheek feels a little too warm. “I-I don’t…I didn’t.”
“If you ever change your mind,” he leans closer to peck your nose, “give me a call. If not, you should talk to my son. He’s a mess without you, doll…”
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“Y/N!!! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR OR I’LL KICK IT OPEN!” Dean growls from outside of your apartment. “I know you are home, sweetheart. Please let me in. I got a better idea.”
“Winchester, it’s in the middle of the night,” you open your door to yell at Dean. “I’ve got neighbors, ya know. I’m not like you, owning a whole fucking penthouse.”
“Sweetheart, you’re alive.”
Just now you realize Dean is drunk. He looks at you with glassy eyes, slurs your name, and offers another manila folder to you. “Winchester, what are you doing here?”
“Daddy said you met him this morning,” he sniffs. “He wants to give you a baby but he can’t. I wanna give you a baby.”
Dean drops his gaze to his crotch. “Wait—just lemme get him up. I can give you more than one baby. Just a moment. Fuck…”
He sighs deeply as you watch him pat his cock with the manila folder. “What are you doing Dean? You’re drunk and…” you chuckle as he talks to his cock.
“Get up buddy. We got work to do,” Dean mutters. “Come on. Don’t leave me hanging.” He curses loudly. “You always get up when we are around her. Now we need to make a baby and you won’t—”
“Jesus, come inside,” you grab Dean’s arm to drag him inside your apartment. “Why are you even here?”
“I can’t let you fuck my dad,” Dean grumbles as you shove him toward your sofa. “He’s not going to lay his hands on you, sweetheart. I wanna put my hands on you for too long. He’ll steal you.”
“You’re wasted, Winchester,” you’re angry enough to push Dean down onto your sofa. “I’ll call your brother. Maybe he’s still awake and will pick your drunk ass up.”
“No, I need to show you my plan,” he clumsily opens the manila folder to show you a picture Sam took years ago. You’re sitting on the hood of Dean’s car. He has one arm slung around your shoulders and grins into the camera. 
“What’s this?” you frown deeply. “An old picture is your plan. I don’t understand. Do you want some crazy scientist to clone your cocky ass?”
He snickers. “Nah, I wanna fertilize your eggs.” Dean grins dopily. “You know, play hide the salami with you. You and I will have so much sex to get you pregnant.” He nods to himself. “I always knew you’ll become my wife.”
“Dean, you can’t be serious,” you laugh loudly as he starts to unbuckle his belt. “Dean, stop this. I won’t have sex with you.”
“Never?” he hiccups. “But I wanna make a baby with you. I’ll make you cum too.” Dean gives you puppy dog eyes. “Please?”
“Damn you,” patting his thigh you sigh deeply. “You need to sleep the alcohol off. We will talk about it in the morning.”
“…and have sex?” hopefully looking at you Dean pokes your thigh. “Right. We are going to make a baby in the morning.”
“Get up,” you nudge his side. “We need to tug you in bed. You’re too drunk to even think straight.”
You help Dean get back up and guide him out of your living room and toward your bedroom. “You wanna make out with me…I knew it.”
He stumbles toward your bedroom, almost crashing into the door.
“Go into the bedroom and shut up.”
“You can’t wait to get me naked, huh? I like it that you’re bossy,” he purrs. “I’m so tired and drunk.”
You push him inside the room and help Dean to sit down on your bed. “I told you to be silent. Let me just get you out of your shoes.”
After helping him get out of his shoes, coat, and pants you forced Dean to lie down. He didn’t fight you. The moment his head hit the pillow he was out cold.
Now you’re lying next to him, hating yourself for letting him sleep next to you. In the morning you will give him a piece of your mind and send him his way.
“Sweetheart,” you groan as Dean turns around to wrap his arms around your waistline. “You’re so warm, and sexy.” He groans in your ear. “I love you so much, Y/N. Always have. No woman can compare to you.”
You close your eyes and succumb to the much-needed sleep, ignoring the warm feeling spreading through your body.
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“Please don’t kick me out,” Dean pleads. “I fucked up big time. You must know that I got a baby fever when I saw Sammy with his twins. I thought about my past relationships and realized none of the women I was with would want a baby with me.”
“So, you decided on turning me into a surrogate. I must say, this was a first for me,” you shake your head. “No guy I dated ever had the guts to turn me into a birthing machine.”
“Y/N, you’re my best friend and I never wanted to hurt you. It’s just,” he paces back and front all the while frantically running his fingers through his hair. “I want a family and asking you to become my surrogate was the closest thing to having a family.”
“You could’ve asked me for advice. Everything would’ve been better than this,” you point at the manila folders he forgot some weeks ago. “How could you hurt me like that? You didn’t even want my eggs…”
“I’d love to have your eggs,” you giggle through your tears. “Shit, that’s even worse. I—” he sighs deeply. “I love you, Y/N. Always have. I just never thought you would reflect my feelings.”
“We are friends for how long?” you roll your eyes. “I was there. Every time you needed someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on. You’re the one I turn to when I need advice or just someone to talk to. Of course, I love you too.”
“Thank fuck,” Dean swallows thickly. “Before I offer to be your baby daddy, I’d like to ask you on a date. Please…”
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artyandink · 3 months
amoralism | two
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Summary: You and Dean Winchester are the top agents from Major Crimes. You’re also assigned as partners on the same case- a crime syndicate is running loose and buying out most of downtown New York. He hates you cause you hate him. You hate him cause you think he got in his position with his daddy’s influence. But this case is personal to one of you more than the other- and you may be getting too personal for comfort.
TW: Blood, firearms, organised crime, talk of drugs, Agent Dean Winchester, sexual tension, wet dream, awkwardness, unsupportive mom, dramatic sister, consensual crime
Song Inspo: People I Don’t Like - UPSAHL
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Family dinners took the hell out of you.
They were so awkward, and for what? It was a few hours of pushing food around plates, unwanted conversations and criticisms about your home life and job. Of course your mom wasn’t proud that you were FBI. Were they slightly averse because she carries a truckload of deep seated traditionalism? Definitely.
Your mom, Elena, took a pointed bite of salad as she flitted her eyes disapprovingly between you, your slouching and your less than socially satisfactory manner of eating. Practically assaulting your food with a well timed fork stab and shovelling it in your mouth.
You were a federal agent, not a damn princess.
At least your younger sister had gone to deb balls and beauty pageants and gotten married fresh out of college and landed a job as a secretary for a wealthy CEO in Delaware while you apparently ‘slum it’ and put serial killers behind bars.
Putting your life on the line to make your country a better place. Totally something undesirable, a horrible job, only bozos and hobos would do it.
Your dad, Richard (but he had everyone call him Rick, your mom never listened), was proud of you. More proud than he could put into words. He’d once come to visit you after work to congratulate you on a case that you’d solved (confidential, of course), and his heart burst with pride upon seeing his little girl dressed in a formal suit and storing her government approved handgun.
“Darling?” Your mom trilled in her fancy accent and high pitched voice, which caught your attention. You looked up, halfway through a sip of wine, same as your dad. Holding it wrong. Again, not a princess. “When will you be getting married?”
You almost did a spit take, but swallowed so it wouldn’t happen and coughed as it almost went down the wrong way, Rick doing the same at the exact same time. Your sister, Cassie (short for Cassandra), glanced between the two of you with a look of judgement identical to your mom’s.
They were carbon copies of each other. Same with you and your dad.
“M-Marriage?” You spluttered, still recovering from the notes of chamomile that stung at the back of your throat. Chamomile’s meant to be soothing. “I-I’m a federal - ahem - agent, I don’t have t-time to-” You cleared your throat loudly, “- marry.”
Your mom scoffed, waving you off with a manicured hand. “You blab on about this federal agent business, but we have no clue what kind of cases you deal with.”
“Honey, we can’t push her.” Your dad vouched, and you internally cheered him on, swallowing down a sharp retort with a shovelling down of spaghetti that earned you an eye roll from Cassie and an exasperated sigh from Elena. “Her work is classified.”
“Classified from her family?”
“That’s generally what it means.” You added with a clearing of your throat. “A brief overview of my work in Major Crimes is literally the major crimes. Serial killers, mob bosses, organised crime.”
Your mom gave a loud, false laugh. “Hush, hush. Mafias only occur in dramatised television shows and movies.”
“Elena, you should be proud of our daughter.” Rick sighed, pointedly staring at his wife. “She works to keep everyone safe. Debutante balls and beauty pageants aren’t all the glory.”
And now Cassie was throwing a fit, her blonde hair almost torn out by her pink-painted claws. Jesus, if you went into the office with those monsters? You didn’t even wanna know.
While your mom ticked off your dad for saying such an insensitive thing, you nudged his foot with yours as a silent thank you for defending him. And his foot tapped yours back as if to say don’t apologise.
God, you cherished your dad.
“Don’t pay attention to your mother.” He’d told you in a calm, soft voice as you two steadily worked on the dishes, the quiet noise of the sponge spreading soap suds on the plate not the best ambience but alright all the same. “She’s a little dramatic.”
You raised an eyebrow, getting the itch out from just above your eyebrow using the back of your hand. “A little?”
Rick shrugged, then chuckled. “Alright, you got me there. She’s extremely dramatic. But she’s my wife, and I love her, regardless of whether I think she should take up a role in Broadway.”
“Or a soap opera.” You both shared a laugh, but then you subsided into a rather wistful state of mind. “I just want her to understand that even though I can’t talk about it, I still do something worthy of recognising, right? I mean, not everyone can say they’re one of the best agents Major Crimes has to offer.”
“She’ll come around.” Rick planted a kiss on your temple that felt a little scratchy from his stubble. “I’m so proud of you, y’know that? My little girl’s grown up to be an incredible woman.”
Your phone rang, and you shook your hands off, towelling them before taking out your phone and picking up the call.
‘Took you long enough, princess.’ Agent Winchester’s voice came from the other line, and seems like your dad heard a man’s voice, because his eyebrow raised past what was the beginning of his receding hairline. Princess. It took you back to the night you had your first wet daydream of your case partner, Dean goddamn Winchester, three years ago, working the very case you both were heading now.
Except with much higher stakes.
“You’re far from on my priority list, Agent.” You huffed out a breath, mouthing to your dad to behave as you knew he had the strong urge to find out who exactly you were talking to. And if there was a possibility that he’d need to grab his baseball bat and go warn this guy off breaking your heart.
Federal agent or not, he’d do it. He’d do anything to keep his daughter safe.
‘You’re gonna break this young man’s heart.’
“We’re 35.”
‘Exactly. Young.’ His tone sounded like he was holding off laughter, adopting a voice which resembled Mrs Doubtfire. ‘We’re youthful, innocent little whippersnappers-’
“Agent, if you’re just going to waste my time, you better hang up.” You sighed, rubbing your forehead. Your dad gave you a look which said damn, don’t do him like that. In truth, neither of you were exactly innocent. You had unholy, R-rated thoughts of each other every time you did so much as think of each other.
You definitely wanted to do him.
You heard Dean clear his throat, getting back on track. ‘Right. Yeah. So, there’s some of our double agents in crime circles that reported back to me after I dropped ‘em a little message. They’re sayin’ that there’s an auction happening at a charity gala in a week, and they’re pawning off this necklace-’
“Yeah, you’re wasting my time.” You scoffed, wondering why he was into getting jewellery. Unless it was to pacify a girl he two timed. Then again, he could probably do it with his panty-soaking, money-winning grin, smooth winks and some cheap pickup line he stole off the Internet.
‘Hey, let me finish. The necklace has a USB chip inside. It contains videos of our syndicate’s work, so if we get a hand on that, we know what we’re dealing with.’ He chuckled at his own brilliance, making you roll your eyes at his ego. ‘And, uh, you’re about to pick apart and criticise my plan by saying that there’s no way in hell that we have the money to buy that thing, so… I talked to Director Singer, and he had a chat with the board and they gave us a pass for as many consensual crimes as needed.’
“So, where do we factor in all this?” You asked, making a mental note of everything he was telling you.
‘That’s the fun part. We got invites to that event, so we’re gonna go together as a doting, wealthy married couple and steal it.’
“It’s not my first undercover gig, so as long as we don’t run into any complications, it could work.”
‘So, I’ll see you at my place tomorrow to discuss logistics. I’ll make sure Sammy- Detective S. Winchester - is out of the house.’
“Alright. Bye.” You cut the call, and spotted your dad smiling proudly at you. His eyes twinkling, and his steady scrubbing hand paused. “What?”
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Dean’s back hit the bed, your lips moving up to claim his exposed throat and freckled, exposed chest, making a steady trail to his shoulder and nipping until there was a forming hickey. His breath laboured, mind spinning and body on autopilot. He could feel your nails over his abs, tracing and mapping out every contour, his eyes locking on you, looking like a vision in black lace, a garter and pretty, matching, sheer, thigh-high nylons.
He was always a sucker for a woman in lingerie.
“God, baby, c’mere.” He groaned, hands finding purchase on the backs of your thighs and yanking you forward, settling you closer as his hand teased at the hem of your panties, one sharp flick of his wrist tearing the flimsy material and leaving it beyond repair, drawing a gasp and barely restrained whine from you. He chucked the remains off the bed, that hand, already glistening from having touched your soaked panties, found your cunt, sliding his fingers back and forth before roughly thrusting two up and into your soaked pussy, crooking them just right in order to have you clamping down and already rocking up and down desperately. “So tight. Gonna ride my fingers already, sweetheart?”
“Mmh- mhmm.” Was all you could get out, barely noticing how his free hand reached behind you to unclip your bra, propping himself up so he could latch his mouth onto your nipple and suck, causing you to mewl and let out an even more sinful moan right as his thumb found your clit right as the pad of his index found your g-spot, his third finger joining the party and pressing on it.
Layering and layering and layering until your mind was blank, thighs shaking, mouth open and eyes rolling back until they saw stars and the brief outline of God.
Looks like he does have a beard.
“Dean, g-god-” You were cut off by a moan, biting your lip, and Dean nodded encouragingly, free hand reaching up to cup your cheek, thumbing at your bottom lip to ease it free.
“Waited so long for this.” He murmured. “Gotta hear you. Look so pretty, baby-”
“Dean, wake up!” Dean shot up and spluttered when a glass of ice cold water hit him like a bullet train, finding you to be the perpetrator. No lingerie, just a simple sweater and jeans, your hair pulled into a loose rope braid over your left shoulder.
Still hot. Still infuriating.
“Woah, hey!” He raised his hands in disbelief before running one down his face to rid him of the water dripping down it, then onto his grey-blue flannel shirt. “The hell was that?! And- how did you get in here?”
You put the glass down in frustration, the sound thudding against Dean’s oak dining table, partially wet from the thrown water. “Sam let me in.”
“Doesn’t answer my first question.”
“You’d been passed out at that table when I got here. Tried to wake you up fifty ways. You sleep like a rhino.” You scoffed, but your eyes couldn’t help but trail down to the way the water traced his jaw, down to the curve of his neck and beneath the neckline of his shirt, which exposed a hint of defined collarbone. You felt like an eleven year old seeing a man shirtless for the first time. Except you were going feral for a fleeting glimpse of your colleague’s collarbone, watching the way his flannel clung to his frame.
You were beginning to get the tantalising thought of seeing Dean, washing that gorgeous ‘67 Chevy Impala of his. Shirt off, water dripping down his bare torso and giving you an illegal hit of his v-line. And his abs, tracing every contour that you knew was there. It had your body warming up and your thighs clenching and rubbing.
You hoped to God that Dean didn’t see you doing that.
So instead, you took a random kitchen towel and threw it so it hit him right in the face, and he flinched, grabbing the towel off his face and rubbing the water off in a disgruntled fashion as you moved to grab a beer from the fridge. He was irritated beyond belief. He knew you two had unresolved sexual tension that went back in the history books about five years but that was uncalled for. He was your partner on this mole case, and was heading an organised crime case with you, he deserved some respect-
Your ass framed by those jeans. The denim clinging to your legs that went on for days. Goddamn days, ending in sensible lace-up boots. That sweater with a scoop neckline. Your ass in those jeans, the curve of your pretty neck, the pout of those plump lips. Did he mention your ass in those jeans?
Suddenly he didn’t feel so vexed. And… respect? Who needs respect? Who needs… goddamn. Who… needs…
No thoughts. Head empty.
Sweet Jesus.
“What did you say?” Your head turned to face him, eyebrow raised in the middle of sipping your beer, and he realised that he’d muttered that out loud (while also realising he was staring at your lips touching that bottle rim. He’d never wanted to be a glass bottle more in his life.). He snapped out of it, blotting his flannel gingerly with the towel. Missing the way your eyes locked on how it pressed flush against his chest (you’d never wanted to be a plaid shirt in your life, but times seem to change).
“Nothin’, Agent.” Dean cleared his throat, shaking his head to rid him of the bad, bad, unprofessional thoughts clouding his head. But god, did he need you bad.
He might get through a whole box of tissues tonight.
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“Kyle, what do you mean, you don’t know how to use a washing machine?” You asked with a scoff, phone wedged between your shoulder and ear as you spoke to your cousin Kyle, who was in college. Of course, it was the first time he’d ever worked a washing machine on his own and of course, you were the first one he called.
‘It’s not something I’m used to, ok?’ He was scared of your mom, his mom (your aunt Olivia) and Cassie, and you taught your dad and his dad - uncle Tom - how to use the washing machine so Elena wouldn’t go on a rant about men’s uselessness when it comes to household chores.
You took out a paper and pen, writing down a list of instructions as quickly as you could in your nearest handwriting possible, and then you put your phone on speaker, snapped a photo and sent it. “There. All set. I’ll write up a small guide on how to work the rest of your appliances, I’m just knees deep in an investigation.”
‘You’re a lifesaver, I’m indebted to you for the rest of my life.’
“This is a washing machine, not selling your soul. You don’t owe me. Now, see you on Thanksgiving. Bye, Kyle.” You cut the call in time for the doorbell to ring, and you rolled your eyes.
You get no breaks nowadays.
But when you opened the door, you were met with pearly way-too-whites, bouncing ginger hair and shiny blue eyes, complete with what looked like five neon-coloured dress carriers. “Why hello there, babes!” She trilled, sashaying in with her faux fur-trim coat. You rolled your eyes again, but playfully and partially in relief. “I got your message and came as quick as I could.”
“Hey, Dré.” You smiled wearily, closing the door behind her. Andréa May-Reynolds was your best friend since the early days of high school and probably the only person you could tolerate who cared that inexplicably much about their looks. You’d texted her for help with the dress picking for your undercover gig (but you told her it was merely one of your mom’s gatherings as she was a socialite). “Thanks for coming, exorcism I texted you ten minutes ago.”
She waved you off, tutting rapidly. “It’s my job. Whenever a friend has a fashion emergency, I need to be there.” Andréa started rifling through the clothes options she brought. “Ok, so, you mentioned a plus one. Who is he, cause we need to decide whether we want the option Lukewarm, Getting Warmer, Pretty Warm or Smoking Hot.”
You knew that she knew the name you were about to say, so you said it. “Dean Winchester.”
You almost pulled out your firearm with the scream she let out.
“God, Andréa!” You hissed, rubbing your ear while Andréa searched through her selection and pulled out one bright red case.
She just squealed again, giggling. “Dean Winchester? Never thought I’d hear that name again. Smoking Hot ain’t gonna cut it for him, you need the Nuclear option.”
“There’s a nuclear option now?”
“Duh.” She ceremoniously yanked out a dress and held it out for you. “Try it on.”
You took the dress from her with a raised eyebrow and disappeared off into your bedroom upstairs to change. When you looked yourself in the mirror with the dress on, you didn’t recognise yourself. In all honesty, you probably looked ridiculous.
But when you made your way downstairs, trying not to trip on the fabric, you almost did fall when you heard Andréa’s shrill shriek of delight.
Jesus, you thought as you grabbed the railing, she’ll be the death of me.
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“Sammy.” Dean had hurried over to Sam’s place, knocking rapidly on the door while holding a lot of tux choices. “Sammy, open up, it’s me! Dean.”
Sam opened the door with a bleary eye, rubbing it. “Dean, it’s ten in the night- Jess, hon, it’s just Dean!” He called back to Jess, who appeared in the doorway with a nightgown on. “I’ll come back in a minute.” Once Jess had returned to bed, Sam turned to his older brother. “What?”
“Which one?” Dean held up the options, looking between them. “I don’t see the difference, but I thought you would. You’re fancy, I just pick what I see first in the closet.”
“You’re hopeless.” The younger Winchester groaned, rubbing his cheek before gesturing to the options. “It’s an undercover gala, you don’t need to properly think about what to wear.”
“I don’t give a damn about the gala, I hate those fancy schmancy, pretentious excuses of a party. They don’t even have beer.” Dean smirked, then chuckled deep. “It’s about who’s going. Agent Hot Chick.”
“We’re still using that code name?” Sam frowned, hands now on his hips. “She’s our coworker.”
“She’s our smokin’ hot coworker.” Dean waggled his eyebrows and dumped the options on the sofa. “Pick one. C’mon.”
Sam browsed quickly through the options, then picked one out with a low groan. “I need to get paid. Here. Two piece tux, can’t go wrong.”
Dean took the tux, examined it, then hummed. “I can hide my gun in here, right?”
“Yeah. Just take it and go, I want to go to bed. With my wife.”
“Sammy, you sly dog.” He clapped his younger brother’s shoulder. “Well, don’t keep the missus waiting, and I’ll be out of your glorious hair.” Before Sam could react, Dean was out of the door and had left the substandard suits on the couch.
“Glorious hair?” Sam muttered, running a hand through said hair.
He didn’t know what had gotten into his older brother, but he didn’t know whether to be amused or irritated.
Probably both.
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The gala itself was nothing short of fancy as hell. Almost like out of a spy movie. Marbled floor, cream walls that looked gold in the lighting, tables of hors d’oeuvres that Dean’s stomach instantly felt a magnetic attraction to.
Fancy snacks are still snacks. Back to the story.
A red carpet that made Dean feel like he was walking in the Met or some movie premiere, with everyone dressed to the nines. Eating snacks.
He popped one into his mouth, chowing down on it and finding that the cheese-based delicacy wasn’t so bad, and he swiped a glass of champagne from a server’s tray in order to blend in.
One sip and he was spluttering, putting it back on a tray again, and that’s when he saw you.
He’d call you a snack, but you were the whole damn buffet.
Dean was pretty sure he was looking at a weapon of mass devastation. To his self control at least - there was a smoking crater in the middle of that. And there were some thoughts in his head that definitely wouldn’t be praised by polite society. He’d be damned for it.
You were clad in dark red silk that melded to your figure, almost like waves on your body, like water. Water had never seemed sexier. Your lips were a shade of scarlet, your clever eyes highlighted by the makeup surrounding it. Your knee just poking out from the slit at the thigh, hands clasped delicately at your midsection.
You looked expensive.
And delicious.
It had Dean’s jaw dropping before he picked it back up, straightening the lapels of his tux and trying to think of non-sexy thoughts so he wouldn’t sport a very visible attraction to his fake wife in polite society. He’d gone the full way, even getting a gold-plated ring so he’d look married and expensive but it also wasn’t too costly. He wasn’t made of money.
He didn’t belong in this party. You definitely did, looking like that.
You were in the very place that you’d been trying to run from again. Fancy parties, posh vocabulary and exaggerated accents. Your mother or Cassie would be a social butterfly in this situation. Not you, you were quaking in your borderline painful heels. Feeling all too out of place in the sweeping curtains, silk, satin and chiffon couture dresses and the gales of fake, exaggerated laughter.
Then there he came, Dean frickin’ Winchester, in a two piece tux. Sure, his bow tie was a little wonky (understatement) but the rest of him had your thighs rubbing together. As usual, he donned a suit that stretched over his well built muscles and gave you a good outline of the contours on his chest, powerful thighs looking good to ride in those trousers. Lips pouting every time he chewed on the delicacy he plucked from a side table and forcing thoughts of those very lips devouring you the same way.
He looked expensive.
He looked irresistible.
The image of the normally cocksure and obnoxiously confident Dean Winchester in high society had you swallowing on a dry throat and thinking un-sexy thoughts to rid you of the incredibly unprofessional ones in your head (one of which included him ripping the dress off your body), all of them sending a quiver down your spine. A very, very good quiver. Oh, god, this wasn’t helping.
You felt out of place here. You didn’t belong here, but Dean certainly did in that getup. You were so absorbed in checking out the stretch of the fabric over his biceps that you missed the way he sipped some champagne and gagged on it.
Then you quickly clacked over in your heels, linking your arm with his to sell the act. “Husband.” You said stiffly, and he nodded back.
“Wife.” He replied, swallowing at the adrenaline rush at having Aphrodite incarnate on his arm. Hell, you might just be Aphrodite in disguise. He could never tell.
“Alright, by inside intel, the necklace is kept upstairs in a six inch safe carbon and iron steel alloy safe with a biometric lock. We have no welders on us, and the case is fingerprint security.” You muttered while crunching a breath mint between your teeth. You never know, the locals may demand a kiss and you’d be damned if you got teased for bad breath.
“And how do you propose we breach that, honey?” Dean got out through a forced smile.
You smirked, the plan in your head. “I’ve got a blush compact in my holster. And a tape roll. We can get the print through that easily enough.”
“That holster deserves a medal.” He murmured to himself, then steered her towards a group. “We need to mingle. We’re not single, but blending in and finding a way to go upstairs is best, if you know what I mean.”
Mhmm. You very much got it, and it thrilled you slightly.
You had no time to dwell on the thought as an elderly group of women caught your attention and trilled for you two to come over. “What a lovely young couple.” One crowed, gesturing to the both of you. “Married, I’m assuming?”
Dean drew you closer into his chest, and your hand landed there by impact- a solid goddamn wall. Oh, holy mama. He let out a low chuckle, pumping his eyebrows. “Ma’am, you can’t find a woman this gorgeous and not, to quote Miss Knowles, ‘put a ring on it’.”
“Oh, honey, such a flirt!” You laughed in a posh accent, mimicking your mother’s laugh to the best of your ability while you swatted Dean’s chest. He smirked at the look in your eyes, because goddamn was it obvious that you hated this.
“Darlin’, I can’t help myself around you.” He turned to the other charity goers with a proud smirk, gesturing to all of you. “Can’t keep my hands off my gorgeous wife. Might have to have something off the menu for dessert, if you catch my drift.” He winked at some elderly ladies, who giggled and waved him off.
“Such a charming boy.” One cooed, obviously eyeing Dean up with poorly restrained envy. While you looked around for your target, you missed the way Dean’s eyes travelled down your body in that form-fitting red dress, v-neck, v-back, thigh slit where he knew you had a thigh holster strapped in, all the good stuff. And his eyes were on those scarlet heels.
He was imagining ramming into you with those sexy things on. And that dress, well, it’d be off in second if he had the chance. And that lipstick? Well, it’d be smeared and leaving prints on his neck, chest, abs and- that’s going a bit too unprofessional.
“I’d go as far as to say I had gotten myself a catch.” You affirmed, but inside you were rolling your eyes. You didn’t expect to spend the evening complimenting Agent Winchester of all people. “He’s so firm, ladies.”
Dean laughed deeply, one which you knew didn’t have only your thighs rubbing and pressing together on instinct. “I take immense care of my physical appearance. I’d do anything for my darlin’.”
“And you look handsome.” You straightened his bow tie and made a show of biting your lip and looking him over, which got a sly smirk on his face. All forced, and you knew he couldn’t tell that you actually meant the comment. He looked sexy, not just damn handsome. In fact, words failed you when it came to describing Dean in high society.
Scrubbing your hand with an antiseptic wipe wasn’t an option when he took your hand, lifted to his mouth and kissed your knuckle. Those warm, plump weapons of destruction corrupting your newly purified and professional brain.
Expertly sowing thoughts of them travelling down your neck and sucking on the skin in your dirty mind.
Brain malfunctioning.
Brain.exe has shut down.
Hail whichever deity’s the Almighty because you got the pleasure of feeling this man’s lips on your skin.
You’d felt them on your temple and cheek when you’d last worked a case with him, but after being deprived of his contact for five years now made you like a nun breaking her chastity vow, if they have one.
You had no idea how nunhood worked.
You couldn’t be bothered to find out when this man next to you was robbing you of coherent words or thoughts.
“While you look stunning, my love.” Dean murmured, shooting you a quick wink that would’ve had an average Jane swooning over.
Damn Dean Winchester and his ability to flirt.
Damn Dean Winchester for being a lady killer. Damn him to hell.
“Such lovebirds. My husband Terrance and I were like that once, all over each other. The magic of youth, I dare say.” One lady fawned, but her husband - Terrance - tugged on her arm.
“Edna, we’re in polite and present company, let’s not regurgitate details of our marriage.” He muttered, leading Edna away, which dispersed the other partygoers. You smirked at Dean, fixing the neckline of your dress (which he didn’t waste a moment ogling, which would arguably be in character).
“Shame.” You clicked your tongue, outwardly and inwardly amused. “I liked Edna.”
“I feel for Terrence, if I’m being honest.” Dean snickered, then nudged you. “You ready to go upstairs for a lil’ somethin’-somethin’?” That statement earned a swat to the back of his head, and he shrank away from you in shock. “Woah, hey, not actually going up there to get some, alright? We’re on a federal investigation, I’m not about to bang my partner. Jesus, woman.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Just pretend to be all over me, ok?”
You rolled your eyes, but obliged as Dean steered you both to a guard waiting by the stairs. “Mmh, honey,” You purred, your lips faux-chasing his neck, as Dean veered away from them reluctantly.
“Hey, man, do you have a place where my wife and I can get some privacy?” Dean’s strong hand took a hold of your waist and pulled you flush against his side. “Can’t keep my hands off ‘er. Women, am I right?”
“Upstairs, sir.” The guard let you two through, both of you falsely laughing until you reached the top of the stairs. Then you switched the moment you were out of earshot, dropping character.
“Nice job, honey.” Dean drawled, smirking. “Got a firearm under that dress?”
“Of course I do.” You snorted, shaking your head. Dean smirked at you when your head was turned, with a look that said that’s my girl. “What am I, an idiot? C’mon, we’ve got work to do.” You managed to try each door until you found one conveniently locked, so you took a hairpin, bent it and then your leg, kneeling so you could jimmy the thing in the lock, rotating the chassis (at least it might be that, you never paid attention to lock anatomy) and getting the door open.
“Good girl.” Dean muttered under his breath so you wouldn’t hear, stepping inside and shutting the door quietly. There were no secret triggers (you had to mentally steel yourself so you wouldn’t throttle Dean and his constant use of ‘booby traps’), so you just immediately took out your compact powder case and a blush applicator, evenly coating it in powder and dabbing it on the sensor before unhooking the tape roll, using a canine to rip off a piece of tape before placing it on, which successfully opened the lock with an electrical series of beeps. “Nice one. A’ight, now grab that necklace and let’s book it.”
“Not that easy.” You pouted in thought. That sent Dean to unholy places. All while your eyes were focused on the opal-studded jewellery in front of you. “It’s a weight sensor. We need something roughly the same weight.”
“Your heels?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I borrowed these from a friend, no way in hell am I leaving it here.”
“You have friends, sweetheart?” He snickered, but winced slightly when you sharply kicked him in the shin with the heel of your left stiletto. He had to fight the urge to grab the afflicted area and howl because holy hell, physics wasn’t lying about the pressure equation thing.
Pressure equals force over area multiplied by a whole lot of pain.
You looked around, then saw a small crystalline trophy thing. So you grabbed it, then prepared to make the switch. You took a deep breath in and then out, then switched it. And waited. To your disappointment and shock, the weight sensor must’ve been to a T because the pedestal sank and the room flashed red, an alarm going off.
Dean’s hand enveloped yours, tugging you out of the room at breakneck speed (you figured out in this time that you weren’t a dab hand at running in heels and had to awkwardly hop and take them off along the way), pulling you both into a side room when you heard approaching voices. Doors were being opened and rooms checked, so you had to think quick.
Oh, you were sure to regret this later.
Your hands flew to unbutton Dean’s suit jacket, get it on the floor before getting his bow tie undone and shirt along with it, untucking it and letting it hang open. You tried not to get distracted by the kissable canvas of taut, toned muscle that was his chest, while you reached up to your own lips, smearing the lipstick and then transferring some to his without lip-to-lip contact.
He was flabbergasted.
“Sweetheart,” Dean let out a nervous yet rough chuckle, “I love frisky women, don’t get me wrong, but don’t you think this isn’t the right time-”
“Shut up.” You hissed, then grabbed his hand and put it under the silk of your dress, through the slit and onto your thigh. “Now, act like you’re about to kiss my neck.”
Dean short circuited, and so did you. Hands. On legs. Bare legs. Need a bed. Even a table will do- keep it professional.
His eyes locked on the curve of your neck as you let your head tip back, and his hand went on autopilot, cupping the back of your neck. He leaned forward, and your skin was right there, begging to be kissed, but he hovered right there. Dean’s lips were inches away from your heated skin and it was killing the both of you.
His fingers itched to take the zip of your dress, yank it down and see what was underneath.
But even as he was about to give in, shake hands with the loss of his professionalism and ravish you till the sun came up, the door burst open and in came a guard, who instantly muttered an apology at seeing yours and Dean’s more than dishevelled state.
Ay, dios mío.
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Wilkins Street Bank was shut down. SWAT teams surrounding it, along with multiple NYPD vans. An officer made his way onto the scene, flashing his badge. He was tall, with black hair and had clever green eyes, wearing a bomber jacket with NYPD blaring on the back in yellow letters.
Flashing his badge like he was in a movie, but made it ten times better. Ten times sexier, really.
“Detective Sergeant Nick Santiago, 67th precinct.” He introduced, looking up at the bank. “We got ourselves a hostage situation, I’m heading the case.”
“No can do, compadre.” One of the 71st huffed out a breath. “We just got off the call with the suits. They’re sending two of their agents over to head the charge. Something about the boys leadin’ the hostage sitch being their jurisdiction.”
“You kiddin’ me?”
“No, sir.”
“Who are we getting?”
“The best Major Crimes has to offer.”
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“I’m doing my job!” You scoffed, holding the compress over your shoulder. It hurt to move it, honestly, but you’d rather take a banged up shoulder rather than Dean Winchester scolding you.
“And I’m not?” He retorted, hands on his hips. “We’re working this case together.”
“The only reason you’re even in Major Crimes is because daddy dearest pulled some strings.” You seethed, which had Dean bristling.
“That’s not how it went.”
“Then how?”
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I’d appreciate a like, or reblog with feedback! Thanks for reading, lovelies!
TAGLIST: @goldngguk @sweetpeachbombshell @slut-for-stiles @staple-your-mouth @daddyscrimsstuff
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@lucyholmes13 @pandadork-blog1 @nicolstancu @malusinhaaaa @dybalabandolero
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@demonxangelomegaverse @deanwinchestersgirl87 @capailluiscedove @i723l-interrupted2323 @niyomiii
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@a-girl-who-loves-disney @jeneelsworld @deans-spinster-witch @deanspinsterwitchs-readinglist @kayleighwinchester
160 notes · View notes
deancasbigbang · 16 days
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Title: Arms Around His Angel
Author: blackhorsedances
Artist: stonelions
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, minor Benny LaFitte/Garth Fitzgerald IV, Gabriel/Kali. Charlie Bradbury/Meg Masters; Jody Mills/Donna Hanscum. Past Dean and Lee Webb; Past Dean and Lisa Braeden; Past Dean and Benny LaFitte. Sam Winchester/Jess Winchester. Jack is Sam and Jess Winchester’s son.
Length: 36041
Warnings: No major archive warnings Content Warnings: Mention of James and Amelia Novak dying in an MVA (no gore, nothing on screen), mention of the humane slaughter of a steer (no gore, nothing on screen).
Tags: !Inventor Castiel. !Rancher Dean Winchester. Bisexual Castiel Novak. Semi-comfortably Bisexual Dean Winchester. Top Cas/Bottom Dean. Smut and fluff. Mostly safe sex. Hurt/comfort. Happy Ending.
Posting Date: October 14, 2024
Summary: Castiel Novak invented cutting-edge solar technology and left his position as CEO of Angelus, Inc. to protect himself and his technology from his dysfunctional brothers. He found safety on a 20 acre farm in Kansas with a pond, house, barn, and his trailer. When his twin and sister-in-law are killed, he’s drawn back into the business, and into danger, to protect his niece Claire and his technology. Dean Winchester rebuilt Winchester Ranch after John almost destroyed it. He has 500 acres of land, a ranch house, and a big barn. He raises American Wagyu beef. He’s a single Dad with a great son, Ben, a giant moose brother Sam and Sam’s wife Jess, and an adorable nephew Jack who roams around the ranch with his trusty sidekick, Honeybee, Dean’s old palomino mule.  Castiel and Dean meet accidentally at a hotel and share a night of wild–and completely anonymous–intimacy. When Castiel wakes up alone, with no note and no phone number from his ‘Cowboy’, he assumes that the night was a one and done, and regretfully moves on with his life. Dean keeps thinking about the ‘Angel’ that he spent a night with, but is pretty sure that he doesn’t deserve that kind of a guy in his life. Jack and Honeybee discover “Mister Cas” and inadvertently set the stage for ‘Cowboy’ and his ‘Angel’ to meet. But sinister forces are moving in the background. Will they be able to overcome the forces that are trying to keep them apart?
Excerpt: “What’s Jack doing, Sam? Garth says he and Honeybee are out most days from breakfast until well after lunch. Jody says he packs peanut butter and banana sandwiches.” Sam shrugs. “He says he’s out visiting Mister Cas. I think he probably found the fort we built that one summer, and is holed up out there with sandwiches for his imaginary friends. Let it be, Dean. The heifers are out in the north pasture. The steers are in the east pasture. There’s nothing out by the fort to worry about.” “Snakes, Sam. There are snakes to worry about.” Sam looks at Dean across the kitchen island, and shakes his head, hair flopping over into his eyes. “You’re the one that told me that a mule will kill a snake faster than you can say ‘snake’, and I believe you because I’ve seen Honeybee do it. Let him be. Ben will be out of school in a couple of weeks, and he’ll be following Ben around like a puppy.” “Heh, you’re probably right.” Dean runs a hand down the back of his neck.  “I know I am, Dean. You worry about all of us, but you worry too much. You can’t watch over everyone all of the time.”
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horrorshow · 2 months
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god bless rhonda hurley. for @spnficrecfest
JUST SO YOU KNOW, I WAS THINKING OF YOU by ficlicks rhonda/dean + sam/dean, 7.7k, nc-17 “If we’re friends then what’s my favorite color?” Dean lifts his head and looks around the bedroom. It’s a tiny room, smaller than the one he shares with Sam. There’s an old white four-poster bed pushed up against the wall with chipping paint and tiny butterfly stickers stuck to the headboard. Her dresser is covered with books, bottles of nail polish and hair clips. On the floor is a laundry basket with freshly folded clothes. Dean scoops up the pair of panties sitting on top and slingshots them at Rhonda. “Pink,” Dean says, crawling onto the bed next to her.
OH SO GOOD, OH SO FINE by deadlybride sam/dean, 7.5k, rated E Zachariah gave them their memories back, but he didn't erase what had happened in the time they were other people. Dean Smith made a mistake, and Dean Winchester--well. He's still living with it.
WITH AUTUMN CLOSING IN by deadlybride sam/dean, 15k, rated E Seven years have passed since then. Sam thought he let it go.
NOT THE GOOD THINGS, NOR THE BAD by deadlybride sam/dean, 20k, rated E Dean wavers in a grey area between being taken and giving in.
THE SECRETS THAT WE KEEP by bexgowen endverse cas/endverse dean, 9.9k, rated E It’s 2014. The Croatoan virus has taken over the world, and Dean Winchester’s brilliant plan to kill Lucifer has failed. Dean should be working on Plan B, but all he’s been able to think about since Zachariah tossed that 2009 version of Dean into Camp Chitaqua was the secret that the younger Dean revealed. The one they’ve kept since they were nineteen years old. The one about the panties.
YOU SAY, GO FAST (I SAY, HOLD ON TIGHT) by hearthouses sam/dean, 11k, rated E This is what Dean looks like blanketed in desert night air. This is what Dean sounds like humming along to Johnny Cash on the local radio station, his thumbs tapping out the rhythm of the song on the steering wheel. This is what will be gone in a few dwindling months. (Mid-Season Three: Sam and Dean take some time away from figuring out how to save Dean from his deal, and live for the moment.)
SYMBIOSIS by deadlybride john/dean, 2.8k, rated E Dean plans a surprise for his dad.
BEDROOM HYMNS by fathersalmon cas/dean + rhonda/dean + dean/baseball team, 8.9k, rated E 5 times Dean Winchester tried to deny his panty kink and the one time he didn't.
PINK AND BLUE by jemariel cas/dean + rhonda/dean, 4.9k, rated E "Would you --” Cas swallows, his voice low and yeah, that’s definitely his ‘I’m horny’ voice, the one that gives Dean the shivers. “Would you like to show me your favorites?”
HUNTER, KNOW THYSELF by imogenbynight rhonda/dean, 2.5k, rated M In which Dean sets up his bedroom at the bunker and remembers his night with Rhonda Hurley.
FRAGILE by dragonspell sam/dean, 3.4k, nc-17 Dean likes to pretend he's the stronger one. But Sam knows just how fragile Dean can be on the inside. Now he just wants the outside to match.
LOVE IN DISGUISE by sleepypercy sam/dean + dean/omc, 4.9k, rated E In order to catch a CEO that's been cutting out hearts, Dean reluctantly poses as a hooker. Sam never expected his brother to look so good in that skirt.
BLUNT by lesson_in_love rhonda/dean, rated R Rhonda Hurley. Dean always thought it was an awful name.
RED LACE by dragonspell sam/dean, 2.3k, nc-17 Dean never thought that Sam would go through with it. He’d thought it was just one of those things—one of the random bits of filth that dropped out of Sam’s mouth whenever he was in the mood.
OH SO FINE by valiant sam wesson/dean smith, 2.4k, nc-17 Sam Wesson really wants into Dean Smith's pants. When he finally manages to get him to say yes, he's shocked to find out that he wears women's underwear under those pressed suits.
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talesmaniac89 · 2 years
Limelight 18 - Putting the “lousy” in jealousy
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Limelight Masterlist
A Dean x Reader Social Media AU
Pairing: CEO!Dean x Journalist!Reader
Summary: The workaholic and media shy CEO of Winchester Inc, Dean Winchester, is forced to try online dating by his friends. What will happen when he swipes right on (Y/N), who is working on a series on online dating for her magazine?
Warnings: Red dating flags, Exes, frustration and misunderstandings
Y/N = Your Name
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Limelight Tags: @twinkleinadiamondsky @jamerlynn @samsgirl93 @linki-locks11 @ultimatecin73 @joeyfilth @mimaria420 @lacilou @itzabbyxx 
Dean Winchester Tags: @ria132love @woodworthti666 @defenderrosetyler  @akshi8278 @justanotherwinchester @lyarr24 @torn-and-frayed @all-will-be-well-love @wearesuchstuff1 @thefridgeismybestie @adoptdontshoppets @screechingartisancashbailiff @septixtrash @punof-agun  @deandreamernp @justagirlinafandomworld @sexyvixen7 @justrealizedimmascifygurl @globetrotter28 @deans-spinster-witch @iprobablyshipit91 @mrsjenniferwinchester @leigh70 @djs8891 @pink-sparkly-witch
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