#cerulean’s bad person ten seconds
booksndpoetry · 4 months
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Chapter One: Meet-Cute
a/n: This was not the fic I was hoping to publish and I don't know what this is (it's a mess). I might make more if you encourage me.
wc: 2.4k words
pairing: art mogul! Hyunjin X writer! Reader
tags: friends to ??, reconciliation, use of cheesy epithets, me trying to write slow burn.
genre: a pinch of angst, fluff
triggers/warnings: Whatever this is, it is not good. Read at your own risk.
No, not Ten from NCT.
Just ten more minutes until you could excuse yourself for the evening and it wouldn’t seem suspicious.
You take in deep breaths and try not to make eye contact with anyone lest they try to make conversation with you. You were deliberately dressed discreetly for the same purpose too. Baggy jeans, vulcanized sneakers, a white shirt with a logo you’ve never bothered to investigate, and a pin on your braided hair. You were sure you looked like you didn’t belong, and you felt it too.
Being a bestselling author has its perks, your editor had told you, her voice tinged with something like awe when your book sales had skyrocketed. You thought it meant that more people would leave you alone to write. Though, to your dismay, it meant events held at ridiculously expensive hotels, with overpriced champagne and people at every corner trying to please you so they got a favour out of you.
It should be pretty obvious in your behaviour that you hate these events. You weren’t even a good actor. Although, knowing your agent, she probably set you up to meet your next best sponsor or another journalist who would try to get an interview with you.
The more you thought, the more you tensed up. Checking your watch for the umpteenth time that evening, you let out a ragged breath. Eight more minutes until your freedom.
Or maybe not, you think when you see Frank, the editor-in-chief for [famous magazine name] making his way towards you. Frank was known to be relentless with his requests and you were cemented about the fact with your experience in his studio.
“Hello Miss, how’ve you been doing since I last saw you?”
You hold your hands behind your back, not fooled by his polite façade.
“Good. How about you Mr. Frank?”
“Good, good.” He nods his head, more to himself than you. “Great weather today, innit?”
The sky was pretty magnificent today. The event was being held on one of the top floors of a famous hotel, and the large glass windows were set perfectly to watch the sky. The sky was a cerulean blue, with streaks of pink and orange, like the trails were smeared by the tiny fingers of a child, bold and [synonym for pretty] in their forms.
He chuckles again, “Always a person of a few words, Miss ‘Name’. Although, can I hear them?” There it was, the unspoken request. He would once again wear you down trying to convince you to spare some time for an interview and a magazine shoot, and you would have to refuse again. You hated refusing, as much as you had to do it, and you didn’t like people who took no for an answer.
You simply take a step back, as if a physical distance would help you say the words easier.
“I’m afraid not, Mr. Frank. I have an impending project and I don’t want to distract myself. Maybe next time.” You offer him a weak smile, trying not to let your grimace show. You were bad at this.
He simply waves you off, expression more sombre than it had been seconds ago, and your heart drops. You had disappointed him. You seemed to be doing that a lot lately.
Unable to stand being there any longer, you rush past the faceless bodies, feeling the need to go away, to run away somewhere.
You go down the elevator and text your agent.
<<Attendance: done.
You silence the device and pocket it, finally reaching the lobby of the hotel. You swear not to stay in the damn hotel for any second longer, but the universe gives you another reason.
Luckily, it’s in the form of someone familiar. Unluckily, it belonged to your best friend you hadn’t seen in seven years.
Hwang Hyunjin.
You trip in the middle of the lobby.
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Hyunjin hadn’t known what to expect that evening. He had been offered an invitation, just like any other month. He was unsure about whether he had to attend the event. After all, he had a business to run. But after one of his clients had finished the meeting early, some deal about an upcoming art exhibition place, he was having second thoughts. But some part of him had insisted on his attendance, as he’d heard that one of his favourite artists would be coming, and that’s how he found himself at the entrance of the skyscraper.
What he absolutely did not expect was to see you, standing right in front of him. Until you tripped, and he couldn’t help his laughter.
You quickly get up and pretend to inspect your shoes for any indication of dust. Damn five-star hotels and their extremely slippery granite floors. For what purpose were they made so smooth and shiny? For one to see their reflection when they faceplanted there?
Hyunjin’s still laughing lightly when he comes near you.
“You okay?” he asks, concerned. You hear his voice, and it is still the same smooth tone, albeit deeper. You missed that voice. But the way he speaks, polite yet guarded, you think that maybe he doesn’t recognize you.
“You haven’t changed one bit. Still tripping down flat surfaces, Miss Writer?”
And he proves your assumption wrong. You frown at how easily he can annoy you with just the sight of his stupid face, handsome or not.
Your lips straighten themselves into a thin line, and he remembers why he’d teased you countless times when you were younger. You were adorable when you attempted to look angry, like a tiger cub trying to sulk. He smiles, eyes taking you in again.
“You haven’t changed either. You laughed at me when I fell!”
That wasn’t true. He had changed, in more ways than one. Time had carved him beautifully, with elegant lines and soft beauty, evident on his face. And he was no longer Hyun, your best friend. He was Hwang Hyunjin, the rising art mogul, and founder of the famous ‘Hwang Designers.’ The man sought after by rich men and women alike.
The laugh he’d been subduing comes out in full force once again at the memory, and he clutches his jacket. For a moment, he’s your Hyunjin again.
You hit him on the shoulder, and he stops laughing.
“I haven’t seen you for seven years and this is how you greet me?”
He sobers up quickly. He knew he had to apologize, sooner or later. He decides to do it now.
“Ice cream?” he asks.
“Butter-scotch and Strawberry?”
“Yes. It’ll be just like old times.”
When the both of you walk out the set of doors, you don’t look back at the gigantic building and to your surprise, neither does he.
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The both of you stumble into his car, a spacious Audi, and he puts the car in reverse. It reminds you of the countless things you’ve missed. Like the first time he learnt how to drive. It saddens you a little, and he notices.
“The nearest dessert place is pretty far. You sure about this?” He wanted to make sure he wasn’t intruding on your schedule.
“I’m sure, Hyun. Now, let’s go.” You punctuate your statement with impatient slaps on the centre console. He chuckles, starting the car.
Once on the road, he thinks back on your words earlier. You had called him Hyun, after such a long time. He’d been called a lot of things, but he thought this epithet was something he wanted to keep being called. It’s a physical entity of your friendship, showing how it is still intact. And he feels like he’s sixteen again, sitting with you on your rooftop, as your shoulders brush. Like nothing has changed.
He drives past trucks and numerous cars, taking turns until the roads are empty.
You roll the windows down, and let the wind flow between your tresses.
The cool air feels heavenly against your burning skin. You close your eyes just as a strong gust of wind blows. You lean against the rails of the windows. It felt like freedom, like being alive at last.
Hyunjin watches you intently, eyes flickering between you and the road. It had been so long since he’d seen you, and he physically could not keep his eyes off you. He still remembers the mole above your left eye, the numerous dimples on your cheeks and the little bump on your nose bridge. He’s dreamt about it every day you’ve been apart, to be honest, but now was not the time.
Driving through empty highways at night was not how he envisioned his reunion with you, but there you were.
“Do you want to go somewhere in particular?” he asks you, voice soft, in that same tone he used to talk to you.
“Just keep driving, please” you swallow thickly. You didn’t want to return to your reality, not yet.
He nods once, then “Shall I take you somewhere? You’ll like it, I promise. Unless you don’t want to.”
You hesitate, then “Okay. I trust that you won’t get rid of me.”
He rolls his eyes, “Come on, ----- you should know me better than that. I would’ve done it already if I wanted to.”
You huff, “And here I thought you wouldn’t even dream of it.”
He just smirks and shifts the gear, speeding up.
“Slow down, I don’t want to die yet.”
He side-eyes you, “I’m not getting you killed, darling” He slows down anyway.
You feel yourself flushing because of that word. This was new. The Hyunjin you knew always called you silly names, but not this. This was different, mature. The tone of his voice was suddenly deeper.
No, no.
This was Hyunjin you were talking about.
He was your friend years ago, and you have yet to determine what he is to you. You will not be having such thoughts. Shaking your head, you lean back in your seat, when he stops the car. He’s brought you to the spot near the bridge, overlooking the river reflecting the city lights. You get out of the car and he leans against the hood with you, simply watching the scene before you.
It’s beautiful, the vast cityscape, stretching along the length of the river. The flashing lights dance over the waterbody like stars twinkling over the Milky Way. It feels so grandiose. But, you know that despite it looking so enigmatic, it is not so glamorous in reality. And the sudden weight of the expectations of others weighs down on you, all at once.
The distress must have shown on your face, because he stands in front of you, holding your face like he used to do when you were upset.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
He’s wiping your face, and you realize you’ve been crying.
“You know you can tell me anything.”
“I thought I could, until you went away to another corner of the world, leaving me behind.”
He flinches a little at the words. It’s true, he did leave you behind. It’s time he owns up to it.
“I’m sorry, ----. We were going to be far apart, and you and I were still young. I’m thankful for our friendship, but I thought that we could leave it behind. To revisit it one day, if we wanted to. I didn’t want to burden you with a friendship so pressing with its demands just to keep it alive. I thought I gave you a choice. Nonetheless, I’m sorry I didn’t contact you. I wanted to, but each year held me back when you’d gone years without speaking to me. But I believed I was still your friend,” he bends down and holds your hand. “I thought we’d survive despite not a single word being exchanged between us. And I know I’m right. But please be upset, I don’t like you being upset with me.”
You hold his hand, fingers curling around his wrist.
“I’m not mad at you, I understand. Maybe not then, but I do now.”
You give him a genuine smile, and his heart soars.
“So now, you’re back to being my best friend, no takebacks. Or I’ll knock you out.”
“Woah, ease up there. It’s been barely five seconds since we’ve made up and you’re already threatening me?”
“Like I said, I’ll knock you out.”
He immediately moves away from you, hands positioned in a poor imitation of some jiujitsu pose you know he has no idea about.
And you laugh, a childish sound coming from your mouth. He sees you, head thrown back and he feels his lips curling upwards.
You stay there for what feels like hours, catching up. He teases you and you threaten him, and he makes you laugh. You forget the ice cream. It feels just like old times.
When it gets darker, Hyunjin drops you off at your home after saving your number, with promises to meet you tomorrow. You wave him off, beaming.
Later, you stumble into bed with a heavy heart, sad that the evening had ended so soon. You know you won’t get any sleep, and yet you try. When you finally feel like you’re dozing off, your phone vibrates with a notification. Cursing whoever decided to message you without your permission (how dare they, when you were just about to fall asleep?) you unlock it to see a message from an unknown number.
>>>See you tomorrow, Miss Writer.
You smile and type something to send him too.
<<<See you tomorrow, Mr. Hwang.
And he’s the one who’s kicking his feet when he receives your message.
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Labels: @straykidsland
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© booksndpoetry 2024. All rights reserved. Please do not plagiarise, translate, repost or steal my works in any way. All idols used in this piece are just inspiration to characters. They do not reflect the real people in any way.
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zedpercyfan · 2 years
PS Week Day 2 - Rivalry
           THE COOL late winter breeze stung at Ash a bit when he walked across Cerulean City to reach the Gym.  He thought the new look of the place was interesting since the last time he’d been to it.  He’d been looking forward to reuniting with Misty.  Last time he saw her in person was prior to his first Battle Frontier match that was years ago when they were still teens.  The reunion quickly fell downhill.
“There’s no way,” said Ash, feeling slightly exasperated.  “Twenty battles undefeated?”
“You better believe it.  I always knew I was going to become a great Gym Leader, and I am indeed.” Misty’s smirk deepened.  “You, on the other hand.  Teehee… Even with a ­Water-type you still lost to a Charizard.”
“Hey, Alain’s a tough opponent, what was I supposed to do?”
His friend “tsked” as she wagged a finger in his face.  Ash silently fumed at the gesture.  “A shame.  Five to six regions worth of experience and you still lost a basic type matchup.”
“Pretty sure he’s strong enough to give you a hard time.”
“A loss is a loss, no matter how you spin it – and when you had the advantage, too.  Oh, the humanity...”
“I think you’ll recall that I beat Gary’s Blastoise with Charizard…”
“…Some Trainers just don’t have the skill to overcome disadvantages,” went on Misty as though Ash hadn’t interrupted her.  “With that in mind, you’re probably a ways away from becoming a Pokémon Master.”
“Why you…!”  Luckily, Pikachu quickly tapped on Ash’s head, trying to calm him down.  He sneered at the Cerulean Gym Leader as he briefly hyperventilated.  “Fine,” he seethed as he reached for a Poké Ball.  “You and me. A three-on-three battle – best two out of three wins.”
Misty glanced at him through one eye.  “Yeah… No thanks.  I just won ten battles in a row,” she said, as Ash gaped in disappointment and frustration, “so me and my Pokémon are exhausted – and I’d rather not waste my challengers’ time battling you.  Oh, I know – whoever can win the most battles in two weeks is the best Trainer.”
“You got yourself a deal,” said Ash crossly, a fire ignited in his soul.  “Just you wait.  I’ll show you.”
“Pika, Pikachu!” Pikachu mimicked with equal vigor.
The orange-haired Gym Leader tutted.  “I wish you luck in beating me.”
           With no knowledge of any region he’d never heard of to travel, Ash found himself staying home in Kanto.  Not that he minded but it was very easy for him to get antsy and restless.  He’d already taken to visiting local battling grounds as often as he could to hone his skills, so Misty’s challenge was a natural evolution.
           However, it seemed to Ash that the rookie Trainers of today were a far cry ahead of him in skill and smarts than ever before.
           “Swellow, Double Team, go!” yelled Ash.  He was already four losses in, no way he should lose this one…
           “Now, Espeon, use Swift!”  Ash clenched his teeth, Swift never misses… Swellow was knocked out of the air and was struggling to realign himself.  “Dazzling Gleam, now!”  It was over for Swellow, who was declared unable to battle.
           “Oh?  Fancy running into you here. Ash,” greeted Misty later that day in a café.  Ash wasn’t pleased to see her and took it out by squeezing a napkin and biting his blueberry muffin aggressively.  Seeing her after his loses wasn’t a good thing.
           “Yeah, an awful coincidence…” he replied.
           “How’s your win-to-loss ratio…?”  When Ash didn’t reply, Misty felt emboldened to tease. “Aw!  That bad, is it?  My, my...”
           “I’ll get my winning streak back!  Just out of practice, that’s all!” he snapped.  Pikachu flinched slightly from his Trainer’s outburst.
           “The battle cry of someone who seems to be losing. I saw you exiting the Pokémon Center, so don’t deny it.”
           Ash froze for a second when he heard that before adjusting his frown.  “Oh yeah, well, how’re your wins and loses going?”
           “W-well, they’re doing just fine.”  She put her hands on her hips and leaned down, smirking. “Not that I’ll tell.  I wouldn’t dream of dashing all hope away from you…”
           She walked away to the register, satisfied. Ash fumed when she left.  “Damn her…”
           “Cha…”  Pikachu staggered, trying to keep it together.  He couldn’t let Ash down but the Tauros he was fighting was strong.
           “Tauros, Zen Headbutt again!”
           “Iron Tail, Pikachu!”
           With his natural strength, Pikachu easily sent the Wild Bull Pokémon flying but all was not well.
           “Now, Thunderbolt!”
“Blizzard, go!”  The two attacks collided.  Pikachu shuddered, it hurt, it hurt a lot.  While both fell in the end, it was Pikachu who fell first for a solid few seconds.
Ash sighed as he held his injured starter and couldn’t help but feel annoyed with himself.  It felt like every battle he won, he’d lose three times, and the number of ties was ridiculous.
“Why am I even trying so hard…?” he muttered to himself.  He refused to just let Misty laugh at him and his hard work; but loses were loses, he knew that.  He just knew that he couldn’t let her look down on him.  He could accept loses, the need to improve, but Misty somehow made him blind to all of that.
The two weeks eventually passed and Ash returned begrudgingly to Cerulean City’s Gym.
“A bet’s a bet, Ash.  What’s your score?” asked Misty in the lobby room.
Ash’s lips turned into a pout as he silently fumed with his head low and his eyes looking aimlessly off to the side.  “Sixty battles, I only won twenty of ‘em…”
“Damn, isn’t that something!” guffawed Misty.  “Ah well, can’t them all, I guess,” she added with a wink.  Ash didn’t find it funny.  “Well, if you were battling that much, I can’t imagine your Pokémon were getting that much rest between battles.  Small wonder you lost as many times as you did.”
“Lay off me, I kept my Pokémon in rotation.  What about you?”
“Well, I did forty-five battles and won forty-two of them!”
“Damn!” said Ash furiously under his breath.
“Um – like – why’re you lying?” said a new voice.  Both Ash and Misty turned to look at Daisy who had walked in unbeknownst to them.
“Lying?”  Ash raised an eyebrow.  He didn’t see Misty beginning to sweat.
“Yeah.  Mist, that’s a lie and you know it,” said Daisy cheerfully.  “You lost forty-two matches, two of which were rematches. Three Trainers lost to her last Pokémon today and yesterday and have yet to have their rematches.  Girl, like, you’ve been handing out Cascade Badges like they’re lobby candies!”
Ash glared at Misty as the girl paled and withered away from his look.  “You…lied to me…” said Ash, growing angry.
“Well, er, it kinda makes sense,” said Misty, as she composed herself and tried to act like nothing had happened.  “Trainers are usually coming to me from Professor Oak’s, I’m only the second Gym Leader they’d encounter.”
“And besides,” Daisy chipped-in, “if she was a tough to – what was it?  Do twenty battles undefeated?  Boy, if she could do those without rematches there’d be no one competing in the Pokémon League!  Did you actually believe her when she said that?  Jeez, there’d be no League at all if that were true.”
Now Ash really was cross.  He turned around red in the face from embarrassment and fury.  Misty just gave a chuckle and knocked herself on the head with a wink.
“My bad!  It’s true. I’m supposed to be tough but given that most Trainers are coming to me with one Gym Badge I can’t be too hard on them.  Yet you still believed my little lie?” she said sweetly
Anger boiled within him – he was literally shaking with it. Letting it boil over, however, was exactly what she wanted, and he refused to give her the satisfaction. “You know what?” said Ash eventually. His red face giving way to a very deadpanned look.  “I’m out.”
With his fists curled to hold in his boiling temper, Ash swiftly turned on his heels and went right for the door.
“Ash, wait!” yelled Misty running.  “Oh, come on!  It was just a fib.”
“Nope,” he replied.  Continually walking even as Misty tried to hold him back with her hands clutching one of his.
“Aw!  Just forget about it!  A joke, an honest joke!  Or…maybe you’re just unable to take one?” she added coyly.
“I’ll laugh when it’s funny.”
“I’ll buy you an ice cream cone, big baby.”
“No thanks.”
“Okay, then.  Guess you can’t eat a whole sundae like I can.”
“You wish!” said Ash as he whipped around.  “I can easily put one away.”
“I’d like to see you try,” taunted Misty.
“Grr… Right, you’re on!  I could get their first, anyway!”  And without another word Ash strode out of the Gym toward the ice cream parlor.
“I’d like to see you try!” called Misty as she ran after him. Pikachu just sighed, it was going to be a long, long day…
           Author’s Note: I can’t lie, I’m not too sure how this one turned out.  I finished this up after having a drink so I don’t know if this as good as I think it is. That’s the problem with writing, you can think of a good ending but actually executing it is a whole other matter…
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
short king - b. barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader, sam wilson warnings: tiktok trend about: request! doing this tik tok trend on bucky barnes? But it's to him in person. ( gaslighting bf into thinking he's short. )
the weight of bucky’s head is sweet against your thighs, soft tufts of dark hair between the spaces of your fingers as you run them through. the cerulean of his irises is hidden behind fluttering eyelashes, his cheekbones pressed against your lap. he hums once in a while to voice how comfortable he is, lightly tightening the arm looped around your waist to pull himself closer.
the sound of the television is not enough to drown out the music from sam’s phone, constantly changing from the tiktoks he’s watching. bucky can barely hear any of it through the sound of your heart and the wonderful feeling of your love that makes his skin tingle.
sam’s chortle nearly snaps him out of the daze that made him begin to drift off to sleep, a quiet grunt slipping past his lips in disapproval. it disappears when he feels you giggle, fidgeting with a particularly silky strand. he pushes his face further into your thighs when sam turns up the volume on his tiktok and restarts the video.
after attempting to laugh quietly for two minutes, sam begins to guffaw, and bucky grumbles after a few seconds of it, reluctantly raising his head from your skin, “sam.”
sam shushes him, “i’m trying to hear.”
“if i can hear, you can hear,” bucky grumbles, sighing frustratedly when sam waves him off. “i’m going to the bathroom.” he’s already been forced out of his comfort, so he might as well.
kissing your thigh before getting up, bucky shoots sam a look before going to the elevator to his room, he never liked using the ones on the main floor.
“what’re you laughing at?” you ask sam when bucky is gone. sam snickers.
“there’s another tiktok thing going around where girls convince tall guys they’re short. it’s great.”
you tilt your head, nodding amusedly, “i can imagine that.”
sam’s eyes suddenly rise from his phone to you, a wide grin overtaking his face and a delighted laugh already bubbling in his throat, “you don’t have to.”
“you should do that to bucky! how tall is he? eight-ten?”
“i don’t know, at least six feet?”
“i don’t care, you should do this to him,” sam encourages, thrusting his phone into your hands. you roll your eyes.
“bucky’s one-hundred-and-four, he isn’t going to freak out over me saying he’s short when i know he’s not.”
“who knows?” sam exclaims, “people can surprise you.”
“do it.”
pursing your lips, you settle your attention on the man, squinting, “you’re not leaving me alone until i do.” he shakes his head and you throw your hands up, “fine! but this will be very boring because he will just nod yes and then kiss me on the cheek.”
“nuh uh, this will hit a gross little part of him, you’ll see.”
“stop,” you laugh.
“stop what?” bucky asks when he enters the room again, sitting next to you and pressing a kiss to your head as he throws an arm over you.
“i just told y/n how tall you were,” sam cuts in, you cock your head at him.
bucky’s brows furrow as he looks back at you, “and you said stop?”
“height is just a number, bucky, don’t worry about it,” you assure smoothly with a light hand on his bicep. you wish sam wouldn’t look so impressed, this was your damn job.
“i mean, i knew you were short, but i never—”
“short?” bucky interrupts, turning to you with inquisitive eyebrows.
“yeah, but it’s not like it’s something new,” you shrug comfortingly, “and it’s not a bad thing, honey.”
“i know, but i’m not.”
“oh,” you pout, “whatever you say, baby.”
bucky scoffs, “it’s not—y/n, i was tall before the serum and i’m taller now.”
you hum along, stroking his arm, “okay.”
“don’t—okay, do you think sam is short?”
you shake your head immediately, “no, no, sam’s tall, buck. what’re you talking about? you know you shouldn’t compare anyone, especially because of something so tiny like your height—oh, sorry.”
“i’m taller than he is!” bucky points out. you tilt your head at him, smiling softly.
“oh, honey, it’s all about perspective.”
“stop it! say that i’m tall.”
“okay,” you nod, “you’re very, very tall, honey,” you give in, pecking his nose. bucky groans.
“not like that,” he argues, letting his head fall against your shoulder, “this is bullying.”
“it’s okay,” you coo, yelping when you’re suddenly pulled up, one of bucky’s hands at his forehead.
“look,” he whines, “tall.”
at his insistence, you can’t help but laugh, tugging him closer to you, “yes, sweetheart, tall.”
“y/n, stop,” he drags, his chin above your head.
“it’s okay, you can be what the ladies call a short king,” you wink. he groans. sam laughs.
“bullying,” bucky insists, nuzzling his nose against your forehead.r
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titan-fodder · 3 years
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Prima Vista Part VII
[ previous ]
Rating: E (explicit; mdni)
Warnings: dramatics, gaslighting, pining pining pining, drinking, attempted drugging, blacking out, vomiting, Nile and Hitch hook up, did I mention pining, one Greek word (thank you again, @cynnyc .)
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It’s nearly ten PM as you climb the steps to the PKA house. The brisk October air makes you pull your jacket tighter around yourself and move toward the door faster. You probably should’ve texted your target first, checked to see if he’s even here, but you’re not about to stand outside and wait for a reply, not when you can just knock and ask a living soul.
 It’s Reiner who answers, looking extremely tired with dark circles under his eyes. You idly wonder if he and the other new kids are being kept awake as another stupid fucking hazing ritual, but you don’t really have the time for small talk. 
 “Erwin here?”
 The blond nods and steps out of the way. “His room. Might already be asleep.”
 Shrugging, you walk inside, mumbling, “Just gonna have to wake his ass up then.”
 Which you do, climbing up to the third story after Reiner tells you which room he’s in now. You knock on the door a couple times and almost feel bad when Erwin answers, clearly rumpled in pajama pants and bedhead. 
 He squints at you, and you snort. “Sleep before ten? You some kinda nerd or somethin’?”
 “What do you want?” He gruffs, voice a little scratchy. 
 You can see part of the room behind him, looks pretty similar to the one from last year. That had been the only time you’d really gotten a close look into his space, and it had not ended well. You hope this time will be different. 
 “I needed to talk to you about something.”
 Erwin scrubs a hand down his face then rests his head against his doorframe. “I’ll take a wild guess and say this is about Mike.”
 You push your lips out in a pout and respond, “Maybe.”
 He lets you into his room, catches you off guard when he asks, “Door open or closed?” 
 “Depends. You gonna come onto me again?”
 He chuckles and shakes his head. “I learned my lesson last time.”
 “You can shut it then.”
 Taking up the chair at his desk, you watch as Erwin just crawls back under his covers and fixes cerulean eyes on you. 
 “Why haven’t you been talking to him?”
 Something in your stomach flips, eyes growing as you splutter, “I haven’t been talking to him? He hasn’t been talking to me!” 
 Erwin frowns. “What? He’s been bitching to me incessantly.”
 “And, I’ve been bitching to Hitch incessantly.”
 Groaning into his pillow, Erwin holds out his hand, and you hear a muffled command, “Give me your phone.”
 You do without hesitation, rattle off the passcode then sit and wait as Erwin scrolls through what you assume to be your settings or contacts. The thought that you should be a little scared crosses your mind—you do have some compromising photos in an unlocked folder—but judging by Erwin’s current mood, he doesn’t seem interested in anything except sleeping. 
 “That motherfucker,” he grunts.
 “You blocked his number.”
 “What?” This time is much louder and panicked. “No, I didn’t! I swear I didn’t.”
 He tosses you the device back and gestures in a ‘see for yourself’ manner. “Someone did.”
 Your blood begins to boil as you stare down at your short list of blocked contacts, Mike’s name right on top.
 “Are you fucking kidding me?” You quickly tap to remedy the problem, hands beginning to shake. “I don’t even know how—”
 “My money’s on the shitty boyfriend,” Erwin mumbles.
 You want to text Mike, but you have no idea what to say. Sorry we haven’t talked in over a month. Zeke figured out my phone password and blocked your number haha. You doubt that would fly.
 If you had just come to Erwin sooner, most of this could have been avoided. You don’t know if you’re more upset at Zeke or at yourself.
 Zeke. Definitely Zeke. That is some wildly possessive behavior. That’s isolation. The idea makes you nauseous. This is just another instance of him showing what you believe to be his true self. Between all the fighting and grudges, you’re at your wit’s end. Just the other day, the two of you had gotten into yet another argument when you happened to get a glance at the Tinder icon in his app list. 
 “Why do you still have that?” You’d asked with a frown. You really hadn’t planned on it turning into an ordeal. 
 “Have what?”
 “What are you talking about?”
 Then, right in front of your eyes, he had deleted the app. You saw it, but that didn’t stop Zeke from looking at you with a straight face and telling you, “I think you’re just confused, babe.”
 That’s when it turned into an ordeal. That’s when you got defensive and incredulous. That’s when he just kept telling you that you were wrong, that you were just seeing things, and after a good thirty minutes once you were nice and high strung, he actually had you halfway convinced. 
 Because he always sounds so sure of himself, always makes it so that his word is law. You had doubted yourself—you’re still doubting yourself. 
 “Jesus, I can’t believe this,” you breathe, leaning back in the rolling chair and staring up at the ceiling. You can believe it, actually, you just hadn’t expected him to sink that low. “What do I even say to Mike?”
 Erwin finally pushes himself into a sitting position and stretches. Seems like he’s just resigning himself to being awake. “Whatever it is, you should probably talk it out in person.”
 “Might be a little difficult now, though.”
 Heaving a sigh, you mutter, “Yeah, I assume he's pretty pissed at me.”
 Erwin hums, but his voice comes out a little unsure when he says, “Well, that, but also…”
 You're suddenly sitting straight up. “Also what?”
 Making a face, the man across from you enlightens you to the fact that, “Mike is kind of seeing someone. I think.”
 You blink at him, trying to process what he’s telling you. Mike is… With someone? You feel sick.
 But, you shouldn’t because he’s allowed to branch out. You surely did, and you hurt him in the process. 
 “It, uh… It gets worse.”
 Swallowing, you try to hide the lump in your throat when you rasp, “How?”
 Don’t cry. Do not cry. You have no right to cry. 
 “I’m about ninety-nine percent positive it’s Zeke’s ex.”
 Every muscle in your face suddenly relaxes, but it isn’t in a good way. Instead of frowning, your brow softens into its normal position. You release the tension in your jaw, the teeth that were just clenched falling away from each other as your lips part. Erwin moves in and out of focus as your gaze becomes blurry, hot tears gathering at your waterline, and now you don’t even try to stop them from falling. 
 Fucking Rhi. She had been nothing more than an annoyance before, a peppy little annoyance trying to grab your boyfriend’s attention. But, now… Now, you’re ready to fight. Parking lot brawl, throwing fists and pulling hair, and screeching—you want to destroy her. 
 “Oh.” You sniffle then wipe your nose with the back of your hand. “That’s good. I mean—” a quiet cough, “—that’s good for him. I’m glad.”
 Erwin snorts. “No, you’re not,” his volume rises a bit. “So, don’t pretend like you are. God, why are you guys so bad at this?”
 You let out a humorless laugh and shrug. “‘Cause I have shitty timing, I guess.” You bite your lip and look back to the ceiling, trying not to weep too openly, but your lungs are burning, preventing you from breathing, and your heart is bruising your ribcage, and you think your bones just might shatter inside of your chest. 
 There’s a rustling on the bed, and when you look back at Erwin, you find him laying down again but holding the blankets up in front of him. 
 “Come on.”
 “W-what? Erwin, that is literally the last thing we—”
 “I’m not trying to fuck,” he says, eyes heavy as he stares at you. “You need to relax, and I need to sleep, so just come on."
 You consider for a while, looking from Erwin to the mattress. You’re really not that close, would barely even call him your friend, but you did come to him tonight. You had chosen to confide in him. He makes some pretty questionable decisions sometimes, but you still believe that ultimately he’s a good person. 
 “Fine, but put a shirt on.”
 “Then, grab one. Second drawer. Make sure it’s soft.”
 You roll your eyes but do as you're told, running your hands over a few t-shirts until you find one that he should be pleased enough with. He tugs it on then collapses back on the bed, and you kick your shoes off then slip out of your jacket and under the covers.
 You’re facing him, trying to keep a few inches between yourself and his chest, but as you think about the position you’re in—why you’re in it, the tears start flowing freely again, and you’re holding back little whimpers, shoulders shaking at the effort. Erwin breathes in deeply then uses the arm he isn’t laying on to pull you to him, shushing you as he rubs the space between your shoulder blades with a warm hand. 
 “We’ll get it sorted out,” he promises, voice quiet as he starts to doze. 
 It’s not how you expected to end the night, but you suppose there are worse ways.
 Mike learns a lot of information in a very short amount of time. Nile meets him outside of the fitness center to give him the scoop, trying to look casual as he walks, but Mike can tell he's nervous. 
 He starts by asking if Mike has talked to you at all recently, and no, he has not. So, Nile tells him that you broke things off with Zeke and apparently it got messy. 
 "Something about him being a manipulative bastard," Nile waves a hand. 
 "Doesn’t surprise me. Took her long enough."
 You've been hanging around the Pike house again, sometimes by yourself and sometimes with Hitch—"Who's really fucking cute, by the way." Obviously Nile and Marie are in the 'off' portion of their relationship cycle. "And, you would know all this if you would just start coming around again. It's stupid to pay dues and not actually engage with the frat, dude."
 "I've just been busy with school," Mike tells him. It's only a half lie. His senior courses are kind of kicking his ass, but he's also been busying himself with Rhi who is… tolerable. 
 "Whatever. Halloween party is in, like, a week. If you don't show up, I'm gonna be real pissed."
 "I'll be there, Nile."
 "Okay, then lemme prepare you for one more thing."
 Mike stops walking and looks at the smaller man who inhales deeply then blows air out through his teeth. 
 "So, uh, she's hanging around again, right? And, you're not there, so it seems like she's sort of, uh, latched onto…" He makes a face, and Mike leans back. 
 "Don't fucking tell me."
 Nile cringes. "Yeah. I don't think they're fucking or anything. I haven't heard them in his room like I used to hear the two of you."
 "She goes into his room?" Mike has to flex his hand by his side, but the brick wall of the library they've stopped in front of is looking mighty nice. Break a few bones, bleed a little, it'll feel good. 
 "Yeah, but, like, they're nowhere near as close as you and her."
 "How close we used to be. It's been so fucking long since we've even talked, dude. And, any time I try to catch her on campus, the dickbag is with her—"
 "Well, at least you don't have to worry about that anymore."
 "Yeah, now I just have to worry about her fucking my best friend. Fuck, she just—" Mike growls in his throat, contemplates turning to go back to the gym because he needs to get this energy out somehow. "She drives me fucking crazy."
 "Yeah, I know, man. I just didn't want you to be surprised at the party when you see 'em all buddy-buddy."
 "I'm gonna punch him," Mike states. "Just lay him out in front of everyone."
 "Please don't," Nile sounds genuinely worried. "Maybe use the party as a way to, I don't know, talk to your girl? Like an adult?" 
 "Obviously not my girl, and I've been screwing around with Rhi anyway. Maybe it's just time we went our separate ways or whatever." 
 It physically hurts to even suggest, but he's trying to put on a brave face for his friend—act annoyed rather than fucking crushed, but god, he is aching. His stomach has opened up into nothing, his chest feels void of everything that was once inside, and he knows he's being dramatic, but fuck fuck fuck, first Zeke and now Erwin? What is it that Mike doesn't have? What can't he provide you with that they can? Just tell him, and he'll fucking fix it. 
 "Yeah, I think we both know that's not gonna happen. Plus, you do realize Rhi is probably just using you to make Zeke jealous."
 "I'm not fucking stupid, Nile, of course I know that." But, Mike is really tired of his love life revolving around that asshole, like he has to wait for Zeke to call all the shots. "I'm using her as much as she's using me, so—"
 "As a distraction?" 
 Mike lets his head loll to the side, peering down at Nile from the corner of his eyes. "What do you think?" 
 The other man gives him a light punch to the shoulder and once again suggests, "Talk things out. Just pull her aside at the party." 
 It's easier said than done. When Halloween rolls around, it's a little insane. It's too big and too loud with a flashing strobe that hurts Mike’s eyes. There are all sorts of costumes, making it hard to recognize anyone. The jungle juice is a mystery, one Mike doesn't plan on touching but that many people will. He has a feeling that more than a few party-goers are gonna end up sick, probably passing out in various locations of the house. 
 Mike has opted for an easy costume, the tacky tourist complete with his pink Hawaiian shirt, a straw hat, sunglasses, and a fanny pack. It's so awful, it actually made him laugh, but Rhi, clad in a spandex tiger suit, is not nearly as amused. She probably wanted him to go the sexy cop route or something equally as cringey, but Mike just doesn't have it in him tonight. 
 Nile is a shirtless cowboy, Hitch is a Catholic schoolgirl, Gelgar is Freddy Krueger with a pompadour, Reiner is a werewolf, the list goes on and on. Sexy, bloody nurses, superheroes, Harry Potter, and so on. 
 When his eyes land on you for the first time that night, Mike comes close to drooling his drink. Lola Bunny in her skimpy basketball uniform and a rabbit ear headband. Your face is painted, and you're carrying around one of those foam balls kids use to dunk into Fisher Price hoops, and he has no doubt the prop will be lost by the end of the party. 
 Mike thinks back to Spring Break, to you wincing at his movie choice then trying to sleep through it. You had woken up to him flipping through the photo album, then chose to finally open up to him. 
 So, why this costume? Why "torture" yourself like this? 
 And, speaking of torture, you're sticking to Erwin just like Nile said you would. The blond is in a tailored suit, his face painted like a skull. It's both classy and creepy, and Mike hates him for it. In fact, it calls for another drink. 
 Rhi finds him in the kitchen after making her rounds, taking up her former place on Mike's arm as he uses the counter to pop the lid off a fresh bottle. They watch the game of beer pong playing out in front of them, but Rhi doesn't seem content to just sit. 
 She has to stand on her tip-toes and shout into his ear, "Wanna walk around some?" 
 No. He really doesn't, but he can placate her, especially if it means getting laid later tonight. 
 They trek back to the main room, observing the debauchery taking place. People are grinding and stripping to Monster Mash. Several couples are spread out in the chairs or up against the wall getting pretty close to full on exhibitionism. 
 They stop to talk to "Officer" Marie for a while then move on to Nile and Hitch to whom Rhi spills everything she just heard from the busty redhead. They joke with Gelgar and his catch of the day, some of the pledges—Jean, Reiner, and Eren—who are just trying to survive, and then at last… you and Erwin. 
 Mike sees the way your chest rises with a deep breath, how your fingers tighten around the little basketball. Your eyes flit from Rhi to Mike, flashing when Rhi greets you. 
 Oh, you don't like her. 
 "Love the costume," she tells you. "Who are you supposed to be again?" 
 Mike chokes on his drink, and you suck your teeth before replying, "Lola Bunny. The Loony Toon."
 "Oh, is that, like, Bugs Bunny's girlfriend?"
 "Kind of?" You try. 
 Rhi looks to Erwin who visibly cringes when she asks, "Why aren't you dressed as Bugs then?" 
 Mike wants to turn around, to put as much distance between all of you as possible. 
 Erwin clears his throat. "Because that would be a couple's costume, and we're not…"
 Mike knows his expression is skeptical, cold even, and when he settles it on you, you give him a little shake of your head that he doesn't really believe. 
 "Oh, alright," Rhi concedes only to chime, "'Cause I heard—"
 "Wrong," Erwin cuts her off. "You heard wrong, Rhi." A hard, blue stare lands on Mike, unforgiving when he tells him, "I think it's time you two talked."
 "I don't think that's really—"
 "Oh, fuck," your swear gets everyone's attention, and Mike takes in the shock written all over your face then follows your line of sight to the entry way where Zeke god damn Jaeger is making his way through the crowd. 
 "What the hell is he doing here?" Erwin spits. 
 "You and Nile decided this should be an open party, dumbass," Mike reminds him with a roll of his eyes. 
 "Oh, so we're name-calling now? Jesus Mike, grow up. You're just assuming shit!" As he rants, Erwin takes hold of one of your arms and pulls you behind him, snatching the furry headband from you so the ears don't stick out. 
 For a split second, Mike thinks he's trying to protect you from him, but then he nods to bring Mike's attention to the approaching figure behind him, and Mike understands. 
 He turns his body to face Zeke who's walking over, fragmented by the strobe, his icy eyes piercing straight through his glasses. Mike, despite his anger toward you, feels the primal urge to protect you. 
 "The fuck do you want, Jaeger?" 
 "Woah, calm down, bud. Just looking for a brat—about yea high, spreads her legs for any athlete she comes in contact with. You guys seen her?" 
 Mike steps toward him, but he's stopped by a hand that fists in the back of his shirt. 
 "Ah, there she is," Zeke smirks, and Mike looks over his shoulder to see you now in front of Erwin with your fingers clutching the pink material across his back. 
 "He's not worth it, Mike."
 Mike thinks he is, though. He feels like he keeps getting whiplash, going back and forth between who he wants to hit at any given moment because it seems to change by the second.
 He's just been so incredibly frustrated for the past few months. Lacrosse doesn't help, and  the gym doesn't help, and fucking Rhi doesn't help. Mike has just been stewing, letting everything fester during the radio silence between the two of you. He's mad at so many people including himself, and all he wants to do is shove his way out of this stupid fucking party and take off his stupid fucking fanny pack and be alone in his apartment under his dumb fairy lights. 
 He shrugs out of your grip, figures the best thing he can do right now is get away from all of you. Zeke stumbles when Mike shoulders into him forcefully. He's not even a little surprised when Rhi doesn't follow him, choosing to vie for Zeke's attention instead. 
 It doesn't matter. All that matters is that Mike gets another drink in him. 
 He tries not to watch the way the heated conversation turns out, the way you bow up to Zeke and Erwin has to once again put himself in between you and the other blond. He tries not to smile at the fire in your eyes, that blaze he's seen so many times (usually when you're annoyed at him), and yes, there's that pain again, barely overshadowing Mike's anger. 
 You yell something at Zeke. He yells back. Erwin feels the need to add his own opinion, but the music is too loud for Mike to be able to make any of it out. Whatever is shouted makes Zeke huff and walk away. Rhi prances after him, and Mike resigns himself to the fact that he probably will not be fucking her after this shit show. He could always find someone else, but that takes effort (not much, but still), and then they usually get clingy afterward, and he just can't be bothered with all that right now. Mike can't be bothered with anything right now. 
 So he drinks. 
 He keeps an eye on Zeke who doesn't actually leave the party, and he drinks. He stares at you from across the room, bunny ears back in place, and he drinks. Somewhere between Boom and Beer Pong, he loses the fanny pack, looks down at some point and finds that it's just no longer there. All he had in there was a lighter and a couple condoms, so he isn't too broken up about it, but he does wonder—
 Mike isn't sure what makes him look over at the counter where all the different drinks are set out, but he does, and it's just in time to see Eren hunching over the bowl of jungle juice like some shady motherfucker, and when Mike makes his way over, world spinning just a little bit, he sees the younger Jaeger brother emptying a little plastic bag of green pills into the punch. 
 "What the fu—" Mike has him by the collar before he can even finish his own question, tosses the kid away from the counter so that he actually falls to the floor. It causes a few people to hop out of the way, their drinks sloshing and spilling on the tile. "What the fuck are you doing?" 
 Eren looks up at Mike with wide, panicked eyes, like he's scared and waiting for someone to save him. 
 "I—I don't know what you think you saw, man—"
 "I know exactly what I saw, you little creep!" 
 Everyone in the kitchen is looking at the two of them as more people trickle in. 
 "What even was that? You trying to roofie the whole fucking party or something?" 
 "Just one person, then? That one special girl," Mike hisses.
 He walks back to the counter and grabs the large bowl of juice, carrying it over to Eren who's still on the ground. The kid covers his face just in time for Mike to empty the contents over his head, drenching him so that red drips from his hair and trickles down his arms. 
 "Drink up, bitch," Mike snarls before throwing the bowl so that it bounces off Eren's head. 
 Naturally, a bigger crowd has gathered, and Nile shoves his way through, shouting over the music, "What is happening?" 
 Mike leans over to yell in his ear, "Saw him pouring pills into the punch."
 "Are you serious?" 
 Mike nods but steps away when Eren pushes himself off the wet floor and nearly throws himself at Nile. 
 "I didn't do it! I don't know what the fuck he's talking about!" 
 Nile arm-bars Mike when he tries to move toward the little twerp, lips pulling back from his teeth because it has been a shitty night. A shitty week. Shitty month. And, now his fury has shifted yet again. 
 "Did anyone else see it, Mike?" Nile asks. 
 "Probably not since everyone is fucked up—"
 "Including you."
 Mike looks over at his friend in genuine surprise because it's starting to sound like Nile doesn't believe him. 
 "Why the fuck would I lie about something like this?" 
 "Maybe because he's Zeke's brother," Nile suggests. 
 Mike is heated. He can feel the blood underneath his skin cooking his god damn insides, frying his brain so that all he can think about is throwing a punch or two (or twenty). 
 Jaw sliding, Mike shuts his eyes, takes a deep breath to steady himself, to stop his hands from shaking as he tries to figure out when his friends started looking at him as some unhinged freak. 
 "What are you doing—the fu—dude, stop!"
 Opening his eyes again, Mike sees that Gelgar has inserted himself into the situation and has Eren pinned against the counter as he shoves his hands in every one of his pockets. He's growling something at the younger man, keeps shoving his face down against the linoleum any time Eren squirms, and after about a minute of people watching and gasping and making crude remarks about the position the two are in, Gelgar straightens up with a plastic bag identical to the one Mike saw Eren emptying into the jungle juice. 
 "It's just Adderall, I swear!"
 Gelgar scoffs. "This is definitely not Adderall. Believe me, I'd know." He tosses the pills to Nile who takes a long look at them before glaring at Eren. 
 "Get the fuck out before I call the cops."
 He should call them anyway, Mike thinks, but he understands Nile's hesitance. There's a lot going on at the party—underage drinking, party drugs in various rooms, etc. Eren wouldn't be the only one taken into custody if the police showed up. 
 Another voice rings out, asking the same question everyone else has, "What the hell is going on?" and Mike comes close to hurling the closest bottle at Zeke as he makes his way to his brother. "Why are you…" He gestures nebulously as his eyebrows pull together. Rhi is close behind him, and further still, you and Erwin are peeking into the kitchen. 
 "They think I drugged the jungle juice!" Eren looks at Zeke with puppy eyes that probably worked when he was a kid, might still work judging by the way the blond whirls around to face Mike and Nile. 
 "Have any proof, or are you just trying to—"
 "Pipe down, Jaeger," Nile cuts him off, holding up the bag and explaining, "Mike saw him dropping these in the punch."
 Zeke is silent for a few solid seconds before rounding on his brother again and grabbing him by the shirt right where Mike had previously held him, and everyone watches in rapt attention as he steers Eren through the crowd, shouting at him the entire time. 
 Having both of them leave is a relief, but Mike is a little disappointed that he didn't get to fight either of them. It would have been nice to feel a nose break under his fist, but he supposed it's better this way. 
 "Hey, thanks for catching that, dude," Nile says, slapping Mike's back. 
 It doesn't make him feel good. If anything, it pisses him off. Mike would understand if his friend had been skeptical of one of the pledges or second years making the accusation he had, but Nile is one of his best friends. They were inducted at the same time, were hazed side by side. Mike never would have thought Nile had such a low opinion of him, that he’d believe Mike’s little broken heart would cloud his judgement to the point of slandering someone without cause. 
 "Whatever," he shrugs before grabbing another drink. 
 He should just go back home. He isn't having a good time. He's angry at just about everyone he looks at. When Rhi decides he's worth her time again, Mike actually tells her to fuck off. He's lost the accessories to his costume, and he's about to lose his mind. 
 It's getting late. Mike isn't sure how late because as the night progresses, he gets steadily inebriated. He tries to avoid anyone and everyone in his fraternity, hanging out with people he knows from lacrosse or his classes instead. They play a few drinking games, take body shots off some sorority girls (or maybe it's the same one, he can't tell anymore). The music becomes bearable, and the strobe light stops hurting his head, and eventually, Mike just… forgets. 
 He forgets about Nile's lack of faith. He forgets about the fuckhead Jaeger brothers. He forgets about you and Erwin walking around and laughing together oh, ha ha we're so close now. He is finally spared from all of his negative thoughts. 
 Mostly because somewhere between shot number seven and beer number who knows what, Mike pukes into a plant (maybe?) and blacks out.
 "God dammit. Erwin," you tug on his jacket sleeve and point to the corner that is home to a fake ficus that Mike is currently throwing up in. 
 Erwin groans, "Oh, Jesus Christ," and starts making his way over with you hot on his heels. 
 A few people are making faces as they glance at Mike, moving away as he coughs, straightens, then bends over again. 
 "Mike, come on, buddy," Erwin pats his back, waiting for Mike to pause in his retching so that he can duck under his arm and support him. "Gotta get you to a bathroom."
 "No bath," Mike snorts. "No green there, no…"
 You take a place on his other side, not that you can help much in getting him down the hall and in one of the downstairs restrooms, but you at least support his other arm and steer him in the right direction. 
 "Why is he talking about green?" Erwin grumbles as you both lower Mike to the tiled floor in front of the toilet where he promptly pukes again. 
 "The leaves maybe? I don't know, dude. Just…" You cringe as you notice the way Mike's shaggy hair hangs down into the toilet bowl, subject to all kinds of splash back. "Do you have a hair tie on you?" 
 "Literally why in the fuck would I have a hair tie on me?" Erwin asks incredulously, and you laugh because a couple weeks ago, he never would have used that word in this context since it's wrong, but the more you spend time with him, the more he picks up on your vernacular, and that really doesn't matter right now because—
 "Water," Mike croaks, voice echoing off the ceramic. 
 "I don't think you'll be able to drink any right this second, man," Erwin tells him, squatting beside him. 
 Mike shakes his head. "Wanna feel—feel water. Cold."
 "He sounds like a fucking caveman," you snicker. 
 You're really just trying to stay calm, masking the sick feeling in your stomach with amusement, but you've been watching Mike all night as he downed beer after beer, mixing various liquors as he took shots and licked salt off some chick's stomach. You figured he would get sick, but there wasn't really much you could do about it. He had made it pretty clear he isn’t interested in speaking to you. Still, you had purposely remained mostly sober just in case something like this happened (also because you make bad decisions when you get fucked up at frat parties).
 "Yeah, he definitely won't remember any of this."
 "Waterrr," Mike tries again, and you look at the way his arm is dangling over the side of the tub, the faucet on the opposite side, and glance at Erwin at a loss. 
 He shrugs, eyes darting around until he sees the plastic cup upside down on the shower rack. He grabs it, turns the water on and fills the cup, then dumps it over Mike's hand. 
 Mike groans, slowly wriggles his fingers under the stream, and drawls, "Thaaaank."
 You shake your head and motion for the cup, talk loud enough to be heard over the faucet, "I can handle this. You go back outside."
 "What? No."
 "There's no reason both of us have to be in here. He's just gonna puke his guts out for a few hours and then pass out." 
 Erwin doesn't seem sold on the idea. 
 "Come on. You've gotta go back. You're vice president or whatever."
 He stares at you for a while then deflates. "Fine. Do you have your phone on you?" 
 "Always." You gesture to the elastic waistband of your shorts, phone pressed to your hip as it hangs on the inside of the material.
 "Text me if you need help, alright?" 
 "You got it, boss."
 He leaves just in time for Mike to violently retch into the toilet, one hand clutching the bowl as his spine curves. You fill the cup back up, pour it over his hand once again, and repeat the action over… and over… and over.
 His face and hair are gonna be a mess, probably his shirt too which is actually a blessing because you'll finally have a legitimate reason to burn it. Pepto Bismol pink and sketched palm trees stare at you as you sit on the edge of the tub, and all you can think of is the first time you saw Mike wearing the terrible shirt, how that had ended up, how you left with it the following morning. 
 How had the two of you gone from that to this? Sure, you weren't super fond of him at the beginning of it all, but he grew on you. A lot. He's your best fucking friend. Through the last couple months, through this weird fight you're having, he is your best friend. It's why you're here right now taking care of his drunk ass. 
 It'll pass. This phase will pass, and you'll make up, and you'll get your chance to be honest with him, to tell him how you feel about him. It may have taken you a little too long to arrive at your destination, so to speak, but better late than never. Soon, you'll both be able to look back on this and laugh. 
 People knock on the door here and there, and you scream at them to go away, eventually getting tired of it and just clicking the lock into place. 
 Any time you stop pouring water over his hand, Mike whines and attempts to say something, choppy words that don't make a ton of sense. You wonder if you need to call an ambulance, look for the signs of alcohol poisoning, but he doesn't feel cold, his breathing is even between bouts of vomiting, and his arms aren't curling in that tell-tale way. 
 More than likely, he just made himself sick. He knows better, too. He's been partying for a long enough time to be well aware of the mixing rules. Beer before liquor and all that shit. He may have just not cared tonight, though. From what Erwin has told you, Mike has just been in a generally bad mood for a while now (and Erwin has not tried to be subtle about why). He's barely around the Pike house anymore, he keeps getting called for personal fouls in lacrosse, and he's sleeping with Rhi which is nobody's business but is also strange considering her history—some kind of mutualistic symbiotic relationship that nobody is a real fan of. 
 Not my circus, not my monkeys, you think to yourself, emptying another cup from your place on the floor now. The ceramic was starting to hurt your ass, and you know your arm will probably be a little sore tomorrow, or later today since it's nearing three. 
 Fatigue is beginning to set in, and you know Mike is exhausted because he keeps dozing off on the toilet seat so that you have to nudge him back awake. Until he can speak in mostly coherent sentences, he's not allowed to sleep. 
 Sitting in the bathroom gives you ample amount of time to think. You go over some mental flashcards for a while, notes you took with the help of Mike's magic textbook. Then you think about going to your mom's for Thanksgiving and how much you aren't looking forward to it. Then you think about Zeke showing up only to have to escort his shady brother from the house. God, you had not been happy to see him. You'd been a little afraid, if you're being honest. 
 After figuring out that he had, in fact, blocked Mike's number on your phone, you had stomped into his apartment and initiated a screaming match. You got loud, he got louder, called you a stupid bitch and punched a hole in the drywall. You had decided that was a pretty good time to leave, both the apartment and the relationship. He's been lurking on campus around your most frequented spots—the science building, the library, but you've been doing a good job of camouflaging yourself in groups of other students. Even if he can see you, he can't do much about it. 
 You've thought about reporting him to campus police, but you know nothing will come of it. The golden boy can do no wrong. It's why you've been spending so much time at the PKA house again. You know most of them have your back, and you are absolutely not above asking any of them to walk somewhere with you to fend off your angry ex. 
 You can't wrap your head around what his fucking deal is. Surely he didn't treat Rhi like this after they split. There's no way she would still be so infatuated with him if he had. Is it just because you're the one who dumped him? He had to have seen it coming once you started putting the pieces together, the way he constantly tried to make you feel guilty, isolating you from your friends, invading the privacy of your phone to not only block Mike but also to turn your fucking location on so he could track you (you had found that out after that first trip back to the frat house to talk with Erwin. It had not been pretty).
 It's hard to believe you put up with it for as long as you did. It was only five months, but that's still five months too long. 
 Mike is quiet for several minutes, and you sigh when you see that his eyes are closed once again. He makes a noise of displeasure when you use your foot to gently shake him, grumbling, "Sto-o-op."
 "Nope. Gotta stay awake, Miche. Can't have you fallin' into a coma or something'."
 "Nooo. No Miche."
 "Yes, Miche," you laugh. 
 He scrunches his face up, shakes his head, but the motion seems to make him sick again. 
 When he finishes gagging into the toilet, he lets out a deep, "Gu-uuh," then sniffs. "No Miche. Jus' she—she—...Jus' her."
 You can figure out the rest, but you can't decide if you want to smile or cry. Only you can call him that. Well, you and his mom. You miss her. And his dad. And Scout. You hope to see them again. 
 "Okay. Just Mike then."
 He hums in confirmation then shakes his hand in the tub so that you'll douse it once again. 
 "You're a needy drunk, you know that?" 
 Mike doesn't respond to that, just takes a few deep breaths as his eyes close yet again. 
 "Sleep now," he mumbles. 
 "No, no sleep now."
 "Sleep now."
 "Oh my fucking god."
 His mouth drops open a little, and the first thing you think to do is splash him in the face with the cup of water. 
 He spits and splutters but doesn't shift much, still wrapped around the toilet. You try not to look inside when you stand and reach to flush what's already gathered, trying to shield some of Mike's face from any flying droplets. Then you wash your hands and sit back down. You figure you'll be here for at least another couple of hours. The sun will be coming up soon. Thank god it's a Saturday. 
 Both Erwin and Nile knock on the door for an update, and you yell that you're okay. Mike isn't throwing up as often, and when he does, nothing is coming up anymore. He's gonna be in a world of pain when he returns to his normal self. 
 So fucking stupid. He's so fucking stupid. 
 He mutters nonsense on and off. Sometimes you can translate what he's trying to say, but other times not so much. 
 "President… dumb boyyy."
 "Hy-poc-risy an' jealous… Hypocrite… I…"
 "Hand… wanna hold…" but when you grab it, he just gurgles, "Waterrr." 
 There's really no pleasing him. 
 "Why-y-y… dick… Erwin."
 "Volcano books… n' space jam… come an' sam… an'... to the jam."
 You laugh too loudly, and Mike cringes at the noise, but the corner of his mouth still lifts. You don't think he knows what he's doing or saying yet—isn't downloading any new memories—it doesn't matter because you will remember this for the both of you. 
 "You're fucking ridiculous."
 Mike pushes himself back from the toilet to sit against the wall, hissing and clumsily rubbing his chest. His shirt is wet and disgusting, and he must know on some level because he says, "Shower," and starts pulling himself over the tub. 
 "Jesus Christ, Mike."
 He's too tall, dangling an arm and a leg over the side and sinking lower. 
 "Water, pleeeease."
 He apparently isn't aware of the faucet that is still on. Whoever has to pay these bills… You feel sorry for them. 
 "No, dude. I am not letting you drown."
 Mike fucking giggles, "Lifeguard," then tries to take his shirt off. He doesn't have the motor skills to handle buttons and looks to be confused by them anyway, so his next solution is to just rip the material down the middle. 
 "Yeah, okay, I guess that works."
 The showerhead is turned on, and you sit on the edge of the tub again, shivering when the cool spray blows toward you while keeping an eye on Mike. Reaching over, you turn the temperature up a little, knowing that the alcohol has dropped his body temperature some. You're almost tempted to slide under the water with him, but there's no room, and you're not about to just make yourself comfortable on top of him.
 So, you just sit and stare and think about how tired you are. Physically and mentally and spiritually tired. You just need some time to not exist—just a few days. It feels like this semester has been nothing but drama so far, and it is exhausting. Maybe that's why Mike did this to himself. Maybe he just needed to not exist. 
 He starts to sit up a little in the tub, but his hand falters and sends him sliding back down. "Fuck."
 Not caring about getting wet at this point, you simply stand up between his spread legs, the shower drenching you immediately, and grab his hands to tug him upright. 
 "Come again?"
 "Means thanks," he mumbles, slumping forward. 
 You think of his family again, how he and his mother had just fallen into Greek as soon as you'd stepped into the house, leaving you surprised and impressed and warm in several different ways. 
 Squatting, you tilt your head to catch his half-lidded gaze. 
 "You back with me yet?" It's been nearly four hours—Fuck, why is there music playing still—but he might need more time. 
 "Can you tell who I am?" 
 Mike does his best to roll his eyes. "'m drunk, not a amnes—amnesic—"
 "Amnesiac," you supply with a smirk. Smartass.
 "That," he nods, pointing at you with a finger gun. 
 He can actually understand you now, so that's good, don't have to worry about him dying anymore since he's making progress. 
 Opening his mouth, Mike catches some water in it, swishes and spits. You expect him to tell you that you can leave. He can take care of himself, doesn't want to see you, all manner of hurtful things he has every reason to feel. 
 Instead, he blinks at you, extends his arms, and makes grabby hands. 
 "Can I help you?" 
 He doesn't say anything, just keeps reaching for you. He could grab you without issue. His fingers are already brushing your knees, but he either doesn't notice or wants to wait for you. 
 "Mike, I can't get any closer," you laugh. 
 Switching tactics, he pats his chest. 
 "Oh, no. I am but about to put myself in the line of vom just 'cause you wanna cuddle or some shit."
 Truthfully, you would also like to cuddle, to feel Mike's body against yours again, trace your fingers over his skin and listen to his heartbeat, but…
 Not like this. 
 "Please. No more vom. Promise."
 "I don't think you're in a state to make promises like that."
 He says your name followed by one more, "Please," and you give in, letting out a long breath and grunting as you find a way to lay between his legs with your head on the lower part of his sternum. You're curled a little awkwardly, one foot up against the ceramic while the other is curled beneath you. It is not by any means a comfortable position, but it's what Mike wants. 
 A few months ago, laying like this would inevitably lead to other things. Talking and joking would lead to giggling, maybe some well aimed prods to your ribs. You would bite in retaliation, his shoulder or, if the angle was right, his nipple, until he pulled you up further to sit in his lap, hot mouth finding yours, and so on and so forth. 
 This is different on every possible level. Neither of you are speaking. Your hands are unmoving on each other's bodies. There's no heat save for the water that's pouring down on both of you, plastering your silky costume to your skin. 
 Still, it's enough to lull you into a drowsy state, the ache in your eyes urging you to close them, but as soon as you do, Mike speaks. 
 "'m mad at you."
 Your stomach drops. His words don't come as a surprise, but they still sting. 
 "I know," you sigh. "I'm mad at me too."
 Your head moves with his chest, a gentle up and down that could—and has—put you to sleep. 
 "Still love you."
 You bite your lip, fingers lightly digging into Mike's warm skin as you remind yourself that he's drunk, and he hates you, and he probably won't remember any of this when he wakes up anyway. There's no reason to get emotional over it. No reason. 
 "I love you too, Miche."
 Silence closes in around you once more. You drift in and out for about half an hour until a loud knock jolts you awake. 
 You scramble off of Mike and hop to the door, leaving puddles and drops behind you. Both Nile and Erwin look panicked in the hallway, the shorter man nearly shouting, "Is he fucking dead in there?" 
 "Not deeeead," Mike calls from the tub. 
 Erwin peers over your shoulder at him, then at you, then takes on a disappointed expression. "You didn't. Come on, he's so drunk."
 "What do you—" You frown as you piece together his implication, then squawk and shove Erwin with two wet hands. "I didn't fuck him, you perv! What is wrong with you?" 
 He chuckles and bats away your hands. "I never know with you two! You can't blame me!" 
 "You're disgusting."
 "Look who's talking. Have you seen yourself in the mirror?" Erwin raises his eyebrows. "Less bunny and more… I don't know, ghoul?"
 God, you had completely forgotten about the face paint. 
 "Shut up, yours isn't much better." His black and white paint is smeared in several places like someone ran their fingers through it. The collar of his shirt is stained, and his hair is tousled. You can't tell if it's the result of getting frisky or falling asleep. 
 "Stop flirting in front of meeee," Mike whines loudly, sitting up and pushing the shower knob a little too hard to shut the water off. 
 "We're not—" You and Erwin start at the same time.
 Nile interrupts with a drawn out, unconvinced little note and informs both of you, "You guys get a little flirty sometimes. Sorry to break it to you."
 You frown at the blond and he frowns back, then you both frown at Nile who shrugs. "I'm just saying. There's a reason people are thinking things."
 It's not important, and you'd rather not dwell on it because you know the truth, and Erwin knows the truth, and Mike will if he'll just fucking listen, but he's fucked up right now, so that's a problem for another day. 
 "Whatever, we'll work on it, but for now…" You watch as Mike tries and fails to pull himself out of the tub. 
 "He looks like the girl from The Ring," Erwin snorts. 
 "Yeah, if she was giant. And, a guy," you add. 
 Wet hair is hanging over Mike's eyes, still sopping wet and dripping. He's all awkward angles as he hoists himself up, kicking a leg over and swearing. 
 "We should probably help him," Nile says, fighting his own smile. 
 Between the three of you, you manage to transport Mike from the bathroom to Erwin's room on the third fucking floor which is no easy feat. Nile waits for his friend to be dumped onto the mattress, then announces that Hitch is waiting for him to come back to bed. You don't know how long that will last, but your friend falling into the same frat boy trap you did is mildly hilarious. 
 It leaves you and Erwin to make Mike comfortable. You wrap his head in a towel you found poking out of the hamper, murmur, "Hope this doesn't have anything gross on it," to which Erwin responds with an unamused look. 
 You peel the ruined, tacky shirt from Mike’s shoulders and toss it into a corner but you let Erwin take care of the rest. You've seen everything Mike has to offer, but that doesn't stop you from feeling weird about seeing his dick when he can't really stop you. So, like Mike did last year when he spilled water on your shirt, you turn your back to allow him some privacy. 
 There's some rustling and grunting, but when Erwin tells you it's safe, you look to find Mike in a pair of gym shorts, hair still wrapped, looking more disgruntled than you've ever seen him. 
 "'m still wet."
 "You sure are, big guy," Erwin agrees, slowly guiding him to lay down on his side and explaining, "You need to sleep like this, alright? Otherwise you might choke and die."
 "Erwin!" You throw your hands up in the air. "Why would you even—?"
 "Know how it works, dumb… butt."
 "Oh, dumb butt. That's a good one," Erwin grins. "Very creative."
 "Don't panotrize me!" 
 You have to cover your mouth to keep from cackling, and Erwin shakes his head, corrects, "Patronize, Mike. Patronize."
 "That's what I said!" 
 It takes a while to get him relaxed again. Apparently, Mike's favorite thing to do while drunk is run his mouth to Erwin, so while he's busy dealing with that, you raid Erwin's closet for a shirt and then his dresser for boxers. Once you are mostly dry, you snatch the towel from Mike's hair to wipe your face and toss it away, then step up onto the bed near the pillows, urging Mike to shift so that you can sit against the headboard. 
 He immediately rests his stubbled cheek on one of your thighs, then wraps both arms around the other, his fingers melting into the fat just below your ass as he grunts, "Mine."
 "All yours, buddy," Erwin assures with a grin before glancing at you. "I'm gonna pass out in the chair—" he gestures to the one in the corner of the room, "—if you need me for anything, just wake me up, okay?" 
 "Yeah, thanks." Then, "Hey, Erwin?" He hums in response. "Don't tell him about tonight, like, me staying with him."
 "I don't want him to stress out about what he may have said or done. 'Cause I know he will."
 "Whatever you say," Erwin shrugs, collapsing in the chair without even changing or washing his face. All three of you are gonna look like characters from a horror movie whenever you wake up, and the thought makes you smirk as you card your fingers through Mike's damp hair. 
 It's getting longer. He could probably put it up if he wanted to. He's been letting his beard grow a little too. You aren't sure if it's laziness or just trying a slightly different look, but whatever the case, it's hot. 
 He keeps your leg clutched tightly to him like some kind of stuffed animal until he drifts off to sleep. It's nearing five, and you know you probably won't get any quality rest while you're here, so you figure you'll just doze for a while until you can safely extract yourself from Mike's grip. He probably won't appreciate waking up like this anyway. No matter what he's said to you and Erwin—declarations and staked claims—it'll all be worthless in just a few hours. 
 A symphony of snores plays through the room, Erwin splayed out in his chair like he's passed out in a cheap Vegas hotel while Mike drools on your thigh, and if it was anyone else, you'd be disgusted and shove him away, but since it’s Mike, it’s weirdly endearing. He can slobber on you all he wants, it won’t bother you in the slightest. 
 Eventually, the sun shining through the window becomes too bright for you to even fall into a light sleep, so just as you planned, you gently untangle yourself from Mike, pausing when he grunts and frowns, but when he doesn’t stir any more than that, you manage to slip out of the bed. 
 Grabbing your phone and costume, still a little wet and cold because of it, you leave as quietly as you can. Your shoes are still in the downstairs bathroom along with Mike’s shirt, and you have a legitimate mental debate over whether you really should just toss it, but as much as you hate it, you decide against it. 
 You have to step over several bodies to get to the front door, more than usual which is concerning since the punch Eren spiked was thrown out (or really, thrown all over him), but you’re able to make it out without tripping.
 The drive to your dorm feels too long, sun beaming right into your itchy eyes the entire way. You nearly cry in relief when you finally fall onto your mattress, already well aware that most, if not all, of your day will be spent under the covers. You’re more than fine with it, allowing yourself to just not exist for several hours exactly how you wanted to.
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mansions-maiden · 3 years
Could I request #47, "kiss it and make it better." with Arthur, please?
Hello anon~! Hope you're doing good! And also, sorry for the wait. I was busy these past weeks!
Characters : Arthur, reader
Words: 1.3K
Today was a day off and you decided to get your incomplete tasks done by the end of the day. You grabbed your to-do list of personal tasks and set off on crossing it out, some of which required you to do them along with the other residents. All through the day, you couldn’t remember one important thing though.
On the other hand, Arthur had woken up earlier than usual to go out with you, and solve the usually received ‘cases’ around the town together. Since it was your day off, he thought it might not be a bad idea to spend time with you in the town.
He waited the entire morning for you so that you could complete your daily routine and both of you could go together to the town. But he couldn’t catch up with you. He did grow a little impatient and yet decided to wait for you. After all, it was not easy for two humans to look after ten vampires living under the same roof.
That evening, Arthur was busy writing in his room when he heard a knock on his door. He was surprised to find you at the door with a mug/cup of coffee in a tray. He quickly gave way to allow you into his room. You kept the tray on his table and sat on the chaise lounge indicated by him.
You looked at Arthur, who was staring intently at you, with a rather serious look on his face.
“What happened Arthur, why are you sulking? Are you sad cause Theo didn't scowl at you today? “ You teased him subtly.
He sat beside you in the lounge, sipping the coffee leisurely you brought him.
Arthur looked at you, speculating the emotions showing on your face. He confirmed that you had truly forgotten about your promise.
"What makes you think that I'm sulking, hm?"
"Well, you're avoiding my gaze and your lips remind me of the fallen crescent. " You replied while pointing towards your own lips.
He thought for a while before he smirked a little, "Yes, dear. I'm sulking. You see, you are the reason my heart broke today, but not Theo. I thought you had remembered our promise. But, I was wrong. You left this man alone, making him wait all day long”.
You looked confused for a second and lost in thoughts before your eyes widened in realisation. “OH! Darn! I’m so sorry Arthur. I was fixated on completing my tasks by today that my promise to you slipped out of my mind!”. You smiled apologetically. He feigned being heartbroken to which you teased, “Oh, how about I kiss your sadness away, Arthur? That sounds like a great idea, doesn’t it?"
Arthur thought for a while before he answered, as he came up with the idea. “Why, of course! That sounds like a great idea indeed. Since I’m heartbroken, it’s only fair that you take responsibility for it and heal my heart. “ He kept his hand over his heart playfully again. You were startled at his statement. “W-wait, Arthur! I was just kidding about that!”
A mischievous glint shone in his eyes as he continued to play along with your teasing. He put down his cup of coffee and leaned towards you, “ But weren’t you the one who suggested that? I’ll be depressed now if you say that you were just kidding with me.” You tensed up a little as you looked at him. You almost immediately recognised the glint in his eyes; A gaze as sharp as a predator’s, ready to hunt down its prey. You gulped, a bit apprehended at the thought that he was going to go along with that.
Arthur’s lingering gaze can be felt by you, which made you restless.
He breathed, “Now then…” and with a deliberate dramatic pause, He stood up with a visible smirk crawling onto his handsome face and approached you.
“ Go on, I’m waiting for my kiss. Kiss me and make it better”. THUMP. Your heart was pounding wildly on hearing his statement.
“Excuse me?” You asked, trying to feign composure. “ Kiss me, sweet bird. Only then, will I accept your apology.“ He answered you with an insouciant smile.
You contemplated for a moment before Arthur saw a determined look on your face. “So, are you ready to fulfil your part of the deal? “
You nodded your head and stood up from your seat. You asked, “ Can you bend down a little so that I can reach your face, Arthur?”
He nodded delightfully, “I’d do anything as long as you complete my request!” and sat down back on the chaise lounge. He closed his eyes with anticipation and waited for the kiss, masking his eagerness. He felt a soft sensation on either of his cheeks, which startled him a little. He opened his eyes abruptly and looked at you.
You were standing there with a triumphant smile as you gazed at Arthur. He was taken aback as he thought about what had happened moments ago. His hands unconsciously reached towards both of his cheeks, where he could still feel the soft and warm sensation of your lips.
"You cheated! What makes you think I'm going to accept cheek kisses as the kiss I requested?" He blurted out in one breath.
You said, "Well, technically, you had asked me to kiss you, but you didn't specify where I have to kiss you. So it does count as a kiss- dear". You mimicked the way he called you often.
He looked conflicted as he stared at you. There was amusement and something else swimming in his eyes, which you couldn't seem to put a finger on.
He grasped your arm and pulled you gently towards him, putting his other hand on your cheek. "Arthur, what-?" You fell silent upon looking into his eyes.
"You - you never fail to catch me off guard… You are indeed very different from the other women I've seen. If only you were mine-" Arthur stopped himself before he spilt any more of his feelings.
"If I say that I will really feel better, will you kiss me then? Will you be my darling then, not in words, but literally?" He slowly brushed away your strands of hair falling on her cheeks.
He stood up, still keeping you close to him by your waist. Tilting your chin up with his fingers gently and prompting you to look into his cerulean blue eyes, he caught you off guard suddenly with his action. He kissed the corner of your mouth briefly, earning a gasp from you and making you blush. You were suddenly reminded of the close distance between you both.
"A-Arthur! Stop messing with me. I know that you're teasing me right now." You said as you put your hands on his chest in an attempt to push him away, which only prompted him to tighten his hold on you.
“Do you really think I’m messing with you right now?” He looked seriously into your eyes, making you incapable of tearing your gaze away from him.
“ I don’t know. You always tease me. So it’s hard for me to tell when you’re joking and when you’re serious.” You looked down, feeling guilty for being unable to understand his words clearly.
He sighed before releasing you and turned away to laugh. The awkward atmosphere between the both of you seemed to dissolve slowly. “Thanks for the kiss. Though I’m a little disappointed that you didn’t initiate the kiss, I’m feeling better! Now, I need to get my remaining work done. So I’ll talk to you later.”
You were being pushed gently by your shoulders, signalling you to go. You turned back immediately before exiting the room. “But Arthur, about what you said earlier...Were you serious?”
He cast a bittersweet gaze at you before replying, “It’s for you to decide. I’ll be waiting for your reply if it was serious or not. Tell me tomorrow, will you?” He smiled a little. You nodded absentmindedly, lost in your own sea of thoughts. He shut the door gently, signalling the end of the conversation. You walked down the halls, your heart still beating erratically due to the previous incidents.
Also, tagging @ichigostellaglynn since your man is Arhthur. I think you'll like it.
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candycityy · 3 years
Ooh rivetra and 20 or 76 (or both if you want to ;)) for the Drabble prompts pleeeease 🧡🖤
Note: I did both because what can I say, I love a challenge, hehehe. I hope you like it!
References this earlier drabble.
(You can also read this on AO3!)
So here's the thing, right. For all his flaws—and he does have flaws, no matter what the fawning masses think—Levi isn't stupid.
Sure, he's not probably not cut out for the rarefied, upper-crust intelligentsia that Erwin Smith moves in. And sure, certain idiots of the variety of Hanji Zoë might swear on their dying breaths that he's all brawn and no brain, et cetera, but the truth is, he's got enough street smarts and common sense that most people conveniently overlook his awful social skills.
And that means that contrary to popular belief, Levi doesn't totally suck at social events. The Sina elite tend to misread his frosty bluntness and lack of etiquette as a refreshing, man-on-the-street brand of humour. Which, well, whatever works, he supposes.
Unfortunately, as a matter of consequence, that means that even with a hyperactive three-year old at home, Erwin had point-blank refused to let him off for this year's Midwinter Ball. He'd given him leave for the past few since Ava was still far too young to be left alone at home, but judging by the commander's expression, he's just about exhausted his excuses.
"You know the state of our finances, Levi," he'd said, cerulean eyes earnest and entreating. "We need every coin we can get. And, well, you're always quite popular at these balls, being humanity's strongest and all—not accounting for taste, of course—"
The commander'd smirked, but his expression had faded back to solemnity quickly enough. "We need you there, Levi. I won't make it an order, but consider it...a personal request. Please?"
Levi'd grumbled under his breath. "Whatever. I'll go, I'll go, just stop looking at me like that," he'd barked.
Erwin had smiled. "I knew I could count on you, Levi."
Cut to the present. It's just past six o'clock, the winter sky only now beginning to darken into a somewhat forbidding shade of violet-grey. He's already dressed in his standard black suit, pacing back and forth the small living room, his eyes darting to the clock every few seconds.
Petra, who's in the midst of removing the curlers from her hair, shoots him an irritated look. "Would you calm down," she hisses, "you're driving me crazy. And Ava's going to pick up on it too, you know."
They both glance at their daughter, who's serenely colouring in a picture in crayon at the other end of the room. The three-year-old is Petra in miniature, from her wide eyes right down to her peaches-and-cream complexion. With just one exception: her hair is just a touch darker than her mother's: more cinnamon than honey.
Levi runs a hand through his hair. "Why aren't they here yet?" he says, for the third time that night.
"Because we told them to come at half past," Petra replies, with somewhat less patience than she'd ordinarily have. "Now get over here and help me do up my necklace, would you."
The metal is cold to the touch, but Petra just smiles softly as he clasps the necklace behind her neck with deft fingers. "Remember our first Midwinter Ball?" she reminisces. "That was pretty fun, wasn't it?"
"Fun for you, maybe," Levi says drily. "I was busy dragging Auruo off the dance floor after he puked and blacked out, remember?"
She giggles. "Oh, yeah. I forgot about that part. But still, that was when we danced together for the first time." They fall into a comfortable, nostalgic silence, and finally, he sighs.
"I still don't like leaving her alone," he mutters.
"It's hardly the first time," Petra says gently.
"I know, but it's the first time we'll be so far from her. And for so long, too—a whole night." His eyes turn contemplative. "Maybe I could just ride back, after the ball—if the weather isn't bad—"
"Don't even think about it," she says sharply. "The roads aren't safe this time of year, especially not so late at night, there's too much ice. We'll be back in the morning, Levi. Don't worry so much."
He snorts. "Easier said than done. Why aren't they here yet?" he asks again. This time, Petra ignores him, instead turning back to the mirror and carefully applying lipstick with a practiced hand.
After the final step—dusting her cheeks with rose-tinted powder—she rises to her feet, doing a slow turn in her gown, a sleek, champagne-coloured affair with a fitted bodice and fluted sleeves, cut out of satin and embellished with tiny buttons down the front. Her delicately curled hair falls in soft waves to her collarbone, just brushing the front of her dress.
"What do you think?" she goes. Oblivious to his sullen silence, she juts out a hip and flutters her lashes at him coquettishly, an action which earns her an eye-roll.
"You're going to make everyone stare," he grumbles. She giggles.
"I have to keep your fangirls away, now don't I?" she teases, with a toss of her head. He's about to issue a retort when a knock comes at the door.
"Right on time, as usual," Petra declares. Levi just scowls.
He'd had been reluctant to get them back after the first disastrous incident, but Petra had insisted that they'd done a good job—"after all, Ava was perfectly fine, wasn't she?" As a result, Eren and Jean have become their go-to babysitters ever since. Levi's loath to admit it, but their daughter has warmed up to them. She's already toddling over to the door with a ready beam on her face, as the boys troop in through the door, faces flushed with the cold.
"Eren nii-chan! Jean nii-chan!" she chirps, plump arms outstretched. "Pick me up, pleaaaase?"
Eren breaks into a grin and obliges. His terror of Levi has subsided somewhat, although he still occasionally trips over his feet whenever he walks past, but he openly adores the toddler. Jean's a bit more reserved, but as Ava begins to babble cheerfully, his expression noticeably softens—even though he claims he's not a fan of babies, Levi suspects that he's secretly just as enamoured with Ava as his comrade is.
Of course, that only makes sense, considering that as far as Levi is concerned, Ava Ackerman is the cutest fucking baby on the planet.
Outside the door, there's the distant sound of approaching hooves pounding against cobblestone. Sensing a farewell, Petra sighs and leans over to give Ava one last hug, as Levi presses a gentle kiss to his daughter's cheek.
"We'll better be off," she says reluctantly. "Boys, thank you so much for taking care of Ava tonight. If anything goes wrong, you know what to do."
All four adults exchange grim, silent glances; they know what's coming next. Levi picks up his coat and shrugs it on. Petra wraps a scarf around her neck.
And with a sigh, they push the door open, and wait.
Three, two—
Ava lets out a ear-splitting shriek, one that seems far too loud to come from such a small baby. Her eyes well up with anxious tears as she comes to the awful realisation that her parents are leaving without her, and she struggles desperately towards them, her face screwed-up and flushed with fury, as Eren doggedly tries to keep her from wriggling out of his arms. Beside him, Jean attempts in vain to ply her with sweets and toys, but she won't be soothed or distracted.
"No, no, no!" Ava wails. Her tiny fists pummel Eren's shoulder, who, to his credit, doesn't flinch, just hefts her up resignedly. "No go, no go! Stay!"
Petra sends him a warning look. And even as every atom of his body rebels against the thought of it...
Levi steps over the threshold, and into the wintry night air.
"Levi," Petra says patiently, "you're fidgeting."
She places a hand on his thigh, which, apparently, he'd been subconsciously jiggling all this while. Calming Ava down had taken about ten whole minutes, but Eren and Jean had finally managed to distract her with a game of hide-and-seek—her new favourite—and they'd quietly snuck onto the carriage before she could realise their trick.
They're barely more than a mile from home, but already being away from Ava feels like a piercing, physical pain in the front of his skull, a palpable anxiety that refuses to fade. Even Petra's presence, usually so comforting, doesn't soothe him in the slightest.
"Sorry," he mutters. "It's just—it's fucking terrifying, being a parent." His wife touches his cheek in silent commiseration, and they both sit in silence.
It's as perfect a night as it could ever be, in all honesty. The moon is full and bright, its silvery light beaming helpfully onto their path. The road is almost deserted this evening—Levi supposes most people would rather be safely tucked in the warmth of their homes, celebrating the holiday season with their own families instead of with dozens of expensively-attired strangers.
Fuck it all. Sensing his blood pressure rising, he takes a deep breath. The air is cool and dry and calming. Turning to stare out at the window, he listens to the rhythmic clickity-clack of the horses' hooves, their huffed pants of exertion, the metallic whine of the wheels—
Levi frowns. "What was that?"
"What was what?" Petra starts to ask, and then stills—this time, she'd heard it too. That high-pitched, bell-like sound, that sounds disturbingly like...
She swallows. "D-did you just make that noise?"
He stares at her drily. "I don't think my vocal chords could physically manage that."
"You don't think..." Her jaw drops, and she almost leaps towards the driver's seat in her urgency, startling the poor old man. "Excuse me! Stop the carriage, please!"
The horses have barely come to a halt when Levi disembarks from the carriage in one swift, fluid movement. He strides towards the back of the carriage, where, he knows, there's a small compartment built in, just large enough for their overnight bags and gear.
As well as—perhaps—a three-year-old toddler, if she were crouching quite close to the floor. Like, for instance, in a game of hide-and-seek.
His expression is grim as he tugs open the lid of the compartment. Behind him, Petra looks frozen, her face a mixture of trepidation and incredulity and just the tiniest hint of amusement.
The lid comes loose. "Daddy!" their irrepressible daughter exclaims, springing out of her crouching position. She giggles again, that familiar high-pitched, bell-like sound almost unnaturally loud in the silence of the night. "Mama! Ava came along!"
For a second, both parents are struck speechless as they stare at their cheerful stowaway in wordless horror.
Finally, Petra opens her mouth to speak.
"You don't say," she deadpans.
By the time they reach Sina, the ball has already started.
Of course, considering how they had to turn back around (much to the chagrin of the carriage-driver), tuck Ava very firmly into bed (it goes easier this time, considering how exhausted she is from the very dramatic game of hide-and-seek), reassure a terrified Eren and Jean that they're not mad (although Levi still isn't sure, to be honest), and allow them to resume sentry duty before leaving, he figures they actually made pretty good time.
Other than the very pointed, self-righteous look the doorman shoots them as they stumble into the hall, they manage to blend into the crowd with relative ease. They quickly touch base with the rest of the squad and collect two well-deserved flutes of wine before searching for Erwin, if only to reassure him that they did, in fact, come.
The commander is, of course, easy enough to spot, what with his stature and all. And although he initially looks mildly disapproving, his expression quickly turns wry once he hears the tale.
"That's quite a story," he says, nodding politely at a passing noblewoman, who blushes alluringly and bats her eyes. "Although, I suppose I should be glad you turned up at all, considering."
Petra giggles. "Touché. Although, maybe next year, we can bring her along. Wouldn't that be adorable?"
"Over my dead body," Levi says flatly. "But maybe next year, you'll let me stay home, Erwin."
The blonde man sighs and casts his eyes skyward. Around them, the party thrums cheerfully, soldiers mingling with nobles, careful words and casual touches exchanged over good dance and better drink. But although the atmosphere is thick with holiday cheer and inebriation, the commander seems wearily immune. "Maybe next year, I'll finally resign."
Levi snorts and lifts his wine-glass. "I'll toast to that."
Drabble challenge!
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ayatosmlktea · 4 years
Late Night Devil
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A/N: This is my fic for the Citrus Dome Server collab! I’ve spent many hours crying over it, I hope you enjoy it! Make sure you check out the other pieces of the collab too because they’re written by amazing writers!! @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten​
Read the other fics for the collab here!
Word count: 5.7k
Thank you @suckersuki for saving my ass and making this beautiful banner 💕
 Worship has always been a part of your daily routine. Each season you place the fruits of your labor at the altar. Every day you pray. It’s human nature, seeking answers from the Gods. But you never expected one to answer…
Warm summer breeze tickled at your face, your hair flowing freely in front of your face making your nose itch. Tucking a stray strand behind your ear, you tune out the conversation your parents are having in favour of focusing your attention on the pavement ahead of you. Your eyes stinging and heavy from the lack of sleep you’ve been getting since the breakup. A bitter aftertaste stings the back of your throat as the events replay in your mind. The breakup had been sudden, although you couldn’t say you were completely caught off guard. Regardless of how underwhelming it had been, the way you’d been humiliated so carelessly had hurt your pride.
As you approached closer to the temple, a strange feeling of anxiety crawled into your stomach and pushed down heavily on your chest. It was unlike you to feel such unease coming to the temple of the gods, normally the divine power helped bring a sense of peace into your life.
Today was another story it seemed, maybe it was the fact that your emotions were all over the place and the pain and hate you felt slowly bubbling up over being cheated on were muddling with the rest of your feelings. Warm orange rays of sunlight slowly begin to peek over the tops of the mountains, shrouding the forest in a comforting glow. The sky is light with pinks and oranges, the dark blue night sky slowly fading away as a light cerulean takes over. It was barely six in the morning, but your family had always been adamant about being early to bring your offerings for the gods.
Nature seemed to come alive around you, birds chirping, flowers blooming with lush petals and vibrant colours. It was the summer solstice, a period of time where the gods’ presence was closer to the human world than any other time of the year.
However, despite it being such a juvinating day you were feeling anything but jovial. The basket resting on your arm was nearly filled to the brim with seasonal fruits that you had picked earlier that morning. The better quality the offerings and the more abundant they were signified a better season and prosperity blessed upon your family from the gods.
“Y/n what’s the matter?” your mother asks, eyeing you suspiciously.
“Nothing, just tired” you mumble hoping that she’ll stop questioning you before it starts.
“Well make sure you don’t walk into the temple like that, we can’t afford to attract any negativity this season” she scolds, something you’ve heard since becoming your family’s link between your world and the God’s.
When it had happened you were instantly filled with dread, the wellbeing of your entire family rested on your shoulders. Four times a year you needed to make sure that your emotions were in check, a single negative thought even for a fleeting second would have an impact on your family’s future until the next solstice. The gods were very picky when it came to their offerings, being the so-called spokesperson for your family meant that for the entire time you were in the temple you couldn’t think of anything else.
One minor distraction was enough to send a year’s worth of bad luck onto your family. You had never once messed up in the ten years that you’d been doing this, but it never stopped your parents from reminding you incessantly that you needed to be in the right state of mind. It was annoying, but you’d gotten used to it over the years.
Today however, you had little patience with your mother. Resisting the urge to roll your eyes you give her a tight smile and nod, returning your gaze ahead of you.
The sun was beginning to rise higher in the sky, light pinks and oranges gradually fading into a light blue. The ruby red pillars of the temple gradually came into view, peeking through thick tangled branches.
The closer you got to the temple, the heavier the lump of dread feels in your stomach. It’s so close to swallowing you whole that you can feel the bile creeping up your throat. Sticky black fingers made of tar wrap themselves around your throat. The second you step foot onto temple grounds you can feel the atmosphere change.
A harsh warm breeze whips against your hair, running along your exposed arms and face. Almost like a warning, you need to get yourself together. Shoving down every negative feeling that’s made itself home in your body you take a few deep breaths and focus on calming your emotions.
From the corner of your eye you can see your parents give you a wary side eye but you flash them a reassuring smile. You can do this. You’ve done it a thousand times before, one stupid break up will not be the reason you bring bad fortune upon your family. You’d never hear the end of it.
As you walk up the narrow winding steps to the shrine you can feel the spiritual energy radiating from the soles of your feet up to the top of your head. The concerned gazes of your parents burn holes into the back of your head. Not only were you more in tune with the realm of the gods during the solstice, but the energy of the earth as a whole intensified as well.
Deep breaths in and out. Focus on the wicker handle of the basket digging uncomfortably into your arm. Anything to distract your mind from thinking about finding Bakugou kissing Cami-Nope.
Your grip around the basket handle tightens, small pieces of it begin to poke at your skin giving you something to focus your attention on.
When you finally reach the top of the stairs, your rage has finally simmered down enough to allow you to ease your death grip on the basket.
A heavy hand on your shoulder draws your attention up to your father’s solemn eyes. You were usually good at hiding your emotions, the fact that everything you were feeling now was on full display was irritating you to no end.
“I’m fine!” You reassure them once more but you can tell they don’t believe you. You can’t blame them, you haven’t told them anything about your relationship ending and you don’t intend to either. You knew you were acting differently these last few weeks but you didn’t need anyone else knowing about the humiliating way things had ended between you and Bakugou.
Your parents accompany you into the temple but being the spiritual link for your family, only you are allowed to enter the inner rooms which host the shrines for each god. In the beginning it had been exciting to you, but now years later it was beginning to feel like a chore. It didn’t matter where you were, four times a year you needed to come home and pray for good health and wealth and prosperity. You pass by Izuku on your way into the room, his presence was usually calming but the sight of him now only served to remind you of Bakugou. Forcing a polite smile on your lips you give him a small nod of acknowledgement before continuing on your way towards the altars.
The prayers had gone well, at least you had assumed they had. You had no problems with the gods, other than Enji who usually gave you a hard time regardless of how good of a mood you were in so you didn’t take it personally.  Grabbing the empty basket you exit the room and make your way outside. Finally able to let your emotions pour out once more, you find yourself becoming fixated on the onslaught of hatred, revenge, and hurt that were lying dormant under your skin. You wanted revenge, you wanted to humiliate him the way he’d hurt you. 
You didn’t understand why he’d done it, you had been under the false presumption that your relationship was fine. If it hadn’t been for Bakugou cheating on you in your own apartment, with the girl he’d told you so many times NOT to worry about you might have felt less bitter. But there was nothing that could quench your desire for revenge other than making him regret what he’d done to you in a way that would stick with him forever.
Blinking out of your daydream you realize that you’ve wandered into a part of the temple that you’ve never been to before. It’s darker and the energy feels heavier compared to the other sections. Your feet seem to move of their own will as you approach a door that looks as though it hasn’t been opened in ages. You expect to find it locked, but much to your surprise the handle twists open with no resistance. 
The room is even darker than the hallway, a small window being the only source of light casting a gloomy look throughout it. Along the back wall of the room is what you think is another altar, except as you approach it it’s covered in dust. It’s apparent to you that no one has been in this room for a long time. Cautiously you wipe away the dust covering the plaque on the front of the altar.
“God of vengeance, Dabi” The second the name leaves you lips the door slams shut making you jump in shock. Your heart is pounding in your chest, and every nerve is screaming at you to run.
“Lost, dollface?” A voice you’ve never heard before but feels so strangely familiar at the same time makes you nearly jump out of your skin and whip around to face them. You had been facing the door ready to walk out, no one had been in here before you so where did the man standing in front of you come from.
You’re suddenly so dumbstruck that you can’t even formulate a response, your eyes are too busy taking in his unusual appearance. Spiky black hair, the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen with patches of his skin on most of his face and neck that are stapled together. Your eyes travel down farther and notice that not only is his face badly burnt but a significant portion of his body is.
The energy you’re getting from his presence is overwhelmingly not human, but it’s not demonic either. At least, you’re fairly sure it isn’t. Meaning that the person standing before you was a god.
“Don’t look so shocked, you did wander in here didn’t you? What were you expecting to find?”
“Who are you?” The question feels stupid of you to ask.
“Shouldn’t you know that already?” Your mind is racing with a hundred different things to say, but none of them make it past your lips. Something about him is different from the rest of the gods you’ve met before. There’s what feels like an underlying evil in him despite being a god.
“What’s on your mind doll? It’s obviously important enough to be thinking about while you’re in the presence of a God” His coy smile and low voice laced with honey and temptation make you want to answer him even though you know you shouldn’t.
“Why do you care?” Raising an eyebrow questioningly, a tiny voice at the back of your mind begins to scold you for speaking to a god so casually. Not only could he clearly incinerate you in a flash but he could also influence the fate of your family’s fortune. But you couldn’t be bothered to give a shit. For the last decade of your life you’ve spent it dedicated to bringing your parents good fortune only to end up with your own misfortune. You knew you were pushing it, you knew that one slip up and you’d never hear the end of it. But the rage bubbling it’s way slowly up your body almost feels like it’s growing stronger in his presence.
“I always care about pretty little things who wander up to MY altar with such negative energy.”
“Your altar? Funny how I’ve never heard of you before. Can’t be that important if your altar is blocked off from the rest of the temple. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m leaving” Turning on your heel you start walking back to the door hoping that you’ll be able to leave before digging yourself a deeper grave.
“Now now, is that any way to speak to a god?” Within seconds the atmosphere changes, andBlue flames sprout up around you blocking you from leaving the room. They’re hotter than any fire you’ve ever been near before, you don’t even need to be standing directly in front of them to feel how much heat they radiate. Dabi’s eyes are glowing with such an intense gaze of lust in your eyes that it works its way under your skin.
It doesn’t take you long to understand why his shrine had been locked off from the rest of the altars. Dabi might have been a god but there was nothing heavenly about him. Gradually the smell of smoke began to fill your lungs in an unpleasant way despite nothing in the room burning.
“Wanna try that again? Maybe a little nicer this time huh?” Dabi’s body was right behind yours, his lips ghosting the shell of your ear. Hot breath hitting against you making you shiver involuntarily.
“Don’t you have better things to worry about?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, you’re standing in front of the god of vengeance. The one god who can help you work out this little problem you’ve got going on”
“Why do you want to help me so bad?”
“I like to think of myself as a generous god” He jokes but you can already tell that Dabi is anything but  generous. His expression changes when you don’t lighten up at his attempt to change the mood of the conversation.
“What can I say, I love a good revenge story. It doesn’t hurt if they’re not bad to look at either”
Sighing, you begin to mull over his proposal in your mind. You can’t deny that it would be just a little satisfying to have a god on your side. It was petty, the dumbest kind of revenge that anyone could plot for but the images of Bakugou making out with someone who wasn’t you in your own bed no less were branded permanently in your mind. Maybe summoning Dabi was a blessing in disguise, besides, he was a god after all. It wasn’t like he was going to ask you for your soul.
“Fine, what do you want in exchange?”You figured the most he probably wanted was a bigger offering next season.
“We’ll discuss that when it comes up”
You weren’t even sure why Dabi had decided to waste his time in the human world. In his own words he was bored of being in his own realm and figured that sticking around your “depressed ass” would give him some form of entertainment.
Thankfully you didn’t live with your parents anymore, you weren’t sure how you were going to explain having a random man they’d never seen before stuck to your side twenty-four hours a day. In all honesty, you didn’t know why he’d been so interested in helping you get revenge on Bakugou but there wasn’t any need for you to question it. He was the god of vengeance after all.
Even if this did seem like a small and petty reason to help you out.
The first week you had been so caught in helping Dabi adjust to human life that you’d almost forgotten why he was there in the first place. You would have thought that for a god he’d have been at least somewhat competent at learning how to work something as simple as the shower.
You definitely hadn’t expected him to be standing in the bathtub naked, with the cockiest smirk on his face while you yelped and covered your eyes, willing with every fiber in your body for your heart to stop racing.
“Could you at least cover yourself before calling me in here?” You complain, still shielding your eyes as you walk over to turn on the shower for him.
“Can’t you just use your godly powers or whatever to just do it for you?” Mumbling mostly to yourself, you adjust the temperature before hurrying out of the bathroom, trying not to think about his dick and how badly you would’ve gotten on your knees for him if he had asked.
“That would be a waste of my godly powers then, don’t you think?” 
You don’t even need to look at him to see the cocky smirk on his face. Slamming the bathroom door shut behind you, you rush back into your room hoping that he at least possesses enough common sense to know how to turn the shower off.
The following days go by with Dabi finding a new way to tease you, whether it was walking around the house shirtless or him walking in on you taking a shower. To say that you were up to your neck with the desire to have him fuck you senseless one minute and wanting to strangle the life out of him the next was an understatement. But according to Dabi, once you had both verbally agreed on the deal you’d made he couldn’t leave until the job was finished. 
Meaning, that until you got revenge on Bakugou, Dabi was going to be sticking around. Throughout the time that you spent together, Dabi had told you more than you thought you would get out of him. How he’d gotten his scars, why his altar had been separated from the others. As much as people needed vengeance, praying to a god as powerful as Dabi meant that in the wrong hands his powers could very well cause irreversible damage. Not that he had a problem with it, but the priests had decided long ago that his altar needed to be kept away from vengeful hearts. 
Until you came along of course, he’d immediately noticed your energy the second you had stepped foot in the temple. No matter how hard you tried to conceal your feelings, Dabi had noticed them and led you straight to his altar. You had been a little mad at first, having been so easily caught trapped but the more you thought about it the less you cared. Besides, you were beginning to enjoy his company around your empty apartment. 
Finally, after almost three weeks of putting up with him,  the opportunity to get back at Bakugou presented itself.
“Have you ever been clubbing?” you ask over breakfast that morning.
Leaning back in his chair, Dabi’s curious eyes meet yours.
“What are you planning?”
“Bakugou’s best friend is having his birthday party at this club and he’s probably going to be there too. You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to. I can find someone else if you’re uncom-”
“I’m not uncomfortable. That’s what I’m here for right?”
“Well I was just asking since you’re like, what, a couple centuries old? It might be weird to go dancing with all these young people” you flash him an innocent smile at his unamused glare.
“Last time I checked your eyes were practically begging me to fuck you” He retorts making you choke on your coffee. Smirking in victory he leans in closely to whisper in your ear.
“Try harder next time doll”  
The rest of the day flew by and the closer the time got for you to leave, the more anxious you felt. You couldn’t help but start to doubt everything about your plan for revenge. For all you knew, Bakugou could care less about who you were hooking up with as long as he was getting his dick wet.
“Are you doubting me?” Dabi teased as you make your way to the club.
“No, but you don’t know what he’s like.”
You didn’t need to wait long to get in the club, your tight black dress and Dabi’s “charm” were more than enough to allow you to skip the line and get in. His hand never leaves your lower back  as you make your way through the crowd and towards the bar. The two of you down a few shots, the alcohol makes its way through your veins and before long you’re feeling pleasantly buzzed. 
Grabbing Dabi’s hand you drag him to the dance floor, it doesn’t take him long to get the hang of grinding up on you and for once you’re not mad about him being a tease. His hand is firmly resting on your hip, you’re a bit more tipsy than you had wanted to get but the song the dj is playing is setting the mood making you hot and bothered. When Dabi’s lips start kissing their way along the side of your neck you’re more than willing to give him more space to leave a few marks.
Your eyes are closed as your bodies grind together and you don’t notice the way Bakugou is glaring with murderous intent at Dabi. Just as you’re starting to loosen up a distance voice snaps you out of your trance.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Opening your eyes you find Bakugou standing in front of you with his arms crossed.
“What does it look like I’m doing. I’m dancing” the song that were dancing to ends and another more upbeat one follows.
“With him? I knew your standards were low but I didn’t think you were that desperate” He snorts, your blood instantly boils making the back of your neck prickle with rage.
“Hmm, let’s take this outside. What do you say?” Dabi asks with a playful tone in his voice.
“Whatever” Bakugou grumbles before shoving his way through the crowd of drunk dancing bodies.
Dabi and Bakugou confronting each other was something you hadn’t thought was going to happen when you’d agreed to let Dabi help you get your revenge on him. But as luck would have it, here you were standing in an alley outside of the club with Dabi in front of you and Bakugou glaring daggers into him.
“Oi, I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but she’s mine.”
“Yours? Aren’t you the dickhead who cheated on her? Why would she want you back” Dabi’s laugh isn’t teasing like the ones you’ve heard before. It’s condescending, and you start to feel an energy you’ve never felt before radiating off of him.
“Tell me, dollface.” His voice is deeper and when he turns to look back at you his eyes are darker with what you hope is  “Is this mutt really the one you want fucking you right now?” Bakugou’s jaw twitches and he clenches his fist ready to swing at Dabi.
“Tch, down boy” he sighs and just like that Bakugou’s body is slammed down to the cement. You’ve never seen Dabi use his powers before and it does nothing to calm the raging storm of lust about to boil over in your.
“Now, if you don’t mind I’m going to pick up where I left off before you rudely interrupted.” Your wide eyes are still focused on Bakugou’s form kneeling behind Dabi, until he grabs your jaw with one hand and backs you up against the wall.
“I’d much rather you focus on me than him” He mumbles, giving you a sly smile before claiming your lips in a heated kiss. His lips are so much better than you imagined, soft and yet rough at the same time. The cold staples on the corner of his lips lightly scrape against your skin but you don’t care. Sliding your hands underneath his shirt you wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him in closer to you.
Your nails clawing at his back hard enough to make him hiss and bite down harshly on the sensitive skin where your neck and shoulders met. If your brain wasn’t so muddled with pleasure it might have been more painful but it only sent sparks throughout your whole body. It didn’t matter how tightly you grabbed him and pulled him closer into you, it wasn’t enough.
 Dabi hooked your right leg over his hip, the other hand trailing up the back of your neck tangling his hand in your hair and pulling it back. The feeling of his lips sucking dark marks onto your flesh elicited a loud wanton moan from your lips. Your fingers buried themselves in his raven locks tugging his head up so you can slip your tongue between his lips. The hand holding your thigh tightens as a carnal growl makes its way up his throat.
Kissing a god was nothing like you’d ever experienced before, it felt like with each kiss he was stealing the air right from your lungs.
If you were being completely honest with yourself, Dabi could have ended your life right then and there and you would have let him. Throughout the past few weeks he’s been living with you, you’ve pictured this in your mind countless times. But you’d never thought that there was a chance in hell that it was ever going to happen. Yet here you were, back scraping against the brick wall of the club’s alley with Dabi’s fingers digging into your hips in a way that would leave their mark there for days.
His lips moved against yours like he was a man starved of touch and affection, his teeth bit harshly against your bottom lip pulling a half strangled moan from your throat. His hands, which felt like they were growing hotter every time he brushed against your bare skin, tightened their hold on your hips to grind you against his dick. The sharp hiss he lets out goes straight to your already throbbing pussy, something about knowing that you’re the one making him feel like  this and lose control of himself just makes you want to push him farther and see how long it’ll take to break him.
Reaching down between your bodies you grab his hips trying to bring them closer to yours for more much needed friction. The action makes Dabi chuckle against your lips.
“Impatient aren’t we princess?” Dabi tries to come off as nonchalant but he wants it just as much you do. He’s been holding out for weeks, at first he just enjoyed making you flustered, pushing all your buttons to see how you’d react. But the longer he spent with you the more his feelings turned from curiosity to genuine interest and the small embers of lust that lay dormant in his gut had erupted into a fire that was rapidly consuming him.
It was dirty and rushed, teeth clacking together as you both tried to bring your bodies closer together until there was not an inch of space left between you. Your dress was now barely hanging on to your hips, but you couldn’t care less because the only thing on your mind was feeling Dabi inside you NOW. Rolling yourself against his dick the best you can while having one leg on the ground, you can’t help but smirk when Dabi moans into your mouth. His hand slides down your stomach, fingers teasing your thighs where the hem of your dress meets your exposed skin before inching closer to where you want him most. His arm sets your leg down in favour of spreading your legs wider for him, tugging your dress up even higher to give himself a better view.
“So fucking wet and I haven’t even touched you yet” Dabi laughs in your ear, enjoying the way you inhale sharply as his fingers circle your puffy clit.
“Dabi, don’t be a tease” you shoot back, trying to sound as dominant as you can but instead it comes out as a breathy whine. The contrast of his soft top lip combined with the roughness of his bottom lip against your neck was making you dizzy.  It was the perfect combination of pain and pleasure, and it was only serving to turn you on even more knowing that you had provoked him into doing this.
“You know, I was going to fuck you anyway but don’t you think it’s a little more vengeful if I show your charming ex how to really make you scream?” You were so distracted by the feeling of finally letting out your sexual frustrations that you’d forgotten all about Bakugou who was still under Dabi’s influence.
Before you can answer him, Dabi slides two fingers into you with ease curling them at just the right angle to have you panting against his neck. His movements are anything but gentle and he gives you no time to adjust to his pace as he works his fingers in and out of your dripping  pussy. Your hands wrap around his biceps, allowing you to have some sort of stability while he’s finger fucking you fast enough to leave you light headed.
“Such a fucking tight pussy you’ve got doll” he chuckles breathlessly. His thumb nudges against your clit tightening the coil of white heat rapidly building up in your lower stomach. His fingers are hitting against your sweet spot so perfectly, every thrust knocking the air out of your lungs in breathy moans as he increases his pace.
 The wet sloppy sounds of his fingers in you are only heightening your arousal. Dabi’s lips start sucking against the space between your neck and shoulders, making you tilt your head to give him better access. You’re so close you can feel yourself coming undone, without warning Dabi bites down hard enough to break the skin sending you towards your first orgasm.  You don’t even care that you’re moaning loud enough for anyone to hear you, Dabi’s fingers don’t stop giving you no chance to recover.
“Come on princess, I know you’ve got another one for me. Cum on my fucking fingers like a good slut” his rough voice right against your ear does nothing to help bring you down from your high. You’re helpless to do anything but let yourself become putty in his hands as another orgasm leaves you breathless and nearly sobbing against him.
You whine at the feeling of his fingers pulling out of you, but you don’t have to wait long before he turns your body around to face the wall,  bending you over and unzipping his jeans to free his aching cock.
“Remember when I said we’d discuss what I wanted in exchange for helping you out?” he asks, his voice raw with arousal as he slides the tip of his cock against your dripping folds. You can barely remember what he’s talking about, your mind is so focused on wanting to feel him inside you that you can barely keep track of what he’s saying.
“I think this is a pretty good exchange don’t you think?” Not giving you a chance to respond he grabs your hip with one hand and tangles your hair with the other while sheathing his cock fully inside you with one sharp thrust. Your nails dig into the brick wall as you fail to bite back a scream. He’s so thick that you can feel the veins of his cock rubbing against your walls with each thrust. The hand fisting your hair tightens its grip, pulling your head back towards him. Dabi’s hot breaths are hitting against the base of your neck, the feeling of him inside you is making your head spin with pleasure.
“Go on, tell  him who’s fucking you this good” Dabi’s hips are slapping against your ass hard enough to bruise but you could care less.
“You are” you whimper but it’s not good enough.
“Say my fucking name” he growls in your ear before reaching down to rub hard circles against your clit.
“F-fuck! Dabi! You feel so fucking good” you cry out as another orgasm washes over you making your legs feel like jelly.  You’re almost certain that anyone within a two block radius can hear how loud you’re screaming but you don’t care. Before you can process what’s happening Dabi pulls out of you flipping you back around to face him and lifting you up. Wrapping your legs around his waist he slowly pushes back into your hot walls.
“Such a greedy cunt you have, dollface” he grunts and you can’t do anything except nod. Your back hits the wall as Dabi’s hips rut against yours, the new angle allowing him to hit your g-spot with every thrust. His hand wraps around your throat, restricting your air flow and making your pussy clench around him.
“You like it when I choke you? Such a nasty little whore” he laughs, tightening the grip he has around your neck until the edges of your vision start to blacken.
“Your pussy’s so good I might have to keep you” You’re not even sure how he’s still managing to speak in full sentences, if there was anything that reminded you that Dabi was a god it was his insane stamina. He’d already fucked you through three orgasms without being anywhere near cumming. Not only that, but the force he was using the fuck you with was sure to leave you unable to walk for a week.
Your thighs tighten around his waist as he begins rubbing your clit once again making you whine loudly.
“Too much”
“You can take it baby” His fingers show you no mercy causing you to throw your head back against the wall. Your hands push against his shoulders trying to move him away but Dabi is a lot stronger than you gave him credit for.
“Cum on my fucking cock, you can do it. Show him what a good little slut you are for me” Your fingers are gripping his hair so hard you’re sure you’ve pulled some out as you cum around his dick, your eyes struggling to stay open as you feel liquid splashing against your thighs.
“That’s my girl, squirt all over my cock” His fingers grip your jaw as he brings your lips together in another heated kiss. His thrusts become sloppier and more rushed as he chases his own release.
“Fuck Dabi cum in me” you moan against his lips and he curses under his breath as he spills thick ropes of hot cum inside you. Your breath is coming out in short pants and you can barely stand on your legs when Dabi puts you down. You can feel his cum start to drip down your thighs as he presses a soft kiss against your lips. Your eyes finally gaze down towards Bakugou who looks like he’s about to burst a vein. His eyes are burning holes into your neck where dozens of dark marks litter your skin. From the sounds he’s making, you can tell he wants to say something but under Dabi’s control he’s powerless to do anything.
“How was that for revenge?” Dabi smirks.
“I don’t know, might have to try again at home” you reply cheekily.
“What makes you think you’re making it back home? I meant it when I said I was keeping you”
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Something to Think About
Todoroki Shouto
word count : 2.0k
[ ☀︎ fluff ]  
themes : tooth rotting sweetness & domesticity
bio : You surprise Shouto, and he surprises you right back.
author’s note : alright so this might be a day late but i’m gonna pretend that it’s still father’s day :))) happy father’s day daddy icyhot <3
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
🅂houto is in the kitchen. Contrary to popular belief, he knows how to make more than just soba. Well, at least you hope it’s not soba that he’s making. If that’s the case, it’ll be your fourth meal of cold noodles this week. His back is to you, eyes concentrated on the cutting board atop the marble countertop beneath him, scallions crunching as they’re sliced through with precision.
“Baby?” You start, lingering by the kitchen island with your hands behind your back.
Shouto turns to look at you, a small smile forming on his lips at just the sight of you. He places the knife down, wiping off his slender fingers on the towel strewn over his shoulder. “Hey, love. Didn’t hear you come in— you just get home from work?” He says as he closes the space between you two, hands itching to be on you after not having seen you all day.
Nodding with a hum, your arms wrap around his neck, melting into his broad chest. You can feel the firmness of his muscles through his thin t-shirt, and you grin as a feeling of completeness washes over you. Just simply being in your husband's arms after a long day makes all your worries fade away, his embrace like a gentle tide lapping at you, and cleansing your shore of the stress that is littered there.
Taking his face in your hand, he leans down to press his lips to yours, the metal of your wedding rings cool against his warm cheek. His kiss is soft and sweet, and as you part, he sneaks another peck onto the corner of your mouth. “How was your day?” He whispers, a hand wandering down to splay his fingers at the top of your pants, dipping underneath to press the tips of the digits into your skin.
“It was good,” you answer honestly, leaning back to lock eyes with his stunning gray and cerulean gaze, “but much better now that I’m home, with you.”
Shouto chuckles, stealing another swift kiss before he pulls away, his voice deep and full of affection. “You are so cheesy, my love.” He turns back to the cutting board, the scallions protesting as he finishes chopping them.
Taking a seat on one of the stools at the island, you bite your lip, hands going to fumble through your purse. Where is it… you know you put it in here somewhere…
Your husband throws the end of the stalks into the compost bin, washing the onion juice off his hands at the sink in front of you. His eyes take in your movements with curiosity, and he winks at you when you catch his gaze.
Finally your fingers find the tip of the envelope, and you beam as you slide it out of the confines of your bag. “Hey! I have something for you,” you giggle at the thought of him opening your gift, even if it’s nothing grand. Holding out the envelope to him, he cocks his head to the side as he takes it from you, coming to stand diagonal to you around the island counter.
Shouto doesn’t really know what to expect, though from examining your beaming expression, he’s not fearful to open it. So he does, smirking at you as he rips the blue paper, watching the excitement radiate off of you before he looks down at the card.
Happy Father’s Day!
His heart stops.
Brain going blank, lips parting as his jaw unhinges slightly. And then, his mind is shooting out a million thoughts all at once.
There’s only one reason why you’d be giving him a Father’s Day card—
You’re pregnant?!
You— and him— you’re going to have a baby?
He’s going to be a dad?
And you, you’re going to be a mom?
You’re going to have his baby?
There’s going to be a baby?
A thousand emotions swirl and burst in his chest, like wild, explosive fireworks lighting up a night sky. He feels like he can’t breathe, like the ground has fallen in underneath him, and yet he’s floating here, stuck midair.
“Open it!” You instruct eagerly, completely unaware of the barrage of thoughts that have just pummeled the poor man.
With shaky hands, he opens the card, his lungs completely still as he holds onto his breath, unable to speak.
Thanks for being the most paw-some dad there is! Love, Beans
Shouto nearly collapses as he realizes that the card is supposed to be from your cat. He lets out a trembling breath, eyes frantically flickering over the card again, and again. Just to make sure.
Just to make sure.
“It’s funny, right?” You laugh, blissfully ignorant of the rollercoaster Shouto feels like he’s just been thrown onto; one with no safety bars or seatbelts that demands he holds onto the handles for dear life.
“Y-Yeah.” It slithers out of him, barely even audible. His throat is dry, chest tight as he tries his best to put a name to the hollow feeling inside of him right now.
You look at him in concern, reaching out to rub the side of his arm. “Hey, are you okay?” You murmur, confused as to why his mood would suddenly flip like this. “I’m sorry Beans couldn’t think of a better pun, she’s not very creative y’know?”
As if on cue, Beans enters the kitchen, tail straight in the air as she rubs her head against your ankle, and then her flank on Shouto’s leg.
Jostled out of his consuming thoughts, he reaches down to scratch behind her ear for a moment, brow furrowed. When he stands back up, he makes his way to the stool next to you, sliding into it before he places the card on the counter, and takes your hands in his. His thumbs rub over your knuckles, but he remains silent, lost in thought again.
Craning your neck to get a better view of his pensive expression, you squeeze his hands gently. “Shou?”
At the sound of his name, he locks eyes with you, and for the tiniest second, you swear you catch a distant sadness there. He squeezes your hands back, a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes forming on his lips. He takes a long, deep breath before he speaks. “I’m fine, love. I just— I think I misunderstood at first is all.”
You look at him, bewildered, your mouth opening. “Misunder—” It’s then that your eyes go wide with shock, darting to the front of the card before landing back on him. “Oh my god, Shouto— I am so sorry. That must’ve scared the shit outta you,” you groan, slipping a hand from his to cradle your forehead in shame. “I am so stupid, I can’t believe myself.”
“Hey,” he cuts in, warm fingers wrapping around your wrist to pull your hand away from your face. When your eyes meet his, your stomach bursts with butterflies at his determined expression. “You’re not stupid. It was a cute idea… The execution was a bit questionable, but y’know, Beans isn’t the brightest.”
You smile half-heartedly at that, and Shouto takes your chin in his palm, long fingers stroking your jaw.
“I won’t lie, you did scare me,” he says in a gentle tone, looking at you with sincerity. “I was completely frozen for one whole second. And then, I… wasn’t.”
Licking your lips, you place your hand on his knee, trying to understand where he’s going with this.
Shouto’s looking at you softly, thoughtful eyes peering into you. “For those few seconds, I thought that you were pregnant. And even though the thought initially scared the shit out of me, I don’t know— I… I felt…  excited.”
He’s watching every change in your expression carefully, trying to gauge your response to his words. He takes in your eyes widening, your lips parting in shock. The two of you have talked about this before, about if you’d ever want kids. And at the time, you’d agreed that you both wanted a family, sometime in the future. But that was years ago now, before you were even engaged— it seems like it’s been forever since then.
“I’m not saying I want to jump into anything blindly,” Shouto hurries to find the right words, fearful that you’re thinking he expects you to instantly be ready for such a commitment. “I just mean that, if you were to get pregnant… would it be such a bad thing? I know we said we’d wait to have kids, but that was a while ago, and… now’s as good a time as any, right? You just got promoted, crime is down so my hero work is more steady. I love you, and I know you love me— our home would be the best environment for a baby; full of love and support. I know you’d make the most incredible mother. You’re the only one I can imagine doing this with, my love.”
His heart starts to thump against his ribs when you smile at him, your eyes looking a little glassy. “Shouto,” you whimper, words failing you.
He squeezes your hand again, thumb brushing over your cheek. “You don’t have to say anything, angel. I don’t mean to spring this on you, I just… I needed to tell you. Because for those ten seconds, I felt like I was truly the luckiest person in existence. I already am the luckiest, because I have you. But the premise of you carrying my baby, I— it just filled me with so much joy.”
There’s a brief pause before you force yourself to speak, and it comes out more like a croak. “I don’t even know what to say...” you whisper, tears gathering along your bottom lashes.
Shouto smiles at you, his own eyes misty as he wipes away a tear that runs down your cheek. “Say you’ll think about it, love. Give it some time, we’re in no rush. It’s just something to think about, okay?”
You nod, feeling choked up all of the sudden. The idea of expanding your family had been on the back-burner for so long; now that Shouto’s brought up the reality of it, you’re emotional. And excited, too. “Okay,” you sniffle, pulling on him until he brings you into his lap, shuffling you into his warm embrace. Nuzzling your face into his neck, you breathe him in, trying to steady your rapidly-beating heart. “You smell like onions,” you complain with a watery laugh, fingers curling into his shirt.
“Yeah, sorry,” he chuckles, moving the cooking towel off his shoulder. A large, warm hand runs up and down your spine, his lips touching your forehead delicately. “Some strong scallions I was cutting,” he remarks.
Leaning back, you can’t stop the grin from splitting your lips, your fingers reaching up to wipe the lone tear that escapes despite his best efforts. “I love you,” you murmur, nose touching his as you go in for another kiss.
“I love you too,” he mumbles against your mouth, lips warm and slow on yours. A hand wanders down to rest on your stomach as you kiss, his warmth seeping through the material of your blouse.
You smile against his lips, heart full and nearly bursting at the seams. So he wants to have a baby, huh? Certainly something to think about. Though a part of you already knows that you won’t be stuck just thinking about it for too long.
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
sorpriseeee!! look guys, i can be soft! and no i didnt write this to clear my conscience of the sin from last night whaaa 
i know i rarely write sfw things but idk i’ve been thinking of expanding into fluff and angst lately too (not sayin it’ll always be sfw LOL) so, please let me know if you enjoyed!! <3
➥ masterlist 
𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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causeimhappinesss · 3 years
Like Adam & Eve (Chris Redfield x Sherry Birkin)
Pairing: Chris Redfield x Sherry Birkin
Warnings: age gap + smut + wrap your biscuit, please
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for ten fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
He was beautiful. So handsome. Tall. Muscular. In his early 40s. Intelligent. Open-minded. Honest. Brave. Selfless. All this despite his impulsiveness.
She had known him for years. Since 1998, after the events of Raccoon City and Rockfort Island, when she was under government protection. On several occasions, Leon and Claire had come to visit her; him with them. She was only 12 years old at the time. He was already 25. He saw her as a scared little girl. A child to defend from this cruel world, from her past with her parents... In 1998, the attraction she had developed towards him was only innocent, of course. With no ulterior motives.
The years passed and the number of meetings multiplied. The more she became a woman, the more she wanted to attract his attention, joking with him, telling him about her boyfriends to spark off some kind of jealousy deep in him. She voluntarily wore clothes that emphasized her feminine attributes, although she didn’t have JLO's curves...
For four years, their paths didn’t cross again, until June 2013. President Benford's death, Simmons' betrayal... But there he was. They hadn't been teammates because they didn't share the same mission, but the same conflict had brought them together. Once again, she had not been able to enjoy his presence, to savor it, except on the plane back to the United States.
Sitting between him and Jake, she chatted with Chris Redfield, Wesker's archenemy, her former godfather and her late father's best friend. She was talking to him, her eyes sparkly, her lagoon-colored doe eyes riveted on him, while a smile stretched her rosy lips. Her features, still somewhat juvenile, despite her 27 years, gave her a baby face. She was beautiful. Radiant. In spite of all that she had lived; horrors. He also had his fill of BOWs. Together, they were making up for the time and she even caught herself, almost innocently, sliding her hand over his bicep as she reassured him. Redfield was still not out of his mental breakdown. It had been going on for months and getting back on track was proving difficult.
"Would you like to drink a beer, one day?" she asked in a honeyed voice.
"Oh... I don't know, I'm exhausted..."
Yet his answer didn't make her face fade. The young blonde needed more.
"Oh, come on, Chris! Please, it's been ages since we've spoken... When's the next time? When there will be another bioterrorist attack?"she sighed with a pout.
"Well... Okay, but only once. I have a lot of work to do, you know."
A smile triumphed on Sherry's face as she simply nodded and thanked him. The brown hair man took advantage of it to go towards the toilets of the private jet and at the moment he disappeared in this cabin, Jake patted the shoulder of the blonde. A malicious smile stretched the fine lips of the redhead, clearly amused by the situation. He wasn’t blind.
"You devour him with your eyes, Birkin... What are you waitin’ for to ‘sweet-talk’?"
"I... He's not interested..." she stammered, embarrassed. These simple words reminded her of the day when Redfield had pushed her away, indirectly, without her knowledge. Jill and him were talking, in Claire’s garden, because she had organized a party where all her friends, fighting the bioterrorism, had been invited. It was a mistake. She just wanted to get some fresh air... A bad mistake.
It was hot. Way too hot inside. Sweat was clinging to her skin and even her glass of iced water, after the two glasses of alcohol she'd ingested, wasn't helping to bring her body temperature down. The summer of 2009 was proving to be more overwhelming than she had anticipated. The hubbub in the room was giving her a headache. Leon already seemed to be completely drunk and Claire was chaperoning him. Meanwhile, Sheva and Barry were talking to each other. There were also other agents she only barely knew. Discreetly, she fled the house and, immediately, her body tingled with the coolness of the night. It was pleasant.
Once again, she brought her glass to her lips and the cold liquid flowed down her throat. As she listened to the song of the crickets, whispers made their way to her ear canals. Curiosity overcame her and she moved towards the two voices; a woman and a man. She pressed herself against one of the walls, silent, and recognized who the voices belonged to: Jill and Chris.
"Don't you see how she's looking at you? Chris! You're blind!"
"Jill... Seriously, I think you're fretting over nothing. Sherry sees me as a big brother and I see her as a little sister or a cousin."
A sigh escaped the brunette's lips.
"I'm not fretting. There are looks that don't deceive... Look, I'm not jealous, but I'm telling you what I see. Put up barriers before she takes it as... An invitation."
"All right, if it makes you happy."
Heartbroken, hands shaking, stomach clenched, throat knotted, the little blonde went back inside and no one seemed to have noticed her short absence. She sat down on the sofa, next to Claire, putting back on her mask... The mask of a happy person. The man she had been interested in for eleven year saw her as a little girl, a sister.
What were you thinking, Sherry? He's been with Jill for ages, she's gorgeous, she has the look of a real woman... She's full of qualities. She's not a Birkin! her conscience shouted.
The barriers he put in place? He hadn't seen her in years. Four years, to be exact. It was extreme, and even though Jill had told him it was too much, he'd felt it was the right thing to do, if his girlfriend's assumptions turned out to be true. And while Chris had tried to reassure Jill, when they were still together, he was reassuring himself at first. He had observed her chest and her bottom, on several occasions, during a few seconds. He had almost drowned in her cerulean eyes too. It had become so difficult not to look at her.
Now, Chris, needed to be alone. Only two minutes and the bathroom would prove to be the perfect excuse. Now, in front of the stall mirror, he watched his reflection. Droplets of blood adorned a part of his right cheek. His blue eyes looked tired, lost.
You accept once and you make her understand that there will never be anything between you... Right?
There had to be. He couldn’t allow himself to build a relationship with a woman he had known as a child, it would be indecent and would call into question his image, his values. He was afraid of looking like an old pig, of proving Valentine right, even though they had broken up in November 2012. All these thoughts provoked profusions of sweat, that he tried to mop up with his back hand. When he closed his eyes, for a moment, the features of the beautiful Birkin came back to his face like a slap. Her angelic eyes, her superb smile, her cleavage, her butt... A bump formed inside his boxer, and his eyes widened.
It is tiredness, nothing else... he reassured himself.
And, in a vain hope, he imagined his grandmother in atrocious underwear, until his erection disappeared. Once sure of himself, he left the toilets, went towards Sherry and whispered: "we’ll agree on the place and the hour for the beerby message, tomorrow" and he moved away to find Leon, in full discussion with Helena.
Move away... Move away... Move away...
Sherry had done everything to make him come to her house, to drink the beer. She had tried to put on clothes that would highlight her, a simple skirt that didn’t reveal too much and a simple crop top with straps. He had arrived with five minutes of advance and quickly, the beer had been consumed. She hadn’t left him time to speak, to express his desire to break off all ties, to explain her there would never be anything between them, that she started up a movie. A comedy focused on sex, a strategic way to relax the atmosphere that was getting heavier. Indeed, the more she stayed by his side, the more she dreamed of letting her graceful fingers run over the protruding muscles of the man, from his arms, to his torso, passing over his thighs that she dreamed of straddling until the orgasm. She often dreamed of him, of what he made her, his dick inside her. From minute to minute, discrete, she approached him, by light movements, in natural although calculated appearance... Her ass was close to him, to the crotch of the B.S.A.A’s Captain.
He, Chris, had understood the stratagem. However, impossible to emit the least remark. Every time he opened his lips, he was unable to... hurt her. He knew if he said what was in his mind, he would hurt the young woman. Not to help, his cock was so close to Birkin's tender buttocks and her jasmine scent intoxicated him. She nibbled on her lower, wet, luscious, lower lip; a call to kiss. A new erection showed up and he was quite happy that the covers above them prevented the blonde from noticing it.
He tried his best to be focused on the movie, until a sex scene appeared on the screen. Embarrassed by this scene combined with his proximity to the blonde, he cleared his throat and looked away at Sherry's coffee table. Her crystalline laughter attracted his attention and he gazed at her. His cock continued to tense; it was becoming disturbing. The desire was growing and he was struggling. An internal struggle he wasn’t winning.
"Chris! Don't be embarrassed, it's only a movie and then... Well... I think it's funny how they make some positions look simple!" she said while batting her eyelashes. If she didn’t know yet the power that she possessed, it didn’t change the fact he wanted to devour her. To jump on her. Kiss her.
"That's because you haven't found the right partner..." he whispered.
He couldn't help it. It was the truth and... And what? His brain wasn’t running smoothly anymore. If only someone could shake him, slap him, to bring him back to his goals.
"Oh yeah? Explain to me..."
The blonde turned around and in her swiveling, her buttocks rubbed against his hard cock. The way she had rubbed herself wasn’t accidental, far from it, it was guessable. And he guessed she had felt his erection. A smile stretched Sherry’s lips who slid a hand on the thigh of the soldier, so close to his erect member. The blonde's eyes sparkled with excitement as she leaned over him. Chris gulped with difficulty. He dreamed to stroke her breast, to sink into her, to show her he was right.
"Show me, then." she added, of a suave voice.
She was the one who initiated the kiss by pressing her lips against his. With this last lost control, he let his hands wander on her beautiful body. His thick and calloused hands sought her chest, under her crop-top, whereas she wasn’t wearing a bra. He quickly removed the garment and tossed it somewhere in the living room. As he kissed Sherry, he titillated her breasts, her erected nipples. Soon, their lips pulled apart and he licked her nipples, drawing sighs of pleasure from his partner.
He no longer cared about what was right or wrong. If she was too young or not. If he had known her as a kid or not. It didn't matter.
Meanwhile, Sherry took off Redfield's shirt, slid her phalanges between each line of his abs, before attacking his belt. Once rid of this one, she opened the button of his jeans, then took his zipper down. She didn’t seek to get rid immediately of his pants. Instead, she stroked his hard cock through his boxers for a few moments, which made Chris sigh. Finally, she freed his cock from this confined place to admire it, her mouth watering. It was very thick, probably 7,4inches (19 centimeters) long, completely hard, veiny, with a pink head. Some pre-cum covered the tip. With a false look of innocence, she ran her fingers over his balls, on his cock, to the head, then placed kisses on it.
"Sherry..." breathed Chris, his eyes half-closed, watching her. She looked up at him and licked his cock. Again and again. After titillating him, she took him her mouth, her perfect lips wrapped around his member, moving back and forth with wet noises. She insisted on the most sensitive places, in particular on the tip, while she massaged his balls. Her heart beat was off the charts, following the example of that of his sexual partner.
She did everything to please him, to receive his compliments and when the first ones came, such as "nice girl", "oooh... perfect...", her heart swelled with joy. When he asked her to stop, she complied, moved her thong to the side and came to rub her wet intimacy against Redfield's penis as he grunted with excitement... With anticipation... She was having fun rubbing his head at her vagina entrance. She was torturing him.
"Chris... Tell me you want me..."
"Please. Say it. I want you so much... If I could make you my God, I would..." she squeaked without stopping her movements.
"Goodness, yes! I want you Sherry! I want you like I haven't wanted a woman like that in so long!"
That's all it took for the blonde to impale herself on Redfield's cock, not waiting for him to finger her. It was a waste of time in an unexpected situation she never thought she'd ever succeed to provoke. There she was, straddling his cock, with delicious moans. Sometimes, she threw back her head, sometimes she lowered her eyes on their sexes, watching this huge cock moving inside her, stretching her in the most pleasant way.
Chris couldn't believe it. It was as if he was a spectator... As if he was possessed... Yet he was heaving a great time and his thrusts joined Sherry's movements to help her. His hands had found their way on Birkin’s milky hips. Then, he made her roll and lie down on the sofa. He got rid of his pants and his boxer, just like her thong and the skirt. He penetrated her again in a grunt, folded the thighs of the blonde against herself and pounded in her of brutal pushes. Fast. A pleasant revenge for having provoked him... To have made him leave the right way.
She was Eve. He was Adam. The forbidden fruit? Her pink pussy, martyred by his cock.
The blonde moaned and she didn't need to play with her clit to get off. Chris was naturally gifted, as she had imagined in all her dreams since she was a teenager. He was hitting the right angle, the G-spot. It felt so good that she couldn't say anything except let her vocal cords do the talking... Just her luck that her downstairs neighbor had gone on vacation!
"God... Chris... Keep going... Like this...!"
He didn't stop, he let the pleasure continue to climb, until they were close to orgasm. He closed his eyes as her vaginal walls pulsed around him, like a soft vise around his cock, a sign that her orgasm was hitting her hard. She was cheering him. Struck by his own orgasm, Chris grunted and let his seed paint the blonde's walls. His cock throbbed after the four hot spurts of cum. With a sigh, he pulled out and opened his eyes again. His cum was flowing out of her still convulsing pussy in the most erotic way possible. Gradually he caught his breath and let Birkin's legs fall back. The latter was smiling, her face and chest pink.
My God, what have I done...?he thought.
Yet he didn’t escape like a thief.
No, instead, they often slept together. If he tried not to have any attachment, he couldn’t help but stay always longer than he should, whether it was in Sherry's bed, in her shower, or inside her. The more time he spent, the more addicted he became to her, like a drug. It was worse than meth. He couldn't get off it. Little by little, he was falling. No, in fact, he was falling in love with the one he had always denied himself.
Asleep, Sherry was sleeping naked, stuck against him, their legs intertwined, under the moonlight that filtered into the room. She hadn’t closed the shutters. One of her hands were flattened against one of his biceps. He contemplated her curves and her angel face. Tenderly, his fingers slid along the spine of his partner. He didn’t manage to sleep, torn between his duty and his desires.
He had obviously spoken about it to Claire who... Didn't see any harm in it. In fact, really open-minded, his young sister had advised him to start a relationship with Sherry, if he liked the blonde.
"You deserve that! Nobody can judge you when you bleed to save the world every day!" she had whispered while hugging him.
Did he love Sherry? Yes, he recognized the same signs as he had for Jill a decade earlier when he realized he was madly in love. Today, his heart claimed Sherry. Deep down, he knew she was waiting for this, she would accept to start a relationship with him, she was dying for it and if it frightened him a few weeks earlier, now the idea warmed his heart. In a tender gesture, he placed a kiss on Sherry's forehead, whose eyes fluttered as she awoke from her sleep. Slowly, her eyes opened and locked with Redfield's.
"What is it Chris...?"
"I'm sorry I hurt you so much..." he whispered in a husky voice.
The woman's eyebrows furrowed, and she straightened in the middle of the bed, inviting him to continue.
"All these years I knew you wanted me and I acted like I didn't know anything about it, pushed you away as much as possible and... Even though my heart was taken, I regret it. Sherry... I..."
He straightened up in turn and his thick hands framed Sherry's face.
"What I mean is... I love you. I'm a loser when it comes to love confessions, but it's been said."
The blonde burst out laughing then stole a soft kiss from him.
"All that matters now is that we're together. Okay?"
In the end, yes, that was all he cared about. Chris knew he had to think of himself and that meant loving Sherry without any remorse.
My AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/users/BetrayedWriter/profile
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crimsonrae · 3 years
Chapter Two
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Summary: He witnessed the worst night of her life, he just never expected for her to become the love of his life.
Warnings: Mentions of Domestic Abuse.
Rating: Mature
Chapter Two
Amber liquid sat almost tauntingly within its iced tumbler as Camille stared aimlessly at the wall. Low chattering echoed dimly in her ears, but she registered little of the subdued crowd. She felt angry... no, she felt numb. Like a spindly serpent lying in wait for its prey, her anger lurked beneath the surface – its coil hardly tolerable.
Her fingers clenched around her glass, silently reveling in the wet dew that had coalesced on its exterior. It anchored her to the present even as she drifted in her scattered thoughts. Small bursts of Saturday played in her head, stuck like a broken reel. It was both a blur and all too clear. She could still feel the slick feel of Scott's blood on her hands, even as quips of conversation broke her reverie. Hours spent in the county jail had been nothing compared to the cold words from her mother and the stony silence that had followed her back to her dorm.
It had all become too much. She needed to get out.
It had occurred to her there was a certain amount of irony that she had taken refuge inside a bar. Not the one that she had beaten Scott to a pulp in – she was firmly banned from that establishment, but one across town. Away from campus and anyone who knew her. Camille tried not to pay too much mind to the fact that she was employing less than stellar coping mechanisms over the mess she had made of her life, but really, she was already on a roll of bad decisions. Why stop now?
Still...it was amazing how quickly everything had spiraled out of control.
One minute she had been a junior, set to finish her bachelor's degree with honors in the next year – now, with a court date set for next week and a meeting with the Dean's office tomorrow, it looked as if expulsion was on the horizon. And somehow that was at the bottom of her priority list. Felony assault and battery charges hovered over her head like an impending noose, not to mention, two parents infuriated with their daughter and the shame she had brought her family. She hardly cared that Scott was breathing from a tube in a hospital, she did care that Marnie hadn't called her.
Had she lost a friend as well as her academic career? She hadn't foreseen that... though, in truth, she hadn't put much thought into her actions. She had simply reacted and that – that wasn't like her.
"Penny for your thoughts, love."
Camille nearly jolted at the honey grizzled voice that chimed next to her table. She glanced up into a pair of oddly familiar cerulean eyes that shined curiously at her. It took her a moment to place him, and it was only as his lips curled into a self-satisfied smirk that she remembered.
He had been there.
Entertained by the entire debacle.
Now, that's what I call a show.
Her hidden ire rumbled in the face of her spectator. How she had hated his delight. It annoyed her that he had found her now when she wanted nothing more than to be left alone.
Pursing her lips distastefully, she arched a brow, "They're not for sale."
Her irritation was not lost on Klaus, if anything her dismissal amused him, "Come now, that's not true. Anything is for sale; it all depends on the price."'
"Well unless you have a time machine, I don't think you'll be able to afford my thoughts." Camille muttered wearily as she sipped from her glass. She pointedly turned her gaze away, making it silently clear she was done with him.
Yet, Klaus had never been one to let a challenge go untested. He found himself slipping into the chair across from her, much to Camille's exasperation, "Now why would you want a time machine? Please tell me, it's not to go back and stop yourself from beating that pillock from the other night half to death. Such passion should never be undone or regretted."
Camille arched a brow, nonplused by his words, "Not everyone views such acts of violence with the same enjoyment as you did... I don't believe that I invited you to sit. I'm not particularly in the mood for company."
"Yes, you've been quite rude." Klaus intoned almost cheerfully as he signaled for a waiter – now he was making it silently clear that he had no intention to leave, "That's alright, I don't mind a bit of surliness. I've been known to be a rather temperamental creature myself... but let's be honest here, love, while I may have enjoyed your spirited attack, you enjoyed committing it more."
She hated the truth that rang in his words. Stifling a sigh, Cami tossed back the rest of her drink and dropped a few bills on the table. She came here to get away, not to be harassed.
She wasn't granted the chance to stand as his fingers entrapped her wrist, "Let me go."
"Stay." Klaus implored, loosening his grip, but not removing his touch, "I won't speak of your little... incident if you do not wish it. I have several hours to kill, and you are by the far the most interesting person I've run into today. Please, keep me company."
Despite her desire to depart, her curiosity glimmered faintly at his words, "Is that why you seemingly tracked me down? Boredom?"
"Hardly tracked you down, love." Klaus said after placing an order for two more drinks with the waiter. "You're in the pub of my hotel. Merely, came downstairs and saw you."
Camille blinked before she sat back and viewed the bar through new eyes. There was an entranceway toward the back that she now realized led into a lobby. Marble floors and polished banisters gleamed through the glass door. It fairly screamed expensive. It also explained the quietness of a bar... the stillness that had drawn her inside.
Klaus watched her perusal with muted amusement, "You have no idea where you are. Not that you're in a bad neighborhood, mind you, but it is foolish to not have your bearings about you."
Camille silently stifled her unease as again his words rang true. A sense of danger lurked with his presence that she was only beginning to acknowledge, but something kept her survival instincts from fully sounding off.
"I wasn't really..." She trailed off as she realized her words would only reinforce his point about being foolish.
He knew it too.
His head tilted to the side and his eyes softened with an understanding that she swore he shouldn't have. It was similar to the way he had looked at her as she had been carted off by the police... Cami didn't understand why it had seemed to soothe and irritate her then, and she still didn't understand it now.
"Running away, were you?" Klaus intoned sagely, "I know a fair bit about that, but you don't strike me as the type to run from a situation. What demons plague you, aside from the obvious?"
Cami snorted and wondered if this counted as talking about her incident, but found herself replying, "Demons is a bit harsh... and why would I tell you, Nosey Stranger, anything about my demons?"
Klaus grinned and was stalled from answering as their drinks arrived, "Well conversation is easier when at least one party opens up, no? And you can call me Klaus. Niklaus Mikaelson."
"Cami." She returned softly, "Why don't we focus on you, instead? What brings you to my little corner of the word, Klaus?"
"I am not nearly that interesting."
"I somehow doubt that."
"Doubt all you like, but I could say the same of you."
"Could you?" Cami said almost teasingly as a smirk tugged at her lips.
Klaus huffed a low laugh as he conceded, "Well, I could if you told me about yourself."
They were flirting, Cami noted distantly as they exchanged not-quite-shy smiles again. Her head spun – how had this happened? She had been thoroughly annoyed with this man not even ten seconds ago. And while some of that sentiment still lurked, she now could only think about how handsome he looked when he smiled... actually smiled, not smirked.
One thing was for certain, she wasn't feeling quite so numb anymore... and she wasn't sure that was necessarily a good thing. Despite how handsome the man before her was or how charming he was turning out to be, she had the distinct impression that she was a match strike away from playing with fire.
"How about a question for a question?" She proposed almost absently and nearly cursed as soon as the words left her tongue.
Klaus considered her offer with shrewd eyes, "Any question?"
A reluctant sigh left Cami, "Let me guess, you have a question about Saturday night?"
"A few." Klaus acknowledged with a sly quirk to his lips, "But mainly one pressing one."
She shook her head and dragged the untouched drink he had bought her to her side. If they were going to play this game she would need the alcohol, "Fine. Ask."
"What did he do?" Klaus asked quietly as she hesitated, her glance almost suspicious – he explained, "In two minutes of conversation, I've ascertained that you are not a rash person. A bit foolhardy perhaps, but you've been moderately cautious since I've engaged your interest. You also don't strike me as the type to attack someone without reason. So, what was your reason? What did he do?"
There was a long silence as Camille gauged what she wanted to impart. Several glib answers rested on her tongue, non-answers that would dismiss his question and move their conversation on, but the truth burned in her throat. It would be nice to tell someone who didn't know her, who didn't know Scott or Marnie, who wasn't there to judge her actions as just or fair what her motivation had been...
"I have a roommate. We've roomed together the last three years – and she's great. Sweet, shy. I couldn't have picked a better roommate... or friend." Camille started quietly. She ignored the lick of angry flames that sparked in her belly, "She met him a few months ago and they hit it off immediately. I liked him. He was funny and he brought her out of her shell."
A wave of nausea swarmed her simmering fury and she paused as she remembered the carefree way Scott would greet her. The little presents that he would bring for Marnie. Those gifts seemed so more insidious now that she realized those parcels showed up after every incident.
Klaus waited patiently, somehow knowing not to speak as she sought the proper words. Her jade eyes had deepened to a sparking emerald, imbued with dark emotion.
"Then one day she came back to our room. Her shirt was covered in blood, a plaster taped over her nose, and two black eyes. He had hit her. Only once she said. It was an accident she said, but he broke her nose." Camille swallowed and resisted the urge to ball her fist, "She refused to go to the RA or the Dean or any other official and just waved me off. It wouldn't happen again, and I knew that was bullshit. I knew..."
The shiver of rage in her tone struck a chord within Klaus as he watched her. Any hint of his earlier joviality and curiosity had vanished in the face of her anguish. His own anger growled in answer to hers – he had never been one to shy away from violence, but brutish nonsensical abuse had always been and always would be a sore point for him.
"How many times?" The question slipped out before he could stop it.
If Camille had been paying closer attention, she would have noticed the almost eerie calm that had leveled his voice. Instead, she shook her head, "Too many."
Another sip from her glass, "He sent her to the hospital Friday night. Two broken ribs and a concussion. I had been with her all night, and I just couldn't go back to our dorm, so I wandered. I wandered and before I knew it, I was inside the campus bar and there he was... Scamming on a freshman. Both of them laughing at some stupid funny joke he had said, as if it were just another Saturday. As if he hadn't just pulverized his girlfriend and left her to rot in a hospital as if he hadn't been getting away with much of the same for months. I was so incredibly angry and all I wanted was to make him stop."
Warm skin brushed across hers and she glanced down to see he had cradled her hand. She was trembling. It was so faint, but the box that she had been stowing all her wildly out of control emotion into had been pried open with his question.
His fingers curled into her palm like an anchor into the seabed and she smiled bitterly, "Still think you received a good show?"
It took Klaus a second to remember his words from that night, but he didn't scowl.
His smile was tinged with undue pride and awe, "I think you just made it even better. I had initially thought you to be some hellcat. Sent into a jealous rage at capturing your boyfriend cheating. The truth is far more satisfying. You're a protector. If anything, I stand by my earlier sentiment. Do not regret your actions, Camille."
She blinked at hearing her full name cross his lips, most assumed her name was Cameron when she introduced herself as Cami, "My name, how...?"
Klaus smirked, "Camille O'Connell, you are under arrest."
His voice was flat with an American intonation, but what part of America she was unsure as his little gimmick threw her from her despair into a baffled disquiet.
Slowly she cringed, "Okay, one – don't ever do that accent again. Just... no. Two – no one calls me, Camille, unless I'm in trouble. It's a grandma's name."
Klaus bit back a laugh as he pressed with his fake accent again, "What? You mean this voice? I think it's uh, rather convincing."
Camille shivered; it was almost like nails on a chalkboard when he spoke like that, but the tension her little story had engendered dissipated, and she felt a coil within her loosen.
She couldn't stop her snicker as she begged, "Stop, please. It's just not right. It doesn't fit you at all. Smarmy Brit is much more your style."
"Smarmy Brit?" Klause threw back almost indignantly, "You wound me, Camille."
"Somehow I think that's hard to do." She countered sagely, but she couldn't keep a grin from her mien. She appreciated his levity.
Klaus arched a brow, "You'd be surprised. Sometimes it doesn't take much at all to wound me."
"A beautiful woman maligning my character five minutes after meeting me. Stings a bit, love." He answered indulgently, but there was a mischievous glint in his gaze that belied his words.
Cami giggled quietly, "You don't think you're smarmy?"
"I prefer the word charming." The faux innocent look he flashed her had them both grinning, "And I believe it is your turn to ask a question."
There were several that had erupted in her thoughts as they had spoken, but it was hard to choose just one. Part of Cami was grateful that he had lobbed such a hardball as a first question because it gave her clearance to do the same.
"What are you running away from? You said you had some experience with it earlier." Cami finally asked, figuring it would also answer the question of what he was doing here. Two answers for the price of one.
Like with Cami, Klaus sat in a long silence as he thought over his answer. Now he was the one who wished he had placed restrictions on these questions, but unlike Camille, he had no compunctions about lying. After all, they were still strangers, and he was still debating whether to continue their acquaintanceship after they parted ways. He had half a mind to seduce her, drink her, and dump her... but the more time he spent with her the less he wanted to dump her – at least right away. Camille was proving to be very intriguing indeed.
"Family. I'm running from family." Klaus announced, surprising even himself with the truth, "More specifically my father... though my brother is currently a close second."
Camille frowned, not liking the shine of pain in his eyes before he shifted to something more blank, more superficial. Perhaps her question wasn't the gem she had originally thought it to be.
At her muted concern, Klaus smiled bitterly, "My father has no love for me. Even less after it was discovered I was a product of my mother's infidelity. He's been bent on making my life a misery for as long as I can remember. The more distance I can put between him and myself the better."
"And your brother?" Cami pressed almost reluctantly, at once curious and hesitant about requesting such personal information.
"Has a great love for me actually and I, him. But I've... upset him and he needs some time to calm down." It was the most tactful way that Klaus could think to say Elijah was furious with him for daggering their siblings and supposedly dumping their bodies into the ocean. While the first part was true, the second was not... and he was not prepared for his older brother to discover that fact just yet.
An odd mildly entertained expression crossed Camille's face as she puzzled over his words. More questions surged to the forefront, but with great control, she managed to restrain herself... at least for the moment.
Klaus seemed to sense her desire as he cocked his head to the side and grinned, or she was simply terrible at hiding her thoughts, "You want more details."
Almost embarrassingly, she sipped from her glass as she fought a sheepish smile, "I really do."
"And you called me nosey? Sorry, love, you're just going to have to wait." He taunted lightly as she scowled at him.
He was saved from her retort as her phone chose that moment to sound off. Her previous merriment dulled in the face of the device's alarm and fell further as she glanced at the screen. Klaus watched as she reluctantly clicked the phone silent after responding with a text and turned remorseful eyes to him. This would be their parting it seemed.
"Such a dour glance. My last question then, who's beckoning you?" Klaus asked gently, an unexpected jolt of jealousy scoured his veins at her answer.
"My boyfriend." She quirked her lips self-consciously. She had no obligation to inform him of her relationship status and their conversation while personal, had always meant to stay a conversation... at least on her end. Yet, she felt a strange sense of guilt – she felt like she had led him on, "I should be going. It was nice to meet you, Klaus... and thank you for the drink."
Klaus tightened his grip over her hand, both had forgotten he had still been holding it, but now it worked in his favor. He wasn't ready for their conversation to end, "Stay, Camille. By the look on your face, it's what you would rather be doing."
Timidly, she squeezed his hand back, but her rueful smile told him that he was fighting a losing battle. He was tempted to compel her... but somehow that felt like the wrong move for this particular moment.
"He's worried about me. Everyone's worried about me. Or angry. This was a nice reprieve. One I really needed, but I have to go before that worry goes to def-con four." She said almost deprecatingly and moved to stand.
Cami was surprised when he stood with her until she felt him slip her phone from her other hand. A word of protest played on her lips at the theft, but she stayed her tongue as she watched him deftly enter his phone number. It was slightly embarrassing that he had caught her passcode pattern so easily. He must have the eyes of a hawk. He hit the call button and his phone vibrated in his pocket for a moment before going silent again.
Klaus returned her phone with a genial smile, "There. Should you need another reprieve, simply call. I'll be in town for a while and more than happy to indulge you."
"That was bold." She murmured, "Giving your number to a girl who just told you, she has a boyfriend."
He shrugged indifferently, "Fortune favors the bold, does it not?"
Cami snorted and shook her head, "Goodbye, Klaus."
"Goodbye, Camille." Klaus murmured, brushing his lips to her cheek.
The act startled her and brought a lovely blush to her smooth skin. He had no intention of this being their last encounter. Camille O'Connell would see him again. His cerulean eyes danced deviously as he watched her turn to go.
She glanced at him over her shoulder, and he was surprised to see a puckish light in her sylvan gaze, "Definitely smarmy."
Klaus choked on an unexpected laugh before he found himself calling through the pub, "Charming, love."
Hours later, Klaus remained at the little corner table in the pub. He had steadily nursed several drinks as he kept an eye out for a potential dinner – finding himself feeling pickier than usual about his fare. He was tempted to send Camille a text. She had been reluctant enough to leave that enticing her to return shouldn't have been much of a battle. He regretted not pressing his advantage earlier. They could have spent the afternoon in his bed, sated in every possible way.
Sighing in boredom, he ran an idle finger around the rim of his tumbler generating a low hum. His thoughtless gesture brought a few curious and annoyed looks from the nearby patrons, but no one had the gall to say anything. Something dark and angry lingered in Klaus's stiff presence that discouraged social interaction of any kind.
"Well, you look positively morose."
And yet not all were so cowardly.
Klaus smirked at the amused lilt that sounded behind him. He arched a brow as he awarded the young woman behind him a small smile, "Greta... you've arrived sooner than I expected. Fruitful day, love?"
"Yes and no." Greta answered loftily as she came to stand next to the table, "The witch we're looking for is proving rather difficult to scrounge up, though her boyfriend has been the source of a lot of gossip but..."
"But?" Klaus intoned softly, a dangerous edge tinging his voice. His mood for games had dissipated with the sun.
"He's in the hospital. Unconscious, someone caved his head in apparently. He would need some of your blood to be revived enough to get any information from him." She smirked, knowing how much Klaus loved to do such things, "That is if you're feeling generous."
Niklaus frowned; it would be too convenient... "What's the boyfriend's name?"
"Scott Nebroski." Greta answered simply with a raised brow.
The name had no meaning to Klaus. Camille hadn't mentioned any names when she had recounted her motives to him – and he didn't recall a name being spoken when the paramedics had arrived at the campus pub. Though to be fair, he had lost interest in the whole affair once Camille had been taken to the squad car.
Her fiery emeralds would forever be etched into his memory. There had been a moment where he had thought that she'd break from the officer's grasp and swing at him before something fragile... vulnerable had crossed her gaze and he had to fight the urge to go to her.
It had been an odd night.
"When was he attacked?"
Greta shrugged, "A couple of nights ago, I think. Some chick took a beer bottle to him. A lover's quarrel is the rumor. In which case, it should make him more willing to cooperate with us. He'd probably be looking for a little revenge."
A slow grin spread across Klaus's face – what were the odds?
"It wasn't our little witch who tore into him, love." Klaus murmured, "How long would we need to wait before you could conduct the ceremony?"
"The estival solstice isn't for almost eight weeks, that's when the spell will be at its strongest. We have some time." Greta replied softly as she watched the wheels spin in her master's head. She hadn't expected him to take the news of this current delay so well... but the calm, almost pleased smile playing at his lips spoke to plans with which she had no knowledge of, "The boyfriend?"
"He can enjoy his stay in the hospital for a while." Klaus said after a long moment. He refused to heal the cretin that had rightfully earned his beating at Camille's hands. He would not deny her victory, "Tomorrow I want you and Maddox to find out everything you can about Camille O'Connell. She's Marnie Taylor's roommate and friend... she'll lead us to our little witch."
Gently, Klaus reached out for Greta's hand, bringing her delicate fingers to his mouth as he pressed a kiss to her smooth flesh. He was feeling a tad grateful for the news she had delivered him, and she smelled sweet, like honeysuckle and ivy. His fangs edged at the inner muscle of his cheek, reinforcing his hunger... but he wouldn't bite her here.
Klaus stood and placed a few bills on the table, "Keep me company tonight."
It sounded like a request, but Greta heard the implied order to his tone. She could say no, and Klaus wouldn't bat an eye. She was under no illusion that she was more than a tool in his arsenal. Problem was, she had never been able to say no to him. Not to his power, not to his hunger, and not to his bed. She fully enjoyed being possessed by him. It was the shame that she could not possess him.
She peered slyly at him, "Merely company?"
An indulgent hum purred from Klaus's throat before he pressed his lips teasingly to the corner of her mouth, "You could never be merely anything, love... but I desire this luscious mouth of yours to be otherwise occupied."
Greta's smile turned sinful, "As you wish."
He breathed a kiss to her neck before turning to escort her upstairs. His soul ached for a taste of the hunt... something that Greta could not provide him – she was all too willing to fall into his clutches. She was decadence, chocolate, and champagne. Simply divine.
For tonight she would sate his baser urges, but tomorrow...
Tomorrow he would go after that which was not yet his. Fiery emeralds glinted in his mind's eye. Tomorrow, he would go after whiskey and smoke. Hidden passion.
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Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter IV
When Prompto woke up the next morning, he opened his eyes with a small groan. Feeling a familiar warmth, he looked down to see (Y/n) curled up against him. He had one arm slung across her waist, unsure of when he first put it there. He peered into the sleeping girl's face before looking around the room. Noctis was still fast asleep while Ignis and Gladio were gone.
After checking once more to see if the prince was asleep, Prompto scooted closer towards (Y/n) and tightened his arm around her waist. He moved his other arm around to the back of her head, cradling it against his chest. Lowering his head, he pressed his lips against the top of her head. "(Y/n), I...I..."
The guardian inhaled deeply as her eyes fluttered open. "What is it, Prom?"
Prompto shrieked in surprise and quickly removed his arms. "N-Nothing..."
She sighed, pushing herself up into a sitting position. "You've been acting weird ever since yesterday. What's the deal?"
"Really, it's nothing!"
"Like I said, you're a bad liar..." She hopped off the bed. "Are you embarrassed from touching me? If so, I don't understand why because you've had no issues before. You scared the others are gonna catch you and tease you?"
"Maybe just a little," he mumbled.
"Well, how about we get a separate room then? That way, you can touch me all you like."
Prompto swallowed nervously, tugging at the collar of his shirt with his finger. "You make it sound so dirty, (Y/n)..."
"I'm not the one thinking dirty thoughts. Get your head out of the gutter."
"I-I am not thinking anything dirty!"
"Whatever you say, Prom," the girl giggled at him before stalking towards him. She cupped his cheeks in her hands and tilted his head upward before leaning down and pressing her lips against his forehead. "Consider this your good morning kiss since you gave me one."
His cerulean eyes widened. "You were awake?"
"It's what woke me up."
He stared into her eyes, enjoying her touch as her thumbs trailed across his cheeks. His fingers twitched, itching to touch her. However, he held himself back.
"Now then," (Y/n) removes her hands from his cheeks, causing him to groan in disappointment, "Let's do some exploring!" She grabbed his hand and yanked him off the bed, dragging him out of the hotel without disturbing Noctis.
Prompto and (Y/n) wandered the streets of Lestallum. Their first stop was the marketplace. They browsed the many wares, coming to a stop in front of a stall selling small chocobo charms. The marksman nearly stumbles over his own feet in his haste to take a closer look. Luckily, the girl caught him before he could fall.
He picked up the yellow chocobo charm and admired it. "This would totally look amazing with the bracelet."
She glanced at the charm he was holding. "It does match the gemstone. Why not buy it?"
Prompto was about to pull out some gil, but stopped himself. Even though he loved chocobos, he felt the purchase would be childish. "Nah, I should really spend my gil on something that's useful."
(Y/n) could read the blonde easily. He was an open book to her. "Oh, c'mon, Prom! Spoil yourself once in a while. Besides, it only cost 10 gil. It'll also add some flare to the bracelet."
"Mmm..." He analyzed the charm closer, feeling his resolve shaking. After contemplating for a few seconds, he gave in. "Okay, I'll buy it." He handed over ten gil to the merchant, earning a thanks from the man. He handed his camera over to the girl so he could put the new charm on his bracelet. Once it was securely in place, he smiled. "Ooh, I'm really diggin' it!"
The guardian elbowed him playfully in the side. "Told ya~!" She handed him back his camera. "Let's see what else this place has to offer."
Continuing to browse the market, they found many ingredients that would interest Ignis. They also found more souvenirs for sale, but none of them caught their eye.
(Y/n) and Prompto left the marketplace and wandered the streets before making their way to the outlook. There, the boy took many photos of the scenery while the spirit casted her gaze upward when hearing a voice from above. She couldn't make out what they were saying, deciding to ignore them.
Just then, a flash caught her attention. Her head snapped in the direction the flash came from and saw Prompto with his camera pointed at her. "Did you just take my picture?"
He lowered his camera. "Maybe..."
She huffed out a chuckle. "You should save your pictures for someone who's worthy."
"You are the most worthy and beautiful person of being photographed. It'd be a shame if I missed my opportunity to snap a pic of you. If I could, I'd post your picture everywhere!" Prompto smiled, but it quickly fell when he realized what he just said. It rolled off his tongue with ease without a single thought. He raised his camera and used it to hide his faint blush. "I-I mean...uh, well...eh..."
(Y/n) smiled kindly at him, combing a few (h/c) locks behind her ear. "You're too sweet, Prom. How'd I get so lucky?"
He lowered his gaze, smiling giddily. "I ask myself that question every day..."
All of a sudden, the boy's phone rang. He promptly picked up once seeing Ignis was calling him. When the call ended, he put his phone back into his pocket. "Welp, looks like Iggy wants us to return to the Leville. Ready to head back?"
"Yeah, let's-" The spirit fell silent when she heard the voice again. She looked back up at the sky and addressed him. "Actually, you go on ahead. I'll be there shortly."
Prompto looked up at the sky, but all he could see was how blue it was and the occasional white, fluffy cloud float by. "Oh, um...okay." He glanced at her worriedly before walking back to the hotel by his lonesome.
The second he walked into the lobby, he saw Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis chatting with Talcott and Jared. He asked what was going on and learned from the young boy about the sword behind the waterfall. The four decided to check out the tale and left the Leville.
Outside, Noctis turned to his best friend. "Where's (Y/n)?"
"At the outlook. She was supposed to be back by now," Prompto answered. He lifted his camera and admired the recent photo he took of the girl. Her beautiful golden eyes were casted to the sky with a tranquil expression on her face. He sighed sorrowfully, feeling as if he had no chance with her.
"What's with the gloomy look?" Gladio asked.
"Oh, nothing," the sharpshooter replied, wishing to avoid being teased mercilessly. He looked around at the many women who walked by. "H-Hey, what about the girls here? They're so cool and independent, like, "I don't need a man!""
Noctis glanced at him. "Sounds like you've heard that one a lot."
"C'mon, cut the little guy some slack. I'm sure somebody around here finds him attractive," Gladio said.
Prompto frantically looked around. "Well, then where are you?! Show yourself!" He spun around, coming face to face with the golden-eyed spirit. He screamed in surprise, jumping slightly. "(Y-Y/n)!"
"Does this mean she's the one?" Noctis asked.
"Maybe," Gladio shrugged his shoulders.
The (h/c)-haired girl smiled apologetically at them. "Sorry for being late. What's our next course of action?"
"Gonna check out to see if there's a royal arm nearby," Noctis said. "You taggin' along?"
"Of course! We ready to go?"
"Ready as we'll ever be. Let's go."
The group headed to the parking lot and climbed into the Regalia. (Y/n) was about to return to the gemstone when Prompto stopped her. He told her she could sit in the back between Noctis and Gladio. She looked toward the prince and his shield to make sure it was okay, and they both agreed. With everyone in the car, Ignis started the engine and drove out of Lestallum.
They traveled a little ways down the rode before pulling aside at Burbost Souvenir Emporium to hop out. They used a stairwell located a short distance down the road and wandered down the trail leading to the nearby river. At the water's edge, they spotted a midgardsormr slithering around. Noctis quietly led the group around the large creature, keeping close to the cliffside to avoid detection. However, the path ahead was littered with shieldshears.
"Oh, wow. I've never seen such large crabs before," (Y/n) commented.
"Think they'd taste good, Specs?" Noctis asked.
"What they have gained in size they will have lost in flavor," Ignis replied.
"Guess this means crab won't be on the menu tonight," Prompto commented.
Noctis went to summon his sword, but stopped when he noticed the shieldshears were already on fire. He stared in shock, watching the creatures keel over one by one as they burned. He patted his pockets and checked on his magic flasks. When one wasn't missing, he looked over at (Y/n). "Did you...?"
She smiled innocently. "I've no idea what you're talking about. Let's go!" She ran past the boys and up the pathway leading behind the waterfall.
Gladio looked at the dead carcasses of the shieldshears. "Damn. Little lady did a number on these things without touching them."
"Isn't she amazing?" Prompto sighed dreamily. "She's so badass!"
"Her abilities are fascinating," Ignis commented.
"Hey!" (Y/n) shouted from the path above. "Are you guys coming or what?"
"'Tis rude to keep a lady waiting," he stated.
"Be right there, (Y/n)!" Prompto shouted back.
The boys caught up with the spirit behind the waterfall. There, they discovered the entrance to greyshire glacial grotto. "Wouldn't you know it-an entrance!" Prompto spoke up.
"Looks like the legend checks out," Gladio said.
"So, what does this legend say?" (Y/n) asked.
"Apparently, there's supposed to be a sword behind the waterfall."
"And you believe it to be a royal arm?"
"Bingo," Noctis replied.
The group enter the cave. The first thing they noticed was how cold it was and everything was frozen. Prompto rubbed his arms up and down his exposed arms. "This place gives me goose bumps. Double back for our coats?"
"What's the point?" Gladio remarked.
"Well, looking on the bright side... Maybe the cold keeps the daemons at bay?"
"Yeah, because monsters like warmth."
"Ah. Sarcasm. Hmm... But what if they're frozen?"
"Encased in ice... Waiting for something warm to pass by..."
"And then they jump out!" Prompto's teeth then started chattering from the cold. When he walked closer to (Y/n), he noticed the temperature rose. "Oh, hey! It's pretty warm over here!" He walked ahead and stopped when the warmth vanished. "Aaand it's gone."
The guardian wondered if the blonde would put two and two together, but she sighed when he continued looking for the warm spot again. "Prom, you're gonna run into daemons if you keep wandering ahead."
"But the warmth!"
"Is radiating from (Y/n)," Ignis stated.
"Wait, really?" The marksman strolls back over to the girl. When he did, he felt the warmth pouring from her being. "It is!"
"You're tellin' me you never noticed before now?" Gladio questioned.
"Well, no... I mean, it's not like (Y/n) and I ever went somewhere this cold before. It's kinda nice. Makes me-" The spirit suddenly grabbed Prompto and pulled him back. Flans spawned where he once stood, blocking their path. He eyed the daemons, summoning his pistol. "And there's our warm welcome."
"Flans are resistant to physical attacks. Use elemental attacks to hurt them," the guardian stated. She held out her hand and created a throwing knife from pure flames. She tossed it at one of the daemons, inflicting heavy damage.
"Maybe you should handle this by yourself, (Y/n)," Noctis commented after witnessing her conjuring skills.
"Oh, I don't think so. You've got your own magic at your disposal. Use it."
Prompto snickered. "She gotcha there, buddy."
Gladio and Ignis, even though knowing physical attacks would do little to no damage, used their weapons to distract the flans. Noctis and (Y/n) teamed up while Prompto kept his distance and fired a few rounds.
When the daemons were dead, the group proceeded forward. They wandered through the frozen grotto a little ways before coming across an icy slope leading deeper into the cave. Prompto stands at the edge of the slope, peering down to see just how far it would take them. "Heading down a slippery slope... In slip-sliding shoes. What could possibly go wrong?"
"I'm sure we'll be fine," (Y/n) reassured him.
"Then ladies first."
"All right." She stepped on to the slope, keeping her balance as she slid down on her feet.
Prompto gasped. "W-Wait, (Y/n)! I was only kidding!" He quickly followed after her, slipping on his behind as his body slid down the slope. Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis followed after him.
The girl reached the bottom first, landing in the middle of a horde of imp daemons. She conjured a barrage of fireballs, targeting the daemons. Some imps were killed, but many others remained.
The boys reached the bottom and joined her in battle. Noctis summoned a javelin with an annoyed wail. "You things love deep pits. Let's get it over with."
The group fought against the remaining daemons, silencing each and every last one. Prompto dispelled his pistol when all the enemies were dead. "So much for a "little chill." I got an ice cream headache-without the ice cream!" He stepped closer to (Y/n) and held up his hands.
She eyed his gloved hands. "Am I a campfire to you?"
"No, but... I mean, you're the warmest thing down here and I'm freezing!"
"If we keep moving, you'll eventually get used to the cold. C'mon, Prom." She walked away from him, following after the rest of the boys.
"Aw..." He whined before promptly catching up with the others.
The five continued to trek through the frozen cave. They arrived at another icy slope and saw a side path a little ways down. Carefully, they proceeded onto the slope and slid to the side path. From there, they cross to the other side of the cave and crouch through an opening in the icy wall. They encountered another group of flans, which they easily disposed of.
Eventually, the group came across a narrow ledge. Noctis was the first to cross followed by Prompto, Ignis, (Y/n), and Gladio. Once safely on the other side, they noticed how the cave opened up. They were soon joined by an arachne daemon. It took no time at all for the five to get rid of the creature and head towards a ramp leading to a pathway above.
After taking down some more flans, Gladio dispelled his greatsword and looked around. "So, the glaive is through here?"
"Most likely," Noctis replied as he guided his companions to another narrow ledge.
"Let's see for ourselves," Ignis commented.
Like before, Noctis was the first to cross the narrow ledge. It wrapped around the side of the cave, leading to another path. Prompto, who was following right after the prince, shivered. "I'm freezing... What I wouldn't give for a hot bowl of soup. Mmm...soup. We're almost there... We gotta be. Right?!"
"Keep calm and try not to fall, Prom," (Y/n) advised.
After crossing the narrow ledge, they came across an area with an immense icy slope leading upward they couldn't reach. Located down the left path, they spotted a familiar stone door. "Hey! Knock, knock," Gladio grinned.
"We're there...finally," Ignis sighed.
Noctis went to approach the royal tomb, but he quickly backed away when a mindflayer materialized out of thin air and blocked the path. Alongside the medium-sized daemon was a pack of imps.
"Can't it ever be easy?" Gladio groaned, summoning his greatsword.
"Never." Noctis conjured his sword and leapt at the mindflayer.
"Where's the fun in that?" Ignis sarcastically replies, calling upon his own daggers and joining the fray.
Prompto used his pistol to attack from a safe distance. Whenever he was able to defeat a single imp, he shrieked when flans manifested right behind him. "These things are everywhere!"
(Y/n) placed distance between her, the boys, and the daemons. "This calls for a little fire." She transformed in her spiritual form and immediately pounced on the nearest daemon. Using her fire, she burned it to a crisp before setting her sights on another one. Seeing her presence had grabbed the attention of all the imps, she stepped back and inhaled deeply. Once creating a large flame in her throat, she exhaled and breathed fire at the small daemons. Each one perished from her attack.
Hearing a scream from behind her, (Y/n)'s ears twitched. She turned around and saw one of the mindflayers grabbed Prompto. She leapt into action, latching her jaw around the daemon's body and yanking it off the blonde. When he was free, she tossed the mindflayer aside and Gladio dealt the finishing blow.
While Prompto was recovering from the attack, the spirit utilized her many tails and swatted away any daemons that tried to attack him. Noctis made his way over and killed the enemies that she smacked away. Ignis and Gladio took down the last mindflayer while Prompto fires another bullet and annihilated the last flan. He sighed in relief when seeing all the adversaries were dead. "Does this mean we can go back outside?!"
Noctis didn't answer the marksman as he enters the Tomb of the Wanderer, acquiring the weapon that belonged to his ancestor. While he claimed his third royal arm, Prompto wandered over to his guardian. He threw his arms around her neck and buried his face into her soft fur. "So warm..."
(Y/n) nudged her nose against the top of his head in response to his touch. She messed with his hair until Noctis exited the royal tomb with his newly acquired weapon. With their business done, she returned to her human form and they left greyshire glacial grotto.
Outside the cave, Noctis is suddenly wracked with pain and grabs at his head. He witnesses a vision of Titan as well as the Disc of Cauthess. Prompto stepped away from (Y/n) to check on his best friend. "Noct, you okay?!"
The prince was baffled at the images that crossed through his mind. "What did I... Where was that?"
"What is it?" Gladio asked.
"A hole in the ground...something burning... The Meteor?"
"You saw the Disc of Cauthess?" Ignis asked with a tone of shock.
"Let's make our way back to Lestallum," the shield said.
Prompto nodded. "Yeah, gotta report to Talcott."
"Can you walk?" (Y/n) inquired.
Noctis met the girl's golden gaze and nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."
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Midnight Ball
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Pairing: Todoroki x reader
Warnings: None
Author’s Note:
Day two of Sugar’s Spooky Days/Fall Special
Hehehe I have managed to finish something! Can’t say as much for the Kirishima one, so that might have to be late :(. I should have that one done sometime over the weekend though, so fingers crossed!
I also may or may not have been thinking about Heartless by Marissa Meyer while I wrote that first bit 👀👀 (read it, it’s good, especially if you want to sob your eyeballs out like I did)
I hope you like this one! It was fun for me to write!
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You had insisted on not coming to this party.
You, of course, had said this as if you had a choice. Really, as someone with your status, you should have the power to make decisions for yourself. But nooo, as the only daughter of the Marquess and Marchioness, it was your duty to attend the king’s bi-annual masquerade ball. Bother.
So, here you were, all dressed up with little intention to dance or even have fun. You clung to the sides of the spacious dancefloor, hoping to keep to yourself enough that no one would try to talk to you. It was truly dreadful what some of your fellow nobility could come up with for small talk. Exchanging formalities and remarking on politics, only then to run off into a tangent on whatever subject may have recently captured their trivial attention.
You longed to be elsewhere—in a library perhaps, or in your garden, working on sketches in your notebook. Gracious, come to think of it, maybe sleeping would even be the better option. It was dreadfully late.
The king always insisted on throwing such parties as these so late at night, stretching all the way to early hours of the morning. You’d gotten plenty of rest prior in preparation for this autumn Midnight Ball, but between the lack of meaningful interaction and your desire to be elsewhere, you found yourself capturing yawns in your gloved hand.
Your childhood best friend didn’t seem to have this problem. You could see her now, indigo skirts swishing around her ankles as she danced with some green haired man. You couldn’t quite tell if you had ever seen him before, but he was probably from some foreign kingdom. You’d certainly hear all about him tomorrow.
You began to grow antsy at your position on the west wall. Your heels were beginning to make your ankles ache, and your mask was growing progressively warmer with each breath. A glance towards the banquet table told you that the coast was clear for you to browse the selection of food laid out, but your corset made you think twice. Your handmaiden had done it so dreadfully tight.
Curses. Not to her, she had done nothing wrong. Maybe at your mother, who insisted on lacing it up in this way.
You chewed at your tongue. Maybe a walk in the courtyard would clear your head. It would definitely be cooler and not so bright. If you were lucky, you may even be alone.
Gathering your (F/C) skirts in your fists, you strode to the door to the outside, ducking through small gatherings of people and curtseying to the guards positioned at the exit. You knew you had made the right decision as soon as the night air hit your face, a cool October breeze seeping behind your mask and ruffling the feathers that adorned it. A full moon lit your path as you walked further into the manicured gardens. You’d been around here before, yet you still allowed yourself time to admire the hedges and trees closing off spaces of land. Flowerbeds were artfully placed wherever they could fit, although you could tell that most of their plentiful blooming yield had already gone back within themselves for the frosty winter. What you were truly interested in was a small pond located in the back, hidden behind a few bushes at its side.
The clear pool laid stagnant before you as you knelt down to look into it. The light of the moon bounced off your bejeweled costume mask, causing the water to sparkle even brighter beneath you. A large koi fish took notice of your signal, lazily sliding its stout, tri-colored body towards the surface in hopes that you may have brought it some food.
“I’m sorry, little friend,” you whispered to its expectant gaping mouth, “I don’t have anything for you.”
You watched him for another moment, little splashes made by the fish’s fins breaking the stillness of both the silent night air and the pool’s surface.
“You’ve upset him.”
The sound of an unfamiliar voice made you start. You straightened, brushing off the front of your skirt. Turning, you saw the figure of a man standing a few paces away from you. His build was lean and strong, and a mask of his own glittered in the all-encompassing moonlight. It was difficult to make out any identifying features, but a part of you just knew that he was intangibly handsome.
“Sorry?” you said, trying to compose yourself.
Perfect. This was just what you had been trying to avoid: interaction. Maybe he’d go easy on you and let you leave soon, or maybe he could have something genuinely worthwhile to say.
“That fish,” he clarified. “He’s hungry.”
You pursed your lips together in thought as you stole a glance back at the pond. Your koi friend had retreated back to the depths of his home as soon as you had turned your back. The air hummed with silence once more.
“Is he, though?” you asked. “He probably gets fed just as well as any other creature living on the grounds.”
The mysterious man shrugged. “True, but perhaps that’s the most joy he gets out of life.”
“Oh.” You stood there awkwardly for a second in silence, trying to think of a response. “That’s a little . . . grim.”
“Sorry.” He shifted. “I’ve always felt bad for fish.”
“How so?”
He took a step closer to the pond, bending a bit at the waist in order for him to see into it better. “They have less freedom. Little to do, nowhere to go . . . sometimes they remind me of myself a bit.”
“I’m not terribly fond of my father.”
You blinked, wondering if he was going anywhere with this.
His eyes finally snapped up to yours. The moon caught their shades perfectly, drawing out hints of color that would normally be lost to their own depths. It struck you suddenly that you had seen these eyes before; one a steely silver while the other was a lovely cerulean that nearly seemed to glow. Where had you previously seen these eyes?
“Sorry,” he apologized again. “I didn’t mean to overstep.” He straightened up to properly face you, his posture rigid and practiced, just as you had seen all the other noblemen do your whole life. “My name is Shouto Todoroki, son of Duke Enji Todoroki,” he said, piercing eyes growing a little glassy at the voicing of his own name. He bowed to you, and around the top of his mask, you took notice of his perfectly split bi-colored hair. “My lady,” he said.
“Shouto?” Yes, that was right. You’d met him a few times as children, playing together while your families held council meetings. It had to have been nearly ten years since you’d seen him last, and to be honest, he’d grown into quite the man.
“Yes?” he answered, uncertain.
“It’s me,” you said, lifting your mask a bit to better show off your eyes and features in the dim light. “(F/N) (L/N).”
You watched as he did a double take; eyes scanning you from top to bottom as he put a name to your person. “(Y/N) . . . wow, it’s been a long time.”
You chuckled, fiddling with the material of your skirt between your fingers. “You’re not saying I’m old, now, are you?”
He snorted, his posture relaxing. “Of course not, my lady.”
You began to chat, settling in beside him as you wandered around the gardens together. It was only now that you realized how much you had missed your old friend, finding it shockingly easy to talk with him. He spoke of his father and how he intended for Shouto to take his place in power when his time came. You noted the bitterness he carried in his voice, vaguely remembering the emergence of the issue from the last time you’d conversed. He listened to your own life updates, interested in your hobbies and what you had to say about life and time. In fact, it nearly felt as if no time had passed at all, and you’d remained close throughout the years.
The light of the castle began to creep upon the path ahead of you, and you noticed that you’d circled the entire perimeter of the gardens. Music from the ballroom floated to your ears, and you recognized the tune. Influenced by your improved mood, you began to hum along to a few of the notes, nodding your head to the light, peppy rhythm.
Shouto took notice of this, eyeing you with a small smile gracing his usually stoic face. He sped up just enough to come up in front of you, causing you to halt in your tracks. He bowed before you again, one hand behind his back with the other outstretched for your own. “If I may, could I have this dance? This is your king’s ball, and I believe that my lady deserves at least one before the night’s end.”
An unexpected heat climbed to your cheeks. Why were you suddenly feeling this way? Your childhood friend had certainly grown into quite the handsome young man, but you couldn’t ever remember thinking of him in this manner. He’d only ever shown kindness and respect towards you, and it was only now beginning to weigh on you how much you liked him. But this weight wasn’t in any way unpleasant, in fact, it made you feel giddier, almost light and intrepid. What could one dance together hurt?
You rested your hand in his, the fabrics of your gloves sliding together as your fingers met. His head turned up so he could once again make eye contact, drawing your offered appendage to his lips. They brushed over your knuckles, feather light, and you found yourself wishing that the silken material could have been removed. How soft were his lips truly?
Shouto walked you a few paces away onto an open area in the grass, the fragrance of greenery and crisp evening air wafting through the space. Every surface was bathed in a fine layer of moonlight, giving the world a dark, silvery glow. Shouto’s skin gleamed pale and resembled porcelain, eyes shining behind the contrasting shadows of his mask.
With your palm in his, he guided you closer to him, his other hand alighting on the small of your back.
“The moon highlights your beauty remarkably so. I’ve never felt this . . . enamored by someone.”
You shivered at his words, the gentle intensity of his gaze boring into you. You began to fall into step with the music wavering in the background. The cheerful rhythm made your heart soar as you glided over the grass with your partner. He led you through some practiced steps, others entirely new. Your skirts swirled around your ankles, adding an extra flare to each of your movements. The sound of the hidden orchestra was distant and thin, and yet there was such a feeling that instilled through you, almost as if the music had seeped all the way to your marrow.
You watched as Shouto’s face began to relax into a little smile, twirling you this way, dipping you over his strong arm, pulling you back into his chest. The whole ordeal took your breath away, and even in the cool night air, your cheeks began to ignite in a palpable warmth of their own. Time slowed, and it was as though you’d been his dance partner for centuries, finding a rhythm and flowing together as one.
That is, until a shooting pain fired through your ankle, causing you to gasp and stumble. Shouto caught and steadied you in his arms before you could fall very far, worry clouding over his face.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
You grimaced, shifting your weight on your feet. “It’s my heels,” you explained. “Sorry. They’re not the most . . . practical.”
“Here,” Shouto said, offering you his arm. “Take them off. You don’t need them out here.”
Your face heated once again as you leaned on his outstretched appendage, fishing around in your skirts until you found your foot. Within moments, you were free, feet bare in their thin tights, discarded shoes unbuckled and placed neatly aside on the grass. The both of you found a stone bench nearby, and you sat side by side to help ease the strain on your feet. While you took this bit of a breather, you remarked to yourself how much taller Shouto was compared to you. The sight of how much he’d grown over the years, mixed with this newfound urge to rest your head against his broad chest . . . .
“Are you feeling better now, my lady?”
(Y/N). Your name was (Y/N). He could have just as easily called you as such, and yet, the formality set your heart aflutter.
“Yes, I believe I am. Actually, I’m feeling much better. This party was so dull until you happened upon me.”
Shouto’s smile returned, the slightest shine appearing on his upturned lips. “I haven’t enjoyed myself this much in a long time either. Thank you for accepting my offer to dance.”
You hummed and flashed him a genuine grin of your own.
He averted his eyes suddenly, a new tension gripping his shoulders. “I know we haven’t talked in years,” he began, “but if you didn’t mind, I would like to get to know you again, (Y/N). Our kingdoms aren’t too distant, and I would like to write to you sometime when I return home.”
Your smile widened. “That sounds lovely. I’d love to keep in touch with you.” You let your hand wander over to his, taking it up in your fingers.
Shouto smiled again at your touch, raising your joined palms to press another kiss to your knuckles. “I look forward to your response,” he said, lips brushing against your gloved fingers as he spoke, eyes locked on yours.
You could still hear the band playing in the ballroom. To the king, the night was still young, and the party would continue for some time longer. Within moments, you were on your feet again with him, twirling your body to the tempo of the strings and winds. With stars serving as your only audience, you danced with your newfound partner until the early hours of the morning under the light of a full hanging moon.
Taglist: @aahilovetheatre​ @heartpaw12​ @todoroki-waifu​ @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @katsugay​ @nabo39​ @pyrofanatic​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @sokkasangel​ @xoxopam4​
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eating-fires · 4 years
Need // Dabi + Reader
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I wrote this one for me. It’s a little personal, but, I want to post it anyway.
Last little comfort ficlet I wrote (actually the first one, but the last one I’m posting). Hope you enjoy.
Please feel free to copy+paste wherever if you want to save it!
It’s a bad habit, leaving your front door unlocked - but you’ve been doing it, because it’s less suspicious than your neighbors seeing a shadow lurking at your doorway for several minutes before disappearing inside.
A bad habit, just like he is.
You are just beginning to drift off, dreams pulling at your eyelids, encouraging you to sleep. Sleep. That never comes easily to you. Tonight is no different. You’ve taken something to beckon the blackness faster, but your mind stubbornly continues on its track. Something discomforting settles in your gut, and it’s followed by frustration. It bubbles up in your chest when you can't identify what it is that’s making you uneasy - and then you hear something thump against your front door.
Confused, but concerned - always concerned, Dabi has told you before, too concerned about others for your own good - you throw off your covers and lurch to the door. Getting out of bed suddenly is always the worst for you. Your heart always pounds. You always feel dizzy.
Someone is trying to open the door. Maybe their fingers keep slipping off the doorknob, and now your heart is pounding because of that concern.
You reach the door right as Dabi manages to get it open.
Your sharp gasp startles him. Cerulean eyes focus on you as flames flicker over his damp hair.
Though it is dark in your living room, the light from the porch lights him up enough for you to see the kind of shape he’s in. Blood is smeared over the knob; no wonder he had trouble getting it open.
“Hey, doll,” he manages, voice hoarser than you remember ever hearing it. You immediately usher him in without a second thought, leaving the door open as you gently tug him into the living space. Your intent is to take him straight to the bathroom where you have an impressive stash of first aid supplies, but Dabi stubbornly plants himself where he is.
You don’t have the physical strength to make him come with you, so you fix him with a fierce look instead, eyes wide and narrowed, mouth a thin line. Again, he looks almost startled, and you know it’s because you’ve never looked at him like this before.
Every part of you is gentle and rounded. There isn’t a harsh edge in your body; you would never hurt a fly, and even if you don’t like insects or spiders much you always try to catch them in jars and let them back outside.
Dabi considers you delicate, fragile, and breakable - then again, you and Dabi have only known each other for a handful of months, and there’s a lot about you that he doesn’t know.
Just like there is a lot about him you don’t know, and right now your ferocity in trying to get him to come with you down the short hall to the bathroom is enough to entice him into following you.
You grab every towel you see, throwing them into the tub. You help him out of his overcoat, huffing at the weight of those metal cuffs, then insisting that you can carry it. You���re an adult, after all, you don’t need him to carry it for you.
Dabi laughs - short and raspy, but he laughs.
You smile, hearing it, even though your head is hammering. Every nerve in your body is awake, pulling you in ten different directions as you try to decide what the best course of action is.
He’s bleeding from most of the seams you can see; those will need to be gently cleaned.
His shirt is saturated with blood and sweat; you need to know what’s going on beneath it.
The bloody handprint is still on your doorknob; you have bleach in the kitchen that can help with that.
Everything he’s wearing needs to be washed; you have spare clothes of your father’s in the guest room that will fit him.
Steam is rising off the darkened patches of skin on his body; you have several bags of ice in the deepfreeze downstairs.
In the two minutes that all these thoughts assault your mind, Dabi relaxes somewhat in your tub.
And now, you hear voices. Distant, but with your door open, they carry easily through the night air.
You jerk around, shoving as much of his jacket into the sink as you can and bolt out the bathroom. He calls after you, then coughs violently, and your mind is already leaping toward every terrible conclusion it can.
Kitchen, under the sink, large bottle of bleach - clean washcloth hanging on the door to the cabinet - saturate it with bleach, you don’t care about your hands right now. You leave the cap off the bleach and stumble toward your still open door, frantically wiping the blood away. It’s gone like a dream, but the smell of bleach is potent and the voices are only getting closer.
Back to the kitchen you go, throwing the cloth in the sink, running the water as cold as it can be - under the sink again, there’s a can of air freshener. You lurch back out of the kitchen, saturating the area around your door with the spray - you close it, lock it, deadbolt it.
Then you slid down it, breathing erratic, desperately trying to catch your breath. You fling the can of air freshener toward the living room where it bounces soundlessly on the carpet before rolling half-way under the couch.
You wait.
You wait.
You wait.
There’s a knock at the door.
You glide to your feet and walk forward silently until you reach your bedroom door. You can see Dabi with a washcloth held over his mouth, and you can hear that he’s still coughing. Calm down, you tell yourself, I can do something about that with my quirk but I need to be patient.
Calm down.
With the second, louder knock at your door, you force a yawn, and call out sleepily, “coming!”
You smack your feet loudly a few times so that whoever is there knows you’re coming. You pull open the door, nose assaulted by the air freshener, but at least the subtle note of bleach is decently masked. You recognize the Pro Hero standing at the door, and put on the best, sleepiest customer service smile you can. You’ve perfected it over the years. It’s believable.
No, you didn’t see anyone come this way. Yes, you were asleep. Yes, you were just woken up by the knocking. No, there is no one in your house. Yes, of course they can come in, but only if they stay in the living room because you know your rights and every room down the hallway is off limits. They hear running water? Oh, you must have left the tap in the kitchen running, silly you! Thanks for waking you up, at least now you can shut off the water. You don’t mind.
“No need to apologize,” you beam, patting the hero reassuringly on the arm, “you’re just doing your due diligence.”
“Thank you for your time,” they say, and move on their way with their companion. You wish them well on the rest of their patrol; tell them to stay safe, and then you duck back inside your house, relocking everything. You turn off the sink in the kitchen, put the cap back on the bleach, and tuck it back in the cupboard. The air freshener can enjoy its new home stuck half-way under the couch until morning.
Your feet lead you downstairs, and you huff and puff as you haul one bag of ice out of the freezer. Dabi might not need it anymore but you’re bringing it with you, just in case. You’ve been close enough to him to know that he exudes heat at an unusually high rate. Using his quirk only makes it worse.
You make it back up the stairs with no incident, staggering into the bathroom. Dabi lets out a harsh sound, something like a laugh - then he immediately starts coughing again. You sit yourself on the edge of the tub and open up the bag.
“Didn’t know you had ice, doll,” his voice is ragged, as though he’s coughed it raw.
“I thought it would come in handy to have,” you say, cupping as much as you can between your hands before you set it on his head. It all slides off, and there’s actually laughter in his eyes as it does; so you do it again, and his eyes light up again, and that soothes your distressed heart.
Dabi doesn’t know you have a quirk.
After the tenth handful of ice you carefully dump over his head, you ask him if you can touch him. He eyes you warily, brushing his hand through his hair. The wetness on his body is now more obviously water and ice rather than sweat and blood.
He nods.
You gently cup your hands around his cheeks, steadying your breath. Your eyes flicker like lights, emitting a soft glow and you watch as Dabi’s widen in shock. You focus the light coming from your hands, speckling like stars in the night sky, to spread to Dabi’s throat. The lights dance across his skin until they converge around his neck and illuminate.
Unburden, it was called. You could take someone else’s pain, and make it your own: sickness, disease, stress, anger, depression, anxiety, damage caused by their own quirks. Anything, but not everything.
So you claimed the damage in his throat. The lights carried the pain away from Dabi into the tips of your fingers where it settled for a moment. You analyzed it: raw, as you suspected. Sore from coughing. A little metallic, like blood.
“My burden,” you whispered, and your quirk delivered it straight to your throat. You choked on your next breath, the glow in your eyes flickering out. You can’t tell if Dabi is angry with you, or fascinated, and you decide it’s a combination of both when he grasps your wrist tightly in his hand.
“What did you do.”
“My quirk,” you say hoarsely, gesturing to his throat, then yours, “mine now.”
The anger is obvious. You never thought that he would care about your well-being, but it’s plain as day in his eyes.
You get up, pulling at his shirt with your free hand, again speaking hoarsely, “need to see.”
“Hell no,” he’s adamant now, eyes going askance. You frown.
“I will heal quickly, from this,” you inform him. You know how your quirk works. You need sleep to recover from taking on any kind of mental distress, a full eight hours, if not more, depending on the level of distress. Physical ailments varied - and of course, your quirk had limits. There was nothing you could do about terminal illnesses, or mortal wounds. Those were beyond your power.
A sore throat that was raw from coughing? You’d recover within a couple of hours, plus, you would be sleeping soon. Recovery would be quick.
Dabi doesn’t appear convinced, and so you continue to struggle in trying to get his shirt off - until you realize.
He’s worried you’re going to take whatever injury he is hiding under his shirt too.
A soft sound escapes you, and you sit on the edge of the tub again, “I won’t take it. I want to see it. I want to make sure you’re okay.”
Again, he eyes you warily. Frustration colors his voice when he speaks, “you never told me about your quirk.”
“Don’t like to,” you mutter, “you know I’m kind. If I’m asked, I’ll carry, and I’ll carry, and I’ll carry, and I won’t stop carrying even after I buckle under the weight of everything. People would always take advantage of that, even if they don’t mean to.”
“You think I won’t?” he spits the question in distaste. You blink your eyes at him.
“You,” a cough wrenches its way up your throat, though you try to swallow it down, “you are actively stopping me from seeing your hurts. Because you don’t want me to take them.”
Dabi glares off to the side, and this time when you pull at his shirt, he lets you take it off. You set it in the sink with his overcoat, tears gathering in your eyes because you don’t like seeing him in pain - not that you’re going to let him see it, of course. You prefer to carry your hurts close to your chest - just like him, you prefer not to let anyone help you.
The gash on his abdomen is large, but thankfully, not deep. You try to make him lie down on the towels in the tub so you can get a better look at it, but Dabi is too proud to let you take care of him.
“I can do it myself.”
Normally, you would let him.
You grab his wrist, fixing him with that same fierce glare you had earlier. You have a damp cloth, and sanitizing wipes in your free hand. He is frozen, eyes focused on the whites of your knuckles.
Today he learns that you can have an incredibly strong grip when you want to.
“No,” your voice is firm through the rasp, and Dabi stares you down. You hold your ground, “let me.”
“Y/N--” he tries to argue, and you shake your head, rubbing gently at the dry blood on his hands.
“Please,” you plead softly, “I don’t like seeing you in pain. It hurts.”
So he lets you.
You’re especially careful around the seams in his skin, looking over them thoroughly. You note five missing staples between all of the darkened, rough patches, though he assures you that he can replace them later. That it’s not as bad as you think it is. It takes you maybe an hour to clean up the worst of his injuries, and you are delicate with the one on his abdomen.
But he let you, and you thank him for trusting you.
He scoffs, and looks off to the side. There is a softness to his eyes you don’t think you have seen before, and it remains even when he tries to mask it with harshness.
You fetch him spare clothes from the guest room: a simple t-shirt, black, and a loose pair of sweats. Your father prefers to leave comfort clothes here, whenever he is able to stop by, and he hasn't been able to stop by for a long time.
It crosses your mind that you should let him know you have a guest, just in case. You leave Dabi with the clothes and grab his overcoat and shirt from the bathroom sink before he can get it himself, and tug the door shut on a half-hearted complaint that you let him do something.
“Change and give me those,” you tease, a rough edge still on your voice as you gesture to the rest of his clothes. You hear him chuckle as he finally complies, and your feet lead you into your room where you pick up your phone, and send your father that text.
[It was an emergency] you write [sorry for texting you that i have company so early].
You know he won’t mind.
The laundry room is downstairs, and you trek cautiously there, tossing his shirt in the washer. Another set of footsteps follows you, and you suppose you can let Dabi deposit the rest of his clothes with his shirt. He brought the towels too. You thank him.
With the wash started, you head back up the stairs, still carrying his overcoat. He trails after you, and you find that the bag of ice has mysteriously moved.
“I’m not that weak,” Dabi mutters when you look at him curiously, “it wasn’t difficult to get back in the freezer.”
You giggle at him, and set his overcoat in the tub. You’ll have to let it soak.
He’ll stay in the guest room, you tell him when you get to your feet.
“I don’t care about the sheets,” you express further when you can hear the beginnings of that argument falling from his lips. You can wash them. They’re just sheets. It’s just material, and it would hardly be a dent in your paycheck to get new ones either.
Dabi senses that he’s not winning this time, and lets you take his hand and guide him to the guest room. It’s simple, like the rest of your home, pretty pictures hanging on the walls, and leaning toward the darker colors in scheme. They aren’t your favorite colors, no, you don’t like the darker shades, but you decided that dark would work better in the guest room. You never knew what condition your guests would be in. Maybe they would find comfort in the dark, because the dark was good at keeping secrets.
You know that better than anyone.
When you get Dabi settled, your hand lingers in his - and then you’re running your fingers over his knuckles, brows narrowed back. He has such large hands; they make you feel small. Delicate - but not brittle. No, you’re tough, you have always been tough.
You have to be.
Dabi is comfortable enough with you that he is already closing his eyes, breaths even. You carefully slip your hand out of his, brushing some rebellious strands of hair away from his forehead.
“Wake me up if you need anything,” you whisper, trailing your fingertips down his cheek, “anything at all.”
He hums in acknowledgement, tilting his head into your touch until you reluctantly draw away. You don’t close the door all the way, just in case. It’s easy to feel trapped in a strange place with the door closed, and even if Dabi is a frequent visitor in your home, you don’t want him to ever feel trapped.
The moment your head touches your pillow, you’re out.
Maybe your body knew that he needed you.
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threeletterslife · 4 years
The Exam
→ [1/7] of the Society Series
→ summary: Three societies. Two dead lovers. One test. In a world that prioritizes intelligence and the ability to regurgitate textbook information, will you choose love and poverty or splendor and solitude? 
→ pairing/rating: taehyung x reader | PG-15
→ genre: 99.9% angst, 0.1% fluff (if you squint) | dystopian!au & utopian!au
→ warnings: profanity, death, mentions of tuberculosis and leptospirosis, blood, extreme poverty, extremely brief mention of cannibalism and overdosing, undiagnosed depression and mild anxiety, brief mentions of the afterlife and physical violence, this shit ain’t happy pple
→ wordcount: 21.4k
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There's a strange stench that permeates the air in the city of Dystopia.
It is the odor of death. The dark, muddy soil reeks of decaying bodies, of rotting rats and excretions. Deteriorating child flesh even has its own distinct smell, but you've become so used to it, you don't really mind it as much anymore.
Every day is a festival for the unusually large rats that inhabit the city. With their matted-fur and worm-tails, the rodents feast on decomposing human bodies, ripping apart the dark, putrid meat and leaving dried blood splattered on the barely-paved streets.
Bodies are everywhere.
Sometimes it's hard to tell if a fallen child is dead or asleep in the towering masses of waste. There are too many orphans wandering lost on the streets with no bed or home to conceal them in warmth. There are too many people who never know when their next meal will be, or if there will be clean water to drink for the day. Hell, most of the huts in the dystopian city are on the very verge of crumbling down.
You're lucky.
Your home has semi-working electricity and plumbing. But every now and then, the lights will refuse to turn on and the pipes will leak—or even burst if it was a bad day.
Most citizens of Dystopia, however, roam the streets, homeless, until death finally whisks them away. Nobody knows what happens after death. But everybody knows it is better than Dystopia.
This place, this Dystopia, was home for your childhood memories. Shamefully enough, it was also your birthplace. But you don't live there anymore, thank goodness. You live in Purgatory now, a smaller city with slightly more opportunities and fewer rats.
But Purgatory isn't that much different from Dystopia either. Death still hangs over the heads of the weak, ready to take their hands and lead them away when the time comes. Purgatory is a wild place full of children and teenagers from ages ten to eighteen. They're there for one sole purpose: education. Rigorous education that may come with the price of death.
It's how the whole damn system works.
Every Dystopian-born must suffer ten years of life in that hellhole; if they are still alive by then, they are relocated to Purgatory where "equal opportunities" are given to all with mercy. At least, that's what the authority claims. Really, you see it more as a ruthless competition. It's not "equal opportunities" or whatever bullcrap the government was trying to sell to the people. You see it as a game of sharks and minnows—a game of exceptionally robust predators and abnormally frail prey.
Annually, every student who is eighteen in Purgatory is required to take an exam. An exam that determines their entire future.
Every year, the highest-scoring students—or student—are whisked away by the government with silk draped around their hunched shoulders, layers of soft mink coats keeping their frayed bodies warm and their dirty tresses bathed with the richest, fragrance oils. Then they are granted access to Utopia.
Utopia, the city of the rich. They breathe expensive air there, bathe in priceless tea and wear extortionate silks and furs. They deserve it. Because they're the most intelligent people in all three cities of Atna. At least, that's what the government says.
It is merciless when they throw every other eighteen-year-old who 'failed' the Exam in the city of Dystopia. You'd think they'd spare their precious Utopian-borns—the children of the men and women who proved their intelligence by reigning over every other student in Purgatory. But they don't. The Utopian-borns are dumped into Dystopia as well. Into a foreign place where the air is dead, baths are infrequent and clothing is for the greatly fortunate.
Yet that's rare. Most often, Utopian students always tie for the highest-score and are taken back to their luxurious birthplace. It's too advantageous for them. It's unfair. Unreasonable. They train from their birth until the last second before they leave the warmth of their Utopian homes for the Exam. Of course, they would score the highest.
One year, out of the hundreds of eighteen-year-olds who took the Exam, twenty-three of them made it back to Utopia. All Utopian-borns.
Still, a handful of Utopians are tossed into the slums—they are a disgrace to all of Atna for they had the advantage and didn't take it.
You've seen those sad individuals your whole childhood. They were the ones who weren't used to horrifying conditions. Consequently, they were always the last to eat and first to die.
When you were the adventurous age of nine, you and your best friend Jimin would sit outside the shabby, repulsive place that you called home and would watch the Utopian-borns straggling across the streets.
They wailed and begged as their eyes reflected one sole emotion: fear.
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"I bet she's Utopian-born," Jimin huffs as he points at a girl frantically cramming her mouth full of scraggly weeds that had somehow sprouted from the fetid grounds. Both of you silently watch as her bloody fingernails pierce madly through the mud, uprooting the plants with surprising success. "Doesn't she know those are poisonous?"
You shrug, staring blankly at the girl. "No, she's not Utopian-born. Doesn't look over eighteen. Maybe she doesn't want to take the Exam." Taking Jimin's hand into yours, you sigh, "I bet he's Utopian-born, though." Your small finger points at a young man huddled up against a pile of rubbish, completely naked and rocking back and forth, as if that action would save him from the wraths of Dystopia. He had stripped off his tattered clothes and had unskillfully attempted to wrap them around himself to combat the harsh weather. A simple but deadly mistake.
A Dystopian-born would know better.
"He's going to die," Jimin says, cocking his head. "Let's go help him." He starts to tug you towards the unclothed man but you forcefully pull your friend back, eyebrows twisting downwards into a deep frown.
"Leave him." Your cold eyes stare right past the Utopian-born, gazing at the bright neon poster behind him. It reads Utopia, a wondrous place for deserving people.
And below is an image of a gorgeous, healthily plump woman in a spotless, white bikini, skin sparkling and well-tanned and her hands immaculately manicured. Her hair is loose, glossy and looks like it smells of flowering spring roses. She's holding a gleaming bottle of fizzing golden liquid in one hand and a handsome man's hand in the other. The man smiles brightly, revealing a row of pearlescent teeth as he boasts shiny, black sunglasses and wears a watch made of dazzling rubies and diamonds.
Behind the couple is a house—actually, a mansion made of polished glass with luscious trees decorating the purlieu and the pool filled with glimmering water tinted a light shade of azure. The sky is cerulean blue, and the clouds resemble cotton candy.
Everything speaks perfection.
These identical posters are littered everywhere across Dystopia. It is a painful reminder for the Atnatians who have failed the Exam—even more so agonizing for the Utopians who had been banished from their previous home.
The propaganda posters are the only clean, resplendent objects in the slums. But personally, you think they're revolting.
Your unsympathetic eyes trail back to the naked man. You take another glance at the stupid government propaganda poster behind him before you squeeze Jimin's hand. "Yeah, let's leave him," you repeat.
The pick-the-Utopian-born-from-the-crowd game abruptly halts soon after when Jimin comes over to your small hut one day, crying profusely, his tears leaving clean streaks on his dirt-covered face.
"He's dead!" he cries, fat droplets of tears dribbling down to his chin.
You frown in confusion, eyebrows knitting into a small frown. With the mortality rate of Dystopia, your best friend could either be talking about your neighbor from the next hut over or the other fifty bodies left dead and abandoned on the streets. "Who's dead, Jiminie?"
"T-That Utopian-born," Jimin whimpers, dirty hand reaching up to wipe away the tears obscuring his vision. Although there were many Utopian-borns roaming around Dystopia, you had a clear idea of who he was talking about. "The rats... they—"
You grab his filthy hand before it reaches his eyes. "Don't rub your eyes, remember?"
Jimin nods dejectedly, his head dropping low as his tears dripped to the floor, leaving wet puddles of brown dirt. "Sorry, Y/N, I forgot..." He sniffles, which didn't help the snot that was leaking out of his soot-covered nose. "But the rats..." he trails off, hand reaching up again to wipe away his tears. But he pauses, thinks better of it and tries to blink them away instead.
You nod, knowingly. "And it's not the first time you've seen that happen, Jiminie. Don't cry..."
Your friend whimpers, kicking the wet dirt beneath his feet. "But if we had helped him... The rats wouldn't have eaten right through his guts! They wouldn't have bitten him to pieces or drunk his blood!" he wails. You are silent, never great at solacing. "If we had helped him..."
Time is running out for both of you. You'd soon be relocated to Purgatory and you know Jimin is starting to get anxious for the both of you. He would cry in fear and grief for every dead corpse on the street, bite his nails hard enough to draw blood even though you would tell him not to, and try to help all the suffering Utopian-borns, despite your avid protests.
Jimin had always been too soft-minded, too kind. Death frightened him.
But you weren't afraid of death. Never have been. Never will be.
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You are fucking terrified of death. It is the only occurrence that will keep you from scoring the highest, and as a seventeen-year-old, the Exam was looming closer than ever. You couldn't die now. Not after all the years of rigorous studying. You'd skipped nights of sleep, countless meals to get to this position.
To you, Purgatory would always be a second Utopia; for one, the conditions are immensely better than that of Dystopia, maggots no longer crawling in your food and clothes not as battered and ravaged by irritable rats or insects. This city is your one chance where you can prove yourself deserving to live in Utopia—to confirm that you can outlast, out-study and outsmart everyone in your year.
You eat, sleep and breathe your studies, something only a few students can manage to do. One of the only things that keep you motivated to wake up at the crack of dawn and open up a dusty book is the fact that no one's ever secured a perfect score on the Exam.
But you know you'll be the first.
You'll be the first and only person to obtain a perfect score. And thus you will be the only eighteen-year-old going to Utopia in your year.
It is a fantasy. A dream. A goal. But you thirst to achieve it.
In fact, you haven't left the library in weeks. You've practically been glued onto the same hard, wooden chair for what seemed like days now. You have also never ceased to flip the pages of your colossal textbooks. You're quite happy to say that the other students aren't studying as hard as you—most of them have given up by now.
Logically, it makes sense to surrender to the Exam.
Although you're given eight whole years to study in Purgatory, most students use that time to stuff themselves full of savory victuals, sleep in cots instead of in fetid mud and live without the shadow of death appended to their feet. Obviously, the conditions aren't as astounding as Utopia, but anything's better than the slums of Atna. It isn't worth it, they say. It isn't worth the eight years of miserable studying, only to be beaten by someone better (there's always someone better) and thrown into Dystopia without ever being able to live. But 'surrender' isn't in your vast vocabulary.
As much as you hate cheesy platitudes, you're in it (ahem, forcibly) to win it. Besides, your competition is dropping like flies on a scorching hot day. You suspect it's from that nasty tuberculosis that's been going around for a while.
There's only a year left before the Exam now. It's such little time for you to finish reading everything in that library, and such little time alike for the other students to live their last year to the very fullest in Purgatory, the downgrade of Utopia but the upgrade of Dystopia.
But especially for you, a year definitely isn't enough. You're just a tad bit off schedule—you were supposed to finish reading and memorizing everything in the library last year so you'd have two good years to review. Now you only have one.
It adds on to the multitudes of problems that no one truly knows what's on the Exam. They say anything in the grand library is fair game, but besides that, you don't know much. And because of that, you and what's left of your competitors have been reading everything in the library from novels to textbooks to published theses.
As a matter of fact, you're just one book and a page shy from reading everything in the damned library. Your eyes bore into the paper overlaid with equations and one too many graphs, forcing your brain to memorize every detail, every print and word. You know you shouldn't frown when you study. Someone you'd once loved had told you an unpretty, permanent crease would be etched on your forehead—but now you can't help it—frowning helps you concentrate.
Especially now. The library is usually dead silent except for the soft crinkles of paper as students flip the pages of their reading materials, yet you swear at least half of the students in the room have tuberculosis. There's heavy coughing every ten seconds, the infected splattering crimson blood on the thin, worn-out pages of the textbooks. And that's how the disease has been spreading.
They're going to die before the Exam. You swear they are—how pathetic of them to spend the last days of their lives cramming study material in their heads.
You don't care much for the infected, as long as they keep their distance from you. You don't know what you'll do if you catch the disease as well. But in your mind, nothing is worse than the mortality rates of Dystopia. At least no one in Purgatory dies from famine.
Still, there are never adequate treatments or vaccines and you can recall at least ten people who you haven't seen since tuberculosis first broke out. Not that you care, though. In the end, you're just glad you're not one of the diseased. You've always had a strong immune system, anyway.
You let out a soft sigh, feeling the urge to rub your dry, tiresome eyes but thinking better of it. Shutting the heavy textbook with a gentle thud, you place both hands on the wooden table, steadying yourself. You slowly close your eyes, relishing in the comfort of the darkness—you haven't slept in nearly three days, haven't left your seat to eat either. Your empty water canteen stares back at you, begging for it to be refilled. You swallow, your throat feeling unbearably scratchy, but you don't succumb to its desperate demand.
Now you only have one more book to read. Just one more and you'll be done. You'll treat yourself to an actual meal and a few hours of sleep (not too much because you still need time for review). With the Exam inching closer every minute, every second, you really don't have time to waste.
Water will have to wait for later.
Besides, you know for a fact that the last book you have to read isn't too long—just a hundred pages or so. You slowly open your eyes, vision slightly blurry as you force yourself to stand. Immediately, your legs threaten to give out and you have to stagger forward to use the dated bookshelves to steady yourself.
Step by step, you carry your barely responsive body to the special corner in the library that you haven't touched in the seven years you've lived in Purgatory. The unfamiliar, gray, tattered book catches your eye and you continue to wobble closer and closer to it. Family Studies, it should say.
Quite the ironic book to read about in a world where families are ripped apart by the government and their indecent tactics. But it's not like you have a choice. You need to get to Utopia—you've made promises...
You may be broken on the inside and out, but you won't let yourself break a promise.
Wearily, you force yourself to lift up your shaking arm to touch the book's spine. But you gasp, nearly jumping back with the little energy you have as your cold hand comes in contact with something warm.
Flesh, you finally register in your head. I've touched flesh.
Your head jerks up rather painfully, leaving your eyes struggling to adjust to the sight in front of you. A boy. A tall boy. His figure towers over you, and he frowns deeply, eyes bloodshot as he looks you up and down. In one hand he clutches a frayed brown blanket draped comfortably over his shoulders and the other stubbornly grasps the book—your book.
But you don't acquiesce, glaring at him as you tug the book closer to you. The boy glances your way tiredly, no emotion displayed on his malnourished, sculpted face. "Excuse me," he croaks, tugging the book closer to himself.
"Excuse you." Your voice comes out much raspier than you had expected, making you instantly regret opening your mouth to speak. But the desire to have the last book in your hands is far greater: "I need that." You pull the book back.
The boy scoffs—even that comes out as a dry cough that makes you flinch back just a bit. "I need it too."
You hate the parched feeling tickling the back of your throat, and you let out a little scream of frustration before instinct gets the better of you. You quickly slap the boy's hand, taking advantage of his surprise as an opportunity to snatch the book from the shelf. Once the book is safely cradled in your arms, you turn to the boy and give him the side-eye. "Well, I need it more."
With that, you attempt to hobble away with the best of your ability, but you fail when the boy grabs the back of your threadbare shirt, stopping you from moving any further. "Please."
He sounds so desperate, voice dripping with misery—something you were once so familiar with. His hands shake, grasping the fabric... You hate yourself for turning around to see his forlorn face. His eyes are full of suffering, of so much pain—that too is so familiar to you."Please..." he whispers again as his grip loosens on your shirt.
You're silent. It hurts. It physically pains you that the only human interaction you've had in months, maybe years, reminds you so much of him.
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"Pleaseeee!!" Jimin drags out, a burst of giggles leaving his throat as he tugs excitedly at your arm. "Please! Let's go, let's go!"
You grumble, begrudgingly dragging your feet as Jimin pulls you towards unfamiliar territory. "I'm not hungry," you whine. "Can we just stay in the dorms?"
"We've got eight years to stay in the dorms, Y/N. Eight! Please? Just a few minutes in the cafeteria? I heard they serve actual food! Maybe if we're lucky, we'll get to snag some snacks!" Jimin exclaims, his cheeks tinged pink with elation.
"Where did you hear that from?" you mumble in protest before giving in to Jimin's persistence.
"The ones who failed," he answers lightheartedly. "I've been asking around."
You can't really say much more. There's nothing more to say.
The cafeteria is larger than at least ten Dystopian huts combined; there are rows and rows of rusty lunch tables and a long, metal countertop with a few baskets of bread on top. You and Jimin manage to salvage some before the rats get to it. You force yourself to ignore the angry squeaking and chattering around your bare feet.
The slices of white bread are only slightly moldy, which already makes it better than anything one can forage from your birthplace. You take each bite slowly, chewing steadily to keep the flavor on your tongue just a little while longer. But all too soon, it's gone. Though you'd denied it earlier, you are definitely hungry. Maybe even starving.
You look up to see Jimin swinging his feet back and forth, his hands grasping the side of the old bench, keeping his body balanced. He notices your eyes on him and looks at you, giving you a small smile. You smile back.
"This is already better than Dystopia, isn't it?" he says, small hand tentatively moving towards yours to encompass it. You nod your head in agreement. "We have eight years..." You nod again. "Then we'll be able to go back home."
You don't hesitate, a faint smile appearing on your lips. "Of course."
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"Not dead, yet, huh?" you sigh, facing the boy next to you, scrutinizing his every movement. When he doesn't answer right away, you slam the textbook down in the middle of the table to get his attention—and to spite him, of course.
The boy scoffs as he glares at you through the tired slits of his eyes. Any sense of the weakness he had shown from practically begging you to share the book with him yesterday is gone. The feebleness might've been just an act—a sly trick to get you to help him. "Sorry but I plan on going to Utopia as well. That, we have in common," the boy bites right back. "Our only difference is that I'll actually make it there."
You blow air through your nose, prying open the previous book titled Family Studies and muttering death threats under your breath. You clear your throat before you speak again. "Yeah, right. Please shut up before I regret sharing my textbook with you."
"For your information, that's not exactly yours," the boy snorts. "It's the government's. And you've seen the shit that happens when you mess with them."
There's a sadder undertone to his voice that you pick up immediately. He sounds cocky but ruined at the same time—you would know because that's the façade that you had put up for yourself for years now. You can't stop yourself from asking the question that falls from your lips quite easily: "Why? Someone you know messed with them?"
The boy averts his eyes from you, looking down at his feet covered up in tattered shoes. "More like someone I knew." He shrugs, turning his head up so that his dark eyes pierce through yours. "But it doesn't really matter anymore."
Something stings inside. You wish you could say the same.
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"It's only been a week," you giggle, watching Jimin stuff his face full of soup made of mystery miscellaneous ingredients. "Shouldn't you have gotten used to having enough food by now?"
Jimin pauses his vehement eating to give you a 'duh' look. "Silly, I'm going to store all the food now when I can. You know, before we have to go back. When's the last time Dystopia had meal times, anyway?"
"Never, of course," you laugh. The rats or some other pesky rodents chatter right along with you. But they only sound as if they are wryly laughing with you and Jimin. A bit embittered, you kick your feet in an attempt to shoo the rats away—or at least shut them up. "Too bad this place still has rats."
Jimin nods. "I've seen some of them around our food too." He makes a disgusted face. "Think about it. What if this mystery soup is made of rat droppings and piss?"
"Oh shut up. Don't be like that," you sniffle, turning up your nose in complete distaste. "That's disgusting."
"I'm only joking," Jimin chuckles, taking another spoonful of his soup, exaggerating the action and making you mock-gag in repugnance.
As annoying as he sometimes is, having Jimin around is something you always have been thankful for. It was everything to have a friend be by your side. You've seen what happens when people are left alone for too long. They go bat-shit crazy. Completely bonkers.
Being tossed back to Dystopia is inevitable; neither of you was going to stop it. Yet even just your best friend's presence is your very own incentive to wake up the next day with a hopeful smile on your lips. He matters so much to you.
"Let's have the time of our lives in Purgatory," he'd told you over and over again. So much so that you can still hear his voice today, tainted with hope and faith. "Then we can go back to Dystopia together."
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You grit your teeth, catching your lip between them and biting so hard you taste blood. The strong taste of iron drives you to focus. You furrow your brows, staring at the pages of the textbook and reading thoroughly, mulling over every word in your head with careful precision. When your eyes reach the end of the page, you're just about to look up and ask the boy if he's done reading, but he's one step ahead of you.
The boy flips the page over and smiles at you smugly. You frown at him disdainfully, but without another word, you concentrate on the content once more. Until—
You sigh, reluctantly looking up at the boy. "What?"
"Taehyung. My name's Taehyung," he says. "Just thought you ought to know. There are 98 pages left in this book, so I just thought it'd be better to introduce ourselves. We'll be sitting together for a while."
You squint your eyes at him, pondering over his words. But he does make quite a good point. You suppose you and the boy—Taehyung—had gotten off on the wrong foot. Although he was kind of a cocky asshole, you guess it wouldn't hurt to at least tell him your name.
"Fine," you say, upturning your nose. "I'm Y/N."
"Cool." Taehyung grins. For a guy who's been living in unkempt conditions for several years, his teeth look pretty near to goddamn perfection. It's a little irritating if you do say so for yourself.
You're about to pick up where you last left off in the textbook when Taehyung scoots closer to you. You lean away, frowning at him as you shoot him a 'what the fuck are you doing' look.
He seems oblivious to your stone-cold glare. "Sooo, Y/N," he says. "What's making you study this hard?" he asks. "I thought I was the only crazy one here." He laughs wryly. When he sees that you're ignoring him and still reading from the damned book, he huffs and slams it shut.
"What the fuck, Taehyung," you spit out, jerking your head towards him. "Can't I study in peace?"
"Didn't anyone tell you it's rude to ignore?" he counters.
"Give me the book back."
"No." He grins, pushing the book away from you as he crosses his legs confidently, leaning back in his chair. "Answer the question. Please," he adds hastily. "C'mon. If we stay cooped up reading all day, we'll die before even getting to live in Utopia."
You let out a frustrated groan, but he's right in a way. You should take study breaks now and then—possibly to keep your sanity. "What's making me study so hard? Fine," you huff. "We all have our mad-person reasons. Happy?" But upon Taehyung's disappointed look at your vague answer, you let out a deep sigh. "And I made promises I don't want to break," you elaborate reluctantly.
"Promises?" Taehyung says. "Interesting... You look like you've been through some rough shit."
You scoff. "Me? Says you. You're Dystopian-born too, right?"
"I'm that obvious, am I?" He grins. "It's true though. I've seen bad shit in Dystopia."
"Yeah, well, I've seen the worst shit right here in Purgatory," you mutter. "So I think I win."
You ignore him. "Give me back my book," you demand.
"First of all, it's not your book," Taehyung laughs. "And secondly, worst shit in Purgatory? Must be an interesting story behind that. Do tell."
Taehyung huffs as he leans back even further in his chair. "So you've lost someone you love, then."
You freeze. How did he—
Biting your lip again, you contemplate whether to answer. Finally, you let out a small, "Yeah. Two, actually."
"Damn, two?" Taehyung gawks. "Wow. Um, I'm sorry. You weren't kidding about the bad shit you've seen here."
"I really wasn't." Now you're definitely not in the mood to study. Not when Taehyung, single-handedly, in just a few minutes, reminded you of them. "It's dumb, but I use them and the promises we made together as an incentive to study. That's my mad-person reason," you confess.
Why does it feel better to tell someone else about yourself?
"That's not dumb," Taehyung offers, his eyes mirroring your own sadness in them. "It's good to have someone you love to be your incentive." He pushes the textbook back towards you. "Sorry for pestering you. You can study now if you want."
You nod curtly as you quickly open the book to the page you had left off. It seems that Taehyung does have the smallest bit of sympathy in him. You suppose he's not a completely horrible person (as you had thought before).
Sighing, you try to read through the sentences on the page, but you find yourself reading the same phrase over and over again. Damn. Your stomach flips and you begin to feel a little queasy as melancholy washes over your head. Shit. Now you really can't concentrate.
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"You're, okay, right, Jiminie?" you beg, frown lines appearing on your forehead as you take both of the sick boy's hands in yours, watching his tense face relax ever-so-slightly from your soft touch.
"It's probably just something I ate. I'll be fine!" he manages to answer enthusiastically. "I'll throw it all up by tomorrow and you'll see me stronger than ever!"
He was wrong.
As the long days rolled by, he got sicker and sicker. Most of your week was spent in Jimin's room. It became a daily routine to watch him throw up whatever you suggested he eat. It became a reoccurring attempt for you to try to calm his sweltering fever. Every day you were more exhausted than the last. And so was he.
You were losing hope, but you tried not to show it. You knew he was dying, but neither of you mentioned it. You were losing your best friend and you couldn't do anything about it.
No one cared either. Everybody turned a blind eye to the ten-year-old boy suffering in overwhelming pain. They either had been preoccupied with studying or didn't want to catch whatever Jimin had. To them, Jimin, your light and life source was nothing but another body to be tossed in the graveyard at the end of the day.
And just like that, he passed away.
You can still recall the misery reflecting in his eyes, his quiet whimpers, his delusional words. You can still remember him. Quite clearly, too. He didn't know who you were the last few minutes before he blinked half-way and never woke up again. The moment you knew he was dead, you'd cried, clinging to his body and letting out the sorrow, the weakness, that you had hidden from him when he was alive.
To the ten-year-old you, his death was a mystery.
But it was leptospirosis. You know that now, after years of flipping the pages of those medical textbooks. It was a rare disease from animals, but mostly rats. Those damn rats. You wish you can kill them all.
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"Those fucking rats!" Taehyung slams his fist hard on the wooden table, immediately stopping the persistent chattering of the damned rodents. "I swear to god, they're one of the worst things about Purgatory, other than the goddamn Exam itself!"
You nod in silent agreement, sighing as you play with the leftover crumbs of your breakfast. "I'd even argue that they're the worst things to ever exist. Besides the Exam."
No matter how annoyingly vocal Taehyung is about his pure hatred for rats, it feels good to have someone to talk to while eating your breakfast. You haven't had company in years.
Taehyung lets a smile loose, a boxy grin that has some sort of weird way of making you feel calm. It's impossible to believe that he's supposed to be your competition when both of you have developed a friendship over the past several days. It wasn't easy for Taehyung to befriend you—especially since you've shut out every other person in your life since... since Yoongi. But he was persistent, and you admired that about him. So slowly, very slowly, you began to open up to the boy.
You told him about Jimin, and you have to admit, it felt fucking fantastic to have someone else mourn for Jimin—to have someone else besides you who didn't ignore his death. And now you're just beginning to tell him about Yoongi upon his stubborn urging.
"You should continue," Taehyung says. "You were telling me about your preteen boyfriend?" he asks with his mouth full of bread—his words are just barely discernible and you crinkle your nose in disgust.
"Gross. Haven't you read those etiquette books? Thought they would've taught you a thing or two about not talking with your mouth full," you huff. "And don't call him my preteen boyfriend. That sounds wrong. Not to mention... it takes away so much of the meaning of my relationship with him."
"Okay, okay, sorry," Taehyung says, but chewed up bread crumbs escape his mouth and land on the metal lunch table. You make a face. "But," Taehyung continues, paying no mind to your disgust, "at the end of the day, I just wanna know if all Utopian-borns are bastards or not."
You roll your eyes. "Oh, c'mon. Do you really think I'd love a bastard?"
"Well, you're quite unpredictable, dear," Taehyung swallows his food (thankfully) before he laughs. "You thought you were going to study alone for the rest of your time here. But look at you, with me, sharing a textbook."
"You better not tell me shit like 'you didn't know love when you were ten,' Taehyung," you say as menacingly as you can. "I'm not gonna tolerate shit talk. And besides, Yoongi was definitely not a bastard. He—" you pause abruptly. "Ah, shit," you say, trying to blink away the tears that had suddenly sprung upon your eyes. Your fingers grip the hem of your shirt and you clear your throat before you continue. "He died so he didn't have to deal with bastards."
"Oh, shit," Taehyung breathes when he realizes you're close to crying. "I'm sorry... You don't have to tell me about him if it's gonna make you feel bad. I was joking about the whole Utopian-born-bastard thing anyway."
"No, I want to tell you," you say. "I need to tell someone. I can't just pent these things up inside of me, Taehyung. Don't you know? I'm using you as my personal rant-listener." You grin at him, though your tears roll down your cheeks.
Taehyung looks confused at your juxtaposition of tears and happy grin. "Okay then," he says. "If you're really sure." He frowns, tilting his head. "I just don't get the part when you said he died so he didn't have to deal with bastards. He can't choose when he dies or not—"
"Oh, yes he can," you cut him off. "Think about it," you say as more tears trip down your face. Taehyung gives you a perplexed look, his confused eyes meeting your sad ones. You sigh. "You can choose when you want to die sometimes," you whisper in a shaky voice. "Intentional death."
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You've lost your appetite ever since Jimin passed away. But you come to the cafeteria every day to pay tribute to your best friend, who had announced one too many times when he was alive that the cafeteria was his favorite place in the whole world. So you sit down by yourself on the lunch tables, staring at the bread but never reaching out to take it.
Without Jimin, your world is drained of color. Life loses its meaning. There is no point. You were supposed to go back to Dystopia as adults—together. That had been your one wish. Your only wish. And now it couldn't happen. Not when Jimin's not with you anymore.
Large men in spotless white suits had dragged his limp body off of the small cot as you were begging, wailing on the side. You asked them to bury him, to give him a proper memorial. But they ignored you, pushed you away to the side. They didn't even have the decency to respect him, to cover him up with a blanket or sheet. You had to watch his clothes collect dirt and his face drag in the mud as they pulled him by the legs.
Even after they'd yelled at you, you'd watched, followed them as they flung his body into a deep pit reeking of death.
They burn the bodies in the pit every Sunday; then the week starts fresh with an empty abyss for the dead.
You want to jump in the pit after Jimin. Maybe you can conveniently dump your body in the hole a few minutes before they set fire to it—maybe you can be with Jimin that way.
It feels like a knife in your heart when you think about his last few delusional words. He'd told you fitfully, in a full sweat, that he was in so much pain, but he'd rather be in pain than die. He was afraid of death.
You aren't. You are in so much pain, you want to die, unlike him. Ten years of life is enough, you decide. Whatever is waiting for you after death has to be better than what you are living in right now.
So you plan it out. You wait until Sunday, until five minutes before they're supposed to come to burn the pit of bodies. You're going to jump in. Find Jimin. Burn to death with him. Simple.
Not so simple.
You stand exactly three feet from the pit (you measured it yourself, with your own feet), thinking it would be better to have a running start of some sort. But your feet are frozen as well as your mind is. You just can't seem to get yourself to move. You've pictured yourself jumping into the pit at least a hundred times before, so you can't help to wonder why you can't seem to do it now.
It frustrates you. Your mind tells you to run, to jump, but your legs are glued to the ground.
"Gonna jump?"
You nearly lose your balance at the sudden voice that comes from behind you. You quickly whirl around to see a lanky boy with tousled black hair. He's leaning against the exterior of the common building, staring at you with cold, judgmental eyes. He's taller, bigger than you, so you discern that he must be one of those older kids. You scowl at him. "And what if I did jump?" you retort.
"Wouldn't recommend it, kid," the boy says. He laughs coldly. "First of all, they're not going to burn that shit for several hours. Do you really want to lay around rotting bodies before you die?"
"What if I don't care?" you answer defiantly, crossing your arms.
"What are you? Dumb?" The boy scoffs, leaving his place against the wall and starting to walk towards you as he casually stuffs his hands into his pants pockets. "Get out of here," he says menacingly, eyes narrowing and mouth set stern. "And don't come back."
You admit you're slightly scared, but you don't back down. "No." You glare. "I don't want to."
The boy laughs, shrugging. "It's always the dumb Dystopian-borns. You can't be more than ten-years-old. What's got you so suicidal, huh?"
You narrow your eyes. "I'm not dumb!"
"Hm... Prove it... idiot."
You fume, face turning bright red as you stomp your feet. "Shut up! Leave me alone!"
The boy laughs. "I will if you get out of my sight."
Angry tears slip from your eyes as you grip your fists tight. "I don't want to! I-I want to die! My best friend's down there. And I'm going to be with him!" you yell as snot runs down your nose and your cheeks are wet with hot tears. You feel pathetic. But you need to get your point across to this mean, older boy who isn't leaving you alone. "You can't make me leave!"
There's an uncomfortable silence that follows, yet you stand your ground and glare at him. But to your surprise, the boy lets out a small sigh and begins to walk up to you. He crouches down to your level and he wipes your tears (and embarrassingly a bit of your snot) with the sleeve of his frayed (but obviously high-end) sweater. "It's okay kid," he says. Before you know it, he's pulling you into a tight hug. "Stop crying, hm? It'll be all right, kid."
Nobody's ever hugged you like that before. Not even Jimin—because he knows how much you don't like physical affection. But you needed his hug; it was long overdue.
You hiccup, crying out the rest of your tears as the boy holds you into his arms. It takes you a few minutes to calm down, and when you finally pull away from the boy, you notice that your shirt is slightly wet as well. And not from your tears, but from his. You look up to see the boy's back turned on you, hiding his face from your view.
"Let's go get something to eat, kid," he says, and you can hear just the hint of tears behind his voice. And when he sniffles, it confirms everything.
Cocking your head in curiosity, you begin to follow him—
"Wait, wait!" Taehyung interrupts. "Before you go on any further, you need to address the elephant in the room, Y/N. Why the fuck is he crying?"
"Yeah, well, I didn't know then either," you say. "It's complicated. I mean, I only found out the reason way later. If you'd just let me continue—"
"Oh, sorry. Continue, then."
"Yes, thank you—"
"Wait, lemme interrupt just one more time," Taehyung interjects again. "Just one last question." You groan, but you nod, telling him you're all ears. "Exactly how much older is he than you?"
You sigh. "He was three years older."
Taehyung sucks in a deep breath. "Right... He's, uh, dead. But damn. You were into a Utopian-born that was older? You really broke all the boundaries."
You shrug. "I guess I always didn't really give a fuck about societal norms or whatever the shit people call it."
"And yet you're conforming to the largest societal norm in Atna by studying for the Exam," Taehyung points out. "Times have changed."
You smile sadly, shaking your head. "I'm only doing this for Yoongi. He made me promise... So, here I am, trying to fulfill his wishes. Will you let me continue now?"
"Yeah, yeah."
Yoongi watches you devour the bread, but you're too hungry to care about his incessant staring.
"You should slow down," he says. "We don't want you to choke to death or anything—" he pauses, eyes turning wide before he mutters a "Shit, I gave her a fucking idea."
"I heard that," you say.
Yoongi visibly pales.
"It's okay," you assure him, setting down a loaf of bread to stare right back at the boy. "I feel better now. I don't think I've eaten for days."
"Damn," Yoongi mutters under his breath. "What kind of best friend was he for you to be this distraught over his death?"
"Distraught?" you say, blinking blankly at him.
He sighs, "Right, right, you're only ten. Distraught means sad. Upset. Depressed. All those fun words."
"Oh," you murmur. "Jimin was everything to me," you say shyly. "He promised me that we were going to go back to Dystopia! Then we could share a house and live together as adults..." you trail off, losing yourself in the figments of your wildest imaginations. "We were supposed to have so much fun in Purgatory..."
Yoongi cocks his head. "Kid, I think you liked him."
You frown at this strange comment, crinkling your nose. "Of course I liked him, he was my best friend."
"No, kid. You like liked him. Maybe you loved him. I don't know," Yoongi says, shrugging. "Think about it. Wait no, don't. Forget about him. Don't make yourself sad. Talk to me. What do you wanna do? Wanna go to my room? I have some stuff back from home there. You can play with them if you want."
You squint your eyes at the boy, staring at him suspiciously. "Why are you trying to be nice...?"
"Nice?" Yoongi scoffs. "I'm just, uh, I'm just trying to get rid of stuff that I don't need anymore. I'm definitely not being nice. So you better follow me 'cause I don't want a lot of things."
You don't buy his lie, but maybe that's a good thing. In your eyes, this boy is, indeed, nice and he's trying to help you take your mind off of Jimin. He even prevented you from leaping off the ledge and falling to your own death. You hope he sticks around.
And stick around he did.
Yoongi is bossy, straight-forward and frankly rude sometimes, things that Jimin totally wasn't. But he is also generous, thoughtful and emotional (on a good day), and that's all you needed to stick by his side.
He is so generous that in the first week that you met him, he gave you nearly a closet-worth's supply of thick sweaters and jackets for the upcoming winter. In that same way, he is thoughtful. You took the clothes gratefully, never once having held such expensive material before in your life.
On late nights when you slept over in his room, he always asked if you could tell him stories of your childhood. And you'd gladly oblige. That's when he got emotional. Though you never see him cry, you always hear it when you tell your stories. Yoongi tries to hide his emotions to the best of his ability, but frankly, he's a loud crier, so you hear him every time. But you let him think he's good at hiding his tears for the sake that he's your friend.
One day, though, you come down with some sort of throat sickness, and Yoongi practically orders you not to speak for the next 24 hours. He had his own medicine cabinet in which his rich parents gifted him before their only son was shipped off to Purgatory from their grand mansion. So you were getting the best treatment anyone in Purgatory could get.
Yoongi even offered to tell you stories that night. To repay you for being an amazing storyteller.
"I've always wanted to hear about Utopia," you croak despite having a painful burn in your throat. "I hate that place. But I want to know more about it."
"Stop talking so much," Yoongi sighs. "Do you want to get better or not?" When you're silent, (having passed his rhetorical question test in which the correct answer was to stay quiet) he smiles to himself and continues. "I hate Utopia too. It's not as great as it seems. You know that every Utopian-born is a slave to education? I think the moment I was born, I got tossed in tutoring. From six in the morning to eleven at night I was tutored. Seven days a week, no breaks. It's probably illegal, but my parents had a lot of copies of the books in the library in Purgatory. They made me get a head start on everything. After a while, you start to think about what the whole point of education is...
"My parents always told me that I was only suffering in my younger years—that I'd only have to suffer until I'm eighteen and if I scored well on the Exam, I'd be able to come back home safely and have the time of my life in Utopia. But I just didn't want to become a slave to education," Yoongi says. "I was sick of it. Sure, I'm privileged. Sure, I had everything I wanted growing up, but I didn't have one thing you Dystopians have—freedom.
"When you're studying all day every day, you don't get a lot of chances to make friends," Yoongi says. "I grew up with adults breathing down my neck and telling me to memorize useless facts. That was the closest thing to friends I ever got. I'm not sure if every Utopian-born is forced to live like this, but I can damn well infer it. Anyways, my parents aren't here now, so I can do whatever the fuck I want."
You laugh. "You don't want to go back home?" you say in your sick, gravelly voice
"I'm just tired, Y/N. I'm tired of everything," Yoongi exhales. "You'll understand when you're older."
"You're only three years older than me, though," you pout. "Do three years change that much?"
"Yes," Yoongi replies as a matter-of-fact-way. "I don't even want to take this stupid fucking test. But I also don't want to rot in Dystopia—no offense. I know I won't last there."
"Yeah, you won't last," you tell him with a giggle.
He huffs. "That's real comforting, Y/N."
"I know," you rasp. "Please tell me about Utopia, now. Are the skies really that blue? And does everyone have a pool? What do you eat there? Do you get your own room??" The last question throws you in a coughing fit, and Yoongi looks at you worriedly. He waits until you stop before he continues.
"It was always blue outside, yeah," he says, slowly, carefully as if he was taking his time to form his words to match his visualizations. "Sometimes we had scheduled rainy days for the private gardens and stuff," he says nostalgically. "I think I had about three pools in my home in Utopia, but I’m not sure if other families had them too. You know, I didn't get around much. Always stuck inside and studying." He sighs. "At least the food there was good. Way better than the crap we're forced to eat here. Barbecue ribs with generous amounts of sauce, slow-cooked potatoes in a bonfire, roasted lamb chops, fresh fruits and vegetables picked up from the nearby food-growing facilities... Caviar, licorice, cotton candy, chocolate, cakes, pudding... And if I ever ate bread, it was with fresh strawberry jam and smooth almond butter."
You don't understand half of the stuff he's saying, but whatever it is, it sounds delicious.
"I could talk about the great food there forever," Yoongi says. "The only thing I miss about Utopia is the food... It's really lonely there. I had my sleeping chamber, my pool room and my study room, but I was always in there alone. Whatever. Do you want to hear more?"
You nod. "Yoongi?"
"You cried when I first met you. Why?"
Yoongi visibly stiffens. Knowing him you expect Yoongi to wave off your question or ignore you altogether, but to your surprise, he doesn't.
"You made me feel bad," he confesses bluntly.
"It was just so strange for me to see someone else get upset over a friend..." he trails off. "You were going to die for him. You were going to leap into a pit because you loved your friend that much. You couldn't bear to think of a life without him. So you were going to die with him. And that just..."
"It was stupid, I know," you pout. "You don't have to say it again."
"It was stupid, yeah," Yoongi agrees. "And I'm saying it again because I can. But at the same time, it hurt me. You know, I made up my mind to jump that day too."
"You did??"
"Yeah and imagine my surprise and annoyance when I see some ten-year-old Dystopian-born in my way," Yoongi sniffles. "Pissed me off."
You huff. "Well—"
"And I was still pissed off at you until you told me you were going to do it to be with your friend," Yoongi says. "Do you know why I was going to do it?" You shake your head no. "Because I'm selfish and I didn't like my life and I didn't want to continue living in this hellhole by myself. Because I wanted to give up. And also because I didn't have a purpose to wake up to another day, but that's just one part of a plethora of other reasons. They were all selfish. It made me just... feel something when I saw you. And you were just willing to die for someone who wasn't yourself. Even though that's fucking stupid, it made me realize how I've never really lived before. And maybe you were the key to my first friendship? I don't know."
"Wow," you mutter.
"Is that all you have to say?"
"Yes, well, no? My throat's hurting again, Yoongi," you whine. "You told me to stop talking minutes ago."
"Oh, well, in that case, just go to sleep," he says. "You'll feel better in the morning."
"Thanks," you whisper against your cotton pillow. You snuggle in your cot below Yoongi's bed and let out a small sigh. "You're not that selfish, Yoongi," you say.
And you mean it. Yoongi's shown you nothing but generosity. He's shown you that he's caring when he tries to be. Even though he's unbelievably bossy sometimes, he does it for your own good. His quiet demeanor is a façade to the overwhelming emotions inside, and you can see right through it.
Yoongi doesn't answer for the longest time, so you wrap your arms arm yourself to preserve warmth and fall asleep. You wake up the next morning with an extra layer of blanket on top of you.
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Taehyung begins to tap his feet on the ground restlessly, consequently making your chair shake underneath you. You try to ignore it for minutes, but the constant shaking is making it hard for you to concentrate on the textbook sitting between the two of you.
"Taehyung," you say.
"Hm?" he asks, his eyes boring into the pages of the book. "What?"
"Can you stop?"
"Stop what?"
"You're shaking my chair."
"Oh," Taehyung says. He finally looks up from his reading and makes eye contact with you. "Sorry," he apologizes hastily. "I didn't mean to do it... I just got nervous. This book is just... It's weird. I mean, when was the last time we put emphasis on family?"
"Never, of course," you say. "I barely even remember what my parents look like."
"Really?" Taehyung's eyes are large as he stares you down with curiosity mixed with just the slightest bit of pity. "Do you miss them?"
"What? Really?" Taehyung gasps. "You really don't care at all?"
"They're not prominent figures in my life," you say. "It was always Jimin. And then when Jimin died, it was Yoongi..." you trail off. "I do regret not being close to my family. I don't think I said goodbye when I had to leave to Purgatory."
"God, well, that's harsh."
"I know. What about you? Were you close with your family?"
"Oh, very," Taehyung replies. "I had three older brothers and one younger sister. My sister and two brothers didn't make it out in the world. So in theory I only had one older sibling."
"I'm sorry," you say.
"It's fine. It was in Dystopia. Too many people die so the deaths start to become irrelevant," Taehyung shrugs. "I miss them, though. My brother's dead now, but I miss my parents."
"He tried to start a revolt in Purgatory eleven years ago," Taehyung says. He frowns, shaking his head in disbelief. "I didn't think he was that dumb to actually go through with the rebellion. It was a man-slaughter, by the way. Everyone in his year was killed."
"Everyone?" you say. "Even to me, that sounds severe."
"Yeah, well, it was easier for them. Assumed that everyone in that year was a rebel. And rebels deserve to die, apparently," Taehyung says. He grits his teeth, fisting his hands in slow-coming anger. "You do know why they have the fucking Exam, right?"
"To choose which people are worthy of being in Utopia?"
"That's part of the reason," Taehyung says. He leans into you so suddenly that you gasp quietly. "The government does it to weed out the feeble-minded ones. Haven't you heard rumors? In a few years, they might just exterminate Dystopia and Purgatory altogether. There aren't enough resources to keep everyone alive," he whispers with urgency, and you can feel his hot breath on your cheeks. "So they're trying to grow a stable society with highly intelligent individuals. They want to get rid of the excess. The unworthy. They do it by hosting the Exam."
He looks satisfied at your rather shocked face and decides to give you some space, leaning away and taking away the warmth on your face.
"They're going to get rid of Dystopia?" you whisper. "And Purgatory? That's not fair to the people living there. They're gonna close off Utopia forever? That's bullshit."
"It's rumored." Taehyung shrugs.
"Is that why you're studying so hard to go?" you say, cocking a curious brow at him. "To avenge your brother?"
"Maybe," Taehyung grins. "I mean, I'll see what I can do."
"You shouldn't," you tell him with a frown. "They're gonna kill our whole year because of you."
Taehyung raises an eyebrow at you. "You know what they're doing is wrong," he says. "Don't you want to right the wrong?"
"No," you say. "I don't. I'm not going to risk my life or any other lives to fix this stupid system. The only fool-proof way to beat them is to beat the Exam—by that, I mean get a perfect score. Think about it. It's a huge middle finger to the government. Imagine if only one person out of hundreds gets to go to Utopia for scoring the highest, and, you know, assuming that only one person gets a perfect score because it's that unheard of. If that keeps up year after year, Utopia will die. They'll be underpopulated. The government will realize the system is flawed with time."
"That would take years and years. And a lot of assumptions to make," Taehyung scoffs. "You're talking about one person from every fucking year having the will and intelligence to score perfectly. Statistically impossible."
"So what?" you say. "You think a bloody revolution will solve everything?"
"A bloody revolution would obviously take less time than what you're thinking of," Taehyung says. "There are people fucking dying out there. There are people eating dead bodies. One bloody revolt can do a lot for the future."
"It won't do a lot for the present, though," you argue.
Taehyung sighs. "You know what? I'm sorry we even fucking got into this damned conversation. Whatever. Let's just finish up the book."
You clench your teeth but you don't say anything, merely nodding to show your agreement.
For the next thirteen hours, it is completely silent. After the small argument, neither you nor Taehyung feels the need to speak to the other. There is obvious tension and awkwardness between the two of you—like it had been in the beginning. You try to ignore it, immersing yourself into the contents of family studies, no matter how tedious you found it. Night rolls around and both of you end up skipping dinner.
Breakfast the next day is skipped as well.
By the time lunch comes, you and Taehyung have finished reading and reviewing the last book in the whole library. He slams the textbook shut and slides it across the table. The sound isn't as jarring as you expect it to be. So you just blink your dry eyes and try to steady yourself to prepare to stand up from your seat. Maybe you should leave Taehyung alone for a while... Maybe he doesn't want to talk to you anymore. And maybe you shouldn't hang around him... He could get you killed. He could rope you around in his master plan that his older brother had left with loose ends. You don't want to die; you don't even want to think of the possibility of death.
The only way you can beat the goddamn Exam is to be the only person to score 100 percent. And you're going to accomplish that. For years you've set your mind on this one single goal. Sacrificed food, water and sleep for it. You're not going to let it slip from your hands this easily—not when you're this close to it.
You wobble away from the chair, never looking back at Taehyung as you try to walk away from the table.
His tired voice echoes in the nearly empty library and it rings in your ears. You stop walking but you don't turn around.
"What, Taehyung?" you say through gritted teeth. Though you try to hide the slight waver in your voice that would indicate your exhaustiveness, it shows quite obviously.
"Let's grab lunch together. Please," he says—no, pleads.
God, he must know how much that word affects me. He knows about Jimin, so it probably wasn't so hard to use that knowledge to his own advantage.
After contemplating for what seemed like minutes, you finally turn around to face Taehyung. It surprises you when you meet his eyes almost immediately.
"You didn't finish telling me about Yoongi," he says. "I hate cliffhangers."
It occurs to you that both of you are too proud to apologize over an argument; in fact, this was Taehyung's way of apologizing to you without uttering the words, 'I'm sorry.' Your apology would be something similar.
You nod. "C'mon," you say. "Let's go to the cafeteria."
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For two whole years, you were the happiest you've ever been with Yoongi. He made you almost forget about Jimin, but you made sure you honored your dead best friend by visiting the pit every now and then. It had been the last place you'd seen him.
Yoongi likes to come with you when you go to the pit. He's been getting anxious these days when you're not by his side.
Actually, you notice that he's been acting a bit strange. In the past few months, he began lecturing you about famous inventors and world leaders. He taught you the locations and capitals of countries you didn't know existed. He's been telling you the events of history as if he'd lived through them himself. The most annoying part was when he tried to make a damn math problem out of everything.
You only assumed that the pent-up knowledge inside his head was finally getting to him and he had to let it out to someone before he exploded. So you went along with it. And you suppose that sometimes, the lessons Yoongi taught you were enjoyable.
Until it got to the point that he began to quiz you on the material you learned from him.
You groan, eyes fluttering open to greet the morning sunlight that floods through the faded curtains in Yoongi's room. You had a rough night with a bad dream. You've never been this glad to finally wake up from your sleep.
Aside from the sunlight, you're also greeted by Yoongi's loud voice the moment he catches you awake. "Capital of Senegal?" he demands, pointing at you as if you had just committed a crime.
You squint your eyes at him, frowning as you stifle a yawn. You're still cranky from having a bad dream (that you can't remember now that you've woken up), so without so much of the slightest blink of an eye, you tell him to "Please, stop."
Yoongi snorts. "No, seriously," he says. "What's the capital of Senegal?"
"I dunno," you lie even though there's no way in hell that you don't know at this point in time because Yoongi's been making you memorize the world capitals for weeks now. But frustration starts to bubble up inside of you. You thought Yoongi would know a thing or two about maintaining personal space. Making you answer stupid geography questions the moment you wake up for six days in a row was downright mean and he deserves to hear a mouthful from you. "Yoongi what the hell is up with you?" you huff. "What does the capital of Senegal have to do with anything??"
"It's Dakar!" Yoongi yells, throwing up his hands. "Fucking Dakar, Y/N! Is that so hard to remember?"
"Why does it even matter?!" you yell back at him.
"I'm trying to help you!" Yoongi shouts. "I'm helping you learn, goddammit!"
"Why would I have to learn??" you say absolutely confused out of your mind. "You know how much you hated being stuck in tutoring. Well, I hate it too!"
"Oh, shit," Yoongi curses, collapsing on his bed with his hands buried in his face. He realizes that you'd just made an extremely valid point, and it puts him to shame. "I was just trying to help..."
"What? Help me pass the Exam?" you snort half-jokingly. "Yoongi, I want to go back to my home, Dystopia, with you."
"No, Y/N," Yoongi says. "I'm not going to Dystopia."
"Then wha—"
"I've been thinking, Y/N," Yoongi cuts you off, patting the spot next to him for you to sit. You do, rubbing your eyes and trying to tame your bed hair as you wait for him to continue. "I've been thinking a lot..." Yoongi says, "about the future. I've thought about every scenario in my head, and I don't think I'll ever be content."
"Aren't you happy with me, here?" you say. "I thought we were having fun..."
"Sooner or later, Y/N, I'll have to take the Exam," Yoongi says. "I'll fail, as expected. I'll be tossed into Dystopia and I'll have to wait until you come back home. But I'll most likely die in less than a year so you'll never actually get to see me again."
"Don't say that!" you shriek. "Don't even—"
"I'm obviously not going to make it in Dystopia. I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and waking up in this dingy room in Purgatory every day disgusts me. Think about how horrible it'd be for me in Dystopia when I can't even stand it here. Then the only solution left is for me to go back to Utopia," Yoongi explains. "And that's not going to happen because I don't intend on learning new material anymore. I'm not a scholar. Was forced to be, but never wanted to be. I give up."
"You're giving up??"
"I'm giving up."
"But Yoongi..." you breathe but no further words come out of your mouth. You don't want to put words in his mouth, but you're scared of what he's thinking of doing to himself in the future. Yet you don't have the guts to ask him about his plan out loud.
"I know, Y/N," Yoongi sighs. "But I'm not bringing you down with me."
"You're going to Utopia, Y/N," Yoongi says. He's so nonchalant with an atrocious statement that you wonder if he has a concussion. But when he's staring at you so intently, you realize with a heavy heart that he's dead serious.
"It's too late, Yoongi," you protest. "I would never beat the Utopian-borns... I'm already two years behind the game, and if you factor in the time the Utopian-borns have studied, I'm twelve years behind!"
"It's not too late," he argues. "Think about it. Utopian-borns like me—unless they're batshit crazy—aren't trying as hard anymore. Their parents aren't there to supervise them, and they're probably insanely cocky about how much they already know."
"What's your point?"
"You can easily beat them with willpower," Yoongi says. "And I already tried teaching you some stuff that I remembered too—whether you were paying attention is solely on you, though."
You huff. "I was paying attention," you say. "And that's impossible. I'm not a genius, Yoongi. Intelligence is genetic. You told me so yourself."
"I did," Yoongi admits, "but it doesn't matter how innately intelligent you are. What really matters is willpower. And I have none. But you have a lot. I'm just saying, Y/N. Utopia... it's not really a life for me. I don't really give a shit about education and being intelligent. I don't really give a shit about anything. But I think Utopia is a life for you. It's a life you deserve."
"I can't just accept what you're telling me, Yoongi," you say.
"Yes you can," he says. "I want to leave soon, you know. I don't want to distract you from your studies... And besides, Purgatory's food fucking sucks. I bet they have better food in the afterlife."
The afterlife. It's then when it truly dawns on you of the atrocity that your friend would commit to himself.
"You can't just kill yourself," you scoff, twisting your body towards Yoongi in complete bewilderment. "What about me? I never agreed to any of this!"
"You've wanted to go to Utopia the moment I started to tell you about it," Yoongi says. "You think I wouldn't know? I'm helping you get there."
"But I don't want to be alone!" You sniffle, chin pointing to the ceiling so the tears that are starting to well in your eyes dry away. But it's no use. The more you think about being abandoned again, another person you genuinely cared for leaving you into the afterlife... it makes you feel broken.
"Well, I don't really want to live," Yoongi says. "We're all selfish. It's human nature."
"I thought you cared about me!" Your voice rises two octaves. "We were supposed to spend the rest of your time in Purgatory together! You can't just leave early because you feel like it! What am I going to do without you??" You're sobbing now, the tears running down your face in fat droplets that blur your vision.
"Hey..." Yoongi murmurs. "Y/N..." He gives you some space to cry, to let out the worst of your emotions. Then he encompasses you in a warm hug in which your face is up against the soft material of his sweater and he pats your back comfortably. "You'll get over me."
"I won't," you whimper. "That's a promise."
"C'mon don't waste a precious promise on that," he whispers.
"I will so waste a stupid precious promise on that," you whisper back. You hate him for doing this to you. For telling you that he was going to leave you so you knew what was coming—now you were dreading the moment he was going to abandon you instead of relishing in his presence, his embrace, his warmth.
For hours, the two of you bask in complete silence. You've calmed yourself down to the point that the tears roll down your face sporadically, but not in steady streams anymore. Yoongi runs his fingers through your hair, an act that he only does to ensure you that everything will be all right. It's rare that the two of you are ever this close in proximity, and you want to cherish this moment before he's gone. But curiosity pulls at the strings inside you and you just have to ask—
"W-When are you going to do it?"
"When are you going to commit suicide?"
"I'm not going to tell you."
You pull away from Yoongi, scowling at him. "Why not?"
"You'll try to put a stop to it," he says. "I need to get through with this, Y/N. You can't change my mind."
"I want to say I hate you, but now I feel like I need to be nice to you," you confess, running a hand through your hair in confusion.
Yoongi smiles, shaking his head. "Act normally." He hesitantly reaches out for your hand, and when you give it to him, he holds it perfectly—not too tightly nor not too loosely. "Just promise me one thing." When you don't answer, he turns to you, squeezing your intertwined hands for emphasis. "Get to the top for me, will you?"
"I can't promise tha—"
"And please don't frown when you study. You're gonna get a permanent crease on your forehead."
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"Fuck, Y/N," Taehyung chokes, blinking away a tear that was starting to become too heavy for his eyes. "That's it? You let him just... leave you like that?"
"I feel like I should've put up a bigger fight too," you admit, playing with what's left of the bread crumbs on the lunch table. "I should've helped him. Nursed him back into a healthy mental state. But what did I know? I was fucking twelve then. I didn't know shit about mental health or psychology."
"You know now at least," Taehyung offers.
"I'd rather not know," you say. "Now that I know that I could've helped him... it just feels worse." You let out a deep sigh that takes the heavy weight off of your chest. "He overdosed about four days later. They found him before I did... And since then, I've been alone, studying my ass off."
"I can't help but admire your determination," Taehyung says. "You honestly can't beat human willpower. Yoongi's right."
You smile, shrugging nonchalantly. "I just want to keep my promise with him... And maybe I want to live in glory for the rest of my life, but who am I to blame? Everybody wants that life."
"Everybody deserves that life," Taehyung says. "No one should have to go through near-death experiences to get to it."
"Life's never fair," you say. "Deal with it."
Taehyung snorts. "I know. I'm trying." He pauses, placing a pensive hand on his chin and looking off into the distance as if he were thinking hard about something. "Hey, you know, the best way to retain information is to repeat it out loud or teach it to others."
"That's exactly what Yoongi made me do," you say. "All those random quiz questions throughout the day... I didn't appreciate it then, but I'd sure appreciate it now."
"Then we can be study buddies," Taehyung declares. "We'll quiz each other. We have about a year left before the Exam. We'll review every concept in the whole damn library together. Two heads work better than one!"
"Aren't we supposed to be competitors?" you say. "I'm looking to get a perfect score, Taehyung," you grin. "If you can't keep up with my rigorous schedule, you shouldn't even be proposing this plan to me."
"Oh yeah?" Taehyung cocks an eyebrow as he grins right back at you, revealing his perfect teeth and boxy smile. "Bring it on, Y/N."
Bring it on? Oh, you'll bring it on, all right. Taehyung won't even know what hit him.
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Having someone else to study with you doubles your competitiveness, which is a feat in it of itself because you are definitely more competitive than at least one hundred of your peers combined.
Every day, you've been trying to wake up earlier than Taehyung to get to the library first. The only problem is, he's been doing the same as well. You thought you had him beat when you sauntered into the library at 4 a.m. feeling quite refreshed after an hour night's sleep, but it turned out that Taehyung never even left the library. He'd grinned at you, practically staring into your soul with bloodshot eyes and croaking, "I win!" so victoriously that you really had to accept his triumph over you.
But when the two of you start to play a little game of who-can-stay-awake-for-longer, Taehyung has to put a stop to the madness when you start to mumble jumbled sentences in Latin after he asks if you need some water.
You and Taehyung look out for each other almost by habit at this point. It's become a routine for you to wake the other up if you were the first to awake. Now morning trips to the library are done together, and you have to admit it feels much better to be able to walk side by side next to someone who is willing to babble his head off to wake you up a bit more.
Dinner is skipped Mondays through Fridays to make extra time for review. On Saturdays, you and Taehyung indulge in the full three meals that Purgatory has to offer while also finishing up your studies. But Sunday, Sunday is the holy grail of the week. No studying, no library, just you and Taehyung taking some time off (for once).
Surprisingly, you'd come up with Special Sundays, after Taehyung had a huge mental breakdown over plumb-forgetting how to graph polar curves on one typical Saturday night. And the special day has stayed since. Neither of you wants to get rid of something that is the only non-study related activity of the week.
Most Special Sundays are spent in either Taehyung's room or your room. Taehyung prefers your room because you have extra blankets that Yoongi left for you, and as winter comes by, any additional coverage is very much appreciated.
This Sunday, however, you managed to convince Taehyung to hang out in his room—only because his mattress is softer than yours and you've been getting bad back and neck pains these days.
"By the time I'm twenty, I'll be suffering from a fucking herniated disc," you tell Taehyung as you groan, shifting your position on his bed for what seems like the hundredth time. "I feel so fucking stuffy. Like I need to crack my back but I can't. Don't even get me started on my fucking neck."
"By the time you're twenty, you'll be in Utopia and the special doctors will be all over you to treat Atna's very own princess," Taehyung snorts. "They'd do anything to keep the perfect scoring girl alive and well."
"Princess my ass," you laugh. "I'd like to wish. How's the cot, by the way? Kinda feel bad about making you sleep there while I take your bed."
Taehyung shrugs. "I don't mind. I honestly don't even feel a difference," he says without skipping a beat. "And we don't want your back messing up your chances. On the day of the Exam, it'd be worse to have your body betray you than your mind."
"I'd literally fucking cry if my stupid back is still like this before the Exam, Taehyung," you say. "All these years I spent with my nose buried in a book... Only to fail because my body couldn't handle it."
"That's the worst," Taehyung sighs. "But if you stretch every day, it might get better. Honestly, we need to start taking care of ourselves better. We need to reserve time to rest... to take our minds off of studying. Even if it's only one day per week."
"Yeah," you agree. "You know what's fucking sad though? We're still talking about the stupid Exam even now. It never escapes our heads."
"We're slaves to the system," Taehyung bitterly murmurs. "What do you expect?"
"That's true," you say, wincing as you try to shift your position on the bed again. "I don't expect much at this point. Not from the people who've turned the library into a battlefield and the students into soldiers."
"The Exam is the war," Taehyung says. "Losing the war means death, mostly. I see no difference."
"We are so depressing," you sigh. "But it's all true."
"I know," Taehyung says. He turns over on his side to look up at you on his bed. "You ever think about the worst-case scenario?"
"You mean like... we don't make it to Utopia?"
"We?" Taehyung smiles. "So you think we'd get perfect scores together? What happened to being competitors?"
"Oh, shut up," you snort. "We're a team. I thought it was obvious. And I am not talking about not making it to Utopia. We are not going to self-sabotage months before the fucking Exam."
"You're just going to ignore the chances? You're going to ignore the chance of failure?"
"Yes!" you say, turning on your side to face Taehyung. "Of course I am. Do you really want to lie here talking about failure? We shouldn't even plant the thought of that in our heads right now. It's all about victory. We're the smartest, most capable people in our year, so if we don't get to Utopia, no one will. Understand?"
Taehyung belts out a laugh that has you frowning. "Your confidence deserves a gold medal sometimes," he says. "I do understand you..." he continues, "but only to a certain extent."
You scoff, "Oh, come on, Taehyung. What happened to the cocky bastard I met months ago??"
"That was such a mask behind the real me, Y/N," Taehyung laughs. "I thought you knew that by now. I'm fucking terrified of failure and even the slightest thought about failing makes me want to crawl in a hole and just... vanish."
"I swear to god, Tae, if you talk about vanishing like that again, I'll seriously make you want to vanish," you threaten him with the most menacing voice you can muster up. "We're already victors to this stupid game, winners of the war. Don't you dare think otherwise."
Taehyung smiles, eyes twinkling when he realizes you'd called him by his special nickname (that he kept trying to get you to call him) for the first time. "I'll try not to," he says. "But I'm not making any promises."
"Well, that's still good enough for me."
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Four months until the Exam.
You're both physically (your back pains are gone) and mentally (you've always been) ready. But your friend is another story. As more days pass, the more anxious Taehyung begins to feel. He's never able to sleep, so he steals a couple of library books back to his room every night to read while everyone else is salvaging every hour of shut-eye they can get.
His insecurities are catching up to him. And you've always been quite loud-mouthed and confident, so you don't understand him very well. Yet, you're a team, and you do not leave team members stranded.
Motivational pep talks are not really your thing, but they have become your thing these past few days. You walk Taehyung to his room from the library every night, telling him that he had nothing to worry about—that he was going to do superbly well on the Exam. Sometimes, you feel like you're repeating the same phrase over and over again to him, but Taehyung reassures you that whatever you say helps him calm down.
But the mental breakdowns are becoming more and more frequent. Taehyung can't seem to sit still for ten minutes without starting to shake his leg and vibrate the whole table. He has to stop reviewing the Exam material to catch his breath, wipe away his tears and relax the tensed muscles on his face.
You let him take his time. You're always there for him to lean on, to help him catch up on the study time that he missed. And he's forever grateful to you.
"I don't think anyone's been this understanding of me," Taehyung sniffles as you pat his back comfortingly as he blows his nose on a scratchy napkin you handed him before. "Back home, my brother used to tell me to man up when I started to have my panic attacks. He was always the mentally stronger one of us."
"That wasn't very nice of him to say that," you remark. "It's normal to feel uneasy, especially at a time like this. The Exam is four months away... Not too close but not too far either..."
"God. I wish I wasn't so anxious all the time," Taehyung sighs, crumpling up his tissue and pocketing it. "I wish I was like you. Not afraid of losing... Not afraid of failing... Just so confident all the time."
"You can be like me," you say. "Just stop worrying so much."
"Easier said than done," Taehyung scoffs. "You're going to Utopia for sure. There's literally no doubt, Y/N."
"You're coming with me," you argue. "Not to avenge your brother's death or whatever. But just to enjoy the wealthy living since we both deserve it at this point."
"I'm not a charismatic leader," Taehyung shrugs. "I would've never been able to help start a revolt like him. I'd really like to go with you to Utopia... If we both got in, do you think we'd keep in touch?"
"Of course!" you exclaim. "We kept each other company in the loneliest of times. Have you seen anyone else in our year who's serious about taking the Exam making friends now? Everyone's too busy thinking about competition."
"What did I say?" Taehyung grins. "Teamwork works, and two heads are definitely better than one."
"Very true," you smile. "Remember when we fought for that book? The very first time we met?"
"How could I forget?" Taehyung laughs. "I thought you were going to murder me with that look of yours, honestly."
"Oh, wow. I'm not that scary, am I?"
"Oh, yes you are," Taehyung argues. "Do you know how hard it was for me to literally act tough in front of you in the beginning? So you wouldn't take me as some kind of wimp?"
"You acted tough for me?" you giggle, resting your hand on your cheek as your elbow sits on the table. You stare at Taehyung with an amused look on your face. "So you're just actually a big ol' softie?"
"W-Well, I wouldn't call myself a softie per se," Taehyung blushes. "I'm just uh..." he trails off. "Damn, Y/N. You put me under the spotlight."
You shrug, grinning as you watch Taehyung squirm under your intense gaze. Maybe you're a little mean, but making him blush is pretty funny. Teasing him is even funnier.
"It wouldn't be the first time. And definitely not the last," you say with a mischievous grin playing on your lips. Taehyung huffs, but his face looks much more relaxed than it had been several minutes ago—even the redness of his eyes are slowly fading away. He looks much better. He looks ready. "Hey, wanna go back to where we left off now?" you say. "If you're feeling better?"
"Yeah, sure," Taehyung smiles. "Thanks."
Goddamn. His smile is insanely contagious. It must be those perfect teeth and that boxy smile.
"No problem," you manage to murmur, feeling yourself start to blush thinking of Taehyung's immaculate smile. "Um," you hesitate, "yeah, so as I was saying before about Einstein's theory of relativity..."
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Three months.
Something fishy is going on here. The closer the Exam looms over your head, the more you expected yourself to become miserable—stressed about the last-minute study material you could've forgotten over the years. Yet you find yourself rather relaxed.
It occurs to you, however, that you're only this relaxed because you have to be—for Taehyung. One of the two of you has to show strength to help the other. Pretending to be so strong-headed and confident (even when you fell into the familiar pit of self-doubt), helped you actually become confident in your knowledge and predestined success. There's really nothing to worry about, you tell yourself and Taehyung. If it's not the two of us, then it can't be anyone else.
The more you comfort Taehyung, the more he opens up to you, and the more you open up to him. Your friendships in the past have always been a little lopsided—with Jimin, you constantly comforted him, cared for him, and with Yoongi, he had been the one to take care of you. For once in your life, you had a relationship in which you both gave and took; Taehyung is your balance. The in-between of Jimin and Yoongi.
The platonic relationship with Jimin is mirrored in your relationship with Taehyung, but sometimes blush creeps up your cheeks when Taehyung teases you back or when your hands graze each other. So maybe you're not completely platonic with him.
And maybe you're just missing someone to love.
"Do you think we'd be happier if we just... never studied for the Exam?" Taehyung whispers to you as you lie side by side on your bed. The midnight moon is bright enough to illuminate just a sliver of Taehyung's face as he stares at the ceiling of your room pensively. "We would be hanging out... never going to the library... Making friends..."
You hum thoughtfully. "I don't know," you say. "I guess maybe we would be happier—just for the eight years we're in Purgatory, anyway."
"That's right," Taehyung says. "That's a good point, actually. I feel like what we're doing right now is right. We're suffering now to make gains later. And..." he trails off. "And... um, if we don't make it, at least we'll know that we tried."
You nod. "Yeah, I guess. It would be better than being tossed back into Dystopia and wondering for the rest of our lives what would've happened if we did study for the Exam."
"Exactly," Taehyung says. "I think it's crazy that we only have three months left," Taehyung says. "But weirdly... I feel less stressed than before. Maybe your optimistic preachings are getting to my head," he laughs quietly, nudging your shoulder playfully.
"Me? Optimistic?" you snort. "That's the first."
"It's true," Taehyung muses. "My anxiety isn't as bad as before, and I'm pretty sure you had a part to play in that."
"In three months, you won't have any anxiety ever again," you reassure him. "You won't even need to hear me babble on about optimism and self-confidence."
"And we'll be having the time of our lives in Utopia," Taehyung breathes.
You smile to yourself, nodding silently. The two of you let the silence consume you, letting Taehyung's last words echo in your head; it's a good way to end the conversation—on a positive note. A lasting note of hope and faith.
It's then when you feel something warm on your hand. It takes you a moment to realize it's flesh. It takes another moment for you to realize it's Taehyung's hand. When you don't flinch away, he quietly almost hesitantly encompasses your hand in his. Delicately, your fingers intertwine and lock perfectly together.
Immediately, your cheeks heat up but you refuse to speak about it. Reassurance floods through you as the two of you lay side by side in the comforting darkness of your room with your hands held tightly together.
And neither of you speak until the sun peeks out from the horizon to paint the skies with another morning, another day. You don't need to talk to Taehyung to know he's thinking the same thing as you.
We'll have the time of our lives in Utopia.
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Two months.
The last-minute crammers crowd the library so much that there is a line to enter it. You and Taehyung found a very effective way to battle the sudden influx of students, though. Every day, the two of you enter the library as early as three in the morning (to ensure that little to nobody was there) and take six to seven books with you, hiding them under your jackets and sweaters.
Studying in your rooms is much better.
There are less judgmental eyes, fewer chances of catching a stupid cold that's been making its way through the younger kids in Purgatory and you and Taehyung can lounge on the beds when you get tired of sitting straight.
Two months to the Exam is shockingly close, so close that your back pains have been plaguing you once more. Taehyung tells you to stop slouching when you sit, but you find it hard to sit straight and read the tiny text of the textbooks. So you end up ignoring him.
But on some days, it hurts for you to turn your body, your back aching to the extremity that you started believing one uncalculated movement could leave you paralyzed for the rest of your life. It's on those days that you wish you listened to Taehyung earlier. You push on though, too stubborn to admit to Taehyung that he's right and too impatient to try to fix your pain at such an urgent time.
Except you're not too good at hiding your discomfort and Taehyung catches onto you.
"We should take a break," he says, closing an astrophysics textbook and practically tossing it over his head.
When you hear the loud thump of it hitting against the wall, you gasp. "Tae! You can't just throw the fucking book. We're not even supposed to have these in our rooms!"
"Maybe that was a bad idea," Taehyung says, fidgeting his hands. "A little too late now, though, isn't it?" He shrugs. "We need a break."
"I'm fine! I swear!" you say. "We'll study for a few more hours."
"Your back's killing you, isn't it?"
You scoff. "N-No!"
"You stuttered."
You groan, wincing quietly as you try to sit up straight. "I'm not gonna die because of this. I think I can keep going."
"If you don't fix that now, you probably won't be able to sit down for four hours to take the Exam," Taehyung tells you. He takes your book and throws it over his head, making you grimace when it thuds against the wall. "I'm gonna loosen your back muscles!" he declares.
"What are you gonna do? Step on my back and make it crack?" you snort. When you see that Taehyung actually looks like he's contemplating it, you quickly say, "Please don't."
"Don't worry. I'll try not to make it hurt," Taehyung grins. You look at him so threateningly that he has to raise both of his hands defensively. "Oh, c'mon! I'm trying to help."
You give him a nervous look. "So what? You're gonna give me a massage?"
"It'll help!" Taehyung says. "Just get all comfy and lay flat on the bed. Stomach on the covers, please."
The mere thought of his hands roaming on your back makes your face heat up. God, this is going to be intimate. Maybe that's why Taehyung suggested it... and maybe that's why you're actually complying with him.
Hesitantly, you situate yourself on the bed, laying your face on your arms. "Just my back," you tell him.
"Yeah, of course," he says. "I have credentials, technically."
"I found a magazine about it," Taehyung says. "So I'm very much qualified."
"Oh god."
You hear Taehyung rustle behind you and you try to twist your body to see what he's doing but your back prevents you from moving. In frustration, you ask, "What are you doing?"
"Rolling up my sleeves and staring at your back. Why?"
"Why the fuck are you staring at my back?"
"I was trying to figure out where it hurts," he answers, "but I guess I could've just asked you instead."
You snort. "God, Tae. It honestly hurts everywhere. But especially around the shoulder blade area."
You can just imagine Taehyung nodding professionally, with his sleeves rolled up and his hair slicked back to prevent stray strands from poking at his eyes.
"Okay, I'm gonna put pressure there," he says. "Deep breath out..."
You obey him, closing your eyes and blowing air out of your lips, simultaneously relaxing your body. The moment you feel his hands on your back, goosebumps checker your arms. No one's ever been this close to you; no one's bothered to be this intimate with you.
"Feel good?" Taehyung asks.
He sounds closer to you than you expected him to be, and your breath hitches quietly. "Y-Yeah," you stutter. "A little lower."
Taehyung listens, rubbing your sore back with such care and calculated pressure that you have to bite your lip from letting rather embarrassing sounds from escaping your mouth. You don't realize how tense your body was until Taehyung calls you out. "You're so tense, Y/N," he remarks, his hands dealing with the clumped muscles on your back. "Try to relax."
You're red-faced, unable to admit to him that if you do as he says, you might just let out a moan and it'll really be game over then. You are not going to embarrass yourself in front of him because Taehyung would never let you live that down. And if you're really going to spend your days in Utopia with him, you'd rather not let him have any memories he can use to tease you.
"I am relaxing," you lie through your teeth. But when Taehyung gets to a particularly sensitive part on your back, you hiss through your teeth. "Ow..."
Taehyung immediately stops his ministrations. "Do you want me to stop for a second?" he asks with so much worry laced into his voice that you almost feel guilty for making him question himself.
"No!" you exclaim. "I mean, no. I'm fine. I guess my back was much worse than I thought..."
Taehyung laughs. "Well, if I do this for you occasionally and you stretch every day, you'll be in good condition again."
"Thanks," you mutter. "Really, Tae, I mean it."
You can just imagine the boy grinning ear to ear behind you. Though you expected him to say something cocky or silly, you received silence in response. "Tae?" Gritting your teeth, you try turning over on your back, which was easier than expected—Taehyung's massage had already done wonders.
With a little oof, you flip over to finally get a good look at Taehyung. "Cat got your tongue??" you tease him, raising an eyebrow and gazing at his rather blank face.
"No... no," he answers right away. "For a second I thought..." he trails off. His handsome face morphs into a look of worry, of nervousness.
"You thought...?"
"I thought I..." he trails off again, much to your impatience.
"Oh, come on, Tae," you sigh. "Spit it out!"
The boy grins, shaking his head. "For a second, I thought I heard you moan, Y/N. Enjoying yourself a little too much, aren't we?"
Okay, you had not expected that. The color quickly drains from your face and your mouth drops open rather unflatteringly. You sputter to think of an excuse, any excuse that would whisk you away from the embarrassment consuming you at this moment.
"I'm just kidding," Taehyung says as he nearly falls over in a fit of laughter. "You should see your face!"
"That's not funny!" you yell, sitting up on your elbows and glaring at the laughing boy.
"No, it was definitely funny," he says, grabbing your hand and helping you sit up. The action brings heat to your cheeks and you have to look away. "Oh, c'mon," Taehyung whines, "learn some humor, Y/N."
He must mistake your embarrassment as anger. You'll play along.
"You can literally shut up," you huff.
"Damn, you're not very scary when you pretend you're mad," Taehyung says, grinning mischievously at you.
"I am not pretending!"
"You're still holding my hand, Y/N," he teases.
Oh shit. He's right. That's the second time that's happened in one month. Is it strange to seek physical comfort? Or is it strange to feel so comfortable with Taehyung? "I-I," you stutter embarrassingly, unsure if you can even finish your own sentence when Taehyung interrupts you.
"It's okay, Y/N," he says. "I don't mind holding your hand."
You gape at him in shock—so much so that you're sure you don't look too attractive at the moment with your mouth hanging open and your eyes bulging.
Taehyung tightens his grip on your hand as he tugs you closer to him. His eyes sparkle with something you recognize as mirth, which is funny to see in a student's eyes just two months before the Exam.
Hm. You like the way his warm hand encompasses yours, and you adore the way he stares into your eyes as if he knows you and cares for you.
Before you know it, you're breathing out a rapid, "I don't mind holding your hand either."
You didn't know it was possible for Taehyung to grin even wider but sometimes even you're wrong.
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One month.
This is the official crunch time. The time when existing contenders of the Exam become vicious and violent to ward off competition. The time when those who never cared for the Exam begin to host parties to live their best and lasting moments in glee. The time when some cocky Utopians begin to study—they think they're so above everyone else that they only need one month to prepare.
But you and Taehyung relish together in the time left in Purgatory together. You'll see him again in Utopia, but Purgatory is the place where you met him and got to know him. It's special, no matter how much you hate the dingy library and cramped dorms. It's special because, without the given situations, you would've never even met Taehyung. You would've spent the last year in Purgatory alone, haunted by the thoughts of Jimin and Yoongi. You couldn't have survived. Or maybe you could've. But Taehyung's helping you survive with a huge smile on your face. And happiness has never been so close to your fingertips.
Your hands are intertwined with his larger ones as the two of you stand against the wall of the building, staring into the empty pit of the dark abyss.
At this point, you're not quite sure where you stand with Taehyung, but you don't care as long as he's here to comfort you every day and you're there to hold his hand.
The cozy wool of Yoongi's sweater keeps you warm in the brisk night air as does Taehyung's presence right next to you. You look out at the pit, and for once, your stomach does not sink with misery. Paying your respects to the dead loved ones has never been this peaceful before.
"Do you think they're watching over you?" Taehyung whispers, judging you softly as he gazes up at the sky dotted with nighttime stars. "Maybe they're wishing you the best on the Exam."
"I actually have no idea..." you say, looking up at the sky with Taehyung and squeezing his hands. "But I miss them."
"You'll reunite with them one day," Taehyung tells you.
"Yeah," you say, "I definitely will."
"In the meantime, I bet Jimin's having the best time eating good meals and getting good sleep on a comfy bed..." Taehyung trails off as he looks at you. "And I hope Yoongi found his happiness by now."
You nod to yourself. "Me too, Tae."
"Only a month left, Y/N," he answers. "And strangely, this is the most peaceful I've been in my whole life."
When you look up, you find that Taehyung's already staring right back at you. A small smile stretches across your cracked lips. "Trust me, it'll be even more peaceful on the day that we're finally admitted into Utopia. We're in this together, right?"
"Definitely," Taehyung says. "I'm not nervous anymore. Not since you convinced me that I don't have to be afraid."
"Still gonna start a violent revolution?" you whisper. "Follow in your brother's footsteps?"
"Not now, not ever," he answers. "The system works. Why would I bother changing it when the people who truly deserve it are going to Utopia? I'm not brave enough to revolt... And I'm not putting you at risk for my dead brother."
"Thank you... Tae, that means a lot," you say. "Do you ever think there will be another revolution, though?"
"There are always revolutions," he replies. "There will always be more revolutions. Not everyone can always be completely satisfied with the authority's actions. It is what it is. Even if I have to take the brunt of it."
"You won't," you tell him. "We'll be long gone in Utopia before that happens."
"Y/N..." Taehyung mutters. He turns you around to face him, studying your features before pulling you in for an embrace. "I know you don't like it when I talk about this... but," he pauses, unsure. Yet he takes your silence as the cue to continue on. "In the case that we are separated after the Exam... In the case that something goes wrong... we... we should just continue on with our lives."
"And ignore whatever separated us?" you murmur against his shoulder. "We won't have to worry about that though. I told you not to worry. We're going to Utopia."
"I'm saying, just in case," Taehyung whispers. His hands run through your hair as he rests his chin on your shoulder. "But I'm sure you're right. We'll be in Utopia in no time."
You hum, basking in the warmth of Taehyung's arms. "Of course."
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One week.
The library is swarming with teenagers in your year, desperately fighting over books and arguing over facts. It's funny only because you and Taehyung had once been in that state of animosity. It seems such a long time ago, though.
You and Taehyung lounge about in your room, reiterating textbook information out loud to each other over and over again so the material is ingrained in your memories. After a while, it occurs to both of you that you know too well about every book in the whole library. It's no use regurgitating the same information repeatedly when you already know it. So the two of you spend more and more time talking about your futures.
"Do you think they'll let me work as a family counselor when we get to Utopia?" Taehyung asks as he tosses another textbook against the door to your room.
You laugh when he hits the target on the door and shrug. "I don't know, honestly. Do you think they even have family counseling there?"
"You're right," Taehyung scoffs, shaking his head. "We know so little about the place we want to be in so badly."
"Maybe the more we know of it, the less we'll want to be in it," you say. "It's like that thing... that saying..."
"Ignorance is bliss?"
"Yeah, that," you say. "I'm sure we'll have good things to do in Utopia, though. Whether there is a family counselor position or not."
"But I guess we'll have to find out in a week."
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One day.
You feel sudden unrest in the air. People are biting their fingernails so hard, they bleed. Others are pulling out their hairs. Some are picking at their scabs.
You and Taehyung hold each other the whole day, whispering little facts here and there to ensure complete memorization. You would be lying if you said you weren't the slightest bit nervous. Yes, you're intelligent, yes, you deserve to be in Utopia and yes, you've been diligent for years... but Taehyung's right. There are some scenarios that might just happen.
Maybe you and Taehyung earn perfect scores along with six others. Or maybe you and Taehyung earn the same scores as fifteen others. Or maybe you and Taehyung don't earn the same scores at all, leaving you separated forever.
You try not to dwell on the negativities too much. After all, it's no use to think of such thoughts anyways, they'll only distract you while taking the most important test of all time. Positive thoughts, only.
Tomorrow will be the very last day in Purgatory. For four hours, you and the hundreds of other students in your year will take a life-changing test. The Exam results will be kept confidential for a painstaking two hours after the final student finishes the Exam. Then men in white suits will whisk away the highest-scoring ones without another word. You will know when you didn't score the highest. Because the men in white will not give you a second look. They will walk past you like you are the scum of the earth. You've seen it happen; you've seen how much that can break someone.
You swear that you will not be broken. You will be the victor who is escorted out with the men in white. You will be accepted into a wealthy society. You promised Yoongi. And Jimin would've wanted to see you like this.
Most of all, you and Taehyung are in this together.
You visit the pit with him in the dead of the night one last time. There are already a few dead bodies piled up in the dark abyss and the stench of death protrudes up your nose quite uncomfortably, but you manage to ignore it. This will be the last time that you will see the last place you saw Jimin and Yoongi. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't be here, so confident about acing the Exam with another man you see your future with.
When you close your eyes, you can imagine your ten-year-old self standing at the edge of the pit, contemplating jumping to be with Jimin. You can see Yoongi scoffing at your stupidity before taking you into his arms and reassuring you. You can see your ten-year-old self crying. You can see a younger version of Yoongi crying. And every year after Yoongi's death, you've visited the pit by yourself. Until this year. Until you met Taehyung. And now you're not so alone anymore.
"Are you tired?" Taehyung asks, placing a warm hand on your cheek.
Your eyes flutter open immediately and you shake your head. "No, I was just thinking. I don't think I'm going to miss this place, but I'm going to miss the memories I made here." You fist the fabric of your sweater—Yoongi's old sweater, which is surprisingly still pretty large around your frail, petite frame. "It's too bad I don't really have a token of remembrance with Jimin..."
"He was all of your childhood," Taehyung soothes you. "I'm pretty sure you don't forget your childhood best friends."
"That's true..." you sigh. "God, I really don't want to forget anything that happened in my life. I need to remember all of this," you gesture towards you and Taehyung. "So we can recall it in the future."
"You'll remember us for sure," he says. "How can you forget? When you'll see me every day, pestering you for the rest of your life?" Taehyung teases, poking at your cheek playfully.
You roll your eyes. "Fun."
"Damn right," he coos, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "We deserve the fun."
"I know," you say, smiling at his unfiltered flirtiness. "C'mon," you tell him, grabbing his hand and dragging him into the building, "we should sleep early today."
"Good idea," Taehyung giggles. "To getting perfect scores tomorrow!" he yells to the sky, his eyes squeezed shut as he dwells in the last few euphoric moments of being in the fresh, night air before being tugged into the dorms by you.
Your heart flutters when he grins widely at you, revealing his row of pearly whites. Damn. You used to hate those too-perfect teeth, but now you love them as much as you... god, as much as you might love him.
To getting perfect scores tomorrow indeed.
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One hour.
One hour before the Exam, everyone is lined up to enter their own private room, which is barely a room at all from what you've heard. The space is hardly enough to fit a desk, but it's decorated with bright fluorescent lights and spotlessly white walls. Apparently, it looks more like a mental asylum than an Exam room.
Some may be sensitive to such a small, suffocating place, but you don't really mind. As long as the information is in your head and you don't come down with amnesia in the middle of the Exam, you're fine. You're more than fine. You're going to win this thing—with Taehyung of course.
You and Taehyung hold each other's hands, strangely not as nervous as the jittery teens around you. It's strange for the two of you to be in silence for so long, but it seems fitting in such a loud environment. You probably couldn't hear each other even if you did speak.
There are peers who are already crying. Those who are missing because they jumped into the pit the night before. Those who are physically unwell and have failed to take care of their bodies. Those who look confident on the outside but their eyes brim with fear and uncertainty. And then there is you and Taehyung—radiating confidence.
Taehyung squeezes your hand when the men in white come into the halls, starting to drag the students away by random to shove them into the private Exam rooms. The process takes forever, according to the others, given that there are hundreds of students and hundreds of small rooms.
"It's hilarious how they haven't come up with a more efficient system," you whisper to Taehyung, shaking your head in disdain. "You'd think after taking away the smartest people in Atna that they'd somehow make this process less time-consuming. But they didn't."
"What?" Taehyung whispers back, looking confused as he sees you talking but he can't hear a single word.
"It's hilarious how—" you stop yourself, "NEVER MIND," you say, raising your voice. He wouldn't be able to hear you even if you did yell. And you weren't going to risk a sore throat before the Exam.
Taehyung nods at you, squeezing your hand. The two of you are reduced back into a state of silence as you watch your peers being taken away before you. The men in white are getting closer and closer, and for the first time, you're nervous. You've waited six years for this moment. Four hours are going to decide your future.
Taehyung must sense the tenseness building up in your shoulders because he places his hands on them, wordlessly telling you to relax. You thought in the last moments, you'd be comforting him, but you suppose it's the other way around.
The tables have turned.
The two of you are closer to the men in white than ever. Both of you are going to be whisked away any second now. Taehyung turns you to face him and hands you a tiny ball of paper, grinning.
He mouths something that you do not hear over the incessant roar of students, but you can make out exactly what he says. 'I'll see you in Utopia.'
The small amount of pressure on your shoulders is immediately lifted. 'I'll see you in Utopia,' you mouth back, tightly clenching your fist around the tiny ball of paper he had given you. He gives you a bright, reassuring smile before a man in white takes him away. You watch him leave, mirroring his smile and letting out a deep breath.
When a man in white finally whisks you away into your cramped Exam room, you can't help but feel reinvigorated. Even if your desk is shaky and your chair squeaks when you shift in it, you're absolutely hung up on the fact that you need to finish the Exam as quickly and carefully as possible to read whatever Taehyung had written on the small piece of paper.
The countdown commences, the camera in the room zooms in and out to check if you were keeping your integrity... the Exam booklet sits in front of you.
God, you're so ready.
Confidence surges through your body. You're going to make it out alive. You're sure of it.
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Well, that wasn't so bad at all.
You don't want to brag, but the Exam was a piece of cake. The questions were never about understanding the material—instead, they focused on the specifics. The stuff you couldn't common-sense your way out of. The stuff that you either knew or didn't know. But you're a strong memorizer so the questions—even the oddly specific ones—were easy.
The men in white already took your Exam booklet away to score it. Now you're forbidden to leave the testing room for two hours while they grade it. But it's boring in here.
Your neck is a bit sore from looking down at the paper and your fingers ache from gripping your pencil. Maybe once you get to Utopia, Taehyung can give you one of his insanely therapeutic massages?
There's nothing really to do in the room except stare at the camera that's still watching you or counting the number of cracks on your desk. You contemplate for a short while whether to open the note Taehyung had handed you, but you don't want to risk an accusation of dishonesty.
If you're accused, you're likely to never be seen again.
So you make use of your time and doze off. After taking the Exam, you realize that there's no doubt you scored extremely well (you might've even gotten a perfect score!) and all the nervousness you had over the past several years (which wasn't that much) have vanished into thin air. You're confident enough to sleep.
In your dreams, you see Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung. The four of you are best friends in a world that looks like Utopia but isn't. There is no Exam that determines your whole future. There is no Purgatory, no Dystopia... No horrible education system. No rats... No pit... It's a utopian world that's better than the Utopia that you know today.
And you're only woken from your heavenly dream when there's a knock on your door. It opens before you can stay anything and a man in white gestures for you to walk out of the room. Rubbing your eyes and shaking away your drowsiness, you obey him. The man closes the door once you are out of the room.
Left and right of you, there are hundreds of students standing outside of their rooms. The tension, the nervousness in the long hallway could be sliced with a knife. But you don't contribute to the sea of worries. You lean against the door, waiting for you to be whisked away, waiting to meet Taehyung at the end of the hallway. Waiting to be driven away in some grandeur vehicle.
You wait for only two people to be taken away. Or maybe there are others who scored a perfect score? No matter. At this point, you only care if you and Taehyung made it.
Everyone holds their breaths as the men in white start to walk through the halls. You see Taehyung ahead of you, already giving you a silly look and smiling confidently at you. You breathe a huge sigh of relief before turning your head to watch the men in white.
So far, they haven't taken anyone from their stance in front of their Exam rooms. Your heart beats loudly in your chest when they come closer and closer to you. God, they must've passed at least two hundred people to get to me. And still no high-scorer.
You and Taehyung have an enormous chance now.
You hold your breath as the men in white come closer and closer.
Any minute now...
You grit your teeth, tensing your shoulders when they're so nearby, if you reached out to them, you could touch their white suits. Your ears ring, drowning out the cries of the students who were standing behind you and were left stranded by the men in white.
Closer and closer and closer...
Your nails dig into your skin.
You nearly scream in victory when a man in white stops straight in front of you. He nods in your direction and then places a hand on the small of your back to escort you away.
You can feel the burning eyes of jealousy digging daggers on your back as you begin to walk. But you can't help feeling like royalty. This is the moment you've been waiting for. You've been selected. You've scored the highest. You're going to be Utopian.
Taehyung catches your eye and gives you a huge thumbs up from afar. You're grinning from ear to ear as you begin to approach him. As soon as a man in white officially deems that he is coming with you, you're going to proudly hold his hand and walk through the hallway like you owned all of Purgatory. You're going to spend the proudest moment of your life with him by your side. Knowing that you made it through with him. And then you're going to read his note in the vehicle, on the way to Utopia. You have it all planned out in your head. It's going to be wonderf—
The man in white who is escorting you is not slowing down, and the other men around you aren't looking to stop either. Wait.
You're going to pass Taehyung at this rate. Wait a fucking minute.
You suddenly break out in cold sweat as you and the men come closer and closer to Taehyung.
There's no way.
He had to have done extremely well. He has to come with me.
Taehyung looks a bit taken aback as well. His eyes reflect fear and the worry lines pressed on his forehead indicate no less than that.
You don't lose eye contact with him as the men continue to escort you down the hallway.
"Taehyung," you murmur when you're directly next to him. "Taehyung!" you yell. Your voice echoes eerily across the corridor.
"Y/N!" Taehyung yells back.
He's behind you now. The men won't let you stop walking.
"Taehyung!" you scream again, trying to turn around to look at him. "Tae!"
"Don't turn around, miss," the man escorting you speaks gruffly.
"There's been a mistake!" you cry. "Tae-Taehyung is supposed to be with me! Taehyung!"
"Don't make this difficult," the man answered. The hand on your back suddenly seems threatening.
"Y/N!!" Taehyung shouts again. His eyes brim with tears and he sinks to his knees.
"Get up!" someone yells at him. "Stand up, boy!"
"Y/N!" He ignores the command, sobbing with his hands reaching out for you and eyes pleading for safety, for your comfort.
You twist your body around, shaking off the grasps of your escort as you yell his name so loudly that your voice echoes across the vast expanse of the hallway.
"Behave," your escort grunts with gritted teeth as he tugs you away, gesturing the other men in white to block your view from Taehyung.
Tears stream down your face as you beg the men in white to let you see Taehyung one last time. They don't budge. It's not until you hear the beatings and Taehyung's agonizing screams that you try to kick the men's shins and escape. But they catch you, hoist you up and carry you away.
You thrash, scream, "Please don't hurt him!" but the screams, grunts and kicks never stop. You always thought your walk down this hallway would be glorious—the glory only lasted for a few minutes. You were supposed to walk down here hand in hand with Taehyung. Now Taehyung might be dead for disobeying orders.
You were supposed to be draped in silk and mink coats. You were supposed to be spritzed with sweet fragrances and treated like a princess. But everyone—even your peers—look at you with what you recognize as pity. Or maybe even disgust.
They must think you're crazy for not being thankful for being a high-scorer on the Exam. Some would kill to be in your place right now.
You hadn't expected—after your eight years in Purgatory—for your journey here to end like this. You're embarrassingly carried across the shoulder of the man in white, forced to dangle over him like a dead animal. You can feel the scrutinizing gazes of your peers. The ones who didn't get chosen.
It strikes you that you're alone now.
No more Jimin. No more Yoongi... And no more Taehyung.
You squeeze your eyes shut, praying for another person who scored the same as you. Maybe you'll find a new friend? Maybe you won't be alone again.
But the hallway ends and opens up to a door and you're still the only person the men in white have escorted. Your heart sinks. You're alone.
They shove you in a shiny black vehicle where the inside is air-conditioned and smells of roses. There are unfamiliar snacks in elaborate wrappings and ice-cold fizzy drinks around you—all for you—but you aren't hungry. The tears won't stop.
Were the riches and wealth worth the loneliness that will consume you for years to come?
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You are a legend. A model figure. A genius.
The first to ever score 100% on the Exam. You're dragged from here to there, paid by the richest of Utopians to tutor their young children before they're sent off to Purgatory.
Frankly, you're upset at the lavishness of Utopia. There is always more to eat—so much so that one-fourths of every meal goes into the trash. The people here put ice cubes in their water to cool it. In Dystopia, there was never enough to eat and water was scarce. Purgatory never had a diverse array of food, and water was always lukewarm.
You're not sure if you belong here.
You miss Taehyung more than ever these days. Your new home is far too large for one person. You feel empty, cold inside. Even basking in the sunlight shining through your gold-rimmed window isn't enough to warm you. You tug the sleeves of Yoongi's sweater over your hands. Even after all these years in Utopia, you can't get accustomed to the fancy, frilly clothes here. You like Yoongi's old, frayed sweaters much better. And it's your only token of remembrance of him. You feel like you did him well because after all, you kept your promise. But Yoongi was wrong about one thing: the life of a Utopian did not suit you.
You can't help but think back to the days of Dystopia—of you and Jimin. Taehyung's right, you never really forget your childhood best friend. You've written down all of your memories about Jimin in a black leather-bound journal, which you keep out in the open by the window sill. On harder days, you like to read through the entries to refresh your memories and recall the stories that make you laugh or tear up with nostalgia.
The magnificent garden outside your home looks empty despite the plethora of flowers and colorful vines that sprout and bloom across the expanse of the healthy, verdant grass. Sighing, you clutch the silver locket resting between your collarbones. You've been wearing the necklace ever since the day you were first admitted into Utopia.
Inside the locket is a neatly folded up note. The piece of paper is old and crinkled and it has obviously been ripped out from a textbook called Family Studies. Taehyung's writing is etched onto it in black ink. You've read over the note so many times that you know exactly what it says by heart.
I was saving this to tell you in Utopia, but I can't wait for that day, even if it's tomorrow. I need to tell you now that I love you. Thank you for being by my side. Thank you for dealing with me. Thank you for calming me down.
You're welcome for those back massages. You're welcome for listening to your stories about Jimin and Yoongi. You're welcome for being by your side. I do it so much because I hate seeing you lonely.
Utopia will be great, Y/N. I think we'll live a great life there, don't you think?
I just want to say that if anything happens, we need to continue on with our lives. Because whatever the Exam decides, we deserve the results.
Nevertheless, I'll see you in Utopia, Y/N~
You tear up every time you open up your locket and study Taehyung's handwriting and his last words to you. Of course, you love him too. And it kills you that you don’t even know whether he's alive.
How cruel it is to live in such a wealthy place but feel worse than you had been in Dystopia and Purgatory.
The Exam is a curse. There is no way you could've beaten it, but you'd very much rather be hauled back into Dystopia with someone you care about than being stuck in this fast-paced, artificial world with no one but yourself.
It dawns on you horrifyingly. You did not beat the Exam. You did not win. You survived it.
And for the rest of your life, you must suffer the casualties.
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158 notes · View notes
🎾 Announcement; Kunimitsu Tezuka (Sportember #009)
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📑 Table of Contents | ⚾ Challenge Post
Genre: Slice of Life, Fluff, Friendship, College AU
Word Count: 3,960
Pairing: Reader x Tezuka
World: Prince of Tennis
Prompt: Announcement
Sport: Tennis
The ticking of the clock echoed in the quiet dorm room, distracting you from your studies. Not that you had been able to concentrate anyway. It’s been almost an hour and you still haven’t gotten through the first paragraph of your essay but, thankfully, you still had a few days before it was all said and done.
You flicked your pen absentmindedly, eyes on the dark screen of your phone. It was starting to get late and your boyfriend still hadn’t called you as he did every night. You understood, of course, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t still miss him. Hearing his voice before bed had become a staple for you and on the rare occasions that he was too busy to call, you found it harder to sleep.
Tezuka Kunimitsu was a tennis player, drafted to the German national team when he was in his third year of middle school. He’s returned to his home in Japan many times over the course of the past three and a half years and, during one of these trips, you were able to meet him. At the time, you were in your third year of high school and your friend, Fuji Shuusuke, forced you to join him at a Halloween party hosted by his friend, Atobe Keigo. The party was to celebrate Tezuka’s return and the fact that he would be staying for three months.
Fuji was the one to introduce you, being friends with the both of you.
For you, it was love at first sight. Despite the monotone voice and expression he had kept up without fail, he was still polite and kind, his deep voice soothing to you. In the sea of people that had been at the party, everyone’s face was a blur to you but his. You remembered every detail, from the green flecks within his brown eyes to the way his brown hair was parted. He was a gorgeous man.
For Tezuka, he never had any interest in dating, focused only on tennis and his friends, but when his eyes first landed on you, he suddenly wondered if you were single and what it would be like to date you. So, when he noticed you sneaking out into the back garden to get some air, he didn’t hesitate to join you. The two of you spent the rest of the night just enjoying each other’s company, talking about everything under the sun. When it was time to part, he admitted that he wanted to see you again and, from there, the two of you started to date.
Even now, nearly three years later, both of you are still so in love with one another, even being more than five thousand miles apart. You just wanted to hurry up and finish college so you could move to Germany in order to be with him, but that seemed so far into the future.
You glanced at the time on your phone. ‘It’s nearly ten-thirty and I have a class at eight. The professor is a real stickler for being on time, too. I should really get some sleep…’ You closed your notebook, packing it into your school bag along with everything else you’d need for class so you wouldn’t have to rush to gather your things come morning time. You turned the light off, crawling under the covers before pulling up the Happy Color app on your phone.
It was the best way you’ve found to relax and destress before attempting to sleep. It was almost like magic how easily the app could help release the day’s tension. Plus, there are achievements for you to work toward, which enhanced the experience for you.
Your eyes were beginning to droop, so you decided to close the app, reaching for the charging cable when the phone started to ring, showing off the picture of your boyfriend looking at the sunset, a picture that you had personally taken the last time he was at home. You did your best to shake off your sleepiness, pressing the phone to your ear. “Hello?”
“Y/N,” came Tezuka’s deep voice, slightly strained from his practice. “I’m sorry for calling so late. I couldn’t get away from practice.”
You smiled, bringing one of the pillows to your chest. “It’s okay, I figured it was something like that. You’re not pushing yourself too hard, are you?”
“I promise you, I’m not.”
“You’re staying hydrated, right? And getting plenty of sleep?”
He chuckled softly, a sound he reserved only for you. “I’m taking care of myself, love. What about you? How is school going?”
“Mm, I’m struggling with my literature essay and I have a math test tomorrow that I’m not really looking forward to,” you sighed heavily. “I’m keeping up, though.”
“Do your best,” he encouraged gently. “You’ll be fine as long as you don’t let your guard down.”
You laughed at his typical line of advice, but it came out as more of a tired puff of air. “I’ll make you proud, Mitsu~”
“I always feel proud of you, Y/N,” he responded with earnest, making warmth settle within your chest. “You should get some rest. Text me when you wake up.”
“Mkay,” you stifled a yawn. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. Goodnight.”
As soon as the call ended, you fell into dreamland with a smile on your fae, dreaming of the man that you loved so dearly.
You paused, turning around to give your best friend a smile. “Hey, Fuji! Do you wanna join me for lunch?”
“I’d love to!” He tilted his head to the smile, giving you his infamous closed-eye smile as he fell into step beside you. “How did your test go?”
“Ugh, the test.” Your nose wrinkled as if smelling something foul. “If by some miracle I manage to pass, it’ll be just under the wire.”
“I’m sure you did just fine.”
“I hope so. If I fail, Mitsu’s going to be so disappointed in me, ugh.” You frowned, carefully pushing the glass door of the cafe open, hearing the little bell above jingling as you held the door open for him.
Fuji chuckled in response. “He’s not capable of being disappointed in you. He loves you too much.”
The comment brought a goofy smile to your face as the two of you sat down at a small table near the window, ordering some boba tea and a couple of sandwiches. The sky outside was slowly beginning to darken as grey clouds rolled in, thunder rumbling in the distance as if chasing them down.
“By the way, Atobe is throwing a small get together on Saturday,” Fuji commented before taking a sip of his tea. “He asked me to invite you.”
“Nothing that man does is small.” You rolled your eyes. “I think I’ll skip out this time. Staying at the dorm and binge watching some TubeYou videos sounds a lot more pleasant.”
He frowned, brow furrowing in thought, but you were too focused on your sandwich to notice the change. Fuji Shuusuke wasn’t considered a genius for nothing, however, and a plan quickly formed within his mind. “I could really use the help, though.”
“Eh?” You glanced up, meeting his cerulean eyes, which he rarely opened, so you knew whatever he was about to tell you had to be quite serious. “Help with what?”
“Well, it seems I’ve recently acquired a stalker. She won’t take no for an answer no matter how many times I say it, but she seems to be intimidated by you.” He lied smoothly, offering you a fake, worried expression.
“Intimidated by me? Really?” You couldn’t help but snort at the ridiculous notion that anyone could be afraid of. You thought it was more believable for a hamster to be intimidating than yourself! And it made sense because you didn’t like violence, preferring to resort to kindness above all else and try to talk through any problems you had. You were also a firm believer of walking away when people couldn’t be reasoned with.
“She never comes around when I’m with you.”
You chewed on your lip thoughtfully before sighing in defeat. “Fine, I’ll go with you. You’re lucky I love you so much, Fuji.”
The brunette laughed, his eyes sliding closed once more. “I love you too~”
The phone buzzed on the bed and you stepped out of the bathroom to check it. It was a message from Fuji, letting you know that he was waiting outside of the dorms. You quickly messaged back that you were on the way before slipping the phone into your pocket and grabbing your keys. The first thing you noticed upon exiting the building was how dark it was.
It was only just now noon, but the grey clouds covering the sky made it appear to be around eight at night. Lightning streaked across the sky, thunder roaring loudly seconds after each strike, and the rain was falling in steady sheets to the earth. To you, it was a beautiful sight, though you understood most people felt quite melancholy when it rained.
Fuji held out the umbrella so that it covered both of you, sending you a smile. “Ready to go?”
“As ready as can be,” you answered, forcing a smile. While the current weather did lift your spirits a bit, you were still feeling quite sad. You missed Tezuka so much that it was starting to physically hurt you, plus you were stressing out because you knew that you had done poorly on the math test. The last thing you wanted was to be surrounded by a mansion full of people you didn’t even know, constantly being checked on by waiters and butlers.
It wasn’t your lifestyle, but you wanted to support Fuji if you could, just as he had always done for you.
Stepping through the gate that surrounded the campus, you noticed the sleek black limo sitting down the street and you were unable to hold back the groan of annoyance. “Fuji~”
The brunette laughed, patting your back. “Atobe insisted because of the weather.”
‘Of course he did,’ you held back your sigh, following him to the vehicle. The driver jumped out as soon as you got close so he could pull the back door open for you, as if you couldn’t do so yourself. ‘He doesn’t even care that he’s getting wet. What if he gets sick? I feel bad for him, but… at least he gets paid well.’
The man sent you a kind smile as you slid into the back, taking the umbrella from Fuji so he could slide in beside you. He shook the umbrella before climbing into the driver’s seat and starting the engine.
Silence settled over the vehicle as it started forward, the tinted windows streaking as the window forced the drops of rain to slide at an angle across the glass. The closer you got to the Atobe manor, the more uncomfortable you felt, but you did your best not to let that show on your face because you didn’t feel like being hounded all night about what was bothering you.
When the limo finally arrived, you stuck by Fuji’s side for most of the night, speaking only when spoken to directly, which was more than you were currently comfortable with. It’s not that you were an introverted person or anything – normally, you had no problems with social interaction, but for some reason, you were just feeling so… down and you wanted to be left alone.
The only person you wanted to talk to right now was more than five thousand miles away.
You waited patiently for Fuji to finish his conversation with one of his old schoolmates before you called out his name to grab his attention. “I’m gonna head to the bathroom. Be right back.”
He nodded before turning back to the other male, laughing about some tennis match they had years ago.
You honestly felt pretty guilty about lying to him, but if you didn’t get a chance to breathe soon, you felt like you were going to go insane. While the hallway leading to the bathroom still held a few party-goers, it was a drastic down-size from the large ballroom that was so packed with people that it was hard to move.
Glancing around the hall, you were thankful that no one was paying you any mind, and you slipped through the side door that led out into the massive garden behind the manor. Rain still felt softly from the sky, but the thunder and lightning had already moved on, leaving only the soft pitter-patter against the walkway.
You stuck to the stone path, following it towards the very back of the property where a large hedge maze sat. With a pause, you glanced over your shoulder, but the garden was empty because of the rain, so you continued into the maze, following that familiar path that led straight to a dead end. At least, that’s how it appeared to most, but you knew better.
With a bit of prodding, a small crack in the hedge appeared, allowing you to slip into a small area hidden by the towering bushes. A willow tree sat in the center of the clearing, probably older than the manor itself, its branches long and gnarled, covered with stringy moss that formed a sort of blanket around the area.
You took a deep breath, soaking in the peace and quiet around you. The grass at the base of the tree was damp, but not soaking wet thanks to the moss, so you plopped down with your back against the trunk. You checked your phone, but Tezuka still hadn’t responded to your message, which only made your mood drop further. With a sigh, you pulled your knees up to your chest and rested your head atop them, eyes sliding closed.
Fuji frowned as he scanned the ballroom, looking for any sign of you. You should have been back by now, but you were nowhere in sight. He certainly hadn’t missed your reluctance to join him tonight, either, and now he was starting to feel worried. Surely you wouldn’t have left the manor without telling him.
Atobe weaved his way through the crown toward the brunette, his phone held within his hand and a frown upon his lips. “Tezuka’s plane was delayed. It’ll be another twenty minutes before we can get him here!”
“I think Y/N decided to ditch the party,” Fuji added. “They really didn’t want to be here, to begin with.”
“You were’t supposed to let them out of your sight!” Atobe huffed in annoyance, running a hand through his purple locks. Tonight was supposed to be perfect, but it seemed as if everything that could go wrong was.
“Hm, they said they were going to the bathroom. We may be best friends, but I doubt they would appreciate me joining them,” he chuckled.
Atobe quickly dialed a number on his phone, pressing it to his ear. “Michael, we have a problem. Our guest of honor is in the wind. Find them immediately!”
“Y/N isn’t going to be happy about this~” The brunette quipped, earning a glare from the host.
“I promised Tezuka that tonight would be perfect and it will be, no matter the cost!” And the purple-haired male turned on his heel, heading farther into the manor as he barked orders into his phone.
Tezuka stepped out of the limo, readjusting his suit as he looked up at Atobe manor, feeling very jet lagged and a bit nervous, not that his monotone expression betrayed this. He wasn’t entirely sure how this night had even come to be. He had simply mentioned returning home to surprise you, but Atobe had run with it, insisting on making a huge deal out of it. Why had he thought it would be a good idea to mention proposing to you? It had been a fleeting comment that he hadn’t even meant to speak aloud, but Atobe had latched onto it with a vice-grip, refusing to let go.
Fuji was waiting outside the large double doors with a warm smile upon his lips, cerulean eyes shimmering under the lights of the porch. “Welcome home, Tezuka.”
“Thank you,” he nodded in reply. “Where is Y/N?”
“About that -”
The doors suddenly swung open and Atobe strode out with a female butler at his side, his usual smirk upon his lips, but Tezuka could tell that something wasn’t right. “Don’t worry, Tezuka. I’ve gone ahead and purchased the airline and had the pilot fired for his lack of professionalism.”
“That wasn’t necessary,” Tezuka resisted the strong urge to sigh, used to the man’s actions after so many years. His dark eyes scanned the crowd through the open doors, but he saw no sign of the one person he craved the most. “Where is Y/N?”
Atobe exchanged a look with the genius, which did little to boost Tezuka’s confidence. Clearing his throat, the host held his arm out toward the entryway. “Fuji will go get them for you. Come along, let’s get you a drink and you can get changed out of that cheap suit. I’ve had one made for you, the very best that money can buy!”
But Tezuka didn’t budge, his eyes shifting between the two men. His annoyance levels were quickly rising, along with his worry for you. Had something happened to you? The thought had his heart tripping over itself within his chest and he folded his arms, fixing his narrowed eyes on the brunette. “The truth, Fuji.”
Although Atobe shot him a warning look, the brunette paid it no mind, his cerulean eyes locking with hazel. “They didn’t want to be here so they ditched me. We haven’t been able to find them.”
Tezuka’s eyes widened a fraction behind his glasses and, without a word, he brushed past the two men, determined to find you himself.
Atobe followed him closely, his hands swiping through the air as if trying to shoo away a fly. “My men have already checked the cameras. They were last seen going out of the side door, but the rain short circuited the cameras outside. They were supposed to be waterproof! I’m already going through the process or purchasing the company so that I can fire their CEO and the imbeciles that installed them here.”
Tezuka paused at this new information, realizing instantly where you had gone, but he certainly didn’t plan on telling the other male that. Instead, he turned toward him, his voice firm. “Call your men back. Y/N won’t come out for them.
Atobe’s eye twitched. “There isn’t any place they can hide from -”
“Atobe,” his eyes narrowed, hands fisting lightly at his sides. He was already tired of his friend’s over the top nature.
“Fine,” the host huffed in annoyance before storming off, pressing his phone back to his ear.
Tezuka then headed for the garden door, following the left path around the manor to the back garden where the hedge maze sat. It had been such a long time since he had last visited the small area hidden within the maze, but he remembered the path to it like it just yesterday.
He remembered the feeling of your hand in his as you attempted to find your way to the opposite side of the maze only to find a dead end. As if you were meant to find it, you had spied a small gap in the hedge when you went to turn around.
He remembered asking you what you were doing, advising you to be careful of the sharp branches as you tried to part them. He remembered how your face had lit up when you stepped through the opening, finding the hidden area that was cut off from the rest of the garden. You had fallen in love with it the moment you saw it, he knew, and he was positive that was where you had escaped to.
By now, the rain had come to a stop, leaving behind puddles and damp grass as a reminder that it had been there, shimmering under the bright lights that were scattered across the garden.
When he finally stepped through the small gap in the hedge, his eyes immediately fell upon you, curled up against the trunk of the tree as you slept, phone held tightly over your heart. Waiting for his reply, he knew. The thought made him smile softly as he kneeled in the grass beside you, feeling the wetness seeping through the cloth, but he didn’t mind.
His hand gently rested upon your shoulder. “Y/N, wake up.”
You stirred after a moment, blinking as the fog of sleep slowly lifted off of you and then your eyes snapped to his, wide with disbelief. Without a moment of hesitation, you threw yourself at him, knocking him off balance and onto his back with you on top, clinging to his neck as if he would disappear if you loosened your grip even a hair.
“Kunimitsu,” you breathed out, fingers curling around the back of his neck and the collar of his suit jacket. “I missed you so much.”
He smiled, bringing his arms around your body, breathing in the scent of your shampoo. “I missed you, too.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming back?” You frowned into his neck, playing with the soft strands of hair at the base of his neck.
“I wanted to surprise you,” he spoke softly, wondering if he should foil Atobe’s elaborate plans. Ever so gently, he coaxed you into releasing him and you pulled back just enough to see his face. He didn’t miss how your hands clutched at his shirt, as if afraid that this was some dream you didn’t want to wake up from. “The plan was to announce my return at the party.”
You deadpanned as the pieces of the puzzle started to fit together within your mind and you groaned. “That damn Fuji, he totally knew! And he made up that stalker story to lure me here.”
Tezuka’s eyes closed as he held back an exasperated sigh, not even wanting to know what this stalker story was about. “I apologize. I should have known better than to trust them with something so important.”
“Important?” You tilted your head at the comment. He had returned home dozens of times before since going pro, but Atobe had only thrown a party for him once, and even then, it was no comparison to the gathering tonight. So what made this time to special? You didn’t understand.
“Because,” he chuckled, reaching into his jacket so he could produce the ring that his grandmother had given him for this very occasion. “I returned home to ask for your hand in marriage.”
“You -” your breath caught in your throat as you looked at the ring being held between his fingers. It was the most beautiful piece of jewelry you had ever seen and, despite how hard you tried, no words would pass your lips. This was what you had dreamed of so many times before, spending the rest of your life with this man, this man that you would destroy the world for if he so desired.
“Y/N,” his eyes met yours, full of love and warmth. “Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” You managed to squeak out, hand shaking as he slid the ring onto your finger before setting his palm against yours, fingers lacing together. “I love you so much, Kunimitsu, I – I -”
“I know,” he responded softly, his thumb gently brushing away your tears before bringing you into a deep kiss – a silent promise atop the declaration of love.
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a-singleboat · 4 years
Breakfast for Four
Word Count: 2.7k
WARNING(S): Swearing
Part two of three
prev. One Drink
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When you woke up the next morning, Spencer was already gone. You didn’t blame him. You didn’t want to have to deal with your hungover self either.
And so, the rest of your morning was abysmal at best. You got yourself out of bed and made yourself a breakfast that consisted of half of a banana and some toast, and then after a moment’s deliberation, added a full bowl of the sugary cereal that you only kept around for your nephews to your breakfast.
After you finished eating, you dumped the dishes into the sink and made your way back into your bedroom. The dishes would be a later problem, the throbbing behind your eyes ruining any plans you had for the rest of the day. Not too long after, you found yourself dozing back into the land of sleep--only for your phone to go off, ruining any tranquility and peace you had managed to find.
“Hello?” you said, wincing as your own voice caused your headache to spike. You would have taken another ibuprofen but you didn’t want to add an overdose to your to-do list.
“Hey, hot stuff!” came the cheery voice of Penelope Garcia over the phone. You didn’t understand how the woman was so energetic that morning, she had just as much to drink as you did… though she had been drinking water in between her shots. “How was your night with Dr. Spencer Reid? Did you get to see him with his shirt off?”
You could almost see her eyebrows wiggling up and down as she tried to pry any juicy details from your night spent with Spencer.
“Nothing happened,” you told her honestly, dropping your head into your pillows. You put the phone on speaker so you didn’t have to hold it to your ear. “At least I don’t think anything happened. I didn’t take him as the type to hump and dump.”
“I’m sorry, baby,” Penelope sounded more disappointed than sorry. “Are you still coming for lunch with Derek and I?”
You grimaced. You had forgotten your promise to go for lunch with the duo, having been too caught up in your own self-pity to remember the plans you had made nearly a week ago. Attending the bar last night had been a last-minute plan on your part.
“Of course,” you said, looking over to the bottle of ibuprofen on your nightstand. Maybe taking another wouldn’t be too bad. “What time again?”
“It’s a late lunch, so around three,” Penelope mused. You could faintly hear her kettle in the background. “I’ll text you the address in a bit.”
“Thanks, Penny,” you said, finger already hovering over the end-call button. If you were having lunch at three, you could get in a two-hour nap before then. “I’ll see you later.”
Penelope hummed. “See you later, sweet pea!”
You didn’t wait another moment before hitting the end-call button, creating an alarm for two o’clock and then discarding your phone to the other side of the bed.
You woke up two hours later, your headache mostly gone and your phone violently vibrating on the floor of your apartment. You were sure your downstairs neighbor hated you more than they already did.
After checking the time, you reasoned that you had enough time for a quick shower before you really had to leave. So after the quickest shower in the history of mankind, you managed to make it out of your apartment in less than thirty minutes.
Penelope was definitely going to have your head if you were late, which you were about to be. Maybe you should have set your alarm for earlier, then you wouldn’t have been in this predicament.
Sliding your sunglasses off your face, you entered the diner and made your way over to where Penelope was flagging you down. You took the seat on the bench opposite of the blonde, grinning as she started to scold you for being late.
“I called you and told you what time to be here!” she scowled, picking up the menu and propping it up in front of her to act as a barrier between the two of you. “You’re lucky you weren’t the last one to arrive.”
You picked up a menu as well, reading through the options and freezing mid-sentence when the words she said registered in your mind. “Wait--Penelope, what do you mean I’m not the last one to arrive?”
It seemed that the world was working against you that day because as soon as those words slipped out of your mouth, one Dr. Spencer Reid slipped into the booth right next to you. You tried to hide behind the menu much like Penelope had two seconds ago but found that your attempts to disappear were in vain.
You sent a glare at the blonde that sat across the table from her, going as far as to kick her shin under the table. You smirked in satisfaction as she jumped, hitting her knee on the underside of the table as well.
Your satisfaction didn’t last long. It was cut short when Derek sent a stern look at the both of you as Spencer settled into his seat and read through his own menu. “Play nice,” he warned, causing you to bring your menu up further in front of your face.
It was one thing acting like a kid while you were drunk and it was a wholly different thing when you were sober. Still, you couldn’t resist the urge to lift your menu over your head and stick your tongue out at Penelope, who returned the gesture a second later.
“So,” Penelope started, laying her menu down in front of her. You brought the glass of water in front of you to your lips. “How was everyone’s night?”
Now, you didn’t normally embarrass yourself more than once in a day so it really came as a shock to you when you started choking on your water. You couldn’t tell if it was in reaction to Penelope’s intrusive question or the fact that you breathed in at the same time as taking a sip, but it caused you to go into a coughing fit nonetheless.
Penelope looked shocked, eyes wide as she watched you bring a napkin up to your lips as you fought to breathe normally. Spencer’s hand was on your back, rubbing soothing circles into the space between your shoulder blades as you stopped coughing. All the while, Derek had the audacity to look amused at the exchange.
“I’m okay,” you reassured Penelope, sending a grateful look in Spencer’s direction. “Just went down the wrong tube.”
“I’m sure that’s what that was, baby cheeks,” Derek teased, putting down his own menu. “But you’ve got me curious. How was your night?”
You took a sip of water, successfully this time, and shrugged. “It was a night,” you said, careful not to look in Spencer’s direction. While you were hurt that he hadn’t stuck around that morning, you couldn’t exactly fault him for leaving. You’d met the guy maybe once or twice before, mainly in passing. Whatever schoolgirl crush you were harboring on him was bound to pass sooner than later.
“‘It was a night?’” Derek asked. “So you didn’t get to see the boy genius without a shirt after all?”
“No, I didn’t,” you responded cooly, trying to fight the heat rising in your cheeks. You shot Spencer a wink despite yourself. “Though I wouldn’t have complained if I did.”
Spencer flushed red at your words, stammering out your name.
“I’m just teasing,” you nudged him with your shoulder. The tension between the two of you grew at your words, awkwardness settling over your shoulders like a well-worn coat. Thankfully, the waitress came around just in time to take down everyone’s orders.
After that, it didn’t take long for the food to come out, seeing as you were one of three patrons in the diner that evening. You kept up conversation with Penelope, listening intently as she told you about the new boutique that opened up near her place.
“I’ll have to check it out,” you said. You took a bite out of your sandwich and swallowed. “Maybe I can set up my cards there.”
“Y/n is a personal tailor,” Penelope provided the side note about your profession to the two men that were struggling to keep up with the conversation the two of you were having. It was worthy to admit that both you and Penelope talked at the speed of light when you were together. Words often slurred together until you were speaking an entirely different language altogether.
“She’s also the woman I consulted on that case three weeks ago,” she continued to provide context.
“The case in Oregon?” Derek asked through a mouthful of fries. “Heathridge Manor?”
“That’s the one!” Penelope replied cheerfully, stealing a fry off of Derek’s plate. She dipped it into his pile of ketchup before dropping the cooked potato into her mouth. “Honestly, Y/n’s like the Spencer of the fashion world. She knows practically everything about clothing, it’s insane!”
You flushed. “I wouldn’t say that I know everything.”
“Tell us about Spencer’s blue sweater,” Penelope ordered.
You glanced at Spencer’s outfit, zeroing in on the blue--no--cerulean V-neck sweater he had on layered over a button-up and a tie.
“It’s not blue,” you gave in, choosing to entertain her, “it’s not turquoise or it’s lapis either. It’s actually cerulean. In 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. And then Yves Saint Laurent showed cerulean military jackets. After that, cerulean showed up in the collections of eight different designers, all of varying designs. The word cerulean as a color actually goes back to 1590, though. It’s derived from the Latin word caeruleus, which means dark blue, blue, or blue-green.”
“Which, in turn, probably derives from the word caerulum,” Spencer finished for you. “Diminutive of caelum, meaning heaven or sky.”
You nodded, taking a sip out of your vanilla milkshake. “Exactly. It’s also why cerulean is most often used in pieces and collections revolving around the sky and the divine. And sometimes the ocean, but that’s just color association.”
“Oh, God,” Derek blanched, “there’s two of ‘em.”
“You’ve had Spencer for ten years?” Penelope said, swirling her straw around in her cup, causing the ice to clink together. “I’ve had Y/n for nearly thirty. And trust me, it was worse in high school.” 
“Expose me, much?” you rolled your eyes playfully, taking a sip of your milkshake. Over the meal, you’d gotten much more comfortable around Spencer. “I could always just tell them about--”
“No, thank you!” Penelope interrupted you, pulling out her wallet and handing you the amount for both her and Derek’s meals. “But I totally forgot that Derek and I had something very important to do and it’s happening in ten minutes so I’ll see you later, baby cheeks. Kisses!”
The blonde ushered Derek out of his seat, tugging at his arm as she slung her bag over her shoulder. She sent you a bright smile, waving Spencer a goodbye before making a beeline for the front door. The bell jangled as it opened and closed, leaving you and Spencer at the table together.
You chuckled, folding up the money she had given you and replacing it with your card. “At least she didn’t leave us to pay for the whole thing.”
Spencer pulled his wallet out as well, handing you the money for his meal as well. “Here, this is for my food--”
You pushed his money away. “No, Spencer. Think of this as my treat for, uh, getting me home safe last night. It’s the least I could do.”
“Oh,” Spencer bit his lower lip as you waved the waitress over to your table. You handed her your card, thanking her for her hospitality.
“If it’s bothering you that much, you can take the tip,” you offered, taking his silence for offence. “I didn’t mean to offend you or anything by paying for the bill.”
Spencer shook his head, his brown-colored curls bouncing with his movements. “No, it’s not that. I mean, yeah, I’ll take the tip. It’s only fair. I just--I’m sorry for leaving you this morning.”
You waved him off. “I didn’t expect you to stay the night. I’m a grown woman, I should be able to take care of myself.”
Once again, the blanket of awkwardness settled over the two of you. Spencer fiddled with the sleeve of his cerulean sweater as you messed with the plastic cap of your milkshake. The waitress came back around to give you back your card and you thanked her yet again, taking your time to put your card away.
“Penelope didn’t really have anywhere to be, did she?” Spencer asked, breaking the awkward silence between the two of you as he pulled his messenger bag over his head.
You laughed, shoving your wallet back into your bag. “Yeah, no. She used to do this all the time in high school. She’d invite me out for lunch along with whoever I was crushing on at the time and then ditch when it got close to getting the cheque.”
Spencer raised an eyebrow, a smirk settled onto his lips. Gone was the awkwardness between you two and back was the confident Spencer Reid from the night before. “And that worked?”
You found yourself flushing yet again as you realized that you’d just inadvertently admitted to your crush on him. “I--Well--” you tried to come up with a viable explanation.
Upon realizing that there wasn’t one, you gave in, bashfully admitting that yes, it worked. You looked up at him, lips pressed into a line as you tried to sink back into whatever hole you originally crawled out of.
“I think it’s cute that you have a crush on me,” Spencer finally said, looking down at you. He had stopped next to your car, which he must have recognized from the time you drove Penelope home--one of the times you’d met in passing.
“I do not--” you struggled with the words, eyes darting away from his own as you shoved your hands in your pockets in search of your keys. “I mean, I do, but it’s not--Spencer,” you said exasperatedly.
“So you do have a crush on me,” he bent down a bit, moving so that he was in your direct line of sight.
“Well, when you say it like that,” you grumbled, freeing your keys from your pockets. “It makes me feel like I’m in high school all over again.”
“I never had the high school date opportunity,” Spencer confessed.
“Never?” you inquired. Spencer shook his head.
“That’s a shame…” you unlocked your car, opening the door and throwing your bag into the backseat. “You don’t suppose you’d want to try it then? The whole high school date opportunity? A shitty movie theatre date with shitty movie theatre popcorn, and maybe, if you’re lucky, a shitty makeout session in the back row.”
“Are you offering?” he asked. You looked up at him, running a hand through your hair as you squinted through the sun that was positioned right behind his head. He moved slightly to his left, blocking the sun’s rays from your eyes.
“If you want,” you shrugged. “I think everyone deserves to experience at least one crappy high school date. Plus, I don’t think it’d be terrible to make-out with you.”
“I--I’d like that,” Spencer stammered out, any confidence he had leaving his body. You thought it was cute how the second the tables turned, he was back to being the shy doctor that you had met the night prior. “Not the making-out part, though I wouldn’t be opposed. I mean, I’d like the high school date experience.” “Great,” you beamed. “Are you free tomorrow?”
“If we’re not called away on a case,” he confirmed, pushing a stray piece of hair back behind his ear. “Otherwise, I have no prior commitments.”
“Then it’s a date!” You slid into the driver’s seat of your car, rolling down the windows so you could finish making plans. You leaned over so that your head was stuck out of your car, tilting your gaze upwards so that you wouldn’t finish the conversation talking to his dick. “I’ll pick you up at five, okay?”
It didn’t take much for Spencer to agree, a grin overtaking his features as he gave his response. After all, there were worse ways for him to spend his Sunday night.
“I’ll see you at five.”
next. coming soon.
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