#cf fungus
karmagicians · 2 years
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species for the setting critter forest :]
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sitting-on-me-bum · 7 months
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Fibulostilbum phylaciicola
In an Ecuadorian Cloud Forest, Two Mycologists Catalogue Hundreds of Fantastical Fungi
Scientists believe that less than 4% percent of the world’s fungi have been documented, which adds up to only 150,000 species described out of an estimated 2.2-3.8 million worldwide. Mycologists Danny Newman and Roo Vandegrift have spent the last 12 years focusing on locations impacted by the climate crisis and increasing human interference, like Ecuador’s Reserva Los Cedros. 
All images © Danny Newman
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indet. Agaricales
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indet. cf. Ceriporia
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indet. cf. Trichopeziza
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quantomeno · 2 months
To continue on the theme of Mask of Light voice acting decisions, let's look at the oeuvre of Kathleen Barr:
To start with, Roodaka:
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Evil (co-)ruler of a horde of bug-esque minions
Convinces the leader of the heroes to join her by promising him power and loyal followers
plans to absorb the good guys' powers and is defeated when they use those powers on her (though she technically wins)
Manipulative, evil, seductive
Perfect voice, 10/10
Queen Chrysalis:
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Evil ruler of a horde of bug-esque minions
Hypnotises the leader of the royal guard and makes him her slave
plans to absorb the good guys' love and is defeated when they use that love on her (she comes back though)
Manipulative, evil, seductive
Perfect voice, 10/10, the only fault is that she loses the cool 'buzz' effect in later appearances
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Evil sister of the queen and leader of a horde of fungus-esque minions
Hypnotises the hero by promising her her greatest desire
plans to absorb the good guys' magic and is defeated when they break a crystal thing that causes the power to turn on her (she comes back though)
Manipulative, evil, seductive
Perfect voice, 10/10
And then, Gali?
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The first time I heard her voice after not watching the movie for a long time, it was very jarring. Kathleen Barr does a decent job, and it's not like she hasn't voiced other good characters with a similar sort of wise and calm vibe (Kimono from MLP G3, Aunt Elisabeth from Barbie Nutcracker, Gaaki from Web of Shadows). I just feel as Gali she sounds like she's using her stately villain voice (she also has a melodramatic villain voice cf. Trixie, Eris).
I feel bad criticising it, because it's not a bad performance, but it was not how I imagined Gali sounding. I really should point out that I mean 'how I imagined her sounding after I got back into Bionicle', since obviously as a kid this was how I imagined her voice since I heard it so early on. It's on the right track, but it's just a fraction off. The more I hear it the less it bugs me though and I think in some scenes (e.g. the healing scene) she sounds better.
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lu-lox · 1 year
my answers for the joké ask game of the last reblog 😌
1. Who would be first to to bite down and consume the flesh of the other, euphoric in the taste and the heft and the slide of the blood?
dimitri on vw, felix on cf.
2. who is the ant and who is the ophiocordyceps fungus?
felix is the ant, dimitri the fungus.
3. who is the dog and who is the master?
felix is the dog, dimitri the master.
4 when the roles are blurred or reversed who would be first to die and how? would it be by bulletwound? the phallic blade? strangulation?
felix. phallic blade.
5. Cocaine or Heroin?
6. who licks up the other’s cigarette ash?
dimitri on am. felix on all other routes.
7 who is julius caesar and who is brutus?
dimitri is caesar, felix is brutus, but they started out the inverse.
8. who is jesus and who is judas?
dimitri is jesus, felix is judas, but they started out the inverse.
9. did jesus want it? did julius caesar know it was coming? are the betrayed ever proud?
yes; yes; no.
10. who is irrumatus and who is irrumans? who is pedicatus and who is pedicans?
[i went down a latin dictionary rabbit hole and have not come out with any conclusion. anyways something something fucked up feral dimitri & it depends]
11. did they ever kiss and why not?
no. dimitri is dead.
12. if they are two sides of the same coin who is heads and who is tails? 13. and if the coin was the holey dollar?
felix is tails, dimitri is heads.
14. And if the dog bit back? 15 and if the dog bit back? 16 and if the dog bit back? 17 and if the dog bit back? 18 and if the dog bit back? 19 and if the dog bit back?
it spreads a rabid infection.
20. Who buys the other flowers?
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thefearfulheart · 1 year
Small little bit of lore on my au in the works right now
I call it Colour Factory because I can’t name things for the life of me
Walton Darling (or CF as I will call him for the time being) inherited The Factory from his adopted ‘Father’ that mass produced a hallucinogenic called Colours that made users feel extreme happiness in short, controlled burst and is a extremely addicting substance, causing shifts in moods and personality the longer the user takes it. It’s a common chemist brand in stores and is highly recommended as a cure for depression or to eliminate anxiety for many user, allowing them to access a short lived experience that leaves them coming back for more of Colours in the end. Its a short lived experience that capitalises on users need and desperation to have a cure for their negative emotions, making them crave the techno coloured vivid emotions that overtake them every time they have Colours. It’s a liquid substance that comes in a variety of colours that have a iridescent appearance to them and is a flavourless substance that can be added to any any food or drinks in the end.
Colours is extracted from a extremely rare fungus that is nursed in…living, breathing bodies of people that are kept in a comatose state, allowing for it to be continuously harvested in bulk degree. Colours also needs to go through a vigorous and thorough fermentation and treatment process before it can be allowed for commercial use. They also…need to test it through a wide variety of test subjects of ages and conditions through either willing means…or unwilling means.
Money can buy a lot of things…and nobody will think twice about a missing homeless man or two in the end.
The end justifies the means in the Boards eyes.
The Board are a panel of directors that are involved in overseeing the The Factory and that’s it operation is running smoothly in the end. There are several other Factory’s but, the main one that Walton runs, is their largest factory to date and has the biggest production lines that the others can’t hope to compare to in the end. It’s one of the oldest as well and has been standing before the new Board took over in the end as well. It’s a large, behemoth of a building with a thick colourful smog coming from the smokestacks every single hour of the day and it almost seems to be watching the employees…as if it is alive.
There were, speculations of course, of the Factory actually being a sentient being but those rumours were dismissed by the Board in the end.
There is still that feeling of a oppressive gaze constantly on the employees back in the end…watching, waiting and hungering.
CF is the new director of the The Factory now and has replaced his father on the Board, as well as being the main leading scientist for Colours. CF, while moving out stuff from his late fathers office, eventually found a experimental Colours formula and test vial that was left behind from him. The formula was found half burned into the fire place while the experimental liquid was completely destroyed except for one that CF decided to test on himself as the control variable in the experiment to see if it would do anything, being completely immune to Colours himself. It had a…extreme effect on him that he’s been attempting to recreate the formula through the half-burned notes that was left behind ever since. Pouring his time, when not making the Board happy, and efforts in trying to recreate it while going through test subject after test subject to make sure that it would be fine for him to consume.
CF is…or was emotionless until he had that unique taste of Shimmer (as he calls it) that it made him feel so many terrible things, as if his own being was enflamed and his mind burned when he used it. He was a quiet being with a serious, no nonsense nature that strives for perfectionism over everything…until he had Shimmer. Shimmer changed his quiet mannerisms into a whirlwind of volatile, vivid emotions that left him so hunger for more of that feeling. He still a very cold individual but now he has a wicked temperament that almost anything can set him off if he’s pushed to the point, along with being more aggressive and manipulative to get what he wants when talking with people. People are tools that he can use to get to his own goal in the end in the literal sense…Shimmer needs to ferment somewhere and he doesn’t want to use his own body as the incubator for it.
He was 25 years old when he first had a taste of Shimmer and is now, roughly, is 32 years old. A lot of things have changed in The Factory during the seven years that passed every since CF consumed Shimmer and many…modifications have been made to improve production and performance in the factory.
The most cosmetically change to him would be that his once dull amber eyes now shine with a iridescent light in them and he always seems to have a half-smirk forming constantly on his face now…it worries the staff and, to a point, concerns few members of the Board.
People are now more disposable to him if he can perfect his sought after Shimmer and he will use any means necessary to make sure that he
Expect, of course, the head of the Board Ronald Doraline.
He actively encourages and funds CF research into Shimmer so they can make it into a commercialised product like they did with Colours and make bank on it, while CF is trying to perfect Shimmer so he can experience that one-of-a-kind feeling again when he first had Shimmer. CF is constantly wanting to feel that wild whirlwind of emotions that he felt and he chases after it in a desperate flurry in order to feel anything in the end.
He’s never felt something like that ever since then.
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oaresearchpaper · 3 months
Eisenia fetida Extracts on Fusarium oxysporum Growth
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Banana wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 (Foc TR4), is a worrying destructive banana disease of which there is not yet effective control measures. The present study aimed to evaluate the ability of earthworms Eisenia fetida to be biological control agents against Foc TR4. Methodological approach consisted of assessing interactions between Foc TR4 and (i) enzyme β-N-Acetyl-glucosaminidase (NAGase) and (ii) E. fetida extracts that are the coelomic fluid (CF) and the crude crushed (CC). Then NAGase were dosed in E. fetida CF. Foc TR4 growth was inhibited by NAGase but no effect was observed with the extracts CF and CC of E. fetida. Enzymatic dosage showed that CF contained 0.015 ± 0.006IU/mg protein as NAGase activity. These results suggest the possible use of E. fetida in biocontrol of Foc TR4 however through a process other than the extracts CC and CF. The outcomes of this study may constitute background data allowing to explore potential of earthworms in biocontrol of banana pathogenic fungi, which is of great significance to the development of banana industry system and to the reduction in the use of fungicides.
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Banana (Musa spp.) is one of the world's most important crops owing to its economic and food interest. Its fruits, namely cooking bananas (AAB, ABB, ...) and dessert bananas (AAA) are used in the diet of many populations in both importing and exporting countries (Lassoudière, 2007). In several tropical countries, plantain (AAB) is a staple food for various social strata. Plantain is an energetic food providing 120 kcal or 497 kJ per 100 g (Yao et al., 2014). Its commercialization constitutes a source of income for rural or lowincome populations (Ouina, 2017). Apart from bananas, other organs of banana plant such as pseudostem, leaves and peelings give rise to a wide variety of uses (animal feed, manufacture of industrial products) (Kumar et al., 2012; Jyothirmayi and Rao, 2015).
Like any plant crop, banana plant is prone to attacks by bacteria, viruses, fungi, nematodes and weevils. Among these attacks, fungi have been for a long time a growing threat and lead to severe affections of the leaves, stems, fruits and roots, resulting in significant yield reductions (Stover, 1959; Viljoen, 2002; De Bellaire et al., 2010; Dita et al., 2018). Fusarium wilt is one of the most serious fungal disease that affect banana plant. It is caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) and is responsible of constraints on banana production causing serious economic losses worldwide (Ploetz, 2015; Dita et al., 2018. Based on the pathogenicity to host cultivars, Foc is divided into physiological races 1, 2 and 4. Unlike races 1 and 2 which affected respectively Gros Michel (AAA) and Manzano/Apple/Latundan (Silk, AAB), and cooking bananas of the Bluggoe (ABB) subgroup, race 4 has a broad host range. It infects almost all cultivars including "Dwarf Cavendish" (Musa sp. AAA group) as well as the hosts of race 1 and race 2 (Lassoudière, 2007; Sutherland et al., 2013; Lin et al., 2013). Race 4 has been split into subtropical race 4, which affects “Cavendish” and races 1 and 2 suscepts in the subtropics, and tropical race 4, which affects many of the same cultivars as subtropical race 4 in the tropics when disease-predisposing conditions are absent (Ploetz, 2015). Furthermore, vegetative compatibility which has been implemented owing to confusions of the race structure often happening in delineating strains of Foc, allow to identified a total of 24 vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs). Tropical race 4 is designated as VCG 01213/16 and subtropical race 4 belong to VCGs 0120, 0121, 0122, 0129 and 01211 (Dita et al., 2010; Mostert et al., 2017). Fusarium wilt, also known as Panama disease, affected several banana plantations in Australia, Taiwan, Philippines, India, Mozambique (Pegg et al., 1996; Ploetz, 2015; Viljoen et al., 2020) and South Africa (Viljoen, 2002). Control methods against Fusarium wilt that have been developed have focused on chemical (fungicide application) and cultural treatments, selection and varietal improvement by hybridization techniques (Bakry et al., 2005; Lassoudière, 2007). However, these control methods have shown limitations in adapting or mutating pathogens, in inaccessibility of improved banana varieties to farmers with low incomes (Ploetz, 2005; Kra et al., 2009).
Indeed, the banana cultivar "Gros Michel", which was the basis of banana export trade in Central America and resistant to Fusarium wilt, became sensitive in the years 1940 to 1950 and was replaced by the cultivar "Cavendish" (Ploetz, 2005). "Cavendish", the current export cultivar, has become sensitive since 1970 to Foc race 4 (Visser et al., 2009). Fungicide use is increasingly criticized by consumer associations and scientists due to their harmful effects on environment and on human health are (Lassoudière, 2007; Cirad, 2011, Brühl and Zaller, 2019). Regarding worrying destructible effects of Fusarium wilt and galloping world demography (for example 48,796,000 inhabitants in 2050 in Côte d’Ivoire so the double of the current population) (UN, 2015), efforts to protect and develop the production of this staple food should be intensified. Faced with the constraints related to the means of controlling Fusarium wilt previously mentioned, biological control is much explored as an alternative by the research (Gbongué et al., 2012; Mohammed et al., 2019; Torres-Trenas et al., 2019).
Earthworms are soil invertebrates that participate in soil aeration and water infiltration, increasing the nutrients content of the soil, mixing soil minerals with organic material. All making these organisms soil fertility agents (Römbke et al., 2005; Bhadauria and Saxena, 2010). In addition to this capacity of affecting positively soil functioning, earthworms were found to have potent antimicrobial activities. Indeed, they have developed innate immune mechanisms that detect pathogens by recognizing conserved molecular patterns (Prakash and Gunasekaran, 2011). Earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae paste showed inhibitory activity against pathogens such as bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Kebsiella pneumoniae and Salmonella abony, and fungi Candida albicans, Aspergillus flavus and Trichophytum rubrum (Vasanthi et al., 2013).
According Pan et al. (2003), the coelomic fluid of the earthworm, Eisenia fetida andrei (Savigny) was demonstrated to possess an antimicrobial activity directed against earthworm pathogenic bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila and Bacillus megaterium. Thus, living in an environment with abundant pathogens, earthworms developed defense strategies against the living pathogens.
For instance, they have suspected to synthesize β-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase (NAGase), an enzyme that hydrolyses chitin, one of the main constituents ensuring the rigidity of fungal wall (Guthrie and Castle, 2006). These defense strategies or metabolite compounds allowing to implement defense strategies can be exploited for finding innovative biological solutions to issues related to above mentioned means of controlling Fusarium wilt.
This study proposes to evaluate the ability of earthworms to be biological control agents against the fungus Foc TR4. Eisenia fetida is a favorite worm species for composting and is frequently used as a biological monitor for experimental tests (OECD, 1984; Garg et al., 2006; Ouina et al., 2017). Specifically, interactions between Foc TR4 and (i) enzyme NAGase and (ii) E. fetida extracts (crude crushed and coelomic fluid) were assessed.
Source : Eisenia fetida Extracts on Fusarium oxysporum Growth | InformativeBD
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A level biology questions will be you and 16 of your friends decide to start a new population on an island. 2 of your friends are CF recessive. Assuming you all have an orgy how many of your 10 kids have CF?
Agrippina murdered her husband Roman emperor Claudius killed her husband with a fungus that destroys the cell wall. Why did this work?
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terranlifeform · 6 years
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lycomorpha · 2 years
Fungus weevil (Acorynus cf. punctatus) by Nantha Kumar Via Flickr: Fungus weevil (Acorynus cf. punctatus)
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Re: the CF ending mural. Do you have any meta on why the church flag and Alliance flag are visibly crushed under Egg's feet at the front, but the Kingdom flag is in the back instead? Imagery wise, why aren't all 3 flags under her feet together instead? Unless it's meant to show that the Kingdom fares the worst now because of Fhirdiad in flames? Or maybe just that because they hated Egg the most, they're suffering the worst now? Idk and I'm probably overthinking it. Maybe the devs didn't think it
I've been thinking about this for quite some time honestly.
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because the kingdom flag isn't damaged, and the other two are
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This is where interpretation comes into play, honestly. Mine is that the flag of Faerghus protects its people as best as its able even in the face of its king's death. Of course, that's literally just me talking out of my ass, but these murals are also very deliberate. There's something to be said that the flag of Faerghus isn't being treated like the ratty carpet in your basement that smells like an undiscovered fungus. There's a reason it's touching someone who looks like they're not all that fond of EdeIgard.
But that's just me.
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A form of slang incorporating Italianate words, rhyming slang, and Romani, used originally as a kind of secret language by people in theatres, fairgrounds, markets, etc. and adopted by some gay people in the 20th century.
Example words:
acdc, bibi - bisexual arva - to have sex (from Italian chiavare, to screw) aunt nell - listen! aunt nells - ears aunt nelly fakes - earrings barney - a fight bat, batts, bates - shoes bitch - effeminate or passive gay man bona - good butch - masculine; masculine lesbian cackle - talk/gossip camp - effeminate (possibly from Italian campare "exaggerate, make stand out") (possibly from the phrase 'camp follower' those itinerants who followed behind the men in uniform/highly decorative dress) carsey, karsey, khazi - toilet cartes - penis (from Italian – cazzo) charpering omi - policeman charver - sexual intercourse chicken - young man clevie - vagina corybungus - backside, posterior cottage - a public lavatory used for sexual encounters (public lavatories in British parks and elsewhere were often built in the style of a Tudor cottage) cottaging - seeking or obtaining sexual encounters in public lavatories Dilly boy - a male prostitute, from Piccadilly boy Dilly, the Piccadilly, a place where trolling went on dinari money (Latin denarii was the 'd' of the pre decimal penny) dish - buttocks dona - woman (perhaps from Italian donna or Lingua Franca dona) drag - clothing ecaf - face (backslang i.e. words writting backward) eek/eke - face (abbreviation of ecaf) ends - hair[6] esong, sedon - nose (backslang) fambles - hands fantabulosa - fabulous/wonderful (e.g. my tumblr!!!) farting crackers - trousers feele omi / feely omi - young man fungus - old man/beard hoofer - dancer HP or homy palone - effeminate gay man irish - wig (from rhyming slang, "Irish jig") jubes - breasts khazi - toilet, also spelt carsey lallies / lylies - legs, sometimes also knees (as in "get down on yer lallies") lallie tappers - feet lilly - police (Lilly Law) manky - worthless, dirty (from Italian mancare – "to be lacking") meese - plain, ugly (from Yiddish mieskeit, in turn from Hebrew מָאוּס repulsive, loathsome, despicable, abominable) meshigener - nutty, crazy, mental (from Yiddish 'meshugge', in turn from Hebrew מְשֻׁגָּע crazy) meshigener carsey - church mince - walk affectedly/campy mollying - involved in the act of sex naff - awful, dull, hetero nishta nothing[6] ogle look admiringly ogles eyes oglefakes glasses omi man (from Romance) omi-palone effeminate man, or homosexual onk nose (cf "conk") orbs eyes orderly daughters police oven mouth (nanti pots in the oven = no teeth in the mouth) palare / polari pipe - telephone ("talk pipe") park, parker - give palone - woman (Italian paglione – "straw mattress"; cf. old Cant hay-bag – "woman"); also spelled "polony" in Graham Greene's 1938 novel Brighton Rock palone-omi - lesbian pots - teeth remould - sex change rozzer - policeman[11] riah / riha - hair (backslang) riah zhoosher - hairdresser rough trade - a working class or blue collar sex partner or potential sex partner; a tough, thuggish or potentially violent sex partner scarper - to run off (from Italian scappare, to escape or run away or from rhyming slang Scapa Flow, to go) sharpy - policeman (from — charpering omi) sharpy polone - policewoman slap makeup so - homosexual (e.g. "Is he 'so'?") stimps - legs stimpcovers - stockings, hosiery TBH (to be had) - rospective sexual conquest tootsie trade - sex between two passive homosexuals (as in: 'I don't do tootsie trade') trade - sex, sex-partner, potential sex-partner troll - to walk about (esp. looking for trade) vada / varder - to see (from Italian — dialect vardare = guardare – look at) vera (lynn) - gin vogue - cigarette (from Lingua Franca fogus – "fire, smoke") vogueress - female smoker zhoosh - style hair, tart up, mince (cf. Romani zhouzho – "clean, neat") zhoosh our riah — style our hair
Example phrases:
Omies and palones of the jury, vada well at the eek of the poor ome who stands before you, his lallies trembling.
taken from "Bona Law", one of the Julian and Sandy sketches from Round The Horne, written by Barry Took and Marty FeldmanTranslation: "Men and women of the jury, look well at the face of the poor man who stands before you, his legs trembling."
So bona to vada...oh you! Your lovely eek and your lovely riah.
taken from "Piccadilly Palare", a song by MorrisseyTranslation: "So good to see...oh you! Your lovely face and your lovely hair."
As feely ommes...we would zhoosh our riah, powder our eeks, climb into our bona new drag, don our batts and troll off to some bona bijou bar. In the bar we would stand around with our sisters, vada the bona cartes on the butch omme ajax who, if we fluttered our ogle riahs at him sweetly, might just troll over to offer a light for the unlit vogue clenched between our teeth.
taken from Parallel Lives, the memoirs of renowned gay journalist Peter BurtonTranslation: "As young men...we would style our hair, powder our faces, climb into our great new clothes, don our shoes and wander/walk off to some great little bar. In the bar we would stand around with our gay companions, look at the great genitals on the butch man nearby who, if we fluttered our eyelashes at him sweetly, might just wander/walk over to offer a light for the unlit cigarette clenched between our teeth."
Some strides for the omi with the naff riah
From the Are You Being Served? episode "The Old Order Changes", where Captain Peacock asks Mr Humphries to get "trousers for the fellow with the unstylish hair."
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ptgigi · 3 years
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Crabble/Crabsect [PBFP]
Crabble [Bug/Fighting] > Crabsect [Bug/Fighting]
#033 – Crabble are usually docile, but instinctively attack when touched. They often sleepwalk. #034 – Crabsect through the symbiotic relationship with the strange fungus growing on inside their shells, Crabsect effectively never sleeps. The fungus controls their body when the Pokemon sleeps.
Pokemon Bracket Fusion Project Info: Generation: 2 Parents: Pabble (T,CF) + Crabufful (T,CF) See more: PTGigi, Spreadsheet, Tumblr, ComicFury
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fellamarsh · 2 years
I had to take a little break from feverishly writing the last few chapters of TotTP (aka tater tot) because I gave myself the PEM sick (thank you CFS!) but I spent some time during those rest days reading all of what I've written so far and I have come to understand some things...
Mainly, that this mfer never needed less words (or if it did, it needed like... significantly less words. Like short story length, not novella length.) It does in fact need many more words, I think, in order for it to work the way I want it to.
See, now that I've got the meat of the story (or maybe more accurately, the bones) all laid out and I'm coming to the end, I've had to start thinking about themes. I don't often do a lot of that thinking before I start writing, because otherwise (ime) it tends to feel a bit forced and hollow; instead I like to let the themes fruit on their own from the substrate of the rough draft and my subconscious.
And now that I'm here at the end of the first draft, with all this thematic fungus cropping up all over the place, I've realized that this story needs a lot more worldbuilding and detail in order for those themes to land.
So I think the next draft is gonna be less editing, and more re-writing. I think it's gonna be like 10,000 words longer.
And even though that's a bit daunting, I'm actually looking forward to it, because I can see very clearly what needs to be done, and what I will have once that work is finished.
I think I'm gonna be pretty proud of this one when that time comes.
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emanuro · 3 years
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It’s a humid day here, so let’s keep some mushrooms in the feed. This is a Marasmiellus cf. candidus from Rome city, a very nice and delicate fungus from a Mediterranean oak wood inside the eternal city. I passed something like one and half hour just enjoying photographing this one in various modes. This one was shot with a new lens (cannot say more for now). #fungi #fungiofinstagram #mushroom #marasmiellus #mycota #ilovefungi #macro #macrophotography #laowa #newlenses #godox @ilcp_photographers @conservationvisuals @naturepicturelibrary https://www.instagram.com/p/CWNsGAvqyfe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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johnwicks227-blog · 5 years
Organic Rice
Another benefit of this rice is its capacity. A great deal of people are too heavy and their digestive systems aren't currently working. This is really where Basmati rice might help. Since it is high in fiber, it gives your digestive system time to become accustomed to the excess fiber and begin consuming nutrients. Pregnant women can also benefit from this sort of rice. Many pregnant women suffer from low blood glucose, which may result in confusion, dizziness, and seizures. For these girls, Basmati rice may help soothe the pain of pregnancy and have the added benefit of assisting symptoms of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a hazardous condition that is caused by a lack of blood sugar at a lady that is pregnant. pop over to this site
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is also among the conditions this kind of rice can help with. Individuals who suffer from CFS suffer from confusion, pain, depression, and sometimes fatigue. This sort of rice does not Although other meals can assist with chronic exhaustion. But, when taken in moderation, this can be a relief. Basmati rice is a perfect type of rice for men and women that are currently suffering from constipation. It lets them alleviate their symptoms by releasing waste thing. Constipation is among the main causes of anemia, which is another condition that results in energy. Several things may cause constipation, but the ability of Basmati rice, therefore, relieve constipation and to discharge waste things quicker is what makes it an excellent aid. view it now
This type of rice can also help prevent strokes and heart attacks. The rice has lots of fiber and beta carotene, both of which help to lower blood pressure. The rice contains antioxidants, which shelter you from other ailments and may reduce your odds of getting cancer. One of the health advantages of Basmati rice is the fiber material. Fiber helps your digestive tract function correctly. Your colon can get clogged up, which makes it tough to absorb water and nutrients when you are not eating the proper fiber. That is a problem that people fight with. They want this type of rice in their diet since so many individuals suffer from digestive issues. their website
Individuals who suffer from Crohn's disease or inflammatory bowel disease are especially suited to this sort of rice. When you consume this kind of rice you will feel less pain. And, because it is so rich in antioxidants, you will not feel better, but your system will be stronger. As you drop weight, your body starts producing fatty acids and also the enzymes that help digest fat. A high fiber diet can help you to also make it a lot much easier to absorb fats and break down fats quicker. This makes losing weight easier. This type of rice may help ease the pain of arthritis. If left untreated arthritis can lead to joint pain and can often be made worse. special info
Having too much pain can be embarrassing and in extreme cases, life-threatening. But Basmati rice is just one of the greatest choices for helping relieve arthritis pain. This sort of rice can enable you to get more energy and also is good for boosting the immune system and also have thicker bones, teeth, and nails. Vitamin C is. Vitamin C helps fight germs and fungus that may lead to illness. You are overlooking one of the dishes In case you haven't tasted Basmati rice earlier. This sort of rice has been increased from the Indian subcontinent and is extremely healthy. It has. Below are a few if you are interested in knowing more about this flavorful rice. Basmati rice is one of the grains on earth. Now you know just a bit more about that. you could try these out
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samrock999-blog · 5 years
Another advantage of this rice is its ability. A great deal of people are overweight and their digestive systems aren't currently working properly. This is really where Basmati rice can provide help. It gives your digestive system to get accustomed to the fiber and get started absorbing nutrients, because it's high in fiber. Pregnant women can also benefit from this kind of rice.Rice exporters
Many pregnant women suffer from low blood glucose, which may result in seizures, dizziness, and confusion. Basmati rice can help soothe the pain of pregnancy and also have the extra advantage of assisting symptoms of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a hazardous condition that is brought on by a deficiency of blood sugar in a woman that is pregnant. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be among the conditions that this sort of rice can help with. Suffer from melancholy, pain, long-term fatigue, and at times confusion. Rice traders
This type of rice does not, while other foods can help with fatigue. However, when taken in moderation, this can be a relief for those who suffer from CFS. Basmati rice is an ideal kind of rice for men and women who are suffering from constipation. It allows them to alleviate their symptoms by releasing waste thing. Constipation is among the primary causes of anemia, and this is another condition which results in energy. Constipation may be caused by a number of things, but Basmati rice's capability alleviate constipation and to release waste matter quicker is what makes it such a wonderful aid.Long grain rice
 This type of rice may help prevent heart attacks and strokes. The rice has plenty of fiber and beta carotene, both of which help to lower blood pressure. The rice contains antioxidants, which can decrease your odds of getting cancer and shelter you from other ailments. One of the health benefits of Basmati rice is its fiber content. Your colon may get clogged up, making it difficult to absorb nutrients and water, Whenever you aren't eating the fiber. That is a problem that people battle with. Low arsenic rice
They need this type of rice in their diet plan since so many men and women suffer from digestive difficulties. Individuals who suffer from Crohn's disease or inflammatory bowel disease are particularly well suited to this kind of rice. When you eat this kind of rice, you will feel less pain. And, since it is so rich in antioxidants, you will not feel better, however, your system will be more powerful. As you drop weight, your body starts producing fatty acids and also. A high fiber diet plan can help fats break down quicker and makes it much easier for your body to absorb fats.Red rice 
That makes losing weight more easy. This kind of rice might help ease the pain of arthritis. Arthritis can lead to pain and may frequently be made worse if left untreated. Having too much arthritic pain can be embarrassing and in extreme cases. But Basmati rice is just one of the best choices for helping alleviate arthritis pain. This sort of rice is wonderful for boosting the immune system and will enable you to get more energy and have claws, teeth, and thicker bones. Vitamin C is. Vitamin C helps fight germs and fungus that may result in illness.Sultana raisins 
You are missing out on one of the dishes In case you have not tasted Basmati rice before. This type of rice has been grown from the Indian subcontinent and is very healthy. It has a nutty taste that complements almost any type of food. Here are some of the benefits you may enjoy from it if you're interested in understanding more about this rice. Basmati rice is truly among the most beneficial grains on the planet. You know a little bit more about that.
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