#cf plant
karmagicians · 2 years
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species for the setting critter forest :]
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quixoticanarchy · 7 months
read a little book called "romance of the fungus world" for valentine's day and being as it's from 1925 i might not swear by the solidity of its science but it has provided me with the lovely fact that ants can apparently cultivate mushrooms. the next time i'm in a Tell Us A Fun Fact situation i'm so ready
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rhiamaykes · 4 months
So I know that my tendency to think that purchasing stuff is the solution to my unhappiness is false, is internalised propaganda from capitalism... However.
I think I need to buy more plants.
The two plants I do have are thriving, and seeing them makes me happy. I can't go outside very much because of my health condition, so I think I need to bring the outside to me. With pot plants.
So I need to buy some plants, or at least seeds, seeing as I already have a bunch of pots and soil.
And my sensible flatmate/ carer has signed off on buying more plants being a good idea.
So I get to buy things
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qk-yuan · 5 months
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cf baramensis came back from the dead!!
I used to have a big plant of this guy and then it died to thrips (neverending battle...), luckily I had a leaf to propagate from
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the-habitat-ring · 4 months
I always want to post more about my yard on here, but I get frustrated and self-concious because my disabilities prevent me from doing everything I want to do and frequently derail my plans. I do want to post some of the cool stuff I’m doing, though! I just need to get over the mental hurdle where I feel frustrated about all the cool stuff I’m not doing or have failed at.
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hellyeahsickaf · 8 months
Not to keep reminiscing about when I was more abled but man what I'd give to be thinly slicing garlic, onion, tomatoes, throw them in a pot with ghee on medium-high until the onions are translucent and yellowed but not caramelized, and chop some carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, mushrooms, throw them in with some peas and corn and let those cook, mince a green chili pepper, cilantro, and ginger and lime zest, add bit of tomato sauce, then about 4 cups of stock and simmer it on low adding lime juice, a couple of prunes (trust me on this), seasoning it with cumin, cardamom, salt, cinnamon, clove, turmeric, curry powder (most of these spices are in curry powder it's more of a ratio thing), and peppercorn, and then let that bitch simmer for an hour or two until I have curry and throw some naan in a pan with butter, maybe pan fry some okra and make a side of chana masala or dal. No pre packaged meal beats that yknow?
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starfragment1979 · 1 month
First time outside in like a week, just a wobbly little stumble around my overgrown jungle of a yard.
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Cup plant, sunflower, chickies, monarda, yarrow, pinks and goldenrod.
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sparethedreamer · 8 months
Soft Bird's-Beak
Chloropyron molle ssp. molle
An annual herb native to California, USA. Federally classified as endangered
this piece of digital art was created by a person with myalgic encephalomyelitis (me/cfs), a debilitating, complex, and stigmatized condition that has affected many millions of people across the globe.
similar to endangered plants, such as this soft Bird's-Beak, people with me/CFS are often overlooked and our absences unnoticed. you can help, in both instances, through learning about these problems and their contributing factors (from quality sources, of course), amplifying knowledgeable voices, spreading awareness, and donating to trustworthy organizations (if you have the means).
Campaign collaboration with @ellie.is.beyond.tired and @chaisorrowscfs #millionsmissingflowers #togetherendangered
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thunderheadfred · 2 years
anyone else occasionally have the urge to give up all your worldly possessions and move to a plot of land somewhere and learn how to be a self-sufficient food farmer even though you have literally no experience, skills, or energy
or is that just Stardew Valley lying to me again
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elektroyu · 2 months
oh no 😂 had made myself comfy on the couch to finish the horse portrait but didn't take into consideration that the file is on the pc rather than the laptop, and they aren't connected anymore due to having different systems...
getting up to put the file into Dropbox doesn't sound too enticing because yesterday I went on too long a walk and this noon right after taking the dogs out I got groceries immediately followed by cooking and dishes, which is A LOT in that short amount of time for me. my legs seriously need some rest 😅😅😅
now, do I find something else to paint or do I bite the bullet?? decisions, decisions...
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ylluer · 10 months
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yeli-renrong · 4 months
Before the development of modern scientific nomenclature, natural philosophers used logograms to represent the concepts of their trade. These logograms constituted a library of symbols that could be repurposed, as for example by Linnaeus, who used ♄ for woody plants, ♃ for herbaceous perennials, ♂ for biennials, and ☉︎ for annual plants, or extended by derivation, as with the alchemical symbols 🜆 for aqua regia and 🜅 for aqua fortis, straightforwardly derived by ligature from the logogram 🜄 aqua and the Latin letters R and F. (Here cf. the derivation of the Linear B ideogram 𐂓 from the syllabic characters 𐀏𐀡.) While in some cases these characters had clear derivations, in others they were functionally unanalyzable, as with the symbol for lead, ♄, originally a ligature of the first two characters in the Greek name of Saturn, Κρόνος.
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They also had different meanings in different contexts: Linnaeus used ♂ (elsewhere meaning 'iron' or 'Mars') for both biennials (an arbitrary extension) and male plants, and ♀ (elsewhere meaning 'copper' or 'Venus') for female plants.
Some of these symbols are still used today: the symbols for 'male' and 'female' are widely understood, and new astronomical symbols have been created for Earth and the minor planets. However, in some German alchemical manuscripts, the practice of logographic writing combined with the practice (also found in many English manuscripts) of writing Latin in antiqua as vs. the usual blackletter combined to produce a triscriptal system, almost like Japanese:
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In German, verbs loaned from Latin often take the infinitive suffix -ieren; note the words 'calcini𝔯𝔢𝔱' and 'ſepari𝔯𝔢𝔱', with Antiqua stems and blackletter endings.
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beldaroot · 2 years
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mashima taichi
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qk-yuan · 2 years
Littol bread box highlights!! tbh its been a life saver, all the plants here have been growing so well
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Begonia sp 'Black Metallic'
Finally gave me a new leaf, i have so many props of this going but the mature leaves are so so pretty. They shine almost purple but my phone cant capture that
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Begonia sp Sarawak
Little guy famous for her iridescent blue leaves and creeping habit!! Still small but the iridescence is getting really prominent. Back when i still had the mother plant i could not stop taking photos or just picking it up to rotate and stare
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Begonia oliveacea
This one is pretty new but is growing at so many nodes, its rly cool to see the tiny leaves expanding and developing the rly pretty veining!! also getting greener as they grow up. i just rly like the way begonia leaves come in, its super cool.
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Begonia kapuashuluensis (i think)
Ive had this plant for almost a year probably but im only just getting the hang of its care - i hope it grows fat and healthy!! the prop in my cube terrarium is bigger, im also rly excited abt that one. (i need to post an update on that absolute jungle hdjfkf its rly growing in so fast)
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Begonia cf Baramensis
I have no clue what sp this is but it was sold as cf baramensis lol. tho i guess the usual baramensis in cultivation looks rly different from the pictures of them in situ??? not even sure if the actual baramensis is in cultivation at all. i cant find pictures of them rn but id love to make a comparison if i manage to get a flower someday.
anyway im in love with the colours and the shine on this guy, those spots are amazing....incredible. im in love.
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ivysos2001 · 1 year
My major beef with the cf movie is that they cut peeta out of so many scenes he’s supposed to be in (or even when he is there they make him much more passive)
Like why not give us peeta yelling at thread for hurting his fiancé when she’s defending gale at the whipping post or when he’s taking care of katniss while everyone else takes care of gale
Movie fans will never know about how inseparable katniss and peeta were after they got back from the victory tour (like pls they’re always walking around district 12 holding hands and he’s always at her house hanging out with her and her family and she sits and watches him draw plants that he’s helping her add to her family book ugh I live for domestic everlark)
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I need to take a moment and do a deep dive on the scene where Katniss sits with Gale after he's been whipped vs the scene where Katniss sits with Peeta as they work on the plant book.
Why these two scenes? These scenes in particular I feel like have a lot of similarities as far as Katniss' narration is concerned. They are both scenes where she is alone with either boy in an unrushed, natural environment where she is capable of really looking at them and noticing them both. and in both scenes she IS actively noticing them. it is important to note though, that the tone of these scenes are pretty different, since Gale's is right after he was whipped, and she's still reeling from her intense day. Even so, the plant book scene with Peeta takes place during a time where Katniss has more reason to be worried about her life/family than ever, so I feel like a direct comparison of these isn't too much of a stretch.
The Gale text in question:
"I touch parts of him I have never had cause to touch before. His heavy, dark eyebrows, the curve of his cheek, the line of his nose, the hollow at the base of his neck. I trace the outline of stubble on his jaw and finally work my way to his lips. Soft and full, slightly chapped. His breath warms my chilled skin." (CF, 116)
The biggest thing to note is the detail in which she describes him. Katniss takes her time and touches Gale's face with her hand, taking in his features. and yet, most of the descriptions are very generic and could adequately be attributed to most anyone's face, including Peeta's. Even the lines where she takes a bit more notice 'his heavy, dark eyebrows', 'the outline of the stubble on his jaw' are pretty vague and don't give much detail into her REALLY noticing him. the most detailed part we get is the last line about his lips.
Let's keep all of that in mind while we contrast that to the lines any Everlark fan probably knows by heart - the eyelash scene:
"I also become a little fixated on his eyelashes, which ordinarily you don't notice much because they're so blond. But up close, in the sunlight slanting in from the window, they're a light golden color and so long I don't see how they keep from getting all tangled up when he blinks." (CF, 161)
In the time it took for her to describe Gale's entire face, she only managed to describe Peeta's eyelashes. the level of detail that she notices about Peeta goes far beyond what she sees about Gale, even in a moment where she's really taking the time to look at him. The description she gives about Gale's face really accentuates her feelings towards their relationship - practical, obvious, concise. Whereas the description for Peeta just highlights what shes been thinking about him all along - interesting, perplexing, alluring. It's clear from those paragraphs that she just doesn't see Gale in the same way that she sees Peeta.
These scenes can be analyzed all day, and I've been busy making notes on the way she describes both boys, to be compiled and analyzed once I've gone through all 3 books, but I feel like these two scenes alone give a very good look into Katniss' mind and what she really sees in each of her boys.
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