#ch: nya smith
weekend-whip · 2 years
Olivia: Oh yeah, my dad created a method of ripping the fabric between the realms to allow passage between them with ease, which is kinda cool I guess.
Nya, distracted and fiddling with something: Oh, sick.
Nya: Wait.
Olivia basically told this exact same thing to Lloyd and he thought NOTHING was weird about it and even proceeded to copy the tech via Master Building
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codenamearcturus · 7 years
do u ever stop and think abt how 90% of the problems in ninjago could've been solved if wu had just told nya she was the water ninja at the beginning and get irrationally angry at that shitty old mad
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ofmagicandmusic · 2 years
Finding A Lost Brother - Chapter 4
Word Count: 16k total
Rating: T
Details: Kai & Nya & Lloyd Garmadon, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Fights, Consensual Violence, Blood and Violence, Hurt/Comfort, post s3, pre s4, Family Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending
After Zane’s death, Lloyd and Nya are left to pick up the pieces of the team they call family. They attempt to reconnect with Kai but soon notice something’s not right, that their older brother might not be coping as well as he pretends to. What is he hiding from them?
Ch 4: Nya and Lloyd confront Kai and tensions rise.
Read below or on Ao3
It had been a week. A horrible, tiring week since Nya first laid eyes on her brother again, but they’d let this go on too long already, they had to do something.
Even though she’d just been slumped in front of security cameras and not out in the city like Lloyd, it was still draining. She fiddled anxiously with wires and circuit boards without getting much done for days.The waiting was agonizing. It reminded her of the early days of the ninja when she was stuck on the bounty, forced to watch from afar, until she decided to help in her own way, of course. She itched for action now, not just to be a part of something, but she worried for him. Kai was reckless and often had too many close calls. It scared her. Not that she would ever tell him that.
To be honest, it still didn’t sit right with her. Sure, her brother didn’t always think things through before jumping into the fray, but this was something very different. Kai leaving was already enough of a sign. She’d barely been without him all her life.
Frustration stirred in her stomach. How could he do this? How could he throw away all his responsibility to the team? To her?He was her older brother; he’d always been the one holding it together when their parents left. He was supposed to be the one telling her to move on and comforting her.Memories flickered, Kai reassuring her when something happened at school, his arms wrapping around her in a protective warmth.
It wasn’t fair. Why did the overlord come back, and Zane had to pay the price? Why did they all leave? Why did Kai not care?! Nya gritted her teeth, trying to breathe slower. He’d taken care of her when she was little and been so protective, now it didn’t matter. Sure, she could take care of herself now but being without him felt wrong. Nya cursed. Why did he have to go and do this?!
Maybe she was being immature. She knew he beat himself up about things too much. Nya wished she only had sympathy for him, but she couldn’t quell the anger that sat within her. It stirred like a tidal wave every time she thought about it. But perhaps it was that she still looked up to him. And this ‘betrayal’ roused the storm.
She glanced at the camera footage again, so far so good. Luckily, Kai hadn’t left his apartment for the tavern, and she breathed a sigh of relief when his usual time came and went.She figured Lloyd shared that sentiment, but they had to do something soon.
Lloyd was busy with ninja stuff the next day and she knew he’d want to be there. So, it wasn’t until that evening that Nya found herself at the wheel, heading to a now more familiar part of the city. The car was quiet, radio off, the only sound was Nya’s occasional tapping on the steering wheel. Lloyd sat in the passenger seat, fiddling with the strings on his hoodie. The city lights shone on his blond hair.
“Hey Lloyd,” Nya said tentatively. Her voice punctured the tense silence. The boy in question straightened, though his eyes were still trained on the seat.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be okay.” Her voice sounded lighter than she felt.
“You didn’t see him the other night.” Lloyd looked down, eyes lacking their usual glow. “It’s like he’s just given up.”
Nya sighed, glancing at Lloyd, or as much as she could while driving. If Kai wasn’t going to be the reassuring older sibling, then she had to.
“The thing is,” she began,pushing her hair behind her ear. “I know Kai and he’s always gotten back up again. He’s strong, stronger than any of us sometimes.” She pushed away the emotion gathering in her eyes. “Only unfortunately just as stubborn.”
“Runs in the family.” Lloyd said with a weak smile.
“Hey!” Nya elbowed him gently. Lloyd grinned, brighter than she’d seen him in a while and she found herself smiling too.
“What I mean to say is, he’s just in a rough patch. He’ll get through this.” Nya kept her voice as steady as she could, hoping she sounded more certain than she felt. Truthfully, Kai had never been like this before. She didn’t really know if he would get through this, but she would pretend for Lloyd’s sake.
“Well, if all else fails I’ll drag him back myself.” She said, trying to lighten the mood. The corners of Lloyd’s mouth turned up again, but he stayed silent.
Nya’s nails dug into the wheel as she pulled into the parking lot of a dimly lit convenience store, broken neon sign claiming it was open two hours. A group of figures with hoods stood out front, forked tongues occasionally sticking out past the fabric. The rest of the street was vacant.
The siblings got out of the car without a word. Lloyd shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket as they started down the alley past a graffiti covered wall. Their steps were slow, neither eager to reach their destination.
“I used to look up to him.” Lloyd’s voice came out in a whisper that seemed loud in the quiet outskirts of the city.
Nya turned towards him, feet scraping on the sandy concrete.
“I did too.”
The tavern soon greeted them, wooden boards hanging loosely from the windows, red light spilling from the door. Nya’s skin crawled. The night air felt like it was pressing in on them.
A streetlight shone down past a dumpster.A figure stumbled into the light, letting himself fall back against the brick wall, taking a long drag from his cigarette. He exhaled it gently into the night, eyes closed head back, looking peaceful and seconds from falling over at the same time. Making one last puff, he put the cigarette out with his fingers before tossing it in a nearby dumpster. Sighing, he pulled off his hood, revealing messy brown hair. Nya’s heart dropped. They wouldn’t need to go inside tonight.
Alcohol and smoke, unfairly fitting for a master of fire.
She tapped Lloyd on the shoulder, pointing to the alley. With just a glance his shoulders fell, and she saw that hurt look cross his face, the one that looked just like the lonely little kid they’d met a few years ago. But it quickly vanished as he steeled his expression, mouth turning into a thin line. They made their way over to Kai, each step like a mile.
He didn’t notice them at first, eyes focused lazily across the alleyway. Kai combed his fingers through his hair with a sigh, pushing off the wall. In the low light they could see the outline of his cheekbones. He stumbled as he stood and almost slipped, till he was caught by a kid in a green hoodie.
“Thank-- Oh, it’s you.” His face instantly darkened, and he hurriedly pushed himself off Lloyd, steadying himself on the wall. Lloyd reached for him again, but Kai shook him off. After gaining his footing he spoke again, “Look, I told you to leave me alone last time.” He said, attempting to look stern despite slurring half of that sentence. Nya could already feel something painful rise in her chest.
“Kai,” She cleared her throat. “We need to talk to you.” She hoped he couldn’t hear the wobble in her voice. She thought she heard a mumbled ‘no’ but kept going. “Please, you need help, and you clearly can’t get home like this.” She tried to put on her sisterly scolding voice.
“I’m fine.” Kai looked her in the eyes for the first time that night, bags hanging under his eyes like shadows. He looked more tired than she’d ever seen him and that was saying something considering how much he worked when they were growing up.
“At least let us walk with you.” Lloyd urged, looking up at his brother.
“Not like you’d give me a choice.” Kai muttered, turning towards their route. His dirty hair brushed against the hood of his jacket, limp. Nya and Lloyd soon fell in stride on either side of him, just in case.
The walk took longer than Nya remembered. The alley seemed to stretch into a long hallway of trash and cracking concrete. She kept her eyes on the ground, only so she could avoid the gross puddles, not because every glance at Kai made her stomach twist. Her brother was right beside her, not okay, and she couldn’t do anything.
They continued in silence. Seeing him like this was even worse than she’d imagined. She didn’t realize how much of a front he was putting on for them before.
It seemed like a long time before they were making their way up the steps to Kai’s place and down the hallway with its cracked floorboards and peeling wallpaper. The place looked as shabby as she felt.
A burnt-out light bulb marked the door to her brother’s apartment. Kai dug a key out of his pocket, fumbling with the lock in intoxicated clumsiness. Nya shared a glance with Lloyd who frowned.
Kai twisted the handle with a rough jerk and opened the door, keys sliding out of his hands. He shoved a handful of cash in a drawer before heading to the fridge. Nya and Lloyd followed him inside, watching as he pulled out a slice of pizza and warmed it up in his hand on his way to the couch.
He leaned back on the cushions, shoes up on the coffee table carelessly. Nya wasn’t sure if it was the drinking or if he was always like this now. The apartment was dirtier than she’d last seen it. A pair of pants with a telling copper stain lay on the carpet next to a couple of empty bottles.
In the light of the apartment, Nya could see him better. She could see the yellow of an old bruise on his cheek. A newer red one marked his jaw. He took another bite, uncaring of his split lip and the red on his knuckles.
Dark marks on his throat stood out against his now pale skin. Something tensed inside her, but she couldn’t look away. Lloyd closed the door behind her as Kai finished his pizza, wiping his fingers on his already dirty jacket.
“Okay, you got me back.” He said with exhausted irritation. “You don’t need to keep following me around.” Kai gestured exasperatedly.
“Yes, we do.” Nya put her hands on her hips, keeping her voice firm as she took a few more steps toward him.
“I already said no.” Kai’s voice was low. “Just go back to that empty monastery and train or something…” Lloyd shifted awkwardly beside her.
“Please Kai, we’re worried about you.” It had been years since she’d last said something like that to him, probably since the last time he was overworking himself in the shop.
“Well stop worrying, I’m fine.” He insisted, crossing his arms.
“No, you’re not.” Lloyd said, stepping forward and meeting his gaze. Kai’s shoulders tightened uncomfortably.
Nya spoke softer now, “We need you Kai, the team…” His expression hardened.
“Shut up about the team.” Kai stood up, still a little off balance. It was like the fire had been reignited inside him. “It’s your fault too with Jay and Cole!”
“Really? That’s a low blow coming from a guy who was so reckless on that mission.” Nya yelled back. Her heart beat faster, surprised he was still arguing. Was it the alcohol?
“Yeah well…you barely helped!” Kai pointed a finger at her then gestured to them both where they stood a few feet away. “And now you two are just butting into my business and coming into my apartment and---" Nya clenched her jaw and was about to respond when Lloyd shouted.
“Guys, please stop!” Lloyd stood up straighter, attempting to look as commanding as he could. “I’m just as upset about Zane and the situation as you are.” He took a deep breath. “Getting mad at each other won’t solve anything.” Lloyd looked pointedly at the arguing duo. “Is this what Zane would want? Us fighting?” Nya crossed her arms, annoyed and grateful at the same time for Lloyd’s mediation. He’d lately been sounding older and wiser than he should.
Kai’s eyes were locked on the floor, considering his words.
“Zane’s gone.” The muscles in his jaw were tight and his eyes shone with the beginnings of tears. But the coldness of his voice only lasted a moment longer. He looked up, finally facing them.
“He’s not coming back and there’s nothing we can do to fix it!” Kai roared. “There’s no more team, he’s gone.” He spat, eyes becoming redder to match the bruise on his jaw. “Now stop trying to fix my problems and leave me alone!”
By now, Nya’s anger was boiling, it coursed through her like a raging storm. They’d spent weeks trying to find him and watching out for him and he didn’t even want their help. Why did he have to be this stubborn? Couldn’t he see what he was doing to himself? A wave of emotion stirred in her chest, raw and painful. Nya clenched her fists as the beginnings of tears appeared in her eyes.
“No! I don’t want you throwing your life away.” She yelled. Her eyes were dangerously close to spilling now but her words still came out fiery. “I don’t want to worry about hearing that my brother drank himself to death or lost a fight or—”
“Well, I should’ve! It should’ve been me.” Kai snapped. There was something hollow behind the rage in his eyes.
“Stop making this about yourself! This is just like with you wanting to be the green ninja.” Lloyd cut in firmly, disappointment mixing with anger, but it was nothing compared to the anger of his siblings. Nya watched as his words finally reached Kai’s ears.
“I’m the one making it all about me—I’m the one being selfish now?!” Fire pulsed within him, resentment ringing in his voice. “I gave up everything for you two. You know that!” He stepped closer to Lloyd and Nya. There was still a wobble in his step. “For you with not being the green ninja—” He pointed at Nya. “And especially you Nya, everything I did for you… when we were kids, everything, all that work so you could be happy.” He punctuated his words with a snarl.
Nya’s heart tensed at the words. She’d never heard Kai complain about any of that before, never expected there could be any resentment.
“Why won’t you let me do one thing for myself?” Kai demanded, stepping toward her. She could still smell the alcohol on his breath. A wave of emotion rose again.
“Because this is stupid Kai!” Nya cried. “I won’t watch you do this to yourself.” Kai’s eyes narrowed dangerously.
“Then don’t watch.”
Kai’s voice was cold and final. Nya wanted to scream, wanted to scream something so loud that would fix this. But she didn’t know how. Machines were easy, take one apart, rearrange the pieces, fix what’s wrong. People were so much harder. She watched as Kai started to turn back to the couch.
“Trying to kill yourself won’t bring Zane back.”
Lloyd’s voice echoed in the small room.
He was met with silence, the lack of response only confirming the green ninja’s words. Nya felt something painful clench in her chest but had nothing more to say. She would always remember the empty look in his eyes. The chipped paint and empty bottles watched; it was like they were all waiting for someone to make their move.
Finally, Kai spoke. “If you really cared you’d leave me alone.” The words were softer than before yet still venomous. “You’re only making everything worse.” He didn’t look either of them in the eyes.
“Fine.” Nya stuck her chin out. “Let’s go Lloyd.”
“We can’t help that ungrateful, drunk—” Nya stopped herself before she got carried away. She took a deep breath, trying to steel her expression. “We can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.”
Nya turned on her heel, dragging Lloyd out with her as she slammed the door. Kai still wouldn’t look at her. He remained frozen, hair hanging limply, injuries almost looking pitiful.
Nya took a few steps down the hall before slumping down, hands on her knees. She didn’t know what to think, she didn’t know what to do. The storm inside her released. Lloyd sat down beside her and rested his head on his arms. Nya carefully wiped her tears.
“I don’t want to lose another brother.” Lloyd’s voice was small and lacked all the confidence it had before. His words felt like a knife in her chest.
“We won’t.” Nya said instinctively. She wrapped an arm around Lloyd’s shoulder, pulling him closer. She could see tears forming in his eyes and wished she could fix it like everything else. They ignored the sound of glass breaking behind the thin wall they were huddled against.
Nya hugged Lloyd tighter. They would get through this, they would stop Kai somehow, she would—a pair of keys rested on the ground by the apartment door. Maybe there was a way to help him.
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crystalgirl259 · 4 years
The Flame and the Dragon Ch 7
Chapter 7: The Master
"What the hell were you thinking!" A voice rang in Nya's head as she felt herself slowly regaining consciousness. She tried to shake the weariness from her mind and focus on the different voices echoing around her.
"Well, we weren't leaving them to freeze to death out in the rain all night." A soft voice argued.
"Yeah, and it's hard to ignore two people who suddenly dropped on your doorstep." A third voice with a laid back, casual tone to it added. The first voice shrieked in frustration.
"I don't care! I understand you guys wanted to help the poor things, really I do, but think about home! What do you think he's gonna do when he comes downstairs, finds us taking care of two strangers who are currently sitting on his favorite couch, after having trespassed! He isn't going to consider you're good deed!"
"Then don't tell him, Zane." A fourth, female voice entered, heavy with a hissing sound.
"Don't encourage them, Tox!" The first voice, Zane, scolded the woman, Tox.
"Come on Zane, we can't just leave them out in the storm? I mean we could just..." The soft voice argued timidly, pausing as if to ponder his options. "Just let them stay here the night and let them leave before he wakes up? The Master will never know."
"Jay..." Zane addressed the boy to who the diffident voice belonged too. "Look me in the eye and tell me you actually believe that will work?"
"Oh for FSM's sake, Zane." The unidentified voice howled, followed a stomping foot. "What do you suggest we do?" He challenged. Silence soon followed, allowing Nya time to recover and force her eyes to open. Haziness filled her vision as lights suddenly filled them but she blinked them away and sat up. Relieved to find Lloyd next to her. He was fast asleep, breathing normally, and wrapped in a warm blanket, and his clothes, hair, and skin bone dry.
She couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked sleeping.
She looked down at herself, not only to find she was no longer on the cobblestone path but a soft leather couch, covered by a thick fur blanket. The rainwater has been stripped to the last drop from her clothes, hair, and skin, much to her shock, though she refused to complain. Nya shook away the last waves of sleep and turned to thank their caretakers. But when she turned to the source of the voices she found not people, but four creatures standing in a circle.
One was a troll, one was a white yeti, and one was a green naga.
The last was a creature she didn't recognize. Its body was composed of lightning and with the form of a white and blue fox. Lloyd stirred awake, cutely rubbing his eyes, and shook his head adjusting to the light. The blue fox gently strolled over to Lloyd. It started climbing up the couch like a cat and perched itself on the headrest before cutely holding out a small paw for the boy to shake.
"Hi there, I'm Jay." It smiled and Lloyd's reaction was that of a wound-up spring. The small boy screamed and jumped and fell backward all in one motion, his hand missing the couch and fell into nothing causing him to crash to the floor in a heap. His eyes bulged out of his skull when the furry creature looked over the edge of the couch.
"You okay?" Jay asked.
"A talking fox?" Lloyd muttered from the floor, his voice speaking automatically, shaking. Nya was clearly frozen from shock.
"I'm not a talking fox! I'm a raijū!" Jay stomped his foot, rising to his feet insulted. He growled when he heard the troll and naga snickering, threatening to burst into laughter. Lloyd repositioned himself onto his knees just in time to meet toxic green eyes. The green naga smiled brightly.
"Hey! Name's Tox, what's yours? And before you ask, I'm a naga."
"I'm... Lloyd." He replied, momentarily forgetting to breathe, but answered nonetheless, before turning his he'd to his sister. She was frozen on the couch, with Jay floating around her head on a ball of electricity, waving his blue paws in front of her face.
"Hello? Is she mute?"
"She's in shock, you idiot!" The troll howled. "I'm Ronin, by the way."
"So who are you?" Lloyd smiled at the quiet yeti.
"I am Zane, a yeti with the power to control the element of ice," Zane explained, holding out a clawed hand to Lloyd. Lloyd shook the yeti's claw.
"I'm Lloyd and that's my big sister Nya." She smiled at his elder sibling. Though shock was evident all over her face, Nya held up a hand and waved.
"Oh for the love of FSM." Ronin smacked his forehead before a brilliant glow surrounded his body. A second later, the troll vanished and the light expanded until a tall human man stood in its place. He had wavy brown hair, dark brown eyes with the beginning of a beard on his face. He wore a dark cyan jumper with light brown pants and a large red hat. His arms crossed over his chest as he turned to the siblings.
"Is this better?" He asked but Nya fell out of her seat, still in shock.
"Perhaps this will help?" Zane suggested and a flash of turquoise and in place of the slender, white yeti stood a tall, strongly-built boy, around Ronin's height. He had platinum blonde, almost snowy white, hair that stood up straight in something like a crew cut and bright icy blue eyes. He wore white pants and shoes with a long-sleeved, cyan blue shirt under a navy blue knitted vest. The newly turned man offered a hand to the youngest Smith who was still on the floor.
Lloyd took it without thinking unable to take his eyes off the white-haired man standing before him.
Lloyd's eyes darted to Zane, then Jay, then Ronin and Tox. Tox and Jay looked at the other and smiled, before answering his unasked question. Jay landed on the floor, bathed in a navy blue light, before the blue fox he once was transformed into his true form. He was a young man with reddish-brown curly hair with brown eyebrows and light freckles. He usually wore a blue jacket with a white stripe over a white t-shirt and blue pants with an orange wooly scarf.
Despite his mature features his large, dark blue eyes and mischievous smile radiated innocence and youth.
They all looked to the naga. Tox smiled and a light green flash was the only warning anyone had before in the green naga's place stood a small, petite, almost delicate girl who was around Nya's age. She had long green hair tied back into a ponytail similar to Nya's with sickly, pale, yellowish skin and bright green eyes. Around her neck was a black, studded choker. She was wearing a ripped green tank top that was cut short to reveal her stomach and black, torn-up jeans.
Even though all of them were in human form they still had a few tell-tale signs that they weren't fully human.
Tox still had snake eyes and Ronin's ears were pointed and he had fangs poking out of his mouth. Zane still had a cold air around him and every time he exhaled the siblings could see his breath. Jay's limbs occasionally twitched with electricity.
"I'm sorry if I sound rude, but you three know they can't stay here! It's bad enough you even brought them inside!" Zane suddenly glared, dragged them back to the issue at hand.
"We didn't mean to intrude," Nya explained, "I just needed to find Lloyd shelter from the storm, we'll leave in the morning."
"Hell no!" Jay cut him off. "You're not intruding at all! Zane is just worried about the Master that's all, but he's asleep, just let us warn him quickly that you're here, and then—"
Suddenly an earth-shattering roar echoed through the castle shaking everyone within it to their knees. A tremor ran through Nya's body and Lloyd threw himself in his sister's arms, shaking in fear. The master was awake, and he was furious with the four creatures. A sharp gust of wind roared through the castle, silencing all the candles and shrouding everything in darkness. Despite the fear wracking their bodies the four creatures moved to hide their guests as best they could.
It was a vain attempt to hold their master's anger.
All four of them shook in fear. They knew full well the Master would never harm them, but just his presence alone was intimidating.
"Nya, I'm scared." Lloyd trembled as he tried to hide in his sister's coat.
"Shh, it'll be alright, I've got you." Nya soothed in a vain attempt to calm him down. But she screamed when suddenly a loud gust of wind like the beat of giant wings followed by the loud thump of someone landing behind him before the siblings or the creature could react, and then suddenly she came face to face with two blazing green eyes with black slits, not human, almost like a dragon's. Kai stories flashed in Nya's mind like old photographs.
Stunned mystification caused her eyes to bulge.
"That's not possible," She muttered as her mind began spinning and her body felt faint, but she stood her ground. She couldn't show fear with Lloyd in her arms. The master glared at her, those impossibly green eyes bore into her terrified ocean eyes like piercing arrows. Then he chuckled, a low callous laugh.
"Is that all you can do?" He spoke in a dark, humorous hiss. His green eyes aligned with the fire of hurt and rage that seemed so much older and deeper than his youth. "Stare at me, like I'm some kind of monster."
"It's our fault, not theirs! We're the ones who brought them here!" Jay, who had always been outspoken, tried in vain to defend them but the master's loud growl soon silenced him. Even Zane, who was one of the few who could speak to the master freely, shivered at his temper.
"We mean no harm," Nya replied. "My brother and I just needed shelter from the storm." She explained. The eyes left her and the moment they did, Nya felt as if some enchantment upon her had broken, until she realized the master has not even noticed Lloyd until that point. Before she could speak another world, Lloyd's screamed pierced the night, followed by Nya's when she felt Lloyd ripped from her arms. Something cold and metallic, wrap around her arm, prying them apart harshly.
"Please don't hurt my brother!" She screamed, without thinking. The master's eyes bulged in both horror and confusion before bitterness and humor once again filled them. Harsh laughter spilled from the master's lips shaking everyone to the core.
"Of course that would be your first assumption, too bad; I was going to be lenient, but since it seems you don't know how to hold your tongue, I suppose you'll need a harsher lesson." The master spoke arrogantly, in a tone that froze Nya's core, she couldn't see Lloyd in the darkness but could hear his tears and trembling. Each one ripped another piece of her apart.
"Zane, put them to bed, now." He ordered, glaring at Ronin, Jay, and Tox. Zane reluctantly nodded and obeyed. Eyes wide, the trio moved to flee, but Zane caught them before they could escape. In a flash of light, the boys and Tox human forms vanished and the three creatures fell to the floor. Again they attempted to make a dash for the nearest door, but the Zane caught them in ice before they could escape. They struggled if only to help their new friends.
The master simply snorted at their efforts.
"That's all they'll ever see me as." He muttered in a harsh voice, ceased all of their strugglings. The tone he said it in made it impossible to tell if he was speaking to the siblings or the other four creatures. "They'll only see me as a... a monster" He hissed in a voice of rage and bitterness, before scolding harshly at the trio's loud protests.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" He commanded before flying away dragging his thrashing and screaming prisoners with him, towards the tower. Guilt and remorse poisoned the four creatures. Even Jay could no longer struggle as Zane brought them upstairs to the room they shared for as long as they could remember. The guilt and harshness of their master's tone hurt more than the extremely light punishment ever could. Even worse were Lloyd's screams of terror echoing through the castle until the loud clang of the tower door slamming shut replaced it.
A gloom once again settled over the castle as their master retreated brokenly to his only sanctuary.
A silent shiver of hope was tearing thread by thread that they would ever be free. Or the master's true love would ever come to free their prince from the undeserving and unspeakable fate that was sure to come the following spring...
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nlgwj-esq · 6 years
Tumblr media
 Oleh Dr Neil Leslie Gilbert.-Williams-Jacksnephew (IN Indonesia)
Saya (Neil Leslie Gilbert.-Williams-Jacksnephew) baru saja menghadiri Gereja Inggris di St Michael's, Mass Croydon (di bawah Keuskupan Southwark)
 Dalam Misa hari ini, saya mendengar Philip Bapa menyatakan dalam Alkitab sesuatu tentang: ' Maria Bunda Allah: Emanuel Yesus Kristus Tuhan kita Allah,' (Juga dinyatakan oleh Timothy Bapa dalam massa lain).
 Kembali di tahun 1980-an. Ketika saya masih kecil saya ingat bagian dari Kitab Suci (Maria Bunda Allah: Emanuel Tuhan Yesus Kristus Tuhan kita) ketika disebutkan oleh pendeta waktu di St Stephen Gereja St Stephen Teras, London SW8 1DH Inggris, Britania Raya (Vikaris Helen) di doa , yang bingung saya di Gereja St Stephen, St Stephen's Teras, London SW8 1DH Inggris, Britania Raya, jadi aku bertanya pendeta St Stephens Gereja St Stephen Teras, London SW8 1DH England, Inggris Raya (pendeta Christopher);
' Alkitab mengatakan dalam kitab Kejadian bahwa Allah SWT membuat bumi! Tapi Tuhan Jesus Kristus-Emanuel lahir di bumi pada (kurang lebih) 25 Desember di Betlehem di Yudea, di Selatan Palestina di awal jatuh 2 SM [https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/when-was-jesus-born]. Oleh karena itu, bagaimana bisa Tuhan Yesus Kristus Emanuel membuat bumi dan manusia jika dia adalah Tuhan yang Mahakuasa, seperti Tuhan Yesus Kristus Emanuel dilahirkan di awal jatuh 2 SM?`
 Christopher pendeta memberikan senyum hangat dan menyenangkan salam, mengundang saya untuk konfirmasi. Saya anggun diterima. Christopher pendeta bertanya mengapa saya akan menerima konfirmasi. Saya menjelaskan bahwa saya tertarik untuk menjadi seorang Kristen yang diakui seperti yang saya percaya. Pendeta Christopher menjelaskan bahwa itu saat dia boleh digambarkan sebagai banyak kata-kata, tetapi ia menyesal tentang hal itu bagian Alkitab ini dan mengungkapkan pandangannya pribadi dalam tata bahasa dasar. (Saya menjelaskan pendeta Christopher sebagai sangat marah, dan marah dengan mereka yang mengajarkan tidak semestinya antara poin lainnya). Dia memuji saya untuk meminta saya pertanyaan, dan memungkinkan saya untuk menyaksikan dia membuat pengaturan untuk bertemu dengan Vikaris nya. Vikaris Helen, yang kemudian menyaksikan bantuan pendeta Christopher saya rumit pada kata-kata saya; kepercayaan (efektif ingin untuk memastikan bahwa saya berarti bahwa: kepercayaan = saya percaya dalam Allah yang Maha kuasa).
 Christopher pendeta adalah / didekati, anggun tapi ketat dan dapat dipercaya. Saya tumbuh dalam iman. Saya diminta jika aku punya pertanyaan. Saya menanggapinya dengan meminta jika Allah SWT masih hidup, dan mengapa Joseph dikenal sebagai Bapa Tuhan Yesus Kristus Emanuel jika ia dikandung oleh Allah SWT.
 Saya kira-kira diberitahu: Emanuel Tuhan Yesus Kristus adalah anak Allah yang Maha kuasa (seperti yang kita semua keturunan Allah SWT) lahir dari Perawan Maria, dan sisanya saya akan belajar di sekolah Minggu dan gereja yang pada dasarnya pengajaran dari Kitab Suci.
 Aku teringat dan menemukan jawaban dalam kasih karunia (mengatakan setelah makan):
"Kami mengucap syukur kepadamu untuk keuntungan Anda. O ' Tuhan yang Mahakuasa, yang hidup dan memerintah selama-lamanya. Dan semoga jiwa-jiwa orang beriman yang berangkat, dengan belas kasihan Tuhan, beristirahat dalam damai, Amin"
 Saya sebutkan hari yang lalu, bahwa saya berada di perusahaan dari malaikat Tuhan (yang muncul sebagai laki-laki sesuai dengan definisi kamus bahasa Inggris), yang memberi saya liburan / liburan)off planet bumi) melalui Antar-Jemput. Malaikat Allah yang Mahakuasa yang diketahui I sebagai mahluk angkasa luar 's. (Saya akan mengungkapkan lebih banyak nanti).
 Penerbangan kecepatan adalah lebih cepat daripada kecepatan pesawat apapun yang saya tahu program fiksi seperti kecepatan warp Star Trek. (Saya akan mengungkapkan lebih pada hari lain). Selama liburan saya / liburan, seorang malaikat Allah Mahakuasa dan saya berbicara. Dalam periode tenang perjalanan saya, seorang malaikat Allah Mahakuasa bertanya jika saya memiliki pertanyaan. Aku punya banyak, meskipun aku bertanya tentang jika seorang malaikat Allah Maha tahu Siapakah Jahweh yang Mahakuasa, dan jika Tuhan yang Mahakuasa masih hidup. Seorang malaikat Allah Mahakuasa memiliki respon terdengar anggun dan kemudian berkata kepada saya (Neil Leslie Gilbert.-Williams-Jacksnephew) saya akan membawa Anda untuk melihat dia segera.
 Pada saat saya tiba, (yang tidak langsung dari pertanyaan saya untuk malaikat God_ oleh rentang waktu beberapa jam) malaikat Tuhan yang Mahakuasa berkata, ini adalah salah satu yang Anda manusia memanggil Allah SWT. Saya pikir langsung; Tuhan yang Mahakuasa hidup (saya akan mengungkapkan lebih banyak di kemudian hari)
 Salah satu kenangan terakhir saya ketika berlibur / liburan luar planet bumi adalah, seorang malaikat Allah Mahakuasa bertanya apakah saya ingin pergi ke matahari. Saya pikir saya tidak akan bertahan karena itu berada di luar panas, tapi saya percaya seorang malaikat Allah SWT, dan berkata ya. Ketika kami tiba (yang diterbangkan malaikat Allah yang Mahakuasa di lengan (seperti seorang malaikat Allah Mahakuasa dapat terbang / memiliki sayap (terdekat Terjemahan kamus)) seorang malaikat Allah Mahakuasa memperkenalkan saya kepada malaikat Arch, yang duduk (di tempat duduk) pada batas di belakang (matahari yang adalah seperti spot light besar mistik api terstruktur seperti melingkar (lingkungan) di dalam cermin putar. (Saya akan mengungkapkan lebih banyak di kemudian hari).
Saya baru saja diposting posting ini. Silakan baca dan jika diperlukan komentar. Damai sejahtera menyertai kamu sekalian!
 Malaikat Allah yang Mahakuasa (tambahan mengunjungi terestrial) saya (Neil Leslie Gilbert) di Gereja Inggris di ST STEPHEN gereja, Teras ST STEPHEN'S, LONDON SW8 1DH, di bawah The keuskupan dari Southwark TRINITY HOUSE, KAPEL 4 lapangan, BOROUGH HIGH STREET, LONDON SE1 1HW. (berdasarkan lebih dari satu kali di tahun 1980-an. Salah satu malaikat Allah SWT kunjungan, saya diantar malaikat Allah yang Mahakuasa untuk saya Ibu bekas rumah datar 24 LULWORTH HOUSE, DORSET ROAD, sembilan Elm, LONDON SW8 1DR (yang mana aku tinggal bersama ibu dan saudara). Kedatangan malaikat Allah yang Mahakuasa yang disaksikan oleh berbagai jemaat dan pendeta (di waktu / tanggal) Christopher Guinness dan gereja Vikaris St Stephens.
 Kami berjalan dari St Stephens Church (St Stephens Terrace) sepanjang jalan Bolney datar 24 Lulworth House (disaksikan oleh penduduk setempat). (Meskipun kami berjalan ke berbagai tempat yang saya akan mengungkapkan pada tanggal lain, (termasuk Vauxhall Bridge, yang merupakan tempat Her Majesty Ratu - Elizabeth II / Her Majesty Ratu - Elizabeth II # [BUCKINGHAM PALACE, LONDON SW 1W0 The Office Of Her Majesty The Queen] berbicara ke saya (depan malaikat Allah yang Mahakuasa)-bertanya jika saya adalah oke dan topik lainnya.
 Saya akan mengungkapkan lebih banyak tentang pertemuan saya dengan seorang malaikat Allah Mahakuasa lain waktu, tetapi ketika seorang malaikat Allah Mahakuasa dan saya melihat dan berbicara satu sama lain, saya mampu untuk menyaksikan dan mengungkapkan bahwa gereja 's arsitektur (lengkungan dan bingkai jendela dan rincian lainnya) Chur struktur ch's, dibangun / dibangun di kemiripan malaikat Allah yang Mahakuasa di masker & pakaian dan anatomi 's fitur.
 Oleh karena itu, saya bisa mengkonfirmasikan semua, bahwa dengan menyaksikan seorang malaikat Allah Mahakuasa dan susunan malaikat Tuhan yang Mahakuasa dari-mengambil saya melalui Antar-Jemput / kapal untuk mengunjungi Tuhan yang Mahakuasa (yang hidup dan memerintah selama-lamanya), bahwa orang Kristen dan semua yang lain, harus percaya Mahakuasa Allah, melalui siapa Emmanuel-Yesus Kristus un shunned kami.
 Saya merasa begitu dihormati dan diberkati untuk beribadah di Gereja England gereja gereja rumah
BESAR SMITH STREET LONDON SW1P 3AZ, atau Gereja Katolik (di bawah Gereja Katolik Inggris & Wales 39 ECCLESTON SQUARE LONDON SW1V 1BX).
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codenamearcturus · 7 years
Tumblr media
nyas got a fucking lady iron dragon design on her motorcycle. i love her. so much also that design is cool as hell
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codenamearcturus · 7 years
cool so bc kai and nya have basically adopted lloyd as a younger brother here's some shitty sibling headcannons based off True Actual bullshit my 2 younger siblings and i do (tag as green/flame and i'll fucking maul you):
the Most Absurd sibling deals fucking. ever. kai asks nya to take out the trash for him and nya brings up when she ran his patrol 3 months ago and when she bought him a sprite so kai ends up taking out the trash and doing the dishes for her
nya steals food from both of them near nonstop and half the time they dont even notice. mfer is stealthy
if u try to steal food from her tho? ur fucked say goodbye to ur hand
all of them r needlessly dramatic abt small injuries (esp lloyd) but nonchalant abt big injuries (SUPER esp lloyd). the rest of the team is gonna kill them
Conflict Escalation
kai: nya fuck off or i’ll kick you in the shins!
nya, dead fucking serious: try it and i’ll kill you
the endless contest to stack things on lloyd while he’s sleeping (usually goldfish) and its twin, stick things in kai’s hood while ur walking behind him
once fr christmas nya gave lloyd a nerf gun and accidentaly started the Great Nerf War on the bounty
lloyd shot everyone non fucking stop til kai snapped and got a nerf gun of his own to combat him
eventually it spread and all six of them got nerf guns. no one was safe. the whole bounty became a war zone for weeks
(finally zane stole and hid all the nerf guns to end it)
dead dad jokes like you would not fucking believe (at least between s4 and s7), which lloyd is so fucking grateful for cause kai and nya basically teach him tht coping w grief is 10% emotional shit and 90% jokes (zane and cole get in on it all the time too cause jays the only one that actually has 2 living parents)
kai listens to. the worst music and nya and lloyd will never let him live it down
lloyd: kai we are not letting you pick the music all you listen to is mumford and sons and that weird punk band
kai: what! no! just this morning i was listening to johnny cash!
nya: kai thats even worse
nya will do anything you dare her to do, no matter how gross. the most famous instant of this is when kai dared lloyd to drink lemon juice and while they were arguing about how much kai would pay lloyd if he did it, nya walked by and fucking downed the whole thing without even making a face. this is when everyone on the bounty realized just how fucking powerful Nya Goddamn Smith is
lloyd is The Baby Sibling and always will be. this is a blessing and a curse
on one hand he can get away with just about anything
on the other hand nya and kai do not give one fuck that he is the green ninja they can boss him around as much as they want and they dont have to do one (1) thing he says cause You’re the Baby, Lloyd
god the fucking. ultimate sibling attack where u karate chop ur sib in the stomach while they’re lying down and it’s instant death? yeah. thats fucking brutal with these three. none of them ever lie down w/ out their arms covering their stomach they know what’ll fucking happen
acting like a pretty tame insult was the saddest thing you ever heard (lloyd does this so much)
kai: lloyd you’re a dumbass
lloyd, sounding heartbroken: what about it??
in the same vein, the classic compliment/insult pair
kai: lloyd, i love you and you are very kind, but youre dumb as rocks
these three would literally kill for each other but also nya started throwing almonds at lloyd when he fell asleep on the couch during lego cake boss and threatened to knock him out herself if he didnt go up to sleep immediately and kai responded by throwing grapes at lloyd from the other side of the room
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codenamearcturus · 7 years
we got a nya minifig frm the blind bags yesterday and my baby sister wrapped her in a lil rainbow flag and is bringing her to the first day of school. i think the school might literally explode from the sheer strength of the lesbian energy present
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codenamearcturus · 7 years
anyone else.........love nya with everything in their heart
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codenamearcturus · 7 years
lloyd: guys i just found out my mom is lady iron dragon :/ she has this whole secret life i didn’t even know about!
nya: lloyd HOLY FUCK i hate to break it to you but i’m gay for your mom bigtime
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codenamearcturus · 7 years
hey guys just my opinion but
i'm so glad nya seems to have such an important role in the movie. she's most of the time featured second to lloyd in promotional material (occasionally third, after kai) instead of dead last like in the show. she has her own mech. she's in two whole sets. she's indisputably part of the group, an integral member not someone the writers just like kinda tacked on at the end. though jay still has a crush on her (which is something that seriously weakened her character in the show - her arcs were always reliant on the boys) if anything in the movie it's jays character that it's simplifying, not hers. she's caring and powerful and she's gonna beat up the whole shark army while fucking lloyd takes out some trash and i'm so so glad her character is in the hands of writers that aren't shitty
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codenamearcturus · 7 years
theres...........literally nothing less straight than having a buncha pics of girls in ur locker nya............ i love u
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crystalgirl259 · 4 years
The Flame and the Dragon Ch 6
Chapter 6: The Storm
"Please, Kai?" Lloyd clasped his hands together and begged.
"We've been through this, my answer isn't gonna change overnight," Kai explained again as he and Nya loaded the caravan with enough supplies for around a week's travel.
"Please!" Lloyd dragged out the word in a whine, flashing a wide-eyed innocent look when his big brother turned around.
"No." Kai smiled and gently petted Flame's mane. The stunning light brown colored stallion neighed. "Easy there, boy."
"Please!" Lloyd pleaded to flash his infamous pout that had even Flame whining.
"Lloyd, I grew up with you; that doesn't work on me anymore." He said calmly, causing his little jaw to hit the floor. Even Nya couldn't resist him when he pulled his stunning emerald eyes into a cute, pleading look.
"Ah, why not!" He pouted.
"Someone needs to stay and watch the shop, and since Nya's the one entering the fair's contest, she's out of the question, you're obviously too young to do it, so that leaves me." He explained smiling at Lloyd's cuteness.
"Or... or a third option, all three of us got and we can close the shop for a week." He suggested, hoping for some kind of an excuse.
"You know we can't leave the shop unattended that long, we already have at least five orders, and besides, I don't mind staying home."
"It's not fair."
"And here I thought I'd get to finally spend some time with my baby brother." Nya playfully whined mocking innocence, causing both of her brothers to snort in laughter.
"I still don't see why we can't just close the shop for a week." The youngest Smith pouted and crossed his arms.
"Because, even if Nya's newest creation wins the contest, we're still going to need some money for and after we move; unless, of course, you plan on starving, green bean," Kai explained smiling, stroking Flame's sleek, brown nose, affectionately.
"He's not going to give in, so come here and help me back," Nya told Lloyd. Groaning in defeat, he pushed himself off the side of the caravan and helped Nya load the supplies. Flame playfully rubbed his nose against Kai's neck and snorted in his hair and made the brunette laugh.
"You take good care of my little siblings, okay Flame?" Kai instructed as he turned around and nuzzled the stunning stallion. "And make sure Nya doesn't get lost again, you know how bad she is with directions." He teased.
"Hey!" Nya growled. Flame neighed in approval. "Even the damn horse is against me." She growled. Lloyd burst out laughing until she heaved him by his underarms and sat him on the driver's seat. "That's everything." She said, dusting off her hands. "We packed enough food, supplies, and medicine for at least a week, but we should be back in a couple of days; do you need anything from the fair Kai?"
"No, I'll be fine; the only thing I need to worry about is Morro and if all else fails Dr. Saunders is right down the road." He smiled. Nya smiled at her twin before climbing onto the caravan and grabbing Flame's reigns.
"We'll be back in a week." She promised.
"Bye Kai!" Lloyd exclaimed as he wormed his way to the front and waved.
"Don't get into trouble while we're gone!" Nya teased.
"I won't; good luck at the fair!" He called and waved goodbye watching Flame and the caravan trot off before disappearing down the road. "And don't get lost this time!" He shouted in a final attempt of teasing.
"Shut up!" Nya hollered, just before the caravan disappeared. That didn't stop her and Lloyd hearing Kai's laughter echoing after them...
"Nya?" Lloyd shivered as he wrapped himself in a blanket like a human burrito.
"Not a word," Nya growled; hard blue eyes meticulously scanned the enormous map spread in front of her. The square-shaped map was large enough that if she held it to its full length it would stretch from her waist to past her hair and spread her arms to their full length.
"Nya," Lloyd said again, annoyed.
"Lloyd..." Nya responded in a testy voice.
"We're lost!" He shouted in anger, no longer carrying about the consequences of igniting his sister's temper. The map crushed in Nya's hands as she clumped it in one hand and slammed it down next to her. Her teeth gritted in a hiss and her eyes turned to her younger brother, bright with anger. "What did I just tell you!"
"We're lost; you can't read a map, and it's pitch black!" He snapped. "If you're not going to admit it to yourself, and since Kai's not here to, I will!" He growled in frustration. Lloyd may not have been as strong-willed as his older siblings but he was more than capable of holding his own if pushed too far. Nya opened her mouth to yell and argue, but the words quickly died in her throat. The confident, know-it-all smirk on Lloyd's face made it impossible to find fault with his argument, and the proud sister hated that.
Frustrated at her bruised ego more than anything else, Nya chucked the crushed map in Lloyd's lap.
"Fine then, you navigate." She huffed and smirked at the baffled look on his face before it hardened. If that was the game she wanted to play then he was more than willing to prove her wrong.
"Any idea's Flame?" Lloyd asked as he turned to the large brown stallion. The horse shook his head. "That's alright." He smiled before flipping his legs over the side of the caravan, slipped inside, and dug through their supplies, before reemerging with a lantern. The angry, orange fire, trapped inside the glass prison, burned vigorously in the darkness. "We're heading to World Fair, right?" He asked. She nodded, looking around for any type of landmark to help identify their location.
It was hard to tell in the darkness, but the moonlight illuminated their surroundings enough that it looked like a forest.
The dark trees stood, like enormous skeletons, their decaying leaves were black and brown without the sun to illuminate them. The wind sent a shower of them into the air. The road withered into a dirt path, filled with heavy stones and overgrown with weeds, worn down by travel. He sighed in relief that he remembered to change Flame's shoes before the journey began. No sounds flooded the forest except for the cooing of an owl or the hiss of bat wings.
The skeletal hands of the trees stretched and pulled as if trying to create a net of branches above them blocking out all sun.
"Well, look at it this way, at least it can't get worse." She said humorously. No sooner had those words left her mouth, a loud crack of thunder roared across the sky in a high-pitched shriek, followed by a waterfall of water, multiple flashes of lightning streaking the night sky, and heavy black clouds overhead, with flashes of white and lemon yellow. If looks could kill, Lloyd's glare would've sent Nya straight to the pits of hell.
"You just had to ask, didn't you!?" He snarled. Lloyd's mood failed to increase as the night dragged on. Even though he'd retreated into the cavern, the rain had soaked him to the bone and he'd given up trying to rake the water from his soaked hair. "Where are we anyway!" He screeched and jumped as another streak of lightning slashed across the sky followed by the crash of thunder.
"I don't know, but we have to get out of this storm quick!" Nya yelled as loud as she could. Unfortunately, her voice was barely a whisper over the freezing wind, hissing like a banshee, the rain hammering the muddy dirt into the ground and the crashing thunder above their heads. The night had bathed the entire forest in a cloak of blackness; the only light they had available was the streaks of lighting slashing across the sky like jagged white scars.
Flame neighed and jumped in fear, as the thunder roared and increase.
Nya attempted to coax him but it did no good. The storm was savage and dangerous and the horse knew it. Lloyd screeched, as he tried to move to the front, only to be thrown back and forth as the caravan shook, due to Flame's sudden outburst. A loud burst of thunder roared to life with the force of an explosion. The sound vibrations shook the entire forest and broke that last of Flame's calmness. The horse went wild and ripped the reins from Nya's hand.
The caravan shook violently causing Lloyd to scream until he suddenly flew from the caravan, crashing to the carpet of leaves and mud.
Ignoring the horse, Nya bolted off the caravan to her brother's aid. She scooped the boy into her arms, checking him over for wounds. The icy rain hammered their skin like a thousand frozen needles. Another roar of thunder and Flame took off down the road, back the way they came, leaving the siblings alone in the storm.
"Oh no! Lloyd!" Nya called, worried for her little brother. Lloyd opened his mouth to reply but coughed wildly instead. Nya's heart skipped a beat, eyes bulging from shock and worry. She ripped off her thick, black trench coat and wrapped it around the smaller before pulling him to his feet. The coughing continued. She dragged him by the hand, willing them both not to stop. She couldn't until they at least found some form of shelter from the storm.
Rain hammered in diagonal lines, making it impossible to see.
The storm blocked out the light of the stars and moon making the forest completely black. She pulled him closer to her, hoping to give him further warmth. She stomped in the mud until her boots hit something solid. Caught by surprise, Nya looked down and found they were no longer on the mud-soaked road, but a cobbled stone path. Her eyes followed the pale silver stone until her eyes caught sight of an enormous iron-clad gate. Despite the grotesque, almost haunted appearance, she scooped Lloyd up bridal style and carried him towards the open gate.
The hinges screamed their protest as she pushed through the rusted black gate, before slamming it shut, in case any hungry beasts followed them.
The cobblestone path winded and curved towards an enormous castle. Nya's eye almost bulged out of her skull at the sight of it. It looked like it was right out of one of Kai's Gothic novels. Thirteen slim, round towers dominated the skyline of this massive castle and were connected by fortified, firm walls made of dark grey stone. Scattered thinly across the walls in a seemingly random pattern were symmetric holes for archers and artillery.
The roof was a complex jumble of black-slate cones, spires, trapezoids, and gothic styles windows with iron frames stacked on connected and linked by flying buttresses.
Pointed arches, oval and arch-shaped stain-glass windows, and arches, and different sized balconies littered the entire castle. She was sure the stained-glass windows looked beautiful in the daylight. The entrance jutted from the front of the house, carved like a giant hallway of off grey-black stones, like columns, the hallways, hazy glass windows lines with faded silver. The darkness and lightning flashing behind it only added to its haunted appearance but at that very moment, Nya didn't care.
Feeling her strength fading her, and seeing Lloyd, already unconscious and shivering, she forced her body to obey.
She could feel the strength leave her body, and she fell to her knees. Blackness danced in her vision before she collapsed to the ground. The last thing she saw or thought she saw before the darkness finally claimed her were two small creatures staggering towards them...
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