#ch: shiro
Shiro smirks. "Of course I do all four things seeing my precious prey..."
Fighting off the shiver upon seeing the smirk is inevitable. "In what order then~?"
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Through their link, Lambo told Shiro that she's fine, well except for the sudden feeling of motion sickness in the morning. She simply asked for him to come home safe because she has news. Once they both are sitting, Lambo went straight to the point.
"I'm pregnant, Shiro."
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reineydraws · 2 years
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“I fight monsters the size of mountains that crawl through an interdimensional crack in the crust of our planet on a regular basis. No. God can eat my whole ass.”
Dark Was the Night by @sayhitoforever
(it's not often that i rec fics that are ongoing but this one has my whole heart--it's been a few months since i caught up and i still think about it. it's a grimmichi pacific rim au and it's full of grief and love and hope and even more love. it's about missing the people you literally share souls with and learning to heal, to reach out again; learning to miss them every day and still moving forward by sharing the burden. also the plot/world- and background-building are very cool and easy to lose yourself in. check it out if u can!)
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maroulitas · 8 months
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Homoerotic chest bubble of light
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
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[ALT ID: A digital oil painting of a young woman in bright red on a dark green background. The woman is visible from neck up and stares at the camera with wide eyes, as if in shock. Blood is splattered across her face and tears drip down her cheeks, and her hair is tangled. The silhouette of a moth covers her mouth in pale grey.]
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yeonban · 4 months
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Can't wait for the day Ohtaka tells us what Aijiro's deepest desire is because she SWERVED this opportunity like her life depended on it
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neutrallyobsessed · 8 months
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The Artistically-inclined Marie Curie clones are Friends!
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cthylla-rlyeh · 8 months
OC Inspo - Arianne
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Naruto and Sasuke often uses 'Nazedaka' and 'Nandeka' in their monologue. Nazedaka= for some reason,without knowing why, somehow. nandeka = nazedaka have similar meanings.
We know that Naruto never wanted to give up. If we ask him 'why', there is always an answer for it.
He stabbed himself to open the wound, why? Because he doesn't want to run away and being afraid again.
He sympathize with Haku even though he killed his teammate Sasuke, why? Because he knows what loneliness is. He is also the one who taught him how far you will go to protect your precious person. He also understands him.
He never want to give up taking the tenth question in chunin exam, why? Because he doesn't want to run away.
He never want to give up fighting against Gaara, why? Because Sasuke acknowledged him and he wanted to protect Sasuke & Sakura.
He understand why gaara becomes a maniac, why? Because of loneliness, the hatred from others... And he is a Jinchūriki.
He never want to give up fighting against kabuto, why? Because he wanted to prove to Tsunade that he was worthy to hold the title of Hokage. By this, he can bring her back to Konoha and cure Sasuke and others.
He never wanted to give up fighting against pein, why? Because he wanted to protect the village. He wanted to end the cycle of hatred.
He never want to give up fighting against Obito, why? Because he wanted to end the fucking war.
But when it comes to Sasuke he doesn't know, why does he feel like that…? Why he didn't want to see him hurt...? why he doesn't want to give up on Sasuke? Why would he go to such lengths for him? He is unable to give a definite answer to all these. Because it's not that easy to say.
1. Naruto's inner monologue (In ch. 228) vote 1
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Raw: 何でか分かんねーけど...
Romaji: nande ka wakannē kedo...
Literal: I don't know why.... but...
Raw: オレは お前を... 大蛇丸なんかに 取られたくねーん だってばよ・・・
Romaji: ore wa omae o... Orochimaru nanka ni toraretakunē n datte-ba yo...
Literal: I don't want you... to be taken away by someone like Orochimaru!
[His words contain sooo much emotion.]
2. Vote2
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Raw: 「それ説明しろって言われてもオレも正直よく分かんねェーよそんなの... ただお前のそーゆー背負ってゴチャゴチャしてるとこ見てっと・・なんでか・・ ・・・オレが・・・痛てーんだ」
Romaji: sore setsumei shiro tte iwarete mo ore mo shōjiki yoku wakanne yo sonna no...tada omae no so you seotte gochagocha shiteru toko mite tto... nande ka ... ore ga... Itate nda
Literal: Even if you ask me to explain it.... I honestly don't properly understand... that kind of thing...It's just that.... When I see you carrying burden on your back... getting all messed up.... for some reason... ...I'm.... hurting...
(Sasuke's dialogue is much more poetic in Japanese. He sounds so incredibly vulnerable)
1. Sasuke's inner monologue (ch.698)
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Raw: 「...なぜだか気になるようになった」
Romaji: ...nazedaka ki ni naru yō ni natta
Literal: For some reason/without knowing why, somehow.... I became as anxious/worried and bothered about you (when you were in my mind).
means -> { I became (in such way [that] when you were in my mind) }
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Raw: それからのお前を見る度にど んどん気になるようになっていった
Romaji: sore kara no omae o miru tabi ni dondon ki ni naru yō ni natteitta
Literal: And then, steadily, every time I saw you, I became uneasy (when you were on my mind)....
• Kininaru
気 - ki exists in us. Spirit. It is the spirit principle that follows it within a person. Kininaru - that person is occupying our feeling, sensation, thoughts etc... Whatever it is that turning into our spirit.
-> Kininaru means to think about something unconsciously/subconsciously.
Kininaru means shinpaininaru 気になる -> 心配になる。 心配になる (shinpaininaru) means- someone is worried about something. It depends on the context how it use, it could be 1. I'm concerned about something/someone 2. I'm worried about something/someone 3. I'm interested in~ 4. I'm bothered about~ 5. I wonder~ 6. I'm curious about~ etc...
1 . Kininaru uses when you are curious about something or you want to know because you are curious about something/someone. It's like, that someone/something catching your attention and you becomes curious because you want to know so badly! 'You want to know more & more'! And using 気になっていた (kini natteitta) means "I've been curious about something/someone." It's not about 'you are curious about it now' but about 'you've been curious about it for a while.' Kininaru express about the feeling of yourself about what you feel about something.
2. I'm worried about -> "I can't help but worry about that X"- Worried about X (because X has an injury/illness or some other problems). If you say you're worried, it doesn't mean you're worried, it's that you're worried about 'that person'. Kininaru has more of a feeling of something that effects you. As like Naruto's worries become Sasuke's worries
3. Kininaru uses when you've romantic interest in someone or someone attracted you or someone catches your attention. "Oh, that person drew my attention" Or "something was interesting about this person". It often use なって- form to say 'you're interested in someone'. If you say that you're interested in someone (気になってるんだ - ki ni natteru nda), it means that you like him/her a little bit. And you want to know more about that person.
Note: Potential verb + "you ni naru" - to become/to become able to. kininaru - anxious/worried/bothered or to be on one's mind. Adding 'you ni naru' means "I couldn't do it before but I can now". So the potential verb + youninaru express or to shows the change.
So, 気になる has the meaning of 「心配になる-shinpaininaru」 (worrying/ bothering/anxious/curious/concerned...) and also the meaning of 「ちょっと好き- chotto suki」 a little liking ( in a romantic way) . It's a bit special. There are two meanings to this verb, so if you use this you need to pay attention to this.
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Raw: その時思った... お前の弱さがだんだんオレに染まってきたんだと
Romaji: sono toki omotta... omae no yowasa ga dandan ore ni somatte kitanda to
Literal: At that time I thought.... your weakness gradually came to taint me.
[[The other panel 'literal' is above, you can check]]
Note: The image of どんどん (dondon) means 'something is going very fast' or 'changing speed of the progress is very fast'. Dondon means rapidly/steadily/more & more/significantly. And whereas だんだん (dandan) means little by little/gradually. So both dondon & dandan are opposite because どんどん is faster than だんだん.
And in both cases Sasuke saying something like; "Seeing Naruto being scolded by the others and him suffering... made Sasuke worry more and more about Naruto. The thought of Naruto made him worry/anxious. He's feeling uneasy or being overly concerned about him".
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Raw: 「そしてなぜだか安心したんだ」
Romaji: soshite nazeda ka anshin shita nda
Literal: And then... without knowing why, somehow.... I felt relieved (because of you).
Note: Anshinshita + Nda, んだ (nda) is used at the end of sentences. んだ is a casual and preferred in speaking. んだ- One way in which it often does this is by emphasizing the feelings of the speaker. 安 (AN) which means "peace" Or "ease", 心 (shin, Kokoro) which means "heart" or "mind". 安心 as "relief" or "peace of mind". 安心 has the kanji for 'safe' and 'heart'. So it means "peace of mind your heart is at ease". 安心する means " I feel relieved." 安心 is a noun, and 安心する is a verb. If you want to say ``I felt relieved'' in the past tense, you should change the verb to be in the past tense 「安心した」. It more emotionally relieved.
And, Sasuke using anshin shita which means something like - 'only when you are there, I was always at peace/safe/relieved '. It has a meaning of 'That's a load off my mind ' or 'you found your safety or security when your burden was lifted ' Or 'being pleased/happy and satisfied (feeling content)'. So, it has more deeper meaning than just 'relief'. (It is a vague concept in Japanese with a wide range of meaning).
We can also see the same word used by Naruto himself in his monologue (VOTE 1)
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Raw: オレは... 最初自分と同じような 奴がいるって 分かって 安心したんだ!
Romaji: ore wa ... saisho jibun to onaji yōna yatsu ga iru tte wakatte anshin shita nda !
Literal: In the beginning... when I found out.... There was someone similar to me.... I felt relieved!
Also the same expression was shown in ch. 499 when Naruto heard his mother's word 'I love you'
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なんだろ = nandaro = (I wonder) what is this?
すっげー 安心する... = sugge anshin suru... = I feel so calm/ I feel so relieved...
すっげー うれしいっ!!! = sugge ureshi !!! = I feel so happy!!!
Naruto's reaction to kushina saying i love you was so precious. He was unaware of any of these types of emotions. He have never known what a mother's love is. He doesn't even know what his mother looks like or what her voice sounds like. He doesn't know how mother's scolding and mother's love feel. When Kushina says "I love you" to Naruto, it means that she has deep affection and care for her son and wants to express those feelings. It is a way of showing him that he is valued and appreciated. His mother's love... it gave Naruto a peace of mind that he had never felt before. It makes him soooo happy. Tender and unbreakable, gentle and strong, soft and loud bond between a mother and a son. And he felt all these for the first time.
A boy who is alone in life gets comfort from another boy without even have a conversation with him. Sasuke and Kushina were the two people who soothed his heart, made him happy, and comforted him.
Kid Naruto:
それに 嬉しかった。 ホントは すぐに話しかけ たかったんだ・・・
soreni ureshikatta. honto wa sugu ni hanashikaketakatta nda...
And besides, I felt happy. To tell the truth, I really wanted to talk to you right away.
Teen Naruto:
オレだって いつもお前が 一人なのは 知ってた
ore datte itsumo omae ga hitori nano wa shitteta
I always knew you were... alone
onaji yōna yatsu ga iru tte anshinshita ・・・
There was someone similar to me.... I was relieved/I felt relieved...
すぐに話しかけたかった・・・ なんだか嬉しくてよ!
sugu ni hanashikaketakatta... nandaka ureshikuteyo!
I immediately wanted to talk to you... Somehow/somewhat I felt happy!!
When characters are nervous or shy about talking to someone, they often put their hands behind their heads as if rubbing their head or neck. Here, Naruto making the same gesture. But he never made this kind of shy gesture to anyone else. Why is he shy? Because Naruto was confessing that he always wanted to be like Sasuke and he found him strong and cool. He complimenting sasuke's look in person.
If Sasuke and Naruto felt like they were just friends or brothers... this 'I don't know why, For someone reason,without knowing why' would never exist. Sasuke is someone who actually had a brother, and he knows what it's like to have a brother. Naruto literally acted like a big brother to Konohamaru and He was someone who found many friends because of his hardwork and he knew what it feels like. And yet they can't say it out loud "why they feel a certain way for each other"
Sasuke begins to worry about Naruto way before they become friends, before having a proper conversation with Naruto. Also, they are not even connected by blood. The way they feel each other's pain and the conversation they have in KSA, Vote2 and Sasuke's monologue is not the way you would talk to your friend or brother. It's because they clearly love each other.
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poopersdoopers · 26 days
Lil Family w/ Gojo, Megumi, and Reader
A lil Gojo jojo drabble/imagine with Reader and Megumimi. No beta. No edits/proof reading either so feel free to skip or enjoy.
Imagine getting to meet Gojo and his son for the first time. He'd stand proudly side by side with his lil side kick -Megumi. Who'd pout at the "Stupid nickname", his words not mine and instantly be in a mood. While Gojo laughs at his human black cat, mussing up his hair and saying, "Alright, it's time to meet your future mama."
You would frizzle instantly --blushing at Gojo's comment. Your face matching Megumi's incredulous face. Before the kid's jaw could snap back into place, you burst out a laugh at your similarity in expression. Megumi blushes deeper, before scowling down at the ground and crossing his little arms in protest.
What a little old man? He couldn't be older than what, seven or eight?
That made you laugh harder and Gojo would go on to tease Megumi even more.
You decides to rescue the kid, "Hi Megumi-chan, I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you. Gojo-kun has told me a lot about you!"
"Don't act so familiar with me", his frown deepened and his blush deepened, "If you're friends with Gojo, you must be a freak too."
"Ahhh...Megumi....don't be so harsh", his guardian responded, "you've wanted to meet her all this time."
"No!", he looked away from the white haired-man.
"It's okay Megumi-chan, I'm the one who really wanted to meet you the most."
The little old man holds firmly in his stance. Arms hugging tighter to his 4 foots frame.
You crouched down, to look up at him, "I even wanted to meet your dogs. I heard you've been working hard to keep their coats extra luxurious."
His arms soften up slightly. Gojo pretends his heart isn't beating wildly in his chest, as he stares down as you adoringly. Secretly he was hoping his little guy could be coaxed out of his untrusting nature. Even just for a little while. It wasn't his fault that every adult the lil sea urchin met failed him. It instilled a wall, that took the white haired man, six months to begin cracking down and a year to even hear the word "Dad" from kid.
If this meeting didn't go well, there would always be more opportunities to make a good impression. But if Megumi did not like you at all, Gojo would end the relationship then and there. Nothing came between him and his son, even if the grumpy lil man didn't believe it himself. You knew it too. That's part of the reason why you fell for the white-haired man.
He seemed to be all jokes and frivolous charm but as soon as you looked in heart a little more, you saw a lonely man trying his best to connect to a world that didn't understand him. You wanted to learn more, beyond his childish nature and fowl jokes. You'd have to earn Megumi's trust and a little bit more of Gojo's heart, before you could come bursting in full speed to their little family. So, you took a deep breath and tried again.
"Gojo-kun's told me about how you incorporate dry and wet foods into their bowls. Kuro and Shiro's coats always look so nice and shiny the photo's he shows me."
Megumi's arms loosen just a little bit more.
"He actually, told me something gross too", you giggled behind your manicured nails. Gojo's eyebrows arching in surprise.
"What?", the sea urchin whips his head around fast, "That guy's always spouting out some nonsense!"
You couldn't help but agree, smiling up at your lanky lover.
"HUH?!" Gojo replies.
"He told me....he told me that you feed them raw eggs and carrots."
"HUH?!" father and son look incredulously at each other, then turn to you.
"I can't imagine that'd taste good", you pout, "Unless Gojo's lying. I'd have to see it to believe it."
"Of course he is! Gojo's always up to something", he grabs to pull you with him,"I'll show you how I do it myself".
"Okay, boss you got it," you saluted to your 4-foot general, as he slide a screen door and stepped into their backyard.
"Ch- you even say weird phrases like him, no wonder he likes you".
You laughed again at the antics between the young father and son.
That day you spent most of the afternoon playing with Shiro and Kuro. Learning about their dog breed -Akita/Husky mix. Their eating habits, Shiro loved to graze by her bowl all day and Kuro loved to eat after sniffing her food approximately 12 times -- Yes, Megumi has counted her sniffs through this process a million times. Gojo had injected to recount the lil sea urchin's scientific process: yellow stop watch and notepad in hand. His face deeply serious. You tried not to laugh for 30 seconds before giving in.
You finally found your second favorite pastime after finding things to tease Gojo about, teasing old man Megumi.
By the late afternoon, Gojo had rounded his little family up. Urging them towards dinner plans, he apparently made without telling you both. Classic, Gojo. But hey he's paying so you couldn't complain.
Throughout dinner, you'd learn more about the two. Gojo was incredibly observant towards his son and in turn your sea urchin was equally observant, whipping sauce from his silly man's face.
"Dad you should eat more vegetables, you can't just eat sweets all day and think you'll be healthy."
"Ehh...but I'll die without ice cream Megumi-chan~. Besides it's my lil treat for getting up so early", he slurped on his vanilla ice cream like a tornado. How was it possibly for someone to do something so bizarre and still be so cute?
"I told you to stop eating ice cream like that that, it's embarrassing. Besides, you woke up at 12 pm. I had to take the dogs out by myself again."
You smirked at your taller counter part, "Oh really, I thought you had to get up extra-early to make sure everything was perfect for my arrival today?" You batted your eyelashes extra hard.
"12 pm on a Sunday is early for me, you guys".
It was Megumi and your time to laugh at your overgrown baby.
He could only look down at your cute faces, and smile softly. He could finally relax. His little sea urchin actually like you.
The look of adoration towards you could not be missed by Megumi's all seeing eyes of scorn, "What's up with that freaky face you're making?"
"Oh nothing", Gojo's hums, "Just thinking to myself."
@sanjisflatass I dedicate this fluff fest to you my sweetest sweetie pie and fluffiest fluff filled friend <3 mwah
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domesticity - muse a rests chin on muse b’s shoulder to read/see what they’re holding
Shiro to Lambo ( because Shiro is taller)
Lambo is startled and made sure the bundle in his arms wasn't startled awake. He sigh in relief that the baby didn't wake up. He looked beside him.
"Didn't hear you coming in," he lightly joked with a soft smile. Shiro kept looking at the baby in his arms and Lambo came to a realization. "Oh, I forgot to introduce to you to this little guy. He's my cousin's baby that he asked me to babysit for a few hours. His name is Raphael. Sorry if he can't say hi back."
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semi-imaginary-place · 3 months
1 more chapter to go then we will have all 108. Phos was turned into a perfect human, but all humans are imperfect, to be a perfect human is to be imperfect. The professor said to burn the bridge back to humanity so that the new inorganic lifeforms could begin a new society free of the taint of humanity and I begin to wonder if that was impossible from the start. Much in the way Adamant taught the gems with their incomplete knowledge of humanity and how to live, Phos and Brother have guided the Pebbles in creating language and culture and just like Adamant none of it was intentional or done with malice.
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I like many others found the Phos death scene to be extremely emotionally evocative, beautiful in how those pages blend the literal dissolution of Phos' body by the plasma of the dying sun with the metaphorical stripping away the years of Phos' existence as we the audience reflect back on his journey.
"You will change beyond all understanding, but something of you will remain." (The Memory - Fallen London)
"as different as they are now, some important things have not changed. this is hinted to us in 99, with the parallels it draws between the beginning of the story and where we are now (black panels with the same layout as the very first panels of the manga, and Phos lying in the grass, jobless, for who knows how long until someone calls out to them)... they still do not value their own existence and therefore take the message of “burn the bridge” to confirm their desire to erase their existence along with humanity’s. they fear making the pebbles "human" like them and bringing them the suffering that comes with that. however, i believe Phos has already given humanity to the pebbles. through their influence (both passive and intentional) the pebbles are intelligent, communicate with language, and create art- they make songs, dance, and tell stories. they are nothing but kind to Phos and each other, because Phos is nothing but kind to them. Phos is afraid of their human influence on the pebbles causing them harm, but their influence has brought everyone nothing but happiness, because they are "a kind child" who raised these other "children" to be kind as well, just as Pebble suggests in 106. this kindness and innocence inherent to Phos is contained within their gem heart." (flayote)
Unlike flayote, I agree more with CrashDunning in that I do not think Phos and the Pebbles have reached some glorious better life and have escaped the sufferings and evils of humanity, humans have not reached redemption because redemption is meaningless here. The gems and Lunarians chose the easy way out of being prayed to instead off passing on through their own efforts to better themselves like Shiro or the game board did.
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The new planet is not some glorious heaven/pure land, it was always a part of the current universe. Things are the same as they were before. The world of flowers was not the Lunarians intended destination planet, Brother went off course, they were never suppose to land on that planet, that just happened to be the planet they ended up on. In ch 107 the gems in the flowers and the Pebbles likewise represent how the Lunarians and gems failed to achieve true enlightenment and are still stuck in the same universe being recycled over and over, but that is not such a bad thing, just how things are. There is both inescapable beauty and pain to existence. After a lot of imagery of failed enlightenment and an empty lotus pod, in ch 107 the lotus pod is finally filled with seeds, it has fulfilled it's lifecycle and will continue to be reborn.
So despite everything changing beyond recognition, Phos and sentient life itself, it all also remains the same.
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mono-blogs-art · 5 months
Revue Starlight Sports Festival Draft!
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As you know, the big Stage Girl Sports Festival Revival will take place in February - literally just a full day event of the various cast members of Revue Starlight (from anime, game, and stage plays) will participate in a funky pretend-highschool sports festival. Today the full teams were decided via draft stream!
The team leaders had previously been announced:
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Koyama Momoyo (Aijo Karen, Seisho) - Yellow Team "ZERO" Tomita Maho (Tendo Maya, Seisho) - Blue Team "This is..." Nomoto Hotaru (Yukishiro Akira, Siegfeld) - Red Team "HOT" Nanaki Kanon (Yanagi Koharu, Seiran) - Green Team "shuThuarunomi" (集中あるのみ; "sTay focused")
Also quite funny to me that 3 of the team leaders (all but Maho) are former Sera Myu performers... the Sailor Moon squad has taken over
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As is tradition at this point, ensemble member Jinko Moe is the MC for this stream and explains the rules. In the first two rounds, all leaders are free to pick 1 stage girl of their chosing per round from the roster as their top picks. If any chose the same person, they will have to decide by draft - the loser can then choose freely again. After round 2, all other rounds are chosen by draft completely by luck. We already knew not all cast members are going to be there so not every stage girl is available for chosing. Suzuko Mimori (Hikari), Emiri Kato (Tsukasa) and Shiina Hekiru (Souda-sensei) are going to be the MCs at the event, so they won't be participating as athletes either. Also, Tsukui Minami (Suzu) and Kobayashi Yuka (Yakumo-sensei) are a "2 for 1" deal, as they won't be able to make the whole event (iirc).
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Team Zero's name is the most easily explained. Moyo gets a lot of praise from her colleagues and chat for her genius team logo design. The E is a crown with tomato jewels... I'm in awe
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Maho explains the pronunciation of her team: The "..." is performed dramatically with the eyes, like the above. Lol
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Nossan's design of course features Hot-kun, Akira's favourite food & beloved plushie. The Hot-kun icon is actually the inside of a chili, not a sun. Apparently.
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Kanon struggled quite a bit with finding a team name, and after consulting with the other leaders in their Line chat group, she wanted a good Koharu line as the team name. Koharu's "うるさい." ("Shut up.") came to mind, but she thought that was too rude for a team name, so shuchuarunomi it became. She placed a big T (position zero!) for the "ch" sound. Complicated, but clever.
Time for drawing the teams! In round 1, everyone is asked to present their top picks for their team.
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Moyo's is: MATSUZAWA! Aka Matsuzawa Kanon, who plays Shiro from Siegfeld Middle School!
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Maho's is the one and only Sato Hinata - student council president of Seisho herself, Hoshimi Junna.
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Nossan's top pick is: Ikuta Teru of Futaba fame!! And funnily enough...
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Kanon's pick is also Teru!!! She even drew a tiny Ponzu (Teru's dog) to sway the public. The crowd goes wild. They have to let fate decide who wins over Teru for their team, and Nossan comes out on top. So Kanon gets to choose again, and her next free pick is Haruchan! Aka her fellow Photon Maiden bestie, Iwata Haruki of Mahiru fame.
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Time for round 2, and last round of free picks! Again, Moyo goes first.
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Moyo's second pick is Saeki Iori, who plays Rinmeikan's Yuyuko!
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Maho's second pick is Sasaki Mikoi aka Mikoron, Shizuha of Frontier!
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Nossan's next pick is Koizumi Moeka aka Moepii, who plays the one and only Banana! Complaints from the other leaders are heard for her making her team too strong. Lol. We'll see about that.
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Kanon's pick is Kuge Kokoro of the Siegfeld Middle Schoolers, who plays Minku! No overlaps this time, so everyone gets their first pick!
The next picks are all made by random draft, so it's really just up to luck. Kanon is praying to get at least one other Seiran member for her heart. Everyone is praying not to get Aiai (lmao). Kanon manages to draw Tsumutsumu, another Photon Maiden member, making it a 3/4 for her team (with the fourth PM member, Hinata, sitting in Maho's team). For Nossan, she manages to draw two people very close to her - Ozaki Yuka (Michiru) and Kadoyama Yoko (Hisame), two of Akira's girlfriends. Moyo gets both of the Yumeoji siblings. Maho gets to draw her bestie's wife, KDHR. Kanon's wish is fulfilled by drawing the 2for1 duo of Minami&Kobayashi, her fellow Seirans. The crowd goes wild when Nossan draws Aiai, her team being declared the noisiest for sure (they're not wrong, this will be utter chaos).
Final distribution:
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Yellow Team "Zero": Koyama Momoyo (leader; Karen), Matsuzawa Kanon (Shiro), Saeki Iori (Yuyuko), Tono Hikaru (Shiori), Fukagawa Ruka (Ryoko), Kurachi Reo (Fumi)
Blue Team "This is...": Tomita Maho (leader; Maya), Sato Hinata (Junna), Sasaki Mikoi (Shizuha), Ito Ayasa (Kaoruko), Kudo Haruka (Yachiyo), Takeuchi Yume (Mei Fan)
Red Team "HOT": Nomoto Hotaru (leader; Akira), Ikuta Teru (Futaba), Koizumi Moeka (Nana), Ozaki Yuka (Michiru), Kadoyama Yoko (Hisame), Aiba Aina (Claudine)
Green Team "shuThuarunomi": Nanaki Kanon (leader; Koharu), Iwata Haruki (Mahiru), Kuge Kokoro (Minku), Tsumugi Risa (Rui), Sato Yuria (Kuina), Tsukui Minami (Suzu) & Kobayashi Yuka (Yakumo-sensei)
Info & Graphics can be found on the official Revstar twt , the stream was archived so you can watch the shenanigans yourself here!
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Shiro had warned him. Hunk had warned him. Coran had warned him. Hell, Keith had even warned him, and offered one of his hoodies.
But had Lance listened? No, of course not. His stubborn ass refused any sort of layer and marched right out to the chilly planet in nothing but his jeans and baseball tee (he forwent his jacket in what Keith firmly believed to be spite), denying that he was cold through teeth chattering so badly that none of his words were actually legible by the time the negotiations wrapped up and they headed home.
“You sure you don’t want my hoodie?” Keith had asked, admittedly a little smug.
“Ch — choke to d — death,” Lance had replied, with as much dignity as he could with his lips turning blue.
(It’s not even that the planet was below freezing, or anything. It was maybe 14°C, give or take a couple degrees. But Lance had the shittiest circulation of anyone Keith had ever met, and as a result could not stay in cold environments very long without really starting to feel it. Sometimes Keith affectionately called him his little gecko, which Lance hated and everyone else found hilarious. Keith will admit that the gecko comment may have been part of the reason that Lance refused to wear a goddamned hoodie.)
Regardless of the reason for the Red Paladin’s stubbornness, when he walked into the kitchen the next morning with a red nose and a duvet wrapped around his shoulders, looking absolutely miserable, Keith can’t quite hide his smile.
He’s not the only one.
“Morning, popsicle,” Pidge greets, smirking.
Lance doesn’t even look at her, squinting at the space in front of him with bleary eyes. “Go fuck yourself.”
Hunk smiles into his cup, shaking his head, but Shiro has the good grace to at least look sympathetic.
“Got a little cold, there, buddy?”
“I’m actually dying.”
Allura snorts. “You don’t have to milk it, doofus. I’m not going to make you train like that.”
Lance sniffles, coughing wetly into his elbow. Keith starts to feel the first stirrings of pity in his gut.
“Good, because I might have died. My shrivelled lungs would have given out and collapsed, and that would be on your conscious.”
“Your lungs are fine, dear,” Coran says, eyes twinkling.
Lance tries to scoff, but it gets caught in his throat and turns into another cough. “None of you love me.”
He finally shuffles over to the food goo machine, squeezing out the smallest bowl Keith has ever seen him eat — his appetite must be shot — and makes his miserable way back over to the table, collapsing next to Keith.
As soon as he’s settled, Keith hooks his ankle around the leg of Lance’s chair, dragging him closer. He throws his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder hoping his ‘seriously insane levels of human furnace — are you half Galra or half red sun’ (Lance’s words, obviously) will help Lance feel a little comfier. He pulls back the duvet hood just enough to expose Lance’s face a little, and presses a kiss to his temple.
“I’m sorry you’re sick,” he whispers, “even if I damn well told you to wear a jacket.”
Lance huffs, but a smile threatens to break free of the deep frown he’s forcing on his face.
“Shut up.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, jerk.”
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kotonoba · 1 month
ISYT (Jushiro/F!Reader) Ch. 45
Renji & Rukia’s arrival to help Ichigo get Orihime back, Jushiro prepping to fight Aizen in Fake Karakura Town.
After Jushiro confronted Ichigo’s group and told them that Orihime had been taken, you noticed some suspicious movements from Rukia and the Sixth Division Barracks. Still, Jushiro smiled and told you to keep quiet about it. But when the news of Renji and Rukia leaving for Hueco Mundo arrived for your husband, he acted surprised despite knowing what was happening. As the two of you headed home from a long day at work, a Hell Butterfly came in to inform you there would be a meeting in the morning regarding the “Fake Karakura Town” that the Twelfth Division had been working on.
You glanced at your husband, who seemed to know everything was happening. But he smiled, “don’t worry, I’ll tell you what the meeting is about once it’s over, okay, love?” You nodded, fingers entwined together as you two strolled back to the Ugendo.
“Speaking of which, ‘Shiro, why did you act surprised when the Messenger came to deliver news of Rukia-chan and Renji-kun’s departure to join Ichigo-kun’s rescue attempt in Hueco Mundo, even though you knew that they were planning so?” You glanced up at him as the night came around, and it was just the two of you along the path to the Ugendo. 
Jushiro hummed a little, thinking about it as he took his haori off to place around you instead of as the breeze blew by. “That way, there would be less suspicion. The messengers are under the command of the new Central 46, First Division, and Second Division since they also train them for a short period. If I did not act surprised, it would be reported to them, and they would do a tedious investigation. I'd rather not go through disputing that ordeal since I’ve gone through it twice already.” 
“Twice? When was the first and second time?” 
“Your memory fails you, love. The first time was when we first met. I wanted to give up my captain role to be with you, no matter how little you had left, but situational scenarios beat me to give up the role. They did a whole investigation but found nothing because the town and evidence were no more,” you nodded a little as you spotted sadness in your husband’s eyes. You offered his hand a little squeeze, and he squeezed your hand back gently to thank you. “The second time was when I went to offer my help to stop Rukia-chan’s execution,” he paused to see if you recall.
“Oh, was that why you were called into Central 46 the following day?” 
Jushiro nodded.
“It was tedious, but by the time I had been called into Central 46, they were in a huge mess because Aizen slaughtered the previous group. So I decided to help them sort the mess out, and they picked a whole new group that just dismissed my ‘wrongdoings–”
“I don’t think it’s wrong for you to stop the execution of Rukia-chan. She did nothing wrong, and it was a plot by Aizen,” Jushiro sighed as he led you into the Ugendo. You two worked pretty late, catching up on paperwork for the weekend to follow since Jushiro wanted to spend some quality time together with no hindrance of work in hindsight. 
“I agree with that, but destroying the Sokyoku is still an offense; sure, it didn’t take long for them to rebuild it, but it was still a lot of money,” Jushiro laughed; his clan was taxed heavily. You recall looking at its records as you helped them sort it out. 
“Hopefully, something like that doesn’t happen again.”
Jushiro nodded in response. You two spent the evening cooking together before eating and going to bed since he had a morning meeting to attend. Morning came around in the blink of an eye. As you were helping your husband dress, he proposed an idea.
“Why not, instead of my two third-seat officers accompanying me, you come with me and wait until the meeting ends. How does that sound?”
You hummed and nodded but decided to tease him, “You forgot to tell them last night, didn’t you?”
“M-maybe,” you laughed a bit; he followed along as you took an early leisure stroll towards the first division meeting room. You waited with the other lieutenants and stand-in lieutenants. There wasn’t much talk, but you didn’t jump in, even if there was. 
Maybe it was about an hour to two before Jushiro and the rest of the captains left the meeting room; you supported yourself, pushing yourself up from your former meditating position, “training with your Zanpakutou?” You glanced at your husband, smiled, and nodded, “Was it fruitful?” You nodded once more, “Achieved Bankai in that process?” He joked, holding his hand out to you; you took it happily. You grinned at your husband in response, “Oh, you did?” 
“Half of it, at least” was hard to explain; it was simply because your ability was divided into two halves, and doing half was good enough. 
“Want to show me?” He hummed, leading you to the training grounds behind the division barracks. You didn’t let go of his hand, almost as if you were shy. 
“Not particularly; I can’t control the power burst it carries. I don’t want to wound you somehow, ‘Shiro.”
“I can help you; I didn’t become a captain from pity points,” Jushiro teased. You know he’s strong, but you couldn’t shake off the thought when your Zanpakutou spirit repeatedly reiterated that you should only use it when you’re in danger. 
“I know, I won’t force you. There must be a reason why you’re reluctant to show me, and I’ll let you and your Zanpakutou deal with it; I believe in you, love,” Jushiro smiled, lightly kissing your forehead.
This is so long overdue, so I did write this earlier this year, it's just that school has been tough. Did I pass all three of my classes? No, I failed 1 by 1 point, I'm upset, so I channeled that into writing fanfics. So, expect updates this month.
Cloudy's Ao3
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A glimpse into the future
The days to follow since the incident at the Field Day were a return to a status quo in a way. You easily slip back into that sense of normalcy with all your friends at school, partaking in the occasional Guild battle, and growing closer to a new cutie every now and again. It’s been about a month since you had that adventure with Tatsuya and Yui, but it isn’t the last time you’ve spoken to them. You manage to maintain reasonable contact with both, especially since the pair attend the same school as the jocks you’ve grown close with. It didn’t even take long to incorporate them into group activities- they just naturally fit. 
Things have been looking up for you- enjoying school life and all the freedoms of a student well before they’d be replaced with the cynicism of adulthood. Well, that’s how things WERE supposed to be. One afternoon on your way to the guildhouse…
“Man, I’m beat.” Kengo yawns as your group, sans Ryota and Toji who had taken a detour to pick up snacks, strolls back to the guildhouse for your usual guild meeting to discuss plans going forward- personal and otherwise. 
Shiro sighs in response to Kengo’s complaints. “If you weren’t busy staying up late playing video games you might’ve not fallen asleep in class today.”
“It’s not MY fault that the boss took me three hours to beat!” He whines. “And I swear it was gonna be the last thing I did that night.” 
“If only that could be applied to your studying…” Shiro laments. You do point out that since meeting with a tutor Kengo’s scores have been improving. “Fair enough. Speaking of, I noticed your grades have been on the rise as well.” You mention how with a certain someone’s tutoring you manage to boost your grade by a few points. Shiro smiles, taking pride that at least one of his peers is taking steps to improve their grades. 
Moritaka can’t help but let out a little laugh. “That’s splendid to hear,” the dog Therian says. “Perhaps one day you may even match Shiro’s intellect at the top of our class.” You ask if he really thinks so, and proceed to grow a bit enthusiastic at the idea of ranking in the top ten if nothing else. “Sure I do. I’ve seen how you apply yourself with a blade, so learning new subject material should be plenty within your wheelhouse.” You do remind him that knowing how to swing a sword around is one thing, but knowing when to do so in a fight is another thing entirely. “Also true.”
“I believe in my partner.” Kengo quips. “If they got anything going for them it’s their wits when under pressure.” You ponder aloud if that’s a good thing to have in your talent list. “Sure! Means you work great under pressure, right?”
Shiro blushes a bit at all the ideas that have been presented. You notice this and decide to tease him a bit about how the two of you could be a power couple in the academic field! This flusters him immensely. “P-Please try to be realistic here. While it makes for a nice daydream, do consider all the extra work you’d need to put in to actually match my grades. Plus a power couple would imply we’re… you know…” 
“As if they’d go for a dork like you!” Kengo declares with the widest grin on his face. “If I know my partner, then your chances are practically ze-” It’s at this moment Kengo made a grave mistake. Shiro quietly glares in his direction causing his childhood friend to freeze mid sentence. An unnatural chill washing over him as the bespectacled gaze locks him in place and throws daggers at him. Shiro isn’t using any sort of supernatural abilities, nor does he possess anything over Kengo except authority. “Ch-chill I was just teasing ya…” He nervously utters out. 
His gaze softens and becomes a more relaxed smile. “I’m relieved.” His tone isn’t out of relief, but more so along the lines of ‘you made the right choice’. Once the muscular friend lets out a sigh of relief you tell him that sadly… he had it coming to him.
“I agree,” Moritaka sighs. “You shouldn’t provoke your friend that way.”
“Aww, c’mon. I was only teasing- honest!” He whines once again. Chatter like this continues for a bit longer as you near the safehouse. All of it’s shaping up to be a good day.
But something’s amiss. Why’s Agyo standing outside of the safehouse? “Hey, yeah. That’s pretty weird.” Kengo comments. “Yo, Agyo!” He calls out suddenly. The small guardian perks up the moment he registers you’re home. 
“There you guys are-!” Agyo huffs out in relief. You ask if he’s alright since he seems to be in a bit of a panic. “I-I’m okay! It’s just um… there’s someone here to see you.” To see you? Who-
“So, you’ve finally arrived.” A deep and powerful voice declares to you. It sounds unfamiliar and when the owner of such a voice steps out you’re taken aback in astonishment. 
The individual towers over most of your peers, roughly 210 cm tall and packed to the brim with powerful muscles. His medium skin covered in blond hairs matching the spiked up hair atop his head. Said hair also had a lighter patch in the middle which looks more odd than anything else. The man is dressed in a form fitting tank top and orange athletic shorts along with mismatched black animal skin boots. The most distinct part about this man however, are his eyes- one yellow and green, looking right at you. For a brief moment an unfamiliar chill shudders down your back as he looks at you the way a predator gazes at its prey. 
Then, almost in an instant, his expression softens and gives way to a smile. “I’ve been anticipating this meeting, Guildmaster of the Summoners.” You wonder to yourself just who this stranger even is?
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