#maybe I will write an actual fluffy fic from this instead of just drabbling and blah blah blazing
poopersdoopers · 29 days
Lil Family w/ Gojo, Megumi, and Reader
A lil Gojo jojo drabble/imagine with Reader and Megumimi. No beta. No edits/proof reading either so feel free to skip or enjoy.
Imagine getting to meet Gojo and his son for the first time. He'd stand proudly side by side with his lil side kick -Megumi. Who'd pout at the "Stupid nickname", his words not mine and instantly be in a mood. While Gojo laughs at his human black cat, mussing up his hair and saying, "Alright, it's time to meet your future mama."
You would frizzle instantly --blushing at Gojo's comment. Your face matching Megumi's incredulous face. Before the kid's jaw could snap back into place, you burst out a laugh at your similarity in expression. Megumi blushes deeper, before scowling down at the ground and crossing his little arms in protest.
What a little old man? He couldn't be older than what, seven or eight?
That made you laugh harder and Gojo would go on to tease Megumi even more.
You decides to rescue the kid, "Hi Megumi-chan, I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you. Gojo-kun has told me a lot about you!"
"Don't act so familiar with me", his frown deepened and his blush deepened, "If you're friends with Gojo, you must be a freak too."
"Ahhh...Megumi....don't be so harsh", his guardian responded, "you've wanted to meet her all this time."
"No!", he looked away from the white haired-man.
"It's okay Megumi-chan, I'm the one who really wanted to meet you the most."
The little old man holds firmly in his stance. Arms hugging tighter to his 4 foots frame.
You crouched down, to look up at him, "I even wanted to meet your dogs. I heard you've been working hard to keep their coats extra luxurious."
His arms soften up slightly. Gojo pretends his heart isn't beating wildly in his chest, as he stares down as you adoringly. Secretly he was hoping his little guy could be coaxed out of his untrusting nature. Even just for a little while. It wasn't his fault that every adult the lil sea urchin met failed him. It instilled a wall, that took the white haired man, six months to begin cracking down and a year to even hear the word "Dad" from kid.
If this meeting didn't go well, there would always be more opportunities to make a good impression. But if Megumi did not like you at all, Gojo would end the relationship then and there. Nothing came between him and his son, even if the grumpy lil man didn't believe it himself. You knew it too. That's part of the reason why you fell for the white-haired man.
He seemed to be all jokes and frivolous charm but as soon as you looked in heart a little more, you saw a lonely man trying his best to connect to a world that didn't understand him. You wanted to learn more, beyond his childish nature and fowl jokes. You'd have to earn Megumi's trust and a little bit more of Gojo's heart, before you could come bursting in full speed to their little family. So, you took a deep breath and tried again.
"Gojo-kun's told me about how you incorporate dry and wet foods into their bowls. Kuro and Shiro's coats always look so nice and shiny the photo's he shows me."
Megumi's arms loosen just a little bit more.
"He actually, told me something gross too", you giggled behind your manicured nails. Gojo's eyebrows arching in surprise.
"What?", the sea urchin whips his head around fast, "That guy's always spouting out some nonsense!"
You couldn't help but agree, smiling up at your lanky lover.
"HUH?!" Gojo replies.
"He told me....he told me that you feed them raw eggs and carrots."
"HUH?!" father and son look incredulously at each other, then turn to you.
"I can't imagine that'd taste good", you pout, "Unless Gojo's lying. I'd have to see it to believe it."
"Of course he is! Gojo's always up to something", he grabs to pull you with him,"I'll show you how I do it myself".
"Okay, boss you got it," you saluted to your 4-foot general, as he slide a screen door and stepped into their backyard.
"Ch- you even say weird phrases like him, no wonder he likes you".
You laughed again at the antics between the young father and son.
That day you spent most of the afternoon playing with Shiro and Kuro. Learning about their dog breed -Akita/Husky mix. Their eating habits, Shiro loved to graze by her bowl all day and Kuro loved to eat after sniffing her food approximately 12 times -- Yes, Megumi has counted her sniffs through this process a million times. Gojo had injected to recount the lil sea urchin's scientific process: yellow stop watch and notepad in hand. His face deeply serious. You tried not to laugh for 30 seconds before giving in.
You finally found your second favorite pastime after finding things to tease Gojo about, teasing old man Megumi.
By the late afternoon, Gojo had rounded his little family up. Urging them towards dinner plans, he apparently made without telling you both. Classic, Gojo. But hey he's paying so you couldn't complain.
Throughout dinner, you'd learn more about the two. Gojo was incredibly observant towards his son and in turn your sea urchin was equally observant, whipping sauce from his silly man's face.
"Dad you should eat more vegetables, you can't just eat sweets all day and think you'll be healthy."
"Ehh...but I'll die without ice cream Megumi-chan~. Besides it's my lil treat for getting up so early", he slurped on his vanilla ice cream like a tornado. How was it possibly for someone to do something so bizarre and still be so cute?
"I told you to stop eating ice cream like that that, it's embarrassing. Besides, you woke up at 12 pm. I had to take the dogs out by myself again."
You smirked at your taller counter part, "Oh really, I thought you had to get up extra-early to make sure everything was perfect for my arrival today?" You batted your eyelashes extra hard.
"12 pm on a Sunday is early for me, you guys".
It was Megumi and your time to laugh at your overgrown baby.
He could only look down at your cute faces, and smile softly. He could finally relax. His little sea urchin actually like you.
The look of adoration towards you could not be missed by Megumi's all seeing eyes of scorn, "What's up with that freaky face you're making?"
"Oh nothing", Gojo's hums, "Just thinking to myself."
@sanjisflatass I dedicate this fluff fest to you my sweetest sweetie pie and fluffiest fluff filled friend <3 mwah
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cordeliawhohung · 7 months
If you’re still doing requests can I get some Simon/Spook fluff? Like sitting on the tub together him just there with knees bent, her between them laid back against him, maybe dozing, and his personal thoughts about it (it being the entire relationship/feelings) I’d LOVE if it was post Everything You Touch (like if she survives and is healed) and his thoughts on that situation. But doesn’t have to be canon to the actual fic as I’m sure you don’t want spoil it. Listen I’d write this FOR you, but I don’t have the courage to ask you for permission to.
okay so, apologies this took awhile to get out. you sent in this request as i writing a very similar scene for the actual story and i was like welp al;sdkjf but now that i'm extremely sick i got the time to sit down and write :3 so in this non-canon little drabble, spook was never seriously injured and is in a bit better head space than canon story just because i wanted to try and keep this as soft and fluffy as possible for you <3 also because y'all deserve some fluff after all the hurt. (also i am like SICK sick and i did my best to edit but apologies if this is a jumbled mess)
wc: 1k
Warm water enveloped his body as best as it could in the small tub Simon found himself shoved into. Legs bent and knees several inches above water, he was honestly a bit cold, especially with the icy surface of the tile against his back. But he would face the freezing cold and more if it meant he got to hold you like that forever. With you nestled between his legs, your back pressed right up against his chest as you leaned your weight into him, trusting him enough to not let you slide down into the water. Not that you really had much room to do so, anyway, with how you had to keep your own legs bent to accommodate all the room he took up. 
How long had it been since he was last able to hold you like that? A time that wasn’t in some taunting dream that haunted him over the countless sleepless nights he had suffered over the last month? When was the last time he could let his fingertips wander over your body, feeling the goosebumps as they stood up along your skin in his wake? He had spent so much time trying to remember the sound your heart made when it thudded in your chest that he almost didn’t think about how he might not ever get to hear it again. 
Simon leaned forward some, arms wrapping around your center as he pulled you closer to him. It was like he wouldn’t be satisfied until you were nestled in the strict confines of his ribcage, and even then he wasn’t too sure. Melting into him, your hands reached up to rest on his arms, almost as if giving him permission to devour you. But he would never do such a thing, and instead, he pressed his lips gently against the back of your head before allowing himself to settle down once more. 
“You’re so comfy,” you spoke up, quiet voice echoing off of the smooth bathroom walls. 
“Not gonna fall asleep on me are ya, sweetheart?” he teased softly. 
“I might.” 
And that would be fine, he thought. He hadn’t been blind to the difficulties you had sleeping those nights. You were lucky if you were able to fall asleep before two in the morning, and even luckier if you didn’t wake up a few hours later in a cold sweat. Sometimes he was afraid to touch you in those moments, fearing he’d wake you; break you. But then? With the water washing away the stench and the filth of everything the two of you had endured, it was like being reborn. There was something to be said about being made anew while holding you in his arms. Maybe in time he’d find the words. 
“Sure you don’t want to wash up first?” he prompted, though he didn’t dare move an inch. 
“Yeah,” you said softly, eyes long since closed. 
“The water’ll get cold.” 
“You’ll keep me warm.”
He would. He’d set himself on fire if it kept your fingers from going stiff. And though flames were nice, nothing was quite as warm as flesh blood, and he’d pour every drop out of himself if you asked him to. How maddening it was, knowing he’d destroy himself for you. 
Simon continued to hold you as he listened to your breaths slow and body go limp. If you weren’t already asleep, you were damn close to it. It was as his skin started to prune that he realized he wanted to grow old with you; if a man like him would ever have the opportunity to, anyway. There was something that was healing about your presence, something he couldn’t place for the longest time. Eventually he realized it was purpose. 
You gave him a purpose that wasn’t bloody. One that didn’t involve guns or knives and skinning humans as if they were livestock. All you required of him was the softest touch he could muster, and the press of his lips against your skin. You were the first thing in his life that didn’t demand his violence, and yet also the first thing he’d glady turn into a monster for if it meant keeping you safe. 
Suddenly, your body jerked, and the bathwater splashed around with your movement. His arms tightened around you as you let out a sharp sigh before quickly relaxing again. 
“I fell,” you said simply. 
“Fell?” he repeated. 
“Yeah, like… you know when you’re falling asleep, and it feels like you’re falling through the bed?” you asked, to which he hummed in response. “I fell.” 
“Good thing I was here to catch you.”
He could feel you roll your eyes in response to him, but even if he couldn’t see your face he knew you smiled. Before you could say anything snarky in response, he leaned down and kissed your shoulder. 
“C’mon,” he urged, “starting to prune.” 
Before you knew it, he had dried you off and gotten you dressed in the most comfortable pajamas he could find before wrapping you in as many blankets as your body could handle. It didn’t take you long to fall back asleep, face relaxed as your shoulders moved with your soft breathing. 
He couldn’t help but stand at the foot of the bed and watch you for a moment. His eyes traced the features of your face, how your eyelids intermittently fluttered, how your lips slightly parted. You were all his. His to cherish, love, protect. Every time he looked at you there was this feeling that blossomed in his stomach, a question that bubbled in the back of his throat, something that he wasn’t sure he should entertain quite yet. 
For the time being, he settled for sliding into bed next to you. His warmth enveloped you better than any blanket could, and the security of his body was more comforting than anything else you could ever imagine. As the two of you laid there, minds slowly beginning to wander into a fuzzy world, Simon promised himself he wasn’t ever going to let go of you again. 
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wintergojo · 2 years
Hi this is my first ask ever so I'm not even sure if I'm doing this right hehe XD I really love your dad!gojo and baby seishi works! Could you maybe do one where baby seishi gets a cold and gojo and reader try their best to calm down since it's his first time getting sick? Thank you!
omg anon this was actually one of the things on my list of drabble ideas ^0^ i was so excited to write when i saw this! :DD and can i just say i feel honored to be the first one to receive ur ask and that u love my fics? 😭😭 and dw there's really no format for them :33 (aside from being polite hehe)
i’m also sorry this was mainly focused on fever instead of cold, it’s bc i read that colds in babies normally has fever as the symptom and the actual cold starts after 3 days (although i cut it short here) but i still hope u enjoy this! 😚😚
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cold cold cold (dad!gojo x mom!reader)
tags: tbh idk what genre this is (hurt/comfort? angst? fluff? help me pls), slice of life, just bby gojo getting sick and his parents worrying, mentions of sickness, death
wc: 2.9k (what drabble)
additional note: i was actually debating whether to write seishiro as 5 months old or 13 months, but i thought 5 months would be better since they would be very new dumb parents & seishi is kinda more vulnerable at that age bc his immune system's still weak (makes them more scared) hehe
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how did it come to this?
yesterday seishiro was still his energetic 5-month-old self, actively attempting to roll around and lift his head as both his parents encouraged him on. he even had enough strength to try sitting up without any support.
yes, you and your husband took him outside in the middle of winter. but it was just for 20-30 minutes to get some fresh air on the balcony.
you both made sure he was wearing layers and layers of clothes to protect him from the cold and the wind. satoru even made sure your little baby was wearing the viridescent mitten maki gave, a cute tangerine-colored bonnett nobara gifted, a pink fluffy earmuffs given by yuuji, an indigo bootie chosen by megumi, and a very thick and warm baby blue blanket you spent your whole pregnancy knitting.
yet the next morning both of you were woken up at four a.m. by the crying sound of the boy, a drastic difference from how he usually wakes up at seven a.m. without any fuss. just a toothless smile showing his tongue and a little flailing upon seeing his parents hover their face over his bassinet.
since the cot was on your side, satoru allowed you to get the baby and was about to fall back asleep when he heard you curse under your breath upon checking seishiro.
the sorcerer instantly gets up and scoots over to your side, slowly getting filled with anxiety.
the room has no light in it except for the night lamp you turned on, but satoru could see the worry starting to brew in your eyes.
"i think he has a fever, 'toru. he feels hotter than usual. what do we do? what do we do? we haven’t learned anything about this, we couldn’t even attend parenting classes, we’re not prepared at all, what if… what if–" you started panicking, lifting the crying seishiro off the crib and holding him close to your chest as you tried to shush him.
your husband frantically moves his arms around the both of you, not knowing where to put his hands nor who to hold.
"deep breaths, baby. we read about this in parenting books, remember?"
"who cares about those stupid books?! just hurry up and tell me what to do. ohmygod ohmyg–” you were cut off by seishiro crying even louder, prompting you to shift your focus back on him and settle him into a more comfortable position. “shh, baby. i'm sorry. mama and dada are here, okay? don't cry."
satoru stills. racking his brain to try and remember the contents of the chapter 'my infant is sick for the first time and i'm a shitty parent, what's next?'
he can't.
his mind is filled with too many worrisome thoughts over the possible outcomes of his son's fever to even recall what he read.
your husband pulls himself back to reality. no. he needs to think of what to do now to help his wife and his little dumpling. he refuses to even think about how this could possibly end badly.
“i’ll call shoko! she’ll know what to do.”
the father grabs his phone from the nightstand and swiftly dials the doctor. his former classmate will most likely shout at him for calling at this hour and frankly, satoru doesn’t really care. the promise of free booze will be enough to appease her.
he waits for her to pick up while nervously pacing around the room, eyes never leaving his normally docile son he’s never been so afraid to touch. the in-depth thermography his six eyes can see is more than enough for him to tell how high the boy’s temperature is from the color vermillion spreading through his little forehead to the bright orange hue in his neck; a contrast from his mother’s pale orange face and blue cheeks.
satoru flicks the room’s light switch on and turns up the thermostat. it doesn’t matter if he or you gets too hot, seishiro needs to sweat more.
shoko answers at the eight ring, her voice obviously laden with sleep. “it’s freaking four o’clock in the morning. what do you want?”
“seishiroissickandwedontknowwhattodotellushurryup.” he all but let out all at once, pacing faster as he anticipates shoko’s directions.
“huh? what did you say? and is that seishiro i hear crying in the background?”
your husband takes a deep breath. he’s letting his anxiety get the best of him.
“seishiro has a fever and he won’t stop crying. we don’t know what to do.”
the white-haired sorcerer hears some shuffling in the background and the click of a switch. “have you taken his temperature?”
“no. we kinda focused more on making him stop crying.”
shoko’s sigh makes its way to his ears before her instructions for satoru on what to do. the man intently listens, asking some questions in between and engraving every word his friend says to his brain.
when the call ends, he sees you looking at him with hopeful eyes. “what did she say?”
“shoko said we should check his temperature first. i'll get the rectal thermometer, honey. hold on for me, okay?" he leans closer to you and the boy in your arms before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
he then slowly raises his large hand to caress the back of seishiro's small head filled with little tufts of white hair and flinches upon feeling how warm and sweaty the 5-month-old is. he feels like he just touched a metal park bench in the middle of summer.
nevertheless, the father still presses his lips onto his son's forehead and mutters 'wait for dada, okay, dumpling?' in an attempt to soothe him before abruptly standing straight and darting his head around the dim room, trying to remember where you keep the rectal thermometer.
"we keep one in the bathroom's medicine cabinet!" he hears you urgently whisper-shout amidst your son's woes.
your husband instantly teleports into the ensuite bathroom in a hurry, not even bothering to walk. he comes back in less than a second and sees you gently laying seishiro on his back, slowly unzipping his furry snorlax onesie as you sing him lullabies you both know calms the baby down.
he recalls shoko's words. wipe the tip of the rectal thermometer with cotton and rubbing alcohol. make sure it's clean and dry.
the father's moves are swift and accurate, not permitting himself to make even one small mistake as he follows the doctor's instructions. put a small amount of lubricant on the tip. ("what kind of lubricant?") anything but butter. if you have petroleum jelly that'll do.
satoru dips his knee onto the bed while holding the newly cleaned thermometer and vaseline before tenderly stroking his son’s head as he joins you in singing. seishiro's cries were instantly reduced into light sobs, puffy cerulean irises instead focusing on his father as he calmed down.
you finish taking out the baby’s feet and hands from his clothes while your husband lightly dips his hand from the vaseline container to get a small amount of the product. without satoru telling you anything, you softly raise both of your son’s thick little legs together, exposing his bottom to the father.
just when he was about to insert the thermometer,  seishiro's cries once again resonate throughout the room, expression twisted in what looks like agony as he babbles and tries squirming his legs held up by his mother.
your husband effectively halts his own movements, hesitation visible in his eyes as his shaky hand continues hovering in front of your baby’s naked buttocks.
"you won't hurt him, 'toru. it's okay." your calm voice makes its way to him and he sees you gazing at him with eyes teeming with reassurance.
he takes a deep breath.
the sooner i get this done the faster my dumpling can feel better.
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after that 4:00 a.m. what-to-do crisis, shoko sent both you and your husband a list on what to do and what not to do with your sick baby. one of the things on top was to give seishiro an acetaminophen to lower his temperature and pedialyte to avoid dehydration which—despite the abundance of all sorts of pain reliever medicine in your home—you do not have.
so at the crack of dawn in the middle of a snowy winter, your husband ran to the nearest pharmacy wearing his evergreen silk velvet pajamas and his 70,400 yen cream-colored gucci off the grid sandals to get probably everything the pharmacist recommended (judging by his baggage when he came back panting before dropping everything in bed) from medications to cooling patches to suppositories.
the doctor also said to bathe seishiro in lukewarm water and change him into lighter clothes (which you did, dressing him up in a short-sleeved romper) with a reminder to not bundle him up in blankets (you mentally note to give the doctor a generous gift when you see her), as well as to monitor his temperature regularly (which your husband did like a maniac, unbuttoning his son’s crotch every 30 minutes and sticking the thermometer to his backside to the point that you had to reprimand him).
you and satoru never left him alone, nor could you both manage to even be at least one meter away from him. right after his morning bath and giving him his fluids, you lulled seishiro back to sleep right in the middle of you and your husband as you watched him the whole time, monitoring the slumbering baby for any signs of discomfort.
when his lunch time came, the generally big-eater seishiro refused to drink your boobie milk nor the baby formula when he was so eager to suck in the morning (satoru was very jealous). shoko said it was normal for him to lose appetite and not force him to eat but still, you couldn’t help but worry.
“baby?” you hear your husband’s wary tone call you out from the living room while you’re chopping some carrots. you turn to your back and try your best to peek on the kitchen’s cased opening to get a look at your husband crouching down in front of seishiro lying on the couch. “what is it, ‘toru?”
his voice was still cautious when he responded, “i think our dumpling’s getting sick again?”
you dropped the knife, rushing to satoru’s side before crouching down as you touch your baby’s forehead. he wasn’t as warm as he was roughly eight hours ago although there’s some clear snot dripping down his nose. he’s looking at the both of you with cerulean eyes full of contempt, as if he absolutely hates his parents for taking him outside yesterday and putting him in his current misery.
"why does our son look like that?" the man on your left asks, slowly raising his hands to get the 5-month-old's mucus with his fingers and wiping them on your apron (you don't notice). seishiro glares at him even more upon seeing what his father did.
you answer his query with another question, "you think he hates us?" you too then lifted your hand before straightening your index and folding the other four. at this, your baby’s frown instantly smoothened, transforming into his usual smiling face as he raised his small appendaged and held the finger in his still-warm fist.
your husband hummed. “i don’t think so,” he tried copying what you just did, but seishiro just looked at his father with disdain and tightened his hold on your finger. satoru pouted and dejectedly muttered, “probably just his dada.”
you lovingly caress the man’s back in comfort before sighing and wiping another blob of mucus dripping from your baby’s nose. “i think he has a cold now,” you sigh as you continue, nuzzling your face into your husband’s neck and whispering, “i don’t know what to do anymore. i’m getting so worried about him…”
your baby seemed to have heard and understood your words, judging by his tiny little hand gripping your index with a little more force and a whimper falling out of his lips. his teary eyes became focused on his mother as the corners of his mouth turned down and his eyebrow furrowed. he also started babbling aggressively.
satoru rests his chin above your head, wrapping his right arm around your form before moving his hand up and down your torso. "i'll call shoko again, baby. it doesn't seem bad this time."
"thank you, 'toru. i'm going back to the kitchen." you give him a peck on his cheek before raising yourself a little and bending over your baby who still refuses to let your finger go. "mama's going to cook, okay? dada will take care of seishi."
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over your son's nine day of sickness, you and your husband acted like freaks continually obsessing over your baby. you were two nervous first-time parents riddled with anxiety, fearing for the countless possible outcomes of his sickness, especially the worst of them all—death.
you remember clearly how terrified you were on the first day, when seishiro's fever was 38.8°C and he was hot and fussy and obviously in pain. you were so, so scared. you were sure your husband was too.
seishiro was back on his bassinet located at the side of your bed, asleep after all the ruckus that occurred at the break of dawn. your husband was sitting on the edge of the bed, intently observing him; his six eyes pushing themselves over the limit as he traced every surface of his dumpling's face and body for any unusual signs.
you on the other hand was inside the crib, lying on your side with your upper arm flat on the mattress, head resting on your upper arm. your left hand was softly caressing the boy's smooth warm face, hoping it would keep him calm until his usual wake up time. you wanted to hug him so badly, to let your little child sleep comfortably and safely on your chest, to hold him safe and sound until you were sure he was fine (you were doing your best to restrain yourself as it might be dangerous for babies to not sleep on their back).
your little seishiro was so, so precious. you’d give your life for his safety.
“babyy, go back here and rest. we have a long day later," you hear your husband whisper as he patted the mattress, before he sat up and walked over to your side to plant a kiss on your forehead. he continued hovering over the crib, large hand caressing your face just like what you were doing to your son.
you relax in his touch, eyes closing as you enjoy his loving touch, "i'm fine, 'toru. you sleep. i'll watch our baby."
satoru sighs, bending over the cot to lift you up bridal style. "no can do, my lovely wife. just leave our baby to me! i promise i'll wake you up if something's wrong."
when your husband laid you down on the bed, you gripped his pajamas and voiced out what you had been feeling since you touched seishiro two hours ago.
"i'm scared, satoru." your voice was merely a whisper, you wouldn't be surprised if your husband didn't hear it.
but of course he did. he always does. whether you shout, talk, whisper, or say nothing at all, satoru will always work his eardrums over the edge listening to everything you had to say.
he pulled you closer to his muscular chest and rested his chin on the top of your head, hands running back and forth to your spine comfortingly. "i know, baby. i know."
hot tears started to uncontrollably stream down your cheeks, instantly drenching your husband's 200,200 yen olivia von halle pajama shirt as you securely wrapped your arms around his waist. “i am so, so scared.”
and now, after countless sleepless nights combined with your son’s wailing and trash bags full of used wet wipes, your baby is back on the balcony basking in the warmth and sunlight the early morning offers.
his father stabilizes him as he tries sitting on the man’s lap, flailing his hands excitedly and looking up at satoru with wide expectant eyes when he succeeds (though your husband still has both of his hands at the boy’s back as a support). the older man gasps. “you can sit now, huh? last week you were just trying to roll. you’re growing up fast, aren’t you? hm? who do you take after? is it dada? or is it mama?”
seishiro babbles in response and satoru nods repeatedly as if in agreement. “that’s right, dumpling. you take after dada, don’t you?”
the glass window opens, and your form holding a tray full of food and baby formula comes into view. “don’t twist his words, ‘toru. our son said he takes after his mama,” you placed the wood onto the table and sat at your husband’s side, lifting the baby off his father’s lap and cradling him into your chest, “isn’t that right, hmm, baby?”
your son’s face contorted for a moment, taking his momentum to adorably sneeze before babbling excitedly at his mother.
you and your husband froze, heads turning to stare at each other as you both rack your brains.
“we really shouldn’t have taken him outside.”
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ps. idk what happened but i was actually planning for this to be fluffy 😭😭 it kinda got all sentimental
thank you so much for reading!! 😚 interactions and reblogs are highly appreciated <33
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my-misplaced-soup · 3 years
Heyyy!! I'm quupiid,, I'm a hugge beastars fan,, And I LOVEE Legoshi and Pina for many reasons that is.
And I'd like to request just a short fluff or something drabble? Fic don't know, with a m!reader and of course Legoshi or Pina .
The thing I was looking for is just something simple like cuddles or something, m!reader could maybe be a dall sheep (Like Pina) or a wolf (Wolf for Legoshi, if Legoshi is chosen), or something else doesn't matter!! , I'd just want something to read when im feeling down? You know?,, Well to make it into like prompts?,If you have that.
(They're like cuddling)
" We have classes to attend.. "
" Five.. more minutes.. "
" We'll get in trouble [M/n].. "
[M/n] snoring
" Oh?."
Sorry if they're any grammar mistakes, English isn't my mother language.
- :)
Pina and Legoshi [separately] x m! reader cuddling headcanons
Awe I like this one! And I'm in a writing mood rn so I figured why not both?
couldn't find a decent gif for the life of me so no gif for this one
You being a dall sheep ment you also had a set of impressive horns. Pina really liked that about you, among other things as well. You actually swooned him somehow. He enjoyed being around you, which ment you were spending a lot of time with him and regularly being late for class. This was one of those days. The two of you were simply hanging out together when he initiated the cuddling. You were facing Pina, admiring his beautiful features. He was playing with your wool, making comments here and there how soft it was, but not as soft as his. He started scooting closer to you, meaning he wanted you to hold him. You held him close. Close enough to hear his heartbeat. You started getting tired. "M/N," Pina mumbled jolting you awake. "We're going to be late" he said, trying to get out of your grasp. "Five more minutes love," you said in a groggy tone. "Fine you lazy bum, but don't complain to me when you get in trouble," he joked, but you didn't properly hear him since you were already asleep again.
You are also a grey wolf, but instead of just being a grey wolf you are a tundra wolf. You had extremely thick and fluffy fur, which ment cuddling with your boyfriend Legoshi was always comfortable. You were the one who had to initiate a cuddling session since he was either to distracted or to shy to ask. Today he took the lead and asked you to cuddle with him. You couldn't reject his cute face, especially when he was all red and nervous. You were snuggled into his chest, his head resting of the top of yours. He was having a hard time trying to find a place to put his hands. You lightly chuckled, guiding his hands to rest on the middle of your back. You could hear how fast his heartbeat was so you decided to gently rub his back to calm him down. You made sure to stay awake so you two didn't miss class. "Legoshi, it's time to get up," you announced. You could feel him jump from you startling him awake. "Five more minutes," he simply muttered, pulling you closer. "I don't want us to get in trouble, " you tried to convince him, only to be met with snoring. You accepted you fate and simply cuddled closer to him.
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i-lovethatforme · 2 years
Fic idea you should actually totally write: Somehow MJ immediately shakes off and/or lifts the memory spell herself. But instead of moving heaven and earth to find Peter, she figures he has reasons for not finding her again so she more or less moves on with her life . After ten years of relative happiness and contentment, she finds Spider-Man purely by chance. Part of her desperately wants to rekindle her relationship, but another part is terrified of uprooting the life she built for herself for a person who might not even want her back anyway…
Nonny... not me completing this drabble to see this ask in my inbox?! Our minds?! It's not exactly the same because you're rude for ten years but 💕
“Just like that?” Ned asks, his brows furrowed in a way that means he wants to understand but he can’t. 
“Yep,” MJ replies, popping her lips. She runs her forefinger around the rim of her coffee cup instead of tapping her fingers on the table like she wants because she doesn’t want Ned to figure out she’s nervous. That’s she’s not entirely sure this is what she wants. Because if he pushes her on this, she’s not sure how long she’ll be able to stand her ground. 
Because Ned is right. She has spent the better part of two years trying to figure out exactly what was missing. Why there was always a blank space in photographs where someone would fit perfectly, or why she can’t figure out where her small collection of puns t shirts came from, or why she has so many used blush pink watercolours when she doesn’t care for the colour. 
And now she knows.
Peter Parker. Now she remembers the way his hand felt in hers and now she remembers why she likes to draw the view from the roof of her old school so much and why whenever she needs a warm up sketch she automatically draws a fluffy haired boy she never recognised. 
Now she knows. She spent time and a lot of heartache collecting the pieces that were never meant to be put back together. They were never meant to be broken in the first place. 
But they were. And though now she can remember him promising them to tell them everything. It’s been two years and he hasn’t. 
It’s been two years and she hasn’t seen him since the first day at the bakery. Sure, she’s seen Spider-Man on television for one too many near misses that always made her chest hurt and she can’t think about it now without her throat burning. But she hasn’t seen Peter at all. 
“He said he’d come,” Ned whispers, as he rips his napkin in two. “I don’t care if we’re in danger -”
“But he does,” MJ replies. She knows now what she figured out as he leapt from the bridge, he was always going to keep them safe. Even if it meant going it alone. 
It’s just who he is. 
So, she won’t make his decision harder for him. If he wants them out of his life, then she knows how hard that must have been for him back then, and maybe even now - and she won’t make it worse. She’ll help him in the only way she knows how. She’ll stay away. 
“You’re sure you don’t want to contact him?” Ned asks, his eyes pleading. MJ has told him he’s welcome to do whatever he wants - whatever is going to heal his heart. 
“I’m sure,” she replies, chewing on her lip and looking out the window before Ned wins her over without even saying anything. She can’t even be sure if she misses Peter anymore, or if she’s missing what could have been. They’ve been apart longer than they were ever together. He has a girlfriend now, someone he posts occasionally on social media. MJ wonders if he’s told her he loves her yet. She’s not sure she wants to know either way. 
“I’ll go and pay,” Ned says, pushing himself away from the coffee he let go cold forty five minutes ago. But MJ can’t tear her eyes away from the street. She looks at the pedestrians that are safer because Spider-Man’s around - the people he willingly saved hours after May’s funeral. People he looked out for when he had no one at all. People he would lay his life down for, when they don’t even know who he is. 
The world is better with Peter in it. Her life was better with Peter in it - but it’s not her choice anymore. There was a time she loved him, maybe she still does, maybe it will never really go away. But as she sees a child with a Spidey sweater on, she smiles anyway. Because she’s not the only one who loves him - she never was and she never will be.  
Maybe that’s enough. It will have to be enough. 
“You ready?” Ned asks.
“Yeah,” she sighs. It’s not like when they leave here, having had their final discussion on whether or not they should seek Peter out, their world is going to end. It just feels like this part of their life is done. It’s over. The life she had with Peter is gone. 
It doesn’t feel like the world’s ending when the door closes behind them and the wind picks up strands of her hair. It doesn’t feel like the world’s ending when she waves goodbye to Ned where he turns left and she continues straight on. But it hurts all the same. So she buries her hands in her coat, her chest aching with the need of a good cry. She just needs to get home first. 
But then -
“Oooph,” she says, almost knocked to her arse by a busy body on the street. She can’t really complain, she was barely looking where she was going and they did stop her from falling to the floor with their hands on her arms.
“I’m so sorry, miss,” they start and she knows that voice. She’s thought about nothing but that voice for days. It plays in her dreams and she thinks about it even when she’s desperately trying not to. 
But it's not the fluffy hair and the weird eyebrow she sees. It's the suit because of course, it is 
“Spider-Man?” she asks, finally looking up from the ground in time to see the lenses on his mask widen. 
“Mic - ma’am,” he stutters, his hands hovering on her arms as if she might still fall to the floor. She didn’t expect him not to recognise her but the way he almost said her name will haunt her for an unreasonable length of time she’s sure. “Are you alright?” 
“Yeah,” she breathes, clamping her jaw shut before she screams that she misses him so much she feels a little insane. She knew letting him go wasn’t going to be easy but she wasn’t anticipating it being this hard this quickly.
“Good,” he says, his chest almost doubling in size with how deep the breath he lets go is. “That’s good.
“Are you alright?” she asks, her eyes flicking over his face. She’s not sure what she wants him to say other than to tell her he’s missed her and he loves her and staying away was the worst idea he’s ever had because then she won’t have to continue walking. Then she’d be able to stay. 
Her question startles him and he drops his hands.
“Erm, yeah, yeah, of course, I am, yep,” he says, running his hand over his mask and it’s so much like her Peter that she almost breaks right there. She has no idea how Peter managed - she can only assume he’s over it now. She bites her lip to stop from saying something she'll regret. 
“Okay, well,” he starts, gesturing with his hands like he’s got to swing away. MJ didn’t hear any sirens but now she looks, people are starting to stare. 
“Yeah, well, have a good day, Spidey,” she says, feeling like that's useless but there’s nothing much left to say that’s at all fair. 
“Yeah, you as well,” he sighs. He looks like he might touch her again, maybe say something else. But then he’s gone. 
And MJ can’t find it in herself to leave. It’s not like this random corner of Manhattan is now her and Peter’s spot because her and Peter aren’t even a thing.They’re less than a thing. And he’s already gone. So she’s standing on the corner looking like a fool and feeling even worse. So she’ll count to ten and then she’ll go. 
She hits eight and a half and sighs, feeling her heart fall to the floor and she goes to walk away. She’s not sure why but she turns to check she’s not about to walk out in front of someone because if someone else bashes into her, she won't be as forgiving.
But as she does, her gaze catches the red and blue of his suit peering down from the rooftop. She sees him duck but there's no wall to save him. She's already seen him looking at her. His head pops back out and she can picture Peter's blushed face so clearly her chest almost cracks in half.
She waves because she can and he waves back. A small, barely there wave but she'll draw it when she gets home anyway. 
Staying away from Peter is going to prove difficult. That much she knows. It's a good thing New York is a big place. She'll probably never see him again even if she wanted to.
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taegularities · 2 years
Hey! Idk how to ask u this, but you're like my fav fic writer... Actually my fav writer in all and your fics really give me comfort... Idk if you're taking any requests at the moment, if not then ignore this but i have just been feeling very iffy for a while and i just wanted to ask if you could like write a short drabble where the reader and jk are in a long distance relationship and the reader just feels very disconnected recently like she feels that jk does not really miss her as much or like he has stopped flirting or stopped being all fluffy with her and she feels insecure and talks to him and he kind of comforts her... It would mean a lot if you could like write something like this and even if you can't it's ok, I just need a little comfort😅and i didn't know where to go.
hey love 🥺 first of all, i am so so happy my stories and blog are able to give u comfort. ur favourite writer, that means SO SO much to me !! 🥺 so i don't take requests, but i'll make an exception for u, cos u don't deserve to be sad <3
hope it helps u <3 !!
pairing: jk x reader
genre: fluff, light angst; established relationship
warnings: insecurity, worries about studies, but that’s it <3
wc: 1.1k
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Back when Jungkook's hand slipped out of yours to leave for two full years, your friends had told you things might not work out the way you desired.
The tears you'd cried and the painful yearning you'd fallen into hadn't fazed you enough to let him and everything between you turn to ashes. After all, the years you'd spent loving him and staying by his side weren't a memory you were ready to let fall, so you didn't care about the constant warnings your group of friends threw at you.
But now that the winter he left you in has passed and cherry blossoms have started blooming, you're not quite sure how smart it was to hold on and shut down everyone and everything. A long distance relationship was going to weigh you down, you knew, but what you didn't anticipate was the silence in your room that seems to stretch endlessly now.
It must have been days since you last heard of him.
Maybe he's moved on; maybe his studies are too intense to focus on anything else. Or maybe, he's grown bored of you, too busy to even flirt with you or indulge in the usual teasing conversations you two used to have.
But as you lay on your soft mattress tonight, you decide to stop dwelling on the maybes and grab your phone with determination instead. Your knuckles pale around the device, and you take a shuddering breath before you scroll to his name and press the call button.
The ring that chimes through your speakers is agonising; a real torture in a moment like this, proceeding endlessly until–
"Hey, you," sings his melodious voice in your ears, and for a moment, he sounds happy enough to hear from you to let your worries fade. "Why are you awake this late?"
"Mmmh. I just wanted to talk to you a bit,” you admit as you flip to your side, one hand tugging at the thin blanket, “I missed hearing you say good night to me.”
A soft chuckle sounds from your phone; it’s a song that has lulled you to sleep millions of times. Back when he was still here and in your arms, holding you like you were his anchor and kept him in place. You miss it. You miss his warmth, his words, his stories. His kisses. Him.
“But you don’t call me anymore,” you continue, blinking into the darkness slowly, “so what’s going on?”
Jungkook hesitates. You hear the sigh clearly, along with a shuffling that sounds like his fingers are fiddling with something in front of him nervously. You nibble at your lower lip, fully ready to repeat your question before he says, “Nothing’s going on.”
“Is that true?”
Another pause; another heartbeat passing in silence.
“I don’t know,” he then interjects, inhaling a deep breath; and his voice shrinks when he speaks on, “school has been planting a lot of doubts in my head lately.”
“Why’s that?”
Whatever you expected, this wasn’t it. You’re always proud and fearless about his achievements, always certain that Jungkook knows his way around college and is smart enough to climb the ladder of success rapidly. To hear that you’re not the reason of the silence between you but his studies, might be worse.
“My last few projects failed a little. I mean, I passed and all, but,” he pauses, hums, clicks his tongue, “I wasn’t happy with them. And then I was thinking... what if I stop enjoying what I do in, I don’t know, ten, twenty years?”
You let out a quiet, surprised laugh; as a college student, you understand his struggles all too well. You’ve had your fair share of disappointments and hardships, but Jungkook has always thoroughly enjoyed every single class, every single topic he had to study for his exams.
But your former issues with your school are also the exact reason why your reassurances shoot out of you without a hint of hesitation, “You know, there’ll always be something you won’t like. And days you’ll hate. A job can’t be rainbows and flowers all the time.”
“And even if you do get bored one day, that’s fine. Luckily, we can educate ourselves all our lives, so if you ever wanna try something new and...”
“Hey,” he interrupts, your eyes blowing wide as you stop your uplifting speech. Have you said something wrong? “Hey...”
“I love you, you know?” After all these years, your heart doesn’t get used to his little, random confessions; they remind you of the blessing he is, remind you of how the world has granted you with this very blessing. “I really didn’t wanna stress you, so I didn’t call, but... you really put my mind at ease.”
Your chest swells with pride and affection, and you shake your head at his usual stupidity with a grin as wide as your room. He always hides his sadness deep inside his heart, so you should have expected this situation instead of concluding something as ridiculous as you did.
“And I thought you don’t like me anymore...”
The statement earns you an immediate, sudden laugh, incomprehensible words uttered in between that make you join his joy. If he was here, you’d slap his shoulder in playfulness, and then proceed to kiss his stupid smirk away. It’s a terrible thing, this distance...
“When are you coming back?”
He clears his throat once his laughter dies down, humming again in thought before he declares, “Sooner than you might expect.”
“So you’re not telling me when?”
“Nope.” He pops the p at the end of the word, and you imagine the teasing shimmer in his eyes that you’ve burned in your mind. “Sit tight, angel.” For a moment, he basks in the sound of your scoff, brushing his hair back and out of his forehead before he adds, “And hey.”
“Whatever my future might consist of... I won’t have it, if you’re not in it. Okay?”
The giddy feeling in your guts spreads like a wildfire, burning your insides with a profound intensity as you clutch the phone and your blanket tighter. You want to squeal as you did the first time he asked you out; the first time he confessed his love to you.
But instead, you smile, tongue darting out to wet your lips; and then, you say, “Then I’ll make sure to stick around for some more.”
You’re the most celestial being he’s ever had the privilege to love; to think that you might be doubting his undying affection towards you is almost ridiculous. What’s his world without your smart, clumsy, slightly insane existence in it?
Plane tickets for the upcoming weekend rest peacefully on the table in front of him. And as his glittering doe eyes move to the object in his hand, the jewellery smiles back just as brightly from its dark blue, small box.
hope this could cheer u up a bit, anon <3
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
thinning thread — jjk
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Plot: In the heat of a tumultuous rough path in their marriage, Jungkook is handed their last resort. 
Pairing(s): Jungkook x Writer!OC (Name: Belle)
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Word Count: 2k+
Genre: Marriage!AU 
Tags & Warnings: angst, rough marriage, divorce, explicit smut 
Authors Note: sorry the reposting has been a little slow, everyone! the end of feb was a little rough but I’ll try to get the fics out as soon as I can. 
ALSO requests are currently open and they’ll close on Sunday! So be sure to fill the request form HERE
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Days turned to, weeks turned to months the blanket of home they knitted together now stripped to nothing but a pathetic string. Both of them dangling and swinging on it pretending that the world around them didn’t just crumble beneath their feet. It started with regular fights over the lack of time they spent together; the usual reason most couple would go through a lovers’ spat. Then fights were followed with silent treatments lasting days on end to point where one of them would be out of the house completely.
Paranoia kicked in soon afterwards as Jungkook saw Belle chatting with one of her clients leading to yet another exhausting argument about her supposedly cheating. Jungkook left home that night for three days until he came back without saying a word. Belle spent more nights in her office using a glass of wine to loosen herself up and get some sleep while writing herself to near madness.
Her publishing company even asked her if she was okay after her latest manuscript submission stating it had a lot more disturbing themes than her usual works. Belle simply stated that things changed. Happiness wasn’t a fucking commonality anymore and the themes she wrote now seemed more realistic.
Jungkook spent hours in the gym, punching bags until the skin on his knuckles ripped apart breaking himself down enough to get some damn shut eye. He was getting a lot more complaints from his producers these days saying he had too much of a short fuse nowadays. Which, to prove their point, he ended up snapping and earned himself a break away from sending in anymore songs until he got himself sorted.
Swinging and swinging on this thinning thread, it all dwindled down into one night.
Instead of going back to her office for the night, Belle paid a visit to her lawyer about a set of paperwork that she needed organized. Thankfully the name she made for herself allowed the time to finish all these documents were significantly lessened. The next day after making her request she was able to have the papers in her hand.
As she walked into the apartment the woman realized how long it had been since she walked into their home at this hour. The twilight sky looked like a painting through the large panned windows, creating a beautiful silhouette of the city buildings. For a moment Belle could have smiled until she heard chain clanging and something thudding.
Jungkook began his attack on what could have been his fifteenth punching bag this fortnight, not caring about the world around him.
She sighed, placing her bag on the kitchen counter before stomping over to the man with her brown envelope in hand. “I need to talk to you.” Belle announced trying to sound louder than the punching bag thudding and clanging.
The man gave the bag one harsh punch before letting out a deep sigh, a droplet of sweat . “I’m not in the mood.” He mumbled immediately causing a rush of fury in her belly.
Belle tightened her jaw her whole body urging to just throw the papers on the floor until he sees it. But she took a long, drawling breath as she walked closer to the male who proceeded to assault his punching bag. “This is important.” She spoke firmly. “Just listen to me for one second.” She pursed her lips when Jungkook finally held onto the punching bag to pause for a moment.
Though the male still glared at her a little making her heart drop.
She remembered when he used to look at her with eyes soft and sparkling. Now all she felt was hate radiating from him. Belle handed the envelope over which he accepted, ripping off the top carelessly before pulling out the papers.
Jungkooks’ brows furrowed when he skimmed through the contents of the document. “What the hell is this?” He fumed.
“Divorce papers.” Belle replied simply.
He tightened his jaw still staring at the words on the pages instead of looking up at her. “I need a pen.” Jungkook muttered quietly before walking past her towards the living room.
Chest clenched tightly but she let out a quick breath before following him along watching him walk towards the sitting area.
Belle’s brows furrowed when she noticed they were walking away from the staircase to the study to get a pen. Instead she saw Jungkook pad towards the couches, to the fireplace sitting in front of them still running to keep the place warm and cozy. Even though the atmosphere was anything but that.
It didn’t take long until finally she saw Jungkook tossing the papers and empty envelope right into the fire. Stammering she watched the flames rise higher before dissipating the documents, their names burned away achingly slow. “Jungkook.” She tried to move past him to grab the remnants of the papers but both her arms were grabbed to keep her in place.
“Are you trying to hurt me now? Huh?” Jungkooks’ eyes burned into hers, hair matted to his glistening forehead.
Belle yanked out of his grasp which made his move his arms but he still stood dangerously close. “Don’t try to make me look like the bad guy here.” She seethed. “We’ve tried to fix this but it’s not working. You didn’t even want to talk to me when I walked into the room.”
“Because I thought you were going to start up another fight which clearly you were.” He gestured harshly towards the fireplace.
“Do you have a better idea?” Her vision grew blurry. “Because I don’t want to wake up another morning feeling like you hate me.” Belle hadn’t spoken about her feelings to the man in a long time. So long that expressing it now made her feel utterly exposed.
“You really think I hate you?” Jungkook spoke through gritted teeth. “You really think I’d still be in this apartment because I fucking hated you?”
“When was the last time you told me you loved me then? Hm?” Tears streamed down her face, mascara smudging at the corners of her eyes a little. “When was the last time we actually spoke to each other without yelling or crying?” Belle sobbed out.
“That doesn’t mean I stopped loving you.” He protested, his eyes glistening even in the dimmed warm light. “How did you even think I would sign those papers, huh?”
Belle shrugged weakly, smiling a little sadly. “Maybe you’d be happier without me.”
His eyes twitched as he pursed his lips together tightly. “Would you be happier without me?”
Her heart felt tired at this point tightening around itself as if trying to push out all the hurt or keep it all in. Happiness wasn’t a commonality for sure. But would it be any better if she couldn’t see him altogether? Spending years thinking of what could have happened if they just—kept holding onto that thread?
Without uttering a single word, Belle merely shook her head. In a second she was reminded at how well Jungkook still was at knowing what she needed right at that moment.
A small tear escaping down his cheek, Jungkook grabbed her by her cheeks and pressed a warm kiss against her lips. He could taste a saltiness on her dampened lips before his hands trailed down, wrapping them around her waist to cancel out any distance between them. He was fucking done being so far away from his baby, unable to touch her because they were too stubborn to say sorry. With a swift motion he picked her up and impatiently pressed her down against the fluffy rug.
Belle pulled at her scarf which was quickly pushed away and her cardigan lay as a blanket underneath. Fingers hooked on the hem of his cold T-shirt before pulling it over his head and discarding no one cared where. She felt his nails firmly graze up her thigh, hooking onto her panties and pulling it down only one of her thighs roughly. The thin piece of clothing dangling on her left ankle as Jungkook devoured her lips not wanting to unlock their tongues dancing.
His bulging shorts rubbed against her bare core making her moan against his lips. Jungkooks’ still wrapped hand pulled at her hair to press her further down on the floor. He watched her mouth part, small gasp passing through as his hips rubbed against her pooling core. “Look at me.” He spoke in a raspy voice, lust blown and glossy eyes piercing into her. “I want you to look at me.” He whispered, forehead pressing together as he carelessly pushed down his shorts to let his desperate cock free.
Belle felt his thick, wet tip rub up and down her sleek heat, walls already clenching to a get an aching taste of him inside her again. “Please—” A choked scream broke out of her when the man slammed into her. Her pussy swallowed up every inch of his cock, aching a little after being long-deprived from the stretch. She kept her gaze did not waiver however watching him contort his face in pleasure.
Jungkook could barely hear himself think after feeling his whole member hugged by that familiar heat. So deliciously tight and warm, he could stay like this forever if he could. “Fuck I missed you.” He whispered, hot breath hitting her face before he kissed her again, sighing in relief as he began thrusting into her. Every snap of his hips hit hard and deep wanting to make his movements embedded in their minds so they forget just how fucking good they felt together.
She grabbed onto his shoulders for dear life, legs spread out welcomingly for him to destroy her desperate heat. All her long hibernated nerves now jolted awake by the beautiful friction between them, electrifying her body.
He pulled apart the front of her dress, a few buttons flying off but Belle couldn’t care less. Neither of them could. This was the closest they had been in months. Nothing was going to stop them from spewing out all their bottled frustrations.
Belle felt his hot mouth press wet kisses on the curve of her breast, teeth grazing against the tender skin making her smile in bliss. Fingers gripped at the roots of his slightly damp hair reaching down to kiss his head. A gasp caught in her throat when he thrusted into her faster pushing to the limits of her release but she pushed him away.
“What’s wrong?” He breathed out staring at her confused but he quickly saw what she wanted.
Belle pushed on his chest to make him lie on his back before straddling him, the panties on her ankle slid away. She raised herself over his erect cock and slowly let her core devour him again causing a small groan under Jungkooks’ throat. His hands instinctively moved under the skirt of her dress, squeezing her bottom. Still her eyes fixated on him as her hips swayed, feeling his tip rub against her sweet spot making her legs melt.
She moved her hands to where his were and Jungkook immediately intertwined their fingers together. Belle carefully unwrapped the black cloth around his knuckles as the male sat up now, wanting to feel her closer.
Pressing a small kisses on his healing wounds, she quickened her pace.
Jungkook grabbed the back of her neck and intoxicated her with another kiss while his other hand guided her hips.
Belle held onto his shoulders now and bounced on his cock, the sheer pressure against her sweet spot could throw her over the edge in minutes. Arms wrapped around him as her teeth sunk into his skin, muffling her moans. Fingers ran through the hair on the back of his head, lips pressing messy kisses on his neck and cheek. “I love you.” She whispered in his ear.
The male grabbed the side of her neck again forcing her to meet his gaze. Thumb brushed the corner of her teary eyes, mascara smudging across her temple on his finger pad. Lips were barely hovering one another as Belle slowed her thrusts. “I love you too.” He sighed out the words, grabbing bits of her hair before pressing on her warm lips. “I love you so much.” His latter words were mumbled but Belle still heard them.
A small sob shook through her seeing that warmth again. One she hadn’t seen it in so long that it almost felt like dream but Jungkooks’ hands on her skin reminded her it wasn’t. This was all real.
Jungkook turned her around to lay on her stomach, legs straightened out and spread so he could sneak in between. His cock slid in on its own at this point with how fucked out her heat was and he didn’t waste a single second longer to continue the pace. He leaned into her, kisses lain on her shoulder and sweet words whispered in her ear.
He intertwined his fingers with a hand and Belle hugged it closer, his sweaty torso pressed firmly against her back as the onslaught of thrusts began. It was slow but it dug deep into her core and steadily patterned. Her belly pressed against the floor made it all the more easier to rub against her sweet spot and create some friction against her clit.
“Don’t stop.” She whispered giving Jungkook even more determination to torture her core with incessant pounding. Warmth gathered around her leaking heat and pleasure tickled under the skin of her thighs causing her moans to shake.
Jungkook drilled into her, his own moans melting with her as his climax now flooded his entire form, his hand gripping onto hers like it was a part of him.
Belle cried out, trying to muffle the pitch by pressing her lips against the back of his hand. The heated release making her legs shake under him uncontrollably. Cheek pressed against the rug now, she bit down her bottom lip, tears still flowing out of her from the force of her orgasm mixed with everything else.
He filled her up with his release uttering the most delicious whimpers and moan before kissing her cheek softly. “You okay, baby?” Jungkook whispered, caressing her tear stain cheek.
Belle smiled quickly, nodding even though fresh tears still fell turning to face him properly. “I’m glad you didn’t sign it.” She giggled through her light sobs.
Jungkook chuckled leaning in and lay a soft kiss on her salty lips. “I’d never leave you, baby.”
“Promise?” She asked in a whisper.
Another thread now knitted with the one they had been dangling on, making them that tiny bit stronger than they were yesterday.
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chaos-monkeyy · 2 years
I've been wanting to get back into short-fic writing practice because it is not my strong suit. Do you have any short-fic recs that you thought were really good not just as a story, but as a short fic? Maybe with a reason why?
Please let at least one of them be by you. 💙🙏
Sorry for the homework assignment, feel free to pretend it doesn't exist 😂💙
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Oh boy, fun homework!! 🤩🤓
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Okay so I thought about this pretty much all afternoon and evening 😂 And I've picked a few that I think are good examples of different types of short fic, as well as being good fic. And also came up with silly category names because I could.
(I'm afraid some of these will be a little out of your fandom wheelhouse, but I do think they're good examples so I hope that's alright 🙈)
The wanky drabble
I learned this one from @revakah, who's still the master of 100-word-witchcraft in my books. Playing with formatting and throwing any concept of sentence structure out the window in favour of pure unadulterated vibes; and somehow winding up with a story that spans way, way more time and feelings than it should be able to. Two of Rev's I particularly like for that:
Blank Space (100 words - Sylvie & Mobius - Loki Series - Sads ahoy)
Grounded (100 words - Kaladin/Dalinar - the Stormlight Archive - Fucking Hot ahoy)
That One Scene
This is probably my own favourite and most frequent sort of ficlet / short... where you take the established world/canon and either situate readers with the summary itself, or with like one or two quick lines-- and write literally just that one single scene or idea and nothing. else. Leave the finer details of exactly how they got there and what happens after up to the reader's imagination. If those are even relevant, they might not be 😂 I love these cause they're so flexible-- they can be introspective, they can be kind of a character study or a What If, they can leave people pondering implications and going ..oh, they can be a quick n dirty little smut scene or powerfully moving angst or pure happy-making fluff; or any combination of the above.
A universe all its own by @jewelliffer (647 words - Thranto - So Fluffy I'm gonna Die)
Unending by saisei (405 words - SGA vegas!Sheppard/Todd the Wraith - impossible levels of characterization, canon backstory, and post-canon story for that many words)
In time by me (200 words - SGA one-sided Sheppard/Todd the Wraith - I'm just really proud of how creepy and not-quite-human I managed to make this Todd POV one)
Longfic speedrun
For when you have the idea for a long fic but don't actually want to write the whole thing. Instead, take the most important, core bits of key moments over time, and just... don't write the rest. It has a particular feel to it that's kind of hard to describe, but they tend to leave me feeling a little stunned. Because I only read one or two thousand words, but somehow they've beamed a year's or a decade's worth of story time directly into my brain.
The Taste of Him by @draculard (~2.5k - NightThrawn with background/nonromantic Thrawn/Palpatine - okay yes this is on the longer side for a short fic BUT in my defense it's incredible and oh yeah OW heartbreaking)
Still there is my attempt at a slowburn speedrun (~1.3k - more SGA - vegas!McShep post canon)
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~waits patiently for homework assignment to be graded~
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VelvetCardiganBucky’s Recommendations 2021: Week 8 | February 14th –February 20th
Welcome to week 8 of my recommendations, if you would like to be featured on a future list, I follow the hashtag #ktkvcbreadinglist, message me, tag me in your future works, or reblog this post and link to your story, one-shot, Masterlist, writing challenge, etc.
Be aware some if not most stories and writers on this list are meant to be consumed by an audience of those 18+. My blog is also an 18+ blog.
« Last Week
Week 9 »
My Masterlist
My Fic Rec List of Mafia/Mob Bucky/Sebastian & Steve/Chris/Andy
Stuff I Posted This Week:
Dr. Darcy Lewis Playlist — Dr. Lewis – Astrophysics, Hacker, Music and Dog Lover, Nerd, and Hero
Bucky Barnes
(Mini) Series:
Man of the House 🐈 Pt. 3 by @literate-lamb » Sam Wilson x Fem!Reader & Dark!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader — A racket in the attic leads to a discovery of old memories. Your dissatisfaction leads you to a forgettable night. | First of all, my bad on not seeing that this had been updated, I’m so bummed I didn’t see this sooner. Second of all, this sent chills all over my body. The smut in this was so good and so it was just the right amount of thrilling/scary. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Run To You Ch.3 🪙 Ch. 4 🪙 Ch. 5 🪙 Ch. 6 by @bestofbucky » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Mob boss Bucky Barnes hires you to be his bodyguard. | Everytime I see this story updated I get excited, and I also love how the reader is not a damsel. (Feb 18. Ch. 6) Oh my gosh that was intense but so good, thank you for making me laugh at the end. I felt like it was just what we needed! I can’t wait to see how things go!
Watch Out For The Quiet Ones by @eurynome827 » College AU Jock!Bucky x Reader — Bucky doesn’t keep it a secret that he slept with you, but he tells everyone you had a great night, that’s a lie, you faked it. Upset you tell the truth, he’s dead set on making things right with you. | This was straight to the point hot. It was almost like you could have read it in a coming of age book or seen it in a movie, with our the detailed smut scene having been in it. I would read it just for the smut alone but read it for the plot in a whole.
Watch Out For The Quiet Ones: 2 by @eurynome827 » Collece AU Sub/Jock!Bucky Barnes x Reader — A continuation from part one, but this time Bucky is back to make up for neglecting what could be the jealous reader and she has a creative way for him to do that. | I’m not usually into reading stories where Bucky is a Sub unless it’s Stucky x Reader, but this was just so good.
Birthday Briefing by @drabblewithfrannybarnes » Bucky Barnes x Reader » You want your birthday gifts and you want it now. It just happens to benefit Bucky. | Carly did so good and I really loved it.
Gods and Monsters by @sweeterthanthis » Winter Soldier!Bucky Barnes x Reader — After being kidnapped you wake strapped to a table, next thing you know you’re just an offering for the “masterpiece,” to be bred. | This one shot made me sad but in a good way if that makes sense. You want to comfort Bucky so badly while beating up every Hydra agent while at it. Thank you Lau for the beautiful piece!
The Setup by @justagirlinafandomworld » FireFighter!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Still heartbroken from your last relationship, romance and relationships are far off from your radar. But your friend has taken it upon herself to set you up on a surprise blind date. God only knows where it can go from there. | I had Sebastian from The Little Mermaid singing Kiss The Girl in my head by the end of reading this. I absolutely adored this fluffy piece of writing and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is just in need of something sweet.
Alpinee Has Logged Off by @iraot » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky had been neglecting his girlfriend lately and playing video games with his pals, he needs to make it up to her. | Pure smut, really good smut.
Lost Without You by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky Barnes would be lost with you. You’re his everything and he plans on spending Valentine’s Day proving it to you. | It’s so fluffy, that I’m not crying, you are!
All Dressed In White by @angrythingstarlight » Dark!Mafia Bucky Barnes x Reader — You were going to marry someone else, Bucky won’t let that happen. You belong to him now and forever. Till Death Do You Part. | This is so beautifully written, I almost felt as if I was actually watching it on my TV not reading it. It’s Dark and the smut is oh so juicy.
Lee Bodecker
New Contract by @fuel-joy » Dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader — Reader just wants to get signed to a new agency but Producer Lee Bodecker just doesn’t want to make it easy for you. | This was short and really good! The end was also a surprise.
Chris Evans
Dodger’s Day Out by @nony-bear » Chris Evans x Reader ft. Dodger Evans — You and Chris take Dodger to the dog park on a cold winter day. | It’s so fluffy and it has Dodger in it! What more could you ask for?
Steve Rogers
(Mini) Series:
The Riverter by @pagesoflauren » Steve Rogers x Reader — After escaping Hydra, you assist Dr. Erskine in helping Steve Rogers become Captain America. When Erskine is assassinated, you think your WWII career is over. Unfortunately, the SSR and Hydra are not done with you yet. | I really should have gone to bed, but instead I decided to binge read the four chapters and I can’t wait to find out just what Hydra is really up to. Lauren you really are an amazing writer!
No Scrubs by @the-iceni-bitch » Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader — You try to keep Steve from dying of boredom at an Avengers charity gala. | Reader is badass? Check. Funny Thor? Check. Really good smut that you wish didn’t end? Check and check.
Andy Barber
Just for Mrs Barber by @donutloverxo » Andy Barber x Reader — Your husband buys you kinky gifts (and a whole ass house) for your anniversary/valentines. | Fluffy and smutty just the way I like it. Thank you for the Valentine’s Day treat Berry! 💗
(Mini) Series:
Caged, Bruised and Broken Ch. 3 by @river-soul » Dark!Stucky x Reader — A lonely scientist who is currently working on trying to find a breakthrough with Erskine’s serum catches the eye of Steve and Bucky, who are looking for the perfect wife. They’ll make her love them, whether she wants to or not. [Noncon, breeding, violence, psychological distress and explicit sex. 18+ only.] | This chapter had me in tears for some reason, even while the smut was so damn good. I can’t tell you how many emotions I go through while reading this series and it’s only 3 chapters in. READ IT!
Sweet as Honey and Wine by @angrythingstarlight » Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader x Dark!Bucky Barnes — You’re the sweetest valentine anyone could ever ask for. Steve can’t wait to gift you to Bucky. His best pal deserves a treat. | Let me just say, what you think is going to happen doesn’t happen. I don’t want to confuse you too much but this is just too good not to read. The smut was also short and sweet!
Divided We Fall by @navybrat817 » Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader x Dark!Bucky Barnes — You sided with Steve Rogers during The Accords and sympathized with Bucky Barnes. When you found out they left Tony for dead in Siberia, you realize you didn’t know the super soldiers as well as you thought. And you had no idea that they planned to keep you by their side…forever. | All I’m just going to say is that very ending you don’t see coming and the smut in this is very good.
Little Minx by @saiyanprincessswanie » Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader x Darkish!Bucky Barnes — Dark!Steve drugs the reader with sex pollen and has his way with her multiple times. Bucky finds out what Steve is doing and tries to convince him that it is wrong. But, once Steve shows Bucky how good the reader is during drugged sex he can’t help but have his way with her too. | I would have to say very hot, and definitely a good way to end the day.
Thick As Thieves by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader x Mafia!Steve Rogers — The only thing the Mafia hates as much as snitches are thieves. And you’re planning on stealing from Bucky and Steve, what happens if you get caught? | I did not see that coming, also the smut was just so good. *chefs kiss* (I can’t link this so..)
Loyalty by @navybrat817 » Dark!Andy Barber x Reader x Darkish!Bucky Barnes — Loyalty is something you’ve learned to both loathe and appreciate. | I really appreciate it when I’m reading something and it gives me chills and this did it. The smut is good but the connection between reader and Bucky makes this so good. I’m hoping for maybe a second part, if there isn’t, that’s okay.
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lazuli-bloom · 3 years
for the drabble fic- maybe toonjuice showing off a surprising talent or hidden knowledge? he does sometimes put on that faux posh voice and actually say something smart, after all
So... This turned out really fluffy and kinda off topic. But I really wanted an excuse to write something with an established relationship. Also spent maybe a bit too much time watching OSP videos to figure out what kind of hidden knowledge Beej would show off.
It's All Geek To Me
Cartoon Beetlejuice x Reader
Word Count : 660
All you wanted was a lazy afternoon of reading, too bad your ghoulish boyfriend wants all of your attention.
A peaceful quiet settled over the roadhouse, one that all of Beetlejuice's neighbors appreciated. Said ghost lounged on the couch with his head resting on your lap. You combed your fingers through his long—slightly grimy—locks. His head rolled to push into your hand more and you glanced away from your book to admire his adorable face.
His eyes stayed closed as a cozy smile pulled at his lips. You twirl your fingers in his hair and wrap some of it around your digits before gently removing your hand. He cracked open an eye with a pout on his face.
"What gives, toots?"
You flipped to the next page of your book. "I have to turn the page. I've already read these two five times already."
"Why be a nerd and read when you could give all your attention to me instead? What's so important in that silly book, anyway?"
You leaned over him and smirked at him with a raised brow. With your free hand, you tapped his nose. "If you must know, I'm reading about various Greek philosophers."
"Philosophers? You mean like—" He lifted his chin as he put a hand over his chest. "—Those fine fellows like Plato and Socrates?"
You chucked at his faux, posh accent. He was such a goofball. You placed your bookmark between the pages and set the book down on the side table. As you leaned back, you went back to combing your fingers through his hair.
"Yeah, they're brought up."
"What about Gorgias and Diogenes? Those guys are my favorites."
"Oh? Why's that?"
"Gorgias was a colossal pain in the ass! He went around Greece arguing with everyone about everything! And Diogenes lived out of a barrel and pissed in the street! What a life."
You placed your hands on either side of your knees and leaned over, pinning Beetlejuice's head. He smiled up at you, with a brush of red painting his cheeks. "You call me a nerd over reading stuff like this, but here you are, a fanboy of some Greek philosophers yourself?"
"What? Those guys aren't geeks like that Plato guy."
"You know Plato was his wrestling nickname, right? A nickname that means 'broad'."
He blew a raspberry at you, and you lightly flicked his nose. He pouted and rubbed his nose before a devilish smirk pulled at his lips. "Babes, that hurt. Now you gotta kiss it better."
"I do, do I?"
"Yeah, it's the law."
"Since when do you care about what the law is?"
"Come on, toots, please?"
"Alright, fine, let me see your head."
"You can't do magic when your head's detached. I don't want any gross surprises."
"Spoil sport."
You grab his cheeks and lift his head to look in the eye. His body wriggled, rolling over and scooting closer to wrap his arms around your middle. You pecked the top of his nose, then held his head back out to examine his features.
"Hey babes, my lips also hurt a bit. I think you should kiss them better too."
Your lips twitched upward. "Oh no. We can't have that. How else are you going to annoy everyone?" you tilted your head as a smirk grew on your face. "Then again, maybe I could get back to reading my book with no interruptions."
"Aw babes, come on. Why read about those guys when you can just talk to them yourself? I'll introduce you to all of them later! Just get back to kissing me!"
You pull his head close, tantalizing him before you say "I'll hold you to that."
His arms pulled at you, and in your surprise, Beetlejuice's head squirmed enough to collide his lips to yours. You squeaked from the shock only to relax seconds later. Your plans of reading the entire afternoon flew right out as you sank into the kiss. He better keep his word. But you could bear to wait, seeing as a certain ghost needed your attention.
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eggrestes · 3 years
ladrien fic recs!
there are SO MANY amazing ladrien fics i cant possibly cover them all but here are a few!
(all the ratings used are ao3 ratings)
((this is a very long post!))
Of Ivy and Sunlight by cyanise [ T, 1509 words, 1/1 ]
When Adrien takes to wandering the streets of Paris in ungodly hours, Ladybug has no choice but to keep an eye on him. Still, things are bound to get a little out of hand between two overloaded teenagers with a lot of love and not enough self-control. 
a lovely post-chat blanc fic :’) it has a great flow and is just soft and so sweet and it’s just perfect. gosh i cannot really say more other than read it!!! also almost all of their other stuff is also ladrien so do check it out!
This can't be happening by PlaPla [ T,  6,467 words, 1/2 ]
Ladybug is unsure whether accompanying Adrien to a gala as his not-date is the best or worst thing that has ever happened to her. But when their table mates turn out to be none other than her long time friends Alya and Nino and with Adrien acting weirder and weirder she finds herself with bigger worries than an unrequited crush.
a djwifi/ladrien double date? hit me up! i love identity shenanigans, ball dancing, ladrien, and djwifi and this is a perfect mix for me. i know it’s incomplete but it doesn’t end in a cliff-hanger really, the part 2 is just a promise of more so it doesn’t feel incomplete! PlaPla also has a short oneshot of ladrien going for a motorcycle ride.
Falling again by emsylcatac [ M,  4,506 words, 2 Works ]
They had been dancing around each other for a while now, and while fifteen year old Adrien would have been ecstatic at the idea of dating Ladybug in secret, twenty-two year old Adrien knew better. But Ladybug wasn’t making it easy. It was like… she, too, was falling for him. And that surprisingly enough, she didn’t mind.
* * *
Or Adrien trying (and failing) to keep things professional between him and Ladybug when the two of them partner up for a mission. Older AU
things are a little steamy~ here (don’t worry, it’s only implied it’s very mild and closer to a T rating than the M) but it’s a great mature take on their dynamics! emsy has more ladrien one-shots in her collection of one-shots!
i'd love to go on a date with you by sae_what  [ G,  6,480 words, 1/1 ]
Once it had been falsely announced throughout Paris that Adrien and Ladybug are in a relationship, Ladybug pays him a visit to turn him down gently.
Only, she doesn’t. And instead, she has a formal dinner date. With Adrien. At 8 pm. Tonight.
LADYBUG IN A SUIT!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. okay but for real it’s so sweet and also??? they are on a date!!! a rooftop date!! (too man exclamation marks oops)
Always Welcome by  chatonne-rousse [ T, 1,683 words, 1/1 ]
Ladybug knows that Adrien's window is always open for her to swing by and stop in, whether for video games or a chat or, like tonight, for soft kisses and sweet nothings.
He loves these visits. His girlfriend is always welcome. Always. (Especially for kisses.)
Written for Ladrien June, day 8: bluebell eyes.
established relationship, pre-reveal ladrien. there is something very home-y about this fic and it’s all about the comfort and quiet that i adore about it!
Five Times Gabriel Agreste Caught Ladybug in His Son’s Bedroom (and the One Time He Caught Chat Noir) by agrestenoir [ T,  1,923 words, 1/1]
Gabriel Agreste keeps finding Ladybug in his son's bedroom. As a super villain and father, this will not stand.
this crack fic is... honestly so hilarious. it’s all through gabrie-i-am-trying-to-parent-and-failing-a-lot-agreste’s POV so it is so much ridiculous! 
an uncurtain discovery by  Missnoodles [ T, 4,684 words, 1/1 ]
When he returns from school on Wednesday afternoon, Adrien discovers the darkness in his own home. He struggles to come to terms with it. To his utter mortification and delight, Ladybug is nearby to rescue him.
(He does not discover that his father is supervillain. That will happen on a different Wednesday.)
Adrien is being a cat and gets tangled in the curtains on his window and it’s utterly ridiculous. all the bug and the cat tendencies make it funnier and adrien’s inner monologue is just a cherry on top!
secret valentine by a_miiraculer [ T,  12,245 words, 1/1 ]
this is the moment that we will come alive brace yourself for love sweet love, secret love
If Adrien had known that getting himself stuck in a tree would end like this, he would've gotten himself stuck sooner.
A drabble series.
i just,,,, don’t have words for how much i love it! it’s ridiculous, it’s cute, it’s funny, it’s whole-some and just ladrien. the writer also has a M rated multi-chapter ladrien kissing (no the M is very much real here) and a heroic adrien and ladybug one-shot too! 
Those Benevolent Stars by peachcitt [ G,  23,696 words, 3/3 ]
“Will you come back?”
She looked up at the deep blue sky, as if she could somehow find the answer there. “I shouldn’t,” she said, shaking her head and looking back at him. But the stars were still there, caught in her eyes, and Adrien persisted.
“But will you?”
adrien meets his soulmate, a thief who calls herself ladybug. he falls for her, but she seems determined to maintain a space between them.
oh my god this au.... just no words!! it’s poetry and it’s tender and it’s about the yearning and just!!! perfect :’). Her current ongoing ladrien june fic is also akin to this (and the fic i linked before it) so do check it out too! (literally check out all of their works it’s so beautiful)
Flowers on the Window Sill by LNC [ G,  2,144 words, 1/1 ]
The first time Ladybug saw him, really saw him, the universe stopped.
this fic feels like poetry and it’s so lovely. LNC is always short and direct but it always hits right in the feels while also being hilarious. Her  other ladrien works are just as good and i highly recommend going through them because it fulfills all of the ladrien needs (along with Reiaji)
whatever a sun will always sing is you by komorebirei [ T,  32,980 words, 37/37 ]
“I didn't think you'd actually... do anything," Adrien admitted, cheeks prickling with warmth. "I-I mean, I never expected... I didn't know you watched my interviews.” That definitely wasn’t how he'd imagined confessing to Ladybug.
“Of course I do!” Ladybug squeaked. “Uhh, that is…” She looked down at her hands, nervously turning her yo-yo over, over and over. “Maybe you’re not the only one with a crush.”
(After an unexpected confession, Ladybug and Adrien start dating in secret. A progressive character- and relationship-study quilted from drabbles, with the intention of digging treasure out of the cove that is Ladrien. Written using kashimalin-fanfiction's kiss writing prompts from Tumblr.)
it does such an excellent job at exploring this dynamic along with the characters. it’s such a sweet fic, each chapter short and fun!
whose woods these are (I think I know.) by  Reiaji [ T,  105,000 words, 25/25 ]
Four years after his future turns to cinders, Adrien is a servant in the house he was meant to inherit. Disowned by his father and abused by his stepmother, his days are filled with drudgery until he meets a masked huntress in the forest behind his father's chateau.
As his friendship with Ladybug turns to first love, he dreams of a future spent at her side.
Then, on the eve of the Princess's masquerade, he meets his guardian—and is granted a wish.
[Ladrien Cinderella AU]
Warnings: Child abuse, Graphic depiction of violence
this is absolutely gorgeous. it has so many troupes and so many amazing character arc and great build up and everything just flows so well. it left me in awe for weeks and i just. want to experience reading it for the first time again. look at this gorgeous art inspired by this! {and you have to read  leonard bernstein too because LETTERS and LADRIEN and YEARNING}
i would do it again (oh, a thousand times) by bugabisous [ T, 2,266 words, 1/1 ]
Knowing you can bring someone back doesn’t mean you’re free of the pain of seeing them disappear before your eyes. He can’t imagine he’ll be able to look at her directly without replaying every horrifying moment when he felt her slip away in a puff of smoke.
When it happens once again, he already knows he’ll be trying again. He just can’t give up.
it expands on adrien’s feelings in the episode desperada (my beloved <3) and it is just ouch. such great angst, such great potential. the kind of tragedy that it offers is unusual for ml (it gets only rivaled by chat blanc tbh). to rival this angst bugabisous also has a fluffy one-shot :)
when the world gets too heavy (put it on my back) by Taliax [ T, 4,720 words, 1/1 ]
Chat Noir isn't allowed to cry over his father. But even when he's just Adrien, Ladybug won't abandon him.
Hawkmoth reveal hurt/comfort + Ladrien
the plagg and adrien bond written is just perfect, and oh this hits right in the feels :’) it hurts all in the right way. tali also has so many other ladrien works in all genres too
By Your Side by omniousunflower [ T, 4,361 words, 1/1 ]
(Angry and alone, Adrien waits on top of the Eiffel Tower for his lady.)
“So, how did my kitty get stranded up here?” Ladybug asks.
Groaning, Adrien pulls his knees toward his chest and presses his face against them. “Because he’s stupid and impulsive.”
“Chasing pigeons, then?”
“No.” Shame burns in Adrien’s veins, white-hot now that Ladybug is here to witness his stupidity. “I threw my Miraculous, and Plagg wouldn’t get it for me.”
post-hawkmoth defeat, and adrien is not doing well at all. i am cheating because it is post reveal, pre relationship but it’s still ladrien. this fic is a roller coater of emotions, starting from a slightly crack scenario to a cute, awkward, hopeful ending.  More Than You Know is another of sunny’s angsty ladrien work!
Breaking The Rules (AKA The Ladrien Fistfight) by ThisKwamiNeeds_aNap [ T, 8,714 words, 1/1 ]
Marinette may or may not be dying, but she’s still going to do her best to fix every single problem in the world. She’s not expecting Adrien to be the one who tries to stop her. (Takes place immediately after Kwami Buster)
Warnings: panic attack, broken bones, PTSD. please read the tags!
*slaps this fic* this fic can fit in so much angst. it just?? left me in PAIN oof. it says ‘ladrien fistfight’ on the lid but nooo there is marinette is just having a freak out and it’s all so much??!! and it’s not just marinette there is adrien too and chloe and alya and- wow it’s amazing. love it so much it fills up my angst needs :’)
so that’s it for now! my personal commentary isn’t impressive nor does it do justice to the fic but i still hope you read a few of these!! happy reading!!
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haikyuuhoo · 3 years
Pairing: Akaashi x Reader
Summary: In which Akaashi has a couple of habits you find extremely endearing.
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: Just extremely rushed writing so this might not be great.
A/N: Have a lil fluffy Akaashi fic I wrote instead of doing my reading for class today :) My excuse is that this was supposed to be a drabble but I got carried away.
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Akaashi had two habits you picked up on very early—before the two of you even really knew each other.
The first was that he had this cute little way he played with his fingers when he got anxious. You'd seen him do it in a number of situations: when he was waiting in line at the campus café deciding what to order, when he stood in the kitchen at the few parties you'd spotted him at, and right before he was about to give a presentation. Another thing you noticed, though, was that it was shockingly easy for him to switch it off as if nothing was bothering him. When he approached the counter, he told the barista his order as if it was the same thing he got every time. When his friends approached him at the party, he would give them a gentle smile and allow them to push a drink into his hand. When he stood in front of the class he immediately stood straight and set his shoulders back, exuding a confidence that you could only dream of having while he gave his analysis of whatever book you'd all just read for your literature class.
Akaashi Keiji was never one to express his emotions openly, always coming off as stoic or like he couldn't be bothered to really tell people what he was thinking. But you knew better.
When you leaned your chin on your palm, watching Akaashi give his presentation at the front of the lecture hall, you could tell there was more going on in that pretty head of his. Honestly, you weren't even paying attention to what he was saying. You were studying him, trying to see if there was any millisecond where he let something other than strict professionalism shine through. But you didn't see anything, and it made you frown a bit as he came to the conclusion of his presentation.
When he finished, he thanked the class and let a small smile settle on his lips. It made warmth bloom in your chest, and you couldn't help but smile in return.
Not like he noticed. You were pretty sure he didn't even know who you were.
That was your first year of college, and you honestly didn't expect to be in many—if any—more classes with Akaashi. It was just a gen ed class, after all.
In your third year, however, you were in another class with him. You’d noticed him on the first day. You remembered from your first year that he was always early to class, so it wasn’t much of a surprise when your gaze immediately found him sitting in the middle of the rows of seats as you walked in. You instantly felt your heart rate pick up, and you honestly found it to be a bit embarrassing. You made your way to a seat a few rows behind Akaashi and settled in. Did you still have a stupid crush on this guy who you’d barely spoken a word to two years later?
Yeah, you did. How could you be anything other than enamoured with Akaashi Keiji?
The class, sadly, was a lecture with over one hundred students, so aside from looking at the back of his head, you didn’t really see much of him. It made your heart sink.
The second habit Akaashi had was one you had picked up on your first year as well, but you didn’t really see it in full swing until you noticed him frequenting the library even more than you usually did.
Akaashi Keiji was an overthinker.
Sitting behind him, you could always see the bright red A’s on his papers he got back. So why did he always look so stressed whenever you saw him in the library?
On numerous occasions you’d caught him staring at his laptop screen for probably much longer than was necessary to read over whatever was in front of him. You felt a bit bad for staring, but he made you curious. When you looked a little more closely, you noticed that behind his glasses his gaze was unfocused, meaning his mind was definitely somewhere far off from the words on the screen in front of him.
You found it kind of cute, the look he would get on his face.
But you’d still never spoken to him, so there was no way you were going to tell him that.
That was, until one day in the library when you did speak to him.
You had been sitting a few tables away from Akaashi—this time you weren’t stalking him—not that you had been before!—you were here first this time, you swear! You hadn’t even noticed him!
Well, okay, that last part wasn’t true. You had arrived before Akaashi that day, fully intent on cramming for midterms, and you only noticed him when you got up to go refill your water bottle. You almost tripped over your own feet when you saw him. And maybe you did accidentally shoulder check a bookshelf.
But we don’t talk about that.
You noticed he was working on the paper for your class as you walked by, you could tell from the fact that his copy of the book you all had been assigned sat open in front of him. It had countless flags sticking out of it and was filled with highlights and scribbles in the margins. You kind of admired his dedication.
A few hours later you’d gotten yourself back in your own groove of cramming. Your headphones played music loudly into your ears in an attempt to minimize any distractions, and your gaze was fixed on your laptop. You were so in the zone that you didn’t notice someone approaching you. You didn’t even notice him say your name. It wasn’t until you felt a hand on your shoulder that made you jump that you pulled yourself away from your work.
You pulled your headphones off just in time to hear the person beside you mumble an apology, and before your gaze raised enough to look at his face you knew who it was.
You could tell by the way he fiddled with his fingers.
“Sorry for scaring you,” Akaashi said, looking away as an embarrassed flush rose on the back of his neck.
You shook your head quickly. “No, it’s okay! My music was just really loud. I didn’t hear you,” you explained with an awkward laugh, looking up at him and setting your headphones on the table. “D-Did you need something?”
You could feel your heart pounding. You’d never spoken to him before and now he was approaching you?
“Yeah, uh, you’re in my classic lit class,” he said, and your breath caught in your throat. You didn’t think he even knew you existed.
“Yeah, I am,” you breathed, and you could feel your cheeks tingle with heat.
He cleared his throat and looked down at you. He was still playing with his fingers, which surprised you. Usually he stopped as soon as he started doing whatever was making him nervous. Why were you any different?
“I was wondering if you’d be willing to read over my paper. I’ve been working on it for hours and I think it’s making me hate it. You can say no, I know you’re probably busy with your own stuff. I just thought a fresh pair of eyes might help me.”
Your eyes widened. Not only was he in front of you looking uncharacteristically more nervous than you’d ever seen him, but now he was asking for your help?
“Sure!” you blurted, and you hoped you didn’t come across as eager as you felt.
His shoulders relaxed at that, and he smiled. “Awesome, thank you. Let me grab my stuff really quick.”
You nodded, and as you watched him retreat to his table you tried to get yourself to calm down. He was back less than a minute later, and instead of just having his laptop he had gathered all of his things. It made the heat in your cheeks spread over the rest of your face as you realized he was moving to your table to continue working.
“I’m Y/N, by the way,” you said as he set his laptop in front of you.
“I know,” he said bluntly, settling into the seat across from you.
Your eyes widened. “Y-You do?”
He looked up at you and raised an eyebrow. “Yeah. We had a class together a couple years ago. You gave really good presentations,” he observed.
You felt like you were going to pass out. Not only did Akaashi actually know your name, he remembered you.
“I see you around campus sometimes too,” he continued.
“O-Oh,” you breathed, pulling his laptop closer to you. “I guess it’s not weird that I know your name too, then?”
He gave you a smile that made a swarm of butterflies erupt in your stomach. “I guess not. But I can formally introduce myself if that’ll make you feel better. I’m Akaashi. Thank you for reading my paper.”
You nodded, fingers curling around the sides of his laptop. “Of course. I’ve been working for hours too, so this will be a good break.”
“I can read something of yours in return if you want,” he offered, but you shook your head immediately.
“No, it’s okay, you’ve probably got a bunch of assignments to work on,” you assured him with a smile before looking down to the screen to start reading his paper. He simply gave you a nod and pulled a textbook out of his bag, leaning his cheek against his hand as he began working on another assignment.
It only took you a few pages to realize why Akaashi consistently aced his papers. He was an incredible writer.
You looked up, fully intent on telling him as much, but you stopped when your gaze settled on him and you noticed that familiar far away look in his eyes. You smiled, and you couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about.
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Akaashi thought you were incredibly beautiful. That wasn’t a word he used often, usually reserved only for the way authors sometimes articulated things in a way that gave him goosebumps or for the way he could see the stars twinkle on clear nights.
But as soon as he’d laid his eyes on you, the word popped into his mind nearly every day. He’d watched you walk into class the first day of his first year, and he was smitten.
You looked so beautiful, even when you were doing something as simple as coming into the early morning class nursing a coffee every day. He decided he’d always come early so he could watch you walk in.
You looked beautiful when he saw you around campus, and the warmth that bloomed in his chest when he watched you laugh with your friends only solidified the thought.
You looked incredibly beautiful whenever he saw you at the parties he went to when Bokuto was finally able to drag him along. There was just something about watching you act so carefree with a smile that never seemed to leave your face all night that made him realize that you had become his definition of beautiful.
But he’d been too nervous to ever say anything to you, and when an entire year went by without the two of you having another class together, he felt a bit hopeless. He couldn’t really go up to you on campus, and the longer he waited the more awkward it was.
“Hey, you were in my literature class a year and a half ago,” wasn’t the best pickup line.
But when he saw you walk into classic lit at the beginning of this semester, he felt his heart soar. Maybe he would work up the nerve to talk to you this time.
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A few minutes passed and Akaashi still hadn’t moved. A slight giggle left you that startled him out of whatever trance he was in, and he blushed when he looked at you.
“What? Did I write something stupid?” he asked meekly.
You shook your head, unable to keep the laugh from bubbling out of you. “No! Your paper is incredible, actually.”
He frowned. “Then why are you laughing?”
You gave him a hesitant smile. “You do this thing…” you trailed off, wondering if it would be weird to admit that you noticed the way he would sometimes get lost in his own head.
“What thing?” he questioned, the pink on his cheeks darkening.
You bit your lip. Now it was your turn to be shy. You dropped your gaze to your lap and played with a loose thread on your sleeve. “When you get really deep in thought you get this cute little look on your face,” you whispered, not even sure if he heard it.
But he had, and his eyes widened in embarrassment. “C-Cute?” he sputtered.
You nodded and cleared your throat. “Sorry, I know that’s probably weird,” you said softly.
“I think you’re cute too,” he breathed.
“You what?” you squeaked, head snapping back up so you could look at him.
He quickly looked away, but there was no hiding the way his cheeks were stained pink. “Is that too forward?” he asked softly, and he was playing with his fingers again.
Without thinking, you reached across the table and placed your hand on top of his. He jumped, looking back over at you and relaxing at the way you smiled at him.
“No, it’s not,” you assured him.
“Good,” he sighed, “because I actually think you’re beautiful.”
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That was three years ago, and you couldn’t help but think back to it as you took in the scene in front of you.
You’d announced yourself as soon as you stepped into his house. You knew he had a big deadline today, so you wanted to surprise him with dinner. He sometimes forgot to eat when he worked late, and you wanted to make sure he was taking care of himself properly.
Plus, you’d take any excuse you could get to see your boyfriend.
“‘Kaashi, I brought food!” you called out as you closed the door. You slipped your shoes off by the door and hung your jacket up beside his on the coat rack. When you got no response, you set the bag of takeout on the kitchen table and made your way to his office.
“Keiji,” you hummed as you opened the door, peeking your head in. You still didn’t receive a response, but you saw him sitting at his desk. He wasn’t typing, however, nor was he scrolling through the pages on the screen in front of him.
You frowned. You already knew what was happening.
You walked further into the room. “Keiji,” you said again when you approached his side. He simply gave you a hum in acknowledgement. You rolled your eyes and turned his chair so he was facing you, but he kept his gaze straight ahead. A groan left you and you cupped his face in your hands, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips.
His eyes widened, and his gaze focused on you for a moment before his eyes fluttered shut and he parted his knees slightly so you could stand between them.
“You’re gonna give yourself burnout if you keep spacing out like that. I know how much you overthink stuff like this,” you scolded when you pulled away.
He sighed, hands settling on your hips. “I know, it’s just, I’ve got this deadline—”
“I know you do,” you interrupted, “that’s why I’m here. I had a feeling you’d be working too hard.” You gave him a fond smile and ran a hand gently through his hair. “So I brought you dinner.”
He perked up at the mention of food and smiled up at you. “You’re the best.”
“I know.” You grinned. “Now c’mon, let’s go eat so you can give that pretty little head of yours a rest,” you teased, ruffling his hair once more before reaching for his hand and pulling him out of his chair.
He hummed and laced your fingers together as he stood up. “Sounds good,” he murmured before bringing your hand up and placing a kiss to your knuckles. “You know me so well.”
You smiled. “I’ve been told I’m quite observant.”
He chuckled and gave your hand an affirmative squeeze. “Yeah, you sure are.”
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Lavender Love (JJK x Reader) 💐💜🔞
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🦋 Pairing: Florist!Jeon Jungkook x Mute!Reader
🦋 Genre: Florist!AU, Fluff, Strangers to Lovers AU, smut
• Selective mutism : a severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations, such as with classmates at school or to relatives they do not see very often. It usually starts during childhood and, if left untreated, can persist into adulthood.
🦋 Warnings: mentions of past trauma (no mentions of what exactly), anxiety attack, it’s not romanticized in this so it’s no ‘hero in shining armor knows what to do’ kinda thing, mentions of vomiting and overall just a very uncomfortable situation, Jungkook is actually kinda lost, mutual pining, awkward reader, very very VERY soft smut, like Jesus Christ it’s so sweet, mentions of therapy, hopeless romantic kook, he researched so much just so he can help :(, protective Kook!
🦋 Summary: words only hurt people around you, so when you meet this kind florist while picking up your friends order, you swear to yourself to never speak a word to him. He however, seems to have different plans.
(Again, I want to point out that anxiety attacks are a real thing, and hardly ever ‘just pass’. If you’re uncomfortable with these things, please skip this fic as it is a major part of the story. Everyone experiences these things differently, things depicted in this are personal experiences. If you think you have problems like this, please seek professional help. You’re not broken, you maybe just need a little hand to guide you back on track. Stay safe everyone 💕)
This is a oneshot! If you have any asks, Ideas, or drabble requests for this universe, throw them my way!
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You don't remember the last word you spoke to a stranger.
It's probably hidden somewhere, and you'd find it if you really searched for it, however, you didn't really crave to be remembered about what happened afterwards. It didn't matter these days anyways.
You don't remember your school days.
Again, these memories are there, you know it. Yet you've turned them around like a picture hanging on a wall, neatly framing an incident that scarred you to the point of seemingly no return. It didn't matter these days anyways.
You pull your facemask a bit as you waited at the red light, folded paper in your hand, which was hidden in the front pocket of your sweater. People around you didn't really look at you, not caring, and you favored it greatly. You felt your fingers get clammy however, the closer you got to the corner store. Hopefully Miss Jung was there; she knew your mother, and didn't really mention your habit of silence much. Hopefully.
But the closer you got, the more you felt your skin grow cold.
That was not miss Jung.
You desperately wanted to text Yoongi, telling him that you couldn't pick up his order, but he was sick, he needed someone to do it, and you knew you could do it- you had to start somewhere. Your therapist had praised you last month so greatly, telling you how good you were getting at conversing, even if it was just through text or post it notes- it was more than you did a few years ago. But your feet slowed down, hands beginning to shake. You stood against the wall near the entrance, evening out your breathing as you tried to ground yourself again.
You could do this.
Entering the store, familiar bell ringing, you felt a bit more calm as the scent of the various flowers filled your nose. You'd often stayed under the counter when Miss Jung had been working when you were young, her presence calming to you as she didn't care about your 'issues' as others had called it. She always let you make flower crowns and tiny rings, showing you what every one of them meant, uncaring that you never answered her. She always said your smile was enough.
"Hello! How can I help you?" He asked in a friendly manner. His voice was melodic, probably nice to listen to whenever he talked away, making you slightly jealous. Your own was weak, fragile from lack of use. He smiled at you as you hesitantly walked forwards, unfolding the note Yoongi had written and placing it down in front of him, making him pick it up, reading it. "Oh? Lazy gramps can't pick them up himself?" He chuckled, and you wanted to disagree, yet you stopped the thought while it formed. "Ah, I'll get them for you, but are you sure you can carry them all yourself? There's multiple boxes, and eh-" He began, grinning before picking at his skin on his jaw. "-not to be mean but you're kinda short." He said, and your eyes widened. You shook your head, and he leaned his to the side. "No? No what?" He asked, and you began to grow uncomfortable. Your gaze shifted towards the note, pointing towards it, then at yourself, before you nodded. "I eh.." He trailed off, before he smiled encouragingly. "Ah, you're shy? Don't be, I don't bite!" He playfully said, and you could feel the tears prick at the backs of your eyes.
It was unfair really. You wished you could be more open, tell him all you wanted to say, be just as confident as he was being- yet here you were, confusing the guy to no ends just because you couldn't open your mouth. It was pathetic, really, and before you knew you felt the tears gather. You were growing frustrated, hands growing clammy as you tightened them into fists, breathing becoming uneven as you desperately tried to calm yourself. "Ah- you're okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" He tried, hand on your shoulder not helping one bit. He was now confused, maybe even scared, and it was your fault. Why were you being so difficult? Why couldn't you just tell him like every other normal person could? Oh yeah, because you weren't. You were absolutely fucked up, useless for society, not even able to work a proper job-
"Y/N?" The voice sounded dull, as if someone held their hands over your ears, the rushing of your own blood drowning out everything else as your hands and feet became rigid, frozen in place by the overflow of oxygen. "Jungkook dear, please give her space- Y/N sweetheart, can you hear me?" You knew she was talking, but her voice wasn't reaching you at all as the tears fell, sobs wrenching your gut to the point of feeling sick. "Oh sweetheart, come on, quick-" She hurried, unnoticed by you helping your locked body outside through the backdoor with Jungkooks help, who had a worried look on his face as he watched the scene unfold. "Jungkook dear, can you get me a bucket real quick?" He nodded, dashing off to clumsily get a small water bucket, cursing as he knocks down several others, glad that there wasn't another costumer. He got back just in time for Miss Jung to manage to hold the purple plastic container underneath your face as your body shook, bringing back up whatever you'd eaten in its absolute frenzy. "Shh, its okay.." She hummed, before addressing the boy again. "Can you cut some lavender please? A branch should be enough." She asked, as he nodded again, eyes barely leaving your figure. Was that his fault? What did he do wrong? "Jungkook." Miss Jung said to knock him back to reality, as he nodded, walking towards the several flowers as he took out the gardening scissors from his apron, cutting two small branches instead of one for good measure.
When he walked back outside the backdoor, you'd already laid on your side, Miss Jung carefully running her hand over your back as you seemed to still have issues breathing properly, sobs still present as you choked on air. He wordlessly gave his boss what she'd asked for, as he watched her rub the flowers between her hands, the scent filling your nose slowly. It helped after a moment, slowly calming your senses back down, exchanging your now returning sense of hearing and vision with a raging headache. "I'm so sorry I-" He began, but miss Jung sent him a look, shaking her head. She'd just managed to bring you back, she didn't need to throw you back into the circle again.
"Jungkook, can you go help the costumers please?" She asked as she heard the bell, and he hesitantly nodded, before returning.
Well, this ended well.
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The next day, Yoongi had you by his side as he stepped inside the flower shop. "Hel- Ah! You!" Jungkook exclaimed, making you shrink in on yourself, readying yourself for whatever he had to say. Yoongi however, voice raspy from his cold, cut him off.
"Yah you idiot, can you ever just do what you're told?" He exclaimed, as Jungkook scratched the back of his neck, fluffy hair falling a bit to the side from the movement. "You got my shit?" He asked, and you gently pulled at his sleeve, a sign that he should at least stop cursing. "Sorry." He mumbled down to you as Jungkook watched the silent exchange with interest. Yoongi coughed, snapping the younger boy back to his senses as he walked to the back, coming back with two boxes. "Thanks." Yoongi simply answered, holding both boxes even though he could see the question in your eyes. You both got ready to leave, as Jungkook stopped you.
"Wait!" He said, rummaging around underneath the counter before he pulled out a tiny envelope, wrapped with a purple ribbon, holding it out to you. "As uhm.. a sorry. For yesterday. I didn't know." He offered, and you took it, nodding. So now he knew. Great. He simply waved, as Yoongi bumped you with his elbow, signaling you to go.
In the car, the older boy suddenly sniffed. "Did he pack the wrong flowers or why does it smell so much like lavender?" He asked, and you shrugged, before remembering the gift. Opening the ribbon, you found a small sheer bag, dried seeds of lavender inside, as well as a note.
'Miss Jung said, writing is easier. So if I didn't screw up yesterday, text me? :) '
"That fucker!" Yoongi laughed before coughing again, making you smile a bit. What exactly was that supposed to mean?
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It meant exactly what he said. He genuinely started to reach out to you after you'd texted him your number, sending you random pictures of bouquets he did during the day, of scenery he encountered on his way to or off work, memes, or simply asking you how your day was. He slowly found out more and more about you, never really asking why you didn't speak- because the more he began to unravel your personality, the less he cared about that. He found out that you liked sports, you played in a soccer team, and worked as an online tech support from home. He thought of it as absolutely the coolest thing ever, even asking to see a game of yours if you'd let him.
Which had led to this moment.
Jungkook was sitting down, several girls side-eyeing him as they wondered why he was there. His dark attire and several piercings, as well as the ink painting his arm that he'd exposed due to the heat as he'd rolled up the sleeves of his sweater completely covering up the fact that he actually worked with delicate things such as tiny flowers, able to make the best flower crowns of all time. He denied their request to sit with them, texting you instead that he was there, and where he sat. He watched as you read his message before looking up, finding him as he grinned, waving. You meekly waved back, shy smile on your lips as he heard the whispers from his side. He gave them a look to shut them up, before leaning forward, eager to see you in action.
He was mesmerized as he saw you run, every step you took seemingly perfectly timed and placed. You were the shortest one out of your team, but that did not put you at a disadvantage at all it seemed; you ducked under another player trying to push you almost expertly, making him jump up and push his fist into the air in victory as you scored.
When you were done with your game, he'd already walked down the stairs, meeting you as you smiled at his figure, a bit taken aback by his choice of clothing. He always made sure to cover up his tattoos in the flowershop, Miss Jung not too fond of him scaring away costumers who had a more traditional view on things. He held up his hand before lowering it a bit for you to properly hit it in a high five, internally beaming at the fact that you'd slowly grown more comfortable with him. He carried your bag for you, shaking away his stray strands of hair that had fallen into his face from the slight wind. "Ah, here." He remembered, giving you your facemask back, remembering that you always liked to wear it so people thought you were maybe sick and just didn't talk because of that. But after months with him; you didn't need it anymore. So you simply took it from him, putting it into your pocket. His eyes widened a bit but he smiled afterwards, actually growing a bit shy.
And he almost tripped over his own feet as he felt your tiny hand grab his to hold.
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"Oh Y/N! Jungkook is already changing. He said you're both going on a date?" Miss Jung winked at you, making you look down shyly, fingers pulling at the hem of your skirt a bit as you nodded. He'd asked you out a few days ago, immediately replying that you could also just stay at his or your place, and that you didn't have to go out. You'd thanked him for it, and you both decided to simply get a shit ton of junk food to take home to his place, planning on watching a short movie and maybe playing some video games after. "I'm happy. He's a good guy, but don't tell him I said that, his ego is too inflated already, that poor boy!" She hummed, as Jungkook whined from behind her.
"Yah, my ego isn't inflated at all, what are you saying?!" He said while pouting, making you chuckle a but under your breath. He smiled, walking up to you as he waved at miss Jung. "Thanks for closing the shop, we'll be on our way then!" He exclaimed, and she just nodded, smile genuine on her lips.
"So!" He said, stretching his arms above his head before he took your hand, walking across the street with you as he led you both to a fast food place close by. "I thought about The Cat Returns tonight?" He asked, and you nodded, happy with his choice. Against the stigma floating around him judged by his attire and collections of tattoos and piercings, Jungkook was actually a huge fan of Studio Ghibli and everything romantic. He was a bit cheesy, but you'd grown to appreciate it- maybe even love it. The more you both conversed and spend time together, the closer you felt yourself getting with him- without forcing yourself to. It just came natural with him, the hand holding not making you feel weird or as if people were staring, his jacket around your shoulders never feeling heavy. Being close to him was comforting, hearing his voice was soothing, being with him was.. like your personal stack of lavender, always ready to calm your nerves.
So when you were walking to his place, apartment still a bit foreign to you since you'd only visited him a handful of times, you didn't feel any pressure. You simply took off your shoes, immediately greeting his two pet rabbits in his living room, crouching down to pet them. "I feel like you only love me for my pets." He explained playfully scandalized, making you grin as you continued to run your hand over the soft fur.
"Alright!" He'd exclaimed as everything was set on the table, his arms on the back of his couch. "Will you stay with them or actually sit down with me? I'm getting lonely." He whined, and you rolled your eyes before you skipped to the couch, stumbling a bit as he chuckled, catching you as you almost fell onto his lap. "Easy there tiger, and here I thought you wanted to take things slow." He laughed, voice low as he turned on the movie, very aware of the blush coating your cheeks.
It started to cover his own soon as well however, as you slowly but surely started to cuddle up to him.
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A kiss was what started it. One, then two, and the third deepened the feeling of want. You thought you'd feel pressured, hesitant, shy, or maybe even scared- but you didn't. This was Jungkook. And Jungkook was your safe place.
"Wait.." He hesitantly said, eyes almost shut in a way as if he was hurt, holding your shoulders as he looked at you. "I- I'm sorry, I don't know what came over myself there.." He chuckled, shifting a bit as he suddenly pulled on his sweater to hide his growing erection. He'd never been ashamed of it in the past, but now, it seemed out of place. It felt as if it made him look like he couldn't wait, as if he was impatient, or taking advantage of the situation. You simply took the receipt of the food, turning it around as you clicked the ballpoint pen on his table, writing.
'It's okay. I want to.'
His eyes widened as he got more serious. "You don't have to. I can totally wait." He said, a gentle smile on his lips as he watched you write another line.
'There's no one I'd rather go this far with.'
His heart began to beat heavier, if that made sense. It felt as if every beat was suddenly more meaningful, louder, more present than ever, as he watched you write.
'I'm yours.'
You gently laid the pen down, now looking at him as he smiled, kissing your lips again deeply as the thunderstorm outside raged on, lightning brightening the room for a second as he couldn't seem to stop kissing you. "Thank you." He hummed, before diving in again. "Thank you." He said again, before made you sit on his lap, straddling him as he chuckled in bliss. "I promise I'll take good care of you." He vowed as you'd closed your eyes, simply giving yourself to him as his hands held you safely. "Now, and forever." He whispered, before he stood up, strong arms underneath your bottom as he carried you out of the living room, into his dark bedroom that only occasionally lit up from the lightning outside. The rain hit the window harshly, yet he didn't seem to hear it at all as he let you fall on the mattress back first, chuckling as he almost fell on top of you, making you giggle.
The sound prominent in his ears as he swore he could've cried.
"You sound so beautiful." He hummed against your neck, his words never wiping the smile off of your face as he moved you to lay down properly, clothes slowly loosing purpose as every item slowly met the floor with a soft thud. He praised every curve, every flaw you saw in yourself as he closed his eyes in pure bliss, no need for visual confirmation to know that you were perfect to him. For the first time in forever you felt free, completely safe and guarded as he moved above you, silent gasps and sighs the only thing present as he stood up for a moment, having to search for a condom before he met you on the bed again, giggling like school kids caught doing mischief as he struggled to open the package, making you laugh at him.
He decided he loved that sound.
If someone was to ask him what he thought your voice sounded like, his first reply would genuinely be that he did not care. It wasn't mandatory in what you both had, he'd learned that over the months and months he'd spent with you. Words surely made communication a bit simpler, but he didn't need them to show you his love and adoration for you. It proved his worth way better than words ever could.
Wrapping the safety over his length he kissed you again, seemingly hooked on the simple gesture as he held himself with one hand, the other one guiding him into you, slowly, as to not make it hurt.
He'd never hurt you.
He didn't rush, there was no need to. This wasn't about reaching a goal, a high, or any end of some sorts. He simply relished in being close to you, in the huge amount of trust you gave him willingly, naturally. He felt honored, as cheesy as it sounded, he felt as if there was no bigger achievement in his life than knowing that you gave yourself into his arms simply because you cherished him just as much as he did you. He held you tightly against him as he slowly moved, pace slow and almost lazy as you slightly squirmed and reached around his shoulders, holding him close as well, both of you existing, nothing more.
Maybe it was the fact that it was you, maybe it was the high of his own happiness in knowing that he held your heart, but he soon felt himself grow sensitive, hand reaching between your bodies to roll your pear between his inked fingers, making you mewl underneath him.
He decided he loved that sound as well.
Your back arched as you came undone underneath him, clenching center helping his own release to happen shortly after. He gasped out, catching his breath as he rested his forehead against yours, suddenly laughing as if he was drunk. And he kind of was; drunk on the realization that this had indeed happened, that he actually was here, holding you, having you all for himself. He slipped out of you after a moment, pulling the condom off of himself as he tied it and threw it into the bin close to his bed, before slipping underneath his blankets, holding you close, sighing in gentle comfort as no words were spoken. Until you moved a bit, lips close to his ear, as you whispered.
"I love you."
And he decided, he loved that sound most of them all.
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btsmakesmehappy · 3 years
Cookies Charades
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Genre: Roommate to Lover, Friends to lover, Fluff, slight angst.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Word Count: 4,5k
Rating: PG-13
Warning: the reader is a little insecure, grinch joke, ugly christmas sweater, low budget christmas party, a pandemic quarantine itself is a big warning (Please stay safe!)
Summary: A pandemic quarantine, cookies, a bet, and a night with just the two of you; you and your very own crush who is also your best friend. What could happen?
A/N: this drabble is for @btswriterscollective​ ‘s holiday event! It’s my first time joining an event since I wrote my fics. And this fluffy Christmas fic is dedicated to @lunar-jimin​. Merry Christmas! I’m still new at writing fics so It’ll be a little messy but I hope this will make you happy! - your secret Santa, Rain
also thank you for my beta reader, @arizonapoppy​ Merry Christmas<3
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“So what are you doing for Christmas?” Jimin asks casually as he puts chips into his mouth. His eyes are glued to the TV which plays Princess Diaries out of nowhere, and you’re pretty sure that both of you don’t even pay any attention to the movie. Today is supposed to be your movie night with your best friends, just wine, and a lot of food, and maybe some board games if you can’t find anything to watch. But since the pandemic, you can’t just barge into your friends’ home easily. That’s why you are stuck in your apartment with your roommate, Jimin.
You’ve been living with him for two years, introduced by mutual friends. You searched for an apartment, Jimin looked for a roommate, it was perfect. There was just a little thing that your friends knew: that you had a crush on him.
Well, who doesn’t?
Jimin is hot, smart, and cute all merged into a fine man. A fine man with a body that makes other men envious. It’s unfair too that he is also kindhearted. It’s like everything you need for a man, you can find in him.
Jimin is like a chameleon. He can be a nerd in the morning, and a fuckboy in the evening. He can be a bulky gym-addicted man to start and then turns into a cuddly soft boy in the space of minutes. He can be a boy that an older woman loves, or a strong-fatherly figure that girls would obsess over. He cooks, he cleans, and he also takes care of you when you’re sick.
He is so perfect. So fucking perfect.
That’s why it’s hard for you to not fall in love with him, not when he is just a room away from you, and not when he becomes your best friend so very soon. It’s like Universe wants to torture you. Like the Universe sees an opportunity to mess with your heart, let alone your relationship with people.
Yes. You’re in love with your best friend who is also your roommate.
You like him, a lot, to the point that your hand goes clammy whenever he’s close to you. To the point that his scent after shower raises your heartbeat. To the point that you feel a stab of pain to your chest whenever he comes home with Jisoo.
You sip your wine slowly. “I might be skiing again right now, if we weren’t in a pandemic.” Your eyes wander to the photo frame above the TV; it was when you were on a skiing trip with your friends last winter.
“Do you want to do something with me then?” He turns his head to face you, eyes twinkling in excitement.
“Sure, why not?” you shrug. “We’re going to do these for Christmas, after all. So yeah, just make an appointment for that.”
Jimin snatches the wine glass from you and puts it on the shaky table in front of you so clumsily that he almost makes it fall and colors your cheap white carpet red. “That’s not what I meant! Let’s just make a small Christmas celebration just the two of us. We should bake, cook, and decorate!”
“Won’t it be bothersome, though?” You’re actually pretty worn out. Your finals have just ended, all of your assignments and papers are all submitted. Not to mention you just finished your internship program for this semester, because somehow they didn’t cancel the program because of the pandemic. You were pretty busy. What you really want is just food and your bed. Celebrating Christmas? Maybe it’s just a privilege for you.
“Come on!” he whines. “It’ll be fun! This is the first Christmas, just the two of us!”
And maybe the last one, you think. Staying with Jimin has been hard for your heart. You’re supposed to move this year. You’ve searched the possible rooms, looking for extra jobs to afford it, and anything you need to rent the new room. But again, because of the pandemic, that plan will be postponed. There’s no way you would move at the time like this. So, yeah. Maybe this Christmas would be a nice memory. “Fine. So what should we buy then?”
The corners of his eyes crinkle with his widening smile. “Should we exchange gifts? What do you want for Christmas?”
You fold your arms, thinking. “Ehm. I know! I read it online earlier this morning, there’s a discount in the supermarket for instant noodles. Can you believe it? Buy three get two for free!”
“That’s not what I meant!” he whines. “Clothes? Books?”
“Not really; Why would I buy clothes when I spent most of my days in the apartment? And besides I’m broke.” Well, you’re not lying. Even though you’re gonna spend Christmas away from your family, it doesn't mean you won’t send them gifts, and with those pricey gifts and delivery fees; yeah, it costs you a little more than you’re expected.
Jimin pouts. “Fine… So no exchanging gifts then. Well, Christmas Eve is tomorrow anyway, there’s no way we can find gifts in such a short notice.”
You poke his sides playfully, “come on don’t be sad. And I remember you said something about baking?”
He smiles widely and rises from the couch. He walks inside his bedroom and returns with a legal pad in his hand. “What about decoration? I believe we can still find a Christmas tree downtown,” he suggests as he scribbles his ideas on the pad.
Your hand automatically stops his moving hand. “Let’s skip the Christmas tree. It’ll be too expensive. How about we just make paper chains or something like that?”
“Why? It’ll be like an investment! We can use it next year.”
“I know, but…” You bite your lips, hesitant to tell him. “It’s just…”
Jimin looks at you for a moment and then draws an X on the pad. “Fine. No decoration. Let’s keep our budget to minimum then. What about food?”
“I’m not sure. With all of the baking we’ll do, it’ll be a mess if we decided to cook too.”
Jimin taps his pencil on his chin. “You’re right. Let’s order pizza and chicken then?”
You give him a thumb up and pat his shoulder. “Okay. We should go shopping in the morning.” A yawn leaves your mouth and you rise from the couch. “Well, I’m going to retire for the night. Good night.”
“So early?” He looks at you with a raised eyebrow and then to your abandoned glass of wine. “Fine. See you tomorrow.”
You give him a wave and head to your room. With the weight in your heart, you plop on your bed and sigh. Again, you missed the chance to tell him that you’re going to move out. Your mind wonders whether it’s a good idea to spend Christmas Eve tomorrow with him. Just the thought of that makes your heart race again.
Get your head straight, Y/N!
He is your best friend. Control your feelings!
Just hang in there a little more, Y/N.
Hang in there…
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You’re awakened by the sound of metal crashing outside your room. You grunt as you reach the phone, eyes widening when you see that it’s noon already. You rise and walk outside to look for Jimin.
“Hello, Sleepyhead.”
You rub your eyes slowly and stretch your body. You were asleep for more than twelve hours, and instead of energizing you, it physically drained you. Your body aches. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” you ask hoarsely.
Jimin smiles as he hands you a mug of hot chocolate. Even if it’s noon already, it’s still winter and sure a hot beverage wouldn’t hurt. And the time and weather on your phone says it’s actually colder than yesterday, which is why even Jimin wears a thick black turtleneck instead of his usual pajamas. Not that you’re complaining about it. He looks good, like very good. And he just stands out perfectly in your all-white kitchen. “Because I know you’re tired. I feel bad, too, because you did this because I asked you. I’m sorry. And besides, you’re scary when I wake you up by force.”
You sit on the counter, collecting warmth by holding the mug. “Thank you. But don’t feel bad. I agreed to do it, too. So, if you give me fifteen minutes we can go to shopping-”
“That’s not needed anymore.”
Your eyes widen in surprise as your lips touch the hot chocolate, dripping some of it from your mouth. “But.. I thought we’re gonna bake cookies?”
“Yes, we are.” He cleans your chin with his thumb slowly, makes you jolt a little at his touch. The way he licks his thumb casually afterward is not helping at all. “But I already went for groceries!”
“I see, but you should just wait for me. We could go together.” You blow the beverage to cool it down and sip it slower than before.
His hand travels to your cheek and pinches it softly. “That’s fine. So just wake up already and help me bake!”
You look puzzled and yet you walk back again to your room, leaving him humming Christmas songs in the kitchen. You lean on the back of your door after you close it. Your face feels hotter as if you can still feel his fingers on your face. Smooth and warm. The warmth slowly fills your chest and makes you hard to breathe. It’s like magic. And it's even more magical that you still can stand even though your knees are all wobbly.
You shake your head to clear your mind, to clear any unnecessary thoughts, and head to the bathroom. This is going to be a hard day.
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Fifteen minutes later, you go back to the kitchen, finding Jimin playing with his iPad. “What cookies should we make?” you ask as you lean on the counter, head propped on your chin. You’re wearing your Christmas sweater that your mom sent you earlier this year. It has a Grinch on the front of it and a huge Christmas tree on the back. It screams ugly in every Christmas sweater contest. You’re supposed to wear this together with your family, sitting together in front of a fireplace. Since it’s not going to happen, at least the sweater can give you some warmth this Christmas.
He lifts his head up and his eyes fall on your green sweater. “It suits you really well, not gonna lie.” He throws his head back in laughter.
His laughter again sways your heart, stealing your breath. You hit him softly on his shoulder and tie your hair loosely in a low ponytail. “Shut up. So what should we make?”
“It’s gingerbread cookies! We can decorate them too. I bought like a dozen cookie cutters just for this day.” He opens a plastic box to show you proudly.
You pick some of the cookie cutters, trying to identify the shapes. “Are you sure you picked the right shapes? Isn’t this like a mermaid-ocean-package?”
“What?” He immediately scans the box and sighs. “Fuck, I’m sure I picked from the right shelf. I’m sorry.”
“What are you apologizing for? Maybe some people are mixing it up. That’s fine!” You pat his shoulder reassuringly.
Jimin grabs all of the cookie cutters and stuffs them into their box. “Just wait for an hour. I’m gonna have this exchanged.”
You grab his arms to stop him from walking away. “Don’t bother. They’re still cookies and edible even though they’re in different shapes. I mean, mermaids celebrate Christmas too, don’t they? In any case, it doesn’t really matter.”
“It does matter!” He pouts. “It’s our first Christmas together, I want it to be perfect.”
You chuckle. “Why would you want that?”
He sighs and scratches the back of his head. “I just feel we’ve been too distant lately, and you look very tired. I just want to make you happy.”
You freeze for a moment as you look at his face. A hopeful thought sneaks to your mind and you clear it immediately. “We can just make our shapes then. You know, just cut it with a knife or a toothpick or anything.”
He looks you back in the eyes, waiting for another reassurement. “Really?”
You smile. “Yes, it would be fun, making our own shapes. Besides, we don’t need perfect-shaped cookies just to make our Christmas perfect, do we?”
He returns your smile with a wider smile and pulls you into his chest. “Alright. Thank you, Y/N.”
You’re again puzzled with the sudden act and clear your throat as you pat his back. “Alright let’s bake some cookies then.”
He releases you immediately with pinkish cheeks.. “By the way, I’ve already mixed all of the ingredients a few hours ago, just so you know. The dough needed to be chilled.”
“Really? So I’m going to just cut them out and decorate it?”
“Yep.” He opens the fridge and pulls out a bowl of brown mixture. He scoops some flour with his hands to the counter and throws down the cookie dough. “Don’t worry I’ve cleaned the counter a few times.”
You’re not a cook yourself but you know a thing or two about cooking and baking. You baked cookies a lot when you're a kid, but as an adult? Not so much. So you just watch Jimin using his rolling pin to thin the dough with admiration on your face.
“What’re you doing? You should help me!”
“Oh right.” You laugh and walk to the sink to wash your hands. You snatch the rolling pin from his hand and start rolling it slowly. “Let me roll this.”
“Wait a minute.” He walks to the cabinet nearest you and grabs an apron. “Don’t want the Grinch to be dirty.” He unfolds the apron and throws the loop over your head.
You hold a breath when he touches your sides to tie the apron around your waist. You clear your throat just so you can distract yourself from the shivers that come from the feeling of his breath on your neck. “Is this fine?”
He pulls away from you. Looking around your shoulder, he eyes the dough. “I think this is the perfect thickness.”
“So how do you want to shape it?” Your hand moves to the corner of the tempting brown dough to rip it and puts it on your mouth, letting the dough melt on your tongue. You open the drawer to search for a small knife. “I’m thinking a puppy would be cute, but without the proper cutter, I’m afraid it’d turn out horrendous.”
“Oh my God, I just have a nice idea!“ He claps his hands together, eyes twinkling. “Should we have a competition then? ‘Who’d make the best identifiable cookies’. It would be like charades!”
You chuckle. “That’s like totally random. I think you hang out with Taehyung too much.” The second bite you ate is sweeter and all you can taste is just sweetness and the ginger. Did I taste some cinnamon in there?
He smiles proudly. “I think we can ask Taehyung to guess. What topic should we use… Animals would be too easy. How about food?”
“Fine! What’d the winner get?” you ask as your hand moves again towards the dough, but Jimin slaps it lightly.
“Why do you keep eating that? It has raw egg for god’s sake. Anyway, I think...” he rubs his chin and leaves a hint of flour on it, thinking. “What about the loser should grant the winner’s wish?”
You pout and use your sleeve to clean his chin. “A wish? Sure, but we should make some rule-”
“Make that three wishes,” he grins.
“Three??” your jaw drops.
He takes a step forward, forcing you to step back. Your hip bumps the counter as he reaches out his hand. “Are you afraid to lose, Y/N?”
You laugh in amazement. “No. Three wishes just for today,” you reply as you move closer to him and accept his hand. “Deal.”
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After hours of baking the cookies, letting them cool off, and decorating them, it’s time to play the cookie charades, as Jimin named it. Both of you have written all of the answers on a piece of paper so it’d be fair, and no one can change the answer later.
Jimin holds his phone as he waits for Taehyung to answer the video calls. Just after a few rings, Taehyung picks up the phone. “What’s up Jimin? Aren’t you with Y/N?”
“Hey Tae!” you wave at the phone when Jimin shows it to you. “What are you doing? We miss you!”
“Nothing. I just played games for twenty -four hours straight so I’m resting my eyes right now. What do you want?”
Jimin clears his throat and faces the camera. “So, Y/N and I are baking cookies, and we want you to guess the shapes. It’s kind of a battle.”
Taehyung grunts. “Why would I want to get involved in your rivalry? It’s so bothersome.”
“If I win I can give you one of my wishes!” you chime in, snatching the phone from Jimin’s hand.
“Yah! That’s bribing.” Jimin yells.
You scoff. “Fine! Pretty please?”
Taehyung rolls his eyes and sighs. “Fine. Let’s just get this over with.”
Jimin snatches his phone again and flips the camera. “Alright, thirty seconds on the clock each part and you should answer as many cookies as you can. To be fair, we’re not telling you whose cookies they are. Do you understand?”
“Yes. Can we do this immediately?”
You open your timer on your phone and set to thirty seconds. “Alright, one two three. Start!”
The first cookie’s shaped like a circle, but decorated with multiple colors. It has a brown-black stripe, red stripe, and green stripe stacked between two brown-yellowish stripes. “Hmmm, Hamburger?” Taehyung answers.
The second one is also a circle with a light brown color, with a little orange accent on it. “What’s that… a potato?” he squints his eyes as he looks at his phone screen closely.
“Wrong, it’s a hotteok.”
“The fuck I should know? It’s nothing like hotteok!” Taehyung rants on the other line, seemingly excited about the game.
“Just answer it! Fifteen seconds left!”
The rest fifteen seconds and another thirty seconds flew fast and Jimin concluded the game as he waves to Taehyung. “Alright, Tae. Thank you for playing with us. I hope to see you soon!” Jimin yells.
“So who’s the winner? Ya-” Taehyung asks as Jimin hangs up the phone.
Jimin puts his phone inside his pocket and looks at the answer sheets. “So, the first one has four rights and the second one has three rights. So that means…”
You bite the inside of your cheeks to control your emotion, but looking at Jimin’s face, you’re losing it. “FINE! You win!”
Jimin smiles wider as he jumps happily. “Of course I’d win!”
“I still think that putting Sprite as a question is cheating.” You cross your arms over your chest. “It’s not even a food!”
He laughs again mockingly, “It is if I say it is.”
You pout. “Fine, whatever. What are your wishes then? Remember, that those wishes are only valid until midnight.”
Jimin walks to the couch and sits with a smug expression on his face. “Let’s start with cleaning all of those cookie sheets and mixing bowls.” He picks up a remote and turns the TV on to play some movies. “Start cleaning, Cinderella!”
You sigh as you look at the piled-up dishes. Why did I even agree in the first place? you mumble quietly as you brush the crumbs from the pan and the hardened icing from the bowls. And the fact that it is filled with icing sugar before only makes it harder to clean. You scowl as you run them under the hot water, leaning in to scrub them more harshly.
“Don’t be mad, Y/N. You can win it next year,” Jimin reassures as he bites into his cookies. His voice is only half-mocking.
You slam the bowl into the sink with a clang, sending a cloud of bubbles across the counter. “Yeah, right. Like I would want to visit your apartment next year.”
“You what?” he asks, his voice blurred with the sound of the song coming from the TV. He turns his head to look at you weirdly.
You freeze, realizing that you just blurted the one thing you don’t want him to know. “Nothing,” you reply as you continue to wash the dishes, avoiding his gaze.
Jimin rises from the sofa and turns the TV off. He walks back to the kitchen and grabs your arm harshly, forcing you to look at him. “What do you mean?” His voice is cold, the smile vanished from his face.
“It’s nothing.” You try to brush his hand away and continue washing the dishes, but his grip tightens.
“I said, what do you mean?”
You take a deep breath. The scrubber slips from your hand under the water as you turn to face him. “I think I’m going to move out from this apartment.”
“What? Why?” His forehead creases. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No. Not at all. You’re a perfect roommate.” You clear your throat awkwardly. “It’s just, something happened.” You reach for the scrubber again.
He pulls at your sleeve, and you look at him again. “What happened? Is it a money thing? If it is, don’t worry about it. You don’t even have to pay right now. Just tell me.” His mouth is pursed with worry and your head roils with a sudden guilty feeling.
You shake your head weakly. “No, it’s not something like that. I’m fine.”
“Then why are you not telling me? I’m your best friend!”
“IT IS BECAUSE YOU’RE MY BEST FRIEND!” you yell, yanking your sleeve from his hand.
“What? What do you mean?” he demands.
You control your breaths. “Nothing.” You turn the faucet off and stomp towards your room. Jimin’s hand grabs you again before you get two steps, stopping you from leaving him. The warmth of his hand seeps into your body. You feel nauseous. You need to stay away from him right now. “I need some time alone.”
He bites his lips, annoyed with your answer. “Well, then you have to tell me what’s wrong.” He steps closer to you, eyes glaring. “It’s my second wish.”
“That’s not fair. I--” Tears threaten to fall at your sudden exposure.
“Tell me, Y/N. You promised me you’d gran-”
“I LIKE YOU, OKAY?” You confess as tears fall from your cheeks. Your knees turn weak after you let it out, and you slump at the counter. The secret that holds your relationship together, that makes you the way it was. It’s over for you and Jimin.
Jimin steps back from you, loosening his grip around your hand. “You what? Then why would you move out?” he asks softly.
Your fists tighten to stop your tears from falling even more. “I tried to not like you, but it is too hard, Jimin. I can’t control my feelings. I’m sorry. I really wanted to be your best friend and also your roommate, but I just ca-”
Your words are interrupted with his lips crashing on yours, catching you off guard. His lips are soft and you can taste the cinnamon-sweetness from the cookies mixed with the saltiness of your tears. Just when you try to comprehend what’s going on, he pulls away. His hands find their rest on your face and cup it gently, swiping any tears leaving from your eyes. He rests his forehead against yours and sighs. “You’re stupid.”
“Wha-what? Why?” you stutter, throat drying because of the sudden closeness.
“Why do you think I chose you to be my roommate?” His warmth spreads to your cheeks, sending another hope to you. His gaze softens and you gather all of your courage to meet him back. “It’s because I like you too.”
Again you freeze on the spot. Eyes widening, breath stopping. And it makes Jimin giggle. “I always liked you, Y/N.” He leans in and gives a chaste kiss on your nose and moves downward to plant another on your lips.
“Bu-but I thought you.. With Jisoo….” There’s no way Jimin would like you. It doesn’t make any sense. You pull away from him. “Stop playing with me.”
Jimin pulls you in his chest, resting his chin on your head. “I don’t know what you are talking about, Y/N. There’s never been another woman. It's always been you.” He takes a deep breath, and continues. “Jisoo is my cousin, and she knows about my feelings.”
“Yes. She sometimes crashes at our apartment when she has a fight with her boyfriend, who is, by the way, none other than our dear friend Taehyung.” Jimin smiles and pulls away, but keeps his arms holding your waist close to him. “And even though she sleeps here, I always take the couch. She always leaves early in the morning because Taehyung picks her up. Their relationship is a little weird, if I may say so.”
“Look I can even call my family members just to prove it to you, if it’s what you want.”
You shake your head, looking lost. You know Jimin is telling you the truth, but still you can’t believe that he likes you. Like he actually likes you.
“I was going to tell you tonight, but this somehow happened.” He calls your name softly to gain your attention. “So yeah, I like you a lot. And don’t ask me ‘since when’, because I don’t even know the answer. It just grows each day and each moment I spend with you.”
And just like that relief washes in you along with your tears. All of the thoughts you have of losing Jimin are vanished. All of your doubts are answered. You bury your head in his shoulder.
Jimin laughs and hugs you tighter. “Why are you crying?” He strokes your back to calm you down as you sob in his chest. “It must have been bothering you a lot, does it? I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you this.”
“I’m not stupid.” You sniffle as you put your arms around him, hugging him back.
“Sure, you’re not.” He laughs again and kisses the top of your head lovingly. “So, here’s my third wish.”
Your eyes widen with the sudden change of topic, looking at him in confusion. “Like right now? Wha-what is it?”
He looks directly to your eyes, gaze softens each time he takes a deep breath. And with this proximity, you can hear his heart racing inside his chest, playing the rhythm answered with your own beat. Not even a Christmas carol can top this symphony. Not when the world is only yours and Jimin. Not when is just you and Jimin, and nothing else matters.
And finally, Jimin opens his lips slowly. “Be my girlfriend?”
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Thank you for reading! Hope you all have a merry christmas!!
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Hiii friends!! I think smut week might already be over anyway I can't remember the dates 😂😂 but I've decided not to do it regardless, I don't think I have it in me to write any fic like pieces rn, the only thing I might consider is like finishing off some fics that are already mostly written so we'll see. Instead I think i'm just gonna write a series of drabbles kind of until Christmas, some might be horny like Zeke's fake GF, some might be fluffy we'll find out! I'm having a bit of writer's block rn lol and I don't know if I have it in me to actually write plot for stuff bc it gets very tiresome 😂😂 I have a silly list of ridiculous Christmas prompts i've kind of been looking at instead, which is where Zeke's fake GF came from ! So expect drabbles and maybe some short fics! 😉
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lilolilyr · 3 years
Tagged by @ongreenergrasses, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Way over 300! Tho it feels like it's been at 300sth so long by now, it'll be weird to look at once it hits 400 :D
Btw, funny how this tag meme asks for so much stuff that can be looked up by just... looking at my Ao3... without asking for any commentary by me? Lol
Anyhow, rest under the readmore bc this is 20 questions and Long!
Personal post - do not reblog
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
995596 - just a few more ficlets or 1 longer fic, and I've got a Million! Hey, maybe I should try to write one with... 4404? (I'd need to ask a calculator xD) words exactly... not rly a hardship with how many drabble exercises (exact wordcounts, 100 is the most used, I also do 200, 500, longest was 10000 exactly lol) I've already done... we'll see!
Over 400k for this year alone, and over half of that is my actual writing (not translations etc), I'm so proud! Last year I only barely hit 200k and that included a lot of translating work
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  
Again, one could look this up in my works filtered - sorted by kudos? But all three of my incubus!jaskier witcher series are in it, part 2 of the series is highest with 1091 kudos, then a Venom halloween oneshot, and 'Belonging', a fluffy snake-crowley piece from my ineffable spouses series (yes, sth with under 1k words - 666 to be exact - is in the top 5... my poor longfics lol)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
...I try to? But atm I have 202 unanswered (and I always click 'mark read' on replies so these are all comments on my own fic) even tho I told myself I'd not let it get past 200, and now I'm doing a tag meme instead of replying to anything so ummmm
Edit: 203 unread now
But I do love love love all the comments I get! And while atm it's still semi-manageable, if it ever gets to the point where I really can't manage to reply to everyone cause it's too much, i'd rly take that as a compliment lol :D I'd still try to reply to the longer and/or more thought through comments tho :)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
*thinks* I have an MCD fic? But not only is that very much a case of ~posting a draft version that's barely in complete sentences insgead of taking the time to turn it into a real longfic~, I also just killed off the mlm couple I only semi care about and left the wlw couple with a happy/hopeful (rly don't remember) ending, so... hm idk whether that counts for angsty ending
Apart from that... I dunno, I just prefer my babies to be happy and fluffy? *.* i remember a mirror milippa in the mirrorverse one where in the end Michael is worried about lying to Philippa about her identity... there are some angsty TOG and Gomens ones but I think they end happy-ish (my memory is. Bad. but looking through my 'angst' tag I just saw a lot of h/c and 'angst with a happy ending')
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
They're all happy???!?
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Check this out
I need you to know that all the works in that collection take part in the same universe (or rather, multiverse), and are alltogether just scratching the surface of my gigantic headcanon multiverse that I've been building in my mind since I was like 10
Actual crossovers other than that I don't remember writing
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeh but I only remember clicking 'delete comment', as it should be
Recently I've just gotten a bunch of 'you Need to continue this' and 'omg why isn't there more' or 'this shouldn't end' type comments, not hate, probably not meant maliciously, but So Annoying (maybe espesh bc I don't want to just hit delete on these, but I also don't want to pretend it's fine, but I also don't have the energy for a fight, and trying to explain why that behaviour is entitled and annoying and that I write what I want to write and nice comments should praise what I actually have written, and hoping that they understand and don't get mad is... hard.)
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Check out my rated E and rated M in my works
Mostly femslash lately, but I did also write other smut in the past
Most is a bit dominant/submissive play, but I do also like good fluffy smut with feelings! Best in combo, really :D
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not in the sense of pretending someone else wrote it (that i know of), but posted to other sites without my permission - writing 'don't repost to other sites' etc did Not help, they even copied those tags lol, so I just let it be, choosing my battles wisely etcetc, I'd prefer for my fic not to be cross-posted by others bc then I can't edit or otherwise influence the fic anymore and don't see everyone's reactions to it, but as long as it's not someone pretending they wrote it, I only semi care, not enough to fight it tbh
PSA: I Only post fics to Ao3 (and WIPs/prompt fills to tumblr&discord at times), if you see them somewhere else that's Not Me and you'd do me a favour by checking them out on ao3 and kudosing&commenting there instead :)
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup, one to Russian a while back, a floreleine (Gunpowder Milkshake) one to Korean just today actually, and I translated a bunch to German myself
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I made a TOG fic together with @cinnamonplums, well mostly I wrote and she made the art :D
Trying to remember whether I ever actually co-wrote anything... don't think so?
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Don't make me choose!!!
Atm Milippa is OTP bc I'm busy writing them for @discoveryfemslashfortnight (this is not a post to reblog for the fortnight), but I'm also still rly into Floreleine, Bering&Wells and Andromaquynh and Andronilynh, and I read a lot of Mirandy lately
All-time favs I'm not rly active in atm but will always be dear to me are the ineffable spouses, clintcoulson, heistwives, gosh so many more I'll stop here tho xD
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A Heistwives Kinda Job immediately comes to mind
I also rly want to finish at least one cohesive original-ish storyline for the lverse that I already linked for the crossover question above, but I just have so much backstory (it's been over 10 years!!!) and it's... hard...
And everything else that's still WIP and untouched for more than a few months will probably have the same fate lol
Also have a few that haven't even seen the light of day at all, most recent a Mirandy ~what if Andy had been pregnant when Miranda hired her and how would it change the entire storyline~ bit - I wrote it in bulletpoints in one go as quickly as I could, I know I had the finished product in my mind, I don't remember anything now and don't feel like going through the bulletpoints painstakenly filling in the blanks
15. What are your writing strengths?
Writing one-shots quickly in one go
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Forgetting everything about a fic if I leave it in a draft for a second too long
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
There are many ways to go about it, and I think they all work (depending on the fic and the length and relevance of the dialogue)
I tend to leave single sentences as is, and for longer and important sequences use cursive and 'they said in xylanguage'.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The Hobbit apparently? I remember thinking that fic was so long lol, it's 3k
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Kat/Ana from Reef Break, they have Such Shippable Chemistry, and it would totally fit Kat's player personality to bang both siblings (she's canonically friends with benefits with Ana's half-brother)... but the ship has one (1!) fic on Ao3 *cries*
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
TOG Andromaquynh longfic In Your Stead has had the title since last year and probably for a while to come! I loved the story idea so much I really worked with several drafts and only! worked on that fic until it was finished so I wouldn't get distracted & forget about it, and the result was wonderful.
Tagging, if you want to do it, @sarah-fiers @purlturtle @cookie-sheet-toboggan @ussjellyfish @onaperduamedee @startrekgeorgiouery @rosalie-starfall @lonely-night @banashee @xvnot15 and everyone else who sees this
Questions to copy:
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? 6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? 7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? 8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? 9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? 10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 11. Have you ever had a fic translated? 12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 13. What’s your all time favorite ship? 14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? 15. What are your writing strengths? 16. What are your writing weaknesses? 17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? 18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? 19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? 20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
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