humblegrub · 1 year
entomologyabby: Most insects are harmless! But there are a few you want to avoid, kissing bugs being one of them. Kissing bugs transmit Chagas disease. If treated early Chagas can be treated, if not Chagas can develop into a chronic infection. Many people are unfamiliar with what kissing bugs look like and I have received photos from time to time of people holding insects that can hurt them. Just be sure you know what you're handling when touching insects :)
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maquilanews · 5 months
Salud en los Dos Laredos: Unen fuerzas para combatir Chagas y promover la actividad física
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NUEVO LAREDO, TAM.- El pasado , se llevó a cabo la reunión mensual del Comité Jurisdiccional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica (COJUVE), en la cual se congregaron representantes de diversas entidades de salud tanto de Nuevo Laredo como de Laredo, Texas. Entre los temas abordados durante este encuentro, se destacó la importancia de la actividad física como elemento fundamental para la preservación de la salud. Se discutieron diferentes ejercicios que pueden ser aplicados en distintos grupos poblacionales, incluyendo niños, personas adultas mayores, individuos con discapacidad, embarazadas o aquellos que padecen alguna enfermedad crónica. Además, se puso énfasis en la enfermedad de Chagas, considerando que la temporada actual favorece su transmisión. Esta enfermedad, transmitida por la chinche besucona, presenta síntomas como fiebre, dolor de cabeza y cansancio, los cuales pueden confundirse con otros padecimientos. Como medida preventiva, se destacó la importancia de mantener limpios los espacios habitados para evitar la proliferación de la chinche besucona. Durante la reunión, la Presidenta Municipal, Dra. Liliana Arjona Barocio, reiteró el compromiso de colaborar estrechamente con la Jurisdicción Sanitaria No. 5 para prevenir la propagación de esta enfermedad. En este contexto, se anunció una próxima campaña de limpieza de cacharros y fumigación como parte de las acciones preventivas. El doctor Manlio Fabio Benavides González, a su vez, expresó su agradecimiento por el respaldo brindado por las autoridades municipales en el desarrollo de las diferentes campañas emprendidas por la Jurisdicción Sanitaria No. 5. La reunión del COJUVE reflejó el compromiso conjunto de las autoridades de salud de ambos lados de la frontera para abordar de manera efectiva los desafíos epidemiológicos y promover la salud pública en la región de los Dos Laredos. Read the full article
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centraldenoticiasmx · 5 months
Emite Servicios de Salud recomendaciones para evitar la Enfermedad de Chagas
🖊#Salud | Emite Servicios de Salud recomendaciones para evitar la Enfermedad de Chagas +INFO:
En el Día Mundial de la Enfermedad de Chagas, que se conmemora este 14 de abril, Servicios de Salud de Morelos (SSM) indicó que se cuenta con la red de atención en las unidades médicas, así como tratamiento gratuito para quienes no cuentan con seguridad social. A través de la Coordinación de Enfermedades Transmitidas por Vector y Zoonosis de SSM, se informó que, para prevenir dicha enfermedad se…
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chagasdiseaseday · 6 months
Webinario- El Chagas existe y podemos eliminarlo.
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Webinario: El Chagas existe y podemos eliminarlo.
Fecha: 10 de abril de 2024
11:00 a.m. – Hora del Este de Estados Unidos 12:00 p.m. – Argentina 10:00 am. - Colombia 09:00 a.m. – México y Centroamérica
Plataforma: Zoom
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vespirita · 6 months
Comentário - Cap. 39 - Livro: Infinitas Moradas - Assunto: Chagas Abertas.
Pessoal no final dessa matéria tem um link para o Youtube. Obrigado. Aos seguidores de plantão do Dr. Inácio, meu salve. Chagas Abertas… Milhares de pessoas chegam a flagelar-se por questões de pontos de vista adversos à realidade do contexto de sobrevivência com seus iguais, e, principalmente, por questões religiosas. A história nos conta que os monges como freiras e até pessoas comuns…
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jesusreidamisericordia · 11 months
#16 - Repete isso sem cessar durante toda a Santa Missa!
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drugcarts · 1 year
An infectious disease caused by a parasite found in the faeces of the triatomine bug.
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lindagoesmushrooming · 5 months
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Mushroom of the day:
Chaga/Inontus obliquus
Geographic location: northern regions of North America, Europe, and Asia; growing location: birch trees
Characteristics: looks like charcoal growing on the side of a birch tree
When harvesting Chaga be careful not to over harvest. When Chaga is ready to be harvested, it has not yet spread its pours.
Can grow as high as 30 feet up a tree
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bru111271 · 5 months
Guarda. Guarda sempre. Guarda molto. Guarda con occhi che toccano, con occhi che sentono, con occhi che abbracciano, amano, addirittura odiano.
Ma guarda. Non smettere mai di guardare. La vita succede negli occhi. Anche se li tieni chiusi, anche se non riescono a vedere. La vita succede negli occhi.
Guarda lo spazio inutile tra il sogno e la realtà. Riempilo. Cerca di riempirlo con tutto ciò che sei. Ci sono grandi difficoltà da superare, momenti in cui avrai voglia di non guardare. In quei momenti devi guardare ancora di più, in quei momenti devi aprire gli occhi ancora di più. In modo da vedere cosa puoi fare per vedere una cosa diversa. Il segreto del successo è vederci bene. Capire chi hai davanti, chi hai accanto, chi hai dietro. Devi vedere bene per scegliere bene, per decidere bene. Anche se fa male, anche se pesa, anche se hai voglia di non guardare. Guarda. Guarda sempre.
- Pedro Chagas Freitas -
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chagasdiseaseday · 6 months
Diagnóstico temprano, tratamiento y seguimiento.
Lema 2024: Diagnóstico temprano, tratamiento y seguimiento. Concientizar a los pacientes, sus familias y trabajadores de salud sobre la necesidad de hacer un diagnóstico temprano (oportuno) y un acompañamiento de por vida de las personas afectadas por la enfermedad.   
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dadsinsuits · 8 months
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Coronel Chagas
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gt-icons · 1 year
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enbycrip · 7 months
I spent the entire weekend in bed there. Literally just got up for a 15 minute conversation we had about potentially going to IKEA to get some stuff for Plan Turn Spare Room Into A Usable Space Instead of a Giant Cupboard With a Window, got a tape measure, measured one bit of the room, got dizzy, had to lie down on the floor and then crawl back to bed.
I spent big chunks of Saturday asleep because I literally couldn’t keep my eyes open. I got a small bit of writing done for Against the Dying of the Light (queer post-apocalyptic zombie larp I’m Co-running in under a month now argharghargh) and sewed half a patch on some dungarees. Otherwise I listened to a lot of podcasts, played a bunch of mobile games and cuddled my OH a lot.
I mean, I clearly needed it. I’ve managed to get up, get dressed, clean the bathroom and dust the bedroom already today, which is more than I achieved the entire weekend.
One of my podcasts, The Constant, which I was bingeing this weekend, did a bit of a deep dive into Darwin on some of the episodes I was listening to. It was talking about his deep study of barnacles - Darwin was instrumental in discovering they were crustaceans rather than molluscs.
But it went into Darwin’s letters while he was discovering this and how frustrating he found the process because he was chronically ill with Chagas’ Disease and never had more than a couple of hours a day when he was capable of working. Sometimes much less.
I *really* needed to hear that this weekend.
Trying to study when you are just so fucking ill that you are capable of Doing Stuff so few hours in a day is so bloody heartrending sometimes. The level of sheer frustration in “I have SO FUCKING MUCH TO DO AND YET APPARENTLY I’M NOT EVEN CAPABLE OF SEWING A SEAM OR WRITING IN A STRAIGHT LINE WHILE LYING FLAT” is almost impossible to convey.
I *really* hate how much the experiences of disabled people who do manage to achieve stuff (usually because of class/wealth privilege) are absolutely erased. The way “if you can do something you obviously were never disabled at all!” is so baked into our society really gets to me.
How many people think of Darwin as a disabled person? Or Frida Kahlo? How much of the vast majority of their life experiences are flattened out into nothingness because they achieved things that made it into the public consciousness?
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my-leatherboy · 2 months
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dance-world · 3 months
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Andrei Chagas - photo by Brooke Trisolini
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