#chalenge failed
bokettochild · 7 months
Time: I do not have favorites
Warriors: *deadpan* so Twilight and Hyrule are nothing to you?
Time: Of course not! But I treasure all the boys equally!
Warriors: So you would also carry Sky around and spend extensive one one time with Legend?
Time: ......
Warriors: Ad you would willingly let Wild rat about his interests to you?
Time: *progressively more awkward silence*
Warriors: Pities sakes, just admit you have favorites
Time: I have no favorites
Warriors: *sighs*
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put the icons back you bastards
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.... Seal the Deal can get very dark if you think about it
train of thought bellow
I know we can also go to the route that Snatcher offered the bosses contracts to act as chalenges for HK, or even that he just came back in time to do it, but I was thinking on the idea that he was literaly using them as puppets and forcing them to do his biding (Like the art in the start of the level implies) and this happened.
And how it could be frightening especially to MG since she would be forced to revive her worst fail and more humiliating moment
Also that voiceline in wich he asks if HK was friends with ‘that angry red girl’ could be him making research on how to twist the dagger deeper by forcing HK to fight her own friends (again)
or I just seeing too much into it, dunno 
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thematchstickever · 3 months
like opinion on stapy???
Hes. Fine.? Dont like, know much abt him rly. I know hes like freinds w/ liy but yah, hes. Noting special. Tried to cheat in a chalenge once, failed tho I obvs showed him whos boss xx
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albentelisa · 1 year
Hi there! So what if when Jim used the Khronosphere to turn back time to Season One, he woke up as his half-troll form instead of his human one?
Well, I'd say that the things will be way more complicated for Jim in this kind of scenario.
Because, let's be honest, Jim will freak out if he travels back in time and is back to his half-troll form. The fact that balancing human and troll emotions were complicated to him initially, it's easy to imagine that he might lose control over his emotions again if he ends as a half-troll without any warning. He'll panic for sure, worrying that he may scare his mom and Toby, and that sunlight is deadly once again, so he needs to look for a cover. So, Jim escapes from his house without thinking much about possible consequences.
Only once he is in safety in the forest, some common sense returns and Jim starts to consider his situation. Obviously, going back to inhuman form isn't something he will be that happy about, but Jim has lived through losing some dear people (including his best friend), so he probably will think his humanity and regular life were necessary sacrifices in addition to having the memories of that failed timeline where he couldn't save everyone.
Jim will reconsider his initial plan which was leading Toby through the chalenges of being the Trollhunter as currently he cannot even be sure that Toby will pick the amulet. Jim himself also cannot go to get the amulet because of sunlight. So his only possible action right now is to enter the Trollmarket and assist whoever is the Trollhunter now in their quest. The main issue is that Jim has no horngazel to get inside. He decides to look for Blinky who should be wandering on the surface according to his memories (and Jim seriously hopes that Blinky won't treat him the same way as in Unbecoming episode). After some consideration, Jim decides to invent a fake backstory for himself and pretend to be a troll youngling from a different troll community who decided to move to the Heartstone Trollmarket.
Jim doesn't meet Blinky though. He stumbles upon Draal instead - and somehow it's for better as Draal isn't into conspiracies and is just annoyed that some dumb whelp is roaming around risking to stumble upon Bular. So the first step of the plan is finished.
Meanwhile, Toby, who comes to meet up with Jim and go to school together, realizes that Jim is out already, though he has left his bike home for some reason. Toby is both confused and slightly hurt, but he goes to school alone with a full intent to get all the answers from Jim there. Only that Jim isn't in school too. This is where Toby starts panicking for real, not to mention that Jim doesn't answer his phone as well (simply because he hasn't taken it during his escape from the house).
Toby doesn't wait until his classes are over and ride back to Jim's house, where he wakes up Barbara. Barbara tries to act like an adult initially, but her anxiety wins when she finds Jim's phone in his room. Now both Barbara and Toby believe that something is really wrong and go searching for Jim. They end at the canals at some point and Barbara finds the amulet. Both Barbara and Toby are more invested in finding Jim though, so they don't pay much mind to the talking amulet (which is most likely someone's dumb prank from their point of view). Barbara even throws it away (we all know it won't work, though).
The search leads nowhere, and Toby, seeng how much his best friend's mother exhausted, suggest that they both go home, rest a bit and then continue.
Only that there is no actual rest at home because Blinky and Aaarrrgghh (who have been secretly following them for a while) barge in with the shocking news about Barbara's new sacred obligations, giving both her and Toby the scare of their life. Barbara doesn't pass out like Jim in the initial timeline. Instead she tries to connect dots and ask if Jim's disappearance can be possibly connected to all this troll stuff. Blinky says it can be, but he refrains from mentioning that he thinks that Barbara's son may be not alive anymore (Blinky believes that Bular might be involved, so Jim's survival chances are close to none). Blinky and Aaarrrgghh leave as it is close to the dawn, but they promise to come back the next day.
At the Trollmarket Draal introduces Jim to Vendel (Jim gives them a fake troll name to prevent some questions). Vendel is slightly conflicted, because while he is sympathetic to Jim, he still needs to accomodate an underage troll and probably find a good caretaker for him. Blinky and Aaarrrgghh come back just in time to get the caretakers' position. Blinky tries to argue a bit (any other time he wouldn't mind, but currently he needs to sneak the new Trollhunter into the Trollmarket and having a youngling around might complicate the mission). Vendel doesn't wish to listen to his excuses though.
Jim realizes that Blinky has already contacted the new champion, and starts to guess who it can be (his guesses are Toby and Eli). Blinky doesn't want to take Jim to the surface, but Jim still follows. Let's say he's not happy discovering that his mom is the Trollhunter now (and that Toby is also involved). Not to mention that right now Jim has to play stranger around two people who know him the best.
Unlike Jim in the first timeline, Barbara is motivated to be the champion as she believes it will help her to get her son back. Everyone go to the Trollmarket but Bular attacks amid the way. Jim is scared that Barbara might be hurt and fights Bular barehandedly (Aaarrrgghh ends dragging him away in the end). Barbara scolds Jim for being that reckless. She is both angry and worried even though she cannot explain why.
At the Trollmarket Barbara has an encounter with Draal and Jim nearly starts another fight, which both Barbara and Blinky stop. Draal says he respect Barbara's guts but still won't acknowledge her as the new champion. Jim, however, is in the huge trouble because he's basically challenged Draal and Draal won't let it slip even if his opponent is just a child. So, Jim still ends in a deathmatch with Draal (which is difficult for him, because he remembers Draal from his initial timeline). Jim still wins and spares Draal's life. He thinks that he might be able to keep the timeline stable enough while avoiding some bad events and that it's probably for better that he has to build every single relationship from a scratch.
And there's another complication - Toby figures out that Jim is Jim. It takes him just three days because honestly, Jim just keeps slipping with all the inside jokes and calling Toby Tobes. Toby corners his best friend demanding answers. Jim confesses to Toby that he's actuall his best friend, but keeps the time travel part secret. He tells that he just woke up as a troll one day, freaked out, ran away and ended at the Trollmarket and that he has no idea why it happened. Toby insists that Jim should tell his mom too, but Jim is reluctant. Partially, it's because he still feels responsible for Strickler's death and thinks that Barbara might be able to find her happiness without her son around (especially if the aforementioned son is a troll now). Toby promises Jim not to tell anyone, but he still insists that Jim should tell Barbara everything.
As for Barbara, she never gives up on searching Jim, using both supernatural and human means. She meets Strickler who comes to visit after learning about Jim's disappearance. Strickler also thinks that Bular was involved in that disappearance and is rather upset (as he liked Jim). However, he also wants to use it as an opportunity to get the amulet from Barbara. Unfortunately for him (well, we all know that it's actually fortunately) Strickler falls in love with Barbara again. Toby finds this relationship suspicious, but Jim is supportive (he just hopes that Strickler won't pull some shit this time). As for Barbara she feels really guilty for starting the relationship while her son is still missing.
At school, Eli keeps telling everyone that Jim is missing because creeps got him. No one believes him, but Claire is more open-minded. While she doesn't believe Eli, she thinks that Jim's disappearence is odd. And she cannot get why Toby, who is supposed to be Jim's best friend is seemingly rather chill most of time (yep, Toby cannot fake worry and depression 24/7). Claire starts to try tracking Toby and discovers that he goes out with Barbara during the nights regularly. During one of her spying sessions she got attacked by goblins and Jim saves her. Now Claire knows about trolls as well and Barbara isn't happy about dragging another child into the mess.
Claire also discovers Jim's true identity rather fast as Toby slips this time. She also tells him it's wrong to decive his mother like that (as Claire has seen how much Barbara suffers). Jim starts to waver about telling but simply cannot find the right time.
The events of the second timeline seemed to be similar to the first one (minus grit-shaka though as Barbara has no need for a courage boost). The team discover the hideout in the museum and Barbara kills Gladis. Jim thinks that nothing should be changed there, but when it comes to NotEnrique, he is torn. NotEnrique was a member of team in the first timeline and a second brother to Claire, but Jim hates the idea of Claire suffering from losing Enrique.
In the end Jim decides not to risk Enrique's life and find some other way to recruit NotEnrique. However, he has no idea how to prevent Enrique's kidnapping, so he decides to tell Claire that he has read somewhere that goblins kidnap babies. He hopes that Claire will be more vigilant and goblins won't risk, but they still snatch Enrique when Claire gets a minute break. It's even a more devastating for Claire as she blames herself for losing her brother (and she ends even more hostile towards NotEnrique).
And it's only the beginning of disaster as Barbara learns that Strickler is a changeling after checking him with a gaggletack just in case. The reveal hurts her a lot as she already has genuine feelings for Walter.
Jim decides to bargain with Strickler (and Nomura to some extent), as he know that those two switched sides in the different timeline. What he hasn't predicted is that Strickler doesn't know that Jim is Jim, isn't interested in bargaining with a random troll and that capturing him and using as a hostage seems to be more profitable.
Strickler informs Barbara about his hostage and makes a deal to exchange Jim's life with the amulet. While Barbara still has no idea that it's her son, she still cares about Jim as he was always by her side, comforting and supporting her in time of need. She also understands that he's just a kid and she hates herself for allowing him to suffer.
Barbara comes to the agreed spot but much like in Jim's timeline there's back-up coming in the decisive moment. Jim exposes himself during the battle (yelling 'Mom!' when he sees Barbara in danger). Bular still perishes, and Nomura is trapped in the Darklands, but Strickler doesn't manage to run away as Jim captures him.
There's a lot of baggage to unpack after the battle as Barbara has a really serious talk with Jim and asks him if he doesn't trust her at all. Jim promises her not to keep any secrets from her (which is a half-lie as he still intends to carry the burden of the other timeline knowledge alone).
As for Strickler, it's complicated. He has a captive status, but Jim insists on pardoning him, much to everyone surprise. As Jim cannot reveal his true reasoning, he says that Strickler could hurt Barbara countless times, but didn't do that. Everyone else still aren't convinced, so Jim propose he will observe Strickler's actions.
Strickler himself isn't sure why Jim is so deadset on excusing him even if he now knows that it's his favorite student. Walter decides to investigate a bit as well, but he realizes that now he's basically free from Gunmar's orders. Strickler wonders if he can convince other changelings to change sides. He tells his plan to Jim and Jim is willing to give it a try. Those two don't inform anyone else for now.
However, neither Jim, nor Strickler has anticipated that the Janus Order has freed Angor Rot. And unlike Strickler, who pursued his agenda in the different timeline, Otto is too scared to betray Gunmar. He frees Angor to punish Strickler, kill Barbara and her allies and get both the amulet and Killahead bridge.
Otto agrees to meet up with Strickler only to put him under Angor's curse. And it's not like the binding spell in the original timeline - Otto goes for the deadly one, meaning that Strickler is dying slowly now. Angor, however, has the way to lift his curse - and he bargains with Jim, asking for Inferna Copula in exchange for Strickler's life.
Meanwhile, Barbara learns about the Triumbric stones which she plans to recover to be able to travel to the Darklands and save Enrique. However, she doesn't plan to take any children with her (though she considers taking Draal or even Strickler), be it Jim or Claire and Toby, even though she doesn't tell them about that part.
Jim and Strickler come back from their failed negotiations and tell the team about the current predicament. Barbara is upset because those two acted behind her back, but she agrees to find the way to seize Inferna Copula. Jim begs his mom to let him deal with that one as he's sturdy enough and can fight someone like Otto, but Barbara forbids him (she still has nightmares about the possibility of losing her son for real).
Angor decides to help a bit, accidentally 'losing' the shadow staff when the team was recovering Kill Stone. He gets away with Kill Stone though, using it as another bargain chip (because he isn't sure that Strickler's life is that precious).
Claire gets the staff and Toby goes with Warhammer once again. Jim convinces both of them to team up and go to get Inferna Copula (he is more confident that they pull it because Otto's life isn't bond to anyone else's). Besides, Jim is sure that with Inferna Copula they will get both Angor's cooperation and Kill Stone (which should be the last one as the team already has Birth Stone and The Eye of Gunmar is in Strickler's possession). They succeed, however they didn't manage to slay Otto who escapes. Still, Angor is finally free and he keeps his promise.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
Jenny is ALOT, i mean she has alot of problematic tweets that offence some people. She also still married when they are still dating. But you can see (from the podcast, the way he talk about her, the way he support her) he is so in love with her. In the other hand i feel like Jenny chalenge him alot, i mean she is ivy league graduate so...
Imagine going from ivy league graduate to high school drop out
He truly sunk real low with Failed Teenage Porn Star over there. 👀☕
🕯 🕯
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Hoping that whoever's next
🕯 will be a Queen! 🕯
🕯 🕯
🕯 🕯
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hirik0 · 1 year
Forced proximity
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
Day 5
They are smoking in front of the infirmary again. Its 4 am and Ghost ask Soap if he is awake and that he misses Riley. Soap who could not sleep because he was angry at Shepard is cursing in Scottish. Riley sleeps on Ghosts feet. Soap offert him a cigarette when it is clear they would stand here for a while. "Fucking hate Shepard always giving us shit missions and then he also gives us way to many paper work", Soap finishes his 10 minute rant. Ghost not understanding much, besides one or the other curse word or a full English sentence just humms to agree. "When do Price and Beta Team return?" "Monday and then I have to chew out Price. Fucker lied to me", Soap groans, making Ghost smirk. "I think your a good dog sitter", Ghost states looking how peacefully Riley is sleeping. Soap just gives him a site eye lighting up his 2nd cigarette. "I guess Riley is okey for a dog", Soap answers after he toke a hit. Ghost huff amsued before stealing the cigarette to take a pull himself. Soaps eyes are glued to the cigarette, how Ghost is closing his lips around it. The thought how Ghost lips look around something else are filling his brain and a light blush is apearing on his cheeks. Of course Ghost picks up on it, his smirk returning. "Dirty Soap", Ghost snickers. "You offert", Soap hisses to defend himself before taking the cigarette back, the blush spreading. Ghost smirk gets bigger at the reference of the text from yesterday. Soap takes another hit when Ghost is saying his next sentence, calculated. "Who says I didn't mean something else Captain?" Soap is coughing at this. Ghost can't mean this right? Did Ghost just offer his ass. Ghost takes the last hit form the shared cigarette wating for Soaps answer. "Did you just offer your ass, Lieutenant?", Soap asks blush reaching his ears now. Ghost is now also blushing oh shit, maybe he got a littel to close to the sun. "Yeah? Think you can get me to submit?", Ghost asks curious. Soap steps closer and Ghost mouth goes dry. "Simon, don't temp me, I will make you submit", Soap growls with a low voice in Ghost ear. Ghost gasps at this, blood rushing in his ears and to his dick, fuck. "Promise?", Ghost ask faking confidence, he dont has. "Thats a threat", Soap wispers before stepping away again, also faking confidence, he dont has. Ghost trys to think of a clever reply, but his brain is in full horny mode now, not a singal rational thought abel to form.
Soap lights another cigarette trying to foul Ghost further. Trying to pretend he totally would know what to do. He has no idea about anal sex at all. No ex girlfriend or hock up ever wanted to try, he himself never intresstet enough to bring up the topic. With guys, often fellow soilders, he never had more then a hurried blow job. Now he has to find reliable information on the Internet, great, he did really great. His mum was right his inability to step down from a chalenge no mater if real or assumed will get him in trouble, she just didn't mean this kind of trouble. Well Maggie MacTavish didn't raise a quiter and he will not step down from the challenge now. He will not fail.
Ghost is relieved that Soap is busy smoking again. He is freaking out internally. The confidance in Soaps voice when he said that's a thread? Yeah this will forever end up in his brain ready to use for the first wank after his healed. God, fuck if Soap talks to him like this when they do their hook up he probably cums embarrassingly fast. Ghost takes a deep breath before he leans in closer to Soap not really able to step closer because of Riley. Soap is so nice to step closer again. "I love to see you try, the moment I can use my arms again, I will fuck your Scottish ass", Ghost wispers, trying to get control over the situation back. Soap gasps at this the cigarette nearly falling out of his mouth. "Funny Simon, you don't need your arms when you sit on my fat cock and take what I give you", Soap says a smug grin on his face, that just gets bigger when he sees how Ghost is tending in his pants. Ghost heart is racing oh fuck, shit, shit, fuck. That didn't work as planed this totally back fired. Fucking stuborn Scott with his cocky attitude. He should better shut up before he comes in his pants from just Soaps voice and the filthy things he says. "We will see if that happens", Ghost says, blushing like a teenager that just learned what porn is. "As I said, it's a thread, Simon", Soap is unfairly wispering in his ear again and Ghost dick twitches at this. Soap looks around its still early and besides the poor unlucky that had the night shift nobody is up yet. They stay alone in a bad lighted corner. When hes sure that nobody can see them he gives a quick kiss to the corner of Simons lips, as a gesture to seal the deal. Ghost thinks he's dieing, his heart determined to leave the prison of his ribcage. He just needs to move his head a bit more to the right and they could really kiss. They shouldn't just because they are in a hiden in the shadows dont mean they can't be seen. But he wants to, he wants to kiss Soap. Soap is still close, he can feel his breath on his cheek, as if Soap is waiting for something. Fuck it he told himself he gets this for Simon and he turns his head more to the right. They look at each other before Ghost let their forheads touch, they are now sharing the air in between them. Soap smiles at this before he starts leaning in again to get a real kiss this time. They both flinch when Riley sneezes in her sleep, followed by a displeased whine because Riley woke herself up. Ghost takes this to kneel down to pat his loyal K9. "And your keep behaiving, like the good girl you are", Ghost says to the dog smiling from ear to ear. Soap steps away again also having a big smile on his face. Roach would it probably call it love drunk or some shit like this.
Riley is resting her head in Soaps legs later that evening while Soap is looking on the Internet how to have save anal sex. He avoides all video content he needs reliable information and not what porn will show him. He finally finds a longer article to read. The article starts with lube recommendations, what is defentiv already useful to know. He continues reading realising its a article about how to fuck yourself on a dildo, but well the steps are nearly the same. He skips over the dildo recommendations, his cheeks burning when he sees some of the pictures. It's not like he's prude, but people really put some of these things in their ass? At the end of the article is a short check list and tips, well he can work with that. Should he be worried over there is no such think as to much lube? His phone rings and he nearly drops it. "General", he answers the call, a bit annoyed what Shepard wants now from the 141. His good mode from the nearly kiss total ruined now. "MacTavish you have space for a High Value Target for a interrogation on base?", Shepard ask and Soaps stomach is dropping. He and Ghost, they did their fair share of interrogations that ended in torture, but some how this feels off. He dont want this to happen on their base, sounds like they can get in a lot of shit for it. "No, we are a bit scare in personal, everyone out on missions or on medical leave", Soap answers honestly. "Captain, I just need a room, have my own men to do everything else", Shepard barks in the phone. If Soap wouldn't already have the feeling something is of now would all alarm bells ring. "Are the information useful for 141, Sir?", he asks buying time to make a final decision. "We are not sure yet." "No", Soaps declins the request, he will not jump in a shithole he dont even know how deep it is. "What? MacTavish I can and will pull rank if needed", Shepard growls venomous. "You can't, this is a SAS base and your not SAS so, pulling rank on me means you have to go the long paper route. And in the time you need for that, you can bring the unlucky bastard to a CIA prison", Soap says deadly calm as if hes on the battlefield. Riley pushes her head in to Sopas stomach hand he starts running his free hand through her fur. "I can call Price, MacTavish", Shepard spits out his rage barely containt. "Captain Price will trust my judgement on to why I declined", Soap retorts. He hears a frustrated growl, because Soap is right, a satisfied smile apearing on his face. "That will have consequences MacTavish." With that the line goes silent. "Fucker", Soap curses before he has Riley licking all over his face. "Eww Riley no", he complains but Riley just doppel her effort. Soap is in the small bathroom of his room, the perks of beeing a Captain when he comes of with the idea to send Ghost a sugestiv photo. He didn't want to send one today because he had nearly 2 hours with Riley this morning but, why should he not. It of course can be to sugestiv so he settles for a simple shirt less picture. That you can see upper part of the v line of his hips, pure coincident. He probably takes 25 pictures to choose from. He sits on the bed again scrolling through the photos. He chosses one where he flexes one of his arms so they can pretend its about work out. Should he write something as a conversation starter? Before he over thinks this for the next 20 minutes he sents the picture
Ghost drops the phone on his chest, of fuck no, shit what is he supposed to answer? He was just thinking about them nearly kissing again and how close they where, how the smell of smoke could not totally cover up Soaps scent. Should he send a picture back? He can't do that, Soap knows about the scares but Ghost is so fucking insecure about them, the main reason hes covered all the time. Soap would not expecting one back right? Shit he needs to answer, but he gets distracted again by the picture. How Soaps pants are just a little bit to low, for a simple work out show of. The revealing of a bit of hair and the V-line, god Ghost wants to bite along it marking Soap up where only they know its there. He needs several deep breath before he can text back.
>> finally have success with your workout?<<
>> funny Simon<<
>> you want one back for comparison?<<
>> no, just want to show off my hard work<<
>> fishing for compliments, Captain?<<
>> only from one person <<
Fuck thats him right? Should he write one? No they have to be stubtel about what ever is going on in between them. His heart is racing again, a pleased smile on his face when the information sinks in.
>> maybe they only give compliment ls in person<<
>>when they see in person?<<
>> affirmative <<
>> why stop at seeing?<<
God damit Soap, that not subtel at all. But he wants a lot more then just touch Soap. He's getting hard at the filthy pictures in his mind. If Soap is being so obvious flirting with him via text he can text one obvious flirt back.
>> I'm sure they will more then touch <<
>> like how that sounds<<
The sexual frustration, Ghost feels since the first photo, gets stonger every day. He needs to get out of here and then get what ever the fuck Soap has in mind for their hook up. The filthy promise Soap wispered in his ear earlier is echoing through his mind 'Thats a threat' followed by 'you will sit on my fat cock and take what I give you'. A shiver is running down Ghost spine and fuck he wants to sit on this stupid big cock of Soaps. Stupid Scot with his stupid wispering has no right to turn him on like this. Especially when he can't use his fucking hands. Ghost covers his face with a pillow groaning frustrated.
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changeling-rin · 2 years
(Hello Anon on Gramps potentially being Lore) Imagine if all the Links fail to defeat Demise then Gramps and the Hero's Shade step out and chalenge him. P.S. who would win Amped Demise of the HS and Gramps (My money is in the old dudes as the HS could tank while Gramps shoots him from afar.) P.S.S. Prime Lore and Mask (Probably HS) vs the other Links (minus Oni)
That would be epic, though probably not what I will actually be doing. It's fun to think about though!
P.S. still Amped-Up Demise, sorry. Regardless of how good the Hero's Shade and an even-more-experienced Lore would be, let's first remember that the Shade is dead and Lore is like... probably in his seventies somewhere. The first problem is that ghosts have a hard time touching things. The second problem is that people in their seventies are rarely up for a fight, much less a life-or-death combat war. And the third problem is that Demise is still actively packing the additional strength of thirteen more people, their magic reserves, their skills and life experiences, and their powers. Stack that with his own, already frightening powers, and his absolute willingness to kill something to get his way, and... yeah. Demise still wins.
P.P.S. To clarify we are still talking about Gramps Lore and the Hero's Shade here, yes? Versus the Chain, minus Oni. Well, it would be a closer fight, but the Chain would probably win eventually on the sheer basis of outnumbering by about ten to one. Plus, they've got Shadow. Kindly imagine a pissed-off Shadow. There will be carnage.
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Providing checklists and timelines so you know what to expect at the application process.
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Submitting an incomplete or incorrect driving licence application or documents can lead to processing delays, returned application and additional fees. We are out to eliminate errors by:
Double checking that all forms are fully and accurately completed.
Ensuring your supporting documents are valid and meet the official requirements.
Follow up with the process with DVLA to make sure the licence is approved within a shorter timeframe
Reduce Stress and Time
The time and stress involved in applying for your full driving licence can be taxing. We also aim to:
Handle select administrative tasks like pre filling forms and compiling documentation for you.
Provide guidance and preparation for the application process on your behalf.
Offer checklists and timelines to keep you on track.
Help ensure your application is processed as quickly as possible.
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gojixyz69 · 2 years
A few years passed after Bowser's Fury and now Bowser Jr's a teenager, he is now ready to carry his plan out, ever since Bowser tolled him that he will no longer be helping him and some thinking he's ready, during these years Bowser tryed once again to kidnappe Peach, but in the end Mario always saves the day, but now Jr will replace his dad as the Koopa King by force. One day Bowser came back after his defeat and after he was healed Jr challenged him on one on one fight, Bowser at first rejected the chalenge, but after seeing the determenation and wanting to see how strong his son got he accepted it, however little did he know that Jr was plaining this and training and prepering for this moment, after a hard long battle it seemed that Bowser won, but then Bowser got hit by a blue fire ball, it was Jr and then Bowser knocked out using this opportunity to seal Bowser with a spell that he learned by studying some powerful spells that he learned from a book for magickoopas, after that Bowser was sealed and not only that no one was there to see it, Kamek and the reast of Bowser's minions went to heal and then practice and as for the Koopalings they gotten older and left to do what they wanted, now that Bowser was sealed and no one was there, Jr finally got ride of his dad, sure he felt a little bad but yet again to him it was for the best, Bowser failed multiple times over and now with him gone Jr can now do it he's way. After that day everybody wondered where did Bowser go, Jr not wanting anyone to find out, lied about Bowser not coming home and something happened after a while tjey couldn't find whitch made the Koopas sad, especially Kamek, in the end Bowser Jr became the new Koopa King and it was time to do it his way.
(This is the end of chapter 2, I hope you enjoyed it)💖💗❤
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tired-yashika-core · 2 years
okay im guessing notes nahi banaye isliye you're panicking sm. lemme tell u smth.
1. geography maps par time waste mat karo 7 hai and it genuinely takes time. aur slightly wrong hua toh marks katenge. agar karna hi hai toh do ports. ek toh pakka aayega.
2. do the history map. faltu ke 2 mark hain.
3. eco globalization aur civics political parties mai 5 mark ka ek pakka aayega toh uske net se notes nikal lo
4. do the geo questions "why are roadways better than railways" and land/institutional reforms from agriculture. 3/5 marks.
5. history sirf read karo/yt se video 2x par dekh lo. story jaisa hai yaad rahega
6. age of industrialisation ke khali faqs padho. gomasthas/jobber vala question is imp.
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themediartsj · 2 years
Reflection about Parenting
I want to share about my journey when I prepared an article about parenting for LinkedIn post. The article will post on foundation where I being volunteer right now.
When I get this topic, I think it’s not an easy topic for me because I’m still single right now (hahaha) and I don’t have a knowledge about parenting because my major is focus on health laboratory. I think psychology student or people that graduate from psychology or people that already get married and have children are more understand about parenting topic than me. But, I feel chalenged to write this article. I feel curious about parenting.
The journey when I start to write the article. I buy and read a book Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas, watch from Youtube or Listen to Spotify about parenting topic, search some article about parenting, and observation some people that already married and have children about their parenting style (and also I observe my parent too hahah). That bring me to get inspiration to writing that article. Furthermore, I reflection about parenting when I do observation. Reflection that make me think about this: “Being parent is not easy. It’s about lifelong process. Need love, commitment, and dedication to parenting the children. Besides that, It’s about God’s Grace that enable parent to parenting the children. Their children will grow and the parent will grow too.”
From the book Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas, I think it’s really a good book. Not only for married couple, but also help a single men and women to prepare for being a future parent. And also help us to have a point of view about our parent in parenting us. We grow in our family. We face the problem together. We face the happiness togetger too. When we learn from point of view as parent, we will know that our parent is an imperfect parent, also us. But, we struggling together in our brokennes and imperfect thing. We failed. We succeed. But God still with us and take care of our family, our parents, and us as the children. Like Joseph in the Bible that live with broken family, but the broken bring God’s plan for him and his family. Maybe it’s like our journey with our family. If we live in broken family (not only about divorce, but also about broken thing like no communication in family or struggle with the family that always fighting or anything else). maybe God have plan for you and your family. I remember the serenity prayer that say: 
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardships as the parthway to peace. Taking, as he did, the sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to His will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever.
Maybe there is a time when we cannot accept the things that happen in our family. Maybe we hate the parenting style from our parent. But, our parent is also like us too, an imperfect human. By God’s grace and through faith from a lot of process in our life, there is a time that we can accept this things. Ask God to enable us to accept, forgive, and love our broken family. God can mend and fix the brokenness and the fragility in our family. 
Dear married couple and single men/women that will be prepared for be future parent please take note of this. In our imperfection as parents, believe that the process of caring for, raising, educating and loving children not only changes our children but also changes us as parents. So, don’t give up!
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Great things never came from comfort zones! If it doesn't chalenges you, it wont changes you Cause even bad chapters can still create great stories. Wrong paths can still lead to right places. Failed dreams can still create successful people. Sometimes it takes losing yourself to find yourself. Everything that you go trought good or bad will always lead you right to where you need to be. (di Pecatu, Bali, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clk0E91rZspJXkXU9KV9al8YpIBJwtYG-0pP7g0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sammellio · 5 years
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This is the exact opposite of the “lesbians what is your wisdom” post
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penebui · 3 years
Hey! The blue diamond is absolutly stunning *-*
How about Lightning Ridge Opal next? Its really complicated and colorfull sonit would be a great chalenge!
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the only challenging thing is doing this lineless and i fucking FAILED
(Rq complicated gem to recreate as an hnk oc)
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honeylizabeth · 3 years
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“As long as I can sproud any part of my body anywhere I choose, you can’t run away from me”
I just found out about this chalenge where you redraw scenes from One Piece and I just needed to do it.
Specially since I’m finally catching up, after so many times of trying and failing miserably lol.
Hope you like it!!
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