#warriors and wind are also on his favorites list
bokettochild · 7 months
Time: I do not have favorites
Warriors: *deadpan* so Twilight and Hyrule are nothing to you?
Time: Of course not! But I treasure all the boys equally!
Warriors: So you would also carry Sky around and spend extensive one one time with Legend?
Time: ......
Warriors: Ad you would willingly let Wild rat about his interests to you?
Time: *progressively more awkward silence*
Warriors: Pities sakes, just admit you have favorites
Time: I have no favorites
Warriors: *sighs*
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foursaints · 4 months
i lurvvveeee your jegulus so lemme be parasocial about them for a sec!! how did those fuckers meet? are they an opposites attract kinda sitch?? how do their individual personalities mesh together to create the perfect mush of athlete sweat and dior sauvage eau de toilette?
- sincerely, the film bro question anon 💌
jegulus has always struck me as the kind of insane people who would meet by hooking up at their mutual ex’s wedding. they’re that exact type of crazy. (james is there to make a dramatic love confession, regulus is there to get dramatic revenge, and they wind up too preoccupied with fucking in the coat room to remember their original plans, thank GOD)
jegulus always has the type of charmingly witty, surprisingly tender, magical banter that convinces them it’s love at first sight, approximately 24 hours before james catches a glimpse of reg’s “jfp: pros/cons?” list in his notes app and all hell breaks loose.
they’re two people who are both utterly convinced they’re always RIGHT. but they couldn’t be more different. so they mutually instigate a crisis in each other just by existing
regulus has the personality of a vodka martini. james cries at finale episode of american ninja warrior. but they have to reckon with their blistering chemistry & shocking moments of soulmate-level vulnerability and this is difficult because, crucially, neither one of them is good at EVER losing battles of will….
they are equally stubborn. they deal with life in opposite ways. you could not PAY regulus to date someone who wears the same filthy unwashed pair of “lucky socks” before watching any championship game. james thinks paying more than $200 on a single pair of slacks is tantamount to a war crime.
but they both… begrudgingly respect and are fascinated/hypnotized by each other? because of the differences? they have the EXACT SAME sense of humor. their weird “contemptuous rivalry” sex is the single most passionate thing either of them has ever experienced. and it’s precisely their differences that just… against their wishes…. bring out the best in each other
like. james has never had a normal breakup in his entire life (they’re burning his clothes, he’s showing up at 6am with a boombox, etc). all of regulus’s breakups are handled in 3-5 business hours & come with a severance package. it’s only by talking to regulus on the porch at midnight that james gets a handle on himself. regulus has never enjoyed letting go until james teaches him to tango in his apartment at 3am.
but all these moments of growth!! would be more satisfying!!! if they weren’t coming directly from THAT SWAGGERING TRUST FUND CONTROL FREAK IDIOT!!!!! (said the swaggering trust fund control freak idiot)
it’s the horror of realizing your least favorite person is Sometimes Right, and also isn’t even close to being your least favorite person at all.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
Hey there, if you’re back in the realm of the living after your nights….
I was wanting to know what some of your favorite linked universe headcanons are? They can be ones you came up with or someone else's that you like.
Sleep well and recover from the stress!
I'm mostly back in the realm of the living! I really wanna write stuff, just need to get the brain to work with me.
Some of my favorite LU headcanons, hmmm...
Twilight has a country accent. He masks it very well, something he learned to do during his journey, but it comes out when he's emotional or tired.
Warriors doesn't mind that he's attractive. He isn't ashamed of who he is or how he looks. He does not like having his looks used for anyone's benefit or gain though.
Hyrule is the least able to relax of the entire Chain. He's used to being hunted constantly, and he's always been a traveler who wanders on his own with some of the hardest journeys (not that he realizes it) of all the boys. He is acutely uncomfortable in a group initially and doesn't let his guard down easily, even if he doesn't quite act like someone always on edge.
Sky sleeps all the time because he never sleeps well, so he's always feeling exhausted. Also, he's fairly convinced Time doesn't really like him, so while he doesn't go out of his way to get Time's approval, he does greatly appreciate when he gets it.
Wind may be the exuberant optimist of the group, but he's actually pretty level headed and realistic too. He just doesn't always convey it well due to the immaturity of his youth.
Time has mentally adopted all the boys and feels responsible for their well being.
A good number of the boys know basic care for a lot of things, but there are some who are better at things than the others and become the Team [Insert Skill]. For example, Warriors is the Team Medic because he's accustomed to field wounds and medicine. Legend is the Team Seamster as he's the best at mending and the like.
Warriors made an Enemy List of those most likely to betray or hurt him when he first met everyone before realizing he was with a group of Heroes of Hyrule.
Legend loves adventuring. He just doesn't know how to deal with the consequences of them.
Four is absolutely horrible at keeping secrets, unless they're his own because he wants to hold on to them for drama's sake
Wild is actually one of the chattier Links. The chattiest are Wind and Warriors.
Time sucks at addressing emotions, even compared to the others. Malon has helped him address things, but without her he's clueless and tends to fumble through it when others are upset/hurting. He does try, though.
...I'm pretty sure most of these are just my own headcanons but oh well lol
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st0rmyskies · 3 months
I spent the day sweating my ass off at a smaller hometown theme park, so here's a list of how the boys enjoy their day trip to a fun park.
Twilight - He’ll go on any ride with anyone no matter how fast or scary, nor how slow or mundane. Although the teacups and other rides that spin you a lot tend to make him dizzy, and he's not a big fan of the haunted house. But our big soft-hearted country boy is partial to the antique carousel and needs to go on it just once. Come on, guys, anybody…? (Spoiler: They all go on it with him.)
Wild - It’s a wonder he’s going to survive any of the rides because this boy is all about the food. Funnel cake? Candy floss?? Potato pancakes??? Fudge????? Dippin’ Dots!!????!?!? He has his hands full of treats while they’re waiting in every line, and on any ride he can sneak them on to successfully, too. His favorite ride is the music-coaster-thing, and he’ll sing along at the top of his voice to every damn song.
Champion - Not too thrilled by rides, but he will go on them to be a sport. Except those rides with a sheer drop, tower-of-terror style. NO fucking thanks. Where he really slays, though, are the shooting games, with special bonus points if one of the other boys challenges him to a round. You bet your ass Champion is casually lugging around a stuffed Wolfie half the size of his body for most of the day.
Legend - He’ll get on some of the coasters and the crazier rides, but not all of them. He’s not a big fan of screaming his head off all day long, gives him a headache. He gets uppity with the fortune telling machine giving him the same negative reading over and over again no matter how many quarters he jams in the damn thing. And his fortune ends up coming true, too: he gets banned from the bumper cars after a vulgar road-rage incident.
Hyrule - Goes on one, maybe two coasters, and promptly pukes. He’s then the designated Bag Handler for the rest of the day. Which actually works out well, all up until the mid-afternoon when he wanders off to find himself some coffee and promptly gets lost, necessitating a rather embarrassing announcement over the PA system.
Warriors - He stressed out about his outfit for two weeks beforehand and STILL managed to choose the wrong thing to wear. Yes, those linen pants with the front crease are supposed to be breezy, Wars, but they’re meant for something like a wedding, not a fucking amusement park. He gets cranky when he’s too fucking hot and his hair is damp against the back of his neck. Eventually, one of the other boys — probably Legend or Sky — has to shoo him away from the group for a bit. When they turn up 20 minutes later Wars has an icy drink, a pair of novelty swim trunks from the souvenir shop, a headband for his hair, and a brand new “fuck it, we ball” attitude.
Sky - Loves all the roller coasters, LOVES THEM, and gets sad if he doesn’t get to sit in the front seat on every single one. He wants to go on the biggest, tallest, fastest, most OSHA-violating coaster no less than three times, and he’ll hop off of it just to turn around and get right back in line. Least likely to remember to hydrate and reapply sunscreen. You know he’s passed the fuck out that entire drive home. 
Four - He quite enjoys observing the inner workings of the mechanics that go along with the rides, then makes ominous comments about the engineering to his seat-mate as they’re being hauled up the incline for that first drop of a coaster. He also spends an inordinate amount of time in the air conditioned arcade winning as many tickets as he can to obtain some silly prize like an obscure toy from the 80’s or something similar. May not be tall enough to ride every ride.
Wind - Water rides are his JAM. His hair and clothes and shoes are soaked through well before halfway through their day, and he gets the cutest waves in his hair because of it. Although he also smells like chlorine all day, then. Also has way too much ice cream and cold treats during the day, so he’s nursing a hell of a stomach ache on the drive home.
Time - Bet you thought he wouldn’t be in attendance or would wait in the car or some shit, didn’t you? Time allows the boys to cajole him onto every coaster, every water ride, the carousel, into the haunted house, you name it. He’ll sit in the first row of the rides that take your photo, too, and he just. Deadpans it. Zero facial reaction, no screaming on coasters, ALL day. Flawless commitment to the bit. He does secretly enjoy all of this; Time didn’t get to do this sort of stuff when he was their age, so better late than never.
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skyward-floored · 8 months
I think I’m coming down with a cold again and possibly have a fever but I’m here to scream about the update some more anyway! (and analyze a bit but mostly scream). Dawn part 7 here we go!
(All images belong to @linkeduniverse <3)
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First off I have to say this was my favorite panel I think, it’s so pretty. The faint glow! The colors! The cape over his shoulder! Amazing. This truly was Sky’s update, I loved every bit of focus he got. Jojo fed us well :D
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So it looks like I was wrong about Sky reading everyone’s mail. He just immediately took off after the mailman instead (and spent all morning chasing him ha!),
Side note but I love the npc guy. He’s simple but still Zelda-y. the character design in this comic is just👌
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Looks like the mailman has a list of who he’s supposed to deliver to, or at least that’s my guess. It could be a map maybe, but that probably wouldn’t do much good since he’s time traveling?? How does he do it. Don’t question the magic of the postman I guess.
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*green hill zone music intensifies*
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Shoutout to Sky’s face here, I make the same expression when I’m trying to chase after my nephew and stop him from eating crayons
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This looks like a postcard no joke, I'd frame this and put it on my wall. Plus the way the trees were done in the background is really neat, there’s something just really pleasing about this panel. Also the return of Sky: Just Standing There
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They’re all bein silly <3
...except for Four. Because I think him and Warriors both realize that Sky isn’t just telling them what he was doing all morning— he’s got something important to say, something they all actually need to know.
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(Downfall duo laughing together I love them)
Also I agree with everyone saying Warriors is close to snapping— they’ve all had a pretty stressful 24 hours, but Warriors has been breaking up arguments and repeatedly checking on everyone while they’re struggling, and... I don’t think he’s had a break. Take a nap bud, please?
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SKY TALKING TO FI MY BELOVED he's hoping there’s enough of her aware to help him dowse hhhhh. And then he’s so sad she didn’t seem to hear him waahhh 😭
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It doesn’t look to me like she truly helped much, but maybe Fi gave just enough of a nudge for Sky to find the postman’s footprints? Even in her sleep? She is glowing just a bit there... Interesting to think about.
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It’s confirmed that the postman uses the portals! And that the Shadow is alive and kicking! Uh-oh! (Also does anyone else think this one seems more... firey? Then the last one? Maybe it's just me).
And the chopped-off darknut head is still there too.... and I’ll bet you twenty rupees somebody is going to kick it when the Links go through the portal later. (My guess is Wild but I’d put my money on Legend or Wind too).
I’m also really curious where that portal leads... My guess is either Twilight’s Hyrule or Sky’s, based on what hints we’ve been getting, but I really don’t know. It’ll be fun to see!
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*Wind rapidly thinking of at least three conspiracy theories*: SUS
Also an amazing expression from him I’m laughing so hard, he really said 3:<
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Tag yourself I’m Four
Also Sky just chugging away at the stamina potion, poor guy XD he must be beat from all that running around, I hope he has some more time to sit before the Links get moving.
(And I mentioned this in another post, but Legend looks so alarmed at this information, as does Wild... it’s not going to be pretty when they cross paths with the Shadow again, that’s for sure)
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I love when Time breaks out the dramatic language... makes me remember that this guy is going to be the Hero’s Shade someday (who’s speech is 99% dramatic things).
Now the Links just have to decide what to do next... will they stay another day at the inn for Twilight’s sake, or get moving right away? Is Four going to confront Twilight about the dark magic he uses to turn into Wolfie?
So many questions... but in the meantime I will gladly continue to reread this amazing update, I really loved this one :D
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Okay, I know you head canon Wars' favorite food to be oranges, but do you have ones picked out for the rest of the chain? If so, what are they?
@gryphonlover has recently opened my eyes to the idea that Twilight would go crazy over potatoes and honestly? I’m obsessed with the idea and I feel like an idiot for never thinking about it before. Give that boy some potatoes, it’ll fix him
I’m not sure if Wild would have a favorite food. He probably has some he likes more than others, but if you asked him to pick a favorite he’d rattle off like 7 different things and then just keep adding things to the list alskdkdkd
Any form of berry is Hyrule’s go to favorite snacking food. My personal reasoning for this is because he just has the vibe of a guy who picks shit off plants/bushes/trees as he passes them deep deep in the woods or something and then eats them and hopes for the best. He’s 87% sure they’re not poisonous. But also? Blueberries are just epic, and Hyrule would love them
Four I think would love granola. He’s very normal about his granola, he’s very normal about his dried fruits and seeds and nuts he puts in there too. I think he’d eat that shit with his bare hands, taking out like a pinch at a time from a little bag on his hip while just exploring and getting up to little guy activities
Sky definitely loves pumpkin anything. Bread, pie, soup, whatever. I do think his favorite would be the soup though alskkdks, especially on colder days
Pumpkins are to Sky what Apples are to Legend. He’s the apple pie master at this point, he could bake them with his eyes closed (he’s also definitely hurled an apple at the back of Warriors’s head)
Time I think would love oranges (for absolutely no reason at all). And also milk, though I do headcanon he’s lactose intolerant because I personally think it’s hilarious, but also that’s not gonna stop him. The IDEA of milk is comforting to him, the reality of it not so much 😭
Wind has the energy of a kid who’s parents bought smoked salmon at the grocery store ONE time, put it on some bread with cream cheese and cucumbers, and then he was just hooked for life. It’s annoying to come by, and sometimes expensive, but its a nice little treat for him on rare occasions
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Guilty Pleasures
Every sentient being has a secret hobby or interest. Autonomous robotic organisms not excluded.
The only one who knows about his little hobby is Soundwave, it's a good thing too, because Megatron would kill anyone else who uncovered his secret.
Despite his general distaste for humans, Megatron admires their creativity, more specifically their literature.
He may be a warrior first and foremost but he also has a love for any all all historical and poetic works.
He enjoys reading and having to decipher the hidden meanings behind the stories he collects.
It fascinates him to read about just how different and how similar Cybertronian societies are.
However he would never be caught dead reading a book written by a human. So he sends Soundwave to fetch him good books whenever there is nothing more important on the agenda.
He is greatly inspired by Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, J.R.R Tolkien, C.S Lewis, and Homer.
He has a whole secret closet in his berthroom filled with dataslates that contain the works of his favorite authors.
He will often read them before falling into recharge, and occasionally he will attempt a little writing of his own if he is feeling particularly inspired.
This has led him to create another secret stash in his berthroom filled with his own stories, ones that mostly illustrate his own life and views on how society should be structured.
(If Megatron's works make their way into the newly rebuilt Iacon hall of records in the future due to a certain Prime, then no bot comments on it)
He has a rather unique little hobby, one that like Megatron, he would never be caught dead engaging in.
His particular hobby stems from his base coding as an Archivist.
Since the war did not really grant him much opportunity to work with and organize the data he desired, he ended up developing a tendency to note and catalogue the relationships of bots around him.
In short, Optimus is a shipper.
It was not a purposeful thing, but as time passed and tensions heightened Optimus just started listening in on conversations more frequently and paying extra attention to body language and how other bots interacted with one another.
He found it fascinating and so began to write it all down on a dataslate, and from there it just escalated as he began noting how certain bots reacted around others.
It really began after he started listing known relationships and all the information he had on them (In surprising and almost creepy detail)
Then he started theorizing and creating a whole separate catalogue dedicated to organizing gossip and discerning what was correct and incorrect so that he could get his relationship files properly updated.
In the end he created the most intricate and well informed database filled with information regarding every known relationship, platonic, familial, and romantic that he caught wind of.
But of course that still wasn't enough for his Archivist coding, he needed and still needs a constant flow of fresh data, and so he started playing a role in the relationships around him.
A well placed rumor here, a slight change of orders there, and Optimus's notes gain new additions from either the success or fallout of the event, satisfying his urges and helping his troops sort out their feelings much quicker than they would have otherwise.
To the complete and utter shock of everyone when they eventually find out; it is not Smokescreen, Bumblebee, Jazz, or any other source that has all the tea. No, it's all Optimus, and he knows everything and will gladly play matchmaker for his favorite OTP.
Cats. Soundwave. Loves. CATS.
He thinks they are the best to thing to happen since Primus himself came into being and nothing will change his mind.
His berthroom is covered in posters, pictures, and art of cats.
He has a whole pile of cat plushies that he stole and he adores it, especially when he is having a mental breakdown.
Soundwave also has a whole drive reserved solely for any all and all cat related content on the internet.
He is obsessed, he wants a cat badly, and he is not shy about his desire to adopt one.
However as he knows it would not be safe for a feline to stay on board the nemesis, Soundwave has turned to alternative methods to satisfy his desire to be around the fluffy organics.
Soundwave's solution is to not keep cats on board the nemesis permanently, but to bring them on for a limited time before ground bridging them away.
When he has the chance he collects a few street cats that he has taken a liking to and will keep them with him in his office, taking every measure to ensure their health and happiness.
The cats love him and he loves them, everybody goes home happy in the end.
However on the off chance that someone wanders into Soundwave's office while he is with his court of cats they are met with hisses and a terrifying blank stare from the spymaster.
Everyone on board the nemesis chalks it up to Soundwave being strange as usual and refuses to speak of what they see, lest the spymaster make them disappear.
Despite his gruff personality Ratchet has a rather wholesome secret hobby, that being baking.
He picked up baking from his mentor before the war, the older mech had been fond of the activity due to its simplicity.
Ratchet was skeptical, but out of respect for his mentor agreed to participate.
He ended up developing a fondness not for the energon goodies themselves, but for the process by which they were made and the smiles of those who consumed them.
During the war he made energon goodies and secretly put them in among the rations to increase moral among the troops
For a while a rumor spread about how there was a ghost meandering about leaving goodies for bots who did well or were going through some things.
No one suspected the 'I NEEDED THAT!' Ratchet to be the one leaving the treats. (except Optimus or course, such data would never escape his notice, not with his files constantly needing updating)
Ratchet also got into the habit of making small batches of goodies for Bumblebee every now and then when he was small, mainly to keep him quiet but also because he genuinely has a soft spot for him.
The habit continued even when Bee got older, surprising the scout on occasion when a little baggie of goodies appeared in his rations.
Once on earth Ratchet also ends up becoming interested in the human version of baking and since then has found no end of frustrations with the whole process.
Despite how much it aggravates him, when he has time he tries hard to figure out the intricacies of human baking so that the children won't feel left out out when the energon goodies are passed around (not that he will admit that is his true purpose)
Currently his baking capabilities with human food are abysmal largely due to inappropriately sized equipment and lack of organically attuned taste buds.
But the children appreciate the burned cupcakes he produces anyway, after all, its the thought that counts.
In his own words, he is not only an Automobile but an Automobile enthusiast.
He goes street racing when he can but for a mech as interested in cars as he is, only being able to street race is not nearly enough.
And so Knockout collects things, more specifically model cars.
If he likes them as they are, he will liberate (steal) them from human stores and display them on a little shelf he has in his berthroom.
He even has some mood lighting around the shelf to really draw attention to his collection.
His favorite models also have their own little pedestals which spin and light up.
He is particularly proud of himself for setting it all up correctly.
But, oh boy, if any bot on the nemesis so much as looks at his collection funny he will end them.
Those are his models. No touching.
Usually the models he collects are well painted and well within acceptable standards but sometimes he just doesn't like the colorations of his models.
On such occasions he will spend hours, painstakingly using tiny tools to change the coloration of his collectable. Carefully using small brushes and glasses in order to make everything just right.
He always takes great care to not damage the fragile human product. Sometimes going so far as to watch online video's on model painting just so that he doesn't mess up.
Occasionally though, the mass produced models simply don't cut it for Knockout, and so he goes hunting for rare and custom made collectables.
He even set up an account online and liberated (stole) some cash to use to buy particular models from around the globe.
If a human were to see his collection they would be flabbergasted as he has one of the most pristine and extensive model collections known to man.
Bumblebee never really had a hobby on Cybertron, he was far too busy training for and fighting in a war to really get involved in anything else.
However upon coming to earth and getting roped into earth culture his status as a mech without an interest changed quickly.
Bumblebee swiftly got swept up in the melting pot that is the internet, and there he learned a great many things he wishes he could forget.
But it was also on the internet that he was introduced to video gaming.
He spent countless hours watching gameplays, livestreams, and walkthrough video's, yearning more and more with every video to be able to play as well.
Thankfully his wish was granted when Raf rolled round and helped him get his own gaming system set up, with controllers of the appropriate size of course.
What no one expected however was for Bumblebee to become and absolute boss in nearly every game he played.
Online matches are filled with anger towards Bumblebee's character, but being a veteran of the internet by the time he starts playing, he is unconcerned by the human profanity thrown at him as he leaves his competitors in the dust.
Bumblebee has even made it into the world of E-sports, operating under an alias when online and using a holoform when he is required to turn up for tournaments.
Agent Fowler had a fit when he found out, but since no one suspects Bumblebee's alias of anything other than hacking he left it be.
Little does anyone know that Bumblebee has no fragging clue as to what he is doing.
More often than not it is dumb luck, a lot of ignorance, a healthy dose of stupidity, and his spectacular servo to optic coordination that pull him through.
Everyone around base praises him for his skill when they watch him play, and Bumblebee thoroughly enjoying the praise, refuses to say anything regarding the truth of his gaming career.
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localicecreambiter · 7 months
Chapter 2 is finally ouuutt and it only took like... a montth
ignore that :P
heres the Ao3 link, but I'll post the chapter text below this time too
Legend was not having a great day… then again, when did he ever?
New quest from the Goddess was going just great. Absolutely fantastic. Because apparently 6 adventures wasn’t enough as it stood. No, the goddesses seemingly were not satisfied with that, so a 7th was sent his way. Perks of being the favorite I guess, he thought with a tired bitterness. He stopped tracking the time they’d spent on the road after the first two weeks. It wasn’t worth the upkeep with everything going on, so why bother? Clearly Hylia’s business (it was easiest to blame her) wouldn’t be resolved any time soon, so there was no point in torturing himself by timing how long it took to get back home.
They’d gone through dozens of worlds, multiple Hyrules: some places unknown to any of them, some they call home. To say Legend had anticipated another world hopping adventure so soon would be lying, but who would know? Hylia knows not anyone else in the Chain. He could lie his ass off about virtually anything, and they’d believe it without a second thought. The few graces of being the group veteran. …not that he intended to do that. No, he liked the group too much to be that much of an ass to them.
Ah yes, the group. The Chain. His brothers in arms. His annoying compatriots that enjoyed loud mornings and exaggerated stories around the fire at night (also very loud). They were a rowdy group, sure, but Legend found he didn’t mind it all that much as the days went on. Wild may set things on fire more often than not; Twilight smelled of wet dog and talked too much about goats; Wind couldn’t keep his mouth shut, bombarding the group with questions about the most mundane things (seriously! He knew the kid was from the middle of the ocean but Legend refused to believe their resident sailor didn’t know what a pinecone was). Warriors had an ego the size of Death Mountain (great battle strategist all things considered); he admittedly knew little about Four, seemingly the most level headed of their group, but they got along together just fine. Hyrule was… well, Legend quite liked the traveler (though he’d hardly ever admit it). Time liked to keep to himself, only fueling the chaos on a few occasions, looking out for each and every one of them no matter the situation. Despite his qualms and complaints, the past however long they had spent traveling together weaved a tight knit trust and deep seeded care within the group. Not even Legend could escape from that, not that he really wanted to anyway. It was nice having someone to watch your back from time to time.
Now, back to his griping, “Ugghh! We’ve been on this stupid trail for hours! How have we not found a town yet?” The ground squelched beneath bootfalls, still puddled with rainfall from the night before and the muggy air did little to raise his spirits. It left his hair frizzed and hands sticky with moisture no matter how many times he wiped his palms on his tunic. Over the years, a lot of things had made their way onto the Things That Really Annoy the Hell Out of Legend list: humid weather made the top 20. They might as well be swimming at that point, really.
“Oh, chill out Legend. A little humidity never killed anyone,” The captain was quick to quip back, but there was no mistaking the underlying agitation in the ways Warriors fidgeted with his cape and gloves. “Your hair will be fine.” Legend snapped his hand away from his head, leaving tousled locks tangled in order to prove a point.
The vet smirked, arms crossed across his chest, “Projecting your worries onto me won’t make ‘em go away Miss Prissy Pants.” He had the pleasure of witnessing the older hero whirl around indignantly, mouth open in preparation to fire another shot.
“Enough from both of you.” Great, so it wasn’t just him growing more irritated with the humidity. Time shot the pair a warning glance, signaling there was to be no fun or joy had on their trek. Whatever, he still claimed the victory in stride, a smug grin blooming once the eldest turned away. With everyone being so tense — frankly more agitated than Legend was on a mediocre day — their impromptu hike lapsed into an awkward silence. The low rumble of storms rolling on the horizon and the abundance of cricket chatter was the best he was going to get as a distraction. So yeah. The quest was going great.
“Whose Hyrule do you think we’re in?” Legend’s ears pricked to attention, mumbled conversations behind him (usually gone ignored) peeking his interest. The two shortest — and if he had to guess, youngest — of the Chain trailed in the back, Epona clopping at their side. Wind’s hair puffed out more than usual, lower pant legs caked in mud and what Legend hoped was very pigmented clay. The kid seemed perfectly content in the weather, the son of a dodongo. Four kept running a hand through tangled locks, cringing at the way his fingers harshly caught on the knots.
“Traveler’s. Too barren to be anywhere else,” yet despite the gross weather, the smithy always held that level headedness to him. If Legend were to admit it — and he himself knew he wouldn’t — he was a bit jealous. The hero could probably watch someone keel over dead and it wouldn’t outwardly affect him. Or maybe Four was just better at compartmentalizing things for later. Either way, the kid knew how to hold himself together.
“Didn’t he say the air was toxic or something?” Legend didn’t even need to look to know the expression Wind was wearing. Left brow raised, eyes squinted slightly, pouty frown tugging his lips downward, and skeptical glint in his eye. A kid far too expressive and open for the uncaring world he was thrown into, a sinking familiarity always followed that thought. He’d been like that too when he first started, after all. Just some bright eyed kid who got thrown in the midst of something bigger than himself, paying the price for an evil he had not committed.
“No, Sailor. That was the water.” It was around then that the veteran slowed his pace slightly to walk next to Wind, expression light and curious. He had no input yet, but the message was clear: I want to be included in the conversation. It wasn’t often that Legend sought out a connection like that, letting it come to him rather. No matter how strange it felt to initiate, the others clearly didn’t mind it. He may be prickly, but he could be good company in his humble opinion.
“What?!” The two other heroes grimaced at Wind’s sudden volume, Legend skillfully suppressing a grin when a hand slapped over the kid’s mouth. “Oops. I mean… What?! Poison water??”
“No, toxic water. If it was just poison, it wouldn’t hurt you unless you drank it.”
Legend cocked a brow, deciding, “Same difference,” was a good contribution to the conversation.
Four scowled, lower lip sticking out just a tad too far. If he looked any more upset, the veteran would think he’s pouting. “No, it’s not. The difference in meaning is crucial when relaying dangerous informa-”
“How are you supposed to go sailing on that? At least back at home it’s just poison water.” Wind stared up at the pair innocently, eyes wide with questions crackling in his ocean hued gaze. Neither decided to question what the second half was supposed to mean, already having contemplated the logistics of a “great flood” before. Poison water wasn’t that far fetched when it came to the sailor’s Hyrule.
Legend snorted, “You aren’t, dimwit.”
“With a raft?” The new voice startled the trio, all three heads whipping to gawk at Hyrule. If he thought the sailor was sneaky, leave it to their traveler to catch them with their pants down (another reason he never wore pants. Never have them on, and you never get caught with them down). “…What?”
“You’ve actually sailed??”
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it sailing. More just floating around on the lake until I can get to where I need to go.” Legend narrowed his eyes, gauging how Hyrule was affected by the weather while the other three chatted. He, like the sailor, seemed to have no qualms with how astoundingly horrendous it was. It irked him more than it probably should have. In the veteran’s time, it never got this nasty unless he was close to a swamp. The fact things got so fucked after he passed… It wasn’t his fault, that was for damn sure. Not very much you can do about darkness overtaking the land when you’re dead.
“It’s gonna storm soon,” the subject change ripped him from his thoughts, eyes landing on Wind. The kid was looking off at the darkening horizon, watching the clouds churn into a tempest that hopefully they would never have to brave. “I’d say in ‘round 5 flips of a sandglass.”
The group blinked owlishly, Four being the first one to put things together.
“…So 2 and a half hours?”
“Yup, sounds just about right.”
“You know, you can talk like a normal person, right?”
Wind cracked a grin, “Where I come from, that is how normal people talk.”
Legend let the conversation fade into the background, eyeing the stormy horizon just as the sailor had. With how their journey was going so far, a storm was the last thing they needed. Sure, it’d probably clear away the sticky air, but running around in the rain wasn’t something he really wanted to do at the moment. His boots were muddy enough as it was. Just as he thought to mention Wind’s storm theory, there was a buzz in the air. Magic. It was familiar — a far away familiar, but familiar nonetheless.
He stopped walking for a moment, violet eyes narrowing at the muggy surroundings. The treeline was silent, the rolling fields of dying yellow crops whipped violently in the breeze, the sky rumbled, but there was no sign of a source. The veteran’s brows furrowed further, face screwing up in suspicion that something was amiss. He knew that feeling, and he knew that he did. Something that reminded him of home in the most warped way possible, feeling almost wrong yet right all at the same time. It was confusing, eluding his conscious efforts to pinpoint just where he had felt that before.
Footsteps died out, Legend having yet to notice the rest of the Chain slowing to a stop. The burning gazes of 8 other pairs of eyes falling on one person should have alerted him, but being so caught up in that feeling… Where had he felt it before? Goddesses it was on the tip of his damn tongue. Think Legend…
A firm hand grasped his shoulder, sending a jolt through the veteran hero who instinctively reached for his sword. “Hey! Hey, easy there partner!” Legend blinked, eyes shooting up to stare down an admittedly alarmed Twilight. “You alright there? Hear a monster?” Looking past the furry blockade, everyone else was on high alert. It wasn’t like the vet to freeze up like that, not without warning.
“No. No monster from what I can tell. I’m fine I just…” His eyes landed on Wild, with his bow pulled taught and poised at the ready for an ambush, “remembered something, is all.” Technically, it was a half truth. He recognized something, yet struggled to remember where he recognized it from and what exactly it even was. It was an adequate enough answer, as the rancher backed off with a nod. Silence returned to their group, but Legend could hardly care less about that now. His mind was elsewhere. It was going to bother him for the rest of the day if he couldn’t figure out where-
A blood curdling yowl — seriously, a yowl — nearly blew out his eardrums as a particularly ugly moblin burst from the treeline with 3 more in tow.
“Why’s it making that face at me?!” Metal screeched as it clashed against steel, but there was no mistaking Four’s perturbed cry through the fray.
“Sorry about that,” came the sailor’s response, “It’s one of mine! They make some really stupid faces!” Legend had to duck and roll out of the way of an oversized shield nearly wacking into him. Two were focused on one, three on another, Time facing one alone, leaving the last to Sky, Wild, and himself.
“This one’s mine,” the Skyloftian announced to the group. “I’ll distract it so you two can get in a few backstrikes.” He hopped away, slashing for the brute’s shield while Legend crept up from the side. Drawing his tempered sword, dark blood soon seeped from the moblin’s back with no more than a few swipes and a couple arrow shots. The monster tried to turn, only to get sliced by Sky’s blade, regaining its attention. Lucky for them these things were stupider than dirt, not even able to take the defensive right. With a group of nine seasoned heroes, now more used to fighting together, it took less than 10 minutes to clear out the lot of them. With no further signs of another attack, they were free to check for injuries.
Hyrule got nicked in the side, nothing he couldn’t fix himself, Legend was sure. Twilight seemed to have taken an impromptu trip to the tailors with the new scratch marks in his undertunic. Warriors’ nose was bleeding, but other than that and a few scrapes he was fine. Everyone else got off with nothing more than a scratch or a bruise here or there. Good. That meant the veteran wouldn’t need to be dishing out any potions any time soon.
“Are we all accounted for?” Everyone turned their attention to Time, standing with a hand on his hip and the other on the hilt of his sword. He continued once he got confirmation, “If they attacked now, it probably means there’s more at a camp nearby. We’ll split up and look for it: Wind in one group and Wild in another. If one of us finds it we’ll alert the other via your.. Rock things.” The sailor beamed, ushering everyone to line up because it “was his turn to be team captain,” whatever that meant.
Ultimately, he was placed in Wind’s group with Warriors, and Time. They had more than enough manpower with the two war veterans, the sailor, and the actual vet. Wild had a map, and Wind was their best navigator, so getting back up would be easy as pie… if that pie was on fire with raw crust and half cooked filling. Yeah, splitting up in unfamiliar woods is never a good idea.
Especially when you’re trying to fight off an archer ambush and your navigator is being shot at.
“I’m gonna need a second- FUCK!!” An arrow shaft stuck haphazardly in the sailor’s arm, jostling with every move he made. “Shit! Oh, that’s gonna hurt-”
“Focus! Make sure Wild can find us. We’ll cover you!” Warriors, on cue, blocked another volley with Wind’s dropped mirror shield. If it weren’t such a high stress situation, Legend could’ve sworn the captain would say something stupid like “return to sender” or “eat shaft.” The thought made him smirk, distracting him long enough that their attackers managed to graze his leg.
“Oh, for the love of Zephos!” The vet didn’t have time to turn around and check on their youngest, reflecting back another volley himself in hopes to hit something. A flash of grey caught his eye, loud snarling following a blur of fur and monster parts. Back up had finally arrived.
“Took long enough!”
“Hey, blame Wind! Would’ve been here faster if he held onto his rock!” Long, unruly hair streamed behind a dirt covered, scared face. With a few THUNKS a handful of their assailants went down, yellow energy crackling out of the disintegrating bodies.
“You try and hold a stupid rock while being shot at!” The sailor grabbed Legend’s arm and yanked him to the side just in time for an arrow to narrowly miss piercing his nose, much to the veteran’s dismay. “I had that-”
“Sure you did!” Wind ducked out of the way of a sword slash, coming face to face with more moblins. “Think we found that monster camp yet?”
Legend really didn’t know how the kid could keep up the quips while avoiding getting smacked in the head, pulling his blade back out for round 2. Digging in his bag, he fished out a hookshot for some spontaneous strategizing. Latching it into a tree somewhere off in the fray, he took the opportunity to zip around and stun anything and everything. Battle was serious, sure, but having a little fun with it when you’re winning couldn’t hurt.
When the dust settled, all that was left was a single black lizalfos.
The black lizalfos.
Who made a break for it the second it realized it was outnumbered, like the damn coward it was.
Chasing did little for the group, as their path ended in a clearing with a large portal swirling before them. He caught Time making a mental check of everyone before pairing them up to go through: Twilight and Wild, Sky and Four, Hyrule and himself with Wind tagging along, leaving Time and Warriors to follow up at the back.
“Stick close together. So far these portals have spat us out in the same place, but we never know when that will change.”
“I just hope the weather is nicer wherever we end up,” Legend heard Warriors mutter, most likely jinxing the group with his stupid wishing. If the weather was anything but pleasant he was going to throttle the captain.
“Best get goin’. The storm be upon us soon,” Wind ever so gently (read: not at all gently) pushed Wild toward the swirling vortex. Everytime Legend saw one of the portals, he was reminded how little the light mattered as it was eaten away by the vast darkness before them. In some strange, twisted way, he found solace in that. If there were to be one constant, he’d rather it be the comfort of darkness than a blinding light… but maybe he was biased. After all, few of the best people came from the Darkness. A flash of purple rabbit ears and sharp red eyes pulled at his lips, threatening to spill his happy memories for all to see. But no, he grabbed at those images, shoving them back into their respective places and neatly filing them away in the crevices of his mind. Those were his and his alone to keep, for none to see and not to be shared. Not yet, at least. Not after what had been said. Not until apologies were made. Until then, the fleeting feeling of fond annoyance and steely, yet soft gazes hurt too much to remember.
“Hey, earth to Ledge! We’re about to go through!” Right, the portal. They were on a completely different quest. Now was not the time to be taking a trip down memory lane. With a deep breath, hands firmly held by the traveler and the sailor, he stepped into the void churning before him.
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
My Top 5 Favorite Zelda Villains (outdated)
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Number 1. Ganondorf/Ganon - Honestly after so many years, Ganondorf still holds up as a villain. Ganon was the biproduct of a curse created by Demise to ensure that his hate is reincarnated just so he can destroy Link and Zelda’s descendants, and Ganondorf himself was born as the only male in a desert that belonged tribe to warrior women known as The Gerudo, eventually ending up as their king thanks to Gerudo traditions. Ganondorf had a huge presence in Ocarina of Time, manipulating you into locating the Triforce and immediately took over Hyrule during your time skip. In Hyrule Warriors, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and A Link To The Past, he adapts in some form either that be because of genuine character development, an ego increase, or a desire for revenge. However in Breath of the Wild, the end of all three timelines, he fully succumbs to Demise’s curse and uses his hate to create an entity known as Calamity Ganon. In short, Ganon started out as an intelligent and ambitious king, a man to be exact, but eventually he turned into a beast fueled by hate. Then in Tears of The Kingdom he returns, and not only so we learn that he DIDN’T succumb to Demise’s curse after all, we learn that 1,000 years ago, he reincarnated and began to EMBRACE it becoming the new Demon King in the process, and he came back to life to continue his reign. Overall Ganondorf is a surprisingly versatile and interesting take on a evil king, combining power with intellect, tragedy, anger, class, and pure EVIL which is why he’s the greatest villain in gaming history and fiction in general.
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Number 2. Majora - When Nintendo was making Majora’s Mask, they KNEW that they couldn’t just make Ganondorf the villain again, so the developers cooked up a pretty great and just as iconic substitute. A batshit insane and mysterious mask that wants to hurl a moon into the planet and cause chaos! Majora is basically a childish eldrich abomination, and much like Ganondorf, he appears rarely throughout the story, yet we see the damage he’s pretty much caused to the land of Termina. Overall this insane cryptic is deserving of the number 2 spot on this list.
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Number 3. Vaati, The Wind Mage - The king of underrated villains. Vaati could easily be compared to Ansem/Terranort from Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2. A young, ambitious, and curious apprentice explores the darkness in the hearts of men, becomes power hungry, and then becomes an insane creature of darkness. He’s also the only major Zelda villain to canonically appear in 3 games, a feat not even Ghirahim has achieved. Also I find it hilarious and sad that he basically went from “I need power” to “Hmm, I shall kidnap maidens and the Princess.” Bro really became lustful after he got his ass bear and lost his mind! In all seriousness though, Vaati is a Ganon tier villain, and I wouldn’t mind seeing him again. Such a shame that Nintendo ignores thie guy.
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Number 4. Yuga - Yes, I know this guy is Lorulean equivalent of Ganondorf. Yes, I know that he hijacked Ganon instead of it being the other way around, but if I’m being honest… Yuga is a breath of fresh air when it comes to the classic timeline games, both as a concept and as an actual character. A Link Between Worlds is nowhere near perfect, but Yuga was an excellent villain, purely because he’s basically Ganondorf without the status as royalty, muscle to back his mind, commanding appearance, or the overwhelming power he’s known for. Yuga is a simple sorcerer and an “artist” who looks like a clown. The only things they share is they’re both manipulative, cunning, ambitious, and pure evil. In short, Yuga is a perfect subversion of Ganondorf, while still carrying that same sense of danger, and in terms of 2D Zelda villains he’s great.
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Number 5. Ghirahim - The only Zelda villain who won succeeded in carrying out his plans, and it had serious consequences for the rest of the series. Ghirahim as a character is vain and flamboyant, but he is not a pushover in the slightest, which makes sense since he’s the literal sword of Demise! Still the fact that he did indeed free his master is impressive, and the best part is that is feels earned. What a magnificent bastard.
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totallynots8tan · 2 years
PJO & HOO Character's songs
Leo Valdez - Run Boy Run - Play With Fire - Cardboard Castles - Sexy Back - Bohemian Rhapsody -Youngblood (talking about his "family") - I bet you think about me - Just like Fire - I built a friend
Jason Grace - Kryptonite - Unstoppable - Grenade - Nancy got a haircut
Piper McLean - Pretty Girl - You Should See me in a Crown - Kings & Queens; Ava Max - None of Your Business - Victoria’s Secret
Percy Jackson - Enemy; Imagine Dragons - Hey look Ma I Made it
Annabeth Chase - The Man; Taylor Swift - You Should See me in a Crown - Dangerous Woman - without me
Percabeth - Perfect - Paris; The Chainsmokers - Dusk till Dawn - Ring pop; Jax
Frank Zhang - Hall of Fame; the Script - Cool Kids
Hazel Levesque (I don't know if I spelled that right) - Golden - Titanium - Perfect - Dancing Queen
Nico di Angelo - I Bet My Life - Anti Hero; Taylor Swift - Nightmare; Halsey - Ghost Town - I'm a Ghost -Moral of the Story - Memories - Bad Word; Salem Elise - Break Even - If I killed someone for you
Sally Jackson (aka, our queen) - I'm a survivor; Reba McEntire - God is a Woman
Octavian - One Less Problem Without You - Maybe you’re the problem
Travis & Connor Stoll - Criminal - smooth criminal
Will Solace - Firework; Katy Perry - It get's better - sunroof - yellow
Solangelo - Happening Again - Broken - yellow
All Demigods, ever - Warriors; Imagine Dragons - Survivor; Destiny’s Child - Anxiety; Coi Leray - Centuries - Little Talks - Titanium - Castle on the Hill (camp half blood) - Gone, Gone, Gone (also mostly camp half blood) - Raise Your Glass - Born to Be Brave - You need to calm down - Natural - Monsters - Dusk till Dawn - without me - One wrong turn - Like I'm Gonna Loose You - bleeding out
Extra that I think apply, but I don't know how to label - If we have each other; Alec Benjamin - Mind is a Prison; Alec Benjamin - Born this Way - Feel It Still - Original - Checkmate; Conan Gray - Must have been the wind
Note: Some of these do not have the artists listed because you can just search the name and you will find the song.
WARNING: Some of these song could make you cry a lot, especially when thinking of your favorite characters, be prepared
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twistedtummies2 · 5 months
ReCount: Top 15 Portrayals of Van Helsing
Opinions change over time. I've been doing lists for a while, and the more I see and the more I learn, the more frequently my feelings about characters and portrayals of them can shift. SO, I've decided to start doing "ReCounts." These are second attempts at old countdowns: for my more long-winded countdowns, such as month-long countdown events, I will do shortened single-post versions of them, with updated rankings, short descriptions, and collages that separate different "sections" to help tighten things up. For my shorter lists, where I give almost no descriptions and/or the choices are fewer in number, I will provide said descriptions (albeit relatively brief ones), and the lists themselves, once again, may be adjusted. With that said...later this month, I’ll be doing a countdown of the Worst Dracula Portrayals, in my opinion. I’ll also be doing a ReCount of my personal favorites. Before then, however, I felt it would be fun to talk about the notable side characters of Bram Stoker’s novel. So, we’ll begin with a ReCount of arguably the most famous character from the story (aside from Dracula himself), Abraham Van Helsing. Professor Van Helsing ISN’T the main character of the original book. I would say he’s more describable as the Gothic Horror equivalent to Merlin. He is the de-facto leader of the vampire hunters who set out to destroy Dracula, true, but he’s not the main protagonist: he is their teacher, their guide, the one who has all the knowledge and wisdom the other, younger warriors require in order to combat the threat that the undead Count provides. Van Helsing is not depicted as a professional vampire slayer, either; he’s simply a scientist, but one who has a vast knowledge of and strange belief in the supernatural. In the novel, the Professor at first appears to be a somewhat comical character; slightly clumsy and with an unusual way of speaking, as well as several eccentricities. As the story goes on, however, his own inner steel and darkness begins to show more and more. As a result, he becomes just as fascinating and mysterious as Dracula himself: there are a lot of unanswered questions about Van Helsing that make him intriguing, and he is one of the most proactive characters in the story. Both of these facts are a major part of why the character has become so noteworthy over the years since.
Over the years, Van Helsing’s reputation has intensified; most versions of the character don’t actually follow the book at all, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing (nor an uncommon thing, as later lists for other characters in the novel shall indicate). Choosing my favorite versions of the guy was really difficult, and in making this ReCount - expanding the list to a Top 15, and providing some brief descriptions - it was interesting to see what made some interpretations work or not work. With that said, here are My Top 15 Favorite Portrayals of Dracula’s Nemesis, Professor Van Helsing!
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15. David Suchet, from 2006 BBC TV Film.
The same year this TV film came out, the BBC also produced a radio version of Dracula (not connected to the movie at all), and which also featured Suchet. In the radio adaptation, Suchet played Dracula, but - perhaps because the film wanted to go for a younger, more “sexy” Dracula (played by Marc Warren) - in the film, he plays Van Helsing. The film seems to conflate Van Helsing with Renfield, of all characters, depicting him as a shabby character driven half-insane by a past encounter with Dracula. Suchet does a good job with what he’s given, but I rather wish Van Helsing (and the film, in general) had followed the novel more closely.
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14. Rikiya Koyama, from Phantom in the Twilight.
In this anime, Koyama voices Van Helsing XIII - a descendant of the original Van Helsing, who is the head of a monster-hunting organization called “Midnight Sun.” He is depicted as an anti-heroic antagonist: a religious zealot who believes all humans are inherently good, and all of the Umbra (monsters) are inherently evil - a Javert-like, black-and-white perspective that often causes trouble. While I liked the character on the whole, and the mysteries about him are intriguing, I was ultimately disappointed by his “battle” with Vlad (the Dracula character) and the conclusion of his story in the show. An interesting concept, but not the most glamorous execution.
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13. Nigel Davenport, from the 1973 TV Film.
Davenport plays a more stiff-upper-lipped Van Helsing in this Dan-Curtis-created TV production of the story. The film depicts Van Helsing at first as a sort of dandy, very typically “British” and slightly foppish. However, as the film goes on he shows more and more of his strength and wisdom as the battle to stop Dracula gets more and more intense. I can’t say Davenport is my ideal Van Helsing, but he is an interesting rendition that pays some slight homage to the original in that respect.
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12. Martin Gabel, from the Mercury Theatre Radio Version.
Not pictured here in costume, because...well...radio. :P Honestly, I don’t really have a lot to say about Gabel in this radio version, created by and starring Orson Welles. I just think he’s really freaking good: he feels a bit like how Edward Van Sloan’s Van Helsing might have acted (more on him later) if he were in a slightly more book-accurate adaptation.
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11. David Moroni, from Dracula: Pages From a Virgin’s Diary.
This extremely bizarre, silent-film-styled, surrealist/Expressionistic TV film was produced by the utterly bonkers Guy Maddin, and loosely based on the Royal Winnipeg Ballet’s dance version of the story. In the film, all of the male characters - and I DO mean ALL of them - are depicted as figures of toxic masculinity. Each of them has flaws and unsavory traits, but Van Helsing is arguably the worst of them all. As a result, the film - I think intentionally - plays with the duality between him and Dracula in some interesting ways, visually, as Van Helsing really is just as awful as the vampire he’s hunting in this version.
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10. Christopher Plummer, from Dracula 2000.
While I personally feel this film is a total mess, I will say that arguably the best part of the entire experience is Plummer as Van Helsing. In the movie, Van Helsing is revealed to have become as immortal as Dracula, by using the vampire’s blood to keep himself going, so that he can forever protect the world from the Count’s darkness. However, the methods Van Helsing uses provide some flaws in his character, and at the same time, Dracula himself is depicted as a more sympathetic villain (which is not uncommon). Once again, the duality this creates is interesting.
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9. Goofy, from Disney’s Dracula, Starring Mickey Mouse.
Disney has done TWO different “Dracula Starring Mickey Mouse” adaptations in print: the first was a graphic novel, the second was a children’s storybook. While both have obvious similarities, they also have some differences: most notably, the storybook is much, MUCH shorter and “thinner” (both literally and metaphorically), and the casting for many of the characters is different. In the graphic novel, Goofy, of all characters, plays the role of Van Helsing; in the storybook, it’s Horace Horsecollar. (Incidentally, in the storybook Goofy is Quincey Morris, while in the comic version Horace is Arthur Holmwood.) The weird thing is that by making Goofy - clumsy, bumbling, silly Goofy - the Professor, the graphic novel actually creates one of the most weirdly accurate interpretations of the character out there.
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8. Laurence Olivier, from the 1979 Film.
In this film version, Olivier’s Van Helsing is given a tragic, personal reason to fight Dracula, as its revealed his daughter is the Lucy character (and you’ll note I say “the Lucy character,” not just “Lucy;” more on that another time). When she is made into a vampire by the undead Count, Van Helsing swears vengeance, and thus his crusade to avenge his child begins. The quest to defeat the vampire ultimately seems to destroy both hero and villain in the end…but I mustn’t say more, or I shall spoil the whole story.
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7. Hugh Jackman, from Van Helsing.
While Jackman’s action-hero spin on Van Helsing has almost NOTHING to do with the original book…I’ll give both him and the movie this: anytime I think of the name “Van Helsing,” this movie and this take on the character DO come pretty immediately to mind. Other than that, there’s not a whole lot to say: the movie may not be that great, but it’s a guilty pleasure, and I think Jackman’s performance is part of the reason why. He’s just always a delight to watch, in my experience.
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6. Anthony Hopkins, from the 1992 Film.
In the 1992 film, Dracula is given a strongly sympathetic streak. To contrast this, Van Helsing, in turn, is given a darker edge to his character. While what he’s doing IS ultimately heroic, his methods and manners aren’t always the most saintly or kind. At times he even seems to lean towards the verge of madness, which again, makes the struggle between himself and Dracula all the more interesting.
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5. The Version from the 2006 BBC Radio Version.
To this day, I have not figured out who plays Van Helsing in the radio adaptation the BBC made, written by Liz Lochhead. The actor is not credited, and I can’t tell if he’s played by someone else in the cast, doing double roles, or if it’s just that the performer chose to be anonymous. Whoever does the job, however, they do it very well: playing a serious, intelligent, but still interesting version of the Professor that courageously leads the other characters.
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4. Herbert Lom, from the 1970 Film.
This was the movie made by Jess Franco, entitled "Count Dracula." While I personally feel the conclusion to Van Helsing’s story in the film is somewhat anti-climactic - neither he nor Mina ever travel to Transylvania in this version, leaving them COMPLETELY out of the final battle against Dracula and his servants - Lom portrays the Professor excellently. In this version, Van Helsing is the head of the asylum where Renfield stays, with Dr. Seward as his closest associate; it’s eventually revealed that, in secret, Van Helsing has long been a student of the occult, and it’s implied the asylum is a cover for his true work facing the “creatures of the night.” The battle between himself and Dracula is made interesting, as the film puts emphasis on their competition. Though they only come face-to-face briefly in the movie (and, apparently, behind the scenes, neither Lom nor Christopher Lee actually EVER shared screentime together), I think Van Helsing says it best: “I have never met the Count, yet I feel I know him better than my own soul.”
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3. Frank Finlay, from the 1977 BBC TV Film.
Finlay plays probably the single most Stoker-accurate version of Van Helsing ever put to the screen in this 1970s television production. Many consider this one of the most faithful adaptations of the story, even though it - like all renditions - does still take a few liberties. Finlay’s Van Helsing ranges from slightly zany and comical to stone-cold serious and courageously capable, and his performance is probably one of my favorites in the man’s whole career.
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2. Edward Van Sloan, from the 1931 Film & Dracula’s Daughter.
Van Sloan first played Van Helsing in the Broadway production of Hamilton Dean’s “Dracula” stage show, opposite Bela Lugosi as Dracula. When Lugosi was cast as the Count for Universal’s famous film version, Lugosi personally suggested Van Sloan be cast as his nemesis, as well. Perhaps because of this, as well as because of the expansions the film made to the twin source materials (the movie is based mostly on the play, but also includes elements from the book and a few new additions all its own), the chemistry between Van Helsing and Dracula in the film is one of the most interesting parts of the whole movie. They feel like the Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty of Gothic Horror in this version, more than anywhere else. Van Sloan reprised the role in the sequel, “Dracula’s Daughter,” and would also go on to play Van-Helsing-esque characters in both “Frankenstein” and “The Mummy.”
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1. Peter Cushing, from the Hammer Horror Franchise.
Cushing is arguably where the modern Van Helsing - the idea of him as a professional monster hunter - really began. In the first Hammer film, Van Helsing is a doctor of medicine, but it’s made clear this is a cover for his true profession as a monster hunter, who has been tracking Dracula for years. Later films would continue to expand on the seemingly eternal conflict between the Count and the Professor. Cushing’s Van Helsing is a strict and strong vampire slayer, willing to go to some extreme lengths to take down Dracula and his progeny, but what I like is that - despite these hard edges - there’s also a warmth and a kindness to his character. He can be just as fierce as his enemy, but what separates him from the Count is ultimately his humanity.
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dunefandomhub · 5 months
FIC REC FRIDAY! 2023 Mini Bang Edition
We have 1 more week of writer sign ups for the 2024 Dune Mini Bang and so I bring you another Mini Bang Rec List!
Dune Mini Bang 2023 Collection
Delicate Times by Ashen_Onion
In 10190 A.G., a new crop of Bene Gesserit students was dropped into the claws of the Sisterhood at a remote chapterhouse. One new initiate is the tiny fourteen-year-old Maryam Atreides, eldest daughter of Duke Leto by concubine and future mother of the Kwisatz Haderach. Her arrival begins to warp both the faculty and student body with plots, intrigues, and nostalgia. And less than a week later, she is put in detention for fistfighting another student over a "matter of honor," as befits her father's daughter. (AU where Jessica didn't have a son. Standalone prequel novella to my fic Of Mind-Killers and Little-Deaths.) Rated T OFCxOFC
The Guide by Chocobun
The Atreides tribe is a community of hunter-gatherers who live in the Paleolithic period. Paul is the son of the Chief, meant to one day succeed his father, while also training to one day replace his mother as the Ethereal Guide of their people. The extraordinary position he was put in causes him to struggle with the feeling of inadequacy, as well question his gender and sexuality. A strong and handsome warrior with mysterious past, named Duncan, doesn't exactly make the struggle easier. Rated E Duncan/Paul
The Hostage by @magpiesmudpie
Paul finds the girl from his dreams trapped in an Atreides prison. Rated T Chani/Paul
The False Mahdi by @a-guide-to-imperial-planetology
During Muad'Dib's Jihad, Stilgar's favorite wife Harah must watch her sons go to a war for which she harbors great doubt. Harah must navigate her heresy carefully around her fanatical husband as she tries to protect her family. Rated T Harah/Stilgar
Smugglers of Dune by Predictable_Backstory
During the reign of Alia Atreides, two smugglers arrive on Arrakis seeking fortune. Bonded by enterprise, this unlikely duo grows to rely on one another in the deep desert, as the winding paths of fate bring them face-to-face with their pasts. Rated T
The Prodigal Father by @curlyallie
During an idyllic honeymoon on Caladan, Gurney Halleck comes face to face with his past. Rated E Chani/Gurney
Desert Spring by @almostg
When Duncan first visited the Fremen on Arrakis, he met Chani Kynes. Meanwhile, Duncan's beloved Paul has been dreaming about a girl among the Fremen. What if Paul finds out what happened between Duncan and Chani in Sietch Tabr? Rated E Chani/Duncan/Paul
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brendathedoodler · 2 years
Hey, I just wondering since they swapped, are their nickname swapped? Cause while some might make sense and it for clarity sake for us fans, but in universe does some of their nickname change?
Also speaking of nickname but not about the au, which is game name that Hyeule is from? Thanks
Yeah, in-universe it would make sense that their hero titles would swap with the adventures, but that would get really confusing. I did consider what some might get as alternate nicknames, though!
Sky would most likely get the name Cloud, since he’s always got his head in the clouds. Captain could also be a nickname for him, similar to LU Warriors, since they’re both army captains.
Four would most likely get his usual name since he still splits into four people. He’d suggest the name as an inside joke. Without that, though, he’d have other nicknames. ‘Champion’ is one he takes from LU Wild, but he also keeps the nickname ‘smithy’ since he trained as a blacksmith before he was chosen as the hero.
Time would actually have the name Lily. It’s a name he chose during the war of ages almost two decades ago, all because his big sister Saria said that it was her favorite flower, and that his hair reminded her of yellow lilies. It’s a nickname Sky still calls him, and sometimes Hyrule too. Along with that, he’d also have the nickname ‘sailor’, as well as being referred to as ‘the old man’.
Legend would get the name Cryptid. He chose it on purpose because he thought it was funny. Having three transformations, the capability to make noises that Hylian vocal chords cannot, and a glove that he never takes off gives him an air of mystery that he revels in (though his three transformations aren’t known about at first). His hair color does earn him the nickname ‘taffy’ from Warriors, which he always gets annoyed about.
Hyrule would have the name Bard. This is because of his assortment of instruments (primarily ocarina, flute, and harp) which he channels his magic through. He’d also have the nickname Fae, particularly by Sky and Time, as that’s what he went by during the war of ages. He’d also have the nicknames ‘wanderer’ and ‘traveler’ thanks to his sense of wanderlust.
Twilight would probably get the name Minish or Mini, or possibly Soul after the soul sword (the changed name of the four sword). He has a few nicknames along with that, and gains several after it’s revealed that he’s actually Wolfie (like ‘dog boy’). He’s still ‘the rancher’, too.
Wind’s name would probably be Addie, a self-chosen name short for adventurer. (and a nickname given to him by his childhood friends Maple and Irene). He’d also give himself the nickname ‘seven’ for his seven adventures, but only when teaming up with Four. He’d also earn the nickname ‘veteran’ for his experience, even if he’s young.
Warriors’ name is something I’m having a really hard time coming up with, but I think he would let his fairy companion Proxi give him a nickname. He has other nicknames too, things like ‘strategist’ or ‘tactician’, though sometimes those nicknames are used to use him since he tends to over-plan as a survival mechanism. Legend also has the tendency to mockingly refer to him as “your highness”, both as payback for being nicknamed Taffy and to joke about Warriors’ torn clothing that he absolutely refuses to replace no matter how much anyone offers him.
Wild would probably end up with the name Sky, but it could also be Loft or Loftwing. His original nickname is also plausible, as his fighting style is rather wild. He would also accept being referred to as the ‘chosen hero’ but he doesn’t necessarily like it (but expressing that would mean having to untangle the complicated feelings he has about it all, which he doesn’t want to deal with).
Edit: There’s an official nicknames list here for these guys!
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holyshonks · 10 months
📷 - 'aesthetic' photo you associate a halo character with
I had to think about this one since I'm not really one for this. Maybe this is cheating, but--
Tumblr media
this is a really pretty new map in Infinite that is supposed to be a blamite mine on Suban, one of Sanghelios' moons. I really love this crystal cave--I always wind up there even if it's not strategically sound ;)
Nizat is from Suban, so we'll give this one to him 😂
What's the aesthetic? idk, we'll call it needlercore
🖤 - least favourite halo character?
This one is hard because there are levels to this. There are evil Halo characters who I still love because I find them to be compelling (Parangosky, Truth). My personal least favorite are probably characters who fall flat or who i think don't really add anything to the franchise. Harbinger is on that list. Fireteam Majestic is also there. Locke is giving nothing.
👽 - favourite covenant species?
Spaghettis . I am not immune to big, tall, warrior aliens.
💘 - favourite canon/fanon ship?
This one is fanon--Usze and Vale!
If you don't know them, Usze went with the Arbiter and Master Chief on their mission to the Ark. He is now one of the Arbiter's most loyal allies. Vale is a Spartan-IV xenoanthropologist with a particular interest in the Sangheili. They met on a joint mission to the Ark following the war, and get along well.
I like their dynamic of a really enthusiastic dork with a serious person who is completely unused to it. She can read him like a book (she immediately gets him to tell her his life's story by appealing to his ego) and he has no idea what to make of her. Vale is very open about her interest in Sangheili culture whereas Usze refused to sit down in front of her for a while to show off how he was always battle ready.
And even in the short time they appear together, their relationship changes into one of mutual respect (and he rescues her by fireman carrying her, because of course he does). In the end, he goes out of his way to find her and comfort her after a perceived failure and--gasp!--sits.
I just think they're neat. and Vale lives on Sanghelios now if 343 ever wants to let me eat FOR ONCE
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abysskeeper · 30 days
Writing Interview Tag Game!
This was fun! Thanks for the tag @dr-demi-bee :D!
If I tagged you in an answer and you want to steal it from me, please do. Otherwise...hey friend @captain-castaway // @scrawlingmouse! And open tagging anyone else. There's only a select few I feel I can annoy these days.
Under a readmore because I, per usual, am long winded and do not want to ruin people's dashes.
When did you start writing?
Oh I was quite little, probably 6 or 7? I have a distinct memory of standing in my grandparents' kitchen, showing my step-grandmother a little flip-book I made about a frog when I was around that age. I had some of my poetry published in a children's anthology too. Unfortunately, at that time most of my family were more interested in my math and science scores than anything creative I did.
I got into forum-based roleplay when I was 10 (joined a Warrior Cats guild on Neopets) and from there really, the rest was history. That's why I say that I'm truly an rper at heart, to this day rp and collaboration are still where I have the most fun writing. But otherwise, I got into writing solo stuff when I was 10 or 11 and met friends who actually enjoyed creating as much as I did and didn't treat writing like some weird interest that got in the way of school. And I started writing and posting fanfiction when I was around 14 or 15.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I'm pretty much in the boat of what you see is what you get. I enjoy sci-fi and fantasy and primarily write sci-fi and fantasy. Specifically, my subgenres could be specified as 'post-apocalypse' and 'urban fantasy' in such a way that they're pretty indistinguishable from each other. High fantasy counts as my guilty pleasure. My reading picks usually follow suit.
I guess the one place where I do split is romance. I tend to write a lot more romance than I read. Honestly, I'm not really a huge fan of reading romance...but I think that's a combination of me being incredibly picky on what I want in a romance and an over-saturation of the market that I'm not willing to put the work into to find exactly what I'm looking for.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I'm not really trying to emulate any one style or author. I believe it is important to read multiple authors and get an idea of what's out there--both classic and contemporary--but at the end of the day, I do want my own, distinct voice in my works.
That said, I was compared to Gaiman a few times in my creative writing courses in college. Current scandal aside, I still consider it to be a compliment. Funny too, given I've never read any of his works. Also, I list Ray Bradbury as my favorite author...so I'm sure that influences something.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
"Space" is a generous term.
I have a small Asus laptop that I use as a writing computer. It's tiny and portable and can go wherever, thus I write wherever. Primarily at home, I'm either in the living room sitting in the 15-to-20-year-old rocking chair I inherited from my parents or up in my bedroom, which has access to both a gray loveseat and my bed. There's nothing remarkable about either of these places really. My bedroom has some figures and odd knick-knacks, as well as the stuffed penguin and Eeyore pillow I hug or use as lap pillows.
I've also been known to break out the laptop in the break room at work, at my work desk, and at various Paneras/Starbucks/local cafes throughout the city. I like being malleable.
My home desk is currently in a large room filled with boxes, as we're still unpacking from buying a house. I imagine that once it's a little more filled, I'll be more likely to start writing at my desk again. I want to, it does have all of my fun things (figures, charms, the switchblade I bought at the Ren faire, the standee @gothamcityneedsme got of our OCs together), but for now the desktop is used for gaming almost exclusively.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Music 100%. Want me to write something? Give me a song, explain to me why it fits what you want me to write, and let me go for 2-3 days. I'll come back to you with something.
Also, not being able to write. Catch me daydreaming and plotting while I'm super busy at work. Nothing brings out a muse faster than 2 hours of mouse colony maintenance that I absolutely do not want to be doing.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Hello, yes, I think way too much about this all the time. My answer to this could be a 5k essay on its own. I am restraining myself.
In late high school/early college, I did a turn-heel on all of the angsty and dark stuff I was roleplaying with my group at the time, and instead got really really into the concept of 'hope as spite.' Hope in the face of all the violence. Hope spitting on the cycles that came before you and promising to do better. That's remained true over the years since, and I think it's where I'm going to be remaining for the rest of my time.
My other biggest thing is probably themes regarding identity. I told my AP English teacher in high school my favorite rhetorical device was mirrors/reflections, and that's still true. Primarily, I really like the concepts of lost and rediscovered identities. Rebuilding yourself after a crisis and discovering what parts of you remain, what parts are gone, and what parts are new and forged in the fire that built you.
Other, more common themes include: intergenerational/familial tensions and trauma, martyr complexes, explorations of death, explorations on love (what is selfish vs selfless and how both are necessary), interplay of light and dark dynamics, and I could probably give a whole Ted Talk on why magical healing is terrifying, actually. Lately, chronic illnesses have been creeping into a lot of my characters as well.
Which is all to say, I think about my favored themes and rhetorical devices a lot. None of them really surprise me anymore. A part of you goes into every bit you write, I think, and those all are surely a part of me in some way, shape, or form.
What is your reason for writing?
If I do not, the urge will eat me alive. I'm mostly kidding, I write for fun and as an outlet and escape from day to day life. However, I have tried to quit multiple times and I always only felt worse at the prospect of never writing again.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Anything. Anything at all. Writing is an incredibly lonely venture most of the time, and as I said, I'm an rper at heart. If I get anything that signifies there is someone on the other side of the screen enjoying what I'm throwing into the void, it means the world.
That said, I guess the comments that motivate me the most are the ones that actually look and engage with what I've written. Ones that notice little thematics or rhetorical devices that I put into my work, or ones that like the characterizations that I've done (or the real way to my heart, like my OCs). It's something @gothamcityneedsme and I have been doing with each other with our own original stuff for years...so I kinda got used to that and completely forgot that it isn't the norm.
Also, I entered a zine server once after getting accepted and @aevallare informed me one of my application pieces made her feel things. Of course, she had something nice to say to every writer by way of being a sweet human, but it still floored my ass and, quite frankly, I've been chasing that high ever since. It helps on the bad days to remember someone of Alex's caliber found worth in my work...really puts the final nail in the coffin of the imposter syndrome. (And really, please go read her stuff. She's incredible.)
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Approachable and honest and genuine. The former is the rper again. I want to talk, I do! I'm just a severely socially anxious mess who can't start a conversation and gets far too nervous about being a bother.
The latter is...well. Look, I'm well aware my writing isn't for everyone, and I don't necessarily want it to be. But I do want it to be honest and something I genuinely wanted to write and put into the world. I also want it to be honest in the sense that I fully believe the messages and emotions I'm trying to convey. A little piece of you goes into everything you write. I don't need everyone to accept or like what I write, but I hope the ones that do know that I mean it.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Dogged perseverance. Outside forces, chronic illness, depression, and imposter syndrome have all attempted to get me to give up writing multiple times in my life. They've nearly succeeded more than once...but nothing has actually succeeded yet.
Also weird, philosophical character studies that no one actually wants, if we're going on a more technical "what's your best form of writing" route.
How do you feel about your own writing?
On the days where I'm trying to build confidence? It's the best thing ever. On the worst of the worst days? I'm one click away from deleting everything I've ever publicly posted.
In general, I'm in the middle. I'm a tiny fandom writer with minimal engagement and no intentions of publishing anytime soon (if ever). But I'm also having fun and I like what I write. That's enough...that's all it needs to be. It can be incredibly frustrating and demotivating at times for any number of reasons, but it's also some of the most fun I've ever had, and at this point I think it's safe to say that I'm never trading that in.
Love what kills you, and when it doesn't it'll make you stronger. Or something.
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adrift-in-thyme · 11 months
Rank the LU boys 1 to 9 with reasons
Oh gosh okay
*deep breath*
Here we go
Time. This one’s no surprise to anyone I’m sure XD. I loved the Hero of Time before I even got into LU. His tragic tale struck me as so interesting and heart wrenching. Getting into LU pretty much sealed the deal. He’s just such a great character. He’s through so much yet he’s still kind and tries to be the best leader he can be. I mean, this is the guy who stuck around after his death to train his ancestor cause he felt bad about leaving Hyrule without a hero (and also because he regretted being forgotten. HELLO ANGST). Plus, he’s a major gremlin imo. Just a hidden one lol
Warriors. The captain was actually the Link who got me interested in LU. I read @skyward-floored ‘s fic “Up in Arms” and fell in love with him. I’m naturally attracted to snarky, confident characters with a traumatic backstory and secret soft side (Flynn Ryder was my high school crush if that tells you anything XD) so it was kinda a given I’d love this guy lol. I’ll admit my first read through of LU was mainly me fangirling over him and analyzing his every appearance. (Not that that’s changed much).
Legend. He’s tied with Warriors for second tbh. But since I’ve gotta list them all out I’ll just place him in third. I hadn’t played any of Legend’s games when I got into LU but right after getting attached to Warriors, I got attached to him. Largely because to me he’s extremely relatable. He’s also multilayered in the best way. A soft sweetheart beneath all that snark he tries to hide behind.
Sky. I love Sky for pretty much the same reason as Legend. He’s relatable. Very much so XD. And also more complex than I think he often gets credit for. Beneath the calm, sleepy nice guy demeanor he’s got going on is a fierce warrior who’s been to hell and back for the person he loves. And would do it all again. He fought a GOD for goodness sake! He’s freaking awesome!! Also, Skyward Sword is my favorite Loz game so there’s that too. Plus, him and Sun? Chef’s kiss. Couple goals
Twilight. The older sibling thing endears him to me a lot. He carries a large burden and always has. Plus, his love for animals, gentle heart, and the way he brought down Midna’s walls with his kindness just makes me love him. Who can’t like a guy who rambles about Ordon goats and carries kittens like babies??
Wild. He is widely liked so for me that puts him farther down the list just because I kinda get tired of seeing endless content for him lol. But still. I love him very much. I mean, wild child with a traumatic past, memory issues, a mischievous and snarky side no one sees coming and a fierce love for his friends? YES PLEASE. Also he has long hair.
Four. Since I came into the fandom right around the time when that comic was posted I’ve always been a bit hesitant to write him. But he’s grown on me a lot lately. I actually had fun torturing him for whumptober XD He’s got an intriguing personality and I hope to see more of him in future LU updates.
Wind. I love this little dude A LOT. But I’ve never truly been able to get super invested in characters who are canonically much younger than me. Plus he is just SO HARD for me to write. So while I find his personality adorable and his dynamic with the other Links great, I can’t help putting him farther down on the list.
Hyrule. I like him, really I do. But I just can’t get as invested in him and his story as much as the other Links. I’m not sure why tbh
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