#champagne budget beer taste
ratherembarrassing · 1 year
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so last year i spent a few months in sydney for work, accumulating a boatload of status points and credit with a particular hotel alliance, and instead of using it to cover multiple nights in a good hotel i used nearly all of it on one night in a stupidly fancy hotel. peace out, california.
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the-football-chick · 1 year
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IG: everydollar
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ranger-kellyn · 1 year
not me wanting to spend like. $800 on this set of speakers and subwoofer
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annasfridge · 1 year
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… and spotting the most expensive item from miles away. Everybody needs a superpower, I guess.
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plaidisrad · 1 year
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Dude really!!!!! You ONLY have 40 simoleons to your name.
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xaykwolf · 2 years
I’m going to California for a couple weeks, but because I’m fucking cheap I booked a flight on Spirit with zero extra bags, so I bought (at a severe discount, cuz my family’s full of cheap Great Depression-surviving Germans) an underseat rolly suitcase to fit the requirements. I also got some compression bags, so I’m gonna fit at least a week’s worth of clothing and a bunch of entertainment into the tiny thing.
Anyway, my Surface Pro has a usb-c port and I checked yesterday. It takes a PS5 controller, and it can run SV at least, so I’m gonna play the shit outta that for the next week until Cult of the Lamb comes out >:3
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grunge-mermaid · 5 months
I checked in on a recently unsubbed subreddit and apparently the new merch is overpriced & the influencer is "out of touch" because she wears lulu lemon so "doesn't know what clothes actually cost"
honey... do you know what clothes actually cost or have you never set foot outside a walmart?
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mickmundy · 1 month
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scout's ma headcanon thread! she was requested by a couple of people and i'm having a burst of inspiration for her so without further ado, let's get to it! i hope you like!
absolutely not your average "housewife"! there's lots of professions i entertain her having (hair/nail salon worker, waitress/bartender, something Generally Unassuming for a woman in the 70s to have as a job)… all intentionally mundane, but serving useful purpose in her life! good for keeping tabs on things around the city, sussing people out and potentially letting spy know any hot goss! these are just day jobs; she gets her thrills elsewhere!
knows everything happening everywhere, anytime. spy learned lots of his intuition-based skills from her! any time spy thinks he knows everything, she always has something in her back pocket that he doesn't! >:)
has a VERY contagious laugh that you can hear miles away. she loves being loud! will clap you really hard on your back or slam her hand on the table when she laughs.
can hold her liquor better than anyone around! doesn't like to get sloppy, but that doesn't mean she doesn't from time to time! loves drinking beer, but will always enjoy a nice glass of wine with her beloved spy! :-) wouldn't/doesn't care if scout is lgbt+ lol. it's absolutely not a big deal to him to come out to her, either. he knows his ma means it when she says she loves him no matter what! she will occasionally hit him with "well ya better bring somebody home to meet me sometime!" (loud laughter)
i think she'd be more financially well-off than her home leads one to believe; she's good at stashing and moving around spy's cash! her apartment is humble but she always looks immaculate. doesn't let scout know how much money she really has. very financially savvy and an incredible negotiator… even if it means getting a little ugly! used car salesman tremble in her presence!
fights like a scorned gambler who's owed a debt. won't let you know she can fight, though! likes it when people think she's just some dainty dame.
is a material girl, but knows what really matters. fell in love with spy before he was The Spy he is today and values loyalty and trust/honesty above all else. some might think that's ironic considering her partner of choice, but she'll be quick to quip back with a snide/cheeky "of course that's what you think! you only know the mask!"
breaking balls is her love language. she'll tease you, but never maliciously. this is also scout's, and one of spy's, languages of love too.
always trying to feed you. "put some more meat on your bones! it's good for ya!" (pops gum and winks at you) while i think she no doubt is well-versed in the lifestyle that spy leads, she's not Directly "in-it" like spy is. not an agent of any kind herself, but gives spy a hand when she can. knows how to shoot a gun and wield a kitchen knife!
grew up dirt poor and has "a champagne taste on a beer budget". high standards, takes no guff, won't hesitate to put you in your place. this (and many other reasons) is why spy loves her :-)
very charismatic, knows how to lie, but also how to be sincere. is genuinely a good mother to her boys, who love her in return. they're all protective of her even though they know they don't have to be; she has no problem sticking up for herself!
spy was not her first husband, but he's her favorite! she loves him very much, and he loves her. they aren't exes, they're happily together, and have an open relationship.
she knows all of the mercs (some better than others ofc!) and won't hesitate to talk their ears off when she visits the base, armed with embarrassing photos and stories about spy and scout that make them both groan and the mercs holler with laughter!
she picks out spy's suits for/with him. she's the only one spy would ever trust to dress him other than himself! they always look great together and accessorize around each other.
she does not tell scout about who his father is. not because she doesn't want to, but she knows the nature of spy's job and knows "the business" from being around him for all this time; it's the best thing to keep scout and herself (also spy!) safe. i think scout would be angry at first, but once it's explained to him, he'd understand. ma knows best!
spy taught her how to walk in heels and does things like painting her nails for her all the time. he always makes sure she has enough money for a well-deserved spa day, but if she knows he's coming to town, she'll let her nails get a little busted up so spy can paint them for her!
she loves to look at spy and sigh a fond "ugh, i could just kill you!" while smirking/bating her eyes at him after/as he showers her with gifts and other wonderful things… to which spy chuckles and hums lovingly and replies with "mhmhmm, ma petite chou fleur, if anyone could, it would be you. <3" and they give each other the most Loving Look.. :')
she's younger than spy but not by much. they met while she was a waitress in a diner in boston while spy was on a mission to assassinate a target in the city early in his career (when his suits were still cheap.. <3). he hides in the diner after a particularly fiery shootout and his pursuers come into the place. she recognizes him as the Quiet Gentleman who has been coming in for coffee in the mornings to enjoy with a cigarette. covers for him and spy never forgets her kindness and quick wit. he comes back after the mission ends and, with his payout from the job, treats her to a romantic night and promises to see her again. no matter how far away spy goes, he always returns to her! she has more faith in him than he deserves (so he says), to which she smirks and straightens his (now expensive <3) suit tie and places a kiss on his balaclava's cheek and says "we both know i only deserve the best." and winks at him and he smiles at her and hums in agreement.. kisses her hand… siigh.. this is a massively condensed "origin story" for them lol but! AH I LOVE THEM
AHH I HAVE SO MANY MORE THOUGHTS BUT FOR NOW.... i will leave with all of this... HEHE TYSM for reading! ^__^ i hope you enjoy ehe!!
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gavinisqueer · 21 days
Nines: Why don't you ever buy me gifts?
Gavin: Because you've got champagne tastes and I've got a beer budget.
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ms-m-astrologer · 10 months
Transiting Venus stations retrograde
Timeline (current events in bold)
Sunday, June 11, 15:00 UT - transiting Venus’ greatest eastern elongation, 29°06’ Cancer
Monday, June 19, 07:18 UT - transiting Venus enters pre-retrograde shadow, 12°12’ Leo
Sunday, July 23, 01:33 UT - transiting Venus stations retrograde, 28°36’ Leo
Sunday, August 13, 11:15 UT - Sun-Venus inferior conjunction, 20°28’ Leo
Monday, September 4, 01:20 UT - transiting Venus stations direct, 12°12’ Leo
Saturday, October 7, 09:21 UT - transiting Venus exits post-retrograde shadow, 28°36’ Leo
Tuesday, October 24, 02:57 UT - transiting Venus’ greatest western elongation, 14°02’ Virgo
Welp, here goes nothing. Over the next 44 days we could find ourselves dealing with variations of:
Art - true to form, Ms M’s various yarn dreams have crashed and burned. Am seriously considering giving myself a Venus-Rx break - or at least, not starting any new projects. Perhaps you may need a break from your art as well - a vacation?
Beauty - this is NOT the time for a full-body makeover!! The back-to-school wardrobe shopping is prone to misjudgement, too.
Love - the stereotypical Venus Rx response to the declaration “I love you” is, “What do you want?” Ugh. Also, this transit tends to feature the return of previously discarded lovers.
Money - the get-rich-quick schemes abound. We spend way, way too much money on the whims and pleasures of the moment. Especially with Leo we find the proverbial “Champagne taste on a beer budget.”
Think about the house(s) Venus Rx is moving through, to see where the challenges are cropping up. In the 2nd House, the money issues are absolutely coming to the fore; in the 7th House, ditto for relationship issues.
There are mostly flowing aspects (but be careful you don’t sleep through them!) ahead of us. Give a few days on either side:
Thursday, July 27 - Venus Rx/Leo conjunct Mercury/Leo, 28°11’.
Friday, August 4 - Venus Rx/Leo trine Eris Rx/Aries, 25°14’.
Wednesday, August 9 - Venus Rx/Leo square Uranus/Taurus, 22°54’.
Sunday, August 13 - Venus Rx/Leo conjunct Sun/Leo, 20°28’; Venus Rx/Leo sextile Vesta/Gemini, 20°15’.
Monday, August 14 - Venus Rx/Leo trine Chiron Rx/Aries, 19°45’.
Wednesday, August 16 - Venus Rx/Leo sextile Ceres/Libra, 18°18’.
Tuesday, August 22 - Venus Rx/Leo square Jupiter/Taurus, 15°18’.
The 13th/14th looks like a tremendous opportunity to recalibrate Venus a bit. After all, one of the goals for what this retrograde could mean, is what astrologer Steven Forrest wrote (in The Book of Fire) about Venus/Leo times: “Revealing and underscoring the parts of your personality that are attractive in non-physical ways.”
The square from Uranus/Taurus, on the 9th, shows a level of willfullness, variants of “we want what we want, when we want it” - and if “it” isn’t perfect enough, watch out.
The one that will be more of a problem is the square from Jupiter/Taurus. Jupiter is slowing down pending its retrograde station on September 4 (you’ve been warned!), and this square is going to remain close (3°) basically from August 15 to September 22. Too much of a good thing? Their first square was way back on June 11; you may need to revisit something that arose around then.
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stickthisbig · 5 months
Today in being an adult: I may have referred to the current state of discourse at the federal level regarding permitting for infrastructure as "a clusterfuck" in a meeting I was leading today, but in fairness a large part of it was about whether we're all losing our jobs at the end of FFY24 because Congress never learned what you get when you have champagne tastes and a beer budget and they've been fucking around so much they're bout to find out themselves off a cliff
(It's fine; as I said today, I'm concerned on a leadership level, but as an employee I'm not even a little bit worried)
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meridianbarony · 5 months
😭 I really have champagne taste with a beer budget
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docholligay · 1 year
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There’s always some level of interest in how I source my clothes since I have a very particular style, and I have champagne taste on a...maybe no beer budget, but certainly box wine. So every so often i’ll try to remember to post a photo and how I got everything, how much it cost, etc.
ANYWAY! I was not the first owner of any of this.
Pants: Freddie’s of Pinewood, a vintage repro company, based in the Uk (boo!) obtained through a buy/sell Freddie’s group, $45.00
T-shirt: Cynthia Rowley, a thicker t-shirt that I find lasts a bit better, 7 or 8 dollars through thredup.com  Here is a referral link that gives you ten bucks off, and I get ten bucks if you buy. I do use them, obviously, but full disclosure. 
sweater: My local vintage store, true vintage, find of the fucking century $15.00 because she had it marked as a youth sweater when it’s actually just an XS crop sweater.
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Sacred Golden Goddess Sweater by Seed
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Ever put on a sweater and thought, 'Is it just me or did the room temperature just rise from my sheer fabulousness?' Well, that’s the Sacred Golden Goddess Sweater by Seed working its magic. Tried it on and my mirror said, 'Where the hell you have been hiding that, superstar?' 😂
Now, I ain't saying this sweater will solve all your problems, but at least you'll look fly while figuring 'em out. Best part? For those of you with champagne tastes on a beer budget (you know who you are 😉), it’s 20% off right now. Thank me later =)
Slide into that gold. Shine bright. Blame any sudden ego trips on me. 🌟✌️
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onyxbird · 9 months
@mayakern's post about beer looking like apple juice just reminded me of a wedding I was in. The rest of the bridal party and their spouses, all more avid drinkers than I, were unanimously convinced 1) that I didn't drink alcohol at all and 2) that when we were served beverages for toasts, the bridal party received real champagne while everyone else (including their spouses, at the alternating seats) got sparkling grape juice.*
This led to several of them heavily hinting that I should trade my "champagne" for one of the spouses' grape juice, since I "don't drink." I wasn't interested in trading, since I don't actually abstain from alcohol, just drink rarely/lightly, and one glass of champagne was perfectly within my alcohol "budget" for the evening. (Also, the couples had identified the beverages based tasting each other's glasses to compare, so I'm honestly not sure if the spouses who wanted champagne even had an untouched glass of grape juice left to trade.)
I tasted my own glass and was quite surprised, because I've tasted various wines, beers, and hard ciders before and know the basics of how the fermentation process works, and this was much sweeter than I expected from a fermented beverage. Still, I wasn't familiar with the taste or production of champagne, specifically, and this entire table full of people with more familiarity with alcohol seemed adamant that this was real champagne, so maybe champagne was weird that way? There are certainly ways to produce a sweet fermented beverage if that's the goal, and regardless, I was certainly happy with the flavor.
Much later I found out in conversation with the bride that the coveted "real champagne" was, in fact...
Sparkling apple juice.
*I have no idea why they thought the bride, my friend, would have had me served champagne if I were actually a teetotaler and there was an non-alcoholic alternative right there, but, well... they were wrong about everything else in the situation, so "A" for consistency, I guess. (I also had drunk one of the "signature cocktails" while standing with them earlier in the reception--the observational skills were not strong that evening.)
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cyberthot666 · 1 year
I’m not rich I just live in florida & know how to use a camera lmfao. I still think that’s so funny. if anything I’m bougie but I really have champagne taste on a beer budget babes.
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