#chandler bing hc
Queer headcanons: Friends edition
Monica Geller
Sexuality: omnisexual with a preference for men
Gender: agender
Pronouns: she/her but she doesn't really care
Rachel Green
Sexuality: bisexual, no preference
Gender: transfem demigirl
Pronouns: she/her
Phoebe Buffay
Sexuality: pansexual
Gender: nobody knows for sure but she's definitely not cis
Pronouns: she/they/ze
Chandler Bing
Sexuality: bisexual with a preference for women
Gender: transmasc demiboy
Pronouns: he/they
Joey Tribbiani
Sexuality: bi-curious
Gender: cisgender male
Pronouns: he/him
Ross Geller
Sexuality: straight and homophobic
Gender: "I'm a man" 😐
Pronouns: "nor/mal" *eyeroll*
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ineffectualdemon · 1 year
Okay because I have been watching way too much Friends Friends Queer Headcanons for post canon
Chandler: bisexual transwoman but not sure how far she wants to transition
Monica: kinda nebulously queer. Still into Chandler and she and Rachel don't talk about the one drunken night they had. She doesn't want to put a label on her sexuality. She also has some gender feelings but is not sure what it means but maybe starts to express herself more masculine
Rachel: bisexual but never comes out about it because of Ross
Phoebe: bisexual but in kinda a self hating one (she's kinda the most bicoded while also the most biphobic of them)
Joey: Aromantic and pan. If he meets the right guy he'll sleep with him and never call him again. First time it happens was after he installed grinder thinking it was an app about sandwiches. Met a hot guy who makes a mean meatball sub and found he liked it. Still prefers women but grinder is used fairly often
Ross: straight, cis, and homophobic but the kind that when his friends come out pretends to be a ally while complaining about Pride and being deeply uncomfortable by everything queer about them and making sure they know it
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towsixfriends · 2 years
The six friends and their love language.
Ross Geller: Words of affirmation. Ross loves hearing that everything is okay. He loves someone who is empathetic and listens attentively. Give him your attention and suddenly he's falling in love with you.
And he's the same with you. He's going to be by your side whenever you ask no matter what. Ross shows he loves you however he can because he doesn't want to lose you.
Phoebe Buffay: Words of affirmation. Different from Ross, she just needs your support no matter how crazy her dream is. However she also needs honesty even if it's harsh. She values someone who isn't afraid to be real with her.
Physical touch. While it's not the most important thing for her, she loves it. She's down to go all the way wherever and whenever because she loves being close to you.
Joey Tribbiani: Acts of Service. The fastest way to Joey's heart is to cook him a meal. Since he's italian, his family only showed their love through cooking and affection so anyone who cooks for him is considered marriage material.
Quality time. Most people would think all he cares about is sex, but for a partner he's looking for a best friend. Someone he can genuinely hang out and have fun with. He wants to show you his favorite movie (Die Hard) or take you to a hockey game just to be with you.
Rachel Green: Just like Ross, she needs someone who listens. Giving her your undivided attention when she rants about her bad day at work is the quickest way to her heart. She wants someone who cares enough to tell her it'll all be okay, but also who gives her space when needed.
Rachel shows her love through touch. She's going to flirt with you and use her natural charm to show her interest. After a date, prepare to head to the bedroom. It's not just sex though. Rachel loves being close even if it's in public, she'll sit in your lap or cuddle close to you in your seat.
Monica Geller: Gifts. While it's not her top priority, she loves receiving things. It doesn't matter if it's something small like a poem you made up or something bigger like diamond earrings. Give her anything and she will think it's the sweetest gesture.
She shows her love by acts of service. Cooking meals, cleaning, taking care of you when your sick, she loves helping you whenever she can.
Chandler Bing: He's more complicated. It's hard to find away into a man's heart when he's as guarded as Chandler. He needs reassurance and to know that you're having fun. At the end of the day however, he just wants someone to hold. Physical touch is important, just knowing that you're there is enough. Something small like holding on to his leg in the coffee house could make his day.
Chandler shows his love for you with gifts. He'll go out of his way to find the perfect thing for you because he wants to see you smile. Even if he doesn't nail it every time, that won't stop him from trying.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 7 months
CHANDLER HCS PLEASE 🙏😭 i know you have some pretty popular Joey hcs and i would love some for Chandler Bing i love him so much thank you in advance
chandler bing x reader headcanons
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • f•r•i•e•n•d•s masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
a/n: happy to give you the chandler content you deserve. i imagine this to take place in s1. hope you enjoy!! 💌🍒
edit!! i changed the picture because i found a more aesthetic one lol but same post 😌
dating chandler would include…
so when he first saw you he thought you were way out of his league 
but joey convinced him to ask you out 
and you found his awkwardness adorable 
but you had to say ‘yes, I’ll go out with you’ a few times before he believed you 
‘are you sure? because don’t worry if you’re rejecting me, i’m good at this part.’
he took you to an aquarium for your first date because he had free tickets
(‘you know, i’ve never really seen the appeal of these things. i mean, do you think in another world fish go pay to see us walk around in our homes?’ you laughed at that.)
and one of the tanks broke and soaked you both
after giving you his jacket and walking you back to your apartment he said:
‘let me guess, you’ll call me?’
‘what? you think one wet, fishy date is going to stop me from seeing you again?’
‘from your tone im guessing no, in which case I’m thrilled and I’ll call you as soon as i get to my apartment.’
you kissed him as he stood there blushing 
and you were all he could talk about for weeks. 
he found ways to bring you up in every conversation 
‘speaking off coffee, you know (y/n)…” 
he loves cuddling with you
and watching tv in his chair together
which started because joey didn’t want anyone else siting in his chair 
he brags about you all the time to his friends
joey flirts with you whenever you go back to chandler’s apartment 
but it’s all in good fun and joey is thrilled to see chandler so happy 
chandler asks you for fashion advice constantly 
‘ok be honest: do i look like my grandmother in this?’
he gets so easily flustered like 😫 ajhfsfagajslf 
‘you’re so sexy’
‘i—you—you think I’m sexy? i mean, um, i—i just made it un-sexy didn’t i?’
he even quit smoking for you 
he needs reassurance that you love him and that he’s good enough for you all the time 
when you’re at work or he’s at work he calls you literally every hour just to say ‘hi’
he asks rachel and monica and phoebe for advice on how to please you 
you become really close with all of his friends and they love you so much 
chandler can always make you smile or laugh even on your worst days 
and he enjoys doing so
you play with his hair all the time
‘my parents? are you sure we don’t want to go see your family for the holidays?’
he said i love you first 
and then panicked that you weren’t going to say it too, as he tried to backtrack 
but you assured him that you loved him so much 
when you first started going out, he knew that he really liked you 
but as time went on he found himself falling more and more in love with you 
and that scared him 
until he realized that he was ready. that he wanted to be in a long-term relationship with you
maybe spend the rest of his life with you 
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope this is what you wanted. i love writing for chandler so much. also rip matthew perry 🤍
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grayox27 · 3 months
Dating the men in F.R.I.E.N.D.S.🍬(gn!reader)
Just some simple hc’s lol
Joey Tribbiani
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- one second you’re just having a sip of coffee, the next there’s this handsome man leaning on your table with a ‘how you doin?’
-most people would’ve found this unattractive, but you found it endearing.
- for your first date, he takes you out to a fancy restaurant
- bold is Joey’s middle name
- while on the outside he is confident, he’s actually quite insecure on the inside. You find yourself constantly reassuring him on multiple topics.
- his love language is words of affirmation, so he calls you many cheesy nicknames all the time. In fact, you rarely ever hear him call you by your name.
- first kiss:
You held your breath as Joey nervously picked up the phone.
“Is this Mr.Tribbiani?”
“Yeah, that’s me” Joey says, not letting his nerves change his tone, but you could read it all over his face.
“We’ve decided that you are a perfect fit for the role” They announced.
Joey put the phone down with a shout, “I MADE IT!” He said, rubbing his hands together.
“Jo, I’m so proud of you!” You said with a smile. He ran over without thinking, crashing his lips to yours.
He awkwardly pulled away, scratching at his neck “Sor-“ before he could even finish his sentence, you had pulled him by the collar and reconnected your lips.
“Mr.Tribbiani? Hello?” The phone sounded. “Oh shoot” He mumbled, rushing over to the phone.
Chandler Bing
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- you would have to ask him out first
- you had bravely approached him while he was working, and asked him out. He gave you a look of surprise before accepting.
- he is insecure like Joey, but he’s more outward with it.
- for your first date, you guys go out to see a movie
- his love language is acts of service, one time you mentioned that you missed cereal, and the next day, it was on your counter
- first kiss:
You returned to your apartment with Chandler at your heels late at night. He insisted that he walk you to your door.
“Tonight was wonderful” You said, giving a genuine smile. “Yeah…it really was” He says, looking anywhere but your face.
The two of you kind of awkwardly stood around, Chandler shifting on his heels. You grew tired of the silence and leaned in slowly, giving him the opportunity to back out.
He let out a shaky sigh. “Does my breath smell bad?” He whispers, practically talking against your lips. You let out a small chuckle, “No”. Your lips finally connect.
“That was SO cheesy!” Monica shouted with a laugh, which earned her an elbow to her ribs. “Shut up, I think it’s sweet!” Rachel countered.
Chandler pulled away from you with a shy smile, his ears burning red. “I’ll see you tomorrow” You laughed, watching him scuttle away.
Ross Geller
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- After some hyping from Joey, he asked you out
- he tried to ‘play it cool’ but it wasn’t long before he started to share facts
- for your first date, he actually took you Roa museum and geeked out
- it started to become a competition between the two of you to see who knew more
- he lends you his books all the time
- his love language is literally just info sharing. It excites him because you’re one of the only people who actually let him go on
-first kiss:
“Did you know that kissing could lower your blood pressure? It can even burn a few calories, in extreme make out sessions of course, but it’s still cool” Ross rambled on.
“Wanna test that?” You pipe up.
“It can even reduce plaque build up because when you’re kissing more saliva-… what?” He cuts himself off, turning beet red.
You moved closer to him, “I said, do you want to test that?” You whispered, keeping eye contact. “O-okay” Ross says with a shy smile, and the two of you shared a very sweet kiss.
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mcclintcock · 2 months
what r ur hcs for Dan im curious
at one point i actually had a list somewhere of all my veep headcanons but i made it in my notes app for some reason and its buried under notes about my real life but heres what i got off the top of my head
he was a lifeguard as a teenager (he has lifeguard energy idfk)
he was a competitive swimmer as a teenager (again just vibes, he was a god at 400IM)
bpd (purely projection, i feel it's based in canon but i don't think someone without bpd would see it)
substance abuse (so many people in this show are canon irresponsible w prescription meds i mean dc is a stressful place)
he and selina fucked like years ago but she doesn't remember (based on when they almost fuck like idk why i get the vibe that it wasnt the first time)
he had a shit childhood this is basically canon
he has depression+anxiety+bpd (purely based on vibes)
i think he is a lot goofier than he lets on like i think when he is very comfortable w someone he is v silly but he isnt v comfortable w anyone, i just think no one who isnt a goofy lil goober would be able to write an extended parody of 50 ways to leave your lover hes a goofy lil guy okay, he is also rly quick witted and funny like in an alternate universe he is a writer on snl, he's just chandler bing if chandler had rizz
post-canon he retires early after making a shit-ton of money and just kinda travels about w hot women (i have not seen s7 maybe this is canon i know they have a peek at every character's future in the last ep but whatever)
i think he does have like literally a dozen illegitimate children and the doctor at the fertility clinic with marjorie and catherine was just incorrect and the test was a fluke bc didnt he get amy pregnant ?? idk i haven't seen s7
he has some kind of weird daddy issues thing with kent, in the early seasons he rly wants to be friends w kent (i read some fic abt this idfk) and he just wants to go on a little boat trip (fishing trip...? idk i just know hes good at fishing so he mustve done it as a kid right?) w his father figure (the seasickness thing contraindicates this but whatevs)
his brother has kids and dan is surprisingly good w his nieces and nephews like once they get older and theyre like young adults he is the cool uncle who will let them throw parties in his beach house and if his niece has like a shitty bf dan will punch him
idk i have so many headcanons these are just what i could come up with rn
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tophsazulas · 1 year
19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 for Monica, Phoebe, Rachel, Chandler and Joey!
Monica Geller
The most random ship you've seen people have with them. Idk honestly. Maybe Joey.
A weird headcanon? One time she found condoms in Erica’s bag and thought she having sex. She sat her down to give a pepe only to find out Erica accidentely took hers.
When do you think they were at their happiest? I'm biased but when she was with Chandler. They're healthy, open, loving, etc.
When do you think they were at their lowest? Idk really
Future headcanon? The gang is still in contact with each other to this day.
What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone? She's bi (tho her friends and fam may already know).
Phoebe Buffay
The most random ship you've seen people have with them? Ross
A weird headcanon? She's tried getting her nieces and nephews to believe in the spirits. Never works.
When do you think they were at their happiest? A lot of time but probably with Mike or the scientist guy.
When do you think they were at their lowest? I don't like how shits on Mondler (a healthy relationship) but roots for Roschel (a toxic relationship)
Future headcanon? She and Mike don't end up having children and remain fun aunt and uncle/cooky aunt and uncle.
What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone? She's had a threesome at 15 but wasn't into it.
Rachel Green
The most random ship you've seen people have with them? Idk.
A weird headcanon? She and Amy used to play several pranks on Jill and would tease her a lot.
When do you think they were at their happiest? The later seasons, part of season three. She was beginning to strike out on her own and focus on herself.
When do you think they were at their lowest? All the bs with her and Ross.
Future headcanon? Things with her and Ross don’t work out and she’s now with Joey.
What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone? The girl she kissed in college was her bi awakening.
Chandler Bing
The most random ship you've seen people have with them? Maybe Phoebe idk.
A weird headcanon? Joey and Rachel visited him and Monica all the time with Emma. Also, he’s the godfather of Emma.
When do you think they were at their happiest? With Monica.
When do you think they were at their lowest? Idk. Maybe with that much older woman or whatever.
Future headcanon? Whenever he’d want parenting advice, he went to Joey.
What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone? I wanna mention my hc of him being bi, but honestly it’s basically canon.
Joey Tribbiani
The most random ship you've seen people have with them? No one.
A weird headcanon? Chandler was his bi awakening (not weird tho)
When do you think they were at their happiest? All of them.
When do you think they were at their lowest? Idk
Future headcanon? He and Rachel got back together and are now married.
What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone? #2
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ohwowimlonley · 2 years
i need kinky hcs of him i cant 😭💞❤ he's so marryable
:shy poker
Chandler bing is the Big Daddy of all givers that’s all I can tell you
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Katelyn- I'm cold.
Aaron- Here, have my jacket.
Neil- I'm cold too
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mrsdallway · 2 years
aftg as friends (1994-2004)
andrew - monica aaron - ross neil - chandler kevin - rachel renee - phoebe matt - joey katelyn - carol jean - gunther jeremy - jenice allison - mike
that's it. it's in your hands now, good luck
(actually, i might write it…… or not)
suggestion: i think an oneshot made of random scenes from the show is a fun format
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Friends characters: top, bottom, or switch
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A/N: idk man I'm just bored
Warnings: swearing; no smut, but this definitely has sexual themes
Monica Geller
Maybe it's just me but I see Monica as, like, a really passionate top
And whenever she does bottom, she's a power bottom
But she prefers to top over everything else because of how much she needs to be in control lmao
Rachel Green
Rachel is such a fucking pillow princess are you kidding me
She loves being pampered and cared for, sooo she's a bottom for sure
Although she will ride you occasionally if you nicely ask her to
Phoebe Buffay
Phoebe's kind of a toss up
On the one hand, she likes being on top because she likes the feeling of power that comes with it
But on the other hand, sometimes she just wants to lay back and chill (although she is a power bottom, so watch out for that)
Since it all depends on her mood, I'm gonna have to say she's a switch for sure
Chandler Bing
This might be controversial but I personally believe Chandler would be a bottom
And no, I don't take criticism, because I'm right
To me, he just seems like the type of person who just wants to be taken care of, y'know (he's a fucking pillow princess just like how Rachel is)
Every now and then he'll top if he's in the mood, but I stand by my previous statement: Chandler Bing is a bottom, and I will die on that hill
Joey Tribbiani
Joey's definitely a top
Man talks a big game, and believe me when I say he delivers
He may bottom occasionally if he's feeling lazy and just wants someone to ride him, but other than that he's a top all the way
Taglist: @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @your-next-daydream
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free-pancakes · 3 years
ok Hange as Monica with the turkey on her head trying to cheer up Levi, and Levi as Chandler accidentally saying I love you 🙈
Levi: Aw that’s so great, I love you
Hange: ...what?
Levi: I just said “Aw that’s so great,” and I just stopped talking!!
and erwin would be joey at the end lmao
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towsixfriends · 2 years
i lowkey think it's underestimated how smart chandler is. he was a computer science major and quick witted. ik ross is supposed to be like the "smart" one but chandler went to the same school so im assuming his grades were probably similar.
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watermelonsandal · 3 years
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Life is Strange Headcanon
All I can think of is that scene from the Friends episode “TOW the Ring” where Phoebe is trying on a load of jewelry and tiaras and a musket while waiting for Chandler to get back except it’s Victoria glitzing herself up with stuff she has no intention of buying while waiting for Nathan to get back.
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reanimatedgoblin · 2 years
Chandler Relationship HC's
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+ He'll clean the entire apartment, (which is a hard feat considering the fact Joey lives with us)
+ He's not the greatest at cooking big meals, but he knows my order from every place, so he'll order for us, so it's there when I get home.
+ Calling me from work constantly, especially when he had to go back and forth from Tulsa and home.
+ I know he doesn't like watching Sex and the City or Desperate Housewives with me, but he does it anyway and means the world to me. (In return, I watch those action movies he likes, and Baywatch with him)
+ Speaking of watching things he doesn't like, he's hates horror (a bit of a wimp), but he'll watch it with me, though the deal if he gets to cling on to me as much as he wants.
+ Anniversaries are big for him, he liked planning out stuff and making sure everything's right - during our first years together, he celebrated our first and fifth months together.
+ He's quite physically affectionate, but more than anything he just likes attention and giving it. He knows I don't always feel like being touched or being around people, but the time I don't mind, he soaks it up.
+ He helps me baby sit my nephews and great niece when I have them. We don't really want kids ourselves, but we don't mind watching our friends kids or families (we watch Ben and Emma quite regularly as well)
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"I'm hopeless, and awkward, and desperate for love!" - nonbinary lesbian Chandler Bing
the cool pin can be found here.
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