#change aol password
butch-himbo-king · 1 year
my gf’s aol account got hacked and subsequently so did literally every social media account she has and they’ve changed the email and passwords on everything jesus christ
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 months
💻 Laptop Computer 💻 Do you own a laptop? Yes. That's what I'm on.
Are you on a laptop right now? Oh, haha. Yes, I am.
How many laptop computers have you owned in your lifetime? Oh less than 10, but pretty close, I think.
What color was your first laptop? Black.
What color is your current laptop? It's silver.
🖥 Desktop Computer 🖥 Do you own a desktop computer? Nope.
Do you prefer Windows computers or Mac computers? I'm a Mac gal.
What were your favorite computer games to play as a kid? What are your favorite computer games now? I don't remember all of them, but like Pajama Sam, something with a fish, Nancy Drew, some Barbie games, and the ones on like Nick and Disney's websites.
Which do you use more: a computer or a phone? 📱 My phone for sure. I mainly use my laptop for Tumblr to be honest and to do surveys. While I'm on doing those things I'll typically have side by side windows with YouTube on the other to watch simultaneously.
Are you good at remembering passwords for websites, or do you always forget? I write them all down to be safe, but typically I know the password.
What is your current computer desktop background? It's a beachy picture.
Do you have a desk job? No.
What were some of your favorite websites as a kid? What are some of your favorite websites now? I was really big on the AOL kid and teen forums and chatrooms as well as like I said the Disney and Nick websites.
Were you alive before the Internet was invented? No, it was around by then albeit not super big quite yet.
How many tabs do you have open on your computer right now? 5 on this window and 1 on the other.
⌨️ Computer Keyboard ⌨️ Are you a fast typer? I am. People comment on how fast my fingers fly across the keyboard lol.
Do you enjoy typing on a keyboard? Sure.
Have you ever used a typewriter? I have. We had one when I was a kid before we got a computer.
Do you own a typewriter? No.
What color are the keys on your computer's keyboard? Black.
🖨 Printer 🖨 Do you own a printer? Nope. I don't even recall the last time I printed or even needed to print something.
What was the last thing you printed off? .I don't recall.
Have you ever printed anything off in a library? Yeah, at school. I may have before at an actual library as well, I don't recall. Probably.
Do you prefer to use black ink or colored ink? Black.
Do you know how to change the ink in a printer? Yeah.
🖱Computer Mouse🖱 Can you see the computer mouse emoji? 🖱 It goes away when I start typing.
Do you wonder why they made this emoji, when it's hard to see because it's white? I haven't thought about it, but yeah good point.
Do you own a computer mouse? No.
Do you use a computer mouse? I do not.
If you own one, what color is your computer mouse? --
Do you prefer to use a mouse or a trackpad? Trackpad works for me.
Have you ever used the computer mouse emoji? No.
💾 Floppy Disk 💾 Have you ever saved anything onto a floppy disk? Yep, I remember doing that in middle school.
Do you own any floppy disks? No.
When was the last time you used a floppy disk? Middle school, I believe. I don't recall using them in high school I think by then USB drives were a thing.
What are three things you like (besides floppy disks) that are floppy? Uhhhh.
Have you ever cried because you lost something that you had saved onto a floppy disk? I don't think that happened, thankfully.
💿 Compact Disc 💿 Have you ever burned a CD? Oh yeah, I did that all the time.
Have you ever made a mix CD? Yep, same ^^^^
Have you ever done a craft project using old CDs? No
Do you own any CDs still? Nope. I actually sold the ones I had several years ago to a used shop.
What was the last CD you listened to? I have no idea.
What was the first CD that you purchased? It wasn't the first CD I ever owned, but the first one I bought myself was Ashlee Simpson's "Autobiography" album.
💽 CD in Plastic Case 💽 Did you burn CDs and then put them in a plastic case? Yeah, they were of various colors, too. I loved doing that and giving them to people.
Do you own any plastic CD cases? I said no already.
Have you ever written on a CD with a permanent marker? Yeah.
Have you ever used this emoji? I'm pretty sure I haven't.
Do you still own any of the mix tapes or mix CDs you made when you were younger? Nope.
📼 VHS Tape 📼 Do you own any VHS tapes? Yeah, we kept a lot of our Disney ones and a few others.
Did you used to watch movies on VHS tapes when you were younger? Yes.
Do you remember the orange Nickelodeon tapes? Yep, I had several of those.
Do you have any home videos that are on tapes? Yep. We plan on getting them converted to DVDs soon cause my fam and I have really been wanting to watch them.
Do you own a VCR? No.
Do you remember having to rewind VHS tapes? Yes.
📞 Telephone ☎️ Do you remember a time before cellphones? Yeah. I didn't have a cellphone until I was 15.
How old were you when you got your first cellphone? Fifteen.
Do you work in an office with a telephone? I don't work.
Do you have a home phone or just a cellphone? We have both, but like never use the home phone. I'm not sure why we keep it around.
Do you still remember your home phone number from when you were growing up? I do.
Have you ever made a prank call? Yeah, my friends and I in middle school did lame shit like that sometimes.
📠 Fax Machine 📠 Do you own a fax machine? No.
Have you ever worked in an office with a fax machine? --
Have you ever owned a fax machine? Yeah, it was part of our printer. It was one of those fax, copy machine, and printer type of thing.
Have you ever used this emoji? No.
What are three things you like that rhyme with "fax"? Hacks, like life hacks. Macs. Wax, I guess.
🗄 Filiing Cabinet 🗃 Do you own a filing cabinet? It's not organized, but I have 3-stacked drawers that I keep my stuff in. I have like 3 of those.
Do you enjoy organizing things? I wish I were more organized. I think it could be better, but ever since my health got so bad and I've basically been stuck in bed, I can't get much done like I could before. I've had help cleaning and organizing my room, which I appreciate, but it's just different and some things were put where I might not have.
Are you a very organized person? No. I need to work more on that.
Is there an office in your home? No.
When was the last time you shopped at Office Max? .*shrug*
What was the last thing you bought at Office Max? .*shrug*
🗂 Manila Folders 🗂 Do you own any manila folders? No.
Do you organize your computer files into folders? Yesss.
Did you ever use Lisa Frank folders for school when you were a kid? I sure did.
Do you still own any of the colorful folders you used to use for school when you were a kid? No, those are longggg gone.
What are three things you have stored in folders (in real life, not on a computer)? I don't have any folders.
📌 Thumbtack 📌 How many bulletin boards are there in your home? Three.
Have you ever spray-painted a bulletin board, and if yes, what color? >> haven't
Do you own a set of colorful thumbtacks? >> I don't own thumbtacks
If you own a bulletin board, what are three things you have pinned on it? .I have various photos and whatnot.
Have you ever stepped on a thumbtack? No.
✂️ Scissors ✂️ How many pairs of scissors do you own? We have a few pairs.
Have you ever ran with scissors? No.
What color are your favorite pair of craft scissors, if applicable? --
What color are your hair-cutting scissors, if applicable? --
Do you cut your own hair? 💇♀️ No. I did used to cut my own bangs when I was younger, though. Oh, I'm actually letting my bro's bf cut my hair and give me bangs soon.
Do you have a special pair of scissors that you use to open boxes? 📦 ✂️ --
Do you have different pairs of scissors that you use for different things? No
What color was the last pair of scissors you used? What was the last thing you used a pair of scissors for? Just a typical silver pair of scissors to open a box.
Do you know how to do a scissor kick? No?
When was the last time you did a scissor kick? .--
🧷 Safety Pin 🧷 When was the last time you used a safety pin? I don't recall.
Have you ever used this emoji? No.
What was the last thing you used a safety pin for? ---
Have you ever ran a race and had a number pinned to your shirt? I've had something pinned to my shirt before for other reasons. I was participating in various events as a kid.
Do you own a box of safety pins? No.
📎 Paper Clips 🖇 When was the last time you used a paperclip? I don't knoww.
What was the last thing you used a paperclip for? .To hold papers together, I'm assuming.
Do you remember Clippit, the Microsoft Word paperclip? 📎👀 💬 Yeahhhh.
Have you ever received a piece of advice from Clippit? Mhm.
Do you own a box of paperclips? I do.
📏 Rulers 📐 Do you own a ruler? Uhhh, I probably have one somewhere.
How many rulers do you own? .One, if any.
What was the last thing you used a ruler? When was the last time you used one? .--
Do you know how to draw a straight line without using a ruler? It wouldn't be perfectly straight.
What does your favorite ruler that you own look like? >> are there actually people out here with favourite rulers. fascinating. >>> Hahahahah.
🖊 Pen 🖊 Do you prefer to write with pens or pencils? Pen
What color ink pen do you write with the most? Black
Where do you normally buy pens? If feel I need some.
What was the last thing you wrote down? Filling out paperwork.
Do you enjoy writing? Do you enjoy how it feels as your hand glides across the page? ✍️ I used to. Definitely more so by typing it out. It's a good way to let my thoughts out, but I haven't really written anything in awhile.
🗑 Trash Can 🗑 What do you call a trash can? Do you call it a trash can, wastebasket, rubbish bin, garbage can, or something else? >> just "the trash" >>> lol same.
Do you need to take the trash out soon? Yeah.
What day is trash pick-up day in your city? Wednesday.
Are there things you are holding onto that you probably should just throw away? >> I tend to be ruthless about throwing away things I assume I don't need or amn't gonna use, sometimes to my regret <<< Omg, I'm the complete opposite holding onto everything. They have sentimental value and "feelings" lmaooo.
When was the last time you took the trash out? I personally don't do it because I'm unable to, but my dad did it last night.
📋 Clipboard 📋 Do you own a clipboard? I do.
When was the last time you had to sign a paper that was attached to a clipboard? Not too long ago.
Have you ever held a clipboard just to make yourself look more official? lol no...
Do you have neat handwriting? My handwriting is shit.
Would you rather write in cursive or print? Print.
📆 Calendar 📅 What is today's date? December 3rd.
How many months are there until your birthday? 🥳 7 months.
How old will you turn on your next birthday? 35 D:
Do you have a calendar on your wall? If so, what is this month's calendar picture? I have an old calendar I keep up cause it's an Alexander Skarsgard.
Are you counting down the days to anything? Christmassss.
What is your favorite season? Fall and winter.
🗒 Spiral Notepad 🗒 When was the last time you used a spiral notepad? A few months ago.
Do you own a spiral notepad? Yeah.
Would you rather write or draw? ✍️ .Write. Or how about color? Cause I can't draw, but I love to color.
Do you make to-do lists? Yeah, I use the notes app and the reminders app quite a bit.
What are/were three items on your to-do list for today? .The only one I had was I wanted to put these new face tatts on. lmao the shit I order from fucking Temu. I'm obsessed. But they're cute, they make my nose and cheeks look pink from being cold in the winter and they're Christmas themed. "Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are weee."
What is something you did yesterday (or today) that you really enjoyed? I started playing this game called, "Dead by Daylight." A friend of mine got me into it. I normally don't play games like that whee you're running from a killer (cause I'm a scardy ca lol). It's pretty fun, though. They incorporate characters like Ghost Face and Chuky, which is dopeeee.
What is something that you've been putting off, if there's anything? paper? I'm confused about the paper question, but yeah I've been putting off washing my hair today just cause laziness. But I have to cause I'm finally getting my hair dyed red again ahhhhh. The baddie will be back soon, ya'll.
Are you thankful that your life story is still being written? What a wild story indeed.
⏰ Alarm Clock ⏰ What time do you usually wake up in the morning? Okay so it's pissing me off cause the last week I keep waking up anywhere between 4 and 6AM for some awful reason but then thankfully I'm able to fall back asleep until like 9 or 10AM. I'd likee to just sleep through the night.
Is your bed made right now? Yes.
Do you wake up to an alarm, or do you wake up naturally? I wake up whenever my body wakes up unless I need to set an alarm, which is rare, Even then, I'll just ask my mom to get me up.
Do you normally follow a schedule, or are you more spontaneous? My day is very routine.
Do you prefer to follow a schedule or be spontaneous? It seems to work best for me. I need time in advance if something different is gonna be going onz
Do you have a clock on your wall? Yeah, but it needs new batteries.
What do you normally use to tell time? Do you use your phone, computer, wristwatch, the sun ☀️, a wall clock, a bedside alarm clock, or something else? My phone or laptop.
💡 Lightbulb 💡 How many lamps can you see from where you're sitting right now? Just my ceiling lamp.
When was the last time you changed a lightbulb? .*shrug*
Have you ever used your phone as a flashlight? 📱 Yep, many times.
Do you own a flashlight? 🔦 Yeah,
How many lightbulbs can you see from where you're sitting right now? One.
💿🗄💻 📆🗂 Final Questions! 🗃📋🖇📠💾 Do you work in an office? >> I don't work >>>
Have you ever had an office job? If so, did/do you like it? If you haven't had an office job, do you think you would like one? .That's all I think I could maybe do to be honest, And even then I doubt myself.
What is your favorite thing to do on a computer? 💻 >>Tumblr and The Sims.
Would you rather own a desktop computer or laptop computer? 💻 🖥 Laptop.
What is your dream job? I have no idea.
Do you prefer writing something down or typing something up on a computer? Typing, for sure. Depending on the length and what I'm typing up I'll just use my phone.
Do you own a desk? If so, what does it look like? What do you have on top of it? No, I use my bed. lol. I have so much crap on the foot of my bed.
What do you think is your favorite emoji among the ones on this survey? Meh.
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nova--michael · 2 years
Lol my Facebook got hacked and suspended pfff
Cant log in, even with my password, they probably changed it
Welp, good thing i dont use it anymore bc i simply dont really care abt it
I wouldnt even have noticed if AOL didnt spam me with messages abt it
Funny thing is i get 2 different locations, one is Orlando and one is Brandenburg
Go fight for it you two, have fun
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andtheghost · 5 months
01/30/24 - Your master has betrayed you
Has anyone else noticed technology being all wonky lately?
I went to the library the other day to print a few things. I send my images to myself via e-mail, and I forgot my little password notebook so I couldn’t log into my email. However, I had my iPad with me in case I took a last look before printing and caught something that needed to be fixed, so I figured I could just make a new temporary email and send them with that. Simple fix, no problem.
I try making a Microsoft account. They have a series of “tests” to prove you’re a human. The visual test is a seemingly random string of letters and numbers and a picture of a robot, with absolutely NO instruction as to what you’re supposed to do with them. Is it a code? Am I supposed to drag something somewhere (no, unless the dragging thing wasn’t working in my browser). So there’s an audio test. Which of three audio samples changes instruments half way through? I don’t have my headphones with me, but I’m hidden in the back of the library away from everyone anyway, I figure if I keep it on the lowest setting right up to my ear, it should be fine.
I get through the first test fine. Then it informs me there are three more to go! I don’t hear a single sample that changes instruments in the second test. I listen to it again. A woman comes in and sits at the other end of the table to work on a puzzle. I’m sitting there listening to these stupid audio samples over and over because NONE OF THEM have any instrument changes. Now I feel like an asshole because I’m not alone anymore, listening to music in a library without headphones. RUDE. And I’m getting frustrated because I’ve listened to these samples how many times, and none of them are right. So I start guessing. I make two guesses, fail both, I get to start the tests all over.
Fine, fuck Microsoft anyway.
I can’t use Yahoo, because I’ve tried it for this exact purpose and I think they might have a daily upload limit? I have three fairly large images to upload, so that’s not an option. I try AOL. I didn’t even know AOL was still a thing. Every time I try to check if the email I want is available it tells me there’s an error, try again in a few minutes.
I go to Google, search best free email providers. The first option it gives me isn’t free. The second one says it sent me a validation text. I never got the text, so I press resend, still no text.
I give up at this point. It shouldn’t take more than two minutes to make a new email, if that, and I’ve been through three different options with no success, it SHOULD NOT be this hard. I finally decide to just go home and come back the next day.
And this isn’t even like a one time thing. It’s been happening a lot lately. Very simple things just NOT WORKING. Either technology has specifically singled me out to stop working properly, or there is some kind of universal devolution of technology going on. Too many people using it and it’s starting to malfunction maybe?
Honestly, I’d be okay with that after a while, I think. There would definitely be an extraordinarily bumpy transition period, sure, but I think I would survive just fine. Take us back to the “dark ages” where technology didn’t poison everything it touches.
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bulkbuyaccounts · 11 months
How to Use AOL For Your Business?
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While AOL (America Online) was once a popular internet service provider and email provider, its usage has significantly declined in recent years. However, if you still wish to use AOL for your business email, you can do so. Here's a basic guide on how to use AOL for your business:
Create an AOL Account: If you don't already have an AOL account, you can visit the AOL website (https://www.aol.com) and click on "Sign Up." Follow the instructions to create an account with a unique username and password.
Set Up Your AOL Email: Once you have an AOL account, you will automatically have access to an AOL email address ([email protected]). If you prefer a custom domain email address (e.g., [email protected]), you may need to use a different email provider that offers custom domain services.
Customize Your AOL Account: Access the settings of your AOL account to customize preferences, such as changing your display name, updating your signature, and managing other account-related options.
Organize Your Inbox with Folders: AOL uses folders to organize your emails. You can create folders for different categories, projects, or clients, allowing you to sort your emails effectively.
Enable Spam and Virus Protection: AOL provides built-in spam and virus protection features. Ensure these settings are enabled to reduce the risk of receiving spam emails or opening potentially harmful attachments.
Set Up Filters: AOL allows you to create filters to automatically sort incoming emails into specific folders based on various criteria. This can help you manage your inbox more efficiently.
Use AOL Calendar (Optional): AOL offers a calendar feature that you can use to schedule and organize your business appointments and events.
Integrate with Other Apps (Optional): AOL provides integrations with other AOL-owned properties and services. However, keep in mind that AOL's ecosystem is not as extensive as other providers like Google Workspace or Microsoft Office 365.
Maintain Security: Ensure your AOL account is protected with a strong password and consider enabling two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security.
Regularly Check for Updates: Keep an eye out for AOL updates and new features that may improve your experience using the platform.
It's important to note that while AOL can be used for basic email communication, its features and functionalities may be limited compared to more modern and widely-used email providers like Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo Mail. If you are looking for a more robust and professional email solution for your business, you might want to consider Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, or other email hosting services that offer custom domain support and a broader range of productivity tools.
Additionally, before committing to any email service for your business, review the terms of service and make sure it complies with your organization's needs and any applicable legal requirements.
Buy AOL Accounts from BulkAccountsBuy at https://www.bulkaccountsbuy.com/buy-aol-accounts/
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astropithecus · 11 months
Obituaries: Kevin Mitnick, hacker and fugitive turned security consultant, dies at 59
In 1995 I was 11, my favorite movie was The Net, and Kevin Mitnick - sitting in federal prison - was basically a folk hero. He wasn't allowed access to a phone, because the rumor was he could start a nuclear war by whistling modem tones into a receiver. To a kid that grew up watching WarGames that was effectively a superpower.
I spent the next few formative years learning to "hack" - not entirely because of Mitnick, but it couldn't have hurt. I was the textbook script kiddie, a tween with just enough knowledge to scrabble onto the shoulders of giants. My first forays into software development were via Visual Basic, making AOL "progs" to flood chat rooms and "punt" those bold enough to cross me (interestingly, there's good reason to think Mark Zuckerberg started out the same way).
In 1997, I noticed the local library's catalog computers were running a Telnet client connected to a public IP. I had learned the ins-and-outs of Telnet setting up a MUD server for me and my friends (when I see people play D&D over Discord I always wonder if there'd be a niche for a solid, modern MUD server to fill), so I signed out and then manually brute-forced the password to sign back in. I was looking over my shoulder, half-expecting to get escorted from the building, as if anyone was watching the catalog Telnet server that closely. I don't remember what the password ended up being, only that it was a single-case dictionary word - we were still a few years from a public awareness of password complexity - and I managed to guess it.
Now, with a few years of IT work behind me and a healthy whitehat interest in social engineering, I realize Mitnick probably would've just told a librarian the computer wasn't working and watched her type the password. Regardless, 13-year-old me was proud of his ingenuity. I took my newfound knowledge and used it to check what books were available at which library branch without leaving the house, one time I even put one hold until I could convince my mom to drive me there. Mostly I just enjoyed the thrill that I made it work. I wasn't experienced enough to consider using a proxy (or better yet, to not "hack" from my own computer) so I suppose I'm lucky I knew better than to take on anyone with better security than the local municipal library system. I don't think they ever even bothered to change the password. A few years later, they introduced a public website to do the same thing, because information wants to be free.
That was the aspect of "hacking" that I think has been lost in the intervening years. Hacking now is generally about profit - bitlocking data, demanding ransoms, swiping crypto wallets, harvesting credit card details, running scams, selling password hash tables. When it's not, it's about social activism; whistleblowing, leaking documents. Don't get me wrong, cyberdisruption is a valuable thread in the tapestry of civil disobedience, but Mitnick represented a different breed. He never launched a nuke, the "whistling into the phone" rumor was likely an intentional falsehood, vilification promoted by law enforcement, made plausible by the unusual abilities of a 1960's phreaker named Joybubbles. There was no agenda, no malice; there's not any indication Mitnick ever profited from any of his hacks (directly, at least - certainly the infamy helped his eventual IT security career). It was just an obsession with challenging yourself to accomplish things people assume are impossible, and the satisfaction of the eureka moment when it works. That spirit - so prevalent in hacker communities in the 80's and 90's and the phreaker circles that preceded them - has all but vanished from our public perception of hacking. The terms "hacker" and "hacking" themselves have become almost exclusively negative.
Probably just as well. Who needs more Mark Zuckerbergs?
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Kevin Mitnick's business card, featuring a working punch-out lockpicking set
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30 March 2023 Thursday 10:04 am pdt
autocorrect: “am” American Amar
right breast pain difficulty breathing 10:06 am pdt bcz “Brendan” made me think he was a graffiti artist by posting (autocorrect: police power 10:07 am pdt) the link to Sieone’s webpage on his aol profile, for senior project in high school I did my senior project essay (diarrhea 10:09 am pdt) on why graffiti is art. 10:09 am pdt spencer might remember this Bcz this was the only time he ever talked to me. 10:10 am pdt
10:41 am pdt I thought spencer had a handsome face. And when he spoke to me I think I remember not really being able to say anything other than what probably sounded like random sounds. I was nervous. 10:43 am pdt right arm pain 😖😭😤🥵😤🥵😤 10:44 am pdt left shoulder bone 🦴 pain 10:45 am pdt
3:05 pmpdt 3:06 pmpdt
3:44 pmpdt 3:45 pmpdt after the last time I wrote on the previous post, incubus reduched my muscle/flesh in the gluteus Maximus area and in the front of my groin. 3:46 pmpdt 3:47 pmpdt feels like they are doing something again. Also reduced my heel. I wonder 💭 if that’s going to make me fall. There are sharp corners in the kitchen of this hotel 🏨mini suite (basically a studio) I’m afraid 😱 I will fall into it. Around 3 pmpdt they hurt my ankle area 3:49 pmpdt. Incubus put me in a very bad dooming position. He made it clear that he hated me by showing his face to me in blossom hill 2004/2005. He uses people however he wants. How you do one thing is how you do everything? I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️. If you chose to lie and use and confuse someone once is that how you chose to live you’re whole life? Can you ever trust them to be honest? 3:53 pmpdt I’m not sure 🤔 if I ever made money 💰 off of anyone’s ideas 💡. I helped take care of that goldfish, I fed it and gave it medicine. Unfortunately I forgot to turn off the heater when I was trying to not let it get too cold 🥶 bcz that’s what the thermometer 🌡 indicated by the colored in area (acid throat pain 3:56 pmpdt) . Incubus really hates me. When I hung up 🆙 the phone ☎️ after talking to “Brendan” I heard a car 🚗 pull up 🆙 into the driveway and imagined it was him. I imagined I was going to go downstairs to meet him in his car 🚗 even though he didn’t say any of this during any of our chats/s*xting/phones*x (vag acid pain 😖😭 3:59 pmpdt). He plans ahead to confuse and deceive me to fall back on later. 4pm pdt incubus has tried to mislead me that he knows me and loves 💕 me. 4 pmpdt he hurt a part of my vag I will never forgive. 4:01 pmpdt Q if you are reading 📖 this know how deeply you hurt me and used me. Unethical. 4:02 pmpdt
4:18 pmpdt 4:19 pmpdt b4 I stopped using the iPhone 📱 Q gave me that was old with a recycling value of $35 to apple 🍎 (upper thigh bone 🦴 pain) I had changed the password & did backups. I forget in which order. And then I think 💭 I remembered it saying there no backups on the iCloud account. All my backups were probably erased by Q. 4:22 pmpdt
4:22 pmpdt backups included pictures taken on the iPhone 📱. She was probably looking 👀 for more stuff to steal from me. 4:24 pmpdt in addition to spying 🕵️‍♀️ on me. 4:24 pmpdt Q I guess is excused from all her crimes bcz “music is [her] boyfriend” and Nick carter and all other rapist murderers, the framing of probably an innocent man with a family. 4:26 pmpdt the destruction of my body is probably proof to that. Thanks 🙏 Q. You make the world 🌎 a better place. 4:27 pmpdt even if my mom cleaned 🧽 the fish tank, Q doesn’t care. Q doesn’t have to do the real work. 4:28 pmpdt
4:36 pmpdt Q had a little Maltese? White dog 🐶 named Sophie. If she took a picture of a fighting ? Fish she probably went to a pet store 🏬 with the fish 🐠. 4:37 pmpdt cleaning 🧽 a fish tank requires a lot of effort. A lot more than washing a dog 🐶 probably and a lot more than picking up poo 💩. She had a nice backyard with a big pool 🏊‍♀️. 4:39 pmpdt and if incubus is really her boyfriend then he probably made a lot of stuff easy. I didn’t know Coachella was expensive until I saw 👀 something on tv 📺 about the price while I’ve been in this hotel 🏨 the last 30 days. 4:41 pmpdt
4:44 pmpdt incubus said in an interview there was a part of his life he lived doing whatever he wanted, probably s*xually, and sometime maybe 2017 he said he was a “bimbo.” Being incubus he probably sampled a lot of women, including me. 4:46 pmpdt 4:47 pmpdt
4:49 pmpdt “Brendan” said online that I sounded “yummy.” Nick V./B. didn’t care to get to know me. He wanted to try me no matter what. He looked me up 🆙 and down in a very interested way in algebra class when I unzipped my jacket 🧥 infront of him. I sat in the first desk in the row near the door 🚪 and there was an a big desk infront facing my desk that he sat on one day waiting for the bell 🔔 to ring to be released from class. This was b4 I found his email 📧 in a chain email 📧 with mutual friends of my sister. 4:55 pmpdt we don’t know where incubus and his friends draw the line. We don’t know if incubus samples every vag b4 they’re murdered. We don’t know how young he is willing to go. 4:56 pmpdt we don’t know. 4:57 pmpdt
4:58 pmpdt algebra I class. Freshman year high school 🏫. 14 going on 15 years old. In English class Nick V./B. Expresses feelings of horniness and the teacher responded saying we are too young for s*x. 5 pmpdt
5:27 pmpdt difficulty breathg felt acid I think 💭 on butt bones 🦴 as I was laying down. 5:28 pmpdt left jaw bone 🦴 pain 5:28 pmpdt if Jane Herman wasn’t pretending to be in love 🥰 w/ incubus, if incubus put a love 💗 potion 🧪 spell in her to fall in love with him, then he acts like he didn’t, and then covers it up by putting the blame on her to fake us all out, he probably (autocorrect punishing ) won’t stop 🛑 doing this. He will vilify every female and chooses to sample them s*xually, and probably vice versa? Chooses to sample then gets rid of them, and probably plans to get rid of them and samples them s*xually. 5:33 pmpdt another thing I did when I was a teen I found a realistic styled fairy 🧚‍♂️ and without permission I inverted the colors (black became white and white (head pain woozy 5:35 pmpdt) became black) used in I think in an aol hometown webpage. I didn’t make any money 💰 with it and didn’t have the intentions of making money 💰 with it. I thought 💭 it was pretty and wanted to use it. I wasn’t selling anything. It was a silly webpage a little I think 💭 about myself? Like an extended aol profile. 5:38 pmpdt I can’t remember well but that’s what it probably was. 5:39 pmpdt
incubus is yelling “no” at me. He sometimes uses this to trick me into neglecting myself I think 💭 (pain diarrhea? 😖😭🐒💨) 5:41 pmpdt
5:57 5:58 pmpdt back then on aol I think I never put my last name. Or my middle name. I put my initials in my screen name. But I think 🤔 I was 15 years old and not yet thinking 💭 about selling stuff bcz I was shy? 6 pmpdt skull 💀 pain and more difficulty breathing. 6:01 pmpdt
6:02 pmpdt I think 💭 I heard a trumpet 🎺? Is this a sign 🪧 of my death ☠️???? 6:03 pmpdt
6:12 pmpdt 😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵 chest tightness slight. I guess it’s going to get harder more tight soon. 6:13 pmpdt I think 💭 fell asleep 😴 asleep 💤 after I imagined “Brendan” pulling up 🆙 in my driveway or a driveway near mine or a parking spot and imagining myself going down (right kneecap pain sharp 6:15 pmpdt) to his car 🚗. At the time I was able to do a complete butterfly 🦋 pose with my legs 🦵 knees touching the bed 🛌 while laying down. 6:17 pmpdt I drove for miles and miles and wound up 🆙 at your door 🚪 (acid throat pain 6:17 pmpdt) I’ve had you so many times but some how I want mooore 🎶🎼🎵🎤🎸 what type of more? A deeper relationship? Marriage? A different vag? 6:19 pmpdt ambiguous? 6:19 6:20 pmpdt that was 2001 after March and b4 December 25th. 6:20 pmpdt with incubus money 💰 he could probably fly back and forth as frequently as he wants btwn the east end west coasts. 6:21 6:22 pmpdt
6:22 pmpdt I think *I* fell asleep ... 6:23 pmpdt
7:10 pmpdt spine? Pain. I think 💭 my muffin top is due partially to lose of bone 🦴. And partially to being overweight. I’ve gained weight even though I probably ate ≈one meal a day for months. 7:12 pmpdt usually the brain 🧠 pain! 7:12 pmpdt more I complain on here the worse it gets for me. But b4 I did much complaining other than being on the impression that the incubus was a prisoner of his wife and he really wanted to be with me and that it wasn’t fair that we never got a chance to try, that was basically the start of the complaints and then it turned into health complaints? I think 💭 that’s all I remember at the moment. Sometimes other memories pop up later after I write something. And sometimes it is an altered version of the memory. It’s hard to trust them when they do that: edit alter memory which is dishonesty on their part. 7:16 pmpdt
7:27 pmpdt I’ve seen a dog 🐶 wipe his paws 🐾 on a rug to clean 🧽 his paws 🐾 b4 coming back inside. Maybe Sophie gave herself baths 🛁? 7:29 pmpdt maybe 🤔 Q paid some one? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7:30 🕢 pmpdt
7:31 pmpdt left hip bone 🦴 pain 😖😭🥵😭 diarrhea back of head pain. I have to find that fuse YouTube video again. 7:32 pmpdt
8:33 pmpdt watch?v=ihyYJk_4-cQ
could be L instead of i. ⬆️ YouTube
8:37 pmpdt he has many excuses to tear me down to death ☠️. Being an incubus he has too much power to make everything in his favor. 8:38 pmpdt 😤😥😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵
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kanjinakamura · 1 year
Ultimate guidance to configure AOL Verizon email settings
Before moving ahead towards the core topic of this read “How to configure the settings of AOL Verizon email?” it is necessary to understand “How AOL is connected with Verizon?”
Well! Verizon was an email service provider earlier, but after getting tough competition with way too sophisticated technology-based easy-going email service providers, they decides to retire their mailing services.
But, they retired their services in a way that the users can access their emails using other platforms such as AOL, Gmail, Outlook, etc. So, there is no rocket science in accessing the Verizon email services by adding your account to any of these platforms. You can also change the SMTP, IMAP, and POP settings of the Verizon server.
But, if you want to change the AOL Verizon email settings, you may get an error because AOL does not allow third-party apps to send and receive emails. So if you want to do you need to change the settings such as servers and port numbers according to AOL Mail. Follow the read further, if you don’t know how to do so.
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Set up AOL Verizon email POP settings
Here’s the step-by-step guide that you can follow for configuring the AOL Verizon email settings easily.
Launch the AOL Mail application and log in to your account.
Go to the “Settings” option and move towards the “Accounts and import” option.
Navigate to the “Accounts and Import” section and click “Add an email account”.
Input the complete Verizon email address and hit “Next”.
Here, fill in the information such as:
For AOL Verizon email POP settings: POP Server Name: pop.verizon.net (for AOL Verizon email), POP Port Number: 995, Encryption: SSL.
For AOL Verizon email SMPT settings: SMTP Server Name: smtp.verizon.net, SMTP Port Number: 465 (SSL) / 587 (TLS), Encryption: SSL / TLS, Username: your full email address ([email protected]), Password: your email account password
For AOL Verizon email IMAP settings: IMAP Server Name: imap.aol.com (for Verizon AOL), IMAP Port Number: 993, Encryption: SSL.
Here verify your credentials and finalize the settings changes by clicking “Add account”.
This is how you can access your Verizon mail on your AOL account by setting up the AOL Verizon email settings.
In a similar manner, you can change the settings on the Verizon server using other platforms such as Gmail or Microsoft outlook. After changing these settings, your mail will get downloaded with synced back by the server.
The Bottom Line!
In this read, I’ve elucidated an intact method to set up AOL Verizon email settings, so using this guide you are not only able to configure settings but can add your Verizon email account with other accounts as well so that you can send and receive emails using the Verizon email address. It is needed because Verizon has retired its platform and migrated its mailing services to AOL Mail or Yahoo Mail. So, after adding your account there you can make use of the Verizon email address.
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shop-korea · 1 year
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Are you having issues in sending AOL Mail?
Mail.aol.com platform is a reliable webmail service provider, serving its services since 1995. The prominence of this platform is because of its safe, quick and seamless services all across the world. The parent company of AOL Mail is AOL (America Online) which was previously known as AIM as well.
If you are not familiar with the amenities of AOL, let me tell you that although AOL is renowned for its email services, AOL is also popular for providing innovative technology based global services, courier services, and premium content such as daily news about stocks, sports, weather etc.
There is no secret that AOL Mail has a big name among web service providers, but that doesn’t mean that you can never get any issues while working on this platform.
Yes! Sometimes, you may get some hindrances while sending an email using the Mail.aol.com platform. So, is there any way to resolve such issues?
Well! Every problem comes up with a solution, so why can’t we figure out the solution for these issues? Follow me further to be familiar with obstacles that you get while sending an AOL Mail as well as the solution to clear out the clutter.
Acknowledge the ways to fix AOL Mail issues
Have unsent emails in the sent box
If you are getting any such issue say you are getting mail in the sent box but you haven’t sent it, it is a sign of a hacked account. In this case, you should immediately secure your account by changing your password. It will help you in preventing your AOL Mail account from fraud. 
Fix the issue that stops you from sending emails
In this case, you should use some generic fixes, such as you should restart your device, you can clear the cache, you can start work by using a different browser, can disable the firewall and can check that you haven’t enabled any pop-up blocking software in your device.
Fix issues when photos don't display for mail recipients
If you’re getting such issues, you should enable Rich Text or HTML from mail settings or you can try sending the image as an attachment.
Final words!
To conclude, AOL Mail services are able to enhance our experience with AOL by providing quick, safe and smooth services. You can avail of various other beneficial functionalities such as customizable panels, calendars, organized mailbox etc.
In this read, I’ve elucidated some fixes to resolve your query regarding any sending AOL Mail issues. But, if you are still having hindrances in sending emails, you can get assistance from the support team of AOL which is 24*7 available to aid you on any AOL-related issues.
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hassanxrazza · 2 years
AOL Mail – How to Create New Account & Sign in Successfully
Create and manage an AOL Mail account using this free guide. This AOL Log in explanation is in detail, please read closely. Follow the steps on Aol sign up using your email username and password. Did you previously create an AOL account online? AOL Login is easy for all email users, all you have to do is to follow the guide.
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Uses of AOL Mailing System
It provides a web portal, email, instant messaging, and later on a web browser that followed the purchase of Netscape but it is originally set up for a dial-up service to millions of Americans also.
When you lose your AOL mail while you are far away from your computer, you do not have to worry because you can still gain access to the AOL mail through your mobile device on the mobile app. With AOL you can still use Outlook or any other third party email to receive and send their AOL email.
How to Create an AOL Mail Account
When you want to create an AOL account you have to follow the steps given to you discreetly without leaving any steps out.  The following are ways you can create an AOL mail account.
Go to the main AOL page at www.AOL.com
Click on the Aol sign up at the right-hand corner of the page
Click sign up at the screen bottom
Now, you can Enter your first and last name
Also, Enter your email address and password
Enter your phone number and credential for your birth
Choose in your gender (Male/Female)
Click on the continue
Then enter the other requested information
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Once all of these have been settled, you have successfully created the AIL mail account. If you need any help, AOL mail support is available once you are encountering problems with AOL live technical support for your AOL account. You can also upgrade the mail account to a paid one once you feel like it. The next step is on how to log in. Continue reading so as not to miss out of the login details.
AOL Mail Login – The Full Guide to AOL Sign in
The AOL login is very simple and easy and is not as long as the steps when creating the account newly. All you have to do is to follow the steps that will be listed for you below.
The first step is to visit the main AOL login page at https://login.aol.com
Optionally, if you Login to aol.com, simply look at the top right corner of the page, and click “Signup/Login“
Enter your username, email, or mobile number (it could be yahoo.com, gmail.com, outlook.com or AOL.com)
Click on the “Next” icon (you can optionally click on the “Stay Signed in”icon)
Follow the remaining steps to login (Prove you’re not a robot)
Enter your password and click Login.
A big congratulations because you have successfully login to your AOL mail account. If at any time you forget your password, AOL help centre will help you with these common issues. However, you can change, reset, manage your account security question. Finally, you can also manage your AOL username all in the account.
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AOL Mail Help
AOL Mail provides a safe and delightful email experience for millions of people around the world.
System Mechanic
Restore power, speed and stability with over 200 critical tests and 50 tools using the go-to solution for ultimate PC performance and trouble-free computing.
Password Help
Learn how to reset your password and keep your account secure.
Do you want to speak with a real person?
Get 24/7 live expert help with your AOL needs—from email and passwords, technical questions, mobile email and more. Call +1-844-325-9082
You can also visit the AOL help center for assistance.
Have it in mind that sometime in June 2017, AOL announced that Yahoo and AOL joined to become a unified digital and mobile media company. They are now operating under these unified Yahoo Terms of Service. If you have a Yahoo or an AOL account, you will need to agree to the Terms of both AOL and Yahoo Mail.
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divinelement00 · 2 years
Not Receiving AOL Mails
Solutions to AOL Mail's Intermittent Failure on iOS Devices - AOL's Technical Support
Smartphone users that use AOL have reported this problem or one like it. If you're having trouble accessing your AOL email on your iPhone or computer, you're not alone. The AOL email service is having issues with some users, so they either can't send or receive messages from their accounts. When that's the case, read on for the subsequent instructions. It is highly advised that you call AOL customer service so that they may assist you with your equipment and resolve the problem. If your iPhone or Android device is having trouble connecting to AOL, follow these steps.
To Do This, Simply Use the Airplane Mode
See if you can connect to the web to make sure everything is okay. If you are seeing "AOL email is down" messages, the issue is not with AOL but rather with you. AOL is a service that connects you to the internet, and it can be frustrating when your connection is poor or you have no connection at all. Make sure your internet connection is up and running before continuing.
Turn off your iPhone or put it into airplane mode. To activate or deactivate the iPhone's airplane mode, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to reveal the device's control center. You should activate airplane mode and then deactivate it a few minutes later.
Wi-Fi should be activated and a stable connection should be checked. When not doing so, activate your internet connection.
Start sending and receiving data. Now you can use AOL's email services, both for receiving and sending messages.
If you have an iPhone and are having trouble receiving emails, try Method 2. Adapt your network's current settings
If you've already taken care of everything suggested in Option 1, but the problem persists anyway, read on. The instructions in the second approach should be followed then. If you're having trouble getting AOL mail to work on your iPhone, trying resetting your network preferences may help.
In a Freer Configuration
In the Settings menu, select the Factory Reset button.
You can get to the reset network settings menu by clicking the Reset button.
Resetting the wifi network settings is an option here.
A third option is to delete the account and then re-create it.
If you are still having problems accessing your AOL email on your iPhone, try the solutions provided below.
How to Cancel Your iPhone Account
The iPhone's settings can be accessed by opening, Selecting the "Account" menu item, and entering your login details.
Access credentials and user IDs are all listed here. Next, choose the AOL account that you no longer wish to use with the program. You will find it in the account and password option.
Now, as soon as you click on the AOL account, you will enter a new page. Click on the Delete Account option present at the bottom.
Steps to Add AOL mail on iPhone
Open settings. go into the Accounts & Passwords option.
Go to the section of add accounts on the iPhone
Sign in using your AOL email address and password
Method4: Contact AOL, Email Expert
If you tried all of the steps given above and still facing the same problem. Then you need to call AOL experts so they will check and make changes to the AOL mail app. So, AOL mail starts working on the iPhone. AOL technicians are available 24/7 to help you without any waiting time. We have an expert and experienced technician who will help you to fix the “AOL mail not working on iPhone” issue and other AOL mail problems.
AOL Email Technical Support: AOL Email technical support team has hands-on experience with all kinds of AOL mail problems. So, When any AOL user contacts AOL support then the technician will take care of the request politely and fix the problem with an easy and effective solution. The AOL Support team is capable of fixing any kind of AOL mail problem. The team is Microsoft certified and experienced.
How to fix AOL Mail syncing issue on the outlook application?
When you set up the AOL mail account on the outlook application. it will start synchronizing the data automatically. However, Sometimes, outlook will stop syncing the data. when you will click on it. it will show you some weird errors like- send/ receive an error, authentication failed, etc.
In that a case, you have to make a few changes to the outlook application. Right after that, your email will start working fine on the outlook application. here is the guide for can’t get emails on AOL mail on outlook problem.
How to fix the AOL mail send and receive errors on the outlook application?
When an outlook application is unable to sync to the mail server. Please check the network connection on the computer. make sure there are no errors related to the internet connection.
Now Go to the account settings on the outlook application and update the AOL mail username and password once again. after that run a test account. If tests are successful. That means the problem has been resolved.
If tests are failing after updating the username and password. please check the incoming server settings. most probably, the incoming settings are invalid. That’s why it is unable to access the outlook account. so remove the current account and then reconfigure it using the valid information.
If you are receiving the emails but AOL mail not sending the emails from the outlook application. It means, there is an issue with the outgoing server configuration. So you should go back to the account settings and configure the account. once you do that, you need to run the test again. it should be running fine now.
Please remove the AOL mail account from the outlook application and then re-add it using the phone or computer. now retry to access the webmail again. it should be working fine now. in case, if it doesn’t work. you need to visit down reporter for more help.
For solving Not receiving AOL mails problems
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learnaside · 2 years
Cannot Log into My AOL Email Account
Are you having trouble signing into your AOL account and encountering a few issues? Well, you
should identify the issues and then tackle them pretty easily without any hassle.
AOL login errors can include authentication errors, blank screen errors, missing AOL sign in, and more.
So, review the steps listed here to resolve AOL email login issues with ease.
If you have forgotten the account username and password, go to the AOL sign-in helper and use it to regain access to the account.
If you are getting an invalid password error on the account, make sure that the caps lock button is turned off. Also, update the browser autofill settings or change the browser and try to login from there.
When you get the first time signing-in message, it means that system does not recognize the device you are using for the sign-in. You may need to provide a verification code (sent to your mobile or alternate email address) to verify that you are the owner of the account.
If you have enabled two-step verification and it is not asking you for that, then it means you are using AOL for the first time on that device. After one successful verification, you will not be asked to verify each time you log in to the device.
If you can’t sign in and unable to use the AOL sign-in helper to recover the account, then the The best option is to create an AOL account and use that instead. These are some of the scenarios users get in when they are trying to login to the AOL mail account.
You can deal with these scenarios accordingly and resolve the error with ease.
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holidaysbanana · 2 years
Aol email settings pop3
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#Aol email settings pop3 for mac
#Aol email settings pop3 manual
#Aol email settings pop3 full
#Aol email settings pop3 android
#Aol email settings pop3 android
IPhone Mail app – Follow steps to "Set up your email account manually."Īndroid Mail app – Follow steps under "Choose your built in Android email app" and select either Gmail or Samsung app, depending on what you use. IncrediMail – Follow steps "How do I reconfigure my email account?" Windows Live Mail – Follow steps "To change server settings for your email service provider." Windows 10 Mail – Follow steps for "Add an account using advanced setup."
#Aol email settings pop3 for mac
Outlook for Mac – Follow steps under "Update your email settings in Outlook for Mac." Outlook 2007 – Follow steps under "Other Email Accounts." Outlook 2010 – Follow steps under "Other Email Accounts." Outlook 2013 – Follow steps under "Other Email Accounts." Outlook 2016 – Follow steps under "Other Email Accounts."
#Aol email settings pop3 manual
Thunderbird – Follow steps for manual configuration. Manufacturers cannot answer questions about your AOL Mail settings, or your AOL username or password. For additional questions specific to the email client, check the manufacturer’s website. Settings may be in a different location in each email client, though the AOL server and port settings will always be the same. If you need specific help configuring your app, contact its manufacturer. This means that anything you do with messages or folders in your account at will also occur in the app (and vice versa).īelow are the POP and IMAP server settings you'll need to use for AOL Mail and links to common email app setup instructions. IMAP, however, continually syncs the app and your account to keep the information in both places identical. Additionally, POP only downloads emails from the Inbox (not personalized folders), so to download all of your emails, you'd need to move email from existing folders to the Inbox. This means that if you delete an email from your account after it's been downloaded, the downloaded copy remains in the app. POP downloads a copy of your emails from your account () to the app. There are two different protocols you can choose when setting up a third-party email app: POP or IMAP. You can use a third-party email app to download a copy of your AOL Mail email or to send and receive emails, if you'd prefer a different interface. To avoid spam issues, many block standard outgoing ports ( 587 for AOL), and will give you another one email users - Read our help article for port and server settings. Tip: if you cannot send emails, contact your internet service provider. Depending on your email program, you may be able to "check server settings" and send yourself a test email regardless, you should start seeing messages download from AOL, and be able to start sending them (if needed, start with a test message to yourself for confirmation).Note: If you don't check " Leave messages on server" during account setup, new emails will automatically be deleted from server, and only stored inside your email program. Supports " SSL" for POP3 and " TLS" for SMTP Use POP Settings to simply receive incoming emails, and manage your own, separate set of folders inside your email program: the Spam Settings you configured also affect POP3 access:.Supports " SSL" for IMAP and " TLS" for SMTP For sake of accuracy, POP3 accounts don't 'sync.
If it's a POP account, the just a matter of highlighting the account and clicking on and then checking the box for (as per the attached screenshot).
#Aol email settings pop3 full
Your full address, in the form " mail server If you're not sure, go to File -> Account Settings -> Email tab -> account type is in the right hand column.
Configure your program with IMAP Settings to see all email folders in your account, and be able to create folders from the desktop that will appear on the "live" version of your account:.
AOL Mail supports both POP3 and IMAP, so you can check your messages from any email program you like (while still able to access them from a desktop or mobile web browser).
› AOL Mail › AOL Mail Server Settings (IMAP / POP)
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