#changing art style AGAIN!!!! yay
olealoa · 4 months
this is probably too far out but im really really curious if they’re gonna somehow develop morty and diane’s (lacking) grandma-grandson relationship in some way next season
i know they probably won’t, morty’s really not the character that they love to dive into, but it would be SO interesting. morty’s always felt pretty disconnected from rick, never able to relate to him and frankly the character he sees as most similar to him is jerry (who is, a HORRIBLE role model)
but i bring this up because i feel like morty could be motivated in some way, out of resentment for rick, to see diane as some mysterious figure who he WISH he knew. someone who he truly believes he could relate to. once again, it’s far out, and in fear no mort he never even really SPOKE to diane, but honestly im pretty desperate for some morty character development that isn’t between him and rick. they already did a deep dive in his biggest fears but it still relates to rick, and i need him to actually be developed as a character OUTSIDE of rick like how rick himself is.
if it’s not diane, some other character who he can view as a role model out of desperate need for feeling a connection. some character we haven’t met, jessica, evil morty, space beth, i dunno, just SOMEONE.
another thing id like them to address is morty’s neurodivergence, although it’s not specified it is stated he has a disability (and yeah yeah, i know pilots aren’t canon, but it’s still heavily implied) of some sort, either adhd or autism (im betting on autism since him and rick are meant to be kind of reflections of each others, different sides of the same coin). they’ve had it mentioned indirectly a few times, think the planetina episode “I’ve never fit in anywhere”. i really do feel like it’d be a great episode to address rick and morty’s absolute oppositeness, rick being unsympathetic morty being hypersympathetic, rick being introverted but overall socially competent, morty being extroverted but overall socially incompetent, rick being traditionally intelligent and morty being emotionally intelligent, stuff like that.
i mean, it’s been addressed in a way but not as a full episode, and i feel like morty looking for a new person to try and connect to, desperate to find someone who doesn’t hurt him and he can actually feel like a person around, and rick not having a person to lean on whether they like it or not causing him to kind of break a bit too. something something something
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silksongeveryday · 4 months
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 365!
1 year! One whole year of daily doodles!!
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Honestly?? Idk how to feel, so much has happened since I first started this blog.
I guess I’ll just write what I’m thinking right now??
(Everything under the cut, this thing is longer than I expected)
A lot of this text probably isn’t going to make sense. I’m writing this at 1 am. If there’s any mistakes or errors that’s why. I’ll fix them in the morning maybe.
So like. This whole thing kinda started as a joke, I wasn’t intending to actually draw for a year straight lmao. Like I even used a completely different art style from my regular one that was simple, quick and intentionally dumb. Not that I’m upset by it, I’m actually quite proud of myself that I managed to stick to something for an entire year. That’s pretty unusual for me believe it or not. My original intention was to stop at maybe 20 days because I really wasn’t expecting for this blog to get as much love as it did.
So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so so much to everyone who has followed and supported this silly little idea I had, you guys are the biggest reason my experience has been so positive and worth it. (Sure it’s not original but I hope it’s at least been interesting!)
I’ve said this a few times now but I’ve mentioned wanting to take a break. I’ll admit that even though it’s been fun it’s still pretty tiring to keep up with this blog sometimes since some recent life events have made it so hard. After some thought, I’ve decided that I’ll likely take a break sometime in the coming months. Maybe toward day 400 or so. As of right now, things are at a lull so I’ve been okay enough mentally and physically to keep up this daily streak I think. Though this could change in an instant for whatever reason.
Overall I think my burnout has kind of gone away I think?? Or at least I’ve been reinvigorated recently after replaying a few runs of hk randomizer and steel soul. No promises it’ll stay away but I silly expect it to come in waves.
Ok but call me crazy or delusional or whatever, but my hopes are up that Silksong will release this year. (which means slowing down/not doing daily doodles yay) I genuinely believe big news is coming since I’ve been getting a lot of dreams lately about something happening with Silksong in March. Idk, I could be wrong but after doing this for a year I’m literally clinging onto anything right now lol
I’d obviously still make the occasional doodle or two when HKSS releases but not daily. This stuff is tough to keep up sometimes, I would never do daily posts like this again once it’s over
Oh yeah also I have an actual big drawing I’m still working on, expect that in sometime in the next few weeks I think!
Anyway, I can’t think of anything else to say right now so I guess that’s it for now!
Thanks so much and here’s to more doodles!
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wekiaam · 2 months
2D NEWSIES: What I would change
I just realised I've been making fake concept art for a nonexistent animated Newsies adaptation for four years now. Over time, I've been getting so many ideas for this adaptation if it ever became real, I thought I would share them with you guys! This includes story changes, cut and additional songs and ideas for characters and style. I would love to know your thoughts on these!
When I started making concept art for "2dsies" as I came to be called, I intended for it to be based on the Broadway version and the Broadway version only. However, stories on stage differ a lot from stories told on screen, it just doesn't work the same way. I do still prefer the storyline of Broadway Newsies, but I think the best version would be a combination of the best parts of all different versions, plus some necessary changes. I would want Newsies to be a love letter to every production we've had, to everyone who made happen and every theatre kid who's been geeking out over it since 1992, while also being its own standalone movie that can be enjoyed by anybody. I am in no way an adequate screenwriter, these are just a few suggestions I have for a better story!
Like I said, the story will be based mainly on the Broadway storyline, meaning we still have Artist Jack, Katherine, and most elements from the show that aren't in the movie. It will, however, be quite different from the show and the movie, and maybe add some more of the real events from the newsboy strike. There are still some details and scenes I would like to add and some I would remove completely.
- I like the history lesson opening from the movie, it gives people just enough background information on the real historical events the story is based on. I don't know if it should be Racetrack or Jack narrating, though.
- In Santa Fe (prologue), Crutchie mentions he's afraid the other boys will find out about his bad leg, even though they all literally know him as Crutchie, and it seems to be the first time Jack tells him about his dream of going to Santa Fe, even though they've clearly been best friends for a long time. It feels off, UNLESS they only just met, which is why I love @raggedy-albert 's theory so much. I would have the scene start off with them as kids, and have them grow up throughout the song.
- I want to add a scene in the beginning of Katherine at the New York Sun to establish her character and motivations, and possibly a little foreshadowing. Just an idea for a scene; she goes to the editor to let him read her story covering the trolley strike, but he reminds her of "her place" and that she's lucky enough to be in the position she's in and that she should go review a vaudeville or something. This would not only give her a similar motivation to the newsies, but also, if we're gonna bring the women's rights movement into the story let's do it right!
- Of course I'd also like to add more romantic interactions between Jack and Katherine, to make their relationship more believable. However, I don't think they should be a couple immediately after the finale, I was more thinking of an open ending to their relationship where Jack takes his first step to staying in New York by finally asking her out.
- Maybe add the actual scene where Jack and Davey visit Brooklyn instead of having them tell the other newsies what Spot said right before Seize the Day. Show don't tell, you know?
- A scene where Jack visits Crutchie at the refuge, similar to the one in the movie, but with the sadness Jack describes it with in the show. Again, show, don't tell. Show me how Jack visits the place of his nightmares again only to find his best friend in a worse state than ever and being unable to save him.
- Katherine punches Jack after the rally. Give it to me.
- Additional scene after Jack and Katherine's song after the rally where Jack formally apologizes to the newsies. Because in the show it just cuts from "omg he's a sellout *spits on the floor*" to "yay captain Jack is back" and it just doesn't sit right with me.
- There should be an entirely new Pulitzer song. The Bottom Line is good but by far the most skippable song on the cast recording, and The News Is Getting Better (the off broadway cut song) is a little Better but not quite the evil capitalist song we need.
- Swap Something to Believe In for When I See You Again. It's such a sweet song and I think it suits Jack and Katherine a lot better. It's much more "Neither of us know what tomorrow brings but when I'm with you I know we can change things for the better, even if it's scary but for now let's be here together and forget the world for a bit" instead of "I love you but I'm still gonna chase my cowboy dreams"
- Cut Letter From The Refuge, since my idea was to have this be a scene instead.
- Some lyric changes!
In Santa Fe: "Crutchie's callin' me, he's fine, just too damn slow"
In Once And For All: add this lyric from the movie, "Better to die than to crawl".
In Seize the Day: "Friends of the friendless seize the day, raise up the torch and light the way", not in the song but in the reprise where all the working children of the city gather before the finale.
Additional: "Still it seems like the dream of a boy, not a man", from The Truth About The Moon, a cut song from the movie that was supposed to be sung by Sarah. I don't know where I would put this lyric, but it could be said or sung by Jack as he realises what he's really looking for is not actually Santa Fe.
- I want to add more girls to the background newsies, first of all.
- Sarah still won't do anything for the plot, but Davey and Les could mention that they have a sister. She's still canon to me.
- Speaking of Les, let's make him more likeable and also more helpful.
- Snyder has two scary dogs with him at all times.
- Just and idea, maybe Denton could still be a character if we replace Darcy with him, or maybe combine the two. Have him be Katherine's chaperone and friend formally, but also her reporter bestie. They could be a fun journalist duo!
- The movie will still include the iconic choreography, which means it couldn't be fully 2D, but rather a mix between hand drawn and CGI.
-I would love for the backgrounds in the movie to be similar to impressionist and romantic art styles from the 19th century, to really sell how it's a story told from Jack's perspective. Especially his dream-like imaginations of Santa Fe would be brilliant in this style.
- I want to include a lot of weather foreshadowing. Rain right before Seize The Day and the sun breaking through when Davey starts singing. Mist surrounding Snyder and sudden darkness whenever he's near. A beautiful sunset when Jack and Katherine are alone on the rooftop. And of course, partly cloudy, clear by evening. It's such a cool way of visual storytelling when you have a plot that has no magic involved, like in most Disney movies.
- The real people characters' designs (Pulitzer, Hearst, Roosevelt) can be based on political cartoon caricature versions of themselves.
And lastly, quotes from the movie I liked that could be inspiring for the animated movie:
-"When I created the World..." "🙄" and "Where was I?" "You created the World, chief?"
- "No, we'll be just a bunch of angry kids with no money"
-"What, you couldn't stay away?" "Well I guess I can't be something I ain't." "A scab?" "No, smart."
Many of these ideas are still in development. Some might work, some may not, but I will be basing any future work I'll post on here on these ideas. I would love to see you guys  discuss and add on to these!
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penguin--rat · 7 months
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cardiomyocytes and connective tissue @nopanamaman
I’ve wanted to do a fic like this for some time now, a ‘thank you’ letter to PAFL and its community of sorts. I’m happy I finally got around to writing it:) 
I wasn’t sure whether I should do this or not, but, hey! It might make someone feel a bit better!! Or, reading the fic will. That’s enough reason, I think, and you don’t have to read this, of course, no matter who you are.
First of all, I want to talk about PAFL a bit.
The first PAFL song I listened to was PiP. I saw its thumbnail when listening to some other music youtube, and so, I listened to it. Oh boy am I glad I did:) I remember thinking how cool it is that someone's making songs for their OCs and that people are interested in them. I could see so much love for the characters in it. I was so happy when I discovered there were more songs like that!! This was around when Comfort Zone had first come out, a week or two after at most. That was two years ago. I’ve been obsessed ever since.
I love PAFL. I genuinely love that songs haven’t been coming out much lately. Like, there’s media that comes out weekly and sucks shit. I’m glad Ferry is taking their time with this!!! Even if all we get each year is one song, that’s cool, because the community is wonderful and we also get doodles and art and now patreon stuff.. yippee yay… !!! And even if we didn’t. who the fuck caressss!!!!! I love coming up with AUs and OCs and theorizing with my friends!!! the time between songs gives us time to do all that:)
The characters are so charming. Every member of the cast has been a fave of mine at some point or another. They’re all so, real! I love them! I love how they fuck up and I love how they get fucked over and I love how they get exploded and killed and shot and hugged and saved and helped!!! They’re human… might not make sense, but i rlly do like them…
It’s so neat looking back at older songs and seeing how stuff’s changed. The art style, the music, it’s all so nice to look back on. Even if I wasn’t there for it.
And don’t even get me started on the worldbuilding..  Everyone say thank you to Boris Strugackij and Arkadij Strugackij for making roadside picnic and inspiring Ferry to make this… so lovely and neat. wonderful. I have not read it myself, but I might, just to be able to make my own pafl OCs more swagger..
So. This fic.
I can’t mention two years ago without at least mentioning my depression.
I can’t remember most of last year, speaking truthfully. Parts of 2021 are also fuzzy. Depression and anxiety are terrible, would not recommend. This feels cheesy to say, but it does get better!!! Slowly, unsteadily, it gets better!!! I don’t mean for this part of the post to be a ‘feel bad for me’ thing at all. Do not. I am safe and healthy now and I couldn’t be happier to be here right now.
Is life good now?? Sorta, but what matters to me right now is, I’m happy!!! It feels so surreal. I never thought I’d be like this. A part of me wants to be angry, to get depressed again about how I could have been happy all this time. But I won’t!!! Because then I’d spiral and forget another year, and, I don’t want that!
Which is so cool!!! I can like, fucking, do stuff now!! I can throw away the bad thoughts, embrace the good ones, encourage myself!!! I do things!!! I go outside and goddd dude that’s so good!! I go outside!!!
I’m doing stuff! I’m drawing, writing, cleaning my room, taking care of myself!!! If I didn’t stay alive to enjoy these small joys, what am I even here for?? 
And I’m alive!!! I’m here!!! I made it, I’m here, writing this on 10th november, 2023, and I’m ALIVE!!!! How cool is that??? 
And yea, the world is shitty, it sucks ass, but, my friends don’t!!!:3 and that’s more than enough for me… SHOUT OUT TO MY FRIENDS!!! I LOVE YOU DUDES!!!
Moving on:
It doesn’t feel right to say that I’m here now only to PAFL. But, what I can say is that it’s been a wonderful crutch for me!! It’s been something to focus on, something silly, but also something I can relate to, and something that inspires me to make my own stuff! I’d most likely still be here, were it not for these silly songs.. but, not sure I’d be as alive as I am now! Unsure if my heart would feel right in my chest! And I wouldn’t have met my amazing friends!!!! Everyone here is so nice.
Dima may be a bit OOC in this fic, and that's because! This fic is based on my own experiences, which, i don’t think is bad…
I could talk here forever about how it gets better. Butttt to be quite honest I don’t wanna lol. I just wanna say, Thank you! to Parties are for Losers, for being cool. 
(Though I also wanna say, don’t put Ferry on a pedestal, they’re human, we all make mistakes, all that stuff.)
Ok time to go back to my manly Sergei ways and never talk about emotions ever again. or as anya would say: FUCK IT WE BALL!!!!!
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mygwenchan · 4 months
Is Playboyy really that messy?
If you look at the quick succession of scenes, some barely reaching the 2 minutes mark, the changes in mood and style - here a romantic kiss, there a dramatic reveal with the occasional social criticism thrown into the mix - the answer would probably be: Yes, it's very messy. The characters and the plot lines are plenty. You've got tons of imagery from other media as well - ep11 was especially rich in movie references. It's all over the place and it's a lot!
But I wonder, what if the series works similar to a pointillism painting?
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It's one brightly colored dot right to the next, but the image itself will only be revealed when you take a few steps back. Only then can you see the figures and the landscapes immerging from the chaos.
If you ask me, Playboyy is like a collage of queer life. It takes the pop culture, the Greek statues, the (sometimes failed) romance, the sex and kink, the drama, the music, the clothes, the activism, the conflicts with older generations, the experimental styles, the references... The series takes all these things and sticks them together to create something new: They put Michelangelo's David next to a pair of rainbow angel wings, next to an article about murdered prostitutes, next to the cut out of an underwear fashion model, next to a cheesy quote from Notting Hill.
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So Playboyy can't be only a series that discusses sex or offers criticism towards problems in our modern societies. You've got those things in there, mind you: Look at the upper right corner of the artwork and you'll find discussions about kink and consent or look down and you'll have your critique towards a government that can't even acknowledge prostitution is real. But as a whole, Playboyy is a collection of different experiences, things that happend and things that are only imagination.
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The series itself tells us repeatedly that it's neither a thriller nor an action movie or an 80's romcom. Playboyy can't be just one thing, one genre, because it encompasses everything (everything that is queer that is).
It is up to us viewers what we want to take from this piece of art. You can watch it as a silly and entertaining flick (equivalent to: Yay~ Lots of bright colors and glitter :D) or go for the cinematography and the references (how did they even build this thing? o.O) or discuss political issues (let me read that news article again...), talk about sex and kink (is that a naked guy with a dog mask over there? omg!) and so on and so forth. I think in the end Playboyy the Series is meant to be a vehicle for us, to get the discussions going and to show us the many different facets of queer life in Thailand.
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omori-neon-black-au · 5 months
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OFFICIAL NEON BLACK SPLASH ART IS HERE AFTER LITERALLY A YEAR. REJOICE. details and design notes and whatnot under the cut you know the drill
black: the plot never got to this point, but yeah the book of death would’ve allowed him to summon white space hands. also small thing about the mask i never mentioned - it’s asymmetrical to represent both sunny and omori. sunny’s side is a lot softer, with the broken horn and smaller fangs, while omori gets the fucked up eye and significantly sharper points. idk. fun detail.
orange: his rabbit’s foot is visible now, yay! the streak of light behind him is highlighted yellow instead of green because like. yes his card is torn yes he’s activating stomp’s discard but consider - stomp discard is hard to visually show. just pretend he’s doing it. also his shoes are supposed to resemble a paw, to lean into the dog aesthetic.
navy: i never want to draw guns again. the boots are more styled after green’s, but that’s basically the only change.
pink: oh yeah, other than her bat her signature would’ve been illegally modified fireball cards. that’s why their halos are so shaky. the actual modification would’ve been making them double barreled as opposed to the in-game single barrel. didn’t draw her with them because guns suck and i hate them.
lavender: did i ever mention she’s a non-combatant? she does the bare minimum to qualify for the 10 days of judgement but otherwise does not participate. that’s why she doesn’t have any cards.
mint: like black, mint uses the book of death to summon extra help. his is vines instead of hands because duh, it’s basil, he’s a gardener, that’s his whole thing.
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Thoughts I had while watching episodes 6-8 of Bridgerton Season 3. Yes, I finally watched all of Bridgerton. Yes, I have many thoughts about episode 5, but I need more time to compose them. Don't read more if you don't want spoilers.
Episode 6
-Yay Francesca & Lord Kilmartin. I adore this couple almost as much as Polin.
-Eloise & Pen's first real talk in Pen's bedroom. Maybe they'll get their friendship healed.
-Violet & Lord Anderson 😍
-Why does Lady Danbury despise her brother?
-That little dance in the church 😍😍😍
-I get why Cressida did what she did. I would've done anything to avoid marrying an old creepy dinosaur as well. But she just makes everything worse and worse.
-That talk between Portia & Pen. I suspect it is supposed to be sweet, but I hate it, especially after seeing how things have been in the past. I don't trust or like Portia.
-Violet unable to show Francesca & John the same level of excitement & love as she gives Polin is hard to watch.
-Pen's sisters suck.
-I really, really, REALLY wish Colin had known the truth before he proposed & they had sex. That is something they changed from the book, and not for the better.
-Oh lord, Cressida is a horrid writer & both she & her mom know it 😬
-Benedict is not handling Anthony buying his place at the art school well. I hate that Benedict is denying his creative abilities. The man has talent and he's so hurt and doesn't believe in himself anymore, and it hurts to watch.
-I think what I hate most about Portia treating Pen decently is the fact that I can't believe it will last, nor do I think that Portia is being genuine. I think this is all cause she's trying to keep Colin's favor. And it frustrates me. Because Pen deserves better.
-The unfolding flower thing was cool.
-Oh boy, I feel so bad for Francesca. She just wants to be with John & be happy. Definitely bringing up some feels from my own engagement.
-Lady Danbury & her brother 😔
-i hate aimless Benedict.
-Colin twirling Pen is everything. I love happy twirling.
-I really appreciate the deaf representation this season.
-Cressida's red dress would be stunning if not for that horrendous giant bow.
-Colin is going to be writing so much smut for Pen. I guarantee it.
-Pen not wanting Cressida to take credit for all her hard work, boy do I feel that.
-I get that the queen is supposed to stand out from everyone else, but her dresses seem to be from a completely different time period. Like, I know that the costumes aren't necessarily period accurate, but wouldn't everyone be trying to match the queen's style of dress?
-Peneloise ❤️❤️❤️
-Ok, writing with a quill & ink in a carriage seems next to impossible to write something legible.
-Colin's face on discovering the truth 😔
Episode 7
-This fight. Oh god, Colin's crying. Pen's crying. I'm crying. This is brutal.
-Pen's issue of LW calling out Cressida 10/10.
-I've said it before and I'll say it again. I would watch the Lady Danbury & Violet show.
-Colin & Eloise's talk ❤️
-Really, Colin? You are the one who was alone with Pen countless times, constantly sought her out at events, ruined Debling's proposal, left her without prospects, & she "entrapped" you? I think not.
-I can't decide what I feel about the Tilley & Benedict & Paul storyline. Was it necessary?
-Flustered Violet getting called on by Lord Anderson is adorable.
-At least Cressida seems to feel so e remorse, though if they go the book route she will be all blackmaily by the end of this episode or the beginning of next.
-"Our mother adores you!". Benedict I love you.
-I really like the Mondrich family. Will loves his wife so much.
-I love Genevieve & Pen & wish we had more interactions between them.
-"No such thing as true love without first embracing your true self.". I think I need that on a shirt.
-As a very short girl, I love that they show Pen standing on raised areas to be more eye level with Colin.
-I'm glad Pen called him out.
-Welp he really was going to try to finger her on the street. Poor boy is so in love & horny even when he's mad 😅
-Kate & Anthony sitting Colin down 🥹
-Kate. I just. I love her.
-The little wave Anthony gives Kate as she leaves him alone with Colin 😍
-I am glad Lady Danbury & her brother are clearing the air.
-Lord Greer with the mansplaining of a nom de plume.
-Colin when he sees Pen in her wedding dress 🥹🥹🥹
-OMSquee that veil 😍😍😍
-I know people go on about the carriage scene, but the wedding vows are so beautifully done. I will be rewatching that many, many times.
-Holding hands. I love it!
-Pen's sisters being nice is just as weird to watch as it is for Pen to experience.
-"A lot of dust in here too" 🥺😅
-So they're shipping Kate & Anthony off to India?
-Oh, Pen, I too know those feelings of new husband off talking to others and ignoring you during the reception. It sucks.
-I love the shot of them dancing with no one else around.
-Anthony, do not ruin your mom's chance at happiness. I will be very cross with you if you do.
-The queen interrupting what should've been a Polin kiss 🤬
-I get that she's the queen, but this is shitty behavior.
-Eloise is proving to have learned to be a better friend, and I'm proud of her. That hug ❤️
-This is the season of Polin and on Polin's wedding night we have Benedict's threesome? Really? I don't mind the threesome, I applaud Benedict embracing his bi-ness, but couldn't they have done that in another episode?
-Great, Cressida is up to no good again.
Episode 8
-Colin, Colin, Colin. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
-Rae with the promotion to housekeeper. She deserves it.
-Yup, they're going with the blackmail plot. They kept that from the book, but didn't have Colin learn the truth of LW before the carriage make-out & proposal? I am definitely salty about some of the choices this season.
-Cressida, I get that you are at the end of your rope and are making poor life choices, but I really hoped that you'd grown as a person.
-The love I have for Lady Danbury is more than I can express.
-Also, that is a gorgeous chess set.
-Phillipa & Prudence's husbands. These poor guys.
-Francesca, I too long for the quiet.
-These threesome scenes seem almost as unnecessary as Colin's brothel scenes in part 1.
-Ok, Colin, your speech is beautiful, but you don't know how shitty Cressida's dad is. But also, that defense speech ❤️❤️❤️
-Peneloise is back and I love it.
-I am done with this fucking threesome. I am here for Polin content. They couldn't have waited for Benedict's season to do this???
-Lady Danbury & Violet ❤️❤️❤️
-And more of the threesome. I am beyond done with it.
-Oh, Polin the separate sleeping arrangements 😔
-Oh hey, they're not going to leave the solicitor as a dangling plot thread. Wondered if we'd get more from him.
-Francesca & Violet ❤️❤️❤️
-Violet & Lord Anderson. They are absolutely precious.
-The piano duet ❤️
-"The house is far too warm.". 😳🙄😳🙄
-Ok, but I am so happy for more Benedict & Eloise on the swings. I've missed that this season.
-Pen's family does not deserve her.
-Oh, Pen, you have me in tears.
-Colin is so proud and in love 😍
-I really enjoy Finch.
-Well, with the blessing of Lady Danbury all is much better.
-"That was bloody brilliant." 🥹🥹🥹
-Violet dancing 🥹🥹🥹
-Did Francesca just fall for her husband's cousin???
-What was that??? 6 seconds of Polin smut? So much Benedict threesome and we get barely any Polin? Boo, I say. Boo.
-These babies are all giant.
Season 3 Part 1: Very Rewarchable
Season 3 Part 2: Oof.
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yourroyalhoneyness · 1 year
Just let me love you …alright
Tags: Fluff, Light, Romantic, slight nsfw if u look closely, writing errors, some angst I guess
Summary: it's has been almost a year and in that time. Noah and Mirage have gained feelings for one another. Mirage makes known his feelings and has implied them by dropping many hints. Noah on the other hand doesn't always take the advancement of mirage. But would love to be with the mech. However, is a fear of what may happens if he is miss reading things right.But Mirage is determined to be by Noah’s side. But is Noah ready to take this leap of faith like the ones before? And start something more than the friendship they possess.
Mirage is a big flirt and also possessive of his human crush. but will back off when told to However it is not for long. But will push some boundaries
Basically, best bros in love
Excuse the long delay. Along with the same writing and, spelling errors if there are any. I may try doing these more frequently. Also Along with some ask and request. They are welcome. I Will get try to respond to all of them. However, it is not guaranteed that I will. Same with me staying consistent in story, character, fandom, and writing style. I will also be posting my art, news, and more stories /fics. First story yay. Still learning how to write and find My writing style. Would appreciate some tips and advice on how to improve in the future. Gentle Constructive Criticism, please. So that is all for now. Hope you u guys like ❤️.
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Mirage was annoyed. Which was odd cause, he did most of the annoying toward Noah. Not the other way around.
Why was Mirage annoyed with Noah? Well, it was because of his human companion. Has recently been avoiding him a lot lately. But most of the time they are in the same place with the same people. And Noah somehow still finds any way to avoid him. For example, he would spend more time with work in the garage fixing other people's things. And on missions with the Gi.Joe agents and the Autobot, Along with spending time with Noah's family. Yet somehow even spending time with the same people, in the same space. The small human in some way managed to keep his distance from Mirage.
It has been at least a year. Since, the almost invasion of Unicron and fought against the terrcons. Since then they had gotten close. Not as close as Mirage would have liked. But they had grown their relationship. To have an opportunity to be more, Than friends more the boys. At least that is what Mirage thought.
Until his so-called best ‘friend’ started avoiding him like the damen Cosmic Rust. He misses spending time with his human.
He has noticed a change between himself and the other. Going from getting closer to one another.To feel like strangers again. It was the most annoying thing in Mirage's life.
Usually, the two of them chat on their nightly drives. And chat as in Mirage flirting with Noah. And Noah tries to not get flustered along with trying to talk about something else, and sometimes Noah throws back a bit of his charm.
It has been a few weeks since they have been on a is acceptable nightly Drive whether they were talking or not.
He wants to be more for Noah than just to be his friend. More than best friend even. He wants more of his attention and his time. And wants to do the same for Noah and so much more. The mech gladly do so much more if the small human asked him so.
Don't give Mirage wrong he loves to talk, but with Noah it's different. A lot of things were different whit, Noah, not only because them being from two different worlds. Literally. But he felt comply differently with Noah than any other person.
Mainly more different from any topical crash that Mirage has ever had.
Noah was fixing a neighbor's car that was brought in. Earlier, this morning, and has yet to be removed from the task. Said, a neighbor was being a bit handy and too close to Noah. When bringing in her car. Mirage was fighting to keep his engine from growling loudly. Especially when she gave her opinion of Mirage's alt mode. Now that in general would be the thing to get to him. But no it was the way she was interacting. mostly her just flirting with Noah.
Noah didn't seem to mind or even notice that factor. But the silver mech did. That was another reason why he was annoyed with the small human.
Mirage was in his root mode. On his side of the shared garage arms crossed and pouting. watch Noah working on his talent. Putting more of his weight against the wall to meet it. Changing his posture to a different one of his more relaxed ones.
“Bud, you need to give that handsome head of yours a break,” Mirage suggested
Noah didn't turn his attention from the car he was working on.
“Not now I’m basically almost finished with this car.”
Mirage caught Noah's tone sounding slightly...vex.Oh, now this gave a reason to get Noah out. And the silver mech just how. “Come on sweetheart you and I both need to get out of this garage. Also, you have been working non-stop since this morning and it's almost midnight.”
Noah knew Mirages was right it's has been a while since they'd been on night drives. He understood been avoiding his friend for a while but he had a reason. He knows that the silver Bot had a point. Along with being right he and Mirage had to get out of the garage at some point. Also having to stop avoiding the mech, and talk to him eventually about it too.
Mirage always found a way for him not to say no to him. Knowing the mech also needs to get out, Noah did indeed very much need a break right now.
Slumping forward slightly smiling, signing turning to meet Mirage's gaze. “Let me get my jacket and clean up real quick k.”Fighting a smile as wide as Mirage was.
The drive was silent. Silents that they knew had to be broken at some point
But something played in the back of his mind even now. Something like a lack of certainty, or doubt. The Porshe had something also on his mind and knew something was going on in Noah’s head also. And he wanted to get down to it and find out if it was maybe the reason why Noah was avoiding him too.
“Hey, sweetheart is there something on your mind you want to talk about, don't lie to me.” It was stated as more of a statement than a question.
Mirage had a way that made Noah's heart flutter whenever called him a pet name especially when saying it in such a charming tone.
Noah knew he can not dodge it and he didn't want to lie about it. It made his stomach churn. Just thinking about it. Mirage could sense he needs a min and perhaps even give him a slight push too.
“How about I go first...hm, is that ok with you bud.”
“Ok, yeah...sure,” Noah answered. he don't let it show, but he could help but feel his flutter with hope. Still, Noah had doubts.
They stopped at a secluded Cliff looking towards the outskirts of the city. Noah jumped out. So, Mirage could change back to his root mode. Sitting down far from the edge. Then place the small human in his lap. So they would meet each other gaze. Smirking at the sight of the flustered look on Noah. Also making sure to place one of his arms around his waist mostly to keep Noah from falling...or escaping.
“I like you, no, that's not right Noah I love you, and have been wanting to tell you for such a long time but...if you don't want me then anything more than friends. We will, I will forget ever had this conversation...alright.” Mirage feels a weight lifted from his shoulders. But he knows Noah feels the same but if he tells him that he just wants to be friends and doesn't have the same. Then that, that. However, the look on Noah’s said that Mirage was mostly right about Noah having the same feelings. Though there was something else. That looked like... doubt.
Noah was not sure if this was a dream or not. Mirage love...him.
"You love me?"
"Yes, you there no one else here. Or that I love like you."Bring his servo to place toward Noah's head. Having a Smile worth a million Watts. Look at him like he was the most precious thing in his life.
Noah still has a hard time believing every. Why him? "But why me?"
"What do mean by why you? Noah why not you!?" Mirage kind of felt offended by that statement. What did he not make obvious that he had feelings for Noah? He was almost taken aback. Still grinning but had a slight hint of concern.
Noah still struggling to get that Mirage means every word he was saying. He loves Noah. Out of anyone he chose him. He felt his heart for flutter just at the thought but still had the same thought playing in the back of his head.
"Mirage you can have anyone else in the world hell even in the Univers. I am just some guy. In a world that doesn't even comprehend a relationship that we may have. You can do so much better than me." He paused looking back at Mirage noticing a different expression. He's heard stories from him and the other Autobots about them being able to be in the same-sex relationship on Cybertron and it saw as the norm. But on Earth is different not everyone can comprehend a relationship ,like that let alone one with both a human and a Cybertronian both presented as male.
Noah lowered his head look down. He felt like he wanted to scream and cry. But Mirage was having nuh of that. Left his head, bringing him close than ever before. Still have that amazing smile that Noah had always loved.
Noah couldn't help but lean into the touch.
"I love you, I want you, and only you. Because no one likes you. I don't want better when I already have the best. You are amazing and when we are together. I don't feel like that around anyone else only you. And when we are together we're both even more awesome. I don't want anyone else. I want you and only you. I don't care what others have to say about it. And if my sappy speech doesn't convince you otherwise yes. Guss I just going to have to show you." If Mirage had to put in neon signs no one understand that .he gladly did whatever but there is no one like no one that got with his rhythm so fast no one sees ever felt this. particular way until he met Noah.
Noah felt almost beat out of his chest. This was real and Mirage meant every word. He closed the space between his and Mirage's lips.
Mirage doesn't hesitate to start moving his lip plate in sync with Noah's lips.
Then parted from each other. Mirage had to fight not to chase Noah's lip to reconnect them back together.
Then Noah spoke, "Are you sure it's me you want?" He just to make sure one more time that this was real and that this was actually.
"Noah yes, I'm sure you are my boy. My best friend. You made me whole. Fuck you have been inside me. Noah no joke I love you, and have no intention of letting you go." Resting his head lightly on top of Noah's bringing their head foreheads together.
Noah gave a slight giggle "I love you too much. Rj"
"Good, Oh and Noah"
"Yes, mi amor."
Ok, That did something to Mirage's Spark.
"Don't ever purposely try avoiding me ever again trust me you will regret it next time"
Noah couldn't help to suppress his laugh. But did promise he would never do that again.
The end
Or is it?
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dumping-ideas · 1 year
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A little tidbit about this year's April Fools (my JP isn't that good though so there's probably some misinfo):
Mikudemy is a prestigious music school known all over the world, and just recently(?) open a Shibuya branch
they learn about music, but there are also classes about art and video making, also normal school subject stuff
one of the subject is idol history
there's a choir competition(?) in fall, but apparently they need to perform with an instrument, Rui plays an udo drum
the graduation exam(?) is top secret and only be told on the day of exam
Each group gets admitted to school in different ways:
Leo/Need normally gets an invitation letter, but with an additional letter that they might get "something special" from the school.
MMJ is invited to the school through MMJ!Miku, who might/might not have an acquaintance at that school (Mikudayo)
VBS got a challenge letter alongside their invitation letter from someone unknown (hinted to be VBS Miku with help from Mikudayo).
WxS helped Mikudayo who got her foot stuck in a ditch(?), so she personally invited them to school.
25 got in through 25 Miku's acquaintance who invited her to the school (Mikudayo)
WxS!Kaito is actually worried whether it's okay for him to be a student, but VBS!Meiko(or is it alongside L/N!Luka?) assured him that it's fun to be closer to the kids.
They're divided into 4 class, which is said to suit them the best:
Cautious Heart: Honami, Haruka, Kohane, Tsukasa, Mafuyu, L/N!Luka, VBS!Meiko
Haruka commented that their class should be called the Brave Class because of Kohane and Honami
Haruka calls VBS!Meiko as Mei-chan so Honami can call L/N!Luka by Luka-chan
Tsukasa thought that L/N!Luka is a doppelganger, before Luka said that she knows 4 people with the same name and face as hers.
(Also I thought Tsukasa called Mafuyu as Asahina, but apparently it's Asahina-san, I'm totally right about Tenma-kun though so yay!)
When they talked about graduation, Tsukasa and Mafuyu assured Haruka, Kohane, and Honami that because everyone in the class is taking lessons seriously, they should be okay. Mafuyu said that it's probably Dayo-sensei that issued the challenge letter, and Tsukasa agree because Akito and An would definitely take that challenge.
Tsukasa summing up their conversation with they should spend the remaining days until graduation confidently, and the four of them answered him. Tsukasa naturally takes the leader spot again lol
Passion Heart: Saki, Minori, An, Rui, Mizuki, MMJ!Rin, VBS!Len
Rui said that the name both suit them and not, but Mizuki said that it definitely suits the Rui now.
Apparently Saki also has her Tsukasa style introduction lol
Mizuki and Rui think it's nice that their name is easy to find, but Len and Minori said that it's fun to be able to know who their classmates would be. Rui had a monologue that he didn't care about it before because nothing would change every school year, but now it's different
Solid Heart: Shiho, Airi, Akito, Nene, Ena, WxS!Kaito
Akito thinks that their class' name is lousy, he's kinda pissed that Ena is in the same class as him (Shiho agreed that she also didn't want to be in the same class as Shizuku www)
Ena is surprised to meet WxS!Kaito lol, saying that 25!Kaito always have an annoyed face(?) and prickly. WxS!Kaito basically said the same thing as L/N!Luka iirc
Nene thinks that Shiho and Ena sings very well
Airi says that Akito (who's watching Ena's interaction with Shiho and Nene) might find it weird to see Ena acting like a big sister
Pure Heart (protag 25!Miku class): Ichika, Shizuku, Toya, Emu, Kanade, 25!Miku
Not much is known about Pure Heart class (somehow I haven't got any of their area convo after the class division, so this class story might progress during the day until the end of April Fool).
Emu immediately befriended 25!Miku (there's a cute animation of Emu running to 25!Miku and Kanade)
There's also small plot about a sport(?) fes:
Each Miku helps the class in preparing for the sport class (VBS!Miku helps Solid Heart, L/N!Miku should be helping Cautious Heart but they don't really need the help, MMJ!Miku should be helping Passion Heart but they also don't need the help... by elimination, WxS!Miku should be helping Pure Heart class)
Soccer Baseball: Saki & Mizuki (Saki never plays it before even in grade school), Tsukasa & Honami (Tsukasa thought that Honami seemed like she's good at it lol), Akito
Table tennis: WxS!Kaito & Shiho & Airi, Kohane & L/N!Luka, MMJ!Rin,
Basketball: Mafuyu & Haruka, An (she challenges Haruka for a match)
Undecided: Rui
Cooking(?): Meiko
Round and round bat (the one where you spin around a bat and then run to the goal I think?): Nene & Ena (Akito interrupted their convo lol), Minori (for variety show exp), Kanade
Futsal: VBS!Len
All in all, this year's April Fool is as fun as last year!! And there's a new song!! By 27(?) of them!! I can only hear Tsukasa www
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skulla-rxcks · 1 year
🧸CHAPTER ONE} I like you more than a roommate
Next chapter
Paring: roommate!Hyunjin X fem reader
Rating: mature (eventually explicit)
Genre: friends to lovers, fluff, eventual smut
Chapter Warnings/things: storms
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Your roommate Hyunjin is slowly catching feelings for you. You get more clingy to him as he helps you through your needs and issues, he loves you but doesn’t know how to show it.
A/n: I’ve been working on this for a bit and I can’t be bothered finishing majority of this chapter since I wanna get it out.
P.s: I haven’t edited this chapter and probably won’t bc I can’t be bothered, also no TWS for this chapter.
I sit back, focusing on the sound of my paint brush sweeping across the canvas, creating a beautiful image of a mermaid in a lagoon. I haven’t slept all night due to working on this painting, though I did steal this plain canvas from my roommate, he probably wouldn’t mind.
“I’m back! Dance practice was really tiring.. my shoulder hurts..” And there he is. My roommate himself, Hyunjin. I laugh slightly, moving away from my art to greet him. “Couldn’t you just take a break from dancing? Have sometime to yourself maybe, you know.. I’m always here if you feel like hanging out. it’s break after all. “
He looks at me, tilting his head to the side and scratching his neck. “I’m down for hanging out. I’m pretty sure today was our last dance session anyways" i gasp in joy after hearing that he'll finally have time to rest. "Yay! I guess we can do some art stuff then, I’ll show you what I've been doing" a warm smile forms on my face as i take his hand in mine, leading him over to the painting I’m currently working on.
“Wow.. the background blends so nicely!” He gasps, rubbing my shoulder with pride.
I feel my cheeks flush slightly, but smile.
"It’s nothing much. Just my usual style, I’m not sure if I like how the water looks or not"
Hyunjin 's hand stays on my shoulder for a few seconds longer before he parts his lips to speak again. “The water looks incredible, i would say I could do better but i can’t.”
My face heats up once again after listening to his pitiful, yet comfortable comments being thrown at me.
I walk out of our art closet, (which is basically a small closet we made into a mini art studio) and gently place my painting on the windowsill. The breeze is slightly cold, i close the window to keep warm. Shivering, I grab one of Hyunjin’s hoodies and slide it over my shirt, it’s a bit baggy but whatever. “What are you drawing?” I ask as i sit beside him again, hugging my knees to my chest due to the sudden change of the weather.
“Just someone” he mumbles. My eyes can’t help but look at how pretty he is when concentrating; hair tied back, eyebrows slightly frowned. I notice his face looking pale, i shuffle closer, lightly touching his cheek with my knuckle. “Your cold.. give me a minute.” I stand up, making my way to the kitchen and turning the kettle on. I get out two mugs, pouring in warm milk, coco, sugar and adding some marshmallows for each one. Two hot chocolates coming up!u
I waddle back into the room slowly stumbling as I hold the drinks that are filled to the brim.
“Here you go!” I giggle, handing him one of the hot chocolates, receiving a hug in response.
“Ah thanks .. I’m gonna get into bed, it’s gonna storm later. You can join me if you’d like, I know you don’t like storms.” He groans, chucking his sketchbook on the ground and pulling the covers over him. My eyes watch his movements, he sips his drink and puts it on a small table next to his bed.
I get in my own bed, admiring his features from a far.
A few hours past, he’s asleep already. I sigh, staring at the ceiling. It’s already raining and the storm is gliding over to us, *buzz.. buzz* the light starts flickering as the power goes out.
“N-no..please don’t do this to me tonight.. n-no.. no..” i clench my sheets and cry softly.
“J-Jinnieee.. w-wake up, it’s scary..”
I sob louder, shaking from the cold and my fears.
“Jinnie…” I lay down under the sheets with him
“Hm?.. Hey Shh, you’re okay. Come here.” Hyunjin moves closer to me, hugging me tightly as my tears soak through his shirt. “The storm is outside. You’re safe in here with me. It’s not gonna get us”
“B-but what if it d-“ My words are cut off as my head pushes into his chest, before I know it he’s leaving soft kisses on my head while continuing to soothe me. “I… I..” I let my eyes look at his lips for a sec then back to his eyes. My arms tighten around him as i cry myself to sleep.
© 2023 skulla_rxcks
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
So...I MAY have been collecting Fawfuls like pokemon cards <3
(and what the heck do I mean by that exactly??) WELL in a discord GC my friend Parmy suggested we’d imitate each other’s art styles as like a collab of sorts? Well...I kinda took that a step further heheh ^^
(And fun fact...this was supposed to be something I was gonna do for AU day of Fawful month too, but that idea got cut due to time)
So may I present...the different Fawfuls I drew!! For my friends/cool acquaintances!
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So the one who led up to this in the first place, Fawful from @parmsnik AU!! He is dating/eventually marrying Naspi depending on where you’re at in the AU haha! Your way of drawing Fawful seems to change a little bit each time you draw him, so I tried to my best to guestimate a consistent looking Fawf! Very cute!
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Up next is Fawful from @the-spacewaffle AU!! Yippee Ronnie’s AU! Thanks for being my friend for so long,,to talk about Fawful and all that stuff y’know? I’ll be cheering you on to complete the story qwq your Fawful is always so nice to my OCs when we crossover khskdjh also...pet the Reddo!
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Eee yay now it’s @snuffydoo Fawful and his AU title I totally made up on the spot! I know you don’t really have a name for that kind of thing and it doesn’t have to be canon but I hope you think it’s cute anyways haha! I had a lot of fun drawing this one!! It’s so stylized! AND IT HAS DIMMY (I enjoy your Dimmy artstyle sm) but I don’t draw Spamton very often kjhskgh
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Here’s @federthenotsogreat Fawful AU of sunshine goodness~! HE RETURNITH (and since I couldn’t think of another character to feature with your AU...not knowing if Cackletta is there or not jhgskg I gave him a cute little swirly sun!) I admire the fact his outfit is mostly YELLOW and also blue those are cool colors OH AND THAT LEG TOO, also super cool :)
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The smol and cute @omgtheywereroomates Fawf! Your ask blog is so neat! I know I don’t ask too many questions there but I just,,,the cartoony fluffy hair?? Love that, and also thank you for your support and the super cool ship as well ^^ 
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Heheee yeah hey it’s @cammiluna Fawful from Immortal Fool! Before you say anything YES I’m aware he’s got the new design since it’s near the end of the comic, you released the page that featured said new design while I was already working on this drawing xD So whoops! I just wanted to give appreciation to your comic series that you continued despite everything, and well...I know I haven’t shown much progress on it, I also want to make a comic series...so you’ve inspired me a lil :D
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Deep down here there’s a little AU by @aliencatwafers which features Fawful in the sewers! With the little baby bros!! You’re a very insightful and inspiring writer with plenty of neat headcanons and ideas for the bean! Ik you mostly draw in pencil but I took the colors from your submissions to Fawful month this year and used em here! Hope it looks cool!
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This little gremlin here with the two moms is Fawful from @bean-n-shroob ask blog! He looks very silly and unhinged (in a good way) and I hope he’s having a good time since after BIS! I love how round your designs are and Fawf is no exception :D
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Last but not least is this VERY soft Fawful from @localdealmaker​ and their AU, whose title I made up too (again doesn’t need to be canon or anything if you don’t want it to be, I just wanted to give every drawing a cute name ^^) I think yours was the most complicated to draw for me but I love how he looks, so squish!! Kaboo is cute too!
WHEW THAT WAS A LOT OF TYPING KSJHKGH but yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed this...I might make another part someday full of more Fawful designs from friends but I AM A LITTLE BURNT OUT...doesn’t mean I didn’t have fun tho!
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harukapologist · 5 months
Don't mind me being here again with more 0301. This sort of ties in with the "Haruka in skirts" idea, because while I don't see Haruka as trans in either way, I very much think he is very in touch with both his feminine and masculine side and does enjoy both sides of the clothing selection a lot.
So that is an idea I had with a friend recently: Fuuta and Haruka out shopping for clothes, Fuuta does love picking out clothes for Haruka (Village Vanguard outfit anyone??), but he notices Haruka glancing to the more cute clothes/women's clothing a lot, so he gives him the push in saying "You can pick what you like as well, you know?", which gives Haruka the reassurance that it's okay to go for these clothes.
So, much talk, but pls go wild with this scenario and the following clothes shopping
So it wasn't just me who thought Haruka's Village Vanguard outfit looked really really like Futa's style ehehe, in fact, I've had a sketch for a while in my gallery of Backdraft Futa & Village Vanguard Haruka together because their outfits look so similar :33
AND SO SO SO CUTE!!! thank you for this request + I agree with you 100%!! It's cute to think about Futa helping Haruka on the self discovery journey when he decides to be a bit more feminine also, I imagine he'd learn about the kinds of skirts or dresses Haruka likes the most & buy more of them :D ok enough rambling, here's the art, sorry eheh
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In case my handwriting is illegible, here's what the images say
F: "Something caught your eye?"
H: "A-Ah, um... No..."
F: "Hey, don't be so shy. If you like something, you can try it. You can pick what you like as well, you know?" (I LOVE THIS LINE, ESPECIALLY IMAGINING FUTA SAYING IT, SO SWEET!!! I MELTED WHEN I READ THE ASK)
H: "Can I try this?"
F: "Of course!!"
H: "Futa-kun!"
Labels: "Changing rooms" "doorknob"
H: "H-How do I look?"
F: "SO ADORABLE...!!!" *Futa.exe has stopped working*
H: "Can I try another skirt?"
F: "You can try as many skirts as you want..." *SO CUTE AAA* *SCREAMING INTERNALLY*
H: "yay~"
F: "The skirt makes him cute but his happiness makes him cutest ♡"
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torihakaraublog · 3 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer "Poison Hunting & Candy Making!" Pop Quiz
I knew this was gonna be a good event when I saw it a Bel/Beel focused event! Idk why but they have all been bangers so far! Maybe the script writer is biased...maybe I'm biased...anyways...
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Starting off the brothers recive an invitation by a noble type person to visit his town. We decide to make a trip out of it. Visiting manga backdrops irl and trying regional food sounds amazing! And we got to take a train! I love trains! (Tho I do get motion sick sometimes)
I think keeping it to a small group also really benefited the event. Two older brothers taking there younger brothers on a trip. Mammon defaults to 'younger brother behavior' if Lucifer is around, but always steps up when he's the oldest. I also find even Levi is very open to this trio emotionally dispite their bickering.
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Candy making is such a nice touch instead of just buying candy. And they went a bit through the process! (Of this devildom candy - really candy making is a bit diffrent) Bel kept falling asleep lmao but was still sleep helping.
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Omg hamster Beel!! Was a bit confused why 'poison herbs' was needed. Seemed kinda dangerous.
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(Beel hamster runs away and Diavolo + Barbatos catch him) I agree this is a weird set up for a shop, but it kinda ends up being beneficial to plot flow.
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This was so funny xD The appearance of a mimic! Feeding it berries that made it cold then sneeze is an interesting way to deal with it lmao didn't really understand the whole lake situation 😅
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Ahhh this so soooo cute, he gave us a ring TwT I gotta remember to draw it on my mc later 🤧
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When they decided to mix the random things we collected and hope for the best since all the herbs weren't found I was screaming. It shouldn't work that way! Then they mixed the ring gem in...whyyy how did that work?! I'm glad I got to keep the ring tho 😊
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Yay cookie making again! Bel also made us cookies in one of the first Nightbringer (the chess one). Ending with a nice hug (kiss was also an option) and nap 💙🩵
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THIS IS WHY WE DON'T EAT RANDOM MUSHROOMS. (Tho the twin hug was cute...) Enjoy how Beel solved his problem himself in the end 🤣 by eating the seeds and more candy. Also less Diavolo sacrifice yourself as a taste tester and become the cat boy of your dreams! Yass King!
Overall a very fun and lighthearted event 💜
Some art I made to compare this events cookies to the chess cookies.
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My art style has changed quite a bit :0
'Food' mentioned in event (missed some)
blue rose crystals
hellfire malt enzymes
shadow rice/shadow rice porridge
countercurse candy
ice crystal leaves
blue berries
tail of a shadow salamander
wings of of a death mask bat
heart of a toxic chameleon
verdant brilliance (eatable??)
candy cookies
? mushroom
scorching sunflower seeds
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carriagelamp · 4 months
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I don't know what to say here this month. February, eh? Hate February, the Thursday of months, I'm just clinging to sanity while I wait for spring. Here are the books that helped me through what is basically a month of overcast skies and fucking winter rain.
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Candy Color Paradox v6
Candy Color Paradox is a series I’ve been reading for years now and I’ve really enjoyed how the relationship in this one has progressed over that time. It started somewhat similar to how you’d expect a yaoi manga to start — lots of tension, drama, smut, and some light antagonism between the two main characters who both work at the same weekly magazine. But it’s eased into something that’s really quite genuine. This most recent volume focused entirely on moving in together and all the little complications and insecurities that arise because of that.
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Circus of Fear
A 1980s D&D choose your own adventure novel so the quality is exactly what you would expect, but at the very least it was a fun little diversion. Doing a CYOA book with a friend can honestly be a blast, they just feel so silly, and the setting of a magical, vaguely sinister circus is always an enjoyable backdrop. We managed to get a good ending on the second try! So yay! I'd honestly like to read it again and try some of the other routes that also sounding intriguing.
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Dungeon Meshi // Delicious in Dungeon v1
Me and my girlfriend started watching Dungeon Meshi because we’d seen so much about it on tumblr lately and wow. Just wow. It really is doing something special and we’re completely enamoured. Since we’re waiting for new episodes, I picked up the first book so we could compare it and the show — it’s really impressive how closely they align! And the art is really lovely, it stands out and not just for it's food glamour shots.
For those who haven't been seduced into watching the anime yet: Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon is a DND-style parody in which the adventuring party needs to enter the monster-filled dungeon to save one of their companions who got eaten by a red dragon. They need to get to her and revive her before she entirely digested. However, to hasten their quest (and indulge one of their member’s strange obsessions) they begin to hunt and eat the monsters that fill the dungeon instead of trying to bring food in from the outside. This is 80% a cooking anime and 20% a comedic adventure anime. Book or show, doesn’t matter which, you should give it a try if you haven’t.
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Down Among the Sticks and Bones
I really enjoyed the first book of the series, Every Heart A Doorway, and was excited when I found out there was a prequel about Jack and Jill and the world they visited. This can either be read as a prequel or it works fairly well as a stand-alone novella; the story is about twin sisters who have always been forced to fill very precise societal roles by their parents. One afternoon, they stumble across a magical door in the bottom of a chest and venture down into the sinister world of the moors where one sister is taken in by a vampire lord and the other by a mad scientist. The story looks at how the sisters grow and change when apart from each other and their controlling parents. Excellent story, the language is just so enticing.
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Midnight Sun
My brother has been watching all the Twilight movies with a couple of his friends. Listening to him bitch about Jacob like it was 2007 reawakened something in me, so after laughing myself sick I had to go and relisten to Midnight Sun. Still genuinely and unironically love this book, it’s pure trash but by god it's my trash. I’m a simple soul.
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I’ve been hearing great things about this book, and it’s hard to go wrong with Katherine Applegate so I was excited to finally read it. This is a book written entirely in free verse poetry about an orphaned otter and her experiences being rescued by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It’s inspired by a true story (several true stories, actually!) and it's very worth picking up even if you don't usually go for poetry. It's charming and reads very easily.
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Old-Fashioned Cupcake
A middle-aged salaryman is feeling worn down by the humdrum nature of his life, which is filled mostly with work these days. This manga kicks off with his coworker suggests that if he wants to deal with the feelings of boredom and aging, then he needs to do something to shake up his life: so he suggests that they “act like a pair of teenage girls” and go to a fancy new pancake shop just because it seems fun, never mind that it’s not something grown men are supposed to do. This manga ended up being pretty darn cute -- it was slow and compassionate and loving -- and it managed to convince me to buy its sequel.
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Professor Calculus: Science’s Forgotten Genius
A ridiculous little book I bought on impulse that was nevertheless a lot of fun to read. It’s a tribute to Cuthbert Calculus, celebrating the 80th anniversary of his first appearance in Tintin. It dives into some of the inspirations that went into the character, and also lovingly and cheekily explores some "facts" we know about Calculus as a person… and wildly extrapolates more from there. It was a cute little read for anyone who’s a fan of the series and wants something a little extra.
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Return to Oz
I recently rewatched this movie and maintain that I like it more than the original film, sorry. It made me decide to grab the novelization because I’m always a sucker for a novelization <3 This one was pretty solid too, it actually included details that were left out of the film and improve the stories overall cohesion which is always the marker of a good novelization.
Return to Oz takes place several months after the original film, when Aunty Em and Uncle Henry are trying to build a new house and get the farm back in order before winter. Concerned by Dorothy’s continued belief in Oz and her increased insomnia, Aunty Em decides to take her to a doctor who offers healing through electroshock therapy. Yeah, it’s exactly as fucking creepy as it sounds… You get a scary aslyum, a sinister head nurse, being strapped to a hospital gurney, and new baddies that scared the bejeezus out of me as a kid. Anyway, before she can be electrocuted, Dorothy manages to escape back to Oz where she discovers her friends are in dire need of help. It’s like Alice: Madness Returns but from Disney. Go watch this movie.
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She Drives Me Crazy
I had very mixed feelings about this book. It’s about high school basketball player, Scottie, who has suffered a bad breakup with her girlfriend who moved schools to play on the opposing basketball team. Things go from bad to worse when she gets into a car accident with her arch-nemesis, the cheerleader Irene. One things lead to another and bada bing bada boom we have a fake dating scheme so that Scottie can get back at her ex.
This book had some genuinely fun moments (I’m always a sucker for a fake dating scheme, and the characters were reasonably fun) but it’s biggest failing is one that I’ve seen more than I like in current queer lit. It just tries so. fucking. hard. to be unproblematic. Like yeah, it’s great to see healthy relationships but it was SO explicit about it. So much therapy speak, way more than feels natural for a conversation or internal monolgue, especially when they’re in high emotions. The “banter” was very scripted. It was a book that felt like it had a laugh track. And while the ending was satisfying enough, it was also… I don’t know. Anticlimactic. We just spent so long tying everything up in a perfectly neat little bow that it really just strolled to an ending that was obvious from a mile away. 
Like look, I get it, we want this to be squeaky clean and beyond reproach, but I have NEVER entered a fake dating story hoping that everyone was going to be really sensible and respectful and level-headed. Fake dating is the slapstick of the romance world, I want some Shakespearean level bullshit, please don’t try to gussy it up for me. Gonna go and rewatch 10 Things I Hate About You or something just to feel things again. Or maybe pop over to AO3, your average fic writer at least understands that when I say fake dating I mean I want something absolutely fucking unhinged and filled to the gill with mutual pining.
So yeah, if you want a sports-based high school sapphic romance: it’s not a bad book. It went down easy, I liked listening to it in the mornings when I needed something light before work. Some bits I even quite enjoyed. But it’s not going to rock your world.
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Shuna’s Journey
Well, if nothing else you can really, definitely tell this was done by Hayoa Miyazaki. I’m honestly not really sure how I felt about it. The art was beautiful, and the story was pure undiluted Miyazaki through and through. The narrative was very nice. The story and message was poignant. It was a nice book. I can’t say it’s stuck very heavily in my mind, but I enjoyed reading it. It felt like a precursor to Princess Monoke / Nausicaa, perhaps?
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The Witches
The story of one child and his grandmother needing to contend with witches. Not fairytale witches. Real witches. And all their horrible, child-hating ways. One thing I will always love about Dahl is that when he wants to write about something Horrible, nothing will stop him. His villains are truly villainous and the witches are a prime example of that! I loved the description of the witches and their horrible, sinister deeds, especially in the first half of the book. This sure is Child Murder: The Novel! The ending was absolutely not what I was expecting, and I appreciate that. Such a bizarre book.
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bandtrees · 4 months
for the warriors ask game :D
🗺 : first map you ever watched?
🖼 : first amv/pmv you ever watched?
(I used to watch MAPs religiously those are my jam)
yay thank you! warriors ask game except the questions are all weird and niche as hell!
know: my memory is bad. i've been into wc for... well over a decade now, so these are probably not accurate xP my first warriors video was i believe a spoof video about ashfur and squirrelflight, but my first map and amv? uhhh unsure!
🗺 : first map you ever watched? - i didn't actively watch maps as a small kid, or at least i don't think i did? the first map that i entirely remember watching was during my second major warriors phase by the time i was closer to... 15 maybe?? as opposed to my earliest memories of wc which are from when i was 10 or younger lol. little fang, which is making me genuinely super misty eyed to rewatch, it's just so so good, from the style to the designs to how well it gets into jayfeather and his family with only animation and music, the composition of every part is so good, the designs, all of it. the sole reason little fang is one of my favorite songs to this day it might, miiight, have also been evelyn evelyn? that one was certainly one of the first maps i ever watched that stuck with me. the dovewing kinnie has entered chat
🖼 : first amv/pmv you ever watched? - i cannot remember. i watched sooo many amvs as a kid. not my FIRST amv, probably, but one of the earliest i recall is ashfur's revenge, which is delighting me so much to rewatch. this one was formative for me, i miss the style of flash-animated warriors amvs that (obviously:() aren't around anymore. i also have such a soft spot for tigerclaw is not one of thunderclan, one i was thinking about the Entire Time i was writing the exile scene in spottedfur's pride lol. i still love it so much, this is my first time rewatching it in like... a decade, im sure. its so good. im kind of blown away as i rewatch these that they ARE as good as they are, cuz i feel like it's common in the warriors fandom to treat old amvs as some cringeworthy lost art (in general i have strong opinions on how (unintentionally)cruel the internet starts being to things as soon as they enter "nostalgia" territory) - but there's still, like, genuine talent in these. there's a reason these amvs were as popular as they were, and not because we were all cringe 10 year olds who didn't know better, lol. also reminds me of tigerstar and the dog pack(be prepared) - which is one i have the most vivid memory of watching on my family computer, hehe. in general i love corvus katana's stuff, past and current oh my god i will never get this ask posted because i keep remembering ones that helped, like, form a lobe of my brain growing up. HOW TO SAVE BLUESTAR'S LIFE YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS!!!! I AM TOTALLY NOT CRYING REWATCHING IT. YOU ARE. YOU ARE. cant believe i had a phase where i hated bluestar - i think everyone did because they spontaneously realized she was imperfect, immoral even at times, and made mistakes but hadn't developed the media comprehension to realize she was... actually meant to be complex and troubled and not just a perfect leader. god. bluestar. god. god. g (im also gonna use this question as a chance to gush about old amvs that i remember that are unfortunately lost to time: a hollyleaf one to hurricane by thirty seconds to mars (!!!! THIS ONE WAS SO FORMATIVE BUT IM LIKE 80% SURE ITS LOST MEDIA), bluestar heart heart head (PLEASE tell me im not the only one who remembers this one!!! i was devastated to learn it wasn't iconic or reuploaded anywhere (as much as i also think, again, in the nostalgia-sense, people act entitled to things like old amvs or people's art or whatever else)), NIGHTCLOUD GIRL WITH ONE EYE CHANGED MY LIFE?and... probably more of course that aren't coming to me now xP
i. didnt expect to ramble as much as i did with this? i just can't put into enough words how formative warriors amvs and the like were for me growing up :'DD they were my major start for digital art and animation (something i did a lot when i was younger but fell out of over time, but god i'd love to animate again, maybe do a classic wc amv to spottedfur's pride or something lol)
thank you for the question! I am so incredibly normal about warrior cats.
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tracingpapier · 1 year
post-mecha sally au loredump ! long post warning :P
me being nerd about my au !! finally posting this lmao
SO it obviously takes place in pre-genesis wave continuity. obv the comics were kinda falling apart towards the end of the mecha sally arc (lawsuit hell etc etc) so i'm not the biggggest on how they were wrapping up that arc. this is more or less a big ol rewrite.
i think i would want the mecha sally arc to end with a big ol' super sonic battle... sal is an important character and i think the mecha arc deserves to go out with a big bang! (<- says the biased sally fan) so, i imagine eggman is pushing mecha sally to her absolute breaking point. he's got her supercharged on rings, but in a state that she just physically cannot keep up. this would give us some really cool visuals to work with; her robotic body just literally fraying and falling apart as she and sonic are fighting B). as much as he wants to, sonic can't afford to pull his punches. so the audience gets a really satisfying, no holding back fight. in his regular state, sal's really giving him a run for his money. it's looking like she's got him, despite being on the brink of just falling apart herself... but at the last second, he goes super! (someone airdrops him the chaos emeralds or something. work with me here) he's able to use his powers to subdue mecha sally/save the day etc.
after being returned to her organic form, sal takes everything really hard (yay drama!). she knows, logically, that she wasn't in control of her actions; she doesn't blame herself, per say, for her actions which she was roboticized. but being forced to watch herself hurt her friends against her will was still really traumatic nonetheless. additionally, she has to get used to living with her physical changes after being "upgraded" too (pardon the old ass art). it took her a bit of time to get used to the feeling of channelling ring energy, and also a bit of time to get the hang of summoning her ring blades at all.
she really struggles to look her friends in the eye afterwards. after things have returned to the status quo, she runs off for a bit herself and ends up staying with fiona, who, in this au, has broken off from scourge and the destrutix and minds her own business as an anti-hero/chaotic neutral character. the two have a rocky past, but have a really particular/peculiar bond. sal knows that she can turn to fiona without ever worrying about being judged for her actions.
after taking some time to recuperate and manage her emotional state, sal returns to mobotropolis to finally make amends with/reconnect with her old friends. she resolves to master her ring blades and to improve her fighting skills. her fighting style is super intense, very all-or-nothing. she gives it her all until she literally can't fight anymore. this kind of lends itself to her ring energy/power blades. she needs a constant supply of pure (ring) energy to keep them summoned, which she must have preemptively on hand, so any fights she gets into need to be resolved quickly.
sonic's the one who takes charge of her training. he's definitely one of the most powerful freedom fighters, but he's also the one she trusts the most. he's more than happy to help her (and just to have her back, frankly), but sometimes sparring with her can be a lot. especially when it reminds him so much of fighting her in her mechanized state.
sally resolves to herself that she'll never be captured and used as a pawn ever again. never again.
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