#chapter 1052 spoilers
chenziee · 8 months
Fly, little bird (away from everything)
Written for the wonderful @opmarcozine! So happy and honoured to have been able to take part in this project 💙
I wrote one more fic for the digital add-on which is much, much lighter than this ahaha If you fancy yourself some silly pineapple flambe and jealous kittens, stay tuned for later this week! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Last chance to grab yourself a copy!
The one time the Whitebeard Pirates had visited the Land of Wano, it was a peaceful and beautiful country. Marco still remembered the lush forests of Kuri, could smell the aroma of the giant koi being grilled over fire, could hear Kin'emon scolding Oden for wanting to leave. It was a great place; the stories Oden, Inu, Neko, and later Izo had shared with the family were all fun and happy.
With the isolation policy, they all assumed the country was still the same. That Oden had made his way back to the country after Roger's execution and was now busy being a terrible Shogun—having more fun than governing, giving Kin'emon and Denjiro grey hair while Toki did nothing but encourage her husband.
They had no reason to think there was anything wrong with their brother (or uncle?) and his country.
But then the news reached them.
Watching Pops' almost permanent wide grin freeze and eventually disappear was never a good sign. Honestly, a skirmish with some stray Beast Pirates who thought picking a fight with another Emperor was a bright idea wasn't a good sign either but Pops going from relaxed to shocked to angry was in a league of its own.
"What's going on, yoi?" Marco asked as he rushed towards the group dealing with the mess.
When Izo turned to look at him, Marco startled at the sight that met him. Izo's lips were pressed into a thin line, his jaw clenched. His brow was furrowed so deeply that his carefully applied make-up was creasing and the look in his eyes was… full of fear.
Marco took a deep breath, his gaze darting between Izo's twisted expression, the looks of anger on his other brothers' faces, and Pops, who had stood up to his full height with Murakumogiri in hand, his grip tight as he glowered at the pirates in front of him. Haki was vibrating in the air when he finally spoke up, his voice resounding around the Moby Dick with a commanding tone that would make even the greatest Neptunians quiver.
"Kaido's ruling the Land of Wano? What's that mean, squirt?" he asked.
"Exactly what I said," one of the Beasts said, voice full of fake confidence even as he visibly shook in fear.
Dead silence followed his words. Everyone could imagine what it meant.
Carefully, tentatively, Marco raised his hand, placing it on Izo's shoulder. When he didn't immediately shake him off, Marco squeezed lightly, hoping to remind his fellow division commander that he wasn't alone. Marco wasn't sure if that was enough… but he didn't know what else to do for him right then.
It seemed like a pointless question when Pops demanded to know what happened to his little brother; Marco was sure they could all imagine Oden's reaction when he had learned Kaido put a pawn on the Shogun's throne and took control of his homeland. Oden might have hated the isolation policy but he loved his country and its people.
Letting go of a shaky breath, Marco tried not to imagine what Oden's last moments might have been like. He simply squeezed Izo's shoulder tighter.
The man stood still for a moment longer but then he finally shook Marco's hand off and stepped forward.
"What about the retainers? What happened to them?" he asked, voice carefully measured.
"The castle burned down. There's no way anyone survived," the Beast answered after a reluctant pause.
Heavy silence settled over the deck before Izo turned around, his coat swishing behind him as he walked away. No one dared follow him.
"Toss them overboard. I don't care what happens to them," Pops announced, sitting back down in his chair to signify the matter over.
Marco didn't wait around to see Jozu leaving their lives in the mother sea's care. With one powerful wave of his wings, he rose up high to the air, soon leaving the Moby Dick behind as he shifted into full phoenix form and took off to nowhere in particular.
It was moments like this that he was grateful to his devil fruit. The ability to just up and leave when he wanted to clear his head or just needed a break—that alone was worth the threat of drowning in a puddle. Maybe he should take Izo up here once the gunman sorted out his thoughts.
Once Marco sorted out his own.
He wanted to go back; he wanted to go to Pops and demand they turn the ship around and go to Wano to free their family's country, to get revenge… But he wasn't stupid. He knew it was impossible—not without putting countless lives in danger and not without the World Government getting involved. After all, this wouldn't be just a matter of two rival crews fighting amongst themselves. This would be an open war between two Emperors.
It was simply not going to happen. Pops would never agree and Marco himself wouldn't easily make that decision. Maybe if Oden was still alive, if they were sure Izo's sister was alive… it would be different. But as it was, there was nothing to gain, Marco knew.
He knew, but that didn't stop him from wishing they could just go and do it.
And so he merely waved his wings, rising higher still.
­­Looking at the large stones in front of him, Marco wondered if it was possible for tears to run out. It had barely been a week since Marineford, the wounds still fresh, still tender, still so damn painful... and yet, Marco's eyes stayed dry now. They stayed dry despite the cold, hard reminders within an arm's reach; reminders that he would never again hear Pops' laughter, never again find Ace sleeping on top of his own medical records and setting them on fire.
It almost felt like the gravestones were mocking his inability to cry anymore.
It didn't come as much of a surprise when quiet steps approached him before a delicate hand came to rest on his shoulder.
It took a long time for either of them to speak, time filled with mutual understanding and mourning for the ones they had lost. But finally, Izo's soft whisper was carried by the breeze to Marco's ears. "Thank you for being here."
At that, Marco snorted. "Shouldn't I be saying that in this situation?"
"Maybe. I just wanted to say it," Izo replied, his tone lighter but every bit as serious as it was before and Marco's shoulders sagged.
"I'm sorry. This is the second time we let your family die," he muttered.
Izo clicked his tongue, letting go of Marco's shoulder to instead whack him over the head. "Shut up. Neither what happened in Wano, nor this was your fault. We all did what we wanted in the end. Including Pops and Ace."
"I know," Marco sighed. "It's just hard, yoi."
"It is," Izo agreed quietly, his hand landing back on Marco's shoulder to give it one last squeeze.
Marco huffed, a small smile finding its way to his lips for the first time in days. "Thanks, yoi."
"You know where to find me," Izo said before he took a step back.
Marco briefly wondered whether he was that predictable or if Izo was simply that perceptive but he decided not to dwell on it. He let his arms be engulfed in blue flames that soon formed into fiery feathers—soft, warm, and familiar, turning his arms into powerful wings which could carry so much weight… but which still couldn't carry the future of the crew.
But if he let them… maybe they could at least carry the guilt and leave it somewhere far above in the clouds. Maybe turn it into rain to replace the tears Marco couldn't shed anymore.
"I'll see you later," Marco only said before raising into the air, Izo's nod nothing but an afterimage as he took to the air, just like he had done years ago after they had learned about Wano’s fate. Just like he had done countless times in the past few days.
As he rose up, higher and higher, he was surprised by how much lighter he felt now; it was like he was leaving behind not only Izo and Whitebeard and Ace’s graves, but also a large portion of the weight that had been sitting on his shoulders for days—months, really; ever since Thatch was killed—and which had been keeping his wings from spreading fully.
It would probably never go away but maybe, just maybe… it would become easier.
And he would never have to take to the air to mourn ever again.
As he soared through the skies of Wano, Marco couldn't help the wry smile pulling on his lips. What a naive wish he had made two years ago.
There was no one to comfort him now; no one to squeeze his shoulder and smile encouragingly. Izo was gone, just like Pops and Ace and so many others.
But Marco… kept soaring.
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[no arms and no wins]
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fallensnowfan · 1 year
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The new anime ending has me thinking about how close it is to reaching this scene, and I am looking forward to the wholesomeness!
Similar to her absence at the end of today's chapter (which wraps up the overnight battle part of the arc, EH’s search for VP essentially being the equivalent to Wano's Raid on Onigashima,) Robin is absent from the group in the bath, here in 1052. During Wano’s finale, Kiku and Robin both play the game of being absent during several scenes from 1052-1056, then one or both will appear soon after, with little to no attention really being brought to either, they just calmly are where they are. Could be worth noting, or it could just be a coincidence, time will tell.
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hydine · 2 years
I've reached One Piece Manga chapter 1052
My strawhat babies are ok 😭👍🏼♥️ That last stretch of the raid was so gripping and nerve-wracking, I feel infinitely lighter now 😭
Momo looks hella great as an adult! Nami should have some sense and play nice with him for the future 😏
Chopper hugging Zoro, and Yamato hugging Luffy as they woke up was so cute
Also, Yamato not eating until Luffy and Zoro woke up 😭♥️
I still don't like Hiyori, pls don't come for my head
The bath scene was weird, because of exactly two characters, and I do not mean Kiku and Yamato, because I love Kiku and Yamato
I wanna hug Bepo and Chopper, they probably soft af and I need that rn
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
Hi everyone,
In honor of my TOG fic “Their souls were knit together (and he loved him as himself)” reaching 10k (thank you readers!!) I wanted to compile my (80+) resource links I used during the plotting stage and throughout the fic - divided by category as best as I could manage.
In case you’d like additional resources, please check out @actualmermaid historical resource upload here, and/or the The Old Guard Character Resource Hub.  Here’s a list of books as well:
Genoa & the Genoese 958-1528 ( x )
The Crusade Indulgence: Spiritual Rewards and the Theology of the Crusades, c. 1095-1216 ( x ) - a post with excerpts linked below
Housing the Stranger in the Mediterranean World: Lodging, Trade, and Travel in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages ( x ) 
The rest under the cut in case you’d like to avoid potential spoilers (nothing descriptive) 
For Genoa
San Siro ( x )
San Lorenzo ( x ) & St. John the Baptist ( x )
The Mahdia Campaign of 1087 ( x )
Nicolò as a Genovese crossbowman ( x ) ( x )
For Mahdia
Yusuf’s potential backstory with Mahdia ( x ) ( x ) and the Zirid dynasty ( x ) 
And his family’s intergenerational trauma in relation to the Battle of Haydaran in 1052 ( x )
For the Crusades
Some other ways a non noble Nicolò might have found himself in the Crusades ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
General timeline of the first crusade ( x ) 
The Siege of Antioch ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) 
The Siege of Jerusalem ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) 
Visual maps of the city of Jerusalem and surrounding area ( x ) and general climate ( x )
For Constantinople
Daily life in the city ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
Procession of the Theotokos icon ( x ) 
Maps of the city from that time ( x ) ( x ) 
Their apartment and general housing ( x ) 
Little Hagia Sophia ( x )
Church of Sts Sergius and Bacchus ( x ) - and why that would have been meaningful to Nicolò ( x ) as the setting for their Adelphopoiesis ( x ) & here are the Byzantine instructions for it ( x ) 
For Islamic spiritual practices
Barzakh ( x ) & Jinn ( x ) (both referred to in a blink and you’d miss it sort of way)
Qur’an scroll ( x ) - technically a 19th century copy, but was using it as a visual reference
Islamic calendar for that year ( x ) & the significance of Yusuf’s first death of rajab ( x ) 
The verse Yusuf reflects on when he internally refers to Nicolò as his dearest ( x ) 
The verse Nicolò inscribed on Yusuf’s wedding present ( x ) 
For Catholic spiritual practices
Lay Orders (what used to be called Third Order) for Nicolò to be an oblate ( x )
Eleusa icon (a gift he received from Brother Gabriel) ( x ) - here’s a 12th century version ( x )
The cross necklace gift Nicolò received before leaving Genoa ( x ) 
Excerpts from the book linked above about how indulgences played a part in the Crusades ( x )
Lenten practices in the middle ages ( x ) 
Some Bible verses Nicolò reflects on during his love confession ( x ) ( x ) 
For some interfaith dialogue moments
The Canticle of Zechariah in the Liturgy of Hours ( x ) & Verse 95 for corresponding references to the dawn ( x )
Why Zechariah is important in both faiths ( x ) 
Encouragement for open dialogue and friendliness ( x ) the rights of Non-Muslims as laid out in the Constitution of Medina ( x ) and protection via the Testament of Muhammed ( x ) though there are some doubts to the authenticity 
Lent & Ramadan similarities ( x ) ( x ) 
Interfaith marriage rights between Christians and Muslims from Muhammed ( x ) 
For some other historical context 
Context for same sex attraction in the middle ages ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
Some LGTB+ historical figures and Saints Nicolò might have been aware of ( x ) ( x )
Brother Gabriel from chapter two was based on Marina the Monk ( x ) 
Wiki about illiterate popes ( x )
11th-12th century trade maps ( x ) 
Tunisian Arabic ( x ) 
The Great Schism of 1054 ( x ) 
The Seljuk Empire ( x ) 
The Byzantine-Venetian treaty of 1082 ( x )
A poem by Abu Nawas that Yusuf reflects on before the love confession ( x ) 
For the Biblical references and significance to Nicolò of Gortyn/Crete ( x ) and some visual references ( x )
Why Chandax as a honeymoon site would have been comfortable for them both ( x ) & ruled by the Byzantine Empire at the time of their visit ( x ) 
The book Yusuf gave to Nicolò as a wedding present ( x ) & some context ( x )
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teenage-idiot · 2 years
In the Blink of an Eye - 16
Avengers Age of Ultron | Quicksilver x Female Reader Fan-fiction.
Contains strong language, sexual references and mentions of death.
1052 words
We all walked up to the main entrance of the building together. Outside the front doors were two bouncers dressed in all black uniforms. There were a few other people just getting let inside as we approached. Once we made it to the entrance, we began entering in pairs.
We all had to use fake names that Bruce had come up with for us, along with completely different identities altogether. While going over the details of the plan I'd asked why we didn't need disguises as well, but apparently no one attending the party would recognise us, and we'd be in and out before Hydra even knew we were there. I trusted my team fully, and so went along with it. However, now I was actually here, I felt like I was out in the open, totally exposed, and vulnerable.
Pietro and I both gave our assigned names and were let in. He gave my hand a quick squeeze to reassure me we were doing fine, and I squeezed back gently.
"Everybody good?" I heard Cap say into my earpiece.
"I'll take that as a yes then. Okay, Black Widow, do your thing."
I looked around and spotted Clint and Thor already in their positions, keeping an eye out, yet somehow managing to still blend in perfectly with everyone around them.
A voice in my ear soon pulled me out of my daydream.
"Quicksilver and y/n, east hallway secure," said Nat.
With that, Pietro and I made like we were going to the bathroom, and headed for the east hallway. He lowered his hand to the small of my back as we walked along, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.
'God, this is not helping,' I thought.
We entered the hallway and walked straight past the toilets, making a bee-line for the staircase. 
"Heading up the east hallway staircase now," I said.
"We're waiting for you on the second floor," Nat replied.
We made it to the top of the stairs and opened the glass door leading into the hallway where Natasha and Wanda were standing. 
"Be careful," Nat said sincerely, handing me the key card for the control room.
"You too," I smiled, taking the key card out of her hands.
I grabbed Pietro's hand and led him down the long hallway to the control room. I swiped the key card with haste and flung the door wide open.
"Keep a lookout," I said as I walked towards one of the computers.
I began trying to hack into the system, but surprise surprise, it needed a key code.
"Tony, little help here," I spoke, getting frustrated.
"Okay, just a second. Okay, I'm accessing the computer now. There, you should be good from here on out," he said.
"Thanks," I said, breathing a sigh of relief.
It took a little while longer, but soon I had gotten into the system and was able to deactivate the seventh floor alarms and security.
"Cap, systems are down," I said.
"Okay. You and Pietro wait there for further instruction," he answered back quickly.
"Now we wait," Pietro said, sighing after he said this.
"Uh, guys," I heard Maria say, "we have a problem."
"What," I heard Nat snap through the ear piece.
"The representatives are early," Maria answered.
"I thought you were tracking them," Pietro said as he gritted his teeth.
"I was, but there was a glitch and-"
"Don't worry Maria. Okay, Cap you guys better hurry up in there," I said.
There were a few moments of silence as I waited anxiously for a reply.
"Got it," Cap said.
"Okay they're out, now y/n do your thing," Bruce said.
I swiftly restored all the alarms and security systems back to the way they were, as if we were never there.
"Let's go," I said to Pietro, turning on my heels and heading straight for the door, leaving the key card behind on the desk.
Pietro grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the fire exit on that floor. 
"Tony," he said.
"On it," Tony said.
Pietro tried the door and it opened smoothly.
"Shit," he cursed.
I peered over the handrail to see two security guards coming up the stairs towards us. We backtracked to the hallway, closing the door as quickly and quietly as possible.
"Thor, you guys better be distracting them!" I huffed.
I glanced at Pietro to see how he was doing.
"I really wish we could use your speed right now," I said.
"Me too, but you know everybody would see, then the mission would be totally screwed," he replied.
"Like it isn't already," I muttered.
We started going down the stairs, but only made it to the landing halfway down as the representatives were coming up the stairs.
I stood, frozen, not having a clue what to do. 
'This is it,' I thought, but just as I was thinking this, I felt my body being turned and before I knew what was happening, Pietro kissed me.
I was shocked at first, but soon melted into it, my eyes fluttering closed and my hands finding their place around his neck. His hands were around my waist, pulling me closer, deepening the kiss more and more each second. My fingers began to tangle in his hair, but then I heard a voice in my ear, saying something to me.
I pulled away from Pietro, and turned to see a security guard standing before me.
"This area is unauthorized, you two need to head back to the party," he said.
"Oh, of course," I said sheepishly, realizing the reason for the kiss.
I walked down the stairs, Pietro behind me holding my hand. We reached the bottom and I glanced over my shoulder to see the security guard was gone.
I breathed out sharply, relieved that we didn't get caught.
"You know, that was..." I paused trying to find the right word, "smart," I said.
"Oh," was all he could say.
We left the building in silence and got in a car with Nat and Clint.
The whole journey back I felt...strange. I couldn't quite explain it. I mean, I was happy that Pietro kissed me, of course, but it wasn't because he actually liked me. I felt empty. 
'Maybe it's just not meant to be,' I thought.
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gonersgoners · 2 years
i want to take a moment to thank oda for creating the most queer panel in all of one piece 
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magician-enthusiast · 2 years
Oda when I was asking for Hawkins content THIS ISN'T WHAT I MEANT
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feriowind · 2 years
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kai-teaa · 2 years
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happy chapter 1052 release <3
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freinhardt56 · 2 years
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uchanekome · 2 years
Yamato is 100% a trans man there’s no room for argument at this point.
Nami asks Yamato to take a bath with the girls. But Yamato says this.
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Kiku a CONFIRMED TRANS FEMALE in the same panel asks Nami if she could join instead.
Then we see this.
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LOOK AT HIM he’s chillin with the boys! While the trio of perverts are a little weird about it they Still let him in and Luffy, Zoro, Chopper Jimbe and Nekomamushi are all very relaxed around him.
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Kiku has been totally integrated into the women’s baths and even mentions how she’s uncomfortable being in the same baths as men.
Neither of these people have physically transitioned but they’re being welcomed in the baths of their preferred gender. This is just EVERYTHING TO ME. I really love Oda for doing this. People in the One Piece community have been stubbornly adamant that Yamato isn’t trans. He is. And if this isn’t enough to convince you, you’re not worth my time get off my blog. 
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fallensnowfan · 1 year
A chapter 1052 goof.
Kiku asks Nami if she can join her:
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Inside Nami’s head:
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How she answers: “Of course, Okiku-chan.” Said with a warm smile on her face.
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ichigoginchan · 2 years
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Zoro woke up and the two things he looked for are "Booze" and "Sanji"... TALK ABOUT PRIORITIES 🤭
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theladyofsorrows · 2 years
When you and your capitan are so in sync that you wake up from a coma at the same time. They truly share 1 braincell 🥺
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gallerylover · 2 years
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Zoro remembers 😭
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I love these two💛💚
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