#chapter twenty eight
redux-iterum · 1 year
Burning Hearts: Chapter Twenty-Eight
(AO3 counterpart here.)
Nights passed with no word or action from any of the boys. Fireheart could never find a good time to catch Tigerclaw alone and have a chat with him; as if to taunt him, the deputy was always busy or engaged in conversation with someone else. To keep from raising suspicion, even if he internally swore there was no risk of that, he kept his head down and did his business as he was ordered, or hung around his other Clanmates and listened to their stories.
He never asked Ravenwing about the investigation, either. If he hadn’t known what he was doing, he never would have suspected Ravenwing to be trying to solve a mystery laced with murder and danger. The only clue that something had changed was the faintest light of intensity in his eyes that never seemed to leave. Perhaps having a purpose like this was calming some of his anxiety. Fireheart certainly hoped so, grim as it was.
Greystripe, meanwhile, stayed close by camp and his friends. He and Ravenwing were completely at ease with each other, as if nothing had ever happened. Fireheart could at least be grateful for that, and for Greystripe returning to normal warrior business of hunting and patrolling when called for. Fireheart watched carefully for any sign that the rest of ThunderClan suspected him of his RiverClan business, but aside from more or less one comment about Greystripe being around more, no one seemed to notice anything different. How that was possible, Fireheart didn’t know.
But that couldn’t last forever. Greystripe’s feet began twitching when he was forcing himself to lounge around and act normal. Any time Fireheart was out with him, his head always seemed turned towards Sunningrocks. He became quieter, his tail antsy and constantly tapping the ground.
Fireheart took pity on him one night and, after breakfast, while Ravenwing was out, whispered to him, “Do you want to check the border?”
Greystripe’s entire body flinched, like he had just barely restrained himself from bolting upright and sprinting out of camp at the offer. He settled just a bit and nodded. Fireheart stood up and walked with him to the entrance. To his relief, no one looked up or made a comment as they exited.
They trotted until camp’s bramble border disappeared from view, at which Greystripe then broke into a run and Fireheart had to rush after him.
“Do you think anyone will be there?” he asked once he had caught up.
Greystripe’s mouth was tightly stretched back, but he responded moderately calmly. “I hope so. She must have had our kits by now. Maybe– maybe she sent someone to tell me.”
“Well, if not, we shouldn’t wait by there for long.” Fireheart ducked under some ferns that Greystripe ran right through. “If your scent starts showing up there again, it’s only a matter of time before someone asks a question. It’s a miracle they haven’t already.”
Greystripe didn’t respond. His ears were turned back.
As it turned out, when they made it to Sunningrocks, someone was there: the golden calico that they had seen with Silverstream when she rescued Greystripe from the river. Leoparddawn, Fireheart thought her name was. She was pacing back and forth, grass and soil being scooped up with every step by her unsheathed claws, and her mouth was twitching viciously, her tail lashing.
“Leoparddawn?” Greystripe called before Fireheart could say anything. He skidded to a stop when he reached the border, Fireheart close behind.
The molly’s head shot up. She caught sight of Greystripe and bared her teeth like a dog, ears pinned flat against her head. She stormed up to them fast enough for both ThunderClan toms to take a step back in alarm.
“I hope you’re happy,” she hissed when she was across from them. Her blazing gold eyes were fixated solely on Greystripe.
Greystripe, looking unnerved, cleared his throat. “I just– I want to know, how is Silverstream?”
“‘How is Silverstream?’” Leoparddawn echoed, her fur flaring up even more. “You didn’t think to ask earlier? You!”
“I– I was told to stay away from the border by my leader.” Greystripe’s front paws inched back a bit. “Has she had her kits?”
It was impressive, how Leoparddawn somehow seemed to loom over Greystripe, even when he was looking down at her. Her teeth clenched, she growled, “Your kits are fine. But their mother is gone.”
Neither ThunderClan cat responded for a moment. It was Fireheart who spoke first, hesitant and dreading the answer. “What do you mean, ‘gone’?”
“What do you think I mean?!” Leopparddawn whipped her head around to snarl at him. “Your idiot friend here killed her!”
The toms froze, mouths open.
“She tried so hard to starve those kits out of her body, Greystripe!” She now looked back to the giant, shouting with an enraged, strangling sort of grief. “But they came anyway! She didn’t even get to—”
Leoparddawn suddenly choked and had to catch her breath, almost hyperventilating. Fireheart’s stomach tensed.
The calico spoke again, and her voice shook violently. “When they were born, the queens joked about how that shade of grey was popular in ThunderClan. And then your daughter… her face is like yours. Silverstream didn’t even– she didn’t even get to die peacefully. Everyone was so angry with her. The other queens wouldn’t look her way. They thought she was asleep until your kits started crying from the cold.”
Fireheart turned to Greystripe. His legs wobbled as hard as Leoparddawn’s voice, his tail flat on the floor. His mouth formed words that were not spoken, until he whimpered out, “She’s dead?”
At this, the rage returned in full force. Leoparddawn leaned forward, teeth grit. “Yes. And it’s your fault. Are you satisfied? Did you get what you wanted out of this?”
Greystripe’s legs gave out and he crumpled, sinking into the dead leaves and earth.
Through his knotted throat, Fireheart managed, “I’m– I’m so sorry to hear—”
“Well, that’s not going to bring her back, is it?” Leoparddawn snarled, glaring at him now. “So why don’t you save your breath?” Her muzzle was wrinkled worse than Yellowfang’s face. “You could have stopped him, and you didn’t. Don’t you dare act sorry.”
Fireheart wanted to protest, to defend himself, but now wasn’t the time. He just met her eyes and tried to express his grief through his gaze.
Leoparddawn’s eyes quickly snapped away from him. She took a rattly breath, then growled at Greystripe, “If I ever see you at this border again, I’ll kill you.”
Without giving him a chance to respond, she whipped around and stalked back towards the river. Fireheart took the cue and gently used his tail to guide an unsteadily rising Greystripe away from the clearing. Greystripe barely managed to take a few steps before collapsing again, breathless and shaking.
“That’s horrible,” Fireheart murmured after a long pause. “I—”
Greystripe suddenly jumped to his feet and sprinted into the forest. Fireheart had to put on as much speed as he possibly could to follow, and even then he barely managed to keep up. This was the fastest he had ever seen his friend go.
He didn’t slow down until they reached camp, barely avoiding running over Darkstripe, where Greystripe skittered for the leader’s den, shouting, “Bluestar! Are you here?”
A surprised voice answered him wordlessly and he dove in without another word, panting hard. Fireheart slowed and stopped, catching his breath as he ducked through the lichen curtain after him. He was facing Bluestar, who was lounging in her nest but quickly sitting up, looking alarmed.
“What’s happened?” she asked, eyes flicking between the pair.
Greystripe gulped down another mouthful of air before barely managing to force out a response. “Silverstream’s dead. She– she had my kits.”
Bluestar, to her credit, did not react with fury or scolding. Her eyes widened, then half-shut in solemn sympathy. “That’s awful.”
“And– and they look like me, and RiverClan’s angry, and—” Greystripe’s expression turned pleading and desperate. “Can we bring them here? Please? Th-they should be with family, shouldn’t they?”
Fireheart looked at him in surprise. Taking more kits from the outside? Would anyone allow that?
“They are with family,” Bluestar said calmly. “They’re in RiverClan, with their grandfather and his brother, and they’re surrounded by Clanmates. RiverClan has the sole claim to those kits, Greystripe, and I doubt they’ll give them up to us.”
“But—” Greystripe fell into a crouch, head low but face turned up towards his leader. “But RiverClan, what if they reject them? Shouldn’t we—”
Bluestar shook her head. “RiverClan isn’t cruel. If they have other queens, they can raise those kits perfectly well. Crookedstar won’t allow any harm to come to his grandchildren.”
“They do have other queens,” Fireheart said quietly to Greystripe, ear flicking at a faint noise outside. “It’d be nice to have them here, of course—”
“Well, then—” Greystripe’s voice cracked. “Can– can I see them? I want to see them. Please—”
Bluestar sighed. “No. You violated the most important part of the code with disloyalty and it cost RiverClan one of their most beloved mollies. You have no right to even ask after those kits, much less raise them in your own Clan. RiverClan will not allow you to visit their territory.” Her face was stern, but her tone was kind. “I understand how terrible this feels, believe me. And I think never seeing your kits, after losing your mate, is punishment enough for you.”
Outside, the softest hiss. Everyone in the den stiffened.
“Who’s out there?” Bluestar called, but got no response. To Fireheart, she said, “Check for visitors.”
Fireheart quickly obeyed, sticking his head outside just in time to see Darkstripe’s thick-furred tail disappear through the camp entrance, his voice indistinct but loud despite the barrier.
Fireheart’s heart sank. “Oh, no.”
Bluestar sighed and walked out past Fireheart, gesturing with her tail for the young warriors to follow her. They all silently went into camp just in time for Darkstripe to turn around and scowl in a weirdly triumphant way at Greystripe.
“Good, you’re here,” he growled. “Now you can explain yourself to the Clan.”
“Bluestar, what is he talking about?” Mousefur took a few steps forward. “He said Greystripe’s got kits in RiverClan.”
Bluestar sighed again, longer and lower. “Darkstripe—”
“No wonder the border stank like him.” Darkstripe glared at Greystripe. “Even when he was supposed to stop feeding them!”
Fireheart gauged Greystripe’s reaction. His eyes were dull and empty, like he hadn’t heard anything said.
“Well?” Darkstripe snapped. “Go on. Are they your kits or not?”
Sandstorm exchanged a baffled face with Dustpelt before they both returned their attention to Greystripe, their looks somewhere in the beginning of glaring. The Clan’s expressions began to sour. Even Whitecloud’s eyes were narrowing.
Greystripe said nothing. He just hung his head and let out a shaky breath.
Shouts of anger immediately rang out, everyone competing to declare Greystripe a traitor, or ask how he could be that stupid, or demand punishment. Fireheart watched, his heart in his toes, as his Clanmates turned against Greystripe, glaring and hissing and baring their teeth, like he was some foreign enemy.
It’s still Greystripe, isn’t it? How can they be so angry when he’s like this?
Bluestar did not respond to any of this. She turned and walked with great dignity to the meeting stump, leaping up lightly and turning to face Greystripe, who miserably plodded after her, his head still down. The Clan did not quite cluster in together, but some did come closer to hear Bluestar, though no one except Fireheart and a quiet Ravenwing stood close to the target of their ire.
When the outrage died down, Bluestar raised her chin and spoke, still cool and collected. “I’ll keep it short and simple. Greystripe and a warrior of RiverClan—”
“It was Silverstream!” Darkstripe barked.
Bluestar blinked slowly, like she was restraining herself from reacting to Darkstripe. “The two of them had a relationship across the border.” More yelling and swearing, to which she only continued after everyone was quiet. “Greystripe just received the news that she died after bearing his kits.”
Fireheart marveled as the heated rage in the air died down considerably, faces now conflicted and troubled. Ravenwing looked at Greystripe in horror before gently leaning against his side. Greystripe didn’t lean back.
Darkstripe, of course, was not moved. “He still needs to be punished!”
Fireheart looked back at him sternly, locking a flare of anger in his chest. “His mate is dead and he’ll never get to know his kits. Is that not good enough for you? Are you that cruel?”
Darkstripe glared at him, which his eyes met easily. After a moment, the tabby looked away, making a nasty face. Tigerclaw, standing next to him, watched Greystripe stonily, offering no support to Darkstripe or any feedback as the Clan muttered to each other.
“Well…” Speckletail twitched a grimace before continuing. “He did break the first law of loyalty in the code, Bluestar.”
“RiverClan would want him punished, I’ll bet,” Sandstorm said. “More than us, even.”
“I don’t know, I think he’s miserable enough,” Teaselfoot said with a shift of his paws. “Look at him.”
Bluestar said nothing, allowing conversation and debate to flitter through the crowd. When it got quiet again, she said, “I’m inclined to let him off easy, but we’ll take a vote. Those of you who want him punished, say ‘aye’.”
Fireheart’s throat tightened as many voices called out “Aye!”, though admittedly a little faltering, as if some couldn’t make up their mind.
“That’s most of the Clan,” Ravenwing whispered. He gave Greystripe a worried look. Greystripe still did not appear to notice anything going on around him.
“That’s that, then.” Bluestar looked to Tigerclaw. “I think the appropriate punishment would be isolation. Do you agree?”
Tigerclaw, his face still unreadable, gave a delayed, slow nod.
“Greystripe,” Bluestar said, and her oddly kind voice finally got him to raise his head. “For the next nine days, you are forbidden from entering camp or speaking to your Clanmates. Go into the woods and find yourself a place to sleep—away from where we could accidentally run into you—and find your own prey. Understood?”
A long, long pause, long enough to cause murmurs again. Greystripe did not nod, shake his head, speak or even blink. He just slowly turned, went around Ravenwing, and walked out of camp, his head low and his tail dragging along the ground.
Bluestar blinked in surprise, but recovered quickly, speaking now to Ravenwing and Fireheart. “And you two are not allowed to visit him, wherever he goes. If you scent him, go the other way.”
Fireheart stared up at her. “How can anyone want him punished when he’s—”
“I know,” Bluestar said flatly, though her eyes were almost sad. “But that’s simply how it goes when you break a law.” She jumped down from the stump, and as she walked past Fireheart, she added quietly, “It’s only nine days. He’ll be back soon.” Before he could respond, she was approaching Speckletail, conversing about having someone track Greystripe’s scent tomorrow night.
Fireheart stared at his Clanmates, barely comforted by the somewhat-guilty looks on some of their faces. Others were still angry, but a few looked sympathetic—especially Goldenflower, to his immense relief.
“He’ll be okay in the woods,” Ravenwing said, hardly sounding like he believed it. “He’s a big cat. It’d be hard for anything to hurt him.”
Fireheart shook his head. “Is he not our problem now, too?”
Ravenwing didn’t respond.
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Double Memory
Rufus walked with his arms folded behind his back, his hands clenched into tight fists. He had been hoping to not gamble again. After what happened the first time he took up a challenge, he loathed to run the risk of doing it again. He sighed, his green eyes roaming over the signs on the doors that he walked past. 
He didn't regret being put in that position. He knew that if he hadn't accepted Abezou's challenge, then Lucy would have been the woman's victim, and he didn't think that he would have been able to get over indirectly subjecting her to that gamble. 
Though, he still wished that he could have gotten out of that gamble. When he stayed in their rooms after they returned, he wasn't able to do much besides laying on his bed and staring up at the ceiling as his mind refused to let him forget the event. He wasn't even able to sleep much, if at all, due to his brain deciding that it was a good idea to make him relive it in his sleep. This caused him to lay in bed all night, wishing that he could turn back time and some how stop all of this from happening. 
He reached his hand up to scratch at a small itch on the back of his hand, stopping in his walking upon realizing that he wasn't wearing his hat. He thought back to that morning, trying to figure out wear he left it. It didn't take much effort for him to remember that he had taken off his hat and sat it on Lucy's bed when he was trying to ensure that she was alright after finding a small puddle of blood on the floor in front of the couch. He had been dragged out of the room by Freed, not given a chance to grab his hat. 
Rufus sighed and continued walking. He thought about going back for it, that would give him an opportunity to avoid a second gamble, but he knew that doing so would just be procrastination. If he was able to find another gate key, then would need to gamble for it, he knew that. There was no point in avoiding it. Besides, Lucy most likely wouldn't appreciate him walking in just for his hat. 
He was worried about her. This mission couldn't be easy on her. He couldn't imagine the amount of fear and stress that she was going through. It made him saddened to think about. Perhaps she'll feel better when they finish this mission and return to Magnolia. He doubted that the scars she has obtained will fade completely, but he still hoped that succeeding in this mission and returning to Fairy Tail will help her heal. Think about the kinds of torture that Lucy had gone through at the start made her heart clench painfully and his fingernails dig into his palms in anger. If he was successful in winning Lucy's heart, he would ensure that she will never be subjected to such cruelty again. 
His eyes eventually zeroed in on a door that held a sign that announced the offering of a gate key. He walked over to it and gripped the doorknob. As his heart began to beat quicker and his throat tightened, he stood in place and stared down at the doorknob. He could feel his body tremble, the urge to back away from the door becoming stronger with each second that passed. 
He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He remembered the breathing technique that Loke had walked Lucy through a couple of days ago. He breathed in through his nose for four seconds, held it for a count of seven, and exhaled for a count of eight. He continued this until his body's trembling lessened to the point that it was barely noticeable and his heartbeat had calmed. He still had the urge to turn away and leave, but it was more of a flicker, rather than the fire that it had grown into. 
Rufus took another deep breath before opened the door and stepped inside, trying to steel his nerves. He walked into the room and closed the door behind himself. His face twisted into a look of disgust, having almost immediately been assaulted by a strong smell of alcohol. Trying to ignore the smell, he took a look at the room. It was dimly lit, just like all of the other gambling dens that he's stepped into, and along both walls was a large bookcase, filled with all sorts of titles. A quick glance at them lead him to suspect that at least a majority of the books were about magic. 
Sitting on one of the two couches that were on either side of a dark brown, wooden coffee table was a man. The man was leaning back on the couch, one arm drapped over the back of it, and his head was tipped backward. He was downing a bottle of alcohol. Rufus looked down at the man's feet, finding that empty alcohol bottles were scattered around. He grimaced at the sigh and smell, hoping that the smell wouldn't embed itself into his clothing. 
The man finished off the bottle and let it drop onto the floor before he looked over at Rufus and greeted him with a shit-eating grin. "Hey there! Sit down! Make yourself comfortable!" 
Rufus watched as the man stood up and slowly stumbled over to a shelf of alcohol bottles, most of which were already gone, and grabbed as many as he could hold in his arms. The memory-make mage sat on the couch opposite of the one that den owner had been sitting on. 
When the man sat down, Rufus looked him over, seeing that he was dressed in a very casual and rather messy manner. The man had shoulder-length, wild brown hair and he wore a green t-shirt and pair of baggy, black jeans. The man deposited the bottles of alcohol on the couch next to himself and offered one to Rufus, asking, "want one?" 
Rufus shook his head, hoping that he was able to keep his disgust off of his face. "No, thank you." 
The man simply shrugged, opened the bottle, and began downing its contents. Rufus cringed at the display of poor manners. He couldn't remember the last time he's ever witnessed such unmannered set of actions. 
Once the man had finished off his bottle of alcohol, he tossed it onto the floor. He picked up another and slurred, "so...I'm Lial." He hiccuped before he continued, "we-we are going to-to...play Double Memory-" 
Rufus interupted him, "I hate to be rude, but I would like to see the key. Make sure that it's real." 
Lial gave him a puzzled look, probably trying to process what he had said, before his jovial grin returned and he reached into a pants pocket. He layed the key on the table and watched as Rufus picked it up.
Rufus picked up the silver key and looked at its design. The blade was shaped like a feather, intricate designs embedded into it that made is resemble the feather of a peacock. The bow was shapped like a peacock that had its tail feathers spread in a wide display, tiny gems of varying shades of green and blue decorated the tail. 
After confirming that it was real, he laid it back down on the table, pushing to the side of the table, close to the edge. He then looked back up at Lial, asking, "you said that we will be playing Double Memory?" 
Lial nodded, grin still on his face. He reached into a back pocket and pulled out two decks of cards, explaining as he set aside his bottle of alcohol, took the cards out of the boxes, and shuffled them, "you just have to...match at least half of the deck. You-you have to match a c-card with one that has-has the same suit and number as the one you t-turned over in order to get a pair." 
Rufus nodded at this. A smirk grew on his face. One of the perks of using Memory-Make Magic was the excellent memory that it granted. His fears of a repeated Russian Roulette gamble far away from his mind, he was confident in his ability to win this game. He watched as Lial laid out the two decks of cards. 
When Lial leaned back again and took back up the half-empty bottle of alcohol that he had sat down, he gestured toward the cards lazily, telling Rufus to go first. Rufus leaned closer to the coffee table and reached for a random card, turning it over. It was a two of hearts. He reached for another random card, flipping it over to reveal an ace of spades. He noted their positions, committing them to memory, and flipped the two cards back over onto their fronts. 
He straightened his posture and watched as Lial reached forward turning over two cards at random. An ace of diamonds and king of hearts. The cards were flipped back over and Rufus reached forward again. He turned over a card, finding, to his delight, that it was a king of hearts. He moved his hand to the matching card and flipped it over. He picked up the two cards and stacked them off to the side, away from the rest of the hundred-and-two cards. 
Lial reached forward again to turn over two cards, a three of hearts and a six of clubs. Before they were turned back around, Rufus memorized their positions. As he leaned back again and watched as the memory-make mage took his turn, Lial asked after he took a swig from his bottle, "so...what is your m-magic?" He hiccuped and took another swig. 
Rufus made another pair and placed the two cards off to the side, glancing up at the other man as he leaned away from the coffee table. He answered, watching the man's hand reached toward the cards, "Memory-Make Magic. You?" 
Lial gave a drunken chuckle, "it's called. Magic Card." 
Rufus nodded, recalling that Fairy Tail has a card mage. He asked, his curiosity genuine, "are you a member of a guild?" 
Lial shook his head as he leaned away from the coffee table after making a pair and moving the cards away from the others. "No, never my...thing." 
Rufus gave a short hum. He supposed that he souldn't be surprised. What Guild Master would allow one of their mages to frequent this place? 
Lial then asked, "what about you?" 
Rufus was silent. He reached forward to turn over a card, queen of hearts. He looked over the cards, trying to decide which one he was going to try. While doing so, he thought about whether he should answer truthfully or not. His guild mark wasn't visible, thankfully, which meant that he could lie and get away with it. However, he also knew that Lucy and Freed had their guild marks on their hands. That meant there was a possiblity Lial already knew he was accompanying two guild mages. 
He turned over a second card. It was a queen of diamonds. He memorized ther positions and turned them over, finally answering, "I am." 
That seemed to be enough for the drunken man, which surprised Rufus. He had been expecting some prying, but he was, nonetheless, glad that there was none of that. After Lial made another pair and set them to the side, Rufus reached forward, finding that the first card he flipped was an ace of spades. He moved his hand to where he knew the second ace of spades was, moving the pair to the side after revealing them. 
He leaned back again as Lial stated, "we almost n-never get mages here..." He finished off his bottle of alcohol and discarded it onto the floor before he opened up another one. 
Rufus gave a silent sigh. He couldn't wait to get out of this gambling den. He responded as Lial reached forward and turned over two cards that did not match, "I'm not surprised." 
"Why...are you here?" Lial gave him a goofy grin and leaned back against the couch. 
Rufus made yet another pair as he answered stiffly, "that's of none of your concern." He had hoped that his tone made it clear that he wasn't going to divulge into the topic. 
However, it seemed that Lial wasn't going to take the hint. Instead, he prodded, "it's strange for...a m-mage to be here. What's...up with that?" 
Rufus fixed him with a glare. "That is of none of your concern." His tone gave no room for arguments. It was obvious that he wasn't going to speak anymore on his reasons for being here. Fortunetly, Lial seemed to have taken the hint at last. 
The game went on for several silent minutes. According to Rufus' prediction, he won the gamble by a wide margin. He silently thanked his excellent memory as he took the key and walked out of the room. He was starting to make his way back to Lucy, but stopped when he caught sight of green and red. He turned to see Freed walking past. He noticed that the rune mage's brow was furrowed and seemed to be in some kind of determined trance. It made Rufus suspicous as to what he was doing. He watched Freed disappear past several people as he silently questioned what the man was doing. 
It didn't take long for his mind to come up with an explanation. His feet moved to follow after Freed. Had the Fairy Tail mage spotted Terra, Lust, or Nyx? He weaved through small groups of people, being mindful to not run or appear to be in a hurry so tha he doesn't draw unwanted attention. 
He finally came to the end of the wide hallway, finding a closed, steel door. After looking around and not seeing Freed, he made his way over to the door. He pushed it open with a grunt and stepped through. He looked up and froze at what he saw. Freed was being pinned to the ground, his arms held behind his back. A man with black hair was pinning him down, while a pink-haired woman and a blue-haired man stood to the side. 
Rufus gritted his teeth and prepared to attack just as Nyx requipped a key onto his hand and summoned, "Open! Gate of the Serpent: Serpens!" 
With the blink of an eye, a large, green-scaled snake darted toward Rufus, snapping it's fangs at him. Rufus jumped away, only faintly hearing Freed urging him to retrieve Lucy and Midnight.
Serpens continuously snapped at Rufus, not allowing the man to get a chance to cast a spell. All he was able to do as jump away, trying to make his way to the door. He knew that he wouldn't be able to fight all three of these mages, not while Serpens was attacking him, at least. The only option he really had was to bring Lucy and Midnight here and hope that it wouldn't be too late by the time he leads them here. 
He managed to make it to the door, however, as he attempted to open it, he clutched onto the doorknob and gritted his teeth once he felt a sharp pain in his upper back. He clenched his teeth to suppress a scream of pain before he forced his eyes open and attempted to look behind himself, finding that Serpens had sunk its fangs into his upper back, just in between his shoulders. 
Rufus gave a pained gasp when the celestial spirit released him. His knees almost instantly felt weak and his body trembled in pain. His legs quickly gave out underneath him as his breathing became labored. He turned his upper body around to look up at the large snake. He raised his hand, an attempt to cast a spell that would hopefully send the spirit back to the Spirit World. However, as sweat rolled down his temples and his eyelids became impossible to hold up. The last thing he was able to register was falling over onto the ground before he slipped into unconsciousness. 
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Out of Time Chapter Twenty -Eight
Two men stand in the center of the road. “Get and keep your heads down Mary, children.” She calmly instructs. The rustling behind her tell her they are. She doesn’t dare turn around to check. Her focus is on the men. They stand maskless. That deals her they are the bad guys. Her hand tightens on the rifle. In her peripheral vision, she sees Jamie do the same.
“Do I stop?” he asks.
Some quick thinking. Does she want him to run them down? No. Maybe they can get some information from them. “Yes.” He slows down, stopping less then a foot away from them.
The men approach. One at each window. “How are you out in that without mask on?” Claire decides to take the offense, acting as if she doesn’t know anything.
“You are Claire Beauchamp. Didn’t Frank tell you?”
She makes her eyes tear up. “My poor Frank. He went out into the mist to get something. He had a cut and it,” a sniffle, “It attacked him. He, he died.” The men by her window exchanges a look with his counterpart by Jamie’s window.
“Right, a cut. He had a lot more then one cut.”
“Who are you and how would you know that?”
“You know who we are, at least who we represent. Did you not think we would send Frank in without a way to watch him?”
Jamie doesn’t have to be told what to do. He guns the car and they are off before the startled men can do a thing. As close they are, he runs over both their feet. They won’t be following. But, as they say, you can’t out run a radio. A look is exchanged. Now what?
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syndrossi · 1 month
Exactly how excited is Jon going to be when he’s cleared to spar? Cause I feel like there will be excited puppy zoomies but with knives.
Will Ser Perkins, our lord and savior, be there by then? Will the boys be very happy to see them? Will Rhaegar employ some squires to tire Jon out before he has to spar with him? Has he been keeping up with his stretches?!
Also last chapter made me so happy. The boys being mischievous, asking about bad words. Splashing Daemon, lightly alarming Laenor. Such precious babies. I love when they’re allowed to be 8.
Jon with the equivalent of puppy zoomies is an adorable image that I thank you for providing. I can imagine him marking off the days until the maester has judged him fit to resume, and the morning of, waking Rhaegar at an obscene hour to ease him back in with a morning drill, then go to wake Daemon from his sleep to drag him to the yard, because this kid is beyond excited to get to cross blades with the Rogue Prince himself!
Rhaegar is more than happy to cede the "best swordsman" title to Jon, now that he's healthy to take it, and to have a challenging opponent once more.
Quite a gathering of knights and courtiers likely grows for their morning display, despite the early hour...
(Some of this may very well make it into Resonant lol.)
I'm not entirely sure if Ser Perkins will be there yet, since it's a long road for him. Maybe, maybe not! But you can bet both Jon and Rhaegar are eagerly awaiting his arrival, while Daemon is as well for different reasons. (Let's just say Ser Perkins is about to get the interrogation of his LIFE about their living conditions at the Gates of the Moon.)
Last chapter was a very fun chapter to write! Despite my obvious evil tendencies, I do enjoy getting to write everyone being happy and having a good time.
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instafic-for-readers · 2 months
28. Oh To Be A Cat In Love <3
Lee Know x Fem!Reader
Magic School!AU | SMAU | Fluff | Rom-Com
With a large friendship group, Y/N had her fair share of laughing and teasing; but with her large small crush on Minho, the group is ready for mischief… Add a little magic and you have a whole love story on your hands!
Oh To Be A Cat In Love <3 Masterlist | Main M.list
{Authors Note: Just a small oneeee! Let’s just pretend the boys are actually in the same place 😅}
Chapter Twenty-Eight: BBQ Time 🍖
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Oh To Be A Cat In Love <3 Masterlist | Chap. T-Nine
If you want to be added to a tag list lmk!
| @l33bang24 | @katsukis1wife | @tinyelfperson |
| @chxrrylly | @miniature-tragedy | @amarecerasus |
| @nappynapnaps | @not-very-slay-of-you |
| @x4n7h0s | @bbokari711 | @borahae-reads |
| @siriusly1 | @jazziwritesthings |
(Warning: I don’t actually ship idols/band-mates together, it’s just for subplots!)
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i'm told you guys like it when i draw this guy's expressions for some reason
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piduai · 1 month
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when you're such a slimy evil little creature that even asirpa, who has the patience and human-loving nature of jesus, is done so thoroughly with your shit that she decides that there's no way back for you when she shoots you
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s4sharkteeth · 1 year
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time skip all the way to senior year anyone?
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snckt · 2 years
lemony snicket was actually insane for writing poison for breakfast 
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annabelle--cane · 24 days
[scrolling through a fandom tag] wrong. wrong. incomprehensibly wrong. wrong but harmless. nice style and color palette but I don't care about that ship. mildly entertaining liveblog update. they whitewashed my girl :( . good joke, reblog. wro--well that's my mutual so I will politely look away. fifteen posts in a row by an innocent rp blog that I don't have the heart to block. take I agree with but op was annoying about it. chapter twenty-eight of a longfic wip. !! GOOD POST !!, instafollowed. bot. technically correctly tagged but uses this acronym for something completely different. museum worthy art piece by a sixteen-year-old from the philippines. wrong. wrong but in a new and exciting way that provokes thought.
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screampied · 5 months
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ᡴꪫ sum. university still majorly sucks, and spring break is practically over. time to say goodbye to your dad’s best friend, but before you do—you have a jarring confession to make, and it’s definitely not those three words.
wc. 6.4k
warnings. fem! reader, dad's best friend! toji, age gap (reader is over twenty), booty call, unprotected, size kink, praise, fıngering, cunnılingus (toji eating it from the back), degredation, dumbification, toji's very whipped for you, overstim, squırting.
an. this is the last chapter WOOOOO. thank you to everyone who read dbf! toji. may he return somedayy
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girl, are you fucking stupid?
a simple question you couldn’t answer as if your life depended on it. if only you knew the deep consequences you’d face by having some careless fun on spring break. oh, but it’s just a one time thing, it’s just a little fling that won’t mean anything once april’s over. you continue to keep reminding yourself that every time you were with him. toji fushiguro—your father’s sleazy best friend, the guy who was about eight years older than your twenty-two year old self, the guy who was shameless, the guy who literally fingered you underneath the table during dinner, same said guy who makes you clean off his fingers with your tongue like the good obedient girl you were.
maybe you are fucking stupid,
spring break was coming to its inevitable end, meaning it’d be the end of your little fling with mr. fushiguro. oh and you did get caught, your father knows— but let’s not focus on that part, let’s focus on the part on how you were questioning yourself. was this love or just a game? surely it couldn’t be love, ew. toji himself said that he can’t stand relationships. you yourself was too busy with being a studious university student to even consider a significant other. so… what exactly was this peculiar feeling? a good description was a weird stir in your stomach, especially whenever he’s lay his eyes on you. alas, maybe instead of love, the feeling was entirely different.
you know what they say about karma though, it always catches up to you in the long run. oops..?
it was about three thirty in the morning. you were tossing and turning in your sleep. birds could just about be heard outside your window, chirping and chirping away. with an exaggerated sigh, you stare into the beige drywall that coats against your ceiling for a long, long time. no matter how much you tried to delay the inevitable—you had to get up, you just had to get it off your chest.
you should probably not keep this yourself..
but you pondered deeply at what his reaction might be— would he feel the same way, or would he hate you and turn a cold eye … ?
just thinking about it for such a long duration of a time made your stomach churn. at the same time though, whenever you thought about toji for too long . . that happened. you’d get aroused, having your pretty little panties in a twist.
you still question just how your father and him even met. a guy like toji isn’t really a guy you’d stumble across everyday. he mentioned to you on how he was gambling at boat races—you believed that, but still, you always did wanna know more about him.
toji was a very private man though, nothing wrong with that.
you couldn’t help but be a little curious about the man you’ve been screwing with for the past thirteen days now. thirteen days felt more like thirteen long consecutive weeks. like most, your break was supposed to only last five days to a week. it only ended up getting extended because of some kind of altercation at your campus. albeit, you didn’t ever want it to end,
but all good things do come to an end, right?
reaching for your phone, you decide to text him— you didn’t exactly expect a reply despite it being so late but still, you unlock your phone before scrolling for his contact..
< 69 Toji Fushiguro 🎥 >
Today 3:27 AM
hi toji.
u up?
• • •
Yea. Just woke up actually. Why?
lol no reason, i can’t sleep.
i miss u and i need to tell you smth
Fuck I miss ya too, girl.
Come over then. you still got my location?
yeah be there in a bit xx
Read 3:29
locking your phone again, you take a quick thorough six minute shower. toji missed you just as much as you missed him— it’s been about a day or two or three that’s passed, of course you two wouldn’t be able to see each other every day.
it was mostly every other day. with spring break coming to a crashing depressing end, this would all be the end of your little spring season fling.
the drive to toji’s apartment was about maybe nine minutes from you. not exactly far, you’d have him come over to yours but you forgot that your father was literally next door to you. he’s already aware of what was taken place at his own home but again, let’s not focus on that part of the story.
at least not yet.. or ever,
you threw on a simple ample outfit, one of your oversized university hoodies and some leggings. something homely, something comfortable.
the weather was actually pretty decent, a bit humid but not exactly too cold either.
once you arrive at toji’s surprisingly well kept apartment, he met up with you at the door with that same smug grin. “….hey,” is all he says, eyes staring down your body for a while. you take the chance to ogle at him too. even with it being the middle of the night, he still looked handsome. with dark black hair of his a bit ruffled, toji had on nothing but obsidian black colored shorts and a white tee. his muscles, you always did feen over his mammoth-like jacked muscles. he was so toned— a lot taller than you, the epitome of what a real man was. “how was the drive? drive okay?”
“it was okay,” you mutter, stepping into his apartment. he’s holding a half empty can of cheap off brand booze, locking the door behind you as you take in the scenery. you feel a bit of butterflies rummage throughout your tummy as he slings an arm around you. it was like each time you’d meet with him again, he’d get more and more affectionate towards you. facing him, you had a cute abashed smile. “you look sleepy. did i wake you?”
“nah,” he firmly shakes his head, placing his empty can aside. toji takes off the thin coat you wore over your hoodie before hanging it up on the nearby rack for you. “i was ‘bout ‘ta get ready for work but then ya texted me.”
toji never did tell you what he does for a living.
your eyebrows slightly raise. “wha— why? i can wait, just go to work.”
“dollface, really. it’s fine,” he chuckles, his voice a rough low. he leads you towards his bedroom, the bed wasn’t made up although it smelled a lot like him in here. a cheap musk of cologne fills through your nose as you sit down on his bed beside him. toji stretches, the veins in his forearms exposing ever so slightly and it’s so hot. “besides, didn’t feel like clockin’ in anyway. still gotta finish my taxes.”
“oh,” you mumble, completely lost in his gaze as he continues to speak. toji notices you staring and he smirks.
playfully, he pokes at your forehead, a teasing flick with two fingers to snap you out of whatever trance you were in. “. . soooooooo,” toji hums in a raspy pitched tone. his fingers that went against your skin was abnormally warm. “what did you wanna talk ‘ta me about?”
right, that..
suddenly, you felt your thighs squeeze together. toji’s staring at you, awaiting for a response and whilst you smother your glossed lips together, you rub the back of your neck. “oh, it can wait. it’s not that important,” damn, if looks could kill, you’d be screwed. dark green irises focus on your lips, then your eyes before back towards your pursed up lips. toji was quite familiar with your awkward body language, you lean up close to him before dragging a finger down his chest. so sensually, “like i said though, i missed you toji. i go back home tomorrow.”
“you’re lying, doll,” he whispers, letting your finger run down the middle part of his chest. a few bristles of chest hair pokes through his white tank before he raises a brow. “but fine,” and he grabs you to sit right on his lap. instinctively, your arms wrap around his broad neck. the closer you got, the more you got a good whiff of him. his cologne was so strong, it made you dizzy. “i missed ya more. and that’s right, y’er spring break’s ‘bout to end,” and you almost moan at feeling his clammy hands squeeze against your thighs. “excited to go back?”
“no,” you grumble, a grouse hiding underneath your tone. he slyly smiles, a thumb skimming against your skin. “i don’t wanna leave yet.”
“well girl then jus’ stay,” he rolls his eyes, forever a sassy, sassy man. “and, i find it kinda amusing. the whole point of your spring break was to visit your father ‘n you basically spent it all with me,” and his eyes run down your body, pulling you up close to kiss the outside of your neck. “ain’t complainin’ though.”
you pout, he had a point. “i can’t stay, my campus is like five hours away,” and you moan a bit from the softness of his lips meeting against your tender skin. “maybe.. you could visit me though.”
“eh. we’ll see.”
moments pass before you find yourself making out with toji. it lasts for a good while, ten precise minutes exactly. his hands free-for-all all over your body, the warmth of his hot breath goes against yours. the bitter taste of rich booze lingers on his breath, it’s chemically and it almost burns, yet it’s addictive. toji’s taste alone was addictive. you moan, feeling him ghost a big hand between your thighs to locate your arising heat. your leggings could only conceal your arousal for so long. his eyes were barely open, half-lidded as another hand travels up your hoodie. stubby fingers of his drag against your skin in such a way that you couldn’t help but grind against his lap.
toji grunts, deepening the passionate kiss—his tongue was so sweet, occasionally sucking against yours. perhaps he did miss you more than you missed him. with his head slightly cocked back to a certain angle, you start to hear and feel your own breaths shudder.
everything was going so fast yet slow, he parts his lips a bit further before you feel a hand of his reach all the way down between your legs. after a while of mashing teeth and sucking against tongues together, he pulls away. “y’er still as nasty as i remember. walkin’ around with no fuckin’ panties, huh?”
“nasty for you,” you whine, feeling his rough hands tug all over your body. swiftly, a hand snakes underneath your thighs. he runs a single thumb down your soaked slit and he guffaws. with a sly grin, he leans in to kiss more against your neck. so tender, he knew all the right spots to make you whimper out and squirm. his balmy hot breath resuming to collide against your skin made you bite your lip, an arm still throwing around his neck. “you don’t like me wearing panties anyway.”
“well yeah,” he sneers, his touch going further against your pre-soaked clit. you were already a bit drenched and he hums. “i steal them from ya regardless. my ‘lil souvenir. besides, what’s the point of wearin’ those things when y’er always this fuckin’ soaked.”
you moan, feeling him insert a single finger inside. his fingers were always so thick, stretching you out probably even better than his dick ever could. almost as if your entrance was elastic with how good it stretches. it’s his middle finger, then it sporadically turns into two— two thickset fingers prodding inside your slick heat.
you coat his digits so well with your syrupy arousal, he glances at you with a simper as you clamp around them both at once. “you get more nastier for me every time,” he murmurs, slowly swirling his fingers inside you. you’re clinging onto his neck tightly, feeling that strain in your lungs drag out as you pant. “drivin’ around this wet, girl i ‘oughta spank ya.”
“do it then.”
he glares at you before you gasp. toji lightly shoves you into the bed and you flop down, uttering out a soft ‘oof.’ landing on the sound mounds of your chest, he yanks down your leggings fully before meanly kissing the right cheek of your ass with his palm. “do it then,” he mocks you, pitching his naturally gruff tone to your own. “shut the fuck up,” and the sting feels good, his fingers were now out of you and again, you pout. clamping around nothing now, you were quite really just arched over his bare knee. “have ya been touchin’ y’erself lately? tell me.”
“no,” you lie, and that earns another spank— you moan out, the feeling of his palm was so hot at first touch. quite literally, the sting made you twinge before you grip onto his bulky thighs. “haven’t touched myself, swear.”
“oh bye, don’t bullshit me, sweetheart,” toji mutters, and you’re just dangling over his knee.
occasionally, the coolish air against his room would waft right against your skin. “known ya for a good what, two weeks? i can tell y’er lying,” and the way his voice pitches— it’s so rough, gravelly.
the baritone in his voice never fails to make you wet, so deep. you didn’t really know a good way to describe toji’s voice, all you knew was that it was raspy as hell. heavily and utterly raspy to the point where even him whispering against your ear was enough to have you drenched. “don’t like ya touchin’ her when ‘m not around,” he clicks his tongue, caressing your bare stinging ass. you’re panting, aching for him to just hurry up, to do something. toji cackles, noticing from how impatient you were simply from your body language. “aw. am i talkin’ too much for the pretty girl? you bein’ over my knee not enough to satisfy ya?”
you sigh, wriggling your ass a bit and he spanks it again just to watch the recoil bounce against your skin.
“t— tojiiii. just fuck me already.” you grumble, you didn’t really care how whiny you sounded.
it was late at night and you were horny. that was for sure pretty much all you knew. besides, despite it being about two to three days since you last saw him, yeah.. maybe that wasn’t even long of an absence— but you did kind of miss toji.
more importantly, you missed his little friend between his legs.
“i’ll fuck ya when i wanna,” he gruffs. you whine once he sprawls your legs open a bit more. toji stares at your ass, spreading them to see your sloppy cunt opening for him. a sweet little meet and greet. so wet, you’re still laid over his lap before he leans down. “shh. listen to her,” is all he says. whilst he’s inching his face closer, two exact seconds later you feel toji’s saliva trickle into your pulsating entrance. oh. he spat on your pussy, he was quite direct with it too. he then gathers a long stringy wad of gossamer-like spit before spitting it right between your swollen folds. you bite your lip hard, forgetting how much of a nasty man he was. “yeah she’s missed the fuck outta me.”
toji was purely fluent in pussy talk. it was common for him. he’d always refuse to your cunt as ‘she’ as if she had a name or something.
no shame, shameless— toji brings a thumb towards your clit, rubbing against it just so you could hear the squelches you made yourself.
“you used a toy, baby?” he hums, sliding his tongue against his lips, against the scar that slants against his skin oh-so-sexily..
“y-yeah,” you whimper, the coldness of his saliva making you shudder within his hold. your breathing became more rapid as you tighten the hold on his legs. “magic wand. i jus’ wanted to try it.”
“tch… magic fuckin’ wand,” he snarls, actually sounding quite offended.
continuing to drag and skim his fat thumb down your slit, you mewl out. you’re effortlessly soaking his single slender digit with such sheeny amounts of your sweet. “bet ya didn’t even know what the fuck you were doin.’ how long it take ‘ta make you finish?”
you’re panting now, trying to recall your lewd moments with your sweet beloved hitachi, it was expensive too.
you bought it from some shady link online, one of your friends recommended it to you so you shrugged it off, saying why not. besides, you hardly ever have time to play with yourself anyway. even more now that you had toji.
“like … maybe thirty minutes.” you exhale deeply, the fast paced strokes of his fingers making your eyes almost roll back. so so good, all he was really doing was skimming his fingers against your sopping wet entrance— barely even doing anything, yet you were still a mess.
toji chuckles, making you get off his lap before laying you face first on the mattress. he grabs your waist, pulling your ass upward to stick out before he gets up close for a nice direct view. “aw. thirty minutes? thirty minutes when it can only take me five with my tongue?”
“f-fuckkk.” you start to babble, his warm breath fanning all against your exposed cunt.
it cools against your skin, sending each nerve that resides inside of your entrance to spiral uncontrollably. toji had you arched all over, arched over like some slut.
to be fair, if the shoe fits you might as well wear it.
“dunno if ya deserve to be eaten out,” he speaks in a low undertone. your dilated pupils roll way back at his simple touch.
he teasingly brings his tongue towards your pussy, it’s retting, sloppily so. toji drags two fingers and you eagerly coat his digits with such salaciously, lewd arousal. “mhm. look at that, fuckin’ drenched. my favorite waterpark,” and he spits against your folds once more before snickering darkly. “jus’ thinkin’ you used those useless hands on this pretty pussy makes me ill.”
oh, you’re about to lose it..
he was stalling, more talking and less eating.
instead, it should have been vice versa.
you’re a mover, writhing in his lap, still hunched over with a cute arch before he spanks your ass.
“little girl, cut that shit out,” he grunts and abruptly, you feel the coldness of his flat tongue finally lap against your pussy.
immensely, your mouth forms into an ‘o’. if it was anything toji fushiguro knew how to do well, it was that he knew how to eat.
he ate you out like it was the end of the fucking world, as if your pussy was the only food remaining left in stock.
you gnaw on your bottom lip further, gasping once he wastes no time to dig in.
. . slow slow sluuuurps,
he makes sure you hear how wet you were on his mouth. just downright filthy, his tongue lays itself flat before he nibbles all against your throbbing clit.
“o-oh my god, toji, hngh,” you’d babble out in pathetic sweet sobs. with his tongue scrapping against your entrance, creating suction with his mouth had you stupid.
as your maw dramatically drops, he’s eating you from the back. there’s a concise dull moment where he pauses. with big two rough hands, he spreads your ass open fully. “f-fuuuck.” you moan, feeling him blow his warm breath all against your puffed folds.
from behind, you hear his sexy low titter before he resumes—yet this time, he lolls his pink tongue all the way out, so fucking long..
and as he does, he licks from the very bottom of your cunt until he’s reaching near your puckering hole— he’s never acknowledged that spot before, your ass.
your eyes widen, a clamoring gasp exits from your lips before he spits against it, lathering his tongue everywhere. he likes it wet, more importantly though, he likes it nasty.
“arch that back more for me, bend girl, bend,” he coos in a muffled tone— purely speaking with his mouth full. his stubble tickles against your pussy and your back voluntarily moves itself forward. a curve, he found it so appealing,
so . . amusing.
“there mphm we go baby, good girl. keep that head on the bed. ‘m fuckin’ starved.”
you’re clinging tight onto one of toji’s satin covered pillows, feeling his tongue roam everywhere. it knew no bounds. your heart starts to race at a more rapid speed the second he sneakily dips his tongue back into your needy clit.
he passionately sucks against the clitoral hood before using a hand to smack your ass every single time you squirm.
after about probably the nth time of his lewd escapades with his tongue, he starts to prod his calloused fingertips near your entrance once more. his fingers featuring his tongue, oh you were really no match.
“mhm, bet ya are,” he rasps, a deep chuckle dragging out of his throat.
the way your body responds to him was so cute. “keep that ass up ‘n y’er face down,” he orders, earning another vicious smack on the rear from him. you’re moaning, feeling yourself start to spasm. toji occasionally breaks his lips away to kiss near your ankle, your thighs, anywhere but your cunt and he knows how much you hated that.
the teasing— he’d purposely stop just to move his lips elsewhere, watching you fidget in such obscene anticipation. “don’t fuckin’ cum yet.”
“but shit. you heard me,” he groans, bringing his mouth back towards between your legs. you whine, feeling him roll out his tongue before slurping up such a good amount of your syrupy taste.
with your toes curling, stomach seizing, you couldn’t stop shaking.
so damn good, his buttony nose rubs against your folds and it tickles for a split second. the stimulation has your mind going for a loop, you even slip your hands underneath your sweatshirt just to touch on your sensitive perky nipples. “wait for me. hold it, yeah.”
but of course, you didn’t listen,
your body had other plans.
it was inevitable, your orgasm ignored toji anyway, you’re ponderously throbbing.
the pulse between your thighs only grow more briskly before you realize you’re drooling all over his bedsheets.
oh, the feeling felt so delicious, your jaw remains open and you feel so much pressure. so much, his tongue still grazes against your slit before you shriek out, gasping for whatever air was left. it was quick, very very quick.
it’s speed..
it’s tempo was like lightning speed—a bolt that flashes within a blink of an eye, concentric circles steadily building up within your lower abdomen pooling up with heat before it just snaps,
you came.
“o-oh fuck, f-fuuuck, toji,”
suddenly, the room grows quiet. you knew toji didn’t like for you to finish early—especially finishing after he tells you to wait, but oh well.
you couldn’t help it, and the orgasm he just gave you was so good, mouth watering. with weak legs that could barely stand up it’s on own, you inhale a single sharp breath before you’re flipped over quickly.
“the fuck did i just tell you?”
“s-sorry,” you giggle, sprawled all on his bed. your eyes immediately meet the gaze of his shorts, they were half on. he’s got a bulge going on, a hard one at that. his black boxers briefly stick out and it’s so attractive—you catch a glimpse of his happy trail from his tank top that was pulled up just a bit, exposing a bit of his skin. sharp v-line, slim snatched waist.
god, he was so jacked. the more you stare at his sculptured body, the more you fantasized about how he could just toss you around the—
“oh, is somethin’ funny to you?” he utters lowly, and his tone— he sounds ticked off, he’s barely even raising his tone, projecting it but you still hear the slight rasp to it. you just got even more soaked. “was gonna let ya ride me but i don’t wanna stare at a brat right now.”
“h-huh?” you reply, and then your face was met against the plush mattress again.
you lewdly mewl out a whimper once he spanks your ass, a hand grabbing onto your hip.
“don’t act like ya can’t here me, girl. bring that ass up a bit more,” and you gasp, feeling him drag your hips a bit closer towards his slim waist. “yeah.” he breathes, having a gentle yet firm grip on you.
rough coarse fingertips glide up against your own hips as you feel him take a second to align himself. fuck, you missed this.
you missed him.
in the midst of toji already pulling down his shorts and boxers— he then grabs ahold of his thick cock, giving it a few solid strokes.
he was so hard, leaky tip glistening with pre that he wished he made you lick the top off.
but it was far too late, he just wanted to be inside, just as much as you wanted him inside. the crown of his cock was so fat, even with toji being slow to ease himself inside, he’s still practically splitting you open.
“shit, i missed this,” he grunts in a hoarse tone whilst he’s going inside you.
“f-fuck,” you bawl up the creamy white sheets into your fists.
you almost forgot just how big he was, despite it only being a good three days without feeling him stretch you out.
toji groans, feeling the subtle tightness of your walls adjust to him like always— it usually lasts a second or two. he’s furthering himself in, already about to bottom out.
he’s already niiice and snug. a perfect fit,
every. single. time.
toji rarely does doggy with you because he prefers staring at your face— solely to make fun of your little facial expressions. but whenever you were bent over for him on all fours, it was simply an experience you never wanted to end. “oh fuck m-me,” you croak, feeling him yank harshly against the hood of your hoodie. you bump back against him and that’s when he unhurriedly starts to create an unkempt, sloppy pace.
it was rhythmic, he starts off slow before strenuously pounding into you.
churning up your sweet savory insides like butter, you clamp around him so good that it makes his abs tense up. “mhm,” he tugs tighter against the fabric that was thrown over you from the torso up. dark eyes of his flicker toward your ass, each time he moves, your ass moves.
in full compatibility, the sheer skin slaps was brutal. your head was spinning like a merri-go-‘round, strained inhales pulling your heaving lungs every few milliseconds. “. . girl,” toji groans, and you moan once he gives your ass a spank again for probably the umpteenth time today. his voice, every syllable he drags out in that deep hoarsely voice of his had you so soaked. “fuck back against me, c’mon. ‘s a two way street, baby.”
“y-you’re so fuckin’ big though,” you whine, pawing into the soft cushions of his comforter.
“awww,” he utters in a faux, sympathetic tone.
he leans against you, so close to where he’s basically in prone bone— no more doggy.
he’s so deep that the tip of his dick prods all against your secluded g-spot. toji’s hefty weight hovers against your bare ass and you moan melodically. “i’m big, yeah?” and a colossal, veiny hand of his wraps around your throat. gentle, barely any pressure but a good amount to make you whine again. “but y’er doin’ so good, was jus’ about to praise you but you don’t want praises, huh,” and you’re falling in love time and time again with his sensual yet reckless rhythm. the way the bed rocks and shakes in harmony, you’re at a lost of words.
speechless, breathless, every -less word by this point.
he was hitting you so deep, every angle.
so thorough,
his hips were sharp— your moans grow louder the moment he gets right up against you, a hand gripping into your hair rigidly. mercilessly, a hand lightly digs into your scalp as he’s holding your head up. toji’s damn near balls deep now, making sure you feel every consecutive thrust. “some nerve, textin’ me at three am just to fuck this sloppy cunt,” and his hot breath fans against your neck. you whine once you feel his tongue slide against your sensitive collarbone. so deep—you were sure he’s just jackhammering his cock into you by this point. each movement was pivotal, he was precise with the way his hips snapped against you. whiplash got you good, you’re currently just a babbling mess listening to his crude words. “but i bet ‘s more than that, yeah? you wanted to tell me somethin’ so just tell me.”
“n-not yet,” a sweet moan dies out your throat.
toji rolls his eyes— this girl, he’s thinking in his head. you were testing his patience, a stubborn little thing. one of the many things he’s liked about you. “fuck, h-harder toji. harder.”
“sloooow? i can do slow,” he replies in a deriding tone, and his deep thrusts turn into satirical unserious, slow pumps. you whine, he lets go of your hair and you just plop down on your chest. he knew what you wanted, he knew how you liked to be fucked, and yet he was just being a tease.
toji fucking fushiguro for you.
he’s always been rough with you, treating you like nothing more than a mere rag doll at times. there’s been sweet affectionate moments too, rarely, but it has its moments.
toji’s infatuation with you only grows, the more he spends time with you the more he even starts to question himself.
you’ve got him whipped.. precisely with your pussy, yes, but whipped in another way completely. he didn’t know how to describe it, mainly because it was nothing to describe,
he couldn’t put anything to words—especially whenever he was deep in your guts, mashing your cunt around with his cock like homemade dough. kneading it with his tip,
stretch, mold, ply, repeat..
he’s doing all that with his dick. he sucks his teeth, a tsk escapes from his mouth before he spanks your ass— bringing you right back to reality.
“fuckin’ gonna milk the shit out of me,” he groans, his hips all sloppy and vigorous.
toji’s so close to you that by now, he brings a foot up to press against the back of your neck. you gasp, really feeling just how deep he was inside your cunt.
the wool of his sock presses against your neck as your face was smushed against the satiny sheets. “mhm, that’s it girl, take it. take that shit. milk my fuckin’ cock, fuuuck.”
his groans get louder, you’re so wet it’s ludicrously sloshing against him and you’re all doe-eyed and dumb.
emphasis on dumb, not a single thought was embedded into your brain.
as his hips keenly buck against you, you’re breathing shallowly, trying to keep a good momentum against him before you whine.
you were close again, yet this time— something else was approaching,
something more . . provocative.
your legs shake and shake, your jaw aches from how much your teeth is shattering amongst each other before you feel him grab onto your wrist.
he pins it behind your back whilst he’s still fucking you raw.
broad, clammy hands of his roam down your voluptuous body, taking in to snag a feel of your curves, your pretty physique, everything..
beads of sweat droplets start to race down the sides of toji’s naturally dark brows— he huffs and puffs, the girth of his dick only stretching out inside of you even further.
you’re a babbling mess, the arch in your back was so cute that it makes him throb. you feel the throb that lingers from his dick, it pulsates at such a meteoric pace that it has you pulsing in response.
“where do ya want it,” he grumbles with a soft vexing pout on his lips. toji was trying his best to maintain composure—but he was flustered, the more he leers down your back, down your pretty structured spine, the more he’s starting to adapt this unexplainable feeling. “best fuckin’ tell m—”
“inside,” you purr out, your voice all strained and a raucous from the immense amounts of moans that left your throat. “i-inside, wanna feel you again, ‘n again, ‘again..”
toji snickers, swiping a tongue against his lips before he slows himself down for you to adjust.
you’re preparing to finish with him— he coos right up against your ear, sticking two fingers in your mouth. “finish with me, princess. ‘m givin’ you this one chance,” and he deepens his voice all the way down, balls so deep inside that you feel a faint gape stretch you whole.
you’re compressing him down tight with your gummy walls before you feel the slimy friction of pure sweat sticking against your own skin. “you gonna be a good girl ‘n cum on my cock? or a bad girl who’s not even listenin’ to a damn thing ‘m saying.. ?”
“c-cum, toji, mphm,” you choke out a sweet desperate wail, feeling one of his bulky arms wrap around your torso. “wanna cum.”
as you spoke, your words were merely muffled from his thick digits shoving inside of your sloppy, needy mouth. his warmth, once it skids against your skin, it never ever leaves.
you think you’re about to cum but instead, you gush out.
violently, electricity courses through your veins. vibration after vibration pulses throughout your body and you’re hysterical,
it’s so abrupt, so intense..
you’re squirting, coating his dick with your honeydew arousal from the base down.
he chuckles at your body’s initial response, how you’re finding it impossible to stay still. you’re clenching around his shaft still, mouth all open, eyes wide as big as restaurant saucers.
swooning, you’re swooning from his length and that’s when you whimper once he groans right in your ear.
the raspiness, it’s got you drenched— drenched like a faucet, the sensation was beyond pleasurable.
toji ends up following seconds after, it hits him harder. like a truck, it comes at full speed before you’re met with such absurd milky ropes of his seed. it shoots out quick, but it’s thick. you get quiet, hearing the sloshing spurts trickle its way inside of you. “f-fuck,” he stutters, a shaky breath following as he slides his fingers out of your mouth. a trailing glimmering cobweb of your own spit drags from his two fingers as he’s dumping knots and knots of cum into your sweet, starving cunt. “saved so much f’r you, feel it deep ‘n y’er womb, doll?”
“y-yes.” you swallow, a multitude of moans emit from you before he slowly pulls out.
oh, the sight of it all. one of toji’s favorite parts was to simply gawk at the mess he created, taking in the mess he made you.
a messy girl.
the messiest, your chest feels tight and you’re heaving.
he licks his lips, staring at your ass with hazy eyes. his own cum oozes out of your hole and he just wants to lick it, plug it back into you and give you another thick load.
that’ll come soon enough— as much as he had stamina equivalent to a near stallion, he needed a little break. his chest felt like it was about to explode.
“fuck,” he collapses against his side of the bed, reaching towards his thigh to scratch it.
as if on instinct, you crawl towards him, an arm wraps around you and he pulls you closer. your head presses against his chest. you hear his rapid heart beat and he murmurs out a husky, “good girl,” and he leans in to kiss the crown of your head. “gimme a minute though. ‘m not as young as i used to be, y’know.”
you giggle, a simper stretching across your face as the time passes.
instantaneously, it gets quiet for a moment before you suddenly remember why you even came here . . for one last time.
“toji,” you utter, attempting to catch your breath.
you were still heaving with lungs full of build up oxygen, panting a bit before he glances down at you with that unreadable, naturally stern expression.
a hand of yours strums down his pecs seductively, playing with the curly chest hair that remains stuck against his skin. “i’ll um . . tell you what i wanted to say earlier.”
“let me go first.”
with your eyebrows slightly furrowing, you glance up at him and he stares up at the ceiling before back at you. “about a week back, at y’er dad’s place, i told ya i loved you,” and his breath hitches for a moment— even saying something as sentimental as that made him cringe.
you figure he was being serious though because his sudden eye contact never left yours. “you never gave me an answer back.”
“. . . oh,” you sheepishly say, remembering the exact encounter he was referring to. you then lean up to toji, gingerly planting your lips against the right side of his mouth where his tender scar resides. “you didn’t hear me? i said i love you too, toji.”
his chest feels all warm and mushy, you love him?
“you do?” he replies, being taken aback. this entire situation was messy as is, but again, they do say the heart knows what it wants.
you nod, repeating yourself before pulling him into a quick three second kiss. “i love you, toji.”
. . .
. . . is what he thought you was gonna say.
far from it actually, you’re sat in the passenger seat of toji’s car before you lightly tap him on the shoulder. he’s parked, slouched back against his seat before he snaps out of his erotic phantasm. he was dropping you off back home,
oh right.
“toji? did you even hear a word i just said?”
“huh? yeah, you said you loved me too.”
“no … i didn’t. what?” you scrunch up your face, the most perplexed expression of all.
that was nothing you said, with a sheepish expression, you mutter out the words he’d never thought he’d hear you say. “toji, i said i’m pregnant.”
. .
happy spring fucking break.
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renee-writer · 1 year
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Out of Time Chapter One Hundred and Twenty -eight
“You think we will ever be safe?” Charlie asks Danny. They are walking behind Jenny. He carries Maggie, drowsily resting against his back. Ian moves ahead of his mam and baby brother with Asha following Jenny
“I pray so. For you, her, and them.” He nods to the others.
“Not yourself?” She walks on the edge of the deserted roadway. The buzz of bees follow them as they make their way through the growing weeds.
“I don’t know that I deserve peace. After all, I was part of all this.”  He includes the overgrowth they are drudging through, the unnatural stillness, the whole humanity ‘s end vibe.
“A part but, like Asha, you aren’t anymore. Everyone makes bad choices.”
His laugh is sharp. “Bad choices, we bloody well tried to destroy the world. I believe that is more than just a bad choice.”
“Right. It just seems,” She steps into the road at reaching a particular large crop of weeds, “to much to take in, you know. To overwhelming. The scope of it. Here,” She points to the empty roadway stretching into the horizon, “is hard enough to fathom. The thought of a world full of the same, it like, is just to much.”
He nods. His son will never know a world full of people, nor will his son, or his. How many centuries will pass before the world is whole again. She is right, it is overwhelming.
“See, how can I seek peace with all that…?”
“Because you are here with us, trying to do all you can to make it right.”
“Thank you Charlie.” Maggie sighs, settling against him as she falls asleep. Maybe it is enough. He can only move on from here.
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tteokdoroki · 6 days
ᯓ★ ONCE UPON A FUCK ME !? — kinktober 2024 !
mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the filthiest fairytale of them all? your favourite storybook characters, reimagined.
✧ there’s a note from your fairy godmother - hello my angels !! welcome to another kinktober. i hope you guys are as excited as i am. wave your magic wand here ! to join the taglist. rb for a happy ending ₊˚⊹ ᥫ᭡.
✧ read the blurb - each of the following fairytales contain nsfw and dark themes. fem!reader. each fic comes with its own warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact.
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✐ᝰ.ᐟ CHAPTER ONE RAPUNZEL - satoru gojo.
[OCT 1ST ★ BONDAGE] once upon a time, a girl trapped in a tower with nothing but her extremely lavish, long hair as company decides…fuck it and sleeps with a handsome stranger to get what she wants.
additional kinks. orgasm control, sensory deprivation, edging, thigh riding, spit kink, outer-course, begging, switching.
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✐ᝰ.ᐟ CHAPTER EIGHT BEAUTY & THE BEAST - katsuki bakugou.
[OCT 8TH ★ MONSTER FUCKING] once upon a time, a village girl thinks to herself — fuck it! being trapped inside a castle with a monstrous sexy bloody beast isn’t so bad… she might as well make it worth her while.
additional kinks. bath sex, soft sex, blood play, size kink, praise kink, body worship, body modifications.
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✐ᝰ.ᐟ CHAPTER FIFTEEN CINDERELLA - tobio kageyama.
[OCT 15TH ★ MUTUAL MASTURBATION] once upon a time, a soon-to-be crowned princess, once down on her luck, says fuck it and settles on consummating her marriage with the crown prince before they’re actually due to be married.
additional kinks. oral sex, clothed sex, cherry chasing, first time, corruption.
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✐ᝰ.ᐟ CHAPTER SIXTEEN THE LITTLE MERMAID - eijirou kirishima.
[OCT 16TH ★ FUCK OR DIE] once upon a time, a princess decides — fuck it! fuck the engagement. who cares when a sexy half-man, half -fish…prince? whatever! needs to drown her in an ocean of pleasure in order to survive…
additional kinks. underwater sex, ritualistic sex, voice kink, pain kink, choking, quickie.
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[OCT 22ND ★ SOMNOPHILIA] once upon a time, a brave knight, destined to marry someone she’d never met, says fuck it and plans to reap the rewards of saving the prince from eternal slumber. without realising that he’s already awake…
additional kinks. hold the moan, overstimulation, cockwarming, dacryphilia, outer-course, free use, dub con, cumplay.
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[OCT 29TH ★ KNOTTING] once upon a time, a curious little girl says fuck it and disobeyes her mother’s only wish. stay on the path when you visit your granny, you don’t want to get snatched up by the big bad wolf.
additional kinks. wolf hybrids, mating season, oral fixation, sweat + scent kink, pregnancy kink, lactation, breeding, a/b/o.
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✐ᝰ.ᐟ BONUS CHAPTER: GOLDILOCKS & THE THREE BEARS - bachira, isagi 'n nagi.
[OCT 31ST ★ CUCKING] once upon a time, a sweet little bear hybrid on her own in the woods decides... fuck it! she'll teach that pesky thief goldilocks what it really means to share. with the help of friends, of course.
additional kinks. bear hybrids, double penetration, mutual masturbation, deep throating, brat taming, exhibitionism, multiple orgasms, foursome, dub-con, coercion, marking, oral sex.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2024. do not copy, repost, translate, feed into ai & recommend elsewhere.
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
when the story is drawing out and you need to find a conclusion but the natural conclusion hasnt happened yet
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andvys · 8 months
Dancing with our hands tied | S.H.
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And my, my love had been frozen. Deep blue, but you painted me golden.
Warnings: 18+, mdni! there will be smut in the future chapters. enemies to lovers, 'she fell first, he fell harder' kind of trope, allusions to unrequited love, mentions of death, injuries, allusions to self hatred, mentions of bullying, this story is set post s4, Vecna and the upside down are gone. slow burn. ‘hate’ sex. fwb kinda thing but they’re ‘enemies’. mean!reader, mean!Steve, hurt/comfort, happy ending.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: You and Steve have never seen eye to eye, and it never changed, not even when you were pulled into a world of monsters and risked your life to save him. But tension had always been between you both, something that neither of you ever wanted to admit -- but how much longer can you take it when the pull between you gets stronger and stronger each second you spend by each others side?
Prologue ⭐︎
Chapter one ⭐︎ Waiting Room
Chapter two ⭐︎ I want you to notice, when I’m not around
Chapter three ⭐︎ So if you need to be mean, be mean to me
Chapter four ⭐︎ Every single thing I touch becomes sick with sadness
Chapter five ⭐︎'Cause you know it could never be
Chapter six ⭐︎ Secrets I have held in my heart
Chapter seven ⭐︎ Got a feeling your electric touch, could fill this ghost town up with life
Chapter eight ⭐︎ Say my name and everything just stops
Chapter nine ⭐︎ And I'll show you if you let me, girl
Chapter ten ⭐︎ Weigh down on me, stay 'til morning
Chapter eleven ⭐︎ Yeah, I know it seems surprising when there’s lipstick still on the glass
Chapter twelve ⭐︎ When the curtains call the time, will we both go home alive?
Chapter thirteen ⭐︎ For a moment, I was heaven struck
Chapter fourteen ⭐︎ Somewhere in these eyes, I'm on your side
Chapter fifteen ⭐︎ I thought the plane was going down, how'd you turn it right around?
Chapter sixteen ⭐︎ Hold me, love me, touch me, honey
Chapter seventeen ⭐︎ What am I supposed to do? If there's no you.
Chapter eighteen ⭐︎ Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me
Chapter nineteen ⭐︎ For you, I would ruin myself, a million little times
Chapter twenty ⭐︎ Tell me it's love, tell me it's real
Chapter twenty one ⭐︎ Please, I've been on my knees, change the prophecy
Chapter twenty two ⭐︎ Let the world around us just fall apart
Chapter twenty three ⭐︎ And the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me
Chapter twenty four ⭐︎ I once believed love would be black and white, but it’s golden
Chapter twenty five ⭐︎ Who could stay? You could stay
The Epilogue ⭐︎
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s4sharkteeth · 1 year
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How to weed out a character 101: put him in a possible coma ❤️
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