#char: death
blood-teeth · 2 years
Totally stole this from another blog but: MC gets up in the night for some reason and when they come back to bed, they give the snoozing ROs a lil smooch on the forehead b/c they think the RO is asleep (but they aren’t). How do the ROs react?
eee augh i'm so sorry this took forever to get answered!!
The Reverie: Smiles. Sighs. Wraps their arms tight around the traveler, legs slotting together, tangles up into an infinitum of loving forever. hands holding ribs, kissing collarbones, honeyed breath across lips. forever and always together. that is how it was. that is how it will always be.
Death: a tired, exhausted whimper, but Alice leans her face up and into the traveler's neck, holding tight against her chest. "where did you go?" she asks through mumbling lips, eyes groggily half-opened. at the answer, Death whispers "come here" and Death takes you into her arms.
The Tower: in the traveler's absence has rolled onto his back, taking up more than half of the bed. his bare chest glimmers from the moonlight because he refuses to wear shirts - ever. at the kiss he lets out all the air in his lungs, as though he's been punched right in the solar plexus. the feel of your lips, your love, still leaves him breathless, even after all this time.
The Hierophant: holds absolutely still, pretends to never wake until the traveler is tucked away back into bed. but the kiss burns and burns and burns away into the night. they think to maybe crack a joke in the middle of the dark, because if silas doesn't they might cry, unsure how to navigate this devout love - this forever unconditional affliction. instead, they bring it up in the morning. "I had a dream last night."
"oh yeah?"
"yeah. that an angel came and blessed me with a kiss." and will return the kiss there, standing in the kitchen.
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milfzatannaz · 2 months
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“her death was doubtful, and but that great command o’ersways the order, she should in ground unsanctified been lodged till the last trumpet” - Shakespeare
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 8 months
trying so hard to balance being rightfully pissed off at how much hbo slashed the budget for s2 and my disappointment with some of the very rushed plotlines and character arcs by remembering the two month period of time where we didn’t even know if we would get a season two or if we would be left with ed crying in the window as our last ever shot of him and we would never get to see the crew reunite and ed and stede reconcile at all. just swinging back and forth and back and forth bc like
i’m so incredibly grateful for what we have
but at the same time i’m mad as hell bc this show deserves better
but i don’t want to let my anger abt how hbo is treating this show get in the way of me enjoying what we’re getting
but also i deserve to be angry about the studio treating this show like shit and i don’t want “enjoying what we’re getting” to be seen as letting hbo off the hook
this show is always going to be important to me but i think the way the budget cuts are incredibly palpable throughout the entirety of season 2 will always stand out in my memory, too. i get that in the time between season 1 and season 2 i had put this show on a hyperfixation pedestal and there was probably no way for me to be entirely 100% satisfied without a single complaint about the new episodes but so much of this season feels sloppy and rushed. season 1 was practically a masterclass in efficient storytelling but you can tell in s2 no amount of efficient writing can make up for the fact that they just didn’t have the time to do everything they needed to do, and so sacrifices were made with some of the arcs. i’m enjoying the season but i can’t help but mourn what s2 could’ve been with just two more episodes.
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theophagie · 1 month
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bandtrees · 3 months
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such an awful memory, will i ever sleep again?
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characcoon · 10 months
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when the Hell is on Fire or smt, idk the fic doesn't exist yet-
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brachiocephalics · 4 months
amber you deserved to be more than just a plot point that served a male character's development. baby i'm so fucking sorry.
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gundamfight · 7 months
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hwedhel · 3 days
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for @someone-elsa's days of our lives
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zhoufeis · 3 months
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李歌洋 LI GE YANG as ZHUO LAN JIANG China, 2024. 花间令 IN BLOSSOM
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ershebet · 8 months
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Zakharov: Damn it, P-3, what am I gonna do?
P-3: Just hit it as hard as you can!
Zakharov: You know, I expected some specifics from you! You're an ex-soldier!
P-3: Sorry, but we're going to have to act on circumstances!
Zakharov: Fucking hell!
P-3: Same!
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blood-teeth · 2 years
Answer this?
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i feel in my heart this is right.
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innkeepercore · 2 months
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heard it was Frenchie day
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 6 months
ofmd fandom learn to tell the difference between “i personally didn’t like this writing choice” and “this writing choice was bad” challenge
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oddishblossom · 1 year
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Riley Flynn & Death
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Headcanon: Chariton never liked touching and he refused to shake Sergey’s hands and didn’t even explain why at their first meeting. L o l. translation: I remember our first meeting and surely my current state is really FUNNY.
It's also funny because it's the other hand of the other man.
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