#char: richard johnson
karouvas · 5 months
Trcverse characters read Chapter 3 of The Raven Boys + my first time writing Gansey pov
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1968 [Chapter 11: Hephaestus, God Of Fire]
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A/N: Only 1 chapter left!!! 🥰💜
Series Summary: Aemond is embroiled in a fierce battle to secure the Democratic Party nomination and defeat his archnemesis, Richard Nixon, in the presidential election. You are his wife of two years and wholeheartedly indoctrinated into the Targaryen political dynasty. But you have an archnemesis of your own: Aemond’s chronically delinquent brother Aegon.
Series Warnings: Language, sexual content (18+ readers only), violence, bodily injury, character deaths, New Jersey, age-gap relationships, drinking, smoking, drugs, pregnancy and childbirth, kids with weird Greek names, historical topics including war and discrimination, math.
Word Count: 5.4k
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged! 🥰
💜 All of my writing can be found HERE! 💜
Here is our final interlude. Do you have the patience?
President Lyndon Baines Johnson has halted all U.S. attacks on North Vietnam: no bombs from the air, no infantry on the ground, no artillery shells launched by destroyers cruising in the South China Sea. The election will determine what happens next. If Nixon wins, military operations will resume until the South Vietnamese are in a sufficiently advantageous position to defend themselves from the communists. If Aemond is the victor, troop withdrawals will begin shortly after he is inaugurated on January 20th.
Regardless, it will not be until almost a full year from now, in October of 1969, that it becomes illegal for employers to reserve positions for men; the common practice of refusing to hire women with preschool-aged children will not be outlawed until 1971. Unmarried people will not be guaranteed access to contraception until 1972. Abortion will not be legalized across all fifty states until 1973. Women will not have a right to their own bank accounts or credit cards until 1974. It will not be illegal to exclude women from juries until 1975. The first female Supreme Court justice, Sandra Day O’Connor, will be appointed in 1981. There will be no female president of the United States, not for at least half a century after our story ends.
Each night on CBS Evening News, Walter Cronkite recaps the latest poll numbers. Nixon appears to have a slight advantage, due in large part to pulling ahead in Florida, Illinois, Ohio, and his home state of California. Aemond has comfortable leads in Texas, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. George Wallace will likely sweep the Deep South: Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas. From their hovels, the racists rejoice. From her grave, Lurleen Wallace rests uneasily, scratching at the lid of her coffin with the bones of her fingers, entombed in dark oblivion like all the rest of the world’s discarded wives.
You go for the door, but Aemond is faster; he catches you just as your hand is twisting the handle and the hinges creak. He throws you against the wall so hard the paintings rattle: replicas of Monets and Warhols, Almond Blossoms, The Birth of Venus. You fight, clawing at him, ripping off the eyepatch that Alys must have at last convinced him was no defeat to wear. The hollow, gore-colored abyss of his left eye socket beckons you to fall in and be burned: Hestia’s eternal hearth, the volcanic forge of Hephaestus. He’s fire all the way down, hunger and fury, bones charred black and brittle. You think of the uninhabitable furnace of Jupiter’s moon Io, lethal radiation, poisoned air, lava bubbling up like blood through a bullet wound.
“You can’t hit me,” you gasp. “You need me for photos—”
His knuckles are in your belly, crosshairs made of scar tissue. The air collapses out of your lungs; your vision dims like twilight, like an eclipse. You’re on the floor and trying to crawl away from him. Aemond’s fingers hook into the fabric of your robe; it matches the silk nightgown you wear beneath, a pale anemic pink, something soft and young and desireless, something eternally at others’ mercy, something to be guarded or gutted. He’s dragging you towards him.
He’s going to hit me again, he might even kill me.
“Stop, stop,” you plead, still struggling to breathe. “What if I’m pregnant?!”
You almost certainly can’t be, but Aemond doesn’t know that. Yet his lone eye glints like metal, like coins, no weak mortal compassion. “I would have no way of being sure it was mine.” And then he tries to cover your mouth as you scream for help. You bite at his fingers; your bare feet kick the wall. Your hair, long and loose and wild, flows around you like a bride’s veil.
Too late, Aemond realizes that the door is still open a crack from when you grabbed the handle. There are footsteps and a voice that crescendos as it approaches: “What on earth is going on in here…?” Fosco appears in the threshold, yellow tweed jacket, tight olive green trousers. He stares thunderstruck down at where you and Aemond are entangled on the floor.
You beg: “Fosco, help me.”
“No, no, no,” Fosco says, jolting from his paralysis and holding a hand out towards Aemond. “No, you cannot do this, whatever has happened, you cannot touch her like—”
“She’s not your wife,” Aemond says. She’s not your property. Fosco hesitates; his large dark eyes shifting between the two of you from behind his glasses.
“Aemond, brother, listen to—”
“Get out.” Aemond’s voice is low, searing, malignant.
“Fosco, please don’t leave me,” you whimper. You try to pry Aemond’s fingers off your robe; they dig in deeper, bruising the flesh underneath. “Don’t leave me, don’t let him hurt me.”
Abruptly, Fosco turns and sprints out of the room.
“No!” you shout after him before Aemond grabs your face, his hand like a claw, fingernails leaving half-moon indents in your cheeks, crushing pressure on your jaw.
“You’re trying to sabotage this campaign.”
“I didn’t see the reporters, I swear to God.”
He knocks the back of your skull against the wall so hard that you see momentary flashes like stars, that all the words vanish from your throat, that words cease to exist at all. “You’re a traitor. Do you know the penalty for treason? The U.S. Army would have you executed by firing squad. Zeus would chain you to a rock so your liver could be carved out.”
“You betrayed me first,” you hiss through clenched teeth, your head pounding hot and maroon.
“I have been working for this since before you were born. You can’t take it away from me. I won’t let you.”
“I did everything right and you still couldn’t love me.” You swing at Aemond and he catches your wounded hand, squeezes it, digs his thumb into the spot where the doctors stitched you closed. The pain is excruciating, incapacitating. You wail as scarlet flowers bloom through the white of your bandaged palm.
Now the door flies open again and Aegon collides with Aemond, sends him sprawling, crouches over you. He’s screaming something at Aemond, gripping your shoulder to keep you under him, his too-long hair hanging in his face, black turtleneck sweater, one of Daeron’s frayed army jackets thrown over it, ripped jeans, bare feet. Aemond grabs his brother by the lapel of his army jacket and draws back his fist. His golden wedding ring flashes in the grey November sunlight that streams in through the windows. Aegon doesn’t flinch. He’s taken knuckles to the face before; you remember cleaning blood off his skin under a streetlight in Biloxi, you remember not wanting to wash him away.
“Don’t you see what it will look like?!” Fosco is saying, trying to coax Aemond to relent. “If he is photographed with a busted face after that story comes out? If she has bruises or a black eye? By harming them you are confirming what your enemies have printed, and the voters will believe it is the truth.”
“They already know it’s true!” Aemond snatches the Wall Street Journal off the table and hurls it at Fosco. Then he paces back and forth through the room, glaring at where you are still crumpled on the floor, sobbing, cradling your bleeding hand to your chest. “It’s right there, three goddamn photographs, and that’s all it will take to bring down a lifetime of work!”
Fosco studies the pictures again, shaking his head, one hand covering his mouth. At last he offers weakly: “It could be worse, Aemond.”
“How could it be worse?!”
Aegon scrambles to Fosco to rip the newspaper out of his hands, then returns to you. He hasn’t seen the front-page story yet. He skims it frantically. “This? This is what you’re losing your mind over? It’s dark, it’s blurry, they can’t even see what’s going on!”
“I have one fucking eye and I can see it!”
“So come up with another explanation, this doesn’t prove anything.”
“If she costs me the election—”
“If you lose, it won’t be because of her!” Aegon roars back. “It will be because the Democrats have held the White House for eight years and the world has gone to hell on our watch, it will be because of Kennedy, and Johnson, and Vietnam and the riots and the hippies and the drugs and the assassinations, it will be because Nixon is promising law and order in a time when nobody is safe, it will be because you just weren’t good enough. But she has given more to your cause than anyone. You hit her and you’ll lose your other eye.”
“They were in conversation,” Fosco says, meaning the photos. The four of you know that’s not true; it is a lie for the rest of the world, it is hope for Aemond’s campaign. “On the beach. They were whispering, comforting each other. Because of Mimi. That is all.”
Aemond scoffs, his remaining eye fierce and wrathful as it lands on you again. Aegon grips your shoulder, still crouching over you, still shielding you. “You bitch. I should have left you at that party in Manhattan to be the dope-smoking whore you were when I found you.”
“I shouldn’t have helped save your life in Palm Beach.”
And Aemond blinks at you, not hurt but bewildered, like he doesn’t understand your words, like what you said is impossible. He doesn’t believe you saved him. He believes it was God’s will.
Otto storms into the hotel room and takes in the scene: you and Aegon on the floor, Aemond pacing furiously, Fosco attempting to mediate. “Nobody says anything,” Otto commands, deep booming voice, black suit like he’s going to a funeral. “The Wall Street Journal hates Aemond. Everyone knows that, they’re probably the only national publication that would run the story. Our newspapers are already pushing the counternarrative, that this was a shameful, deceitful, desperate attempt to discredit Aemond right before the election. Our supporters will insist upon an innocent explanation. Nixon’s will use the photos as evidence of our degeneracy, our amorality, us immigrants with our strange faith and our progressive politics. Everyone else in the country will be warring over this headline. We will say nothing. We will conduct business as usual. The best thing we can do now is go out there and keep our schedule as planned.” He looks meaningfully at Aemond. “And your wife must be at your side. Smiling, unscathed, devoted.”
“I lost my composure,” Aemond says to you, more collected now, businesslike. He is smoothing any wrinkles out of his suit jacket. “I was wrong to put my hands on you. I apologize for that. It was beneath me.”
You reply: “Very little is beneath you, I’ve learned.”
“You have been.” A trace of a grin, crooked and cruel. “Plenty of times. And you will be again.”
Aegon is watching is brother, seething but terrified, sheltering you with power that is only illusory, never real. It is a mirage that Aemond or Otto could punch through at any moment. It is glass that would shatter into crystalline dust.
“If I win, you will beg on your knees for forgiveness,” Aemond tells you. “You will beg in private, you will be perfection in public, and I will magnanimously overlook this indiscretion in which you were taken advantage of by my notoriously dissolute brother. There was no affair. There was a fleeting moment of weakness on your part and depravity on Aegon’s. We will put it in the past. I will be the president of the United States and you will be my first lady. You will spend every second of your existence in service of my career, my country, and my legacy. You will give me children. You will obey me entirely. And you and Aegon will never be in a room alone together for the rest of your lives.”
“You can’t keep me away from her,” Aegon says.
“I just did. I make the rules here, I am the heir to this empire. If you wanted that responsibility, you should have seized it. You squandered it, you cursed it. It’s mine now.”
A whisper: “Aemond, it’ll kill me.”
“Then have the dignity to die quietly. It will be the most useful thing you’ve ever done.”
“Aegon must be seen in public too,” Fosco says, trying to sound like he isn’t defending him. “If you appear to be punishing or excluding him, it will be used as evidence of his guilt.”
Aemond nods, then turns to his brother. “As soon as the election is called, whichever way it goes, I want you gone. I don’t care where you go. I don’t care what happens to you once you’re there. You will disappear. We will say it was your choice, and if you comply you can keep your children and receive a modest amount of severance pay to get you started. And as long as you abide by my terms, my wife will not be harmed.”
Aegon doesn’t reply. His large Atlantic-blue eyes glisten, his lips tremble, his hand is still on your shoulder. You think through the throbbing pain of your bleeding palm: Is this the last time he’ll ever touch me?
Otto grabs Aegon, wrenches him away from you, drags him yowling and clawing at the carpet through the doorway.
Your hand is freshly bandaged, pristine white gauze that people in the crowd jostle to touch like the relic of a saint, to pray over, to kiss. Men tell you how brave you are to bear the pain without weeping. Women give you komboskini, stained not with their husband’s blood but with only the clean, colorless ether of hope, faith, reverence, love.
Fosco and Helaena have been dispatched to accompany the children on a tour of the Franklin Institute, one of the oldest centers of science education in the nation. Aemond is giving a speech in front of the Liberty Bell at Independence Hall. You and the others are arranged around him like a starving crescent moon. You are standing immediately on Aemond’s left side, Aegon placed at his right. He looks drunk, he looks drugged; you aren’t sure if anyone else can tell, but you can. His cheeks are flushed. His eyes are pools of murky, desolate indigo like the night sky between stars. A few attendees give the two of you curious glances, but no mention is made of the accusations in the Wall Street Journal. You get the sense that if someone took it upon themselves to ask a question on the subject, they would be jeered, reviled, banished like President Johnson, who is currently besieged in the White House by the ghosts of Vietnam.
When you look to Aemond, you see his scar, his prosthetic eye, fierce and stoic determination in the lines of his face. He is quoting the inscription on the bell: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof…” The bronze metal has a crack in it like one of Zeus’s lightning bolts. The smile on your face is frozen, demure, humble. Aegon’s eyes accidentally catch on yours—a childlike vulnerability, a deep raw woundedness—and then swiftly dart away.
“America is the Land of Opportunity, but some have forgotten that,” Aemond says into the microphone, and vengeance creeps into his voice like a spider up a wall. “Unfortunately, for as long as new communities have arrived at our shores, vile and prejudiced lies have been used to demonize them. Greek immigrants have been crossing the Atlantic for over a century. In 1909, rioters violently expelled them from Omaha, Nebraska. In 1922, an anti-Greek initiative was launched by the Ku Klux Klan. In 1924, Congress drastically restricted my people’s entry in favor of migrants from Northwestern European nations like Britain and Germany. Greeks have been condemned as unintelligent, immoral, and unworthy of the glorious opportunities of this country. We have been barred from jobs and universities, we have been used as cannon fodder in the World Wars. Discrimination against any group is antithetical to the American Dream. I have given an eye for this nation, my wife has bled for it, my brother has—even in the midst of personal tragedy—uprooted his life and the lives of his children to fight alongside me for a better America, and I will not stand by silently as the Targaryen name is tarnished by bigoted falsehoods…”
Now you can no longer hear him over the thunder of the applause, and you remember all the other faces in all those other cities, their eyes illuminated as if by fire, as if by the sun. You imagine devotees of the Greek gods bowing low in temples of white marble and flickering torches, bringing offerings of gold and livestock, grain and blood, murmuring prayers, bargaining for miracles. Did the gods hear them? Do the gods love anyone but themselves?
Alicent and Criston are watching you and Aegon with the same eyes: large, dark, shimmering, a curious combination of horror and profound sympathy. You can feel yourself becoming a ghost, a legend, a myth. One day people will read about you in textbooks and academic journals, in plaques erected at Aemond’s alma mater, Columbia University, and your own, Manhattanville College; and they will know only the fabled version of you. Who you really were will fade into nothingness like Echo, like Icarus into the waves, like Eurydice when her lover Orpheus dared to glimpse back at her.
That night in your penthouse suite at the Ritz-Carlton, you get out of the bathtub—dewy with steam, donning your pink robe—and then go to your side of the king-sized bed and slide open the top drawer of the nightstand. The card Aegon gave you at Mount Sinai isn’t there. Your heartbeat quickens; your stomach lurches.
You get down on your knees to reach into the back of the drawer, to see if the card has snagged somewhere. You hear footsteps and whirl to see Aemond standing in the doorway between the bedroom and the living room. He is holding the card. The cartoon cow beams jubilantly at you. You recall what Aegon wrote inside after crossing out the manufacturer’s message: I thought this was blank…congrats on the new calf! As your eyes widen, Aemond rips the card down the middle.
“Don’t!” you scream, rushing for him. “Please don’t, it’s all I have from—!”
Aemond shoves you back and then, with a grin more like a wolf baring its teeth, tears through the remnants again and again until the card is nothing but shreds. He opens the sliding glass door that leads out onto the balcony and throws them into the cold night wind, where they scatter in a flurry like snowflakes, like bones turned to splinters by cluster bombs in the swamps of Vietnam.
The paper fragments spiral down thirty stories towards the zooming headlights on South Broad Street, and you think about following them. Then Aemond pulls you into his arms as frigid air blows through you and whispers: “You don’t need Aegon anymore. You just need me.”
It’s Monday, November 4th, and you are walking alongside Ludwika on Broadway in Astoria, Queens, the part of New York City known as Greektown. She chats about the modelling jobs she did here before meeting Otto, her Louis Vuitton stilettos clicking on the sidewalk, her Camel cigarettes smudged with red Yardley lipstick. It is an act of kindness; she is trying to distract you. A few yards away, Fosco is telling Aegon about how he just won $500 by betting on the NASCAR Peach State 200, held at Jefco Speedway in Georgia. Aegon nods along, preoccupied, miserable. He has dark shadows around his eyes and is smoking one of his Lucky Strikes. He is wearing a green knit cap, windblown curls of his blonde hair escaping from underneath. You’re not supposed to stare at Aegon, but sometimes you can’t help it. You miss him. You’re worried about him.
The Targaryens have suites reserved at the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan, where the family will stay through Election Day to witness the results as they are tallied on the evening news. The children are there now, enjoying pizza from Little Italy with Helaena and the nannies. But you and the other adults are being photographed by flocks of journalists as you head for lunch at one of the oldest Greek diners in the United States, paying homage to Aemond’s ancestry. The candidate himself is locked in a fraught conversation with Otto and Criston: polls gaining here, polls slipping there, Nixon inching further ahead in Florida, the state you were supposed to help Aemond win.
“What should I order?” Ludwika asks you. “Not spinach pie, oh, horrible, worse than Hitler. Something else. Why can’t we go to a Polish restaurant for once? I will take you sometime. You will see. You will try a pierogi and never look back. We invented bagels, you know.”
“Beagles?” Fosco says. “What an accomplishment! They are so cute!”
“Bagels, stupido.”
“Do not bully me. I am suffering too. I should be back at the hotel eating a prosciutto pizza.”
As you pass an electronics shop with stacks of televisions in the windows, all turned to NBC news, the journalists begin to gasp and chatter excitedly amongst themselves. The flashbulbs strobe madly, shutters clicking and reporters shouting for Aemond to give them a comment. The youngest Targaryen brother has appeared on the screens, bruised and gaunt and missing teeth. He looks twenty years older than he is. His once-golden hair is turning white.
Otto sputters: “What…what the hell is that?!”
“Oh my God, Daeron!” Alicent howls, and then bursts into the shop so she can hear what her lost son is saying. The rest of you hurry after her, locking the front door behind you so the journalists can’t follow. Through the windows, they take photographs until Fosco and Ludwika lower the blinds.
Inside the maze of electronics, three adolescent employees gawk at the presidential candidate and his retinue. “Out,” Otto instructs them, and then, when they are too stunned to immediately vacate the premises: “I said, get out!” The teenagers scurry into the backroom and slam the door.
“Daeron,” Alicent moans in front of a Zenith color television. Tears flow torrentially from her huge, horrified eyes. Criston holds her, arms circling, his cheek pressed to hers, and you are reminded of how Aegon touched you in your hotel room in Houston, in his basement at Asteria, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.
Daeron is saying: “The United States has committed war crimes in Vietnam. I am ashamed of the actions my country has taken here. We have burned children with napalm, executed innocent civilians, and interfered in matters that we have no legitimate jurisdiction over…”
“He is reading from a script,” Fosco says. “You can see his eyes following the words.”
“Shh,” Otto snaps.
Daeron continues: “The only honorable course of action now is to immediately withdrawal all American soldiers from Vietnam…”
“I think this will help us, actually,” Otto says. “People will know he’s being forced to make propaganda for the communists, and they will have sympathy for him and the family. They’ll want to rescue him and all the other servicemen too. He’s obviously…under duress.”
Aegon drops to his knees and puts his palm against the screen over Daeron’s face, just like the shadows of your fingers once fell over Ari as he fought for his life in an incubator in Mount Sinai Hospital. “Do you see what they’re doing to him?” He turns to Aemond with tears in his eyes. “What you did to him? You left him there, you abandoned him, and now he’s being tortured.”
Alicent looks to Aemond, puzzled, petrified. “You tried to get him out, didn’t you?” Aemond doesn’t answer. Otto averts his gaze, counting the tiles on the floor.
“Dear lord,” Ludwika mutters, lighting a fresh Camel cigarette and puffing on it anxiously.
“Was it worth it?” Aegon demands. “Selling your soul?”
Aemond is steely, resolved. “It’s almost over.”
“You were all right.” Aegon stands, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his green-striped sweater. “I don’t have what it takes to win the presidency. I couldn’t do something like this. Me, the perennial fuckup. Me, the godless degenerate.”
“Aegon,” Alicent whispers. “Please…please don’t…”
He turns to his mother, insurmountably sad. “Mom, I tried to stop him.” Alicent sobs and covers her face with both hands as Criston embraces her. She can’t even look at Aemond. She can’t believe what he’s become. Her long coppery hair flows like blood.
You reach for Aegon, your fingertips brushing his ruddy cheek, and immediately he folds into you, burying his face in the curve of your neck, breathing in your warmth as you inhale his smoke and rum and pain and terror. “Daeron will be home soon,” you say, not knowing if it’s true. Your bandaged hand aches; your throat burns.
“I should have gone instead. It should have been me.”
“No, Aegon. Your children need you, I need you. I wouldn’t have made it without you.”
Then Aemond yanks you away, his grip on your wrist like an anchor, like chains.
“Dad, play us something,” Orion says; and it is the first time you can remember him calling Aegon that. Aegon smiles. He’s sitting on one of the couches in the penthouse suite you share with Aemond, the Gibson guitar he bought back in July lying across his lap as he strums it absentmindedly. The television is on and turned to CBS News. It’s just before midnight on Tuesday, November 5th, Election Day. The children are thrilled. It’s the one night they’re allowed to stay up as late as they’re physically able to. This allowance is not purely altruistic; Aemond wants them awake and ready for photographs as soon as the winner is announced.
“What should I play?”
“Frank Sinatra,” Fosco says. He is beside Aegon on the couch, smoking a cigar and flipping through the Sports section of the New York Times, which he’s not really reading.
“Marvin Gaye,” Ludwika suggests. They are both on your side of the room. Aemond, Otto, Sargent Shriver, and a number of campaign staffers are huddled around the television, transfixed by the ever-updating vote totals. Alicent and Criston are between your factions, murmuring back and forth to each other, flutes of golden champagne in their hands. Helaena is on the floor entertaining Violeta, Daphne, and Neaera with Crayolas and coloring books full of scenes from gardens. You recall how eerily calm Helaena had been the night Aemond was shot in Palm Beach, like she somehow already knew he’d survive. Now she is nervous, looking fretfully around the room, wringing her hands, filling outlines of butterflies with ten different shades of blue.
“The Beatles,” Orion tells Aegon, casting Fosco and Ludwika a judgmental teenage glance.
“Any particular song?”
“You can pick.”
Aegon sips at his rum, ice cubes clinking in the glass. He looks over to the coffee table, where you are embroiled in a game of Battleship with Cosmo. He’s getting better; he’s genuinely sunk your destroyer and submarine so far. Then Aegon’s eyes drop to his guitar strings and he plucks the opening notes of In My Life. His voice is soft and low, almost secretive.
“There are places I’ll remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone and some remain…”
Cosmo turns to watch his father. Orion, Spiro, Thaddeus, and Evangelos are gathered around Aegon’s feet, gazing up at him with admiration, with love.
“All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends, I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life, I’ve loved them all...”
Cheers erupt over by the television; Aemond has just won Michigan. But then tense, indistinct deliberations follow. Florida is still too close to call, a bad omen. You wonder where Alys is as she watches the results come in. There must be some part of her—however small, however smothered—that fears Aemond will win. If he captures the presidency, she could be separated from the man she loves for the better part of a decade. You drink your Pink Squirrel, wishing it was stronger. You think of sea sponge divers down in the depths and imagine what that first gulp of air tastes like when they resurface, when they shed their rubber suits and brass helmets and step back into sunlight, warmth, freedom like Persephone returning from the Underworld each spring.
“But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new…”
You wear a sapphire-colored gown that Aemond chose for you, strings of silver around your wrist and throat, diamond teardrops hanging from your ears. Your hair is up, your fingernails painted a tasteful opalescent shade, the aching of your bandaged hand dulled by booze and Vicodin.
“Though I know I’ll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I’ll often stop and think about them
In my life, I love you more.”
More triumphant shouts and applause across the room by the television: Aemond has won Washington state. From his own suite at the St. Regis Hotel a few blocks south on 5th Avenue, Nixon’s people must be celebrating that he just secured Ohio’s 26 electoral votes. He needs 270 to be the next president of the United States.
Florida, you think. If Nixon can take Florida, I think he’ll win the whole thing.
As Aemond and Otto are distracted, as Fosco and Ludwika watch with pitying, knowing eyes, Aegon sets his guitar aside and walks by you with his rum in hand, taps your shoulder, disappears onto the balcony. You wait a few minutes—Cosmo wins Battleship and goes to color on the floor with Helaena—and then follow Aegon.
Outside the night sky is moonless, starless, thick with clouds. Rain is beginning to fall, soft hushed pattering. Far below taxis and limousines are still rushing and blowing their horns on West 59th Street. You can see the vast forested shadow of Central Park and streetlights like constellations. In apartments and office buildings, windows are illuminated as Americans sit numbing their fears with beer, wine, shots of liquor, smoldering hand-rolled joints.
Aegon is cross-legged at the ledge, one hand on the iron bars of the railing, staring out at the nightscape of Manhattan. His hair lashes in the cold November wind. His nose is pink, his eyes wet and faraway. He passes his Lucky Strike cigarette to you as you join him and says: “I don’t think Aemond can win without Florida.”
“No,” you agree, taking a drag.
Aegon snatches a rattling orange bottle from the pocket of his olive green army jacket, pops it open, and swallows three pills with a swig of straight rum, dark amber poison.
“Don’t do that,” you say, you plead.
“I need it, babe.”
“I want you to still be alive in ten years.”
Aegon smiles and reaches over to pat your cheek twice. “I think that ship might have sailed, little Io.” Can decades of self-destruction be undone, uninflicted, nullified like Heracles becoming immortal? Can the Underworld be escaped? “Come with me. No matter what happens tonight.”
“Aegon, I can’t.”
“I’m in love with you.”
“If I leave, he’ll hurt you. He’ll hurt me worse.”
“It’s not fair,” Aegon says, his voice breaking.
“Nothing is.”
There is an uproar inside the hotel room, screams that could be horror or triumph, realized dreams, breaking bones, bullets through flesh. You and Aegon are on your feet, hauling the balcony door open, stepping through the threshold into the rest of your lives.
Glasses are being toasted until champagne rains down onto the carpet. The telephone is ringing so Nixon can concede. On CBS News, Walter Cronkite is reporting that Aemond has won Florida and thereby accumulated 270 electoral votes. The blue text on the screen reads: Senator Targaryen will be the 37th president of the United States.
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eloquentlytired · 30 days
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hi everyone 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 REQUESTS OPEN!
I’m Daphne & I'm a 23 year old writer that's still obsessed with disney and pink ( you'll never catch me NOT liking those ). I'm looking for fellow writers to befriend and receive advice from.
I'm actually new to this app but I hope I will adjust nicely!
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𐙚˙⋆. my fandoms (constantly updating) 𐙚˙⋆.
*whatever is marked with √ means that I write about it! you can go to my ask page and request anything w chars from those marked films/series.
lotr √
the hobbit √
hotd √
the witcher √
call of duty √
slasher chars ( ghostface—michael myers—jason ) √
the maze runner √
marvel √
harry potter √
narnia √
dc √
winx club
scooby doo
monster high
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𐙚˙⋆. fav actors 𐙚˙⋆.
henry cavill — andrew garfield — lee pace — luke evans — christian coulson — tom hughes — tom hiddleston — ewan mitchell — ben barnes— alan rickman — richard armitage — aaron t. johnson — chris evans — alan ritchson — sebastian stan — matt smith
𐙚˙⋆. fav actresses 𐙚˙⋆.
natalie portman — cate blanchett — keira knightley — mia goth — ana de armas — anne hathaway — michelle pfeiffer — uma thurman — margot robbie — angela bassett
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𐙚˙ rules 𐙚˙
mdni ! my content isn't safe for minors so if you're under the age of 18 please do not add me AND I will not add blogs which have no age indication.
english isn't my first language so I will not be perfect with writing it. regardless I love advice and I welcome it wholeheartedly!
always read my fic warnings in case something triggers you or is to your dislike otherwise I'm not responsible if you ignore this advice. most content here is created for me to cope!
you r forced to chat with me and yap 🤭 I'm only joking but I do love a conversation. Kisses to all of you!
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𐙚˙⋆. masterlist (on hold) 𐙚˙⋆.
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what-if-i-just-did · 1 year
Writing Realistic Future Names
You writing something with aliens? Dystopian future? Doctor Who fic? 'Humans are the Weird ones' post? Need names?
Are you, like me, tired of dystopian names which are normal names written dumbly, or futuristic settings with normal names (looking at you Star Trek), or absolute nonsense? Well here's some cool ways to get futuristic names that make sense.
Celeb and Fandom Names
Names like Draco, Hermione, Sherlock, Mycroft, Enola, Benedict, Castiel, Destiel, Jensen, Danneel, Spock, Katniss, Primrose, Teyla, Elsa, Anakin, Loki, Constantine, Jinx, Rhianna, Catra, Adora, Zendaya, Halsey, Misha/Mischa, Korra, Katara, Toph, Cardi, Mabel, Ariel, Whoopi, Madonna, Oprah, Usain etc are gonna become increasingly popular, like they already are, even more so once enough time passes that people stop associating them with certain pieces of media or certain famous people.
Other Language Names
Historically, in different times different countries have a total global influence, and that will effect names. Right now, it's the USA. During the Rennasaince, it was France. We're pretty close to having Japan and other Asian cultures become the next big influence, what with all the anime everyone globally is watching/reading. Now, depending on how far in the future you're writing, add global influence from other countries. Dutch names like Marjolein and Ninthe and Brechtje, pronounced to the accent of the setting of your story. Try to go with cultures who have potential to be big: don't choose some small country somewhere that nobody has ever heard of. Go for Native American or Mexican or Russian or Japanese or Egyptian.
Use surnames for first names! A lot of names that used to be surnames are now gender neutral first names, such as Avery. Use surnames! Johnson, Harris, Smith. All of it!
Strange Shortenings
Shorten traditional names in unntraditional ways! Richard always gets shortened to Richie or (for some unfathomable reason) Dick. What about Char? Chard? Those are kick-ass names. Chris for Christian? Cancelled. It's Tian now. Cathy for Catherine? Wrong. Let's make it Rhine. Amy from Amelia? Let's screw with that, turn it into Ammy. You get it.
Pretty Words
People tend to call their children by name of something pretty, and then those names exist untill after the words have lost their meaning. Right now, most of our names are Biblical Hebrew and Latin and Old English/German. We're at the point where slowly, child names are gonna mean things in today's language again. It's already happening a little; Dawn and Hope and Autumn... but give me children called Justice and Fauna and Prime and Amethyst and Earth. Ash and Queen and Happy and Light and Feline. Give me twins called Sapphire and Sapphic, like we call our twins Catherine and Caithlynn or Tim / Timothy and Tom / Thomas now.
Spelling is going to shift with the years, and you want your names to reflect this. This one pretty much only works for at least a hundred years into the future. Here's some guidelines of what spelling might become:
t / th = d
s / k = c
ee = i
a = e (sometimes)
y = i (sometimes)
ks = x
o = oe
h = h (add more often)
Examples: Katherine = Caderine, Timothee = Dimoedhi, Blake = Bleke, Susanna = Cucennah etc. Of course, you can do it your own way, or only use some of these guidelines if you want. Feel free to play around with it. If you chose to go for this, keep in mind that there will still be some names in old spelling, just like we still have towns called Kooperdeck and stuff like that. This technique sounds dangerously close to the "say names while your mouth is full of oreos" technique that some dystopian writers use that I hate, but because it's based on logic and what the future might actually be like, as long as you use this in moderation, it'll sound really cool. Out of these examples, Caderine and Bleke are better to use than Dimoedhi and Cucennah, because "Timothee" and "Susanna" have been pretty much lost. If that's what you're looking for though, then that's your thing, I just personally like to be able to see realistic names and eventhough those names are based on logical prediction, they sound made-up.
You need to pay attention to the percieved gender of names. You can use names that are gendered or slightly gendered right now as gender neutral names. But if you're inventing new names, do pay attention to whatever percieved gender they have in your universe. You can use Chard and Jensen for girls, Caderine and Sapphire for guys. In fact, you should definetly use names like Loki and Earth and Rhine as non-binary names.
Disclaimer: I haven't studied history, and most things I reference here as 'historically, x has happened and is therefore likely to repeat in the future' are just things I've picked up on and heard about and logically deduced, and they could be wrong. However, I consider myself very smart and I really really like history, so you should consider this as a fairly accurate depection. Just know that if someone who actually studied or researched this topic says I'm wrong then I'm probably wrong.
So there you go! How to write realistic future names. Have fun!
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Alex Miller Delivers Gritty, Guitar-Driven Rocker, “When God Made The South”
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American Idol alum Alex Miller’s fans have been eagerly awaiting new music, and he delivers with “When God Made The South.” An anthemic, guitar-driven ode to the glories of Southern living, the track is a great send off to summer. “WGMTS” is as gritty as a gravel road, as raw as moonshine and as slick as goose … well, you know. It’s a bit outside of what most might consider Miller’s “traditional Country” lane, but the move was intentional and offers a glimpse at another side of this talented Kentucky-born vocalist. The track is available for pre-save now. “Lyrically it’s just Country as dirt, but we rocked it pretty hard. I wanted it to sound like something between George Strait and KISS.” – Alex Miller “I really took the Idol judges’ advice to heart,” Alex admits. “I get that I have to challenge myself and keep growing to keep going in this business. This song was perfect for me. It screams ‘hit’ and the minute I heard it I knew we had to cut it. The lyrics are straight on Country. If you just read them, you’d never know this single was so edgy, but Jerry’s production takes things in a whole different direction – and I think it is just awesome.” “I really struggle to think of a young artist as self-assured of his style and brand as Alex Miller. This single gives a nod to modern Country radio without sacrificing identity.” – Billy Dukes, Taste of Country “A trailer load of grits ain’t got nothin’ on Alex’s latest.” – Duncan Warwick, Country Music People  “Alex shows off his jammin’ side with utmost perfection!” – Preshias Harris, Nashville Music Line “Best of all possible worlds – the past, present and future of Country – all wrapped up in one song.” – Char Richards, The Life Box Media Channel Produced by award-winning songwriter and industry veteran Jerry Salley for Billy Jam Records, “When God Made The South” is the first release from Miller’s second and upcoming album for the label. His debut CD, MILLER TIME, delivered three well-received singles: “I’m Over You, So Get Over Me,” “Don’t Let The Barn Door Hit Ya” and “Through With You” (which took Alex to the Top 35 of the Billboard Indicator Chart, and reached #2 on THE COUNTRY NETWORK with its companion music video). “We’ve been on a real journey together for the last 18 months,” says Salley of his relationship with Alex. “We’ve learned so much about each other on a musical – and personal level. What stands out the most to me is that he loves all kinds of music. As Country as Alex is, he can perform any type of music that moves him. He is not one dimensional. It is a blast to hear this kid stretch a bit outside of his natural zone and try something new. He is so young and can go so far, it should be fun for him.” Miller’s had a blast to date; he loves the road and the energy of the crowds and this year he has shared the stage with Brooks & Dunn (Iowa State Fair), Jamey Johnson (Wisconsin State Fair), Generation Radio (Ohio State Fair), Niko Moon (Kentucky State Fair) and King Calaway (Oklahoma State Fair). Additionally, he’s headlined at the New York State Fair, opened shows for Diamond Rio and Sawyer Brown, and debuted at the popular Wild Rose Casinos in Iowa. Fans can keep up with Alex on his website, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Read the full article
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Tv shows that went more than a decade.
A feat that is hard to accomplish but some shows have managed to do it.  Make it to 10 years. Few shows have managed to make it past 20 years. Way to go.
Super Sentai (Japanese: スーパー戦隊シリーズ, Hepburn: Sūpā Sentai Shirīzu, translated as "Super Squadron Series") 46 seasons 
Ran from 1975 to present. is a Japanese superhero team metaseries and media franchise consisting of television series and films produced by Toei Company, and Bandai. Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger (恐竜戦隊ジュウレンジャー, Kyōryū Sentai Jūrenjā, Dinosaur Task Force Zyuranger) Ran from 1992 to 1993 and was the first season adapted for Power Rangers which later became Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
The Simpsons 33 seasons 
Ran from 1989 to present. The series is a satirical depiction of American life, epitomized by the Simpson family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield and parodies American culture and society, television, and the human condition.
Power Rangers. Season 29
Ran from 1993 to present is an American entertainment and merchandising franchise built around a live-action superhero television series, based on the Japanese tokusatsu franchise Super Sentai. It used to be owned by Saban. brands and is now owned by Hasbro. Each season had a different cast.  They are spandex clad superheroes fighting against the evil forces to protect earth. The first season.  Was Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and went for 3 seasons. starred Amy Jo Johnson, Austin St John, David Yost, Walter Emanuel Jones, Jason David Frank and the late Thuy Trang.
Doctor Who 26 seasons
Ran from 1963 to Present.  is a British science fiction television programme. The programme depicts the adventures of a Time Lord called the Doctor, an extraterrestrial being who appears to be human. 
Law and orders svu 23 seasons 
Ran from 1999 to now 23 years ago and currently in season 23 renewed for season 24 about Svu detective's that solve rape, domestic violence and abuse cases. The series  follows Mariska Hargitay as Olivia Benson the longest running female in a drama series who solves sex crimes she starts out  as a Jr. Detective in  (seasons 1–12) becomes a Sr. Detective (seasons 13–15) gets promoted to Sergeant in (seasons 15–17) makes the rank of Lieutenant in (seasons 17–21) and finally Captain in (season 21–) her adopted son is Noah porter Benson played by Ryan Buggle in her 23 years as an SVU detective she has seen the worst she is empathetic and compassionate to victims. In real life Mariska own the joyful heart foundation a non profit helping the victims of rape and abuse. Ice-T who is a raper as Odafin Tutuola  who is Jr. Detective in (seasons 2–8) And Sr. Detective in (seasons 9–19) he then gets promoted to Sergeant in (season 19–). Kelli Giddish as Amanda Rollins Jr. Detective (seasons 13–21) Sr. Detective (season 21–). She has 2 kids Jessie and Billie.  Peter Scanavino as Dominick Carisi Jr. A Jr. Detective jn (seasons 16–20) And Assistant DA (season 21–).
Law & Order seasons 21
Ran from 1990 to 2010 was revived in 2022. Is a show about Detectives and lawyers. It starred George Dzundza, Chris Noth, Dann Florek, Michael Moriarty, Richard Brooks, Steven Hill, Paul Sorvino, Carolyn McCormick, Jerry Orbach, S. Epatha Merkerson, Jill Hennessy, Sam Waterston, Benjamin Bratt, Carey Lowell, Angie Harmon, Jesse L. Martin, Dianne Wiest, Elisabeth Röhm, Fred Dalton, Thompson, Dennis Farina, Annie Parisse, Michael Imperioli, Milena Govich, Alana de la Garza, Jeremy Sisto, Linus Roache, Anthony Anderson, Jeffrey Donovan, Hugh Dancy, Camryn Manheim, Odelya Halevi.
Gunsmoke.  20 seasons 
Ran from 1955 to 1975 it starred James Arness,  Milburn Stone, Amanda Blake, Dennis Weaver, Burt Reynolds, Ken Curtis, Roger Ewing, Buck Taylor. The show is about a Marshall from Dodge city. James Arness and Milburn Stone portrayed their Gunsmoke characters for 20 years in a row, a record later matched by Kelsey Grammer as the character of Frasier Crane, but over two half-hour sitcoms (Cheers and Frasier). This record would be beaten by Mariska Hargitay, who has portrayed the character of Captain Olivia Benson on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit for over 23 consecutive years to date.
Grey's Anatomy season 18 
Ran from 2005 to Present  is an American medical drama television series. The series revolves around Dr. Meredith Grey. An intern who later becomes the chief of general surgery, all the while exploring the ups and downs of a surgeon's life. Ellen Pompeo, Chandra Wilson, James Pickens Jr, Patrick Dempsey, Kevin McKidd, Kim Raver, Sarah Drew, Jesse Williams, Camilla Luddington, Gaius Charles, Jerrika Hinton, Tessa Ferrer, Caterina Scorsone, Kelly McCreary, Jason George, Martin Henderson, Giacomo Gianniotti, Greg Germann, Jake Borelli, Chris Carmack, Richard Flood, Anthony Hill and Scott Speedman. 
Dallas 14 seasons 
Ran from 1978 to 1991 it starred Barbara Bel Geddes
Jim Davis, Patrick Duffy, Larry Hagman, Victoria Principal, Charlene Tilton, Linda Gray, Steve Kanaly, Ken Kercheval, Susan Howard,Howard Keel, Priscilla Beaulieu Presley, Donna Reed, Dack Rambo, Sheree J. Wilson, George Kennedy, Cathy Podewell, Sasha Mitchell, Kimberly Foster, Lesley-Anne Down and Barbara Stock. The series revolves around an affluent and feuding Texas family, the Ewings, who own the independent oil company Ewing Oil and the cattle-ranching land of Southfork. 
Cheers 11 seasons 
Ran from 1982 to 1993 It starred Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Nicholas Colasanto, Rhea Perlman, George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kelsey Grammer, Woody Harrelson, Kirstie Alley and Bebe Neuwirth. At the center of the show was the bar's owner and head bartender Sam Malone. Someone in my family taped the final episode and after party on VHS.
M*A*S*H  11 seasons
Ran from 1972 to 1983 and starred Alan Alda, Wayne Rogers, McLean Stevenson, Loretta Swit, Larry Linville, Gary Burghoff, Mike Farrell, Harry Morgan, Jamie Farr, William Christopher, David Ogden Stiers, The 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital care for the injured  soldiers during the Korean War and use humor to escape from the horror and depression of the war.
The Jeffersons 11 seasons 
 Ran from 1975 to 1985 it starred Isabel Sanford, Sherman Hemsley, Marla Gibbs, Roxie Roker, Franklin Cover, Paul Benedict, Mike Evans, Berlinda Tolbert, Zara Cully, Damon Evans and Jay Hammer. "We're moving on up, to the East Side, to a deee-luxe apartment in the sky ... ."  The Jeffersons are a Spinoff from "All in the Family" ; they were the neighbors to the Bunkers.
Frasier (/ˈfreɪʒər/) 11 seasons
Ran from 2004 to 1993 it starred (Kelsey Grammer) as psychiatrist Frasier Crane. The series was created as a spin-off of the sitcom Cheers. And continues the story of Frasier who returns to his hometown, Seattle, as a radio show host. 
Friends 10 seasons
Ran from 1994 to 2004 and starred Jennifer Aniston; Courteney Cox; Lisa Kudrow; Matt LeBlanc; Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer. Six young women and men live in the same apartment complex and face life ups and downs together in Manhattan, New York City. 
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sanoiro · 4 years
Lucifer 5x09 - Family Dinner -Spoilers & Speculation
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Written by Joe Henderson
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Directed by Nathan Hope
Nathan Hope has directed
1x02 - Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil 1x13 - Take Me Back to Hell 2x01 - Everything's Coming Up Lucifer 2x07 - Trip to Stabby Town  2x10 - Quid Pro Ho 3x05 - Welcome Back, Charlotte Richards 3x19 - Orange Is the New Maze 5x07 - Our Mojo He will also direct Episode 2 or 3 of S6
Behind The Scenes Video 
Ignore the fact that I accidentally watermarked it with the number 519... 
The Case & Deckerstar
Now we can start with the case of the week.
The murder happens at Golf n Stuff which is rather popular due to the scenes that were shot there for The Karate Kid. Rafferty was actually giddy over that.
So we have a murder. After over 70 episodes we know that the case of the week is somehow connected to the main plot and that it leads to a resolving of Lucifer’s issues or at least a small or big breakthrough.
The victim in this case was burned to death or at least he was… charred. A bit like how Mum ‘enlightened’ Jared in 2x17 but worse.
(In order to make sure most bts are included I have put them in the same file in their original resolution and you need to open the image and zoom. You can do it from your PC, MAC or mobile)
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The mini golf has several fun statues like knights and pirates but what was not supposed to be there was the figure at the hole where nearby the victim was found. To be more You might have guessed it has many teeth by the photo and the answer is, it’s a reddish dragon head.
Back in December I came across the props building it and I thought it was cool but I wasn’t aware it was for Lucifer as the account is not affiliated with our crew or production. So imagine my surprise when a friend told me about what she had seen on the lot and going through the archived bts I found the victim photo as well.
You may have noticed it but in two particular episodes more dragons made their appearance. First it was at the second showrunner’s office in 503. There we see a dragon impelled by a sword, it seemed really out of place but I then correlated it with Baphament’s blade which is a representation of Azrael’s blade.
Later on I saw something else. In 508 Pete’s apartment had shelves dedicated to dragon figures as well as some knights. All along I was wondering can I even meta about that? What can it symbolise if it means anything at all? For some reason all I could think was the movie ‘Dragonheart’.
But let’s assume they have laid some hints, so far we have seen that they go very basic on bible and comic material so it’s funny how dragon-like Lucifer was presented in Series 3 of the black label of DC/ vertigo. But there are also more tidbits.
Now in 1x12 you all remember the Angel who was defeating a very Lucifer-looking Satan?
That was a prop. But it is derived by the work of Guido Reni ‘Michael and Satan’ (1636) Who was in turn influenced by Raphael’s painting ‘St. Michael Vanquishing Satan’ (1518) and if we go to Raphael’s early works... St. Michael (1504-1505)
The investigation of this ‘week’s’ case has its usual suspect chase which leads us to an arcade where we can spot some members of the crew doing rounds with the go-carts on that location. What I do know is that we are looking for someone young as far as guest posts go but other than that not much is known. The case seems to be progressing slowly but at some point the murderer appears to want to skip town so the leads bring us to L.A.’s train Union Station.
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We also have scenes at the precinct during the case as we have seen from Aimee’s bts but not much is known there. 
Now the suspect might be played by the elusive guest of this episode John Clover whose appearance was posted on Reddit and had sparked the first speculations over the title of the episode.
We should now wonder whether the theme of this episode’s case which takes us to gaming areas has anything to do with how Lucifer views his Father’s appearance in the mid-season finale and whether it will provide him with a resolution to not act in a rush way. The same after all happened with Mum.
Do not forget that Lucifer in Season 2 and especially at the beginning with Mum and when he thought Earl Johnson was his Father, Lucifer’s plans changed as his vengeance turned to a slow paced questioning over why their relationship deteriorated. 
For an Angel who was ‘forced’ - not yet clarified so let’s not take that for granted- to punish the guilty Lucifer seems to be more merciful, understanding and open to explanations in the long run especially with the people who wronged him. Amenadiel, Michael, Uriel, Azrael, Mum, and Earl ‘God’ Johnson.
As Amenadiel said in the Pilot Lucifer away from Hell showed restrain and mercy… Perhaps it is true that we cannot escape from what we truly are. In any case that’s meta talk!
Back to the Union Station. 
In the train station we have a bts where we can see Chloe and Lucifer chasing the suspect and from the photos and videos outside of it we can safely say they are successful on apprehending the murderer.
Now a funny incident was that during the shooting the area was closed to the actual travelers but somehow a Japanese tourist ended up sitting where the background actors were. No idea if it was her Pizza or it was given by the craft service but the girl was obviously bewildered on what was happening. It’s the little absurdities of life I guess…
It seems though as a lighthearted episode at first...
Do not be mistaken, the writers, cast and showrunners have revealed that in S5P2 we enter the emotional and equally dark (In P1 I missed the darkness aside from Pete of course) part of this season. It means that by the end of 5x09 as we roll on the last minutes of this episode, Lucifer is heavily conflicted and a resolution is needed, one that seems to be somewhat provided.
Since P1 I thought it would be weird to have Deckerstar break up for effect, in order to break us, especially since S5 was supposed to be the last season and S6 is effectively from what they imply (again cast and showrunners) an epilogue. So do not expect Deckerstar to break up but on the contrary as we saw Lucifer and Chloe in 507 they pull each other back up. 
It is why I’m wondering what will be unraveled after the arrest of 5x09’s murderer.
The end of the episode takes us at night to L.A.’s Grand Park. The Grand Park is across the City Hall by the way, and for the Christmas season it was decorated with a Christmas tree made out of light bulbs.
In the bts the prominent colour of that tree is deep lilac. That’s where our next Deckerstar moment will unravel. We should also be ready for the Lucifer Universe to acknowledge yet another holiday of the human world, Christmas!
A tiny break here but you should remember that on each side of the elevator we have two bronze plates depicting the transfer of Christ after he was taken down dead from the Cross. So in the most discrete of ways Lucifer’s Universe has acknowledged Christ and perhaps it was because before the Sumerian text set Amenadiel as the favourite son, in Season 1 and for the majority of S2 we knew Lucifer as the favourite one.
On the cross Christ (no I didn’t write Lucifer at first :P) according to the scripts in a moment of lapsed faith “Father, Father why do you abandon me?”. In a way we might meta that for 516 but also for what Lucifer has experienced so far and has so eloquently expressed in 3x11 and in 1x09.  
But back to the Deckerstar moment…
It takes place on the ‘balcony’ above the fountain as the purple Christmas tree is behind them. The setting happens at night and provides the place for our characters to talk, to open up and perhaps even express certain fears but also be urged to take advantage of the current circumstances.
From my perspective is the scene of a couple that talks a difficult matter but at the end of that talk they know each has the other’s back so they can step forward, take that chance and their partner will always be there to catch them if they fall. It is also how we will experience Lucifer finally opening up without Linda probing him. But whatever comes forward also gives space to truths and a realisation which will break our Devil as we have seen from the bts of the next episodes.
We might even have an understanding why ‘I love you’s’ are difficult for Lucifer and for Chloe to also realise that. We might even get Lucifer to say it. Here is to hoping…
On a final note. Maze in this episode seems to have gone MIA but many times we do not see the bts of every scene so all we have is Lesley-Ann’s bts from her trailer during that time. Also do not forget how things ended in 508. Maze did betray Lucifer and with God on Earth... 
The Dinner
This episode is expected to open back to the precinct. The reason is because it is a mid-season finale which means that the in between scenes are not implied but also because of some spoilers we had back in December.
As you remember the actress who played officer Cacuzza had posted on Twitter that she and Lauren were in a ‘very small’ room which had just been painted. That room we can safely say is the ‘evidence room’ and that Cacuzza managed finally to find a way to close the surveillance in order to take a nap.
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Now do remember that back in S4 Cacuzza was also the officer who let Lucifer ‘sample’ the drug busts… I’m not sure if that will come back somehow but we do know that Cacuzza will appear later this season, whether alive or not is yet to be seen.
What we do know is from the clues that were given by the actress.
1) She will be in the same room as Chloe meaning we will revisit the evidence room once Dad arrives and perhaps it will be a comic moment? Perhaps a random human will figure things out? But what was interesting is that according to the bts photo we see the actress and Lauren in their own clothes while Dennis is in his ‘Dad/God’ clothes.
2) Both Chloe and Officer Cacuzza were supposed to act distressed and shaken. If we take the ‘I love you’ element from that scene for Chloe let’s remember that the evidence is suddenly a bit of a mess. A glass has broken, the sound and effect will be heard once the time has started running again and they are two cops in a room with no idea of what is happening outside. So perhaps the shaken and distressed effect comes before they open the door (or walk out) and are sure there is no imminent threat.
3) In my opinion in this episode Cacuzza has some lines no matter how brief they might be.
Now the question here is how to proceed.
We obviously have a Family Dinner from which only two bts exist. 
If we assume that the Family Dinner is arranged after the brothers have hid their wings and then Dad has met Linda then the dinner is set up by a very flabbergasted Linda.
I do expect Linda to bow by the way and for this dinner to bring some elements from 1x10 Pops. For this speculation I’ll include the video of the scene from that episode and I’ll try to tie them up with 5x09.
All the episodes in P2 are meant to do a full circle and the writers have based most of their storytelling on the events of S1 and S2.
So first the spoilers of what we know from 5x09 and then the ties we may find with 1x10 and some more past episodes.  
The 11 minutes are quite long but is it really all things concerning? 
Henderson tweeted that there will be 5 actors but as we know know Ellis plays two characters which is why the dinner scene may have taken three days to shoot so we should count six people at the Dinner Table.
The location will be (most probably) at Linda’s house as we have seen from a bts that her main table is full of different varieties of fruits and food in an attempt to recreate an Olympian affluent meal. For Linda is only normal to be out of her element and try to impress God. So far she has been almost killed by his ex, has a child that can be snatched away to the Silver City if she is not deemed worthy perhaps or even because of Charlie’s half genetic code.
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Remember there was a stand in actor for Michael 
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The problem Linda also faces is that she has supported Lucifer. Yes, he is her friend but how will God react to that? Having a human siding with His rebellious son? Linda as it has been written knows how far pissed off celestials can go and I’m sure she remembers Lucifer’s agony and fear over his Father where Chloe was concerned. So she tries, really tries to present a wonderful setting for the grandfather of her child.
So we do have Linda in the mix. Obviously God, Amenadiel, Lucifer and Michael. That makes us five characters and four actors. Little Charlie also makes an appearance as far as I’m aware as the twin babies were on set and that also contributes on why the scene took so long to be shot. However the babies do not count as the sixth character. Chloe though does.
In short we have:
Another thing we should take into account for this scene is Rafferty’s posted script page of the midseason finale.
While Amenadiel and Lucifer appear shocked and in awe, Michael seems rather pleased. I mean he literally ‘Grins with excitement’.
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Amenadiel in 5x03 said that the only one who was talking to the throne meanwhile Henderson as far as I remember in one of the post P1 interviews, revealed that God and Michael have a relationship that Lucifer wishes he had with Him. D.B on one of the virtual cons (or ET interview. I have issues with keeping track of them now) have said that the scene at the family dinner would be gut wrenching and absolutely fall down hilarious’.
So in this dinner we will get to know our characters more and as Ildy and Henderson have said Lucifer will go back being a 14 year old at the Thanksgiving table. That perhaps is the reason why the script episodes 510 and 511were reversed. The last time that had happened was in S1 in order for Lucifer’s vulnerability to not come too soon in the season. In the case of these two episodes I believe it has to do with Lucifer’s emotional state but also the constant collisions he will have with his father in the Family Dinner but also during the Musical episode.
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Another aspect to consider is that if 5x09 reminds us a lot of 1x10 -Pops right now and 5x10 the Musical episode is directly influenced by 2x16 - God Johnson.
The next section will now be dedicated to a quick recap of 1x10 - Pops and the possible connection to Michael and his story.
Michael in 5x09 teases Chloe as she is kept captive that there is a bigger plan and ‘Spoiler Alert’ it will be EPIC. That can be left alone as a promise to see more of that plan in S5P2 but before we go forward we should also go back in 2x04 - Weaponiser.
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Do you see the parallel? How far Uriel’s view of the ‘Patterns’ could go was always a meta I couldn’t crack. Sure Michael hinted as per one Anon hinted on Tumblr that Michael might have been the one to urge Uriel on Earth to kill Mum and hopefully Lucifer as well. It is also perhaps why we were reminded of Azrael’s Blade in 5x03 - Diablo with Baphament’s blade, the only blade that could kill the Devil. Perhaps that was Michael’s plan back then but it didn’t work out.
But is Michael the big villain? According to the showrunners no. There are more things happening but Michael has a reasoning, has a story, one that explains his deformity and is the hero of his own story as all  the other season ‘villains’ so far were. Mum, Amenadiel, Malcolm, Kinley, even Cain.
What the Interviews say about Michael:
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Beginning with the parallel between the dinner we had in 1x10’s dinner and plot, and in what may have in episode 5x09 I would like to remind you- 
- at this point I have censored some spoilers, not speculations, spoilers for episodes of P2 that will not be added in the S&S -
I’ll return to this topic and explore it thoroughly as the S&S are written but for now remember that 1x10 might tell us more than what we think right now and it might take us as a point of reference even up to 5x16.
Between 1x10 and 5x09 we can also wonder what are God’s intentions, can we attribute them all to Michael’s manipulation or it goes beyond that because the showrunners have promised us an emotional P2. I do believe issues are addressed and Lucifer will have to come face to face with some hard truths without that meaning that Dad was always right.
In the Pilot - wait.. Pilot? Yes, 5x09 is an episode that slowly builds us to the very end. There are spoilers and references that need to be addressed from past and future episodes before and after 5x09.
We need to address that in the Pilot, Lucifer told Delilah the very truth he uttered to Linda where he was concerned in S4 (4x08). God has nothing to do with your mess. Like Delilah, Lucifer was putting the blame to others, circumstances and even questioned God. He was wasting his eternal life and his talent, which he eventually found in crime solving.
On cue we get to the scene with Chloe asking God what she is doing to a bar with Lucifer. And what follows is Chloe telling Lucifer how she saw things differently from everyone and she paid for it. That story for me at least rings a bell.
We still do not know why Lucifer was cast out, the actual reason. No matter the sexescapeding with Eve or the rebellion what was the core of all that acting out as Linda called it in season 2? Whatever it was if we go back to 3x11 we will see that Chloe in the Pilot is basically Lucifer in 3x11.
They feel alone, misjudged and while Chloe tries to move on and later in S1 finds what actually happened, in Lucifer’s case he gives up on waiting for forgiveness from his Father until Michael comes, and tells him that even his Fall was a manipulation.
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In Pops Lucifer asked something very interesting what did the sous chef wanted? And the answer was to surpass Pops. I do wonder if that’s what Lucifer wanted in a way and of course Michael on Lucifer’s expense. Two ‘children’ fighting for attention but only one was groomed to take over.
Speaking of taking over at the end of the episode of 1x10 we learn that Pops despite what Junior had done still had his son in his mind for taking over the restaurant. Pops believed in his son but allowed him space to grow eventually when everything failed.
If you remember Zadkiel’s spoiler we see that in 5x15 for some reason Lucifer wants to re-join the Host. That aside from a reconciliation shows that like Junior, Lucifer for his own reasons - we do not know what has happened but we will go back to that in the S&S of 5x15 - wants what divine power has to offer.
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What happens next is again interesting -censored-. I just want you to see how we do not deal with standalones but everything progresses towards a point, a familiar yet innovative point for the series.
In episode 2x01, Lucifer asks mockingly an offended Chloe who did she thought he took after, his Dad? That happened because Lucifer believed to have taken more after his mother but as we know genetics is a funny thing, Celestial genetics even more so.
God’s absence from Lucifer’s life shaped him. He did drove Lucifer to become something he wasn’t but after 4.5 seasons can we claim that Lucifer and God are nothing alike? 
Maze I believe was spot on on the similarities God and Lucifer held.
Lucifer believes in justice, in truth and is able to love. He has been more of an Angel than any non fallen Angel has ever been so far. 
Amenadiel tricked a dead human to kill Lucifer thus condemning him again in Hell however as we know from Charlotte’s case a redemption was not impossible. 
Uriel wanted to kill his mother and wouldn’t hesitate to kill Chloe in the process. Azrael is basically a liar and manipulator, Remiel would gleefully cut open a human for their half-celestial baby while Michael is really-really messed up.
So what has happened?
Like with Junior, Lucifer was pushed by his Father to become the man he is today. And Lucifer likes what he is, who he is because he sees the change and is even afraid of not being real when that change is questioned or exposed to him.
The same happened with Amenadiel, once he decided to embrace humanity and brotherhood. He changed for the better and became more ‘angelic’.
So yes, Junior’s story does apply to Lucifer on many levels. But Junior didn’t have that dinner with his Father, Lucifer will as they will do two more of his siblings. Some will be hurt, some will feel betrayed and some may walk out.
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Which brings us to a very big question. 
Was Mum truthful when she said to Lucifer, his Dad wanted to destroy him? If the answer is yes, how will both deal with that? Because Lucifer may have not totally believed Mum.
If that answer comes to play we should consider it as the common question children come forward to when they learn they were not planned or their parents had opted at first to have an abortion. The fact that they didn’t get on with the abortion or had willingly made a child does affect their feelings towards that child now? Do they regret it? Do they want what that child has become?
These are all tough questions and sometimes the answers are not easy either. Mainly because humans like celestials with human emotions as it seems, are secure and balanced only with the totality of a circumstance. Everything or nothing, the rest in between are not welcome and it’s bound to hurt.
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Finally, on this 1x10 weird reminisce. Can we say that Lucifer will be allowed in the end to create something that represents him? I think he may but more about that in 5x16 S&S.
Probably the story will not end with redemption but with Lucifer finally becoming his own person one that resembles a lot of Dad and Dad may accept or even encourage that path. That does not mean he will start anew though
Which brings us back to the adversary of 1x10 - Pops. The sous chef believed that Junior was not worthy of his father’s tolerance and reward so she made sure to destroy his reputation and went as far as trying to kill him. That sounds a lot like Michael.
Michael’s speech towards Maze about what was happening in the Silver City in 5x02 did echo the sous chef words:
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So we should wonder if Michael will succeed to a point to ruin Lucifer’s chances and leave Lucifer live with the consequences in the end as our hero learns to move on from whatever injustice happened or the writers will provide a catharsis.
And a final question here… Is Amenadiel really the favourite son? I somehow doubt that, perhaps I’ll be proved wrong as in many interviews Henderson has gone back to Amenadiel’s arc as he learns he is the ‘favourite’ and so far he has not said anything to contradict the belief 2x17 brought to us with so many translated Sumerian words.
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But as we said teh Dinner will not be cathartic on the contrary so does that mean that Lucifer eventually walks away? Probably.
At the photos that were posted near Christmas we have two bts one crystal clear and the other more hazy which shows Lucifer at the Penthouse and Dad being there in his white cardigan. I do suspect that meeting at the penthouse happens after the dinner but it does not resolve things between Father and son. it is also possible that it’s why we need the very emotional scene from the musical to be moved forward and 511 script to become 5x10 aired episode.
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Perhaps the comment on it’s not just Lucifer who hits the keys was referring to Dad and not Maze in 5x01.
Although we cannot be sure on what will happen in the penthouse and whether Scarlet was meant to join that scene or simply was on set for the day (highly probable) for another scene, we do know that in this episode we had a LUX night. A most perhaps unconventional one.
By this point you know that the writers are ready to address everything or at least make parallels and so somehow we have one with 1x09 - A Priest Walks Into A Bar. This time however it is seems like God Walks Into His Son’s Bar.
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If the camera is clear enough we can see God (?) talking to a white person. I would have loved it if it was Dan but I cannot tell for sure.
Whether that visit happens before or after the family dinner I believe it may happen before as the clothes Dennis wore at the lot around that time were different from the white we saw him appear with in the end of 5x08. Of course that does not say much as we will see Dad in the same/similar white clothes in at least three different episodes in Part 2.
Therefore in the conclusion of this S&S we should speculate that the Dinner is placed at the middle of the episode and a resolution is reached for Deckerstar in the end of the episode but Lucifer’s turmoil did fit better through the musical episode hence the change. 
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osurp · 4 years
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                             𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐀-𝐅𝐄𝐈𝐑𝐀 ── 01h30min.
As luzes piscavam no ritmo das batidas da música eletrônica que soava por todo o campus, a festa de boas-vindas da OSU parecia estar ainda no começo mesmo que houvessem alunos e alguns funcionários já embriagados. O falatório demonstrava o quão envolvidos todos estavam… E vulneráveis. Tão desligados, ninguém percebeu as figuras estranhas que saíam do prédio principal aos risos, entrando em um carro e indo embora. O DJ contratado por um dos alunos se preparava para a próxima música que tocaria, quando todas as luzes se apagaram. Um enorme apagão que atingiu toda a universidade. Os alunos não se encontravam apenas na escuridão, como também no total silêncio até que veio a explosão de vozes se perguntando o que tinha acontecido. Tentativas de restaurar a energia foram feitas e nenhuma teve sucesso. Apenas meia hora depois as luzes voltaram na companhia de um barulho ensurdecedor de sirene se fez presente por todo o campus. Então a voz de um desconhecido se fez presente pelos alto-falantes que antes tocavam a música da festa. “Vocês acharam mesmo que iriam ter um início de ano tão calmo, tigers? Depois do que fizeram com a gente no ano passado decidimos dar o troco. Pegamos o precioso troféu de vocês e escondemos. Vocês tem até o amanhecer pra encontrar. Se não conseguirem só vão provar que são uns perdedores. Fomos bonzinhos e colocamos dicas em pontos específicos… E umas surpresas também. Tenham muito cuidado se não quiserem se sujar. Peace, suckers!” E desta forma deu-se início a tradicional gincana entre a OSU e a Columbus State Community College, uma competição amigável que resulta em prêmios para os alunos de ambas as universidades. Que vença o melhor!
A queda de energia terá uma duração de aproximadamente meia hora. O que não impede de os personagens usarem a lanterna do celular ou coisa assim para se localizar.
O retorno da iluminação da festa acontece junto ao som da sirene. Uma gravação dispara das caixas de som, substituindo o que antes era a música alta. Sendo feito o anúncio da caça ao tesouro.
A caça ao tesouro nada mais é do que recuperar o último troféu da temporada, símbolo do primeiro lugar da OSU frente aos adversários da  Columbus State Community College. O que é uma questão de honra!
 Essas pranks são bem comum entre os rivais: OSU e Columbus State Community College Só que naturalmente todos os personagens serão pegos de surpresa. É praticamente uma gincana que ocorre anualmente entre as rivais.
 Em IC: Haverá dicas espalhadas por todo o campus. Elas poderão ajudar ou atrapalhar no processo. CUIDADO: Para que o seu personagem não se suje de tinta! *Tem várias armadilhas espalhadas por aí. Fica a critério de cada um escolher se o personagem vai ou não ser um dos alvos.
 A primeira equipe a desvendar o enigma (encontrar a bandeira da OSU e o troféu) vai ter a vantagem de 500 pontos para o próximo evento! Boa sorte a todos.
 A duração do plot drop é até o início da madrugada de DOMINGO, 23/08.
Esse evento vai dar início as competições internas na OSU! O que significa que esses serão seus colegas de equipe. Como isso vai funcionar e demais detalhes vão ser disponibilizados na segunda-feira!
 As cores das equipes correspondem a bandeira de Ohio.
Os treinadores são os líderes da equipe, o que não significa que eles não possam escolher outra pessoa do time para liderar. Seja essa primeira “MISSÃO” ou as próximas.
Fica a critério de cada um fazer o personagem ser um dos alvos ou não. Durante a caça ao tesouro é possível que alguém fique sujo com tinta, por exemplo, com as cores do time da universidade rival.
A pontuação acontecerá por meio de interação! Usem a criatividade: Pode ser por chat, SMS, turno ou até mesmo POV. O que for mais confortável para vocês! Para diferenciar uma equipe da outra recomendamos que usem a tag (de acordo com o grupo du char): #OSU:VERMELHO #OSU:CINZA #OSU:AZUL.
EQUIPE VERMELHA: Brielle “Elle” Alkaev, Francesca “Frankie” West, Bianca Cornelia Hatheway,  Marina Rossetti Delacost, Aurora “Rory” Laffayette, Levi Du Lac, Jared H. West, Mike Johnson, Sebastian “Bash” Barnes Anderson, Victoria Nimue, Austin Schwart. Kenna Reyes. TREINADOR: Mael griffin. (12 alunos + 1 treinador ).
EQUIPE CINZA: Cassius Skylar Lafayette, Archibald “Archie” Harvey O’Connor, Vincent Loren, Adora “Addy” Banner, Alanna B. Campbell, Hadley Howard, Cheryl Rockholt, Khaleo Reed Cooper, Nora Aube Fauvel Hozier, William Lecter. Ian Banner. Dahlia Song. (12 alunos + 1 treinador).  TREINADOR: Eric Phillip Harden.
EQUIPE AZUL:Teresa Adelaide Bochard, Debra Ellen Rhodes, Madeline “Maddie” Laffayette, Roxanne Belaware, Maggic Nathaniel Russell, Keith Collins, Joseph Mckinley, Ethan Williams, Richard “Dick” Hammer, Gwen Nguyen-Lýnn. Casey A. Traynor . (10 alunos + 1treinador).TREINADOR: Christopher “Chris” Carter.
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cousinswarhq · 5 years
fc suggestions for russian chars?
ooh good question !!  we’re in dire need of russian characters.  for gents:  nikolaj-coster waldau,  bradley james,  travis fimmel,  michael fassbender,  armie hammer,  aaron taylor-johnson,  richard madden,  stuart martin.  for ladies:  alicia vikander,  saoirse ronan,  anna brewster,  isola dyachuk,  maddison jaizani,  sophie turner.  
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centralroyalebat · 6 years
Ellaria - Madelaine Petsch - Polônia (herdeira)
Johanna - Bella Heathcote - Russia
Dimitri - Max irons - Russia 
Dominic - Richard Madden - Polônia
Robert - Dominic Cooper - Inglaterra (lorde-embaixador)
Shiera - Alycia Debnam-Carey - Austrália 
Artemisa - Gemma Arteton - Grécia (condessa)
Elizabeth - Zoey Deutch - Inglaterra - Herdeira
Charity - Margot Robbie - Estados Unidos - Rainha
Helena - Freya Mavor - Estados Unidos - Herdeira 
Esmeralda - Emeraude Toubia - México
Prudence - Jessica Chastain - Irlanda - Rainha
India - Alexandra Daddario - Irlanda - Herdeira 
Drusilla - Lili Reinhart - Ucrânia - Herdeira 
Estelle - Caity Lotz - Holanda - Rainha
Isabel - Camila Mendes - Brasil - Herdeira
Albert - James Mcavoy - Inglaterra - Guarda
Shioban - Sadie Sink - Irlanda - Princesa
Kosem - Beren Saat - Império Otomano - Sultana
Nikita - Mila Kunis - Bulgária - Herdeira
Frederik - Skeet Ulrich - Ucrânia - Rei Consorte
Ulisses - Henry Cavill - Guarda real
Antonella - Hailee Stenfield  - Mônaco - Princesa
Magda - Blake Lively - Áustria - Princesa
Mouriel - Travis Fimmel - Islândia - Rei Consorte
Adalia - Cate Blanchett - Andorra - Rainha
Clara - Mackenzie Foy - França - Princesa
Bjorn - Marco Ilso - Islandia - Príncipe
Katarine - Melissa Benoist - Holanda - Herdeira
Maeve - Amy Acker - Bélgica - Duquesa
Madalyn - Elizabeth Olsen - Canadá - Rainha Consorte
Melinda - Elizabeth Olsen - Canadá - Rainha Consorte
Hugo - Chris Evans - Suíça - Rei 
Oscar - Aaron Johnson - Suécia - Rei Consorte
Analyn - Chloe Bennet - Filipinas - Princesa
Louise - Camilla Luddington - França - Herdeira
Valentina - Ana de armas - Espanha - Herdeira
Giulia - Odette Yustman - Itália - Herdeira
Gretta - Annie Wersching - Hungria - Rainha 
Carlisle - Jeremy Irvine - Inglês - Duque
Enrieta - Danielle Campbell - Romênia - Princesa
Amelia - Sophia Bush - Polônia - Princesa deserdada
Argentina - Abbey Cowen - Argentina - Herdeira
Sigrid - Kristen Bell - Alemanha - Princesa
Aadishri - Deepika Padukone - Índia - Rainha
Zorya - Saiorse Ronan - Holanda - Princesa
Francesco - Jesen Ackles -  San Marino - Rei
Colleen - Lauren German - Irlanda - Duquesa
Aleena - Anya Taylor Joy - Irlanda/Itália - Duquesa
Korina - Charlize Theron - Finlândia - Rainha
Coralina - Miranda Otto - EUA - Diretora
Liam - John Krasinski - Austrália - Rei
Marie-Anne - Olivia Wilde - Croácia - Rainha
Arthuria - Jodie Comer - Países Baixos - Princesa
Heloise - Rebecca Ferguson - Países Baixos - Rainha
Dorothy - Alicia Silverstone - Bielorussia - Herdeira
Annabeth - Gigi Hadid - Suíça - Princesa
Nicoly - Jessica De Gouw - Portugal - Herdeira
Maria - Abby Ryder Fortson - Bielorussia - Princesa
Antoni - Chris Pine - Dinamarca - Duque
Malina - Emily Browning - Dinamarca - Herdeira
Margaret - Jena Coleman - Inglaterra - Princesa
Zora - Sarah Paulson - Noruega - Rainha
Kiera - Billie Lourde - Países Baixos - Princesa
Elphaba - Kate Hudson - Estônia - Rainha
Kena - Adelaide Kane - Georgia - Herdeira
Magdalena - Caitlin Stasey -  Bósnia - Herdeira
Gisele - Teresa Palmer - Ucrânia - Dama de companhia
Antonieta - Shelley Hennig - França - Princesa
Aysa - Leyla Feray - Império Otomano - Dama de companhia
Shazer - Kadir Doğulu - Império Otomano 
Farya - Dilara Aksüyek - Império Otomano - Sultana
Madrevan - Farah Zeynep Abdullah  - Império Otomano - Dama de companhia
Halime - Nur Fettahoglu - Império Otomano - Sultana
Dalhia - Perrie Edwards - Ucrânia - Princesa
Yohannes - Nikolaj Caster - Eslováquia - Rei
Valentina - Celina Siden - Eslováquia - Princesa
Blair - Kaya Scodelario - Caribe - Herdeira
Malina - Natalya Alin Lind - B��lgica - Duquesa
Loone - Bryce Dallas - Dama de companhia
Julieta - Isabella Gomez - Cuba - Herdeira
Sara - Conor Leslie - Israel - Herdeira
Seohyun - Constance Wu - Coreia do sul - Rainha
Esmelrada - Catherine Zeta Jones - Colômbia - Rainha
Charles - Darren Criss - País de gales - Herdeiro
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mrhotmaster · 5 years
Here is the full Rundown Of The Selections For The 92nd Academy Awards:
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2020 Oscar for Best Supporting Actor
Tom Hanks, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Anthony Hopkins, The Two Popes Al Pacino, The Irishman Joe Pesci, The Irishman Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
2020 Oscar for Best Director
Martin Scorsese, The Irishman Todd Phillips, Joker Sam Mendes, 1917 Quentin Tarantino, Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood Bong Joon-ho, Parasite
2020 Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World I Lost My Body Klaus Missing Link Toy Story 4
2020 Oscar for Best Original Screenplay
Rian Johnson, Knives Out Noah Baumbach, Marriage Story Sam Mendes & Krysty Wilson-Cairns, 1917 Quentin Tarantino, Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood Bong Joon-ho & Han Jin-won, Parasite
2020 Oscar for Best Documentary – Short Subject
In the Absence Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (If You're a Girl) Life Overtakes Me St. Louis Superman Walk Run Cha-Cha
2020 Oscar for Best Sound Mixing
Gary Rydstrom, Tom Johnson & Mark Ulano, Ad Astra Paul Massey, David Giammarco & Steven A. Morrow, Ford v Ferrari Tom Ozanich, Dean Zupancic & Tod Maitland, Joker Mark Taylor & Stuart Wilson, 1917 Michael Minkler, Christian P. Minkler & Mark Ulano, Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
2020 Oscar for Best Makeup and Hairstyling
Kazu Hiro, Anne Morgan & Vivian Baker, Bombshell Nicki Ledermann & Kay Georgiou, Joker Jerermy Woodhead, Judy Paul Gooch, Arjen Tuiten & David White, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil Naomi Donne, Tristan Versluis & Rebecca Cole, 1917
2020 Oscar for Best Picture
Ford v Ferrari The Irishman Jojo Rabbit Joker Little Women Marriage Story 1917 Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood Parasite
2020 Oscar for Best Supporting Actress
Kathy Bates, Richard Jewell Laura Dern, Marriage Story Scarlett Johansson, Jojo Rabbit Florence Pugh, Little Women Margot Robbie, Bombshell
2020 Oscar for Best International Feature Film
Corpus Christi (Poland) Honeyland (North Macedonia) Les Misérables (France) Pain and Glory (Spain) Parasite (South Korea)
2020 Oscar for Best Original Score
Hildur Guðnadóttir, Joker Alexandre Desplat, Little Women Randy Newman, Marriage Story Thomas Newman, 1917 John Williams, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
2020 Oscar for Best Production Design
The Irishman – Production Design: Bob Shaw, Set Decoration: Regina Graves Jojo Rabbit – Production Design: Ra Vincent, Set Decoration: Nora Sopkova 1917 â€“ Production Design: Dennis Gassner, Set Decoration: Lee Sandales Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood – Production Design: Barbara Ling, Set Decoration: Nancy Haigh Parasite – Production Design: Lee Ha Jun, Set Decoration: Cho Won Woo
2020 Oscar for Best Visual Effects
Avengers: Endgame The Irishman The Lion King 1917 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
2020 Oscar for Best Original Song
“I Can't Let You Throw Yourselfâ€
0 notes
bestoffsetsmokers · 5 years
Best Kamado Smokers And Grills (Updated)
Kamado Smokers and Grills purchase link:
Broil King 911470 Keg 5000 Charcoal Barbecue Grill
KamadoJoe KJ23RHC Classic II Ceramic Charcoal Grill
Char-Griller E16620 Akorn Kamado Kooker Charcoal Barbecue Grill and Smoker
WEBER Summit Charcoal Gril
Primo 774 Ceramic Charcoal Smoker Grill
Robust material-ensure you choose a product that has been constituted of lengthy lasting materials. This ensures that one doesn't run to the store to get one other as soon as after they've bought it. Get one that's straightforward to take care of so that you simply would not have to undergo numerous hassles to maintain them in fine condition. Most are constituted of stainless-steel, which retains them in good situation for a very long time  Best Kamado Smokers And Grills (Updated) .
Power efficient- choose a product that makes use of little or no vitality to organize an enormous meal. Which means that one will get to save lots of on utilities and there's no want to fret that the meal won't be ready. This ensures that you simply use little or no materials which can burn for a very long time. Select one that's person pleasant and can be utilized by anybody with out a downside. Along with this, get an attractive one that may mix in nicely with the house decor.
Get a grill that has not less than 2 layer our bodies which can be refractory. The surface of the product works as an ideal insulator to make sure that there isn't any warmth loss. This helps to retain an optimum temperature that's used to organize the meals. The air move can be decreased which helps in cooking the meals nicely.
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Get one that's self opening- this ensures there isn't any want for the person to open the lid because it does so robotically. The highest ought to have a hidden spring that helps to maintain it in place no matter whether or not it's open or closed.
Uniform heat- there isn't any want to fret that one facet of the meals shall be ready nicely and the opposite shall be burnt or undercooked. Get a product that produces uniform warmth that's reflective. This ensures that the meals is cooked evenly.
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Security: select a smoker that's protected to make use of ideally one which has an insulated physique. With this, one can depart their palms on the product with out worrying about getting burnt or getting blisters. Get one that may be cleaned simply with detachable components.
Over Christmas I purchased a Large Inexperienced Egg. I learn all of the advertising blurb within the brochure and it captured my creativeness, I've already written about how good it's and printed some kamado barbecue recipes however I used to be nonetheless intrigued to seek out out extra concerning the origins of such a flexible piece of cooking tools. I wrote an article about it however since publishing it, I've completed extra analysis and located that a few of my authentic findings might have already been inventive of their origins.
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My preliminary analysis on the web decided that it is origins lay in clay cooking pots from China that have been later tailored by the Japanese a couple of hundred years in the past. The top outcome was the Mushikamado and pictures on the web it is fairly clear that this a part of the story is evident minimize.
The place issues change into rather less clear is within the 1960's when the kamado as we all know it right now arrived within the USA. There's numerous printed work that refers again to Richard Johnson, a person who based the Kamado firm that it was he who introduced the kamado to the USA and in addition it was he that first known as it a kamado and patented the title. Additional analysis leads me to imagine that a few of these factors will not be true.
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bettiejohnsonmbayo · 5 years
Liberia’s Economy: Private Schools Struggle for Students while Public Schools Now Overwhelmed with Enrollment
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Monrovia – School have reopened across the country but a mixture of challenges are creating constraints for parents and students alike. Public schools appear to be overwhelmed while many private schools are struggling to enroll students.
Report By Bettie K. Johnson-Mbayo, [email protected], Augustine T.Tweh augustine, [email protected] & Mae Azango [email protected]
The dwindling economy is a major factor, most people who spoke to FPA have said.
E. Wilmot Blyden Presbyterian School on Perry Street in Monrovia has now shut down due to low enrollment of students.
“We had only 15 students registered and we cannot allow a high school to have this number [of students]. This is frustrating and the board [has] decided to shut down the school,” says Vice Principal Paye Boayue.
“So, they decided that if they open school, the first payment will be directly from the 15 students. What will happen to the other months?”
He added that “parents are feeling bad and it is heartbreaking for them,” at the same time he expressed regret that teachers, who had devoted their time to the school, will go out of job.
There has been an increment of fees at public schools as well. With a minimum fee of US$10.00 (L$2,000), some government schools’ enrollment has declined and have fewer children in the classrooms.
Daniel Y. Mulbah, Principal of the Charles D.B King Elementary School in central Monrovia, is worried that his school has recorded a low number of students as compared to last year.
At least 400 students have registered as compared to the 625 students last year.
The school is applying other means to lure more students but the results are not forthcoming.
“We are flexible with the parents and we allow them pay small at a time until they can complete payment and allow the children to wear color clothes until October 22, to allow parents to be able to buy uniforms later,” Mulbah said.
He said the school is also encouraging parents, who do not have money yet to register their children the request the administration deferred fees payments.
Parents Are Worried
Agnes Wesseh and Evelyn Toe have their children at the E. Wilmot Blyden Presbyterian School. They are now worried that the school has shut down.
“My son has been here since fourth grade and now he’s in ninth grade what am hearing is not pleasing, because going to another school is not just any process,” Wesseh said.
“Sometimes the money we have is what we pay and now things are really tough, I don’t know what to do and I can’t tell if my son will attend school this year.”
For Evelyn, she’s worried that her daughter might not attend school this year.
“We heard that the school shut down, I feel so bad because the economy is already strangulating me to pay the fees and I was coming to beg the school to accept her for a month or two and I will do some of the payment, this shut down story is very heartbreaking.”
At the same time, Anthony and Bridgette Kawar are worried that their children may not attend school this year because they have not received their salaries.
Anthony works with the University of Liberia while Bridgette is an employee of the Ministry of Finance.
Last year, three of the five children attended the St. Francis Catholic High School but now, they risk staying at home all day long.
More Students, No Chairs
While private schools are struggling to enroll more students, there’s an influx of students at most public schools.
The G.W Gibson High School on the Capitol Bye-pass has received more students this year than last year. The school, which runs only senior high classes, has more than 61 students in each class but many do not have seats.
“It has massively increased because of the hard cost of fees in private schools. Most of the students are now considering public schools,” says Moses Karnga, the school principal, who added that there were at least 50 students per class last year.
According to the Monrovia Consolidated School System, the government institution that operates several public schools in the country including G.W Gibson, a student is required to pay L$3,800 (US$18).
“Since school opened, we have not had any instructional materials from the government, chalks, sheets,” he said, adding that the government is yet to remit any instructional materials to the school.
Begging Extravaganza
Another private school, Richard M. Nixon Institute on the Capitol Bye Pass has delayed the reopening of the academic year because enrollment of student is at a snail speed.
Alphonso Goll, the school principal, said many students have paid less than 40 percent of their registration fees. The school has increased the fees to meet up with the salary demands of its staff, Goll said.
“If I increase salary, I have to increase tuition. Last year, 12th graders paid L$19,000 but now they are paying L$21,000 because everyone is feeling the weight from the poor economy,” he said
“If a child supposed to pay L$10,000 the parent wouldn’t be able to pay the money in full but will beg to pay L$7,000. It is not supposed to be so, but we can accept it because of the economic situation.
“Most of the students we have are begging students. If we are not careful in meeting up with the time in the next three to five months, we wouldn’t be able to pay the staff.”
Students Are Angry
Meanwhile, students of several private and public schools are expressing frustration over the “tripled increment of fees”.
The students claim that the hike in tuition is responsible for the low enrollment compounded by the economic constraints parents are enduring.
Yassah V. Kolliegbe, a student of the Kalita High School in Paynesville, said many parents are now challenged to pay their children fees.
“Last year attendance was much better than this year because things are very hard. Most parents are yet to register their children in school,” she said.
“As I speak to you now, I have only registered but I have not paid a cent for tuition. My parents told me that the President will come before the government pays them. I am now worried about how to pay my tuition.”
And Comfort Kamara, a student of the Pipeline Public School in Paynesville, said the government must do something to fix the problem.
“Our national leaders need to do something about the education system and fix the economy to reduce the many challenges we are going through as students: finding food, transportation, stationeries among other things,” he said.
For student Nehemiah F. Bonorfah of the Pipeline Public School, many of his fellow students have not begun class since school reopens a week ago.
At the same time, Tom T. Grayan, Vice Principal for Administration at the Dr. Henry M. Reeves High School in Paynesville, is concerned that the government is reneging subsidizing private schools as provided by the Education Act of 2011, which he claims makes it difficult for private schools to operate.
“So, it is the very thing that is burdensome on those institutions and that’s why the hiking of tuition is very high because teachers are demanding, the cost of living is very hard,” Grayan said.
“Last year, we had about 800 students but as you can see now, we have less than 500 students. And I think it’s happening because of the hard-economic situation in the country.”
Kids Out of School
While private schools struggle to enroll students and public schools challenged due to the lack of logistical support, some children are completely out of school.
In Mamba Point, Central Monrovia, a FrontPage Africa reporter observed that several children were out of school during school hours.
Five kids were seen sitting with their mother in the basement of a house, as she parcels char coals in plastic bags.
“I do not have money to pay all these children school fees because money business is hard, so we have to tie coal to be able to buy food to eat before we talk about school fees. What time I will have to raise 10,000 Liberian Dollars to pay for all of them? I want President Weah to feel for us and talk to the school to bring the school fees down, because I used to pay L$ 500.00 before, to register my children but now, it is L$2,000 and the coal market is no running,” said Oretha Flomo, a single mother.
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forgottenbones · 7 years
Theresa May  imagined that she would be wielding a hundred seat majority like the One Ring; instead she merely persists, a kind of electoral skidmark. Where is David Cameron now? Probably with chaps from his year at school on an Arms Industry jolly, betting on which blindfolded tramp can successfully cross the surface a frozen lake. George Osborne is now being called a “centrist”. Screwing over the disabled and hungry is considered a moderate stand point these days. Presumably enforced sterilisation and labour camps is about to be rebranded as “cautious”. When other countries don’t like a politician they put them in prison; the only time our politicians go to prison is to visit their favourite prostitute and warn him that he's dead if he doesn't keep his mouth shut.
May has surrounded herself with a cabinet whose physical forms seems to have been damaged in the journey from their own pitiless dimension. Where do you get an inner circle like that? Possibly a ‘Boys from Brazil’ style breeding program, which began in 1945 in Berlin when some Russian captain had the presence of mind to kick Hitler’s nuts out of the flames so he could use them to buy British citizenship. These people will all take to the stage at their conference in a couple of weeks, playing to an audience who look like they’ve wandered in to hide from the Ghostbusters, in a televised conference that is, ironically, only ever watched by people on benefits. Michael Gove will get to simper around conference as a minister, looking like he could be taken out with a handful of salt, the larval stage of something horrendous.
Boris Johnson has managed to give the impression that if the Brexit deal isn’t to his liking, he might resign on principle. Boris and principle are incongruous terms, and the whole thing feels a bit like someone telling you they think their Alsatian has a strong sense of religious duty. Ken Clarke suggested that in normal times Johnson would have been sacked. As it is we’re just going to have to settle for him being incinerated in a thermonuclear war along with the rest of us.
The Conservative party doesn’t really do principle, it’s more of a pitch by elite interests at what they think the public might buy. The thought must occur to them that even Boris is not cartoonish enough, that in these dumbed down times, where seeing tragedy on a west end stage probably means going to a Bee Gees musical, something even more basic might be required. Step forward Jacob Rees-Mogg, a composite figure drawn from the nightmares of 18th century millworkers. He looks like a Punch cartoon of the first giraffe in England, and maintains the general air of someone who has had a wank to the Book of Deuteronomy. It might be quite apposite for the present state of things to have Britain led by a man who looks like he’s slowly walking it to a graveyard.
Rees-Mogg is the MP for NE Somerset (he got in on a platform of “Ooooooh, inne tall!?”) and belongs to a group of people for whom the phrase “Is the Pope Catholic?” is genuinely a matter for debate. Hats off to him for trying to bring religion into Conservatism, a movement largely based on coveting. His comments about abortion were probably fairly uncontroversial in elite Tory circles; rape and incest are the reason their family lines have made it this far. I mean if you want to live your life by the bible it’s quite clear that God didn’t want his son aborted, but you should be torturing your children to death around age thirty three. Which is why I’m increasing my air travel and water wastage.
The Conservative Party represents the interests of Capital. In the  Victorian period, Capital was a book by Karl Marx which explained that our way of life couldn’t continue. Today, Capital is a radio station where my daughter listens to Sean Paul songs interspersed with adverts for dog food, but in many ways the message remains the same. Tories are there to represent the interests of Capital to the electorate. The interests of Capital are completely at odds with those of the electorate, so conservatism is alive with internal contradictions. There's obviously a disconnect between avoiding inheritance tax and trashing the environment, for example. Equally, the Tories will have to combine pandering to anti-migrant hostility with the fact our economy’s fucked without them. No doubt Theresa May will find an elegant compromise. Perhaps having migrant workers spend the nights bobbing in the shallows, so they can shuffle up our beaches each morning before changing into dry work clothes that they keep buried among the dunes.
The contradictions of our society are managed by having an elite class who have internalised them, often through attending public school and Oxbridge ( Oxbridge is a compound term formed from the words obnoxious and privilege). What we often think of as the self belief instilled by an elite education is really a kind of class exceptionalism, a belief that privilege is earned through talent and hard work, against all of the available evidence. If you doubt this, simply ask even the most left-wing Oxbridge graduate what role they think their background played in their success. One of the problems with left-wing discourse in Britain is that it seeks to moralise to its opponents without ever considering what they really think. A corollary of having a Conservative Party dedicated to misrepresenting  the world to its own electoral base is that they try not to be honest in public. So if you're trying to shame them about something like inequality, you should be aware that many of them think inequality is a good thing, that it provides strivers with both incentive and example. Moralising with such people is like giving your cancer a good telling off.
So why am I moralising about them here? Well, partly because it’s raining and I have nothing better to do, but also because I think it’s important to understand the people who, very soon now, will be all that remains of humanity. Survival bunkers will be strictly for our elites. Done out like the inside of the Titanic, these heavily guarded bases will be the centre of efforts to repopulate the planet. That’s why wealthy older men have always been involved in the Miss World Pageant -they’ve been sourcing Grade A egg stock. While we’re watching irradiated skin layers tumbleweed down the road like summersaulting ghosts, they’ll be inside a hollow mountain, banging away on a mattress the size of the flight deck of the Ark Royal. The likes of Sepp Blatter and Richard Branson, bodies like wineskins, being repeatedly straddled by lobotomised beauty queens. As we mere citizens turn our lidless eyes to a charred pamphlet on how to fashion fall-out proof door seals from wet newspaper, our Overlords will be having a genetic contribution the consistency of Dairylea milked from them with a double-handed action more commonly associated with wringing out a wet flannel; Murdoch’s wrinkled comeface like a balloon you’d find in a dead pensioner’s flat. Excuse my venom but I hate it when you’re expecting an invite to something and it just doesn’t turn up.
Frankie Boyle (x)
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baillyf · 5 years
Quand Boris Johnson fait du copier collé
Boris Johnson et Priti Patel visitent les lieux de l'attaque (EPA) Boris Johnson a été accusé d'avoir copié sur un blog un guide sur le cadre juridique de l'affaire de terreur de London Bridge. L'auteur anonyme du blog Secret Barrister a décrit le plagiat apparent comme de la shithouserie militaire », accusant M. Johnson d'avoir essentiellement copié et collé mon article de blog». Mais une source proche du Premier ministre a catégoriquement nié que l'explication de M. Johnson - dans un fil Twitter de 16 messages - ait été copiée. Téléchargez la nouvelle application Independent Premium Partager toute l'histoire, pas seulement les gros titres Le fil du PM a été publié dimanche, peu de temps après la publication du long article de blog sur le site Web de Secret Barrister. L'auteur du blog a souligné que, en plus de faire les mêmes points dans une séquence similaire à celle de son article, l'explication du PM liée au même document Prison Reform Trust et a répété la même observation sur la mauvaise déclaration des commentaires faits par Lord Justice Leveson concernant le rôle de la Commission des libérations conditionnelles. 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Des images de la scène ont montré un jeune homme blanc dans un haut à capuchon rouge dirigé depuis la mosquée par la police Reuters Getty Images 7/50 18 février 2020 Modèles sur le podium lors du défilé Bobby Abley à la London Fashion Week Pennsylvanie 8/50 17 février 2020 Rachel Cox inspecte les dommages causés par les inondations dans sa cuisine à Nantgarw, dans le sud du Pays de Galles, où les résidents retournent chez eux pour inspecter et réparer les dommages à la suite de la tempête Dennis Pennsylvanie 9/50 16 février 2020 La rue Teme à Tenbury Wells est vue sous les eaux de crue de la rivière Teme qui déborde, après que la tempête Dennis a provoqué des inondations dans de grandes étendues de Grande-Bretagne AFP via Getty 10/50 15 février 2020 Présenter des modèles de créations au défilé Richard Quinn lors de la London Fashion Week à Londres Reuters Pennsylvanie 12/50 13 février 2020 Démissionne comme chancelier de l'Échiquier. Le départ de M. Javid intervient juste un mois avant un budget crucial, destiné à tracer la voie à suivre pour le nouveau gouvernement - et fait de lui le chancelier le moins ancien depuis plus de 50 ans EPA 13/50 12 février 2020 Le fermier Tommy Aitchison de North Shortcleugh farm nourrit ses moutons à Elvanfoot, en Écosse. Un avertissement jaune pour la neige et la glace reste en place dans la majeure partie de l'Écosse, la police a signalé un certain nombre d'accidents dans la région avec de nombreux itinéraires affectés par la neige et la glace Getty 14/50 11 février 2020 Robyn Peoples, gauche, 26 ans, et Sharni Edwards, 27 ans, au Loughshore Hotel, à Carrickfergus, après être devenus le premier couple à avoir un mariage homosexuel en Irlande du Nord Pennsylvanie 15/50 10 février 2020 Des vagues déferlent sur un camion sur le front de mer de Blackpool alors que des avertissements météorologiques concernant le vent, la neige et la glace ont été émis dans de grandes parties du pays. 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Le duc, qui devrait prendre du recul par rapport aux fonctions royales supérieures, s'est entretenu avec des ambassadeurs de la Ruby League et des enfants de l'école primaire catholique St Vincent de Paul à Londres EPA 41/50 15 janvier 2020 Des véhicules négocient la route inondée B4069 à Christian Malford dans le Wiltshire après que la rivière Avon a éclaté ses rives Pennsylvanie 42/50 14 janvier 2020 D'énormes vagues ont frappé la digue à Porthcawl, au Pays de Galles, alors que des rafales allant jusqu'à 80 mph de la tempête Brendan ont perturbé le Royaume-Uni Pennsylvanie 43/50 13 janvier 2020 Des marionnettistes de Vision Mechanic répètent avec la plus grande marionnette d'Ecosse, une déesse de la mer de dix mètres de haut appelée Storm, dans l'enceinte du Museum of Flight, East Lothian. 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Stokes a remporté les trois derniers guichets en l'espace de 14 livraisons pour conclure une victoire de 189 points AFP via Getty 50/50 6 janvier 2020 Des manifestants à Londres participent à une manifestation en soutien à une femme britannique reconnue coupable d'avoir menti au sujet d'un viol collectif à Chypre AP 1/50 24 février 2020 Un couple à l'abri des vagues qui s'écrasent sur la promenade de Folkestone, dans le Kent, car le mauvais temps continue de causer des problèmes à travers le pays Pennsylvanie 2/50 23 février 2020 Reconstitution Viking lors du Jorvik Viking Festival à York, reconnu comme le plus grand événement du genre en Europe Pennsylvanie 3/50 22 février 2020 L'ancien ministre grec des Finances Yanis Varoufakis, la créatrice de mode Vivienne Westwood et la rédactrice en chef de WikiLeaks Kristinn Hrafnsonn assistent à une manifestation contre l'extradition de Julian Assange devant le haut-commissariat de l'Australie à Londres Reuters 4/50 21 février 2020 Un travailleur récupère des véhicules bloqués par les inondations sur l'A761 à Paisley, en Écosse Getty 5/50 20 février 2020 Des policiers devant la mosquée de Regents Park, dans le centre de Londres, après qu'un homme aurait été poignardé au cou. Des images de la scène ont montré un jeune homme blanc dans un haut à capuchon rouge dirigé depuis la mosquée par la police Reuters Getty Images 7/50 18 février 2020 Modèles sur le podium lors du défilé Bobby Abley à la London Fashion Week Pennsylvanie 8/50 17 février 2020 Rachel Cox inspecte les dommages causés par les inondations dans sa cuisine à Nantgarw, dans le sud du Pays de Galles, où les résidents retournent chez eux pour inspecter et réparer les dommages à la suite de la tempête Dennis Pennsylvanie 9/50 16 février 2020 La rue Teme à Tenbury Wells est vue sous les eaux de crue de la rivière Teme qui déborde, après que la tempête Dennis a provoqué des inondations dans de grandes étendues de Grande-Bretagne AFP via Getty 10/50 15 février 2020 Présenter des modèles de créations au défilé Richard Quinn lors de la London Fashion Week à Londres Reuters Pennsylvanie 12/50 13 février 2020 Démissionne comme chancelier de l'Échiquier. Le départ de M. Javid intervient juste un mois avant un budget crucial, destiné à tracer la voie à suivre pour le nouveau gouvernement - et fait de lui le chancelier le moins ancien depuis plus de 50 ans EPA 13/50 12 février 2020 Le fermier Tommy Aitchison de North Shortcleugh farm nourrit ses moutons à Elvanfoot, en Écosse. Un avertissement jaune pour la neige et la glace reste en place dans la majeure partie de l'Écosse, la police a signalé un certain nombre d'accidents dans la région avec de nombreux itinéraires affectés par la neige et la glace Getty 14/50 11 février 2020 Robyn Peoples, gauche, 26 ans, et Sharni Edwards, 27 ans, au Loughshore Hotel, à Carrickfergus, après être devenus le premier couple à avoir un mariage homosexuel en Irlande du Nord Pennsylvanie 15/50 10 février 2020 Des vagues déferlent sur un camion sur le front de mer de Blackpool alors que des avertissements météorologiques concernant le vent, la neige et la glace ont été émis dans de grandes parties du pays. Un jour après que le Royaume-Uni tente de se remettre des coups de la tempête Ciara Pennsylvanie 16/50 9 février 2020 Les résidents tentent de retirer l'eau de leur propriété alors que les rues inondent à Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria, alors que la tempête Ciara frappe le Royaume-Uni Pennsylvanie 17/50 8 février 2020 L'Anglais Ellis Genge célèbre avoir marqué le premier essai de son match des Six Nations contre l'Écosse avec ses coéquipiers. La météo au stade Murrayfield a entravé les conditions de jeu, avec des vents et de la pluie de Storm Ciara approchant du Royaume-Uni. L'équipe adverse remporta le match tardivement, le score se terminant 6-13 Reuters 18/50 7 février 2020 Des militants entourent un cheval de Troie en bois dans la cour du British Museum de Londres. Le cheval, qui mesure 4 mètres de haut et peut accueillir 10 personnes à l'intérieur, a été tiré par un groupe de supporters avec des drapeaux indiquant "BP Must Fall" BP ou non BP / PA 19/50 6 février 2020 Des membres de l'équipe du Programme d'enquête sur les échouages ​​de cétacés examinent une baleine morte décédée après s'être échouée dans l'estuaire de la Tamise à Medway au cours du week-end Pennsylvanie 20/50 5 février 2020 Les enfants de l'école secondaire Oaklands à Bethnal Green et les familles appartiennent à Westminster avant de remettre une pétition au Home Office, alors qu'ils demandent au gouvernement de modifier les lois britanniques sur le regroupement familial des réfugiés Pennsylvanie 21/50 4 février 2020 Rasputin l'ours polaire, secoue l'eau comme il est dévoilé au Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Doncaster Pennsylvanie 22/50 3 février 2020 Activité policière à l'intérieur d'un cordon où un homme a été abattu par la police armée lors d'un incident lié au terrorisme à Streatham, Londres EPA 23/50 2 février 2020 Micheal Ward avec son Rising Star Award aux côtés de Daniel Kaluuya Baftas Reuters AFP / Getty 25/50 31 janvier 2020 Les partisans de l'UE pro affichent une bannière `` Ici pour rester, ici pour se battre, les migrants entrants, les conservateurs sortis '' du pont de Westminster devant les chambres du Parlement à Londres. La Grande-Bretagne quitte officiellement l'UE le 31 janvier, entamant une période de transition de onze mois EPA 26/50 30 janvier 2020 Kiko le British Bulldog âgé de 2 ans avec son propriétaire, Ebel Perez, de Shiremoor, North Tyneside Pennsylvanie 27/50 29 janvier 2020 Les eurodéputés britanniques et leurs assistants ainsi que des membres du groupe politique socialiste et démocrate lors d'une cérémonie avant le vote sur le retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'UE au Parlement européen à Bruxelles AP 28/50 28 janvier 2020 Les torches sont allumées à l'aide d'une torche avant le festival Up Helly Aa Viking. Originaire des années 1880, le festival célèbre l'héritage nordique des Shetland Pennsylvanie 29/50 27 janvier 2020 Le lanceur d'Angleterre Mark Wood est soulevé par Joe Root après avoir remporté le dernier guichet de l'Afrique du Sud pour remporter le match et la série au cours de la quatrième journée du quatrième test chez Wanderers à Johannesburg Getty 30/50 26 janvier 2020 Les artistes interprètes ou exécutants participant à un défilé impliquant des costumes, des danses de lion et des chars, au cours des célébrations du Nouvel An chinois dans le centre de Londres, qui marque l'année du rat Pennsylvanie 31/50 25 janvier 2020 Un couple se promène le long du canal Basingstoke près de Dogmersfield dans le Hampshire Pennsylvanie 32/50 24 janvier 2020 Boris Johnson gestes alors qu'il regarde une performance lors des célébrations du Nouvel An lunaire chinois à Downing Street à Londres Reuters 33/50 23 janvier 2020 Gabriella Zaghari-Ratcliffe se tient à côté de son père Richard Ratcliffe, le mari de Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe et de sa mère Barbara, alors qu'ils s'adressent aux médias à Downing Street après une réunion avec le Premier ministre Boris Johnson Pennsylvanie 34/50 22 janvier 2020 Rosa Connolly examine de près lors d'un aperçu de l'exposition des Tyrannosaures au Musée national d'Écosse, Édimbourg Pennsylvanie 35/50 21 janvier 2020 Le soleil se couche derrière les grues à tour et les toits de Londres dans le quartier financier de la ville Pennsylvanie 36/50 20 janvier 2020 Le prince Harry, duc de Sussex, s'entretient avec le Premier ministre Boris Johnson alors qu'ils assistent au Sommet d'investissement UK-Afrique à l'Intercontinental Hotel à Londres. Johnson accueille des dirigeants africains et des représentants gouvernementaux de haut niveau ainsi que des entreprises britanniques et africaines lors du Sommet d'investissement Royaume-Uni-Afrique, visant à renforcer le partenariat économique du Royaume-Uni avec les pays africains Getty 37/50 19 janvier 2020 Joe Root célèbre avec ses coéquipiers d'Angleterre après avoir pris le guichet de Rassie van der Dussen au cours de la quatrième journée du troisième test contre l'Afrique du Sud à Port Elizabeth. Il a remporté les quatre meilleurs portillons de sa carrière au cours de la journée, ce qui a vu l'équipe locale suivre dans leur deuxième manche. Ils traînent l'Angleterre par 188 courses avant le cinquième jour Getty 38/50 18 janvier 2020 Les drag queens posent sur le tapis rose alors qu'elles participent à la "Queen's Walk" lors du RuPaul's DragCon UK à Kensington Olympia AFP via Getty 39/50 17 janvier 2020 Kitty Ross, conservatrice de l'histoire sociale, se reflète dans une vitrine tout en tenant un violon squelette des années 1880 qui fait partie de l'exposition Sounds of our City à l'Abbey House Museum de Leeds Pennsylvanie 40/50 16 janvier 2020 Le Britannique Harry, duc de Sussex (C), accueille le tirage de la Coupe du monde de rugby à XV 2021 dans les jardins du palais de Buckingham à Londres, Grande-Bretagne, le 16 janvier 2020. Le duc, qui devrait prendre du recul par rapport aux fonctions royales supérieures, s'est entretenu avec des ambassadeurs de la Ruby League et des enfants de l'école primaire catholique St Vincent de Paul à Londres EPA 41/50 15 janvier 2020 Des véhicules négocient la route inondée B4069 à Christian Malford dans le Wiltshire après que la rivière Avon a éclaté ses rives Pennsylvanie 42/50 14 janvier 2020 D'énormes vagues ont frappé la digue à Porthcawl, au Pays de Galles, alors que des rafales allant jusqu'à 80 mph de la tempête Brendan ont perturbé le Royaume-Uni Pennsylvanie 43/50 13 janvier 2020 Des marionnettistes de Vision Mechanic répètent avec la plus grande marionnette d'Ecosse, une déesse de la mer de dix mètres de haut appelée Storm, dans l'enceinte du Museum of Flight, East Lothian. Entièrement fabriqué à partir de matériaux recyclés, il a été dévoilé avant ses débuts lors des célébrations du Celtic Connections Costal Day à Glasgow ce week-end Pennsylvanie 44/50 12 janvier 2020 Une planche à voile saute en l'air après avoir heurté une vague dans la mer au large de la plage de West Wittering dans le West Sussex Pennsylvanie 45/50 11 janvier 2020 Mikuru Suzuki célèbre sa victoire au championnat féminin des BDO World Professional Darts Championships 2020 à Londres Pennsylvanie 46/50 10 janvier 2020 L'un des sept nouveaux lionceaux au West Midlands Safari Park à Kidderminster Pennsylvanie 47/50 9 janvier 2020 Rawson Robinson, de Nenthead, à la frontière de la Cumbria et du Northumberland, déneige le village modèle qu'il a construit dans son jardin Pennsylvanie 48/50 8 janvier 2020 Les gens lisent des messages écrits sur la fresque de David Bowie à Brixton, dans le sud de Londres, sur ce qui aurait été le 73e anniversaire du chanteur Pennsylvanie 49/50 7 janvier 2020 L'Angleterre Stuart Broad célèbre avec son coéquipier Ben Stokes après le licenciement de l'Afrique du Sud Rassie van der Dussen au cours de la cinquième journée du deuxième match de cricket d'essai au Cap. Stokes a remporté les trois derniers guichets en l'espace de 14 livraisons pour conclure une victoire de 189 points AFP via Getty 50/50 6 janvier 2020 Des manifestants à Londres participent à une manifestation en soutien à une femme britannique reconnue coupable d'avoir menti au sujet d'un viol collectif à Chypre AP Le blog contenait également des critiques à l'encontre du Premier ministre pour avoir tenté de marquer des points politiques bon marché "à la suite de la tragédie et accusé le gouvernement de mentir carrément" sur le contexte de la libération anticipée d'Usman Khan, mais cela n'a pas été répété. Écrivant sur Twitter, séminaire entreprise Londres l'auteur de l'avocat secret a déclaré: Le premier ministre a essentiellement copié et collé mon article de blog dans un fil de discussion et l'a fait passer pour sa propre explication. Regardez plus Un billet de blog que j'ai dû écrire pour réfuter les mensonges qu'il a passés hier à jaillir. C'est de la shithouserie de qualité militaire. » Il a ajouté plus tard: La possibilité que les propres conseillers juridiques du PM aient rédigé son fil de discussion sans se soucier de mes écrits doit être soigneusement étudiée. Mais je ne peux tout simplement pas le voir. Dans l'affirmative, cela signifierait qu'un PM qui n'a jamais auparavant participé à aucune forme d'exposition juridique détaillée - son style est célèbre pour son pinceau large et ses couleurs vives - a décidé de rien pour publier un long explicateur juridique sur une question complexe, des heures après la mienne. largement diffusé. Newsletter Inside Politics Les dernières nouvelles sur le Brexit, la politique et au-delà directement dans votre boîte de réception Entrez votre adresse email Continuer Continuer Veuillez saisir une adresse e-mail L'adresse e-mail n'est pas valide Remplissez ce champ L'adresse e-mail n'est pas valide L'e-mail existe déjà. Connectez-vous pour mettre à jour vos préférences de newsletter Inscrivez-vous avec votre compte social ou cliquez ici pour vous connecter Je souhaite recevoir des informations sur la politique chaque matin par e-mail Cela signifierait également qu'il a décidé, par pure coïncidence, de créer un lien vers le même document PRT auquel je suis lié, et a même fait une digression (comme je l'ai fait) pour clarifier un commentaire de Leveson qui a été mal rapporté dans la presse. Le nombre de personnes qui ont (apparemment indépendamment) remarqué les similitudes de fond, même si la langue a changé, me fait croire que je ne deviens pas fou. L'explication la plus évidente est que Johnson (ou probablement ses conseillers spéciaux) ont pris leurs informations sur le blog, supprimé le contexte gênant et l'ont utilisé pour présenter Johnson comme un sage juridique partageant sa sagesse. Ou, comme on me dit que les universitaires l'appelleraient, plagiat. » Le blog a été présenté comme une tentative de dissiper la confusion sur les raisons pour lesquelles Usman Khan a été libéré de prison après avoir purgé huit ans de prison. Il établit les différences entre l'emprisonnement pour la protection du public (IPP), instauré par le parti travailliste en 2005 pour les délinquants jugés dangereux pour le public, la détention similaire pour la protection du public (DPP) pour les délinquants dangereux âgés de 18 à 21 ans et la détention prolongée Peines (EDS) qui les ont remplacés en 2012 sous le gouvernement de coalition. Il a expliqué comment Khan avait initialement été condamné à une peine d'une durée indéterminée en 2012, en vertu de laquelle il devait être détenu pendant au moins huit ans, et aurait ensuite à convaincre la Commission des libérations conditionnelles qu'il ne constituait plus un danger pour le public avant d'être libéré. Et il a raconté comment la Cour d'appel a par la suite modifié cela en une peine prolongée, qui ne nécessitait pas l'approbation de la Commission des libérations conditionnelles avant sa libération sous licence à la fin de la période de huit ans. En utilisant une formulation différente, le fil Twitter de M. Johnson a essentiellement fait les mêmes remarques et renvoyé les lecteurs au même document Prison Reform Trust, avant de faire la même remarque sur la mauvaise interprétation généralisée des commentaires de Lord Justice Leveson. Le fil de discussion de M. Johnson a conclu: Bien que quatre juges principaux aient considéré que Khan était dangereux, il devait être automatiquement libéré à mi-parcours en raison de la loi de 2008 sur le travail.
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 7/25/2019
Good Morning #realdreamchasers. Here is your daily news cap for Thursday, July 25th, 2019. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
WARRENS HORROR – Two children, both under the age of two, perished in a fire reportedly set by their father, a 42-year-old secondary school teacher. Horrified residents from the Warrens Park South district which backs onto the main Warrens artery were jolted by the news that English teacher, Cornelius Barrow who lived at Apt B #93 Regency Drive and his children 22-month-old Riodan Barrow and eight-month-old Rhea perished in the fire which started just after 11. Thick black smoke filled the air close to one of Barbados’ busiest streets as scores of residents converged on the outskirts of a large police barricade and dozens of firemen attempted to extinguish the flames while police combed the scene. Staff from nearby businesses including Simpson Motors across the street rushed to lend assistance, but there seemed to be little they could do but assist neighbours who were already attempting to soak the blaze with residential hoses before the fire officials converged on the scene. The presence of personnel from the Criminal Investigations Division and Barbados Defence Force indicated authorities were treating the area as crime scene.When the fire was brought under control, police and fire officials found the charred remains of the school teacher and the infants. “Three fire tenders responded and after the fire was brought under control, it was revealed that unfortunately the bodies of three individuals – one adult male and two infants were burnt beyond recognition,” reported Police Public Relations Officer, Acting Inspector Rodney Inniss. “Our investigations are still continuing into the cause of the fire and whether any other witnesses would have seen and been able to give us any information in respect of that. Obviously it is very tragic for the neighbours and the family members around and we are hoping we can conclude our investigations soon,” added the inspector. Not long after reports of the fire emerged, social media was abuzz with alleged recent postings of the father referencing divorce action in the law courts.  One post claimed “The system failed my children” and “I have no idea what to do anymore.” Police are said to be investigating the link to the posts. Bewildered residents today recounted the series of events leading up to the fateful result. “I heard the explosion and when I came out, I saw the girl [resident] over there trying to extinguish the fire with a hose. When she heard the [explosion], she …tried to get a hose and all I could have done was run to assist her. But the hose couldn’t reach. So there was nothing we could do besides wait on the fire engine to come,” said Ervin Babb, who lives nearby. Emotionally, he recalled: “I didn’t even know people were in there…When I heard about the two children I became sad and I don’t want to talk much about it because it really hurts me.” The three victims lived in one of four apartments of a two-storey building. The other three sections of the complex were not badly damaged. Richard Haynes, who works at a nearby barbershop, was cutting the hair of a tenant of the building and said the two nervously ventured near the scene after hearing the news. “From the time I saw the [caution] tape I knew someone had died and I told her to just be calm… It isn’t easy to actually come and see something like this and with two children involve. It is very serious,” he said. The deceased, was last assigned to the Coleridge and Parry School in St Peter and was engaged in a court battle with his wife, Jovona Johnson-Barrow over the two children. Residents do not regard the community as close-knit and the affairs of neighbours are usually very private, they say. One resident, however recalled often seeing the deceased father playing outside with his two children and said he appeared to be very committed. “We are taken aback. People out here usually keep to themselves, but it is definitely a shock,” said another resident.(DN)
SHOCKING DEATH OF TEACHER & YOUNG CHILDREN: A DEADLY BLAST that resulted in the deaths of a secondary school teacher and his two small children is now rife with mystery. Corelius Barrow, 42, and his children, 22-month-old Riordan and eight-month-old Reya-anna died during an explosion and subsequent fire in Barrow’s Regency Drive, Warrens Park South apartment, St Michael, yesterday just before midday. The loud explosion reverberated across businesses nearby, startling employees. Neighbours also rushed out of their homes when they heard the loud noise and then saw the fire that broke out after.When the 12 firefighters on the scene got the fire under control, police said the bodies of those who perished were “burnt beyond recognition”.  (DN)
MINISTRY’S STATEMENT ON TEACHER WHO DIED IN FIRE – The Ministry of Education Technological and Vocational Training is expressing deep regret at the death of one of its teachers who died tragically with his two children in a fire today. Corileus Barrow was a valued English teacher of the Coleridge and Parry School. The Ministry of Education has organized counselling for staff and students of the school who desire at the Coleridge and Parry School tomorrow, Thursday, July 25, at 10:00 am.   (DN)
GIVE FATHERS A HEARING – An outspoken men’s rights advocate has soundly condemned what he describes as the failure of policymakers and the judiciary to hear and act upon the cries of “good, non-threatening fathers”. In fact, Kammie Holder, spokesperson for Barbados Fathers 4 Justice is concerned that authorities’ failure to address a disparity between the treatment of mothers and fathers before the law courts could result in damning consequences for families. In an over 20-minute social media post following the death of 42-year-old Cornelius Barrow and his two young children in a fire at their Warrens Park South home, Holder revealed he became deeply saddened upon hearing the deceased father was in the midst of a brutal custody battle with his wife. “A day does not pass by when some mother, father, brother, uncle or girlfriend does not tell me about how they are feeling hard done by the judiciary, the Child Care Board and the police force and I can speak to my own experience of a system that treats all men as either dogs, criminals or suspects and women as above reproach and totally perfect. “There are men in this country who are having malicious protection orders taken out against them just to ensure they do not have a normal relationship with their children. [There are] men who cannot go to a school to inquire about the wellbeing of their children because the mother deliberately left the father’s name off the registration form,” cried Holder. Police on Wednesday evening indicated they were aware of a post circulating on social media, allegedly written by the deceased father, extensively outlining his displeasure with the local judiciary in its handling of the ongoing custody battle and that he was through with Barbados and its legal system. Holder declared he had spoken to numerous prominent figures, including parliamentarians, magistrates and judges on the treatment of men in such circumstances, but fears his pleas have been falling on deaf ears. He added that while many fathers walk away from the unfair treatment meted out by the law, not everyone would walk away peacefully. “I said fathers are hurting and I said that I hoped we would not have to wait until blood was flowing in the streets because fathers have nowhere to turn or anyone to talk to. “We deserve to do better in this country for the sake of our children. I am tired of complaining. We have got to do better. It cannot be in the best interest of our children to have children being denied access to a mother or father. Calling on the Attorney General, he said: “Dale Marshall, you have a social responsibility…listen to the cries of the men and good, non threatening fathers. Do the right thing in this country.”(BT)
‘MOTHER WAS FIGHTING TO PROTECT CHILDREN’ –The President of the National Organisation of Women (NOW) Marsha Hinds has expressed outrage that some Barbadians have been placing the blame for Cornelius Barrow’s alleged actions and the children’s death on the shoulders of their mother Jovona Johnson-Barrow who finalized her divorce with the deceased on Monday. She confirmed that over the past couple months, NOW had been working to get the mother to stand up for her rights and face the law courts. Hours after the man and children perished in a house fire at an apartment building in Warrens, St Michael, Hinds said Barbadians have already started, through social media, to pronounce on a case that has many red flags in relation to issues of domestic and intimate partner violence. However, she said people have no idea about the events that led to the young mother grieving the loss of her children to the point that she had to be rushed for medical attention. “She is in hospital sedated. You know what is losing both of your children in that fashion when you were just fighting for the same children because you knew they were going to die? She can’t talk, not that she won’t talk, she can’t. And I suspect that with all of this media frenzy now they will have to put her on suicide watch too. “She was fighting to protect her children. There is a history of abuse within this relationship,” Hinds told Barbados TODAY. The activist argued that the alleged horrendous and horrific act was part of the reason why in recent times, NOW has been saying that access, custody and maintenance were rights of children, and that decisions around those issues must be made in the best interest of the child. “And the only way that those decisions can be made in the best interest of a child is in a system that functions and in a system that does the needed investigations and then makes the decisions based on the investigations. “Wherever there is alleged intimate partner violence within a divorce, within a separation, I do not believe that there should be automatic custody for the person who is alleged to be the perpetrator. The activist explained that there was supposed to be a custody hearing with respect to the children that apparently had not yet been dealt with by the court. “So [Cornelius] was stopping the woman from being able to see the children so she went to court and made an application to spend some time with her children. As far as I know, the court had not ruled on the entire matter. They had just ruled that since he has basically been holding the children hostage that they should go and spend some time with their mother. An upset Hinds also lamented that when she thought about the logistics of the case, she felt as though she was living in an alternate universe. “You put up pictures on Facebook of a child with what looks to be a heat rash. Every baby in Barbados gets heat rash at this time of the year. You put up a child with what seems to be a simple heat rash, asking how you are going to protect the child. And the very person that is asking that question is alleged to have burned these children in a bed with himself. “How do we miss all of those red flags and go to the point where we honestly believe that this man’s actions were driven by him not getting custody of his children. This man’s actions seemed to have been driven by his illnesses, by his issues, by things that he needed help dealing with, not that the victim had any responsibility to help him with,” she said.(BT)
PINE WALL FALLS, INJURES WOMAN:  At first it was the wells but now the fear is guard walls in the housing areas are dangerous, too. Concerned residents are wondering when their complaints to the National Housing Corporation (NHC) will be taken seriously.Yesterday morning, after 8:30, Cheryl Rock, of #12 Hilton Row, Princess Royal Avenue, Pinelands, St Michael, was returning her daughter’s dog to the yard when a guard wall collapsed and injured her right leg.“I opened the gate to let Sarah [the dog] in and I see the whole wall coming down,” she said. “I tried to pull myself away but my foot got hurt; if I didn’t pull way that wall would have crushed me.” (DN)
PILE NOT PAYING CLIENT:  It was a fired-up Vonda Pile who declared she would not be giving back complainant Anstey King any money and that she would be sticking to her principles, even if it meant going to jail. “Mr King was holding out that he was not paying and I am holding out that I am not paying him,” she declared yesterday.“And every person who comes into contact with Miss Pile knows that if Miss Pile stands on a principle, I am not going to be moved from my principle. And if it is the court’s position that Miss Pile should do prison, then I am doing prison on a principle. Not moving from it,” she said.The attorney, who is currently on remand at HMP Dodds, was back in the No 5 Supreme Court yesterday, where she spoke her last words in her defence.(DN)
PILE TO KNOW HER FATE IN SEPTEMBER - September 5 is when convicted attorney Vonda Minerva Pile will know her punishment for theft. Pile, of Madison Terrace, Deacons Farm, St Michael, was found guilty, by majority verdict, of stealing US$96 008, belonging to Anstey King, between April 29, 2009 and October 26, 2010.She was, however, found not guilty of engaging in money laundering in that she disposed of US$96 008, between April 29, 2009 and October 26, 2010, being the proceeds of crime.Yesterday, after listening to submissions on sentence from Queen’s Counsel Andrew Pilgrim and Deputy Director of Prosecutions, Anthony Blackman, who appeared with Principal Crown Counsel Krystal Delaney, Madame Justice Pamela Beckles said she will deliver her sentence on September 5.(DN)
JUDGE TO DECIDE ON CASE NEXT MONTH – High Court Judge Cecil McCarthy will hand down his decision on August 14 regarding the legal action brought by a retired public servant, requesting a reversal of Government’s debt restructuring programme.  Former school teacher Alvin Foster has sued the Minister of Finance, Prime Minister Mia Mottley and the Government, claiming they unilaterally and unlawfully changed the terms of his $250,000 Treasury Note investment contract to his detriment to give effect to the Debt Holder (Approval of Debt Restructuring) Act 2018. Foster has also included in the suit for a judicial review, the Accountant General Dane Coppin as the first respondent, the Central Bank of Barbados as the second and the Attorney General Dale Marshall, the fourth. But when the case came up before the judge this morning in the Number 10 High Court, attorney for the first, third and fourth respondents Roger Forde,QC asked Justice McCarthy to strike out the second as a party to the suit since no allegation has been made against it. Forde has also urged the court to remove the others as well contending that the claimant’s action was ill-conceived. Justice McCarthy said he will consider those two applications for his judgement after receiving written submissions from attorneys for the parties involved. Attorney for the Central Bank Elson Gaskin and his colleague Forde agreed that the claimant’s application for a judicial review of the decision to change the investment contract did not meet the criteria for such and should more properly be filed as a civil action under contract law. But attorney for the retired school teacher Guyson Mayers disagreed, contending there were sufficient grounds on which to hear the action. The former public servant was in court this morning.(DN)
FRANKLYN BLASTS HYATT MOVE: The move by Government to acquire a property on Bay Street for the controversial Hyatt Centric Hotel has nothing to do with a public purpose. Rather, it is the Government showing its arrogance and taking property from a Barbadian to give to a foreign entity, charged Senator Caswell Franklyn as he called on Barbadians to stand up to an administration given to excesses. “We need more people in this country standing up to this administration letting them know to hold back … because you are taking away too many rights, now. You are taking away people’s property under the guise of public purpose. “This is not a public purpose ... This is a purpose to facilitate one of the people you hated a few months ago. What has changed . . .Why is this Government doing this?”  he asked in the Senate yesterday. (DN)
BOOKING NO – The umbrella body for leisure accommodation wants Booking.com – a popular travel fare aggregator website and search engine for lodging reservations to drop its new commission policy. The Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association’s CEO Senator Rudy Grant has said that his organization has been joined by the regional umbrella Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) to object to the Amsterdam-based website leveraging commission on a number of items in its billing to users. Senator Grant named one of these items as service charge which should not be included in the new policy, in keeping with position on which the BHTA and the CHTA are agreed. He told Barbados TODAY: “There are items such as service charge. Service charge in many jurisdictions, and certainly including here in Barbados, is included in the collective agreement between the hotel association and the unions representing the workers. “And in the case of Barbados, it is the BHTA and the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) in our memorandum of agreement.” He noted that service charge is not generated by the hotels and is not reflected in their costs or prices. Senator Grant declared: “It is essentially what is identified and agreed to between the hotel association and workers union with respect to that service element that should be provided to the staffing in a pecuniary form. “So when Booking.com puts a position that they should receive commissions on an item such as service charge, the BHTA and CHTA are of the opinion that that should not exist.” BHTA CEO revealed that negotiations were continuing to reach a settlement on the issue. He told Barbados TODAY: “We are hopeful that good sense would prevail  and that we would be able to reach a solution on this very delicate matter. “We would not want a situation where hotels are being asked to pay commissions on items that are not relevant and should not be properly included. “And the CHTA has asked Booking.com to remove those items and I believe they are expecting very soon to have some response from Booking.com. Booking.com is the primary revenue source of the United States-based firm, Booking Holdings. (DN)
BILL OF RIGHTS –When the Data Protection Bill is a passed into law any individual will have the right to sue any entity for misusing their personal data without permission, the Minister for Information Technology has told the Senate. Senator Kay McConney was speaking as she wrapped up the debate on adopting the report of a joint select committee of Parliament on the bill. The Minister of Innovation, Science and Smart Technology explained that organisations can no longer do what they liked with personal data. “In this Information Age, data has value like it has never had before. “But what is wonderful as is the message in this bill is that this value belongs to you. We own our data. “And I think that is one of the single most important messages that I would like people to carry away. “When people have your data other entities, other organisations the data does not belong to them. It belongs to you. “And therefore because you own your own data you have ownership rights… and this bill seeks to specify those rights. “Be it to access that information that the data controller had on you, if another entity has information on you, you have a right to know what it is and to have access to it.” Senator McConney went on to outline the rights of an individual as stated in the draft data law. She said: “You have the right to correct false data or you have the right to be forgotten or to have your information erased except in certain circumstances that are outlined here in the bill. “You have the right to restrict or even prevent other entities from processing your data and you have the right to receive it in a way that is machine readable or that in a way that is readable to you. “Understand that as you own your data you have rights that go with it.” Lamenting that some people were subjected to having their data misused the senator warned that offenders would be running afoul of the law. She said to fellow senators: “It was with sadness that I heard Senator Franklyn and Senator Greenidge speak about circumstances in which persons abused the privilege of data. “This is why we need a piece of legislation like this. Currently they are acting outside of any law. “Once this is enacted it then brings them into the law so that that behaviour can then be checked. And that the appropriate monitoring and appropriate remedies can be made in situations where they are in breach.”  (BT)
$1M TOKYO OLYMPICS BILL –The road to the Tokyo Olympics is expected to be a costly one.
And according to secretary general of the Barbados Olympic Association (BOA), Cameron Burke, it can take approximately $1 million to get the home team to the 32nd staging of the most prestigious sporting event. He made that prediction during yesterday’s launch to the countdown of the games and the Barbados Lottery’s Going for Gold scratch game at the BOA headquarters. “[We don’t have the exact] estimate as yet. As you know, Tokyo is a little far away so if I am to do an estimate looking at what happened before when we went to Beijing, it was just over $1 million, so I suspect that it will be in that ball park again,” he said. (DN)
CHELSEA AFTER GOLD IN PERU – World class surfer Chelsea Tuach has several goals as Barbados debut at the Pan American Games here in Lima. While Tuach feels tremendous pride at being made the flag-bearer for tomorrow’s opening ceremony, she is hoping her first-time participation in a “big games” will land her gold and crest her to the podium at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. “It is such an honour (to be the flag bearer). I have only been here for a day and I have been taking it all in. It is really incredible and I am happy that surfing can be in it and that for the first time I can be part of a big team. “I begin competition on Monday and the cold conditions are no bother as I often surf in conditions colder that what we have here. My goal is a top performance firstly and to earn the points and the qualifications to the Tokyo Olympics. (DN)
That’s all for today folks there are 160 days left in the year Shalom! #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #bajannewscaps #newsca psbystephaniefchase
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