#char: t'challa
braveclementine · 2 months
The Fight of a Lifetime
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
"Hey Cap, we got a situation here." You heard Sam say into the coms. He was outside already and you just exited the palace to see him, Bucky, and Elizabeth standing there. Elizabeth was already kneeling, her sniper pointed at the ceiling. Her hands were covered in turquoise whisps and she shot and one of the things immediately exploded in mid air. She, however, nearly collapsed right then and there.
"Stop using your magic reserves." You snapped at her, helping her to her feet.
"If. . . If I can take them. . . down before they get here."
"You can't knock another one out without burning yourself up. I won't let you." You said, almost angrily. "I will knock you out and toss you in the dungeon, understand?"
"Yep." Elizabeth sighed.
Another one exploded as it was met by the shield the Wakandans had up.
"God I love this place." Bucky said.
"Yeah, don't start celebrating yet guys." Rhodey said, always the downer. "We got more incoming outside the dome."
You took special vehicles that almost looked like land boats. Except. . . they were on land and. . . they were hovering.
Bruce had been given a suit that Tony had clearly made just for him. It was called the Hulk Buster and it was basically like being the Hulk without being the Hulk. Bruce ran alongside the hover boat things while Sam and Rhodey flew above the rest of you. Your heart pained, knowing Tony should have been up there as well.
"I've got two heat signatures breaking through the treeline." Rhodey informed the lot of you as he flew overhead.
You slid out of the boat as it came to a stop, you and Elizabeth running side by side, to join the rest of the Avengers. You and her stood on the outerskirts of the group.
Steve, Bucky, Nat were really the only ones. Nat, Steve, and T'Challa all went forwards to meet the brute that had been in New York and the female that had attacked Vision and Wanda. You waited nervously.
Elizabeth had her sniper already to her eye, kneeling again. You looked down at her.
"They'll lower the shields. Minute they do I'm shooting." She said steadily.
"How do you know they'll drop the shields?" You asked her.
"Because they'll use forces over and over to vaporize against. Eventually, the wall will become weak. And they'll circle around the entire wall. If they circle around the entire wall, they'll surround us and we'll all be killed. But if T'Challa strategically chooses a moment to drop the walls, the creatures are to dumb to think about flanking then."
"You should have been in the army." You responded lightly.
"I tried to join the Navy." Elizabeth sighed.
"Why didn't you?"
"Mom wouldn't let me."
You chuckled. "Wonder what she would think now."
"Suppose we'll find out after the fight." Elizabeth replied.
"They surrender?" Bucky asked as the three of them rejoined the group.
"Not exactly." Steve replied.
The Wakandans started up their tribal chants and you heard Elizabeth suck in a breath as the aliens started.
"What the hell?" Bucky whispered.
"What?" You asked sharply, noticing she slung her sniper rifle over her shoulder, pulling out an AR-12 like you instead, and got to her feet immediately.
"Outriders." Elizabeth informed you. "Kin to the Chitauri that attacked New York. They're mindless and will stop at nothing to get their prey. They're like lemmings."
"Looks like we pissed her off." Nat muttered.
Elizabeth lifted her gun and started firing before anyone else could do anything. You noticed then that some of the aliens- though charred and burned- had made it through.
T'Challa shouted commands in the native language and the shields that protected the front of them did what they needed. The ones with the spears started their thing- apparently their spears could shoot lasers or something? You and Bucky lifted your guns, firing as well. Sam and Rhodey shot from the air.
"SAM WATCH YOU!" Elizabeth shouted, shooting another alien through the head. "They can jump as high as you fly."
It was proven seconds later as Sam had to duck and twirl to avoid an outrider. It didn't even hit the ground before Elizabeth filled with with bullet holes.
Rhodey flew close near the border, letting off bombs that set fire and blasted the outriders that were there.
"Cap, they're circling." Elizabeth informed him, "They're going to get behind us."
"There's nothing that will stop them from getting Vision if they do that." Bruce added on.
"Then we better keep them in front of us." Steve murmured.
"How do we do that?" Okoye asked.
"We open the barrier." T'Challa answered.
"Called it." Elizabeth muttered to you, reloading her gun.
"On my signal, open Northwest section seventeen." T'Challa said into his coms. "On my signal."
"That's not a shield." Elizabeth said randomly. You looked around, bewildered and then saw what she meant. You agreed. Whatever Steve had on his arms were not shields.
T'Challa stepped forwards as the shields stopped doing their thing, straightening up. "WAKANDA FOREVER!"
Immediately you all started to charge. Steve, Elizabeth, and T'Challa far outstripped everyone else and you turned your attention from your friends, to yourself.
As the three of them leaped into the Outstriders, landing on top of them, you skidded through the water, slashing them with your new Wakandan weapon. It was one of the spears that the Dora Milaje usually used, but it was an electrical version that Shuri had designed specifically for you.
One of the outstriders knocked you onto your face and then Natasha was there, slicing its head off, helping you to your feet. You ducked, swinging out the double edge blade, frying two more outstriders.
You saw Bucky on his back and you threw the spear, taking it off of him. Steve slammed his shields into another Outstriders head. You ran, sliding, grabbing your spear, stabbing it upwards through two more aliens.
Shurikens flew past you, slicing into the eyes of aliens as Elizabeth controlled them, whipping them around as turquoise whisps of aura filled with air, her eyes glowing the same.
"There's too many of them!" You heard Bruce shout and you looked over your shoulder to see the Hulk buster was swarmed with them. Steve was being held down by at least four and even T'Challa was overwhelmed. Rhodey had been knocked out of the air and even you were now trying to fight off three.
Only Elizabeth looked as though she was somewhat open, keeping a forcefield of sorts around her while she continued to fight, not seeming to see anything but enemies on the field.
Suddenly, a huge burst of light came down from the sky. It was thicker, larger than any bifrost beam that you had ever seen, but it had the same rainbow consistency to it. It burned the aliens and suddenly, a weapon that looked like an axe came flying out of the beam of light, blue electricity warping it.
And suddenly, as it cleared, the weapon flying back to its owner, you saw who it was. You stared, stunned as Thor stood there, slim, with two different coloured eyes. His hair was shorter than the last time you had seen it, and brown instead of blond. There was what looked like a raccoon holding a gun on his shoulder, along with a tree. . . thing?
You looked over and saw that Elizabeth was gaping at him in amazement and there was something like hope in her eyes. Your stomach turned unpleasantly. Surely, if Loki was still alive, he would have been here too.
You heard Bruce start to laugh loudly behind you, "YOU GUYS ARE SO SCREWED NOW!"
You watched Elizabeth runs towards him and he turned to meet her, lifting her into his arms almost as though she were a child, hugging her tightly. You turned away, the scene to painful to watch. And your fears were confirmed when you went to face the opponents again and saw a fresh wave of pain coated across her face, mixed with determination and anguish.
Then Thor and her were charging, along with the tree and raccoon. "BRING ME THANOS!" Thor roared, rushing with his electricity swirling around him. The water rose up as Elizabeth's magic swirled around it, shooting towards the aliens, drowning them in her rage.
Thor flew up into the air, the clouds growing black and dark, before slamming back down, killing hundreds of Outstriders with one blast.
You smiled. You were going to win.
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The addition to Thor on the team, new with his weapon was a confidence booster, Steve knew that. Bruce was back in his head, enjoyed that his soulmate was alive. Thor seemed more powerful than ever, taking out more enemies by himself than they had done so far. He was raising the spirits of everyone on the battlefield.
Except. . . for Elizabeth.
She was full of rage, fury, and a new found sweep of despair. Steve knew immediately when Thor had arrived, she had hoped Loki would be alive too.
And he wasn't.
Steve checked quickly for Bucky and saw he was doing fine. The raccoon that Thor had brought with him was in Bucky's metal hand. Bucky just kept turning in circles, both of them shooting everything that approached them.
He looked for Y/N next as he slammed his shields into another outstriders face, smirking a little at remembering Elizabeth's comments about them not being real shields. They were real alright, they just didn't throw.
Y/N looked like she was doing fine, swinging out her newest Wakandan weapon, taking out everything that came within a six foot radius of her. She had grown in being an agent. He remembered when she had been endearingly clumsy and now, she was graceful, her movement, her block, attack, everything was confident and well placed.
Steve found himself next to Thor and looked over at him, "New haircut?" He asked.
"Noticed you've copied my beard." Thor joked, motioning to his beard.
Steve nodded and Thor pointed with his axe, "Oh, by the way, this is a new friend of mine, tree."
Steve saw that the tree in question had elongated its arm, capturing three of the aliens through the stomach. "I AM GROOT!"
"I am Steve Rogers." Steve said, breathing heavily and pointing to himself.
Suddenly, there was a huge rumbling and Steve saw that ground seemed to be pregnant, something huge rolling underneath it. It passed underneath the barrier like it was nothing and when it exploded from the ground, it was like huge, spinning wheels.
"FALL BACK! FALL BACK NOW!" T'Challa shouted.
Steve watched as Elizabeth attempted to stop them and he raced towards her, grabbing her around the waist and ran with her. She was light, lighter than anyone else he knew. What? Could she be only one hundred and sixteen pounds? Damn.
"When we get out of here," He panted, "I'm taking you to an all you can eat buffet."
"Focus on fire on the left." Rhodey called into the coms. "Flanks Sam."
"I'm doing it!" Sam shouted.
Suddenly, the wheels stopped and Steve dropped Elizabeth back to her feet, seeing them floating in the air, surrounded by red.
"No." Elizabeth panted, "She left Vision alone."
Before Steve could even stop her, she was sprinting back to the castle.
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Elizabeth could not remember running so fast before. She seemed to be almost flying as she made her way to the palace. She crashed through the window, into the lab and saw Shuri still working.
She made her way to the entrance as one of the leaders- the children of Thanos- started to attack the warriors. The two men were killed and the woman was fighting next.
"Keep working." Elizabeth commanded, "Hurry."
She leapt into the fight, kicking the man backwards. The two of them fought, spear on sword. Elizabeth could feel her arms going numb. She knew she wasn't in peak condition to be in this fight. This was a master warrior and she had spent to much of her energy on magic today. But it had to be done. Vision had to be protected. She could not let Wanda feel the pain of losing her soulmate too.
The man swept her off her feet, but before he could stab her, he was sent flying into the wall and Pietro was standing over her, holding out a hand. "Bet you didn't see that one coming?"
Elizabeth grinned, grabbing his hand and he heaved her to her feet. The alien man growled, leaping forwards and Pietro dodged out of the way, kicking the mans feet out from underneath him. Shuri's fingers flew on the computer screen.
Suddenly, Pietro was flung backwards, shaking as some gadget electrocuted him. Elizabeth grunted, eyes widening as she felt the spear go through her side. The alien man snorted, pulling his weapon from her body, kicking her to the side.
"That was easy." He growled at her.
"Well," She panted, "Wasn't like I was wearing armor."
Shuri shut down the program, shooting him with her blasters. He slashed the table in half, knocking Shuri and the Dora Milaje to the second level.
Elizabeth watched as the alien man looked for Vision, but he was gone, before attacking him from behind, shoving him out the window.
"Princessa?" Pietro asked, by her side in an instant. "Are you alright?"
"Help me into a sitting position." She grunted and he did so. She placed a hand on her side, letting the last bits of magic reserves finish the job.
"Guys we got a Vision situation." Elizabeth heard into her coms.
"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve shouted.
"Go." Elizabeth said. "You're the fastest. Just, make sure you've got a weapon on you."
Pietro grinned, "Of course."
And then he was gone.
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Steve raced through the forest, knocking into the male alien as he tossed Vision to the ground. "Get out of here!" He shouted at Vision, rising to his feet. He slammed his shields repeatedly into the male aliens face, knocking him to the ground, "GO!"
The two of them continued to fight while Vision laid there. He grabbed Steve around the neck and Steve grunted in pain as he bounced off a log from his back, tumbling to the forest floor.
He started to choke Steve and then suddenly, his head went off with a blade. He saw Elizabeth standing there, a stab wound in her chest, the blood having soaked her up and lower leather garments. She nodded for a moment and then sighed, collapsing to her knees.
Pietro got there then.
"I'm faster than you." Elizabeth panted out.
"I got lost." Pietro retorted.
Steve saw Vision was next to them as well, holding the weapon that had been the alien mans' "I thought I told you to go."
"We don't trade lives Captain." Vision retorted.
Wanda landed near them, taking over for Vision. Vision cried out in pain and then said, "He's here."
Elizabeth was on her feet in an instant, breathing heavily. It almost sounded panicked.
"Everyone on my position." Steve quickly said into his coms. "We have incoming.
Steve watched the purple Titan emerge from a cloud of black and blue. He was taller than all of them, his arms as thick as Y/N or Elizabeth.
"Cap." Bruce said, his Hulk Buster suit battered, scratched, and scraped, "That's him."
"Eyes up." Steve commanded, hitting the button on the shield to enlarge them a little. "Stay sharp." And then he broke into a run to charge the Titan.
Steve watched then as the Hulk Buster seemed to phase through him, captured in the rock wall behind the Titan. Steve felt himself being captured by a purple aura, tumbling back to the forest ground.
He caught T'Challa around the throat, bashing him in the head so hard it activated the Vibranium blast off, but didn't phase the Titan. He destroyed Sam's wings in midair, walking over the flying Avenger as he crashed to the forest grounds.
Steve watched, as Rhodey tried to shoot at the Titan, but he only blocked the bullets, before squeezing the metal around his body, sending him crashing into a tree. 
Bucky charged him next, yelling but Steve couldn't hear it, everything was funny and silent. Steve watched as his soulmate was tossed to the ground, sprawled out. He felt a rage and pain inside of him, watching his soulmate get thrown. 
Then Okoye.
Then Natasha.
Then the tree even, tossing its roots into the ground, trying to capture him. He was successful only for a moment, before the Titan ripped the roots off his body.
Steve ran, sliding under the giants fist, hitting him in the leg, then the stomach.
Y/N was there, leaping onto the giants back, stabbing him in the back. He swung around, lifting her, throwing her so that she hit the base of the tree and was still.
Steve uppercut the giant in the chin, feeling both victorious, yet overwhelmed with the idea that they were going to lose. Steve caught the glove as he shoved his hand forward, buckling under the pressure. And then Steve was punched in the head and nearly everything went black.
He could only stare as Elizabeth approached him, standing in between the Titan and Vision. She wasn't crying, like he thought she might. In fact, she looked stone faced. The Titan even paused, smirking.
Elizabeth dodging his punches and blows, almost looking like she was dancing, the grace she moved with, before flipping in the air, kicking him in the face. She scooped up her sword, going and stabbing him through his armor of the stomach. He grunted, catching her around the throat.
"No." Steve tried to say as he lifted her off the ground.
"Funny." Thanos said slowly. "This seems familiar. Ah yes, this is how Loki looked, before I snapped his neck."
It was the wrong thing to say. Elizabeth exploded with her magic and the Titan went flying back, crashing into the rock behind him. Elizabeth's eyes were wide, tortured, just as the stone in Visions' head exploded into pieces.
Elizabeth was suddenly by his side, pulling his head into her lap. She looked exhausted, her face pale and drawn. She placed her hands on his face and he felt her energy flowing, draining her, filling him.
"Stop." He croaked out. "Don't."
"You're. . . you need. . ." Elizabeth panted out.
He grabbed her hands and then pushed back. He sent his energy into her and she fell backwards from the force, before getting to her feet, looking down at her hands in awe.
"You need it." Steve whispered, before everything went black.
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Wanda panted on the ground as the Titan approached her. And he said in a soft voice, a voice unlike that one of a killer. It was soft, almost gentle. Understanding, nearly kind, "I understand my child. Better than anyone."
"You could never." Wanda growled through her teeth.
He put his hand down, his fingers on one side, his thumb on the other. His hands was huge and Wanda hated the feeling of its weight, "Today I lost more than you could know. But now is not time to mourn." He stood back up, his hand gone now.
Wanda turned her head to see him walk past her. "Now is no time at all." Wanda sat up, tears in her eyes, and watched as the yellow bits of stone that she had shattered from her soulmates head, started to come back together, glowing.
The Time stone.
"NO!" Wanda shouted, rushing him and he batted her away like a kid with a fly. She fell against the forest ground and rolled. Thanos leaned down, picking up Vision around the neck.
Suddenly, Thanos was hit by what looked like a white bullet of a man. Pietro knocked Vision out of his arms and Vision stumbled and fell, trying to get to his feet. Wanda got to hers as Thanos reached out, grabbing Pietro around the neck. He tossed him and Pietro hit the tree with a sickening crack, his neck at a strange angle, eyes open and staring.
Wanda's rage blossomed around her as Thanos wasted no more time, grabbing and yanking the mind stone from Visions head, his body turning gray and colourless, falling to the forest floor.
In less than three seconds, Wanda had lost everything.
Rainbow went through Thanos' veins as he placed the soul stone in his gauntlet. Suddenly, electricity caught him in the stomach and the Titan went sprawling on the ground, being torn up as he was pushed. Thor threw his axe and Wanda watched as it went flying into Thanos chest.
Thor grabbed the back of Thanos head. "I told you, you'd die for that." And Thor shoved the axe deeper into Thanos' chest. Elizabeth was there, stabbing Thanos in the back, hopefully through the heart, her blue magic surrounding the three of them.
The lights started to flicker in Thanos' eyes as he started to die. He croaked something out to Thor, before raising his hand. Elizabeth went to grab the gauntlet, but was blasted backwards, through the trees, and out of sight.
And then Thanos snapped his fingers.
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"WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT DID YOU DO?" Steve could hear Thor roar and he stumbled out of the tree line just in time to see Thanos disappear the way that he had come. Thor's newest weapon, dropping to the floor, stained in purple blood.
"Where'd he go?" Steve asked when he managed to catch his breath. Steve looked around him, waiting for some sort of change. "Thor. Where'd he go?"
"Steve?" Steve heard Bucky's voice and turned to see Bucky was holding up his gun in one hand, looking at his metal hand with his eyes. He watched as Bucky turned, dissolving into dust, his gun dropping to the floor, the only thing that he left behind.
"No." Steve whispered, running, kneeling, touching the ground. He picked up Bucky's gun, holding it tightly in his hands. The last bit of Bucky that was left. He looked over his shoulder and saw Thors' eyes staring at him in horror.
"SAM!" He heard Y/N scream. "SAM NO!"
He spun, seeing Y/N burst through the trees. She stared at Steve for a moment, terrified as she too turned into dust.
"Y/N!" He bellowed getting to his feet, turning around.
Somewhere in the forest, he could hear Okoye's panicked voice rising, shouting for her King T'Challa. He saw Wanda, leaning over Visions' dead body, turning into dust as well. They were all going, all dying. Pietro's dead body still sat up by the tree.
"SAM? SAM WHERE YOU AT?" Rhodey shouted.
"ELIZABETH?" Steve screamed. "ELIZABETH?"
She burst out of the trees, running straight for him, eyes just as wide and terrified as Y/N's had been. He raced towards her, the two of them meeting. He pulled her straight into his arms and before he could comprehend what he was doing or why he was doing it, his lips crashed to hers.
What he didn't expect, was the reciprocation. Her lips pressed just as fiercely back, her hands clinging to him. She pulled away then, breathing shakily. "T-they just turned. . . they just turned into dust Steve."
It took a minute, but Steve finally managed to coral most of everyone who was left. He turned over Vision's lifeless body. He fell back on his butt, sighing because the stone had been ripped out.
Thor, Rhodey, Rocket, Bruce, Nat, Elizabeth. That was what was left.
"What is this?" Rhodey asked. He was still in his War Machine suit, the same way Bruce hadn't left the Hulk Buster. As though unsure of whether or not the fight would continue. "What the hell is happening?"
Steve breathed heavily, on the verge of tears. And finally, all he could mutter was, "Oh God."
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vgilantee · 15 days
hi marvel anon here.. who's your squeezes in Marvel?
i am an unfortunate Loki, Bucky, T'Challa fanatic
bucky since captain America came out, Loki, Sam Wilson (that smile could blind someone 🫠), Scarlet witch, Agatha (I can't wait for her series), and Valkyrie. bucky is always my main boo though. preteen char going to the movies wasn't prepared for what was going to hit them awooooooo
now if we're expanding outside strictly the mcu, Peter Parker (both Andrew Garfield, and itsv), and quick silver (honestly... any version but my first peitro love was in the wolverine and the xmen show).
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sinestrosmind · 7 months
October 17th, 2023
Summary: Recovery recounts the events of October 17th, 2023, how he experienced it.
Warnings: Endgame Spoilers, Character death, Canon typical violence
Characters: Recovery Protocol, Flame Copps
Wordcount: 834
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          "I wasn't fully awake when it happened."
          "Alpha, initiate Pack Rally Protocol." Flame's tone was firm and commanding as she stood at the edge of the battlefield. What once was the lush front yard of the Avengers Compound was now ripped apart. Smoke rose from destroyed aircrafts and weapons, the sky darkened by smoke and a coming storm. Thanos' army stood in front of them, rows upon rows, and more coming from the dropships. Beside them, the Avengers' army formed. Hundreds of individuals gathering as they stepped through the portals, ready to stand in defense of and die for the survival of not just Earth, but the universe itself.
          And then Steve made his call. He led them without fear, both armies rushing each other. The Battle of Earth, the war to protect the universe, had begun.
          "My emotional processors were offline, probably a safety measure placed by Stark. I didn't feel fear, didn't feel worry, didn't feel concern."
          As the war raged on, suit after suit went down. Flame jumped from one to another as needed, but the majority played defense for the rest of her side. That's how most had been brought down, keeping her allies safe. Only a few had been destroyed just barely after she'd ejected, each time too close for Flame's comfort.
          In the end, only MK8 was left. And even it was heavily damaged, barely functioning, when it had hit the ground with her in it.
          "Not even when I watched my creator die through the half functioning eyes of P.A.L. Looking back now, it's horrifying."
          She heard a snap of fingers, loud and echoing. Felt the air change, temperature seem to drop, blood run cold, the sound of metal being crushed and cut through by the force of a blade before silence. Flame lands onto charred ground with a thud, and there she remain, motionless. Stunned and panicked, vision spinning and heart beating rapidly as she feels blood further soak her fur under her suit.
          Before her, not far away, sat Tony. Back against an uprooted tree, right arm charred, suit damaged and burnt. Right side of his face unrecognizable.
          "But her broken voice as it happened..."
          "Tony!" Flame's voice was barely a whisper, panicked and pained and broken by a silent sob. She didn't have the strength to move. She needed to move, she knew she need to move, even just slightly. Just show some kind of life. But she was far too weakened to even manage that. The wounded Avenger watched through a half broken helmet, locked eyes with the dying man, and saw pain. Grief.
          She knew what he was thinking. Knew what he thought her lack of movement meant.
          "It... Did something to me. Maybe my code had been altered by her voice. Maybe my emotional processors had turned on then. But it hurt me. It still hurts me. Somewhere deep down in my chest... That would be the organic equivalent to your heart hurting, wouldn't it?"
          The world was a blur of sounds and colors to Flame, body and mind numb. It was too much grief for her to process at one time, especially given the bloodloss she currently faced. She recognized Alpha's voice, broken by static, panicked and worried, but she had no idea what he was saying. And then she felt she was being moved, turned to lay on her back. Felt her helmet being removed. Bleary eyes first gazed upon the smoke-filled skies above before focusing on the faces of the people who had come to check on her.
          It was T'Challa that she'd first focused on. And she vaguely registered another familiar face coming to check on her before everything went dark.
          "It was when she found me that I fully awoke. She looked so... Broken..."
          She was ghost of her former self when she found him, fur dull and disheveled, mane tangled and eyes bloodshot. Clues left behind by Tony led her to him, gave her something to focus on. Leaned into her curiosity and likely her desperation to cling to the man she'd just lost. One final gift.
          Right there in that old Malibu mansion she used to call home after she'd been taken in by Tony was her new caretaker. Her new protector. Red and gold and shiny, standing tall and holding a power within him that Flame could clearly see even as he stood still. A recorded message projected from his arc reactor, left by Tony just for her. And when she'd said her goodbyes and that recording ended, the machine appeared to relax, he had spoken. Gentle and caring with a familiar playfulness.
          "Well hello to you too, Flame."
          "My protocols guided me for the following few weeks after that. Often times I looked to the notes my creator left me for guidance too. What I needed to do to take care of her, how to comfort her, and- ah... Well, you know the rest. She's still alive, and she's doing better now."
0 notes
youcantcallmethat · 1 year
"You move too much," W'Kabi teases. "I heard Okoye hardly twitched when they gave her her tattoos."
"Hush!" Okoye hisses. "Leave T'Challa alone."
T'Challa smiles into the pillow. "Okoye hardly feels a spear pressed to her breast, of course she didn't move. You would sob, ubhuti, I know it."
"Sob?" W'Kabi asks. "I have my tattoos. I never sobbed."
"No?" T'Challa returns. "You had scars. It is the bone char which flares the pain more."
"Ah. The bone char," W'Kabi says, "Perhaps it is the panther's way of telling you, 'Prince, you have used me for your own vanity, how dare you!'"
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marveltrumpshate · 3 years
November 2021 MTH fills part 1/2
Can you believe it’s just been one month since we announced the auction results? It feels like a lifetime! Once again, we’re thankful for everyone’s efforts in raising such a jaw-dropping donation amount as well as all the works that have come in throughout the month of November!
The best way to see all the fills that have been shared with us is our monthly roundups tag or our #MTH-fills channel on our Discord, but you can also view them through the following methods:
Our Tumblr tags: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Our AO3 collections: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 (only has works posted to AO3)
Completed works tag list
To find specific content, use our completed works tag lists above which includes instructions on how to search for a particular character, gen or romantic relationship, universe, and fanwork type.
@aquatigermice - Black Panther, Iron Man, and Rescue masks and extra pin goodies for @ashes0909
@arabesqueangel - “Loki: Professor Supreme” (616 Loki/Strange fic where Strange refuses to let Loki become a teacher at Strange Academy, but Loki tries to get into the school anyway) for @aurorawest (MTH 2020)
Cluegirl - “Salvage Rights” (Steve/Tony A/B/O historical romance arranged marriage AU fic) for @chibisquirt (MTH 2019)
@cutecumber-flower - Art of Jack Rollins/Brock Rumlow kissing in the snow for @kalika999
@dracusfyre - “By Blood” (Bucky/Tony vampire AU fic) for mystifiedgal (MTH 2020)
@gottalovev - “Like a teardrop in your palm” (Steve/Tony enemies-to-friends-to-lovers fake relationship AU fic) for @goddess47 (MTH 2020)
@humapuma - “Three Alphas Walk into a Café” (Steve/Bucky A/B/O werewolf AU fic) for @moodywolff (MTH 2020)
- “Mountain Men” (Jack Rollins/Brock Rumlow camping fic) for @kalika999 (MTH 2020) - “The Shape of Hydra” (Jack Rollins/Brock Rumlow The Shape of Water AU fic) for @kalika999 (MTH 2020)
@juls-art - Art of Sam and Bucky in uniform, kissing for @yavannie
Juulna/@juuls - “Soulmates & Strangers” (vignettes from a Steve/Tony secret identity soulmates AU fic with commissioned art) for @ishipallthings (MTH 2019)
@kalee60 - “Express Yourself” (post-TWS Steve/Bucky fic where Bucky learns to heal through fashion) for @fingerprintbruises (MTH 2020)
@kandisheek - “A Beast That Few Can Master” (Bucky/Tony modern Beauty and the Beast AU fic) (MTH 2020)
Li Izumi/@li-izumi - “A Little Housekeeping” (616 Peter/Wade fic in Logan's POV where Logan suspects incorrectly that Wade is a bad partner) for lastofherkind (MTH 2020)
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mthofferings2018 · 6 years
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See tisfan’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email - [email protected] Tumblr - tisfan
Preferred organizations:
Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain:
one to three dolls
Will not create works that contain:
custom orders
-- Fan-made craft or merchandise --
Auction ID: 12
Will create works for the following relationships:
Iron Man Spider-Man Black Panther Shuri Captain Marvel Captain America
Work Description:
these dolls take 1 day to craft each, will not ship outside of the US (sorry)
Ratings: G
The auction runs from October 21 (12 AM ET) to October 27 (11:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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ghcstsoldier · 5 years
Bucky wasn’t entirely sure he was comfortable living at the old Avengers Compound, even if Sam did say Stark had given them the go ahead. Philanthropy often felt like pity, and he remembered enough of his father to know that the Barnes family, even in their hour of need, had been stubbornly reluctant to accept handouts. He wasn’t aware of the changes that existed in this universe, but he caught Stark’s eye through one of the glass walls on the way in, and he figured that their relationship wasn’t all that different. If Sam trusted in it, though, Bucky was on board -- if only so he would be on hand if shit went sideways. Loyalty and stupidity went hand in hand, after all.
It was late, and he was making his way down to the kitchen to raid the fridge. Super-soldier metabolism came with hunger, and now that he was able to actually eat when he wanted, he wasn’t inclined to stop. Peanut butter sandwich in hand, the best that he could find, he noticed that the metal of his arm was vibrating slightly. He looked up, seeing Nebula in the doorway, and he was about two beats away from throwing the sandwich at her.
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“Christ,” he muttered, bracing his hands on the kitchen counter. “You are eerily silent.” Bucky took a moment, then looked back up at her. They didn’t have much time to know each other - he had been dead for five years, after his initial seventy year death, he supposed - but they were from the same universe. That had to count for something, right? “Want a sandwich?” Bucky asked, gesturing to the plate in front of him. “Peanut butter, and it’s the fancy stuff. Got real peanuts in it and everything.”
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bugborgs · 6 years
lokabrenna replied to your photo “Aaaaa these just came in!! My keys are gonna be all bugborg'd up!!”
Where? Where did you get these? O.O I have a huge need
Ebay!! I think you can find them in stores that sell blind boxes (bc I’m pretty sure that’s what these were, originally) BUT my friend found them on ebay and linked me so I wouldn’t have to mess around buying them and hoping I get my girls :’)
These are the listings I bought mine from!! Nebula || Mantis
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Does anyone get sad knowing that Chidi’s gonna miss out on Black Panther?
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ireadyabooks · 4 years
Audiobooks Written and Read by Black Creators
Looking for your next listen? 🎧Check out these must-hear audiobooks written by Black authors and read by Black narrators. 
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Written by: Tami Charles
Narrated by: Tami Charles 
Inspired by true events, Muted is a fearless exploration of the dark side of the music industry, the business of exploitation, how a girl's dreams can be used against her -- and what it takes to fight back. This audio edition features four brand-new original songs all written, composed, and performed by author and narrator Tami Charles!
Start Listening to Muted by Tami Charles!
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Written by: Leah Johnson
Narrated by: Alaska Jackson
Liz Lighty is running for prom queen to win a scholarship for college. Will falling for a fellow prom queen contender keep her from her dreams…or help them come true?
Start Listening to You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson!
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Written by: Sharon G. Flake
Narrated by: Bahni Turpin
The powerful and long-anticipated companion to The Skin I'm In, Sharon Flake's bestselling modern classic, presents the unflinching story of Char, a young woman trapped in the underworld of human trafficking. 
Start Listening to The Life I’m In!
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Written by: Edwidge Danticat
Narrated by: Bahni Turpin
Award-winning author Edwidge Danticat brings her extraordinary talent to this graceful and unflinching examination of the bonds of friendship, romance, family, the horrors of loss, and the strength we must discover in ourselves when all seems hopeless.
Start Listening to Untwine by Edwidge Danticat!
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Written by: Lamar Giles
Narrated by: Bahni Turpin, Shawana Carter, and Sisi Aisha Johnson
When rising star Paris Secord (aka DJ ParSec) is found dead on her turntables, it sends the local music scene reeling. No one is feeling that grief more than her shunned pre-fame best friend, Kya, and ParSec’s chief groupie, Fuse – two sworn enemies who happened to be the ones who discovered her body. Don’t miss this story of a fandom that will stop at nothing in their obsessive quest for answers.
Start Listening to Spin by Lamar Giles!
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Written by: Nic Stone
Narrated by: Anika Noni Rose
The first book in an original series starring the break-out character from the Black Panther comics and films: T'Challa’s younger sister, Shuri! Shuri is a skilled martial artist, a genius, and a master of science and technology. But, she’s also a teenager. And a princess. This story follows Shuri as she sets out on a quest to save her homeland of Wakanda.
Start Listening to Shuri by Nic Stone!
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I am Iron Man
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), MCU
characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts, James Rhodey Rhodes, James Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker
summary: When Tony used the Iron Gauntlet and erased Thanos and his troops, Steve thought he would have to watch his boyfriend die. Thanks to quick thinking of their team, Tony got a chance to live and the healing process starts.
length: 3 781
a/n: this is my last fic from the ones I planned to write after Endgame. the happy ending. totally self-indulgent and from a Stony shipper point of view! also, it doesn’t have to make sense if it makes me feel better. hopefully, it will make you feel better too!
I am Iron Man
He was looking at it, but he couldn't believe it. Alien troops fading away and turning into dust, just in front of his eyes. In the middle of it all, he saw Thanos taking his last breath, before he turned into nothing, vanishing from the face of the Earth.
They did it. They won. How did they win?
And then Steve saw how.
Tony. In the midst of a broken world, among dust that was left of the compound, his back leaned against some rubble, supporting him. Right hand covered up to the elbow with gold and infinity stones shining on knuckles, above from that dark and charred, black marks stretching all up to his face, covering half of it. Tony's gaze was unfocused and his breath was so shallow, it was almost gone.
Tony did it. He did the snap and defeated Thanos and his army. They won.
And yet...
Tony was dying. His Tony was dying.
The whole world around Steve slowed down, draining out of color and sound, eyes focused on his boyfriend's almost lifeless form.  
Tony was dying. His Tony was dying.
He couldn't move, his body not listening to him. His whole body felt heavy and there was a painful silence ringing in his ears, stretching and consuming everything.
Tony was dying. His Tony was dying.
Rhodey was the first one to get to Tony. He opened his faceplate and leaned over his best friend, reaching to him, eyes wide and terrified.
Tony was going to die.
Steve couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. The weight of grief and pain smothered him, his knees buckled and Steve fell, digging his hands into the dry ground, hot tears blurring his vision and falling down.
Tony was going to die. His Tony was going to die.
It wasn't supposed to end like this.
It won't end like this.
A bullet of fire and energy cut the air. Steve raised his head, watching Captain Marvel landing between Tony and Rhodey. Rhodey said something, gesturing to Tony and the glove, and Carol leaned down. Something snapped, just like a piece of wood snaps in two, dry and loud. Then a metal clank when the Iron Glove with infinity stones was thrown away, landing few feet in front of Steve, discarded like something toxic. Steve looked at the stones and gold, eyes wide and not understanding. There was another person flying past him and he recognized the silver and blue armor, belonging to Pepper. Carol and Rhodey moved aside when Pepper stopped, her hand reaching to Tony, a thick, foamy substance Steve had seen before spraying from her fingers and coating Tony's right side with a shell resembling frost. Tony's mouth moved, faint and weak, but Steve read the words.
'Hi Pep.'
Tony wasn't dying.
He was alive. Barely, but alive.
They still had a chance.
Feeling new energy coursing through him, Steve got back on his feet. He pushed his emotions aside and acted on instinct, falling back into the line of command. Time was crucial and they had to act quickly.
"Queens!" Steve called in a strong voice when Spider-man tried to make his way past him. The teenager stopped, hearing the call. "Go and find the wizard! Bring him here!"
"But- but Mr. Stark-" Peter hesitated in a broken voice, face pale and dirty and with droplets of dried blood near his nose and mouth. He kept looking away, torn what to do and just desperately needing to get to Tony.
"Go!" Steve yelled. There was no pleading note in his voice, just a rough, cold command. The kid was smart, he would understand. Peter took a last glance at Tony and turned around, searching and calling for Doctor Strange.
"Sam?" Steve put a hand to his ear, relieved to find that he still had the communication device on himself. "Sam, if you can hear me, find T'Challa or Shuri, we need to get Tony to Wakanda, now," he gave more orders. He didn't get an answer and his eyes scanned the battlefield looking for anyone he could turn to when the device crackled.
"Copy that," Sam said, cutting the connection.
They had a chance. There still was a chance.
Steve rushed forward, giving coordinates where Tony was, trying to organize everything as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Tony was not going to die. His Tony was not going to die.
It was taking forever. Why it was taking so long?
Steve couldn't find his place. He was pacing back and forth along the corridor, his shoulders squared and jaw tight with worry. Pepper and Rhodey were sitting in the corner on the couch, their thighs touching, Rhodey's arm slung over Pepper's back. They were silent and exhausted and worried. Steve looked around. Peter curled on the chair, holding knees close to himself, trying not to break. Bruce, Thor, and Clint remained silent, avoiding everyone's gaze. Even Nebula stayed, leaned against the wall with arms crossed and closed eyes, waiting for news.
The door to the surgery room opened and a female doctor approached them, everyone focusing on her.
"We couldn't save his arm," she said in a thick, Wakandan accent, "but he will live."
Everyone breathed out in relief, but it was Peter who uncurled and yelled out in excitement, getting a scolding look from the doctor and amused ones from the team. Pepper started to smile through her tears and Rhodey hugged her close, not even trying to hold back his own emotions, laughter mixing with sobbing. Steve felt a huge boulder lifting off his arms and the painful grip on his lungs and throat loosening.
Tony would live.
"I am sorry about your arm, Tony," Helen said, busying next to Tony's bed, examining his damaged right side. His arm had to be amputated at the shoulder and the damage from using the gauntlet spread all over to his face, leaving a network of scars and damaged tissue. Helen gently examined Tony's face, looking at his jawline and temple area. "After all this radiation exposure, you are still lucky the nerves on your face are intact."
"Yup. Lucky," Tony repeated, nodding to the words. It took days before he got well enough to do basic activities and still was on bed rest, confined to a small and bright room in the medical sector in Wakanda. His tone was light and optimistic and he even smiled at Steve, trying to lighten the mood and not deepen the frown on soldier's face. Steve tried to not look so worried, but it was difficult when he saw the dark network of scars on his boyfriend's body, not even imagining the pain Tony had to endure when he had slid the gauntlet on his arm. He tried smiling back and to match Tony's smile, but it came out as strained and forced and not genuine at all.
"Drink this," Rhodey handed Tony a green smoothie, some special blend of herbs and nutrients to nourish him and help to clear his blood. Tony took it with his left arm and sipped through a straw, not even protesting at the earthy taste. Pepper was also in the room, changing the display of flowers and balloons and 'get well soon' cards that were flooding to Wakanda from all over the world. Iron Man, Earth's best defender. Steve liked that title much more from the famous 'genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' that stuck to Tony for years.
"I think we can fix this," Helen said, creasing her forehead before smiling and gesturing to the damaged half of Tony’s face and Steve looked hopefully at her. "It will take a long time and a number of sessions in the cradle,  but I think we can get a good result with synthetic tissue."
Tony didn't say anything and quietly finished the smoothie. When he was done, he pushed the straw out with his tongue and turned to Helen. "Yeah, great. Maybe except that, let's not do it?" he asked, his voice waving at the last words. The room fell silent and Steve looked in shock at Tony, Pepper, and Rhodey pausing their work.
"Tony, what are you talking about?" Rhodey was the first one to break the silence. Maybe it was the painkillers speaking and Tony was just dazed and not thinking clearly.
"I am thinking that this," he said, using his left hand to point at the scars on his face, "is not lethal. It is not spreading and is under control. Improving this would be just for cosmetic reasons."
Steve stared at Tony is silence. The whole room was silent, and Pepper and Rhodey exchanged worried looks.
"Road accidents. Acid. Burning," Tony listed, not addressing anyone in particular, more of having a conversation with himself. "It all happens all over the world, all the time. And people have to live with it," he touched the damaged skin on his cheek. "Why I should be the one privileged asshole who can get healed while millions of people can't?" he asked, not really waiting for anyone to answer and let the question hang in the air. Then, he turned to Helen. "Your cradle is amazing and will revolutionize the medical industry. Please keep working on it and once it will be available to the public, I will sign in line. And until that happens," he faced Steve on his left, "you will have to get used to me looking like this," he said, sounding minimally sorry and a whole lot sarcastic.
It was the first time Steve had smiled for real in many, many days.
Thanks to T'Challa's hospitality, Tony and Steve stayed in Wakanda until the clearing after the battle and rebuilding of the new Avengers compound had been finished. Tony kept healing under the watchful eye of Wakanda's medics and kept working on projects, forming a bond with Shuri and welcomed to used her lab for the time being. Steve trained and sketched and organized a new life for the Avengers and for himself and Tony. The Guardians and Thor left to space, Doctor Strange and Wong retreated to Sanctum Sanctorum and Peter resumed his education, attending school once more like a regular teenager and swinging by the compound whenever he had a chance to visit Tony. Sam went back to VA, and Steve helped him during lectures from time to time, while Bucky enrolled in the group. Soon, Pepper shared the news that she and Happy were expecting and awaiting the birth of their firstborn, Tony calling dibs on being the godfather and Pepper accepted it with a smile, not seeing a different possibility. Slowly, everything went back to normal, the missing pieces falling back in their places.
"You know," Tony yawned, spread comfortably on the couch in the new compound, his missing arm hidden under a black shirt, "if they would put us together, one healthy dude would come out of it," he said, gesturing with his left hand between himself, Rhodey and Bucky.
Steve looked at Tony with a confused expression on his face, the same look mirrored on their friends' faces.
"He would have two pairs of legs, Tony," Rhodey said calmly, closing the fridge and holding a plate with a sandwich on it.
"Kinda like a human centaur," Tony mused out, nodding to himself.
"That is not a thing," Rhodey answered and grinned at Steve, catching his shocked expression. Tony was still on a high dose of painkillers and did tend to say the most random things from time to time.
"Hey, you, one armed bandit!" Tony called, sitting up on the couch. Bucky turned to him, eyes narrowing suspiciously. "Come here for a sec, I want to look at that arm Shuri made for you," he said, calling Bucky over.
"It is your arm that is missing, not your legs, come here on your own, Two-Face," Bucky retorted, and Steve gagged in panic, trying to scold Bucky solely with a look. Bucky only shrugged, not remorseful at all.
Tony seemed more amused than insulted and turned to Rhodey, hungry eyes focusing on the sandwich before flipping up to his friend. "Sandwich me, Rhodes," Tony said, sounding as flirty and dirty as he just intended to.
Rhodey grimaced, because no, painkillers or not, this just sounded wrong. "Get your own sandwich, Tony," Rhodey replied before Steve had the chance to jump in and offer to make a sandwich for his boyfriend.
"Un-freaking-believable," Tony said, raising his one arm up in a dramatic gesture, that admittedly looked a lot less dramatic. "How many times do I have to almost die for this planet to get some respect around here, not mentioning getting a sandwich-"
"Okay, okay!" Rhodey went back to the kitchen isle, opening the fridge and taking out some deli meat, cheese and mayo, putting it all on a slice of rye bread.
"Don't forget the pickles," Tony called, smiling sweetly when Rhodey send him a sour look.  With two plates with sandwiches on, Rhodey walked to the couch, handing Tony one of them.
"Thanks!" Tony beamed a smile and grabbed the sandwich, standing up from the couch and walking away, Rhodey looking after him with a scoff. Tony made it over to Bucky and set next to him instead, too close and not having any issues with barging into Bucky's personal space. He put the sandwich in his mouth and used his free hand to urge the former soldier to put his bionic arm closer for inspection.
Steve put the end of the pencil to his lips and chewed it in thoughts, watching everyone in the room. Rhodey took Tony's place on the couch and bit into the sandwich, while Tony ran his hand delicately over the vibranium lines in Bucky's bionic arm, asking questions in a sandwich obscured hum, Bucky answering the best he could, trying to decipher the words. Steve kept looking in Tony's and Bucky's direction, his heart happy with seeing his boyfriend and best friend being on speaking terms. Still, he would prefer if Bucky was nicer to Tony, who still was in a delicate state and was recovering. Then he realized that Tony would absolutely hate if someone took pity on him and maybe sarcasm responding to sarcasm what was he needed, and not doting over.
In front of the team, Tony was coping remarkably well with a missing arm and scarred face. Just sometimes there were situations that gave him more troubles.
Steve heard a thud, when something heavy fell into the sink, a curse following. He waited for another sound and soon heard another thud.
"Babe?" he called in the direction of the adjoined bathroom. "You okay?" he asked, deciding to stay in bed for the time being.
Somehow Tony didn't sound fine. It was hard for Steve to accept, but he had to learn to not barge in whenever he suspected that Tony had troubles with everyday tasks. Tony was still capable of taking care of himself and rarely asked for help, unless it was absolutely necessary. Just something in the tone of his voice told Steve that he could use some help... Throwing the covers away, Steve got out of the bed and peered into the bathroom, leaning over the door frame. Tony was turned away from him and saw Steve in the mirror and smiled weakly. In his left hand, he was holding an electric shaver.
"I have some troubles," Tony admitted in a defeated sigh.
Steve clicked his tongue sympathetically, entering the bathroom. No matter the circumstances, Tony Stark had to keep his trademark goatee impeccable. In the last days, Tony had become nicely scruffed and rough, but it was time to get back to his usual look. Just it turned out to be more difficult than he expected.
"Can I do it?" Steve asked, holding Tony by the chin and examining his face. He didn't want it to sound like he was suggesting that Tony couldn't shave on his own. Steve felt that he needed that moment of closeness too. Just to feel connected to Tony again.
"Yeah," Tony agreed, handing him the electric shaver. Steve took it and put away on the shelf.
"Let's do it the traditional way," he smiled gently at his boyfriend, reaching for a disposable razor and his shaving soap in a ceramic bowl.
"You won't get a sharp cut using that thing," Tony grimaced.
"Try me," Steve kept smiling, almost challenging. How Tony could say no to that?
Tony watched Steve dipping the shaving brush into water and shaking it to get some of the excess water off. Then he rubbed the brush in a circular motion over the soap, creating some paste on the tips.
"Give me your hand," Steve asked and Tony reached his hand out, palm upwards. Dropping a few more droplets of water on his skin, Steve pressed the brush in the middle of the palm and swirled it around until the foam became dense and heavy, almost like whipped cream. With long strokes of fingers, Steve applied the foam over brunet’s jaw and neck and anywhere his face became too scruffy. Tony closed his eyes when the razor slid down his skin, getting the hair off and shaping his beard and mustache. Quiet, clinking sound when Steve rinsed the razor in a bowl of clean water from time to time, resuming the process. Steve took his time, trying his best to recall the shape of Tony's goatee. Tony was leaning into his touch, not wincing even once, putting all his trust in Steve and Steve felt a serene, full of love feeling taking over him. It was so domestic and comforting. When Steve was satisfied with the result, he used a damp towel to wipe his boyfriend’s face clean and patted it dry.
"All done," Steve said proudly. Tony opened his eyes and looked into the mirror.
"Huh," he mused out touching his smooth cheek and jawline. Steve even remembered to leave a thin strip of facial hair there, just like he liked it. "Looks good," he smiled at his reflection, turning around. "Thanks."
"Welcome, babe," Steve smiled, leaning down for a kiss. It wasn't aimed at any spot in particular, but Tony still turned, making sure that it would fall on the left side of his face. When Steve kissed his cheek and straightened up, he looked admittedly a little irritated and a lot heartbroken.
"Sweetheart, you know I don't mind it," Steve whispered, meaning Tony's scarred face and neck. Steve really didn't care. Tony seemed to not care either, just in their intimate moments he seemed a bit more self-conscious.
"I know, I know," Tony grimaced, looking back at Steve, a sorry look in his eyes, "I am just not ready yet," he admitted in a quiet voice.
"Okay," Steve smiled softly, agreeing. "I will wait for you to be ready."
After all, there was no rush.
"Tony, lunch is ready, we all are waiting for you -" words got stuck in Steve's throat as soon as he entered Tony's workshop and saw his boyfriend. It seemed almost wrong, after months of living and getting used to one-armed Tony, here he was, standing in front of Steve, one arm flesh and bones, other shiny metal.
Tony smiled brightly, pleased with the stunned reaction. He moved his right arm and spread fingers and closed his fist a few times, showing that he had full control over it. "It is enhanced with vibranium," Tony said and Steve remembered the long talks his boyfriend had with the princess back in Wakanda. "Shuri helped. She gave me the blueprints for Bucky's arm so I went through the design, creating something new. Took a few tries before I was satisfied with the result."
Steve walked closer. He was still in awe and looked at the artificial limb attached to his boyfriend, completely stunned.
"So, I think this is what I will be doing in the nearest future. Creating prosthetic limbs. Of course, not vibranium for safety reasons and not as flashy as this one, or maybe flashy, all depends on the wearer-"
"It is amazing," Steve said breathlessly, wanting to touch it, but not daring to. Luckily, Tony understood the need and reached his prosthetic arm in Steve's direction, making the move slow enough to give him time to move away, if he changed his mind. Steve didn't budge and Tony rested the mechanical palm against his cheek, fingers touching his ear. It felt hard and smooth, but not unpleasant.
"It is warm," Steve said, not expecting that.
"It is temperature controlled. It is set to match my body temperature, but I can make it hotter or colder, up to a point where it can change into a weapon," Tony explained.
Steve put his hand on the artificial wrist and slid his hand down, cupping the elbow. It was smooth and flawless, its dimensions matching Tony's left arm perfectly.
"Is this your everyday arm?" Steve asked carefully, unsure if he worded himself correctly. The prosthetic was hot red almost up to the elbow, inner arm was gold and the part near Tony's tank top was red again. Almost like in Mark 3. Iron Man classic armor.
"Yeah," Tony laughed, "because I am -"
"Iron Man," Steve finished, smiling with joy. "You are Iron Man."
"I am Iron Man," Tony confirmed a proud note hearable in his voice, before it was gone, replaced by hesitation, "but I was thinking that maybe for a while I could not be Iron Man and you could not be Captain America? That maybe we could settle somewhere calm, maybe in a secluded house near a lake or something-"
And Tony didn't finish, Steve already pulling him into a kiss. He was carried on the moment and cupped Tony's face with both hands, lips meeting long and sweet. When he drew away, his gaze was soft and full of love, but the look was quickly gone when he realized where his hands were.
“Shit, sorry-” Steve said quickly, withdrawing from the touch. To his surprise, Tony stopped him and held his hands in place with his own hands, one palm pressed to healthy skin held by a warm hand, the other to his scarred cheek and ear held by the prosthetic arm. It was a new feeling and a bit confusing, but Steve focused on Tony’s brown eyes and soft lips instead. After all, it was still Tony. His Tony.
"So, that's a yes to my idea, right?" Tony asked after the kiss ended, just to be sure.
Steve only smiled and kissed him once more, whispering 'yes' over and over again.
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I’m so glad you’re back - Chapter 14
Chapter 1  chapter 2  chapter 3  chapter 4  chapter 5  chapter 6  chapter 7  chapter 8  chapter 9  chapter 10  chapter 11  chapter 12  chapter 13  chapter 15  Epilogue
so were getting closer and closer to the end!! enjoy this chapter guys because this is what you've all been waiting for!!!
It wasn't even a few seconds before their enemies started to turn to dust right in front of them.
Each one blowing away with the wind until Thanos was the last one left. He looked defeated as he stood watching his army disintegrate and then as he looked down to his arm, where the gauntlet was placed upon it, where the stones should have been, his arm started to turn to dust.
The avengers stood hand in hand as they watched the destruction of their enemies all around them. But as they watched on, they started to let go of each other's hands, not realising they were giving back a bit of that power they had shared to tony.
As each person let go of the chain the power started to consume tony a little bit each time until the power was too much too handle. carol was still holding tony's hand when she felt the energy getting stronger, she looked up and down their link to see people letting go, but if people were letting go it was good for her friend. Shooting her eyes to tony she sees his eyes start to flutter shut, the exhaustion catching up to him.
“Tony!” at the scream of his name, everyone around them starts to look back, just catching a glimpse of the iron man as he collapses to the ground.
Immediately rushing after him carol rips the metal off his suit, leaving a rip in the nanotech and leaving his hand bare. The torn glove now laying on the ground.
Tonys' eyes start to wander as if he is looking for something that isn't there, his pain overtaking him as he leans against a rock.
Peter Parker swings down quickly to his injured mentor, his young brown eyes quickly filling up with tears. He bends down until he's on his knees and leans his hand against tony’s shoulder.
“Mr Stark? It's okay Mr stark we've got you. Your gonna be okay. Mr stark?” as the water trickles down his cheeks peter starts to break down, not even believing his own words even though he wants to believe them.
Coming up behind him, Natasha grabs peters shoulders and gently pulls him away from her oldest friend.
“Tony, its gonna be okay, pepper will be here in a minute.” the redhead swallows, trying to think of what she should say.
“Thank you, for everything you did, for me, for-for um.” Natasha bit her tongue as she was about to mention her son's name. His father was right behind her trying to console the young teenager. This wasn't any way for the father to find out.
A tear falls from steves eyes as he watched the exchange between Natasha and tony. He never even got to apologise or make amends.
Landing on the ground next to them is pepper. She instantly runs to her husband, falling to her knees at the side of him.
“Tony. its gonna be okay, I promise it to be okay, well be okay.”
Their team is now gathered around as they witness the last moments of their friend's life.tony was probably the only one who managed to affect most of the people around them. He had met the guardians before any of them, and now they were watching as they lose him.
Pepper held Tony's hand as they waited, his arm was charred and damaged, probably beyond repair and his energy was starting to fade out. There was nothing they could except wait.
But then running over as quick as she could, Shuri interrupted the silence.
“Wait! We can help him, I just need to get him back to my lab.” hope stated to shine in peppers eyes at the young girl's words. Everyone's eyes lit up. Doctor strange stepped forward-leaning in towards Shuri and tony.
“Your lab? You can help him?
The Wakanda nodded quickly, her eyes straining at the seriousness they portrayed.
“Okay, pepper you and T'Challa grab him.”
The next few seconds were a blur, T'Challa and pepper had grabbed tony and made sure he was secure in their arms as they took him through the portal doctor strange had conjured, nebula had also left with them. Her friend, the friend she was stuck in space with for 3 weeks, the first friend she had made was dying. If there was anything she could do to fix it she would.
The rest of the Avengers and their allies just watched with hope as the 5 people left for Wakanda. The country was famous for its advanced technology and medicine. There was a great chance they could save him.
But before pepper had left, she quickly pulled Natasha to her to ask the redhead to go back to her home. Where both of their young children still were. Happy was there to look after them whilst she and Tony had joined the fight but they needed one of their parents right now, pepper new that morgan would be fine with Natasha whilst she stayed with tony. As much as she wanted to see her daughter, she knew morgan was okay. Tony needed her right now and if anything happened and she wasn't there, pepper would never forgive herself.
And then the avengers stood with 6 fewer members as they carried on.
Walking through the portal from the destruction into the clean white lab, T'Challa and pepper pulled Tony's body on top of the medical table. Wakandan doctors and scientists rushed to his aid, quickly administrating sediments and attending to his injuries. Nebulas had watched them sceptically, not trusting them to save her friend, but she had no choice but to let them carry on. And now shes thankful she did.
Shuri soon realised that tony's arm would be irreparable, the tendons and skin damaged beyond repair, even for Wakanda medicine. Their only option would be to remove the arm altogether. Even strange agreed with the assessment, but nebula suggested a different approach. Instead of taking the arm off they could repair it with their technology. She was part cyborg after all. Between herself and Shuri and also the scientists, within a few hours, they had drawn up plans and started to build the pieces they needed to fix tony's arm.
But once they fixed it, it would forever be part technology. Forever a part of tony, just like his reactor used to be.
Even with their advancements, the Shuri and strange both agreed to put tony into a medical coma, just for the next few days until the biological parts accepted the Vibrainuim implants.
Once tony, pepper, nebula Shuri T'Challa and doctor strange had left, the rest of the team started to do what they could to help others that were injured and even clean up some areas of mess. They soon called the emergency services too, firemen showing up to put out flames and explosions that the missiles had caused. Paramedic helping the injured as best they can. Jets and choppers with help and even press were instantly on the scene clearing up the rest of the dust and smoke in the air, revealing the oncoming orange hues of the sunset. Their first sunset with everyone back. And it was beautiful.
After making sure all of her friends were okay, Natasha approached thor, taking him to one side so they could speak with at least some privacy.
“Thor I need to go. James and morgan are still at toys and I'm more than sure happy is worried sick. They need me.”
The blonde pulled Natasha in fro a hug, completely understanding what she was implying.
“Its okay Tasha, I understand, were more than capable of taking care of things here now, you should go back to them. And you should take steve with you.” his lips curled slightly in the corner, giving her a smile. After they both pull away, Natasha agrees with him about steve and then heads over to the soldier who was talking to one of the firemen.
“Steve, I need to go. Toyn and pepper… they had a baby when you were gone, her names morgan. Shes with happy right now but I need- I need to go to her and look after her until they can get back.”
“They had a kid? Wow, Okay don't worry, we'll catch a ride from one of the officers and get them as soon as we can. I'll go ask one now.”
“You're coming with me?”
Steve smirks at the redhead and walks closer to her until their inches apart.
“I'm not letting you out of my sight.” Natasha's eyes sparkle at his sweet talk. God she missed him, she missed this, their playful banter, his whispers of sweet nothings. She nods, but before he walks off she tells him one more thing.
“There's something else too. But I have to tell you when we get there.”
Steves brows furrow for a second in worry but he trusts her enough not to be worried. She simply nods and then walks off to find an officer that will take them to the house.
Sam and Bucky watched a few feet away as the two reunited lovers left in a cop car. Sure they knew they had just been reunited but running off together seemed strange, especially after the battle they had just fought. But upon seeing their confused looks, the large green, now intelligent professor hulk they knew as Bruce explained. He explained everything.
About Tony and peppers daughter, about how Natasha had been pregnant when the snap had happened and that she had been raising her and Steve’s son this entire time. Then he explained that’s probably where the soldier and spy had been going.
And strangely enough, after everything they had been through during their years of combat, Battles and war, even this battle with a mad Titan and his alien army. Steve and Natasha having a son shocked them the most. But it did leave them feeling saddened as well. Their best friend had missed out on his own son's life for 5 years. Even though there was no way to help or change what happened they knew Steve would feel guilty about not being there.
Once the cop car pulled up on the dirt road along the side of Tony’s house, the two avengers thanked the officer and made their way towards the building, but Natasha froze. Steve had carried on walking not noticing until he looked to his left and realised she wasn't there.
Swivelling in the grass, steve turned back to see Natasha stood a few feet away. He didn't hesitate to walk back over to her, grabbing the sides of her arms gently and searching for her eyes. Steve was confused, he had been lately since returning. He'd been gone 5 years and didn't have a clue what had been happening, but Natasha had confused him the most. It was like she was holding back from him. Biting her tongue. But instead of trying to rush her, he waited until her eyes met his and her hands grabbed onto his own, linking them together.
The spy took a deep breath before she spoke. She had thought about how she would tell him, she had hoped that one day she could, and now she was.
“Listen before we go in, I need to tell you something. The same thing as I needed to tell you before.” her voice was quiet as she titled her head to speak. The soldier just tightened his grip on her hands, letting her know he was right here for her and he wasn't letting go.
“Okay, is everything okay? What is it?”
This was it. The moment she had dreamed about for 5 years. The moment they should have had back then. Natasha took a deep breath, slowly letting it back out as her eyes started to well up slowly.
“Back when Thanos came, in 2018, after he snapped his fingers and you disappeared. We tried for weeks to find a way to bring you guys back and it wasn't until after we got tony back from space that we finally found Thanos. He was on another planet, living out his retirement, we confronted him about the stones he said he'd destroyed them. I was distraught when we came back. It was the worst day and also one ill never forget because I found something out that saved my life. that night when we got back...I found out I was 2 months pregnant.”
Steve listens intently as she explains her story but then His face drops with the eventual realisation of what she was saying to him. She was pregnant? Steve's eyes widened with hope but he was still confused, well more shocked than anything.
“You were pregnant? Wha- why- how is that poss- 2 months? you were pregnant?” Steve stutters his words out, trying to ask too many questions at once but then ultimately asking the one question that mattered.
“Yeah, I was. And he's the best thing that had ever happened to me. And I don't know what I would have done without him.” As she spoke the tears that had welled in her eyes started to fall, tickling her cheeks as they came down. It was true what she had told him, if it wasn’t for James she had no idea what her life would have turned out like. She had lost Steve, Wanda, Sam, half of her life. And she feels guilty to admit it, but during that ride home from Thanos's farm back to earth, after they found out the stones had been destroyed, she didn’t think she had anything to live for. There was nothing left for her. But then she found out about James.
Steve's eyes mirrored hers, tears making their way down his cheeks. He still couldn’t believe it. He had no idea how she managed to lose him and their friends and raise their child and keep going. She was devastated when he had dusted but she did it for their child.
Pulling on Natasha’s hands, Steve pulls her closer to him until their foreheads are touching and his neck is leaned down to meet her height.
“Him? It was a boy? Is-is he here?”
“Yeah, he is.” Natasha smiled at his reaction with her eyes sparkling and the orange sky making them glow. She was holding onto him so tight that she didn’t realise her fingers were practically digging in his skin. She just didn’t want to let him go after finally getting him back.
“Oh god, I have a son, we have a son?”
at his sudden shock and frightened face, Natasha just laughed and bit her lip.
“Yeah we do”
“What’s his name?”
“James, James Samuel Clinton Rogers” the soldier let out a huff of a laugh at his son's name but also smiled at hearing the name of his oldest friend.
“Really, all three of them?”
Natasha shrugged her shoulders and cocked her head to the side as she grinned at him.
“I couldn’t pick, but I knew I had to name him after them, I didn’t even consider anything else”
“You know bucky is never gonna let sam forget this? James? Wow.” Steve is in awe, he hasn’t even met the little boy yet but just hearing his name and what he meant to Natasha was all that he needed for him to know that he loved James with all his heart and being. And having Natasha back at his side again reminded him just how much he loved her too, and learning that she had their child made him love her even more if that was even possible.
Before she can speak he pulls her in once again so he can meet his lips with hers, only sharing their love for a few seconds before they're pulled apart by the sound of a small voice shouting.
Steve’s head instantly shoots up to the sound, his blue eyes falling upon a set of green ones.
On the edge of the porch stood a little boy with blonde hair and green eyes. He pushed on his feet and ran as fast as he could towards Natasha.
Upon hearing her name being called, Natasha gave Steve a content smile and span on her feet, matching her little boys run to meet him in the middle of the grass, until she caught him in her arms and spun him around, pressing kisses over his little face as she held him in her arms.
It felt like forever since she had held her baby in her arms. But it was only yesterday she had brought him over for a sleepover with his best friend. Natasha held him extra close, practically squeezing him, not daring to let another moment go by where she didn’t remember or appreciate it enough.
She would forever be in debt to Clint. He had given her the chance to be able to hold her child again, to be here for him when she came back. Sacrificing his own chance at holding his children and laura again once everyone came back.
“I’m so happy to see you, baby, did you have a good time with Morgan?” His laughter filled the air as she covers his faces in quick kisses but it quickly died down once his mother asked him about his sleepover with his best friend.
‘Yeah, it was great! But uncle Tony and auntie pepper went to fight the bad guy happy told us about so we were scared for a bit but then happy helped us colour!” James’s eyes had not once stopped sparkling as he told his mother about his day. The boy adores his mother, Steve could tell. He reminded him of himself as he watched on. Ever since Steve has been born it has just been him and his mom, and he wasn’t ashamed to admit he had been a mommy’s boy the entire time until the day she died. And now it looked like James was the same.
“I see, well I’m glad you had fun with Morgan baby but you don’t have to worry about uncle Tony.” Natasha’s eyes flicker slightly when she heard that he and Morgan have been sacred when Tony and pepper had gone to fight. But she knew everything would be fine. Shuri was the best and they had Strange and Nebula. Tony would be just fine.
As the young boy looked at his mom he noticed another person stood across the grass. Reaching its golden hour, the sun was shining on the man, making him look more clear for James to see.
“Mommy, who’s that?”
Natasha furrows her eyebrows at James’s question. And turns to look at her soldier.
In James’s little head he thought he knew who it was but he couldn’t be sure. he’s only 4 and a half and had only ever seen pictures of Steve from years ago when the avengers had still been a team and the solider has been clean-shaven and blonder. The man stood a few feet away had a beard, his hair longer and darker, but he looked familiar.
“You don't know who that is?” His mother asked softly, she was just as confused. She had always told her son about his father. Always. Natasha would tell James story’s at night to get him to sleep about her and Steve. Their missions and even when they were off duty. James has loved to hear it, hearing about the brave soldier that his dad was. She had even shown him photos of Steve. From both public files and her own. Pictures from her old phone when they ran missions together, pictures they had when they lived in the tower, she always made sure James knew who his father was, so why didn’t he recognise who he is now?
Seeing the confused look on Natasha’s face is the only thing that has made him feel better about the little boy not recognising him. He knew she would have told James about him. He knew it for a fact. But something must be missing? Natasha was confused too.
“I think I do but he looks different.” Then Natasha smiles sweetly at James finally understanding what he meant. He was so innocent.
“Aah, He looks different huh? Then Why don't go ask him and make sure?”
Natasha leaned over and let James jump back on the ground. He was a bit shy at first but once he looked at the man again he made a move to step forward, his little legs taking him longer to reach Steve.
Watching as James shuffled on the grass to come over to him, Steve bent one knee so he was just a little taller than his son's height and so he could look at him properly. Once James reaches him, his green eyes look up at his. Steve could have gasped, he was the spitting image of him when he was younger. And if Steve’s mother would have been alive she would have thought the little boy was her own son. But even though it was like looking in a mirror or seeing a younger version of himself in the flesh. His eyes were all his mothers. Bright green that sparkles in the light of the sunset.
James kept opening and closing his mouth, a little shy to talk.
“You look like my daddy in the pictures my mommy shows me. But you look different because of your hair and beard”
So that’s why James didn’t recognise him. Smiling at his son who was shuffling on his feet as he spoke, Steve chuckled and played along.
“I do? I guess I'll get rid of my beard and get a haircut then so you always know who I am James.”
“so your really my daddy?” James's eyes lit up at the sound of his name. His dad knew his name!
“Yeah, bud I am.” But then James’s sparkling eyes were replaced with confused ones. He started to bite the inside of his cheek and swayed on his feet. This was his dad! But his mommy had told him that his daddy was gone and uncle Thor told him that he was in Valhalla which was like heaven for heroes like his dad.
Steve’s head whipped up to Natasha when James started to curl into himself again when he was confused. The mother quickly walked over and met her son at his height by kneeling on one knee like Steve. She wrapped her arm around his small shoulders, moved the long bits of hair in his eyes to the side and pulled James into her, comforting him as she tried to explain.
“See James, when we went to fight, we brought everyone back, you know from the incident a few years ago? About how lots of people disappeared because of Thanos as I told you?”
James’s hair flops up and down as he nods.
“Well when we brought everyone back, we got your daddy back too. This is him, James, I know he looks a little different than the pictures I show you huh?”
“A little bit. But it’s okay, I like it” He looks at steve again, reaching his small arm out to touch the hair on his dad's chin. Natasha couldn’t help but keep smiling as she watched her son. To be perfectly honest, it was her favourite look on him, god she had missed that beard.
“Me too”
Suddenly James pulls his arm back from Steve and jumps into his arms. Steve was nearly knocked over by the sudden hit of the little body crashing into him. James wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck and tightened them together so he was clinging on. And Steve was more than happy to return the hug with just as much power. It felt amazing. Having his son in his arms for the first time and his son accepting him too. He didn’t even know he had a son until a few minutes ago but he knew the instant he found out that James would be everything to him. Both James sand Natasha meant the world to him.
“I’m so glad you’re back daddy, mommy missed you a lot.” Steve huffed out a laugh as he stroked the back off James’s hair. Tears running down his cheeks. It was surreal, it really was.
“I'm glad I'm back too bud. And I missed her just as much.” Steve looked towards Natasha as he spoke to James, trying to tell both James and her that he had missed her. The soldier unwrapped one arm from around his son and held it out for Natasha to come closer and join the two in a hug, which she gladly does. After Steve has both Natasha and James in his arms, he places a gentle kiss to each of their foreheads. Savouring the moment in his memory forever. His first memory of both Natasha and James, and the three of them together.
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cityofaangels · 5 years
Endgame Fix-It Fic
Hope this helps. This is now cannon for me. Thank you.
Pain. What a simple word. Four letters, not even a second to say it out loud. And yet, these four letters could mean so much. He'd thought he knew what pain was. Fair assumption, for someone like him, right? After all, there weren't many people that could say they knew what getting their heart ripped out while they were awake felt like. Lucky him, he knew; even luckier, he knew, because it had happened multiple times. He'd known all sorts of pain throughout his life. The aches and bruises after he'd been too much of a smartass, according to his father – and god, what a fucking irony this was! The dull headache that came after a night spent drinking to forget. The broken bones, open wounds, near-death experiences that being Iron Man enticed. The devastating pain of losing a loved one. Of watching him disintegrate, right in front of his eyes, and being unable to do anything about it. Yeah, he'd thought he knew pain. Like an old friend, maybe; like something he was still afraid of, but knew he could deal with. God, what an idiot he'd been.
What he'd known wasn't pain. It was mere prickles, small slaps on his skin, compared to this. His entire body burned, like he was being lit on fire, his right arm turning red, then black, right in front of his eyes. His knees buckled and he screamed, rage, pain, despair, everything mixed into one inhuman yell. He wanted this to stop; god, make it stop. But the moment stretched, seconds turning into interminable hours, his body convulsing from sobs and pain, unthinkable pain, his knees buckling, sending him face-down into the dusty floor. He could barely see anymore; just flashes of light, a shadow moving far away. So he closed his eyes. Whispered in a broken voice "three thousand times, ladybug". Pictured his daughter. Sweet, funny, adorable, smart Morgan. This hurt more than anything. The thought of leaving her behind, of only having had five perfect, but so short, years with her. He'd been looking forward to so many things with her. Watching stars, getting her to ride a pony like she'd begged for weeks, watching her grow, watching her smile, watching her talk, watching her learn, watching her love, watching her happy. Hearing "hi daddy! " every morning and never, ever getting tired of it. Saying I love you, and thinking it, unconditionally, with his whole being. Knowing his life finally made some sense. A tear made its way down his face, leaving a clear path through blood, dirt, sweat. No. Please, no. Please. No.
And then, just as he was thinking his final goodbyes, just as the brightness of his daughter's smile, the tenderness of Pepper's eyes, the pride Rhodey felt, all flashed in front of his eyes, in an endless moment of pain, sadness and happiness, then, there was a hand grasping his. The fire spread through his body and he could feel the stones' power moving from him to whoever was there, spreading, the pain going from unbearable to simply extreme. Suddenly, it felt like he could breathe again, and he did just so, taking a breath that sounded more like a gasp, jerking on the floor. Turning his head, slowly, oh, so slowly, to see who was there. Pepper. No, he tried to say, but his voice had left him, and he just mouthed the word. Could do nothing but watch as Pepper nodded next to him, and he could almost picture her smiling, that small sad thing she did when she knew there was no other choice. NO, he yelled, internally, but couldn't do anything. No, no, no, please, please, take me, but not her. Not her. Not her, he thought as Pepper slid to her knees, her body jerking, lit up with a billion sparkles.
And then Rhodey was there. His hand in his charred, burned black one, a bright flare of pain that he ignored because – Rhodey. This was a nightmare. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, goddamit. Let him die, let him go, just him. Not his family. He tried, weakly, to take his hands out of theirs, but their grip was unyielding, like it's always been. We're here, Tony, it said, without needing any word. We're here and we chose to be.
A shadow, just in front of him. He looked up, recognised the red and blue. Don't do that, kid. Please, don't. I just got you back. But he was so powerless – once again, all he could do was watch as Peter kneeled next to Rhodey, grasped the colonel's hand, and gasped as the power flew through him, instantly lighting up his suit, a bright flare of colours that could have been artistic in any other circumstances.
Next to him, Pepper gasped, and he closed his fingers tight on hers, tried to summon the power back to him, to save her, but instead, it spread even more. Flew to Nebula, who was watching him, her gaze so reminiscent of the intense one she had when they were playing their stupid game, when she was watching over him as he slept and waited to die. How ironic. Sparks flew over her metal body, and her eyes closed as she fell down, never once letting go of Pepper's hand, never once faltering or hesitating.
Shadow after shadow, their little circle grew. Rocket raced up to them, stopped for a second, and then slid over next to Nebula, just as Groot was joining him. Both of them kneeled, braced for impact.
The pain had abated – still there, still burning, boiling his blood, turning his bones to burning wood – and he watched in wonder as still more people joined them. Quill. Gamora. Drax. Thor joined the Guardians, his beard and hair flowing majestically as he braced for the power to hit him, Stormbreaker lighting up like a bright flare of lightning at his feet. Clint ran up to them, let his quiver fall next to him, looked up at the sky, mouthed for you, and grasped Thor's hand. Then Bruce was there, looking majestic and scary when the power of the stones flew through him, bathing his skin in a green light.
Steve came running up, his face bloody and bruised, but still the same determination in his eyes. Bucky was just there, right there behind him, and despite the history between him and Tony, there was not a second of doubt as he took Steve's hand and waited for Sam to join them, his vibranium arm sending sparks everywhere. Scott was suddenly appearing, shrinking from his superhuman size, and Strange was right behind him, looking Tony into the eyes and raising just one finger. One possibility. One. The sorcerer's smile was so gentle, tears started spilling out again.
T'Challa was there too, holding Okoye's hand tight, not protesting when Shuri joined them. Valkyrie slid off her winged horse, a smile on her face.
Then Carol was there, scarily powerful, and she kneeled right in front of Tony, smiled to him so brightly that Tony had to close his eyes again. Her hands were on his bloody face, and he felt unbelievable heat go through him as her fingers linked behind his neck. She was whispering, words that Tony couldn't and wouldn't make out, but he felt his whole body start to tingle, and could feel his friends – his family – reacting to it all around him. Light surrounded them all, unbearably bright, and he closed his eyes tight, braced for impact, for whatever was about to happen. The battle kept going on all around them, yet everything was so silent, frozen still, as if the world was waiting to see which side the balance would tilt on. A flash of lightning and thunder shook the earth all around them, and Tony instinctively tucked his head towards his chest to protect himself. And then he waited. Waited. Opened his eyes. Turned his head. Saw Pepper watching him, the helmet off.
Hope. Four letters. Hope. So many possibilities.
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flerkin-marvelous · 5 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Carol Danvers/Yon-Rogg Characters: Yon-Rogg (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Minn-Erva (Marvel), Bron-Char (Marvel), Att-Lass (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Hulk (Marvel), Venom, Eddie Brock, T'Challa (Marvel), M'Baku (Marvel) Additional Tags: Mind Rape, Amnesia, Alternate Universe, Violence, Romance, Character Death, Monica Rambeau - Freeform, Supreme Intelligence - Freeform, Talos - Freeform, Anelle - Freeform, Mar-vell - Freeform, rocket - Freeform, Groot - Freeform Series: Part 1 of Infinity and Beyond Summary:
The Skrulls have infiltrated Earth, so Earth has reached out to Hala for assistance. The Supreme Intelligence has dispatched Yon-Rogg and his team to assist as requested by Fury much to Carols disdain.
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mthofferings2018 · 6 years
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See knice’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Email - [email protected] Twitter - @starsknice
Preferred organizations:
Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain:
Family-related tropes (both found family tropes and sibling tropes), I also love to work with canonverse, any AU with fancy suits, romance/shippy content in general
Will not create works that contain:
Abuse, self harm, love triangles
-- Art --
Auction ID: 300
Will create works for the following relationships:
Riri Williams/Viv Vision - 616 Sam Alexandar & Kamala Khan & Miles Morales - 616 Loki & Thor - MCU Bruce Banner or Hulk/Thor - MCU, 616 M'Baku/T'Challa - MCU Eddie Brock/Symbiote - MCU, 616 Peter Parker & Tony Stark - MCU Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU Tony Stark/Stephen Strange - MCU Relationship exceptions: no incest, age gap, age down/up
Work Description:
I can provide a full illustration painting. Usually I come up with multiple sketch options; you can choose the one with your favorite composition and I'll get started on that. Because I'm still in school, most of my painting and rendering will be done over the weekend. Please feel free to ask for as many WIPs as you'd like! In addition, if you'd like to request a chibi add-on (so basically that means the full illustration + the little ones) (examples here: https://starsknice.wixsite.com/shhh/chibi), please donate at least 10 dollars over the original bidding price. Thank you!
Ratings: G, Teen, Mature
The auction runs from October 21 (12 AM ET) to October 27 (11:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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Ifetayo Munroe T'Challa. Storm's wicked evil sister. Also a descended from a long line of African witch-priestesses. Char #SOPHIHalloween2019 #Halloween #Costume #Witch #African #Wicked #HalloweenParty #IAmSOPHI #WeAreSOPHI #WerkTwerkSlay (at Wearesophi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4RxgIdJR5r/?igshid=10pc8oyjpyy5y
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