#character near death cw
astrcthesiai-archived · 11 months
📚 my muse’s past/childhood (for Chrome too in case it didn't send)
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For another reason, it was a little harder to make Chrome's past/childhood.
Under the read-more is triggering content and ideation for one's death in character. It's something I feel Chrome would say.
I did not want to make it too bloody, so I went with the Tokyo ambulance picture and a generic picture of an accident. The stray cat she saved was a stray she passed by every day going to and going back from school. For my Chrome, it was a black cat with heterochromia, representing misfortune and omen. For other portrayals of Chrome, it could probably be a white cat with heterochromia, which also represents misfortune and omen, sometimes luck. She does not regret saving it. She felt a kinship for the cat she saved.
"I think I was the happiest in my life when I saved the cat. It was then I also knew I came to the end of [REDACTED] Nagi. It was not like my parents would miss me. They ignored my presence and continued with their careers. I knew my mother's answer the moment she was asked to donate one of her kidneys and a piece of her liver. And I was happy."
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justfangirlstuffs · 6 months
Heart of Glass
A friend of mine finally talked me into reading LDR and this was the result. Takes place after chapter 13. LDR belongs to @spadillelicious
At your wit's end, you decide to try and have a normal time with Sun before opening hours.
cw: suggestive
You x Sun
wordcount: 2040
You came into work feeling a little more rested than you have been in the past few days. You chanced taking a quick glance around for Moon but the janitor was doing a good job of making himself discreet, and you couldn't exactly blame him given recent events. A knot formed in the pit of your stomach and you rubbed at your temples. 
You missed the days when your greatest concern at work was customer service, or not making a total fool of yourself while skating, or… confessing to your crush. It was beyond agonizing how your world had gone from bright and sure to being filled with shadows of uncertainty at every corner overnight. And each day the shadows seemed to grow bigger and more numerous. It almost made you wish you could go back to the days of blissful ignorance before you knew the horrible, horrible truth.
“Good morning, sunshine!” Sun chirped from behind you, causing you to jump nearly a foot in the air. He placed both hands on your shoulders to steady you before you could fall over. “Careful there. You don't even have your skates on and already you're unbalanced.” He gave a soft, playful chuckle in your ear that made your heart squeeze in your chest and your breath catch in your lungs. 
“M-Morning, Sun,” you forced out, trying to simulate even a sliver of the cheer he was radiating..
“You're here early  again  I see, perfect. That means we can get more practice in. I'll make an expert skater out of you yet,” Sun declared, giving a spin and winking at you. 
You gave a soft snort in answer, doubting his claims. Your clumsiness on wheels aside… A dark thought pervaded your mind… would you even live long enough for that to happen? You stared up at Sun, seeing the eagerness in his body language, the way he was practically bouncing in his roller skates, the way his eyes were lit up with excitement and anticipation. He was eager to get you on the roller rink. His dance floor. 
You considered him, and you considered one of your more recent conversations. His confession about the mixtape, how it meant everything to him, how he’d kissed it and handled it like the most precious of treasures. A part of you desperately wanted to believe his words, that he would never hurt you, that he wanted to keep you safe and protect you. But your mind was still swirling in a fog of doubt and fear. 
After what you saw him do you didn't know what to believe anymore. You didn't want to think that all those months of you and him had been a lie. But if they had been… would he really be trying so hard? And then another thought occurred to you, a crazy and possibly insane thought. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to keep Sun endeared to you. If his feelings were really as true as he claimed, then perhaps keeping him on your side might be the smart thing to do. You felt like such a scuzz for even thinking that but it wasn't just about self-preservation on your part. You really did miss your friend. Your Sun. 
“Not this time,” you said, straightening your back and puffing out your chest a little bit. “This time we're going on to MY dance floor.” 
Sun stared down at you, his eyes widening in surprise as he blinked at you. Clearly, you had caught him off guard. “Oh?” The sound was drawn out, laced with intrigue, and his rays gave a little spin. “Do tell. Where is this said dance floor?” 
Swallowing down all of your nerves -and they went down as smoothly as a thick wad of dried bread, with no water to wash it down- you took Sun by the hand and pulled him towards the DJ booth. He gave a soft giggle clearly intrigued as he let you tug him along, his roller skates gliding easily along the floor. When you got to the DJ booth you began flipping through the vinyls looking for the record you had in mind. 
“Skates off," you told him. 
Once again Sun was taken aback by your request. “Sunshine, this is a skating rink,” he reminded you. 
“Oh, what's the matter?” You asked, throwing him a raised eyebrow and the hint of a smirk. “Afraid I'll show you up?” 
Sun laughed and it was the first genuine laugh you heard since... you shook your head. No you couldn't let those thoughts frazzle you now. Not when you had a good flow going. “Someone is feeling daring today,” Sun remarked, and he sounded pleased as punch about it. “All right, then. We’ll play by your rules.” 
While Sun changed out of his skates and into his casual footwear, you searched for a particular vinyl. It didn’t take you long to find what you were looking for, and once you got it set up, the music started and Heart of Glass by Blondie began blaring over speakers. You turned to face Sun and then you begin to move your hips to the music, doing a shuffle as your elbows and knees popped to the beat. 
Sun gazed at you in utter awe. “I didn't know you could dance, sunshine. You've been holding back on me!” 
Normally you didn't, normally you were too embarrassed and self-conscious to dance in front of others. But if this helped you to mend some kind of bridge… 
“Once I had a love, and it was a gas,” you sang as you swayed your hips. 
“Soon turned out, had a heart of glass,” Sun continued as he joined you, shuffling his feet, his limbs moving with a flawless elegance that was so enviable.
As it turned out Sun was just as graceful off the roller rink as he was on it. He matched you move for move and even had the cheek to embellish on some of them. Clearly trying to impress you, and probably also show off a little. Halfway through the song, Sun caught one of your hands and spun you around before pulling you into a dance of his own. With one hand holding yours and the other on your hip, he rocked and swayed your bodies together in time with the music. Your heart surged in your chest a mix of fear and something else. Excitement? Giddy? You decided not to look at it too closely and just enjoy the music and the rhythm that your bodies were making. 
The two of you spun and danced around the small space and you felt a little bit more in control without the skates to put you off balance. Sun did a good enough job of that to you as it was all on his own. At one point Sun had spun you around so that you were face away from him, and you were acutely aware of his hips gently grinding against yours as your back pressed against his chest. It was only for a moment, maybe two, but it caused you to fluster enough that you nearly had a misstep as Sun spun you back around to face him, his smile perfectly bright and innocent.
Despite your nerves, you felt yourself actually having fun. “Lost inside, adorable illusion and I cannot hide,” you sing softly. 
Sun continued the next lyric. “I'm the one you're using, please don't push me aside.” You heard his voice quiver a little at those last few words, his voice becoming almost pleading.  
He pulled you a little closer in the dancing and once again you felt your heart being clenched in your chest. A thought occurred to you just then. (You’d been having a lot of those lately.) What if Moon wasn't the only victim here? You saw how Sun acted around Afton, how whenever the owner came by Sun distanced himself from you. Maybe… maybe Sun acted the way he did because he had to. 
Was that stupid of you to think? Was that naive of you to wish that that was the case? At any rate, you couldn't allow yourself to fully believe it as much as you wanted to. There was too much doubt, too many holes in this gruesome picture that you found yourself a part of unwittingly. But in your heart of hearts you wanted to hold on to that hope that the Sun that you knew, the friend who had always been there to brighten your day and bring a smile to your face, you wanted to believe that that was the real Sun. 
The two of you finished out the song, Sun slowing down the dance as the outro played until he was just gently swaying you with him. Holding you close so that your heart was practically hammering against his chest plate. 
“I missed this,” he murmured against your hair. “I missed us.” 
“Me too,” you said, allowing yourself to be honest. 
Sun began humming, but not to the tune that was playing. It was a different song entirely. A much older one. “You Are My Sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray~. You'll never know dear how much I…” His whole body shuddered, his sun rays twitching and his words seemed to hitch. 
You stared up at him, your mouth agape. “S-Sun?” It was a question, and you still weren't sure you wanted to know the answer. 
Sun slowed the both of you to a halt, staring down at you with those pale eyes that seemed so… vulnerable at the moment. His hands reached up to cradle your face and your cheeks were hot against his cool silicone and metal digits. 
“I know you're still… uncertain. But unlike you, there is no doubt in my mind about how I feel.” 
He leaned down and in a panic, you closed your eyes too scared to back away or to move forward. But instead of a touch on your lips, you felt his smile press against your forehead in a sweet and affectionate gesture. 
“Not to worry, sunshine,” he said softly. “If… when that happens, it will be because you wanted it.” 
Your heart swelled and you almost wanted to cry. So many emotions and thoughts and feelings were swirling around in your head, distorting your reality and making you dizzy. Were you a terrible person for leading him on like this? Were you an even worse person for still loving him as much as you did? You opened your eyes to look at him but before you could say or think to say anything, you heard a distant banging on a door breaking the mood. 
Sun glanced over to the front doors, an unamused laugh emitting from him. “Looks like we have some eager beavers this morning. It's still ten minutes til opening.” 
Sun parted from you and you had to fight the urge to reach out and grab his windbreaker to stop him. He slipped his roller skates back on and flashed you his trademark grin. “I'll take care of things, sunshine. Why don't you go grab yourself a cup of coffee real quick? I made you a fresh pot.” 
“Thank you,” you said, giving him a smile. And for the first time in a while, it didn't feel forced. 
“No, thank you, sunshine.” He lingered in the doorway, gripping the door frame tightly. “I really needed this. More than I think you'll ever know.” 
With that, he skated off to help the customers, all while singing the song that was playing “The tide is high but I'm holding on, I'm gonna be your number one~.”
You collapsed down into one of the swivel chairs, needing to catch your breath from the whirlwind of the last several minutes. For just a short while things had felt normal again. It felt like you had your friend and crush back. The hope in your heart, once a little seedling, was starting to grow, and you were wondering if it was too late to root it out. You just prayed that Sun would keep his promise. Because the hurt at his betrayal would kill you long before a bullet from his gun.
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discard-celestia · 2 months
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lestat de lioncourt - on the deer which runs faster than itself. Hélène Cixous, Stigmata / Anne Rice, The Vampire Lestat / Interview with a Vampire (2022) / Catherine Malabou, Ontology of the Accident / Czeslaw Milosz, New and Collected Poems: 1931-2001 / Louis Moe, Allegory / Ovid, Metamorphoses / Ethel Cain, Ptolomea / The Company of Wolves (1984) / Lingua Ignota, I WHO BEND THE TALL GRASSES / Hugh Parry, Ovid's Metamorphoses: Violence in a Pastoral Landscape.
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nonuggetshere · 8 months
About FaaF naturally
A sad one, TW fir near child death and harm
Involves Xero's attempt at an assassination, or it could be literally just any guard controlled by the Radiance
PK and WL need to talk about something private, and WL looks at the tiny vessel tagging along by her wyrm's side
"Should it be here?"
"It wouldn't understand anything anyway."
"Still, it's...a little..."
He sighs lightly, "Yeah, I get where you're coming from... Vessel, come here."
He kneels down and orders them to sit by the door and wait for them while they talk, says he'll come pick them up once they're done and not to move, then the two go to talk on the balcony and close the door behind them
At some point, Xero/the guard bursts in and attacks PK in the middle of the conversation, managing to take them by surprise and so gets one good swing in before PK darts away and retaliates, pinning them down with soul blades, though he has to keep his wife from killing them on the spot - he doesn't want to be so hasty, knowing they're infected and not themself. He pulls out the sword from his chest and that's when they realise, it's covered in void...
Child harm/near death TW beyond this point
After a moment of shock White Lady, who's closest to the doors, runs out and all her husband can hear is a horrified, heartbroken scream. He feels nauseous, his stomach twisting into knots and feeling like his heart is in his throat as he runs out after her. He sees her in tears, cradling a tiny bundle soaked in void. There's- there's so much void. It covers the floor where he left their child vessel and soaks through his lady's shawl and clothes as she cradles them in her arms.
For a moment he's paralysed, before he just snaps. He flies back onto the balcony, screaming at the possessed guard that he'll kill her, he'll make her pay for this, and he slays them in his rage (something he'll regret and feel ashamed of later), still hitting and screaming at Her well after the possessed person is dead and she can't hear him anymore.
He collapses, panting, near tears, and just gets himself up and stumbles out the door and towards the two, he wants to see how bad it is for himself.
Flower survives, but just barely. They had multiple stab wounds and lost their left arm, if not for their parents immediately healing them they'd be dead. They're barely older than 5, still so very little and defenceless, PK is horrified at how could anyone hurt a baby this young and helpless (hypocrite), even if they're not alive.
They're still on bed rest because that was so much damage and their mother doesn't leave their side and their father only leaves when necessary. They still don't realise Flower's alive and they know they shouldn't be so attached but it still feels like their baby and they can't just leave them. WL spends the entire day by their side, gently stroking their hair and horns with her now permanently void stained hands and softly coos and sings to them
Of course, they quickly realise they ARE alive because no way in hell a toddler is getting this hurt and NOT crying and screaming the second they wake up <3
Which just makes this situation so much worse
#thylacines can talk#faaf au#mentions of child harm and near death in tags too btw#so dont read further if its something youre sensitive to or cant handle rn#i like to write him as more sympathetic in faaf but i cant state enough what a gigantic hypocrite he is#pk: How can you hurt a child?! they're FIVE!#child harm cw#radi: ...dude.#dont make your kid a child soldier but also you cant 'all fair's in war' your way out of stabbing a toddler radi#unrelated tangent but they both suck and god i need to focus some more on FaaF Radi. Ik this AU at times feels like sympathetic PK and evil#villain Radi AU but it's really not. They're both morally grey and while Radi is a bit more. questionable and less sympathetic imo. doesnt#mean shes completely evil. they're both meant to be morally grey and both did equally horrible irredeemable shit that they come to regret#and wish to fix. ik it doesnt come off this way at times because i have my things i prefer to write at times and this AU was always a#relationship dynamic exploration between Flower and all different characters. but neither PK nor WL are by no means forgiven. Most of their#kids range from ''i literally dont care about you you are not my parents dont contact me again'' to ''i hate your guts''#with sometimes an added flavour of ''And I WILL murder your ass if I see you again'' for some of them#(Razor my beutiful wife with unchecked anger issues <3)#sorry if the tags are incomprehensible it is 5 am and i instantly forget anything i write the second i cant read it fully#once i finish writing a tag and it collapses the contents of it instantly leave my short term memory. im not being dramatic btw the amount#of times i have to back out from editing tags to read them back bc i forgot what i wrote is annoying
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fletcherwilbury · 4 months
@febuwhump Day 27: Left for Dead
Warning for Combat, canon-typical violence, weapons, blood, broken bones, injury, fainting, near major character death
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Be warned: this is the darkest thing I've ever come up with for Pizza Tower. Usually I like to keep it comedic but this one tag inspired my evil side. Enjoy.
Vigert Ebenezer Lantte was rightfully wary of water. Too much water would end up mixing with the cheese and slime of a cheeseslime, causing them to melt into liquid. Larger cheeseslimes naturally took longer to do so completely, but for small ones like Vigert, if they weren't quickly fished out of a body of water, they were as good as dead. Vigert managed to barely avoid this fate himself, but at the same time witnessed someone else die to the same thing.
Vigert was around 17 at the time this happened. Him and his grandfather John E. Cheese were out in the forest. Vigert didn't get to go to the forest often. The shade of the trees was refreshing compared to the usual heat of their town, so it was nice heading there once in a while.
In the middle of the forest, there was a small river. Vigert had always been curious about what was on the other side, but crossing it was the only way to get there. Which was a bit of a problem for a Cheeseslime. Still, he couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to cross the river. He has always wanted to help people, after all. He just didn't know how to do so.
And then, he found something that could help out. There was a tree right next to the river with a long branch overlooking it. There was also a log large enough to make a bridge on the other side. If he could get to the other side by climbing the tree and then putting the log over the river, then they wouldn't have this problem anymore!
Luckily for him, Cheeseslimes were great at climbing things. Simply by making themselves stickier, they could stick to walls and other surfaces. So he did exactly that as he made his way up the tree.
John E. Cheese noticed his grandson climbing the tree and he watched cautiously. He had a feeling Vigert was planning something and didn't want to stop him, but he still watched just in case something happened.
Vigert carefully made his way along the branch. He made sure to stick firmly to the wood so he didn't fall off. His grandfather looked more and more concerned, yet intrigued the further he went along the branch. What was he planning?
John's worries were not unfounded, but it turned out much worse than he expected. As soon as Vigert made it to the section above the river, the branch snapped in half, tumbling into the river and taking Vigert with it.
Immediately upon seeing this, the old Cheeseslime headed to the river as fast as he could and grabbed the branch. But Vigert was no longer holding onto it. He must've already begun melting. He had to find him, and fast.
Vigert felt bits of him break off as he slowly melted into the river. He was at this point certain that he was about to die. He couldn't believe he could be so stupid. His vision was blurred out by the water and he could barely see his grandpa rushing over to where he was by the river and reaching out to grab him.
As John grabbed his grandson and started pulling him up, he slipped and ended up in the river himself. Desperate to save Vigert, he held himself together long enough to throw him as far as he could before collapsing in the river and melting himself. He only hoped someone would come and find and help his grandson after this.
Vigert was now small enough to fit completely in his hat. He hadn't been this small and helpless since he was a toddler. There was only enough space for him to peek through and see his grandfather's body melting and dissolving into a yellow goop, followed by his hat and glasses floating on the top.
Vigert wanted desperately to go in there and save his only family, but he'd lost his strength throughout that whole experience and could only watch before passing out from exhaustion.
As he did so, the trickling sounds of the river taunted and tormented him.
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celestemona · 4 days
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pairing: kinich, kaedehara kazuha, wanderer x reader
cw: soulmates! au. characters may look ooc. approximately 3k words. no pronouns mentioned though "my lady" is said in kazuha's part. fluffy, angsty, lovely. not beta-read.
reblogs and comments are appreciated ♡
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Kinich had always felt a subtle pull toward something—or someone—just beyond his reach.
From the moment he was born, the thread that connected him to his soulmate had been a delicate shade of translucent red, often fading to the point of nearly vanishing. It was a constant reminder of the distance between them, a tangible sign that his soulmate was far away, perhaps even in another nation.
The people of Natlan revered the concept of soulmates, believing that every thread was woven by the hands of fate itself. Kinich, however, was not the type to wander beyond his homeland in search of this elusive connection. The rugged beauty of his tribe, the thrill of hunting, and the camaraderie of his people grounded him. He found comfort in the familiar rhythms of his life, though sometimes, during quiet moments beneath the canopy of the trees or while gazing at the stars, the thought of his soulmate would flutter in his mind like a restless bird.
Yet today was different.
As Kinich navigated the vibrant festival of the Scions of the Canopy, filled with laughter and the smell of roasted meats mingling with the sweetness of ripe fruit, he couldn’t shake a strange sensation. He glanced down at the red string on his finger, and to his surprise, it was brighter than he had ever seen—deep crimson, like the fiery sunsets that painted the sky at twilight. The sudden vibrancy sent a jolt of energy through him, and his heart raced with possibilities. For the very first time, it felt that his soulmate was closer than he had ever imagined.
The thought barely settled in his mind when a commotion broke out nearby. Kinich turned to see a crowd gathered around the bungee jumping platform, a popular attraction that had people leaping into the air with exhilarating abandon. The sight of the participants soaring through the sky brought a fainted smile to his face—until he noticed one figure preparing for a jump.
His heart seemed to stop as he caught sight of you, your hair whipping in the wind, laughter mingling with the cheers of the crowd. You appeared fearless, but as the countdown began, Kinich noticed something off: the rope seemed frayed, a dangerous instability in an otherwise thrilling endeavor. Panic surged through him as the countdown reached zero.
Before his mind could catch up to his body, he reacted. The faintest snapping sound echoed in his ears as the bungee cord gave way—a horrified gasp echoed from the crowd, but Kinich was already in motion. With a practiced flick of his grappling hook, he shot toward you, the hook catching a solid anchor just as you fell.
In the heartbeat between falling and impact, you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist, jerking you from the void. Time seemed to slow as the world spun and your eyes locked onto his—the man who had saved your life.
Kinich landed gracefully with you in his arms, his grip steady and reassuring as if it were second nature. As the adrenaline pulsed through you, your heart raced not just from the near-death experience, but from the realization that your strings—both of yours—were now glowing vividly, a striking red.
The connection between you was undeniable, even if the situation was surreal.
“That was... close,” you murmured, still catching your breath, your voice trembling with disbelief.
Kinich’s usual nonchalance wavered momentarily as his eyes lingered on yours. He gently set you down, his hand brushing against yours as the string on his pinky tightened, pulling you two together subtly but magnificently. “You’re either very brave or very reckless,” he said, his voice low but calm, the faintest trace of amusement playing on his lips.
You couldn’t help but smile, even through the lingering adrenaline. “Maybe a little of both.”
He let out a quiet hum, stepping back slightly but not breaking eye contact. “Seems I’ll have to keep an eye on you, then.”
Before you could respond, a pitched voice cut through the air. “No! I though you’d finally gonna get yourself killed, Kinich. Shit! It seems I was wrong again.”
Kinich’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he muttered under his breath, “You wish.”
You blinked, wondering where the voice came from and noticing the sudden change in his demeanor, but before you could ask, Kinich’s focus returned to you. His intense gaze softened as he extended a hand, offering it to you with an unexpected formality. “It seems fate has brought us together in the most dramatic of ways.”
You laughed softly, the tension easing. “Seems that way. And here I thought I’d get a thrill from jumping, not falling.”
“There are safer thrills,” he answered, his hand still holding yours dearly. “One that doesn’t involve falling from cliffs.”
You bit your bottom lip in a failed attempt to hide a smirk, the soft flirtation in his voice making your heartbeats go faster. “Oh? Like what?”
He let his gaze linger on yours, his thumb gently tracing the back of your hand. “Perhaps we’ll find out together.”
The red string between you entwined, as if urging the two of you closer. For the first time in a long while, Kinich felt more than just duty or the thrill of a adventuring—he felt the warmth of something that had been distant for too long.
And for you, the world around you seemed to quiet as the only thing that mattered now was the connection between you and the man fate had quite literally sent to catch you.
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Kaedehara Kazuha
From the moment of birth, the faintest whispers of your soulmate begin to form in your mind, weaving through your thoughts, and growing clearer with time. The voices aren’t constant, but they drift in and out, as if carried on a breeze, reminding you of the presence of someone far away yet intimately close. Sometimes, it's a word spoken aloud, a laugh shared with a friend. Other times, it’s a fleeting thought, as private as a breath. And from childhood, this voice becomes an indelible part of your life, a companion whose face you have never seen but whose soul you know deeply.
Kazuha was still a boy when he first heard the voice. He was playing alone in the gardens of his family’s estate, surrounded by the quiet rustle of leaves and the gentle murmur of the wind. And then, as soft as a whisper, he heard it—a voice that wasn’t his own.
It was delicate, like the sound of water trickling over smooth stones. A voice so pure it carried the sweetness of a lullaby. At first, he thought it was part of the wind, some trick of the breeze, but as the days went on, the voice returned. Sometimes it sang, sometimes it hummed a tune that was unfamiliar yet soothing. And when it spoke, Kazuha listened, enchanted by the rhythm of the words, even if they weren’t meant for him.
Years passed, and the voice became a familiar presence in his life. He learned to recognize its tones—the way it brightened when it was happy, or softened when the person behind it was lost in thought. Even when he left the security of his childhood home, embarking on his wandering journey, the voice followed him. It was a constant companion, a tether that connected him to something beyond the world he knew.
The voice belonged to an opera singer from Fontaine, though Kazuha would only come to know this much later. As children, you’d hear each other speak, often unaware of the impact your words were having on the other side of the world. You’ve been singing since you were small, your voice a bright light in the waterside streets of Fontaine, and Kazuha had come to love the sound of it—first as a soothing melody in the background of his thoughts, and later as a force that brought him comfort during his travels. He could sense your emotions through your voice—the joy you found in your craft, the occasional frustration in your rehearsals, and the quiet moments when you’d murmur your thoughts to yourself.
You, too, had been listening to him. From the first haikus he had whispered into the wind as a child, to the quiet contemplations of a young man growing into his own. Though Kazuha was never one to speak much, the moments when he’d recite poetry or talk to the wind were enough to fill your heart with a sense of companionship. His voice, calm and steady, was a comfort to you as you navigated your own world of art and performance.
Neither of you knew exactly who the other was, but your voices had become a part of each other. Even without a meeting, you had grown up together—two souls connected by the invisible threads of fate.
As Kazuha grew older, his understanding of the voice deepened. He’d often find himself drifting off to sleep, only to wake with the faint echoes of your songs still lingering in his ears. He marveled at how perfectly your voice blended with the world around him—the wind, the sea, and the rustling of leaves in the forests he wandered. Your voice had become a song in the symphony of his life, and he cherished it.
For you, his words were like the poetry he often whispered to himself—a gentle, constant reminder that somewhere out there was someone who understood the world the way you did. You often wondered what he looked like, what kind of person could speak so softly yet carry so much meaning in his words.
Years passed, and though your connection remained strong, you never rushed to meet. There was no urgency, no desperation. Just the quiet understanding that one day, you’d find each other.
It wasn’t until Kazuha’s travels led him to Fontaine that your worlds finally began to merge. The hydro nation was a place where the beauty of the arts and the depths of the sea intertwined. Kazuha had no intention of seeking you out immediately. He had learned patience long ago and trusted that the wind would guide him when the time was right.
But as he wandered the streets of Fontaine, drinking in the sights and sounds of the city, he heard your voice again—clearer than it had ever been. This time, it was no distant whisper but a melody that floated on the air, rich and vibrant. You were rehearsing for an upcoming performance, your voice filling the opera house with the same beauty that had once echoed in his dreams.
He stood at a distance, watching you from the shadows. You were every bit as graceful as your voice, your movements fluid and elegant. Your presence commanded the space around you, yet there was a softness to you that drew him in. You were speaking with one of the directors with enthusiasm as you discussed the details of the upcoming opera. And though you didn’t know it, the man you had shared your thoughts with for so many years was standing just a few feet away, watching with quiet reverence.
Kazuha’s heart swelled as he took a deep breath, allowing the wind to guide him forward. It was time.
With the same grace that had carried him through countless battles and journeys, he approached you, his steps light and unhurried. When you turned, eyes meeting, the recognition was instant. The voice that had been a constant presence in your lives was now matched with a face.
For a moment, neither of you spoke. It was as though the world had stopped, leaving only the two of you standing in the fading light of the afternoon. And then, with a soft smile, Kazuha spoke.
“My lady,” he said, his voice as gentle as the breeze that stirred the air around both of you. He took your hand in his own, bowing slightly as he lifted it to his lips. The soft kiss he placed on the back of your hand was filled with all the quiet emotion he had carried with him for so many years. “It is an honor to finally meet you.”
Your smile widened, warmth rosing on your cheeks. “The honor is mine. I’ve heard your voice for so long… I almost thought I was dreaming when I heard you recite your poems for the first time.”
“As did I,” Kazuha replied, his crimson eyes soft as he gazed at you. “Your voice has been with me for as long as I can remember. Hearing you sing now… it feels as though I've been waiting for this moment my entire life.”
You laughed softly, the sound as musical as the voice he had come to love. “And I’ve been waiting for you. I always wondered when our paths would cross.”
“They were bound to,” Kazuha said, his tone warm. “The wind always carries us to where we are meant to be.”
With his and your hands still gently intertwined, you stood in the heart of Fontaine, the city alive with the murmur of art and life around them. But for the two of you, the rest of the world had faded, leaving only the echo of the voices that had connected you for so long.
In that moment, you knew that your journey—though long and winding—had led you both exactly where you were meant to be. Together.
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In Teyvat, the concept of soulmates wasn’t something everyone discussed openly, but it was an unspoken truth understood by all. It was a tragic but beautiful reality for those people: no one ever dreamed—at least, not until they met their soulmate. The first and only dream a person would ever experience was a shared one, an intimate meeting with their destined one. This dream wasn’t bound by time or place, often filled with subtle moments, quiet connections, and profound understanding. But the dream itself didn’t mean immediate union. Many spent years after their dream searching, wondering when—or if—they’d ever cross paths with their other half in the waking world.
And not all believed they deserved a soulmate.
Wanderer had learned of the legend when he was still known as Kunikuzushi, back in the early days when he was newly formed and still discovering what it meant to exist. He hadn’t thought it applied to him, a puppet—a hollow being without a true heart, someone who was neither human nor divine. But one night, long ago, when he was still innocent and full of hope, he had a dream.
In that dream, he met you.
It wasn’t a vivid or wild vision. It was quiet, serene. You walked in a vast wheat field, your steps so rhythmic as if you were dancing between invisible trails that only you knew where it’d take you. Your back was turned to him but the sound of your laughter was a song that played like a lullaby in his head. When you looked up, your eyes meeting, something inside him stirred—a sense of calm, of being understood without words.
There were no grand gestures, no spoken promises. Just a glance, a soft smile, and a feeling that warmed him from the inside out. You were real, and for the first time in his short existence, he felt connected to something outside of himself. 
When he woke, the memory of that dream stayed with him, lodged deep in his mind like a forgotten melody. He tried to dismiss it, thinking it was some strange byproduct of his flawed creation. How could he have a soulmate when he wasn’t truly human?
Years, centuries passed, and Kunikuzushi became Scaramouche, and Scaramouche became Wanderer. He fell deeper into darkness, fueled by bitterness and anger. Yet, despite the walls he built around himself, the memory of the dream never fully faded. It lingered in the back of his mind, sometimes emerging in his quietest moments, like a long-lost hope he didn’t want to admit to. He believed that dream was lost to time, and that he had been undeserving of it. He had resigned himself to solitude, pushing away any notion that he might still have a connection to someone out there.
But everything changed the night he wandered the streets of Sumeru.
The night was calm, and the air was thick with the fragrant scent of flowers. It was one of those evenings where the city was still alive, bustling with life even under the veil of darkness. The marketplace glowed softly in the distance, filled with the sounds of chatter and laughter. Wanderer had no purpose being there, only walking aimlessly, his mind drifting between thoughts.
Yet, for reasons he couldn’t explain, the memory of that dream began to surface. The image of you, twirling in a field, returned with startling clarity. He could almost see the light in your eyes, feel the quiet comfort of that moment. His steps slowed as a strange, almost magnetic pull tugged at his chest, drawing his attention toward the marketplace.
And then he saw you.
You stood at a vendor’s stall, your profile illuminated by the soft lantern light. His breath hitched. It was as if time stopped. You looked exactly as you had in the dream—your presence both familiar and startling. He blinked, convinced his mind was playing tricks on him. After all this time, how could you be here?
You turned slightly, inspecting some trinket on display, completely unaware of him. The world around him blurred, all the noise fading into a distant hum as his focus remained solely on you. He felt his heart—did he even have one?—thunder in his chest.
A storm of emotions raged inside him. He hadn’t prepared for this. Could this truly be real? After all he had done—his mistakes, his hatred, his isolation—was it possible that fate hadn’t given up on him? Was he still deserving of a soulmate?
He found himself rooted to the spot, too stunned to move. He couldn’t approach you, not yet. How could he, knowing what he had become? A part of him was relieved, though—relieved that you existed, that the dream hadn’t been a cruel joke. But the hesitation that lingered was undeniable. What if you saw him for who he truly was and walked away? What if, after all these years, he was no longer the person you had dreamed of?
You moved away from the stall, and at that moment, your eyes swept over the crowd, casually scanning the area—until they locked onto his.
The recognition was instant, like a spark between two halves of a long-separated whole. You blinked, clearly processing what you were feeling as if the dream had come flooding back to you all at once. The same quiet understanding he had felt in the dream now passed between you in reality. Your expression softened, and though you seemed uncertain, you didn’t look away.
You took a tentative step toward him, your curiosity was evident. His heart raced again, the walls he had built around himself suddenly feeling fragile as if a single word from you could shatter them entirely.
And then you spoke.
“I saw you once upon a dream,” you said, your voice gentle, filled with the same warmth and wonder from the dream. There was no accusation in your tone, no judgment—just simple truth.
He swallowed hard, unsure how to respond. A thousand thoughts raced through his mind, yet none of them made sense. All he could manage was, “Did you?”
You nodded, your gaze unwavering. “I thought it was just a trick of my mind, but… seeing you now, I know it was real.”
He stood frozen, a mix of doubts, disbelief, and relief swirling inside him. The person he had dreamed of, who he thought was forever out of reach, was standing in front of him. And you remembered him.
His voice was quieter than he intended when he finally spoke again. “I never thought I’d find you.”
You stepped closer, a soft smile forming on your lips. “Neither did I. But… here we are.”
The warmth in your eyes was something he hadn’t felt in so long. It made the walls around his heart tremble, threatening to crumble. He wanted to say so much, to explain the years that had passed, to tell you how unworthy he felt—but none of it mattered in that moment. You were here, and you had dreamed of him, too.
Perhaps, despite everything, he still had a chance at something real. Something good. And for the first time in his long, fragmented existence, Kunikuzushi felt a flicker of hope.
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notmyneighbor · 6 months
Let Me In ~ Doppelgänger Francis Mosses/ The Milkman x Female Reader
Chapter 2
Word Count ~ 1.3k
Rating ~ Explicit
CW ~ blood and gore, body horror, character death, minor violence, dubious consent, eventual smut(not in this chapter)
Also available on AO3
Fanart used with permission @kaworinx on Instagram and TikTok
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You stare at the door that separates the security room from the inner apartment building.
Your fingers curl around the edge of the counter, knuckles blanching. What was taking Francis’ doppelgänger so long? Was he immediately planning on attacking the residents? Leaving you, who was clearly an inept threat, for last?
The brass knob turns and you hold your breath. Your heart is beating so erratically you fear it will tear itself free of your chest. A creaking noise. The hinges need greasing.
He’s here.
In the room with you. Suddenly you realize you’ve never seen Francis except through the pane of glass. You’ve never viewed any of the residents without that transparent barrier dividing you, in fact.
You take a step back and your hand nudges the D.D.D. guidance chart you’d stopped referring to long ago, sending it fluttering to the floor. You know it by heart. Identification. Physical appearance. Entry request. Featured on the day’s list of expected visitors.
You hadn’t obeyed a single one of the rules just now.
The doppelgänger steps forward. Slowly. In no apparent hurry. Your eyes dart to the window. Would someone else enter? Could they get help?
Why had you let him in?
Francis smiles gently. Not really Francis, but the thing inside of him. Wearing him like a suit. You back up another step. The rotary phone was still within reasonable reach. But you’d never get more than a single number dialed. Despite his casual movement now, you instinctively realize he is more than capable of speed. You’re doomed. And you’ve condemned everyone else inside the building along with you. Not the first time it’s happened, but that had been a long time ago. Once humanity learned to fight back, it had been very carefully avoiding a repeat of that scenario.
And here you are, undoing all of that progress because of a single moment of weakness. Because of your very human feelings.
“Did you think we would be content with merely looking like you? No. That was not nearly enough. We started with the smaller creatures first. A dog, as I recall. Easier to mimic. Easy to infiltrate your ranks, too.” His voice is scarcely above a whisper. It crawls on your skin and you freeze, paralyzed by fear. “No, the goal all along was to become you. And we’ve succeeded. At last…”
The being disguised as the milkman regards the window for a moment, considering the exposure. His head tips to one side thoughtfully. Sifting through those memories again. Recalling the apartment number where his human predecessor had dwelled.
“Let’s go somewhere more…private.” He smiles again and this time it’s a gesture you’d never seen on Francis’s features. A kind of leering grin. His hand reaches out, fingers clamping down on your wrist.
You gasp but don’t struggle. You’d been expecting his skin to feel different; wrong somehow. But it feels human. Warm. He tugs and you stumble forward. Colliding against him. Your eyes note a few flecks of ruby near his collar, not visible until you'd had a side profile view like this. You’re not so naive that you don’t know what they are. Their originating source.
Oh, Francis.
He turns and pulls you along with him. Bypassing the stairs and moving towards the elevator. A soft chime when the doors slide open before your captor drags you along inside. He thumbs the button for the third floor and you feel the compartment lifting. Another soft tinkle of sound announcing you’ve arrived shortly afterwards.
The body stealing creature pauses at the door, hand rummaging in the pants pocket to retrieve a set of keys. A stalled moment until he discovers the correct one. You wonder if your absence has been discovered yet. It would still be awhile before your shift ended. The residents might think you’ve stepped out for a break. Not unheard of. At least you’d sealed the main entry door behind him. At least that last bastion of defense remained, for now. The man—no, he was not that, do not think of him as that—the imposter reaches for the light switch beside the door in a gesture that seems one borne of muscle memory.
The inside of Francis Mosses’ apartment is just as you’d imagined it.
Clearly the living space of a bachelor. Minimal decor. No plants. A basket of presumably clean laundry waiting to be put away beside the living room couch. The morning’s coffee mug still sitting on the counter, not yet rinsed. A crocheted throw spread over the sofa. A gift from his mother, maybe? Yesterday’s newspaper lying on the coffee table. You wish you could go back in time to yesterday. Before Francis had been killed. Before you’d let this evil nightmare inside the building.
A soft derisive sound emanates from him. Not impressed with his surroundings, apparently. You hear the deadbolt being drawn behind you, the lock on the door turned. Trapped inside securely. With the monster that looks identical to the man you’d harbored a secret crush on for so long.
“Let’s see what else this place has to offer, hmmm?” His lips beside your ear make you shiver. He shoves gently on your shoulder blades and you stumble forward. There’s not much else to see. Just the bathroom and the single bedroom across from it. Only a queen sized bed. The curtains still closed. Another light switch by the open door lifted, bathing the room in a soft, hazy yellow glow. “I can’t help but notice,” he begins, that wicked mouth near your ear again, “that you don’t seem quite as keen as before.”
“Why would I be? You’re not Francis.”
“I could be him. Your body would think so. You could make your mind believe it if you wanted to.”
You turn to face him, your hands balling into fists. He removes his cap and tosses it aside, looking at you with amusement. “Whatever you’re going to do to me, just get it over with. Just…just kill me.” It would be preferable at this point. The thought of that intruder putting any part of its body against yours makes your stomach turn.
The humor fades from his features, replaced with irritation. “I’d hardly have gone to all this effort simply to terminate your existence. No. I think we’ll stick with the original plan.”
“There is no plan,” you say through gritted teeth.
“Oh, but there is.” He reaches out to the gold and enamel pin bearing the letters of the organization on your chest, flicking the metal with his nail disdainfully. Then he’s pressed against you and his mouth is on yours.
You react instantly, the fists you’ve had ready attempting to strike, but he traps your wrists easily.
You’ve fantasized about kissing Francis many times.
Every daydream had been soft and sweet. Shy, chaste, gentle touches before passion overtook the pair of you.
This, though. This was nothing like that.
The doppelgänger’s mouth moves not so much in memory, as an imitation of something it’s seen, rather than experienced firsthand. Disregarding whatever the milkman had previously done, now relying more on instinct. It’s rough and awkward. Teeth accidentally knocking together. Tongue struggling to find placement. The incorrect pressure of lips.
You very nearly bite him but something halts you. The kiss is changing. Evolving. The lips seat on yours more naturally. Tongue slotting correctly, twirling over and under your own. The damned thing was learning much too fast. For a moment, you’ve forgotten what it truly is. This feels good. You’re enjoying it.
Then reality comes crashing down on you like a cold shower. This is not Francis. You do not want this.
He feels it, too. The precise moment when you cease returning his enthusiasm. He draws back, frowning at you. “Why did you stop?”
“Because you’re not him. Don’t you get it? I cared about him. Not just his appearance. Who he was inside, as a person.”
Confusion scrawled on his face. He doesn’t comprehend what you’re saying. The nuances of human emotions still evade his species.
“I am what remains of him,” he whispers. “All that remains. So cling to it while you can.”
His mouth covers yours once more.
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bluelockmaniac · 6 months
calling your friend a pet name in front of your boyfriend ITOSHI RIN
cw: jealous & clingy rin, fem!reader wc: 642 reo's version
you and rin were lost in your own world, cuddling on the couch, completely ignoring the gore film that played on the television screen. you sat comfortably on his lap, arms around his shoulders as he held your waist gently and smothered you with tender kisses, his lips pressing against every feature of your face. despite the horrifying soundtracks, blood curdling screams, and the desperate pleas of characters standing on death’s door, the two of you still paid them no mind, the gruesome sounds fading into the background as you focused on rin’s kisses. how romantic.
in that moment, a knock on the door of your apartment catches your attention, breaking what was about to be a makeout session, “oh, that must be…” your words trail off. rin reluctantly lets go of your waist, sinking back onto the couch with an exasperated sigh as he watches you head towards the front door.
“were you expecting someone?” he asks. the interruption irritated him considering the amount of effort he put to push aside his arrogance and finally approach you with the intent of kissing you until you couldn’t breathe.
you open the door, and your friend wastes no time, pressing a bag of your favourite sweets into your chest, pulling you into a tight hug, “babeee! thanks for lending me the textbook!” she chirps happily, “the teacher woulda given me an earful,” she pouts, planting a friendly kiss on your cheek.
you quickly reciprocate her hug, “aww, sweetheart, you really got these for me?” you laugh, placing your textbook and the candy bag on the foyer table, “you’re making me blush,” you add jokingly with a wink.
your boyfriend’s face contorted into one of confusion, his eyes narrowing as his fingers clenched the couch at his sides. he quickly moved towards you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you to his side with a frown.
“oh, rinnie, this is f/n, she’s one of my closest fr—” you try to speak, only to get cut off by rin, who was glaring daggers at the source of his frustration, the girl near the front door (and the bag of sweets).
“why is she so clingy?” despite his hardest efforts to appear unaffected by the affectionate pet names—and the kiss on your cheek— his voice betrayed his underlying jealousy and bitterness, “and ‘sweetheart’? seriously?”
you blink in both astonishment and shock, taken aback by rin’s uncharacteristic behaviour. this was a first. was he actually jealous? “rin, are you pouting?”
“hmph,” he glances away, “obviously not.”
“woahhh!! Is the itoshi rin jeal—” your friend was cut off mid-sentence by rin’s glare, warning her not to push her luck because his patience was wearing thin.
“ooh, w-well, i’m gonna leave now, haha– bye babe!”
you laugh, “sorry for his behaviour, swee— i mean, f/n,” you thank her for the gift and close the door behind her.
rin rolls his eyes, and then, without warning, he lifts you into his arms and carries you to your shared bedroom, “r-rin?” you softly gasp as you squirm against his chest.
“hm, you’re going to have to make it up to me,” he mumbles, gently laying you down on the bed as he snuggles closer to you. wrapping his arm around your waist, he pulls you so your back is pressed against his chest while his lips trail soft kisses along your neck, “alright?” he asks, though it’s evident he has no intention of stopping regardless of your response.
you relax your body as you allow him to decorate your neck with small hickies, “i’ve never seen you jealous before,” you smile teasingly, “funny how you called her clingy. who’s the clingy one now?”
he rolls his eyes, giving your waist a gentle squeeze as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, his cheeks slightly pink,
“shut up.”
comments appreciated!!
if you're interested in a royal/fantasy au story; wizard ness x princess y/n (no kaiser), click here!
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dandylovesturtles · 3 months
explaining the train of thought that got me to this would take way too much backstory but basically I had an idea and then I wrote it. I rewatched Scream recently so maybe that helps lol
cw: death (not of a canon character), mentions of blood and vomit
The call comes in at a little after 2 AM, and he almost doesn’t answer because he’s busy.
But Leo almost never calls him, and it’s a singular enough occurrence that he picks up the phone and hits the button.
“Hello, you are conversing with Donatello,” he greets. “Make it quick, Nardo, I’m elbow deep in the tank’s engine.”
On the other end of the line, Leo is silent. Or, mostly silent; Donnie can hear him breathing, a little too loud, a little too fast.
Suddenly, he’s on high alert. He sits back from the tank, speaking more urgently into the phone, “Leo?”
There’s another second of breathing, and then, finally, in a voice that is too high and panicked to be his normal joking tone, he says, “Hey, remember when I sent you that meme about siblings who will beat the crap out of each other one minute and hide a body for each other the next, and I said, “us,” and you gave it a heart?”
Donnie blinks. Processes that string of words.
“I think I recall it,” he says.
“Well,” says Leo. “I need to know if that’s really us.”
Donnie stands up and keys in the command to swap battleshells to the jetpack.
“Stay where you are,” he says. “I’m on my way.”
The body is male. Early twenties. About six two or six three. Caucasian. Wearing some ghoulish mask like the serial killer in a bad teen slasher.
Actually, now that Donnie thinks about it, there’s been stuff on the news lately. About a guy who likes to knife up co-eds. And Leo’s wearing his biggest, baggiest hoodie, and jeans, and in a dark alley like this it would be easy to mistake him for a normal, non-mutated human teen.
The puzzle pieces are all laid out for Donnie, but the picture it paints is pretty unbelievable.
Then again, he’s a mutant turtle who grew up in a sewer and recently fended off an alien invasion. His bar for believable is pretty low.
He takes in the body, slashed across the chest, ridiculous getup soaked in blood. Then he turns to look at Leo, curled around his knees against the wall. There’s blood all over him, too, but Donnie feels pretty confident that most of it is not his own. There’s a puddle of vomit nearby, and a dagger, and a katana, cast aside.
Leo raises his eyes to meet Donnie’s. “I didn’t know he was human.”
Donnie looks back at the body, and at the mask. Connects it to the dagger, which definitely isn’t Leo’s.
“Seems like he was a great guy,” Donnie says. 
“He stabbed my arm.”
“I meant it sarcastically.”
Leo laughs, high and reedy. Then he leans over and vomits again.
Donnie can’t help but curl his snout at that one. He looks away and waits for Leo to finish.
There’s a spit, then a sniff, then Leo says, “He stabbed my arm and I turned around and saw the mask.”
Ah yes, that. It’s pink and has a serrated smile. Little rubbery bits of slime and ooze. These things got popular after the invasion - they aren’t anywhere near the real thing, but in a dark alley, under attack, alone, when Leo had…
The puzzle pieces are there. Donnie doesn’t really need an explanation to put it together.
Actually, scratch that: he does need an explanation for one thing.
“Why are you so upset about this?” He looks back at Leo. “You took out a serial killer. Or a wannabe serial killer. At the very least a stabber.”
“I didn’t mean to kill him,” says Leo immediately. A little pleading. “I didn’t think that would… I didn’t know he was human.”
“He attacked you.”
“I could have disarmed him. I could have trapped him and let the police deal with him.”
“He came up behind you in this creepy mask and stabbed your arm.”
“He didn’t stand a chance against me,” says Leo, and it’s not swaggering and not boastful, but horrified. “It was like tearing paper, Dee. It was so easy.”
Donnie leaves the body to kneel in front of his brother. He puts his hands on his shoulders, looking him straight in the eye to make sure he listens.
“He attacked you, Nardo. He wanted to kill you. He made the wrong choice. Not you.”
Leo looks down, at the blood on his hoodie, and Donnie squeezes his shoulders until they lock eyes again. 
“He made the wrong choice,” Donnie repeats emphatically. 
Leo sighs, like he’s giving in, and a rueful smile grows on his face. “Thanks, hermano. But I don’t think the EPF is gonna see it that way.”
Ah yes, the good old United States government, and their hilariously poorly titled Earth Protection Force. Since the invasion, their existence had become known to the EPF, and they’ve been in an unspoken truce ever since. A “live and let live” holding pattern.
Unfortunately, Donnie has to admit Leo is right on this one: that this man is likely and most probably a serial killer won’t matter to the EPF. Killing any human crosses a line they won’t tolerate.
And so, there is only one solution here. The one Leo proposed when he first called.
Donnie is going to help him hide a body.
…Which means he is going to have to touch it.
Leo frowns at him. “Uh, Dee, what’s the yarf-face for?”
“I just realized how gross this is going to be.”
Leo laughs again, more than a little hysterical, and lets his head fall against Donnie’s plastron, the giggles shaking his shoulders under Donnie’s hands.
“That wasn’t a joke,” Donnie insists. Leo just laughs even harder.
Donnie scowls, even as he pulls Leo closer. “That meme really is us. I want to beat the crap out of you right now.”
Leo howls with laughter. Except it sounds a little more like sobbing now. Donnie gathers him up and holds him until he’s better again.
Across the Hudson, the sky is turning pink. Donnie stands with Leo, watching the water that the body disappeared under.
They’ve already scrubbed the alley clean of any blood traces - his and Leo’s. He also had his drones bring gloves with the cleaning supplies, so they didn’t leave any fingerprints. At least Leo had the sense not to touch anything. And it’s not like the government has their prints on file, anyway. Donnie’s checked.
There wasn’t anything they could really do to hide the massive laceration that led to the body’s death. Short of melting it in acid, but both of them had dismissed that idea as soon as Donnie raised it. Despite what Donnie thinks of himself, he isn’t actually a stone cold disposer of bodies. The idea of melting it was too gross to think about.
Besides, it doesn’t matter if the body gets found, as long as it doesn’t get traced back to them. And Donnie doesn’t see any reason it should.
He’s already hacked any security cameras near the scene and made sure Leo doesn’t show up on any of them. Leo’s a good enough ninja to avoid that sort of thing, anyway, not that Donnie will admit it out loud. The crabs and fish will take care of the flesh and the katana’s mark. Leo destroyed the weapon itself in a bright blue explosion of ninpo.
“It’s kind of a bummer,” says Leo after a minute, “that the murders will go unsolved.”
“No, they won’t.” Donnie pulls out a phone, holding it carefully with his gloves. “He helpfully took trophy photos.”
Leo’s eyes go wide. “Dude, did you fish around in his pockets?”
Donnie can’t help but curl his lips. “Ugh, don’t remind me. It was a very unpleasant experience and I don’t want to repeat it.”
“What are you going to do with it?”
“Find where he lived and leave it there.” Donnie shrugs. “His body will turn up, or he’ll get reported missing. The cops will find it and everything will be wrapped up in a neat little bow.”
“Huh. Guess that takes care of that.” A pause. Leo shuffles a bit next to him. “You’re… really calm about this.”
Is he? Since the moment he got that phone call, he entered Fix It mode. He hasn’t really thought of anything else since.
“I don’t know if I will be later,” he admits.
“I’ll be there, if you’re not.”
Donnie hums an acknowledgement. There’s a weight against his arm, Leo leaning into him.
“Thanks, Dee,” he says.
“You’d do the same for me,” Donnie replies.
“Yeah,” Leo agrees. Simple as that.
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brynn-lear · 3 months
When Cuckoos Throw Ores [Yandere!Jing Yuan x Reader]
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Questionable Overview: After transmigrating to Teyvat, you and Jing Yuan had lived like family on your shared apartment as getting-by descenders. But, you made an error too grave. You hid the anonymous love letters you received from the person you should’ve trusted the most— and now you’ve got yourself a broken mind. [Fic written for May June]
CWs/tags: yandere themes, isekai, moments where you wish Jing Yuan just committed murder instead so it would hurt less, mentions of failed childbirth, nadia & vlad are adorable, implied hysteria, cute n' wholesome beginning w/ found family to "man... man.", gaslighting gatekeep is JY's passion.
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"I'm an adult, Jing Yuan! I think I have the right to leave as I please."
Have you ever been so incredibly fascinated by such a mundane object that all worldly noise drowns?
"The right to trample on my heart? To leave me to drown in my despair while you obsess over a single ore without a single thought for me? I must say, it doesn’t seem very sound. Stay put while I call for Doctor Baizhu."
Have you ever had your hand reach out ever so slightly without you realizing such? For your fingers to curl— for you to seize a trinket as though you were compelled by an existence— an idea higher than any mortal comprehension? As though it was fate? As though it was a fruit you weren't meant to take a bite off?
But the most mundane of all…
"There’s no need! Because great General and Emanator of the Hunt Jing Yuan—"
Have you ever lamented a life that "never" happened?
"— I have the right to mourn the happy ending you took from me!"
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Though those uninitiated will rehash the root of events in your arrival to the chasm, the most knowledgeable would start the accounts from your arrival to Teyvat.
You did not step foot alone.
When your worldline was destroyed, so, too, was Jing Yuan's. 
Lady Ningguang greeted you both with a good measure of skepticism. You were both "descenders.", though it was soon made evident that your origins are different. He was from "Xianzhou Loufu," and you were from "Earth."  Course, despite your shared tragic circumstances, not everything shall be handed on a silver platter for unfortunate souls. Ningguang was kind enough to provide you both with a shared apartment complex near the fishing port and since then, you and Jing Yuan had a bond not so dissimilar from siblings. He got a job as a general, and your current position is a little more flexible than your previous one.
Whatever principles and studies were available in the previous realms you lived in, they were carried over in Teyvat. Each word circulating about Jing Yuan’s undefeated sword and lance techniques makes you smile; he, in turn, would enthusiastically applaud your sold artworks and STEM innovations. It makes you wholly embarrassed every time he makes what is supposed to be a celebration of his mission’s success into a congratulatory speech for what you’ve done in the same timeframe. Didn’t matter how minute it was. His comrades had already considered the long-standing tradition as a not-so-private joke.
His lack of personal praise worries you sometimes…
There’s a stark difference in your approach to this new life. You mourned for yours being gone; while he doesn’t speak much about his.
“No rush,” he'd say. “All truths shall reveal itself in due time.”
You know about his world, though vaguely. He has a striking resemblance to the character from Honkai: Star Rail. Course, that implies he had gone through similar ordeals as the character. 
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“I am an old man, there is nothing for me to grieve.” He told you once. “I have… already witnessed comrades pass, and then some. Have you encountered the phrase: there are fates worse than death?”
Jing Yuan closed his eyes.
“I… find it easier to assume that it might be the only way to put old conflicts to rest.” He shook his head and downed his final shot of baijiu. Yuan sighed, tasting the aftermath in his breath.
“It’s better to put a permanence in death than another forced rebirth.”
He poured you a shot.
"Some memories are better left forgotten. And that applies to you, too."
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Whatever he said felt untranslatable to you, hence, you gave up on making more inquiries. If the day comes and he wishes to open up, you'll be there for him anyway.
Or so you thought.
“Heard you’re planning to add another medal to your jacket.” 
Jing Yuan nearly halted from tying his long hair up. You watched his shoulders tremble, likely from trying to compose himself.
“Ha! You've heard a half-truth, I wasn't scheming on anything, it was merely handed to me.” His tone was calm, but you heard the well-hidden smugness.
You shrugged and sipped your coffee nonchalantly. 
… You seriously wish his uniform didn't hug his form that good. Just staring at him makes the room feel degrees hotter. 
You cleared your throat.
“I didn't say anything about schemes, Jing Yuan. Suspicious.”
“Oh?” He hummed, almost sultry for your ears.
…Curse him and his damn beatific smiles.
This playful banter is as natural as the dawn of day. Rather than spending the early morning getting ready for the day, you've both grown accustomed to teasing the other person. He, in his finely ironed uniform, and you, in your comfy pajamas. 
“Since when have I besmirched my name by squandering time? Rude of you to imply that slothfulness rules over my life.” Jing Yuan joked before he moved another piece. “You wound me, dear (Y/n).”
Due to the nature of the conversation, you hadn't thought of your next move much as you continued to probe him. “And what exactly are you doing right now instead of reporting to the Qixing, General?”
He smirked. “I am on-duty, am I not?”
“By talking to me?”
“I have been bound by mundane duties in both my past and current lives, and I must say, engaging with a Person of Interest such as yourself has not only been productive but also mentally stimulating.”
You paused. 
Person of Interest…?
Might as well curse him and his fancy cursive way of implying something too. 
Your nose scrunched. “Are you saying I'M on the Qixing’s watchlist?!—”
“Not in a bad light; don’t worry your pretty head over such menial matters,” he ruffled your hair as he craned over, gazing at your disgruntled morning expression with a loving vigor. “They have an eye for your talent. No Ministry would ever obsess over a clean criminal record.”
You grumbled as you attempted to fix your hair, despite lacking any energy. “Thanks, that calms me down. Especially with the talks about criminal activity on the rise and all.”
He laughed at your snarkiness.
“Is this your best attempt at prying information? I must say, your current occupation suits you. I can now place a finger as to why the thought of Lady Ningguang hiring you as a profiler put me in tremendous unease.”
“Oh don’t be a prick, Yuan.” You chuckled heartily as you gave him a playful slap— which he no doubt avoided. “But seriously, can’t you tell me more about what’s happening?”
There were no further words needed. Such rumors had been on the forefront of the people’s minds: a group of rogue “mercenaries” had found new temptations in banditry— and had the nerve to stew misfortunes on the main harbor itself. As a newly enforced general, Jing Yuan had, of course, been subjected to handling this situation under the ever-watchful gaze of the Qixing. A challenge, as he likes to label it. Whatever helps him sleep at night, you’d reply.
Although, it would certainly soothe YOUR insomnia better if he were to divulge even a hair-sliver of detail in regards to how “safe” this mission truly was.
“(Y/n), there is no cause for concern.” He pulled back, placing his hands on your shoulders. “You know my repertoire— else I wouldn’t consider you a close friend.”
Your heart ached for a second.
In small snippets from the multiple conversations you’ve had with him, you knew he kept his list of close friends few. There’s always a hint of guilt in his voice when he talks about those named Baiheng, Jingliu, Yingxing, and Dan Feng in passing. 
“And I’m just worrying over you,” you lightheartedly glared and waved your hand dismissively. “You know, like a real close friend.”
You both grinned in unison as if telling each other that neither would back down from this “argument” any time soon. He snorted and messed your hair up more. Over the time you’ve spent in each other’s company, your near-telepathic way of conversing has become quite an eerie issue for other mutual friendships. 
Not that either of you minded this. It’s always nice to be understood. 
“I know that look in your eye. Don’t add a part two from last night’s horror stories, please.”
“Then, I’ll take my leave,” he buttoned his jacket. “Last reminder before I go: you have arranged a meeting with Nadia this afternoon.”
“Thanks,” you huffed. “But unlike you, I don’t sleep in and forget my schedule.”
You swore that even after the door was closed, you heard him chuckle yet again. After that, he was gone.
Honestly, with someone with a “life-loving” temperament like him, you’re unsure if he’s easy to please— or too damn good at faking it for his good.
You heard soft knocks against your window.
Slowly, a grin forms on your lips.
“Hello, little man…” You cooed as you stood up and opened for not only the fresh Liyue morning breeze to enter…
But for a diligent little cuckoo bird to deliver its very special package as well.
You’ve always had a soft spot for animals…
Your eyes softened as it dropped its parcel and leaned its body against you, warming itself by sitting cozily on your window ledge. This little bird is quite the skilled messenger— always dropping by as soon as Jing Yuan takes his leave. As to why it suspiciously arrives as soon as he is gone, you’re unsure. Such a sneaky creature; you can’t help but adore it.
That’s not to say its deliveries are not as equally charming.
You chuckled as you elegantly unwrapped the ribbon. The letter was elegantly written in a scrawl you’ve familiarized even with eyes closed for the past months, yet it still holds an intensity that makes your heart flutter. 
There it was. The two words that keep you going better than any coffee brew.
“My dearest, (Y/n),….”
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“Another letter from Vlad, I’d hope?” You sneaked from behind.
Nadia yelped, hitting you almost immediately. The delay was surely from being on a lovelorn cloud-nine, but her Fatui training that earned her last name definitely should’ve made you double-think.
You shriveled at the pain and she awkwardly cradled you.
“Oh shucks— I’m so sorry, (Y/n)! I-I didn’t realize it was y-y— Don’t scare me like that!” 
“Sorry! Sorry!” You hissed, blaming only yourself for the stinging aftermath. “I-I’ll get over it.”
Nadia guided you to the empty seat beside her. As soon as you were seated, she wasted no time to spill.
“The contents were far too adorable for my heart, oh, dear Tsaritsa, you NEED to read this.” 
An eyebrow was raised. Saying you had a suspicion that something like this would happen would be an understatement— when it came to Nadia, it was more like routine. It had been regular for you and her to get together at least once a month to chat over letters that you both received. Nothing about the time you spent with her was dull. She's the reason you adapted to the Liyue way of life so well. As you were both foreign to the culture— you and Jing Yuan are admittedly the extreme cases— you and her were eager to recount experiences in times of distress. And times of pure unbridled lovesick joy, such as this.
“C’mon, pass it.” You tried to say cooly, but the glimmer in your eyes betrayed your high school-like excitement.
“Same time.” Nadia huffed. "Can't have you gatekeeping your own letter!"
You pulled out yours from your purse.
Nadia wasn’t the only one with something to present to the class. This is just like a teacher forcing students to read their discreetly passed notes out loud. 
Nadia has her Vlad.
You have your Nay Jung I.
Instantly, you both suppressed a giggle in the abrupt exchange.
Nay Jung I. You know little about him, and that intrigue keeps the fire going. When you see a white cuckoo passing by the window, you immediately know it means well. A sight that makes your heart skip a beat. Instead of pushing eggs, it slips a love letter whenever Jing Yuan isn’t around. All coming from a man you can’t track down.
That’s right.
You have a secret admirer.
As you read through the middle of Vlad’s letter for Nadia, you heard your very-much-an-adult friend bite back a squeal in front of you. Nay Jung I may sound like a feminine name, but he was a man. You could’ve sworn you saw Xiangling laugh from the corner of your eye as Nadia tugged your sleeve around like a fool.
“Oh my God?! He wrote that?!” Her lips were akin to wobbly lines toddlers would draw when mimicking the sun’s rays. 
“I find myself constantly catching glimpses of you in my daydreams, my mind flooded with what could be— what should be. Forgive me for my selfishness, but I fear it won’t take long before I can no longer bear the thought of being without you… What?! That’s so SWEET?!” Nadia clutched your love letter tightly, eyes wide as though she was the recipient.
Xiangling, bless her soul, had to peek behind her.
“I wish I could have the courage to reveal myself to you. When I doubt myself, my thoughts turn to you… Aww… I wonder who Mister Nay is and what did you do to get him this in love?” Xiangling playfully pouted, which made Nadia grin wider, almost teasing her. “Geez. When will I get a boy to send me letters?”
“I’m sure you’re going to get one or two someday. A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, right?” Nadia shrugged as she folded the paper and hid it. “Plus, I fear you’re too young for this.”
“Careful, Dia, she’s the one preparing our food.” You joked.
Nadia has grown more friendly to locals for the better since you started sharing meals here. Everyone knows the feelings between her and Vlad were mutual— but neither of them was willing to confess. With Nadia hoping he initiates, and him densely hesitant on whether she reciprocates. One of them can end this phase should they abandon pride or cowardice.
But Nay Jung I?
You can’t find his records anywhere… And he had told you that it is a fake name by your fourth letter, much to your chagrin.
So, you’ve settled with this arrangement. For now, you are both friends, despite knowing he has feelings for you from the start.
“Mister Nay definitely has it bad for you, Mx. (Y/n).” She gave you a closed-eyed smile. “You need to write back immediately! The man’s probably starving for it!— Oh, right, the pot!!!”
As the chef rushed back after being distracted, you gave Nadia’s letter back to her.
“Any chance of rain?” You asked.
“Cloudy with negative one percent chance that I’ll run to Northland Bank and confess to Vlad.” Nadia spoke sheepish;y.
“That’s at least five percent higher than yesterday.”
“Well, this last letter was adorable.” She swooned.
“Mx. (Y/n), you seem incredibly free at the moment, care to have a chat?”
You turned to look at the new person who joined in.
Fur coat, a distinct mole placement, a sharp haircut, and eyes self-assured enough to conceal their need for urgent assistance, it has to be none other than—
“Miss Yelan,” you gave her a polite smile. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
Nadia sat up straight, shifting to her work mode. “Is there some business you require from the Northland Bank?”
“I have no quarry with you, Madam Nadia, what I do want—” Yelan tilted her head, her eyes calculating. “Is to speak to (Y/n) in private.”
You paused, recalling the conversation you had this morning.
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‘I have been bound by mundane duties in both my past and current lives, and I must say, engaging with a Person of Interest such as yourself has not only been productive but also mentally stimulating.’
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Maybe this is what Jing Yuan was warning you about this morning.
“Fine, I concede.” You sighed, swiftly snatching your letter from Nadia’s hands and tucking it inside the pockets of your inner jacket.
“Lead me to where you most need me.”
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Over the years you’ve spent on Liyue, you’ve had another habit you’ve been nursing on the sidelines.
Better yet, it’s for the sole purpose of decoding ancient artifacts. Before you were transmigrated into Teyvat, you found that inspecting artifact descriptions and reading through lore strewn in notes and dialogues were a great part of what made playing Genshin Impact enjoyable. You devoured theories whether they were from YouTubers like Ashikai or other CCs who were eager to unravel and analyze myths from different civilizations. To be inside THE sandbox was the greatest treat. If your friends were here, you have no doubt you’d have plenty who’d look and try to pick apart Mister Zhongli’s brain.
Unfortunately, you never managed to catch his eye.
And the biggest misfortune of all, you caught Miss Yelan’s instead.
“It’ll take me a few weeks to decipher and solve this puzzle…” You told her hesitantly. “And I can’t guarantee anything either.”
Yelan only tilted her head. Strands of her hair hid her expression, and the only body language to be read was the way she played with the die on her fingers. You wondered if she was deciding your fate by giving it a roll…
You looked at the inscribed walls.
A man with horns… and his partner wearing a long hanfu… His partner… Reminds you of a beautiful cuckoo bird.
You sighed.
When she bargained for a chat in “private”, the Chasm was the last location you had in mind. Even more, it did not occur to you that she aimed to use you as a translator. For a language you only learned a few years ago.
You knew you couldn’t exactly deny a member of the Qixing, especially with how much you carried a moral debt for Lady Ningguang, so you agreed under the condition that Yelan wouldn’t snitch to Jing Yuan.
He might just give you the silent treatment if he found out you were here.
But back on the walls and the puzzle mechanism in the middle of the room…
Both were seated under the shade of a tree… 
Each holding a cup of tea…
“Damn it, why me?” You cussed out loud.
You seriously want to tell her that she should’ve chosen Zhongli. 
Not that you’d know that Yanfei begged Yelan to hire you for the job.
Yelan made her dice vanish. “If you need further assistance, and by that I meant necessities such as food and water, call for Wenyuan or Shanghua. They’ll materialize right in front of you.”
On the next wall, the horned man tightly held his partner, with tears falling from his eyes… His tail was more apparent in this depiction, but there were crystallized ambers and statues all around…
Like they were running…
Away from him…
You faced Yelan.
“Yelan, can’t you call for someone else—”
You blinked.
She was gone.
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You don’t like being here.
You don’t like this cave.
You’re not sure whether you liked the fact Yelan invited you here. On one hand, you were grateful for the opportunity, but at the same time, you thought yourself unqualified for whatever piece of ancient Liyuean history was waiting to bite you in the ass. 
It didn’t take a genius to know that whoever the drawn man was, he was a force to be reckoned with. You played enough Genshin to know that yakshas are not to be trifled. If this ended up as an Azhdaha scenario, you wouldn’t want to be the nameless NPC who died along the way.
Should’ve commissioned the traveler.
As you progressed in your decoding, the texts were beginning to gnaw you. 
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“Have you heard the tale of Lady ███ ███?”
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You trembled at the thought.
Curse Jing Yuan and his ghost stories.
The story wasn’t even that frightening.
What got you was how Jing Yuan sold them. He had preached it as though he had been a witness. It’s just a typical unnerving tale to keep children alert, but he had always been far more persuasive than you.
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“When she and her husband were out exploring, her husband left her while she sired his heir. He left her there to die.”
Jing Yuan’s eyes narrowed. You quietly applauded his commitment to the bit. Should you not know any better, you would’ve thought he hated that man more than anything.
Like he was seething with jealousy.
“Some claim he hid her there to fight for a war, some say it was out of love… In my eyes, it was an unforgivable neglect.”
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Jing Yuan claims sharing ghost stories was a common occurrence from when he used to teach his disciple. But you’re not an idiot. You can sniff out a reason why he loves to bring these stupid tales.
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“Days felt like a prison tally. She had forgotten what it felt to live in the sun.”
“She lived only by fulfilling basic needs. No matter how thick the mud was, no matter what was within the soil— all she could do was bitterly swallow what was to come. She bit her tongue on the ever-growing famine— and wished that her child would survive.”
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Jing Yuan does not want you anywhere near the chasm.
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“So when it was time to give birth, she had no assistance. She pushed her child out as hard as she could, and laid an empty egg.”
Before you could even ask why a human would lay an egg, Jing Yuan continued.
“But they both passed away.” 
“Legends say, that’s the reason why the lumenstone ore glows. It contains the watchful gaze of a scorned mother and unborn child…”
“And if you aren’t careful, you too—”
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“Could be trapped inside it.” 
You scoffed.
Was the tale stupid? Depends on who you ask. Was it sad? Sorta. Was the thought of two ghosts— possibly more— watching you as you were forcibly dispatched to read through The Chasm’s secrets terrifying? Given the dark and brooding atmosphere, it was a quiet yes.
“Hmm? I— I solved it…?”
You blinked.
Maybe you still retained your skills as a Genshin player. Anything for a luxurious chest is what you would’ve said. And yet, it still baffled you that one did appear.
When you unlocked it, you saw no “primogem” like you quietly hoped (it would be funny if you unlocked a wish function, but that’s unlikely…)
Instead, you found a dusty ore.
“Great.” You muttered dryly. “Just what I needed.”
It was amber in color, same as the clothes the man wore in the wall paintings. You’re at a loss on how you should report this to Yelan.
“Better than nothing.” You spoke, laughing slightly. That sounded like something Diluc would say. You should buy a dandelion wine after this hard work.
Quickly, you fished out the gloves in your pockets. It was made of nitrile, which should protect the ore from possible oil and moisture from your hands. Yelan was very insistent you wear it.
But as soon as you touched the ore…
Your consciousness slipped away.
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There was a man in front of you.
But you couldn’t see his face. 
“Dearest ███ ███…” The horned man smiled delicately as he sipped his tea. “It has been centuries since our first wedding ceremony. Do be honest with me, do you still hold the same passion as before.”
These memories appear to you in a blur.
“No, I do not.” You heard your voice say as the man’s shoulders slowly deflated. His amber eyes looked down, and his smile began to strain.
With two fingers, you lifted his chin.
“If anything, my love for you has grown stronger,” you spoke. “For you and I shall never let our draconic instincts dull, and our union will be the greatest treasure we shall hoard in this never-ending flow of time.”
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One hand took his scaley hand and the other held his cheek, caressing softly.
“Promise you shall return?” You heard yourself mutter, this time weak and hopeless.
He leaned against your palm, purring as though it might be the last time he’ll savor your warmth.
“You know I do not make promises, ███ ███.” He spoke firmly. “What I keep are contracts. And I have vowed to make you happy, for as long as I live.”
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“…(Y… (Y/n…. snap… out…!”
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“Contracts normally sound so cold, but your honeyed voice makes it sound so romantic.”
“You know well, my love, in all my years, I’ve witnessed endless contracts and agreements. Whether it was tangible or verbal— each one was a significant chapter to someone’s life.”
The horned man softly detangled your fingers from his long brown hair and kissed your hand.
“But only one brought forth complete change. Our matrimonial agreement. The contract we signed gave me the most happiness. I’ve never signed a happier contract than this one.”
“And I share the same sentiment.” You cooed, almost cheeky. “And I hope our future child shall feel our love as well.”
He rested his head on your shoulder and sighed.
“The day shall come, my love.” He spoke. “Just wait for me, until I fulfilled what the Heavenly Principles desires.”
“Of course,” you hugged him back. 
“I shall wait for you, my dearest…
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You flinched.
Suddenly, you’re not in the mountains. You’re not hiding under the shade of a tree with warm-hued leaves. You were…
You were sitting on a patch of grass, just outside the chasm.
And Jing Yuan is mad.
He had a cold unmerciful glare. His built frame towered above you, casting a large shadow. It was already nighttime. Normally, only the moonlight and the lamps from afar should be the only source of light here, but his golden eyes seemed to glow. As though it was ready to call forth an entity you were not prepared to face.
You know the depths of his anger. Years of living inseparable from him has made every communication almost telepathic and that hadn’t changed. You can read it in his breaths, in his stiff and tall posture, in his unnerving gaze.
He is threatening you to spill. Saying without words that:
There are fates worse than death.
But your pulse was steady. But your breathing was calm. But your expression was blank.
You weren’t terrified.
And you can read that deep down, that scared the General more.
“Nay Jung I…”
For a moment, Jing Yuan’s eyes widened— as though there was something he was the only one privy to knowing. His face had a mix of surprise and disbelief before he steeled himself.
“Nay Jung I?” He scoffed. 
“What of him?” Jing Yuan asked.
“He’s my soulmate.”
As soon as those words left your mouth, brief incoherent syllables sputtered out of his mouth. You evoked more emotions in him this time around. You saw flashes of shock, what seemed to be happiness, hope, and then utter confusion.
“I saw him.” You said, calm. “I saw him as soon as I touched that rock. My soulmate— he had long hair and eyes like a dragon— I think he was a dragon, and so was I. I think my soulmate is in Liyue and he’s hiding behind the name Nay Jung I.”
Jing Yuan opened his mouth, before thinning his lips.
This time, you were certain.
He was not only mad. Jing Yuan was sorely disappointed.
“I understand…” 
You know the expression on his face. You read him like a discipline you mastered in epigraphy. He thinks that… 
You have gone “cuckoo.”
He turned around, no longer facing you.
“I’m sorry then, (Y/n).” 
Jing Yuan does not sound sorry to you.
“What for?”
There was silence for a moment, before he spoke again, voice bitter and vile.
He was not sorry.
He was furious.
He was hurt.
He was jealous.
“Nay Jung I is the leader behind the past terrorist attacks.” He paused. “And I killed him.”
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You haven’t recovered ever since.
Every medical “professional” you’ve encountered told you that you were hysterical. That you just hallucinated what you saw. It isn’t possible that the visions you saw were Nay Jung I anyway. 
Maybe they were right about the last part, you don’t want to believe it. 
It was in your instincts. That man had to be your husband in the past. Who cares if you came from another world? Maybe you were an Expy. You had to be. That person— the one who reminded you of a cuckoo bird in those walls— had to be you in another universe. 
It had to be.
Your real soulmate is out there.
And Nay Jung I isn’t dead.
But you’ve never been good at persuading others.
“General Jing Yuan, is (Y/n)…?”
Outside the apartment, Mister Zhongli and Jing Yuan stood by the window, peaking at your form. You were so engrossed by your inner conflicts that you couldn’t hear them.
“They’ll… move on from you, eventually.” Jing Yuan spat back coldly. “I’m not the God of Contracts, but I keep promises that do not fail.”
Zhongli’s face crumpled in anguish.
“May I ask a question? Just to sate a bit of curiosity, of course.”
Jing Yuan’s eyes narrowed. Zhongli took that as a yes.
“Are you Nay Jung I?” He asked. “I did not see his name on the list of the deceased criminals—”
“Yes, he and I are the same,” Jing Yuan silenced him. “Nay Jung I is an anagram of Jing Yuan. You can reorder the letters and confirm it for yourself.”
Originally, Jing Yuan had hoped to woo you with a romantic tale of an anonymous admirer. But, in your delirium, you had mistakenly believed that Nay Jung I was the same man in your visions. 
It was repulsive.
Never before had he wished to scream so loudly. He had not felt this much anger when he discovered the crimes his old friends had done. He had not felt as betrayed as when you claimed love for Nay Jung I, but it was not him.
He wanted to summon the Lightning Lord to destroy Liyue right then and there.
It was a frustration he had never felt before. Not when he was training with Jingliu. Not when he was scolding Yanqing. Not ever.
But Jing Yuan was not an impulsive man.
He prides his patience.
He prefers to scheme quietly rather than flashing bold moves.
Jing Yuan sucked in a breath between his teeth. 
“I suppose it’s my turn to ask.”
He shut the windows and Zhongli’s heart ached as he could no longer see you.
But then he turned to look at Jing Yuan.
And he knew…
Jing Yuan is much older and wiser than he looks.
“Tell me, Rex Lapis,” he spoke sharply. “Did you wed this world’s version of (Y/n) (L/n) and leave her and her child to die?”
That silence was enough.
Jing Yuan’s private investigations behind your back were right.
In the vast “multi-verse”, there is a version of you that married this dragon who descended from his Archon status.
“I... have wrought upon them great suffering. I am unworthy of their affections. Should a day come where (Y/n) enacts the fury of my wife and child on their behalf, it will be justly deserved.”
Zhongli did not further elaborate.
Whatever happened in the past, it still haunted him to this day. Lingering in the back of his mind, dulling his self-confidence and wits. Maybe it’s why Yanfei thought you should investigate the cave. Maybe she wanted the alternate version of ███ ███ to come back.
But she's gone.
Jing Yuan took a step closer.
“Your wife is dead, Rex Lapis. They are my (Y/n), not yours.”
“I-… I know.” Zhongli— no— Morax spoke, voice laced with grief. “I know she and (Y/n) are not the same, however, I…”
Another step.
“If you wish for their happiness, you will continue to not speak to them. You have done enough damage.”
Morax closed his eyes mournfully. “I am well aware of this”
Another step.
“Let me take care of (Y/n). Let me make them happy.”
And another.
Jing Yuan stared deep into Morax’s soul.
In all his years of living, it didn’t occur to Morax that he’d find another familiar cuckoo again.
But it wasn’t his wife.
Jing Yuan took another step.
This man in front of him was pushing and pushing…
“Let this conversation be a verbal contract,” he said. “That I, Jing Yuan, vow to make (Y/n) happy, and that you, Rex Lapis, shall step down as a final way to atone your sins of uxoricide and filicide. Do you accept?”
Like a cuckoo throwing an egg off the nest.
Forgive me, dearest ███ ███.
I am unworthy of you, let alone this alternate incarnation of yourself.
Morax inhaled deeply. He remains in his head, yet he can't escape the present. The more time he spent searching inside himself for solutions over his approximately 6000 years in Teyvat, the more evident it became what the sensible path of action was. With open eyes, Morax welcomed the return of the present. He observed the vivid hues of existence. In the vicinity, he heard Jing Yuan's pet cuckoo bird. But most of all, he felt his age.
Whatever time was appropriate to dream of a family— it had long passed him.
I am but an old man who deserves to fade away quietly.
And he…
Has the same vigor Morax once had.
That obsessed look.
That tight, suffocating hold.
Just like staring at a reflection of himself, centuries passed.
Jing Yuan, too, was a man depraved. Worse, he is a man who lost everything, clinging only to (Y/n) as his only solace in Teyvat.
Morax noticed the way Jing Yuan took a walk with you, with one arm draping around your shoulder to ward off those he deemed unwanted.
Morax noticed the way Jing Yuan brags about you with his men in each available opportunity, socially claiming you his.
Morax noticed the way Jing Yuan glares at someone who got too close when he thought you weren’t looking, pushing suitors away.
Morax noticed the way Jing Yuan rarely talks about his story and would rather talk about something you had done, making you a large part of himself.
Morax noticed the way Jing Yuan only cares about you, and not even a sliver for himself.
He would rather not see him destroy himself the way he had done long ago.
And just like that, the General got rid of his greatest rival— Liyue’s archon and your husband from another life.
He is out of the nest.
“I accept.”
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May June can now message Jing Yuan
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freyito · 11 months
"ꜱᴛᴀʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ" ⨟ ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ ᴡ/ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴏᴍʙᴀᴛ ʙᴏʏꜱ
i know i was like just hornyposting and all buuuut i've had such a rough couple of days and everythings really building up. figure i'd sit down and write out my favorite "prompt". hurt/comfort... without the hurt, i guess. too hurt to write the hurt :P. essentially what the boys would do when your feeling down and ask to stay with em, of course. is this what im calling the boys now? yes. its MY fic and MY comfort, i get to choose the silly little name for my boyfriends.
cw: gn reader, angsty undertone, comfort, just fluff, bonus characters!, not proofread
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⎯ Liu Kang
You do not even need to speak. Liu Kang can see it. You are hurt, near breaking. You trail behind him all day, head down. You actively seek his touch, small things, reaching for his hand, brushing your fingers against his bicep. You are afraid to say it, and yet, he knows.
That night, before he leaves your room to attend to his duties as Earthrealm's protector, you finally speak up. Those three simple words, so quiet, so soft. He does not hesitate to turn around. He is logical, he likes to think, but you pull him in. Within moments, he is in bed with you, his arms wrapped around you firmly. He presses his forehead against your cheek, and whispers,
"I will not leave you, my dear, I am here. Forevermore."
⎯ Bi-Han
Bi-Han knows you almost better than the back of his hand. However, he prefers to let you wallow in peace. He is afraid of pushing past your boundaries, and as such, he is far more distant. Yet, he worries. He worries with his whole heart. However, he cannot let it show. So he is as cold as ever, in front of the Lin Kuei. Strong, vigilant, unyielding.
Tonight, he does not let you go. He misses you so, and you have no need to tell him what you need. It is tender. He pulls you on top of him, holding you close by the waist. And yet, you still speak. And he listens. His gaze softens, tremendously. He looks as if he may be on the verge of tears. His voice steady, as he speaks, yet his face betrays his tone,
"There is no possibility of leaving you, no, not even in death."
⎯ Kuai Liang
Kuai does not know what ails you- but he must. He must know. You have done well to shy away from him, but he is hot on your trail. He knows that hollow look, devoid of emotion, too afraid to show any. Because if you show one, you show all. He does not smother you, no, but he does question you.
The questions stop at night. It is quiet. He is afraid of pushing you further. So Kuai Liang leaves you alone in the bed, with one last kiss on your forehead. Yet, he stands in the doorway. He waits. You speak. And he listens. All you say is one word. He retreats back in bed with you, pushing you closer to his neck. He runs his hands through your hair, calming you down. To still your beating heart. And he speaks with conviction,
"I am here, as long as you need, forever, if you so wish, my love."
⎯ Johnny Cage
Perhaps, Johnny is too much for you recently. And that's okay! He knows his limits. Yet, he finds himself seeking you out. He misses your warmth, your smile, you. He knows that he can be loud, that he can be a lot. And he's always given you space. Yet that look you hold, it is miserable. And he knows exactly what you feel. He follows you around, as if a lost dog, the entire day. He wants you to have space, but he wants you to say those words.
And you do, that night. Finally, those words escape your lips. Just what Johnny wanted to hear. He's got you wrapped up in the blankets, pulling you up into his chest. His hand rests on the back of your head, gently rubbing his thumb into your hair. He presses a kiss to your forehead, and whispers, gently, almost out of character,
"It's alright, sweetheart, I'm not leaving, not tonight, not tomorrow, not anytime."
⎯ Kenshi Takahashi
You cannot hide that sinking pain within your heart, Kenshi can hear the melancholy dripping within your words. He can hear it in your breath, your actions. How your footsteps drag, how slow you walk. He can see it, too, do not be fooled. You stay close, unnecessarily close, you look up at him with such heavy eyes, you stay quiet. He knows. He is waiting for you to act on it, to act on the voice he hears at the very edge of his mind. He is a telepath, you must remember.
And so, when you speak your mind finally, he is all too eager to make sure you know he won't leave. He pulls you up onto his chest, his heartbeat even, soft, and regular. The moment is tender, and he lets your words hang in the air. Silence covers you two like a blanket, comforting. And finally, as he runs his hand down your sides, squeezing your waist gently, he speaks,
"Do not be afraid to tell me what you want, my heart. I will stay close, I will stay."
⎯ Kung Lao
Kung Lao does not need words to stay by you. Night and day. He is glued to your side, trying to cheer you up with his charm. He does not give you enough room to sulk. He's dragging you along with him, even if it's something as simple as watching him train. To keep you at ease, to put a smile on your face. He is making sure everything he does has that effect.
Yet, you still ask him to stay when night comes. He does not deny it, and he pushes himself closer. As if you were not in his arms already. But he makes sure you know he heard you, he squeezes you, and lets out a soft sigh. There is nothing that will take him away from you, and you must know,
"I won't. Nope, not even tomorrow. I'm here as long as you want me here."
⎯ Raiden
You cannot keep Raiden away from you. The minute your expression is somber, he is following close behind you. He does not ask, or interrogate you. But he follows. He is on the lookout for any sort of thing that could have stolen his light from him. What has gotten to you, what dares rip the spark of his life from you? He does not know how to ask you, he is afraid that perhaps it is him.
But it is not. Your hand pulls him back to you by his wrist as you speak. And he obliges. He does not know what has made you feel this way, but he does know, that maybe even this one night will be enough to bring your smile back. He will stay here, as long as you need, as long as he needs. And he makes it known,
"Oh, my light, nothing can keep me away from you."
⎯ Zeffeero
Zeffeero is on you the minute your face so much as drops. Perhaps he is a stubborn lover, too prideful to admit that he cares deeply for you. But he cannot handle loosing your presence, his sunshine. He wants your attention, but does not say so outright. He will do that little thing with the water manipulation and the shapes to amuse you... without you asking. And when that does not bring the smile back to your face, he does not know what else to do.
His heart near stops when you tell him to stay that night. He feels so stupid to have skipped over that part. But he accepts. He tries to show restraint, however he is by you within a matter of seconds. He places a kiss on your jaw, before hiding his face in the crook of your neck. His arms wrap around you, keeping you close. Just as he wanted to the entire day, and he finally speaks,
"Do not scare me so, my dear. I want to keep you safe, and I'll stay until you no longer want me by your side."
⎯ Tomas Vrbada
Your distance is noticeable. However, Tomas does not act upon it. He believes that you need the space you have put between you and him and everyone else. So he does not question it. However, there is a void where you once were. His world fills with the same emptiness and sorrow you felt at your absence. He cannot help but seek you out in the final hours of the dawn. He is afraid, once more. He does not want to pressure you, so he turns his back to you.
You surprise him with your words, he near spins on his heels, a wide and beautiful grin gracing his face. He makes no effort to hide this. His happiness, his light has asked him to stay, and he would be a fool to deny them such a request. He practically throws himself back onto the bed, and wraps his big arms around you. He presses his forehead against yours, and holds your gaze. He speaks, quietly, softly, and you can even hear his smile in his voice,
"I am here for you, Drahoušek. I always will be. Do not be afraid to come to me."
⎯ Baraka
Oh, how Baraka feared this day would come. You have turned your back to him, the air around you rife with despair. He is not afraid that you suddenly dislike him. He is afraid of loosing your positivity. One of the very few things he has held onto because of his affliction. You make him forget all that is bad within this world, within him. And now, there is an absence. He does not know what to do.
But that night, you guide him. Through his own sulking, your words pull him away. Yes. He will gladly stay. If that is what you want. If that is what it takes. He keeps his distance, still. He will always be afraid of his infection spreading. But he sleeps in the same room. And just before you drift off into sleep, you hear him,
"I cannot lose you. Please, tell me when, and I will be there."
⎯ Geras
Geras has reason to believe the reason you have pulled away from him is because of his absence. Because of him. Human emotions are a strange thing, they are intricate, even more so than the dozens of timelines he has watched over. Oh so suddenly, you are turned away from him, too caught up within your own thoughts to voice what has been troubling you. Perhaps it is the fact that he does not have nearly enough time for you. That is the answer he settles on.
Before he can leave you that night, your pleas make him stop. They make him understand, even for a second. He was so sure you were asleep. And yet, you are awake, asking him to stay. He is unsure what to do. But, he must give his love what they want. What they deserve. So, he leans in, and places a gentle kiss on your cheek. His words follow soon after,
"I will always be here, my duty is important, but so are you. Know this, I am always watching over you."
⎯ Syzoth
You've ran off. And Syztoh does not know what to do with himself. He paces, he fidgets, he waits. He must see you again. But you were so hurt beforehand, and he does not know why. You have withdrawn into yourself, without a word. And Syzoth does not know how to comfort you. He knows you are feeling down, horrible even. Yet, he feels as if he has ran you off. His insecurities well up within his mind as he waits. And waits.
And the time comes where you ask him, you reach for him. Your voice quivers. Oh my, how could he have let this happen. He pulls you in, almost bringing you down to the ground. He wraps himself around you, burying his face into the crook of your neck. His nerves calm, in that moment. Muffled, he speaks, his words true and clear, if not a little shaky,
"I waited, my love, and I will stay. I will always be here. Every moment, every moment you need me."
⎯ Havik
Havik is apprehensive. He does not quite understand what to do in this situation. With you, his lover, in front of him, a mess, voice hoarse, your emotions addle your mind. He looks at you dumbfounded. He reaches for you, but his hand does not meet your shoulder. Now, you feel as if you are miles away from him. Space. That is what he understands, now.
But, the space he has given you is broken that night. You find him in bed, intertwining his fingers with yours. His scarred flesh does not scare you, as much would believe. His eyes are warm, peaceful for once. The words are on the tip of your tongue, yet you do not need to speak. Havik answers, regardless,
"Finally. Do not run from me like that again, I do not mean to leave you alone."
⎯ Shao Kahn
To return home, where you are not waiting for Shao in the kitchen, it is a nightmare. The worst is the first thing that runs through his mind. You are lost, perhaps. Taken. But he finds you, safe and well. Back to him, on the edge of the bed. He does not speak, but he lets his presence be known. He lays down on the bed, facing you, and simply watches.
Until it is time for you to speak, you look at him with such sad eyes. He is there. You do not have to ask, for you know the answer. But you ask, anyways. Shao simply reaches a hand out to you, and pulls you back in bed gently. Tonight, he can. Maybe not tomorrow morning, but tonight, he can. And he will,
"I will always stay by your side. I am here to keep you safe, do not forget it."
⎯ Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung pampers you, right out of the gate. He hates to see you like this, so sullen, so quiet. It is his goal to pull you out of this feeling. Even if it hurts his wallet. And yet, it seems his plan falls short. He is disheartened, to say the least. Perhaps he might sulk, as well. But he doesn't, or he tries not to, anyways. He simply follows you around, now. Trying to lift your spirits.
And that only comes when night falls, nestled underneath the covers. Shang Tsung is still close. Extremely close. Yet, you can't help but ask, regardless. And he listens. He chuckles softly, and pulls you in for a quick peck on the lips. For a moment, he stares into your eyes, rolling your words over in his mind. His tone is sly, but his words are, for once, kind,
"There you are, my darling. Of course I'll stay. Who would I be if I didn't? I'll stay forever, if I must."
⎯ Reiko
Reiko wants to be soft with you, and yet, he can't find a way through to you in this moment. He does not understand why you've withdrawn from him. Why you are so somber. He decides that it is space you need, not him. So, he gives you exactly what he believes. Yet, he still keeps an eye on you. He wants to make sure you are safe, regardless. Even as you sulk.
You find him once more at the end of the day, laying in bed. The idea of him, of Reiko, relaxing, seems so odd. Yet, he is lounging. He is waiting. So you speak, and all he can do is look at you. He gestures towards the bed, and you do so. Laying down, he holds you close. Properly. His arms wrapped around the small of your back, your forehead against his chin. And he speaks, finally,
"If I am to say no, then I would rather be decapitated by General Shao himself. Do not ever hesitate to ask, you know I will."
⎯ Erron Black
Outlawin' and Gunslingin' is a hard trade. What's even harder is making sure you are happy. And now, you are pulling yourself away from Erron. This mood you're in... he's going to get you to snap out of it, dammit. And he tries. He tries real damn hard. He flaunts off his skills, just how quick and precise he can fan the hammer, maybe take down some poor bird from the sky. Yet, you still look at him, devoid of emotion.
Erron has all but given up until you find him in the bed that night. Somehow, you look more of a mess then before. And he just can't forgive himself for it. Yet, you still ask. He's dumbfounded, really. He doesn't know what to say. But, his body knows what to do. Absentmindedly, he pulls you into the bed by your hand. He keeps you close, yet still leaves distance between your bodies. His hand finds your cheek and caresses it with his thumb. Finally, he's found his words, and so he speaks, for you,
"Ya ain't gotta worry about me leavin', pumpkin. I'll stay riiiiiiight here, long as ya need."
⎯ Takeda Takahashi
You're quiet. You're so damn quiet and it's almost irritating for Takeda. He can't get to you, he can't break through this heavy, melancholy air around you. He's following you around, regardless. He's going to find out why you're acting like this, and if it's because of someone, he won't mind sweating a little. But it isn't. It isn't cause of anyone, it isn't cause of him. It's cause of you. And now, he truly doesn't know what to do. So he backs off.
Until you find him once more, seeking his attention. His touch. His comfort. Takeda doesn't deny this, as you slink into bed, behind him. You tap him on the shoulder gently, and he turns his head back to you. Before he can speak, you ask. The lightbulb goes off in Takeda's head, and suddenly, he feels horrible. You didn't need him following you around like a bodyguard all day, nor did you need the bombardment of questions. You simply needed him. So, he responds,
"Don't scare me like that, dammit. Of course I'll stay, but just... yeah, yeah. I'll stay."
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© freyito, 2023 | masterlist | queue | kofi DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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broshot · 2 years
Can I request JJK characters x near death hurt reader? C:
a/n: you absolutely can, thank you for the request! this request doesn't have any characters so I picked a few myself, let me know if there's anyone you wanna see in this and I'll write♡ I also added a little confession to this because it was cute :) this is probably not what you expected at all but I hope that's fine
cw/tw: gn!reader, hurt w comfort (angst to fluff), hurt reader, mentions of death + blood, confession, gojo being a dad to megumi (I love them), probs a bit (or very) ooc, contains: gojo satoru, megumi fushiguro (separately)
nanami and sukuna version
gojo satoru was a man who feared no fights; he was the strongest, invincible. he went into fights knowing he'd win, he never had any doubt of that.
and he smiled. he smiled and he joked around. he wanted to seem strong both mentally and physically. and he was strong, so strong he could protect anyone, he thought.
so why were you laying on the ground with your head on his lap with blood flowing out of your side? why was the ground being painted red with your blood? why was there so much blood, didn't he win the fight with the curse that was attacking you?
he took of the bandage that was over his eyes, placing it on your wound and pressing on it. it didn't help. the blood kept flowing out, staining his hands red.
"(name), open your eyes," he demanded. you shook your head so slightly he might have missed it if he didn't have his eyes glued onto your face.
"try for me, okay? open your eyes just a little."
you obeyed, looking at him with your eyes slightly open. your eyelids felt heavy. you opened your mouth and choked out a quiet "it hurts, I can't."
"no, please. don't leave me now." he pegged as your eyes started to close again.
"please look at me. the help is on the way, I swear." his voice broke a little and he hated it. he didn't want to cry, he wanted to be strong.
"I'm sorry." you whispered, wishing he'd hear your last apology and maybe, if there was a slight chance to it, maybe accept it.
"don't say that as if they were your last words," he said. "please, open your eyes and look at me."
but you didn't react. he noticed the tears in the corners of your eyes and the thin line of blood getting out of your mouth and sliding down on your cheek.
"no," he breathed in, feeling a wave of panic flow over him. he couldn't loose a person he loved, not again. he definitely wouldn't lose you, he swore to himself.
his head was spinning and he felt dizzy. "satoru, you idiot, you can't collapse too." he scoffed at himself.
"don't stand up or the wound will get worse." he said to himself. what if he didn't move, though? would the blood just bleed out before you got any help?
he felt your body get colder and colder by the seconds. his eyes started to sting and he felt warm, salty tears push out of his eyes to his cheeks.
"please wake up, please!" he sobbed out loud. he couldn't lose you, he didn't want to.
and again, he blamed himself for the nth time. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for not being able to save you." he sobbed, hugging you closer to him. he then raised his head up to the sky and screamed "I didn't ask to be the strongest!" as if the universe could hear him and change the past.
he cried like there was no tomorrow. he didn't care if anyone saw him like this, not now. he could make them forget about it soon enough, anyway. he could build his walls back up and stop looking vulnerable, but at that moment none of that mattered to him. he just wanted to keep you safe.
"gojo! (name)! where are you?" he then heard a voice.
you opened your eyes but immediately closed them due to a bright light in front of you. you suddenly became aware of your horrible headache.
"(name)? are you awake?" you heard a familiar voice ask and you turned to look to your right.
"satoru," you coughed. he was unusually quiet so you quietly asked him if he was okay.
now that was what got him speaking. "are you.. you could've died - you almost did - and you're asking me if I'm okay?"
you smiled softly and nodded. "you seem quiet."
he looked at you. this was a rare sight - he was crying. gojo satoru, the strongest, was crying. but his next words caught you off guard.
"the love of my life almost died, how could I not be quiet?"
"I love you, that's what I'm saying." he looked straight into your eyes, not wanting to seem like a coward. his cheeks were slightly pink.
you were quiet and he felt as if his heart was coming out of his mouth. he was nervous, more nervous than he ever had been.
"I love you too." you finally said, shaking some of his nervousness away.
"I love you so much. I promise I won't let you get hurt again, I'll keep you safe forever." he cried, wrapping his arms around you carefully so he wouldn't make your wound hurt.
"I know satoru. I know you will."
megumi fushiguro didn't show his emotions often. he was cold and awfully straight forward with his words. because of this, he often hurt other people's feelings, may it be intentional or not. he didn't have much friends because of this.
he did what he was asked to. he fought when he was told to, he wanted to fight. if he won fights he could prove that he was strong and worthy.
he wasn't scared of many things, or so he thought. in fact, he told people he was fearless but it was a big lie. he feared many things, his biggest fear being abandonment. he feared that his loved ones would leave him.
and maybe it was the universe playing tricks on him and his stupid believes, because his biggest fear was displaying right in front of his eyes.
you were on the ground, unconscious and bloody.
he hadn't noticed this happening to you. the current fight against some curses took all of his attention.
he rushed over to you, kneeling down. he tried to wake you, tried to make you open your eyes but you didn't.
he didn't really know how to react. he felt his heart tighten and his stomach twist at the thought of you being gone.
he was in absolute shock, not knowing what to do. so he called gojo.
he answered immediately, just as megumi expected. gojo always answered him fact.
"heyyyy megumi, I'm kind of a middle of a fight right now but what's up?"
"it's about (name.) they're hurt. badly." megumi managed to say, suddenly realizing how dry his mouth was.
"I'll be right over." was what he heard gojo say before the call ended. megumi took your hand in his, squeezing it softly. it was his attempt of trying to comfort himself and stop the bad thoughts from coming into his head.
but as he looked at the ground, he became aware of the huge amount of blood that was coming out of your stomach.
and to his surprise, he cried. he cried in the middle of a fighting ground and in front of many many people. he never cried in front of people, but this was not an ordinary situation.
but then gojo appeared next to him. megumi quickly wiped his tears and tried to look as usual as he could but his tears didn't stop flowing out of his eyes. his tears blurred his vision.
"they're going to die and leave me, aren't they?" megumi sobbed as gojo told someone to take you to a safe place.
"they'll survive for sure, megumi, they're strong." gojo tried to comfort him. megumi shook his head.
"but what if they won't survive?" megumi cried. he felt helpless, childish even.
gojo wrapped his arms around megumi. he didn't know what to do in this situation, he didn't really believe his own words about you surviving.
so let megumi scream into his chest, he told megumi to just let it all out.
you woke up in a hospital bed. your limbs felt heavy and to be honest, you just wanted to sleep. and you felt warm, really warm. were you getting sick?
but you opened your eyes and saw megumi's black hair. he was sleeping next to you, laying his head on your chest. you lift your arm to softly shake him, waking him up.
"(name)," he whispered, still not awake.
"it's me, 'gumi." you smiled and suddenly he was fully awake.
"you're awake." he stated the obvious.
"I am."
"thank god." he sighed. "I thought you died. and left me."
"I would never leave you. especially like that and without a goodbye." you smiled.
megumi hugged you. he didn't hug you often (he wasn't the biggest affection enjoyer) but this wasn't the most unusual thing. what was more unusual was the fact that he was crying.
"oh megumi, don't cry." you pouted.
"I just, I love you so much and I don't want to live without you." he sobbed. he really decided to throw all of the unusual behavior at you at this moment, you thought.
"you love me?"
"of course I love you, how could I not?" he asked, pulling away from the hug to look at you with his teary eyes.
"you're beautiful." you whispered. "and I love you too, megumi."
"thank god." he sighed, pulling you in for another hug.
this is so bad omg I'm so sorry english isn't my first language btw so sorry for bad writing♡
I'm writing the other requests too, wait patiently my loves :D (and please request more)
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fletcherwilbury · 1 year
@sicktember Day 1: Hopelessly Bad At Self-Care
Warning for Past injury, illness, past near character death, past abuse, past breaking and entering, self-neglect, and exhaustion.
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yawnderu · 1 year
Simon ''Ghost'' Riley - Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Prompt List
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Sex Pollen - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader:
After being hit by the experimental drug, Ghost can't get enough of your body.
You make it hard to be a Ghost - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader:
You write him poetry; Ghost rejects it every single time with a heavy heart until his walls start to crumble down.
Longing - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader:
The simple ways Ghost shows you how much he cares with his actions while you both yearn for each other's love.
Together - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader:
Ghost finds strength with your love in a near-death experience together.
Cold - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader - PART I
You come back to base a changed and scarred soldier after being held captive for a year, Ghost is desperate to help bring you back to be the woman he loved.
I'll meet you here — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Simon finds peace for the first time after retirement.
Character Study - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley
In-depth character analysis on Simon ''Ghost'' Riley based on the comic, campaigns, and voice lines from multi-player.
Idyllic - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader - Part I
content: fluff, mutual pining, idiots in love, your honor, they love each other.
Tainted - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
Ghost became judge, jury and executioner.
CW: paranoia, gore, anxiety?
Salvatore - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
You join Simon for a late-night smoke, bad dad jokes ensue.
Lovely — Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Mom!Reader
No one knows how much violence it took to be this gentle.
Afraid - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
content: angst with a happy ending, mentions of death and injuries, hurt/comfort.
Monster | Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
Based on the violent sexual fantasies Simon ''Ghost'' Riley experiences after being tortured by Roba.
CW: noncon, darkfic, mind break, forced deepthroat, forced penetration, face slapping, tit slapping, rough sex, give in.
Perfect Life — Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Mom!Reader
The first night home with the baby.
Adoration — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Content: fluff, pregnant!reader, horrible dad jokes.
Living Dead Man - Zombie!Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
What is a husband but a man with a rotting body you can barely recognize?
CW: body horror, gore, tongue kiss with a dead man(?), is she wrong? morally, angst with a happy ending.
Beacon — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Cozy day in the life of a soldier and his pregnant wife.
Birthday Boy — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
content: mutual pining, idiots in love, fluff.
Mine - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
Synopsis: knowing he couldn't provide you with the life you wanted, Simon breaks things off with you. Two years later, you come back to base with a baby that isn't his.
Content: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, mutual pining, established relationships, breeding, erotic lactation, romantic love making, praising. No beta we die like Roach.
Lorelei — Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader | Part I Part II | Part III
Synopsis: Aware of the way his lifestyle doesn't align with your dream life and unwilling to quit his life as a soldier, Simon breaks things off with you. It isn't until a year later that he sees you again, a tiny carbon copy of him held in your arms.
Believer - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
In which Simon believes he's truly undeserving of love, moved only by your stubbornness.
K-9 — Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader | Chapter I
Simon Riley and his pathetic efforts to get close to the new medic will earn him a scar or two
Simon Riley is in love with an uninterested, tired medic.
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