#sicktember day 1
whumperwithwings · 21 days
Sicktember Day 1
Content: Sickness, Team dynamics
I’m not hungover, I’m just sick” (Or vise versa)
Whumpee stumbled out of the run-down van, nearly falling over before catching themselves on the door. Their head weighed down on them like a bowling ball, preventing them from looking up at the team who was definitely staring at them now.
"Woah dude, long night out? The rest of us have already been up for a while now." A member of their team said, prompting chuckles from the rest of their team.
"No. I think I'm sick." Whumpee said weakly, cuddling up to Leader and laying their head on Leader's shoulder.
"You're certainly clingy, for one." Leader put their hand on Whumpee's head, gasping before they pulled it back. "You are sick. Come on, you should go back to bed." Leader sat up, pulling Whumpee with them.
Leader helped Whumpee into the van, lifting them over the seat and laying them down. "Rest, Whumpee. I'll take care of things here."
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darl-ingfics · 22 days
Sicktember Day 1: “I’m not hungover, I’m just sick”
Fandom: EXO
Sickie: DO/Kyungsoo (stomach bug)
Caregiver(s): Suho/Junmyeon (Chanyeol, and SHINee are there for, like, two seconds)
Word Count: 1615
Notes: LET’S GO Y’ALL!!!!!! Also, for the story, I've always been a ho for the SM Town family lore as long as I’ve been a Kpop fan, so don't be surprised if that comes back sometime this month...
There was no party like an SM town party. Not the ones sanctioned by the company, of course, but the unofficial ones the artists threw themselves. To their knowledge, the company had no idea about these parties, and only trusted managers were made aware that they were even happening. Every month, a different group was tasked with setting up the event. Sometimes they were super themed, super fancy affairs. Others, they were meet ups at one of the dorms, casual and low key. Most often they were somewhere in the middle, glorified hangouts at bars within the radius of all of the groups’ dorms. 
This month was Girls’ Generation’s pick, and Taeyeon had taken them to a bar that was only a short walk from EXO’s dorm specifically. Which ended up being a blessing in disguise when Junmyeon’s conversation with Jinki and Minho was interrupted when Chanyeol ran over, calling the leader’s name. 
“Hyung, can you go check on Kyungsoo? He ran off just now, and he didn’t look too hot,” Chanyeol declared, breathing heavily. He grabbed the older man’s shoulder for emphasis. “And I really don’t think he’d want to see me right now.”
Junmyeon cocked his head to the side, fighting a smile.“And he’d want to see me?” he asked. 
Chanyeol shrugged. “Well, maybe. I’ve just been told to ‘get my drunk ass out of his sight’ several times, and I don’t really need another.” 
Junmyeon nodded, looking to his friends. Jinki dipped his head with an understanding smile, and Minho waved him onwward. With a quick smile of his own, Junmyeon offered both men a quick salute before speeding through the crowd as fast as he could, which was surprisingly easier than he’d been expecting. He’d made it to the wall in a matter of seconds, and followed it until he came across the doors to the restroom. Junmyeon pushed through the door with his shoulder, taking a deep breath to calm the worry growing in his stomach. 
“Kyungsoo?” he asked, voice ringing slightly in the small, tiled room. The sound of a toilet flushing sounded in response. “Kyungsoo?!” 
“Here.” A pale hand stuck out from beneath the door of the second stall. Junmyeon hurried over, pulling back the door just as he heard the lock click open. Kyungsoo was sitting on the floor… well, sitting was a very liberal term. He was actually slumped against the stall wall, knees bent up to keep him steady. His face was ten shades paler than normal, tinted slightly green. The hand resting on his stomach was shaking. The eyes that met Junmyeon’s were tired, a lackluster brown instead of the bright hazel they usually were. 
“Gee, how many drinks did Yeollie trick you into tonight?” Junmyeon joked automatically, a smile pulling at his lips. 
“I didn’t even drink, I swear,” Kyungsoo moaned, rubbing at his eyes with both hands. He moaned again. “Not even water…” Junmyeon’s eyebrows wrinkled with sympathy as he knelt down next to the younger man and pressed a hand to his forehead. The skin was both hot and clammy to the touch.
Junmyeon clicked his tongue, rubbing Kyungsoo’s shoulder sympathetically. “Come on. We should get you home. You think your stomach can handle a ten minute walk?” Kyungsoo nodded, taking a deep breath before holding out his hands. Junmyeon clasped his hands around his dongsaeng’s and helped pull the other boy to his feet, wrapping an arm around Kyungsoo’s shaking shoulders to stop the swaying. “Come on,” he encouraged gently, helping walk him out of the stall. 
“Wait,” Kyungsoo said, pulling away from Junmyeon’s grip. The older man froze, expecting him to be sick again. Instead, Kyungsoo stumbled to the skin. “Gotta wash my hands. These floors are disgusting.”
Junmyeon chuckled lightly, watching Kyungsoo closely as he washed the dirt from his hands. The leader offered his elbow when he was finished, earning him a look of confusion. “You’re swaying.” Kyungsoo simply nodded and wrapped his arm through Junmyeon’s, allowing the taller boy to lead him. 
Junmyeon pushed open the bathroom door, nearly hitting Chanyeol in the face. 
“Whoa! Hey! We were just coming to make sure everything was okay!” the rapper exclaimed quickly, tipping back on his heels as Junmyeon automatically apologized for almost hitting him with the door. Chanyeol’s eyes found their linked arms. “And it looks to me like everything’s fine. Maybe even more than fine?” 
Junmyeon’s cheeks lit up like a Christmas tree, but his mothering instincts were able to suppress his embarrassment. And both Jinki and Minho were right behind Chanyeol, and looked about ready to jump in lest he say anything more. “Don’t worry. Things are just fine,” Junmyeon said as simply as possible. “We’re just gonna head home a little early though. Kyungsoo’s not feeling too great.” 
“Aw, dude, that sucks,” Minho sighed sympathetically. “Did this one trick you into one too many again?” He slapped a hand around Chanyeol’s shoulders as the other man whined in protest.
“No,” Kyungsoo moaned pitifully, his grip on Junmyeon’s arm tightening. His shoulders began to cave like a child trying not to hide behind his mom. 
“No, he’s actually sick,” Junmyeon spoke up, patting Kyungsoo’s hand reassuringly. Even Chanyeol’s face fell at that. “So we’re going to go home and watch a movie or something.” A tiny smile peaked on Kyungsoo’s lips, and Junmyeon inwardly high fived himself. 
“That sounds like the best course of action,” Minho nodded approvingly. 
“Do you need any help getting home?” Jinki asked. “I’d be happy to walk back with you.” 
“Thank you, but we should be fine,” Junmyeon answered with a confident smile. “He seems steady enough and it’s only two blocks. I’ll text you as soon as we get home?” Jinki nodded, sticking with them until they’d reached the door, and making Junmyeon promise to text him a second time. 
Getting home had been surprisingly easy. The crisp night air had put Kyungsoo at ease, allowing him to forget how awful he felt for a brief moment. The two had walked together, mostly silently, joking every now and then about things they’d seen at the party. Junmyeon had hope that maybe, just maybe, this was just a fluke and Kyungsoo would be just fine. 
He was, of course, proven wrong as soon as they walked in the door, and the younger man sprinted towards the bathroom, the greenish look returning to his face. 
Junmyeon had decided to give him his space, setting about preparing Kyungsoo’s room in case he had to be carried back. When Junmyeon finally returned to the bathroom, he found find Kyungsoo lying on the floor like a starfish. “Kyungsoo?”
“What ch’a doing?”
“This feels nice,” Kyungsoo replied, words slightly slurred from the fact that his cheek was plastered to the floor. 
The leader settled against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest. It took a lot for him to not burst out laughing. Kyungsoo was the LEAST likely of any of his members to willingly lay on a bathroom floor. Yet here they were. “We haven’t cleaned that floor in weeks,” Junmyeon commented, making a mental note to put that on the to do list for tomorrow. 
“That’s okay,” Kyungsoo said in response. “It’s just our germs. And I’ve already got those so...” Junmyeon rolled his eyes. 
“How’re you feeling?”
“Not bad, but not good either.”
“Think you’re gonna get sick again?”
“I don’t think so, but that’s really not up to me.”
Junmyeon fought back another eye roll. “You want to go to bed, then?”
“Can’t I just stay here?”
“No. Sick people need to sleep in a proper bed,” Junmyeon insisted, moving into the small room and, careful as can be, stooped down to pull Kyungsoo into a sitting position. The shorter man didn’t protest, but was dead weight in Junmyeon’s hands, slumping against his shoulder once the leader had got him up. “Think you can walk?”
“Well, it would be embarrassing if you carried me,” Kyungsoo said plainly. He didn’t move away from Junmyeon’s shoulder, though. 
“Why?” Junmyeon asked with an amused smile. 
“Cause I’m not a princess,” Kyungsoo said as if it were obvious. “We had the archetype talk the other day. We decided that I’m the villain, not the princess. Baekhyun’s our princess. I don’t want you to treat me like a princess when I’m a villain.”
Junmyeon had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. “Oh, I’m sorry for even vaguely suggesting such a thing. I’m just thoroughly curious if you have the strength to walk to your bedroom.”
“Yeah, I should be good,” Kyungsoo nodded, this time pulling away from Junmyeon and running a hand over his eyes. “Dear god, my head hurts.”
“That’d be the flu, my friend,” Junmyeon replied, spotting Kyungsoo as he pulled himself up onto shaking legs. “Can you walk?” 
“I got this.” Kyungsoo was able to walk about halfway down the hallway before he stopped stock still. Junmyeon rushed slightly closer, eyes quickly scanning for the reason the younger man had stopped. He nearly jumped out of his skin when Kyungsoo’s head slumped against his shoulder. “Soo? You with me?” 
“How’re you doing?” 
“I’m tired,” the younger man replied, not moving his head. 
“I can tell,” Junmyeon laughed, readjusting his arm to better support his member’s leaning. “We’re so close to bed, though. Come on, I’ll help you the rest of the way.” 
Junmyeon bit his lip as he half led, half dragged Kyungsoo the rest of the way to his bed, forced him none too gently into clean pajamas, and helped him settle under the covers. Based on tonight, this was going to be a long week.
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sickficideas · 1 year
you're losin' me || skk sickfic
ao3! please refer to the tags in the link for content + warnings! sicktember 2023, day 1: hopelessly bad at self care
“’s cold,” Chuuya murmurs quietly, slurred together so much that if Dazai hadn’t known him for seven years, he wouldn’t have understood him.
“I know. Just for a little bit,” Dazai says as he fills the pitcher full of water to gently pour over Chuuya’s head again. He’d really like to properly wash his hair. It’s so caked with dust and dirt and blood, but Dazai doesn’t want him under the water for too long, he’s already shivering. So he’d like to at least brush some of it out.
It’s been a few days since he last used Corruption. Dazai’s made it a habit to check on Chuuya in some way or another after times like that, because recently, he hasn’t been tolerating it well, especially when he uses it for extended periods of time. Sometimes he’ll be too sore to move, sometimes he’ll get sick, sometimes it’s a combination of a few things - no matter the case, it wasn’t always like this.
He thinks Chuuya was already coming down with something before that day, so he wasn’t too surprised to find him passed out on his kitchen floor when he arrived at his penthouse just ten minutes ago.
He has a hundred-and-two-point one-degree fever, which paired with the fatigue and exhaustion from using his ability like that has really, really slowed him down. Dazai had to carry him into the shower even after waking him up, with surprisingly no objection from the latter. His complaint of the temperature just now is the first he’s said to him since he arrived. Chuuya always takes quite a while to come to his senses after he’s like this.
Dazai’s first thought was to shower him because of how filthy he was from their mission just the other day, but it seemed that wasn’t it. He’s covered in sweat from the fever, and Dazai’s fairly certain he wet himself at some point too. Normally, he wouldn’t let Chuuya live something like that down, but it’s a concerning thought that he didn’t even have the energy or will to get up and go to the bathroom.
He opts for the showerhead instead to wash his hair out the best he can, hoping the pressure will help clean it up a little. It’s lukewarm water, to help his fever, but he understands it’s probably pretty cold with the chills he’s feeling - and Chuuya normally showers with scalding hot water anyway.
Chuuya groans and pulls his head away once the water from the shower head hits him, and the way his eyes screw shut tells Dazai he’s probably got some sort of head injury, or at the very least, a headache. Maybe both.
“Want me to stop?” Dazai asks, trying to adjust the water pressure a bit so it’s not as harsh, and Chuuya relaxes just a bit.
He’s taken note of how Chuuya’s left shoulder is hanging slightly lower than it should. He’s been so out of it that Dazai hasn’t noticed, but he grabs his upper arm with his free hand and he’s met with a hiss. He’s probably dislocated his shoulder.
“You’re a mess,” Dazai sighs. Chuuya usually isn’t the type to avoid medical treatment. Dazai has his own reasons for doing so, but Chuuya generally takes good care of his health, so he’s not sure what happened here. Maybe that last use of Corruption really took him down. After all, he’s not sure how long he was passed out in his kitchen.
He shut off the water and hands the shower head up. He wants to tell Chuuya what he’s about to do, but he thinks it might be better in the end to just do it and get it over with, and apologize after.
So he does it. He puts him into position against the wall as quickly as he can before Chuuya can catch on, and he yelps from the pain as soon as Dazai hears it pop into place. He’s sure it’s very painful, it’s been a few days since it was dislocated and there’s no way the pain and swelling hasn’t gotten worse since then.
Chuuya leans forward into Dazai, and he's shaking much more than he was before, and Dazai holds him against his chest.
“I’m sorry. You know how bad those can get if you wait too long, Chuuya,” he says quietly. He hates how much he’s shivering. The whimpers of pain hurt him to hear, although he’d never admit it. He’s careful not to jostle his shoulder too much as he holds him.
Truthfully, Dazai hasn’t slept well at all since their mission, because he hasn’t heard a word from Chuuya. Sometimes Chuuya will read Dazai’s messages without responding when he’s feeling petty, but he didn’t even get that.
This morning, when he threw up last night’s dinner from the anxiety, he decided he needed to come check on Chuuya. Kunikida was even concerned enough to send him home right away.
They stay like that for a while before Dazai decides it’s best to get everything over with and get Chuuya to bed so he can rest properly, rather than on his tiled kitchen floor. He washes his hair, his body, all while Chuuya quietly stays leaned against the corner of the shower wall, shivering every now and then, his eyes unfocused and glassy. He doesn’t voice a single complaint the entire time.
Dazai is happy to finally be able to shut off the lukewarm water and towel dry Chuuya’s hair. Gently, of course, he doesn’t want to dizzy him on top of his suspected head injury. He’s already completely off-kilter.
He pats him dry and helps him over to the adjacent bedroom. Chuuya isn’t strong enough to walk on his own yet but Dazai keeps a hand on his waist to keep him steady. He sits down right at the corner, and Dazai backs up to get a good look at him.
He’s glad there’s no major injuries at least, nothing worse than some scrapes and little cuts, but he’s covered in dark bruises, which make the pale pallor of his skin much more obvious. He’s sure that’s part of the fever, but he can’t pin down exactly why he has a fever to begin with. Was he really sick before their mission? Does he have some sort of internal injury that’s gotten infected? Did using Corruption cause this?
Dazai grabs a random t-shirt and a pair of boxers from Chuuya’s closet and helps to dress him. It’s like dressing a doll. Chuuya isn’t unconscious, he’s still half-awake, at least, but he doesn’t make any effort to get dressed himself. He just lets Dazai do it and aids him here and there.
“Hey,” Dazai says, cupping Chuuya’s cheek and lifting his head just a bit to get a good look at his eyes. He’s not entirely there, but his eyes shift to look at Dazai after a few seconds. “You’re scaring me a little, Slug. Can you talk to me?”
Chuuya’s expression scrunches up a little like he’s confused, and Dazai’s stomach drops. He’s almost worried about him hallucinating. Dazai can’t count the number of times Chuuya has confused Dazai for one of his dead friends while suffering from a fever or some sort of major injury.
“Chuuya,” Dazai starts, running his fingers through his still slightly damp hair, brushing his bangs out of his face. They definitely need a trim. “Can you tell me my name?”
“Mackerel,” Chuuya grumbles under his breath, but his expression doesn’t change. He looks like he would fall asleep if Dazai pushed him backward.
That’s answer enough for him. As long as he’s not hallucinating.
“Okay,” Dazai says with a quiet sigh of relief. “You need to lay down, alright? I’ll see if you have athletic tape somewhere for that shoulder.”
Dazai trusts his mental state enough to leave him on his own for a few minutes while he goes through Chuuya’s bathroom drawers to find what he’s looking for, and thankfully, it appears in the third drawer without too much searching. Chuuya tends to keep things in his penthouse pretty orderly, but he’s noticed signs recently of things being a little out of place. Nothing major - a roll of toilet paper down with the cleaning products, a hairbrush on the floor, things Dazai would never think twice about - but they’re also things he knows Chuuya would never let slide.
He wanders back into the bedroom as he starts to take some of the tape off the roll, but Chuuya is still sitting there at the edge of the bed, his head hanging down, swaying ever so slightly. Dazai worries for a second he’s about to pass out, until he sees the hand pressed against his tummy.
"Dazai," Chuuya murmurs with a gruff moan. "'M gonna - gonna throw up."
Dazai appreciates the warning.
Chuuya somehow manages to hold it back until Dazai slides onto the bed next to him with the bin from his bathroom. He breathes over the bin for half a minute or so, letting the saliva drip down over the plastic. Dazai takes his free hand and starts to rub over his back, gently, and Chuuya groans at the feeling, leaning back into it just a bit and he spits a wad of saliva into the bin.
"Deep breaths, Chuuya," Dazai says gently.
Chuuya does as he’s told, taking in a few shaky breaths that aren’t nearly as deep as they should be, but soon enough, a gag follows a retch, and a torrent of vomit gushes into the bin.
“There you go. That’s good,” Dazai says quietly, patting Chuuya’s hair back as he throws up. Chuuya’s weak tolerance for alcohol makes him no stranger to throwing up like this, but this is the last thing he needs right now. The nausea is crystal clear on his face, and the pained moans that escape his lips between streams of vomit tell him it hurts, too. "You have anything here for nausea?"
"I don' need anythin'," Chuuya breathes out, spitting up a mouthful of stomach bile into the bin before he straightens himself up, eyes screwed shut and hand still heavy against his sore belly. "Jus' needed to get that out."
"If you say so," Dazai says, setting the bin down on the floor.
Chuuya somehow manages to gather the energy to crawl to the middle of the bed and collapse there, sinking into the pillow with a little whine.
He's lying down with his injured shoulder facing up, and Dazai takes the opportunity to carefully roll up his sleeve to apply the athletic tape. He watches Chuuya's face tense up as he does it. He can be as gentle as he wants, he's sure it hurts regardless.
Dazai sits beside Chuuya's shaky, curled-up form for a while, petting his slowly drying hair as Chuuya starts to relax just a bit, enough to give Dazai some relief.
He worries about him. Chuuya used to handle Corruption just fine, but if this is all really all just from the aftermath, even days later…
“Why didn’t you go to a doctor?” Dazai asks with a heavy sigh. He’s not sure why he cares. Chuuya’s an adult, he can take care of himself. And he usually always does.
“Dunno,” Chuuya croaks. His voice sounds scratchy.
“You don’t know?” Dazai confirms, a brow raised. “I found you laying in your own piss and I don’t have any clue how long you were there for.”
“Can’t remember,” Chuuya elaborates after a few moments of silence. He’s starting to sound a little more coherent, which is a good sign, but he doesn’t like what he’s just said.
Dazai’s shoulders sink. “Yeah?”
“I jus’ remember leavin’ with you,” Chuuya says quietly. He pauses, like he’s trying to see if he can collect anything else from his memory, but he gives up. “And…and then, the shower.”
“So you don’t have any clue what happened in between, huh?” Dazai says. Chuuya didn’t seem that out of it when they met before the mission happened. He wasn’t himself, but Chuuya’s never forward about his feelings, so Dazai has a hard time guessing if he was like that mentally, or from an oncoming illness.
“Nuh-uh,” Chuuya mumbles.
Dazai bites his lip. That can’t be good. “Has this been happening every time?”
Chuuya is quiet for a moment, almost like he’s waiting for Dazai to elaborate. Maybe he’s just confused. “Every time what?”
“Every time you use Corruption,” Dazai reminds him.
“S’that what happened?” Chuuya yawns. Dazai watches his eyelids start to fall just a bit.
Dazai feels sick. He didn’t even put those pieces together, with everything that’s going on with him? Part of him wants to believe this is just from a head injury he suffered during this mission, but he’s been getting worse about using Corruption.
Surely he’s fine. If Chuuya really thought something was wrong with himself, he would take care of it.
“My shoulder’s killin’ me,” he murmurs, adjusting it just a bit before realizing moving it at all causes too much pain for it to be worth it.
“No kidding,” Dazai sighs. "I'll get some ice packs. That might help."
Dazai slips out of the bed, and heads for the kitchen to look for something he can use. He knows there’s an ice pack or two in the freezer, Chuuya’s needed them for injuries before, but upon looking in the freezer, he finds it’s nearly empty. There’s a box or two, but normally, Chuuya has lots of things in here.
He opens the refrigerator out of curiosity and finds it to be the same way. Chuuya certainly has the money to be eating out every night, so maybe that’s what he’s been doing, but he likes cooking. It’s strange for him to really have nothing. His stomach twists. He hates that feeling.
Dazai takes two ice packs from the freezer before he hears Chuuya’s ringtone, coming from the bedroom. He remembers seeing Chuuya’s cell phone on the nightstand. He wonders who could be calling him.
Dazai leans in the doorway as he watches Chuuya’s uninjured arm reach for the cell phone, and of course, he’s hiding the screen from him with an annoyed scowl.
"Hey," Chuuya says through a sigh once he answers, laying back against the pillows. The voice says something, but it’s not loud enough for Dazai to be able to figure out who. "I know. 'M sorry. Haven't been feeling so great."
Dazai's glad he's being honest, at least.
"You don't need'a come. 'M fine, just gonna rest today," Chuuya says. “I’ll see ya tomorrow. Love you. Okay?”
The voice says something back, and soon enough, Chuuya tosses his phone to the side and lays his arm over his eyes with a heavy sigh.
"Love you?" Dazai repeats as he wanders over to the bed, climbing back in next to him to lay one ice pack under his shoulder, and the other right on top of it. 
"Mhm," Chuuya says he shudders just a bit at the cold feeling, but he relaxes soon enough. "You're allowed to have a side piece too. So don't start."
"I didn't start anything," Dazai chuckles. He's referring to Kunikida, he thinks. "Who?"
"Who what?" Chuuya groans.
"Who was that?" Dazai clarifies.
"Who was what?" Chuuya huffs. He’s clearly annoyed, but he really doesn’t seem to know what Dazai is talking about.
Dazai bites his lip. Maybe he just needs to be reminded. "On the phone, Chuuya."
Chuuya takes his arm off of his face, revealing a genuinely confused expression. "The hell you talkin' about, Mackerel?"
Now Dazai feels like he's going to throw up. "Nothing, Slug."
Is Chuuya losing his memory?
Is using Corruption doing this to him?
Is this a head injury? Is it just because he’s been passed out for a while?
What is he going to do if Chuuya loses his memory?
"I'll be right back."
Dazai tries to be as nonchalant as possible as he leaves Chuuya’s bedroom, trailing off to the guest bathroom on the other side of his penthouse, out of earshot from Chuuya, because he thinks he’s really going to throw up. His stomach twists as he opens the door and he hastily leans over the toilet, and then gags once or twice before his stomach clenches and the bit of food he had for breakfast comes up.
He stays standing, his hands on his knees and he chokes up whatever he can manage. His head swims and these concerns repeat in his mind as fast as a car wheel going a thousand miles an hour. Why does it matter to him, if Chuuya loses his memory? He doesn’t need Chuuya. He’s fine without Chuuya. Clearly, Chuuya is the one who needs him.
At some point his legs get tired and he’s just left breathing heavily over the toilet. He doesn’t even have the will to flush, and part of him thinks he should go back to Chuuya, but his legs give out and he curls up in the corner where the wall and the shower door meet.
It’s not long before he hears the bathroom door creak open.
"Did you puke?" Chuuya asks, his voice shaky. Dazai’s tempted to lie, but he’s sure he can see the evidence in the toilet.
"Had too much to eat for lunch,” Dazai says. He knows Chuuya won’t believe him. Maybe he wants to lead him on. He doesn’t know.
"That's not like you," Chuuya murmurs. He’s leaning against the door frame, holding an ice pack up to his shoulder. "What's the real reason? You anxious about somethin’?"
He does throw up when he's anxious. "No, no. My stomach just...y’know.”
"Dazai," Chuuya sighs.
Chuuya drags himself into the bathroom and sits down beside Dazai with a pained groan. He feels warm next to Dazai as he leans against him, laying his head on Dazai’s shoulder. He huffs, sounding a little more than exhausted, like it’s taken a great effort for him to get here. “Can’t believe you made me walk all the way over here when I feel like shit.”
“I didn’t make you do anything,” Dazai insists with a half-smile. “You worrying about me, Slug?”
“Yeah, you ran out of my room out of nowhere,” Chuuya huffs.
Dazai finds some solace in the fact that he hasn’t forgotten that.
“I’m worried about you too,” Dazai says quietly, and he’s not sure why he would say something like that out loud. He’s disgusted with himself, it almost makes him want to throw up again. Being so vulnerable with another person is so unadmirable.
“Bout me?” Chuuya starts, lifting his head and turning to look at Dazai, even if it seems to be filled with lead. “‘M fine, ‘Samu. I always feel like shit after Corruption.”
"I think you should see a doctor," Dazai says. He almost wishes he could lean his head on Chuuya’s shoulder, but doing that would likely break his neck. A shame, really.
"'Bout what," Chuuya sighs. “Thought you were playin’ doctor.”
"Your memory,” Dazai says quietly, feeling his stomach start to twist again.
Chuuya is quiet for a few moments. "My memory's fine."
"I'm serious, Chuuya,” Dazai says. He hates being serious.
"'M serious too, 'Samu. I don't need’a see a doctor. I’ll be fine in a few days," Chuuya grumbles. He’s really starting to sound annoyed, but Dazai is having a very hard time letting this go. "Quit worryin' about me."
"Do you remember who called you earlier?" Dazai bites. He doesn’t want to sound vicious. Maybe the bitter taste of the stomach acid in the back of his throat is making him sound that way. His stomach is never going to give him a break, at this rate.
Another pause. "What the hell're you talkin' about?"
“Someone called you, Chuuya,” Dazai murmurs, pressing his palms against his eyelids because his eyes are starting to burn and he would rather throw up on Chuuya than cry in front of him. “I asked you who it was after you hung up and you didn’t know what I was talking about, and you still don’t.”
Chuuya is quiet again.
“Can you…can you get out? Please?” Dazai mumbles, keeping his face concealed from Chuuya. He hates the way he feels. He’s not physically hurting anywhere, besides maybe his stomach, but this worry and anxiety is just as painful as any wound. “I need to throw up again.”
“‘M not leavin’ you, Mackerel,” Chuuya says quietly, not seeming to care much that Dazai tried to kick him out of his own bathroom. Dazai thinks he’s started to realize that he might be contributing to the fact that Dazai’s stomach is twisting and turning so uncomfortably,
Dazai feels it, hot in the back of his mouth, and he would really rather just swallow it, but he stumbles forward and chokes up the stomach bile into the toilet to join the rest. He coughs before he can manage to gag again. It really burns, it hurts, tears prick at the corners of his eyes and he’s telling himself that throwing up right now is the only reason that’s happening.
Chuuya is still beside him, despite how sick he is himself, a steady hand on his back, mumbling some comforting words that Dazai can’t quite decipher.
“I’ll call a doctor, ‘kay? Maybe you can get looked at too,” Chuuya says quietly once Dazai is just left huffing out hot breaths over the toilet.
Dazai shakes his head. The idea of that almost makes him gag. “No, I don’t…I’m fine.”
“‘M’kay,” Chuuya says, to Dazai’s surprise. Dazai thinks he’s gotten the hint, now. “You still nauseous? I’ll get somethin’ for you.”
Dazai shakes his head again and somehow manages to force himself onto his shaky legs without much help. His stomach is still all out of sorts, but he knows nausea medication won’t be able to help. “Can we go lay down?”
Chuuya nods with a little sigh, using his ability to stand himself up without too much effort, taking Dazai’s hand like he’s leading him to his bedroom. Dazai’s been there a million times, there’s really no reason for him to do this, but he squeezes his hand tight. It feels nice.
“I’ll be right back. Gonna get a glass of water,” Chuuya says once Dazai curls up into the bed. Dazai’s facing away from him, but he can hear Chuuya take his phone before he wanders out of the bedroom.
Dazai knows he’s calling someone.
“Hey,” Chuuya starts. He sounds far away, like he’s in the kitchen, but Dazai can still hear him fairly well. “‘M sorry. I know I said I didn’t need anythin’, but…”
The voice says something, and Chuuya sighs, answering with a defeated yeah.
Dazai feels like he can relax a little more, and his stomach doesn’t hurt so much.
He curls up in the bed as if it’s his own, and before long, Chuuya returns to do the same, lying close beside Dazai, but far enough that Dazai can still see his face. He looks miserable. If he were standing, Dazai thinks he would certainly pass out.
“You look like shit,” Chuuya grumbles, his nose scrunched.
“I was just thinking about how much you look like shit,” Dazai tells him.
“At least I’ve got a good excuse,” Chuuya huffs. Dazai can’t argue with that, Chuuya’s the one with a fever. “You’re just worried about me. Freak.”
Dazai ducks his head in and cuddles up closer to Chuuya, a little flattered that he’s remembering that despite everything being so touch-and-go right now. His warmth is still a bit concerning, but it’s almost comforting. Dazai doesn’t know why, but he’s almost too tired to care.
“Take better care of yourself,” Dazai mumbles quietly.
“Take your own advice,” Chuuya says back, sounding just as exhausted as he looks. “Get some rest, shitty Mackerel.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice.
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Mirror had been watching Mage stumble around all morning, and he had frankly had enough. The next time Mage wandered close enough, Mirror grabbed his arm and waited a few seconds too long for Mage to register the touch.
"What's gotten into you?" Mirror demanded, letting Mage go once it was clear that he wasn't going to move past swaying on his feet.
The older man finally looked at Mirror, who instantly noticed bleary eyes and a runny nose.
"Oh my gods- did you catch Mini's bug?"
Mage raised a finger and opened his mouth as if to speak, then twitched and sneezed into his hand. He and Mirror both stared at the small pile of confetti in his palm.
Paper and sparkles fell from Mage's fingers as he signed, "Not contagious."
He almost looked smug.
Mirror blinked.
Then, "Oh my gods- you're sick, stop using your magic! You're hopelessly bad at self-care, you need to sit and relax and-"
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acasualcrossfade · 1 year
Hopelessly Bad at Self Care
Sicktember Day 1: "Hopelessly Bad at Self Care"
Stranger Things: Steve Harrington/ Eddie Munson
Words: 500 | Rating: G | CW: eye pain
@sicktember | divider art by @saradika
Summary: Steve’s eyes hurt from reading on the computer so Eddie finds a perfect solution.
Find me on Ao3!
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Steve sat on the couch with his laptop, struggling to make sense of the dancing words of the document in front of him as Eddie sat next to him. Steve worked in admissions and was put in charge of reading and editing a few new grants for the next year. The formal language of grants was new to him, and he could feel the throbbing headache that came with reading such small print on the computer. 
Even with his attempts to increase the font and lower the brightness, fifty-five pages of print was becoming a little too much for his eyes. Rubbing only made the pain worse and the blue light glasses hadn’t helped enough to warrant wearing them.
His eyes were burning like twin wildfires as he squinted. Giving up, Steve sat back with a groan of annoyance. He’d have to just wake up early to finish it.
“You want me to put in those dry eye drops we got?” Eddie asked.
Steve turned to glance at him. 
Eddie wore his usual sweatpants and tee, and the headset for the game he was playing was balanced around his neck. He sat in an easy folded seat with the Switch controller balanced on his knee. His paused game of Mario Kart blinked on their TV. 
“Yeah, but I forgot them at my desk.” Steve blinked hard and squeezed his eyes shut before opening them, hoping the tingling pain would subside, but the burning continued.
Eddie closed out of his game and set the controller aside to turn to Steve. “I’ll pick some up tomorrow so there’s some at the house. But c’mere lemme see ‘em?” 
Steve scooted closer to Eddie. Slowly but surely, Steve pried his eyes open and winced at the way they seemed to sizzle in protest. He blinked, and tried to keep them open so Eddie could inspect them.
“Shit, Stevie, they’re an angry red,” Eddie sympathized. “Can I?” Eddie reached for the laptop at Steve’s nod and pulled it onto his lap. “You said you’ve got fifty five pages to go through? And this is just one grant?”
Steve tilted his head back against the couch. “Yeah, something like that.”
“I can read it to you,” Eddie suggested, as he scrolled through the document. “Geez, they fit a lot in these. But if you’re able to listen and take notes, I don’t mind reading it.”
Steve shook his head slowly in protest. “Eds, it’s your time off. You should be kicking Dustin’s ass in Mario Kart.”
“Your eyes look like they want to fall out of your skull,” Eddie pressed. “You said you’ve got like, what, another week or so of this?”
“Yeah, meeting’s at the end of next week. And I’ve got three grants to go over.”
Eddie winced, and started reading. 
“Eds…” Steve cracked open one red eye. “You really don’t have to.”
“I want to.” Eddie gave Steve’s knee a squeeze.
So Steve nodded and closed his eyes as Eddie began to read. 
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faofinn · 1 year
1. Hopelessly Bad At Self-Care
Fao had been home from hospital about two weeks now, and was settling into life again. It had been slow and shaky to start, unused to living with Fred and Sheila and relying on them so much for everything. He felt 17 again, and it frustrated him. But they’d done so much for him, been through so much because of him, he was nothing but grateful for them. That didn’t make it easy, though, and there had been plenty of shouting from both parties. 
But things had settled now, Fao’s head had started to get better, but it still wasn’t perfect. He struggled to look after himself, still struggled to find a point in why he was still alive. He neglected his pain meds more often than not, desperate to feel something other than guilt or worse, nothing. 
He’d been slowly building up more and more with what he did day to day, more walking, things around the house. He’d done a lot yesterday, gone for a walk out that had ended up being further than anticipated, and he was paying for it today. He wanted his proper meds, the strong stuff they’d sent him home with, but he couldn’t find it. He’d put it somewhere, and now he didn’t know where, and he was in pain and overwhelmed. He’d tried to do more that morning, stand and make himself breakfast and coffee and have a cigarette, and all it had done was made it worse. He felt so frustrated, and uncomfortable, and useless. 
He’d gone back to bed, feeling sick and awful, and curled up on top of the duvet, face buried in the pillows as he tried not to sob, clutching Eeyore tightly. The bad thoughts he thought he’d left in hospital were teasing him, calling for an easier way out, and that just made it worse. He didn’t want that, he just wanted the pain to stop, and it just wouldn’t stop. 
Sheila had tried her best to not smother Fao, his breakdown over his breakfast not unnoticed. She'd already been told off for hovering, so left him alone as much as she could, though her every instinct screamed not to. She let Fao return to his room, though had expected him to take his medications to at least get a little relief. When he didn’t come back out, she grabbed his bottle from the kitchen cupboard, from where he'd asked her to put it, and headed to his room. 
She could hear Fao trying so hard not to break, and it brought a lump to her own throat. She swallowed thickly, tears welling up in her eyes. 
"Fao?" She knocked gently. "It's just me. Can I come in?"
His face buried in the pillows, he didn’t even have the energy to tell Sheila to piss off. In fact, he actually rather wanted some comfort from his mum. 
“Yeah.” He said thickly, his voice muffled. 
"Hey." She murmured softly, pushing the door open and moving to sit on the edge of the bed. She reached to run her fingers through his hair with a sigh. "When did you take your meds last?"
“Didn’t.” He whimpered. “Didn’t need it an’ then couldn’t find it.”
"Oh, sweetheart." She soothed. "Why didn't you say? Do you want some? I've got it here."
“Oh.” He sniffed. “Please.”
She hummed softly to herself as she drew up a dose before passing the syringe to her son. "Here, take this first, and then I've got some juice."
He forced himself to sit up, rolling onto his back first with a whine. He reached for the syringe, taking it with a grimace, and followed it with the juice Sheila gave him, feeling pathetic. 
“Thank you.” He mumbled. “Hug?”
"You're welcome." She murmured softly. "Where do you want me? I'm staying with you."
“Don’t have to stay.”
"Why wouldn't I?"
“Sick of me.”
"That's just the dick part of your brain talking." She chided gently. "Come on, get comfortable. I have snacks in my hoodie pocket, and I've got a film I want to watch."
He laid back down with a sigh, curling up with his Eeyore again. The nausea hadn’t gone anywhere, but he wasn’t about to ask Sheila for his antisickness, so he just settled down. Maybe some sleep would help, if he could get it. He curled into her, burying his face against her. 
"There you go." She hummed. "You just relax, try and get some rest. Do you need anything else?"
He was quiet for a minute, seeing if he could ignore the nausea. But it was still there, and the painkillers had made it worse. “Antisickness?” He asked softly. 
"Which one?"
"Here, then. Swallow the cyclizine, and then you can melt the ondansetron." She passed them to him from her pocket.
“Juice?” He asked, taking them from her. 
"Here you are."
He swallowed the Cyclizine with the juice, wincing at the taste, and then took the ondansetron to melt. That wasn’t great either, but it would help the nausea. He snuggled back down on the bed, curling back into his mum with a sigh. “Sorry.”
"Don't you apologise."
“I am sorry though.”
"What for? Being hopelessly bad at self care? Because that's the only thing you've done wrong, and we all know you've got a problem with that."
“Still.” He said, sniffing. 
"Hey, you’re not going to cry on me, are you?" She nudged him gently. "We're being as happy as we can be, positive thinking and all that bulshit, yeah?"
“Sorry.” His voice cracked. “Jus’ feel so shit.”
She drew shapes on his skin with one hand, the other playing with his hair. "I know, I know. It is shit, really, I know."
“I want to be better.”
"Look how far you've come."
“Not far enough.”
"You're home, you're here. That's more than far enough for today."
He sighed. “Love you.”
"I love you too, Fao." She stretched down to press a kiss to his messy hair. "I'm so very proud of you."
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whosmurphy · 1 year
Sicktember #1
Hopelessly bad at self care
i felt bad yesterday so have a drabble now :p
Doc opened the door to the garage. Einstein welcomed him, waving his tail at a quick pace, barking. Doc heard a single cough. "Hi, Doc" Marty's voice was lower than normal, his words were followed by another cough.
"Marty, I told you to stay in bed." Doc sighed, seeing his friend at the table, scribbling something. "Did you take your meds?"
"No." Marty looked away, focusing his eyes on Einstein.
"Did you eat the soup I prepared for you?"
"Did you drink the tea for your throat?"
"Did you do anything for yourself today?"
"I wrote a song!"
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fletcherwilbury · 1 year
@sicktember Day 1: Hopelessly Bad At Self-Care
Warning for Past injury, illness, past near character death, past abuse, past breaking and entering, self-neglect, and exhaustion.
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it feels like life weighs ten thousand tons
Events: Sicktember, Whumptember
Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care
Lashing out
Curled Up With a Pet
Minor self harm (Fallen angel picking up a blessed object)
Mentions of non-consensual touching (mentions of a character 'copping a feel')
This fill is written as a one-shot of my original story, Saudade. You can find my info page for Saudade here.
What context you need to read this is:
In Saudade, the Archangel Raphael Fell during the Rebellion. It was a misunderstanding that spiraled out of control, and he was thrown out by four angels while his partner, the Power Camael, tried to help him.
The angels who didn't Fall were made to forget those who did. They don't remember they ever knew them. As far as they know, all the Fallen were on the fringes of Heaven's society. If they asked around, they might go, "Wait, no one knew a Fallen?" But they Don't Ask Questions.
Raphael worked to gain Camael's trust again, and eventually won it. He regained his memories, then got the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, Raphael's siblings, to regain theirs. Now they're working on smoothing things over and reuniting Heaven and Hell.
Sicktember: Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care, Curled Up With a Pet Whumptember: Lashing out Raphael just wanted five minutes to himself. That wasn't too much to ask, was it? After all, he was only one person (by a certain definition of person), and he could only do so much to reunite Heaven and Hell. But, of course, the first time he has a moment to breathe is when it all comes crashing down on his shoulders. Thank, well, not God, for Lilith.
can be read on AO3 or below the cut
Characters mentioned: (not necessary, but for context)
Raphael - Fallen Archangel, male. Not well-liked in Hell because he worked to thwart the Rebellion, and didn't Rebel. Legally blind.
Camael - Power, male. Raphael's partner from before his Fall, now his partner again after regaining his memory.
Michael - Raphael and Gabriel's sister, the first angel ever made. Leader of Heaven's army. Secondary leader of Heaven. Female.
Gabriel - Raphael and Michael's little brother, the third angel ever made. Leader of Heaven's army, messenger of Heaven. Male.
Berith - Fallen Virtue, now a Duke of Hell. One of the eight Fallen that guard the entrance and exit to Hell. Raphael's boss. Male.
Asmodeus - Fallen Cherub, now a King of Hell. One of the eight Fallen that guard the entrance and exit to Hell. Infamously lecherous. Male.
Lilith - Adam's first wife, Fell for refusing to obey him. Became close friends after Raphael took her under his wing. Female.
Lethe - Fallen Seraph. A relative nobody in Heaven, but a great Inventor. Turned into a humanoid water-monster in her Fall, guardian of the River Lethe. Close friend of Raphael. Female.
Agares - Fallen Power, now a Duke of Hell, with a massive grudge against Raphael. Male.
Rasiel - Angel. Therapist of Heaven. Was one of the angels who threw Raphael out of Heaven after being manipulated. Deeply regrets it. Male.
Kundaniel - Throne. Archivist. Female.
Andras - Fallen Principality, now a Marquis. One of the eight Fallen that guard the entrance and exit to Hell. Female.
Jehoel - Dominion, female. Uncertain on reuniting Heaven and Hell.
Terms, etc.:
Sphere - There are nine ranks of angel, each with a different title and duty. The higher the rank, the more powerful.
Hell's Hierarchy - A ranking system implemented by Lucifer in an attempt at creating order in Hell. Having a higher title doesn't mean the Fallen is more powerful, but they have more clout and, often, more Fallen and demons under their command.
Raphael, if he could, did all he could to stay out of Hell.
By and large, he did well. Having a phone now, Berith could text or call if he needed him. Lilith and Lethe handled wrangling the Fallen well, in convincing them to put out, and accept, olive branches to Heaven. In fact, it was best he stayed out of their way; time didn’t flow the same in Hell as it did on Creation, but it had still been aeons since the Fall, and he was still hated. If he was the one trying to unite Hell’s half of Heaven and Hell, it would go very poorly, very quickly.
That didn’t mean he was sitting on his ass, though.
Lilith knew nothing of Heaven, having been human before her Fall. And it was so easy to forget that, with how quickly she’d taken to Hell, nothing more than a duck to water. But he had to teach her about Heaven, and he found there was so much to teach. So much that he took for granted, social graces that came to him naturally, for all he’d never been particularly extroverted, left her floundering. That she had no ranking - that she was no Virtue, no Dominion nor Power nor Principality nor Virtue nor even Angel, caught him up too. Because Heaven, for all it tried to be equal, still relied on its ranks. The Dominions mentored even young Seraphim, Angels did tasks for everyone else. Romances and friendships spanned all Spheres, but everyone was well aware of what they were, and what everyone else was capable of.
A Virtue, even if only a single rank higher than a Power, was undeniably more powerful than a Power. Perhaps not stronger, but their divinity carried more of a punch, and they could do more with it. And a Power was more, well, powerful than a Principality.
So finding where Lilith fit into that threw him. Ranks were causing far more trouble than any of them had expected.
Because it wasn’t just Lilith who lacked a rank. The demons - those who’d never known Heaven, who’d been borne of Hell, not of Eden or Creation - didn’t either. None of them did, not even in Hell. Lucifer had never ranked even the most powerful of them, the most accomplished.
And that, too, was a problem. Not just in where the Fallen stood - was a Fallen Virtue to be treated the same as a Virtue in the Host? Or should they be treated as a Power, a Principality? As punishment for Rebelling so long ago? But then that would cause strife because no Fallen would accept being treated as lesser.
But Hell had its system now, too. It didn’t affect how powerful they were, as Heaven’s did. But they were treated in Hell as if they did, given control over legions of Hellish beings. Agares had been a Power before his Fall, stronger only than Principalities, Archangels, and Angels, weaker than the five other ranks. But in Hell, he’d been made a Duke, the second most powerful of the eight titles. Nine, if you counted those who had no title. Ten, if you counted the Grigori, who stood apart. Should he be treated as a middling Power? Or as something more powerful?
Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel were pulling their hair out over it.
And building relationships back with Heaven… well, that wasn’t exactly a cakewalk, either. Angels who got their memories back, realizing the Fallen they’d fought with, even killed, were angels they’d known once. Sometimes they’d been parental figures, older sibling figures, friends, or romantic partners. Other times they’d been child figures, in the case of Dominions who’d killed their charges, or little-sibling figures. Rasiel, as great as he was (as much as Raphael hated to admit it), could only help so many angels at once. And Raphael, apparently, was becoming the go-to for couples, or friends, or similar, who’d reunited and needed advice. After all, he and Camael had managed, so couldn’t he help them?
Every time he stepped foot in Heaven, it felt like he was being swarmed. And considering how isolated he’d been for the last… how many years? It had been over four and a half billion years on Earth, but time didn’t flow the same in Hell, and they didn’t perceive it the same besides, but that was still a damn long time. It was making him want to shove the next angel, Fallen, demon, human, or otherwise, who walked up to him and asked if he ‘had a moment’.
He’d have a fit, is what he’d have.
He loved spending time with his siblings, of course, and Camael, and catching up with them. It had been a very long time, after all. And Rasiel was doing all he could to make it up to him. Raphael couldn’t be prouder of his students; they’d all really come into their own. He was enjoying getting to know all the new angels who’d been made to heal - a good thing, seeing as Heaven had only grown larger and larger.
Going into Hell, though. Well, Creation wasn’t safe. Humans could be dangerous in their own way, and Creation had its own dangers; animals, of course, and nature itself. He still had nightmares of Pompeii. And Heaven wasn’t, either. There were more than a few angels who weren’t happy about Heaven and Hell reuniting. Though they’d tried, neither he, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, or Camael had been able to work out why some of them Fell but others didn’t.
But Hell was still Hell. Hellhounds that reached his hip on the hunt, imps swarming to feast, Damned souls suffering. And, of course, Fallen taking out their hurts on others.
Hell (pun unintended), some Fallen weren’t even taking their hurts out on others. They’d had a very long time to get used to it. But that was just ‘how it’s done’, so they’d kept doing it. And the demons had followed in their stead. So, though not with the same fervor as they once had, many Fallen and demons made Hell treacherous.
Still, Raphael did have to go down to Hell sometimes. To meet with Lethe when she didn’t come up to see him. She’d tried to get a phone but kept breaking them when she forgot to put them somewhere safe before diving into her river. And imps were as far from reliable letter carriers as you could get. To meet with Lilith, when Hell’s notoriously faulty phone service failed them.
Or, like now, when he couldn’t find something he knew he had. He’d searched everywhere it could be in Heaven, which wasn’t many because he usually only brought himself Up. Had scoured his apartment, which hadn’t taken long, as spartan as he kept it. Had searched every one of his pocket dimensions, and hadn’t found the scrolls he needed. He’d even had Camael check his apartment, though there was no reason he’d have ever brought them over there.
He didn’t even know the contents of the scrolls, which he’d found and kept on a whim back in the days of the Achaemenid Empire. But Kundaniel was near-desperate for them, whatever they were.
There was only one other place he kept things, so he’d made his way through Hell. Well, that he kept things and knew where they were. He was pretty bad about losing things, but even he wasn’t bad enough to lose an armful of scrolls. Asmodeus had clung to him like a bad smell, as he always did, so it had been hours before he’d even gotten past the Guards. Andras, as always, was no help, only encouraging him.
Every time, he forgot how draining it was. Having to sneak on edge more than ever, looking over his shoulder to make sure he wasn’t followed. He hadn’t guarded the location of his home so jealously for so long just to have it found out by being inattentive.
The cave, he’d sworn when he’d settled in it, would never become home. But it had, in a way. In its familiarity, in the softness of his star-woven rug. In its illusion of safety, until he’d found those sigils that made it truly safe. Still, it didn’t hold a candle to his apartment now, with Camael not far away, fairy lights strung across the walls, and made perfect for his faulty eyesight.
The sigils, he noted as he sidled into the cave, needed to be touched up. If they wore away much more, they’d start letting in imps and lesser dangers.
Raphael took a deep breath as he stepped into his cave, looking around. It had been a while since he’d come to it, and he’d forgotten that he’d left it in a rush. His rug lay in a heap, constellations twinkling awkwardly. A pair of boots, in the fashion popular in the 60s, slumped against the far wall—he’d been intending on storing them, as he’d found them comfortable, but forgotten to. Next to them was a dirtied muslin gown he’d been attempting (rather poorly) to darn, dropped to the dirt in his hurry. He grimaced, looking around.
That damn ushabti laid in the center of the room, though he’d swear he’d stashed it away.
The cave wasn’t big enough for him to see particularly well - he could only really make out the edges of it - but the scrolls would have stuck out like a sore thumb. Even he could make out smears of tan against brown dirt.
He sighed again, pressing the heels of his palms against his eyes.
Where were the fucking scrolls?
Who lost scrolls? Who lost two-thousand-year-old scrolls?
Him, apparently.
Could one thing go right? He’d fumbled talking to Jehoel, Asmodeus had managed to cop a feel, he was fairly certain Michael was beginning to realize he couldn’t, in fact, see her seeing as he’d tripped over a polearm that had fallen but was, apparently, very visible. ‘Are you fucking blind?’ Had been Gabriel’s laughing words, but Michael, who was positioned just right for Raphael to be able to see her with absolute clarity, had had a look on her face he didn’t like. Camael, he was certain, was starting to realize something wasn’t right. Raphael had been stupid enough to stop paying so much attention in his apartment. Camael, for all he liked new things, loved familiarity; he’d had stainless steel, white everything, and glass tables since when neon was all the rage for house colors, and Raphael had never known him to get a new piece of furniture. Like Raphael, he moved every decade or so before anyone could start noticing his lack of aging. Even still, almost every apartment was laid out the same way.
So he’d been shocked when, looking at Camael as he talked, he’d stepped where he knew clear floor to be and felt the corner of the coffee table strike his shin. He’d fallen spectacularly, only able to be thankful that he’d landed off the table instead of on it because that would surely have been far more painful.
This was why he hated glass furniture.
Then again, if this was what came of using all his luck to get his family back, he wouldn’t complain. He’d take bad luck for the rest of his life if he had to.
The sigils flared an alert against his consciousness as he heard dirt shifting behind him. There wasn’t a sound of pain or a feeling of alarm, so he closed his eyes and took another deep breath.
“Hey Raphi,” Lilith said. He opened his eyes and stared at the far wall, then turned to greet her. He’d almost hoped it was someone with intent on harming him.
“Hey,” he said, perhaps a bit too harshly.
“You have a minute?” She asked, wiping dirt off her jeans.
Did he have a moment?
“Do I-?” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “Do I have a moment?” Lilith stared at him in obvious confusion. “Do I have a moment?” His voice rose in volume.
“I only have to figure out how to get Asmodeus not to act like a Goddamned nymphomaniac because angels are complaining, Berith to act like a person because he’s freaking people out, work out the ranks, figure out who the Hell keeps setting shit on fire in Heaven, figure out who keeps sending me holy water, get Agares off my back, play counselor to half of Heaven and Hell, and find these damn scrolls I couldn’t care less about! Yeah, I have all the time in the fucking world!”
Lilith blinked at him, wide-eyed. The chihuahua-shaped hellhounds at her feet shivered, but they always did that. “Well,” she finally said, “tell me how you really feel.”
His face flushed an ugly, blotchy silver. To keep from saying something he would certainly regret, or doing something he would certainly regret (he was getting better at thinking before he acted, Camael would be very proud of him), he spun on his heel and stalked to the center of the room.
Or maybe not, because he snapped “How I really feel?” He stooped, picking up the ushabti with his bare hands. The holy object met his skin with a sound like meat thrown on a hot, greased pan, and Lilith lurched towards him with an alarmed sound. “I feel like everyone should leave me the Hell alone for five damn minutes!”
Lilith smacked the ushabti out of his hand, sending it skittering across the dirt. “Are you insane?” She unpeeled his clenched fingers, hissing when steam rose from his blistering hand.
Canines elongating, he snarled.
“Just because you’re pissy doesn’t mean you can go off at me, damn!” Lilith scowled at him. “Or pick up something blessed with bare hands. You think you’re going to be useful to anyone without a hand?”
He tried to pull his hand away, but she had a very tight grip. She flicked her talons out, digging them into his flesh in warning. “You’re not going to be useful to anyone if you snap, you know. You need to take a break.”
Her brown eyes met his, and he had to look away. “A break? When do I have time for that?”
“You have to make time.” With that, he yelped as she shoved him away. His balance already precarious, he tripped. Bracing for a painful landing, he was startled to find himself landing on a pile of - were those furs? Animal pelts? Who still used animal pelt piles? Even in Hell, they’d largely made the switchover to sleeping bags, cots, and futons.
He blinked up at her owlishly. Before he could do more than push up onto his elbows, beginning to say “What’s wrong with you?”, she stooped down, picking up Momo.
Oh no.
Raphael hated many things. What humans had done to isicia omentata. Rome. Loud noises and bright lights. Dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets. Things that felt goopy. Fake tans. The word ‘supple’ in English, ‘dedo do pé’ in Portuguese, and ‘brustwarze’ in German. Horses. Clowns (they were just rip-offs of jesters. Jesters were better and looked less terrifying). Palm trees.
But he hated Momo and Nina, worst of all.
They were hellhounds, which meant he didn’t like them on principle. Hellhounds were nasty creatures, with a tendency to bite first and ask questions never. And they confused him. They confused all of Hell, actually. While she considered Momo male and Nina female, Hellhounds were sexless. No one knew how they reproduced, they just did. One day you had one, the next you had the one and a pack of hellfire-eyed, stone-toothed puppies with less self-control than regular dog puppies.
When you compressed that into a form small enough that a child could punt it and spoiled it out of Hell, you ended up with a hellhound that felt the need to prove itself. Or, in their case, two.
Nasty things, but she loved them to death. He’d been the one to help her pick them out of a litter they’d found in a cave, and he’d regretted it ever since.
Raphael scrambled to stand, but she was faster. Momo landed on his stomach, knocking the breath from his lungs. He froze - that little face was innocent, muzzle short and blunt, eyes wide and round, ears comically large, and Lilith kept his long, brown and white fur immaculate. But those teeth were far too long and far too sharp, and there was too much red in those brown eyes. Lilith let them nap in her lap for hours, but he’d seen how suddenly they could move, and how quickly they could cover ground. Of the many things he’d seen in his long life, Nina going from a dead sleep to ripping open an imp twenty feet down the tunnel was one of the scariest. He wouldn’t have time to twitch before Momo’s teeth were buried in his throat.
Momo plopped his butt down, plume-like tail wagging.
“Phone,” Lilith demanded, holding out her hand.
He refused to look away from Momo’s unblinking eyes. “What?”
“Give me your phone. You need a break. I’m getting you one.”
“I’m not-”
She stooped down, still holding out her hand. Raphael whimpered when she straightened, holding Nina threateningly in her other hand.
“Phone,” she said, grinning. His fear of them was a never-ending source of amusement for her. Nina yipped, wriggling, paddling her hind legs where they dangled. The light that came off the single torch in his cave shone oddly against her blueish, brown-orange and white, disturbingly short fur.
Raphael whimpered in horror as Momo leaned forward to lick his chin.
“I know your phone has voice… whatever it’s called. I’m not afraid to use it. You want me to call them through your pants?”
She stretched out her arm, dangling Nina over him.
Raphael gave her his phone.
Nina landed in his lap. He yelped, going rigid, as she circled to get comfortable. Her pin-prick nails dug into his legs.
He yelped, startled, as Lilith flopped down onto the furs beside him. “Your phone makes me sad,” she said, flicking between Michael, Gabriel, and Camael’s contacts. “You need to add stickers, or a nice case, or a keychain. Just, make it look less like an old man phone?”
“’s not an old man phone,” Raphael grumbled. Even if it was, wasn’t he technically an old man? But he liked his phone. It was black and white and plain and sturdy. It didn’t have any of those ridiculous extra things people added. Who needed pop-out things on the back? Or sparkly cases? Just seemed a waste of time and money to him. “I like it.”
He went cross-eyed as, Nina having curled up in his lap, Momo leaned forward to lick his nose.
“You make me sad,” Lilith said.
Lilith told him that a lot.
“Now lie down,” she pushed down on his chest. He went down with a grunt. Momo flopped forward, curling up on his chest, and immediately began to snore. Smoke puffed from his nostrils with every breath in time with the smoke pluming from Nina’s, like she were some tiny dragon.
“You are going to sleep,” Lilith said, twisting to rest her head on his shoulder, pinning him down, “for at least a few hours. Then you are going to relax for a few days.”
“Raph, you’re a dick when you’re stressed. You want to blow all this up because someone asked you for a moment when you were trying to take a break? Angels are already trying to prove we’re not safe to be around.”
She did have a point. He sighed. Momo grunted, squirming to get comfortable. His nails dug into Raphael’s chest to hold him still.
“I don’t like you.”
Lilith grinned, knowing she’d won. “Love you too.” She flicked to Michael’s contact (that they had become fast friends worried him. They could take over Heaven, Hell, and Creation if they put their heads together) and pressed call.
He had a pocket-sized apex predator on his chest and another on his lap.
How she expected him to sleep, he had no idea.
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autobot2001 · 1 year
Sleep Struggles
1 of 6 one-shots for Sicktember 2023
Fandom: Transformers ( Bayverse movies? Characters: Crosshairs, Drift, Jamie (OC) Prompts: Day 1: hopelessly Bad at self-care. Alt 4; forehead kisses Warning: Depression, poor mental health Description; Jamie's mental health is terrible to the point where she's terrible at self-care and struggles to sleep.
"I don't know what we're going to do," Drift tells Crosshairs, "Jamie's mental health has been a struggle since we met her years ago, but not like this." The two walk into their room and see Jamie asleep on the couch. The barely touched coffee cake muffin on the coffee table. The two know Jamie finishing her coffee means nothing when she barely eats. They hate she fell asleep, and it's only noon, but Jamie didn't sleep well yet again. Both don't want to discuss how bad Jamie's mental health has been. Her self-care has been bad. They've grown tired of talking about the situation when they feel like there's not much they can do to help her. "You don't think Ratchet will start arguing we need to put a G-tube in?" Drift asks. Crosshairs knows the concern isn't just Jamie losing weight but also not getting what she needs. He can't argue how that decision won't be made. Crosshairs hugs Drift. The subject is changed to Jamie's sleep struggle. With an idea in mind, the two go to the cafeteria, knowing they'll be able to check on their friend throughout the afternoon.
While they know this can't be routine, the two mechs decide to get McDonald's for dinner. Worried about the lack of calories Jamie has eaten today. Both deciding to do the plan at eight. The three watch TV. The two mechs are happy seeing Jamie eating.
"What would we do if you two weren't together?" Crosshairs jokes. "That's not funny when she won't say we're together." I should have known he wouldn't like that joke. Crosshairs regrets. "I'm sorry," Crosshairs apologizes. He tells Jamie he'll be back and leaves the room as the two planned. Crosshairs sits in the hallway by the room. He told Drift he'd be in the upstairs lounge room, but now Crosshairs doesn't want to go far even if it doesn't matter where he is.
Drift is troubled by Crosshairs' terrible joke and why Jamie won't say she and Drift are together. Even if it's not a secret. The blank stare from Jamie doesn't help as she's in the tub. It's hard knowing she won't say we're together, but it's more troubling when the reason why it's a good thing she's ok with me seeing her nude is to sit here and make sure she doesn't try to drown herself.
Crosshairs gets a text from Drift telling him he can come back. He walks into the room and sees Drift holding Jamie on his bed. Crosshairs sits beside Drift, seeing Jamie isn't asleep yet but is falling asleep. "I love you," Drift whispers and kisses Jamie's forehead. Crosshairs rakes Jamie's hand but says nothing.
After a few minutes, Drift puts Jamie in bed. He lies with her until she falls asleep. Crosshairs pulls Drift up to hug him as the mech moves to the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry," he apologizes again. "It's fine; it's just hard that she won't say we're together, and her mental health affects her self-care. " "You stayed with her?" "Yes, I hate how I don't dare leave her alone in the tub." Crosshairs doesn't know what else to say. Both know their mental health is being affected by watching Jamie struggle. Crosshairs knows Drift hasn't been able to meditate, which was how he would help his mental health. They both know they need to take care of themselves to be able to help Jamie, even if, for now, it has turned into taking care of her. Both worry Jamie's sleep struggle is going to be frequent.
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rwfanficrw · 10 days
Sicktember Day 1
Sicktember 2024
Day 1: “I’m not hungover, I’m just sick” (Or vise versa)
Notes: Still getting my feet wet but the general plot is the same as my original. I'm just trying not to write 20 pages of it XD
“You drank too much last night, I told you to be careful.”
Cye rolled his eyes turning away from the other that entered the kitchen behind him. He just sipped at his tea knowing it would help. “You drank like a fish as well if I recall.”
“Yeah well, I don’t have POTS.” Rowen walked up behind him reaching up to get a coffee cup out, his other hand pressed gently on the small of the other’s back. He sat his cup down then glances over at hearing the grumbling, “You can pout all ya want, buddy, but you know how it messes with ya.”
He looked around the kitchen and realized Cye had still made coffee that morning. They had stopped making it once Sage went to America. Rowen couldn’t (well Cye wouldn’t let him) drink the entire pot by himself. “Don’t tell me you’re drinking coffee now..”
“What? No. Mia said she was coming over and so I thought you both would enjoy it. I prefer my tea, thank you very much.” The younger warrior looks back down at his tea trying to ignore how crappy he felt. He sighs, “Rowen.”
“…do you think Sage is alright? I-I mean he wasn’t at the party last night and he wasn’t back soon enough for that doctor’s appointment – the way he spoke two weeks ago, there was no way he was missing it.” Cye rambled a bit between English and Japanese. Something he did when he was nervous and worrying. “I’m probably over reacting a-and all that but..”
The blue haired warrior takes a sip of his coffee glancing over, “You remember last night?”
“What? Of course I remember… well… most of it anyway.” At Rowen’s raised eyebrow the youngest warrior sighed loudly, “The important things, Rowen!! I remember he wasn’t there and I remember that doctor’s appointment… the way he went off about it, I knew you both had something planned.”
“Easy buddy, easy.” The other laughed walking over. He reaches out and steadies Cye as he wavers. “No need to get all worked up. Sage didn’t want to miss it because it was a new doctor. With the last three being duds, he and I were both ready to go in there guns blazing. I think he was more there to stop me from causing a typhoon, but regardless… and yeah it was weird about Ryo’s birthday. I think that’s why Mia is coming over later.”
They were silent for a few seconds before Cye’s eyes widened, “Oh no. The apartment, it’s a mess.” He pushes past Rowen hurrying into the sitting area. “Come along, pick up your clothes and shoes…the plates are in here a-and..”
Rowen followed a bit slower then realized how much the apartment had gone to the wayside. Before POTS, Cye was obsessed with keeping everything clean. Once it hit though, the water bearer didn’t have the energy to keep it up.
It wasn’t a disaster by any means but it definitely looked lived in.
…minus those plates and half empty glasses.
He sighs, “Ok look, I’ll clean up if you’ll rest.”
“I can’t rest with my home looking as it is and we’re both in our pajamas. What will Mia think?”
“That we both got ourselves drunk at our Best Friend’s birthday?” Rowen picks up a plate then a glass. “Sit down before you faint.”
The other wavered unsteadily before leaning against the back of his couch taking a few deep breaths. It wasn’t that he could control the fainting, if he was going down, he’d go regardless. But sometimes he’d get lucky and breathe his way through it.
“Listen to me – just because Sage could be missin’ does not mean we let the POTS and your health go down the drain.” Rowen says as he comes back into the den. He hurries over and catches Cye as he sags to the side. “I gotcha.” He gently eases himself and Cye to the ground before helping the other sit up against the back of the couch.
Cye leaned back his breathing heavy, “…s-so you think something is wrong?”
“Well yeah. You’re about to faint, buddy.” At the half glare he sighed, “Yeah I do. But I can’t focus on finding him if I’m too worried about you falling apart.”
“I can take care of myself..”
“By drinking too much and not nursing the hang over?”
Cye’s head dropped to Rowen’s shoulder, his eyes closed as he realized he hadn’t prevented it. He feels a hand pressing against his forehead and leans into it.
“I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Rowen sits back relaxing a bit at feeling Cye go limp against him. The relief was only temporary. He was only relieved it had happened now instead of later where he couldn’t be there to catch him.
Now he was left alone with his own thoughts.
If Sage was missing how was he going to get to New York and help Cye with the POTS at the same time? The diagnosis was only a few months old and they were still figuring it out. The fact that Cye wasn’t in the hospital this morning was an accomplishment and one he was proud of.
But now what?
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fanfictasia · 1 year
Sicktember Day 1
Hopelessly Bad Self-Care
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from The Mushroom Strikes Back
“Are you sure you’re in a condition to be fighting, sir?” Cody asks, coming to a stop next to Anakin.
Why the clones are so worried about him, when their brothers are dying all around them, he doesn’t know. Yes, they were trained to expect this, but it’s… He can’t even imagine that.
This is one of the first battles he’s ever fought in, since the war broke out only a few weeks ago. Obi-Wan was assigned charge of the 212th, primarily because of his newly appointed Council seat. Anakin hasn’t gotten a separate division yet, even though he’s already a Knight, so he’s working with Obi-Wan’s right now.
His former master was called back to Coruscant from some other urgent duties, though, which means he’s the one in charge right now. And it’s… terrifying, even if Cody is doing just as much of the leading.
He’s hardly had the chance to sleep at all, except an occasional hour or two at a time, since Obi-Wan left. Aside from fighting, he also has to help Cody with directing all the troop movements, so there hasn’t been any time to sleep, no matter how exhausted he might be. He can see that same exhaustion just as keenly on Cody himself.
“Yes.” Even if his head is still hurting, and occasional burning pain pulses through his arm. He’s still adjusting to having a mechanical limb. He thought it would stop hurting after he got a replacement, and it has, though his body is still struggling to adjust to the changes. It’s… definitely unpleasant.
“Watch out for the mushrooms,” Cody warns, “They have toxins and you don’t have a helmet.”
He’s usually resistant to things like that; both from being a Jedi and half-Force. It makes him slightly different from normal humans in ways he doesn’t really understand. So, whatever these mushrooms are, he’s not really worried about it. “I will keep an eye out,” Anakin assures him, and they start forwards into the trees again.
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Fic title : You Just Threw Up Blood (Please Rest)
@sicktember 2023 prompt : Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care
Rating : Teen & Up Audiences
Fandom : Arcane: League of Legends
Pairing : Viktor & Sky
Additional tags : Viktor Needs a Hug (League of Legends), Vomiting, Mild Blood, Exhaustion, Sky (Arcane: League of Legends) Takes Care of Viktor (League of Legends), Mobility Aids, Canon Disabled Character, Physical Disability, Terminal Illnesses, Sickfic, Caring Sky (Arcane: League of Legends), Mild Hurt/Comfort, Nausea
Word count : 929
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fairyniceyeah · 22 days
⌛🐶🧸 Day 1: “I’m not hungover, I’m just sick”
Summary: After going out drinking together, Yunho is sick and Jongho is hungover.
CW: emeto, alcohol
Sickie(s): Yunho + Jongho  Caretaker: Jongho + Hongjoong
Yunho groaned, nauseously bent over the toilet in the dorm Hongjoong, Wooyoung and Jongho shared. He had been in there for at least an hour, if not more.
He kinda wished he had not drank so much the night before, rather not drank at all. His stomach had felt off back then and still he had tried to drink Jongho under the table. Jongho, of all people. Their maknae probably had the best alcohol tolerance out of all of them. What had he thought?
A burp and sour bile slithering up his throat stopped his further train of thought. Instead he moved his head from where he had rested it on the cool toilet seat over the water again, just in time for a mouthful of bile - puke? alcohol? bad decisions? - to spill into it. 
Whatever it was, it hurt his throat a lot. No matter how disgusting it was, Yunho was too exhausted to flush. His head throbbed and he could feel the hot fever burning under his skin, making him hot and cold at the same time. The offending thermometer that had revealed his fate when he doubted he could feel that bad just from being hungover laid at his side.
While he was kinda glad that Jongho had dragged him to his apartment - his own dorm mate Yeosang was visiting his sister with Wooyoung, so Yunho would have been alone - he was still alone. He wasn’t sure if Hongjoong was even home and Jongho was surely deeply asleep in his own alcohol haze. 
Oh God, what Yunho would have given to be asleep at the moment too.
Or have somebody stay with him. He felt tears prickle at his eyes, knowing he was overly tired and emotionally from the rather high fever.
Yunho must have drifted off even in his less than optimal sleeping position, as he woke up to laughter.
He blinked his eyes open, wiping away the crustiness with one hand, and winced at the light stabbing his retinas. Why had somebody turned on the lights?
“You really can’t hold your liquor, hyung”, Jongho teased, “why did you even try?”
The maknae sounded much too gleeful and too full of schadenfreude for this hour. 
“I hate you”, Yunho moaned. 
His stomach lurched and he only barely managed to turn his head over the toilet bowl before a bit of bile came up.
Even while he loved teasing his hyungs, Jongho was also responsible and kind. So Yunho wasn’t surprised to feel a hand on his back, rubbing gentle circles. 
Coughing a bit, Yunho wiped his mouth and slumped backwards against the wall, squeezed in between the toilet and the sink cabinet. 
“Jeez, how long have you been in here? You’re basically empty”, Jongho said, now a bit worried. Yunho shrugged. He didn’t know. He hadn’t gone to sleep after they had come home, trying to calm his churning stomach down before having to sprint to the bathroom nevertheless.
Jongho sighed, reached up to flush the toilet, washed his hands and then reached out to Yunho.
“No, don’t come closer”, Yunho protested. He didn’t want to get Jongho sick.
The maknae raised his eyebrows. “Dude, you’re hungover. The only way that is contagious is if the other person went drinking with you. And I don’t get hungover.”
“I’m not hungover either”, Yunho mumbled and then pouted, “I’m just sick.”
“Yeah, sure, you tell yourself that”, Jongho said with a laugh, clearly not believing him. 
“Jongho”, Yunho replied, a bit annoyed and his patience running thin. He didn’t want to be mocked. “I am running a fever and I started throwing up before I even stopped being drunk. I’m not hungover, I already threw up all the alcohol before it could start.”
Jongho’s eyes widened nearly comically. 
“I’m so sorry, hyung”, he apologized, stumbling a bit over his words. It was then that Yunho realized that Jongho, unlike himself, was still slightly drunk. “I didn’t know.”
“I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have snapped”, Yunho replied, patting Jongho’s knee. “Why don’t you go back to bed and sleep it off?”
Yes, Yunho wanted company. But he wasn’t going to subject his maknae to this.
“Nope”, Jongho said, “I’m staying. I’ll help you.”
Even hours later Yunho was so nauseous. While he wanted Jongho to get some sleep, he wished the maknae hadn’t fallen asleep about an hour ago.
Jongho had turned out to be a perfect caretaker, silently rubbing his back and fetching him water if needed, even turning into a pillow. Now, however, he was sitting up against the closed shower door, head dropping down and snoring a bit. It couldn't be comfortable but Yunho didn’t have the strength to wake him.  
Yunho’s stomach was so empty it was cramping with hunger but he knew he would just throw up again if he ate. He was also pretty sure his fever had risen since he last took his temperature.
Maybe he should take it again but the thought alone made him gag. His body jerked forwards but he couldn’t be bothered to move over the toilet. He was empty anyways. Spit and bile dangled from his lips, his throat seizing …
And then a sleepy Hongjoong walked in. 
The leader jumped half a meter into the air in shock before exclaiming: “Jesus, Yunho, you scared me.” But to his credit, he rushed over to his sick dongsaeng without hesitation, coming to kneel in front of him.
Hongjoong tenderly stroked back Yunho’s sweaty hair and grabbed a few pieces of toilet paper to wipe the younger’s mouth. 
“Morning, hyung”, Yunho mumbled, “welcome to the party.”
“It’s more of a pity party, hm?”, Hongjoong replied with a glance at Jongho. “How long have you been in here? Do you feel better? I guess, I can spare myself the told you so?”
“I’m not hungover”, Yunho repeated the words he had said to Jongho earlier, “I’m just sick. I’m running a fever and I started puking before I even had a chance to get hungover.”
“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry”, Hongjoong whispered, pulling Yunho into his arms. Yunho sighed, finally feeling content with hugging his hyung. “Do you want to go to bed?”
Yes. Above all, Yunho wanted to lie down. He nodded against Hongjoong’s shoulder and the captain ruffled his hair before pulling back.
“Can you get up?”
That was the question, wasn’t it? It was soon very clear that, no, Yunho could not get up. His legs had fallen asleep and were so shaky they couldn’t hold him up anyways, not even with Hongjoong supporting him. Their height and weight difference was too high.
“Maybe you should wake Jongho-yah”, Yunho muttered, resigned. 
Hongjoong nodded. “He took care of you before?”
“Hmhm. And then the traitor fell asleep. He was kinda drunk so I can’t even blame him.”
Hongjoong laughed a bit and then rose to his feet to gently shake Jongho awake. “Hey baby, wake up. We need your help for a moment.”
Jongho nodded slowly, and let Hongjoong pull him to his feet. Once upright, his face suddenly turned a pale green and before either of the other two could react, he stumbled to the sink and instantly threw up. 
Hongjoong cursed and raced after him, patting his back. 
“You’re sick too?”, he asked worriedly.
Jongho washed out his mouth with the tap water and then shook his head. “I’m not sick, I’m just hungover.”
“I thought you didn't get hangovers.”
“Fuck off.”
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Sicktember 2024
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
Sicktember Day 1 - Hopelessly Bad at Self Care
Tumblr media
Fandom: Stranger Things (Canonverse)
Summary: Platonic Stobin; Robin knows Steve is getting sick before he does
Word count: 500
They’re finishing up the evening shift at family video when Steve starts to cough. He pats his fist against his chest in a joking way, not even knowing he did it.
Robin glances over at her friend who’s counting the cash in the register. He sniffles and looks up to meet her stare.
“What??” He asks, “Quit staring at me.”
“You feeling okay over there Casanova?” she quirks an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah. Fine.” He stares at her waiting for further explanation.
“Nothing. Go drink some water.”
Steve shrugs and goes back to counting the cash, clearing his throat. “I’m fine.”
He brushes off the comment, genuinely perplexed why Robin seemed to be in his business all of a sudden. He made sure to finish counting the change before he slipped away to the back, taking a swig of water. His throat did feel a little scratchy now, but Robin didn’t need to know that.
“You need a ride home Robin? Looks like it’s gonna rain.” Steve asked when he came back.
She was finishing sweeping the floors and perked up at the offer. “Sure! If it’s not too much trouble.”
“I practically drive you everywhere else Robs.” He laughed and rolled his eyes. “Get your crap, let’s go.”
Steve wakes up around 8am the next morning feeling like garbage. Not bedridden terrible, but bad enough to cancel his brunch with Robin that was scheduled for later.
He stared tiredly at the pale reflection as he brushed his teeth before padding downstairs. The Harrington residence was empty - not an unusual occurrence anymore. The brunette coughed into his sleeve on the way to the kitchen where the landline was.
He was just about to pick up the phone when a knock on the door startled him. It was probably one of the kids wanting to drag him out to do something dumb. He wasn’t going to answer but -
- the loud sneeze gave him away. Fuck.
He scrubbed at his nose, opening the door, surprised to see Robin staring at him.
“Bless you! I brought you some stuff!”
She smiled, pushing past him and letting herself in, dumping the contents of the plastic bag onto his kitchen table: some cans of soup, cold medicine, tissues and cough drops.
“Ta Da!” She gestured at the table.
“How’d you know I’m sick? I didn’t even call you yet.”
“Oh I knew yesterday.” She retorted, “You’re welcome!”
Steve blinked slowly in confusion. “Thanks. I meant to call you about brunch, I-”
“Don’t worry about it, Dingus. There’s a reason I brought these goodies over. You are hopelessly bad at self care.”
“What would I do without you?”
“You’d die.” Robin teased, “Now go lie down I’ll try and make you some soup.”
Steve huffed a sigh, grabbing the tissues and cold meds off the table and taking them with him to the living room.
“Thanks Robin.”
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monaisme · 16 days
Sicktember: Day 6
#6- Dizziness/Vertigo
“Whoa!” May stumbled to the side and bumped into the bottom corner of a one of her favourite pictures of all five Parkers before life struck and they were thrust into the life of a family of three. “Shit!” she exclaimed as she fumbled and tried to stop it from falling, but no such luck.
“May?” Peter called out as he stepped out of his bedroom to the sound of glass breaking. “Are you o—?” He saw her leaning against the wall, clutching her now tender elbow and rushed toward her. “May?! What happened?”
“STOP!” No way was May letting Peter get cut because of her clumsiness. She put her hand out to stop Peter’s advance before he could get hurt. “Don’t come out here! There’s glass everywhere and you’re barefoot! Now please, let me take a breath and then I’ll get this taken care of.”  
Peter’s brow furrowed in concern and confusion. “Take a breath? May?” Peter noted that she looked more than a little pale. Something was wrong, and he didn’t need his spidey-senses to tell him that. “Did the glass cut you? Are you hurt?”
And he also didn’t need his spidey-senses to tell him that she was upset with herself. Her answer came in the form of a clenched jaw and an angry headshake ‘no.’
“Just—how’s about you take that breath while you stay put? I’m in a better spot to take care of this anyways...” He held his own while he waited to see what she’d do, then ran back to his room to grab his ratty sneakers once he saw that she was deferring to him. “You’re awesome, May!” he called back to her, “I’ll get this, easy peasy! You keep staying there!”
No reply came back, only a frustrated sigh as Peter threw on his shoes then tiptoed through the shards of glass to the kitchen. He quickly pulled out the small lined garbage can from under the sink before heading to the tiny utility closet in the kitchen to collect the broom and dustpan. “I think I got what I need,” he announced as he brought it to the hallway, “so let me get the worst of it, then I’ll grab your shoes for you, okay?”
May was still leaned heavily against the wall, eyes closed. “Sounds like a plan,” she said weakly, then waited patiently as Peter did a cursory cleaning up of the mess.
Peter tried not to be nervous about May’s strange behaviour, but something wasn’t jiving and he didn’t know how to bring it up. After a minute or so, though, he announced, “Et voila!” as he dumped the last of the glass into the bin. “Now give me a sec to get your shoes and—” Peter leaned the broom and dustpan against the wall to do a more thorough pass over once May was safe and shoed up, then went to rifle through the messy pile of shoes at the door. The flip flops May used to take the garbage to the disposal chute at the end of the hallway had to be there somewhere, he hoped. Simplicity was the key in moments like this.
“Peter?” May called out to him, suddenly sounding distressed.
 “May?” Peter peeked around the corner as she tilted over, “Shit!” He tossed the shoes away and caught her before she could tumble down to the floor. Never more grateful for his powers than he was in that moment, Peter shifted a little in order to gather his Aunt May up and carry her safely to the couch. “I’ve gotcha, May. Hang on for me... just hang on.”
May’s eyes were closed again by the time he’d laid her down, but she definitely hadn't lost consciousness. “I’m so sorry, honey,” she soothed, “I’m fine—I promise—I’m fine.”
Her calm tone and words did nothing for Peter as he interrupted, “You’re not fine, May. How can you even pretend when you obviously fell into the wall—and if I hadn’t been home, you’d be picking glass out of your feet and everywhere right now—if you even could! You could have hit your head or needed stitches or... I don’t even know what could have happened!”
May inhaled deep and opened her eyes. “Peter. Calm down,” she looked to Peter, a mix of concern and sternness. “I need you to listen to me.”
She paused and waited for Peter to do exactly that before she continued. “I said I’m fine and I meant it. It’s just some vertigo, but I’ve already called and gotten an appointment with my doctor for next Friday afternoon. I’m taking care of it.” She made sure he was still paying attention. “I’ll go see her, she’ll check things out, she’ll tell me it’s some weird inner ear thing, and everything will be fine. Are we clear?”
Peter whined and seated himself precariously at her side. “Why do you keep saying fine?—In fact, please, I’m begging of you to stop saying fine.” Peter then glared, “You know what I think when you use the word ‘fine.’”
And May glared right back. “Of course, I do! It’s the same thing I think of it every time I hear you use it, smart ass.” She playfully shoved him off the couch. “Now, give me a second for this to pass and I’ll order us some dinner. I’m feeling like a tonight’s a pizza night, agreed?”
Peter nodded as he stood and brushed himself off. “Agreed, but I can order it, just let me finish cleaning this up first.” Peter moved over to the hallway again, keeping an eye on May as he snapped up the broom to give the floor a second, better sweep to be sure he hadn’t missed anything. He did a quick spot check, looking out for any larger shards that might have escaped his notice when he caught sight of the corner of a picture frame peeking out from the doorway to May’s bedroom. Peter bent to pick it up, sure to keep it flat to prevent any of the glass from spreading any further. “Geez, May!” he called out to her, “If you’d wanted to get rid of my pictures, all you had to do was—” Peter’s attempt at levity stopped short when he caught sight of the picture that had fallen.
“Peter? Are you okay?”
Peter couldn’t answer. All the words he wanted to say were too stuck in his throat.
“Honey?” The silence was maddening, “Sweetheart?” May sat up faster than she should have then stood, taking only a moment to find a precarious balance using the arm of the couch. “Peter?” She caught sight of him right away, obviously, Peter stood there, staring solemnly at the damaged frame in his hand. “Oh.” What else could she say? She needed to make this right. “I’ll head to the thrift store tomorrow and find a new frame, alright? It’ll be back on the wall before you’re home from school tomorrow. I promise.”
Peter turned and stared at her in disbelief, tears brimming in his eyes. “May? Do you really think I’m worried about the frame?”
It was May’s turn to fall silent.
“I’m sorry, May, but everyone in this picture is gone—and what do you always say? ‘It’s just me and you?’” He chewed at his lip for a few seconds, “What if something really is wrong? What if it’s a stroke or a tumor or—” tears fell faster than Peter could swipe them away. He had to take a moment before he could speak again. “I can’t—” He inhaled deep then started again, “I can’t lose you, too, May. I just can’t!”
May reached out to take the photo reverently from his hands and placed it gently on the end table, then pulled her nephew into a frighteningly tight grip, “You listen here, Peter Benjamin Parker, I am not going anywhere. I will call my doctor’s office first thing in the morning and get them to put me on a cancellation list, okay? If it gets any worse, I’ll sneak into the ER and get one of the doctors to order some tests, even though you know that my boss will give me grief—” She pressed kiss to his cheek and whispered fiercely into his ear. “I will do anything I can to be here with you, okay? But, for now, I can only do what I can do.”  
Peter nodded as her burrowed his face into her neck and hugged her as tight as he dared, then stilled. “Hang on!” He pulled back just enough to see May’s face as he grinned big, “I know you can only do what you can do, but what if I can do something you can’t?!” Peter face twisted in thought, then he revised, “Well, I mean, you could do it too if you wanted to, but you won’t...”
Now she was concerned, “Peter? What are you thinking of?”
He smiled big and wiped the last of the tears from his face and gave her one last hug before releasing her. “You trust me, right?”
“Of course, I do!”
“Perfect! Then let me do this because I love you, okay? Because I need you safe?”
Her concern morphed to confusion. “Okay?”
Peter did his awkward fist pump thing, “Yesss!” He did a little happy dance, then bolted for his bedroom—only to stop short as glass crunched underfoot. He stared down at the floor. “Oh—maybe I’ll just give this that second sweeping first?”
May just chuckled and wondered what she was getting herself into.
She didn’t have to wait long to find out. After Peter ushered her back to the couch, he got to work taking care of the last of May’s mess, then put the garbage bin back under the sink and supplies back where they belonged. He washed his hands at the kitchen sink, then wiped then dry on the back of his shirt as he came to join her on the couch. He exhaled slow, then Peter reached back and pulled his cell phone out of his back pocket.
Peter offered up a crooked grin as he took hold of her hand with one hand and unlocked his cell with the other.
“Peter? What are you doing?”
Peter thumbed his way into his contacts, squeezed her hand not too tight, then pressed the top contact on the list.
“Peter. No.”
“Peter. Yes,” Peter replied as he listened to the call connect. “You said you trust me, right?”
“Of course I do!” May exclaimed.
“Good, then you’ll let me do—”
“Hey, kid? Don’t tell me. You’re out on patrol and you need one of the suits to get another parrot out of a tree?”
Peter let go of May’s hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close instead. “Ha ha, Mr. Stark! You’re hilarious. No, I don’t need a suit, but—if it’s not too much of a bother—” Peter clamped his mouth shut in surprise. It had never been easy to ask anything of the man, and they were just at the beginning of their ‘relationship?’ but for May, he could be brave. “Um, you see...” Peter drew in a big breath, “something’s going on with May and I’m wondering if she could come see one of the doctors at the tower, like, soon?”
Mr. Stark must have heard the urgency in Peter’s voice because he simply replied, “Anything for my favourite Parkers, kid.”
His voice shook with relief as he replied, “Thanks, Mr. Stark.”
And then it was May’s turn to pull out of Peter’s arm and wrap him in her own as she heard Mr. Stark ask if he’d be able to talk to May for a minute.
With Peter’s lips pressed tightly and his chin quivering, he could only answer, “m-hm,” then tuck his face into May’s neck as she gently pulled the phone from his hands.
May took a deep breath of her own, realizing the gravity of the last twenty minutes, and then put the phone to her ear. “Hey, Tony...”
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