#character: boaz priestly
zepskies · 1 month
What Does "Supporting Writers" Mean? ✍️
Apparently it's Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day! To all my fellow writers, I truly appreciate you for bringing me joy, making me smile on rough days, and giving me my weekly/daily dose of escapism and warm fuzzies. (Shoutouts to you personally below.) 💓💓
But what does it mean "practically" to appreciate your favorite writers, especially on Tumblr?
For example, I know some fanfic authors are starting to block "serial likers": people who'll go through someone's entire masterlist and hit the "like" button on 20-something stories without commenting or basic reblogging.
While I think blocking them is extreme, I understand the authors' frustrations. I've actually been asked if I'll ever leave Tumblr, since many of them have dropped off over the past few months, or even the past few years.
I'm still here for two very important reasons:
I love to write about my favorite characters. I write primarily because I love it, not just for the kudos.
I'm friggin' blessed to have a lot of friends and lovely readers on here and Ao3 who support me immensely on my writing and on this blog in general. I love and appreciate each and every one of you! Which is why I do my best to reply to your comments and reblogs. 💖💖
Of course, there are many reasons why a writer might take a break or stop writing entirely, but one of those reasons is also why the #supportwriters tag exists...
And why you'll see us include banners like this on our posts:
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(Credits: cafekitsune, me, inklore)
That being said, here's my own rule of thumb on how I try to support my fellow writers when I read something I enjoy:
If I "liked" something, it means I had the time to read a story all the way through and I enjoyed it! (Or I'm bookmarking it for later in the day lol)
If I have the time to read it, I have the time to leave a comment on what I liked the most about it.
If I have the time to write out a comment (anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes), I typically put that comment in a reblog -- maybe even add a gif or two for ✨razzle dazzle.✨ That way I can share it with the rest of my followers, so they can see it and hopefully enjoy it too...
Why? Because Tumblr isn't TikTok or IG. Reblogging is the best way to help a post gain traction on Tumblr. The algorithm doesn't care much about likes.
But on a more human level, supporting writers is just the basic thing of -- if you enjoyed something you read (that a writer shared for free), just let them know what you liked about it.
Remember that there's a person behind the content you enjoy. They might have been working on that story for weeks or months, or even years before they got the courage to post it.
They might really be putting themselves out there, writing about a topic or subject matter that they're not sure people will even like or engage with.
Maybe they're exploring something new, like a character or trope they've never written before.
Maybe they're expressing part of themselves that they haven't even told another living soul.
Maybe they just wanted to write something fun and smutty or angsty or fluffy and want to share the escapism with you.
Whether they've been writing for years or are just starting out, any and all is valid.
For me, as a writer and a reader, supporting my fellow writers often means supporting my friends. And 9 times out of 10, the way we became friends was by leaving feedback on their work and asking them questions, or responding to their awesome feedback on mine.
If you want a little jumpstart on how to leave feedback, whether encouraging or constructive, here's an awesome post about it (not mine).
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Shoutout to some of my favorite writers 💞:
(In no particular order)
@waynes-multiverse @luci-in-trenchcoats @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @thatonewriter15 @rizlowwritessortof
@waywardxwords @tofics @kaleldobrev @deanbrainrotwritings @deanwritings
@jawritter @deanwinchesterswitch @justagirlinafandomworld @ravengirl94 @waywardxwords
@spnbabe67 @deanwanddamons @ejlovespie @kittenofdoomage @venus-haze
@talltalesandbedtimestories @sam-is-my-safe-word @jacklesbrainworms @artyandink @princessmisery666 (I just starting reading your stories, but I'm continuing with Samnesia soon!) -- and I'm sure many more! 💋
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thebiggerbear · 7 months
Jensen Ackles Characters Masterlist
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Dean Winchester from Supernatural
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - You and Dean refuse to speak to one another after an argument and Sam has finally had enough.
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - When Sam calls to tell you that Dean is gone, you can’t accept it. Not until you visit the offline Bunker and see for yourself. …But is he really gone?
Part 2 of "Sleep." (coming very soon)
Follow Me Into the Dark - Tragedy has struck in your life, quickly and without warning, leaving you completely devastated. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Dean Winchester rolls into town and he and his brother are starting to ask questions. Questions that you are not prepared to answer though you have a question of your own: just what the hell is Dean doing darkening your doorstep again?
when were you going to tell me - After finding out you concealed something from him on a hunt, Dean is not happy with you and he definitely does not appreciate your attempts at humor on the subject.
"You're safe now. I'm here."
Real or Not Real
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Soldier Boy from The Boys
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - You’re pissed that he put himself at risk yet again.
"I took care of that asshole for you." "I don't like the sound of that." - When Ben mentions something to you in the middle of battle, your attempt at a little levity turns the conversation in a direction that probably would have been better kept off of Comms during a mission.
Part 2 of "I took care of that asshole for you." (coming very soon)
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - You’re tired of running and you go to Soldier Boy for protection. He agrees to do it but not without a price.
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't." - Hughie and everyone don’t understand what you see in Soldier Boy but they also haven’t seen what you’ve seen: Ben.
"You're safe now. I'm here." - Soldier Boy has been on a ton of dangerous missions in his time, fought a lot of battles, but never did he imagine he would be undertaking the one you had just tasked him with. Shit.
Call My Name - Grace Mallory, the Boys, and the government have all warily agreed to your plan to take down Homelander. There’s just one more person to add to the operation, the very person who is necessary for any measure of the plan’s success. Can you convince him to join the team and help you defeat Homelander once and for all?
every king needs a queen - Homelander makes you an offer that you are all too happy to refuse
Keep Me Inside - When you took a job at Vought International to pay the bills, you never could have imagined just how much your life was about to change. Especially when you catch the eye of a certain Supe.
no one's the new me - Soldier Boy is the OG Supe. You goad him into proving it and get more than you bargained for…or did you?
Something Real - You had offered him the chance for something the two of you could build, something real, if he gave up the suit for good.
Thankful - It’s Father’s Day again and you have an extra special present for Ben this time around.
Where is she? - Soldier Boy only has one thought in mind when Homelander wakes him up: you.
sequel to Something Real (where SB gets his vengeance)
I've Been Waiting For You
Beau Arlen from Big Sky
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - He put you with Hoyt and Tonya. For the day. What the hell had he been thinking?
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - Your house is broken into one night when Beau wasn’t home and now you find yourself expecting it to happen again at any moment. Will you ever feel safe in your home again?
A Twist of Fate (mini series coming very soon)
i need your hand but i don't want to burn it - You receive a phone call letting you know a family member has passed. The news rocks your world, especially when you find yourself flying back home for the services, returning to a place you’d rather forget. As your best friend, Beau is trying to be there for you but you’re determined to go it alone. But since you’ve known him, when has Beau Arlen ever not had your back?
if you love me (don't let go) (mini series coming very soon)
Only Ever Holding Onto You - When Beau Arlen called and asked you to join him at the Lewis & Clark County Sheriff’s Department, you knew you should have turned him down. Sure, he made a great case for your relocation, but it was the sound of his voice that had you putting in for an immediate transfer. After all, he was worried and needed you; how could you say no? Yet, the more time you spend in Big Sky Country, the more you wonder if you should have stayed in Houston.
The Ghosts Are Coming For You - When you moved to Montana, you figured you’d be in for a much quieter, more slow-paced lifestyle compared to the big city one you had left behind. Meeting Lewis and Clark County’s youngest sheriff while working a string of murders in your new position in Homicide turns out to be anything but — especially when things start to hit a little too close to home and remind you of things you thought you’d left buried long ago.
"You're safe now. I'm here."
"I never wanted to lose you like that."
Guide Me To You
You Are My Home
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Alec McDowell from Dark Angel 2000
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - You’re looking for a way to set yourself up and blend in after breaking out of Manticore. Having heard the rumors, you seek out Max for help. In doing so, you come across someone you had never thought you’d see again.
Nothing But Killing Time - Manticore has recaptured you and this time, you’ve been assigned a breeding partner. From the moment you meet, it’s evident that neither you nor X5-494 have anything in mind other than a means of escape. Can you two come up with a plan together to break out and reclaim your freedom? Or will Manticore come between you and shatter the fragile trust you’ve built?
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
"You're safe now. I'm here."
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Jason Teague from Smallville
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - When another student makes an unwanted move on you, Jason’s not above flexing his assistant coach authority muscle a little to get the guy to leave you alone and send a message.
Part 2 of "I hate you." (coming very soon)
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - Jason has just helped you escape the clutches of his nefarious mother. Where will you go from here now that you know the truth?
Part 2 of "Sleep." (coming very soon)
"You're safe now. I'm here."
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
CJ Braxton from Dawson's Creek
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - You had only meant to call once, remaining anonymous while feeling out the whole helpline thing for yourself. Now, you talk to CJ every Friday night around the same time. When you don’t call one Friday, CJ is worried and comes looking for you which presents its own host of problems.
i won't let you go - When Jen breaks CJ’s heart, though you hadn’t planned on it, her loss quickly becomes your gain and so much more.
Something Like This - A Nor'easter hits Boston and luckily for you, you don’t have anywhere you need to be except right here, snuggled up with CJ.
Part 3 of "I hate you." & Something Like This (coming very soon)
"You're safe now. I'm here."
Don't Give Up On Me
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Tom Hanniger from My Bloody Valentine 2009
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - You went to visit Tom in the mines for a little Valentine’s Day fun. Who knew that one decision would lead to everything that’s happened? Will you be able to help Tom or will he be lost to you forever?
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - Tom has taken you hostage. This is not the Tom you knew and fell in love with. Unable to escape, can you get him to trust you and maybe even reach him?
"You're safe now. I'm here."
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Jake Gray from Devour 2005
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nothing to win and nothing left to lose
You're Mine
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
"You're safe now. I'm here."
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't." - When you go with Jake to visit his mom, you encounter a young woman who inexplicably sets you on edge and has you sticking that much closer to the boy who has your heart.
Boaz Priestly from Ten Inch Hero
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"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
"You're safe now. I'm here."
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Russell Shaw from Tracker
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Close Enough - When you’d met the Shaws at the morgue the day before, you thought that had been the end of it and you wouldn’t need to see one Shaw brother in particular again. Little did you know that Colter was about to once again ask for your help and not only would you be forced to see Russell again but things were about to change drastically for the both of you.
Closer - Now that Russell knows the truth about you, there isn’t anything he won’t do to try to get you out. Even if it means he might have to move up the timeline of his exit strategy earlier than planned.
Off Limits - When Reenie sends you to assist Colter with whatever he needs after getting arrested for breaking into a morgue in Virginia, you meet his older brother Russell for the first time. There’s some flirting and definitely a mutual attraction there before you Colter sends you off. Little do you know at the time that Colter has warned Russell that you’re off limits and that Russell has no intention of listening to said warning.
So Close - You meet Colter and Russell at the morgue to help them gain access. Had you known how this was really going to go, you might have pushed Colter’s call to voicemail.
"You're safe now. I'm here." Part 1 - You’ve been taken hostage and Russell is part of the unit sent in to retrieve you.
"You're safe now. I'm here." Part 2 (coming very soon)
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Within Limits (sequel to Off Limits)
Michael!Dean from Supernatural
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Let Me Set Your World on Fire - While on a hunt, you all get stuck in an abandoned cabin in the woods due to a snowstorm that comes out of nowhere. It’s cold as hell (Cas’ fact checking not withstanding) and both you and Dean are trying to fight off the icy temperatures. When Cas offers his coat to Dean, in usual Michael fashion, the archangel offers you something bigger and more to his liking than a simple article of clothing to keep you warm.
This Time The World Burns and You With It
"You're safe now. I'm here."
Demon!Dean from Supernatural
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AU!Dean from Supernatural
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Endverse!Dean from Supernatural
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MOC!Dean from Supernatural
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Dean Smith from Supernatural
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Huntercorp!Dean from Supernatural
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Ben | X5-493
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Jensen Ackles RPF
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Come Pick Up Your Ghosts - Jensen left a little…something behind on his last visit when he was in town. Something you are urgently asking him to come back and retrieve so you can know peace once more.
i want better for you...what's better for you than me? - Your heart is broken and you’re currently going through a divorce that didn’t have to happen. Will you give Jensen the chance to explain everything that came about from that one night in Rome when you weren’t there?
Trust Me
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't." - Jensen says something at a con that initially bothers you that prompts a conversation where you admit that there are certain parts of his job that you could easily do without, not sure how that’s going to impact your friendship moving forward.
Mark Meachum from Countdown
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Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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artyandink · 4 months
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You have to have trigger warnings on your drabbles/oneshots
No inc3st, p3dophilia, age gaps are allowed as long as one isn’t a minor, if anything is majorly outta pocket then nope sorry
Any of Jensen’s characters
You may use a section from an existing fic IF it works as a drabble
No OC inserts. (Y/N) or no mentioned names are allowed
You’re allowed same sex couples
Smut is allowed
Jensen’s Characters (That aren’t so hard to find info on):
Dean Winchester
Soldier Boy
Beau Arlen
Alec McDowell
CJ Braxton
Jason Teague
Tom Hanniger
Russell Shaw
Boaz Priestly
When is it happening?
2nd June - 31st July
List of writers participating (comment/reblog to show you’re participating):
@artyandink @k-slla @jackles010378 @angelbabyyy99 @lailawinchesterr @kayleighwinchester @anundyingfidelity @nescaveckwriter
This will be then compiled into a fic rec list, so everyone can read it. If a writer posts a drabble/oneshots, do reblog with feedback or a review to keep the flow going! The writer who posts the most drabbles/oneshots in those ten days will get a personalised oneshot written by me.
Have fun!
IMPORTANT NOTE: I will need you to tell me in the comments or by reblog, or by DMs if you’re participating!
IMPORTANT 2: Make sure to tag me in your drabbles/oneshots so I can tally!
IMPORTANT 3: You can anyways participate, I just want to have a list so I can compile the fic rec list!
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 months
If Jensen Ackles' characters were days of the week, who would get Monday, Tuesday and Saturday? 🤔 P.S. I know there's more Jensen characters than days so we can double up too!
Sunday: Russell Shaw
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Monday: Alec McDowell
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Tuesday: Boaz Priestly
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Wednesday: Beau Arlen
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Thursday: Dean Winchester
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Friday: Soldier Boy
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Saturday: Jason Teague
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deanbrainrotwritings · 4 months
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—  when broken is easily fixed
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SUMMARY : priestly broke up with tish (yes!) uh, i mean… you watch him be pathetic and sad with his big wet green eyes.
PAIRING : boaz priestly x fem!reader (implied Latina)
CHARACTERS : tish (mentioned)
WARNINGS/TAGS : jealousy, breakups, fluff, tiny angst, innuendos, obliviousness x2
A/N : SURPRISE YALL, I’m back, heheheh. title from silverstein’s song. this fills the square “I’m having what you’d call a rough day” on my @jacklesversebingo card. lmao, this was nice to jump back into writing. I secretly like teaching y’all physics. 
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You remember the day Priestly showed up at the market in a disappointingly normal state. 
No piercings, no colourful hair, no beard, no eyeliner. Just plain old California clothes, nearly looking Christian with his neat hair, and composed manners.
The only things that reassured you that Priestly was still Priestly after all, were the tattoos that peeked from outside the collar of a white dress shirt and the tiny holes in his skin where his piercings once belonged.
It was confusing at first, but he looked happy. Brighter.
You thought his parents were in town. Or that he became religious after all. Or that he joined a cult. 
You teased him at first. He’d just give you this dreamy look and never said anything to ease your curiosity about his current state. He’d be out the door in a hurry, with a tiny bit of that Priestly swagger that told you he was definitely not brainwashed by a cult.
But the reason for the sudden change in him soon became clear. 
One day, he walked into the store to buy groceries and other necessities with Tish. Hand in hand, the two of them. All giggles and shoves and smiles. The honeymoon phase. She’d kiss him on his cheeks, take his chin in her hand and press herself against him in an unnecessary manner to tell him something, and he’d look stupid, like he couldn’t believe she was there giving him affection. 
Your stomach dropped at the sight of them. 
You’d never felt the way you did before. 
Yeah, there was a cringey-ness and aversion you always had  for PDA and romance that you’d noticed in yourself for years, but it never bothered you like it did now. From watching Priestly and Tish be a couple.
But it also didn’t take you long to realise why it bothered you so much more. Why it was so much harder to ignore than if it were any other couple doing it. Why you felt rejected became clear.
You had feelings for Priestly.
What a dumb way to find that out. 
Excuse the fuck out of yourself if you were too focused on your university courses and your job and your future and your personal life… to realise that you really actually liked him. Romantically.
You weren’t going to lie to yourself and pretend that you didn’t care at all when you were alone. You weren’t  going to lie to yourself about the sting you felt. Or push away the feelings of jealousy and push down how upset you were and the other, million emotions you felt as you watched them go about their lives as a couple for months. 
You never wanted to quit more badly than you did then, just to avoid having to see them get closer, clingier, more affectionate, serious. But it was the only way you could afford living in your dorm, to have enough to pay your classes, and afford your supplies and books... 
You sucked it up and pretended that nothing was wrong. Like you didn’t even care about him. Like you never did. 
It never really got easier, the only thing that became easy was pretending. 
You blamed yourself for waiting too long. That’s what haunted you. If you’d just been braver. If you’d been more honest with yourself and him. If you’d had the courage to say what you felt. If… if…
It was torture.
The high California-in-the-summertime temperatures made you think that you were in Hell, but time passed and you accepted that your chance with him had passed. You told yourself to move on and be happy. For the most part, as long as you ignored them, it was easy to be happy again, to live your life and do whatever your wildest friend was doing to enjoy her summer. 
But that happiness you’d seen in Priestly was gone by the time the fall semester came around. It took six long, horrible months for that happiness in him to fade away. 
It didn’t last. Just like the spring and the summer.
Until one day you didn’t see her with him. And the next day he was alone again. And the next week; alone. And the week after that, too. 
No Tish. 
Just mopey, wet-eyed Priestley. 
His stubble grew, his eyeliner returned—slightly smeared from tears. 
No more Banana Republic, Tommy Hillfigure, or Calvin Klein. Just those ridiculous shirts that always made you smile.
He entered the store today again after a week. 
The shop's bell rang and you looked up out of habit, and watched him with his gorgeous green eyes cast downward to the slightly dusty floor you were trying to sweep. God, you’d guess it was more of a depressing, someone’s-dead type of chime than a merry one—from the state of him.
His hair was a mess and slightly longer, it was not brushed or styled neatly. Like he woke up from a nap after breakfast and decided to go to the store because he remembered something he forgot before his nap. 
You felt bad… at first. 
His cheeks were pink and his eyes were red-rimmed and glassy from tears. He had darkened bags under his eyes. But as he moped around and you avoided being noticed by him out of awkwardness, you caught a glimpse of his shirt, which amused you: Hang in there, it gets worse, with a little thumbs up, too. 
He came completely in black, too. 
It was unavoidably funny. But you stifled your snort as you continued to sweep quietly, until eventually, you got lost in thought again. Your head filled with your to-do list before entering your final semester. 
But you eventually found yourself in the same aisle as him. You swept the trash up into the dustpan as you watched him try to hold bread, bananas, napkins, and toilet paper in one arm while trying to take out a gallon of milk from the fridge.
You saw what would happen from a mile away and quickly released the broom and left the dustpan where it was to help him. Before you could actually get to him, the napkins toppled out of his hold and he mistakenly released the milk to grab it which caused the gallon to burst open when it fell to the floor like a ripe melon in the sun. 
You gasped when the milk splattered on you, but you didn’t actually mind at all. Priestly, on the other hand, sighed heavily again, completely giving up. 
He finally looked at you when you reached for the napkins he dropped and you smiled warily at him, hoping it appeared more reassuring than pitiful. You handed him the napkins and he murmured an apology, taking them from you. 
“They say when you drop your food, it's because someone craved it,” you tried to make light of the situation but he didn’t even notice. He gently placed everything down on top of the shelf behind him with a deep sigh.
“I’m so sorry,” he frowned at the large white puddle, “I’m having what you’d call a rough day.” You huffed a soft laugh which made him raise a brow at you. 
“Day? You’ve been mopey and pathetic for weeks,” you teased playfully, but he remained quiet. You figured you’d offended him or hurt his feelings because he sniffled and looked down at his hands. 
Your face softened.
“I’ll pay for that.” He pointed to the spilt milk and broken gallon.
“It’s fine,” you reassured him. “Let me clean this up. I’ll help you when I finish.” You turned around to pick up some napkins you kept behind the counter and he made a sound of protest. 
He followed you, you heard him walking behind you quickly. “I made this mess. I should clean it. Besides, it’s almost your lunch break,” he tried to stop you. You laughed softly and shook your head as you laid yourself over the counter to grab the napkins from underneath the counter, your feet dangled embarrassingly above the floor.
“Hey, it’s no trouble,” you dismissed, smiling triumphantly to yourself when you got up with the napkins. “Go be a customer and bring your stuff… take two trips this time. There’s no one else here.” You snatched the napkins away from him when he tried to take them from you. 
He smiled a little. 
It made you smile more earnestly. 
“Okay… Fine…” he gave in hesitantly and followed you as you walked towards the mess he made. He picked up the stuff he left on the shelf and watched you squat down and lay some napkins over the puddle. The paper soaked the milk up and he slowly walked to the counter then returned as you finished up. 
He stood there awkwardly at first. Still just watching you clean up and then you got up and smiled at him sweetly. He smiled back at you gently and your heart sped up the way it always did when he looked at you. Your stomach clenched happily, but you frowned and quickly stepped away from him to throw the wet paper towels away along with the gallon that had contained the milk. 
“I’m really sorry,” he apologised again when you returned. 
“Priestly, it’s fine, accidents happen,” you chuckled to convince him and eyed the new gallon of milk. “You ready?” You wiped your hands on your jeans despite still feeling icky. 
“Yeah,” he answered quietly, then looked around at the unusually empty store. “You want me to finish sweeping for you? Or maybe… Do you wanna wash your hands? You look uncomfortable. I can wait,” he rambled.
You laughed at him, this was all too much for you so “early” in the morning. He instantly shut up and became flustered. His free hand flew up to the back of his neck and he laughed awkwardly. 
“Well, if it matters so much to you, put the Closed sign on while I throw the stuff in the dustpan away and wash my hands. I’ll meet you at the counter in five.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said automatically. 
You rolled your eyes at the name, but walked away wordlessly to finish up. You actually were pretty hungry.
When you returned, Preistly had his hands in his trouser’s pockets, he was chewing on his lip, and his cheeks were red from embarrassment. 
“What’s that thing you said earlier about dropping food?” He asked, trying to alleviate the thick tension that hung in the air around the two of you. You smiled as you scanned the items he needed. 
“Oh, nothing,” you shrugged, “just a saying.” 
He was quiet for a moment and then you looked up at him. He was already looking at you and your face instantly started to get warm again. You looked away as casually as you could to finish scanning the remaining items and neatly placing them inside a plastic bag. 
“It was funny.”
“Ha, I guess…” you shrugged awkwardly and told him the price of his groceries. 
“Right…” he took out random, balled up dollar bills from his back pocket despite having a wallet with enough space. You smiled curiously and took the money from him. 
God, hurry and leave, you prayed internally as you placed his money in the cash register and took out his change. You dropped three quarters and a nickel into his hand when you began hearing the soft sound of rain hitting the windows and the concrete outside, and the delightful aroma of petrichor sneaking through the vents into the store.
“Fuck,” Priestly muttered, his fingertips grazed your palm and your body lit up like the second the temperature of the universe hit one billion Kelvin after the Big Bang, finally allowing neutrons and protons to form atomic nuclei as they hit and stuck to each other. “The worst day ever.”
You snapped out of your daze, disappointed, but not surprised at his obliviousness. 
“I could give you a ride,” you offered with a shrug, taking your bag from inside the bottom drawer as he took his bag of groceries.
“I keep wasting your time…” he trailed off, but he did not decline your offer. 
“That’s fine. Where do you live?” You made your way around the counter and walked past him to stand at the door and watch the rain slowly come heavier.
“You’re a stranger,” he joked, and you turned to roll your eyes at him. “What? You could secretly be a Mankiller.” You opened the door with a sarcastic laugh and squirmed as rain hit your face.
“Please, look at me,” you scoffed playfully, locking the door to the store once Priestly stepped outside with you. 
“I am,” he said gently. 
You looked up at him with your brows knitted in confusion. “Whatever. My car’s over here,” you brushed him off and quickly led him to your car.
You both sighed once you were safely inside the freshly cleaned car. He laughed to himself as he looked around inquisitively, but you didn't question him. You turned your car on instead to pull out of the driveway and asked him again where he lived as a Britney Spears song played on the radio. This time he finally answered your question seriously.
The conversation was light and you kept asking him about the sandwich shop he worked at and about his friends to avoid talking about yourself or his break up. It was basically small talk, bleh. The conversation was superficial because you didn’t want to get close to him, not now, not when he was freshly broken up and still clearly hurting. 
He ran his hand through his hair once you parked outside his house, somehow he managed to make it look tame. He looked at the time and you waited patiently for him to get out so you could leg it and cry to your friend over the phone about how you were so not over him. 
“Stay,” he proposed suddenly when he unbuckled his seatbelt. “I can make you a sandwich, I’m really good at that.” You shook your head at first and racked your brain for some excuse to get away. “Whatever you want, I’ll make it for you, I’ve even got some soda in the fridge. Please, I feel really bad.” You chuckled softly at him and the pleading eyes he gave you. They looked much wider and greener. 
“Fine,” you gave in, “I’m really hungry, so… I guess I could stay for a bit.” He lit up slightly and started to get out of the car before you managed to turn it off. But you caught up with him as he kicked the welcome mat to the side to retrieve his house’s key. 
“You want a sub?” He asked, you bit your tongue to stop yourself from making a joke out of that and nodded as you entered his messy house. Oh well, he’s been going through a breakup. 
“Oh, God, I forgot it’s a mess,” he apologised when he looked at the star of everything around him. “Close your eyes, pretend you don’t see it,” he pleaded jokingly. 
“As long as I don’t step in something squishy, we’re all good,” you reassured him with a small laugh. You followed him to the kitchen and figured he must be going through the not-eating breakup rather than the eating-my-feelings breakup.
“How big do you want it?” He asked you, setting the bag down on the counter and going to wash his hands.
“How much do you think I can take?” You asked before you could actually filter it out of your mind. He quickly looked at you, amused and intrigued while he dried his hands with a clean towel from inside his cabinet. “Kidding, how big is it?” He laughed loudly at your question which made you get more flustered, but he still gave you a measurement with his hands. “Half of that,” you tried to ignore his face and sat down before your knees gave out from embarrassment. 
“If you can only take half of that, I don’t think you could handle me.” 
Your mouth fell open. You were sure you stopped breathing for a few moments when your heart stuttered and your stomach lurched at the thought.  
This time, you blinked at him in surprise, but your eyes stayed wide, and you felt yourself turn hotter before you both bursted out laughing. 
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@spnfamily-j2 @deansbbyx @lanassmarty @candy-coated-misery0731 @jessllianaquilesrolonworld @murdockscumsock @the-achievementhunter @lyarr24 @rominaszh @zepskies @lickmybawls @jackles010378 @winchstrdean @deanwinchestersgirl87 @k-slla @mrlonelycat @taylortotsworld @ohnosy @angelbabyyy99 @impala1967rollingthroughtown @iwishiwasntreal @pasteldecrack @blackcherrywhiskey @dayhsdreaming @xshortputax @imsapphine @il0vebeingdelulu @gravesphillip @illicithallways @saturnsooya
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jacklesversebingo23 masterlist
boaz priestly masterlist
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do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or republish my work on another platform
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cheynovak · 6 months
Help a girl out
Update.... It's done. I couldnt wait.
Y'all find it: Here
Hi everyone!
My ex-punk teenage self is trying to convince me to write a fanfic on Priestly, I seem to read a lot of SPN/the boys stories ( And I love them, don't get me wrong. 🥰 )
But I want to read more Boaz fanfiction since he was one of my first crushes. (I didn't even knew who Jensen was back then.)
So my questions for you:
Would you like those stories, or is he just a character we like but don't love enough to read about?
AND what kind of story do you like to read?
Oh!! And one other thing! If you have a Boaz Priestly story written... Feel free to tag me. ❤️
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smaeemo · 2 months
My favorite white man characters in no specific order
- Dexter Morgan ⭐️
- Gregory House ⭐️
- Castiel ⭐️
- Merlin Emrys
- Boaz Priestly
- Daryl Dixon
- Nick Miller
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shane-west · 1 year
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joels-ellie is now shane-west
I always knew that I would come back to this url - I've been a fan of Shane for so long and I still can't believe that I managed to get it! I might change to character or themed from time to time, but this will definitely be my "main" url from now on.
tagging a few mutuals 💖
@boaz-priestly @tennant @harrison-ford @nikita-mearss @phildunsters @chaoticevils @ethanhunt @peeta @anya-chalotra @payidaresque @laurens-german @mia-goths @bobafettsjets @kenshivrome @xenobites @pitt-emma @stuart-townsend @davidlynch @camila-morrones @bellaramsey @leonardbetts @zen-coleman @heartmis @javier-pena @usergamoras @dadjoelmiller @eddiemunsens @phoebejanestonkin
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zepskies · 11 months
Code Red
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Pairing: Boaz Priestly x Female Reader
Summary: When you call him for help, Priestly realizes that he finally has the relationship of his dreams.
AN: So I didn’t think I’d ever write for this character, but it was prompted by a lovely anon and encouraged by my friend @thatonewriter15! I hope you enjoy. ❤️ 
Song Inspo: “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. “I’ve found a love…”
Word Count: 1,500 Tags/Warnings: Period talk, suggestiveness, mega fluff
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He was in the zone.
Four six-inch double buffalo chicken clubs with banana peppers on whole wheat bread (gross, but he wasn’t the one eating ‘em), two spicy Italians, and a tuna on rye.
Priestly wrapped them up with practiced precision and slid them down the line to Piper, Mission Impossible-style. She smiled at his antics and took them and brought them over to Tish at the register.
Priestly had another turkey and provolone on his docket, hold the mayo, when his cell buzzed in his pocket. Today he actually did have pockets. As in, he was wearing joggers, boots, and a graphic tee that said: NO TEQUILA, NO ENTRY.
He swiveled his phone in his hand like a drummer with a drumstick. He smiled when he saw your name flashing across the screen, and he answered it.
“Hey, Beautiful. What’s up?” he asked.
“Boaz, I need you,” you said. To his ears, your voice was sultry, and a bit strained.
He perked up with raised eyebrows.
“What’s holding up the turkey and cheese?” Piper asked.
Boaz held up a finger to the blonde and tucked the phone between his ear and shoulder. His hands busied themselves with the next sandwich order, but he was all too attentive to your every word.
“Oh yeah?” he replied to you. His smile deepened. “Well, that’s convenient. Because I’m craving some of you, baby.”
You gave a breathy chuckle. “Normally I’d take you up on that, but no. I need you. As in, I really need you to do something for me.”
Priestly arched a brow. His brain was already filling up with ideas of how he could best help you. He mentally took an inventory of the “tools” in your nightstand drawer, and which ones he could best use to his advantage when he—
“Uhh, well, I got about one more hour in my shift,” he said, lowering his voice, even as it deepened a notch. “But if Jen covers me, I can be outta here in half the time.”
“Oh my God, good,” you gasped. “I’m in so much fucking pain, you have no idea.” 
Priestly blinked, and any thoughts of kinky fun times came to a screeching halt. Concern took over when he realized that the strain in your voice wasn’t from the sexy kind of need.
“What’s wrong?” he asked quickly.
“I’m out of Midol, my uterus is rioting like it’s a Vietnam War protest, and…oh yeah, I need more tampons too,” you said. “But I legitimately cannot move from this couch.”
Priestly couldn’t help but smile in amusement.
“Ech, I hear ya. Are we in a Code Green, Code Yellow, or Code Red situation?”
Jen glanced over at him from where she was mopping the floor, and she gave him a questioning look.
What’s wrong? she mouthed.
“Code Red, definitely,” you answered with a sigh.
Priestly grimaced in sympathy. He mouthed back to Jen, Code Red.
She nodded in female understanding, and raised a hand that said, Say no more.
“Okay, yeah,” Priestly replied to you. “Don’t worry, I got you.”
You released a sigh of relief. “And if you want to throw in a Snickers, I wouldn’t hate it.”
He chuckled at that one.
“You got it,” he said. “I’ll be home in T minus an hour, give or take.”
You groaned. “Can’t you just steal a DeLorean or something?”
“You know, I could, but that would mean I’d be going back further into the past before you even needed to call me, and I’d still probably be making sandwiches since I’ve been working here since damn near 2000 B.C. But you know what, they should really call that movie Back to the Present, since they don’t actually go to the future until—”
“Okay,” you had to laugh, even though it was edged with discomfort. “I’ll see you later.”
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At the supermarket, after his shift at Beach City Grill, Priestly had most of the supplies he needed for a successful mission. All he was missing was his old enemy on Aisle 2.
Once again, he faced a wall of tampons. All bright colored boxes and numbers and sizes…
Okay, not Code Green, so not the slender ones that might as well be match sticks. Not Yellow, so no to Regular…ah! Here we are. Super Plus.
AKA: Code Red. Complete with leak guard, no latex. He grabbed the blue box and threw it into his basket of essentials, including no less than three assorted chocolate bars and a pint of Ben & Jerrys. He knew his girl, and you liked your Half-Baked ice cream with chocolate chip cookie dough and brownie pieces.  
He brought over his haul to the checkout line. Sure enough, Gerry, one of the locals, was finally old enough to buy a case of beer by himself. He glanced at the blue box Priestly was taking out onto the conveyor belt and smirked.
“No slender regulars this time?” Gerry remarked.
Priestly’s smile was tight. “No, Gerald. Slenders are for pussies.”
“Literally,” the blonde beanpole snorted. “What, your girlfriend got a heavy flow this month?”
Priestly rolled his eyes, and his mouth pressed in a line. The word flow still kind of grated on him like nails on a chalkboard, but what irked him more was this guy imagining any part of your intimate parts.
“All right, my girl’s flow is none of your business,” he said. “Once you hit puberty and grow your first pubes, you’ll understand.”
Gerry floundered while Priestly continued on to make his purchases. Even the cashier was smiling, trying not to laugh as he silently gave Priestly his props for a burn well made. Priestly shot the guy a nod and a smile before he left with his spoils.
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“Honey, I’m hoooome,” Priestly sing-songed.
He stepped through the door with his keys still jangling in his hand. He was trying to balance the big bag of groceries while closing the door to the apartment he shared with you.
Your head perked up from the living room couch, and your hand slowly curled up, beckoning him over. Priestly obliged you. He peered over the side of the couch and smiled at the way you were all curled up under a throw blanket, already in your pajamas, while FRIENDS reruns played on the TV.
“Finally,” you said with a tired smile. But not the kind of finally that just meant you were impatient for the goods he carried. The kind of finally that also meant you were happy to see him.
He laid a comforting hand on your head, leaned down, and pressed a kiss above your brow. You held him there by the collar of his shirt, prompting him to kiss you for real. Your hand moved up his tattooed neck and your nails gave the back of his head a little scratch, careful not to disrupt the blue mohawk.
He reluctantly pulled away from your lips, just enough to try and gauge how you were feeling.
“How’re you holdin’ up?” he asked.
“Like a beach umbrella in a hurricane,” you replied wryly. “You got the stuff?”
Priestly held the grocery bag tucked under his arm like it was a drug deal.
“Oh, I got the stuff, if you got the money,” he said.
You nodded, and your small smile turned mischievous. “I got your money, Big Man.”
With your hand delicately hooked behind his neck and the other gliding up his arm, he didn’t realize he was falling into a trap.
You tugged his arm hard enough to try and get him to fall over the back of the couch.
“Hey!” he yelped. Yet he also laughed while you tried your best to pull him overboard.
He had to toss the bag of groceries to the floor next to you, but he managed to get over and onto the couch without crushing you. He probably smelled like old sandwich and mayonnaise, but you didn’t seem to care. 
You just helped him settle in behind you, with your back to his chest. This was the only way you’d find comfort for your lower back. It had been aching since you woke up this morning.
You grabbed his closest hand and guided it under your overlarge sleep shirt, then under the waistband of your panties. You laid his warm hand flat against your cramping lower belly.
Priestly pressed a kiss behind your ear and tucked his arm underneath your head. He felt the rise and fall of your sigh as you leaned back against him, and his smile softened.
“You’re gonna fall asleep without digging into your treasure trove,” he teased. “I even got your favorite ice cream.”
You glanced at him over your shoulder in interest.
“Half-Baked?” you asked.
“Yep, for extra brownie points. Eh? See what I did there?”
Your body shook with a quiet laugh. You reached your hand back to touch his bearded cheek this time. Your fingers toyed with his many earrings.
“Did you know that you’re my favorite human?” you said. “Like, ever?”
He smiled against your neck. “Could’a sworn I was your third favorite, behind Ben and Jerry.”
“Nope, just you,” you said, snuggling back further into his warmth. “Thank you, baby.”
Priestly realized then that he’d found it.
He’d really, honest to God found the life he didn’t think he’d get, with a woman who didn’t want him to change; who just wanted him to be here.
Though he smirked when you reached for the bag and dug out the pint of Ben & Jerry’s.
“That’s what I thought,” he said.
You giggled. “Shut up.”
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AN: Priestly was such a fun character lol. I rewatched 10 Inch Hero this past week and this was the first thing I thought to write! If you liked this, let me know! (And if you want more Priestly.) 😘
Read the Prequel!
If you liked Code Red, read the start of their story:
▶️ The Miracle Man
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Priestly Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Tag List:
(Lovelies from my "Everything" tag list. If you want to be tagged on Priestly stuff specifically, check out the Tag List link in my bio.)
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @ades106 @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @brianochka @branj19 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog
@globetrotter28 @charmed-asylum @waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady @leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu @nyotamalfoy @kmc1989
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thebiggerbear · 2 months
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't." - Jake Gray Prompt Response
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Summary: When you go with Jake to visit his mom, you encounter a young woman who inexplicably sets you on edge and has you sticking that much closer to the boy who has your heart.
Pairing: Jake Gray x Female!Reader
A/N: This is part of the Soldier Boy/Beau Arlen/Dean Winchester/CJ Braxton/Alec McDowell/Jason Teague/Tom Hanniger/Russell Shaw/Boaz Priestly/Jake Gray/Jensen RPF prompt response project I’ve been working on the last month. This is the idea that popped into my head for it. It's my first time posting for this character so I'm a little nervous. Hope it turned out okay.
All unbeta'd.
Warnings: angst; mild smut; a smidgen of horror (kind of)
Word Count: 6894
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel; @hobby27; @impala67rollingthroughtown
Jake Gray Taglist: @call-me-mrs-winchester; @solacedthistest; @deansimpala; @foxyjwls007; @onlyangel-444
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx; @lyarr24; @bts24; @deans-spinster-witch; @rebel-paladin; @nancymcl; @c1gs-coffee; @peachhiz; @kickingitwithkirk
Beau Arlen | Dean Winchester | CJ Braxton | Soldier Boy | Jason Teague | Boaz Priestly | Russell Shaw | Tom Hanniger | Jensen Ackles RPF | Alec McDowell
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You smiled as you watched Jake talking with his mother a little bit away from where you stood. You had offered to go get drinks from the vending machine to give them some time alone to catch up. Jake’s birthday had just passed and you knew it had been a bit of a rough one for him on the homefront. He and his dad didn’t really get along or have too much to talk about when they occasionally did, though Jake tried his hardest to make it work.
Out of the corner of your eye, someone came to a stop next to you. You could see it was one of the nurses, a young woman, staring in the same direction you were.
After a moment, you heard her ask, “What do you see in him?”
Your head snapped towards her and you could see the nurse was younger than you’d initially thought, perhaps only a year or two older than you. “Excuse me?”
She turned to look at you and you immediately felt an icy chill run down your spine. She was beautiful but her hazel eyes…there was something about those eyes and the way they were intent on you that made you feel as if she were a predator assessing her prey. Even the small disarming smile she gave you was anything but. “Him.” She gestured towards Jake with an inclination of her head. You felt frozen to the spot. “Your boyfriend, I take it?” 
You couldn’t help but nod, still not sure what to make of why you were suddenly consumed with something that felt an awful lot like fear. Was this woman a serial killer perhaps? Didn’t people say that if your instincts felt off about someone, if they were screaming at you like yours were, to get away from the person as fast as possible? 
“So, what do you see in him?” She asked again.
You worriedly glanced in Jake’s direction. You watched as he laughed at something his mom said and rubbed her arm. 
“Well?” The woman demanded impatiently.
Any other person you might have walked away from or politely told them that it wasn’t their business, but you didn’t feel you could do either. So instead, you did exactly what you’d been raised to do, from imaginary monsters in your closet to school bullies — never show the fear you were feeling. You turned to look her dead in the eyes no matter how uncomfortable it made you and lifted your chin. “Everything you don’t.”
Her eyes flickered in Jake’s direction but you didn’t look away from her. After a moment, her gaze returned to you and roamed over you in a final assessment as she slowly nodded. “Pity.” And with that, she finally walked away. 
But instead of the air feeling lighter without her in it, the dread you felt only increased. Something told you that you and Jake were on her radar now and that was not a good place to be. The logical part of your brain thought it was ridiculous to feel that way but you had learned to always listen to your instincts. So you settled for a healthy dose of caution, mentally said a small prayer,  and hightailed it back to Jake and his mom. You hadn’t wanted to interrupt their time together but you also didn’t feel it was safe to be out here on your own, even though you were just a few feet away in a semi-crowded courtyard. 
Jake warmly smiled up at you as you approached. “Hey.”
You returned his smile though you knew yours was strained. “Hey.” You handed him his soda and turned to greet his mom as you sat down next to him. “Hi, Kathy. How are you?”
“Oh, you know. Still dancing.”
You chuckled and Jake shook his head. “She’s quite the comedian today, isn’t she?” 
“She is.” You forced your smile wider for their sakes. 
His brows furrowed as he studied you; he knew something was wrong. “Hey, you okay?” He asked quietly after leaning in a bit.
You nodded and opened your soda to find something to do. Despite the interaction with the nosy woman shaking you up, it amazed you that this cold dread continued to plague you. You wondered if you should tell Jake about the strange encounter; she had been wearing a nurse’s uniform after all. Should both of you really leave Kathy here in her care? Anyone here really?
Jake wasn’t buying your response but he let it go for now, opting to throw an arm around your shoulders instead and pull you into him, kissing the side of your head. You nearly sighed in relief when he settled you against him. The bad feeling never really went away but you felt slightly better having him hold you, like as long as he had you in his hold you both would be safe. Despite the oddity of the interaction you’d had just moments before, you had meant what you said to the woman. 
You loved Jake and you knew he loved you. It had taken you both a while to get here, what with the whole Dakota thing and your parents not being a fan of his father. They thought Jake was nice enough and they even felt badly for him when they discovered how strained his relationship with Paul really was. That had resulted in them extending several invitations to the younger Gray for family dinners throughout the years and even your dad attempting to bond with Jake more once you two began dating. 
Your friends weren’t crazy about him, though. They’d seen him partying a few times with Conrad and Dakota back in high school and sadly, they had already formed their own opinions of him that weren’t likely to change anytime soon. They didn’t believe he cared about you as much as you cared about him, that you were only a convenient placeholder for him until he found what he was really looking for — though what that could be they had no idea when you questioned them on it. They just didn’t trust him and they were convinced he and Dakota still had something going on when you weren’t around. You knew there wasn’t and that Jake would never do that to you or use you as they claimed — not you. You also knew he wasn’t bored with you as one friend of yours, Janine, had insisted. She had even told you that you were too much of a good girl for him, being a reverend’s daughter and all. Needless to say, you and Janine hadn’t spoken in a while; her assertion had hurt more than anything else your friends had thrown at you from the minute you told them that you and Jake were together. So even if the nurse hadn’t freaked you out just before, you still would’ve given her that same answer. You were used to defending Jake and your relationship with him.  
You saw the good in him, how hard he tried to be what his parents wanted him to be, to live up to their vision of the future for him. He was smart — you couldn’t even begin to count the amount of times he had worked on your parents’ home computer without complaint. He had incredible patience, fielding any and all questions your dad threw his way the night he picked you up for your first official date though the man had known him for years. He respected all of the rules you two had been given, your curfew (despite your being a full-fledged college student), and your mom and dad in general. He was kind, generous to a fault, and he was good to you. He never pushed for more than you were ready for and he was always there for you. 
Kathy smiled as she studied the two of you. “You two are cute together.”
You returned her smile; this time it was a genuine one.
Jake chuckled and kissed your head one more time. “Yeah, yeah,” he joked, taking your hand and intertwining your fingers as he turned to look at his mother. “Speaking of cute, the picture you sent me yesterday was a good one.”
You tried your best to focus on the conversation between mother and son but in your peripherals, you could see the nurse again. She was there on the edge of your vision, watching, waiting — waiting for what though you couldn’t be sure. You wrapped your arms around Jake’s torso and hugged him to you, laying your head on his shoulder. He grinned down at you and pressed his lips to your forehead, wrapping his arm around you tighter and pulling you closer, before resuming talking to his mom. As you watched Kathy, who gave you a kind smile before looking back to her son, you felt guilt begin to swallow you up inside. How could you leave here without telling Jake what you’d felt? When there was a break in the conversation, you compulsively swallowed and you were about to murmur to Jake that you needed to talk to him privately for a moment when he called out to someone in the distance. “Excuse me, Nurse! Can we get a blanke—”
When he stopped, you glanced up at him, seeing an altogether different smile on his face — one you had never seen before in all of the time you’d known him. Your eyes flickered in the direction he was looking and not only did your heart drop to your feet, but that cold dread was back in full force. It was the nurse from before and her smile matched his. She approached and your stomach clenched. Jake removed his arm from around you and you attempted to grab onto him tighter in your inexplicable fear but he gently broke out of your hold and leaned forward eagerly. “It’s you.” You worriedly glanced back and forth between them; they knew one another.
The woman smiled wider as she got closer. “It’s me.”
Your jaw practically dropped as Jake seemed to forget all about you and his mom while he spoke to the nurse whose name turned out to be Marisol. They had met before at Jake’s job and you could clearly see a spark between them that cracked your heart inside your chest. This time, Kathy gave you a sad and knowing smile; as well as you knew Jake, she knew her son better than anyone. 
“Jake?” You choked out in a whisper.
His head snapped back in your direction, his beaming smile dropping when he saw the tears building in your eyes. It was as if your Jake had suddenly returned. He immediately cupped your cheeks, his brows furrowing. “Hey,” he murmured. “What’s wrong?”
Before you could answer, Marisol added, “I’ll just go get that blanket for you.” Jake looked up at her, nodding, before turning back to you. The nurse patted Kathy’s shoulder as she passed, sending you a wicked smirk that neither mother nor son saw. It was one you never wished to see again, especially when the icy dread traveled down your spine once more. 
When she was gone, you found Jake watching your expression, concerned. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“You know her?”
His lips parted in surprise, obviously not having expected you to ask that question, and you didn’t miss it when he pulled back from you. You now felt cold from where his touch had been moments before. “Uh, yeah. She brought her laptop into the shop. There was a piece of wax stuck inside near the motherboard.”
Your eyes widened slightly when you heard the wax mention but Jake mistook your reaction for something else and he immediately took your hand in his, giving you a reassuring smile. “You know you’re my girl, right?”
You noticed Kathy watching you two closely out of the corner of your eye and you forced a smile onto your face. “Right.”
Jake’s grin grew and he wrapped his arm back around you and pulled you into him, rubbing your back as he continued his conversation with his mother. You tensed against him when Marisol returned with the promised blanket and a warm “Enjoy the rest of your visit” to Jake. He must have felt your reaction because he politely thanked her and held onto you tighter, waiting for her to leave before he kissed your forehead and let you go to spread the blanket over his mom. Over her son’s head, Kathy gave you a reassuring smile of her own — right, you had nothing to worry about. Jake loved you; you were the one he had asked to accompany him to see his mother who meant the world to him. Not Dakota, not any other girl, and not even this Marisol, despite their meeting outside of here and the obvious chemistry between them.
But when you felt compelled to look across the courtyard and you saw Marisol’s wicked smirk from earlier still pointed in your direction from over her shoulder, you suddenly realized that Jake’s loving you wasn’t what you were worried about. His obviously warm reception of her wasn’t the threat you felt. Almost as if she knew what you were thinking, Marisol’s smirk grew when her eyes briefly dropped to Jake leaned down next to you, still covering his mom to keep her warm. She stayed focused on him for a moment, her features reflecting something that looked a lot like determination, before she set her gaze forward and continued on her trek away from you all. 
You placed a hand on Jake’s shoulder, causing him to shoot you a quick smile before focusing back on his mom. You said a silent prayer, asking for divine protection for Kathy, Paul, everyone here, you and your family, and of course, the boy underneath your touch — the boy who had always held your heart. No, Jake’s turning from you was the least of your worries, because that grin of Marisol’s had been accompanied by a whisper deep within you: Evil. You weren’t sure why you had that thought, why you were so certain it wasn’t an irrational one that could be rooted in jealousy or insecurity, but you knew enough by now to listen to what your instincts were telling you. 
So when Jake sat back up and informed his mom that he unfortunately had to leave for work, you quickly said goodbye to Kathy, stooping down to give her a hug and kiss on the cheek, and eagerly followed Jake out of the courtyard. You kept your hand in his, holding onto him, while you scanned the path in front of you. Thankfully, neither of you encountered Marisol again and you were only able to breathe more freely once Jake’s Jeep was back on the road, headed far away from that place. 
You kept Jake’s hand in your lap as you stared out the passenger window at the passing scenery. You fully intended on talking to your father about this experience and asking for his guidance. You just couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something dangerous about that woman, almost in a spiritual sense, and that she posed a serious risk to Jake and even to you.
You briefly remembered his reaction to the woman, how he had willfully entered the bubble between them and forgot about everyone else. You forced the quickly forming lump down your throat. And to think, you had thought Dakota would be the one to come between you back in the day. 
Jake’s voice jarred you from your thoughts and you realized he had pulled over on the side of a quiet back road. You had been so focused on wondering what could be done to protect Jake, to keep him from Marisol, and what you could even say that wouldn’t have you sounding like you were crazy or jealous, that you hadn’t even noticed the car had come to a stop. 
Your boyfriend’s brows furrowed as he studied you. “You sure you’re okay?”
You attempted to give him a reassuring smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Because you haven’t said one word since we left.”
The concern you saw in his green eyes had you wanting to tell him everything. You always had been able to, ever since you were kids. Ever since you had decided in all of your five year old wisdom that he was going to be your best friend when you saw him sitting alone on the kindergarten playground and watching the other children play. But you had seen the delighted smile he had given Marisol, the way he had carefully pulled away from you and centered all of his attention on her despite your presence and Kathy’s…you weren’t so sure he would believe you. 
“I guess I’m just a little more tired than I thought.” 
After seeing Jake the night before for a birthday dinner with your family, you knew Conrad and Dakota were itching to get him to themselves to properly celebrate his 21st, so you kissed him, told him to be careful while also having fun, and sent him on his way. You had a paper for your Behavioral Psych class to finish which would mean a late night for you, and you weren’t much of a partyer but you wanted him to enjoy himself. He had told you quietly before the food had been served about his dad’s somewhat indifferent attempt to acknowledge the day. You had seen how much it still bothered him, even when you all sang “Happy Birthday” to him and cheered when he blew out the candles on the cake you and your mother had made. Afterwards, when he was saying goodbye on your front porch, you had hugged him and whispered in his ear, “I know it’s your birthday but I’m grateful every day that you were born. I love you, Jake.” He had tightened his arms around you and buried his head into your shoulder for a moment before lifting up to tenderly frame your face with hands and kiss you deeply.
So, you leaned into the tired claim as a plausible explanation for your keeping quiet…for now.  
Jake obviously wasn’t buying it. He undid his seat belt and turned in his seat to face you, cupping your chin and staring into your eyes. “You know how much you mean to me, Y/N, don’t you?”
Your smile grew a little and you nodded.
His gaze continued searching yours for a few extra heartbeats before he leaned in to kiss you. As his lips moved with yours, you felt his other hand suddenly on your bare thigh, beginning to slowly inch upwards underneath the material of your dress. His thumb brushed against your inner thigh, making you gasp into his mouth as fire quickly traveled throughout the lower half of your body. You marveled that a single touch from him in that particular area could set you aflame so quickly. It wasn’t that you hadn’t made out before — with him and two others — and done some light petting here and there, but you usually stopped short of allowing anyone to touch you there. Which is also probably why Jake froze for a moment at your reaction and when you didn’t immediately pull away, he tilted his head and kissed you more fervently, slipping his tongue past your lips. His hand quickly slid upwards and his fingertips brushed against your panties, eliciting a tiny moan from you. 
Before you knew it, your seatbelt was undone and he had you in his lap, moving the material of your dress out of the way to push you down onto a quickly forming bulge in his jeans. It was something you had felt before but not right up against you like this. You broke the kiss, gasping in shock at the feeling, and stared into his eyes that were a shade darker than a mere minute ago. He watched you back as you both gulped for air, neither of you moving and waiting to see what the other one would do. 
He gently moved your hair away from your face and you could see the adoration in his gaze that he had always held for you, though it seemed to be bordered by something you had recently come to know as lust. You could only wonder what he was seeing in your own gaze right that second. 
“This okay?” He asked quietly, checking in with you.
You slowly nodded. Normally, by now, you would be pulling back with the intention of cooling you both down before you went too far. However, any sensical thinking on your part had gone straight out the window — you just wanted.
He gave you a smile and then his hands traveled down to your hips, applying pressure and pushing your lower half closer to his before easing up. He repeated the motion a few times, causing the breath to catch in your chest. Oh, that was very pleasant. You moaned when he did it again and then launched yourself at him, kissing him passionately and your hands gripping at his hair. You began moving your hips yourself without any assistance from him, desperate to pursue the feeling he had started within you, and he plundered your mouth mercilessly. When he let out a deep groan, you increased the speed of your rhythm and pulled away from him to gasp when you felt his body begin to move to meet yours. He leaned forward and latched his lips onto your neck, in that one spot that was always the most sensitive, and you hummed your approval. 
The car was slightly rocking around you and Jake’s mouth had trailed down to the neckline of your dress. Before he could pull the material down to expose your cleavage, you grabbed at his hair and pulled him back. That’s not what you wanted right now; what you wanted was to keep this feeling going. You lowered your hands and ripped his shirt open, sending buttons flying everywhere and exposing the t-shirt underneath.
He grinned up at you, chuckling. “So much for that shirt.”
You returned the smile before grabbing him and kissing him again, moaning into his mouth as you rocked back and forth on him. He started unbuttoning your dress but you immediately pulled away to peel it off of you and toss it aside, leaving you in your slip. He watched you intently and immediately began placing kisses on every inch of exposed skin he could reach, his fingers greedily pulling the straps down your shoulders along with your bra straps. Your teeth dug into your bottom lip as you felt his warm breath skate across your chest in between kisses. Once he reached your collarbone and moved his way back up to your neck, you hummed in appreciation and pressed a tender kiss to the side of his head.   
“God, I love you, Jake,” you breathily moaned. “So much.”
Jake suddenly pulled back, grasped your face, and rewarded you with another deep kiss. He yanked up your slip as high as it would go without tearing and then gripped your hips, moving you more expertly against him. You gasped and grabbed at him, burying your face into his neck as he panted and moaned against your shoulder. You felt a foreign feeling rising within you, one that you had only ever had in dreams before where you and Jake were in a bed and there were far less clothes involved. The lower region of your body began to have its own pulse at the same time, throbbing more intensely with every meeting of your hips. And now all of these feelings were about to wash over you; you felt as if you were on the edge of something — something massive. This was the farthest you and Jake had ever gone; this was the farthest you had ever gone with anyone. Jake raced you both to that precipice, his sounds echoing in your ear only continuing to escalate that feeling within you.
Just as you were about to give into that sensation, just as you were about to fall over that edge, Jake pulled back, breathing heavily and staring intently into your eyes. You cupped his cheeks and placed your forehead against his, knowing exactly what he needed to hear at that moment even if he didn’t. “I love you,” you moaned. “And I will never leave you.” Had you been thinking in that second, you might have thought that was an odd statement to make. Not that you hadn’t told him these things in one form or another and you deeply meant the sentiments but why now? Why was that what he needed to hear from you right then? And as well as you knew him, how did you just know the exact words to say that he had subconsciously been looking for from you?
The lack of a rational answer ceased to matter when he immediately tensed and gasped, pushing himself up against you one final time by lifting his hips slightly out of his seat and letting out a loud grunt. Watching him in fascination and feeling something warm and slightly damp through the thin layer of your panties that had nothing to do with your own body finally pushed you off of that cliff. You tensed as well and before you could close your eyes, Jake’s hands were on your face and he watched you with rapt attention, never letting you look away from him once as his chest heaved in and out rapidly. The cry you let out might have embarrassed you in any other situation but the body-wide explosion you were currently experiencing didn’t make room for you to be worried about such a trivial thing. Especially when Jake graced you with an adoring smile and tenderly moved your hair away from your face, staring at you as if you were everything to him in that moment.
Once the fireworks stopped, you collapsed against him, breathing heavily, your body feeling completely boneless. You were even trembling slightly. So, that was what an orgasm felt like. You could see what the big deal was, why people enjoyed chasing the feeling, even why some risked everything to reach that height only to fall off of it repeatedly. Your body tingled, from your scalp to your lower extremities, and chills ran through you, prompting you to cozy up to him a little more.
Jake tightened his arms around you and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. After a moment, he tenderly rubbed your back with both hands and gently nuzzled you. “Are you okay?”
“Better than okay,” you murmured.
A happy smile blossomed on his lips. “That was amazing.”
You gave him a tired one in return. “It was. Though it’s very…damp.”
“Yeah.” He chuckled and kissed your nose, pulling you more into him and sighing contentedly into your neck. You closed your eyes and reveled in the feeling of being this close to him. You carded your fingers through the back of his hair in a tender and soothing gesture.
You stayed like that for however long until you remembered you would have to let him go so he could continue driving to drop you off before work. “Are you still coming to movie night after your shift?” You murmured.
“Depends. Are you going to fuck me for real this time? Or do I need to go to Marisol for that?”
Your eyes snapped open in shock. You sat back up to look at him, wondering where that had come from and beyond hurt, when your heart stopped inside your chest. In Jake’s place was a horrible looking beast with horns, pointed teeth in a shark-like smile, and dark eyes — eyes that were sharply focused on you. Your blood froze when a horrifying and monstrous hand reached for you, the smile widening. You gasped loudly in terror and immediately moved away, your back hitting the steering wheel while a scream was stuck in your throat. The hand was inches away from your face when it suddenly dropped and covered your bare knee, shaking it. You flinched from the contact, your eyes clenching shut, as you tried to get the scream out, to get away from whatever this horror was.
“Hey,” Jake’s voice gently called.
You jumped at hearing him in such close proximity and your eyes suddenly opened. Jake had his hand on your knee and he was giving you a small smile. You immediately realized that you were back in the passenger seat, fully clothed, and so was he, buttons and all. You worriedly glanced around, noting that you were parked in front of your house, your dad was pretending to water the lawn, and there was no horrifying beast in sight. You sat up fully and quickly scanned the back of the car and around you both, your wide eyes coming to a stop on Jake. 
His brows knitted together in concern as he watched you. “Bad dream?”
“Dream?” You whispered.
His smile turned into a reassuring one. “You fell asleep on me.”
You cautiously checked your peripherals but still no horns, no razor-sharp teeth, and no terrifying dark eyes. Oh God, those eyes. You shuddered at the memory of that penetrating gaze, as if it could see into your soul, wanting to gleefully rip apart whatever it found. 
“Yeah. Right after we left. I knew you didn’t get much sleep last night so I didn’t want to wake you until we got here.” Jake’s smile grew as he squeezed your knee.
“S-So, we never pulled over?”
Confusion blanketed his expression before he chuckled. “No. Why? Did you dream that?”
You still felt disoriented, almost in disbelief that this was the reality you found yourself in. That dream had felt very real; you still felt the evidence of it down below. One discreet glance at Jake’s lower half, though, was the final evidence that it had indeed been a dream. You held a hand up to your forehead, subconsciously checking for any sign of injury there or a feeling of heat against your skin, still uncertain why your dream had such a terrifying ending, and closed your eyes when you found neither. “Um, yeah, I guess,” you mumbled.
Jake chuckled again and you felt him place a kiss to your left temple. “You’re cute when you first wake up, you know that?” He then dropped his lips to your ear. “Next time, I will definitely pull over and make sure you stay awake.”
Normally, his flirty tone laced with implication would make your cheeks burn a little and prompt you to tease him back, but not this time. You were still too disturbed by your dream for any light-hearted banter. Why had you dreamed about that monster? Where did it even come from?   
Jake lifted his head and glanced out your window. “Your dad’s been watering the same section of the lawn for the last five minutes. I guess I’d better get going.”
You followed his gaze and noted the rigid posture of your father, looking in your direction out of the corner of his eye. “Yeah,” you agreed with a sad sigh. 
“Hey.” Jake cupped your chin and forced you to meet his assessing gaze. “Are you really okay?”
You wanted to tell him about what you had seen, what you’d felt, but for some reason, you felt as if you couldn’t. That bothered you; you usually told Jake everything, but it would make you sound crazy. So instead, you forced your mouth into a reassuring smile. “Yeah. Just a…bad dream like you said.”
He studied you for a moment, not really seeming as if he believed you, but he appeared to decide not to press further. He nodded and leaned in, pressing his lips to yours in a brief but tender kiss before letting you go and moving back into his seat. “Thanks for coming with me today. My mom always enjoys seeing you.”
You reached for the door handle. “I always enjoy seeing her, too.”
A hint of an affectionate smile formed on his face and he squeezed your shoulder. “I’ll see you around 8 for movie night.”
You froze at the familiar words that prompted your nightmare to come back to you. You involuntarily shuddered once more and an immediate inexplicable fear overwhelmed you. For some sudden unknown reason, you didn’t want Jake out of your sight. You wanted him with you, in your house, surrounded by your family. Your instincts were gnawing at you once more.
You took his hand in yours and intertwined your fingers. “Jake.”
His brows furrowed once more, his gaze flickering from your joined hands to you. 
“Do you think you can call in sick and stay here with me? Just this once?”
His eyes widened slightly in surprise. You never asked him to miss work or play hooky when it came to his classes. Not once. Guilt fleeted across his expression, making you the suddenly confused one, until you saw the reassuring smile from earlier make a reappearance. “Yeah, sweetheart. I’ll stay.”
You responded with your own smile, feeling relief blooming in your chest, and released his hand to tenderly stroke his cheek. “Thank you,” you murmured.
He turned to press a kiss to your palm and shot you his adorable yet devilish grin that made your heart leap inside your chest, right before he climbed out of the car. You did the same and he met you near the hood of his Jeep, wrapping an arm around you and kissing the side of your head.
“Hey, you two,” your dad loudly greeted, all pretense of being fascinated with the grass over. “You’re just in time. Joan wants to order sushi for movie night but I’ve been trying to talk her into getting pizza instead.” You knew your mother was trying to get him to eat healthier after his latest doctor visit. It was a constant battle since your dad was a creature of habit, but it didn’t mean she wouldn’t keep trying, though. “You both can help me convince her.” He adjusted his glasses, turned the sprayer off, and began moving to coil up the water hose. 
“Okay,” you called, still distracted. 
Jake took note of your easy agreement, something that was uncharacteristic of you since you had been trying to provide support to your mom in her mission to keep unhealthy food from making its way into the house on a daily basis. He peered down at your face, really studying you. “Hey, are you really okay?”
You could see the worry staring back at you and you framed his face with your hands. “I’m okay,” you reassured him. “Just…stay with me tonight…okay?”
He nodded, his green eyes searching yours, uncertainty mixing with concern lining his expression. After a moment, he murmured, “You know I love you, right?”
You couldn’t help the smile that fought its way onto your face in response. “I know and I love you, too,” you whispered in reassurance before moving him to meet you in a sweet kiss. Something else that had Jake holding you a little closer and burying his fingers into your back as if he was afraid to let go of you; you never kissed Jake in front of your parents — not like this. 
Your dad’s purposeful loud clearing of his throat following your action served as a reminder why. “The pizza?” From his annoyed tone, you knew that the food was the last thing on his mind.
Truthfully, it was the furthest thing from yours and Jake’s as well. Neither of you pulled apart, your lips still moving together, and you wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer to you as his snaked around your waist to do the same. Only when your dad let out an extremely loud and clearly forced cough did you both move back a couple of millimeters, but you still remained within a hair’s breadth of each other, unable to stop smiling.
“Pizza?” You quietly asked.
“Pizza sounds good.” He affectionately bumped your nose with his, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Great,” your dad mumbled somewhere in the distance. You were still stuck in your bubble with Jake, feeling much better and lighter than you had all afternoon, and your disturbing nightmare quickly became a distant memory the longer you stared into that loving green gaze of his. The only remnants left that your brain chose to focus on were his touches, his kisses, the feelings he enticed from your body, and just Jake. 
“Now that it’s settled, let’s go in and place the order,” your dad continued. “Jake,” he barked out when your boyfriend’s lips pressed against yours once more.
Jake’s head snapped up in his direction but he didn’t move away from you. “Yes, sir?”
“The pizza?”
Jake quickly cleared his throat, trying to smother the grin that wanted to remain on his face. “Right. Uh, I’m good with anything you guys choose.”
“Good to know.” You could hear the snark in your father’s voice that normally would have made you frown over at him, but right now you didn’t want to focus on anything that was outside of Jake’s embrace.
Jake’s expression suddenly lightened with realization and he gave your father his most charming smile. “If you want to call in the order, Y/N and I can go pick it up.” Usually, you would have been more than game for that idea, but something deep down inside of you immediately protested. Not because you were afraid of what might happen between you and Jake, but because of something else. An all-too familiar dread growing in the pit of your stomach and you had the sudden urge to grab Jake and hurry inside. It coincided with the urge you’d had moments ago to get him to stay with you.
Your dad snorted. “Nice try. We’ll have it delivered. Now, come on. Joan’s probably hiding the pizza place menu as we speak.” He waved a hand, indicating you should be following him.
Jake smirked down at you, you having made sure to keep the worry from your face, and gave a half-hearted shrug. “I tried.”
You returned his smirk and since your dad had his back to you, you whispered, “The movie he picked for tonight is Pearl Harbor. Mom will probably beg off and he’ll be asleep in no time. Then you and I can sneak upstairs for a little while.” His eyes lit up as you knew they would and you quickly lifted up, pecked his lips, and grabbed his hand to lead him up to the house. As you both followed your father, Jake’s gaze never left you and his grin never faltered. And you were finally able to sigh in relief once you both made it across the threshold and Safe whispered through you, right before Jake squeezed your hand and snuck a kiss to your cheek before following your impatient father into the kitchen. You watched him go, your heart full and your spirit light once more. Only when you turned to close the door behind you did your smile freeze before dropping completely. 
There stood Marisol, right next to Jake’s Jeep parked at the curb, a jacket covering her nursing scrubs. That same smirk from earlier was plastered on her face and those hazel eyes mocked you, almost as if whatever feelings of love and overall goodness you’d just experienced was purely temporary. Then, within the blink of an eye, she was gone. You looked every which way for her, but she was nowhere to be found. Before worry could continue to consume you, you hurriedly shut the door, hit the lock, and encased yourself in your arms. Had Marisol followed you and Jake here? Or was her image just something your mind would now start hallucinating anytime you felt the slightest bit of fear? In relation to Jake?
Unsure of the answer, when your dad and mom started harmlessly bickering in the kitchen and the former called for you, you dropped your arms and pasted a smile on your face before walking in to join them. And when Jake’s hand absent-mindedly trailed along your arm during the movie later, you snuggled further into his side, making him smile and kiss your forehead while your father frowned at you in disapproval from his recliner. You didn’t care, though; you held onto Jake tightly, afraid that if you loosened your grip at any moment and let your guard down, he’d slip right through your fingers and vanish. And Jake, the boy who you had given your heart to so long ago, would be gone to you forever. When an unbidden tear rolled down your cheek at the thought, you didn’t bother wiping it away, only pressed a fiercely protective kiss to where Jake’s heart beat steadily underneath your ear, making him quietly hum in approval and place his lips to your forehead. The action set free another tear but you refused to wipe it away as you stared blankly at the TV screen; you silently vowed you would do whatever it took to keep the love of your life safely out of Marisol’s grasp.
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
banner by @cafekitsune
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⋆ these are characters that i write for that don't have a particular fandom, usually movies or if i don't want to write for the rest of the cast of a certain series!
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joel miller
tess servopoulos
jim hopper
boaz priestly
jonathan byers
ss harley quinn
hughie campbell
murphy macmanus
annie "starlight" january
mike schmidt
kathani "kate" sharma
billy butcher
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jensens-ackles · 1 year
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boaz-priestly is now jensens-ackles
I am surprised I didn't come back to this url sooner; after changing blog and using some seasonal/character focused url's I am back to being *me* again. I may change from time to time (at Halloween for example) but this is my main URL from now on.
I am also tracking the tag #tuserjinxie if anyone wants to tag me in their edits or posts ✨
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( requests are temporarily closed )
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i currently write for:
supernatural (dean winchester)
the boys (soldier boy/ben, butcher, hughie)
misc. jensen ackles characters (beau arlen, jason teague, tom hanniger, jake gray, alec/x5-494, cj, boaz priestly, eric brady)
request guidelines:
feel free to send in multiple requests, don’t be shy!
i have the right to deny any request, but i will let you know if i’m not going to write your request
i do not write wincest or wincest-adjacent
i do not write real person fiction (rpf)
i do write smut but only if it fits comfortably into a longer fic (nothing too heavy; see this fic for an example)
i only write female reader, but looks-wise i try to keep it as general/non-descriptive as i can
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SUMMARY : he’s clingy and doesn’t know how else to feel close to her. even though it gets them both riled up, it’s nice while it lasts.
PAIRING : boaz priestly x fem!reader
WARNINGS : nsfw(18+), cockwarming, fluff
A/N : omg, y’all, HEY. I’m sorry. LMAO, see y’all next week??? XXXXXX
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“So you’re just not gonna move?” He asked, lifting his hips off the couch and lowering his pants. She nodded, about to explain some more to him. “Did I do something wrong?” He asked immediately after, taking in the view of her in a pretty pastel-blue bralette and matching underwear, which she was starting to push down her legs. 
“No,” she laughed, “why would you think that?” She straddled him, entertained by the way he tugged on his cock while he stared at the side, deep in thought and his only response was a shrug. She took his chin in her hand, made him look at her so she could kiss him softly. “This is supposed to be enjoyable and lazy.” 
He hummed softly, sounding a little doubtful, as if he already knew himself. His eyes remained glued on her face when she took him in her hand, not teasing herself the way she usually did, just pressed the soft head against her entrance, gently pushing into her, stretching her easily with the warm slickness that was there. 
She moved up and down slowly and he moaned, but he knew she was just making the way down easier for herself, less painful, more comfortable. He let her, grasped her thighs and looked away from her curious face to observe how wet she had his cock. He cursed softly, found himself so desperate he thrusted upwards sharply to push himself all the way in, her little gasp pulled him out of his daze.
“Shit, honey,” he said worriedly, “did I hurt you?” 
“No, just surprised me,” she smiled at him reassuringly, kissed his forehead and her lips lingered before she pulled away. He relaxed and nodded, his thumbs brushing gently over her hip bones, daring to look back down where she was now full with him. She must have been looking at him the whole time, because she grabbed the hem of his shirt, and lifted it up his tummy to get a better look at herself too. He felt himself throb inside her, knowing that she wanted to look, that she was enjoying this nearly as much as he was starting to, it made the muscles in his abdomen tighten delightfully. 
“Take it off,” he murmured, “I’m kinda hot,” he added. 
“Yeah, you are,” she flirted, but started to lift his shirt up, helped him take it off and threw it on the other side of the couch. He rolled his eyes at her at first, but then nodded, taking the compliment proudly. He slid his hands up her sides, wiggled his fingers underneath her bralette to cup her breasts, squeezing gently. 
Her nipples tightened under his gaze. He felt her walls squeeze around him when his thumbs brushed over her nipples, nearly stopping himself from going any further because he didn’t think he could just sit there and not have sex with her while he was inside her. It was worse when she squirmed, her back arching slightly, her hips undulating just barely, but enough to nearly drive him crazy. 
“How long do you expect me to last?” He asked breathily, shifting under her. She looked down at him, amusement sparked so obviously in her eyes, her lip twitching up into a smirk.  “Don’t get me wrong,” he murmured, pinching her nipples roughly, “love feeling you this close, but I can’t do it.” 
“Then stop doing that,” she said with a chuckle. She grabbed his wrists and moved them out from her silky bralette. He pouted at her, his eyes falling back to the thin material that covered her breasts, her nipples poking through. “Hey, let’s do something,” she suggested, forcing him to tear his eyes away from her chest. 
“Watch a movie?” He asked, more than a little disappointed when she moved off his lap. He stared at how slick he was. Looking up at her, he saw how triumphant she was by the beads of precum that quickly rolled down his dick. He blushed, nearly pulled his pants up to cover himself, but she stopped him. 
“Take all your clothes off,” she ordered.
“You too?” He asked, immediately doing as she told him to do. She looked down at herself and shrugged with a nod, and lifted the bralette up and off her body. He quickly stood up once he was naked, grabbed her waist and latched his lips onto her nipples. Her hands went to his hair, a title gasp slipping past her lips, knowing he was trying to tempt her, when he turned her and gently pushed her into the couch. 
“Boaz,” she warned, but he ignored her. His fingers went up her thighs, between her legs to massage her clit expertly. His teeth gently scraped her nipples, giving little licks to cover them in his saliva and moved his mouth down her stomach, left open-mouth kisses down body and replaced his fingers with his mouth to play with her clit. She grabbed his face and pulled him off her, “okay, now it is a punishment,” she told him breathlessly. 
He whined, moved up her body to kiss her lips passionately, silently asking for forgiveness and to stop her from going through with her newest idea, which to him was more tortuous than pleasurable. She kissed his back, held his face gently in her hands, tilting her head to let his tongue in. The softness and the warmth of it against her own made her moan, tasting something fruity and sweet in his mouth.
She would love nothing more than to have sex with him, but she wanted to push his buttons. She wanted to see how far he would let himself go, before he simply couldn’t just sit there. She didn’t think he’d get so desperate as quickly as he did, but even now, he rolled his hips against hers, sliding his cock through her folds and nearly pushing himself back into her, but a sharp smack of her small hand on his ass made him pull away in shock. 
She laughed softly, leaned up to kiss him again, wrapping her arms around his neck because she really wanted to give in now. But she didn’t, she slipped out from under him and he sat down, staring after her naked body bending over to get the TV ready for whatever she wanted to watch. It was just Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which made him relax, but the little smirk on her lips when she turned to face him made him excited and anxious all at once.
“You’re not serious,” he said incredulously, but she appeared far too amused to be joking. She took his bearded chin, smiled down at him, her thumb gently swiping across his lower lip so they automatically parted, ready for a kiss. She gave him one, a small, teasing kiss to his parted lips, innocent on the surface but so full of mischief. 
“Let’s see how long you last,” she murmured, sitting back in his lap. He tensed up, grabbed her hips and didn’t stop her from sliding back down his dick. His head fell back against the couch, trying to suppress a groan of pleasure and failing, his hands moved to her ribcage. 
“I can tell you now,” he muttered, “a few more minutes.” She laughed, rested her head on his shoulder and kissed his jawline. He smiled at her despite how tense and turned on he was, trying hard to ease his body and give her a few moments of peace before he tried again to go for what he wanted.
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@rominaszh @lanassmarty @murdockscumsock @candy-coated-misery0731 @kellynickelss @spnfamily-j2 @deansbbyx
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destielficsread · 3 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Charlie Bradbury, Jo Harvelle, Kevin Tran, Rowena MacLeod, Crowley (Supernatural), Bobby Singer, Gabriel (Supernatural), Eileen Leahy, Arthur Ketch, Mick Davies, Benny Lafitte, Boaz Priestly Additional Tags: takes place in the supernatural world, Bullying, Homophobic Language, Abusive John Winchester, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut, giving a baby to adoption (not between Destiel), Rape/Non-con Elements, John kicked Dean out, Dean starting a new life, stanford!sam, Priestly!Dean, Cas is a new character in the movie, NSFW, bottom!Dean, Top!Cas, First Kiss, First Time, Virgin!Dean, surprise guest appereance, shy!Dean, Dean with colorful hair, dean is shy and bi, Idiots in Love, Minor Crowley (Supernatural)/Bobby Singer, Minor Charlie Bradbury/Jo Harvelle, Minor Rowena MacLeod/Gabriel, two surprise pairings, not Ketch or Mick Davies friendly, inspired by the movie ten inch hero Summary:
When John Winchester kicks Dean out, after he saw him kissing another boy, and Dean sees that Sam has a perfect life at Stanford without him, Dean starts a new life in Santa Cruz. He works at a tiny shop as a cook, has found some friends there, and is overall happy enough. That changes when Castiel comes into his shop and his Co-worker Azara, who has a different man every night, starts flirting with him right in front of Dean. Not that he would be jealous or anything, but there is something about Castiel that makes him weak in the knees. Only that Castiel would never want him back, right? 
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 8 months
SuperNatural RP Story
SuperNatural RP Story https://ift.tt/dHLjpuX by J2_Wincest4Ever20051999 This is a roleplay that I turned into a story. Words: 8824, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: M/M, Other Characters: Brooke Davis, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Claire Novak, Alex Jones (Supernatural), Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Rufus Turner, Ellen Harvelle, Jared Padalecki, Cordell Walker, Jensen Ackles, Beau Arlen, Soldier Boy (The Boys), Tom Hanniger, Boaz Priestly, Castiel’s siblings, Jody Mills, John Winchester, Donna Hanscum, Hunters (Supernatural), Ash (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Soifon Winchester/Ethan, More just unsure right now Additional Tags: lgbtqa+, Mpreg, Language, mentions of past abuse or rape, beatings, this is a roleplay turned into a story via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/iefrtJg January 15, 2024 at 11:52AM
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