#charecter redemption
tazzy02 · 1 year
So this is my first ever post!
So what am I posting? Good question!
Now if you've read my profile description then you already know but in case you didn't I'm posting Fanfiction recommendations 😉and would love to share what I like with you so here's the first one!
His Veela Heritage by RiverWriter on AO3
This story happens after the books/movies are done and focuses on Hermione and Draco as the main pairing. In this story Draco just came into his Creature Heritage as a Veela and Hermione is his mate this is a great story and if you like the Draco x Hermione paring you'll love this be warned if you don't like Character bashing you might not like this
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puppiesandnightlock · 2 years
he said "when u see me again youll barley reconize me" so hey sega can we get a teen redesign for tails pls XDDDD
i think im attached to the kocos now XD
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I have made a mistake.
Little old me, who narrowly avoided spoilers for months has finally finished Red Dead Redemption 2. After taking a day to grieve, I restarted the game and am currently roaming around Chapter 2, in denial and trying to spoil my favorite cowboy as much as possible while exploring everything again.
The urge I have to dance on the burning tents of Micah, Dutch, and Colm while scurrying the rest of the gang away to Tahiti or California is so dang high.
My brain is now rotten. Rotten with the mental image of my little embodiment of chaos and comedic vengeance riding in and doing what she does best. I want Ashlyn Moore to enter RDR 2. One A.M. to meet the other A.M.
I want Dutch to meet someone who points out the repetitive and cultish manner of his speeches while complimenting his sense of style.
I want Micah to meet someone crazier than him, someone with the strangest luck that just can't stay down.
I want someone to join Charles out on the plains, watching the world with wide-eyed wonder and seeming like an oblivious child as they learn about the wild. I also want that person to surprise the hell out of him when a "dainty innocent city lady" is fine with butchering a rabbit and throwing the entrails at the O'Driscoll who wanted to turn a hunting lesson into a shoot-out.
I want someone to join Sadie out on a girl's day, getting a few bounties and racing horses through a firey horizon.
I want someone to joke around with Sean, pulling pranks. I want someone to hang out with Lenny and take pictures of that bar mission. I want someone to sit by Jack and tell him stories that haven't even been written yet. I want someone wild to roam the world of rdr2 and throw a wrench into the tragedy of the Van Der Linde gang.
I want Ashlyn in rdr2.
ALIENS AND TIME TRAVEL ARE CANNONICAL! I CAN DO IT IF I WANT TO!!!! There is nothing to stop a chaotic and comedic fix-it-canon divergent au
*looks at current works in progress*
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slipperywhenwet0o0 · 7 months
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icedbeverageenjoyer · 3 months
Despicable Mr. Puzzles SPOILERS!!! (Boy, do I have a lot to talk about!!!)
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Alright, my fr opinion on the episode?
I feel a bit uneasy with the direction they're taking Mr Puzzles' charecter,
I am a Mr Puzzles simp so I could be kinda biased but I'm ok with the direction they're taking him! Though I am very concerned if they'll be able to pull it off or not.
I really liked Puzzles as a cold, mysterious villain whose wacky demeanor makes him even more unsettling, but I don't mind him getting a redemption arc and becoming a bit more soft and sappy. Even so, I am worried that the crew might woobify him and strip him of all his nuance.
I absolutely squealed when Puzzles was being cute with Leggy! But I do want there to be a scene where they actually acknowledge how much shit he's put the crew through. They did acknowledge Meggy's trauma in the Puzzlevision movie but with SMG4's casually annoyed response in Mario the Exploro makes me have serious doubts this could happen...
SMG4 might be one of my fave shows but I don't really expect writing quality from them. I think their strong suit is 10 minute short adventures and they're damn good at it!
Even so, I choose to believe Mr. Puzzles is in the right hands! And if he is not, fanon is always an option!!
Woo- what a long rant! Hope you have a great day y'all!! 💞🧡💛
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ishimaru-suprimacy · 6 months
Ik its not accurate but this is how i imagine maskless kabal in my head
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Little rant i love mk11 kabal designs so much but i DESPISE what they did to him in the story mode he has so little going on he has what 3 minutes of screen time two dialogues NO PERSONALITY he has so much wasted potential im so so so mad past kabal also has nothing interesting going on after you beat him in the fight club he should have gotten a redemption arc or smth there was just so much potential for stuff with absolutely no exacution like i actually wrote 3 pages of stuff they could have done with him and the worst part is nrs keeps doing this Kombat kids, cyrax, cole young theres so much potential for stuff that they never do instead of letting the actual creative people be in charge they push any good idea to the back to focus on the same five charecters every game so thats why theres nothing for charecters like kabal and stryker also don't even get me started on the fact theres 0 stryker mentions by kabal like no intro duologue no nothing his only mention is by FUCKING ROBO COP
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moetartart · 25 days
So this is such a silly little rant but I have no where else to put it so here it is 😂 My very room temperature take.
Astarion gets a lot of hate for things Shadowheart is wubbified for.
I'd like to start by saying I love both charecters, I accept their flaws and that they can be evil. I love that for them. but I keep getting paragraphs written to me about how awful Astarion is and people really not liking my take that Shart is just as bad..
.Not just pro torture but a pro AT torture which she brags about. No mind control needed (in the goblin camp and again she praises the doctor in the house of healing )
.Approves of lies and doing bad things
.is vein and narcissistic about her looks Tav-' your beautiful' Shart-'i know.'
.Will use and manipulate Tav (you get more than once insight check)
.Is racist (To the Gith mainly)
.Disapproves of you doing nice things -'that kind heart will get us all killed some day.' (Shadowheart disapproves)
.In her bad ending, even if you have done a fully good run and she has become a hero, she can still choose of her own free will to become a cult leader who abused others as she has been abused. No vampire mind control needed. (She has to give up memories, but not of her adventures with Tav)
.In her good ending she learns to live for herself going on adventures or settling down for a quiet life
Astarion -
. Approves of torture because he's smug he's not the one in the chair
.has done serious harm to others including children but had no control over his body and actions at the time 'He speaks, and our bodies move.'
.Approves of lies and doing bad things a LOT
.is vien and narcissistic about his looks 'AND beautiful! Not enough people mention that.'
.will use and manipulate Tav (admits it all on the confessions scene OR the rejection scene in act 3 if you don't help him in act 2)
.is racist (to the Gur and gnomes kinda? )
. Disapproves of doing nice things if they stray from his goal
.In his bad ending, he is consumed by evil energy that removes any good will he had, continuing the cycle of abuse. (If you use detect thoughts on a sleeping Cazador you will learn that his 'good' qualities are trapped inside him and only his worse qualities manifest in the waking world)
.Good endings can vary in 'goodness'. He can be the hero that saves the spawn or a bounty hunter or even go on a solo quest
All this to say, they both have the capacity to be evil. Regardless of truma or brain washing they can both be bad people once free. Both are brain washed and have memory loss. Both did bad things in the service of someone else. Both have truma that dosnt excuse bad behaviour. Both live in a violent universe unlike our own where death and murder don't mean the sane thing abs have different consequences and should not be judged as real people. Arguably Shadowheart has more autonomy and reasonable decision making begging to bad ending. Astarion hands down has the better chance for redemption by helping others if the player chooses. In game and before development, who loves violence more? Astarion. Who does more violence? Shadowheart. Which is worse, idk.
Again, love them both. Toxic queens. I just hold them to an equal standard
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Hey so for the inside his mind lore I have many thoughts
First of all, young Rae is like 7ish (older than 7 but young enough for Kai to call little) and Oscar is established as being between 5-8 so do you think Kai entered Mom Mode TM? Cause that small crying broke me do you think it broke her?
Secondly Caspian was so pissed the whole time, very good. I enjoyed it immensely. He entered the end prison again for Rae guys.
Wolf was so quiet. We know he gets quiet when he gets really upset.
Aax trying to hand corrupt!Rae his cape and crying when he disappeared- my heart guys.
Athena trying to give corrupt!Rae a hug was important to me, also the most in charecter thing I have ever seen in my life.
Enderian *walked him back* she had to make him fly. It was difficult for her to fully control people that probably sucked for her. She is working for that redemption arc guys. She's on the treadmill at 5 am every day running towards that redemption arc.
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subspacecadet · 10 months
NASB 2 Community, ya'll slacking on the charecter interaction potential of this Crossover. So i'm dishing out prompts, feel free to use them.
Plankton acting like an evil father figure to Zim and giving him the only positive reforcement he's ever had outside of GIR.
Aang and Danny bonding over the stress of having the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Where is Iroh and Ember being forced to team up and Iroh starting another angsty fire powered teenager on the path to redemption.
Ren and Squidward initially getting along and bonding over their annoyance of "Those idiots" Only for Ren to eventually find Squidward insufferable and Squidward to find Stimpy a "disturbed little weirdo"
That's all for now, might post more if I see something come of these.
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1.) Azula was totally screwed over by the writers of both the show, and its post-canon comics. When this fourteen year old abuse victim isn't being portrayed as weirdly adult, she's having her charecter massacred to make her precious older brother seem like a good guy for shoving her in an asylum. My girl deserved better than to be an extremely negative portrayal of mental illness who only exists to be a prop bad guy.
2.) I think everyone else has said it better than I can, but I'll add that in the comics she's shown to be heavily suffering from trauma and mental illness and she's treated like she's crazy and evil for having those issues, when her male relatives are supported
3.) Everyone hates for doing pretty much the same stuff zuko was doing pre-redemption (also the way people talk about her is so ableist)
1.) She's not real life Jennifer Lopez, she just shares the name so the author has an excuse to introduce her by just talking about how hot she is.
She's always crying, always the damsel in distress. This is sort of a zombie book, so when someone the group knows gets infected everyone refuses to kill him. So she picks up a shotgun and I was like "hell yes, this is her moment, finally some characterization" but she just hands the shotgun to the main character with a pouty look on her face like "you do it please."
The main character is always talking about her tits, how hot she is, and how annoying she is. She gets no characterization besides constantly needing to be helped. The main character wants to fuck her so bad despite them only interacting in high school when she bullied him and that is framed as completely reasonable.
This is a book, and in the movie adaptation she's combined with the only other girl(who is supposed to be a child). So there's only one woman in the whole movie! And she's a combo of a small girl whose mentally disabled and an adult woman who every man is horny for!
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Spider Kwamii would 100% be named like Peeter and would 100% kick start her charecter arc with his great power great responsibility thing.
Also another concept for the Kwamii is Connection. Both as an irony because (pre redemption) Chloe craves it but doesn't have it and Spider Web and the Web Of Life connecting the multiverse.
Hell maybe Peeter knows about the Multiverse and his users can travel on the web or something idk.
Ha! Nice.
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understandableparadox · 7 months
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Shamlessly posting all my ramblings from twitter on here.
I actully like this show, not enough to break the boycott but enough to pirate it. anyways lets go through the quick list as this show has a range of good points and bad points!
1. Designs. I fucking love monsters, monsters are my Bread, my Butter, My reason for getting up in the morning, yet consistently i found myself disappointed in each of the characters and what they were supposed to be, for instance alastor and vox
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these two are supposed to media manifest, alastor is the Radio demon, yet his apperance is more around overtly edgy homestuck troll with horns i couldnt draw yet and vox is giving pyrocynical avatar. their designs are muddied because the concepts are muddied. alastor is not only the radio demon, he is the "voodoo man", the circus, the entertainer, the deal maker, the shadow weaver, the puppet on strings, and a myriad of other resume stuffers that are not needed. there is more then enough. every layer fights each other for attention, the only thing left on him that even remotly represents the radio is his staff that modulates his voice to have a radio static filter and without it he becomes a normal deer esque demon. i do not thing its good design if i can remove one aspect of a charecter and ruin it. this goes for vox as well, though i give them more of a pass because fuck me, he really do be haveing a Television as a head. but once again if i removed that aspect, what else tells me he is the television demon? his tie has a singal symbol on it, he has kinda robotic hands? but not really because he has the exact same hands as alastor leading me to belive he is wearing fingerless gloves or gloves with color blocked fingers which is a werid additon.this is ontop of the annoynce i feel at knowing that one is a recolor of the other minus the heads.
2. the pace.
the story itself moves either way to fucking quickly, i do belive that it was good to end the story itself on a redemption but we dont get enough of pentious being an actul sinner and evil guy to feel as though he deserves the redemption. show us the worst traits of our guests so that we can see the progress they are makeing through out the season so that when they do finally do something heroic and selfless and make it to heaven, we the viewing audiance can also enjoy that unilateral feeling of satisfaction of seeing our fav be vindicated as a Good Guy. im not trying to woobify pentious, exact oppisate, i want pentious to have agency to be evil and i want him to have agency to be good. we get this Somewhat with angel dust as they start makeing concious decisions to better themselves, to extract themselves from things, as well as make awful fucking choices and do Bad Things because again, these are Sinners And Demons who are reaching for redemption and salvation, I do not think we should have seen heaven at all, the embassy? yes, maybe a court of angels in hell to consider charlies plan? sure, but we should have never seen heaven until a sinner could see it.
i think i just had those two but im Bad At Being Concise... anyways viv is better at writing gay people then she is at lesbians which fascinates me to no end.
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vaggietheangel · 2 years
Despite being short tempered, Vaggie is the most level-headed cast member. Yes, she can be aggressive when she feels threatened, but she's not reckless. She doesn't start fights if she doesn't have a reason to defend herself or someone else.
She gives Charlie advice. She's realisitc. She wants her gf to achieve her dreams of course, but she also keeps her grounded. She look's out of her. Vaggie is the one to let her know when to be cautious.
I'd love to see this role explored more in the series. Maybe with a charecter like Angel Dust. Part of his redemption process would include teaching him to be less risk-taking. (Like not starting turf wars every day.) She'd be a good support friend for that.
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glittter-skeleton · 1 year
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Intrudusing: Tntduo-based DSMP Glee AU
(Cuz why do one interest when you can have two in one)
The premise of this is that it’s a highschool AU but with singing and absolutely bonkers logic. You can have an aggressive sing-off in a parking lot, the glee club no one likes and has no budget can get any decorations they want and the only way to resolve personal conflict is singing it in front of a room full of people
Quackity and Wilbur are the leaders of two rival clubs. They meet without that knowledge and immediately take a liking to each other but when it turns out they’re competitors they immediately start the enemies arc, both feeling like they have been betrayed.
The only charecters then get direct correlations are the teachers with:
Technoblade as the coach of the football team and the only adult you can trust in this goddamn school
Phil as the coach of the Glee club/ geography teacher, as adult you think you can trust but no, he’ll give you some real dumb advice
Dream as the celebrity coach of the cheer team, ruthless and uncaring for the lives of others
Glee can’t really function without the adults of the show but they’re not what I really care about. So, the kids:
The New Directions glee club containing:
Wilbur Soot, default to leader of the club and most avid member. School’s resident weird guy who smokes upder the bleachers and got a freshman knocked up (that’s only a rumor tho). He’s a full-on mess, currently obsessed with the leader of the club they compete with, the Dalton academy Warblers
Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo, all honorary members that mostly just hang out in the club after school. They’re from the neighbor middle school and they do make a pretty rad quartet so that let them practice and even preform sometimes.
Jack, Eret and Nikki, actual members of the glee club. Talented, cool, that’s our supporting cast
Fundy, youngest member of glee club, I lied about no one having a direct correlation, he’s the Tina (poor girl doesn’t get a solo that isn’t interrupted for an entire season)
George and Sapnap, the evil cheerleaders in cahoots with Dream that infiltrate the glee club so they disband. They don’t really get the redemption arcs the cheerleaders in the show do cuz I don’t care enough about them
And then we have
Quackity, a Dalton Academy Warbler, which is the glee club of a lovely posh-ass private school where the glee club is actually cool.
Karl is also there.
Eventually Q transfers and has to fight with Will for leading parts or something. Also Q’s a cheerleader because duh.
A little piece I also did for the “W is a cheerleader thing, here’s them doing “Grease” and here’s them singing idk if that even counts
Additional (bad) art and notes:
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Q as a Warbler and a Ceerio respectively
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Them doing “What is this feeling” from Wicked (pre-transfer I guess)
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Tommy’s arrival (Wilbur has already counted on them to fill the whole 12 numbers thing)
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Qi’s audition maybe?? And just… Cheerios, man
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No idea what they’re supposed to be singing
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Wilbur’s “Born this way” moment
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Speaking of which after Q inevitably dates Karlnap and kinda cheats on them with Wil (it’s glee, every principal charecter has cheated on their partner). Will does a number similar to Jessie’s Girl (a truly heinous glee moment) bit to “Scotty Doesn’t Know”
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My fam as NATM charecters (in no specific order)
Reminder, I will go based off of PERSONALITIES ONLY, no ships will be involved in this
Me: Nicky (kin)
Mom: Larry (ik it's ironic but I had her take that quiz I made and she got Larry)
Dad: Lancelot (dad, I love you, I love you with all of my heart, but both you and Lancelot will ramble on about stuff even though no one asked and no one knows wtf you're talking about, i say this out of love <3)
Brother: Jedediah (if Jedediah was on the same spot on the autism spectrum and was nonverbal)
Friend who is like a sibling to me: Dr. Mcphee
Another friend who is like a sibling to me: Attila
Grandma (moms side): Teddy
Grandpa (moms side): Kahmunrah (bc fuck him)
Grandma (dads side): I would say Cecil bc she acts all nice but really isn't, except Cecil got a redemption arc so... nah
Neighbor who is more like a grandpa than my actual grandpa 💀: Ahkmenrah
Aunt: Dexter
Another Aunt: Sacagawea
Dog: Rexy
Grandmas (moms side) dog: the other dinosaur in NATM 3 I can't remember its name ;-;
Cat: the cat that Jed and Oct adopted in NATM 4
Unfortunately I cant think of anyone who reminds me of Octavious so... yeah
Again this has nothing to do with ships, all based off of personalities
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eashgirl · 2 years
Question about my ninjago descedents of luminescence au.
It's basically a war au, with mecha elements I got inspired from transformers, code greas and Evangelion.
An entire post with details of the au will be posted soon I'm still building the lore.
I know basically every charecters role in the story now except for Harumi tbh
I'm in a bit of what you call a dilemma about Harumi, should I make her a secret traitor, a symapthizer to Garmadon who runs a cult to break down order within the land or just a rebel soldier in another unit who does morally ambigious stuff like using magical artifacts like the mask of hatred.
Either way I do plan on having a redemption arc for her so I'm giving the choice for you guys.
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