#charlie ill think about this for the rest of my life
costkappen · 6 months
They're trying to distract me with P being the cutest ever and screaming "Maxie" while he's on the podium and its kinda working😭😭😭
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gingerlee-holds · 3 months
Letting Off Steam
this is a bday fic for @littleleesblog!! my first steps into the hazbin writing community heehee! idk if people like this one, ill write sequels about him getting charlie (me), angel, idk we'll see
btw yada yada this is a tword fic- Ler!Alastor Lee!Lucifer
Word Count: Reading Time: Warnings: Idk, swearing? Alastor bein a lil shit? barely any editing?
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If you prefer a quieter living space, perhaps the Hazbin Hotel isn’t for you. Loud arguments and the commonplace occurrence of walls being blown in could make for a very harsh experience on the ears - not to mention the frequent singing. There were, however, a few locations at the hotel where it’s quiet, such as Charlie’s room, the library, and, shocking nobody, Alastor’s radio station, located on the far northern side of the hotel on the very top floor. Whenever Alastor got the chance, he stayed in that room for as long as possible during the day - usually to avoid being roped into the shenanigans of the other hotel residents. 
On one particular day, however, it seemed like the radio demon couldn’t catch a damn break.
Charlie had called him to the lobby at 7 AM to settle a disagreement between Vaggie and Angel regarding “Breakfast Booze” at the bar. Then, not an hour later, Lucifer was badly practicing the accordion in the lounge. This was followed shortly after that by the TV demon, Vox, interrupting Cherri’s favorite show to deliver a laughably defamatory news segment on Alastor’s performance in his fight with Adam, accompanied by such phrases as ‘pussied out’ and ‘spineless.’ It should come as no surprise that he was already stressed when Charlie cheerfully gathered everybody in the lobby. His entire face hurt with the exertion required to keep a smile.
“Okay, everyone,” Charlie began. I was thinking, what better way to celebrate the grand opening of the newly refurbished hotel than by playing hide-and-seek?” She did a little twirl as she finished, trying vainly to excite her friends. 
Angel Dust raised his hand and, not waiting to be called on, asked, “How the hell does that follow?”
Undeterred, Charlie continued. “Hide and seek is a game that requires exploration! We put a lot of work into rebuilding this place, so we should try to enjoy it! Now, who would like to seek first…?”
A hunt. Oh, what luck that on such a poor day as that, Alastor could finally stretch his legs a little and do what he did best: scare the living daylights out of people! His smile widened, and his eyes squinted like a shark when blood was in the water. He stepped forward with perfect posture as always, resting his hand on his cane. “I would be delighted to!”
“No-” Both Lucifer and Husker had begun to protest, but Charlie clapped her hands with glee. Everyone knew she was just happy to have someone invested in her activities. 
“Perfect! Count to sixty, and then come look for us!”
“Oh, splendid.” The radio demon casually walked over to the wall, closing his eyes as if it mattered. Hands resting on his cane, he chuckled softly to himself. “One.” He heard silence behind him. “Two.” Again, he heard nobody move. 
‘They must not be taking this seriously,’ he thought. Gradually, the sound of radio static began to hum through the lobby as Alastor’s antlers grew larger. 
“Three.” Still nothing.
‘I won’t let them ruin this for me, not after today. Drastic measures, then,’ Alastor thought. He cleared his throat innocently. Then a deer call echoed around the room as he turned his head all the way around on his neck, eyes the shape of bright red dials and smile of sharp teeth impossibly wide.
It had its intended effect. All of the hotel’s residents yelped various exclamations and expletives and took off in every direction, unsure if they were now hiding for their victory in the game or their lives. 
Alastor chuckled softly and turned back towards the wall, appearing normal again. He continued counting, interspacing the numbers with tunes he remembered from a past life, patting his cane to the rhythm. ‘I really should sing more often. It’s a shame I don’t often get the chance,’ he mumbled. Alastor knew he would find each hider eventually - after all, he had a lot of practice with hunting overlords - but Charlie had not mentioned a time limit, meaning he would take his sweet time to savor the silence and the hunt. When he finished counting, he decided to be a bit theatrical and sent a shockwave through the ground at the tap of his cane, instantly turning off every light in the hotel. He turned, smiled eagerly, and sank into the ground as a shadow, moving through the darkness like a cloud of smoke. ‘Now… who to look for first?’
Lucifer Morningstar, king of hell, didn’t realize how fast he was flying until about a minute after Alastor’s little scare. It upset him a little to discover how easily startled he had been, especially since he had easily beaten Adam, who had easily beaten Alastor. He sighed in annoyance as the lights above him went out, and to keep from flying into a wall, he flew to a stop, landing gracefully on the ground. With a subtle flap, his wings glowed softly, surrounding his hallway with a gentle golden light. He walked forward, not looking for a hiding spot. He had a feeling that that didn’t matter.
He suddenly felt a chill on his back. Lucifer whirled around, staring closely into the dark hallway behind him. Sensing no movement, he huffed and walked backward a bit, turning back around only to walk into the chest of the radio demon, letting out an indignant squawk.
“Ah, your highness! It seems you were the first to be found! You’re not very good at this, you know~!” Alastor said in that smug tone. 
“Well, Mr. What’s-His-Name,” Lucifer replied as he wiped off the front of his suit before confidently resting both hands on his apple cane. “I’ll have you know I’m only doing this to make my daughter happy. I don’t fear you, busboy.”
Alastor’s eyes narrowed in determination. There was no way he was letting any of the other hotel residents come out on the other side of this activity willing to mess with him. That meant attitude-correcting. “You know I mean no disrespect, your highness!” he said, twirling his cane in one hand while adjusting his tie. “I simply had higher expectations of you!”
“As did I for you! I cannot believe my Charlie put her faith in you of all demons to keep her safe. You had one job, and you-” Lucifer stopped when Alastor sank into the shadows again, disappearing. “Typical.” The king began walking forward again, doing all that he could to give off the impression that he wasn’t scared, but all the effort in the universe couldn’t have held back the squeak that came to his lips when he felt a poke to his side. 
“Oh, my~! Someone’s a little on edge~!” came a delighted voice from the darkness. Lucifer growled in frustration and extended his wings to make the hallway as bright as daylight. Unfortunately, this is what Alastor intended, which Lucifer soon discovered when he felt claws scribbling in the pits of his wings, right on the sensitive area where they connected to his back. “Now, what an unfortunate weakness for royalty to possess~!”
Lucifer squealed, buckling over and landing on his knees on the floor. Alastor had suspected that the fallen angel was ticklish since Charlie was a walking tickle spot, but verifying it like this was nothing short of delicious for him. 
“Youhuhu- youhuhuhu lihihihittle-! Cuhuhut ihihit ouhuhut!” Lucifer’s strength had left him for some reason, and he found himself powerless to defend himself from the radio demon’s attack. Giggling like a child, he tried in vain to reach around behind him to swat away the attack, but this only opened him up more. Alastor’s claws zipped around and wriggled into his ribs, causing the king to let out an outrageously embarrassing squeal. He swung around to free himself, extending his wing to fling back the demon. It made no contact as he landed with a thump on his back, his hat tossed aside. 
“Ah, ah, ah~! I have to make sure you play the game better next time! After all, it’s only fair that there should be consequences for losing, especially being the first to lose!” From beneath him, hands grew from the floor to scribble into Lucifer’s wing pits again, making the fallen angel arch his back in surprise. 
“DahAhahahamn yoUhUhuhUuHU!” he laughed, kicking his feet a little. He reached back again to defend himself, only to be met by his apple cane, quickly used to pin his elbows to the floor with a yelp. 
“Fell for it again~! Tsk, tsk, your highness! We all must learn from our mistakes here at the Hazbin Hotel~!” Alastor suddenly materialized in front of him, leaning casually against his cane as he smugly observed the plight of the king of hell. 
“Yeah, well, you’re a-” Lucifer’s taunt was cut off by his shriek when shadowy hands grew from the ground to wriggle their fingers against his ribs. Alastor’s cooing was absolutely not helping, and it took everything in him not to whine when he felt the hands undo his coat and vest, leaving him in his plain undershirt. 
“There we are, now to teach you a lesson!” Alastor watched as his shadow hands continued their evil work, relishing every second of the king’s humiliation. He had ghostly digits wiggling against the ribs, scribbling in the wing pits, and he had just summoned two more hands to squeeze experimentally on the thighs, making Lucifer squeal like Angel’s pig. The fallen angel’s wings flapped on the floor, but his arms were pinned, keeping him firmly grounded. 
Alastor smirked and stepped forward, leaning down to wiggle a claw against the king’s belly. “You’re far too precious to act all tough, Your Highness! Don’t worry, I’ll let the others know about this discovery of mine~!” With that, he stood tall, straightened his suit, and turned to walk away, fading into the hallway’s darkness. 
“D-dohoHohn’t youhu fu-fuhuhuhCKING-!!” Lucifer couldn’t even get the words out as one final hand scribbled along his collarbone. He could do nothing but lie there on the hallway floor and laugh, hoping that Alastor would eventually have mercy. It might be a while before then since he was the first one found. Maybe he would have to put more effort into hiding next time… 
Read the next part here!
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squerlly · 7 months
flames of desire chapter 2: bad decisions -sfw/nsfw- ANGST!! Alastor x (f! bunny reader) chapter 1
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Alastors POV:
"al do you mind showing y/n to her room" "of course I would be delighted to!, come now my dear" walking down the hallway I glance behind me to see her following me, she's quite a small girl... it makes me wonder why something so small and fragile looking ended up in hell, she has a very interesting appearance a bunny rabbit?, stopping at her room I open it for her "there you are my dear, if you happen to need anything just ask Charlie or me" "do you have any clothes I could were?" "oh were are my manners, ill send niffty your way with some clothes in hand for you, will that be all?" she nods "thanks" "of course dear, now if you excuse me ill be on my way". Walking back to my radio tower I exit the hallway, when vaggie had told me we had a new guest at the hotel this was not what I was expecting, "I might have just found my new toy".
your POV:
as alastor left I turned looking around my room, it was fairly large with a big bed that looks the comfiest and a bathroom with a mirror. looking at my reflection angel was right I did look like shit, hearing a knock on the door I walk out of the bathroom, answering the door a see tiny girl "hi I'm niffty, alastor said you need clothes" she said handing me a pile of folded clothes "thanks niffty" bouncing on her toes she says "sure thing, it so nice to have a new friend" she said giggling creepily "uhh huhh... well I'm gonna uhm go.." "ok bye bye" she said before running off, closing the door I head back to the bathroom starting the hot water and taking off my raggedy old clothes, I stepped into the shower feeling the hot water cascade down my back "ahh finally..." taking the shampoo to my hair to scrub off any dirt washing my body and conditioning my hair I step out drying off. looking at the clothes niffty gave me, it was a pair of shorts with a t-shirt, putting them on they weren't the most fashionable but they were comfy and I didn't mind. niffty also gave me a black skirt with a brown sweater, probably for tomorrow. slipping under the covers of the bed I lay back looking up at the ceiling. this is really happening, I'm really in hell now. I'm a weird demon bunny thing. I guess this is what I get after what I did...
"father, you called for me?" I said walking into the living room were I saw my father sitting on the couch "y/n come sit I have something important to discuss with you, as you know we are tight on money and I'm starting to get to old for working so I have been talking with my good friend Edward" "Edward as in Edward Ellsworth?" "yes, he said that his son James was around your age and ready for marriage, I told him about you and they proposed an arranged marriage and I accepted" "arranged marriage!? but father-" "y/n please...hes a good man and will take care of you, just please consider it" "yes father..." "good, now get some rest".
-End of flashback-
The Ellsworth family, a pretty well off family, Edward is the head CEO of the company they run, having a beautiful wife names Emily they had two sons, James and his little brother Henry. James was a charming guy and good looking to, father and Edward grew up together and I met James a few times and he is rather nice so thinking about the marriage I'm not all that mad about it but I should have known better. James mother Emily was a gentle and kind woman, she was quite fond of me. I always had a strong love for children and being a mother was something I wanted in the future, so when Emily asked me for a grandchild I gladly accepted. It took many tries but after some time I was finally pregnant, James and I were so happy and so was the rest of the family. life was doing just fine and we even got a house together in a quiet place next to lots of wildlife, living next to a forest was peaceful. however...one day while James was at work I was doing some cleaning when I felt in excruciating pain in my stomach going into the bathroom I started bleeding everywhere. when James got home from work he went into our room looking for me until he spotted me on the floor sobbing holding our dead baby in my arms. I had had a miscarriage... when we went to the doctors to see what was the problem it turned out I was infertile, it felt as if my heart shatter into a million pieces. James was angry, I couldn't give him a child, and therefore I was a waste he started to become distant, he became more irritable and cold towards me. while I was cooking dinner I was chopping up vegetables, James had come home from work, being fed up I confronted him about his behavior and we fought, telling me how useless I was I got angry and slapped him and that's when he snapped, protecting myself I used the only thing on hand...I raised my knife and killed my own husband. Panicked I hid the body reporting him missing claiming he never came home from work and they never found out. except for his brother henry, Henry and James were close like two pieces of paper glued together close, so when he found out I killed his brother, It was over for me and he wanted revenge. Henry broke into the house With a shotgun in hand...I ran, I ran as fast I could through that damn forest, bullets flying past me left and right but, the inevitable always happens, like prey being hunted by a predator, I got shot right through the heart leading me to my death.
sorry if this feels more like an oc x alastor rather than y/n but iv wanted to turn this idea into a story for a while. I hope you all enjoyed these chapters, I'm going to take a fat nap and I hope you all have a good day/night!!!
for more stories and chapter please click this masterlist
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alastors-left-lapel · 2 months
We've Found Ourselves In Quite A Situation Pt. 2
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Author's Cut: I didn't think i would do a part 2, but here you go. I will be writing a part 3 to the series. If you have anything to add or suggest, please feel free to message me so.
The following story contains Trigger Warnings: It's hell so there are mentions of demons, all characters mentioned are in Hell for a reason, mental trauma, anxiety, violence (mention of a single punch), blood kink, all fluff no smut (yet)
Plot: AFAB Fox!Reader from part 1 is dealing with the minor fall out from her previous one on one with Alastor. He reflects on their encounters in the past and comes to a realization he may think of her differently, and she of him. Is it worth risking their friendship to find out?
Word Count: 5K +
Part 1
It had been nearly a week since Alastor and Y/n encountered at The Butcher's Room. Nearly a week had passed, and y/n couldn't believe she had given Alastor information about her Earthly situation. However, she still had a little bit of power over his questions about her as she hadn't told him the details of what exactly she had done to be sent to Hell. With each passing day, she grew more anxious, knowing sooner or later he would find out. Most sinners were never afraid to say what they did that landed them in the realm of Hell. Murders walked around proudly, thieves either thrived or perished quickly. Any ill-willed predators were quickly hunted for sport as they were not the type of people others wished to live their eternity with.<p>
All Y/n could do was continue with business as scheduled at the hotel. She steadily cleaned her desk before going on her break. She had been looking forward to refreshing her tea and to having thirty minutes to sit in one of the library sitting rooms that were often empty. Nifty was quick on Y/n's tail, following behind the much taller sinner with her sewing needle in hand. "Whatcha doing, Y/n? Going somewhere fun? Does it have bad boys?! I love bad boys."
The woman laughed looking down at Nifty, gently shaking her head. "Not today, Nifty. I'm just going somewhere quiet for a few minutes to drink my tea."
Nifty huffed, mumbling about it not sounding like fun before turning back around and heading toward the main lobby where Husk had been talking with Vaggie and Charlie. The woman continued her way toward the staircase, silently passing by Angel. She still hadn't spoken to him in a week after their prior discussion. It wasn't necessarily out of spite, but she hadn't been sure how to react to him calling her a nickname based on her death. He was either put off by her presence or was genuinely a good actor as he also ignored her, diverting his eyes away from her and scrunching his nose. Her face remained the same, with no change in any facial features. Yet, Angel acted as if he was disgusted by her presence. She turned around to look at the lobby once she was at the top of the staircase, watching how blissfully everyone had been acting, despite residing in Hell.
Maybe they were better without her at the hotel. It wasn't like she had any intentions of redeeming herself, having found comfort in her second life as a sinner in Hell. She had friends here who actually cared about her, like Rosie. Nifty was like a little sister to her but was still someone she could rely on if she needed to. But did the others even need her around here?
Exhaling the breath that was hitched in her throat, she continued on her small journey to the sitting room, planning on resting for a few minutes. It was a calming thought to have, a wishful one even. Yet, the afterlife often had other plans. As she walked into the sitting room, a shadow cast an eerie feeling as the familiar form of Alastor was found sitting on one end of the couch. She jumped a little, gripping her mug as the tea threatened to spill over. "Alastor! Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." her hand gripped the door handle as she attempted to leave.
"Oh, don't be modest. There's plenty of space here to share a quiet place with good company." His voice beckoned for her, a slight hum of radio static could be heard toward the end of his sentence. His microphone cane had been rested on the coffee table in front of the couch, his hands neatly folded in his lap with his legs crossed. He looked almost as if he was expecting company as if he had anticipated the room to be used.
Resigning to her original plan, she walked through the door, shutting it behind her as her blackened fingertips lingered on the door knob. It was a residual body feature from her death, along with the faint lines of black on her lips. The only light being emitted in the library was from the fireplace, and as Y/n passed from the door to the chair facing opposite Alastor, her eyes shined for a moment as they caught the light from the fire. One eye was considered typical, as most sinners had red scleras, and her pupil was yellow. Her left eye was mostly black with a white to off-grey pupil. If Alastor was asked, he would say she almost had a lightning pattern in her sclera that matched the hue of her pupil. However, that was a little too personal of a question.
Alastor watched as the woman carefully took a seat in the chair, prim and proper as most women of their shared collective time. She ran a hand under her as she sat to make sure her skirt would not crinkle. Her posture was nearly perfect, and not a single hair was out of place. In a way, she almost reminded him of his mother, if only in the little daily habits she exhibited. Thankfully for Alastor, Y/n was nothing more like his mother. She was somebody of true value, beyond what she would have ever imagined. "You look exhausted, my dear. Are you experiencing issues with sleeping? Is your room environment not up to your standards?"
It was rather odd that he had asked her this, she thought to herself. Her face was as puzzled as she was. "No, no. My room is fine. The mattress has been the softest I have slept on, dead or alive." She brought her hands together in her lap, setting her tea down on the coffee table in front of them, careful not to bump his cane.
"Hmm." Alastor crossed his legs as he observed her, a slight hum of radio static filled his audible response. "Your statement seems a little exaggerated, wouldn't you say?"
Is he trying to get a rouse out of me?
No, certainly not. Alastor would know if I was fibbing... wouldn't he?
Y/n took out a deep breath. Would he have known about her troubles here in Hell? Of course, he would, she sold him his soul in exchange for his protection. "Maybe your excellent showcase of pure demonic prowess worked a little too well? There hasn't been a single threat of a turf war or any type of altercation in front of the hotel in a week. Maybe the lack of Carmine weaponry and questionable war crimes has affected one's sleep." She raised an eyebrow as she smirked, then crossed her legs in a duchess slant.
Alastor had always admired her ways of deflecting the situation in the most complimentary of ways. He often remembered the time she had complimented Susan's new fox wrap, asking her from which designer trash can she found it. Oh, how the ornery old bitch was fuming at the back-handed compliment watching as Y/n and Alastor, The Radio Demon, walked down the streets of cannibal town with their middle fingers pointed at her.
"Speaking of Carmine weapons," Alastor spoke, "there is an overlord meeting occurring today. Usually, these things are only meant for Overlords and are top-secret topics of discussion. I could hardly fathom being there myself these days, and Rosie has some business she is taking care of in the Wrath Ring today. Please make this meeting easier for me and attend with me... as an unofficial understudy to Rosie. Or go on the basis of being my note-taker. Whichever makes you happier."
There it was, more time working for Alastor outside of the hotel. What could she do? Say no? Then be reminded he owns her, literally, and has no other option as long as she wishes to live her nefarious second life?
"I am no Rosie, Alastor. I do not possess the amount of charisma or style Rosie exudes. Well, except for the stylish skirt she gifted me on my most recent death day."
Alastor then stood up, swiftly grabbing his cane in the same motion. "Then it's settled. Now, please go change your outfit, and may I suggest wearing something that will allow for plenty of movement? These meetings can sometimes end in battle, and I couldn't let something happen to... you- wearing constrictive clothing can be a rather pain in the ass."
Y/n watched him as he stood, caring for his cane as if were a pet. She didn't want to read into it very much, but she thought she could hear the slightest change in his voice toward the end of his sentence. Why did it sound like that? As if his tone changed, like the comma in a sentence. He didn't say I couldn't let something happen to you.
He said I couldn't let something happen to You.
After an awkwardly longer moment than what it should have been, she grabbed her mug, nodding. "O-okay. I'll be but a few moments." She parted from Alastor in the library, leaving the room and swiftly making her way to her room. Her mind was still pondering his sentence and how different it sounded in her mind. Maybe she had listened in a way that wasn't the targeted audience. Maybe he was torturing her as part of his dealings with owning her soul. Yes, that must be it. He was a little bit of a sadist, so it would make sense that he would value his contract with her over the decades of years they had known each other before she sold her soul to him.
Yet for Alastor, who was still in the library, he was fighting with himself. He normally would care less about the contracts he had with others. He was quick to put his subjects into place by destroying a soul on the air, broadcasting their screams for everyone to hear. Y/n did have quite a tone on her at times, however, he found their banter something to be cherished. He found their conversations refreshing, and having her in the hotel among the residents gave him somebody else he could relate to. His fingertip tapped on his cane a few times as his eyes searched back and forth, wondering where his mind was leading him. He hadn't been necessarily the kindest to her within the last week, making her share her personal life experiences with him in a public place. He could make that up to her.
Yet, he was an Overlord. He didn't have to make anything up to anybody under his control.
But... he wanted to make it up to her.
He wanted to make it up to Y/n, because she deserved it.
About twenty minutes later, Y/n appeared in the lobby. Her new change of clothes and freshened-up appearance caught the eyes of those who were in the commonplace; Husker, Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel Dust. The spider demon had been sitting at the bar, slumped slightly with a drink in his hand. Husker was nursing a bottle himself while Charlie and Vaggie were discussing the plan for the next lesson plans for the residents. Alastor had appeared out of the shadows, quite literally as he manifested a few feet away from Y/n. She had been used to him popping up from time to time so it hadn't caught her off guard when he manifested. "Oh, Al, perfect. I hope this is fine. I've never been to one of these meetings before."
Alastor looked at her, taking in her choice of outfit. A sweater top with a high-waisted skirt that ran down to the middle of her calf. The top was a deep red color, the skirt was black. She chose black oxford high heels and a similar red shade belt. She wore a black pearl necklace as well to round off her outfit. He met her eyes again, smiling his typical toothy smile. "You look like a proper representation of a resident of Cannibal Town."
Y/n hummed in amusement, smiling at Alastor as she adjusted the turtleneck collar. "Lucky enough for us, I still happen to have my apartment above the women's parlor room in Cannibal Town, so I may still claim it as my residence." After making sure her outfit was up to her liking after meeting with Alastor again and looked at him. Others would see his normal smile and relaxed eyes as typical Alastor, yet his eyes were not relaxed. He looked lost in thought, his pupils appearing dilated. "Al? You ready?"
This comment seemed to have pulled him out of his thoughts as he nodded, giving his cane a spin before turning about-face. "Certainly. I suggest we take the express route, seeing as we have maybe ten minutes to find our seats at this meeting." He offered her his arm, always mindful to keep his female companions safe when they were with him. He still felt this time that the offer came from a different sense of feeling.
Y/n carefully placed her hand on the inside of his elbow before he gently brought his hand back to his side. He tapped his cane to the ground once, then used his shadow mastery powers to teleport both him and Y/n to the front of Carmine Industries tower. As they manifested on the sidewalk, Y/n gave a little shake of her tail. Her appearance in Hell had altered much beyond her facial features. Just as Alastor had appeared with a human-like face and normal hands with the ears and antlers of a stag, Y/n had the aspects of a fox. Her ears were almost the same size as Alastor's, mostly matching her hair color and a distinctive off-grey pattern inside of her ears and at the tips. She also had an off-grey long and bushy tail, the tip of it matching her hair color.
Alastor paused as his companion settled after their express departure from the hotel lobby to the outside of the tall skyscraper. Once everything appeared to be settled, he guided them down the side of the building, making sure to flash a distorted smile and image to the cameras as they passed by, all in spite of his former acquaintance. The pair of friends walked up to an elevator, hopping in to go to the meeting. "I am assuming nobody knows about your sudden plus one to this super-private function?"
"Precisely, my dear." He looked over at her, his smile was thin, not showing any teeth. The most relaxed he had been around her recently. "Anything and everything that is mentioned here must remain here. Not a single soul will ever hear these conversations unless they are Overlords."
She looked up at him, arching an eyebrow. "But I'm not an Overlord, remember?"
"You are under my protection here. You must do anything I ask of you here, as I will be your token in. Now, when we enter, remain quiet. Seen, but not heard."
Y/n rolled her eyes. "It was already implied, as it is not my typical scene. However, I thought you would have thought better of me. Did you forget we both had similar upbringings? All children, and all women, should remain seen and not heard."
Alastor looked down at her, pausing for a moment. "It's not that I do think you would speak and interrupt. I know that the other overlords will either speak lowly of you or try to rouse you any way they can once they sense if it bothers you."
Y/n normally wouldn't challenge their friendship or debate her contract with him. However, her free hand moved up to rest on his chest long enough to give it a couple of small pats before she could realize what she was doing. "A wise man once told me a smile was a valuable tool to use in every situation. Something along the lines of keeping one's self in control, I believe."
At that moment, the air shifted around the pair. Alastor could feel something rip inside of his core. Or had it inflated? What was this feeling, and why did it occur in such a normal setting, such a normal situation?
But the situation wasn't normal.
Is this what Rosie described to him when she told him the story of how she fell in love with her first husband? Why did his stomach feel warm and fuzzy?
The pair had locked eyes with each other, and Alastor's hand reached up to cup the hand Y/n had on his chest, catching both of them off guard. Y/n's tail waved back and forth subtly while one of his ears slightly dropped. Alastor opened his mouth to respond to her but was cut off when the elevator stopped on the proper floor. As the doors opened both individuals let go of one another, quickly picking up their facades. Smiles were on, people were ready to be greeted, and the meeting would be the best buffer to their previous encounter.
Alastor led Y/n to the board room, taking his usual spot and gesturing toward the seat next to him for Y/n to sit in. She nodded quickly, taking her sit and getting adjusted as she normally would in any situation. Her hands remained in her lap and crossing her legs. The first person to mention Y/n was Carmilla. She shot a brief look at Alastor. "I wasn't aware you were bringing in unauthorized personnel today, Alastor."
Alastor chuckled. "Oh heavens, no. In Rosie's absence, I wanted to bring in another set of reliable and vigilant ears and eyes, just in case I miss any information from today's meeting."
"I didn't need an explanation. Although, if you say she is reliable and you can attest to her being discreet about the meeting, that's all that matters." She replied as her daughters took their seats next to her.
Alastor nodded simply, falling silent as the meeting started. Carmilla had been tasked with keeping the Overlords up to date on potential threats to Hell from the exorcists and any Overlords who posed seismic threats to the balance of Hell. As she was speaking about the latest numbers of projected soul casualties during the next extermination the door of the board room opened wide. A loud and boisterous voice echoed through the room. "My apologies, there was an issue with the latest VoxTek updates. You know how it is, business as usual and all."
Y/n let out a quiet breath upon seeing Vox in the boardroom. Had Alastor known about this all along? Did Vox have enough backing to even be at the meeting in the first place?
Vox took a seat, inconvertibly across from Y/n. He adjusted his lapels as everyone stared at him. Everyone except Y/n, whose eyes diverted away from Vox and to an empty space in the wall just to his right. Vox's stare was blatantly drilling holes in her soul. Alastor took note of this quickly, being very familiar with their past. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Interesting seeing you here, Vox. I wasn't aware the Vee's had any business in the official business of Hell's Overlords. Certainly, you must obtain a substantial amount of souls to even be considered Overlords."
Vox then looked to Alastor, smirking as he spoke. "Oh, and do tell me, is that number affected if an Overlord obtains those souls through various gambles?"
Alastor furrowed his eyebrows. "Need I remind you of who won those gambles? Or rather who lost those gambles?"
Carmilla was quick to shut down the showdown, continuing with business. Y/n had pointed her chair slightly to the left in Alastor's direction. He was mindful to keep an eye on her and Vox through the use of his shadow companion. The meeting remained mostly boring as the Overlords discussed the topics that consumed their lives. Alastor could have skipped it, but with Rosie out he had no choice but to attend it. As soon as it had been officially over he was quick to guide Y/n out of the boardroom and head towards the elevators.
It was then again that Vox made his presence known. "Now, now, what's the rush Alastor? Afraid you'll miss the next newspaper printing? I can pull it up for you on your phone... Oh, that's right. You don't use modern technologies." His attention was brought back to Y/n, grinning with a thick layer of minacious intent. "Y/n, my once faithful assistant. How many years has it been now? Ten? Do you really have nothing to say to your former boss? I thought we were closer than that."
Y/n remained as stoic as she could, keeping Alastor's words in mind. Vox was excellent at stirring the pot, expertly identifying an individual's breaking point and using it to his advantage. She finally brought herself to look at him since he had arrived, hiding any evidence of her true emotions from everyone in the room, including Alastor. "We both know that you don't get close to your employees. Well, except for the moth and the princess. Where are they, by the way? being lef tin the dark as usual?"
Vox's screen glitched a little at the comment. Alastor chuckled. "Careful Vox, the screen is buffering. You don't want to be caught in the middle of another update, as you so delicately called it earlier."
Vox looked between the two observing them once again. "Oh, and your signal never never goes out, right?"
Alastor's pupils shifted to dials as he spoke. "Unlike some people, I do not need the troubling complexities of modern technology to be entertaining for the public of Hell."
Vox gave a little nod. "Let me guess, none of this has to do with little Miss Sparky over here?"
The other Overlords in the lobby gasped as they watched as the previously quiet woman pulled a hand back, then threw her fist at the televised Overlord. Her hand connected nearly perfectly with Vox's screen and it cracked, leaving a couple of small cuts on her knuckles. Alastor then took a step between both Y/n and Vox as the other man began to grumble. "You will see me again, Y/n, and when you do it will be when you are least expecting it." Vox took a couple of steps back before disappearing into a nearby camera. The other Overlords watched as Alastor tugged Y/n into the next open elevator, then descended.
Y/n shook her head a few times, noticing a small amount of blood running down her hand. "I'm sorry, Alastor. I will make this up to you. I let him get to me, and I should have known better."
Alastor reached out for her injured hand, carefully holding it as he brought it up to his mouth. Without warning, his tongue began to run over his cuts, lathing up the blood that escaped. She looked at him as he cleaned her hand, not sure how she should feel. She wasn't scared, and she wasn't confused. What he had done was generous and kind. Her cheeks began to flush as she felt her tail once again sway.
Alastor felt the job was done, as he straightened up again. He had a little handkerchief in his coat pocket, pulled it out, and placed it on her hand, tying a delicate yet firm knot in her palm before letting her hand go. "No need to apologize. Vox is rather vulgar and doesn't quite understand the rules of society down here. He believes adding the cost of his employee's souls to their contracts makes him evil enough to rise to our level. Besides, the meeting was over, and after the meeting ended, everything was considered free range. However, I am sure Carmilla will mention something about altercations occurring in the lobby."
He looked down at the fox sinner before him, noticing her disposition had changed. "I want this to be clear, I did not know he was coming. Or any of the Vee's. They are not invited to these meetings, yet always find a way to weasel into them. Had I known, I would have never brought you here."
Y/n had originally thought it was another mindless torture tactic, yet hearing the tone of his voice told her all she needed to know. He had been sincere about his unawareness of Vox's presence. She nodded, meeting his eyes. "I know you wouldn't. I'm just sorry you had to see that interaction."
Alastor led them off the elevator once it stopped. "I know, though I should have intervened before the situation came to that rather interesting turn of events. No doubt Vox will brag about this to his cohorts." He once again used his shadow magic to teleport them to the hotel. Specifically to the hallway of Y/n's room. "Do you have any type of technology in your room? Vox could easily navigate to the hotel and drop in for an unwelcomed visit."
The woman shook her head. "No, I don't. The only item in my room is a radio, aside from the furniture of course." She had been happy to be back at the hotel and away from the aftermath she may have caused in Alastor's business ring. Not to mention what Rosie will be told by Alastor or the other Overlords.
The pair had stopped right in front of Y/n's room, the woman spinning around to face Alastor. "Besides the obvious eyesore of the afternoon, I enjoyed it. Oh, and thank you for... cleaning my wound."
Alastor chuckled a little, "It was my pleasure." That it certainly was. He watched as she reached for her doorknob, and against all instincts, he placed his hand over hers, stopping her from opening the door. "Y/n, I-" How to articulate what he had been thinking about during the meeting's entirety. "I've was thinking about what you said in the elevator before the meeting. How a wise man once offered you advice. If this is the same supposed wise man, I believe we have conflicting thoughts about his actions."
Y/n looked at him confused, her smile dropping as she stared up at him. His presence normally brought her a sense of comfort, hardly remembering a time where she wasn't happy around him. Alastor was almost a walking embodiment of a warm hug, feeling like the sense of security a child's blanket brought them. "Al-"
"Please, just let me speak." His demeanor seemed level-headed, though the upbeat tempo of his chest rising and falling brought more concern for Y/n. Her breaths almost mirrored his. "A true friend would never keep another friend's soul on the swift promise of protection, among other stipulations. It brings about room to allow doubt and anxiety to grow."
"Yet, after today, I feel as if our friendship has been thrown into quite a situation." He stuttered for a moment before bringing their hands in front of them, holding her hand firmly in his, then taking his other hand and covering it. "I need to put my theory to the test. If you will allow me."
Y/n could nearly count the inches between her face and Alastor's as he begged her. The inches slowly turned into centimeters as she gave a single nod, his face lowering and moving closer to her.
"I am sorry, my dear. I need to hear your answer."
Y/n's eyes shifted constantly between his eyes and his lips, watching as he paused right before their noses could touch. "Yes... yes," she whispered between them. Alastor tugged on her hand to pull it toward his chest as their lips met, gently mashing with each other. She could feel her cheeks flush again, and he could feel his stomach doing flips. They paused for a moment before meeting each other's lips again, now one of his hands cupping the side of her face as her hand reached up to cup his wrist.
They shared quite an extended moment with each other before pulling their lips away from the other, their noses and foreheads resting against each other as they caught their breath. It may have been the most serene moment Alastor has experienced in Hell since his arrival. For Y/n, it was the most blissful she had ever felt in her entire life.
"I think I have my answer." He responded, pulling away from her before letting her hands and face go. He adjusted his jacket, smiling down at Y/n. "I'll leave you to the rest of the day. Don't worry about the hotel duties tomorrow. You deserve a day off."
Without a chance for her to interject, he turned around and took a few steps forward before disappearing again. Y/n was a blushing mess as she opened up her door, closing it softly before slowly walking over to her bed. She wrapped her arms around herself before spinning around and collapsing on the blanket. A sane person would believe they were going to be sick, while Y/n had believed she knew what was going on.
She fell in love with Alastor.
And Alastor chose to have some type of feelings for her.
He chose her, out of all the other souls in Hell, and the ones he knew when he was alive. Why her? Should she be concerned? What would people say if they had seen them in the hallway? Had anybody seen them?
Suddenly everything changed for both of them. Both positive and negative responses would eventually be felt by both of them. What impacts would this have going forward?
Well, Alastor could control at least one aspect left unopened. He had never broken a contract before, and with the recent events at the meeting, it could be deemed he failed to uphold his end of the deal to protect Y/n from any potential threat or harm. It would open up doors that were currently left in the unknown. His impulse on his actions today could be more bothersome than what they were worth.
Though as he appeared in his room on the opposite side fo the hotel, he had a realization.
Y/n was worth the risk.
Y/n was worth learning to get out of his previous comfort zone.
Y/n was worth it.
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ponybedazzle · 1 month
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HEY GUYYSS !!! this is my smiling friends ocs !!! her name is Slima Squishy and she’s 23…as seen above ! i maadee her some funny lore ina google docs but ill copy and paste it here if anyone is interested in thatt…..
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also i havent quite mastered the artstyle yet,,, forgive me guys….
WARNING FOR SXCIDE MENTIONS BELOOWW !! its not super crazy but it is mentioned so if ur going thru a rough patch it might be best u didnt read this ⤵️
Introductory Episode (The first episode she’s in) “Slimed”
It’s time to satisfy another customer!
Mr. Boss tells Charlie and Pim a man called in pleading that they help his daughter smile again. Before he could explain the situation, a loud female sob rang out and then a slimey splat noise ended the phone call. It’s not like Charlie and Pim could opp out, this was their job, so they left to check out the situation.
Charlie and Pim arrive at the address and knock on the door. A short, fat, slime critter
welcomes them inside and introduces himself as Sliman Squishy, the father of Slima. Once again he tries to explain what’s been happening and warn them of issues they might encounter but the two don’t pay attention as they are more captivated by the interior which was covered in goo.
They tell the man not to worry and with Sliman’s guidance, arrive at Slima’s room.
Opening the door was like popping a balloon. As soon as they opened it, loud sobbing hurt their ears.
Charlie calls out to Slima hoping it would make her be quiet.
He asks her what’s wrong and Slima finally stops crying. After a few sniffles she tells them she’s upset because she feels like her life is over. She just graduated college and now she has no plans, nothing to do, no direction in life at all.
Pim is optimistic, he tells Slima that she can do anything she wants, she just has to put her mind to it. That causes Slima to yell that she doesn’t know what she wants! and then she starts to cry again….which somehow makes a bunch of slime from her body explode onto Charlie, Pim, and her room which is already covered in slime.
Charlie, who is already very annoyed from the loud noise the girl makes, sarcastically thanks Pim for his hard work…which has paid off soooooo well. That’s when Pim has an idea…hardwork huh? Work…he works for Mr. Boss at Smiling Friends! it’s something he looks forward to everyday…so maybe it would be something Slima can look forward too aswell.
Pim tells Sliman they will be back later and they go back to Mr. Boss to ask him if he needs a new employee! Mr. Boss thinks for a moment (It makes the viewer think he will say no) but then exclaims that more is merrier!
Pim and Charlie go back to the Squishy residence to deliver the good news but find that Slima is missing. Lucky them, Slima left residue for them to follow.
The trail leads them to a Serial Killer Convention specifically for the killers who have anxiety. Slima went there in order to convince someone to kill her since she was too scared to kill herself…fortunately they were all too afraid to do it.
Charlie and Pim convince Slima to come home by telling her she has something to look forward to (Working for Mr. Boss) ….after remarking how unconventional her way of suicide was and how she was another Desmond.
Upon hearing the news, Slima finally lifts her head and smiles…then she thanks the boys for saving her life.
The episode ends with Slima in the break room with the rest of the Smiling Friends cast.
that was very short and sweet….to the point on PURPOSE !!! i hope u liked it tho, me personalllyyy,, I LOVE HER !!
heres some more stuff about her
Slima’s personality :
She is very dorky and a bit awkward. She’s also very unsure of everything and needs the validation of others to apply herself. Other than that, she’s nice and very sillyyy.
Has a speech impediment
Her head is too heavy to hold up so she typically has it tilted down on the side with the most hair.
heres a doodle of her dad….the sliman himself
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demonicchicken1121 · 9 months
I know I ask this a lot but it's because I really like your Michael but can we hear More about him?
Youre "charlie likes horror movies and michael Does Not" has fixed my months long procrastination on how to deal with Michaels relationship with horror, so heres that:
Michael liked horror movies well enough when he was younger, but hated them as he got older. I don't think he hates horror as a genre; i actually think he would like the modern horror genre because a lot of it is focused on family tragedy, and he would find that relatable. (tho i think its funny because that subgenre was largely inspired by fnaf.)
He hates gore and body horror played for shock value, since hes lived a lot of those horrors himself, and it can trigger his ptsd. but i also think a more deeply rooted hate of those types of films comes from a lot of the villians being queer-coded, mentally ill, physically deformed, etc. which are all labels that apply to him and a lot of the people in his life. The heros are never as fucked up or as complicated as he is, or his friends are, or his father is
bit of a side tangent, but "queer, mentally ill, neurodivergent, etc villain vs queer, mentally ill, neurodivergent, etc hero" is like my favorite dynamic. Bill Cipher vs the Pines, Megatron vs Optimus (TFP specifically), William Afton vs Michael and/or Henry just to name a few
Though i think that Mike would really love the kinda cheesy childish horror. Jump scares, tacky halloween decorations, haunted houses, and zombies especially. The Haunted Mansion ride at Disney and The Nightmare Before Christmas? He LOVES that shit. He likes startling people and being startled. Its kind of a form of affection he locked away after the bite, but came back after getting Ev's forgiveness and learning he doesnt have to hate himself and never have fun for the rest of his life.
Hed probably have this really goofy high pitched screech followed by nervous, slightly crazed laughter whenever hes snuck up on/tickled from behind/jumpscared/generally not expecting something. He's got Henry, Charlie, Evan, and Jeremy constantly trying to get him to do the Goofy Screech. fun family vibes.
He likes messing with the weird cryptid hunters whenever they ask around town about him. like "hello are you aware of the utah purple man" "yeah man im pretty fucking aware of him"
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seas-storyarchive · 6 months
2 for 1 combined request because yes.
Protection - genderbent au
In the beginning, after Alastriona introduced herself as an overlord.. things got tense.
"Look, pops." Vox said to Rory, the television faced man had invited Rory to a club to talk. "Alastriona is WAY out of your league. Way closer to my tastes and all."
Pfft. This fool wished. "Hmm.." Rory wasn't going to touch his drink, not trusting anyone in this club. Goodness, it was disorienting. "Well, I suppose you'll have to try harder, my good man. For Alastriona is unmatched." He put a tip under his drink and walked out of the club, leaving a drunk Vox to stew in anger when he finally realized what happened.
Cut to when Rory and Alastriona began a courtship, it was very lowkey. He was ever a gentleman, her being a proper lady.
This? Well.. it occured during a monthly meeting of the Overlords.
"Allow me." Rory pushed Alastriona's chair in a bit so she was closer to the table.
Alastriona smiled at him. "Why thank you, Rory. Such a dear." She joked, her ears flicking.
"Hey! Hey Alastriona!" Great.. "I heard you'd be here! I got these for you!" A bouquet of red roses was shoved into her face.
Don't pull out the handgun. Don't pull out the handgun.
"Well, I suppose I should thank you Vox, truly lovely collection of flowers and- oh, tsk." Alastriona's tone was taunting and sarcastic as she took the bouquet, and all the flowers died the moment her fingertips touched it. "I'm afraid my thumbs aren't very green. So sorry-"
"No! No, it's fine!" Vox threw the bouquet away, onto Rory - who ignored the flowers coming back to life in his presence- grinning like a fool at the overlord as he pulled a box out from behind his back. "The finest chocolates in all of the underworld, for you!"
The entire room, apart from Vox, all mentally asked themselves - didn't Vox realize that Alastriona hated sweets? They assumed it was well known!
"Ah, thank you, Vox." Sarcasm and annoyance were not being captured in 4K by the television, it seemed. "But, I am afraid this is ill timed, as I am watching my figure. And am not much for chocolates."
Vox looked a bit crushed, looking past Alastriona to see Rory smirking. He was not about to lose to some - some - founding father, rose pimp looking bitch! "Well, let me know what you want and it's yours!" Vox said to Alastriona. "Anything! No price is too high!"
"Anything?" Alastriona asked, playing with Vox's emotions hardcore as she batted her doe eyelashes at him.
Vox nodded, grinning like a fool again. "Anything.." Oh, Alastriona had him. Poor sucker.
"What I want, Voxxington," oh, watching Vox being so desperate was delicious.. but now was time for him to go eat dirt, "is for you to recognize that when a lady is already in a courtship." She took Rory's hand, interlocking their fingers. "It is highly improper, extremely childish - much like your style of dress - and very rude."
Vox's face, when he finally realized he lost when Rory pulled up Alastriona's hand to kiss the back of it, was that of a broken man. He looked so defeated. Oh, Alastriona wished she had a camera.
The meeting went as normal after that, Vox was silent. Too shocked to say another word. Focusing on Rory and Alastriona's held hands that rested on the table.
Cut to current day:
"Alastriona! I have come for you, darling!"
Alastriona, who sat on a balcony overlooking the lawn, frowned into her mug of coffee.
"Dhis fuck again?" Angel asked, not looking up from his project, sitting at the table across from her to paint her nails.
"Sadly, my effeminate fellow." Alastriona said softly. She tapped her foot, sending her shadow to inform Charlie of their.. unwanted guest. How she missed her staff.
"Come on, babe! Let's get out of this loser hotel!" Vox saw her, finally, his smile becoming a jealous frown. "And go be in the company of people more OUR style!"
"Do you think he'll ever realize his style came from a dumpstah?" Angel asked, checking the shiny purple nail polish. "Hm.. what'chu think?"
Alastriona snorted. "Perhaps that's also where he picked up his personality!" She smiled as Angel laughed, looking at her hand. "I love it! Do you have the same color, but with glitter?"
Her question was met with a wide grin. "I sure as shit do toots!" He dug through his supply to find it.
"Vox, get out of here!" Oh, their show was back on! Angel paused to look over the ledge with Al, seeing Charlie and the rest of the gang ready to kick Vox's ass.
"Should I get my piece?" Angel asked, going back to digging.
"No, no. I'd like to get my nails done please, darling."
"Sure thing, toots." He found the requested polish, starting to paint the rest of her nails.
"You fuckers don't get it!" Vox snapped to the hotel residents. "I saw her first! That found father, pimp lookin, flower patterned fucker stole her from me!"
"How DARE you insult Mister Rory!" Niffty was on Charlie's shoulder, brandishing a knife - with dried exorcist blood on it. Ah, Niffty, darling dear.
"Piss off!" Vaggie's spear was inches from Vox's screen.
"No! I'm not leaving until Alastriona admits she made a mistake and comes with me!" Vox said, smacking the from his face, looking up at the balcony. "You hear me, Alastriona! You made a big mistake! But it isn't too late, babe! Come make the right choice!"
"Go kick rocks, Vox~" Alastriona sang, making Angel laugh.
"But you're supposed to be with me! Not that old timey, founding father-looking, pimp dressing, floral patterned bitch!" Vox stomped his feet like a toddler.
"At least my darling Rory has an actual persona that isn't a picture on a screen!" Alastriona really went there. Holy shit.
"Dayum toots! Save some for the rest of us!" Angel was loving this. It was beautiful.
"You fuck- fucking whore!" Oh, oh there it is. "Get down here, make the right choice, and MAYBE I'll-"
The sound of a shot being fired, and the defeating noise of breaking glass was heard. Vox had a hole in the corner of his television set, a crack from the hole to the other side of his head.
Rory, abandoning his gun - still full of bullets by the way, tackled Vox down to the ground and began to claw and rip and bit at the man while snarling, "insult my wife again! Do it! Do it you tacky piece of-" his hair had elongated, breaking free from the hair tie that held it, as had his teeth and claws.
Alastriona whistled from the balcony before fanning her face. "Oh, how I love the sight of a working man!"
Angel chuckled. "Well, after this, you can tap that."
"Pfft. Oh hush you." Alastriona grinned at him with a blush.
"What I'm just sayin-"
The sound of high pitched screaming, mixing with the sound of tearing bones and wires was heard along with a snarl that was more of a roar.
"Leave! If I catch wind of you here or near my wife again, I will rip off the rest of your limbs and use them as mounts for the clothing in my shop!" Rory roared in Vox's face before getting off of him, holding an arm with frayed wires in his hand.
Vox took that as his cue to run off, with one less arm - the place of breakage with sparks and oil and blood spurting everywhere.
"Niffty darling," Rory held out his other hand, "my handgun, if you please." And, when he had it, he took a few (deliberate) pot shots - he might have gotten a bit too ambitious and actually hit the man in his leg, but worth it - at Vox to help nail the message home.
"My hero!" Alastriona called from the balcony as Rory's features shrank back to normal.
"All in a day's work, my beloved." Rory proudly puffed out his chest as he slid the gun back into his coat.
"You two are sick.." Vaggie said, impressed by also horrified.
"Then I hope to never find a cure." Rory said as he pranced back into the hotel, swinging his prize to and fro like a happy school boy who got a new toy.
"You are good to go and tap it." Angel said with a grin.
"Shut up." Alastriona smacked a twenty onto the table.
"Drop another twenty and I'll do your makeup."
"How about a fifty for hair AND makeup?" Alastriona pulled out the bill.
"You desperate floozy, say less! I'm in!" Angel snatched the bill. "Come with me to my office! I'll even throw in a free outfit consultation!" He led her off the balcony, into the hotel, and to his room.
"Bets on how long it'll take for boxxy boy to forget the memo?" Husk asked as they all filed back into the hotel.
"A week." Vaggie groaned as her spear disappeared.
"I betting 24 hours." Charlie said, getting a nod from Niffty.
"You think that fucker would be that desperate?" Cherri asked.
There was the sound of spitting - Rory had apparently tried Vox's arm, and spat the bit he tried into a napkin.
"What's the verdict, Mister Rory sir?"
"Horrible, Niffty dear. Just plain terrible." Rory said as he snagged the closest bottle from behind the counter, poppped the top, and chugged.
"Where are Angel and Antlers?" Lucifer asked, having seen them leaving the balcony.
"Right here, Luci baby!"
Angel walked down the stairs, with his makeup done. And he wasn't alone.
Alastriona was with him. Wearing heels, a red skirt that covered her knees but left the rest of her legs below bare, a form fitting black shirt with a red short jacket, and her long hair in curls, which highlighted the make up on her face.
"Look at this sexy bitch!" Angel said, hyping up his newly found make up buddy. No one said anything, and nope. Not gonna pass. "I said LOOK!"
Charlie, fighting her bisexual brain, grinned. "Oh my gosh, Al! You look amazing!"
Vaggie nodded, her lesbian brain broke.
Husk just gave a thumbs up, pounding a bottle.
Niffty was moving around Alastriona, going a mile a minute in compliments.
Lucifer nudged Rory, wiggling his eyebrows.
Rory was.. well, the bottle was on the floor and spilling everywhere, his mouth was hanging open and sockets were wide.
"Well, Grinny? What do you have to say- whoa! Hello!"
Rory was on his knees, before Alastriona, holding her hand in his as he kissed it repeatedly. He looked up to her face, adoration on his, "you are gorgeous, my darling."
There was a mixture of "awwws" and gags. It was a fun to watch the two stuttering around each other for the rest of the afternoon.
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iniziare · 2 months
✵ + Dan Heng for Jingliu ( I just wanted to give jingliu some attention djfhdsk f)
Prompt: Send ✵ and my muse will answer. // Accepting. // @resolutepath
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Their first impression of your muse: Dan Heng is a very complicated one, for the simple reason that, well— we have to touch on her memories of another; for Dan Heng is and will never be able to fully sever himself from Imbibitor Lunae, at least not for those who knew him previously. With that in mind, when Jingliu first looked at him, I can't describe what she felt in that moment any other way than... 'wistful'. She sees a man that is in essence, a shell of the former High Elder that she once respected, a shell of her lifelong friend, but also of that same friend that she was forced to raise her sword against because not only did he fulfill the unforgivable, his actions also threatened the Luofu. But Jingliu remembers the High-Cloud Quintet fondly, and seems to yearn for the days where she thought those would live on indefinitely, it's what she seemed to want in the first place— and it all ended at Baiheng's self-sacrifice for the gain of the rest of them, and a mistake that can never be undone (even if the intentions may have been noble). So seeing Dan Heng is... difficult, because she while she recognizes that is he is only an incarnation of Imbibitor Lunae, he is also still exactly that: an incarnation of someone that was, once upon a time, significant to her.
Current impression: Rather the same as the above as little time passes between their first and last meeting. She bears him no ill-will at this point, but still seems to conflate Dan Heng and Imbibitor Lunae, even though very consciously so. But one thing is rather clear to me, and it's that she wishes to bring an end to the Abundance across the board, but also specifically: "Maybe, when I witness the fall of the Abundance, you and Yingxing will find true release." Her farewell to him is not one of ill-will.
Are they attracted to your muse? Dan Heng? No. And I would say no to Imbibitor Lunae as well at this point, but I also only super recently learned that they were possibly the closest within the HCQ. I'm using this meme as a test for her, Charlie, bear with me.
Something they find frightening about your muse: Again, this is one where she actively conflates him with his previous incarnation, but she does so very consciously, it seems. Now, I'm not certain that 'frightening' would at all be the right word, but we'll humor it. That he was, quite frankly, capable of enacting what he ultimately was responsible for starting. They all held Baiheng dearly in their hearts, as they seemed to across the board, but there is a frightening element to someone's character to go as far as to break laws (when your position revolves around them so firmly) for anything, or anyone, to go beyond the laws of even nature and fate.
Something they find adorable about your muse: Not the right word, or specifically, it's not adorable in the traditional or intended way. But I think she finds herself amused by how insistent he remains that there is enough separation between he and Lunae, while it really seems quite evident to her that his curiosity speaks loudly enough in regards to his memories.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours? Dan Heng, no, Imbibitor Lunae back in the day? Yes, it is the greatest honor for any Cloud Knight after all, to give their life on the battlefield. And if that, on top of it all, would be for a friend, who is there with her? Yes.
Would my muse go on a date with yours (platonic/romantic)? Charlie, the 'Dan Heng? No' and 'Imbibitor Lunae--' is driving me crazy. But Dan Heng, no, Imbibitor Lunae, a yes on the former.
One word my muse would use to describe yours: At this point in time, confused.
Would my muse slap yours if they could? Why slap anyone, if you can raise a perfectly great sword forged by a mutual friend (or if we're speaking Dan Heng, then the point remains but simply a different sword).
Would my muse hug/kiss yours? Despite the fact that he doesn't come across as the type for either very easily, Dan Heng wouldn't be the recipient for either of them, either way. ;)
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noxcorvorum · 11 months
I uh. I just finished ghost wax ep 44. I'm devastated. I need several moments. At least a day actually. Jesus christ.
(spoilers for part 44)
First of all I love the incantations. Iconic. I have all of them written down in Google keep. The empty table. The world's last fable. Dead mortar, bone pestle. Come death to your vessel. Come now, entropy. The spiral of time. Spin, spin fast. And seer and cable. Pen, fog, and fable. Stay within, flat and pinned. Love all of it and I am actively wanting more of them to memorize for enrichment. And now time to go feral over the Happenings.
So I'm kindof unclear on what happened to pip, did she essentially get jonah magnused, as in whatever entity Charles served controls her eyes now? Does she still have control of the rest of her body? Does the entity have control and she's just watching from within or is she essentially dead/incapacitated with the entity puppeting her? Ack augh I really liked the episode where she had the dream thing where the other characters were her friends and family, Luca as her brother, Owen and Azem (AUGH ILL GET TO HIM) as her uncles ("Uncle cid will be delightfully catty," ACK.), and she lied her way out of it even with the incredibly tempting offer of a world she could control where she can have an actual support system, and she gave it all away to protect the same people in the real world. That episode made me much more familiar with her character than I had been, idk what happened while I was listening but I was pretty neutral about her before this episode bc I didn't know her and AUGH she was just trying to help Charlie and he manipulated her away and into getting caught by whatever he serves and AUGH SHE DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHATS HAPPENING WITH OWEN AND LUCA
We also get a lot more Luca lore in the most recent episodes with his childhood and the beginning of whatever's going on with his soul that at one point Owen said his spirit is incomplete? And Owen gives him a replica of the thing he pulled out of his dream 😭 sobbing. Luca my beloved augh is he dead?? I saw a theory that the body Owens hamsa instincts latched onto was his so what's going to happen to them if that's true? Is one of them going to disappear or is it going to be a John and Arthur Malevolent situation or even will they combine like Paul from Nona the ninth? If that is the case I'm leaning towards something between disappearance and a malevolent situation bc Owen seems to have kept what remains of Azem with him all this time, and he cares enough about Luca that I think he'd do his best to not erase him as much as he possibly could. Luca my boy please don't be dead ;_;
Owen my beloved AUGH. ACK. ALDKSJ. Owen you are devastating me. Apologizing to Charlie bc he failed him when from what I understand pretty much nothing Owen could have done for him would have helped him not do this and then pleading for just five to seven more minutes so he can release what's left of Azem and also cause as little damage as he does as possible??? SIR. I AM WEEPING. He's old, so so old, and he's been here for so long and held on to Azem for so long that all he wants is to be able to let him go, to give him this one last thing. He accepts that he's about to die and that he will lose this last connection to his partner so quickly, and he just wants to give that which remains of Azem the best chance he can give him. I think the fact that he was pleading for this long-dead figure that only remains in mere fragments in Owens head at best to be released and not for his own life and continued connection to Azem broke me. I do think that the body he was in for all that time had some significance regarding Azem, maybe it was azems body?? I think it might be more likely it's the body he held when he met and was with Azem though, but also that whatever parts of Azem are left are tethered to that body, and he can't take him with him if he takes a new one, and he's afraid of letting go even when it's to his own detriment, because he starts using the wax recorders when he starts losing memories of reclaiming from the sheer vast amount of them he has in that brain. When he doesn't want to use an observed as bait and someone suggests he use himself instead and he says he can't, and I think the intro to ep 41 has some interesting implications:
A: ["will you- will you"? Could be a name?] please, oh god, ["please don't make me"?] just let it be over, I don't want it I don't want it anymore-
B: shh, come now, come now it's almost over. hush, hush, my love, we believe in you.
A: I can't, please
B: you knew this would not be easy. You know that. you cannot stop now, it is too late.
A: [weakly, as if weeping] please don't make me
B: this is what you chose. It is the right choice. None of this, none of it is real. It's all just a vivid dream. You choose to wake up. Just a few steps further, my love. [Interspersed with noises from A that sound like sobbing] Free yourself. Almost. [sigh? Or a laugh? Possibly "there"?]
I think "A" is Owen and "B" is either some corruption of Azem or something using his countenance and voice. It's too late at night and I kinda forgot what exactly happened in 41 so I can't elaborate exactly why I think this. However perhaps it is related to the thing Charles is serving (the cypher? Unclear to me) possibly attempting to get Owen to give up prematurely, maybe with a dream such as the one pip had but Actively Bad And Worse? It's something, that's for sure. I couldn't understand some of it too so that's probably contributing to my confusion
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Oh I did not realize that, apologies. Maybe a headcanon about what the family thinks about Mrs Hales and Tommy's relationship? 🦇🦇
🍷Join me for a Drink 🍷 - TBITW: What the family thinks
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[Celebration] [Celebration Masterlist] [Masterlist]
This was written as part of my Series The Boy in the Window and contains spoilers
Ada remembered her fondly from her childhood, even if she thought her rather boring in her teenage years. But she knows she is a trustworthy, caring person and perhaps just the kind Tommy needs 
Even though they are still very different people, she is incredibly supportive of their relationship and appreciates the stability and softness she could provide.
Arthur has more memories of her brother than her but if Tommy is happy, he is happy. So his support is almost like a blank check and goes beyond the dislike Linda tries to plant. 
It takes time for him to truly get to know her but then he begins to value her beyond what she means to Tommy, as a sense of stability for the whole family. 
Charlie Strong & Curly
They both grew to appreciate her when she brings them food while visiting with the children during the vendetta. 
She is a softer, perhaps less vocal women than the others in Tommy's life which Curly instinctively likes, but Charlie was a bit worried that she wasn't cut out for this life and that Tommy would end up hurting her. He is glad that she is in Tommy's, and especially little Charlie's life, but his eyes are always open and on the lookout for trouble.
Finn doesn't really care. He thinks she's nice enough but she is age wise and aesthetically not at all what he would choose and not what he thought Tommy would pick, when he could have showgirls or models by the scores. 
He thinks her unremarkable, but accepts her as part of the family
Linda doesn't like her. She thinks she is an opportunistic gold digger and sees her as a rival for influence, not knowing that she doesn't care for the business nor wants power in the same way she does. 
Her dislike for Tommy spreads to disliking her. 
She also thinks she's not a good Christian for sleeping with Tommy before marriage and plants talk about it. 
I see a lot of disagreement for disagreement's sake coming from Linda, which peaks after a possible wedding but after a year or two she realises that she is not interested in that sort of thing and the women, while never becoming friends, become cordial. The way it is in families sometimes. 
Lizzie knew her from the war years. It was hard for them all, but compared to the rest, Ada was still rather sheltered. There is this unspoken understanding between them. 
They also used to work at the church together
She is a bit hurt because she still had some remaining feelings for Tommy but doesn't harbour any ill will against her. 
The two become allies, and work together a lot in regards to the foundation with Lizzie taking the lead
She thinks Tommy and her make a decent pair and wants the best for them and the family they've created.
Doesn't care. 
Seriously he just doesn't. 
He has seen her like twice before his exile and when he comes back, he tries to use her and the family as an argument for Tommy to step back, but she might as well have been anyone else. 
Polly and her, just like Ada, are two very different characters that don't really get along. I think for a long time Polly considered her weak and maybe a bit opportunistic too.
When she thinks she would take Charlie away she hates her, as it brings up her own bad memories. 
However the aftermath and Tommy's detox really brings Ada, Polly and her together in a sisterhood probably neither would have ever seen coming. 
Polly begins to recognise that strength had many facets and starts to appreciate her despite the fact that they are so different. She is glad that Tommy has found stability and emotional security in his life and by the time it comes, is absolutely supportive of their relationship, even if she wasn't the type of woman she expected Tommy would choose.
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Thank you so much for participating in my celebration - I hope you like it.
@lilyrachelcassidy @jyessaminereads @chlorrox @watercolorskyy @books-livre @quarterpastmidnight  @lilyevanswhore  @polishcrazyone  @zablife  @just-a-harmless-patato  @stevie75 @flyingjosephine-blog @runnning-outof-time @babayaga67
@knowledgefulbutterfly  @signorellisantichrist 
@lespendy @geeksareunique @look-at-the-soul
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c12ly · 1 year
Just finished watching and reading heartstopper and solitaire (yeah, just now cause my autistic ass wont let me watch new things cause theyre new and if theyre trendy its even worse cause then its like everyone is telling me to watch this or read it and, no, no one tells me what to do) and omfg if this doesn't turn into a special interest (I'd love that) then it'll be an hyperfixiation than later will turn into a comfort show/comic/book, for sure.
I want to talk and SCREAM about it but im lonely af and thats why i have tumblr!
First of all, Tori and Charlie are SO RELATABLE. But like, SO. FUCKING. RELATABLE.
The way they both think about themselves, so negatively, Charlie's anxiety and over thinking, his ocd, the little occasions his thoughts about food shows, how he feels like a burden and guilty for noticing Toris mental health declining and doing nothing (just as she feels guilty for noticing something was off about him but thinking that maybe she was just making thing up).
And then, how pessimistic Tori is, how fucking depressed she is and how CLEARLY AUTISTIC SHE IS. And not only autistic, but lonely. The rest of my autistic headcanons and/or comfort autistic characters, are either not lonely or they really dont care about it or i just dont relate to them and i just know they are autistic. But she is so fucking lonely and she fucking knows it (even with Michael, cause she keeps pushing him away). And it hurts so fucking much. All her quotes about how she doesn't feel part of their friend group or part of anything and how the others "grew" while she got stuck.
Im surprised of how painful and raw these books and comics felt to me without the need of showing triggering scenes, dialogs or even mentioning all their struggles that much. Tori only mentions almost at the end of the book that she wants to die, before that she doesn't even mentions that she feels herself getting bad, its noticeable, but theres no emphasis on it.
Until the end of the 3rd comic eds are mentioned and in the 4th comic, there's just one scene of Charlie when he was impatient, his body is never shown to show how sick he is, there are no cuts, blood or even his scars (this is just in the comics but still). Nothing. And for someone whos been for 6 years in the mental health instagram community, which can be really graphic, triggering and toxic and who, unfortunately, was already online when those pro ana and mia accs where around a lot and so easy to find, while reading i was so surprised of how raw this story was without triggering its audience, but maybe thats cause it was practically like reading my life.
And I love that the story mentions clearly that romantic love cant cure mental illness and as a partner, saving them is not your responsibility, and that one person is not enough support. I absolutely love that. I love everything about this story and I want to talk about it until I get tired.
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stupidphototricks · 7 months
I'm jealous of kids today being able to grow up with the amazing YA books being written now ("now" for me being within the past 15 years or so), but I still read them even though I'm not Young. Here are a few of my favorite YA authors and books, in no particular order:
Patrick Ness, The Rest of Us Just Live Here TW: mental illness, suicidal thoughts I adore that there's a whole epic fantasy battle thing that we see pieces of in the foreground, but the book focuses on the characters in the background who are dealing with their own stuff.
Alice Oseman, Radio Silence and Solitaire TW: suicidal thoughts, emotionally abusive parent (RS), self-harm (S), eating disorder (S) You might recognize Alice Oseman as the author of the Heartstopper comic and TV series. They wrote novels too! Really good ones, although that's not surprising. Solitaire's protagonist is Charlie's sister Tori, and its events take place a year or so after the start of Heartstopper (possible spoilers for season 3, who knows?). Radio Silence is set in the same town I think another year later, and Aled (who was in the comics, but was renamed and somewhat reimagined as Isaac in TV Heartstopper) is a main character though not the protagonist. Nick, Charlie, and Tori make very brief cameos.
David Levithan and John Green, Will Grayson, Will Grayson TW: I can't think of any major triggers in this book, I apologize if I missed something. Obviously both of these authors have independently written other excellent books, but this one is my favorite, mostly because I love Tiny Cooper and his musical so much. This is the lightest (i.e. not dark, and not heavy) by far of the books here. It's mostly really fun but occasionally serious.
Jandy Nelson, I'll Give You the Sun TW: bullying, homophobia, suicidal thoughts, death I read a review of this book that basically said enough with the artsy language and metaphors, so maybe it isn't for everybody, but I found it brilliant. It encapsulates a thought or an idea or a feeling in a way you'd never expect, but that you relate to immediately. Also I think that having the POV switch between twins, but two years apart (one twin at 14, the other twin at 16) with a major life-altering event in between, is an amazing way to tell this story.
Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor and Park and Carry On TW: bullying (E&P), abusive family situation (E&P), vampires (CO) Eleanor and Park is set in the 80s with all of the requisite 80s accessories, and characters that will make your heart break in different ways. Carry On is a sort of Drarry fanfic spoof (and supposedly written by a character in a different Rainbow Rowell novel!). But the characters are so well-developed and engaging that you stop seeing them as caricatures and start caring about them in their own right.
Jesse Andrews, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and The Haters TW: vulgar talk (really just teenage boys trying to be gross), dysfunctional family situation (M&E&DG), death (M&E&DG) I can't overstate how much I love the writing style of these books. Always entertaining and often hilarious, it jumps from normal prose to an outline, to a film script, to a bulleted list, and always turns out to be the perfect way to show whatever is going on.
What's most important to me: In all of these books, the young adult characters are real people who are complicated, and surprising, and funny, and passionate. They may have serious problems but they can have fun and be silly. They screw up but they try to fix things. They love and support their friends, and their friends love and support them. Often there are parents who are also real people doing their best; I appreciate that in a YA book! For the most part these books don't have magically happy endings, but they do end in a good place, with hope.
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t0mcruize123 · 7 months
Stuck with you
Last part🎀🫶
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AGHHH THIS IS THE LAST PART OF STUCK WITH YOU I CANT BELIEVE I FINISHED IT ALREADY😭😭 I’ve loved writing this story the most it’s been my SLOWEST SLOW BURN but I’ve absolutely been ADDICTED to the plot and hot mini tropes🤭 ofc this entire story was written for the beautiful beautiful one and only @mqverick so yes, this is for HER AND HER ONLY🫵👹 IVE SAID IT BEFORE AND ILL SAY IT AGAIN HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUV UR THE BEST AND DESERVE EVERY SINGLE TOM CRUISE SMUT FANFIC IN THE WORLD THIS ONE IS FOR U🫶💞
There was a knock at the door and I jumped to my feet, panic holding me rigid. After my argument with Charlie last night, I’d tried to find another hotel nearby but they’d all been too full or too far so I was still in the same one. I’d purchased another room on the other side of the building, but I knew he’d find me. Charlie could be persistent when he wanted to be.
“Hello?!” He banged his fist against the door, “I know you’re in there, let me in! I dont like how we left things yesterday, can we talk?!”
I sighed heavily and opened the door a few inches. Charlie’s palms were pressed flat against the doorframe and his eyes were red as though he hadn’t slept all night. Now I felt bad because he had a whole day of driving ahead but it was still deserved.
“You want to talk or yell?” His head snapped up at the sound of my voice.
“Talk,” he promised solemnly and pressed his lips into a thin line, “But I haven’t got long because Ray is on his own in the hotel room and I don’t trust him to be careful.”
I inhaled sharply and opened the hotel door. Charlie slowly brushed past me and my stomach fluttered at the small touch. I walked forward into the bedroom and he followed quietly behind me.
“I haven’t been sleeping all night, because I’ve been thinking about what you said…and you’re right. I mean you’re always right, but I never realised just how right until you weren’t there to remind me,” his hand rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “Ive been really shitty to you and Raymond and you’re such a good person, and I want to be the perfect person for you. You deserve someone better than me but…if you come with me to LA, I’ll spend the rest of my time trying to be that perfect person to you.”
I forgot how to breathe, “You’re ready for commitment?”
“The idea still terrifies me, I can’t lie- Ive got so much going on but you’re right. You’ve been so helpful and comfortable to be around, and I know we haven’t known each other for long but you’ve really impacted my life. That first night in the hotel, was the night I started to forget a life without you.”
He took a step forward and breath caught in my throat, “I wasn’t lying when I said I needed you. You keep me sane, you keep me anchored, and you remind me when I’m acting like a total dick and I love you for it. I love everything about you, your stubbornness, the way you smile when you think I’m not looking, the way you fit perfectly in my arms.”
His hand came up to hold the small of my back and I arched into his touch, “There’s only you. Even when I'm not with you, there's only you. Next time, just ask. You've never had a problem being bluntly honest with me. If we're going to do this, then we have to trust each other."
"And you want to do this?" I hold my breath.
He sighs, long and hard, then admits, "Yes." His hand slides up, and he caresses my cheek with his thumb. "I can't make you any promises, But I'm tired of fighting it."
"Yes." One word has never meant so much to me. Then I blink, remembering his previous comment about our first night together in that hotel, “You wanted me then?"
"I've wanted you from the first second I saw you,” he admits, “Even when you were screaming at me in the airport, the fierceness turned me on.”
I laughed quietly and he stroked my cheek with his thumb, “And if I was short with you yesterday... well, it's just a shit day and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that.”
"I understand,” I nodded, imagining I was in his situation. His head tilted ever so slightly towards mine and I gestured to the bed, “Now sit.”
"What?" His eyebrows rise.
"Sit," I order, staring him down.
To my absolute surprise, he does as I ask, sitting on the side of his bed.
His long legs stretch out in front of him, and he leans back slightly on the heels of his hands. "Now what?"
I move between his thighs and run my fingers through his hair. He closes his eyes and leans into my touch, and I swear, I feel my heart crack wide open. "Now I take care of you."
His eyes fly open and gods, are they beautiful. I've memorized every gold fleck in those green depths. Running my hands through his hair, I sink to my knees before him.
"You don’t-“
"I'm just taking off your boots." A smirk plays at my lips as I unlace one, then the other, taking them off.
His gaze locks on my skirt, heating every time the slit reveals a section of my thigh. "You've been wearing that all morning?"
"That's what you get for walking behind me," I tease, coming to stand between his thighs again.
"I can't really argue about the view from the back, either." He tilts his chin to look up at me.
"Be quiet and let me get this off you." I take off his jacket and his arms curled around my hips.
"I don't deserve you." he tugs me closer. "But I'm going to keep you all the same."
"Good." I lean in and brush my lips over his. "Because I think I'm in love with you." My heart beats erratically, and panic claws up my rib cage.
I shouldn't have said it.
His eyes flare wide and his arms tighten around me. "You think? Or you know?"
Be brave.
Even if he doesn't feel the same, at least I will have spoken my truth.
"I know. I'm so wildly in love with you that I can't imagine what my life would even look like without you in it. And I probably shouldn't have said that, but if we're doing this, then we're starting from a place of complete honesty."
He crushes his mouth to mine and pulls me fully into his lap so I'm straddling him. He kisses me so deep that I lose myself in it, in him. There are no words as he takes off my my shirt and unbuttons my skirt, all without breaking the kiss. "Stand," he says against my lips.
"Charlie.” My heart thunders.
"I fucking need you, Right now. And I don't need anyone, so I'm not quite sure how to handle this feeling, but I'm giving it my best. And if you don't want this today, that's fine, but I'm going to need you to walk out that door right now, because if you don't, I'm going to have you naked on your back in the next two minutes."
The intensity in his eyes and the vehemence of his words should frighten me, but they don't. Even if this man loses every ounce of his self-control, I know he'll never hurt me.
"Walk away or stay, but either way, I need you to stand up," he begs.
A smile curved at my lips, “I think two minutes might be overestimating your skills.”
He grins and lifts me from his lap.
My feet hit the floor. "I'm timing you."
"Is that_"
"One. Two." I hold up my fingers. "Three."
He's on his feet in a heartbeat, and then his mouth is on mine, and I stop counting. I'm too busy chasing the strokes of his tongue, feeling the ripple of his muscles beneath my fingertips, to give a shit where my clothes are going.
I feel air rush against my legs as my skirt hits the floor, leaving me in my underwear while I suck on his tongue.
He groans, Then his hands are in my hair, and he pulls back only long enough to rake his ravenous gaze down my body. "So fucking beautiful."
"I think that might have been a little longer than two-" I start, but he grabs the back of my thighs and lifts, sweeping my feet out from underneath me. My back hits the bed with a slight bounce, and honestly, I should have seen that move coming given that he's been putting me on my back for the better part of a year now.
"Still counting?" he asks, dropping to his knees beside the bed and pulling me up.
"Do you need me to keep score?" I tease as my ass hits the end of the bed.
"Feel free." He grins, and before I can get another word in, his mouth is between my thighs.
I suck in a sharp breath and throw my head back at the sheer pleasure of his tongue, licking and swirling around my clit. "Oh fuck."
He licks me from entrance to clit, finally flicking his tongue over that sensitive spot and I moan.
"Fuck, you taste good." He lifts my thighs up onto his shoulders and settles in like he has nowhere else to be tonight.
Then he absolutely devours me with tongue and teeth.
Pleasure, hot and insistent, spirals in my stomach and I'm lost in sensation, my hips rising and falling as I chase the high he drives me toward with every expert stab of his tongue.
My thighs tremble when he takes up a rhythm against my clit and drives two fingers inside me. They lock when he strokes his fingers in time with his tongue. Mindless, I'm simply mindless.
when he tips me over the edge of oblivion, it's his name I scream as that power whips outward with every wave of my climax.
"That's one," he says, kissing his way up my limp body. Moving his fingers out of me, he moves them to his lips and never once breaks eye contact. I suck in a deep breath as he licks his fingers clean, savouring my taste.
"Your mouth is..." I shake my head as his hands slide under me, moving us to the center of his bed. "There are no words for that."
"Delicious," he whispers, his lips skimming the plane of my stomach.
"You are absolutely delicious. I never should have waited this long to get my mouth on you."
I gasp when he sucks the peak of my breast into his mouth, his tongue lashing and stroking my nipple as he works the other between thumb and forefinger, setting a whole new fire within me built on the embers of the first.
By the time he gets to my neck, I'm a writhing flame beneath him, touching every part of him I can reach, stroking my hands down his arms, his back, his chest. Fuck, this man is incredible.
Our mouths meet in a deep kiss, and I can taste us both in it as I draw my knees upward, settling his hips right where they're meant to be- between my thighs.
he groans, and I can feel the head of him at my entrance. He shakes his head slowly and I smile.
"I don't get equal time to play?" I tease, arching my hips so he slides against me and making my own breath catch with the motion.
He nips my lower lip. "You can play all you want later if I can have you right now."
Yeah, that's a plan I can get with. "You already have me."
His gaze collides with mine as he hovers above me, bracing his weight to keep from crushing me. "You have everything I have to give."
That's enough...for now. I nod, arching my hips again.
Eyes locked with mine, he pushes into me with one long roll of his hips, consuming every inch and then taking another until he's i feel him everywhere.
The pressure, the stretch, the fit of him is beyond words.
"You feel so damn good." I roll my hips because I can't help myself.
"I could say the same thing about you." He smiles, using my own words from earlier against me. Hard, deep, and slow, he sets a rhythm that has me arching for every thrust as we come together again and again and again.
He drives us up the bed, and I throw my arms back, bracing against the headboard for leverage as I meet every plunge of his hips. God, each is better than the last. When I urge him to move faster, he gives me a wicked grin and takes me at the same mind-blowing, heart-jolting pace. "I want this to last. I need this to last."
"But I'm..." That fire in my core is coiled tight and so ready to burst free that I can almost taste how sweet it will be.
"I know." He drives forward again, and I whimper at how fucking good it feels. "Just stay with me." He adjusts the angle so he hits my clit with every thrust and presses my knee forward, taking me even deeper.
I'm not going to survive this. I'm going to die right here in this bed.
"Then I'm going to die with you," he promises, kissing me.
I'm so far gone, I didn't even realize I said the words out loud.
"More. I need more." Pleasure simmers beneath my skin and my legs lock.
"You're almost there. Fuck, you feel so damn good around me. I'm never going to get enough of this, enough of you.”
"I Love you." His eyes flare and his control snaps as he pounds into me, and that coiled pleasure explodes as he drives toward his own release, groaning into the side of my neck as the last waves of my orgasm leave me shuddering against him.
Long minutes pass before our breathing steadies, "You're all right?" he asks, brusting my hair back from my face.
"I'm great. You're great. That was-“
"Great?" he supplies.
"I was going to use the word glorious but I think 'great covers it,”
His fingers tangle in my hair. "I fucking love your hair. If you ever want to bring me to my knees or win an argument, just let it down. I'll get the point." I grin as the breeze rustles through the brown strands.
My head turned to the side and I gasped at the broken desk to our left.
"What are we going to do?"
"Right now?" He strokes my hair back from my face again. "That was two, if we're still counting, and I say we clean up, move the desk out the way, and get you to three, maybe four if you're still awake."
My jaw drops. "After we broke the furniture?"
He smiles and shrugs. "I don’t care about the cost.”
I gaze down at his body, and the craving for him ignites again, "Yeah, let's go for three."
We're going for five, my hips in Charlie’s hands while I slowly ride him, and trail my fingers down the hard planes and muscles of his back. I'm not sure how either of us is still moving, and yet we can't seem to stop, can't get enough.
"It really is beautiful," I tell him, rising up only to sink back down again, taking him deep within me.
His dark eyes flare as his hands flex. "Oh yeah, you always wanted a man with a nice back, didn’t you?." He arches his hips, hitting me at a sublime angle.
"Mhm,” Fuck he's robbing me of every thought.
Someone pounds on the door.
"Go the fuck away!" Charlie yelled, reaching up my back and hooking onto my shoulder to pull me down into his next thrust.
I fall forward, muffling my moan in his neck.
"I really wish I could." There's enough regret in the voice that I believe it.
"Someone better be dead if I get out of this bed," Charlie retorts.
“It’s your brother, Raymond Babbitt?” The man called, “Nothing bad, we just found him wandering the hotel looking lost.”
Both Charlie and I startle, our gazes colliding in shock. I slide off him, and he covers me with his blanket before shoving his legs into his trousers and striding for the door.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Charlie swung open the door to see the hotel manager and Raymond standing there awkwardly.
“Charlie, Charlie Babbitt,” Ray mumbled quietly.
Charlie clapped his shoulder softly and I couldn’t help but grin.
~3 days later~
Charlie stared down at me with a mischievous smile, “Dance with me.”
I scoffed, “You don’t dance.”
“For you I will,” he offered me his hand and I looked down at it hesitantly, “Come on. You can’t come all this way to a wedding and not dance.”
I rolled my eyes playfully and accepted his hand. Keeping his eyes on me, he led us to the dance floor as though he knew exactly where to go and I sighed.
“This is so embarrassing,” I wrapped my arms around his neck and glanced to my right. My sister, dressed in her brilliant white gown, winked at me and I scrunched my nose back at her.
“Love isn’t embarrassing,” he murmured lowly and wrapped his arm around my waist. Our free hands came up to clasp each other and I smiled at the sight. The music slowed to a more romantic tune and we began to sway from side to side, never once breaking eye contact. I was wearing a red dress that accentuated my hips and hugged at my curves. Charlie kept reminding me how beautiful I looked though in all honesty, I was most excited for when he took it off me tonight. We’d made it to LA and we’re currently moving from hotel to hotel whilst we came up with a solid plan.
I looked at all the dressed up people around us and realised one person was missing, “I’m sorry about Ray.”
He shook his head fiercely, “You don’t have to be. Ray’s better off back at his institution, it never would’ve worked if he lived with me.”
I nodded, “Yeah…you did deserve a bit of the money though.”
“Its all his, that money was never meant to be mine and besides,” he leant closer to press his lips against my forehead, “I already have everything I need.”
I grinned and claimed his lips with mine, my arms tightening around his neck and his hands pulling me closer. I couldn’t get enough of this man, Charlie Babbitt was going to be the death of me.
“What happens after this?” I pulled back for breath, “When we both go home?”
“Well we don’t live far from each other,” the corner of his lip lifted, “And I need a new employee at the company.”
“Oh really?” My brow raised jokingly, “I didn’t realise there was a job vacancy.”
“It actually opened up recently,” he pretended to look at his watch, “Two seconds ago to be precise.”
I chuckled quietly and he nodded, “Though seriously, there is a job for you at the company if you want it.”
“What would I be doing?”
“I’m sure we can find something,” he shrugged as we moved around the dance floor, “I’d be your boss…”
“Sounds like a forbidden Office romance,” my mouth curved into a smile as I kissed my way up his jaw, “I’m in.”
“You just like the idea of me bending you over the desk and fucking you senseless when we’re not supposed to, don’t you?” he murmured against my skin and my back arched slightly.
“You know….we could always take this conversation to the bathroom.”
He leant back, “At your sisters wedding?”
I shrugged, “She won’t care, and I need this right now….so I can go to the bathroom alone and think about you slamming me against the wall and sliding your-“
His head leaned back with a low groan and I continued, “…Or you can come with me and make these fantasies a reality.”
I grew hot under the intensity of his dark gaze, and he smirked, “You never even had to ask.”
Without wasting a moment of hesitation, Charlie grabbed my hand and we rushed back out to the private bathrooms. My skin was already hot at the idea of Charlie filling me, and my heart pounded loudly enough for the both of us. This day couldn’t get any better.
My back pressed against the cool bathroom wall and Charlie pinned my wrists above my head. Pulling my skirt to the side, he lined himself up at my entrance and wait…no, it could get better.
He rolled into me with one thick thrust and my head tipped back in blissful pleasure. Completely inside of me, I took a moment to adjust to his size before he pounded into me once more, my thighs already spilling with a pool of wetness.
The end💋
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runthepockets · 9 months
I was watching Lords of Chaos around this time last year. It's about what you expect. Idk why the movie exists, everyone who still cares about those bands has the fuckin story tattooed to the inside of their eyelids, and to outsiders it just reads as a really weird and cruel rehashing of some obscure thing between a bunch of dudes in the 90s. But one thing I will say they did really well was the portrayal of Dead's suicide. It wasn't a cool or glamorous thing, it was very graphic and nerve wracking and devastating. There's a part where he goes to his phone to check his answering machine and it's a message from his dad congratulating him for getting into his university of choice, and it really solidifies the grim finality of what he's doing. You genuinely feel confused and upset when Euronymous' immediate instinct is to start taking pictures of dude's corpse and collecting little pieces of his slaughtered skull to show off to his buddies.
It's crazy how the suicide of one really weird, genuinely mentally ill dude changed the trajectory of an entire music scene forever. Like, before any of that shit with him went down, it was just a bunch of pretentious nerds who were all bark, no bite. The reason Dead was as popular as he was among all those dudes in the first place is because they thought he was playing up an image like the rest of them, walking around naked in the woods and talking about feeling like a vampire and a corpse and what have you, it fused perfectly with the general aesthetic and machismo that everyone was trying to put on, and it's really sad in retrospect. Dude really just needed a solid support group, therapy, and anti psychotics, and instead all he got was a bunch of weird shitty nerds enabling his antics. It reminded me of that Always Sunny episode where Mac and Charlie won't shut up about Psycho Pete, who you assume is some cannibalistic sociopath, until he actually shows up in an episode and is just some anxious, mild mannered, mentally ill dude trying his best.
And the entire core of Black Metal has more or less revolved around this attitude for like, 30 years now. It's crazy. Even now when you ask people about metal, they think about white supremacist dudes burning churches. It's all so stagnant, it's fascinating. If Death Metal, Hardcore, Grindcore, Sludge, and Doom Metal are all encompassing of everything I actually really admire about white masculinity and enjoy putting my own spin on in my day to day life, Black Metal is all encompassing of everything I hate about it, and why it tends to flounder and fall apart on deeper introspection as often as it does. It's really a shame, cus a lot of second wave BM is really fucking good, a lot of those dudes are genuinely talented individuals. But holy shit.
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Heartstopper 7-30, and why it is that representation matters
Or: the perspective from a queer and mentally ill teen about figuring out your future and moving forward from the past, through an analysis of a singular chapter of Heartstopper
Alternatively: a queer, mentally ill teen projecting their issues and analyzing life itself through a comic about queer, mentally ill teens
Warnings: spoilers for all of the comic version of Heartstopper up until the most recent update (September 11, 2023), past self-harm, issues with self-image, and unspecified eating disorders (all of them both in fiction and in real life). (The last one isn’t really spoken about, but the topic lingers around this essay, keep that in mind).
It’s the second time I’m writing this. Bear with me. It’s long. You’ve been warned. Also, as you can see, this was written over the course of two days, and took multiple days for me to clean up and post. It’s no longer Monday 11th, so there are inconsistencies.
Today I woke up like any other Monday morning. Grabbed my phone at 5 am before getting ready for class. Today is update day for Heartstopper, as is every 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month. I looked up the chapter on Tumblr, read half of it, got ready for the day, read the rest of the update, and kept going with my day.
Usually, I wouldn’t think much about it throughout the day. I would think about it and re-read the chapter during the time between classes, or during lunch. Today was different. We’re in the middle of exam season. Today’s exam had to be done in a very small amount of time, only an hour. All of it was writing and analyzing. It’s 20% of the grade for the class. I spent 15 minutes of said exam just thinking about Heartstopper.
Here’s the thing about me. I have the tendency to fall in love with fiction. I will find something new, a book, a series, whatever, and consume all of it, engage with the fandom, consume all of it again, and repeat the whole thing until I find something new.
I engaged with Heartstopper a while after it had first been presented to me. Just like right now, it was the middle of exam season and I needed to get my mind off of things. I opened Tapas, which I often use to read things, mostly fan comics. I saw that Heartstopper was in there for free. I thought it was odd, but I was bored and tired, so I began reading.
I read the whole thing in two days, only three hours or something like that. At first, it became something like a comfort for me. A world that resembled the real world but made it its ideal version. Heartstopper presented me with a dream-like gay relationship, filled with self-discovery, varied characters, and, once again, an idealized version of the world.
It was so liberating at first. What if the world was like that? What if we didn’t have to fear people that much? What if life could be so filled with love?
Then it got dark.
Holy- then it got dark. It broke me, but I loved it. Gosh, I really did. I love stories about mental health. I love reading about how life can break a human being, but at the same time, how it can slowly and carefully put them back together. Sure, life is not perfect, and therefore, a person will never be fixed, and they will never be “how they used to be”, but life can persevere through darkness and pain. Life can get better. That’s what I chose to believe.
I’ve always related more to Charlie than to any other Heartstopper character, (aside from Tori, but she doesn’t really count as a Heartstopper character). We both struggle with similar issues, and we both deal with them in similar ways. Unhealthy coping mechanisms, baby~!
This arc of Nick trying to choose a university is significant to me, mostly because I’m having the same issues as him. I’m supposed to have figured out what I’m going to do, and I’m supposed to know where that’s going to be. I don’t know anything. I know what area I’m interested in, but that’s still not enough.
Currently, Nick is touring universities with his friends, trying to make plans for the future, while figuring out whether or not he’s willing to leave behind the people he loves for the sake of his education and personal growth.
That struck a nerve in me. I’m also terrified of leaving behind my friends, who are essentially my family. I want to be the best version possible of me. I want to have these new, meaningful, and life-altering experiences.
When I was younger, I used to think that I wouldn’t make it far. I thought that I would die young and I would be at fault for that. I found hope and comfort whenever I thought about college. I always thought/dreamed about leaving everything behind, going to the US, and living the “American Dream”. I never cared whether or not it was doable, it was my dream and it was going to happen one way or another.
Now I’m older. Somehow still alive. More bitter than before. Sadly enough, I don’t allow myself to dream about those things anymore and still believe that they can and will happen. Now, my perception of the US has been broken and I’m truly afraid of even going there.
Back to Heartstopper 7-30, Nick and the gang visit the University of Leeds. Nothing seems to particularly catch their eye, but they speak with a student, and things change.
Nick gets asked the question. That haunting question that almost seems to chase you down. “What are you thinking of studying?” Then comes the dreaded answer, “I’m still undecided.” Lucky for him, he doesn’t seem to take it in a bad way or overanalyze the situation.
How the social life is described to Nick attracts him to the university. He’s interested in the sports facilities, because he’s our rugby boy, so of course he would be. The person he’s talking to tells him that their partner is in the team, and that they are really enjoying it.
That’s the moment in which, even if isn’t consciously, Nick makes his decision. He turns around and sees a group of students playing rugby. One of them turns around and waves at them, signifying that they are the other one’s partner. The rest of the group just looks at them and smile.
They just seem to accept each other no matter what. They show affection between them and don’t even question it. That means the world to Nick. That’s everything he wants. A community. To be accepted. To be able to engage in one of his favorite activities, rugby, and not have to hide who he truly is. He sees himself as one of them. Straight up, imagines himself in their shoes, and he finally finds what he’s looking for.
A year ago, I started telling myself that I should figure things out. I went to a fair with multiple international universities that offered different programs for students from my country. At the end of the day, the dream never fully dies, I guess. I still want that god-forsaken college experience that appears in books and movies. That feeling of community. Anything.
I found this public university in the middle of nowhere, but it truly did captivate me. I don’t even remember why. Cool mascot, a nice ambiance. Good enough. I looked them up on Instagram and fell in love. Their posts were truly everything I had ever dreamed of. Community, acceptance, fun, pure joy, and happiness on that campus.
Then, what meant the most to me: an LGBTQIA2S+ organization. Queer-friendly spaces. Monthly meeting just to talk. I can’t stress enough how relevant this one was for me at first, a bingo game night with drag queens.
Where I come from, people know that you’re queer and you’re dead, honestly. You will never hear the end of it. We isolate ourselves because we know that otherwise, we’d have to fight daily just to be tolerated, to be heard. We’d have to argue why our existence is okay.
This idea of being out, the whole concept to me is wild. I genuinely never considered it a possibility. Being openly queer, alongside other openly queer people is something revolutionary in my head. I do mean it.
I understand Nick. Finally finding a place where you think that you could actually belong is such a liberating experience. The idea of “I could be there”, “I could be one of them”, “I could be myself and not have to worry”. It changes everything. It genuinely does.
I truly do hope that Nick finds himself at home in Leeds. I wish him only the best. May he figure out what he wants to do, and may he be happy doing it.
Now, time for. Charlie.
He barely even appears on this update, yet, his actions are incredibly relevant, both to his character development and to all of the people reading.
Charlie’s mental health has been all over the place, that’s something everyone who has ever interacted with Heartstopper knows. Most fans can also say that they relate to this. A pretty big amount of the fans of this saga would say that they consider themselves LGBTQIA2S+ and/or people who are currently or in the past have struggled with their mental health.
The beauty of Heartstopper is that we get to see these characters grow, not only grow older, but also grow emotionally. They get to learn about themselves. They get to battle their internal conflicts and win them.
Charlie means a lot to a lot of people. He means a lot to me. He is, in some way or another, a reflection of myself. My issues. My life. Which is really worrying, actually, but it does mean something. People relate to him. He is a good enough representation of mental health issues for people to be able to identify with him.
In this update, Charlie wants Nick to see him without his shirt on for the first time ever. This is such a big step for him. For his recovery. Charlie has many self-image issues, especially around his arms and torso. All of us readers know how hard this was for him, therefore, we know how much this moment means.
I love that it wasn’t like a gigantic revelation that was reacted to in an exaggerated manner. Nick, being Nick, just blushed heavily. He truly is the personification of ‘bi crisis’. Good for him.
Some of Charlie’s biggest insecurities, as seen in 7-13, are the fact that he’s skinny and has scars. The entirety of chapter 7 has focused on how hard this is on him, and how much it affects his daily life.
Him taking off his shirt doesn’t mean that he overcame this issues. Recovery isn’t linear. This action only means that he’s finally comfortable enough to try. That’s all that recovery really is. Trying, hoping, to get better.
As the audience, an outsider looking in, we have seen Charlie shirtless before. Something new happened this time. We saw something that we didn’t need to see, but some of us, me included, are glad we saw. We saw Charlie’s self-harm scars.
It could be stupid. It could be worthless, but it meant a lot to many of us. It meant a lot to Charlie.
Charlie finally feels confident enough with himself to show this part of him to his boyfriend. Sure, he trusts him with all of his very being. Charlie is well aware that Nick will never judge him for it, but his mind doesn’t see it that way. Charlie is in a fight of will against himself. He wants this, he truly does, but there’s a voice in his head telling him that everything could go wrong. Even if it’s illogical. Even if he knows that it is.
I love how Alice just subtly writes onto the story small details that will later on become important for the plot. They don’t even have to be really important. Them being there is enough. Every single time in which he holds onto his arm, or anyone touches that specific area, there’s always a reaction from him. Every time he feels insecure, he holds onto that specific area.
It could be because I’m an angst-loving fanfic reader/writer, but I always wanted to see those scars. It might be a morbid thought, but I really did want to. We didn’t need it, sure, but seeing them shows that they aren’t just a plot devise. We know that they aren’t only that, but it’s just one of those illogical thoughts that one might have.
Seeing them shows their severity. Seeing them shows how far Charlie has come.
To me, seeing them meant seeing someone like me in a book. On a published book. In the future, on a TV show.
It is one thing to read about it in fan fiction, in people’s blogs, on YouTube videos of people who are getting better, or anything like that. Anyone can post that. It being on something published in that way, something edited and checked by so many people, something that could be professionally translated onto other languages, something that at some point we may find in a library. It means a lot to me.
Alice Oseman’s book Loveless caused the same impact on me. My first time reading a book where there were asexual and/or aromantic characters, non-binary characters. There are people like me in media. In books. In my home country, as oddly homophobic and transphobic as it is, I can go to a bookstore and buy myself a copy of this book. It is real. I am, in fact, not faking all of this. Other people are like me.
Six years I’ve been hiding my arms from the world. I’ve spent my whole life hiding my legs, but three or four years ago I began hiding them for other reasons as well.
Six years ago someone finally asked me, in a worried tone, what happened to my arms. People had asked before, but no one ever asked as if they were concerned. Six years ago it happened for the first and only time. I haven’t worn a sleeveless shirt outside of my room in all that time. I don’t know if I ever will.
Charlie gives me hope. Maybe, one day I will. Who knows. I don’t really want to do that now, but if I ever do, I know that I could.
It is nice to see oneself represented in media. Small representation means something. A more relevant role means even more though.
As a child from a pretty ignored country, I found myself represented in Elena of Avalor, in Marco Díaz from Star vs. the Forces of Evil. Neither one of them was from my country, not even close, but it was as close as I could get.
Representation to me meant the beginning and sometimes end of the Jurassic Park movies, “Isla Nublar, 120 miles west of Costa Rica.” That island doesn’t even exist.
Nowadays, there’s an NCIS character who at some point talks about wanting to move to a beach in Costa Rica. I thought that was going to be it. She would retire, never be seen again on screen, but would still call every once in a while. I don’t regularly watch NCIS, but I pick it up randomly at times. Recently I saw that she didn’t even move to Costa Rica, so that’s that for my “representation.” I don’t know what has happened since, I mean it when I say that I don’t really know what happens on NCIS.
Representation can come in many different forms, in this case, it comes in the shape of a boy who only wants to belong somewhere, and another one finding his place, and finding comfort in his own body after struggling with it for so long.
Representation shows people that they aren’t alone. It shows how important it is to see someone like you on any type of media.
The mere acknowledgment of one’s identity or existence is an indescribable feeling. Seeing oneself in any type of media genuinely causes a great impact.
Representation is necessary, and it not only helps people feel seen, but it also teaches others about different aspects of life that they might not think about. People’s lives are different. Representation helps to put it into perspective.
-Mori (They/Xem)
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whimpity-whumpity · 1 year
List of my characters because even i forget sometimes and i do not expect yall to remember them when i dont even post abt them much. Will be updated as i remember more of them because there are quite literally hundreds rattling around up there.
Caleb (he/him, immortal, does not have a good time)
Sorin (he/him) (knockoff spiderman)
Lace (lab whumpee) (she/her) (also mind controlled via SCIENCE)
Tango (lab whumpee) (she/her)
Delta(lab whumpee) (she/her)
Yankee(lab whumpee) (she/her)
Charlie(lab whumpee) (she/her)
Lars (gladiator) (anxious big man) (he/him)
Elipso (satyr, emergency food) (they/them)
Emily (she/her)
Quinn (they/she)
Jakob (poor baby i hurt him so bad) (it/its but in a dehumanizing way, then he/him later) (he just wants to play his songs)
Donny "Trix" Riggs (he/him)
Ryder (any pronouns but I only use they/them because they'll stop letting me write them if i don't) (betrayed villain my beloved)
Amy (she/her)(???) (villain whumpee)
Bucky Ark Patton (he/him) (he works for Waylan!) (yes his initials are BAP.)
Arcturus (he/him) (utter asshole)
Esyn aka Emily (she/her) (shy but later also asshole because of how my power system works :<)
Sorin (really a sweetheart) (he/him) (he just wants someone to cuddle and is all kinds of fucked up)
Arson aka Gwid (alien) (they/them) (their culture has very very normalized violence and like. slave gladiators. its not great. they did not mean to come to earth. they hate it here.)
Riclle (vampire, the oldest) (he/him) ("gender? i'm fucking thirsty, fuck gender") (creepy whumper)
Tobias (vampire) (he/him) (pretends to be a creepy whumper, is just trying to protect his little brother)
Phil (he's a surprise tool that will help us later) (reference) (vampire) (he/him) (idk he might get deleted, i made him for a rp and he never really came back)
Sir Nicholas the 23rd (he/him) (PROFESSIONAL asshole. asshole EXTRORDINAIRE. i hate him so so much.)
Lukas (reluctant) (he/him) (crime family go brr) (he just wants to sell glowy clothes)
Harlow (doesn't like its job but gets paid well) (he/it) (only has this job to provide for his son)
Waylan (he/him) ("gender? is that uh, one of them new medicines?") (have you noticed i like giving assholes kids? have you?) (you will.) (her name is ronnie and i love her sm. baby. she kicks off his redemption arc.) (waylan 🤝 sorin fucked up childhoods)
Bucky (he/him) (hes literally that one stereotypical henchman i love him) (also hes trans)
Hadrian "Pike" whatever the fuck surname. (he/him) (basically he gets hired to kidnap people and keep them out of the way and or kill them)
Jude (he/they) (basically a supervillain) (feral) (but also wildly cheerful) (would just strap somebody down and sit on their lap and wait for the knife to wake them up) (giggles like a child while torturing people)
Quinn (they/she)
Sami (she/her) (Waylan's cousin, but she and the rest of the family think he's dead)
Karma (she/it) (hero) (bloodbender equivalent) (starts up a recovery center later <3) (also very much enjoys watching people in pain) (it hates that about herself)
Maewyn (vampire) she/her (successor to Riclle) (can't turn people)
Tobias (kind of) (vampire) he/him (he tries)
Donny (AU of Riggs) he/him (works in a temple of Melu!)
Ophi? Maybe? If she cooperates? (she/her) (Jakob's youngest sister)
Bucky!!! Ark!!! Patton!!!!! (literally he does anything his Boss tells him to hes so fucking blorbo rn)
Kypripos (Chaos and all not written below; Lord of Lost Things, Sky-Painter, and prankster. Father of Fathers, the First, etc.) doesn't really care about gender, goes by he/him through most of the story because their vessel is male.
Estor (Domain: History) he/him
Tai (Domain: War, grief, poets, and strategy) he/him
Rask (Elder Child of the Depths) xe/xem/xeir
Melu (Domain: Illness and Health, often credited with making ALL life) I've been referring to Melu with feminine pronouns till now but Melu just said no so I'm gonna just not until Melu finds some that vibe right.
Saras (Child of the Depths) Saras also sees no need for pronouns. Saras speaks in third person.
Ponma (Domain: Drama, acting, lies) (Dead) Whatever the role demands: he, she, they, xe, it, she delights in wrapping new roles around himself like a new cloak.
Rust (Child of Ponma, once known as Vera) they/them (clown)
Ent (Embodiment of "Chaos comes for all in the end") (Dead) he/they (never STARTED fights but would finish them) (same with pranks)
Misief (Domain: General mischief, pranks, laughter) (Dead) it/its (always started the fight/pranks)
Cosmo (Domain: All the things of the sky)(Dead) she/it (the token serious child)
Arcturus (Domain: magic) (dead-ish) he/him
Esyn (Domain: magic) she/her
Mara (Domain: destruction and rebirth) Similar attitude to Ponma, but less about new roles and more about destruction not needing a gender
Madac ("Sea-mother") she/they
Seli (Parent of selkies) ????
Spiren (Death) Spiren is older than the concept of eyes, Spiren doesnt give a shit. Uses "Father" in refrence to Bilen, Hen, and Renwick, though.
Bilen (Soul-chaser, "The Bear") she/her
Hen ("The Hare", Guide of Violent Ends) he/him
Renwick ("The Rabbit", Singer of Lives) (they/them)
Dara (Domain: Song) he/they
Julokal (Domain: Honorable Combat) she/her
Discord for more about them
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