#charlie x Alex
misschanadlerbong · 1 year
Chapter 13 Pt.1 - Perfect
Summary: Just senior prom.
Warnings: none.
Genre: Fluff with some angst towards the end.
Word Count: 2.9k
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Finally, the day of prom came, and you were all set to get ready and dance your ass off tonight. Jessica was also at your place because you needed her to help with makeup, hair, and stuff you had no idea about. Both the boys were going to pick you up from your place.
Jessica asked in confirmation “Dress?”
“Hair accessories?”
And…did you put a straightener to heat?”
“Oh, Jess do you realize that you are going through this checklist for the fifth time? It is all good even if we leave something out that we are not, so what’s the big deal? Isn’t today all about having fun just chill babe?”
“Y/N this is our last school dance it has to be perfect.” she declared.
You could never win against Jessica in a matter like this, so you just rolled your eyes and followed everything that Jessica told you about. You both went to a full regime of skin care and then she did your makeup and hair.
The theme of the senior prom was ‘Masquerade Ball’ and you picked up a perfect corset dress. It was a sequin dress the corset was black with a tint of golden to it and the skirt was golden with a tint of black at the very bottom of it with embroidered flower patterns. It also had a ribbon that went around your waist and tied into a bow on your back.
You had a last look in the mirror before going into the living room where your parents were waiting to see you. You looked at yourself and, you had to admit, you looked like a goddamn princess and the glow added to your face thinking about Clay made you look even better.
You heard the doorbell, “Honey your dates are here.” your mom shouted from the living room.
You and Jessica walked into the living room and seeing you both your mother exclaimed “Oh sweet Jesus! Don’t you two look beautiful?”
Your father was too startled to say anything, he was shocked at the sight in front of him. He always saw you like his little girl who needed her father’s help in everything but now he saw a well-raised beautiful young woman. Seeing you, your father shed a tear as he was overwhelmed, he tried his best to hide but could not.
You walked up to your dad and said “Aw Dad!” and gave him a warm hug.
Your eyes met Clay. He was wearing a tuxedo and was looking smoking hot. You walk over toward Clay and said, “Who knew my Nerd could pull off a tuxedo?” Clay simply grinned. He was staring deep into your eyes it seemed like he wanted to say something but was not letting it out “What?” you asked.
“You look…” he sighed “Seraphic!” he finally said.
Justin sauntered to Jessica, gave her a sweet kiss, and said: “Hello, gorgeous!” He then turned towards you and said “And Y/N you, you look terrific. I have never seen you like this before.”
Your lips curved into a smile and said, “Thanks Justin, you look great too.”
“Um Y/N I got something for you,” said Clay offering a corsage. You stretched your hand and allowed Clay to put a corsage on your wrist.
“Oh my god, Orchid? This is beautiful! I got something for you too Jensen. Mom, can you pass that?” you asked your mom to pass a boutonniere you especially got for Clay. You pinned the boutonniere to his jacket.”
“Shall we princess?” asked Clay with courtesy. But your father stopped you both.
“So, Clay Jensen, right?” your father questioned.
“Yes, sir.”
“Bring her back till 11, okay?” he demanded.
“Yes, sir,” Clay said like an obedient boyfriend.
You all walked out of the house stopping on the porch you asked Clay “So where is our ride? I mean I asked you out, the least you could do is get us a Limo. Right, Jess?”
Jessica nodded in agreement and raised her eyebrow at Justin in question.
“Okay, I deserve that. Justin and Jessica are going with Charlie and Alex in an actual Limo. I have a different plan for us.” Said Clay.
“Oh really? What is it?” You jumped with excitement.
“I know what you love more than a Limo, this!” said Clay pointing his index finger towards Tony’s Mustang.
“Oh, my fucking god! Tony’s Mustang? How did you convince him?” you asked in disbelief.
“Well, seems like he’d do anything for his best friend he knows how important you are to me and how much you love this car, so he agreed.” Clay offered his hand and asked, “Shall we madame?”
You held his hand and replied, “Oui, monsieur.”
You all arrived at the venue decided by your school. It was a big ballroom with a dancing space near the DJ and there were many round tables arranged for the seating. The room was decorated with every shade of white flowers. Exquisite chandeliers hung above the ceiling giving the room a royal aesthetic.
You and the gang took some drinks and hit the dance floor. You danced to many songs. Tony did the job just right as a DJ, you tried so hard to convince him to join the prom with everybody but being a DJ was his escape from socializing and dancing.
You and Jessica danced your ass off to the song ‘Best Friend’ by Doja Cat and Saweetie and decided to take some rest. Clay was just standing in one corner smiling at you as you danced. You walked up to him and urged “Oh come on Clay, we are at our Prom, we are supposed to Dance you know. Haven’t you read about proms in the library?”
“Ha-ha very funny. I can’t dance. Plus, it is such a pleasure seeing you dancing.”
You pouted at his response and to make it up to you he pecked your lips and offered you a drink.
You both were standing in one corner and talking and observing others. Your eyes fell on Charlie and Alex dancing to a slow song. They both were wearing tuxedos with matching boutonnieres pinned to their jackets and held each other while moving swiftly to the beats of the song. Then you saw Jessica and Justin dancing just beside them, it felt like love was in the air.
As you both were enjoying watching and talking a tall dark-haired boy approached you both.
“Hey Y/N, you look amazing and you too Clay you look fine in that tux,” he said.
“Hi, Zach. Thanks! You don’t look so bad yourself either.” you smiled.
“Um, Clay…I was wondering if I can borrow your date for a dance?”
You looked at Clay and said, “I don’t know Zach, I am pretty tired.”
“Come on Y/N it’s just one dance I am asking for, please?” Zach insisted.
Clay seemed like he had no problem with you two dancing together, “No, Y/N if you want to, then please. I will be right here watching you.” said Clay.
You nodded and proceeded towards the dance floor with Zach. Song ‘The Way, I Loved You’ by Taylor Swift started playing in the background and you both found your rhythm to dance. You held one of Zach’s hands and his other hand rested on your waist. Zach swirled you around a few times and you both were back to facing each other.
“Y/N I’d like to say something,” asked Zach.
“See I know we got off on the wrong foot. But I miss my time with you. I regret saying whatever I said. The thing was that I was too scared to put my game in jeopardy. But I didn’t realize that you were equally as important…” you cut him off “But Zach…”
“No, please listen to me. Breaking up with you was a huge mistake, will you ever be able to forgive me? I know you are with Clay now so the least I could ask for is forgiveness” he asked with innocence in his eyes.
“Of course, Zach, I already forgave you a long time ago. To be honest, I am grateful to you, if you never broke up with me, I would have never realized that I had feelings for Clay, and now hearing all those words from you made me realize exactly how I feel about him. So, thank you.”
While you both were dancing Justin and Jessica approached Clay and Justin asked “Dude, what is she doing with Zach?”
“Zach wanted to dance with Y/N so they’re dancing.”
“And you let her?” asked Justin sounding annoyed.
“Yeah, and she does not need my permission I am her boyfriend, not her master or anything and additionally they are just dancing what is wrong with that? It’s prom after all” replied Clay.
“Clay, you don’t let your serious girlfriend dance with her ex with whom the things were still complicated…”
“Oh yeah, Clay sure they are dancing, and look at them so adorable right? Whereas it should be you looking into her eyes the way Zach is. But I am sure this dance will not stir Y/N’s feelings back towards Zach.” Jessica said sarcastically.
Clay started to feel insecure and decided to make a move. He walked up to you as you expected him to. The only thing that could provoke Clay was jealousy and Jess played that card just right.
As soon as he held your hand to dance Tony changed the slow song to some rock music “Seriously Tony?!” you yelled in frustration.
“Hey, it’s okay, we can just jump around like these crazy people here, right?”
A grin took over your pout and Clay and you jumped around the dance floor feeling yourself and being lost in the music.
You and Clay found a seat for yourself to take a break and helped yourself with some food.
“Y/N? Can I talk to you?” a familiar voice came from behind you.
Before you could say anything, Clay howled “What the hell Bryce?”
“Hey man, I just wanna talk to her, just chill, okay?”
You turned towards Bryce and gave his request a thought. You decided to hear him out, whatever he wanted to say. You stood up but Clay pulled you back. You assured him by saying “It is okay Clay. I’ll be fine. What can he possibly do in a room full of people? I will be back, okay?”
Clay nodded in apprehension, and you followed Bryce to a corner of the room. You crossed your arms around your chest and asked, “What is it, Bryce?”
“Look Y/N I wanted to thank you for not taking any serious steps against me. I could have lost my scholarship and my chance to go to school and I want to apologize for whatever I did, I am sorry.”
“Bryce, everybody deserves to go to college, and you do too. No matter how you are everybody deserves a chance, so I gave it to you, and it is not a big deal.”
“Yeah, and I am grateful for that. I didn’t realize what I was doing. I was insecure and acted like a dick…” you cut him off and said in agreement “Well that is true.”
Before Bryce could say something, he was cut off by Clay “Everything okay babe?”
“Yeah, he was just saying something. Everything is fine.”
“Clay let me talk to her, please?” requested Bryce, and Clay started walking away with a frown but this time you pulled his hand and said “No Bryce Clay is not going anywhere. He is my boyfriend whatever you wanna say, you can say in front of him” Clay’s eyes gleamed hearing those words.
Clay stood by your side holding your hand “Y/N I was just saying that I am sorry. For everything.”
“Okay.” You replied.
“Okay? You are not gonna forgive me?” he asked.
“Well, you asked me to hear you out, so I did. I gave you a second chance Bryce, but I cannot forgive you, not just yet. I would like you to live with that guilt, if any.”
Bryce took a step towards you, but he was blocked by Clay in the way. Clay stood between the two of you facing Bryce and his hand stopped Bryce from moving further. Half of your body hid behind Clay.
“You heard her, now just leave her alone.” You never saw Clay so protective, and you loved the way he demanded Bryce leave.
You both went back to where the whole gang was and got to know that they soon are going to announce the Prom King and Queen.
“Who’d, you think it’s gonna be?” you asked Jessica with curiosity.
“Who knows? It is always up to the football team” she said pointing toward Zach and the other guys on the football team.
They called Jessica to announce the Prom King and Queen as she was the class president. Jessica walked right into the middle of the room and took the envelope where the names were mentioned.
She read and every soul in the room was looking at her with suspicion, she built up the suspense and finally said “I can never be happier to announce these two names as Prom King and Queen. Are you all ready to know?”
“Yes!” Everybody yelled in excitement.
“Y/N and Clay what the hell are you doing there? Come here because the Prom Queen is Y/N Y/L/N, and the Prom King is Clay Jensen. Come and collect your tiaras.”
Clay and you saw each other in disbelief as the unexpected had happened. You thought that Charlie and Alex were going to be prom kings but here you were receiving the title of Prom Queen. Jessica put the crown over Clay’s head, and you bowed to let Jessica put the tiara. When Jessica did her part, you looked at the audience and made eye contact with Zach as he raised his glass to you both. “Thank you” you mouthed to him.
“This one’s for two of the most important people in my life” announced Tony while playing ‘Perfect’ by Ed Sheeran.
He knew how much you loved the song, and he played the song at the right moment.
“May I have this dance?” Clay’s question caught your attention and your eyes started shining.
Clay offered his hand, and you instantly took his hand. Clay kissed the back of your hand like a gentleman. You bowed and then held each other in a dancing position.
Clay’s hand slid down to your waist holding you close, and your hands rested on his shoulders. Gazing into each other’s eyes you both started dancing while your legs moved in perfect sync you teased Clay “Who knew this nerd could dance?”
“Well as you say, I am full of surprises.”
You felt ecstatic and calm dancing with Clay like you had nothing to worry about. The lyrics ‘I found a girl, beautiful and sweet. Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me…’ echoed in the background.
You looked at Clay and said, “Clay Jensen, I think I am in love with you.”
“Did you just use both my names in a single sentence?” he teased.
“Come on Clay, you’re ruining the moment.”
Clay chuckled and replied, “Sorry, I know I am in love with you Y/N Y/L/N.”
“And I am in love with you Clay Jensen.”
 ‘I don’t deserve this…’
‘You look perfect tonight…’
Clay swirled you around and your body collided as he held you tight like he was never letting you go.
“Kiss, Kiss, Kiss” the crowd started shouting in unison.
You looked at Clay and said, “Seems like it’s time for some PDA Jensen.”
Clay smiled and crashed his lips onto yours, the kiss was desperate yet gentle. After you both had your moment, the crowd joined the dance floor, and you danced in Clay’s arms for the rest of the night.
Clay abided by your father’s rule of getting you back to your place by eleven. As you both were not party people at all you decided to ditch the after-party. You both sat down on the couch in your bedroom and helped yourself to some hot chocolate.
The first thing you did after reaching your home was to get out of that dress and realize how good it feels to finally be able to breathe again. You lay your head on Clay’s chest and he put his arm around you as you both sipped your hot chocolate.
“Clay?” you called him out.
“I got a mail today, I got into Princeton.”
Clay removed his hand from your shoulder and sat up straight.
“Wow, that’s… great. But you are not going right?” asked Clay in apprehension.
“Clay… Princeton has been my dream college since I was a little kid. Of course, I want to go.”
“You’ll go all the way across the country? What about…us? We all know long distance never works” said Clay standing up.
You tried to convince him “Clay come on, it’s my college we are talking about.”
“So, all that ‘I love you shit was fake huh? You were playing with me this whole time, right?!” He sounded furious.
He started walking out of the room in a rage, but you tried to stop him “Clay please stay. Talk to me.”
Clay shed a tear and whimpered “I am too tired to fight right now Y/N. I should probably leave.”
He left and slammed your bedroom door. Tears started running down your eyes. You were asking questions yourself; did you just ruin a perfect relationship? Did you just hurt the most wonderful boy you have ever met? The hurt caused was not intentional, but you still felt guilty, you ruined your perfect night with the boy you love. Maybe Clay was right, maybe you were graduating single from high school.
Shower your love by liking and commenting on the post. Refrain from copying, plagiarism, or posting on any other platform.
P.S.: I also upload on Wattpad @immafreakingmoonstone, feel free to check out my account :)
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nerd-elf · 1 month
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Always ❤️
PS: Feel free to tag your favorite gays here
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firstprinced · 5 days
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and say what's on your mind, my baby
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oddlypurpleghosts · 1 year
This is gonna be one hell of a gay summer 🤩🤩🥳
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charstoppers · 1 year
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august was made for the gays and the gays ONLY
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i think it's interesting that almost all the most popular mlm media right now is focused on the trope of a boy who knows he's gay x a most likely bisexual boy who doesn't realize he's bisexual until the other boy comes around. like, it's everywhere. heartstopper with nick and charlie. red, white, and royal blue with henry and alex. young royals with simon and wilhelm. and dead boy detectives with edwin and charles and stranger things with mike and will, even though they aren't canon (yet!!!!).
i don't actually have any conclusion about this, but i still think it's interesting that this seems to be the most prominent trope rn.
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lily-s-world · 1 year
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dancermk · 1 year
I’m a little disappointed to see so much discourse, fandom competitiveness, and plain arguing going around at the moment in regards to queer film/TV. People complaining about too much sex, not enough sex, too cheesy, made for the hets, too happy, too sad, too realistic, too unrealistic, and a million other petty issues. I, for one, am a queer person in my 50s and I grew up with practically zero representation! Yes, we want to continue onwards and upwards with quality and varied shows BUT let’s be HAPPY we now have representation! Like, actual shows where the central characters are queer, not just a side character who gets f*cking murdered! There is room for all different types of representation - so enjoy the types you like, and let others enjoy what they like.
And on a side note: progress is progress and film/tv is a business that has to turn a profit! If some queer content is made to appeal to the straight community, and will also act as a means of reducing homophobia and increasing understanding, then that’s a good thing. That means in the future more and more content will include queer stories and representation. If only 10% (ish) of the population is the maximum target audience then shows won’t keep getting made!
There is a huge backlash all over the world right now - a “push back” by conservatives and religious groups that want to wind back the clock, and specifically the last decade of advances.
So stick together queers and LGBTQIA+ allies.
I’m super happy knowing I don’t have to wait years between content anymore. And I’ve loved all different types of shows over the last 5 years, for lots of different reasons!
Interview with the Vampire - is giving me the toxic, passionate gothic love affair I’ve always wanted. And addressing interracial relationships.
Heartstopper - is filling me up with pure joy and hopefulness for the future.
Shameless - gave me Ian and Mickey - unique, anti stereotypical gays with a tragic yet ultimately beautiful love story spanning 11 years
Lone Star 911 - is giving me TK and Carlos whose sexuality barely factors into the storyline! Yay!
Looking - gave me an authentic queer experience and an intoxicating love triangle.
Red, white and Royal Blue - gave me a sweet, cute romcom that allowed reality to be sidelined. Fun escapism!
Young Royals - had me captivated by first love and intense angst.
Fire Island - an underrated romcom that made me laugh so hard I cried.
Sex education - shoved the realities of sex in our faces and provided me with laughter and drama and a range of queer identities.
Gentlemen Jack -gave me historical lesbians with spectacular wit, and feminine power.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg- because there’s SO SO SO many more shows I could mention! Don’t at me because I didn’t mention YOUR favourite. This is my point! There is SO much great content it would take all day for me to include everything. This is just a sample - and that’s f*cking brilliant!!
So maybe we could all start posting/tweeting etc about what WE DO LIKE / LOVE / MAKES US FEEL LOVED AND SEEN and put down the device if we’ve got nothing nice to say.
Sending everyone a love filled week! 💜
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misschanadlerbong · 1 year
Chapter 12 - Let's Kick Some Ass
Summary: Charlie struggles to propose a promposal to Alex, while Y/N struggles to prove her worth yet again in the team.
Warnings: Mentions of sexual assault.
Genre: Fluff, Clay x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
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Your last couple of weeks were pretty hard but finally, you gathered up all the courage to tell people what Bryce had done with you. You told your parents the night Clay came to visit you and gratefully your parents were incredibly supportive. They did not overreact at all and acted rationally with the situation. Though it was hard to control the testosterone energy of the group.
Everyone was filled with rage, but you never wanted to fight with violence, you complained about Bryce to the Principal, and he was given suspension and a probation order from the police. Days passed eventually and every day felt a little better and with Clay, by your side, you had a sense of relief.
You were back to practice and now all you focused on was the finals of the Basketball Tournament which was being hosted by your school this was the first time your school qualified for finals and providing the fact that this was the last game you will play with the team made it more important.
You reached school, today was important because it was the game night and you agreed to help Charlie with his plan of asking out Alex for the prom. Charlie had an overly sweet and romantic plan, he decorated the main hallway and Jessica, and you were supposed to hold a huge banner written “PROM?” on it, Charlie stood beside the banner with Alex’s favorite flowers in his hands.
Alex entered the hallway and gave an opposite reaction to what you guys were expecting, all you got from him was a sigh of disappointment. Alex was never a fan of cheesy romance but Charlie on the other hand was the king of cheesy romance.
“Oh, Alex! Enough with your tantrums, just say ‘yes’ already. If you don’t go, I will go with him” you say to Alex.
Alex chuckles and walks up to Charlie and says “If I will not go with you then with whom will I go, Charlie? You did not have to do all this. It is obvious that if I go, you will be my date.”
Charlie was still not satisfied and said “You did not answer my question. So, Alexander Dean Standall, will you be my date to the senior prom?”
“You’re lucky you’re adorable otherwise I would have dumped you a long time back, and Yes Charles Hayden Brixton St. George it would be an honor to be your date.” Charlie started deep into Alex’s eyes and gave him a sweet passionate kiss.
The school air was filled with promposals, and every room and every corridor was full of red roses and confetti.
“It sucks to see all these people happy when your boyfriend has not even asked you about prom yet,” said Jessica.
“He hasn’t yet? But aren’t you guys dating for like a couple of years now? Isn’t it obvious?” you asked.
“But still you know.”
You could hear the frustration in her voice. Making Jessica mad is one of the many things that you should never do in your life. To calm her down you said, “If Justin doesn’t ask then I’ll go with you because Nerd hasn’t asked me yet too.”
“Yes, screw the boys, they are of no use”.
After your fourth period, you were supposed to go to the gym and get ready for the game tonight. Before going you met Clay to see him for the last time before the evening.
“Sup Nerd?”
“Hey, you look pretty happy. Excited about the game?”
“Yeah, more like nervous but yeah excited too. Anyways I’ll go for the practice so see you at the game?”
“My fifth is free so I can hang around longer.”
“Good, you can help me stretch” you winked at him.
“Nah, you can do it. If a coach sees me then he will make me exercise too.”
“Okay then, I’ll just ask Zach to help.” You say teasing him and starting to walk away.
“No Y/N wait, I’ll be there. I will just keep my stuff in the locker, okay?”
You smile at his innocence and proceed toward the gym. When you enter the gym, you see Justin standing beside one of the machines. You walk up to him and say, “Hey Justy, we have a problem.”
“What? What is it Y/N?”
“You have not asked your girlfriend yet to be your date to the senior prom.”
“Holy shit, just tell the coach I’ll be right back” While saying this Justin ran out of the gym as fast as he could panicking. That was the effect Jessica had on him. As the gym was almost empty you hear your coach and principal having a conversation in the coach’s office. You go there and knock on the door.
“Y/N, good you are here. We want your opinion on something.” Said the Coach.
“Yes sir, what is it?”
“Umm, Principal thinks that we should not let play Bryce today’s game. I know it is not easy for you to play with him, but still, what do you think?”
You turn to the principal and say “Uh sir, Coach is right. Whatever he did to me shall not come in between the game we are going to play. We cannot let it ignore the fact that he is one of the best players we have on the team that can guarantee a win. I think we should let him play, otherwise sir, it is your call.”
Principal Bolan was convinced by your point, and it was true that above everything it was more important to win the trophy for the school.
The decisive moment arrived. All the Liberty Tigers gathered in the locker room and Justin gave a pre-match motivating speech as his duty as the captain. Everyone was filled with a desire to win the goddamn match and show the opposite team who the Liberty Tigers are. The cheerleading squad did their segment before the game began.
After that, both the teams entered the basketball court to start the battle. You found it hard to admit but the other team was playing too well which made the chance of the Liberty Tigers winning less.
As you looked at the crowd who came to watch the game, you caught Clay’s eyes which were gleaming at you. He raised both his thumbs to cheer you up and you turned your focus back to the game after a five-minute break.
While Clay was attentively watching the game Tyler approached him with the camera. He was taking pictures for the yearbook and went up to Clay to say ‘hi.’
“Clay! Hi! Since when you started liking sports?”
“Oh, hey Tyler. Uh I am here for Y/N”.
“Yeah, I get it. She is pretty hot, isn’t she? And when she plays”
“Um, bro she is my girlfriend.”
There was an awkward silence between the two, but Tyler had to make it worse and asked with disbelief “Really?” Clay simply nodded to Tyler’s question and Tyler shrugged and went to a different location to take pictures.
It was halftime and the score was 20-15 and your team was losing. Everybody went inside the locker room to cool themselves down and discuss the strategy for the other half of the game. Justin was going to give another speech, but you cut him off by saying “Justin, can I take this?” Justin nodded in trust, and he let you speak.
“Guys, many of you think I do not belong on this team. But today the game is not about me or you or the school. It is about the fact that this is our last game together before we graduate. Now, will it not be better if we win that goddamn trophy in our last game rather than losing to some private school that think they are better than everyone. So, let us play. Let us play for that sportsmen spirit inside us which will not take losing as an option.” You stretched out your hand and made eye contact with Zach “So...”
Zach cut you off, said, “Whatever it takes?” and put his hand on your hand.
“No, let’s kick some ass”.
Everyone held hands and unity and said in unison, “Let’s kick some ass.”
Everyone went back to the court filled with new energy and you did kick all the asses. Your team won by 35-28. In excitement, the whole team lifted you on their shoulders as you were the lightest and made a round of the whole court. Principal Bolan announced the winner and handed over the trophy to the team. After giving his speech of gratitude you asked him for the mic.
The audience was still cheering as you said “Thank you all for your support, now I wanted to say something. This guy in this crowd is supposed to be my boyfriend and hasn’t asked me to the prom yet. So, I thought why not make this big gesture and ask him myself.” The crowd started cheering with anticipation. Hearing this Clay was both embarrassed and confused. You continued “So Nerd, would you like to be my date to the prom?”
Clay climbed down from the audience stand and started walking towards you. You gave the mic to Justin and ran towards him. You looked at him with hope in your eyes. He held your hands and said, “Yes Y/N I’ll go with you to the prom.” He kissed your forehead, and you hugged him with excitement. While you hugged him you realized that he was not hugging you back. You said, “Clay, you should hug me back otherwise it will be very awkward.”
Clay struggled to speak “Yeah, I will if you leave my hands free.” You let go of him you both laughed at your stupidity. Clay hugged you firmly and the entire crowd started cheering for your courage.
Shower your love by liking and commenting on the post. Refrain from copying, plagiarism, or posting on any other platform.
P.S.: I also upload on Wattpad @immafreakingmoonstone, feel free to check out my account :)
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seeleybooth · 1 year
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Heartstopper Season 2 (2023)
Red, White and Royal Blue (2023)
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
mcyt with s/o that looks intimidating and has a resting b face? i always get told that i look like I'm angry about something or people think I'm gonna be a b*tch lmao 😞
LMAOOO FELT ; also sorry I didn't put handsome bros in here bc I genuinley couldn't think of any ideas for them for some reason I apologize
MCYT ; resting bitch face
includes ; nihachu, quackity, foolish gamers & slimecicle
warnings ; language
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"you okay?"
you silently nod and she just kinda stares at you for a moment because obviously, resting bitch face
"oh, no, no, I'm fine, I swear" You lightly chuckle, removing a weight off her shoulders
she's always cautious because it's so hard to tell with you
like you look so intimidating, she's not trying to fuck around n find out
bros been scared of you since day one
like he'll look over at you, looking like you're about to kill someone and try and joke with you and you'll actually laugh and it's so confusing
"please tell me if you're pissed or not before I make a horrible joke"
"give it to me"
"Okay, good"
sticks his hands up and jumps around like he's gonna fight you first LMFAO
"You aright...?"
constantly making sure that you're not actually angry or anything because you always look miserable
also play fights with you
he's in his twenties but acts like a teenager what do you expect
always jokes about it because he genuinley can never tell if you're just angry or if it's just the rbf
always has to confirm that it's just the rbf
sometimes he'll think you're upset when you're fine and get you a blanket and a snack and you'll be like "???"
and he'll be like "Oh sorry I thought you were upset"
you intimidate him a bit, especially in public situations
"do you wanna go?"
"No, I'm fine"
"are you like, sure?"
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binary-bfs · 1 year
gonna watch heartstopper and rwrb again because I need to feel something😌
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The Holy Trinity of the Gays
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•Red, White and Royal Blue
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•Young Royals
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rorynightshade · 1 year
the stereotype is: the blond guy and the dark guy with curly hair who fall madly in love
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Can you imagine if Heartstopper and Red, White, and Royal Blue took place in the same universe!? Imagine Nick and Charlie finding out that the prince is gay!! In the books they would be in their late 20’s, and they would be so proud!!
However, in the show, Nick would be 15 and Charlie would be 13. Imagine little Charlie having a crush on the tall, athletic, blond prince and then when he starts crushing on Nick later, thinking wow, I have a type. Meanwhile, Nick didn’t think too much about it, other than it being a significant moment in British history. He did, however, find the dark-haired First Son of the United States intriguing. He can’t put a finger on why until a few years later. He and Charlie see a news story about Henry and Alex (maybe a proposal!!) and Charlie mentions his crush on Henry, and then it clicks for Nick. He had a crush on Alex! He tells Charlie and they both laugh it off. Maybe they found their next Halloween costumes…
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nerd-elf · 16 days
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Please give me suggestions, I’d love to see more sweet couples ❤️❤️❤️
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