#charlie's angels crackship
citrous241 · 8 months
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By all means, continue please. Crackships are a cornerstone of any fandom. I'm still gonna think yall are weird, but aren't we all? 😜
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alastor-simp-page · 1 month
Bill Cipher x Charlie Morningstar: You’re Acutie Though a Bit Obtuse, Right?
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Why did I do this? Because I can. I'm cringe. I don't care.
Charlie Morningstar had started to lose hope due to the recent ordeal with Heaven until a rather geometric obsessed sinner appears on her doorstep, more specifically an unsolicited guest interested in redemption! While Charlie takes a liking to the new guest, some of the others welcome him while others regard him with suspicion especially Alastor, Charlie's trusted business partner. AKA Bill Cipher has taken an interest in the Hazbin Hotel and as we all know, wherever Bill goes...chaos follows.
There was a twink at the door. Well, Angel didn’t know exactly what to call this dude’s cartoony ass. The second Angel’s mismatched eyes saw that smirk, cane, and eyesore of a golden suit, he spun around and called, “Eh! Alastor, your long lost half-brother or whatever’s at the door.”
The sinner smiled and tipped his top hat, “Actually, I want to be redeemed. I’m here for that.” He laughed, leaning on his golden cane.
“There’s a patient for you, Charlie!” Angel Dust nodded, cupping his hand next to his mouth as he hollered up the grand staircase. 
Charlie blinked awake, rubbing her eyes and sat straight in bed. Patient. There’s a patient?! PATIENT! Her heart leaped and her body did as well as she scrambled out of bed. She was halfway out of her bedroom door still tugging on her slippers. Then she frantically popped her head back in the door, staring at the alarm clock: 1pm. One o’clock. How long did she sleep in for? Shit. 
Charlie shook her head and called down, “I’ll be there in a minute!” At a record pace, she dashed down the hall, practically tripping over herself, desperately running a hand through her wild, unkempt hair. It was futile. 
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” she whispered under her breath, taking the grand stairs two at a time which was probably very unwise. In a heap, she finally reached the door, heaving, huffing and puffing. Her hands were on her knees, and she bent over. Wow, she was out of shape. Then she snapped up and waved, “Hi, hi, my name’s Charlie.” 
The sinner was, well, he looked a lot like Alastor. He was wearing a clean-cut golden coat with an odd pattern of bricks on the torso and long black dress pants. A black bowtie, a black top hat that seemed to hover slightly above his blonde dyed black hair. His eye was dark, and the right side of his face had a triangular eyepatch. His black gloved hands clutched a golden cane. Damn, he did look a lot like Alastor if he looked more human and favored gold over red.
“Yeah, hi, Charlie. The name’s Bill.” The sinner named Bill said leaning against his cane and extending a gloved hand. “I’m sure you haven’t heard of me!”
Charlie stared down at Bill’s outstretched hand. A small blue flame flickered in between his fingers and then died just as quickly. She blinked and beamed a smile at Bill, clasping hands with him. Well, a patient was a patient. “Hi, Bill! So, you’re interested in redeeming yourself?” With one firm shake, it ended.
“Hello?” Angel Dust narrowed his pink eyes at Bill who in turn glanced over at the Spider Demon. “You know I exist right?”
“Yeah, you’re Angel Dust. The porn star, right?” Bill’s eye slid over, rather unimpressed. Is that all what everyone saw when they looked at Angel?
A smirk spread across the Spider Demon’s face, and he smoothed back his fluffy hair, “So you’ve seen my vids?” Well, he didn’t seem to mind. 
“Hah!” Bill laughed and Angel’s face turned sour, “Nah, just saw the billboards. You can’t really miss them in Hell, can you?”
“Likely story, one eyed,” Angel Dust narrowed his mismatched eyes at the one-eyed demon. He used his four hands to jab his pointer finger and long finger at him. 
Bill grins, “Well, in life I worked at this mangy shack for who knows how long. Not really one for porn. I just really love kids.” Then he pauses and looks at Charlie’s horrified expression. “No, I’m not in for that . Had these two twins that kept ruining my life and giving me heck.” That grin thins, “I’ll get back at them…one of these days.”
“Ooookay! Ready to check in?” Charlie pumped a fist. Jeez, this guy seemed to be a bit of a wreck. Beefing with kids? Well! It was Hell after all! Everyone was a wreck. 
“Yeah, speaking of which, don’t you have a check in counter?” Bill glanced around the spacious lobby wreathed in crimson. Even with one eye, he seemed to be combing through every detail. 
“Budget’s a bit tight,” Charlie beamed a strained smile at him.
“Yeah…I can see that.” Bill said quickly and strolled ahead, his golden cane thumping on the ground with each step. Did he need it? He looked rather spry. A sinner that died in his prime. Charlie didn’t pry. She didn’t want to scare him off too early.
Angel Dust waved at the pair, “See you two later.” He sauntered back to the gilded golden doors leading out of this little pure bubble of hell. Charlie briefly glanced, seeing him go, go back to his own personal hell, back to Valentino. A frown was slowly crawling across his bright face, but she shoved it down. 
The all too cheery sinner walked side by side with her and elbowed her in the side with a sharp elbow. “Hey, kid, why the glum face?” 
Kid? Her mouth opened and then she snapped it close again. She was sure as hell a lot damn older than him. Again, she reminded herself…don’t scare him off. Whatever little sparks of fire sprouted from in between her clenched fingers extinguished. 
“Nothing,” Charlie said shortly but thankfully Bill didn’t question it. He seemed preoccupied with the sights even if there wasn’t much to see. Paintings glowering down at them on the walls, long sweeping curtains curling around the window’s light, and what seemed to be eternally empty rooms lining the hall.
Her hand gripped the doorknob to her office and the bell hung to the doorknob jingled. She had almost expected Alastor to come rushing ahead of her to hold the door but of course, he wasn’t there. He was locked up in his radio tower doing who knows what.
She almost hurled at the sight. A new guest and this is what her office or well, her and Alastor’s office looked like? A large stained-glass window filtered in crimson sunlight into what she could barely call an office. Dusty bookshelves lined the walls where her parents’ paintings had once hung. Her and Alastor’s eyesore of a desk sat proudly at the center of the room, littered with scattered papers, a monitor with far too many files on the home screen, an obscene array of stress toys and silly colored gel pens strewn across the hard desk wood. At the midpoint of the half circular desk was a chair for a guest and across the desk were the chairs for her and Alastor.
“Sorry for the mess,” Charlie crossed to the desk, desperately swiping at the papers and plunking them onto the table in a semi-coherent pile. “You can sit–” Her eyes drifted back to the door’s threshold where he was. Then she motioned towards the seat across from her. But he wasn't there. She blinked. He disappeared. No. He didn’t disappear. He wouldn’t just–
“Nah, it's fine. Comfy chair by the way,” His voice said beside her, and she turned. There he was leaning back in his office chair, grinning at the princess and appearing way too comfortable in Alastor’s chair. 
Oh. Well, maybe it's better that Alastor isn’t here. 
Sitting in her business partner’s chair? Bold, cocky, definitely arrogant. Now who did that sound like: Alastor, Angel Dust, a bit of Vaggie, and her own father. Well, surely one more cocky arrogant bastard wasn’t going to burn down the Hotel, right? 
Continue reading this abomination under here:
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pearlypairings · 3 months
For the ask game: blue, flower, and blush
blue is in my ST Charlie's Angels au wip.....
“The records?” Chrissy’s blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight as they made their exit, sprinting toward the great big red cab.
flower is in this long-time steve x chrissy long fic I've had FOREVER brewing:
"Can't be any weirder than when Fitz showed us that statue of David made out of laundry lint."  Chrissy snorted over the phone, and Steve bit back a smile at her reaction to his lame joke.  "No, no lint—Um, I like to press flowers and plants sometimes. So I think I'm gonna cut some newspaper and accent them with the pressed flowers and leaves."
blush is in this silly mr clarke x miss kelley wip that I would love to get to soon, but I have so many fics in the way lol:
Scott noticed the faint blush at the apples of her cheeks, as she separated the curls of her hair from the golden hoop earring. He hadn’t noticed how sweet her smile was until now, the dark shade of lipstick accentuating the curve of her lips.
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kianny25 · 7 months
I want to be happy 😡🖕
𝙄𝙛 𝙥𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙤𝙖𝙙 𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙢𝙚, 𝙄 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙡𝙨𝙤 𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙙 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙨.
I'm going to ship Charlie with a background character I don't even know its name.
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Agel needs protection, so in order for the ship I made won't break, I'll make Vaggie Angel's 2nd best friend.
Because I can
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mypolicegiver · 7 months
For a while I had a kind of favorite ship of Angel Dust x Charly
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madamebaggio · 11 months
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Notes: Previously...
“Listen, love…”
“Would you stop that?” Elena huffed. “It’s not cute anymore.”
“But you still are.”
“Oh my god!” She fell back on her seat. “Are you serious right now? The accent won’t protect you forever.”
He smirked at her. “I have a backup plan, love, don’t you worry.”
Elena groaned dramatically. “How’s this my life?”
“You’re the one who’s trying to arrest me. I was fine before.”
“I’m not trying to arrest you.” She frowned. “I’m not with the police.”
“That’s very suspicious, sweetheart.”
“Oh no.” Elena threw her hands up. “That’s my limit!”
“Should I try ‘my lady’.”
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dragonfoxgirl · 2 months
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A charming problematic demon and a heavily underestimated powerful angel. Still having a lot of fun with this crackship and giving it my own spin. Forced to work together? Unlikely powerhouse team? LOL idk. I love playing with the idea of Emily in more comfortable clothes. Barefoot because she's still getting used to the idea of being "grounded" by gravity and she enjoys walking. Instead of a fallen angel by her peers, I like to toy with the idea of her "falling" willfully. Or maybe she's down there to help Charlie keep the hotel in check? (cough cough-Al- cough cough) She still has her wings, just keeps them tucked in, like Luci. Alastor isn't thrilled at first to have a "parole officer" but in time they both realize it's not so bad. I don't know, I just think it's a lot of fun to play with such an unlikely concept. 🤣
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lolbital · 6 months
My hazbin hotel ship opinions!
• staticradio: my favorite, my obsession, my life. It is very obvious in the show that Vox is obsessed with Alastor. The most common opinion in the community is that it’s one-sided, but I like to think Alastor pulled away because he was afraid of his reciprocated feelings towards Vox.
•radiorose: This is my second favorite Alastor ship. They are super cute and they’re quite perfect for eachother. I just enjoy their friendship too much to actively ship them.
•radioapple: I only understand this ship because it seems like they have existing tension, but otherwise I don’t enjoy it. Alastor and Lucifer’s relationship was never expanded on beyond their immediate rivalry. Maybe if season 2 gives them more interactions or a backstory I will be able to get behind this ship a little more, but I really can’t see this as anything more than a boring rivals to lovers trope.
•staticmoth: It’s okay, but I don’t see them as much more than a sexual relationship. I don’t think Valentino is capable of genuine love.
•polyvees: I see Velvette as more of a younger sister to the other vees. To me the idea of her having two boomer older brothers is just funny. I don’t think this ship is necessarily bad it’s just not my thing.
•bombsnake: I think they’re cute. Unfortunately I don’t think Cherri really has returned feelings for Pentious. Based on their interactions she just seems interested in experimenting sexually with him because of his anatomy. I could be wrong though, so I’m very open to this ship!
•Charlastor: I see Alastor as a father figure or older brother to Charlie. Especially after the Hell’s greatest dad song, I just can’t ever see them in a romantic situation. I am not against the ship, but I personally don’t like it.
•Chaggie: I have nothing bad to say about them! Their relationship is healthy and I think they’re perfect for eachother. I particularly enjoy the fact that Vaggie was an ex-exterminator because it truly promotes Charlie’s idea of redemption. I am going to be extremely upset if Vaggie gets redeemed and gets seperated from her gf.
•radiodust: most people who ship this probably still have the pilot in mind. They don’t interact a whole lot in the show, and I see this as more of a crackship than anything.
•huskerdust: It looks like they’re going to be getting a slow burn relationship and I’m so happy about that. I like to think that Husk is refusing Angel’s advances because he knows he’s only doing it because of hypersexuality at first. I’m 99% sure that is what is canon too. I want to see their relationship grow.
•radiohusk: I am sorry but I can’t get behind this whatsoever. Husk absolutely hates Al, and Al owns him. There is no equality in this relationship, and it would get toxic very quickly.
•radiomaid: I love their dynamic but only as friends. I know Nifty is an adult, but she acts so childish and Alastor still owns her. I don’t like the power imbalance and maturity gap.
•alastor/lilith: if the theory that Lilith owns Alastor is true, then I am interested to see if we get a backstory about them, or what they might’ve been doing for 7 years. As of now I am neutral.
•guitarspear: these two menaces belong together. It seems like Lute really cares about Adam too which is an added bonus.
•Adamsapple: definitely a crackship. I don’t know what to say other than I find it amusing.
•valdust: I despise this ship. There is a very abusive power imbalance and it is proven that Anthony is nothing more than an object in Val’s eyes. There is no love here, just manipulation.
•royalhalo: cute, but even better if It’s poly with Vaggie. If emily becomes a fallen angel, Charlie could have two gfs and I stand behind that.
•lucilith: I hope they get back together. Lilith better have a good reason for leaving.
•Vaggie/Angeldust: most probably ship this because they were likely a longtime viv follower. I’m not against this ship necessarily, but I could never get behind it. Maybe I just adore chaggie and huskerdust too much.
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Rating hazbin ships, but im not gonna be on rating my favorite ships higher. Im gonna be brutally honest:
Vaggie/charlie: I love it so much its so sweet, and they did have a rough patch a bit, but they communicated, and communication matters so much. 10/10
Angel/husk: I love how it shows husk waits on angel for consent to touch him. And I like how husk is honest and tells Angel really no one cares if he's famous or not he's a human, and he doesn't need to be perfect. This ship isn't bad. I just wanna see Husk have a mental breakdown like an angel and talk about his contract with alastor. 8/10
Lucifer/lilith: honestly? I really want them to have a happy relationship. But if she's just like adam cause their equals and she got rid of charlie and lucifer having a relationship by some weird evil idea? I can't stand that. So 5.5/10
Sir pentious/cherri bomb: I don't know I mean cherri had no damn care about sir pentious until she found out he had two dicks. Idk 7/10
Lucifer/alastor:alastor kinda a dick and lucifer kind hates him. And they both the type to accidently lock their kids In their cars. But lucifer would break the car door to get his kid, and the alastor would look the other way, but it's a good crackship. 6.9/10
Adam/lucifer: realistically? Lucifer would beat adam for touching his daughter if he could again. 5.6/10
Valentino/angel:...-10000000000000000/10 I hate it so much.
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drh3nryj3kyll · 6 months
Beep boop! Do call me Jekyll, William, or Proto. I use he/it pronouns and I am techkin, aromantic, abrosexual, and objectum.
This is my fandom and art/writing blog!
My general blog is @mad-science-things
My agere and Vox RP blog is @tiniesttelevisions
DNI: Ableist, any kind of queerphobic, racist, sexist, TERF, radqueer, people who believe in narcissistic abuse/abuse categorised by disorders, anti agere/petre,
AO3 - squigglylines750
Commission or support me on Ko-Fi ! (You may also DM me for commission info)
My interests/hyperfixations/special interests include . . .
Hazbin Hotel
The Stanley Parable
Jekyll and Hyde
Will Wood
Be More Chill
I ship . . .
RoseMedia - Rosie/Vox/Alastor (queerplatonic)
RadioStatic - Alastor/Vox (queerplatonic)
RoseStatic - Rosie/Vox ([queer]platonic)
RadioRose - Alastor/Rosie ([queer]platonic)
MoneyStatic - Mammon/Vox (romantic, queerplatonic)
StaticMoth - Valentino/Vox (queerplatonic, onesided, romantic, toxic/abusive)
RadioMoth - Alastor/Valentino (crackship, queerplatonic)
RoseDoll - Rosie/Velvette ([queer]platonic, romantic)
StaticHorse - Vox/Blitz (queerplatonic)
StaticDust - Vox/Angel Dust ([queer]platonic)
AppleMedia - Lucifer/Alastor/Vox (queerplatonic)
Velchaggie - Velvette/Charlie/Vaggie (romantic)
Dollbroker - Velvette/Carmilla (romantic)
FashionBomb - Velvette/Cherri Bomb (romantic, [queer]platonic)
StaticSnake - Vox/Sir Pentious (romantic, platonic, onesided)
MoneyMoth - Mammon/Valentino (platonic)
Blitzfizzmodeus - Blitz/Fizzarolli/Asmodeus (queerplatonic)
+ OC ships
(I don't usually like RadioApple)
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luxurydumpsterfire · 19 days
Hazbin Hotel ships I like!!! 1¡!!¡(In no particular order) (Includes non-canon ships) (This is just for fun and is not meant to offend anyone!) (Okay, I'm going to stfu now).
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Let's go!
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These two live in my head rent free,all day,every day,24/7,365.
And most of the time they're kissing.
We know that they both lived in the same decade and have similar tastes in music and cuisine,which is already a great start! I also love the idea of Alastor adoring everything about Angel EXCEPT for the sex. Cause let's be real,Angel needs that. He deserves a complete and total gentleman who would never lay a finger on him; Especially after tolerating abuse from you-know-who, cough,cough,fuckyouValentino,COUGH.
Also,the tropes??? Good old fashioned lover boy x Killer Queen? Mafia x Serial killer? Hello???
10/10, Literally one of my favs.
2. Chaggie!
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My babies!
Okay, I admit these two are very cute. Since neither of these two age normally, Charlie's a hellborn and Vaggie's a fallen angel,it means they'll get to grow old together! :)
I love the opposites attract trope and these two are no exception!
I would definitely like for them to get more screen time in the second season 2,since they didn't get much in the first one,but other then that, they're perfect!
3. Nifty x Baxter
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(Do these two have a ship name? Idk?)
Baxter hasn't even come on to the show yet but I can already tell these two are going to be Chaos gremlins,in their own,lovable,concerning ways 😌
4. Lucililith
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I don't believe for a SECOND these two aren't in love,even if just a little bit.
I think it's mostly the fanart that got me hooked,lol. And the fact that I would love to have them as my parents, honestly.
5. CasinoBomb
(No photo for this one,sorry 🥲)
I...I don't know,man,@zaebeecee 's posts about them altered my brain chemistry and...I DON'T KNOW WTF HAPPENED,IDK
I just saw one of their posts and the more I thought about it,the more I liked it
Something about them just clicks,you know? It's one of those ships that makes no sense but also a lot of sense.
Also,if you don't know what characters I'm talking about, it's Husk x Cherri bomb.
5. Radiorose
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He doesn't mind her touching him 😢
They're so cute,omg 😭
Look at them!!! 💗💗💗
Although I mostly prefer them as besties, I also like the idea of them being together. You can tell he's a lot more comfortable with her then anyone else in the show and I love that ☺️
6. Radiohusk
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(Art belongs to @vadoodlevee and it will be taken down if I am asked to).
Ah yes,the two loser old men in love. GIVE THEM TO ME.
They've known each other for years and are sick and tired of each others bs. They know what the other like's and dislike's because they're begrudgingly stuck together. They actually can't stand each other.
And no, I'm not glorifing the slave x master thing. I've shipped these two HARD since the pilot,so calm down.
Alright, let's get more into the crackships/rarepairs. Not counting Casinobomb cause we know those two have actually met before,lol.
Feel free to give your own personal take on these(as long as they're not hateful)!
7. Caramel Apple!
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Apart from me just really liking their ship name,I feel like these two would be a really cute couple. Like,she would take him out to one of her parties when he's feeling down and would comfort him about his relationship with Charlie and with Lilith.
And Lucifer wouldn't be afraid to tell her when it's a good time to tone it down.
I also feel like she would be very polite to Charlie and Vaggie.
And I like the idea of them baking together ❤️
8. Angelic Ballet!
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A little hesitant on this one.
So, realistically,these two would probably hate each other. Sera was the one who approved the exterminations,resulting in the death of billions of sinners, which puts Carmila and her daughters in danger. So that's not really a great way to start a relationship...
However, I think in any other circumstances,I think these two would be a nice couple.
They both just want to protect the people they love and are willing to go to extreme measures to do just that. It could be Sera realizing not all sinners are absolute monsters,and some were just people who made mistakes in life. Kinda of like Vaggie realizing the hellborn weren't terrible upon meeting Charlie.
Also, they're both very elegant ladies who need another refined woman to treat them right 😌🏳️‍🌈
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unfunnyaceartist · 8 months
I wanna draw ship art (ones that I ship, sorry to any ships I don't agree with)
Ill draw the top three. MAYBE top five. depends.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 6 months
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡.{Number 8}.♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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Boo's parents
{♡} ask
- More of 'ifs' for Boo's parents
from scratch
{♡} ask
- a homemade pizza date would he so cute
Scary Boo
{♡} personal
- Boo can be scary when needed
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{♡} ask
- sad song for a sad cowboy
{♡} ask
- he'd so be a gravity falls fan
{♡} personal
- him having moles would be so fucking cute
Incorrect Quotes:
Fae trap
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Trad Goth Casper
{♡} requested
- Look at the bad bitch I pulled being a pathetic blond.
minion voice
{♡} personal
- stupid thing Casper can do to mess with him
Incorrect Quotes:
Zombie apocalypse
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slightly spicy~
{♡} requested
- kinda nsfw hcs i have for him.
Earth Angel
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes:
I'm fuckin confused...
Viking and a 50's housewife
of course my darling~
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Slightly Spicy~
{♡} requested
- kinda nsfw hcs of him
{♡} personal
- give him cunty nails.
Never a god.
{♡} personal
- Always a angel never a God....
Incorrect Quotes:
who fuckin cares
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Rook using Auron's name
{♡} personal
- Auron would 100000% love this
Famous Rook
{♡} personal
- Lowkey becoming loved by the public and becoming a celebrity
Incorrect Quotes:
allergic to happiness
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Ice canetic angel idea
{♡} ask
- ice and fire
Incorrect Quotes:
that's not how you sound that out...
in my house??
13th reason
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His story
{♡} ask
- where I think the story is going
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Horror Movie HC's
{♡} requested
- horror movies I think the boys would like watching!
pun name
{♡} ask
- Pun name if Casper and Boo collabed
Boo thoughts
{♡} ask
- don't think about it.
More Boo thoughts
{♡} ask
- Boo being soft for kids
Burnt smores Lucien x Seth
{♡} ask
- still don't gotta name for them </3 OH WAIT burnt smores
Disaster Camp Seth x Jack
{♡} ask
Tropic flowers Finn x Sun x Jack
{♡} ask
- ngl I really fuck w this one
Yandere Sugarboo
{♡} ask
- Boo went a lil crazy.
ugly ass look alike
{♡} ask
- knew this mf looked familiar.
Poly Bittersweet aka Alphonse is cupid
{♡} ask
- Alphonse sees how Seth an Boo walk around the Bush. Luckily hes blunt.
Garden Mouse Charlie x Finn
{♡} ask
- how do I feel about Charlie x Finn?
More Garden Mouse
{♡} ask
- more of them bc I love blondes being blondes
If Jessie stayed.
{♡} ask
- how I think what would happen if she DID stayed.
Hallmark movie thread
{♡} reblog
- Auron doesnt like Christmas l? But him in a hallmark movie rn
Crackships I posted about
{♡} personal
- lil list to keep track ngl
Cityslice!! Trish x Sweet Pete
{♡} personal
- add on from a moot making it
Edit ideaa
{♡} personal
- Sexxy Redd song edit to the boys bc I need them bad
Spider Lily Finn x Lucien
{♡} personal
- thinking about this ship need to add more about it ngl
Weapons and the meister's
{♡} personal
- Soul eater says whhaattt
YV Twitter PT13
Incorrect Quotes Multi Character:
rip this bitch
Cake prank
Now I'M Jolene??
Threats - Middle Ground
Childhood au
Who's car?
What is this.
•♡•♡.Please consider following.♡•♡•
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Crackship Emberlynn x Charlie. She cannononly names Charlie's harem Charlie's Angels.
I could vouch for that
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radiostatik · 1 year
Crackship: Charlie x velvet?
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I love it! Charlie is so good, and Velvette is so evil, but they both are super hyper and crazy! A super chaotic duo!
I actually bought a pin of them from @rainyday-deer
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It's such a fun Princess x Villian dynamic! The three V's are expected to be a threat to the hotel, with Valentino tormenting Angel, and Vox tormenting Alastor, that leaves Velvet to "torment" Charlie 😏
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tinywafflerat · 9 months
ships I support cuz I forgot to mention
I’m rating it on a scale from 1-5: 5 being “soulmates” and 1 being “platonically cute” (0 stars is illegal/hate it with all my heart) (❤️ are my favorite ships)
Ragatha x Pomni (mainly because of @ask-the-rag-dolly, literally my favorite ask blog ever)
Ragatha x Pomni x Jax (mainly because of @ask-funnybunnydoll… yeah I really like ask blogs) (idk I like the idea of them taming Jax somehow)
I love you ask-the-rag-dolly and ask-funnybunnydoll (RIP <33) !!!
Ragatha x Princess Loolilalu (lesbians. am I right)
Ragatha x Princess Loolilalu x Pomni (solution to ship wars? Make it poly)
Zooble x Gangle ❤️ (YES.)
Jax x Caine (I actually have no idea but the ship art is cute)
Gummigoo x Jax (ok. You know what? They’re meant for eachother)
Gummigoo x Chad x Max (THE LADS)
Gummigoo x Chad ❤️ (chad is too cute ok)
Gummigoo x Orbsman (crackship time!!! they kinda have the “divorced dads” vibe)
Martha x Princess Loolilalu ❤️ (more lesbian. yes)
Angel Dust x Husk (I love gays. I mean guys. I mean these two are my favorite characters so I kinda have to ship them If you know what I mean)
Charlie x Vaggie ❤️ (canon ships wooooo)
Charlie x Vaggie x Emily (the dynamic just works)
Adam x Therapy (real)
Alastor x Lucifer (idk it’s kind of funny.)
Vox x Alastor (I only ship gay people. anyways I like one-sided or mutual)
Vox x Velvette x Valentino (polyamory is the solution to ship wars)
Valentino x A Terrible Death <33 (BEST SHIP IN THE SERIES. 1,000,000/10)
N x Uzi x V (how to fix shipping wars = make it poly)
N x Thad (worker drone x murder drone is the best ship)
(cult of the lamb)
Narinder x Lamb (I’m not sorry. Narinder deserves it.)
Stone x Skipp (they were boyfriends from the start ok.)
(friday night funkin)
Pico x BF (play softmod.)
Viva x Barb (I find Yuri in everything don’t worry)
Those two guys from Friendpilled Visitmaxxer (they’re made for eachother)
(Indigo park)
Lloyd x Rambley (argue all you want. toxic yaoi)
Mollie x Salem (toxic yuri I’m so so sorry)
ships I don’t like (no hate to the people who ship these!!)
any ship with kinger (besides with Queenie) (it’s the age gap)
(0 stars)
Jax x Pomni (I don’t hate this one, but I don’t like it. Classic main female character with main male character. )
Gangle x Jax (No. just no.)
Ragatha x Jax (same as above, but worse… honestly not that bad but like.. ehh..)
Ragatha x Gangle (I’m all for yuri but they have too different personalities)
Pomni x Caine ( there’s too much suggestive stuff under this tag, and once again a classic main female character + somewhat(?) main male character. I’m disappointed.)
Alastor x Charlie (NONONONONONONONO.)
Alastor x Angel Dust (please. no. they have no chemistry at all. none. nada. nothing.)
Lucifer x Adam (like radiodust, people only ship it because of 1 suggestive line)
(Indigo Park)
Lloyd x Salem (1. they don’t know eachother and 2. clashing personalities)
Once again, please no hate to me or people who ship these characters!!
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