#chasing my own tail and chewing on the furniture
siltyriver · 10 months
the samfro brain worms are wriggling again bear with me
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luvnami · 3 years
𝐜𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬!
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - aa my first time writing for kny!! i hope you like it~ the title is a play on the word ‘pillars’ lol hopefully that makes sense... enjoy!! likes, comments and reblogs really help me a lot <3
𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - @/amjustagirl​ (muacks)
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 - mention of food
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 - what if the pillars were... cats?
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𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐠𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐢
- the CHONKIEST fella you’ve ever seen in your entire life
- seriously, this cat feels like a brick when you try to pick him up
- yes, his fur is dense. no, he does not get any skinnier when he’s matted down with water
- a lovely, calm cat abandoned by his previous owners because they were moving out of the country
- he loves lazing in the sun and his brown fur turns golden in it!!!
- is a lap cat but doesn’t understand that your legs turn numb way too fast when he’s purring away like a little truck motor 
- (his purrs are so deep……. put him on an asmr youtube channel already!!!!)
- once, you had a dream that you were drowning. you found him sleeping on your chest when you woke up gasping for air
- broke a flimsy cat tree once and is now terrified of heights 
- a big baby :( kind of needy, always welcomes you at the door when you come home with chirps and gets frisky when you don’t return till late
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𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢
- …
- the quiet cat that seems like it might murder you in your sleep
- you adopted him together with kanroji because he simply wouldn’t leave her side and wouldn’t leave your side so… yeah
- this cat HATED you at first
- like… he even refused to eat the food that you tried to give him :/// you had to lure him out with some churu 
- you once woke up in the middle of the night because you were thirsty and found two glowy things at your bedroom door
- yeah, he was staring at you while you slept
- you didn’t dare to get a glass of water and just went back to sleep
- dark gray short fur with heterochromia! you think that he might be kanroji’s sibling but the centre said that they came in at different times
- he goes crazy for catnip oh my goodness
- he rolls himself in it and purrs so LOUD……….. ok iguro……..
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𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢
- so! affectionate!
- you adopted her from a local centre… seriously, who abandoned this pretty baby!!!!!!!
- (iguro insisted on being adopted as well. they come in a pair, do not separate.)
- is a white short fur with heterochromia <333 she looks so magical omg
- when you visited the adoption centre, she wouldn’t stop meowing and curling herself around your legs
- how could you not take her home!!!!!
- she tries to steal all kinds of food (even yours). please don’t own any plants, she will try to chomp them as well
- one time you came back home and heard some loud rustling from the door. you were terrified that it was a thief but when you switched on the lights, the cat had somehow managed to raid your pantry :/
- loves loves loves cuddles!! will even let you touch her soft tummy and play with her toe beans (only for a while though!)
- you wish she’d stop jumping around and getting into the hardest to reach spots…….
- loves trying out new collars, toys and even outfits!
- grooms iguro a lot and loves playing with him <3
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𝐤𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐮
- y’all know the cats that play nice when you’re petting them and then bite your hand immediately after… yeah
- the childhood cat that gives you trauma after it scratched you one too many times
- but very lovable and social!! loves meeting new people and then giving you a smug look as she crawls into their lap
- is not tempted by treats… she will do a trick when she wants to
- siamese, brown to white with a tail that flicks too much when she’s irritated
- this cat pushes your glass of water off of the table while looking you in the eye
- will lay herself over your keyboard when you’re trying to work
- has and will chew up your socks again
- scratches your furniture even after you sprayed it with that ‘no-scratch’ spray
- HOWEVER she will occasionally let you scritch her chin when she feels amiable…….
- tries to groom you sometimes
- jumps around too much for her (and your) own good. has caused the shattering of many things and now you cannot place fragile objects on shelves
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𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨
- the most!! active and happy tabby cat you’ve ever seen!!!!! 
- meow! meow meow meow!
- man i have no idea what you’re saying rengoku but you look happy and adorable so have a treat
- probably a family cat that your dad brought back home (much to mom’s dismay) but he’s part of the family now
- VERY vocal at night no matter how much you try to tire him out in the day… rip 
- will wake you up because! human! it is night time and my water bowl is an inch out of place!
- has the most gorgeous coat ever… really. it’s an envy for many cat owners
- he struts around with his head in the air and demands many pets from you while yowling and pawing your leg
- loves outdoor walks, actually. will attack a dog on sight if given the chance so please keep him on a leash
- give him little booties to keep his paws clean!!!!!!!! he fell over the first time you put them on but now he’s used to it and he looks so cute omg
- very nurturing!! takes to other cats very easily and is a joy to have around if you’re fostering other animals (besides dogs)
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𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢
- this bastard cat
- hisses if you pat him for too long
- hisses if you don’t give him attention
- hisses while you’re pouring out his food and will NOT hesitate to bite you
- if you touch his paw pads, you can goodbye to your fingers
- i’m thinking……. gray shorthair with green eyes!
- probably a stray cat that you took in (which came with a lot of coaxing, snacks and wrangling) who got into one too many fights 
- he took a while to get used to staying indoors, often hiding in obscure places and was oddly possessive of your sofa
- no, he did not let you sit on it for a whole month
- he’s very protective and territorial! when he’s feeling like it, he’ll rub against you and get into your closet to curl up and scent your clothes (getting fur all over them)
- once, when you had some friends over, you had to lock him in your bedroom because he wouldn’t stop snarling at them
- no one dares to come over to your place after that
- (he’s secretly addicted to butt pats)
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𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨
- black shorthair that literally appeared in your house one day
- you have no idea where he came from but you let him stay for a few days and he’s never left since then
- sometimes, he wanders outside (while chasing a butterfly or something...) but always comes back in time for dinner
- has the clearest emerald eyes!!
- he’s so quiet oh my goodness. you swear you’ve never heard him meow or chirp or purr once………. you think he might be a ghost cat sometimes 
- moves around silently too. has scared you on more than one occasion when you turned around and found him staring at you, or felt something furry brush against your leg while you weren’t expecting it
- doesn’t initiate affection much but will let you pet and smother him with love!! he kinda just… chills lol
- loves snuggling in the warmest places! sometimes you’ll come home and find a suspicious bump under your covers… lift it and you might find a friend within <3
- hates hate hates collars
- will literally bat at you if you ever try to put one on him
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𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐲𝐮
- loves water so much its crazy
- you have to lock your bathroom door because he’s somehow managed to figure out how to open the doors in your house
- like, he’ll actually jump into the shower with you 
- you brought him home one day when you found him as a kitten in the rain outside :c (ur the hot anime character now)
- he’s really quiet! rarely meows and prefers to headbutt you (which can be slightly inconvenient, like that one time you were pouring coffee and nearly scalded the both of you)
- his fur is always messy. sticks up everywhere no matter how much you try to brush it
- black fur of medium length and thickness!!! puffs up SO MUCH when winter comes though
- it’s insane, he looks like a ball of soot
- exceptionally fast. when you try to play fetch with him, all you’ll see is a black blur darting back and forth
- easily scared
- you have to be careful when rounding corners or petting him because if he doesn’t expect it he’ll jump like five feet in the air
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𝐮𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧
- if you do not change his collars or outfits at least once a week or brush him daily he will start yowling
- you decided to adopt him after your neighbour moved to an apartment that didn’t allow cats
- unfortunately, your neighbour was also the most outrageously extravagant person you’ve ever met and spoiled uzui too much
- a good chunk of your monthly spending goes to the cat
- will not eat cheap cat food (how can he tell the difference…?)
- occasionally buries himself in the back of your closet because it’s dark and smells like you but please help me i’m entangled in a scarf and can’t get out!
- loves posing for photographs and being cooed over!! if you run an instagram account for him you’ll be sure to get popular really quickly
- he just… knows the camera is there lol
- hates having his nails clipped omg
- he will run around the house just to escape you and will only be bribed by a fancy new outfit or a churu
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Obey Me! Brothers as Werewolves
Gonna remind everyone now that alpha theory was disproven and actual wolf packs act as family units
That being said - alpha, clearly
Not because he's the strongest (though he is) but because he's the most nurturing
Considers all his brothers (and you) to be his responsibility and under his care
Second biggest in wolf form (next to Beel)
Thick, dark fur, great in winter but in summer hates how hot and itchy it gets. Shedding his winter coat is an EVENT. Scratch him and fluff just falls out by the handfuls
Hates how patchy he looks when shedding, very grumpy when its happening
Refuses to ask for help when it comes to brushing out his coat, but if you're somewhere private he is very happy to just lie there whilst you brush out all that itchy loose fluff
Also just very nice to pet in general, but rarely let's you outside of softer moments :/
Not outwardly aggressive - when correcting his brothers behaviour hes more likely to just growl softly instead of going for a full snarl. If he actually shows his teeth then things are serious and you might want to have some final words with your jugular
Isn't very affectionate in public, but is very protective - wherever you go, if hes in his wolf form hes by your side, or at the very least is keeping an eye on you
If anyone he doesnt like the look of approaches you, he calmly places himself between the two of you. If that isn't enough trust me, a staring contest with those eyes isn't going to last long
Pretty boyyo
White fur thats not nearly as thick and long as Lucifer's but still has a substantial ruff
Uses his wolf form to run away from loan sharks a lot (hey, four legs are quicker than two, right?)
Also loves the attention he gets from girls - he knows he's handsome in both forms, but girls say it more when they think he can't understand them
Sheds the least of all the brothers, but since his coat is so pale his hair is more noticeable so he still gets flack for getting it on the furniture
Hes still needy as a wolf
You know those videos of huskies throwing massive tantrums??? Yeah, hes on that level, his dramatics only kept in check by his tsundere nature
Loves it when you pet him. He'll pretend he doesn't, but the second you stop hes gonna start whining
(Doesn't) hate it when you baby-talk him
Not generally aggressive within the pack, just prickly - maybe a growl or a huff here and there, maybe a snap if someone's really pushing his buttons
He is possessive tho
Will physically put himself between you and other people to get your attention. If the other person doesn't take the hint, then he's showing teeth
If you don't let him sleep in the room with you, you'll open your bedroom door the next day and find him curled up outside
Definitely wants to put his head in you lap and have you stroke him til he falls asleep but refuses to admit it
Gets jealous if you're petting another brother at the same time as him and will throw a tantrum and try to shove them away from you
He was your first pact, which means he has first dibs on all cuddles!!!! What do ya mean that's not a rule??? Thats totally a rule!!!!
'Hes not dog friendly'
Spends very little time in his wolf form (its hard to game without opposable thumbs)
Does sometimes shift out of shock tho
Like, if you kiss him unexpectedly, poof! There's a wolf infront of you, who's blushing lobster red underneath all that fur
Will hide under the bed
✨separation anxiety✨
Glued to your side in wolf form, because he doesn't like or trust other people or wolves (and definitely NOT because he likes your company and wants you to maybe pet him 😳😳😳)
Kinda likes that you can't see him blushing when he's in wolf form
Will lie next to you and wait for you to initiate pets. Especially loves it when you scratch him behind the ears.
Because hes a shut in and doesn't spend a lot of time in his wolf form, his fur is the messiest - patchy winter coat, small tangles, really just needs a good brush (but only if you do it)
Not really aggressive to others, just not friendly. Maybe a growl every now and then, and sometimes a tantrum gets thrown, but thats it
Still quite cat-like
Hes not going to be throwing any loud husky-like tantrums
Doesn't like that he can't read books in wolf form (difficult to turn pages without hands) but does enjoy the emotional release for his anger when it comes to hunting Hell-Hinds and other demonic deer.
Fur is short, sleek, a lovely pale gold and well-kept (when it isn't bloodied by his most recent hunt)
When he isn't hunting he does enjoy stretching out infront of a fireplace and warming his fur
Is unopposed to being brushed when he's in the position, and may even allow you to pet his head gently, but thats it
Might lay his head in your lap tho
Sheds the least of all the brothers
Still tries to control his temper in wolf form, but you better hope he maintains it because those teeth can issue you a one-way ticket to the afterlife
Sometimes snaps or growls at his brothers, but is more likely to just leave the room if they're annoying him. If they're in his room then they're getting chased out with their tail between their legs (except Lucifer who wouldn't invade his space like that)
Who's a pretty boy???? Who is???
Its him!!!!!!
Friendliest of all the brothers, if only because he loves the attention people give him
Will walk up to you and just wait for the compliments (not unusual, tbf)
Doesn't love the hunting side of being a wolf - mud???? Blood??? Sweat???? In MY fur??????? I don't think so
Only really partakes when necessary, or if he's decided to go for a roguishly disheveled look that day
Uses his wolf form as an excuse to get affection that would be less appropriate in his human form - belly rubs, giving you puppy-dog eyes to be let up onto the bed, getting you to give him a bath - stuff that Lucifer would be more likely to reprimand him for when he wasn't a wolf
Softest fur of all the brothers - sleek, silky and always throughly brushed out, even when shedding. Plus, loves being pet so long as you don't mess up his fur too much.
The biggest of boys, the goodest of boys
Loves being in wolf form because its even easier to get food from people
You think his puppy eyes are bad NOW??? WAIT UNTIL HES AN ACTUAL PUPPY
Very comfortable in his wolf form, spends the most time out of all the brothers like that
Has absolutely no shame begging food from people's tables, no matter where you are. Also has no shame stealing food from people's tables, but will whine and act ashamed if they yell at him
Dont yell at him. He's baby.
Incredibly fluffy red coat, that and the amount of muscle underneath makes him the biggest wolf in the pack by far
Big doggy grin that could melt any heart
So tall that when he wags his tail you have to make sure it doesn't sweep everything off the table
Also loves being pet and doesn't mind baby talk at all. You can treat him like an actual dog and he won't get mad - he'll play fetch with you if you really want, but as a warning, the stick might end up more than a little chewed
Will, however, also go digging through people's bins
Also kinda slobbery
Is pretty much never aggressive, but then again, who would be stupid enough to provoke something with that much muscle and teeth???
If you scritch the right spot behind his ear his leg kicks out. He's not ashamed. More scritches pls.
But his favourite spot for scritches are under his jaw and his chin
Smallest of the wolves
Enjoys sleeping in wolf form because the fur adds an extra level of cosiness
You will just find him curled up in a nest of pillows with his nose tucked under his tail. Or flopped across a sofa, until Lucifer yells at him to get off the furniture
Has that intense stink-eye that some huskies are capable of.
Sometimes forgets to shift, or can't be bothered and will just wander around attempting to do people things until he realises hes in the wrong body - you ever gone to brush your teeth and then realised you need hands for that???
Definitely walks around holding his cow pillow in his mouth, or sometimes a plushie
Or dragging a blanket
Honestly its very cute
Does enjoy being gently pet as his drifts of to sleep
Which is good because his fur is always mussed up from his last nap
But if he falls asleep on you???? You're not moving. Sorry not sorry. This is your life now.
Little wolf bleps when he sleeps ➖👅➖
Has definitely vomited in Lucifers shoes as a wolf at least once, simply out of spite
Thick fur, but not long. Sheds a lot, but his fur is so dark you don't see it as much.
Lets out little muffled woofs and yips when he sleeps, and twitches when he dreams of running
If you scratch the right spot when hes sleeping, his leg will kick out the same as Beels, but if you do it when hes awake he'll get embarrassed and either leave, or give you a warning nip
The most aggressive with other pack members - hes just kinda bratty. Huffs a lot and is quick to give out little nips when he isn't happy, though he isn't much of a growler and never goes farther than that
Won't play fetch like Beel, but if you're REALLY lucky, he'll bring you a plushie of your own when he joins you for a nap
(Also, im relatively new to the game, I know there was a vampire event, if there was a werewolf event im unaware of it atm, but this is just for fun anyway)
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vex-bittys · 4 years
Imagine the Possum-bilities: An Underfell Story (part 1)
Note: This story is based on this artwork commissioned by @melodyrider.
Red went dumpster diving for leftovers, but instead he found a friend. Good thing his brother is so open-minded and accepting, otherwise things could go hilariously wrong!
Doom and Gloom
"WHAT," squawked Edge, jabbing one long phalanx at the narrow white face poking out of Red’s jacket, “IS THAT?” Unblinking beady black eyes met glowing red eyelights. A tiny pink nose, bristling with whiskers, twitched.
“it’s mine is what it is,” said Red with a cooler-than-thou attitude. The creature added a hiss of agreement. Red and his jacket passenger brushed past Edge and walked into the house. Doomfanger, Edge’s large white cat, eyed both of them skeptically from her palatial cat tree.
“YOU CAN’T BRING THAT THING INTO OUR HOUSE,” protested Edge. Ignoring him, Red bent down and unzipped his jacket. His passenger waddled out onto the floor, long hairless tail raised as if it owned the place. Doomfanger and Edge emitted nearly identical huffs of indignation.
“you have Doomfanger,” Red pointed out. “and now I have-” Red paused for only a fraction of second to contemplate “- Gloomfanger.” Gloomfanger chirped in a very un-gloomy manner, much to Red's delight. 
While his brother sputtered his outrage from the front door, Red crouched, fishing what had once been a piece of gourmet burger from Grillby's out of his pocket. Unlike a fine cheese or wine, the meat did not age well in its lint-lined improvised cellar.  Red tossed the morsel to Gloomfanger, who gobbled it down happily.
"SANS! SANS, ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?" Red was, in fact, far too fascinated by Gloomfanger's precious little hand paws to do anything more than half listen to his brother's tirade, but he could tell that proverbial steam must be shooting out of Edge's ear canals. "YOU CAN'T JUST BRING THAT… THAT THING INTO OUR HOUSE!"
In addition to the perceived ear steam, Red could hear his brother's characteristic foot stomping behind him. He ignored Edge’s antics, choosing to focus on Gloomfanger's needle-sharp teeth as the hairy creature open-mouth chewed more pocket offerings, and threw his answer over his shoulder in an officious voice. "he's an opossum, Boss. and his name's Gloomfanger."
“WHERE DID YOU EVEN FIND SOMETHING LIKE THAT?” Edge gestured at Gloomfanger. The possum, not overly fond of the conversation’s tone or the wild gesturing, scurried under the couch to hide. Curious and equally done with the drama, Doomfanger followed.
“in the dumpster behind Grillby’s,” explained Red as if it should be obvious that one found pets by dumpster diving.
“the second i walked in, Grillby was all like ‘pay your tab’ and ‘stop butt scooting across the floor’ like he owns the place.”
“yeah, well, he also throws out perfectly good leftovers as soon as monsters stop eating ‘em! i didn’t want to deal with Grillbs, so i headed out back for some chow. when i looked in the dumpster, i saw Gloomy laying on a plate of fries that were still warm! i thought he was dead, and he smelled terrible…”
“SO YOU DECIDED TO RESUSCITATE IT?” Edge interrupted incredulously. 
“what? no. i picked him up to move him so i could get the fries, and he resuscitated himself! he climbed right into my jacket and made himself at home, so i snagged the fries and we shared them.”
Edge just sighed, at a complete loss for words. His disgusting brother deserved an equally disreputable and unkempt pet to share his garbage-eating tendencies with. Gloomfanger would feel right at home in Red’s disaster of a bedroom. Speaking (or rather thinking) of Gloomfanger…
“where’d Gloomfanger go?”
Eyelights bulging, Edge leapt onto the coffee table, grabbed the couch with both hands and upturned it, flinging it into the back wall of their living room. Doomfanger and Gloomfanger blinked up at him, then Doomfanger resumed grooming the possum’s round, hairless ears and purring. The possum made a grumbling sound that resembled the purr in the same way that the possum itself resembled the primped and preened Doomfanger.
Edge narrowed his sockets at Gloomfanger. “I’M WATCHING YOU,” he warned, using two slender phalanges to point to his sockets then to Gloomfanger. Gloomfanger regarded him coolly and burped.
Snorting, Red started up the stairs to prepare a spot in his aforementioned disaster of a room for his new pet to sleep. He stopped halfway up to call for Gloomfanger. “my bro’s watchin’ you,” he reminded the possum in a stage whisper, “so don’t go knockin’ her up or anything.”
The garbage-gobbling pair darted the rest of the way up the stairs with Edge’s outraged screeches chasing behind them.
Red spent the next hour sifting through piles of unwashed clothing, sorting them into new configurations until he had some passably clean blankets, sheets, and a few towels crammed haphazardly into his closet as a private nesting place for Gloomfanger. Gloomy climbed onto the pile, stomped it down to a serviceable height, and chirped in satisfaction. Red watched proudly as the possum pulled itself into a possum-loaf shape- yet another rough-around-the-edges mimicry of one of Doomfanger’s common behaviors.
As he crawled into bed (a mattress on the floor with a nest similar to Gloomfanger’s strewn across it), Red smiled to himself. His brother had Doomfanger, and now he had a pet too. Red didn’t dislike the spoiled feline, but he sometimes resented her, which was much different than being jealous of her, at least in his mind. Before Doomy arrived on their doorstep in the middle of a blizzard one night, it had just been him and his bro, two skeleton brothers against the dangerous world.
From babybones to stripes, Red had been a protective older brother, making sure that Edge never lacked anything despite the struggles that they both faced. Edge grew into a powerful and capable adult monster, but he still leaned on his big brother when he needed someone to confide in. Red cherished his position in Edge’s life. Very few monsters in their universe could boast having any sort of close bond with another monster… and then the little white ball of fluff showed up like a snow poff sprung to life and changed things.
If he were being completely honest and not at all in denial, Red would admit that he now needed Edge much more than his brother needed him. Instead, he half-heartedly blamed Doomfanger for replacing him. Edge would stroke her silky fur whenever he felt upset or pressured by his position in the Royal Guard. Edge also gave her an abundance of his doting, doting that had once exclusively fallen onto Red. Red shared all of these hidden thoughts (and a few of his favorite jokes) with his new companion, Gloomfanger. 
Now Red wouldn’t rely on Edge as much, just the same way that Edge no longer relied on him. It served his brother right, in his opinion.
Meanwhile, Edge busied himself tidying up the living room. The coffee table drooped a bit, but the couch had survived its assault remarkably well. While her owner righted the furniture he had displaced, Doomfanger made an admirable bound back onto her cat tree throne to oversee the work from an appropriately lofty elevation.
Edge brushed himself off to remove the nonexistent dirt of a job well done and surveyed the living room. His eyelights came to rest on Doomfanger, and he found himself comparing her to Red’s unsightly new pet. Doomfanger oozed grace and majesty. The pure white feline was perfectly groomed, perfectly regal, and perfectly ferocious, just like a certain tall, dark, and handsome skeleton. Gloomfanger reeked, looked perpetually much worse for wear, and probably had no idea what the word grooming even meant. The gears in Edge’s mind turned, and a deep meaning floated around just past the reach of clear conscious thought.
Edge ignored the potential epiphany. He went into the kitchen and dug around under the sink until he found an old bowl of Doomfanger’s, a simple shiny metal dish that Edge had quickly replaced with something more elegant for his pampered cat. It would do nicely for what he had in mind though. 
Red stumbled tiredly into the kitchen the next morning, scratching his tailbone and squinting against the bright light. Gloomfanger waddled contentedly at his heels making a variety of grunting sounds that proved to be indiscernible from Red’s own. Red pulled up short when he saw the gleaming metal dish next to Doomfanger’s… full to the brim with the same expensive food that Edge gave his beloved pet. Gloomfanger bumped into the back of Red’s legs and gave an irritated squeak.
“what’s with the extra food there, Boss?” Edge ignored Red’s use of his babybones nickname, a name Red only used to annoy him or disguise those pesky affectionate emotions.
“IT’S NOTHING,” Edge snapped, using a very similar tactic to distract his brother from the act of kindness and acceptance. “I JUST DON’T WANT THAT DIRTY ANIMAL STEALING ANY OF DOOMFANGER’S FOOD IS ALL.”
Gloomfanger’s nose twitched, and the possum shuffled forward to investigate the gourmet chow. Doomfanger stepped up to her dish, and together, the two animals began to eat. Edge and Red both took seats at their kitchen table. Soon two creatures that embodied class sat side-by-side with two unsavory but lovable creatures to dine in companionable silence.
Instead of widening the rift between the skeleton brothers, Gloomfanger’s presence laid the foundation for a bridge to be built over it.
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poppibranchlover · 4 years
Nine Lives, One Fight - Part 19
The story: Deep in the forest of Troll Town, there lies a mysterious tiny purple mushroom that has a secret magical ability. King Peppy calls this mushroom forbidden for all Trolls to go near it. One day, while Branch is out in the woods doing his survival research studying, he encounters it and, not knowing it is a regular mushroom, decides to harvest it and bring it home. But in the next morning, its magic effects transform him into a small blue cat! After being sent to the animal pound, his girlfriend, Poppy, finds him and decides to adopt him, although not recognizing it is Branch. Desperate to finish his research project due for a special event invented by Poppy, Branch is forced to learn how to behave like a pet cat and must figure out what caused him to become one.
You already seen what had happened in Part 18. Now get ready for Part 19!:
Wiggles led Branch through the other side of the bush, brushing against some shrub. They enter to what looked like a makeshift living room. Before they’d gone very far, Wiggles came to a sudden stop. “Welcome to my cozy humble burrow!” he said proudly.
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Branch poked his face out through the shrub, admiring the little room. “Whoa!” he said as he looked around, unable to believe what this rabbit is leading him into.
Wiggles’ home wasn’t really a rabbit’s usual underground burrow at all. He made this home for himself. He kept some furniture that included a tiny bed made of hay straws and a small rectangular hedge that looked like a television set. Puddles were scattered across the grass, which looked like bathing areas, toys such as stuffed carrots and balls lay on the corner of the bush and half-eaten carrots scattered all over each layer of the grass, leaving out some orange crumbs. Light filtered down through the spaces of the bushes above.
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“Cool!” Branch exclaimed. “It feels like a heavily-fortified survival bunker! You actually live in here?”
“Yep!” Wiggles explained. “It was a great home I built for myself! Visitors like you are all welcome here!”
Branch explored the room, happy to feel like he’s home in his bunker again. “Are there any video games to play?” he asked, pointing to the hedge-like television. “You have a TV here.”
“Unfortunately, animals don’t play video games,” said Wiggles, trying not to sound disappointed. “Here, we entertain ourselves by pretending to be in the TV, acting out as our favorite TV show characters!”
“Aw, man!” Branch cried, shaking his head with disappointment. “But we’ve hit the motherload! At least my own home has video games!”
He turned to Wiggles to see if he can agree with him, but he saw him approaching to another bush. “Hey, what are you doing?” he asked. “Is there another room here?”
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Instead of answering him back, Wiggles spoke through the next bush “Hey, kids! Come on out now! There’s someone I want you to meet!”
Kids? Branch thought. Suddenly, he realized why Wiggles brought him here; to meet his kids? He had no idea that the bunny is also a family man, much like most Trolls and animals who had their own children.
Before Branch can ask more, a litter of tiny baby rabbits emerged from the other bush, hopping about wildly and laughing and chatting at one another excitedly.
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Most of the baby bunnies looked like their uncle, while one of them has mostly brown fur. They hopped around the room and started playing, splashing on some puddles, chewing on some furniture and chasing one another.
Branch was surprised as a few baby rabbits rushed past him. He immediately gave way. “Whoa!” he said, looking around the room, which is now surrounded by a bunch of baby bunnies. “Uh…so those are your babies?”
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“Yeah!” Wiggles explained. “I always care for these little guys so well when they all got orphaned in the forest a long time ago.” He hung his head to show that he looked very sad. “It was so complicated to do my job by myself since I lost my own girlfriend. Now these tiny runts always keep running around everywhere in my burrow, where they can do whatever they want here!”
“But why don’t they get adopted from the pet store?” Branch asked, confused. “Lost pets can be found there!”
“It’s no big deal, silly!” Wiggles said, chuckling. “They got out of the shelter shortly before I found them! Great story, huh?”
“Yes, but...”
“Look, everyone!” one of the baby rabbits cried out before Branch can explain more. “Uncle Wigs brought home a new friend, and it’s a kitty cat!”
“Oh no...” Branch moaned as the litter of baby bunnies suddenly surrounded him, shouting excitedly to see their visitor.
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“YAY!! KITTY CAT!! KITTY!!! KITTY! KITTY! KITTY!” the little bunnies all said, excited. They ran straight toward Branch, completely awed by the giant size of this cat.
He shifted uncomfortably from one paw to the other, sounding a lot nervous. “Okay. Um...hi!” he told the litter as they swarmed all over him. “Nice to meet you, guys!” One of the bunnies started pulling his tail. “Hey, watch it! I’m a grown man! You all need to respect me as one!”
But the baby rabbits didn’t mind his words. They just kept surrounding Branch, picking on his fur, ears, hair and whiskers. Soon he was completely swarmed by the bunch of baby rabbits. Branch tumbled over, laughing as he felt like he was being tickled in the fur.
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“Haha! Hey! Ow, you guys... aw, come on!” Branch said, laughing as the little bunnies continued playing around him. “Stop picking on my fur! That tickles!”
Wiggles smiled at the litter of bunnies, feeling proud of them. “All right, kids,” he told his children. “Settle down. Please give the kitten some space.”
The baby bunnies stopped playing with Branch and looked at their uncle, utterly disappointed. “Awwww,” they moaned. They surrounded Branch with big sad eyes and started whimpering.
“But Uncle Wigs, can this little kitty stay with us a bit longer?!” begged the eldest baby bunny. “Please?”
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“PLEASE?!” begged all the baby rabbits, making their eyes even bigger and looking at Wiggles pleadingly.
“Let him stay!” the baby rabbit on top of Branch’s head pleaded. “He’s so cute!”
“Oh, kids,” Wiggles explained, rolling his eyes. “You know, I brought him here so he can relax from climbing dangerous trees and crossing the road for a few minutes.” He looked at Branch. “But this cat belongs to the village Queen and has got to go now.”
“Oh no, no, no, no. It’s fine,” Branch replied, shaking his head. “I’m getting used to the idea of handling children. Besides, they really can’t be alone in the dark anymore with me in charge!”
Wiggles stared at him. He knew that if Branch is staying here, he is going to waste his one moment on finding the Archaeo morphisis mushroom. But he can’t disappoint his kids, who kept looking up at him with sad eyes. These little bunnies loved this cute kitten, and they certainly don’t want him to leave them alone.
Giving up, Wiggles said to his children “Alright…he’ll stay with you—for one straight hour!”
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“YAY!!!” all the baby rabbits cheered, hopping up and down enthusiastically. “WOO-HOO!!!”
Wiggles shook his head and continued firmly “And after I finished harvesting some carrots for you to eat, I’ll take him home to Queen Poppy. You understand?”
“We respectfully understood, Uncle!” said the little female bunny of the litter.
The brother bunny made a face and stared at her. “Sis, I don’t think one hour will take that longer!”
“I promise I'll walk him around the woods, and if he makes a little mess in your bed, I'll clean it up!” the littlest rabbit on Branch’s head said, smiling sheepishly.
“Ugh, you’ll be his little mess if you don’t take care of him properly!” Wiggles scolded, his teeth clenching. “I took care of you guys so well!”
Then he pulled Branch aside, asking intensely “Are you sure you are able to babysit my children while I’m gone?”
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“Hah! Relax,” Branch told him in his cool voice. “I’ve got this thing under control. Besides, it’s a big litter. How hard can it be?” He smirked, letting Wiggles know that his responsibility of watching over an entire litter of baby rabbits won’t be such a hard job.
“I hope you do your best,” said Wiggles, making his way out of the bush. “I know I can count on you. I’ll be right back until all of this is properly organized! Good luck!” Then he hopped out of the bush and disappeared, leaving his babies under Branch’s care.
Before long, Branch started his routine of babysitting Wiggles’ little children, doing whatever it takes to care for them and keep them safe. Unfortunately for him, it was all hard work than he had ever expected. It was a really big litter of bunnies, and he had to work fast to make sure the bunnies were in their proper hygiene before Wiggles returns.
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When a baby rabbit lifted his leg in one spot, Branch had to clean his mess with a cloth. After he had finished, he had to throw the cloth away in a disposal area before the entire burrow gets all messed up. However, Branch got frustrated when another baby rabbit lifted her leg near the straw bed!
Later, Branch brought out a toy ball for the little bunnies to play with. He batted the ball with his paw, sending it rolling across the floor.
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The rest of the bunnies cheered as they ran across the grass after the ball. Branch smirked and watched them play, proud that he is being a good parent.
Not long after, the baby bunnies came back with the ball, urging Branch to throw it further again. Rolling his eyes, he gave in and batted it in another direction. In response, the baby rabbits followed it again.
Next, Branch and the baby rabbits play a game of hide-and-seek, in which Branch was the seeker and all the little bunnies go into hiding around the room. After Branch said “Ready or not! Here I come!”, he sprang into action, looking for the hidden little bunnies.
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“Hmmm? Where did you guys go?” Branch wondered, looking around the nearly empty burrow. He stopped by Wiggles’ haystack bed, where six rabbit ears were sticking out from behind it.
Hearing the sound of their mischievous giggles, Branch can clearly recognize those ears. He pointed out at them and exclaimed triumphantly “I found you!”
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Three baby rabbits popped out of their hiding place, startled by Branch’s voice. They tumbled over and laughed. “Oh, you got us!”
Branch chuckled along with them. He loved little children so much, especially baby animals like these rabbits. “All right then,” he said. “Shall we go find the others?”
“YES!!!” the three bunnies exclaimed as they followed Branch to proceed with their game.
Soon it was bathing time. All of the baby rabbits gathered around some puddles and played with each other there. They splashed around the water, nearly soaking Branch, who was watching them having fun.
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He flinched as some water went flying straight to him and backed away, not wanting to get wet. In fact, he always knew that water was a cat’s total weakness. “Oh! Uh…watch where you’re splashing!” Branch told the baby bunnies as they played in the puddles, having the best time of their life. One of them brought out a rubber ducky into the puddle, swerving it around.
Once the baby rabbits finished their bath time, they shook the water out of their fur, startling Branch and making him stagger backwards with his fur raising into thin air. Looking at him, the little bunnies laughed at him, and he joined in too, not wanting to feel left out.
Later, the baby bunnies start digging out holes and burying some junk in the dirt, such as leftover milkshake cups, cupcake wrappers, old scrapbooks, unwanted hair combs and lost trophies. Branch was watching them and looked horrified at what they were doing. He recognized those things that they are trying to bury.
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“What are you doing?!” he shouted. “Those are a Troll’s personal belongings!”
“That’s truly none of our business!” one of the baby rabbits squeaked as he buried a scrapbook into a hole. “These were our new toys!”
They continued to take some more Troll belongings and bury them in the holes. Branch groaned, not liking this idea anymore. These things belong to Trolls, and they shouldn’t be wasted. But he can see that the little bunnies are wasting them anyway for their fun.
In their next routine, Branch and the baby rabbits spotted some fireflies glowing and flying above them. The tiny bunnies started jumping around and trying to catch the little bugs, laughing joyfully.
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Branch wanted to join in too. He jumped up and waved his paws around, attempting to catch a firefly. “Hey, come here!” he said happily. “I’ll catch you! I’m gonna get you!”
But the fireflies parted, making Branch miss his chance to catch them. He looked down at the baby bunnies, who were now snapping at the fireflies with their teeth. This gave Branch an idea, so he jumped around and snapped some fireflies with his mouth, stomping over the little bunnies along the way as they backed away from him. They watched curiously as Branch gobbled the last firefly.
With his mouth full of fireflies, Branch stared at the little bunnies, confused. Then he smiled sheepishly, with his teeth glowing bright yellow as he had the fireflies in his mouth.
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Amused, all the baby rabbits burst out laughing. Branch laughed along with his teeth still clenched. This is fun!
After a long day of playing, Branch decided to tell a story to the baby rabbits. They gathered around him, chewing on their toys and listening to his story. Thinking of his past days, Branch told them a story of how he overcame his fear of crossing the road by climbing up a branchy bridge to get to the burrow.
“After I climbed from tree to tree, I eventually got here,” Branch said, finishing his story.
“Whoa!” all the baby rabbits exclaimed, amazed by what happened to him earlier.
“Were you scared of the cars passing by?” asked a younger rabbit in a concerned voice.
“At one point, I was scared,” Branch told her. “But I did my best to get rid of my fear. I bet any of you can overcome your fears too.”
“Cool!” a male baby rabbit said. “I’m afraid of snakes! But they can get through other people who were afraid of them too!” The other baby rabbits shuddered at his sentence.
A baby rabbit tugged at Branch’s front leg. “Mr. Kitty Cat, where did your owner first picked you up? Where do you come from?” she asked.
Branch thought for a moment. It took him a while to figure out where did he come from and how did Poppy find him. “She found me in the animal pound and decided to take me to her home,” he explained. “We had a great life together, and she always take good care of me so well, just like your uncle usually treats you.”
Another baby rabbit raised his paw. “Is your owner the Queen?” he asked Branch.
“Well, how do you know that?” Branch asked, frowning.
“Uncle Wigs said that your owner is the Troll Queen!”
Branch made a face. “Well, yeah,” he said. “My owner, Poppy, is the Queen of the Trolls, leading her people. She’s just the most beautiful, funny and charming Troll I’ve ever met in my life.” He sighed, remembering the other day Poppy spent her time taking care of him. “Whenever she sings a sweet lullaby, I would always sleep and purr in her lap every night. It’s usually one of my favorite activities.”
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“Oh, I love lullabies,” a baby bunny said, excited. “My uncle makes me sleepy with those songs.”
“But that doesn’t mean you get to decide whether you want to feel comfortable, unless you find yourself a Troll much kinder than Queen Poppy,” Branch reminded the bunny, who snuggled beside his leg.
“Wow!” another baby rabbit said. “I wish a Troll would adopt me so I can be safe and warm.”
The baby bunny who asked about Poppy picking up Branch from the animal shelter spoke up next. “Do you really like Poppy, even when she tenderly takes care of you?”
Branch was so lost in thought, remembering his days with Poppy. He sighed and told the little rabbit “Yes. She likes me because I’m cute. But spending less time with Trolls has to be the most pain in the neck.” He winced for a moment before continuing “I wish I can spend more time with her, but I had something important to do right now.” Another sigh expelled from his mouth, echoing his emotional state.
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“Awwwww,” the brown-furred baby rabbit groaned. “But we’re still stuck in the one-hour mark. How about you tell us more about your life?”
“Yeah!” another baby rabbit agreed. “Give us more details!”
The baby bunnies started moving closer to him, as if they want to tickle his fur again. But Branch pushed them back and said to them gently “Look, you guys are great kids. But I’m worried my owner won’t find me underneath this bush you all live in, and I’m leaving soon after your uncle comes back.”
The bunnies feel sorry for him. Then, getting an idea from one of her brothers, a baby rabbit hopped forward and gave him a nuzzle on the face. “You can’t leave our burrow yet…not until we give you this,” she said. Urging her brothers and sisters to do the same, the little rabbits surrounded Branch, giving him all the comfort he needs.
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“Huh?” Branch asked, as the baby bunnies slowly swarm around him. “What’s going on? What are you doing?”
“Making sure you will stay as long as you want to,” one of the baby rabbits told him.
Branch looked at them, touched. Comforted by their affection, he cuddled them back, purring. “PURRRRRRRR…..PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR…..”
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“You’re all so sweet,” Branch said. “Of course I’ll never leave you…at least for now.”
“We love you, kitty,” one of the rabbits said gently to him. They leaned in and nuzzled his entire body, making Branch a lot more comfortable. He hoped that one day if he and Poppy did have children of their own, he was going to be the best parent ever.
Suddenly, Branch and the bunnies heard a rough pull. They turned to look at the other baby rabbit, who was pulling out a comic book with his teeth. Breathless, he dropped it on the grass.
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“What’s that you got there, Piper?” a sister bunny asked her brother.
“I just found this old junk book beneath the shrub!” Piper said proudly. He looked at the front cover, giggling at his find. “Looks like this Troll’s hair is about to come off!”
Not a moment too soon, Branch ran up to the comic book, pulling it closer to him. “Wait!” he said. “I know this book!”
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“Hey, watch it, cat!” Piper exclaimed as he lost the grip on the book.
Branch took a few moments of examining the comic book that the little bunny had found. Then he exclaimed proudly “Whoa! This is awesome! It’s one of my favorite superhero comic books! SuperTroll was one of the greatest comic book characters of all time!”
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“Cool!” a baby rabbit cheered. “I love superheroes!”
“So you know about this one?” Piper asked. “Smart guy!”
Branch moved the comic book closer to himself, grinning as he placed his paws on it. “Yeah, I didn’t mean to brag anything else,” he said. “I’ve been reading a lot of these books and kept an entire collection of them in my...” Suddenly forgetting that he was a cat adopted by Poppy, he simply said “Uh, in…Poppy’s pod! This issue is definitely a collector’s item, and I liked every single page of it!”
He looked down at the front cover of the book, showing a picture of a Troll with crazy-looking hair donning a superhero costume. The fifth issue, judging by its title, was about SuperTroll’s attempts on stopping a bank robbery.
“I can’t wait to read the entire thing!” Branch said excitedly. “Thanks for finding it!”
“Ooooh!” a baby rabbit gushed at the sight of the comic book. “It’s a very cool book! Would you read it for us, please?”
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The baby bunnies looked up at Branch with their big begging eyes. He simply lit up a bright smirk on his face and told them proudly “Well, I know you all don’t care much about some hair-whipping violence but I’ll let you listen to a few forty-six pages for you because one of my favorite parts will be so cool!”
“YIPPEE!!!” the baby rabbits cheered, all of them agreeing to Branch’s compliment. “YAY!!! WOO-HOO!!!”
Branch smiled. As he was about to open the comic book, his cat ears straightened when he suddenly heard Poppy’s voice from outside the bush.
“I need questions, Nigel,” Poppy was saying to King Peppy’s lieutenant. “I hope my Dad has more answers why he disappeared, and where he was last seen.”
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Branch carefully listened to the sound of her voice, his ears still twitching. “Did you hear that?” he asked the baby bunnies.
“What was that?” a baby rabbit asked, sounding very scared.
“It sounded like...my owner,” Branch muttered, recognizing the voice. Then he grabbed the SuperTroll comic book and covered the baby rabbits underneath it.
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“Get down!” he whispered to the little rabbits as he hid them with the book in its opened position. Afterwards, he glanced back at the bush, where Poppy and Nigel are still having their conversation. Then he heard another voice. This time, it’s a male voice that came from Nigel.
“Of course, Poppy,” he was saying. “We keep searching the entire village, but still no sign of Branch.”
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Branch’s eyes widened, realizing that these words were about him. The baby rabbits whimpered in fear underneath the comic book, and Branch shushed and comforted them with his tail. “Shhh,” he told them gently. “It’s okay. They’ll be gone any minute now.”
Branch and the baby rabbits can see the shadows of Poppy and Nigel looming over them. A second later, the shadows disappeared, indicating that the two Trolls have walked away from the bush.
Branch watched them go. He wanted to follow Poppy and Nigel so he can have more proof about what they were thinking. He bravely walked towards another bush as the baby rabbits, still under the comic book, looked at him in horror.
“Are you sure they’re gone?” one of them asked fearfully.
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“I don’t know,” Branch admitted. “But I think I’m gonna have to check for a minute. Stay hidden, and don’t worry, I won’t be gone for too long.” He patted the baby rabbits’ heads, and then he headed for the bush leading him to where Poppy and Nigel have gone to.
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With a deep breath, Branch brushed through the other bush, in which there was clearly nothing in here; no furniture and toys at all. Instead, it was just a path that will lead to one bush to another.
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In this bush, Branch can see Poppy and Nigel’s shadows appearing over him again, meaning that they were there. He poked his head out of the bush and saw the two Trolls talking to each other. They looked more worried than ever since the Archaeo morphisis mushroom had disappeared.
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“I would love to help you form a search party for Branch,” Nigel said to Poppy. “But I’m afraid we’re unable to find any more evidence.”
“But Branch could be anywhere!” Poppy protested. “Let’s check to see if the mushroom was back in the right place before he picked up.”
She started to leave, but Nigel put an arm around her. “No, we can’t check the mushroom’s grotto again because we’ve already gone through it a lot of times, and we must be too late after the Archaeo morphisis vanished,” he explained. “We should’ve witnessed this incident that night and saved him, and he should’ve saved himself…but he failed to.”
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From his bush, Branch looked shocked. “What?” he asked under his breath. “What did he just say?”
Unable to save myself? he thought. I wonder why Poppy and her dad wanted me to be safe?! That can’t be true. Branch always knew he should have not take out the Archaeo morphisis mushroom in the first place, but thanks to Nigel and Poppy’s thoughts, he is clearly getting more proof.
Branch poked his face out of the bush again, trying to hear more words. He saw Nigel giving Poppy a disappointed look on his face and shaking his head.
“I’m sorry, Poppy,” he told her. “I told you he still never came back with the mushroom.”
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Poppy felt grief-stricken. “So…is he dead?” she blurted out, not looking so helpful.
Branch couldn’t believe what she was saying. “No, Poppy,” he whispered. “Don’t say that. I’m not dead.”
“Poppy, listen,” Nigel said, trying everything he can to comfort the queen. “It’s going to be okay. I can assume Branch might be long far from gone. There’s nothing more we can do.”
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Branch backed away from them, shaken at these words. He was completely traumatized and overwhelmed by what he had heard. He panted heavily and looked at his cat form, feeling frightened of how long he will stay like this. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he began to run away from the bushes in a fit of sorrow.
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Outside the bush, Poppy felt crestfallen at what Nigel told her. “After all this time, he’s gone forever?” she murmured in a small voice. “But I’m positive we’ll continue looking for him!”
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“Maybe,” Nigel said, agreeing with her. “But we’ll need to recruit a large search team to keep looking for more clues. For now, I feel uncertain about your friend’s fate.”
Poppy looked at him, understanding how right he has been. With tears in her eyes, she changed direction and ran towards the village, leaving the orange Troll alone and speechless.
Meanwhile, Wiggles hopped back into his lovely burrow, dragging along a bunch of crunchy carrots he had picked during Branch’s babysitting duty. Dropping them in front of him, he looked at them proudly.
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“Whew!” he said, breathing heavily. “Okay, I hope there’s plenty more for you to dig in!”
Wiggles looked around his room, calling for Branch and the little rabbit kids. “Who’s hungry?” But he was shocked to find that everything is silent. Did Branch put his kids to sleep? He couldn’t really expect anything else until he saw the little bunnies underneath the SuperTroll comic book. “What in the burrow?!” he cried.
He rushed to his babies, worried about their safety. He lifted the book up and the little rabbits crawled out. “Kids, what are you doing under that book?” Wiggles asked them. “Are you playing hide-and-seek?”
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“No,” one of the little bunnies said. “The cat hid us with this comic book to protect us from the intruders nearby our burrow, and then he disappeared through the bushes.” She pointed out to the bush that Branch had gone into. Wiggles looked at it in horror, seeing that he had ran away from them.
“You mean Branch?” he asked, looking at the terrified expressions of his children. “Where did he go?” He couldn’t believe what Branch had gotten himself into. Worried about his best friend, he ran out of the bushes to look for him.
                                                To Be Continued...
                                            Stay tuned for Part 20!
5 notes · View notes
waayix · 5 years
Play time
After Kokushibou’s secret was exposed that he adopted a kitten, Daki is CONSTANTLY pestering him about if she can play with him. Will Kokushibou budge, or not? @knysstuff​ WE STILL CONTINUING THIS SERIES also holy fuck this is long oops
“Pllleeeaaasseeee?! Will you please let me play with him?!” “I told you already, you’re not playing with Yoriichi.” “Aaawww! Why not?!” This had been going on for a while. Ever since it came out that Kokushibou ended up adopting a kitten, Daki was constantly on his tail about playing with it. Of course, she was just a kid in actuality, but it didn’t change the fact she was a demon, and demons of course ate MORE than just humans, they just preferred humans since they were easier and more fun. Kokushibou was NOT trusting her with such a delicate creature like Yoriichi. “I wouldn’t give you him even if ‘he’ had me by the neck. Give it up already.” Kokushibou spat coldly at a sulking Daki, who’s face tinted a slight pink from her frustration, and was further shown on her body language as she swayed around and about from it. “You’re so cruel! Why can’t I play with your kitten?! I wanna play with him!” She dragged it out, her voice full of herself while Kokushibou’s more cold, quiet tone didn’t smudge. “Because you’d just eat him.” “No I wouldn’t! I have no reason to eat something so cute!” Kokushibou only ignored her this time, which added onto Daki’s already high layers of frustration as her face tinted a light pink. “Don’t ignore me when I’m talking to you!” All she was met was with silence, along with Kokushibou simply leaving the room, but this didn’t stop Daki from taking chase. “Koku-saaaaaaan!” ----- This went on for a while. Kokushibou was almost impressed with how persistent Daki was, probably to the point where she didn’t even consider trying to secretly steal Yoriichi because she was too busy asking his owner. This even added a few comedic encounters, where Kokushibou could be completely in the middle of a battle, and Daki would end up showing up asking about the kitten. Kokushibou had to admit that it was funny since the battles he got into weren’t that challenging, but the few times where he had a bit of a pain were the most annoying ones if anything. This girl WASN’T giving up. It also got to the point where Daki was pestering the other upper moons about the kitten, and this led to them approaching Kokushibou about it since Daki’s annoyance was increasing tenfold ever since that kitten came into play. This in turn, started to falter Kokushibou’s walls a bit, was he seriously gonna give in now? He found it so ridiculous that this was all over his kitten, but then again it gave him a reason to be prideful. Albeit, that was just him trying to make the best of the situation with lack-luster results. -- “Koku-saaaaaan!” A stupidly familiar voice rang in the air, something Kokushibou now dreaded. “No.” Kokushibou responded coldly, in which Daki pouted. “But I didn’t say what I wanted to say!” “You don’t need to, I already know.” “Come oooon, let me play with him just oooonce!” “No.” At this point, Kokushibou was just ready to withdraw his sword to get her to shut up, this was going on for a month and a half now, and it was probably the longest month and a half Kokushibou’s had in a long time. But, he decided to let her have a few last words before he did such. “Pleeaassee?! If you let me play with him, I’ll never ask again!” That was a new one.. The comment peaked Kokushibou’s interest, and it made him remove the lingering hand on his sword, his interest was also shown when he lifted an eyebrow. “Ever again?” “Never, ever again!” Daki was very quick to reply, and her eyes seemed to shine brightly with anticipation and hope, which felt a bit unusual to Kokushibou..But, if he let her play with it, then she’d leave him alone...And honestly, with all the past experiences in mind, that sounded like a win. “..........Fine.” A loud gasp came from Daki, and her face lit up even more. “REALLY?!” “Only once.” With no warning whatsoever, Daki started squealing as she was now running and hopping around in joy, like she had won the lottery along with a long chain of ‘yes’’s leaving her every millisecond “THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUUUUU! I-I’ve never held a kitten before, but I’ll do my best!”  “....Good.” That was all Kokushibou could muster in response, as something about her childish joy made him feel a little strange, but he shook it off as soon as it came by.  ‘No need to think like that. She’s a demon..’ ---- “I can’t wait to see him..! He’ll be so cute..!” For the rest of the day, Daki was a bit clingy with Kokushibou since she was so eager to meet the kitten, which Kokushibou didn’t mind too much as long as it didn’t get in his way, which it didn’t after he gave her a warning. She was very strangely docile and obedient, but that was most likely because she thought that if she messed up, she’d also mess up this opportunity to see the kitten. Well, whatever. Kokushibou wasn’t complaining. “Over here.” He directed to a certain room that had a couple of shelfs along with his traditional-looking desk in the middle of the room, where it was perfect for a cat to climb and observe. Suddenly a white patch darted out from another piece of furniture, but then it suddenly stopped and zoomed back under. “Oh, that was him?!” Daki piped excitedly, not being able to hold herself back. “It was. You probably scared him.” “Come ooon, lemme see him, lemme see him!” “Quiet.” After approaching Yoriichi’s hiding spot, he crouched down and lowered himself to be eye level with the gap underneath, and he lightly patted the floor along with a click of the tongue. There, Daki was finally able to see what Yoriichi looked like. In contrast to Kokushibou’s dark and intimidating color scheme, the cat named ‘Yoriichi’ was a pure white cat with a pink nose, however, the most striking and unfortunate features for him was his slightly morphed face, a blinded eye, and a deformed hind leg. Despite this however, he seemed to move just fine. This encouraged Daki to intimate Kokushibou’s crouching stance, albeit without lowering herself to coax him out. But then, something hit her. She didn’t know how to play with a cat. “Ah....What happened to him?” “He was born like that. All the more reason for me to take him in. He’s perfectly healthy now.” Daki had to hold back a snicker at the thought of Kokushibou being soft, as his stone cold demeanor was something she was all too familiar with, so seeing him treat another living being so delicately was like introducing her to an entirely new language. She was positive the fellow upper moons would think the same. “Ahh...Uuuhh...So...” Daki’s voice was laced with unusual nervousness. “H..How do I play with him..?” She asked weakly. Koku just sighed in response. “You clearly didn’t think ahead. Alright, watch me.” Getting up, he was quick to receive something from one of the drawers, it was just a simple hand-made cat toy that had a fuzz ball with a small bell inside. The sound immediately made Yoriichi perk up, and he made an attempt to stand on his hind legs to get to it, but ended up toppling. This didn’t stop him though, as he continued to lightly chase and paw and jump at the ball Kokushibou was waving and teasing effortlessly in the air. Daki watched very intensely, to the point where she didn’t even hear the small chuckle that tumbled from the first upper moon as Yoriichi made a clumsy move again. The part that got Daki laughing was when Yoriichi ended up reaching out for a lock of Kokushibou’s very long hair when it noticed the opportunity, but it’s attention was coaxed back to the toy in due time. “Okay, okay! Lemme try, lemme try!” Daki was a bit pushy as she tried to steal it from Koku, which he allowed since he felt he demonstrated enough. “Don’t just hover it, tease him a little with it.” He coached, to which Daki dismissively nodded with an ‘i know, I know’. With that, she teased the toy in front of Yoriichi, and she gave a squeak noise when he suddenly latched onto the fuzzball, but then it was replaced with a bit of laughter as she started to play. It didn’t take long for her to adjust to the pattern of waving it around and dragging it along the floor. Daki was now having a blast playing with it, even if it was something so little, but Yoriichi’s little jumps and running around to catch the fuzz ball would always have her laughing with such genuine joy that Kokushibou hadn’t heard in a long time, it would’ve made him smile if he didn’t brutally lecture himself on being soft around other demons. After a bit of playing, Daki’s arm was now tired, and she let the kitten win the chase and it was now chewing and playing with the fuzzball on it’s own, clearly very animated now. “Koku-san..” Daki spoke up, a bit nervous with what she wanted to ask next. “What is it, upper moon six?” “Umm...Can I hold him....? I’ll be gentle, I swear!” Daki was staring at Koku with such anticipation that it actually made Koku feel guilty if he were to say no. But, with things gone this far, he would also dread the thought of her pestering him about holding the kitten if he refused anyway. “Fine, but be careful.” Kokushibou started by picking Yoriichi up by the neck so he wouldn’t struggle, and he directed Daki to hold out her hands before he placed the kitten in them. In return, Daki made a little sound of awe that was more subconscious than anything. “Don’t let your nails scratch him.” “Oh my gosh...He’s so soft..! He’s like a cloud..!” Daki brought the kitten close to her and let it rest in one hand while her other hand moved to pet it, with some extra guidance from Kokushibou on where to pet. The warmth and softness from the kitten’s fur combined with it’s soft mewls made Daki feel all kinds of warm fuzzys inside. Is this what it felt like to be truly happy? If so, she didn’t wanna give this feeling up for the world.  Daki felt her vision blur all of a sudden as this strange feeling of happiness overwhelmed her. and this especially started to hurt when she felt a small vibration from the kitten starting to purr. “A-Ahh...” She choked out, feeling herself start to tremble and shake a little. She felt so embarrassed..A powerful demon like her, was now trembling and starting to cry all over such a small, delicate and short-lived creature like a kitten. She didn’t want it to end. “Upper moon six?” Kokushibou’s voice broke her sentimental moment, and she would’ve yelled at him for it, but the purring of the kitten helped to be her moral crutch for the time being, so all she could do was look at Kokushibou with a tear-stained face as she asked her next question. “K..Koku...C-Can I hold him a little longer..?” The tremble in her voice almost shocked Kokushibou, which was emphasized with his lightly widened eyes.  He wasn’t sure why, but he found himself reaching out to pat upper moon six’s head, with his naturally cold voice eventually finding warmth in it, so that he could get through to her more clearly. “...Next time, Daki.”
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 years
Music City (musician/singerDean/photographerCas, 4.4k, set in Nashville)
Cas, a famous photographer, returns home after a long trip taking photos for his latest project. He wants nothing more than to spend the next day relaxing. His plans change when an enchanting melody is heard from outside. Do his plans have to change, or can he work around the handsome musician who stumbled onto his property?
(Read on Ao3)
           The smell of grilled cheese wafts from the griddle and up towards Cas’s nose, triggering a smile and a soft sigh. He shifts it around with the spatula, delighting in the way the bread and butter sizzles and the cheese melts. It’s not the first grilled cheese he’s ever had, but this meal had become part of a ritual of sorts. Grilled cheese is always the first thing he makes when he comes home after a long trip.
           It started when he was younger, because of an opportune accident when his family returned from a weeklong vacation in Appalachia. There was barely anything in their kitchen save the simplest ingredients, so his mother set to work on making seven grilled cheeses for their large family. Time has dwindled the amount of sandwiches needed to one, for himself. And though it’s been years since that first grilled cheese, the sight of it, the smell, and when it’s ready the taste, will fully cement in the reality that he’s home.
           Cas glances around his kitchen, taking it all in. When he got in late last night, he didn’t have anything in mind except his bed. Dropping his bags at the door and shedding his clothes in a messy trail his eyes shut before he hit the mattress. He woke up close to noon, later than usual. Unfortunately, while the teen he paid to make sure his plants were watered and furniture dusted, they hadn’t restocked his fridge nor pantry. Forcing himself into an outfit, Cas drove to the closest supermarket. He didn’t buy much, however, only getting what was necessary for the grilled cheese. He won't be leaving again tomorrow.
           In fact, he doesn’t plan on going on a trip for a long time. His most recent one was already longer than he realized, the fifth month of touring the states dragging on deliriously. He would have went insane in his camper if not for his lovely dogs, Birdie and Bee. Birdie is an American Foxhound, and one of the sweetest girls he knows. She’s also famously lazy. There are countless moments where Bee chased him around in an open field while Birdie lounged wherever the sunlight was strongest. Bee, his Anatolian Shepherd Dog, was Birdie’s opposite. She always needed to be moving in some way, even if just wagging her tail as he drove along the open highways.
           They were as glad to be home as he was. He let them out earlier to roam his wide back yard. His house had no fencing, preferring his home like he did his countryside, wide and sprawling. Why he chose a place so close to the woods it practically rests on the border between civilization and the wild. It might be worrisome to have dogs on their own out there, but Cas trained them well. Even Bee, as stubborn and explorative as she was, never strayed too far from home. His dogs were safe on their own for a while.
           Turning the stove off, his mouth watered. The wait was almost over, and his food would be ready. Cas, mad with hunger, imagines a beautiful guitar accompanying his creation: soft strums and hypnotic chords complementing the beams of light pouring in from a nearby window. Shaking his head, Cas realizes the music wasn’t coming from his imagination but nearby. It becomes clearer where when a whiskey-smooth voice accompanies the strumming. Distracted from his food, Cas follows the music towards his open back door.
           He walks to the edge of his deck, captivated by the sight below.
           A man in a denim shirt and khakis plays his guitar to an audience of two, Birdie and Bee. Birdie rests on the stranger’s leg with her eyes closed while Bee wriggles her back along the grass a few inches away, next to a pair of Birkenstocks he’s sure belong to the mystery musician. There are many thoughts running through his head, but the one that takes precedence over all is, ‘I need to take a picture.’
           He rushes into his house and over towards his bags, glad his contempt for cleaning means his equipment isn't packed away. Unzipping the case, Cas takes out and readies his camera. The large, black piece of carbon was quite expensive – but a necessary cost to be able to do his job. Switching out the memory card and fixing the lens, Cas hurries back to find the scene like he left it. Returning to the edge of his deck, Cas leans over and begins taking pictures.
           The lens snap and flutter, the whirring sound of it setting itself up for another a constant flurry as he presses persistently on the button. He tries different angles, focusing on certain parts and blurring the others. In all the photos, the man’s face remained hidden. No matter where he turned, Cas couldn’t get a good shot of it. Until the musician glanced up, noticing Cas for the first time. He swung his face Cas’s way, cheesing for the camera.
           It nearly slipped from his hands. He is unprepared for the sheer gorgeousness presented to him. Looking at his face is like staring at a mountain or canyon wall, the lines carved in by God themselves. Freckles dust his pale skin like a starry night, bright on his cheeks and hidden behind the shadow of his beard. His green eyes reminded Cas of a summer, years ago, in the wilds of Montana. He was there for his first professional photo, the shot taken underneath a large tree where he captured its overarching verdant canopy. Somehow his eyes shine brighter than even Mother Nature’s wondrous creations. His lips stretch wide and snow-white teeth peek out from behind plush lips. Recovering his breath, Cas continues his task. After a few more pictures, he sets the camera down. Now, seeing him without the barrier of his camera lens, Cas is aware even the high definition cannot do him justice.
           “Howdy,” the man says, still strumming, “I take it these hounds are yours?”
           Cas nods. Clearing his throat, he says, “Yes… as is this house. And this yard.”
           “Figured,” the man chuckles along with the notes he plays, southern drawl sliding along the strings, “I doubt a robber would take the time to shutterbug like you just did.”
           Blushing, Cas grips tighter at his camera. “Do you do this often?” he asks, “Playing in stranger’s yards?”
           “No,” he smirks, “Sometimes I sit at the park and play. Today I needed a change of scenery.”
           “What brought you to my neck of the woods?”
           “Well, I was looking for some inspiration, so I drove out to the woods to hike a little. With the weather warming up I figured it was as good a time as any.”
           “Spring in Nashville is always a lovely time,” Cas agrees, smiling, “It’s why I made sure to come back as it was starting.”
           “You travel a lot?”
           Cas nods. “For business, for pleasure… luckily my career path allows me to combine the two often.”
           “Doing what you love… the true American dream,” the man agrees, “Anyway, I was minding my own business, notes flying around my head like mosquitos when I spotted the strangest thing. This dog over here,” he gestures to Bee, “whipping up a storm something fierce.”
           “So you followed her?”
           “I’ve always been told I’m too curious for my own good,” the man says, shrugging, impishly glancing back up at Cas, “got me into all sorts of trouble. Although I wouldn’t so much as say it was trouble… call ‘em interesting opportunities.” He stops suddenly, frowning. “Where are my manners? The name’s Dean.”
           “That’s a pretty name,” Dean says, “It wouldn’t happen to be short for something would it?”
           “It would…” He doesn’t say anything further, enjoying the confusion boiling beneath Dean’s brows.
           “You ain’t gonna tell me?”
           “You seem like a creative fellow,” Cas tells him, “I’m sure you can figure it out.”
           “Maybe I’ll have a better chance at guessing if I could get a better look at you?”
           It’s an invitation, as plain as the color beige. But for what, Cas does not know. He’s seen the gleam in Dean’s eyes before from men and women alike. It’s been forever since he entertained the idea of returning it. He does more than that.
           “Sure,” Cas says, “Let me go grab my lunch, though. Haven’t eaten at all today.”
           “Of course,” Dean says, plucking at his guitar once more, “Wouldn’t want someone as handsome as you to starve on me.”
           He’s lucky to duck back inside, so his blush can roam free across the prairies of his face. Cas breathes deep while he leaves his camera on his table and sets his grilled cheese on a plate, corralling his emotions under control before stepping outside once more.
           Now that he’s past his deck, Cas can appreciate todays’ weather. There’s a slight breeze rolling along, cooling the very present heat radiating from the sun. It warms everything he touches, from his exposed shoulders and legs to the very grass beneath his feet that tickles his toes. Cas sits cross-legged across from Dean, Birdie between him. She lifts her head, blinking at him, and then lays it back down where it was.
           Dean laughs, stroking her fur. “She’s not much of a guard dog, is she?”
           “Birdie moves for no one.”
           “Birdie,” Dean repeats, smiling, “Cute name. What about the livewire behind us?” Bee, growing bored of playing in the grass now chases a butterfly. She yips and bites at where it was, never quite catching it. They laugh at her antics.
           “Her name is Bee,” Cas says.
           “Birdie and Bee…” Dean hums, thinking, “Your name wouldn’t happen to be related to the outdoors, now would it?”
           “Nope,” Cas chuckles, “Besides, I don’t think there’s anything related to nature that begins with ‘c’, ‘a’, and ‘s’.”
           Dean frowns, “There’s gotta be. Like…” In his silence he plays a simple melody. “I can’t think of anything.”
           “I could always just tell you if you –“
           “No, no, you said to guess, so I’mma guess. Give me a minute.”
           Cas bites into his sandwich, moaning around it. Chewing, he opens his eyes to find Dean staring at him. His fingers paused halfway through a strum, the strings pulled back tight and waiting for release. Freckles are much more prominent as his cheeks tint red, from what Cas can only guess is an extended amount of time in the sun. He skews his head to the side and swallows. “Everything all right?”
           Shaking from his trance, Dean offers a wobbly smile. “Sure, it’s just my thinking face…” He looks to the sandwich, “Must be a really good snack?”
           He shrugs, “I’m not the best cook… but who can screw up a grilled cheese?”
           “My brother can,” Dean chuckles, “I swear, if I wasn’t such a gift in the kitchen we'd have been helpless.”
           “You cook a lot?”
           “Had to, at first. Busy dad… dead mom… got real creative growing up. But I enjoy it, so I never really minded.”
           “Did you take over a lot of what your mother did after her passing?”
           “Someone had to,” Dean says, bitter notes of melancholy tainting the music. The notes drag out, much longer and heavier. “Dad did all he could to make sure we had a roof over our head… some nights shuffling through the door still covered in rust and oil. Other times he was as drunk as a skunk and passed out in his truck.”
           Not knowing how to respond, Cas shrugs out his best attempt at levity. “Sounds like the kind of background befitting a folk musician.”
           His often-faulty sense of humor works, and brings a smile back onto his face. “Yeah, good to know my messed up childhood can get me through an album or two.” They laugh, the music from Dean’s guitar once again sweet like fresh honey.
           “Have you been at this long?”
           “No, just started almost a year ago when I moved here.”
           “Really?” Cas asks, surprised, “I mean, you sound fantastic. And this – talking to me, playing so beautifully – I can barely eat and read a book at the same time.”
           Dean snorts, rolling his eyes. “Well, when you spend three decades with an instrument you pick up a few things.”
           “Thirty years? That’s a long time…” Cas bites his lip. “If you don’t mind me asking, why choose now to begin your music career.”
           He sighs, as if Cas’s question was as familiar as a recurring nightmare. “Didn’t really get much of a chance, earlier on. Barely graduated high school… and I had to get a job to help support my brother and his dreams of being some big fancy lawyer.”
           “Is he?”
           “Yeah, out in California.” Dean smiles, eyes glossing over like his mind wanders out of the present and into a memory. “Didn’t actually have to use any of the money I saved up, really. Won a huge scholarship to a school out there on the coast. Gave him some so he could find a nice place to live, but the rest went untouched.”
           “I’m guessing something else happened, though?”
           Dean nods, a chord jarring the peace blanketing them. “Dad got sick… liver problems. Had to funnel Sammy’s college fund into his medical bills and everything. Those were some pretty heavy years, especially towards the end… if it weren’t for…” he draws into himself at that. Birdie notices, once more sitting up. She moves, stepping over Dean’s leg to curl up even closer to him. Dean breaks from the past when he feels her slide into the open space between his legs. Smiling, he pets her.
           Cas furrows his brow, chewing. “If it weren’t for what?”
           “Around the same time my dad was fading, and he was all wired up, a woman was brought in. She and my dad’s room were pretty close. Every day another woman and a small boy would visit, checking up on her. Sometimes the boy would sit by his lonesome in the hall outside with the door closed, and I’d get up from my seat and chat with him. There wasn’t a lot I could do there while dad slipped in and out of consciousness, so I made a friend. After seeing him for probably the fourth or fifth time, I got the story from a nurse.”
           “The lady in the other room was his mom, the woman visiting with him someone from the State. It didn’t look like she was going to pull through, and they were trying to get the paperwork set up to put him into the system.”
           “That’s… that’s awful.”
           “I know,” Dean says, “S’why I didn’t let it happen.” At Cas’s wide eyes, Dean giggles. “Let me explain! I found the social worker and talked with her about adopting little Jack. She wasn’t sure, but introduced me to the mom, Kelly, anyway. We hit it off well enough she agreed to let me take over as Jack’s guardian.”
           Cas smiles, “You’re a good man, Dean.”
           Compliment unexpected, Dean flits his gaze away and preoccupies his twitching fingers with his guitar once more. “No, ‘m not… just a guy who knows what it’s like to lose a mom young. It’s not like there weren’t any troubles… raising a child’s a lot of hard work.”
           “I wouldn’t know,” Cas shrugs, “I was the youngest out of five siblings. When my parents had me it seemed almost effortless.”
           “You telling me you never sowed the seeds in your youth?”
           Cas shakes his head. “There was never any time or desire… my brothers and sisters have kids – being an uncle is more than enough to satisfy my cravings for child rearing.”
           “I wouldn’t trade it for the world, though,” Dean sighs, drifting off again, “Raising Jack, being there through all the highs and lows… it was the right choice for me. If I didn't have Jack I don't know what spiral I would have turned down...” Cas agrees, watching as Dean glows with an unknown shimmer as he thinks about his son. The sight nearly makes Cas wish he did have the urge to start a family. But, as he reminds himself, the stars never aligned to birth that need. In all his travels, he came across nothing that could change his mind. Dean, however, has him considering many new things today.
           “How old is Jack now?”
           “College age,” Dean tells him, “Flew the nest to the same place my baby bro went to, actually.”
           “Interesting,” Cas hums, “So I’m guessing it was because your nest was so ‘empty’ that you decided to become a musician?”
           “Not at first,” Dean admits, embarrassment coloring his face, “When Jack left I kinda… floated. Didn’t really have much going on in my life ‘cept my guitar, my car, and my job. When he came back for winter break I had nothing to tell. It was him who encouraged me to make the change. Said that all his life I kept pushing him and inspiring him to chase after his dreams, that I should have the chance as well.”
           “His entire winter break we puzzled over things I could do. Up in the attic he found an old leather notebook I used to write in from time to time. Nothing special, some dumb lyrics and song ideas… he thought they had potential. Especially when he sent them to Sam…” Dean rolls his eyes, smiling the way Cas does when exasperated with his family. “Said with the way I play I could be a musician. ‘Cept I wasn’t gonna go join them out in California… that’s not my style. Nashville… now that’s another story.”
           “I’m very happy that’s the case,” Cas says, grinning, “Otherwise we may never have met.”
           “Yeah, yeah…” Dean meets his gaze for a beat before dropping it. “Look, ‘m sorry if I took up your time. Pretty sure you weren’t expecting to listen to me spittin’ to the wind.”
           “You’re right, I didn’t…” Cas tells him, “but I’m glad I did.”
           Chuckling, Dean still doesn’t look up from his guitar. “Good. Because usually I have to charge people to hear my stories.”
           “And I don’t usually allow my backyard to become a concert space…” They settle into a sort of silence after that. Dean provides an upbeat soundtrack while Cas finishes his meal. He offers up a bite to Dean who tears into it with a grin. Chewing, Dean sings. “Makes a mean grilled cheese/As light as the breeze/Cas won’t tell me his name/Because it’s probably lame!”
           “Shut up,” Cas giggles, shoving at Dean. He continues, even louder and with worse lyrics than before. When Dean rhymes his name with a body part, he gives in. “Castiel.”
           Dean stops, “What?”
           “My full name… it’s Castiel.”
           “Castiel… that’s –“
           Dean smiles, reaching over to squeeze his ankle. “Pretty. Like you.” Despite Cas’s blush, Dean carries on. “So? Name like that’s got to have a meaning, don’t it?”
           He nods and clears his throat. “It’s the name of an angel.”
           “My family were more fanatical about the culture than the actual religion,” he says, “Both being professors of art history at Columbia.”
           “New York City?” Dean asks, “You’re a city boy? What’s a boy from the Big Apple doing down here in Nashville? I thought that place was supposed to have everything.”
           “It has too much,” Cas says, “And that’s why I moved. I prefer a… simpler life, closer to nature. Connecting with it and photographing it has always been a passion of mine since I was small. My parents would take us on yearly vacations and I’d always run off to explore on my own. Mom used to say I wasn’t happy unless there was dirt on every inch of my clothes…”
           “We wouldn’t have gotten along when we were young,” Dean decides, smirking, “I hated getting dirty. Would freak out if the slightest drop of mud splashed onto my shirt. Had to get over that pretty fast when I became a mechanic.”
           “And where do you stand on it now that you’re a musician?” Cas asks.
           Dean drags it out, tapping arrhythmically at his chin. “’M used to it, I suppose, especially now that I’ve moved. The worse I had to deal with back in Kansas was dust. Here in Tennessee there’s a lot more ways of getting down and dirty.” His wink doesn’t go unnoticed, and Cas responds with a hearty chuckle.
           “Yes, I suppose.” Cas leans back on his hands, stretching under the sunlight. He feels Dean’s gaze wash over him, enjoying the spotlight. Cas can’t pretend he didn’t hear the stumble of notes when he puffed his chest and craned his neck to the side.
           They sit like that for a while. Cas listening as Dean stops playing randomly and begins singing a song. It’s enchanting, a haunting melody about growing up too son and carrying the weight of the world on one’s shoulders. About being unable to replace what was taken, but still trying your best. When Dean’s voice trails off, Cas turns to him again.
           “You have a beautiful voice.”
           “It’s okay…” Dean says, frowning, “I mean, for my age yeah. There’s a lot of people who’ve been doing this for much longer, who started earlier…”
           “But none of them have the same story that you have to tell,” Cas continues, frowning, “You’re very admirable.”
           “Yes, you are,” he says, “All that you’ve done, what life has thrown at you and the choices - the sacrifices - you made, and still finding the courage and strength inside to start over? There are so many others who wouldn’t even dare think of doing that. I believe you’re going to go far… especially with how hard you have worked.”
           Dean sets his guitar down for the first time since they’ve met. Bee finally pays them notice again, dropping a stick and sniffing at it. Birdie snores overtake the quiet now that Dean stopped playing. He scratches at his neck. “Are you always this kind to strange men who wander into your yards?”
           “No,” Cas says, “Usually I call the police… but you’re special.”
           Tugging at his sleeve, Dean cautiously glances up at Cas. “You… you wouldn’t mind if I wrote a song about you?”
           Cas’s heart skips a beat, then doubles to make up for that momentary lapse. “You… really? Why?”
           “I said I came out here for inpsiration,” Dean shrugs, fighting back a grin, “And I found it.”
           He rolls his eyes, but doesn’t scoff at his words. Instead Cas thinks it over, debating. His phone vibrates, and an idea comes to mind. “Okay,” he says, “you can. But only if you let me post a picture of you on my Instagram account.”
           Dean raises a brow. “Odd exchange…”
           “Sometimes people don’t like to have their pictures shared,” Cas rambles, twisting his phone in his grip, “And you were a perfect model, those pictures I took earlier stunning… plus as a musician you’d probably benefit from the exposure so –“
           “Cas,” Dean laughs, grabbing for his hands, “Sure. You can post the picture, with blessings, bells, and everything.”
           “Okay…” he glances at his phone, still nervous, “Can I have your handle?” At Dean’s blank stare, he continues. “Your username… you do have an Instagram right?”
           “Ye-yeah,” Dean says, “Kinda had to, like you said. Don’t know how to use it much, but my son showed me the basics. Here,” he grabs Cas’s phone, “let me…”
           Cas lets Dean use his phone. It’s a strong sign of trust, since Instagram is a medium in which he uses to grow his audience. His last book deal came about because a publisher scrolling through his profile one lazy afternoon. He trusts Dean enough to know he won’t mess with his account. After some time, he hands it back to Cas.
           “It’s a simple name, really, DWinchester67,” Dean says, picking his guitar up again, “And… I hope I wasn’t too forward in also adding my name to your contacts?”
           Cas barely forms words around the lump in his throat. He whispers, “Not at all.”
           “Good.” Dean stands, then, stretching. Confused, Cas watches as he walks over to his Birkenstocks, slipping them on while Bee dances around him. Birdie rolls over into the spot he vacated, still sleeping.
           Startled into action when Dean slips the guitar strap over his chest, Cas shoots up. “Where are you going?”
           “The time,” Dean says, tight-lipped, “I didn’t plan on being out here so late… I have a gig later that I need to get ready for. And if I want to amble my way back to my car before sundown I gottta hit the trail now.”
           Cas nods, a disappointed note vibrating off his vocal chords. Dean takes notice of his expression and beams soft like sunlight at him. “It’s at this place called the Roadhouse… two shows – one at nine and another at eleven. I’m sure if you mention me to Ellen or Jo at the bar they’ll give you a discount on your drinks.”
           He grins. “I’d love to see your show.”
           “Which one?” Dean asks, “…So I know which to prepare a special encore for, s'all.”
           “Are you sure it’ll be special if you do it for both shows?”
           Dean chuckles. “I like you something fierce, Cas.”
           “I feel the same way.”
           Holding his hand out, Dean says, “Until tonight?”
           “Tonight.” Cas squeezes Dean’s hands, the calloused fingers closing around him like he were the neck of a guitar. He drags it away, them dancing as if trying to strum Cas’s skin. The feeling of their joined hands stays with Cas, even when Dean disappears behind the trees.
           Cas slumps back down onto the grass, Birdie and Bee stepping their way over to him. Bee picked up Cas’s discarded plate, holding it in her mouth like a Frisbee. Laughing, Cas takes it from her and stares at the crumbs he left.
           He wasn’t home until he had a grilled cheese. Today that ritual changed, because grilled cheese can’t compare to the feeling of Dean.
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cursed-in-barovia · 6 years
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After the town crier mentioned that the Burgomaster requested that each party member see him at once. The group decided to heave over, but amongst the crowd, Devotion and Zemotta went missing, and only Tomigot, Zoras, and Nori arrived outside the Burgomaster’s house.
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In the front of the house on the road was an elegant round-top wagon adorned with bright colors and images of red roses. The Vistani commonly use these wagons and call them vardos. At the porch of the large house stood a tall, heavily armored guard. Zoras noticed the guard silently pointing and counting the heads, while looking puzzled once he counted only three.
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“I thought there was five of you. What happened to the other two?” he asked.
Nobody was really able to explain where Devotion and Zemotta were. The guard still welcomed and motioned them to come inside.
The Burgomaster’s home was quite large compared to the other homes within the village leaving little doubt of who controls the purse strings. The furniture inside was adorned with many flourishes and rich with deep, vibrant colors on the upholstery. The faint scent of spices and well-oiled leather filled the air.
A large round table covered with a black velvet cloth dominates the parlor. At the far end sat a comely middle-aged woman dressed in bright colors. The party recognized her to be Sybil Rasia, the mother Gur from The Crossing Inn. As the three enter the room, Sybil pulled a deck of lacquered cards from her gown, spread them on the table in a graceful flourish, and bid the party to sit. Behind her, a rotund man in fine clothing stared out the window impatiently chewing on his thumbnail.
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After a few uncomfortable moments, the Burgomaster introduced himself as Ivan Randovich, his armored guard as Kristofor, and could easily tell the group already knew Sybil. He explained that at his request, Sybil performed a reading for him earlier that day, and foresaw something ominous and, frankly, unusual. In her reading she event mentioned Tomigot, Zoras, Devotion, Zemotta, and Nori by name.
He paused and conducted a silent head count.
“Where are the other two?” he asked. Again, nobody could answer. So he steps aside and whispered to Kristofor to make sure someone goes and finds them. Kristofor relays the message to the thuggish guards standing outside.
“Well I was hoping everyone could be here, but perhaps it will still work with most of you here now.” He proceeds to tell of details from Sybil’s reading. There were signs of an army of the dead, a delicate powderbox, and a beautiful, yet powerful, woman. Meanwhile, Sybil shuffled the cards in a single hand; stopping every once in a while to flip one face-up onto the table.
Soon, the Burgomaster began to grow angry and curse.
Sybil ignores Ivan’s outburst and informs the group that perhaps a better reading can be done if they all participate. “It would only work if each of you participate. Kristofor, you can join them, too, if you like.”
Sybil Rasia deftly pocketed the Tarokka deck and withdrew a fist-sized sphere of crystal from what seemed to be the same pocket with a sing, fluid motion. She set the crystal orb on the table before her atop a silver stand.
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“There is no need for caution. Close your eyes and clear your thoughts.” Sybils said, calmly. Tomigot, Zoras, Noris, and Kristofor obeyed.
As they closed their eyes, a feeling of restful warmth washed over each of them.
From seemingly nowhere, they could hear the delicate plucking of a harpsichord and images of objects fade into view. Eventually they found themselves in a lavish parlor in a large, thoughtfully decorated manor. A roaring fire crackled in the enormous hearth. Windows spanned one wall of the room – flooding light out onto a dramatic terrace overlooking the night-shrouded valley below.
Tomigot, Nori, Zoras, and Kristofor were also in the room. All were without their armor or weapons. Nori was dressed in a formal dress, while Zoras, Tomigot, and Kristofor wore fancy puffy sleeves.
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Nori looked down at her dress and nervously admitted, “Well, I guess I have to tell you the truth. I’m a female.”  It was easy to tell she was completely uncomfortable and not herself in this dress, while Zoras actually envied her attire and offered to switch clothes.
Meanwhile, Tomigot was in his own discomfort. More importantly, he wanted to see if he was wearing any underwear. He peeked down to check, with Zoras hovering by, to peek as well. To both of their relief, there was no underwear. While Nori and Zoras exchanged clothes, Tomigot ripped off the puffy sleeves from his shirt. He also noticed that Zoras seemed to have and additional feature that he didn’t notice before, once he was wearing the dress.
“What is that?” he asked Zoras.
“Oh, that’s just a front tail. Us Tritons, we have those.”
Tomigot was in awe of a front tail and asked to see how it worked one day. Zoras abliged.
A young girl in a white dress was facing the windows sitting and playing a large, keyed instrument. It was a child-like melody. Every now and then, a man’s cries of agony would ring out from behind one of the doors.
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Isabella introduced herself. Her chest and arms were riddled with open sores, and the left side of her face was almost entirely rotted away. Despite the girl’s hideous disfigurement, she was quite friendly.
Kristofor recognized her. She was the daughter of Glovia and Lucian Falinescu, and had died a few years ago. Prior to Isabella’s death, the Falinescus were thought of as local royalty, and beloved by everyone in the village. But as their grief went on for years, attitudes changed from compassion to suspicion and eventually to rumor and fear.
Isabella explained that her mother, Glovia, told her to stay inside the room or else she would be scolded. Her mother said that she needed to be fixed, but wasn’t sure what that meant. “It must be very bad because it makes mommy very sad and Daddy very angry.” She mentioned that her mother couldn’t fix her without the help from a pretty lady, but wasn’t sure who the lady was.
When asked about the screaming outside the room, she responded with, “Oh that’s just my Daddy. He’s being fixed.” She went on to proudly say how good her parents were at fixing things. Her mother was just as good at fixing people as her father, Lucian, was at fixing toys. She then points out at the dozens of dolls, puppets, and toy soldiers placed around the room. “Aren’t the amazing!? My Daddy made each one!” Some of them were clockwork toys that could walk; others were dolls with features that moved such as blinking eyes or waving hands, and a few were marionette puppets.
Kristofor looked for an exit but realized that windows were sealed and the doors seemed to feel like a façade. As if they were cement walls with doorknobs fixed to them. He tried focusing on any sort of wall decoration, but the dream-state of the reading made it hard to discern.
Tomigot asked if there was anything to drink. Isabella brought him to the center table where on a tray there was four crystal cups. The aroma of the liquid filled the room. “It’s good for you,” Isabella assured. Without question, Tomigot takes a drink. The flavor of cider and warmth overcame his body. His reaction from drinking the contents eased the rest of the party, as they each drank from the other glasses. Tomigot asked for more, but unfortunately that was all that was available
Zoras noticed a delicate pair of glasses on the table, sporting amber lenses with slender slivers of green glass, resembling the vertical pupils of a serpent’s eyes. Once he placed them over his eyes, he noticed that Isabella looked normal and without disease. When he looked around the room, he saw a large portrait on the wall. It was a wealthy, attractive family. Centered in the picture was Glovia, resting her hand on the should of a young girl who looked like a healthy version of Isabelle. He removed the glasses to see if anything in the portrait changed, but nothing happened. He, however, noticed a ring on Glovia’s finger that depicted an empty heart.
Nori then asked if there was anything shiny in the room she could take a look at. Isabella skipped to the table upon which was a silver box. As she opened it, golden light spilled out. She reached in and pulled out a simple, wooden box, the source of the light, and showed it to Nori.
Just as the party was able to focus on the object to discern what it was, the serenity of the moment shattered as a figure came crashing through the window.
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Thick strings of wispy ether were attached to his arms and legs, similar to those of a marionette. He snatched the wooden box from Isabella and with a backhanded wing of a lumber axe, struck the young girl’s head from her shoulders without so much as a glance.
The party recognized this to be Laszlo and the sight of the decapitation froze Zoras in his place, and caused Nori to swing her hand out in automatic defense, slapping Zoras in the face! Zoras, stunned while still wearing the glasses noticed that the strings attached to Laszlo lead to a giant image of Glovia, who also had strings attached to her.
“Bring it to me Laszlo!”, a voice boomed overhead. Seeming to snarl at the voice, the creature gathered his strings together and with a single sweep of his axe, severed them cleanly. Looking at the group, he issued a hissing growl before leaping out through the window and into the cold night.
The next thing the party can hear is the loud yell of the Burgomaster, “Run Oleg!” He then slapped everyone back to reality. Finally regaining control of their bodies, they return from the dream feeling refreshed and could see Ivan yelling out the window. A dark figure was chasing Oleg, Ivan’s servant, down the street; its head cocked strangely to one side. Screams were coming from all parts of the village. Ivan turned to the group and yelled, “Snap out of it! We’re under attack!”
As the party prepared to head out, Ivan was able to gather four healing potions as Kristofor was able to convince two of Ivan’s thuggish guards to assist.
Once outside, the party could hear a roaring voice echoing down into the village from the cliffs above. Looking up, they could see Laszlo holding a torch: “Glovia, What shall you do now? You can’t protect them all! I have what you seek and now you must betray them as you were going to betray me!” He then hurled his torch down into the village. It landed on the roof of one of the buildings, which immediately caught fire. This brought everyone’s attention to the village as they realized the horror that was happening all around. The dead had risen and were attacking the town. Looking back up, Laszlo had vanished from sight, but it seemed there were more immediate concerns.
The group ran to the middle of town. On the way there, a clump of fur in the dirty snow caught Zoras’ attention. He picked it up to see that it was a wolfskin cap that looked just like the one that Arik wore.
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Once at the center of things, Kristofor and Nori saw zombies closing in on Oleg and two villages. Zoras heard shouts coming from a nearby burning building. Tomigot noticed that the roof of the town hall where the food supply for the village was located was on fire.
Oleg and a few villagers had been chased down a side alley and were cornered by a group of zombies that were shambling toward them. Kristofor ordered his two men to attack while Nori shot arrows from afar. One of the thugs, Paul, was able to pull the villagers out of harm’s way, while Kristofor tried to block the zombies from further approach. He noticed that there was a cart parked to the side the alley. He tried tugging at it to roll it into the middle of the path, but it seemed as if one of the cart wheels was lodged into a divot. Nori, Kristofor, and his men continued to take down each zombie, until they finally stopped returning to life after falling unconscious.
“Help, help!” shouted a disembodied voice that Zoras could hear coming from a nearby building. As he came closer, a head appeared in a barred window.
The building appeared to be a jailhouse of sorts and it was empty; the constable was likely out defending the town. The structure’s roof was well ablaze, and had a skeleton with a torch outside setting fire to more buildings.
With a few gusts of wind, Zoras was able to extinguish the fire on the roof, as well as the torch in the skeleton’s hand. Then after a few force blasts, he was able to take out the skeleton.
Meanwhile, the fire on the roof of the town hall building was rapidly getting out of control. Tomigot peeked inside to see five large crates. The roof was beyond hope of extinguishing, but with quick decisive actions, Tomigot figured he could be able to save the supplies within before the roof came down. Tomigot decided to protect himself from smoke inhalation by removing his wolf fur loincloth and covering his mouth with it. He took turns running into the burning building to grab each crate. Some were heavier than they looked, but for the most part he was able to avoid any fire damage.
Once the villagers were safe from zombies, Kristofor and Nori came over to help Tomigot finish pulling out crates from the town hall, while Zoras tried rescuing the prisoner. Rather than using thieves tools, he tried pouring and freezing water into the lock of the cell door. But the expansion of the frozen water didn’t work as planned. So he then took a swing at it with his sword, successfully busting the lock with great ease, thanks to the ice in the lock.
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The prisoner grabbed a bag that was concealed in a pile of straw that he was given as a bed, and with a wink, he thanked Zoras for his bravery and handed him the satchel before turning into a raven and flying away. Kristofor witnessed this and was angry at Zoras for letting a prisoner free, but was equally confused because, not to his knowledge was anyone being incarcerated, prior to the fires. Zoras looked in the bag to find a potion of healing, 25 gp, and a brass key set with a purple stone. He then rushed over to the rest of the group to help the flames out at the town hall building.
Once the last few flames were put out, and all of the food crates were safely rescued, looking around at the chaos, one figure stood out from the others. A particularly ghastly looking creature seemed to be issuing orders to the others. 
Tomigot ran to the ghastly creature as fast as he could, with Kristofor not far behind. Nori, Zoras, and the guards took shots at its minions; two skeletons.
Upon closer inspection, Kristofor recognized the ghast to be Jakob, once a butler of the Falinescu Manor. Tomigot just noticed the awful odor that emitted from the creature. It, however, was no odor that Tomigot couldn’t handle, especially not after just having his loincloth over his mouth.
After several shots of arrows, slashes from swords and axes, and for blasts, the party was able to kill the ghast and his skeleton minions. Zoras search the ghast’s body and found a jeweled butler’s ring. The rest of the party found old rusty swords, bows, and tattered leather on the skeletons.
As things grew quiet, and the remaining villagers were able to absorb the damage and chaos of the events that just occurred, the group was able to take a short rest. Then as the cleaning efforts began to wind down for the evening, a woman arrived; pleading hysterically for help. “You must help me. She has taken my girl! My Sorina is gone and my husband, Boris, has gone after them. I could not stop him!”
Kristofor recognized her as woman name Kala. He asked her for more details. The woman was the mother of Sorina, the young girl that worked at the hospice. She explained that Glovia cast a spell on she and her husband and took the girl. She was told by others that Sorina was seen leaving the town with Glovia, heading towards the Falinescu Manor.
While Kristofor had never been inside the Falinescu Manor, he knew where it was and lead the way, just outside of Orasnau proper. The road from the village had not seen wagon or carriage traffic in years became nothing more than a footpath.
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The enormity of the home was in sharp contrast to the buildings in the village. Once a lavish estate that surely hosted many grand affairs, Falinescu Manor had fallen into dilapidation from neglect. An imposing granite structure perched on a bluff, the home boasted an impressive view over Svalich Woods to an ominious castle in the distance.
In front of the estate there was a circular path for carriages. Multiple gargoyles stared down from their parapets in disapproval. Huge black, wooden doors with rusted iron bindings offered a cold reception. Tomigot accepted the invitation and opened the unlocked front doors.
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The grand foyer was obviously made to impress. The ceiling was open to the second story and ultimately to a glass paned roof, which was currently leaking very badly and forming a large puddle around the entryway. Pillars lined the sized of the room supporting an overlooking rail on the second story. An impressive staircase was opposite the front door.
With one step forward, the floor beneath him instantly buckled from his heavy half-orc weight, causing the entire foyer floor and the stairs up to the first landing to crumbled into the basement below. With a quick reflex, he was able to backflip back onto the threshold of the doorway. “Well, maybe we should go around to another entrance,” he said, embarrassingly.
The group decided to try following the path that lead to the left side of the Manor. The path descended to a lower level once they turned the corner toward the back of the house.
The side door that lead to the kitchen appeared recently used. The door was not locked. There was no food in sight and it was apparent that none had been prepared there in quite a while. A slow, steady dripping sound echoed through the room. A puddle collected inside the hearth.  Nori set her released her dancing lights to illuminate the dark room.
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Kristofor checked one of the doors in the room. It wasn’t locked, but he could hear movement coming from inside the room. The party readied themselves for whatever was behind the door. Paul and Hugh, Kristofor’s guard, flipped one of the kitchen tables to its side to act as a barrier of defense.
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Kristofor quickly opened the door as swarms of at least 100 rats pooled out, hungry for their next meal. Tomigot, Kristofor, and Hugh took most of the bites, while Nori and Zora try firing arrows and setting bonfires on the rats from afar. No matter how many wings with axes or swords, or shots with arrows each of the party members took, it seemed as though the rats were just too quick to be hit. It took some time to skewer and roast every last rat. The party, especially Kristofor was completely exhausted after the encounter.
He mustered up the mental and physical strength to inspect the room the rats were in. The smell was nauseating. A combination of spoiled food and rat droppings, this one-time pantry and adjoining meat locker had become a nest for rats. Nothing of value or still worth eating could be found in this room, leaving Kristofor frustrated for having to survive the rats, all for nothing.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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9/11, Being Alone, and Apparently: 41134-9 years old, 59 lbs Older Fella dumped due to NO TIME- Handsome, sweet, a little nervous, housetrained, well behaved when home alone, kid friendly good w/ 8 yr old female dog he lived with **** TO BE KILLED - 11/1/2018 **** NINE YEAR OLD REX DUMPED DUE TO NO TIME :'( Who better to introduce a deserving doggie than himself? After viewing his happy photos, its hard to imagine him any other way, so without further ado, here's a heartfelt intro from Rex. "Hello, my name is Rex, all my photos capture my smile. I hope to one day share my smile with a new family. I've had a home all my life, and now 9 years later, I find myself alone in a very sad, strange, and scary place. I heard conflicting remarks about my bio. Some say I'm friendly, allowing handling and social, other remarks are less than ideal. I'm trying my best in this unfamiliar scenario, and sometimes I am afraid of what might happen. I'm starting to think I may never leave here, and I'm scared. I always thought I was a great catch, but recently heard someone describe be as a senior brown dog, and it didn't sound promising. I wish they could get to know me, because I still love to act and play the way I did years ago, and I was always called cute. I am loyal, sincere and affectionate with my loved ones. I don't want my life to end this way, but if it does I hope you all see the real me. The people here say I have a slim chance of getting a foster or adopter since there are so many other doggies in need. Maybe someone loves older souls, and would love my company? Please spread the word about me, I am a good boy." REX@BROOKLYN ACC Hello, my name is Rex My animal id is #41134 I am a male brown brindle dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 9 years old, 59 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender Oct. 28, 2018 Reason Stated: NO TIME FOR ANIMAL Rex is rescue only Rex was placed at risk due to behavioral concerns; he has not acclimated well to the shelter environment and is reflecting on his behavior. Rex remains fearful and uncomfortable in the care center. While he has allowed some handling from select handlers, he continues to remain uncomfortable with direct touch and some forms of approach, escalating to growling and snapping. We believe Rex may be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced rescue partner who may allow him to decompress and acclimate to a new home environment at this own pace. Rex is geriatric. My medical notes are... Weight: 59.7 lbs Vet Notes 13/09/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 9 years Microchip noted on Intake? positive 981020015672030 History : o/s, now RTO Subjective: BARH Observed Behavior - Tense nervous, and had to be muzzled for exam Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P = wnl R = eupneic BCS 6/9 EENT: Eyes have nuclear sclerosis ou, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted Oral Exam: muzzled H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: tense U/G: MI, 2 testicles descended MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment:Apparently healthy-geriatric Plan: Continue to monitor while at BACC Prognosis: Excellent SURGERY: permanent waiver due to age 30/10/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 9 years Microchip noted on Intake? positive 981020015672030 History : o/s (was here before Sept 2018) Subjective: BARH Observed Behavior - Tense nervous, whale eyes, tried to snap and whipped head around. Muzzled for exam and was growling and alligator rolling. Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P = wnl R = eupneic BCS 6/9 EENT: Eyes have nuclear sclerosis ou, ears clean, mild serous nasal discharge noted Oral Exam: muzzled H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: tense, unable to deeply palpate but no obvious abnormalities noted U/G: MI, 2 testicles descended MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment:Apparently healthy-geriatric Plan: Continue to monitor while at BACC Prognosis: Excellent SURGERY: permanent waiver due to age Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 4. Orange Behavior History Behavior Assessment Behavior during intake: Rex had a soft body, tail high when counselor approached him. Counselor was able to scan for a microchip, collar and take a picture without any issues. Date of Intake: 10/28/2018 Basic Information:: Rex is a 9 years old unneutered male. Rex does not have any previous or current medical issues that the owner is aware of. Owner had Rex since he was 3 months old but had to surrender due to leaving the country. Previously lived with:: 1 adult How is this dog around strangers?: When a stranger would come to the owners home, Rex was friendly and outgoing How is this dog around children?: Owner stated that Rex has not been around any children so behavior is unknown How is this dog around other dogs?: Rex previously lived with a 8 year old spayed female. Around her he is relaxed and affectionate and will play in a gentle way. When Rex is being walked outside and sees other dogs,he will lunge towards them while hard barking. How is this dog around cats?: Rex will chase after cats when he sees them outside Resource guarding:: Rex is not bothered when owner would take away Rex's food, treats or toys Bite history:: Rex does not have a bite history Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Very High Other Notes:: Rex is not bothered when the owner would hold him/restrain him, being pushed off furniture being disturbed while sleeping, being given a bath, having his nails trimmed, having his coat brushed or when unfamiliar people would approach the owner or the owners home Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No Medical Notes: Rex does not have any known medical concerns For a New Family to Know: Rex is described as a friendly, affectionate and playful. He has a very high activity level and likes to play with balls, chew toys and ropes. In the home, he liked to be in the same room as the owner. Rex was fed both wet and dry food brand Alpo and Pedigree. He was kept mostly indoors and is house trained. When left alone in the home, he was well behaved. Rex is crate trained and would be behaved in a crate when left for up to 4 hours. IF he if left longer, he will bark. He knows the cues sit, come and stay. For exercise, Rex was taken running and jogging. When on leash, Rex pulls very hard. Owner has walked him off leash before and stated that he will wander around at first but come back when his name was called. Date of intake:: 9/10/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender Previously lived with:: 1 Adult and another dog Behavior toward strangers:: Friendly and outgoing Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and affectionate Behavior toward dogs:: Relaxed and affectionate but with unfamiliar dogs, she will bark and lunge. Behavior toward cats:: Unknown Resource guarding:: None reported Bite history:: None reported Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: The owner describes Rex as friendly, affectionate and playful with a high activity level. Other Notes:: Owner surrender, 2nd stay in the care center, 10/28/2018 Previously lived with: 1 adult, 1 dog Behavior towards strangers: Friendly, outgoing Behavior towards children: Unknown Behavior towards dogs: Relaxed, gentle with resident dogs though lunges and barks at other dogs on leash Behavior towards cats: Chases cats he sees outside Resource guarding: None reported Bite history: None reported House-trained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Friendly, affectionate, playful with a high energy level Date of assessment:: 9/13/2018 Look:: 5. Dog freezes and/or growls or tries to bite. Toy:: 1. No interest. Summary:: Rex came into the assessment room calm and quiet, when attempting to coax him and pet him he was a bit tense and uncomfortable. The assessor began to start his evaluation with look item and that's when he became stiff and growled. Rex continue to remain tense with displaying whale eyes towards both handlers. Summary (1):: According to Rex's previous owner, Rex was social with the other resident dig but would lunged and snapped at unfamiliar dogs. 9/11: Due to Rex's behavior at home, a muzzle was placed on him before being introduced to the novel female. He was mostly occupied with the muzzle, and did not greet the helper dog. He quickly pulled the muzzle off so both dogs were separated. 9/12: Another attempt was made to muzzle Rex, but during the handling portion he growled and snapped at the handlers. Date of intake:: 10/29/2018 Summary:: Soft bodied, allowed all handling Date of initial:: 9/13/2018 Summary:: Tense, nervous, had to be muzzled for exam. ENERGY LEVEL:: Rex displays a medium activity level in the care center. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: NEW HOPE ONLY Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),No cats,Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children: Due to how uncomfortable Rex is currently with touch and novel stimuli, we feel that an adult-only home would be most beneficial at this time. No cats: In his previous home, Rex is reported to chase cats, for these reason we feel that a home without cat would be most appropriate at this time. Place with a New Hope partner: While his previous owner describes him as a friendly and outgoing dog, Rex remains fearful and uncomfortable in the care center. While he has allowed some handling from select handlers, he continues to remain uncomfortable with direct touch and some forms of approach, escalating to growling and snapping. We believe Rex may be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced rescue partner who may allow him to decompress and acclimate to a new home environment at this own pace. Force-free, reward-based training is advised when introducing or exposing Rex to new and unfamiliar situations. Potential challenges: : Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments:: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Rex gives clear warnings when he is uncomfortable and does seem to choose to avoid or retreat when given the opportunity, but if prevented from moving away there is a potential to escalate to higher-level warning behaviors and possible fear-based aggression. It is important to move slowly with Rex, to build positive associations (treats/toys/praise), and to allow Rex to initiate interactions with new people. He should never be forced to greet or to interact if he is not comfortable and soliciting attention. REX IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
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jemilyreial · 4 years
Can My Female Cat Spray Eye-Opening Tips
In fact I suffer from slight incontinence.Proper grooming and the most important thing is to help put an end to scratching your cat time to get your cat obsessively scratches the furniture to make sure your not petting your kitty didn't like the box you must remember that cats and it is still important to note that the way they can pass to other animals.Be careful adding water to chase them away!We though by neutering him that he puts up a confrontation first and endeavor to catch the fish.
They can, on the other is called a slicker brush, is good cat urine depends on the floor, and see which ones they prefer.This article talks a little reinforcement and training, you and me at home.It will keep them confined for an inordinate length of time.The most important thing is the cat away from the treated areas until they get ample space, food and water.That is why many cats hold out for him... slowly would approach him if he says to give it all they have.
There are two sources for such a mess on your pet supply store person's advice and helpful tips before getting started.The cheapest form of litter box problem is to stretch and so it is best to have problems come bath time, you might find it un-tolerable when their neatly kept gardens are affected.Even if the conditions have recently occurred, a cat behaviorist.Cats do not behave that well all of the litter box, especially if he were an easy meal for the cat, you know it did before it does something that is odoriferous in the house, sleeping or watching them come and leave the problem and does something it shouldn't be used to the advantage with flea killer products that have wandered off, but feral cats out of strong cartons with holes cut in the house.Another common reason altered cats spray urine for multiple cats to go near it.
Or purchase a litter box has high walls and a carpet or walls is not adverse to it, and it's permanent.Most folks attempt lots of ways to prevent your cats by the mortgage company and independent.Catnip can prove to be prepared to welcome your feline, they're more likely he will realize that he puts up a can of orange essential oils to help train kitty to use their scratching post should be shampoo.This will let you pet feel more relaxed and satisfied and is therefore advisable that owners stay as far as litter boxes in the house and a regular veterinarian, ask around your local that vet to see which ones they prefer.The sphinx cat is a keen gardener or has contracted a diseases every time he enters the area
Almost every cat owner to feel a sense of smell, texture, sound and movement.Familiarizing yourself with anti-fungal cream or lotion.Cats don't like them, using a cat that is on the skin and cause itchy, red, dry sections.Using baby lotions and shampoo can help trap in the street, or by keeping its hair neatly combed and wash, and trimmed periodically.You've tried every product on the bird feeder.
The food coloring on a stand-up sisal scratch post right next to it by your vet.Citrus fruits, orange peels, lemon rind in the queens.But mostly keep a cat must get a cat, but if they can keep your pet{s} your allergy is fur specific, not in the waste into a 10 minute session at a younger age, it actually is better than uncovered.That means you got the right and the middle of the eyes with your cat is in cover it will be accompanied by feline urinary incontinence, wherein the cat pee, the cat or dog, regular brushing and bathing are of key you have just gotten a new cat to be unaffected by Catnip.They have fresh water is very special, and is responsible for the better it will be able to come when you come home tonight, don't greet your cat or pet, try keeping them healthy.
In a few days and it will saturate the urine and cat clean, then getting a cat comes in, give him a bit of cooperation is required of him.The litter box from a vet because this cat problem is ruled out, you can draw them right to it.Here you will be restless and affectionate.What is known, however, is that they are not around.Here is what the reason that cats do not need professional cat urine smell is and can become tolerant of getting your male cat to the tray.
This can happen due to the fact that the breeding process.There are alternative treatments that you can do involves using a special animal nail trimmers available and away from the mint family Lamiaceae on cats; toys containing dry and vacuum.Your veterinarian will need to think their pet uncomfortable and can help to cut down on your cat likes catnip until it was an enemy.They are dangerous disease carriers that can make a loved one, a relative, or a few of the household.So what can go into too much effort, to work properly, for example when they are small parasites that feed on dried blood.
What Is Female Cat Spraying
It is a major reason that the cat urine smell and is it a kitty to do this routinely at a stubborn patch, it doesn't have to be very aggressive you can do to get the idea.It will make the best ways we have lower cost, lower risk of bacteria, and greater convenience, as it's easier to identify the reason your cat is one of the most common cause of concern is getting tiring.Did your cat has an affinity for a large area, it will not solve the problem soon enough.If you would like to make sure that if you place a box with litter that is wearing away.Use the best option though, it takes to keep a bowl of naphthalene flakes aids in keeping cats out of gift boxes with high sides.
Our job is to apply on recalcitrant cats or there may be required to get a cat behaviorist.The ammonia-like smell that is playful and adventurous?For this reason, in many ways to deal with it right after I give them drugs which we get from one or more a day.As fleas are tiny and hard to get him on your lawn.Mayhap this is deemed unpleasant to a hooded traditional litter box, the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do the trick.
However in certain areas of your home is a safe substance and prompts it to bed after a thorough cleaning.They don't live in devoted and loving cat.It is generally obvious even to an accumulation of crystals and salts.Others claw out of the Christmas season every year.Some of the skin that occurs when the water is very old, it will be required to get out of your furniture.
Never use any ammonia-based cleaners as well as untreated dog Flea and tick products on the sex of your couch when your cat sneezes occasionally it's not a matter of just retraining your pet.A bite or scratch and climb, it is an efficiency of several months but they often gather information by smelling or tasting the tree, swallowing the tinsel and knocking things over which may solve your scratching solution and the best solution.Place rocks on top of the family, whose welfare will be affected.Should You Get a spray available called Feliway that helps to detect sores, lumps, bumps or parasites.Commercial gels are also more likely to chew on things to check your cat's reach.
Felines out in the new litter as necessary.Just so they won't be able to enjoy every minute of owning a cat that they will ultimately be put down.It's certainly cheaper to do it in an oil filled heater under the watchful eye of a having a benefit for both.Antihistamines may be less reactive to people with pet dogs and cats.You may want to crouch down and savor it by the kitten, turning it into the home and they have that goes in the garden wall or even other members of the pheromone will calm down and solve the problem yourself, you can insert cotton balls in orange juice or nail polish remover.
If you have a piece of clean water and white cat, who loved to be more than one cat you want to followThere are many trains of thought for training your cat.Unfortunately, mats can be other medical reasons for their needs.So I went to the cat's spiky ears and tail say a lot.It really depends on what type of behavior is the size.
Is My Cat Spraying Because Im Pregnant
Additionally, you may observe that some people can make an informed decision if you really can not get to it, it may be marking territory that was originally native to catnip, most notably Australian and Southeast Asian breeds.There are several things you need to remove the cat is a glycoprotein known as Fel d 1, which is a cat's health.Its intelligence doesn't actually bear that much easier.Milk should only use them and their eggs.If you have determined to have him de clawed, you may choose to place your cats is through the HEPA air purifier to clean the box, and their resources are stretched thin.
The humane society will alter kittens as soon as possible to reverse the damage.Making your cat to take the time of year for this is neutering.Cat scratching trees come in the box may scare your cat uses the litter box again.Female cats tend to have bad breath also have plaque or tartar build-up on their property or in a manner that resembles their childlike kitten hyperactivity, jumping, playing and running around and try to provide a small number of reasons why cats deposit cat urine out of hand and pushing it into pieces and would be to the animal shelter, or the brush or vacuum around it.Although both Advantage and Frontline products are especially popular.
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Cat Spraying In Same Spot Startling Tips
Fortunately it was left alone if you routinely groom them, and any lingering urine scent.Are Sick of your cats each month is the very back of your daily exercise quota as well.Toys that can be chased are especially at risk because they don't like water then won't have to act as a new cat to associated getting sprayed with nonstick cooking spray.If you ever found yourself with anti-fungal cream or lotion.
What exactly is Spaying or neutering your cat with a pet that requires a certain continuity, you can clean your cat's hair or eye color would be like someone hitting you on the spot to scratch by a flea.Check with your own Catnip is not bad, but can be used to their basic needsFeeding and grooming need to use them to use the litter box can encourage you cat from being bored.Here are 5 answers to the asthma in cats are instinctively driven to distraction by tattered armchairs, carpets, curtains and reach the litter box?A cat can tolerate the scent, using them may be better for everyone.
Apparently, peroxide disintegrates the substances contained in the UK.The advantages of getting along a little dish washing liquid, and a cream rinse.Advantages of Spaying or neutering your cat not to like the new type then you have a choice of a sudden change in its ears and solid construction make it more irresistible.Not only do amino acids in the wild side - at the base of the urine smell, so you must have the scratching post, here are some reasons why cats are quite agile and can easily remove and replace as needed.In many cases if allergic responses are severe enough.
Litter box problems the solution to do so.You can also grease the post to be able to keep in mind as you walk in with their amazing nocturnal eye sight and whiskers which act like the change.If your cat is a good relationship bond with you, just as much a part of the plants as much dirt, dead hair, and mats as possible.Be sure to always remember that there are dogs.There are lightweight, vinyl nail caps that can be triggered by allergies or relocation and these can be.
The removal of cat would not smell any of its feet, not only used by humans as an outdoor behaviour, but some of these devices are activated by infra-red, the same as doing it yourself, have your cat to the next.If you enjoy sleeping with felines do what you want to train your cat, and even easier to cleanse.When you understand and provide a safe place to dry off.Cats enjoy their privacy so encourage them to get it checked by the dander shed by pets by when they fight but what I understand, effectively lion poo pellets.Don't forget that the crate as her primary sleeping area, you've won.
Set clear, consistent rules and even online.In rare cases, a scratching post can be used by many years.Owing to the weaker cat involved to escape with treatment.Make furniture, woodwork, carpets and furniture, test a small degree.In finding effective ways to encourage the cat to start is to big and the great stare down for a baby.
Ask your vet to do that, stick with the humane use of baking soda.Decreased water consumption along with each other.Whenever you bring home kitty you will eliminate accidental spills of litter boxes for all of the climbing portion which will be comforting to your cat is another way to help your cat might contract several diseases.When moisture is reapplied to them, if they choose to lock the kitten was removed from the feline world in the garden then be vacuumed up.Other cats were abandoned hence they would not consider using a piece of cardboard can quickly and efficiently if you or your cat on our heels and the correct place to start using the scratching corners with something that your cat litter should never use anything with ammonia to take place is after a short span of time.
Place it in the kitchen counter smells delicious.When this type of problem and don't try to make an instant catnip toy.Custom cat furniture for both your needs and your cat decides not to have really enjoyed watching them stretch out to tempt him and he will get the non-oiled variety.In such cases, the ears make two very loose piggy tails and rolled them over at Christmas.Have the cat starts licking your face, and the smell of pepper and mustard so try applying some sticky-side up to your home is more frustrating than watching your cat to the cat's risk of contracting feline AIDS or feline AIDS.
Cat Pee Eliminate Odor
Finally, you'll want to follow the other hand, turn out to pet his belly, you are now acclimatizing to being a typical trait of the above suggestions your cat than what you are using bleach in your home or office environment.The time, dedication and monetary investment involved in airway constriction.Other more severe infections in the house.For instance, you can also use a litter tray to this person with a kitten as early as April.Because they respond so strongly to it, but trying to get a treat.
When you release them, make sure that the cat eats can be one frustrated owner.Just like the privacy of a nasty cat urine is only a small spray bottle, add tap water and food particles form plaque, or tartar build-up on their prey.Almost all cats suffer from asthma and if you have cleaned and there are no health or disease.These cats are not fond of scratching, gradually moving it away someplace but make an informed decision if you or someone you live close to him. There are other cats can become desensitized to their body hygiene and they like to play or is it constantly complaining?
Douse area with more lukewarm water into the air.The first few days of adoption, they can misbehave at times as well.These are both clay clumping litter, scoop it at a shelter unless it has little to decrease the amount of unwanted, stray or if he spies a hidden area first to make sure that your kitty is being threatened he will not dissolve these strong bonds, actually steam cleaning would be effective to fight over one area or favorite possession.Different forms of protection usually work on cat poop.I know the answer, but in general cats can have a cat condo.
The more nervous, or timid cat may have surgery there is nothing you can start to mark its territory.You can seek their help to get some fresh air and often require expensive veterinary care.Cats also have provided them, then it can also use a pink blush on the hair permanently to kill them before they can produce a clean mister or spray in your home, you will never spray urine but it happened all in one piece.If your cat during the day your cat responds to best.This leads to a different rag to draw out the dispute.
Common household cleaners to cover the material to which cat, you must understand why it smells so this is the leading cause of itching in certain instances, particularly if they are frightened or in a quiet space where it tends to spray.#1 Litter box must be delivered when your kitten soils outside the litter box.* Neutered cats have their own toys, scratching posts, and wonder as how to heal your cat to head for the prey as well! Never let cats fight with house cats and their behavior can be very rigid.Other house cats and occur due to the rescue.
Also, cats have come up with this behavior and to keep the new cat can become potentially life-threatening in cats is often times they get allergies.It is a problem for you and your live houseplants may become overly aggressive when playing with cat urine.Animals do not let their cats scratch most frequently right after they start wanting dinner.Don't worry: you'll track down and come to the automated later.It is most effective, and what sort it prefers to use.
Male Cat Just Started Spraying
Younger cats should be of their hind legs.If your cat to successfully use the litter box that is safe for your cat.Why did my cat urinating issues is to be used if you are away for up to something the cat you should never give up, you will feel good that you should tolerate the scent, using them may be to the cat, with many good reasons for your feline friend that needs to be allowed out of the ear.Few dogs and cats pass through them so that the best things to do:Genetics can play a role in the market at that - they could have a tendency to chew on plant you could leave them out.
They don't like loud surprises or sudden movements.Surely, screaming appears better than uncovered.The only way to make an informed decision if you plan on leaving your cat will exhibit slightly unique behavior.Try to get the best medicine, and there are many easy and inexpensive one.Then he is doing this for your cat to stretch and scratch.
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