#chatting over coffee
Hello radblr. I and @p0pipos are here with an important question.
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 8 months
I had the funniest idea that once the dust settles from Sibuna activities, that the other Egyptian gods and goddesses are looking over these rag tag children lead by the Chosen One (Anubis’ protege) and the Osirian (Osiris’ protege), and they think: “My word, I want one of those as well!” and they just start claiming their very own Sibunas to be their new priests and priestesses.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
There was a little place in Castle Town that had been one of the most popular businesses in the entire city before the Calamity. It had called itself The Royal Eatery, and its idea was a novel one - a place for people to gather and relax, to eat and drink as if it were a tavern or an inn, but simply without sleeping amenities. The citizens of the Castle Town loved to visit it, to try new cuisines from the chefs who shared all the culinary delights Hyrule had to offer.
When the Calamity had come, the eatery had been nearly destroyed. However, through the efforts of the locals, it was finally running again.
This was already a celebratory matter, but The Royal Eatery had steadily become famous for its patrons. The Champions themselves loved to meet there, choosing to get a nice meal and hang out somewhere that wasn’t quite as overbearing or formal as the castle. Some days people swore they saw the queen herself there.
Nembia knew better, of course. She was one of the servers at The Eatery, and she often saw famous customers. At first it had been quite the surprise, and her parents naturally didn’t believe her, but now she was growing accustomed to it and even having fun with it.
Because they were fun. And funny. And interesting! Nembia loved people watching, learning about others and observing the world around her, and she was happy she found a place that suited her perfectly.
All the Champions were so much fun to watch. There was the stuffiest one on sight, the Rito Champion Revali, but he always left great tips and was very polite to Nembia, so she loved having him around. He often fluffed his feathers when certain champions arrived, trying to make himself look impressive, but oftentimes when he arrived at the eatery first he would just sit and observe people and look relaxed. Nembia had even gotten into a conversation with him about their favorite kind of weather. It wasn’t much, but it made her happy. He even remembered her name!
Next was her favorite, the Goron Champion, Daruk. He always greeted her with a booming voice, a smile that could light up the world, and occasionally a big hug. While he didn’t eat anything that they could serve, he at least always had some water. Nembia was working on getting some rock roast available just for him, but it was still a work in progress.
The Gerudo Champion and chief, Urbosa, had honestly intimidated Nembia a little at first. The woman was formidable, confident, and despite the softness of her voice, she held an authority and power to her. She was always very kind when speaking to Nembia, but the server had to admit she hadn’t worked up the courage to speak casually with her quite yet. The fact that she was the leader of her people didn’t help.
That was, of course, where the problems arose with the rest. Nembia enjoyed all of them, but she still had to get over the formality of it sometimes. Princess Mipha, Prince Link, and Queen Zelda were literally as normal as people could be, but the titles did lend to some anxiety. Nembia was working her way through it, though - she’d even gotten into conversations with the queen herself about different food items and ingredients!
Princess Mipha was always so polite and sweet, asking Nembia about herself. She even knew about Nembia’s younger brother and her parents, and often inquired after them when she came to visit. Nembia liked her. Prince Link was the sweetest, and oh how Nembia wished she could catch his eye the way the Zora princess had (a girl could dream), but he was also very quiet and soft spoken, shy to the point of difficulty trying to pull conversation out of him. It was Nembia’s goal to try and actually make him laugh too, and she was figuring out all the different ways to do so.
Today seemed to be a particularly special day as all the Champions gathered together. It had become tradition for them to meet up here, rather than in the castle, before they attended to whatever formal duties called them to the capital. Nembia knew and prepped the various drinks for everyone - water for Princess Mipha, Revali, and Daruk, Gerudo coffee for Chief Urbosa, tea for Queen Zelda, and milk for Prince Link.
But something was different, Nembia could tell. She squinted her brown eyes from around the corner, noticing that Princess Mipha and Prince Link were standing closer together than usual. And… Zora were strange in that they didn’t wear clothes, but it seemed that Princess Mipha seemed particularly self conscious of her abdomen, though it didn’t seem like there was a huge difference…
Nembia gasped, hiding in the kitchen. Could it be?
Of course, to the Champions, who knew the Zora princess well, it was immediately apparent. They’d already been informed via letter (the instant Zelda had found out she had told literally everyone), so when they met up in person Daruk immediately picked Mipha up in the gentlest hug the Goron had ever given. He spoke to her softly, making her smile before placing her on the ground as if she were made of glass. Then he grabbed Link with such excitement that he nearly snapped the poor Hylian Champion in half.
“Congratulations, brother!!” Daruk boomed merrily.
Revali huffed a little at the display, but he tipped his head to the Zora princess nonetheless. “I… didn’t think you two could have children, but I am happy for you, Mipha.”
“Right?” Zelda said eagerly, her face flushed. “Oh, it’s so exciting and wonderful! And so fascinating, too! I wonder what such a child could look like, and—”
“All right, little bird,” Urbosa interrupted with a chuckle. “Let them breathe and try to remember they’re having a child, not a science experiment.”
“Oh, of course I know that,” Zelda huffed as if she hadn’t just been theorizing about the baby’s phenotype.
“How far along are you now?” Urbosa asked as everyone sat at their favorite corner table.
“Only seven weeks,” Mipha answered as Link smiled at her happily.
“But you must tell me all about Zora pregnancies!” Zelda insisted with delight. “I imagine it’s a little different from Hylian ones—”
“Maybe later,” Urbosa again redirected the young queen as Revali seemingly tried to disappear into oblivion at the thought of the direction this conversation was going. “We’re all very excited for you two. It’s a beautiful gift and responsibility. I trust you two are up to the task.”
Link and Mipha nodded, their hands finding each other’s as their eyes sparkled.
“That’s just delightful, truly,” Revali said, though there was little bite to his usual sarcastic quips. “In the meantime, perhaps we can catch up on other affairs, since we all knew this news coming in. For example, I have managed to achieve a new height with my gale, climbing higher than ever and beating every Rito in known history.”
”That’s very impressive, Revali!” Mipha commented with a small gasp.
Nembia came at this point, settling the drinks at the table as she smiled at everyone. The brief interruption inspired Zelda to speak up, and the queen said, “Well, we’ve been able to fully restore the travel gates to allow for multiple people to travel at once! It takes quite a bit of energy, though, so it still isn’t the most convenient form of travel. The last of the repairs on the stables have been completed, and our roads are better than ever. Hyrule is finally completely connected again.”
As Nembia got food orders and eavesdropped occasionally, she put a little treat together. When the Champions were rising and ready to head to the castle to address matters related to their various peoples, she left a treat and a congratulatory note for the Zora princess, slipping into the kitchen and peeking around to see the young woman notice the note underneath. Prince Link peered over her shoulder, hands gently wrapped around her as he read it as well, and then the two’s faces lit up with smiles.
Nembia giggled, entering the kitchen entirely. She loved working here.
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blacktobackmesa · 5 months
Remembering that brief moment when Tommy follows Forzen for the beyblade. And just, picturing Gman just giving his son a dissapointed look for leaving the group and teleporting him back.
"Where did I go so wrong..."
"Hadn't you only existed as a person for like an hour when that happened? I don't think you had anything to do with that choice."
"...I am. Such an absent father."
"Oh come ON!"
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hersurvival · 6 months
Pick a mug, the coffee is almost ready.
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I will update this with a full line-up of mugs
Eventually I will update this..
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coffee-dere · 6 months
I'm obsessed with their cover and it is VITAL to my health that I point out Miku doesn't have a shadow here. Seriously. The attention to detail. The reference to the Original MV. Everything about this is incredible.
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mus1ca1 · 6 months
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boundinparchment · 8 months
How about Coffee Shop AU and Accidentally Married with Dottore (with anyone; reader, oc, etc)? I can't resist a good coffee shop au!
You scribbled the name of your patron on the cup and began their order, knowing the exact ratio of espresso and milk foam and pumps of flavoring.
For the last few days, the diamond and aquamarine ring and its band felt more natural than it originally did. They were slim things, unobtrusive, and thus couldn't get caught on anything or accidentally smashed. So simple and yet both spoke volumes about the thought that went into them, considering the circumstances.
You owned this place yourself, a little hole in the wall with enough seating for ten and a small desserts display. Regulars were your bread and butter in the cold Sneznhayan town, tucked below the Palace, but over the years, you couldn't help but notice that visiting dignitaries seemed to end up here specifically. An honor for any business, but a strange one.
One followed up by the world's weirdest encounter and the only time you ever saw the Tsaritsa up close.
"Can you take the next customer?" you asked your coworker as you steamed milk.
Or tried to. The stupid machine was on the fritz again. You muttered to yourself as you tried the usual fix of hitting it, which did the trick. Over the hiss of the bubbling milk, you caught a familiar timber at the register, his wording the same every time.
As soon as you passed off the latte, you plucked the cup from your coworker before they could shakily write on it, and fixed the cup exactly as apparently only you knew how to. On a whim, you grabbed the two remaining pieces of baklava from the display, tucked them into a bag, and held out both to the man waiting.
He rarely smiled when he visited, a facial expression most probably found terrifying considering who he was. A transplant from another nation, you hadn't a clue, and you treated him as any other customer. Your coworker busied themselves cleaning, clearly trying to listen.
You pointed to the bag. "New recipe, by the way; let me know how the flavor is."
"More honey or different nuts?"
"I managed to get a hold of Ajilenakh Nuts before they sold out this morning. You mentioned the variation and I wanted to try it."
He nodded and you watched the tops of his ears turn pink. As controlled as he was over his expressions, you were beginning to pick up on small cues that gave him away. That was your favorite so far.
He took your hand and kissed the spot above your rings, breath tickling your skin.
"I have time later; I'll come look at that," the customer said. "Repair services are expensive and they'll tell you a new model is needed. Should be an easy fix."
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roses-and-elixir · 3 months
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I don't mind spoilers about CSM (I've already been spoiled and I don't care about spoilers that much anyway, I think good stories can't be ruined by them) so you can say your thoughts if you want!
Alrighty then!
The thing that would irk most feminists watching CSM is probably this one character in particular: Himeno.
Himeno's character is, when boiled down, very "manic pixie dream girl". She introduces and/or encourages other characters to do "bad" things like smoking cigarettes, drinking, and hooking up whilst drunk. She has her reasons for being the way she is, and I would not say her character doesn't make sense or that these traits and actions come out of nowhere, but you can clearly tell after her death that she was written specifically for a male characters development.
Now, CSM is Not above killing off characters for character development in backstories, male Or female. In fact Himeno's backstory involves lots of men dying.
Himeno's death is definitely written to factor into a male character's development, and even slightly for the protagonist's, but I do think it was a suitable end for her.
Onto the whole hooking up whilst drunk thing though... that was gross, I'll admit. Episode seven is when she encourages Denji (who I think is 16) to drink at a gathering with their coworkers. She gets drunk, makes out with him (it's a gross scene, emeto is involved), later takes him back to her apartment when he passes out (probably due to drinking too much as he's still dizzy/drunk when he wakes up) where they proceed to sleep on the same bed, with her in her underwear and a tanktop. After she asks if he wants to have sex with her but he refuses, he goes back to sleep but on the floor instead. She sleeps on the bed.
In the same scene, right before asking to have sex, she calls another woman a bitch because she finds the protagonist and that other male character I mentioned earlier stupid for crushing on her when she won't love them back. It's a bit reminiscent of reddit nice guys.
This all makes sense with her personality and backstory and all but I do think they were overall... not needed at all. They're so gross that I can't even say they're particularly fan service. They aren't drawn in the typical "huge tits huge ass very saturated blush" way either, it really is just not a nice scene. One could argue they are for her character, and they are, yeah. I don't think it truly justified it though.
Now besides Himeno, I should also not fail to mention that Makima, the character everyone talks of as a femdom, is also not the best. Clearly written for the manga authors fetish, Makima is also definitely grooming the protagonist, even though she doesn't exactly have romantic or sexual intentions with him. While Makima's lack of attraction does change things in terms of whether this would be called pedophilia or not, she does encourage his attraction to her, and promises things like letting him feel her up in exchange for doing things such as hunting a specific creature, and says that she'll let him do more for bigger accomplishments. Her strength as a character comes from being very manipulative, mentally strong, and having Some Sort of Magic.
Again, I have all this to say about Himeno but overall I did enjoy Chainsaw Man a lot. The animation is pretty, the characters both male and female are likable, the world building accomidates the added fictional creatures nicely. The protagonists want to get with a woman is not in the typical shounen perv way, as he wants an actual genuine connection (which is why he refuses Himeno's advances) but finds sex to be a physical representation of that as an emotionally halted teen.
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erisolkat · 4 months
its so fucking joever for us all chat
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cityghoull · 7 months
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babylon-crashing · 1 year
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Q: Which novelist, poet, artist of any form living or dead, would you most like to share a coffee and conversation with, and why?
Without a doubt, Alejandra Pizarnik. As Roy Batty said in Blade Runner (1982), “It’s not an easy thing … to meet your maker.” But, hell’s bells, besides Federico Garcia Lorca no one has shaped my poetic world as much as she has. I owe her a deep debt of gratitude. She is like no other poet that I’ve ever read or (I suspect) ever shall read.
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croszukis · 2 months
On playing Calgary in the 2004 Stanley Cup Finals:
"I thought in game 1 we played that game like we didn't really hate that team. I thought tonight we hated that team a little more. And I'm sure they feel the same way."
marty's been saying quotes like this forever apparently
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faaun · 8 months
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xtinyslip · 6 months
❝ we’re both people who have had to cut our own way through the world. ❞
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"don't get too excited. it's cardboard." referring to the mug that she had placed in the draw of his cell, a mug that was filled with decent coffee. yes, that had been something she corrected about the farm the moment she knew that she could. would he drink it? well, she didn't particularly care either way... she was just extending a level of politeness because annoyingly ; she was actually getting something out of their conversations. until that stopped, she could play nice. "when does the cutting stop? is it even supposed to?" because it hadn't. had it? and she wasn't just referring to the world but certain people in it. @lcvenderhcze
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