#cheer AU
inflomora-art · 1 year
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steddie cheer au with @emchant3d
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miroyuuu · 6 months
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guys remember my skwistok cheer au 🥺THEYRE SO CUTE i need to draw them again 😭reposting these draws :3
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0-n-1-x · 2 months
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Nishinoya Yuu x Cheerleader!reader link to my masterlist <33
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You and Nishinoya probably met during a school event, maybe a basketball match where you were cheering on your team. He was obviously drawn to your energy and enthusiasm, which matched his own. Noya is your biggest fan. He’s always front and center during your performances, cheering louder than anyone else. He even learns some of the cheers so he can do them with you. You cannot tell me that when he calls you to keep him company at the gym, you’ll practice your routines while Noya practices his skills and receives. You both are really competitive (being athletes), trying to outdo each other in stamina and precision. It’s a fun way to bond, and you both end up laughing, even if one of you wipes out.
If you do gymnastic type cheer, he definitely tries to copy some of your moves and flips (he folds the second he sees one of your tumble routines). Think you have the best routines in the world and will fight any judge that thinks otherwise, no matter how many times you tell him that you actually did mess up. Noya would totally want to help with your stunts, insisting he could be a base. While he might not be tall, his strength and determination make up for it, and you trust him completely
if you do stomp and shake cheer or call-and-response type cheer, he will dedicate hours to learn all of your lyrics and the moves that go with them, he also definitely does the trendy ones with you when they go viral on TikTok. And to be completely honest he got scared of your cheer voice in the beginning, but he grew to really like your ability to switch up on- and off the court, even if it surprises him (he's still a little scared to come up to you after you win a game).
you guy's sports use similar muscle group so expect a LOT of peer-conditioning dates (followed up by a meal for 10)
if any tries to tell you that 'you aren't a real athlete' or 'cheer isn't a sport' best believe that Noya is right next to you defending. Even if you tell him it's not worth it, and it's also a personal headcanon of mine that he is insanely good at roasts so this person's whole bloodline is cooked.
Noya loves surprising you with little things, like bringing you more water during practice or leaving encouraging notes with doodles in your cheer bag. He’s always thinking of ways to make you smile, just as you do for him. If your seasons don't match up, he is coming to the games that you cheer for, who cares if he doesn't understand basketball? his girl is out there. Plus, he begs you to make cheer just for him. It might start as a joke, but you’d end up putting real effort into it, and he’d beam with pride every time you perform it during a game. Even teaching some of your teammates for a surprise in your student section
If your seasons do match, that's the time when you see eachother the least, at first there was tension on you guys, but after a year or so you both get used to it and understand that you're both student-athletes with buys schedules.
Before big events, you might sneak into the boys’ locker room after most of them leave to give him a quick pep talk, because we all know he struggles with mental health. It becomes a tradition, with some of the team playfully teasing him but none of them know what you're saying and how encouraging it is <33
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to the anon that requested this thank you so much!! (I unfortunately couldn't find your ask so I'm so sorry </3) this is definitely a favorite trope of mine because I have experience in sports and cheerleading, so I probably over yapped ngl
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torchflies · 4 months
Ya’ll where is the Icemav Cheer AU? Have I missed it somewhere? Does it exist???
TG High School cheer squad needs a tumbler because Cougar tore something in his knee.
Enter: tiny little scrap of a new kid Maverick Mitchell who used to do gymnastics at his old school.
Cougar was also a base in a stunt group with Merlin and Charlie. Mav isn't tall enough to stunt with that group and it's too late before the next comp (regionals idk) to shuffle groups, but you know what — Charlie has a foot and half on Mav, and Mav is small enough to be a flier.
And who else to train him but Team Captain Tom Kazansky, who used to be a flier.
Guess who somehow FLIES AGAIN???
Just… Icemav Cheer AU, someone write this… someone who isn't me. 😂😂😂💜
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scarletsaphire · 7 months
37 Swagger Bishie
37. Public Kisses
Dash's entrance into the locker room was accompanied by the echoing laughter, shouts, and cheers of his teammates. After that performance, Danny wouldn't have expected anything less.
He stood up as the crowd came into view through the door, Dash perched on their shoulders, his helmet under his nose and a bloody, wadded up tissue stuffed into one of his nostrils. He didn't even seem to notice, with his free arm raised high and a wide, lopsided smile splitting his face.
The group carried Dash over before dumping him on the bench next to Danny rather unceremoniously. "He's all yours."
Danny didn't bother waiting for the crowd to clear out before he grabbed Dash's face in his hands, moving it side to side to get a better look at him. "Your nose is definitely broken."
Dash's smile didn't falter even a little. "Yeah, but it was totally worth it! I mean, did you see me out there?"
"You were incredible," Danny said with a laugh. "But you are going to get yourself killed."
"Coming from the guy who spends most nights fist fighting laser ghosts."
"Yeah, cause I did get myself killed," Danny replied. "Means I'm an expert on the subject."
"So you're saying if I keep playing like that I get to join you?"
Danny hit Dash in the shoulder. "I told you to stop joking about that!"
"Well, then you should give in and let me help you!" Dash answered.
Danny sighed. "You know what? With how you handled yourself out there, I'll let you take a stab at it." Dash threw his arms up in the air to cheer, but was cut off. "If, and only if, you follow all doctors orders on healing the concussion we both know you have."
"Can do," Dash said, before his grin grew impossibly wider. "But what do I get for winning the game?"
Danny rolled his eyes. "Same thing you get every time."
It was a good thing Danny had long since grown used to cheering crowds, because the moment he pulled Dash into a kiss, the locker room erupted into cheers again.
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clarissasbakery · 2 years
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took becktoria requests for femslash friday!!! i love them sm 🫶
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hannahmanderr · 11 months
uhhhhh public kisses for dash/danny <3
~ 37. public kisses
(part of the cheerleader Danny AU from this post that lives rent free in mine and @lavendarlily 's heads. also Danny is a flyer sorry I don't make the rules) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okay, so maybe he was supposed to be paying attention to the assistant coach outlining the play on his whiteboard, and maybe if he’d been sitting down instead of standing like a stubborn idiot, he wouldn’t have even seen them in the first place, but in his defense, he hadn’t asked the coach to talk to him right next to the cheerleaders, and the cheerleaders were absolutely captivating to watch.
Especially the one with hair a rich, pure black and eyes so blue he could drown in them. 
He adored watching that one.
Dash’s heart fluttered as the squad dropped their poms and hurried into a formation. Two girls standing on either side. Three girls huddled in the middle. One lone cheerleader standing in front of them, facing towards the crowd.
His cheerleader.
Paulina had told him last week she was going to try Danny out as one of the ones to get lifted. He couldn’t remember what they were called. Fly-highers, or something. Regardless of what they were called, Paulina had gushed about how good of one Danny would be. He’d been doing really well with the normal stuff and hoisting other girls up, but after some sort of flipping incident during practice, Paulina had discovered just how light and lithe Danny truly was. Perfect proportions, she’d called it.
(Dash could’ve told her that. He certainly knew Danny’s body well enough.)
Danny hadn’t told him about the change. In all fairness, they hadn’t had a lot of time alone since Paulina’s news, what with their practice schedules and school and whatever else Danny had going on (one of these days, he’d figure out just what on earth was up with that boy’s bladder).
And there was the whole thing about their relationship not being public…
But they could deal with that later. Hopefully.
(He wasn’t really keen on admitting how terrifying the prospect of going public felt.)
Dash had assumed Danny had kept it a secret on purpose. He knew Dash loved to steal glances at the sideline whenever he could, and the little brat knew that if he ended up getting lifted up on display for everyone, Dash would be the first to see. 
Dash couldn’t find it in himself to be irritated. He knew Danny got distracted watching him pull off crazy passes and wild plays enough to more than make up for it.
And now, here at the biggest rivalry game of the season, it seemed it was going to be Danny’s turn to show off.
It was as if time slowed down before Dash’s eyes. He watched Danny’s chest rise and fall in a single deep breath before extending his arms to the sky. Danny launched himself backward, arching his back in a way that stole Dash’s breath from his lungs. He caught himself with his hands and pushed himself back up into the air. Despite the baggy uniform shirt, Dash could see each and every muscle in his arms move with a refinement that only someone with extensive training and impressive strength could pull off.
He knew these muscles, this body almost as well as his own, but somehow, Danny Fenton’s hidden side never ceased to amaze him.
The three girls behind him (one of which happened to be Paulina herself) formed some sort of cradle with their arms. Danny pulled his arms into his chest midair before landing in the cradle of arms on his back. The girls’ arms gave with his weight, but only a little (really, that much wasn’t surprising either. Paulina had talked Dash’s ear off about the strength training regiment the squad got put through. Sometimes, it sounded worse than his own training).
As the girls’ arms came up with the rebound, so too did Danny. He tucked his legs in close, allowing Paulina and some other girl who’s name Dash didn’t know to catch his feet in their hands. The girl in the back helped push Danny upright before grabbing his ankles.
For a split second, they stayed there, Danny crouched down into the cheerleaders’ hands. In that split second, his shining eyes found Dash’s, and he broke into one of the widest grins Dash had ever seen on him.
Oh God. He really hoped he wasn’t about to get a nosebleed. Especially with how fast and hard his heart throbbed.
In one move, the girls hefted their arms up and Danny extended his knees.
And that’s when Dash thanked his boyfriend for always managing to distract him.
Being quarterback was more than just throwing a ball. The level of awareness needed was critical. He had to take in every detail, know exactly where each player was, make split-second, game-changing decisions, all in the matter of seconds. He had to see where a potential receiver would be before they were even there. Throw the ball with perfect precision to reach the receiver at the exact right time. His position demanded a keen eye, one that he had spent so long training to get that it stuck with him even off the field.
It was thanks to that keen eye that Dash was able to see the disaster before it struck.
The best he could figure was that game day adrenaline got to the girls and they ended up overcompensating for how surprisingly light Danny was. Whatever the reason, he could see it in the way they lifted Danny that it was too much force. Danny teetered back, his foot slipping free of the girls’ hold.
Dash was moving before he even registered it. He didn’t know if he’d ever run so fast in his life, not even during the state championships last year when he’d had to make a mad dash (no pun intended) for the game-winning touchdown. All he knew was he needed to get there. Just like making sure the ball got to the receiver.
Except this time, the ball was his boyfriend.
A horrified gasp rose from the crowd as they began to realize the situation. Danny was now falling freely. A jolt of terror shot down Dash’s spine, and he ran.
Ideally, he would’ve liked to properly catch Danny in his arms. As it was, though, he barely had the chance to stop underneath Danny’s falling form and begin to extend his arms before Danny fell into him, sending them both tumbling to the ground.
The murmuring crowd grew louder. Cries from the cheerleaders and confused expletives from his teammates assaulted his ears. Really though, the only sound he cared about was the ragged breathing right next to him.
He opened his eyes. The two of them laid in a tangle of limbs on the turf. Dash’s arms were loosely wrapped around Danny, and Danny himself was partially draped over Dash. Almost like a scene right out of the cheesy romance movies he loved watching so much.
Danny stared at him with wide blue eyes. “Dash?”
Dash couldn’t help himself. Maybe his own emotions were already running high, no thanks to the intense game going on, but when relief flooded him like a tidal wave, it was too much for him to handle. Burying his fingers into the back of Danny’s impossibly soft hair, he pulled his cheerleader’s face to his and kissed him with an intensity he could only hope came close to matching the passion in his heart.
That certainly got a rise out of the onlookers.
He couldn’t find it in him to care. All that mattered was Danny, here and safe in his arms, mouth pressed against his in a kiss that felt like it would last an eternity.
To his dismay, his lungs began to protest the lack of air. He pulled away, but only barely. Just enough to give him room to breathe. Just enough so that his lips still grazed Danny’s.
Danny grinned against his mouth. “I suppose you want to be my dashing knight in shining armor, huh?”
The pun didn’t escape him, but he refused to be fazed by it. “Shut up and let me kiss you,” he all but growled, pulling Danny in again. In spite of the preoccupation of his mouth, Danny laughed. The sound was music to Dash’s ears.
“Ohmigosh ohmigosh, Danny! And Dash! Are you okay?”
Paulina’s frantic cries broke the spell between the two of them. Breaking the kiss, Dash rolled over and looked up. It was only when he saw the faces of his teammates and the cheer squad staring down at the two of them that he remembered where they were.
On the football field. At the biggest game of the year.
In full public view.
Instinctively, he turned back to Danny, who still wore a wild grin on his face. He brought his hand up to Dash’s cheek and ran an affectionate thumb over it. Blue eyes sparkled in the bright stadium lights, shining with an excitement and encouragement that told Dash all he needed to know.
Always his cheerleader, in more ways than one. 
“Yeah,” Dash said, keeping his eyes locked on Danny’s. He smiled. “We’re more than alright.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ Send me a ship and a number from this ask game and I'll write a drabble or draw a sketch!
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ashspecter · 6 months
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Gonna Make You a Star
@lavendarlily's prompt: Who knew Danny Fenton was so agile? Paulina makes it her personal mission to get him on the cheer squad.
Summary: Danny never thought that being light on his feet and knowing martial arts would help him anywhere but fighting ghosts. He was wrong. Now Paulina wants to make him a cheerleader for Casper High’s football team.
Words: 3435; Chapter 1 (This was supposed to be a one-shot)
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luvjordie · 8 months
something i wish ive seen on here is COMPETITIVE CHEER AUS. tell me it wouldnt be fucking cool to be in a partner stunt routine with mf james potter, sirius black, and manager remus lupin. the music would be sick as fuck plus james potter doing backflips and sirius in a slutty sparkly cheer uniform. come on now.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Imagine Chloé trying to be cheerleader but the others won’t let her on for several reasons.
Chloé: Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t be on this squad!
Denise: You won’t let me or Ivan throw you.
Ivan: You won’t throw anyone.
Cosette: You keep getting the cheers wrong.
Nathaniel: You wouldn’t catch me.
Spinelli: You face planted hard on the floor.
Juleka: The squad is about supporting one another.
Austin A: I just don’t like you.
Ismael: You’re only in it for the popularity.
Nino: The squad is a democracy, and you’re likely to make a bunch of insane demands, like have our uniforms be themed after Queen Bee.
Jean: And you had the audacity to wear an HBIC shirt when you know that is my territory!
Chloé: I said one reason!
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emchant3d · 1 year
no context spoilers
tagged by @forthewolves thank you amanda!!
rule: share one line from a wip that could be a spoiler, but on its own is not. can be from a wip or something posted. (i am also saying art counts heather you get tagged twice for when you're allowed back from the dark olden times you're stuck in)
Sneak peek from my cheerleader Steve steddie au that is (hopefully) coming this summer!
"I'm not fucking acting!" Steve's patience snaps, voice pitched up and shouting. "This is who I am, Chrissy, and he didn't fucking like it!" Silence hangs heavy between them. Chrissy blinks in surprise - Steve's pretty sure he's never yelled at her before, and he immediately feels like shit for it. "...He didn't like me, I don't think. Not really," he says, and he's quieter now, weaker. "And I don't blame him for it." 
tagging but no pressure obvi! : @emobvcky @riality-check @poebin
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inflomora-art · 1 year
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cheer au steve and chrissy <3
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miroyuuu · 2 years
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not gonna finish these two so take it how it is :o)
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whiskeyapologist · 2 years
this feels niche but cheerleading zimbits au where bitty & jack are paired for partner stunting & bitty's mental block is around tumbling (specifically hitting his back tuck)
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takethstoyrgrave · 24 days
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ok original monster falls twins !!
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scarletsaphire · 6 months
Danny, newly added to the cheer team (mostly) against his will, is attending his first lock in with the girls. It's a lot more fun than he expected.
4th fic for @phicphight, with this one going to @lavendarlily and @lonelygrayrose, with a special shout out to @hannahmanderr because she asked politely. Prompts used will be at the end!
Danny had accepted that he didn't get much control over his life. Ever since he'd died, he was getting pulled one way or another for ghost fights or school or family stuff. It really came to its worst point went he'd been more or less bullied into joining the cheer team. Sam and Tucker were not help; they thought it was hilarious.
It did mean that the already minuscule amount of free time he had was filled with practice, or games, or other team building exercises. Like right now; the annual lock in for the cheer team, hosted in Casper High one and only cafeteria. Really pulling out all the stops.
Danny had been dreading it since it was announced two weeks ago; knowing his luck, there would be some kind of ghost attack, and then he'd have to play the whole "Oh I've been here the whole time!" game. And if that didn't happen, he'd be stuck in the cafeteria with the cheer leader girls for twelve hours straight! Sure, they were nice enough, especially since he joined the team, but that didn't mean they were friends!
It had only taken an hour for Danny to change his opinion.
The parent chaperone very clearly did not care about what they got up to, provided no one broke a bone or stole something where she could see. This allowed them to roll all of the tables off the walls of the cafeteria and construct a complicated and completely unsafe obstacle course for them to run through.
The first two girls had already given it their best shot; the first one, Abigail, who Danny had never seen without bows in her hair, had made it pretty far for being the first one through, but her hair had gotten tangled in one of the wheels, and the official score keeper (who was, of course, Paulina) gave her a DNF. She was currently off to the side with Star, getting her tied back into a braid and watching the spectacle.
The second girl, Brittany, had finished, if her time was a bit sad. "I don't want a repeat of that!" she'd said while the rest of  them teased her about her terrible performance. "I just got these braids put in on Monday, and I am not spending another four hours to get them redone!"
They were going in alphabetical order, so that meant Danny was next up. He lifted his arms above his head to stretch while he analyzed the course.
They'd done a pretty good job, if he did say so himself. There were several tables that he would need to go under, several he'd need to jump, and one they'd set up to require jumping on the seats instead of on the table. A bit rudimentary, sure, but it worked for their purposes.
"So, Danny Fenton," Paulina said, holding her water bottle out towards him like a microphone. "As the only boy on the team, you have quite the reputation to try and uphold. Do you have a strategy going into this?"
Danny flashed her a grin he normally saved for when he was Phantom. "Course I do."
Paulina returned the smile, and leaned in closer. "And what would that be?"
"And spoil the surprise? Not a chance."
Paulina laughed, leaning back on her seat of backpacks, blankets, and pillows. "You're setting high expectations, Fenton. You ready?"
Danny nodded, settling into a running stance.
"Three, two, one, go!"
He started running to the cheers of his teammates.He hadn't lied; he did have a strategy, and it didn't involve any kind of ghost powers. He wouldn't need them.
Danny had spent the better part of two years dodging bullets, ray beams, fire, boomerangs, bazookas, and about a dozen other, faster, much more painful objects. Two years honing reaction speed, flexibility, and spatial awareness, all of which would help him decimate the past two times, and anyone else who wanted to race after him.
Okay, maybe the practice part did involve ghost powers, but he wouldn't be using any now.
He vaulted over the first table cleanly, chaining the momentum to roll underneath the next table in one fluid motion. He came to his feet already running, ready to vault over the next two tables. In what felt like a heartbeat, he was already at the end obstacle, where he'd have to hop back and forth on the seats without touching the table; if he touched it, that would mean an immediate disqualification.
It didn't prove to be any more difficult than any other obstacle had been, although it was significantly slower. Danny leapt off of the final seat straight into a backflip, landing perfectly on his feet.
That part wasn't required; he just felt like flexing a little.
His grand finish was met with the roaring applause of the eight girls; Abigail had even started whistling, much to Star's annoyance, as she was still trying to fix her hair.
"And that is two minutes and twenty seven seconds!" Paulina called from her makeshift chair.
"Damn!" Alysha said. "That is going to be a tough time to beat!"
"Thank you, thank you," Danny said, taking an exaggerated bow. "I'll be here all night."
Alysha shoved his shoulder even while she laughed.
Danny made his way back to the spot he'd claimed, a little bit to the side of Paulina's seat.
"I am so happy we recruited you," she said as he sat down.
"Yeah," Danny agreed. "I am too."
As surprising as it was, it was true. Maybe he'd originally gotten the spot because of his ghost fighting and powers, but it had quickly become the only (mostly) ghost free thing he had. He'd never gotten that kind of luxury at home, and while he loved Sam and Tucker to death, it was way to easy for their hangouts to become patrols or planning patrols. Or homework, but that didn't count.
There was the additional fact that being on the cheer team had made Danny's life easier at school; the teacher's were more lenient with schoolwork, he had a different group of people he could sit with if Sam and Tucker were out sick, or if they got absorbed in their infamous debates, and everyone was just so much nicer to him.
Even Dash had stopped with the bullying, and after a couple stilted conversations and an emotionally charged apology that was leagues beyond what he'd thought Dash capable of, Danny would be willing to call them friends.
Definitely just friends though. It didn't matter that Tucker had caught him staring at Dash several times during lunch or that he got all flustered whenever they ended up in the locker room together. That was a coincidence. 
Just like Danny had expected, none of the girls came even close to his time. Star got a strong second place at three minutes flat, which was very impressive on its own, but his natural talent and years of practice held him high above the rest.
"You have to tell us how you did that," Aubrey said, jutting out her bottom lip. It was the same look she gave Coach Tetslaff every time she tried to extend practice.
Unfortunately for her, it worked just as well on Danny as it did on Coach. "Yeah, sure. Right after I tell you how I handle flying so well."
"Ugh." Aubrey flopped forward into a heap on the table. "You are. So mean."
The sound of a cellphone ringing cut off whatever Danny was going to say next. The team glanced back at the chaperone, who had settled in a corner of the room with a laptop, a thermos Danny swore was full of hard liquor, and headphones. They all sat in silence as she answered the phone.
"Hello? Uhuh. Yeah, I'll be right up. Everything should already be paid for, right? Good." She hung up the phone with a snap and stood from her spot. "Pizza's here. You kids sit tight, I'll be right back."
The group stayed quiet until her footsteps disappeared down the hallway outside of the door, before everyone shared a conspiratory look. Everyone but Danny, that is.
"Uh... what did I miss?" Danny asked.
Aubrey and Abigail stood up, one moving to the window of the door, the other to the chaperone's bag. The other girls all shared the same look again. 
"Did nobody tell you?" Dakota asked.
Danny ran over the incredibly short list of things he'd been told about the lock in, which was basically just that it was a lock in, before shaking his head. "Tell me what?"
"Oh, Ms. Pachelli is a total drunk," Paulina said. "I'm sure you've noticed its not apple juice in her thermos?"
Danny nodded his head.
"Well, that's not enough to last her a whole night, even on a good day, and dealing with us is never a good day in her books." Paulina studied her fingernails while Abigail fished a bottle of whiskey out of her backpack. "So, every year we switch out her spare bottle for one of Abby's parents' old empty ones."
Sure enough, Abigail pulled out an identical bottle from Ms. Pachelli's bag.
"And... you don't get in trouble for that?"
The rest of team all giggled. "Please," Star said dismissively. "She barely cares about us to begin with, and if she tries to get us in trouble, she'd have to admit she has a problem."
"She's coming," Aubrey hissed from the door, and Abigail made a dash back to her backpack. By the time Ms. Pachelli was back in the room, three steaming pizza pies in hand, the whole team was doing a perfect imitation of teenagers who weren't up to anything.
"It'll be over here when you girls are hungry," she said, setting them down where food was normally served. "Uh. You girls and Danny." She amended when she turned around to see them all pointing at him, a habit they'd developed with Coach Tetslaff. Ms. Pachelli settled back down in her corner, taking one, long swig from her thermos, and putting her headphones back on.
The rest of the team
"She'll fall asleep soon," Dakota whispered to Danny. "That's when the real party starts."
Sure enough, it had barely passed 1 AM before Ms. Pachelli had dozed off and the team was left completely unsupervised. Brittany went to make sure she was sleep, and after fiddling with the headphones, she shot a thumbs up at the group. Abigail pulled the bottle back out to the cheers of the team.
"It's time for the real party to get started!" Dakota called.
"Don't we need to stay quiet?" Danny asked.
Star shook her head. "Nah, she's got some video playing in the background. I don't even think a ghost attack would be loud enough to wake her."
"I think its flat earth videos this time," Brittany added. "Definitely looked like it from what I saw, at least."
Danny rolled his eyes. "Why is she even here? If she sucks and also hates all of you-" he ignored whoever called out "She hates you too!" "-why does she volunteer to do it?"
"We ask for her by name," Abigail said, passing the now opened bottle to Paulina.
Paulina took a swig straight from the container before passing it on to Brittany. "That, and if she didn't volunteer for this, she'd have to actually do something at any of the other events the school hosts. She's part of the PTA." 
"Ok, but that doesn't explain why she has to be on the PTA," Danny pointed out.
"Uh, duh, she's Derreck's mom. You can't have a kid in as many extracurriculars as he's in and not be on the PTA," Star said.
"I guess," Danny agreed. He still didn't really understand, but he also didn't want to spend the whole night asking about Ms. Pachelli's life. Besides, the bottle had reached him. He took a small sip from the bottle, and pulled a face at the unexpected burn.
The girls laughed.
"First time tasting alcohol?" Audrey teased, taking the bottle from his hands.
Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "It's not the first time. I just. Didn't expect it to taste like that."
The girls all shared a look before laughing harder.
"It is going to be a fun night," Paulina said, a mischievous smile on her face.
Danny wasn't sure what time it was anymore. He knew that a couple of the girls had conked out, with Aubrey being the first to fall about an hour ago. He knew that he wasn't getting any sleep tonight, and from the looks of it, neither was Dakota, who was blasting music from her phone and dancing on one of the tables. She'd been the one to hog most of the bottle.
Not that Danny was complaining; he was definitely not sober, although he couldn't say whether he was tipsy or drunk or somewhere in between or another word he wasn't privy to. Either way, he was drunk enough that he'd agreed to let Paulina and Star do his makeup, something he would never have agreed to without the help of the whiskey.
"Stop moving," Star said, holding him by the shoulders and looking into his eyes, as if she could psychically control him into not moving. Jokes on her, Danny knew how mind control worked, and it was only sometimes like that. "Or else we're gonna-" she hiccoughed, then continued as if nothing had happened, "-mess up your makeup."
"Yeah," Paulina said. "And you don't want to look like a mess for Dash, do you?"
Danny snapped his head towards her, nearly poking his own eye out with the makeup applicator she was using.
"Stooop!" Star said, turning his head back towards her.
Danny obeyed, but he turned his eyes to look at Paulina. "Why would I care about what Dash thinks?"
He could just barely make out her flat stare from the corner of his vision. "Because you like him?"
"I do not!" Danny protested.
Star giggled while Paulina talked over her. "Danny, we have eyes, you know. And we've seen yours wandering to him every time he's anywhere near you."
Danny opened his mouth to protest, but Star pushed it shut. "Nuh uh. Lipstick first." He tried again, but was met with the same result. "I will smear this all over your teeth do not test me Fenton." This time, Danny obeyed.
 By the time he had finished, his initial protests had already died out. It wasn't like they were wrong; he just hadn't realized he'd been so obvious about it. "Fine. I might have a little crush."
"Well if by "little crush" you mean that you're head over heels in love with my best friend, then yeah, I know you have a little crush on him."
"Hey!" Star cried. "I thought I was your best friend?"
"Best boy friend," Paulina corrected. "But not boyfriend boyfriend. We tried dating, but he's not interested in me. Which, you know, I was insulted with originally, but he's just not into any girls, so the fact that he was into me enough to try dating is a win."
"So, he likes-"
"Boys, yeah."
"Which means you have a chance," Paulina added. "But only if you sit still and let us make you look pretty!"
Danny really didn't think he had been moving around all that much, but he made sure to sit even stiller now.
"You're gonna need to be the one who asks him out."
Star nodded. "He's worried about doing something wrong, cause he was so mean to you before." Star paused at Paulina's glare. "Oh. Was that a part I wasn't supposed to share?"
"Yes," Paulina said, annoyed. "But it's too late now."
"Wait, hold on, what?"
"Oh, he likes you too," Paulina said. "It's gotten kind of annoying, listening to him go on and on about how 'cool' you look doing flips and everything."
Danny felt his face heating up more. "I mean. I just. I don't really know how to ask someone out?"
"Oh trust me, I know," Paulina laughed. "Don't think I've forgotten all the shit you pulled during freshman year."
Danny's face burned even hotter.
"Polly, you're embarrassing him!" Star said, but she couldn't stop a giggle of her own. "We're supposed to be helping!"
"I know, I know, but I can't help it!" Paulina said, her laughter dying out.
"You two planned this?" Danny asked incredulously.
"I mean, we didn't not plan it?" Star replied.
"No, we planned it," Paulina corrected. "I think Abigail even put it on her itinerary, but she fell asleep, like a loser."
Star giggled again. "So we're taking over!"
"You've got to be more confident, flaco. You get all blushy and stutter, and give up halfway through, and while that's adorable, it's not going to work if you want results."
"We've seen you on the field, we know you can do it, so don't try to deny it," Star added.
"But that's an entirely different thing!"
"It's not that different," Paulina said.
 Star ignored her. "Then just pretend you're on the field! Put on a good show for him, and I guarantee he'll be drooling all over you. Just like he is during the games."
"He is not drooling about me during the games."
"Oh, he so is," Star countered. "You remember the game you first debuted?"
Danny nodded; while he'd done fine, the actual game had been a bit of a shit show. Casper High had lost, fourteen to nothing.
"Dash only fumbled that because he was so distracted by you," Paulina said. "Tripped right over his own feet, cost us the first points of the game, and it was all down hill from there. If you can do that when you aren't even trying, imagine what you can do to him when you are."
"I think we're done here," Star said, withdrawing from Danny.
"I think we've outdone ourselves," Paulina said, angling his face to admire their work. She grabbed a small mirror from her pocket and passed it over to him. "What do you think?"
He looked surprisingly good, much better than he expected considering the fact he was a boy and that the people doing his makeup were at least a little drunk.
"It looks good," Danny agreed.
"No," Star protested. "You look good, and you need to take that vibe with you when you ask Dash out tomorrow."
"Who said anything about tomorrow?"
"We did," Paulina said. "Because tomorrow, we're going to be dragging him with us to the park and finding a convenient excuse to leave him there alone."
"You're gonna swoop in, and you're gonna ask him out and save him from having to deal with us all day."
"Trust us. It'll be perfect."
"I don't-"
"Shh." Star put her finger over Danny's lips. "We're doing this, whether you show up or not."
"Which means we need our rest, and you need your beauty sleep."
"So shoo while we clean up."
Danny didn't really know what else to do besides walk back to his pile of stuff and get comfortable.
He guessed he was going to the park sometime tomorrow. He hadn't been planning on it, but that was ok. He was used to that.
LonelyGrayRose - "Well if by "little crush" you mean that you're head over heels in love with our best friend, then yeah, I know you have a little crush on [him/her]" lavendarlily - Who knew Danny Fenton was so agile? Paulina makes it her personal mission to get him on the cheer squad.
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