#cheerio instagram prompts
mysterycheerio · 4 years
Ideas from my Instagram followers.
Definitely Nat as a mob boss, but how about Tony? I feel like that would be cool.
Half Devil, Half Goddess.
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Nat and Tony led the biggest Mafia's in New York.
Tony had been at an abandoned warehouse, as an enemy had kidnapped his son, peter.
He managed to get him out, but was soon surrounded by said enemies henchmen.
Tony was, admittedly, confused when more henchmen came out of nowhere, and started fighting the enemy.
Turns out it was Natasha Romanoff's men, as the lead agent burned the black widow symbol onto a dead body.
Nat, as it turns out, is actually really nice. She bonds with peter almost immediately, and actually gets Tony's sense of humour.
She eventually becomes Peter's godmother.
They interrogate people together, and go on missions together.
Peter stops being kidnapped cause when Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff are together - bitch u better run.
Lots of people speculate that they're dating, but Nat has met Pepper Potts-Stark, and Tony has met James 'Bucky' Barnes.
(Nat and Pepper meet up every Friday night for wine and snacks - either to catch up, or to watch a movie or something else: it depends on the day)
Tony becomes a big brother figure to Nat, and when he's not pleased (read: annoyed) with her he calls her by her middle name - Alianovna.
Nat goes to Peter's graduation, and drives him home when he gets drunk in college, cause she's the cool aunt/godmother.
The Stark's are present for the birth of Nat's daughter, Anastasia (read: An-A-Stay-sh-Ah).
Nat's still a kickass mafia boss, and better than Tony could ever be at fighting - she just has to ask Rhodey or Happy to babysit sometimes.
And to this day, everyone fears The Black Widow and The Merchant Of Death.
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elmentrysworld · 7 years
Otabek Week: Saturday and Sunday, October 28th-29th - Social Media + Family & Friends
Type: Drabble
Pairing: Otabek x Reader, friendly Otayuri and platonic Yuri x Reader
Rating: K+
Warning: None
NOTE: Since I couldn’t do these @otabek-altin-week prompts solo, I put them in one drabble to try and catch up (as much as I can since it’s a few mins away from midnight and I have college at 8 oops). I hope you guys still enjoy!!
You set up your camera on the tripod in front of you, smiling in satisfaction once it's all good to go. You open the camera and test the angles and height of the camera itself when you hear your name being groaned out of annoyance.
“Can we get it done and over with?!”
“Yura, take it easy,” Otabek chuckles while you go sit next to him. “It takes time to set these things”
Yuri simply mumbles to himself and you turn to the camera, which is now recording you guys and meaning you are ready to go. You proceed to say your little catchy introduction, all smiles and upbeat for the camera before gesturing to the two skaters.
“You guys remember Otabek, who appeared if multiple boyfriend-related challenges.” you tell the camera/audience and lean against Otabek’s muscular arm. He smiles contently at you before giving a small nod to the camera. He’s not a very active person on social media - even on Instagram he only posts once in a blue moon - but ever since you began gaining popularity as a YouTuber he’ll take part of it now and then: challenges, selfies on your Instagram or Facebook page, you name it.
And now that his Russian friend Yuri Plisetsky has become your friend too, he too has been dragged into not only your weekly vlogs, but also your newest video: “Who Knows Otabae Best Challenge”, as you proclaim it to be called. The challenge was simple, see who gets the most answers right for questions based on Otabek Altin. Loser faces humiliation based on what Otabek chooses.
He won’t say it out loud, but you know that Otabek is happy to have his significant other actually get along with one of his best friends. It’s like he has his own little group of loved ones that he keeps close to him, that he could hang around with when time permits. Granted, you started dating before the Grand Prix Finals where he spoke to Yuri for the first time anyways, but he often told you of the tales from the summer camp Yakov hosted years ago.
About the Russian with the eyes of a soldier and determination.
So meeting Yuri for the first time was pretty… interesting. You definitely saw where Otabek came from and getting him to open up isn’t an easy task, but you’re getting there. Slowly.
“And here we have the one and only sparkly Russian fairy, Yurio!” you exclaim, gesturing to him in an exaggerated manner as you flail your arms as if you were some spaghetti monster. Yuri rolled his eyes in a similar, though not-so extreme way and looked deadpan into the camera.
“Do NOT for all things sacred call me a sparkly fairy!” he growls ever so slightly. “I happen to be a very manly man.”
“Oh hun, men can be fairies too.” you reply back with a wink as you remember what Otabek for the younger man's punishment should he lose the challenge. Oh, how he would look good in frilly tutus and rainbows with a tiara and matching wings.
“Whatever, let’s just get this done.” Yuri finishes the mini-argument, looking away from you and the camera lens. You turn back to the camera yet again and return back to the cheery mood you plan to show like in every video.
“Alright guys, today is a little different, because we will be focusing on Beka Bear to do the Who Knows Otabae Best Challenge! So, here’s how it goes: he asks the question related to him - like his interests, life, you know it - and Yurio Cheerio and I say what we think is the answer. Whoever gets the most right answers shall claim victory for all of eternity, while the loser… faces deadly wrath!”
You glance quickly at Yuri with a smirk on your lips, getting the same look in return.
“So, let’s get -”
“- this show going!”
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vapinskye-blog · 6 years
Friends Who Vape Together, Stay Together
Spring, the more accomplished “vaper” of the two, returned the volley by tapping his cheeks and lofting a series of “Cheerios,” or cereal-shaped ringlets, across the room.
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This was a typical afternoon spent among vapers, the common term for people who vaporize nicotine solutions the way smokers drag on cigarettes. More peculiar and specific names for vapers are “cloud bros,” “flavor chasers” and “maintainers.” Kite, 24, began as a maintainer hoping to stay off cigarettes; he has since become a flavor chaser for the connoisseurship he applies to his hobbyist habit. Spring, 20, by contrast, competes in vaping trick competitions and is sponsored by several vape companies. Spring is an unequivocal cloud bro.
“You can definitely tell which O’s are his,” Kite said, admiring the rich variety of vapor rings Spring pulled from the vaporizer he won at the first vaping contest he entered in Santa Rosa, California, in 2015.
The two are a handful of vapers who frequent the five vape shops in Central Oregon, stoking a marketplace worth more than $2 billion in the United States. The Food and Drug Administration has deemed vaporizers and its accessories and juices as tobacco products; it began regulating them this year.
While the vape landscape may change in coming years, a visitor at Vape Game 3, which was opened in 2014, would think it is was business as usual. On any afternoon, a number of vapers hang out on tall stools at the lounge, which features a wrap-around counter, leather couches and a flat screen. Prices have been carefully written in Old English calligraphy on a chalkboard, and a nearby wall is filled with one-ounce jars of “e-juices,” or nicotine solutions.
Here Kite, who lives in Tumalo, kills time between morning gigs with a moving company and evening shifts as a sound engineer at local music venues. A former smoker and recovering alcoholic, Kite said vaping helps him maintain his nicotine fix while avoiding the tar and additives of cigarettes. Elizabeth Rainwater, who has vaped for more than two years, shares Kite’s enthusiasm. She often sidles up next to him at the lounge during her lunch breaks from her job at a car wash.
Rainwater, 20, said she first tried a lemonade-flavored juice when she was a high school senior. Rainwater switched to vaping, which she first glimpsed on social media, when she worried she was becoming addicted to cigarettes. She currently vaporizes a raspberry-flavored solution that carries a 6-milligram nicotine level — the second-lowest dosage available. She said she likes to have something in her hand, especially when she’s driving — her Tiffany-blue vaporizer fits perfectly. Rainwater said she identifies as a flavor chaser.
Flavor chasers 
When vapers hang out together, they let their clouds dribble from their lips. When someone’s vapor brushes their neighbor’s face, they don’t recoil the way one might when engulfed in a cloud of tobacco smoke. This vapor is typically flavored to resemble fruits and baked goods. It fills the air like a heavy perfume.
“Vaping certainly smells a hell of a lot better than smoking a cigarette,” Kite said. “I never once had a woman complain about me smelling like strawberry cannoli.”
Kite was alluding to the flavor of e-juice he is currently enjoying with any one of his eight vaporizers. Flavor chasers suss out fully manual vaporizers that allow them to fine-tune the wattage output, which determines the quantity and heat of the vapor created. On this day, Kite carried his utilitarian $100 “mod,” or vaporizer, that, for its stout functionality, could have been filched from a science laboratory. Kite is a former Vape Game employee you would think still works there, given his Vape Game T-shirts and his professional demeanor. Kite speaks fluently about vaporizers’ power input and wattages; the multisyllabic e-juice ingredients “propylene glycol” and “vegetable glycerin” roll off his tongue. Kite goes through a $20 one-ounce pot of e-juice every four days. He currently vaporizes solutions that contain 6 milligrams of nicotine, which in the middle of the spectrum, ranging from 0 milligrams to 12. While some maintainers work to step down their nicotine intake, Kite said he has no plans to do so.
“Most vapers are people who need nicotine. I’m one of those people who is going to freak out at somebody in traffic if I haven’t had any,” Kite said.
Kite’s devotion to his preferred nicotine delivery device has prompted him to help moderate two Facebook pages — the Bend Vape Club and Flavor Chasers United. The groups enjoy nearly 300 and 150 members, respectively. In both groups, administrators make sure would-be members are 18 or over before they can log in to exchange information about vape legislation and swap products.
“Forums are a place for vapers to form friendships with like-minded people,” Kite said. “They allow us to ask and answer questions easily and quickly.”
Cloud chasers 
The sometimes derisive terms cloud chasers and cloud bros are reserved for vapers who prize large clouds. While Spring qualifies as a cloud chaser, his genial demeanor and exceptional trickery exempt him from critique — he is one of the good ones.
Spring, who never smoked cigarettes, became fascinated with “cloud tricks” when he began smoking tobacco-based shisha from hookahs with friends. He switched to vapor when he began to worry about his health. After five months of practicing and studying others’ trick variations on social media, Spring mastered the ability to blow thick, rich rings. Spring works part-time at Vape Game while taking classes at Central Oregon Community College on his way to become an X-ray technician. Although he has never been a cigarette smoker, Spring vaporizes a juice with a 3-milligram nicotine level. He said he has not noticed any adverse health effects, something he monitors when he works out five to six days per week. Now that his contest performances have garnered him attention and sponsors, Spring stokes his following by making vape shop appearances and posting short trick clips on his Instagram page @Nicolaivapes, which has attracted 400 followers. Top vape tricksters have tens of thousands of followers. Spring, who lives in Deschutes River Woods, estimates he spends 10 hours a week practicing his tricks in front of a mirror. His girlfriend, Ashtynn Weber, 19, sitting at his side, quibbled with that figure. 
With a laugh, she said, “It’s at least twice as much.”
Originally seen here:
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tomarryamillionaire · 7 years
I’m Sorry about the “I’m Sorry”
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My three-year-old daughter is super bossy lately. I get out my phone with my car still parked in our driveway and immediately hear “we do NOT text and drive, Mama.” My husband eats at his normal, vacuum-adjacent pace and he can bet on “CAREFUL you don’t CHOKE, Dada.” It even extends to her barely verbal brother—tonight in the bath she admonished, “don’t pull so hard on your PEANUS, Caley. It might come off!”
I totally get where it’s coming from. Young children are like tiny booger-covered mirrors, reflecting back that which is flashed most frequently in their direction. I’m constantly directing and re-directing mine, repeating rules, requiring manners, pointing out danger, demanding hygiene. I myself am bossy. Just ask my husband. 
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Truth-be-told, I kind of love when she throws her hands on her hips and tells it like it is. If I ever have a lapse in judgment and get my phone out at a stop light, you better believe Sadie will tan my hide. My husband eats so fast he’s often finished with his entire meal before I even sit down. He could actually choke. Or end up with a lungful of brussels sprouts. It’s good to have a tiny safety patrol officer keeping us all in line. As for frustration with her brother…I’m at a loss there. She’s surely in for a rude awakening when she realizes that for many men, “peanus” tugging is fourth after air, water, and caloric sustenance on the list of survival requirements. But that’s a conversation for another time. Also, maybe it’s time to consider bathing them separately. 
 A lot of these mirrored behaviors of hers make me feel like I’m doing a great job as a mother. She thanks me for making dinner without prompting, likely because I try to be a gracious person. She’s affectionate toward and protective of her brother. She tries to help when she sees a friend in distress. I’m not saying that I’m responsible for her kindness or empathy, but she’s only three; socialized behavior isn’t innate in human animals. I think modeling is pretty impactful, especially when they’re wee ones. This is true for less applause-worthy behaviors as well. 
 I’ve noticed in the past couple of weeks that Sadie is apologizing. A LOT. 
Don’t get me wrong, I want her to understand the importance of verbal remorse after hurtful or thoughtless behavior. This is different though. I’ll ask her which dress she wants to wear and she’ll say “the pink one…oh no, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. The striped one.” I’ll ask her if she’s finished with breakfast and it’s “no, I’m sorry Mama. I’m still eating.” I’m sorry is the name of the game these days, and as I witness her saying “I’m sorry Caleb, but that’s my toy,” as she snatches it violently from his chubby little hands and then proceeds to whack him with it I think, “Oh, God. I’m doing it again.” 
I was once the queen of “I’m Sorry.” It’s such a versatile phrase, really, and I’m as adept at using it as I am at using The F Word (friendly. i’m obviously talking about friendly).
We’ve got:
The Standard: I’m sorry I stepped on your bare foot in these stilettos. Here, let me clean the blood up for you.
The “Excuse Me” Substitute: Sorry, Honey. Let me just squeeze behind you for a sec so I can wipe that snot off the counter.
The Sympathizer: I’m sorry you’re sad that I changed the channel, but you know it’s Thursday night and Olivia Pope waits for no one.
The Passive Aggressive: I’m sorry your urethra extends so far outside your body that peeing into the toilet without missing is rendered nearly impossible.
The Aggressive-Aggressive: I’m sorry you’re such a selfish asshole that you can’t just let me have the bigger piece of cake. I’m breastfeeding your progeny here.
The “Uhhh” Replacement: So I said to her, this is NOT a parsnip, it’s obviously a rutabaga, and she had the audacity to…..sorry…..to…..sorry, I thought I heard one of the kids.
The Sorry-not-sorry: Oh, no! They were all sold out of parakeets at Pet World? I’m sorry. I was so stoked to go through another bird phase with you.
The Bail-Out: I’m sorry, you take them. I cannot listen to anymore whining today. None. I’m out.
I could continue, but you get the idea. Language is so much more powerful than we realize sometimes. I cultivated this adeptness with needless apologizing during a period of my life when I felt so small and so unworthy that each breath I took felt like an offense on humanity. There were actual things I needed to make amends for: drinking until I blacked out, lying, scaring the people who loved me with my erratic self-destruction, to name a few. But these behaviors were maladaptive bandaids over my shame, my sadness, my belief that I would never be enough. Because I didn’t see a believable path to wellness, because I couldn’t be convinced that self-respect (and dare I say love) was an attainable reality, I wasn’t able to make good on any apologies for the real stuff. I wasn’t ready to take action to live with integrity, to face my fears and acknowledge my hurts. 
To compensate, I just avoided eye-contact and apologized. For anything and everything and nothing in particular. For existing. My co-workers at the time actually called me “I’m Sorry.”
Shortened to “Sorry.” Like a quaint little nickname. No lie. This was not a happy time.
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There are varying degrees of this affliction, and at the risk of provoking an unintended sex-and-gender discussion (although I did already bring up penis tugging, so…) I feel like women are particularly prone to over-apologizing. The motivation runs the gamut:  
- Maybe if I make myself as small as possible I’ll be able to avoid making waves in my new relationship. 
- Maybe if I appear meek, they’ll underestimate me and I can blow their minds with my big ideas later. 
- Maybe if I highlight my propriety and humility I’ll be more desirable. 
- Maybe if I avoid confrontation at all costs I’ll fit in better with these people. 
I’d imagine that there are as many reasons for saying “I’m sorry” as there are ways to say it, and I’ve probably embodied many of them. I don’t believe those things anymore though, y’all. At least not on the regular. I don’t want to apologize for taking up space in the world. I’m not sorry for being here. I deserve love and peace and joy as much as the next person, and I’m positive that shrinking is not the way to rest in them. But the HABIT. The LANGUAGE. It’s still there. My daughter is taking it on. And it’s kind of breaking my heart. 
She’s too little to really grasp it when I say “you don’t have to apologize for liking bubbles more than chalk, sweetheart.” She starts to glaze over as soon as I launch into “we apologize when we make mistakes or hurt someone’s feelings, then we try to help solve the problem. And if we can’t because we’ve done something that can’t be fixed right away, we back off and allow the other person to have his or her own experience.” That’s a lot to absorb for a human who still tries to force her head through her sleeve at least twice a week. Know what, though? I’m not. I’m not too little to grasp it. 
Sometimes the messages I want to pass along to my daughter are messages I still need to hear myself. If I can truly hear them, then I’ll be more mindful of when I’m needlessly I’m Sorrying. If I model strength and self-respect, then maybe my little mirror will reflect strength and self-respect. That shit’s not hard, y’all. Imparting the “May I please have more Cheerios" requirement is a daily struggle, but kids are born with I am awesome woven into their very being. Lord, help me not drain her of the I’m awesome. It’s way better than I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll just start substituting it: “I’M AWESOME, honey. Let me pop behind you so I can wipe that snot off the counter.”
Yeah…I’m into it.
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Find her on Instagram + Facebook.
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mysterycheerio · 4 years
Ideas From My Instagram Followers: Part Who Gives A Fuck.
Accepting requests.
PeterMJ but as a practical magic au
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I can't wait to fall in love.
Michelle and her brother, Ned, grew up with their grandparents.
Their mother was a witch, and died of heartbreak - for everyone knows whoever dared love a witch was doomed to die. Once the witch hears the ticking of the deathlock beetle, the one they loved was doomed to die.
Ned wasn't a witch, the gift was only passed down to women, but he was still bullied just like Michelle was, although his sister got it worse.
He tried to protect her as much as possible.
When a woman showed up at their house begging for their grandmother to revive her husband - Michelle and Ned were watching from the stairs.
It ended with Michelle's head tucked into Ned's shoulder, chanting, "I hope I never fall in love. I hope I never fall in love. I hope I never fall in love."
Later that night, Ned found her in the conservatory. "What are you doing?"
"I'm doing a spell to create the perfect husband. One I know can't possibly exist, so I never fall in love."
She went about picking petals from the flowers.
"Brown eyes, deeper than anyone had ever seen."
"Straight, neat hair, but curly only for me."
"Kind, selfless, and smart. I want him to have actually intelligent conversations, and not have the brain of a cheeto."
"He'd like his toast cold... and his favourite shape would be a circle."
The flowers lifted into the air, and Michelle forgot about it.
When Michelle was a freshman, she met Peter Parker.
He was funny, dorky in an adorable way, and the Valedictorian.
Ned instantly became friends with him, and whenever michelle would talk about him, ned would get this dumb grin on his face, like he knew something she didn't.
She realized why he was smiling when they had a sleepover.
Ned and Michelle came to Peter's house - which is apparently Stark Tower whatthefuck - and Tony immediately greeted them.
"Make yourselves comfortable, put on a movie, i dont care, Peter will be out of the shower in a second."
When Peter plopped himself next to Ned, she smiled. His normally neatly styled hair was, for one, wet. For another thing, they were forming into cute ringlets.
The night went off without a hitch, and they all sat in the kitchen.
Peter's toast popped, and Ned threw him questioning glance when he didn't go get it.
"I prefer it to cool down, so that it doesn't get soggy when I add the butter."
Ned grinned, and Michelle rolled her eyes. Partially at her brother, partially at the fluttering feeling in her stomach.
They decided to spend the day together, and everything came back to Michelle. The spell, how it matches, everything.
Tony came into the kitchen, opened the arc reactor, put something in, and put it back in his chest.
There's no fucking way.
Michelle asked Peter about it.
"He's really insecure about it, he thinks its really ugly, but I'm trying to show him that it's not. I think it's really cool."
Peter walked off to make popcorn, and Michelle realized that he was her perfect husband.
"Holy shit."
Ned whacked her up the head.
Thanks for reading!
New ones to come soon, hopefully!
Stay safe, cheerio x
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mysterycheerio · 4 years
Ideas from my Instagram Followers: Part Two
accepting requests for au's
Instagram is @/mysterycheerio 🥺
Daisy (Johnson) as a mother of four children.
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Roses for Daisy - Every time, and then some.
Obviously they're Sousa's children.
She gives birth to quadruplets - three girls and one boy.
One girl is named Skye, she wanted to honour who she was when she found her family. She's the one who became obsessed with hacking - so much so that she was better than Daisy.
(Shield sometimes had to call her in if they needed something to be hacked.)
Another is called May, to honour her mother figure - but her middle name is Kora, after her sister. She loves her mother's powers.
The last girl is called Margaret, nicknamed Peggy. She's the one names by Sousa - the one obsessed with fighting, who wants to be a field agent.
The boy is called Lincoln. Daisy doesn't deny that she will always love Lincoln, despite the fact she loves Daniel more than anything.
Her son is peaceful, tranquil, calm. Although he's not an idiot and believes in western medicine (vaccinate your damn kids) he loves crystals, and likes biology and brain science.
He reminds Daisy a lot of her Lincoln - and how she thought Afterlife should have been.
They all go through terregenisis - much to Daisy and Daniel's dismay.
It's not like Daisy doesn't like them now that they're inhumans - but not being able to control your powers can cause a lot of pain (in some cases, trying to control your powers causes a lot of pain) not to mention the index. She didn't want them to feel as shitty as she did.
But she teaches them how to control their powers.
I hear you saying: Cheerio, you idiot, tell me what powers they have!
First of all, rude.
Skye has healing powers. Like Kara, she can heal people, but also animals, plants, and pretty much anything alive. Since getting her powers, she rescues dying plants, heals them, and keeps them as pets.
May has Pyrokinesis, meaning she manipulates fire. One time, the team was on a mission (May was on the quinjet) and surrounded by fire. She ran out, and saved them all.
Peggy has hydrokinesis - manipulation of water. She's the exact opposite of May, and when May uses her fire to get rid of the enemies, Peggy creates a wall of water to protect the team.
Lincoln has Gyrokinesis - manipulation of gravity. The first thing he does when he controls his powers is lift Peggy slightly off the ground. Daisy smiles sadly.
Daisy pretty much retires from Shield work, but has Shield on speed dial - just in case.
And, if needed on a mission, she'll step in. She still finds it weird (but not unpleasant) that everyone knows her - Quake.
The family of six set up a new afterlife, guiding the transformed into a safer lifestyle, and eventually, allowed back into the world. (Although some choose to stay and be transitioners).
It's funded by Shield - no one but Daisy, Mack and Melinda May (cause she's the bus driver) know exactly where it is to ensure the safety of the inhabitants.
"Every Shield facility has a memorial to the agent's lost in the line of duty."
Among those names are Trip, Rodriguez (the insufferable person from s3), Lincoln Campbell, Kora, and in big bold letters, Director Phillip J Coulson.
(She seriously debated on putting Ward's name down, but Framework!Ward, because she has massive respect for that Ward. She doesn't do it, cause the real Gr*nt Ward is a sonofabitch)
Skye, May and Peggy trained at Shield Academy, oh, my bad, Coulson Academy. Skye goes to the Science Academy, studying computer science and ecology, while May and Peggy go to operations - but May also studies biology.
Lincoln goes to MIT, and studies Brain and Cognitive Sciences as his major, Biomedical Engineering as his minor.
He rooms with Alya, Fitzsimmons daughter, who majors in Electrical Engineering, and minors in Biochemistry.
They all watch Hamilton (2020) religiously, and if you said any line from that show, they'd recite the part perfectly.
Daniel likes to sing as Washington/Hamilton, Daisy: Eliza/King George/Maria. Lincoln is Phillip, Laurens and Lafayette, May is Jefferson/Burr/Mulligan, Peggy is Madison/Peggy and Skye is whoever the fuck she wants to be.
(During "The Schulyer Sisters" Skye is Angelica, May is Eliza, Peggy is Peggy, Lincoln is Burr and Daisy and Daniel are the ensemble)
((Skye, May and Peggy know the dance inside and out))
Thanks for reading: have a lovely day, stay safe, and remember to always stan Coulson 💞💖
And if you meet someone who doesn't stan Coulson...
S̵̡̝̯͎̄͜l̶̢̞͙̺̗͈̱̪͉̎̔̂͑̇̈͊̋͜ư̷͕̖̊̇̈͐̃̆͘͝ͅr̴͍̣̦͓̻̦̜͓̎͆̀̊͘p̵͈̫̹͍͎̮̠̫̓͆͛͝ͅ ̵̛̲̣̫̫̰͎̒̈̀̑̓͛̈́͝ţ̵̢̳͊͂́͂̉͑͜h̴̳̱͗̾͊͒̔̋̐͝ė̷̩͈̦̯̗̻̦͌͛͊͌̈́͝i̶̮͗͌͗̍̚r̵̨̛̞̘̗͓͉̺̩̻͋̌̿̔͘͜ ̶̆͊̒͌̏͝ͅẻ̴̡̯̯̤͍̯̼͎̂̆̎l̸̬̝͉̯̂̍͂b̷͈͍̯̪͕̜̈́̉̔̈́̇͑̉̾̆͝o̷̥̗̺͔̤̽̔w̴͇̮̖̻̩̘͓͗͒̀́̂̌̐͛̑ŝ̴̡̛̱͔̩̰͉͕͖̬̇ͅ.̷̛͈̀̀̒̇̅̆̕͘͝
Bye Guys 🥺💞❤🍋
(Title from Harry Holland production: Roses For Lily)
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