#chelle sews
onceuponymous · 10 months
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Dolls of Fern and Jay from @bogleech's webcomic Awful Hospital!
Jay is currently being dunked in milk and thrown against walls responsibly owned by @staticlake
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tryst-art-archive · 1 year
Oct. 2012: Chell Cosplay
As indicated in one of the written pieces from this month, I cosplayed as Chell circa Portal 2 for PAX East 2013. Most of the costume was me buying things to create the right look, but I created the boots myself from some go-go boots and a wreath hanger. These are progress shots related to that!
Here's the final boots so you know where we're going:
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Here's her character model for reference:
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The boots before any modification:
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First, I made the open front with straps:
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These are the steps as I remember them:
Create a cardstock template and fold it over the boot in the correct place so you can make sure you're cutting the shape you want at the right size.
Trace around the cardstock template using a pen or pencil you can wipe off the boot. I think I used an Expo marker.
Cut out the shape you traced.
Fold over the ragged edges of the shape and find four spots to cut symmetrical slits into, for the bands. This may take some finagling to be sure of.
Cut the slits, but make sure they're tight to the D rings used in the next step.
Take a D ring and slip it through each slit so the rounded edge protrudes and the flat edge is contained in the folded over flap.
Glue everything down with so much Krazy Glue.
Take some felt and cut strips of it to cover the ragged edges and glue on the interior of the boot. This is for your comfort.
Take some double-sided velcro and thread it through each set of D-rings.
Put your foot in the boot and adjust the velcro until its the right tightness. I recommend flipping the velcro so the soft side is toward your skin.
Leaving a little bit of extra for leeway, cut the velcros to size. They should basically form a closed loop.
While these boots had a zipper, after I modified them, I generally got out of them by undoing the velcro and sliding out. Either method was possible, but I found that easier and less likely to damage the D-ring situation.
I also generally adjusted the Velcro strips over the course of the day when wearing these. This was less about loosening and tightening and more about varying the feel of the straps against my leg so that they weren't bothering me over time.
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The next steps were getting the right markings on the boots and trying to disguise the heel.
I decided to not go for the hoof style shoe, given I'd be walking around in these for a long time, so I needed the support of the stiletto but didn't want it to draw the eye.
I recognize that "walk for a long time in a stiletto go-go boot" probably sounds absurd, so this is where I remind you that I'd been wearing exclusively high heeled shoes for two solid years, such that flat shoes were painful for me. Wearing something like this for a long time was actually totally feasible. I did, however, get little gel inserts for the ball of the foot/toe area and stick those in there, as I found that the way the front platform was shaped caused me to roll otherwise.
Steps for the painting:
Stuff the boot full of stiff paper or, ideally, a boot hanger so that it holds the shape it will be in while worn.
Based on reference images, sketch out the shape of each black area of Chell's boots onto cardstock.
Apply the cardstock to the boots and, using a pen or pencil you can wipe off easily, trace the shape of the cardstock onto the boot. Use the same piece for each boot so they match.
Take a generous amount of painter's tape and apply it around the edges of each shape that you need to paint. Make sure to give yourself an inch or more of space between the edge of the shape and where the tape ends.
I used some kind of acrylic paint for this, but I'd recommend researching a better option if you're working with pleather or vinyl like I was. Similarly, I'd recommend gently roughing up the surface of the shoe in the area that you're painting to try to encourage the paint to stick better, but maybe research if that makes sense, too.
Paint all of the shapes black and paint the heel and platform black, too. The heel should blend into the sole/black shapes as much as possible. Be generous with the paint.
Let the paint dry. You may need multiple coats.
Remove the painter's tape and use a white paint equivalent to the black paint to cover up any areas where the black paint bled past the tape or spots where the shapes of the designs look off. This may also take multiple coats.
Let dry.
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The final step was adding the struts to the back of the boots!
Acquire an over-the-door wreath hanger or two. I used 1 that had hooks for both sides of the door. You want the metal of the hanger to have some give, such that you could bend it by hand but it isn't going to lose shape at a slightly resistance.
Using a jeweler's saw, cut the wreath hanger in half so that you have two separate hooks.
Put on the boots and use your hands to adjust the shape of one of the hanger halves so that it conforms to your calf and then juts out from the boot in a smooth curve. Use reference of Chell's boots to get the right look.
Repeat that step for the other boot and hanger half.
Find paper or a boot hanger to stuff the boots with so that they hold their shape without you having to wear them.
Use a generous amount of crazy glue to attach each hanger half to each boot in the shape you made. For the hanger I had, I aligned the top edge (where I'd cut it) along the top of the boot and had the hanger follow the back seam of the boot.
Allow the glue to dry.
Put the boots on and walk around in them a bit to test the struts. If you find gaps forming between the boot and hanger, take the boots off and apply more glue. If you find the bottom of the struts are scraping the floor or getting caught on things, use your hands to adjust the curve of the struts so they have less direct contact while still retaining a visual of contact.
If you lined the top of the strut up with the top of the boot, you'll want to take some scrap fabric from the piece of boot you cut out previously, cut off a couple of inches of the curved bottom, and fold it over the top of the boot where the strut is glued on. Glue this down and let dry. (Your legs will thank you.)
Acquire some pliable black crafting foam sheets and thick-ish black felt.
Cut out rectangles of craft foam and fold it over the bottom tip of each strut, gluing each piece on, until you've built up a softened nub. This is to be nice to floors.
Cut a piece of felt to the width of the bottom of the foam pads where they touch the floor and glue this on as well. This is to reduce catching.
Put the boots on and walk around in them to test them one more time.
Use your hands to adjust the curve of the struts if you find yourself catching, stepping on the struts, or otherwise having difficulties with the struts. Also use this time to do a final stress test on the D-rings and velcro straps. Use scrap fabric from cutting the boots before to strengthen the bind between the D-rings and the boots if you find them slipping out of place.
All done~
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For the Portal Gun, I just bought a thing, but here's some goof photos:
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While buying that instead of making it is less impressive, I've found it to be a big hit with kiddos both at the con and when handing out Halloween candy. Since I bought it, it's not all that delicate, which means I could hand it off to the kids to play with for a bit. I particularly remember that when nerdy families would want to snap a pic of my cosplay, they'd often have their kid in the photo with me, and I'd give the Portal Gun to the kid to hold. They loved it.
Unfortunately I don't actually seem to have pics of the complete cosplay that shows all the bits of it. There's a non-zero possibility I find some in future archive folder, tho.
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As far as longevity for my heavily glued monstrosity? I do still have the boots to this day, meaning they outlasted literally every other part of the costume except the Portal Gun (which hangs out with my video game figures in my living room). Every other piece eventually got destroyed (mostly by me sweating or gaining weight).
That said, they did generally need repairs after each wear. Most commonly, the paint would flake off, and I'd need to fill in gaps.
The other common failing was the D-rings which slipped out very frequently until I increased the leeway on the velcro straps and used scrap fabric to make the connection between the rings and the boots stronger.
Similarly, the felt bits on the interior had a tendency to rub off, which I honestly never fully solved. I'd generally just wind up stuffing things around the edges of the open front to make it not chafe, which sometimes meant just stuffing the felt back into place. I did find that adding wider felt strips helped a bit, possibly because the placement didn't have to be as precise.
Interestingly, the struts literally never caused a problem. They just worked.
One fun story: when I first wore this cosplay to PAX, I went with the jumpsuit on for convenience, and the looks I got on the T were priceless~ I think some commuters thought I was literally fresh out of prison, haha.
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theawesomerocket · 9 days
“Chasing Twisters” by Delta Rae is so Portal in a way I can not even begin to explain (I’m lying I’m going to explain it anyway).
Give this song a listen for me real quick please and thank you :3
Okay. I guess it’s cause I’m obsessed with the imaginary of Chell running. To something. From something. Running fast and far.
“I was born with lightning in my heels
Sewed a spur onto my ankle
Bit a horse under the steel”
This line makes me think of her long fall boots. It’s really the thing that keeps her going I think. Not like emotional or mentally, but like physically. They’re her enablers.
“I can taste you in my rage
And in the sweat upon my brow”
Just keep running baby girl. Keep running, going.
And of course it comes back to GLaDOS. Because ChellDOS brain rot is a real thing kids.
“Feel the lives that I have taken
What little soul that I have left”
I’ve got nothing to really add to that, I feel like it explains itself.
“And oh, my God
I'll take you to the grave
The only love I've ever known
The only soul I ever saved”
And here it is. *The* line. The one that gets to me every time I listen. It’s just the culmination of GLaDOS’ whole arc. The fact she lets Chell go. Why? I mean I have my own (ChellDOS) bias. But.. it’s still the most interesting thing GLaDOS does within the whole two games. She kills and mocks and torments. An entire facility dead. But she lets Chell go.
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finnleyshortstuff · 7 months
Working on secret projects as well as an owl bear plushie (patterning and sewing are my bane but I must have the fluffy baby!) And Chell.
I finally got round to making her boots tho! 2mm EVA foam, black worbla and some pieces of elastic did the trick
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carolrain · 1 year
10 Things for 2023
Thank you for tagging me, @mostlyinthemorning
As we stagger into the new year, let's share the things we want to do in 2023.
A fic idea you want to write (or read): I think I’ll write quilter!Patrick.
A place you want to go: Oh I would be thrilled to go anywhere. Realistically, though, the coast. Or Sequoia National Park might happen.
A book you want to read: Flying Solo by Linda Holmes. Oh, a couple of people have said The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, which is also in my TBR pile and sounds more daunting, so maybe that’s my stretch goal.
Something fun you want to do: I want to teach my newest nephew baby sign language so he and I can communicate. I want to be his special buddy and irritate his parents.
Something you want to make: I promised someone I’d show her how to sew fabric coasters (basically tiny quilts), and I’m kind of excited about it.
A habit you want to start: Maybe I will start running again. Maybe. I’ve been thinking about it.
Something new you want to try: Well, I bought my child a ukulele. Because it was turquoise and I thought she’d look cute playing it. Then I realized someone has to teach her to play the ukulele. Then I realized that it would probably work best if I learned how to play the ukulele and then taught her. So now I have a subscription to Ukulele Buddy and a new hobby for this year.
Something you want to finish from 2022: My beautiful, tragic, beloved amnesia fic. It’s going to happen.
Something you want to stop doing: Being as self-deprecating and apologetic when I talk about myself.
Something you want to keep doing: Writing.
Tagging @ramonaflow @alysiswriting @chelle-68 @mammameesh to share their 10 things for 2023.
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vamprayne · 1 year
15 Things
Tagged by @ chelle-68 @hippolotomus @mammameesh - goodness, thanks my friends:)
Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Two nights ago reading littlebebecrow's "when tomorrow starts without me"
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, a little too David Rose for kids
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Um, yeah
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Hair color
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Depends on the day
8. Any special talents?
Not a one!
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading, sewing, obsessing over fictional characters
11. Do you have any pets?
There cats and a dog
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
Given today's political climate, we don't need to divide ourselves any more than we already have.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in school?
Algebra and English
15. Dream job?
No idea, I kinda like not working :)
Tagging: Again, I am awful at this and feel like I leave people out who tag me in things and then I fret…
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I think if i ever get confident enough in my sewing capabilities I will firstly probably cosplay chell or kris or someone else BUT THEN afterwards i think i will make a drrse set of pjs to wear
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ulv-bie · 3 years
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Alrighty (headcanons below)
+ firstly note: I headcanon them as silly roommates who sit 4 feet apart or less
Starting with the basics, SCC.
- Real/Full Name : Bitmap Byte Rorator
- He/They
- 16
- 4’2
- Has an older brother named Modem, hasn’t seen him or their parents in years
Sweet is a hide and seek champion. They used to hide in small places as a kid just for the fun of it.
He’s friends with the Addisons. He and his brother used to volunteer in their shops during school breaks
Sweet likes to take walks and cook, but they also enjoy making things. Little gadgets, full on machines, anything that can assist their day to day life.
As a kid, his house wasn’t fully functional. The lights barely worked and there were loose wires everywhere. He and the Blue Addison worked together to fix it one day, and that’s how they discovered his interest with electronics.
They met Cap’n one day in the trash dump. Cap had tripped over some boxes that he didn’t notice, and Sweet helped him up. They immediately became best friends, and Sweet helped them navigate the city.
The two met K_K after he fell through their roof. They were hiding from Queen and the Swatchlings, so Sweet and Cap’n let them stay.
Sweet’s favorite food is cookies. His favorite colors are orange and purple
Born and raised in Cyber City
- Real/Full Name: Captain Ykate-Bridge
- He/They/It
- 15
- 4’10
- He doesn’t have ‘parents’, but the people who raised them are named Kat and Chell-See.
Cap’n isn’t good at typical games. Most board games, card games, etc. He always manages to get unlucky, and has never won a game against Sweet or K_K. They are good at logic puzzles, however. They’re great with numbers and riddles. Trivia games, sudoku, scrabble, and more. K_K and Sweet dread the days Cap’n gets to pick what game they play.
They aren’t that social with the citizens of Cyber City. It’s less a fear of socialization than it is ‘what if they tell my parents I’m here?’. It would probably be friends with Ambyu-Lance if they tried to hold a conversation.
Cap’n likes to write. Sometimes he’ll spend all day writing short stories and poetry, and sometimes they’ll even share them with Sweet. Other than that, they enjoy fixing things. He knows how to sew and use tools properly, which is useful for a clumsy trio.
With two scientist ‘parents’, he was often left alone. Out of boredom, Cap decided to learn how to fix various things around the house (door hinges, floorboards, etc.) through trial and error. It had a natural talent when dealing with wires, thankfully.
[Edit: forgot to add this in before!] Cap, new to the city, was looking around for a place to stay. With blurred eyes he saw someone. Whoever this was, they were intent on meeting them. It tripped over boxes that it couldn’t see, but still managed to make a friend.
K_K saved Cap’n from losing Go-Fish against Sweet. It was a small thing, but Cap is extremely thankful. (Don’t tell the others, but sometimes cap gets a bit jealous of k_k.)
Cap doesn’t have a favorite food, but he has a favorite color. (It’s blue. They’ll write an essay on why, they’ll even bring up old history about the color just to convince you it’s the best.)
Born and raised in Techno Town, moved to Cyber City at age 14
- Real/Full Name: Cakes Pop-Swatch
- They/He
- 16
- 6’0
- Made by Queen, but raised by Swatch and the Swatchlings.
K_K is great at card games specifically. They’re decent at board games, but an absolute legend with cards. They end up with the best hand, the best luck, and they always have the best strategy. He’s no longer allowed to play War.
K_K gets along very well with Tasques. Sweet and Cap’n are still trying to figure out how and why.
As their name suggests, yes, they like baking. Cookies, cake, bagels, and sometimes even pie. They also bake jello. You’re not supposed to put it in the oven, but they do. Other than that, they love making short tunes.
Among the many skills the Swatchlings taught him, cooking had to be the most useful. Mostly since no one really needs to know how to make a Jenga tower out of shoes..
One night, K_K gathered up all of their courage. They hopped out of a window and ran as far as they could. They were determined not to let the following Swatchlings catch up. K_K hid on a bridge type thing a bit above ground, but slipped and ended up gaining two best friends.
K_K likes any baked food, but they also enjoy food that Cap n Sweet make. It doesn’t have to be good, but they’ll eat it anyway. His favorite colors are red, yellow, and blue.
Born and raised in Queen’s Mansion, Cyber City.
Various Headcanons:
Cap’s hat and bandana were both gifts from Sweet. In return, Cap’n have him a hat as well. Now they match.
K_K is the one who made the basic design for Cap’n’s glasses, but Sweet is the one who made it (with the help of the Addisons)
They live in Sweet’s house, their shop is a separate building. That being said, the house has very small door frames. Poor K_K.
K_K has a slight British accent, but it changed which specific part it’s from constantly.
Cap’n has a heavy country accent. When he was introducing himself to Sweet, they said the simple “My name is Cap’n.” Sweet, confused, went “..Captain?” (It actually is Captain, but they’ve never been around anyone who pronounced it fully.)
There’s.. a lot of secret crushing going on between these guys. Cap’n is the most obvious. Sweet is the most oblivious. K_K is the complete opposite of both.
Handwriting and Drawing analysis section:
Sweet’s handwriting is very curled/loopy and ‘sweet’. It copies a few letters from cursive handwriting, and the ‘i’s are inconsistent. Sweet doesn’t write a lot, nor do they try to. They’re more of a ‘think, then do’ than ‘think, plan out, then do’ guy.
He does not know how to draw. It’s all stick figures. A single square box with a line.
Cap’n copies a lot of letters from K_K and Sweet. They like the curled letters from Sweet, he thinks it makes him sound fancy. The bold letters are taken from K_K because he wants to stand out a bit. It also writes letters close together and just almost curls their ‘g’s. (Also note: Cap writes large to make people think he writes a lot.)
He can only draw headshots. He’s tried bodies, but they always look wonky. He always draws themself with a smug smile.
K_K has very bold and ‘silly’ handwriting. Bold, bouncy letters, circle ‘lollipop’ ‘i’s, smiles in the loops and circles, etc. K_K writes a lot, they just have a lot to say! And they want people to read it, so he spaces the letters out a bit.
K_K is very expressive with his way of drawing. Adding little emotes to their sentences and inside their letters is a habit of theirs. He draws himself with eyelashes (..which he does not have.).
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betheboo55 · 4 years
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Halloween throwback to Blake as Chell from portal
After he refused to wear the adorable pirate costume I sewed for him.
I just used sharpie marker to draw on a the socks and used freezer paper for the Apature logo on his shirt and the portal gun was the biggest project that was made with a bunch of random household things foam mats, pvc pipe and I don’t even remember now but there’s a toggle switch to make it light up blue or orange.
He wore it again for his portal themed Third Birthday party
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y-kihyun-archive · 4 years
rules: answer 10 questions, tag 10 mutuals to answer 10 questions you write
tagged by @memehyungwon​, tysm!! ur questions are so interesting lol, i already know i’m gonna write way too much for each question so i’m putting my answers under the readmore 😂💗
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1. what book would you recommend to me and why?
oh no all the books i’ve read recently were for school LOL 👁👄👁 but “orfeo” by richard powers is good if u like scifi ! it’s like somewhere between scifi, magical realism, mystery, drama & it’s about the significance of music which 🥺🙌
2. what is a hobby you loved doing as a kid that some may think is dumb?
omg i used to try to sew clothes for my american girl doll but they just looked like sacks HAHAHA
3.  if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
y’know... i don’t feel any real desire to know a Deep Universal Truth™️... i would probably just ask the ball if/who i’d be married to... like.. not to be single and lonely in quarantine... lol....... haha jk.. unless...?
4. what movie trope do you think you fit best?
not to be y/n but i WANT to be y/n LOL 😭 when will a hot, cocky, rich man with like idk daddy issues or smth sweep me off my feet at my corporate desk job so we can go on a quirky & life-changing romcom adventure to fix each other??
5. what’s a common misconception people have of you?
👁👄👁 in high school everyone thought i was just Nice, Quiet, Smart Asian Girl #2349054 (the one who draws anime boys in her journals and does math good or whatever) but i am not sure about now ? i think ppl in my social circle assume a lot of things about me bc i’m friends w/ @vsfakelove 😯 (ex: ppl think i’m on leadership in the uni club we’re all a part of bc she is, but i most definitely am Not)
6. who would be on your dream concert line up? (no limit for the amount of artists. you decide)
EASY PEASY: monsta x, rich brian, glass animals, cold war kids !! the first 3 i’d give an arm & a leg to hear/see live, their concerts looks like so much fun, and w/ cwk i just love their music so much ;;
7. would you rather be able to travel back in time or would you rather travel to the future but you’d never remember what you saw?
TRAVEL BACK IN TIME TO THE PAST but specifically to when there were dinosaurs, i would like to observe a dinosaur to see how close paleontologists’ reconstructions are :O
8.  Your house is on fire. You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. What’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? (family and pets are safe so don’t worry)
not to be boring but my laptop 😭😭😭 i need to replace my phone soon anyway, my phone can perish... most everything i own is p replaceable, it’s just stuff !! 🤷🏻‍♀️
9. what’s the funniest thing you ever heard said about you?
AAHH one time we were playing that weird ellen app (psych) and the question for me was “what would be the first result when you google chelle” and 😭😭😭 @vsfakelove wrote “an article from the local newspaper with the headline ‘local teen found lost in park after following a man claiming to be lee jooheon’”
10.  what one song that without fail WILL make you cry? why?
uhh i think “dreamland” by glass animals... sometimes it gives me the urge to cry; it’s a rly pretty & sort of sad/dreamy (haha) song, and i listened to it obsessively on repeat when it first dropped bc that was also the day i got rly bad news 😬 so a lot of associations going on oof
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my questions:
what’s the worst thing you’ve ever eaten?
describe your aesthetic as pretentiously as you can!
would you marry your bias? why/why not?
what’s your favorite myth?
what’s your favorite meal?
what is your idea of true happiness?
if your life was a movie, what song would play during the opening credits?
if you were a dinosaur, what dinosaur would you be?
where’s your favorite place to hang out/visit?
what do you HAVE to have on you when you go out?
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tagging: @vsfakelove @kyunsies @kihyunsgf @fantascia @burnitupmp3 @kebinwooo @kihynnie @ckyunoirs @zit @shownudeluxe​ but as always no pressure, sry if you’ve already been tagged, and feel free to ignore !!
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officialchellportal · 4 years
A camera clicks on, showing a cement wall with a table and chair sitting in front of it. The space is clean and well-lit, though there are chips and cracks visible.
There's a few moments of silence before a woman steps into frame, long dark hair pulled into a ponytail. She glances off to the side as if to check something before nodding to herself, seemingly satisfied, and sitting down in the chair.
She begins to sign, subtitles appearing along the bottom of the screen.
Hello. Many of you may not know me, but that's okay. My name is Chell. I am the one who abducted the late Wallace Breen from the Citadel, and I have been working alongside Doctor Freeman for some time now.
She pauses, taking a moment to think, before continuing.
What happened yesterday was never supposed to be broadcast. That was the final act of a man who wanted to sew doubt amongst us, who handed humanity over to our oppressors on a silver platter. I understand many of you may be shaken and disturbed by what happened. Public execution was never our intent, I assure you. I captured Breen in the hopes of using him as a bargaining chip against the Combine, but as it turns out they never cared about Breen. The Combine does not care about humanity whatsoever, in fact. They intend to harvest us along with the rest of Earth's resources, and then they will move on. Uncaring of the lives they have destroyed. Regardless, Breen was a figurehead for the Combine forces on Earth, and as such was too dangerous to be kept alive.
Her sharp grey eyes seem to stare through the camera as she hesitates.
Doctor Freeman is a good man. I trust him with my life. What you saw and heard yesterday is not indicative of his character—he is a man forced into this position by circumstances that he cannot control.
Another moment of hesitation, accompanied by a quiet sigh.
I understand if you find it difficult to put your trust in him after what you saw. But I ask you to put your trust in me, and believe me when I say that unless we work together, what Breen spoke of our future will come to pass. Humanity is a race of survivors, but no one can fight alone.
Thank you for your time. Signing off.
The feed cuts out, replaced with a dark screen and an orange lambda, before that too fades away.
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theshy1sout · 3 years
Poppy’s extraordinary playlist
I try to umm... write shorter chapters to make myself write more often. But I'm not sure if it works at all XD I do my best, I'm just still in kind of intro of the story, I hope I can write faster than I make it up... Tell me if you want the names of the chapters or something.
And I made a Ao3 account! Yay! So the chapter on it is here :D
Enjoy the thing below
Chapter 6
It just happened, ok? It just happened! Poppy had no idea how to control her hearing-others’-thoughts-as-a-song power worked. Sometimes she just got home her sleeping bestie and walking bach to the park it just started. Out of nowhere. Just like that:
It's like, she doesn't hear a word I say Her mind is somewhere far away And I don't know how to get there
Chenille sang. Poppy sighed. She already knew the problem, hearing it once again wouldn’t be very helpful. It only made her sick. How was it even possible that two trolls could be that different? Especially them! Satin and Chenille were inseparable twins! She couldn’t help but thought about Branch. How different was he actually...
It was a really brief thought which was interrupted by unexpected duo:
  It's like all she wants is to chill out
Chenille continued while Satin joined in, singing:
She’s so serious!
She makes me wanna pull all my hair out (She's always in a rush and interrupted)
Like she doesn't even care! (Like she doesn't even care)
The last line they sang together. It was quite impressing how perfectly their voices harmonized even if th sang completely different words. Poppy didn’t know in which direction she should’v looked, when they both clearly spoke to her. Twins gestured with passion during their song:
Like fire and rain (Like fire and rain) You can drive me insane (You can drive me insane) But I can't stay mad at you for anything We're Venus and Mars (Venus and Mars) We're like different stars (like different stars) You're the harmony to every song I sing And I wouldn't change a thing
- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... - Poppy interrupted them, forcing to stop walking. Twins stood  sharply. They looked really confused.
- Wait for what? - Satin asked.
- Just... Just stop for a second and let me think
- Stop what? - Chenille spoke with her hand with irritation. - We were just walking in totally silence!
- Totally - Satin agreed.
But Poppy just stood so still, tapping her lips by her fist and holding an elbow with other hand. 
- What is happening? - Chenille asked her sister, but she just shrugged her shoulders.
- You are different - Queen started thinking out loud. - And we thought it was a problem, but it’s not. It’s good that you’re different. There’s a key! You’re the harmony, cause you’re different! Cause harmony is different voices! The world would be boring if we’re all the same! We need fire AND rain. Venus needs Mars and Mars needs Venus. We actually need differences! - Poppy laughed with joy. She turned to the sisters - It’s that so beautiful?
But they looked at her even more confused than before.
- What are you talking about? - Satin asked.
Poppy took a deep breath. She had to make them understand, not just hear it. Understand. But how? She thought about her dad. Only two weeks ago she could just walk into his pod and ask him for everything. King Peppy expired so many hard life’s moments and he had always found the solution to any problem. But then, he’s in the hospital. She couldn’t bother him with everything she couldn’t solve on her own. And beside that, she was the queen. It was her job. It made her feel alone and a bit helpless. She never could describe what it’s in her mind. No one jut got her and in the way she thought.
It reminded her one of her sweet moment with her dad. She had been really little back then and she had tried to describe something she had seen through the window. She still remember his amused face, when he had seen her effort. He had said then “Sweetie, if you can find words, you can always show the thing”. “But how?” The little pink girl asked curiously. Dad had gave her pieces of colorful felt and scissors. And he had taught her how to scrapbooking.
Poppy smiled at this memory.
- Lemme show you something - The pink trolls said and waved encouragingly. She turned around and walked toward her pod. 
When she opened red door, the smell of the flowers hit her nose. Poppy hadn’t been there for a week, for such a long week! She really missed this place, smelling like her favorite perfumes and looking so hosty and soft. She always felt there safe and comfy, she wouldn’t live anywhere else. 
Queen ran through the living room to the big violet wardrobe and opened widely both of its door. There were many of colorful outfit inside, but most of them were blue. There was no word to describe how much Poppy loved this color. It made her a bit sad everytime when she woke up and saw the sky wasn’t blue. But most of the year it was, it greeted her every day with this pease and bright lazure, and she couldn’t help but stared a few minutes before she jumped of her bed and ran to the violet wardrobe to choose the casual dress (the blue one of course). Those things flew through her mind when she was staring at her lovely cloths.
- Look at this - Poppy beamed to twins. They glanced at outfits emotionlessly.
- Wardrobe - Chenille said.
- Cloths - Satin frowned. - Is there anything you see that we can’t...
- Yes! Look at them and take a guess which one is my favourite!
This time twins were staring at opened wardrobe a bit longer. Chenille even made this funny gesture she made every time she was thinking deeply about the cloths: she touched her chin with thumb and her nose with forefinger.
- The blue one? - Satin asked shyly.
- Half of them are blue! - Chenille spat.
- I mean, this blue one with white edge - Violet trolls pointed at Poppy. - The one you have at.
- She asked about wardrobe, genius
- I thought it would be a tricky question
- It was - Poppy grinned. - I love all of my cloths the same. Every single one is special. And you know, why?
- Because you really like cloths? - Satin asked.
- No - Pink troll couldn,t smile any wider. - Because every single one is made by my very best friends. They worked so hard to made them for me and, the most important, they made them together! Teamworking!
- Okay, I see where you’re going - Chenille rolled her eyes.
- But let me say it! Look, this one for example - Poppy took off really nice lilac dress with cold arm and white leather band. - This one is beatifull. Remember how you sewed it? I just said that i like this fabric and wanted to have a simple dress with it. And Chenille made it for me. But then Satin said..,
- That it wasn’t good enough! - Chenille huffed. Satin crossed her arms, but didn’t say anything.
- Yes! - Poppy skinned her head slowly. - And then?
Blue troll sighed heavily.
- And she cut the arms and added white belt... - She didn’t look at sister, speaking quieter and quieter, - And it made the dress beautiful...
- And this one! - Poppy shew them blue dress with rainbow skirt and tulle sleeves.
- Gosh, I was sewing it whole the night - Satin beamed. - I was so proud of the design and I was so desperated to give you this one the very next day - Violet troll giggled. - It was ridicoulous! But I was so desperated. I remember waking up in the morning and discovering so many little mistakes! I felt like failure!
- But when you gave me it, the dress was perfect! - Poppy tilted her head on a side. - And also I don’t remember seeing you being exhausted or something.
-....Yeah, cause... Chenille told me to take a nap... - Satin held her elbow shyly. - And she fixed the dress when I was sleeping...
Queen put her hand on her hip and lifted her eyebrow suggestively. The twins looked pretty ashamed right then: Chenille stared at the ceiling with her arms crossed tightly on her chest and Satin rubbed her elbow glanced at the floor.
- Hey, look girls - Poppy smiled at something she took from the wardrobe. - Remember this one?
She showed them the dress and the sisters collapsed with a giggle.
- Of course! - Satin beamed. - I never forget your dress!
- It was so ridiculous - Chenille chuckled. - I didn't even know that you are so bad at sewing, Poppy!
- Thanks - Poppy showed her tooth awkwardly.
- And you were as stubborn as always! - Chenille started to pretend Poppy's voice. - 'I want to sew it on my own! Just let me do it!'
- But Poppy! - Satin joined to play, pretending Chenille's voice. - You can't start from that side!
- 'I will do what I want!' - Chenille screamed and stamped her foot. And then both just exploded with a loud laugh.
- I didn't say that - Poppy pursed her lips.
- Maybe not, but look at this dress - Violet girl pointed at the cloth in her pink hands and started laughing again.
- Yes, that's the thing we both always agree with - Chenille crossed her arms with a big grin on her face. - That dress isn't... Nice for eyes.
- Yeah, totally agree - Satin chuckled, stepping a bit closer to her sister. - Are we back?
- We're back - Twin answered with a hug and deep sign of relief. - I missed you, sis.
- I missed you too, Chell. - Satin said, embracing her tightly.
Poppy smiled at them. She really didn't know how she made them come to term, but she was happy that they finally did it. She took a look at the dress she was still holding. Well, the twins were right. That thing was a complete disaster.
- Now I see we haven't pawed through your wardrobe for such a long time - Poppy barely even noticed, when girls came to her so close.
- We have to make you something new - Chenille said, touching one of the suits inside. - Can we, well as Satin said, "paw through your wardrobe" a bit?
- Of course! If that gives you an inspiration...
Twins giggled at her, but Poppy didn't find anything funny in what she just said. She didn't even start wondering what was the thing that made her friends laugh when she heard a knocking at her door.
- Well, I guess I leave you to it - Queen threw going to the front door. But the twins were too busy talking about her outfits. Which made her smile when she was opening the door. She almost jumped when she saw who stood there.
- So here you are! - Creek beamed at her. - I was looking for your the whole week, Poppy! - He stepped in without an invitation. - Where had you been?
- I... - She tried to clear her thoughts. She wasn't just ready to see him so suddenly. - Well, it's a long story and I haven't made a scrapbook about it yet...
- Maybe we'll sit? - Creek suggested and pointed at chairs in the living room. He was her boyfriend, but for some reason, she really didn't like it when he treated her pod like his own. She loved hosting and he just took it away from her in her house. She breathed deeply.
- Yea, sure - She threw and when they already sat on the chairs, she continued. - I have many things to tell you.
- I'm all ears - Creek stared at her intensively. It made her nervous, especially because she hated telling stories without a scrapbook. She just wasn't good at keeping eye contact if she had nothing in her hands. So she looked down, trying to find good words. Then she felt his warm hand grabbing her and squeezed a bit. Like he knew that she needed it. She looked at him and smiled a bit.
- Ok, so... I was in the hospital. The whole week. The MRI showed up that I had brain cancer, just like my dad, but much smaller. So... I had an operation where they cut it off my brain. And then I had to lie in this hospital the whole week, even if I felt okay. - She stopped for a second, cause she found the way Creek was listening to her too calm. - Sorry for not telling you about this...
- It's okay - He smiled comfortingly.
- And sorry for my friends, they also don't tell you anything cause... they... seem to not like you... because when we started going out I stopped going on our meetings... - She breathed heavily. - It's all my fault. I destroyed our Snack Pack and now they hate you and...
- No, stop it! - Creek said. - Nothing's your fault! They just don't know me. Maybe If I go to this meeting with you, they'll know me and maybe even like me. What do you think?
Poppy stared at him unsurely.
- Well, I guess we can try...
- See? And everything's good! - Creek smiled again, but Poppy just couldn't feel it. - I told you, you think too much about your problems sometimes.
- Maybe...
- Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?
She hesitated for a while.
- Have you ever heard about this guy from the forest named Branch?
- You mean this gray ghost? He's real? I didn't even know he has a name actually...
- Well, yes, he's real, and I talked with him. I want to befriend him and I'm just wondering if you don't mind...
- No, it's really nice of you that you want to help him. Maybe one day I'll talk with him too
- Maybe...
- Well, I'm glad to see you're ok - Creek said, standing up. - I see you are still really tired after being in the hospital. Don't stress yourself, just please, rest a bit, ok? And we can see each other tomorrow, right?
- Right - Poppy nodded, smiling, or maybe just trying to smile. She gave him a peck kiss at goodbye and waved him when he went out. The doors shut loudly and Queen was sitting very still on her chair.
She felt wrong. This whole talk was as normal as usual, but she had been feeling really bad during it, and then, when Creek left, it still felt bad...
But maybe he was right and she thought too much? Maybe she really needed a rest?
- Poppy? Poppy! What are you doing there so long? Come here! We need to talk about your brand new style!
Poppy giggled. She really missed the twins making a mess in her wardrobe. Hearing their voices in her pod was all she needed right then. She needed to spend some time with her old friends.
- Don't worry, I'm coming!
Satin and Chenille  - I wouldn’t change a thing
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I recently started a YouTube channel covering basic self sufficient skills like canning, sewing, herbs and more. Check it out and if you like what you see like, subscribe so you don't miss future videos and feel free to share. I have plans to make many many more to help teach these skills that are quickly being lost.
Also follow me on Instagram: Chelles_pure_country_living
Like my Facebook page:
Chelles Pure Country living
And check out my Etsy store for fresh dried herbs, seeds and coming soon tea blends!
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bravelyboundedold · 4 years
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name —  Amber gender — Female. star sign — Gemini height — 5′3″ age — 27 wallpaper on my phone — This incredible artwork from @yukikorogashi​​​ ever crush on a teacher — I’ve never really had  a crush overall now that I think about it, so no coolest halloween costume — Chell from portal 2! Wore it to costume day at high school, and even made a styrofoam space core that could talk. I was going to bring my big soft plush of Wheatley I was making, but I didn’t get it done in time. But I did finish it the week after and it and it still sits on the shelf in my room . Never sewed anything again after that, it wasn’t my calling XD. favourite 90s tv show — I remember watching a lot of 101 Dalmatians the series, Timone and Pumba, Talespin, batman the animated series, and so on.  last kiss — N.A. have you ever been stood up —  No favourite pair of shoes — I don’t really have one, but I do have a cool pair of  shoes with the lion king silhouettes on the side.  have you ever been to vegas — nope! favourite fruit — Strawberries!  favourite books — Firebringer, Fell, Reflections (Disney’s A Twisted Tales), Inkheart   all time favourite shows — Avatar the Last Airbender is one I can go back and watch,  I also like FMA Brotherhood. Uh. shit, what else is there l m a o. I haven’t watched a lot of primetime in yeaaaars. I mostly stick to streaming Achievement Hunter these days.  last movie you saw in theatres — Onwards when it released, only to find out it was coming to disney+ 2 weeks later LMAO tagged by: @yukikorogashi​ tagging: @justicereigned​, @saveenawrites​ , @vinterdronniing​, and anyone else who wants to do this! 
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thedollymaker · 4 years
💫 Check up tag 💫
Tagged by @prettywordsyouleft
How has your day been?
Er, well it’s 7.08am so it’s not actually started yet, however there is cleaning involved in my day today - boo!
What was the last thing that made you smile?
Funnily enough, Chelle replying to an ask I sent her and then watching one of my cats, Obi, fall off the sofa (he’s not very good at being a cat).
What’s keeping you entertained these days?
Trying really hard not to fall for Eunwoo. My normal things; sewing, annoying my cats, annoying my friends and crying because I really want to paint my bedroom and I can’t get the paint at the moment because #pandemic so instead I’m just looking online for accessories and things cause I was also halfway through sorting out the livingroom too.
If you are in some sort of quarantine/self-isolation, is there anything you’d like to achieve in this time?
Ahh... well, I got “essential worker” status because of my field of “expertise” and my one week attempt at working from home didn’t work so it seems better for me to be in the office and I’m not gonna be getting furloughed because I’m a manger but it’s fine.  I’ve got some stuff to catch up on while it’s quiet.
Post a selfie! (if you want)
I don’t really feel that this website needs to be inflicted by my fugly mug on it.  You can just imagine what you think I look like and we’ll go with that lol
@kal-sharok  @belxsar  @tanithrea  @urkblog and anyone else who wants to do this
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ask-glados · 5 years
An Aperture Wedding
// I saw this wedding meme and I just had to do it for Tesla and GLaDOS! >W< I’m so proud of what I came up with for this meme. It’s truly a grand, sciencey, Aperture wedding! Teehee~!
Where they get married.
In Aperture, in GLaDOS’s chamber.
When they get married (ie; what time of day, what month and season etc.).
In the morning, to make the most out of the day. There’s no weather in Aperture, so the time of year isn’t really relevant, just whenever’s most convenient with everyone’s schedules.
What traditions they include.
They make their own sciencey traditions, such as holding hands through a portal and each of them pouring a test tube chemical into one container and creating a chemical reaction to symbolize their union.
What their wedding cake looks like.
A traditional, multi-tiered, gray and white wedding cake with orange and blue portal-shaped accents, companion cube designs, Aperture logos, light bulbs, lightning bolts, mechanical gears and motors, test tubes, and other science equipment. Basically a very Aperture+Steampunk aesthetic~
Who smashes cake into whose face.
If anyone does it, it would be GLaDOS, lol, and then Tesla would do it back to her in revenge, but would be careful not to ruin her beautiful dress with it.
Who proposed to who first.
Tesla proposed to her, and his proposal was naturally very grand. He designed a grand display of his Tesla Coils in an empty test chamber and they played “Cara Mia Addio” while giant neon lights (which he invented) light up her name on the wall. After she watched the whole display on her monitor, he walked into her chamber, dropped down to one knee, pulled out a ring, and proposed. Needless to say, GLaDOS was very impressed and moved.
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Who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar.
Tesla waits at the altar in front of GLaDOS’s chassis and her hologram walks down the aisle.
Who gives who away as they walk down the aisle.
GLaDOS doesn’t have anyone to give her away, so probably no one.
Who officiates the ceremony.
Either Pris’s Uncle Charles or an Aperture Marriage Officiant Core.
What flowers are in the bouquet.
GLaDOS doesn’t like flowers, so she has a custom-made bouquet of Tesla’s wireless vacuum light bulbs that he invented, which glow brightly as her hologram holds them, and they’re small and vaguely shaped like flowers.
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What their wedding dresses and suits look like.
Tesla is in a traditional black tux and GLaDOS’s hologram has a veil and a physical, non-holographic dress that looks like this:
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And the dress (and veil) also has lights that Tesla himself installed in it that make it light up and sparkle and glow like this, powered by the high frequency current emitted from her hologram. Combined with the natural glow of her hologram and her glowing light bouquet, she is quite a beautiful, breathtaking sight to behold!
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GLaDOS’s chassis also has a veil and a giant, custom-made dress on it, too — which Pris and Grace diligently sewed for GLaDOS, having the flowy parts of the dress suspended from wires on the ceiling to hold them in place, since GLaDOS’s form hangs upside-down.
What their wedding color scheme is and what sort of decor they have.
The setting is Aperture, so it has Aperture’s sciencey, futuristic aesthetic, mixed with the Victorian/Edwardian style of Tesla’s time, resulting in a sort of futuristic steampunk aesthetic. Flowy curtains and elegant tablecloths mixed with glowing lasers, neon lights, Tesla coils, wires, and computer screens.
If anyone’s late to the wedding.
GLaDOS would call them out on it and Tesla would be polite and friendly to them.
Who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other.
Pris, Chell, and possibly Akira are the bridesmaids and Wheatley is the best man, and maybe the groomsmen are a few other cores or some of Pris’s family members. Tesla has friends back in his time, but he can’t invite them to the wedding because he needs to keep his time machine and Aperture a secret.
Grace and P-Body are the flower girls, but since GLaDOS doesn’t like flowers, instead of petals, they throw confetti. Atlas is the ring bearer, carrying a large pillow with the three rings on it — Tesla’s wedding band, the holographic ring, and the large ring for GLaDOS’s chassis.
Also, GLaDOS’s baby birds (Mr. Chubby Beak, Miss Pecks-a-Lot, and Sir Squawk) attend the wedding too, but they are safely tucked away in a glass cage, and Grace dresses them up in cute little tuxedos and dresses.
What their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing.
The bridesmaids are in orange dresses and the groomsmen are in blue tuxes with their ties and vests and dress shirts in different shades of blue. The orange and blue colors match the colors of portals as they stand on opposite sides of the altar.
What their vows are (eg; poetry, traditional, improvised etc.)
Tesla gets very poetic and heartfelt with his vows to her about how she changed his life and how he wants to do science with her together forever. GLaDOS’s vows are more to-the-point and a bit sarcastic, naturally, but are still sweet.
Who gives speeches at the reception (bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story?)
Pris likely gives a speech about how perfectly they complement each other and all the sciencey shenanigans they get into and how she always knew they were perfect for each other. She also talks about how funny it was to watch how long it took for them to realize and accept their feelings for each other, because of how stubbornly married to their work each of them was.
Who catches the bouquet.
Most likely Pris. She would definitely be the one trying to catch it, haha. Though, it’s also possible that Wheatley could catch it by accident, haha.
What sort of food they have at the reception.
Pris’s family probably provides some luxurious meal options from the past, having their cooks make it and bring it over. Probably meat and potatoes and bread and stuff. Not much food is needed since there’s not a whole lot of humans at the wedding and a lot of guests are just AIs who can’t eat. However, GLaDOS herself is able to eat, thanks to a complicated eating subroutine she has installed on her hologram.
Who cries first during the ceremony.
Tesla. GLaDOS probably wouldn’t cry.
How wild their reception gets.
It’s very tame, especially since it’s such a small group, the audience likely filled with turrets and random personality core workers. Maybe they do some unique wedding test chambers with all kinds of stuff to shoot and zap and explode, and then they wind down with card games, billiards, and chess. (Tesla is a master at billiards/pool.)
What their rings are like.
Tesla has a wedding band that GLaDOS puts on his finger, GLaDOS has a holographic ring that he puts on her hologram, and her chassis gets a large version of that same ring that Tesla clasps around her left wire arm. (GLaDOS raises a floor panel underneath him so that he can reach it. <3) Her hologram’s ring is holographic so that she can keep it on her hologram even after she turns the hologram on and off, since any physical items will fall off. The rings on GLaDOS’s chassis and hologram are identical, just different sizes, and they look like this:
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And the placement of the ring on her chassis is like so:
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What sort of party favors they have for the guests.
Mini companion cubes that glow in your hand only when you hold them, since they use Tesla’s wireless vacuum bulb technology.
Where they go for their honeymoon.
They go somewhere sciencey to study some mysterious naturally-occurring scientific phenomenon like the northern lights or ball lightning or something and they set up an experiment with all their scientific equipment and enjoy studying that together. They also may have nights out at places like the beach or the theater during their honeymoon.
Something memorable that happens during the reception or ceremony.
One of Tesla’s pigeons somehow stows away and briefly scares GLaDOS before Tesla takes it and sends it back home through the time portal, lol.
What song their first dance is to.
“Cara Mia Addio,” played by the turrets, naturally.
When it comes time to “kiss the bride,” Tesla kisses her hologram and then kisses her chassis’s faceplate to show how he loves her in both her forms equally~ ^_^
@myinventions ;)
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