#chen fake text
proudahgase-exol · 10 months
Normal group chat with exo
-I had fun making this I hope you enjoy it
- like and reblog if you enjoy my work 💕
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months
The Better, Hidden Half
Requested Here!
Part 2 Here >
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!wife!reader (takes place in The Rookie 1x20-2x1)
Summary: Tim doesn't tell just anyone that he's married. When he's quarantined and his life is threatened by a fatal virus, he asks Lucy to call you, and ends up showing everyone what you mean to him.
Warnings: angst, fluffy comfort at the end, spoilers for episodes 1x20 and 2x1 (this is basically a rewrite, but still includes a brief reference to the suicide line from Tim). reader stress cleans?
A/N: The anxiety/stress cleaning bit is completely self-indulgent; sorry. I tried to manipulate Tim's conversations with Lucy to make them sound more platonic (I don't know if it worked though). I absolutely love this idea and had a ton of fun writing it!🤍
Word Count: 3.9k+ words
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Tim Bradford is a man of few words, and he keeps his life separated into two distinct areas: work life and personal life. He tried to bring the two together once, but hated the constant worry that someone from his work life would threaten to hurt people in his personal life or worse, act on their threats. For that reason, for his family’s safety, Tim keeps his life separated, and only a choice few have been chosen to be trusted with a glimpse of both sides of Tim. Angela, Wade, and on occasion, Bishop, see a side of Tim that doesn't exist when he's at work.
“How is she?” Angela asks, sitting beside Tim for roll call.
Tim rolls his eyes, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. “I trained her, I’m sure she did fine. Better than your golden boy boot, anyway.”
Angela smiles and leans in to whisper, “Didn’t mean Chen.” She turns her attention to Jackson, calling, “80 might be the passing grade, boot, but if you don’t get at least a 90, you should turn in your badge on general principle.”
Tim leans forward to add, “Officer Chen, I will take it as a personal insult if you get anything less than a 93.”
“Yes, sir,” Lucy answers. “Have you figured out what you’re going to do with all your new free time? Might I suggest a book club?”
Angela elbows Tim under the table, and he glances at her quickly, giving her a displeased stare which only makes her work harder to hide her smile.
“What are you talking about?” Tim asks.
“You know, after I pass, there won’t be any more daily evaluations to write.”
“Whether I evaluate you daily or weekly, I will continue to judge you every minute. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
As Grey enters, Lucy turns to Nolan, who whispers, “I can’t believe he’s single.”
“Tell me about it,” Lucy replies, rolling her eyes. “Evaluating a wife daily would cut into his ‘man of honor’ time.”
They silence as Wade directs the TOs to only take easy calls while the rookies finish their last shift before their exams. When Tim assures that he follows direct orders, he keeps his eyes straight ahead, knowing that Angela and Bishop are ready to tease him the moment he looks in their direction.
7-Adam-19, silent hold-up alarm activated at Madame Megan’s psychic shop. 2417 Vine. Code 3.
Tim and Lucy enter the back room, taking control of the situation quickly, and he dials in once again to being a cop. Not a family man or anything of the sort. Just a police officer.
As Lucy walks out, and the (fake) psychic hits on Tim, he can only think of one thing. Excusing himself from the room, with a lack of grace that is unlike him, Tim lets his mind wander for just a moment. He thinks of a promise he made, a vow he took, and then his focus is back on his new case, a missing person discovered by a phony Hollywood psychic.
Miles away, you are trying to focus on work, though you find it much harder than Tim to simply push your family and your personal life from your mind at a moment’s notice. Fiddling with your necklace, you refrain from grabbing your phone, wanting to text the only person on your mind. Oblivious to the dangers Tim is learning about from the CDC and Homeland Security, you sigh and clench your hands into fists before attempting to focus again.
Before you make any progress on starting the project awaiting your attention, your phone rings. Tim’s name appears on your screen, and you rush to answer, dread filling you. He never calls while he’s working, and you immediately expect the worst. Surely if it were something terrible, Angela or Wade would call you. If Tim is calling, that means he is okay, he is alive.
“Hello?” you ask, releasing a sigh when Tim says your name.
“Are you alone?” he adds, his voice strained.
“Yes. What’s going on?”
“I need you to stay where you are or go straight home. There’s a terror cell with a biological weapon; we’re doing everything we can to find them, but I need to know you’re safe.”
“Tim- yeah, of course. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I- I really can’t say anything else. Not about what we’re doing. Call me if you need anything. Anything at all, okay?”
“I will. Be careful, Tim. I love you.”
“I love you.”
Your phone beeps as the call ends, and your hand finds your necklace again, one finger slipping into Tim’s wedding ring. He leaves it with you each morning, taking it back with gentle touches and loving kisses when he returns each night. Today, all you can do is trust that he is good at his job and that he will protect you and the rest of LA, and then come back to you.
Tim and Lucy approach one of the possible address in the search for newly discovered members of the terror cell.
“Man. And here I thought that test was gonna be the hardest part of my day,” Lucy muses.
“Best case scenario, it’s tomorrow’s problem,” Tim points out. His thoughts, however, are stuck on you, especially when Lucy asks what the worst case is.
“Took you long enough,” the man, Peter Langston, says as he opens the door. “Bag’s in here.”
“Sir, we’re here about the bus you took from Phoenix,” Tim explains.
“No kidding. I called you about the bag.”
“And what bag is that?”
“I thought it was mine on the bus. I picked it up by accident.” Tim follows Langston into a bedroom as he continues, “Noticed as soon as I got home. Called right away. Still took you guys like six hours to get here.”
“Uh, sir, we’re not here about a bag.”
“So, you don’t have mine? My computer’s in there… I went through this one for an address, and all I found was some weird science equipment.”
Tim glances back at Lucy, who calls for the task force at the mention of ‘weird science equipment.’
“Sir, did you touch anything in there?” Tim asks, pulling gloves on.
“Yeah, I cut my finger going through it looking for an address. Some kind of broken vial.”
Tim’s eyes widen and his breath catches as the man raises his bloodied finger, adding that it hasn’t stopped bleeding since it was cut. Hemorrhaging, Tim knows.
“Everything okay in there?” Lucy calls.
“Yeah. Just stay out there,” Tim demands.
The man coughs, and Tim flinches as blood lands on his neck and up onto his jaw. Looking down at the blood on the man’s shirt, Tim’s mind forgets the divide between work and personal life. He takes the initiative to lock Lucy out, slamming the door on her to keep her safe, but his true concern is you. If something happens to him, who will look out for you? Who will be your shoulder to cry on? In a moment, as the reality of the situation dawns on him, Tim thinks like a husband, and he begins to regret keeping you, his wife, hidden for so long.
“Tim, no!” Lucy yells, but she steps forward too late.
Tim is on the other side of the door, a new division created as others are dissolved.
Tim finds baby wipes on a nearby changing table, wiping the blood from his skin as he lies to Langston, telling him it will be okay and distracting him with meaningless treatments to combat the “bad case of the flu the police were warned about this morning at roll call.”
Langston disappears into the bathroom in search of cold medicine, and Tim walks to the door to ask Lucy, “Everything all right out there, Chen?”
“Uh, yeah. The CDC’s on their way,” she responds. “Hey, you need to come out of there.”
“That’s not gonna happen. Got to keep this contained.”
“It’s gonna be alright, boot.”
Tim knows that Lucy is concerned about him, and he is similarly concerned for her. He feels responsible for her safety as his rookie, but his thoughts toward her are completely and totally different from his fears concerning you, driven by love rather than mutual respect and duty.
“You keep your head in the game, okay?” Tim encourages Lucy. “Everything’s gonna be fine.”
As Tim looks at the blood-covered wipe in his hand, he thinks of you, and how you’ll respond to the potential notification that he didn’t make it, taken from you by the very thing he tried to protect you from. He turns his attention back to the sick man feet away from him before his thoughts spiral. Tim needs you, so he needs to focus and survive.
While the CDC is arriving at the house and quarantining Tim and the infected man, you are pacing in your shared bedroom. Memories of you and Tim exist in every inch of this house, and every moment that goes by without an update increases your worry. Walking into the closet, you find one of Tim’s recently worn shirts, changing into it before picking up the remote to distract yourself. With Tim’s pillow clutched to your chest, you try to laugh at the ridiculous sitcom on the screen, but it doesn’t work as well as you hoped.
“Officer Chen, you want to tell me what happened?” Dr. Morgan asks, dressed in full hazmat gear as she enters.
“Yeah, uh, the bus passenger mistakenly grabbed the wrong bag, and the virus must have been in it because he coughed up blood on Tim,” Lucy explains.
“Did you get any blood on you?”
“Uh, no. I was out here. Tim immediately closed the door.”
“Smart man.”
Tim hears Dr. Morgan’s comment and clenches his jaw, knowing you would disagree entirely. At least in this case.
“Hey, doc,” Tim greets, standing against the door.
“How you doing?” Dr. Morgan inquires.
“Fine. But Mr. Langston’s struggling a little.”
“Can you describe his condition?”
“Yeah. He, uh, started coughing blood about 20 minutes ago. Now he’s got a pretty wicked nosebleed.”
“Why aren’t they coming in? Where’s my ambulance?” Langston asks.
“It’ll be here any minute. Just… stay put. Save your energy.”
Lucy interrupts to ask, “Where’s the vaccine?”
“Still in the air,” Dr. Morgan says. “Should land in the next hour or so.”
Scoffing, Lucy argues, “You can’t make Tim wait in there. He might not be infected.”
“Sorry. Quarantine rules exist for a reason.” Dr. Morgan turns to the door and asks Tim, “Officer Bradford, do you mind if I put you to work while you wait?”
“You want to know what’s in the bag?” Tim knows digging through the contents is dangerous, but waiting without doing anything won’t increase his chances of getting home to you.
“Yes, I do.”
“Copy that. Chen, I’m gonna turn on my body cam. You can monitor it from out there.”
“Okay. Please be careful,” she responds.
Tim hears your voice in his mind, telling him the same thing. He trusts himself to listen to you more than his rookie.
“All right. Here we go,” Tim says, using his baton to open the bag.
“Wait. Wait. What is that bottle?” Dr. Morgan wonders.
“Looks like the delivery device,” Tim guesses, raising it carefully from the bag. “It’s a misting fan.”
Dr. Morgan calls Homeland Security with the new information on how the terrorists are planning to spread the virus. As Tim continues searching the bag, failing to find identification or target information, Lucy sees Langston raising a chair in the mirror and yells for Tim just before he is knocked unconscious.
Your house is as clean as it has ever been. Using your nervous energy and anxiety-fueled need to move, you clean each room in an attempt to keep your mind from worrying about Tim. You could call someone and ask for an update, but they probably can’t tell you anything. The only comfort you have is knowing that Angela and Wade would call you if you needed to know something. The silence is deafening, but it’s also a good sign.
“Tim? Tim!” Lucy continues, growing concerned at the lack of reply.
Tim opens his eyes, moving backward quickly when he sees a puddle of blood running toward his face. He sees Langston standing across the room, mumbling about needing to get out as he tries to break the window. Tim tases him as he stands, and Lucy’s concerned yells continue. Covering his face with his shirt, Tim handcuffs Langston to the bed, shuffling backward as Lucy demands his answer.
“I’m okay! I’m okay!” he replies, breathing heavily. “Well, that was fun.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
Tim chuckles. “Kind of depends on your definition of the word.”
While Lucy tells Dr. Morgan to get the vaccine, and the LAPD sends patrol units out to find the other terrorist, Tim keeps his eyes on Langston, but his mind is on you. He should ask someone to tell you and find a way to let you know what is going on, but part of him knows that you are separate from this for a reason. You’re likely worried enough without knowing that Tim’s chance of being infected rises with each moment.
Tim watches Langston die, unable to do anything as he begs for help and convulses. Imagining himself in Langston’s place, Tim decides that he has to do something. He can’t go out like that, he won’t, but more importantly, he can’t leave you wondering. If Tim dies today, he is not dying without talking to you one last time, showing everyone around him that you are the best part of him.
He leans against the door in silence until Lucy says, “Hey, I, uh- I just checked with Dr. Morgan. The vaccine’s minutes away.”
“You know, you’re good at a lot of things – lying isn’t one of them,” Tim replies.
“You think I’m good at things? Can I get that in writing? … How are you doing? Are there any symptoms yet?"
"I’m sweating like a pig. But it’s probably because it’s 100 degrees in this room.”
Tim sighs just before Lucy assures, “It’s gonna be okay. I really believe that.”
“I’m sure you do. But if it isn’t-“
“Don’t think like that. It’s-“
“If it isn’t,” Tim repeats. “I’m not going out the way my man Pete here just did.”
“What are you saying?”
Tim sighs again, realizing what he said. He would never leave you like that; he’s a fighter. “I need you to do something for me, Chen.”
“My- my wife is probably worrying herself sick right now. If this doesn’t end like you think it will, can you tell her that I fought to get home to her? Just- just keep an eye on her if anything happens. Wade and Angela, too.”
“Wife?” Lucy asks softly.
Tim smiles, glad to talk about something other than himself or the virus released in the room with him.
“Yeah. We eloped a while back; Grey, Lopez, and Bishop were there.”
“You’ve never mentioned her.”
“I keep her separated. She - everything in my personal life – would be at risk if there wasn’t a divide there.”
“I get that. What’s she like?”
Tim says your name, closing his eyes and picturing you as he tells Lucy how beautiful, kind, and loving you are. “She’s my better half. I don’t- can’t imagine not going home to her.”
“I promise, Tim. I’m confident you will go home to her, but… I promise.”
“Thank you,” Tim says quietly.
“Please tell me that’s the vaccine,” Lucy says when Dr. Morgan returns.
“It is,” she answers quickly, walking toward the door quarantining Tim. “Stand back, Officer Chen. You’re not wearing protective gear.”
“Yeah.” Lucy steps back, hoping Tim is okay, and that he gets to go home to you.
“Officer Bradford, it’s time to let me in,” Dr. Morgan calls.
Tim opens the door, greeting Dr. Morgan before answering that he’s not feeling too bad. She tells him that she’s going to administer the vaccine. “It’s experimental, right?” Tim asks.
“That’s correct. So, we’re just going to have to wait and see what happens. Maybe nothing. Maybe you grow horns. But for now, I’d say you might’ve dodged a bullet.”
Tim looks at Lucy to ask, “Can you get Lopez? Ask her to call for me?”
Lucy nods, pulling her radio out to contact Angela. She knows that Tim will need you, no matter how the vaccine works… or doesn’t.
“Lopez,” she says, sighing before saying, “Tim wants to know if you can call his wife.”
“Of course,” Angela answers. “She’ll be at his side, even if I have to go get her in the shop.”
Lucy smiles at Tim, and he sighs as Dr. Morgan administers the vaccine. There’s more hope surrounding Tim now, but the fight may not be over yet.
When you see Angela’s name on your phone, you consider not answering. Biting your bottom lip to hold your tears in, you answer.
“He’s okay,” Angela begins.
You sigh in relief, a few tears breaking free anyway. “Thank you, Angela.”
“The vaccine is experimental, so they’re taking him to the CDC for observation; you can visit with the proper protective gear. Do you want me to come pick you up?”
“I’ll meet you there.”
“See you in a few. And, just so you know, he didn’t call me.”
“Who did?”
“His rookie.”
Angela reminds you that she’s happy to pick you up if you want before ending the call. Tim mentioned me, you think. Then you wonder whether or not that’s a good thing.
“Hey, I heard you guys saved the day,” Lucy says, exiting Langston’s house to meet Nolan, Jackson, Lopez, and Bishop.
“It was a group effort,” Jackson corrects.
“Glad you’re okay,” Nolan expresses.
“Me too,” Lucy sighs. “I- I mean that you’re okay, too.”
“How’s Tim?” Angela asks.
“I think he’s gonna be all right. Now, 24-hour observation at the CDC.”
“I’ll bet my pension he just told doctors Tim Bradford does not ride in a wheelchair,” Angela jokes as Tim walks out.
“Only way I’m leavin’ out of here is on my own two feet,” Bishop imitates.
“Don’t you guys have paperwork to finish?” Tim retorts.
Tim looks at Lucy, nodding his thanks before continuing to walk toward the car waiting to transport him to the CDC. He stops suddenly in the yard, growing dizzy before he falls backward onto the grass.
“Officer Bradford!” Dr. Morgan yells.
Lucy, Angela, Bishop, and Jackson run toward him before the CDC holds them back. Someone calls for an ambulance, and Angela backs away to make a call.
“What happened?” you ask, answering Angela’s second call.
“Meet us at Shaw instead of the CDC,” she says.
You can hear yelling in the background, and repeat, “What happened?”
Angela says your name, unyielding as she says, “Shaw. I’ll meet you there.”
You inhale deeply, turning toward Shaw. Knowing that you have no chance of beating an ambulance escorted by police cars, you grip the steering wheel, hoping that Los Angeles traffic has grace on you, and you make it to Tim’s side quickly.
“Tim better make it,” Jackson says.
“He will.” Angela knows that he’s a fighter, but she also knows that losing him will destroy you. He has to make it for himself, for the police department, and most importantly, for you.
In the ambulance ahead, Tim goes into anaphylactic shock. Lucy helps the paramedics and glances at Tim’s left hand. The line where his wedding ring sits is barely visible, but she whispers for him to keep his promise, to keep fighting.
Once the ambulance and the police cars enter into the hospital parking lot, Nolan notices a woman with a gun, alerting the officers surrounding the ambulance before the firefight starts.
Lucy covers Tim in the ambulance as the paramedics assist him as well as the injured medics. Nolan shoots the woman in the shoulder, but his gun jams as he moves closer to her.
Tim opens the ambulance door, downing the armed woman on a surge of adrenaline. Stepping onto the ambulance driveway, he asks Nolan if he’s okay.
“I should have reloaded on the move,” Nolan mutters. “You?”
“I should’ve taken yesterday off,” Tim answers.
“Alright, Officer Bradford, let’s go,” a nurse says, pushing a wheelchair to his side.
“Angela!” you call, jogging to her side.
“Don’t freak out,” she begins, but your eyes widen when you see the bullet holes covering, well, everything.
“Where is he?”
She nods, leading you around her shop. Tim is standing beside Nolan, arguing with a nurse.
“I can walk. Clearly, I’m fine,” Tim argues.
You don’t think about how many people are watching as you walk to Tim’s side. He turns toward you, his eyes softening when he sees you.
“Get in the wheelchair,” you demand.
Tim sighs but does as you say. Nolan and Jackson look at each other in shock, and Lucy smiles as she says, “His wife.”
When you walk into Tim’s hospital room, he looks like he’s been waiting for you.
“I’m sorry,” he begins.
“For what? Not listening to the nurse?”
Tim chuckles as he raises his left hand, pulling you to his side. “No. I’m sorry for not showing you off more, for never telling people about us. I worried you; I know I did, and you don’t deserve any of it.”
You lean forward, running your fingers across Tim’s jawline as you smile. “You don’t have to show me off. I know why you do it, Tim. Being a secret, being separated and safe, I get it. What I don’t like is not knowing if you’re okay.”
“I don’t want the separation anymore. You are my entire life, and- I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but I’m not risking this again. The idea of not making it home, leaving you alone, with no one knowing you or how much you mean to me… that was terrible, and I’m sorry.”
Pursing your lips, you lean toward Tim and look into his eyes before scanning your eyes over his face.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Trying to figure out where the Tim I know went.”
Tim smiles, moving over in the bed and tugging you against his side. He taps your necklace before raising your hair away from your neck. You unclasp your necklace, sliding Tim’s wedding ring off the chain. Tim lays his left hand in your lap, and you put his ring on slowly before kissing his hand.
“I love you,” Tim says.
“I love you. And I accept your apology, even though I didn’t need it.”
“Ready to meet the rest of my-“
“Friends?” you fill in, smiling.
“Colleagues,” Tim finishes, shaking his head as his arm tightens around your waist.
“Thank you for making sure Angela called me.”
“How clean is the house?”
You laugh, pressing your face against Tim’s shoulder. He knows you well, and though you didn't know what was truly at stake over the last few hours, you did miss him.
“Hey, Mrs. Bradford,” Wade greets, smiling as he leads a small crowd of officers into the room. “I have some rookies here who don’t believe someone would marry Tim.”
“I changed my mind,” Tim replies. “Get out.”
You elbow him gently, smiling as you stand. “It's much easier when he doesn’t tell people. No association to him.”
Tim laughs behind you, and after shaking hands and introducing yourself, you return to Tim’s side: where nothing can hurt you, everything is safe, and you’re the most important thing in the world.
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bzhitstruth · 3 months
A little about music and numbers
CPN, fiction, fake
On June 12, ELLE magazine's Weibo account made two posts:
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First post text: «In the universe of time and space, a moment is an instant without scale, and eternity represents infinity. For this shoot, we were inspired by "Playtime" directed and starring Jacques Tati, and invited young actor @UNIQ-王一博 to interpret the story behind minutes and seconds».
Text of the second: «@UNIQ-Wang Yibo is like "Monsieur Hulot" in the movie "Playtime", roaming from day to midnight in a non-reflective space, and waiting from early morning to early morning. As time goes by, he seems to have changed, but also seems to have not changed. In the past year, from Mr. Ye, who is both evil and good in "Hidden Blade", to Lei Yu and Chen Shuo, who are passionate and youthful in "King of the Sky" and "One and Only", to Wei Ruolai, the "storm chaser" who has a strong belief recently, Wang Yibo has become more and more popular. Wang Yibo knows more and more how to grasp the role».
It's talking about the film "Playtime" (1967) by the French director, screenwriter and actor Jacques Tati. This is the comedy in which Jacques Tati played the main role - Monsieur Hulot.
In today's GG's vlog, two soundtracks are used - at the very beginning, in the introduction, this is music from the film "Jour de fête" (1949), in the main part - music from the film "Mon oncle" (1958) by the same French director Jacques Tati, who in all three mentioned films he acted as a director, screenwriter and actor.
I don’t think there is so little French music in the world that two people who have nothing to do with each other would find themselves connected to the films of the same director, and even in such a short period of time. But even if it's a coincidence, I don't mind. The universe has played a joke once again!
And about the numbers: Apple Music has an album by Jacques Tati called “Sonorama!”, and these soundtracks used in GG's vlog are numbered 8 and 28. And all these three films were shot in the period of 18 years — 1949-1967.
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A little more about the numbers: on June 16, GG posted his famous post with a pig’s snout and the selfie taken in the toy store. This toy store is very close to the route that DD is supposed to run on July 14th as Olympic torchbearer. From the day of GG's post until July 14, exactly 28 days will pass.
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Too many strange coincidences. But they happen all the time.
sources: one, two, three
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devotedlykoneshots · 1 year
Genre: smut , minors dni,🔞, best friend to lovers, fake dating
Word count: 4,159
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For as long as you can remember you and d.o have been shipped by your close friends, they always tried to put you two together as much as possible.
You and d.o didn't really mind either, you both loved spending time together and making new memories together.
At least that's what it was for you, just memories to tell your children and grandchildren when you grew older.
D.o and you were the complete opposite but still alike in many ways, when he hated socializing you thrived in it.
When he succeeded in the kitchen you failed astronomically.
You balanced each other but now....all you wanted to do was strangle him, the bastard opened your curtains and let the atrocious sunlight through onto your unsuspecting face.
Ultimately ruining your wet dream about a celebrity you could never have.
"close the curtains! my eyes are
burning! "you were so dramatic but he didn't mind that, you were one of his closest friends in the world and he found it quite amusing but he'd never admit that.
"don't you think you've slept in
long enough, you little vampire?"he asked and sat down beside you pulling the covers off your body.
You threw a pillow in his direction and he easily dodged it , chuckling at your weak attempt to get him to leave you alone.
"Get up , they're serving food at that diner for couples again" you'd forgotten about that, the little diner near the boys apartment always did this every year for valentines day.
"Why aren't we sending Chen? He's in an actual relationship" you grumbled and he pinches your arm , grabbing your other arm to keep you from hitting him.
"I'll buy you dumplings later"he offered and you sat up , stretching with a smile on your face.
It was safe to say you're thoroughly spoiled.
"Deal"you agreed and got up, heading to the bathroom to get ready and kyungsoo headed back to the living room where the guys were watching TV.
"Baekhyun, you're buying y/n dumplings later" he stated as he plops himself down on the couch beside Kai.
You were finally ready to head over to the guys apartment and even though they brought Chen's 'family' car as you'd like to call it there still wasn't enough room for everyone, that's how you end up on kyungsoo's lap and you're convinced they planned this.
By they you mean baekhyun.
"Who are we texting?" Kyungsoo asked and you smiled slightly, turning your head to look at him.
"One of my side chicks" you commented and he snorts, resting his chin on your shoulder as you lean back against his chest.
"Cheating on our anniversary? You wound me" he commented lowly and you'd have to note that was the first time you felt something towards d.o, his low voice just gave you the chills as it resonated in your ear
"Are we there yet?" He raised his eyebrows at you, taken aback by the sudden question and he looks out of the window.
"Almost, you know how slow Chen drives"he chuckles and there it goes again, his deep voice and you tried to refrain from shivering but you couldn't help it.
He definitely noticed.
"Are you cold? I told you to bring a jacket"he scolds you and you bite your bottom lip, you're snapped out of it when he starts to rub your arms in hopes of providing you some warmth.
He had no idea that he was unintentionally driving you crazy.
"We're here" Chen dropped you off at the diner and you both climb out of the car, you headed towards the entrance thankfully it wasn't too packed due to the time and most people were at work.
You had to walk up a flight of stairs to get to the diner, the first floor being the waiting area and you hear a snort coming from beside you.
"You're the clumsiest person I know, how did you survive past childhood?"he chuckles at your frame when you successfully avoided falling up the steps because lord knows how you managed to do that.
"Well it's a good thing I have you here to protect me"you turn to him and bat your eyelashes earning a snort from him before he shoves you lightly, an arm wrapping around your waist as you approached the buffet to further sell the idea of you being a couple.
However you didn't expect to see kyungsoo's boss there as well and witnessing kyungsoo tense up, it was clear that he was just as surprised.
"Fancy seeing you here, I had no idea you were in a relationship."his boss greets him and you smiled.
"He likes to keep me hidden"you say and kyungsoo gives your waist a squeeze of appreciation, thankful for the save.
"Will we be seeing each other at your promotion party?"he then asked kyungsoo, you looked at him confused and completely stepping out of character.
"What promotion party?"you asked and his boss also questioned him, confused that he hasn't told you yet.
"You didn't tell her?"
"We've been so busy lately there wasn't enough time"kyungsoo explained, it wasn't necessarily a lie either but knowing him he wasn't intending on attending his own party.
"Its okay"you assured him before turning to his boss.
"We'll be there"you promised and this time it was kyungsoo who stared at you in shock, disbelief even.
"Well then , I'll let you enjoy your evening, it was nice meeting you-"you take his hand to shake it and give him your name.
"Why didn't you say anything?"you asked him as you both sat on the couch, some of the guys had work and the chen was on a date with his girlfriend.
"I wasn't gonna go, its not a big deal"you snorted, not surprised.
"You got a promotion soo and that is a big deal, when is the party?"you questioned him and he leans back against the couch.
"Its next weekend, out of town"you raised your eyebrows.
"Then I should get packed"you said, standing up and he grabbed your hand, getting your attention.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"he asked, genuinely concerned.
"We have to, can't risk people thinking you're a liar and a fraud"you say and squeeze his hand.
"Thank you"he said and you nodded, pulling away from him to go and get packed. You decided to bring at least 15 different outfits, you never know what you'll encounter over a three day period.
As the days pass by and the weekend approaches you both bid your friends a farewell, surprising you even more once you saw they were traveling all the way to California for his promotion party.
You were once again in disbelief when you'd checked into the hotel, of course you and d.o were sharing a room. You tried not to think too deeply about it and focused more on the room, it was more like a suite.
"I just got promoted to CEO" he answered your question before you even asked, your eyes full of amazement as you took in the room and kyungsoo has never seen you look so beautiful.
The bed is huge and the view is otherworldly , you couldn't believe your best friend has been hiding this life from you all this time.
Yet you still couldn't fathom why this man was still single.
"We're expanding our branch to California" he further explains, which explains why you'd flown here.
"A-are you moving here?" You asked , turning to him and he sat down on the bed. Your heart sank.
He was moving all the way to California.
"I'll come visit when I can" he tells you and you nodded, looking down at your hands and he takes them in his own to pull you closer.
"Don't cry" he says softly and you sit down beside him, his hand pressing against your cheek and you subconsciously nuzzle into his hand.
His heart melts at your little display of affection and the first real action without eyes on you, you were both alone and yet you were genuinely sad to part from him once this was over.
He pulls you into a hug and you hide your face in his neck, he rubs your back soothingly to help you calm down all while your brain tried to come to terms with this new revelation.
You both pull away eventually and he pinches your cheek.
The party started a little bit after 9pm and you spent the last three hours in a room with all of the women, thank god you'd known kyungsoo for a long time because they wouldn't stop asking questions.
Like his boss they were also surprised that he was in a relationship , according to them he'd been asked out several times but declined them all.
This was the part that made you do a double take.
He'd always tell these beautiful and successful women that he already had eyes for someone else, who could that possibly be?
As far as you know kyungsoo had never mentioned having another friend of the opposite gender, could he be keeping her a secret?
"He seems really smitten with you" taeyeon tells you and you bite your bottom lip at that.
Their comments made your mind wander to places and scenarios they shouldn't have, what could a life with d.o offer you.
Were you the mystery interest all this time? If so, why would he turn down the likes of someone as successful as taeyeon for you?
No , this was fake dating. It wasn't real.
Yet you'd never talked about ending the fake dating plan once this was over.
Would you keep fake dating? What did kyungsoo think?
The sound of Krystal telling you she was done with your hair snapped you out of your thoughts, the hair stylist was definitely worth all the hype she got.
You could never get your hair to be this perfect but you'd never had enough money to buy the right products so that was probably why.
"Kyungsoo is a keeper, I wouldn't let him go if I were you" was the last thing taeyeon said before you parted ways when you walked down stairs.
Although you thrived in public situations this was a little out of your comfort zone , kyungsoo was chatting and laughing with his co-workers when you arrived with the rest of the ladies.
You did not fail to catch his attention immediately and he excused himself from the conversation before coming over to you, a smile on his face once he got close.
"You look amazing" one of the ladies had gifted you with a silk brown dress and gold accessories , it was the perfect length and the slit on the side showed off your beautiful thighs.
D.o shook his head before his mind could wander to unholy places meant to be whispered to you within the safety of your room.
"So do you" you're pushed up against him as a group of people walk past you and you look up at him before stepping back.
"Come , let's get you a drink"he wraps his arm around your waist and guides you to the bar, multiple people greeting him and you along the way.
"You're really popular, huh?"he chuckles at that and shrugs his shoulder.
"Something like that"he orders a round of shots for you both and you engage in a competition like you usually do back home.
He let's you win of course as per usual.
"I'm gonna miss you" you state as you stare at him and he smiles sadly at you, leaning forward to kiss your lips but instead he ends up kissing your nose and you both burst out laughing.
"Were you trying to kiss me?"you asked him and he sits his glass down, attention drifting from the shot to you.
"What would you do if I was?"he asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
"Slap you, maybe"you grinned and he snorts, knowing you were probably right.
"That would sell it right?"he asked, you knew what he was talking about but still the thought of kissing d.o sent shivers up your spine.
"Probably" you said and he leans forward, cupping your cheek and your eyes close at the sensation of his warm hand against your cheek.
Your breath hitching when you open your eyes to see how close he was and just then he closed the gap, kissing your lips softly and it was a simple kiss.
No tongue or anything like that but still had your head spinning from the softness, it was a quick kiss before he pulled you into his arm in a hug and kissed your cheeks twice making you laugh.
As the night came to an end you and d.o found yourselves sitting amongst his peers, his hand on your knee to stop your leg from bouncing and your head on his shoulder as you were starting to get sleepy as it was now going past midnight.
"We're gonna head in for the night"his  hand leaving your knee to help you stand, arm around your waist as both walk to the elevator.
"Okay, see you tomorrow"you wondered what tomorrow had in store for you but you were too tired to  think about it further.
The ride up to your floor was quiet but not an uncomfortable silence, kyungsoo picks you up once the elevator opens and he carries you bridal style to your room.
You were wide awake now, not expecting that and honestly you didn't even know he was that strong.
Needless to say you kinda liked it, maybe a little too much.
"We need to talk"he'd said just before you could dip off to the bathroom to get changed.
"Okay....what is it?"you asked him, kicking off your shoes and looking over at him since he had yet to move.
"I don't know when it started or why it even started but all I know is...I like you , y/n and before you even ask its not as a friend"you're shocked but you kind of suspected there was something else going on the more the day moved along.
Especially after talking with taeyeon and hearing how he acted around other women, its very different from how he acts with you.
He's comfortable with you.
"I've liked you for a long time now, its why I didn't bother to date because none of them are you and they could never make me feel the way you do"you felt your heart melt at that, you were the mystery interest this whole time.
You were the one he'd had his eyes on for god knows how long, that explained why he complied with fake dating you for food at the diner.
"I just had to say it. And if you
don't want me that way, we'll
never mention this again. I'll be at your side when you get married, when you have kids, when you find the cure for cancer- and I'll be happy for you. I'll keep my feelings out of it-"you hadn't even noticed you hadn't responded to his confession yet, too caught up with matching up the missing pieces of the puzzle that kyungsoo left for you all these years.
"Soo shut up"you cut him off and he immediately raised his eyebrows.
"Okay, I can do that"he said and you took a deep breath before walking over to him , grabbing his shirt and pulling him to you as you kissed his lips.
Ultimately taking him by surprise but soon enough his hands found your waist to pull you closer to his body , your lips molding together like a seamless harmony and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Is that a yes?"he asked after pulling away for some air, panting slightly and you nodded as your eyes closed.
"I don't want you to keep your feelings out of it"you tell him and he picks you up, pressing you against the nearest wall and you gasp at this new side of d.o that you were witnessing.
"Fuck, I've waited for this for so long" he whispered against your lips as he licks your bottom lip and you open your mouth to let his tongue slip inside , the kiss deepening and his body pushing up against yours.
You whine softly as you feel something hard press against your center and your fingers grip his hair, his lips leaving yours and moving down to your neck as you tilt your head back.
You shiver upon feeling his mouth on your skin for the first time and he grows harder as he listens to you moan his name for the first time.
He wanted more.
"Wait are you sure about this?"he asked as he pulled back and his eyes drift over to your neck, no doubt a hickey already decorating your skin.
"Just fuck me already" you lock your legs around his waist as you make him press against your center again, a groan leaving his lip and you pull him into another kiss.
"Soo" you gasp as his hands grope both of your breasts and you both look down at his hands , he gulps before brushing his thumbs over your nipples and feeling them already hardened.
"Fuck you're not wearing a bra"you blush at his words and work to get his tie loose, nibbling on your bottom lip.
"The girls said I didn't need one with this dress"you gasped again as he rolls your nipples between his fingers through the thin material of your dress and winning him a whimper in response.
"Been thinking about ripping this dress off you since you walked through that door" he spoke and looked up at you before pulling down the top of your dress until your tits spill out of the material, he wastes no time as he licks his fingers and takes your nipple into his mouth all while rolling your other nipple between his fingers.
Your fingers wrap around the door handle to keep you anchored in the world of reality.
"You can't- its not mine" you tell him and he pulls you back into another kiss , carrying you to the bed now and pushing you down against it.
Your hands immediately go to his pants and you hastily unbutton them before pushing them down his legs, you pull him down onto you and your sudden movement makes him gasp.
He curses in your ear as your hand slips into his boxers and your hand wraps around his impressive length, he wasn't long like how you thought he'd be but he was thick.
"I want you inside now"you whine as you stroke his length and he bucks into your hand, a groan leaving his lips as you squeeze his base and pump faster.
"W-we've got all night"he stops you and pulls your hand out of his boxers, his eyes widening as he takes in the sight of you removing your dress and you're only left in a pair of black laced panties.
"My God, you're so fucking
gorgeous like this."he whispered and ran a hand up your body to grab your breasts in his hands, rolling your nipples between his fingers before his hand wraps around your neck and you gasp.
" oh fuck"your back arches off the bed and he trails his tongue up your body as he kisses a wet trail behind, when his tongue flicks at your sensitive buds you wrap your legs around him.
"You're driving me crazy"he coos at your comment before biting down on the plump flesh surrounding your nipple and your body arches again as he sucks it into his mouth.
You didn't know kyungsoo had this side to him and you definitely liked seeing this side, you definitely noticed he was more of a boob guy and you were proved right when he traps his cock between them.
A trail of saliva landing on the head of his cock to help him fuck your tits better and you let your tongue loll out , hearing him curse as his cock hits your tongue each time he thrusts.
"Soo please , I don't need any foreplay. I just need you inside of me. Right now."kyungsoo laughs and pulls away from you , leaning down to kiss your lips and pulling away right after.
"One more thing, baby. Then I'll give you whatever you want" he promised before slipping between your legs and your breath gets caught in your throat as you realized what he was about to do.
"Relax, let me take care of you" you rest your head back against the pillow and bite your bottom lip as he takes off your panties, the first lick pulls a gasp from you before he's delving into your heat and he moans.
"Fuck, fuck"you swear and arch your back as he holds your hips down, looking up at you as he licks your wet core and your fingers grip his hair again.
" kyungsoo"you moan his name again and he groans as he sucks your clit into his mouth, your hips trying to buck against his mouth but failing due to his grip.
"You taste so good" he groans against your heat and his eyes roll into the back of his head as you tug his hair, his tongue licking you feverishly.
"Oh- I'm gonna cum" you cried out, your legs threatening to close around his head but he wraps his arms under your legs and hums in delight as you cum, your body trembling.
He pulls away and licks his lips as he comes up to kiss your lips, your arms wrap around his neck as you deepen the kiss and your hands push his boxers down.
"Please , I need you"you whimper and he pulls back to pull off the rest of his clothes, you hadn't even noticed that majority of his clothes were still on and you just about ripped his shirt off because he was taking too long.
His lips return to yours once he was undressed and you moan into the kiss as you feel his cock grinding against your folds, covering his bare cock in your slick embarrassingly at that.
"you're so wet, I bet I could just-" he pushes his cock into your entrance and you moan at the intrusion, your nails digging into his lower back and he groans as he grabs your hands to pin them above your head.
"Move , please" you beg and he bites his bottom lip as he starts to fuck his cock into you , you both moaning out at the same time and his hands move down to your hips for better leverage.
His thrusts becoming rougher gradually and faster, your moans and the sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the room.
You'd feel bad about the red marks that littered across his back layer but right now you couldn't care less, especially not with him deep in your guts like he was.
Definitely not with him whispering praises into your ear about how well you were taking him, how you were crafted just for him and no one else.
"You're gonna make me cum again" you whimper and he reaches down to slap to your clit with his fingers , you gasped and cried out to him.
"You gonna cum all over your best friends cock?"he taunts you and you nodded your head, what would your friends think if they knew what you both were up to on this trip?
"Cum for me, come on pretty girl"he coos into your ear and you cling onto him, your face in his neck as you clench down around him, pulling a groan from his lips as you cum and he fucks you through your state of euphoria without slowing down.
"Fuck- almost there princess"he said and pulled back to drive his cock into your heat faster, now chasing his own orgasm and rolling your nipples between as he further prolonged your orgasm.
"Fucking hell" he quickly pulls and moves over your body, straddling your waist and strokes his cock until he's cumming all over your tits.
"Never pegged you for a tit guy" you smile at him lazily and he chuckles , leaning down to kiss your lips softly.
"Just yours"he gets off the bed and you smile as he disappears in the bathroom, you couldn't help but think back to earlier and him moving halfway across the world.
How would you make it work? Would it have been better not to explore this side of each other?
You only had 2 days left before your lives would change forever.
Well , a lot can happen in 2 days.
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jedineedlove · 11 months
LMK VS Legend
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The Golden Winged Peng
Korean- King of Bungma (Bungma= Dapeng)
Powerful but a coward, we all know their story along with Azure and Tusk. All of them were former Celestials. The three ruled over Camel Ridge and became sworn brothers to Monkey King, Macaque, and Demon Bull King forming the brotherhood. After the "betrayal" of Monkey King they separated the brotherhood the trio stayed together and reunited with Wukong but only to battle and lose. Trapped in the scroll for hundreds of years. Were realized causing havoc to the cosmos. The rest is history For Now.
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A demon born from the Primordial Phoenix, Given a high position in heaven which gave him his ego. He gave himself a humanoid form ate all the residence of the Lion Camel Kingdom ruled it for 500 years and then befriended the Azure Lion and Yellow-Toothed Elephant Demons.
Note: LMK and JTTW had Peng and Azure Switched In JTTW Peng was the leader and Azure the follower. Which of course is switched in the show.
His weapons are a ji and a Flask of Yin and Yang Essence which can suck in unsuspecting victims.
Flask of Yin and Yang Essence: After a while, the victim trapped inside the flask will be reduced to a bloody mash. (The flask was broken during the fight between him and Wukong)
In the book, it was the Buddha who subdued the Peng and returned him to Vulture Peak. He confessed to enjoying his demonic life and eating humans., but was left no choice but to abandon his evil ways and he was redeemed. He then became a protector of Buddhist law. He was later sent to destroy fake scripture without text by the Buddha. He is depicted perched above the Buddha's thrown as a guardian deity.
The Ming dynasty suggests Peng was a guardian of faith who watched over the world from an exalted position at the top of the Buddhas' throne.
Dapeng Jinchi Mingwang/ Golden-Winged Great Peng His origins are derived from the Indian bird god Garuda.
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Penig is one of the eight demi gods of Buddhism, he guards Mount Sumeru and Trāyastriṃśa. Pengi is depicted in the JTTW and General Yue Fei, mentioned in Chinese Buddhist literature.
The famous patriot General Yue Fei was believed to be the incarnation of Dapeng Jinchi Mingwang.
A demonic Peng born from The Primordial Phoenix the leader of flying beings. He also has a sister The Peacock Mahamayuri who once tried and failed to consume the Buddha. When he tried to kill her he was stopped and convinced to promote her to his godmother. Which makes the Golden Winged Peng the spiritual uncle of the Buddha. There is a tale of when Nü Tofu the bat spirit listened to the Buddha sermon on the Lotus Sutra at Leiyin temple. The bat spirit accidentally "broke wind" which stained the pure land. Peng snatched the spirit and killed her. For this Buddha exiled Peng to earth. He reincarnated as Yue Fei and the bat spirit reincarnated as Lady Wang. She married Qin Hui and Lady Wang killed Yue Fei in revenge.
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For Backstory On These Two: Qui Hui and Lady Wang were the most hated couple in China for a thousand years. Qui Hui was a politician who gained his status by getting rid of political opponents, framing war heroes and was a sycophant to a foreign emperor. He and his wife both conspired to kill the Great War Hero of the Dynasty Yue Fei. He even becomes a puppet ruler. Qui Hui did not like Yue Fei because he was a great guy loved by all and became very popular even being more popular than the emperor. So Qui Hui had him returned and imprisoned. They torture Yue, but Yue Fei refuses to confess to something he did not do. They had him sentenced to death but in another story, Qui Hui's Wife Lady Wang poisoned Yue Fei. However, Yue Feis' story does not end at his death after a few decades Emperor Zhao Chen absolved Yue Fei and dedicated temples to him. Qui Hui and Lady Wang's betrayal and part in the war heroes' death were made public. In front of Yue Fei's temple, two iron statues of the couple were built for public shaming. People spit, abuse, and flop the statues and they get replaced when damaged they have been replaced 11 times since 1475.
Other Ledgends:
According to the martial arts master Laing Shouyu's book he was a great bird that was the guardian that could get rid of all evil in any area. Not even the MONKEY KING was a match. He was sent to China to defend China from invaders and was reborn as Yue Fei.
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Yue Fei
The Shurangama Mantra: A mantra of Buddhist practice in China, Japan, and Korea, pertains to the Great golden-winged Peng bird, the Garuda it includes all species of birds. The Peng is the king among birds. He feasts on dragons, his being span measures an astounding 4,950 km, and when he flaps his wings the sea waters part to the deepest seabed.
Peng's history and legends paint him as a far more powerful being than we have seen so far in the show if the writers do take anything from legends MK and the gang are in some serious trouble besides the ten kings. Also, it really is crazy that maybe even in the LMK universe Peng might have some serious power he was the last standing of the Sworn brothers in the final fight but that was mainly due to him running away. Peng does get redemption in the book with the LMK writers it's a 50/50 on the show. Also, love it when a character has a historical reincarnation to do some digging into.
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centralperkchenford · 9 months
Chenford + Lucy is heartbroken over the fake proposal so asks grey for a transfer and Tim finds out
I hope you like this one!
Chenford + Lucy is heartbroken over the fake proposal so asks grey for a transfer and Tim finds out
This love is difficult, but it's real Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
Lucy stands in front of Grey’s office twisting her hands together, she blinks back the tears and the image of Tim on one knee in front of Ashley proposing. Okay not actually proposing, but still..it was an image that would haunt her for awhile. And whenever she even thought of Tim, her stomach turned over.
The thought of Tim didn’t usually do that to her. Not even when she was a rookie and he was barking orders at her and putting her through Tim tests. The thing is lately, the thought of Tim, the sight of Tim gave her butterflies. He made her smile, he made her roll her eyes in exasperation but she also was just fond of him. Like she wanted to be near him all the time.
He was annoying as hell sometimes and drove her up the wall but he was also one of the most important people in her life. One that she kept close to her, because she never wanted to lose him.
Which is why….
She is doing what she is doing. She can’t lose Tim and she thinks maybe some space from him will do her good, will get her back to herself and then they can resume their friendship even if it kills her.
“Officer Chen.” Grey says motioning her to sit down. She does and she puts one leg over the other and then switches. “What can I do for you?”
Lucy hesitates. Is she actually going to do this? Can she even get the words out?
“I want to transfer to another station.” She says. Grey sits up in his seat and stares at her, his jaw tense. Lucy swallows as the silence engulfs them.
“May I ask why?” Grey asks calmly. Lucy swallows again and she supposes because I’m in love with my former Training Officer is an appropriate answer.
“I need a change.” She says. “I think it will be good for me sir.” There’s a beat of silence and then Grey speaks again.
“Does Tim know?” He asks. Lucy holds Grey’s gaze and shakes her head.
“No sir.” She answers. “He doesn’t and I think it’s for the best.”
Grey frowns at her but then nods. “I think there’s a position open at West Hollywood.” He says. “I will give the Watch Commander there a call.” He says and stares at her some more. “I want you to take a personal day to think this over and get your ducks in a row.” Lucy chews on her lip and she hears what he’s not saying. Talk to Tim.
Lucy nods and stands up. “Yes sir and thank you.” She heads to the door and puts her hand on the handle pausing and then pushing her way out.
This was for the best.
Tim yawns as he comes into the station, his eyes focused on finding Lucy. The fake proposal was just a joke. And he thought Lucy would laugh and roll her eyes at him.. except he hadn’t heard from her and true he was with Ashley but that never stopped her from at least answering his text.
And then he has spent all night, mulling over Ashley’s revelation that she didn’t want to get married or have kids. Two things Tim wanted more than anything, and so he had ended it telling her he didn’t want an relationship that wasn’t going to go anywhere.
She had been more than upset, and stormed away before Tim could even apologize. And then he had spent the rest of the obsessively looking at his phone waiting for Lucy to text him back.
But she never did and it was weighing down on Tim, and he felt like he was drowning and couldn’t come up for air.
So maybe his breakup with Ashley was more than just what he told her. Maybe it was because he wanted someone else. Lucy.
His eyes scan the bullpen but he doesn’t see Lucy, and she is usually here. His heart plummets thinking of the last time she didn’t show up for work. He felt like the world was crashing down on him then too.
He swallows takes a deep breath and spots Aaron. He makes his away over to the younger man, but just as he’s approaching him Angela steps in front of him a frown on her face.
“Move Lopez.” He growls. His eyes are still on Aaron as he tries to move around his friend. But she stops him again.
“She took a personal day.” Angela says. Tim blinks at her a few times, letting the the words sink in.
“What?” He asks dumbly.
“Lucy.” Angela says and Tim’s heart sinks. “Lucy took a personal day. Shes transferring stations.”
Tim blinks at her again utterly confused. “What do you mean she’s transferring stations?” He asks. Angela blows out a breath but doesn’t answer. “Why is she transferring stations.”
Angela sighs. “I don’t know why Tim. Grey told me it in passing today. You will have to ask him or better yet Lucy.”
Tim sighs and Angela reaches out to pat his arm. “She was pretty upset last night after you pulled the stunt with the proposal.” Angela says. Tim’s heart sinks even more and he wants to go back and take it all back. He wants to hit himself for even thinking of doing that.
“I-it was a joke.” He says softly. “I didn’t know she was that upset.” Angela searches his face and then hums sympathetically.
“I would ask her about it Tim.” She says. “Maybe you could make it right so she doesn’t feel like she has to leave.”
Tim nods and swallows down everything he wants to say except he doesn’t want to say it to Angela.
He wants to say it to Lucy.
He doesn’t leave right away though because he has a job to do. He makes it through his shift, his mind on Lucy the whole time and how stupid he was.
He changes out and rushes to his truck, he calls Lucy but as he expected she doesn’t answer. He presses on the gas, pulling into her apartment parking lot and parking. He taps the console, and then climbs out of his truck. He’s not sure what he’s going to say but he knows he has to say something.
He knocks on her door when he gets there. It’s hesitant but he knows this has to be done. Lucy opens the door after a few minutes and she frowns when she sees him.
“What are you doing here?” She asks her tone cool and stiff. Tim blows out a breath.
“Can we talk?” He asks. Lucy hesitates but steps aside and he walks in. Lucy shuts the door and turns to him. There’s an heavy awkward silence, as they just stand there.
“Uh.” Starts Lucy. “What—”
“Don’t transfer..” He says quickly.
Lucy raises her eyebrows at him. “Tim…”
“I’m sorry I hurt you. It was stupid. I thought it would be funny but I didn’t think you—”
“I broke up with Ashley. She didn’t want the same things I did and I don’t want to be in a relationship that’s not going to go anywhere.” He says. Lucy’s mouth drops a little bit and then she closes it. “I’m really sorry Lucy. Please don’t transfer because of this.”
“Tim—I.. it’s not just because of that. Lately I have been feeling like I want more with you.” She says. “And you don’t feel the same way. Do you?”
Tim’s heart pounds and then sinks a little because how does she not see how he feels about her? There’s more silence and Tim takes a step closer to her, she doesn’t move but she still looks tense as he comes closer.
“Why didn’t you come talk to me?” He asks her. He’s in reaching distance now, he could reach out to and pull her in. But he’s not going to do that. Yet.
Lucy hesitates before she answers. She bites her lip and then pushes hair behind her ear. “I didn’t think you wanted to talk to me. You drove off with Ashley and I—” She shrugs her shoulders.
“I’m sorry Lucy. It wasn’t my intent to hurt you I just—” He starts and Lucy looks at him, her face relaxing a little.
“I know Tim. I—” She picks at the skin on her fingers. “I thought maybe we needed a little space.”
Lucy licks her lips. “I didn’t want to lose you and you were dating Ashley and I—” She takes a deep breath. “I don’t know.”
“You won’t lose me Lucy.” He says sincerely. “And to answer your earlier question. I do.”
“You do what?”
“Have feelings for you.” He says simply. Lucy’s mouth falls open slightly and then she takes a step forward.
She’s so close now, he can smell her body spray. And he wants more of it, he wants her closer.
“You do?” She asks softly. Tim nods and this time he does reach out and pull her in. She lets him, and she settles her hands on his waist. His hands find her back and he rubs circles on it for a few seconds.
“Do you not want me to transfer because you feel guilty or because of your feelings for me?” She asks. He brushes some hair out of her face.
“I don’t want you to transfer because I would go crazy not seeing you everyday.” He says. She smiles up at him.
“You know if we start… this we will have to—”
“We will figure something out.” He says softly. She nods and then stands on her toes to give him a quick kiss. It’s a little hesitant, like she’s not sure if she should be doing it. She pulls away but he pulls her back in, his lips ghosting hers.
“If you want to transfer, I’m not going to hold you back. But—”
“I don’t want to.” She says quickly and she smiles when he beams back at her.
“Good.” He says.
She stands up again to kiss him and this time it lasts longer and it’s so much sweeter. And he has a feeling every kiss after that will be just that much sweeter. And he can’t wait for all of them.
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i-like-anything-water · 9 months
I thought about rehashing one of my prior Chloenette ideas. Basically, Miraculous Canon, but Marinette and Chloe have been dating for at least two years by the time canon starts. Their personalities are exactly the same as at the start of canon, but with the one change being that they are a couple.
Origins starts with Marinette taking her seat in Ms. Bustier's class, when she sees Chloe marching over, sighs, and braces herself... when Chloe cheerfully jumps into her arms, smothering her face in kisses, and begins talking about how eager she is for Marinette to FINALLY meet her old friend Adrien. Sabrina sits next to them, and mentions that Chloe has been blowing up Adrien's email and texts for months trying to get him to come to school, with Marinette taking notice of just how nervous Chloe is... and offers to move to a different seat for the year so that she can spend that time catching up with Adrien. When Chloe naturally protests the idea of having her girlfriend sit somewhere else, Marinette shuts her up with a kiss and moves back a couple rows.
Soon, Alya walks in and asks Marinette if the seat next to her is taken, with Marinette replying it's not. When she sits down, she catches the sight of Chloe staring at her out of the corner of her eye. When she mentions the look the blonde girl gave her to Marinette, Mari responds that Chloe's harmless, before giving a silly story about some of Chloe's more tame antics in the past. As the two share a laugh and talk about their respective passions, Chloe begins to slowly carve gouges into her desk with her nails at the sight of some OTHER girl trying to make moves on HER Marinette. Adrien... failing to show up just makes her mood worsen.
Later, after Ivan storms off to the Principal's office after threatening Kim due to his needling, Marinette introduces her new friend to her girlfriend. Alya's all for becoming friends with Chloe... who sadly doesn't reciprocate, giving a chillingly fake smile before asking Marinette if she'd go get something from her locker. After Mari walks off, Chloe bluntly asks Alya what she'll have to pay her so that she never talks to Marinette ever again. After a moment of confusion, Alya angrily demands to know what the blonde's problem is, with Chloe firing back that she "has Alya's number," and knows that she's just another leech looking to take advantage of Marinette's exceptional nature, and if bribing her means that her sweet girlfriend doesn't have to taint herself with a loser parasite like Alya, then she'll pay it everytime.
Just as Alya is about to start screaming at the insufferable blonde, Marinette shows up, asking what's going on, with Chloe's cruel smugness fading away to a loving smile as she cheerfully lies about how she and Alya were "setting some boundaries, right Alya?" Alya, torn between calling Chloe on her BS or keeping Marinette from being hurt by their fight, takes a glance at the loving smile the duo share... and crumbles, going along with Chloe's deception. At that point, Ms. Bustier takes role call, and Stoneheart breaks through the door.
(My reasoning is that, if Marinette is able to overlook Chat Noir and Adrien's personality flaws with her respective crushes on them in canon, she's just as capable of not realizing just how utterly obnoxious her girlfriend is to everyone but herself in this AU. What do you think?)
is a ship really a ship if some people don't think it's toxic? xD I'm all here for slightly toxic but in an obsessive way chloenette! That's just how they are sometimes (most times lol) but it just adds the charm.
If I had watched only season 1 and maybe bits of season 2 is definitely think Chloe and Mari had something going on because the tension those two have in and out of suits is just really gay. Chloé 'I can't seem to stop getting into her personal space but not because she's pretty!' Bourgeois and Marinette 'I know she's mean and a bitch but maybe her prettiness somehow seeped a bit into her heart?' Dupain-Cheng xD.
If Miraculous just had Marinette flirt with girls it would definitely be more interesting and the love story probably won't be as redundant. But that's just me. The only straight ship I like in MLB is probably.... *blanks* uhh, Adrien or Luka with a female character that isn't Marinette, Chloé or Kagami (i hc her as lesbian with comphet).
I like this idea though! For giggles and maybe a bit of non explicit smut (depends on the ratings and timeline of course) and just fluffy tension. I love mean and obsessive girlfriends.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 2 months
Blinding Lights Blinding Love
by firstprincecoded Global sensation and actor Alex Claremont-Diaz is sick of being asked over and over about his lovelife after coming out as bisexual. He then spots this beautiful man in the crowd, pulls him closer out of desperation and tells the paparazzi that they’re dating to shut them up. Needless to say that Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, who is just walking to his sister’s birthday party, is surprised shitless, not to mention Alex Claremont-Diaz is his ultimate bloody crush. Words: 3271, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Amy Chen | Amy Gupta, Cash (Red White & Royal Blue), June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Beatrice Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Percy "Pez" Okonjo, David the Beagle (Red White & Royal Blue), Original Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, June Claremont-Diaz/Nora Holleran Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Hollywood, Famous Alex Claremont-Diaz, Actor Alex Claremont-Diaz, Non-Famous Henry Fox Mountchristen-Windsor, Baker Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Fake Dating, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Pet Names, Paparazzi, Love Confessions, Mutual Pining, Coming Out, Implied homophobia, Friendship, Bisexual Disaster Alex Claremont-Diaz, Gay Disaster Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Social Media AU, of sorts, Texting, First Kiss, Falling In Love, Getting Together, Eventual Smut, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Baking, News Media, Alex Claremont-Diaz Deserves A Hug, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Deserves A Hug, Pez won’t be in until late chapters btw!!, POV Alternating, Introspection, i do not know how to properly tag, Rating May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Banter, Fluff, so much pining via https://ift.tt/sYobWdC
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bluenet13 · 1 year
I Swear That I Am Up to No Good
Tim and Lucy celebrate four milestones one prank at a time.
Read on AO3
Tim is still smiling when he walks back to the station covered in baby powder. He takes the corner quickly trying to get to the men's locker without running into any of his coworkers. But as the universe will have it, he's not that lucky and from all the possibilities, of course, he runs into Angela.
"Bradford, what the hell happened?" Angela yelps, glaring at the baby powder that got on her clothes when they almost collided.
Tim runs a hand through his hand in pre-exasperation and huffs a simple, "Lucy."
Angela's grin gets impossibly wider, and Tim wishes he had chosen to clean up at home instead.
"She got you with your own trick?" Angela asks knowingly, unable to keep her amusement from her tone.
Tim nods, and levels her with a stern glare, but he should have known that never works with his best friend.
"I knew there was a reason I liked her," Angela says proudly, fixing Tim with a smug look. "So, are you already planning your revenge, or will you give her a pass as a graduation gift?"
"If this wasn't the second time she's gotten me in a row, I might consider it," Tim declares, a sly grin playing at the corners of his mouth. "But I can't afford to get complacent. I need to keep her on her toes."
Angela chuckles, knowing all too well the playful rivalry between Tim and Lucy, and more than suspecting what it might be hiding. "What are you gonna do? Pull at her ponytails or hide her juice box?"
"Ha-ha." Tim mocks, trying to get past Angela but she moves a step and blocks his way again.
"What was her other prank anyway? I didn't hear anything about it," Angela questions, used to finding one or the other moping at the station each time they're on the receiving end of one of their pranks.
Tim's face falls as he remembers Lucy's fake love confessing and the way his heart had jolted at her words for reasons unknown, and he instantly realizes his mistake as Angela's interest is piqued. "Nothing. It was a dumb prank," he tries, glaring at her but he looks too spooked for it to be effective.
"You're hiding things from me, Timothy, and I don't like it," Angela says, waiting him out for a beat before continuing, "But you get a pass today. I gotta go get ready to meet Jackson and Lucy at the bar."
"You're meeting West and Chen up for drinks?" Tim asks, trying to sound nonchalant but failing spectacularly.
Angela nods and looks at him questionably. "What, they didn't invite you? I'm sure they won't mind if we show up together."
Tim shakes his head and squares his shoulder. "I don't want to go get drinks with the rookies. They're insufferable enough as it is but I bet they will be even more extra tonight."
"Whatever you need to tell yourself, Tim," Angela says placatingly, patting him on the shoulder as she steps away.
Tim takes a moment to think his idea through before he rushes behind Angela. "Hey, wait up. Can you do me a favor?"
"Anything," Angela says immediately, even as he eyes him warily.
"Chen and West usually do karaoke while at the bar, right?" He inquires with faux innocence.
"Ye-es," Angela agrees doubtfully, not wanting to get involved in whatever evil idea Tim is concocting.
Tim smiles gleefully, getting closer to Angela as if half-expecting Lucy to be hiding behind a desk, listening to their conversation. "Can you get close to the stage and record her?"
Angela is intrigued but also reluctant to get involved, but it's Tim so, of course, she agrees. "Okay. But if anyone asks, it wasn't me."
"Deal," Tim says with a wicked grin. "Thanks, Ange."
"Right." Angela clicks her tongue and waves goodbye, leaving Tim alone in the hallway.
As expected, Angela comes through and that night Tim's phone pings with a text message. He opens it and immediately bursts out laughing when the audio file starts playing. And it's unfortunate for everybody how Kojo is the only one privy to just how fond his face looks as he listens.
Tim forgets all about the baby powder prank and his revenge until three weeks later when Kojo's sitter calls in the middle of roll call. Lucy's tipsy voice fills the room as Tim rushes to shut it off.
He fumbles with his pocket and then his phone, almost dropping it a few times, but mercifully succeeds in quieting it before Lucy starts the second verse.
"Sorry, sorry. That was K-Kojo's sitter. She knows not to call unless it's an emergency," Tim splutters. He bites his lip uncharacteristically, looking down to hide his blush.
"Was that Lucy?" Nolan wonders, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room after the initial bout of widespread laughter and clapping.
Tim runs his hand down his face and wishes the Earth would break and swallow him whole.
"I'm sure I'm not only talking for Nolan when I say we're all eagerly waiting for an answer," Commander Grey prompts, looking expectantly at Tim.
"Y-yes," Tim eventually says, looking up for the first time and wishing he hadn't. Lucy is bright red and looking more than a little bit murderously directly at him. And the rest of the room is looking between them with a mixture of amusement, second-hand embarrassment, and evil delight. "Can we go back to work?" He tries before anyone asks more questions. "Please."
"I'm sure you'd like that, Sergeant Bradford," Commander Grey agrees, taking obvious pity on him, finishing his speech quickly and sending everyone on their way.
"Thank you," Tim mouths to his boss, making a quick exit as soon as they're all dismissed.
He's almost in the clear when Lucy's voice calls from behind, "Not so fast, Bradford."
Tim sighs and reluctantly turns around, trying to look as innocent as possible. "Yes?"
"What the hell was that?" Lucy shrieks, swatting at his shoulder.
"It was supposed to be a response to your stupid baby powder prank! I only set it as your ringtone, Angela's and anything related to Kojo since neither was supposed to call while on shift," Tim shout-whispers, appalled at his own stupidity. "I didn't mean for it to cause such chaos. My phone is usually on silent but Kojo was sick last night and I wanted to be reachable since the sitter was taking him to the vet today."
Lucy's anger softens into a mix of understanding and concern. "Wait, what happened to Kojo? Is he okay?"
"Yeah, he should be. She sent a text, I think." Tim grabs his phone and reads, showing it to Lucy with a relieved smile upon seeing the good news that their dog is okay and it was something he ate on their walk.
"Phew, alright. You're off the hook because you were worried about Kojo," Lucy says, bumping his shoulder again for good measure. "But next time let's make sure the pranks are a little less public."
Tim chuckles and nods. "I'll make sure to change it to just your ringtone now."
Lucy shakes her head and glares at him. "I don't think that should be the lesson from this experience," she hisses.
Tim raises an eyebrow, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "Oh, come on, Chen. Where's the fun in that? Besides, more than half of our pranks happen while on shift."
Lucy sighs, unable to hide her smile, full well knowing she can't disagree with that. They wouldn't be them if they didn't prank each other even if it sometimes carried some risk. "Alright, but no more office-wide chaos."
Tim seems to think about it until he eventually nods. "Ground rules are no fun, but okay. I will do my best not to disrupt the whole precinct again."
Lucy shakes her head in exasperation but reaches forward to take Tim's offered hand, sealing their agreement.
They walk away, side by side, their laughter echoing through the halls of the station. Despite the occasional mishap, Tim and Lucy know their antics are an integral part of their relationship, and neither is willing to give that up.
Tim steps into his new office at Metro for the first time, still giddy from the morning with Lucy and his heart bursting with pride as he takes in his nameplate on the door. But as he approaches his desk, he notices something peculiar and his smile turns into a frown.
All the personal pictures he carefully placed on his desk and around the office the night before have been replaced and he blinks in confusion before bursting into laughter. Instead of a picture of him with his Military buddies, there's a snapshot of Smitty and his bowling team. A tipsy Angela and Lucy grin at him from another picture, his girlfriend and best friend making funny faces at the camera. A stark contrast to the picture of his nephews it had replaced. As his eyes move to the other pictures, Tim notices Nolan where his picture in uniform had been, a candid photo of Gerald the Goat instead of Kojo, and picture of the Fire Department Banquet instead of Mid-Wilshire's own celebration.
Finishing his exploration of the whimsical images, Tim finally sits down, looking in his drawers for the original pictures but coming up empty. His amusement quickly turns to annoyance as his eyes land on the pile of documents he should be reading to get acquainted with Metro procedure and up to speed with their cases, but then he hears a familiar giggle coming from outside the door, and his irritation melts away instantly.
"I should have known you were responsible for this," Tim says, glaring at his girlfriend when he opens the door, even as his voice is filled with affection. He can never stay mad at her for long. One look at those eyes and he's always a goner.
Lucy's eyes sparkle with mischief as she steps inside Tim's office. She grins at him and nods, looking so proud of herself. "Guilty as charged. I wanted to celebrate your promotion in a fun way."
"The baby booties weren't enough?" Tim groans and reaches forward, pulling Lucy to him.
Lucy can't contain her laughter and only Tim's kiss manages to silence her, but not for long. "I knew you might wake up before me and ruin the surprise. So I had a back up."
"Right, a backup." Tim sighs but ends up smiling softly when he takes in the little makeover of his new space. "Should I be worried about a second back up? Is a baby powder bomb gonna explode on me as soon as I get into the shop?"
Lucy's disappointment is evident at the missed opportunity as she shakes her head. "Not today, baby."
"Then I guess I should be thankful." Tim shrugs, knowing that when it comes to their pranks, it can always be worse.
Lucy steps closer and wraps her arms around him, raising on her tiptoes to whisper closely, "I wanted to show you how proud I am of you. You deserve every bit of this success and I wanted to make your first day a memorable one."
Tim hugs her tightly back, feeling grateful for her presence in his life and incredibly lucky to have someone who cares so much about him to go the extra mile to make him smile. "Thank you, Luce. You sure know how to make every moment special."
"I try," Lucy says shily, burying her face in his shirt and breathing him in deeply. "And don't worry, all your real pictures are safe and we can replace them back before we go home tonight."
"There's space for all of them," Tim offers, his tone a mix of amusement and mild exasperation. "Well, maybe not for Smitty's bowling league. He can have that one back."
Lucy's laughter fills the air, but Tim swiftly captures her lips with another kiss.
And as they stand there, surrounded by the wonderful people and memories that make their lives special, Tim can't help but laugh back. This silly prank is Lucy's way to show him she's proud, but more than that it's a testament to their bond, and a reminder that in the midst of their chaotic lives, they will always have lighthearted moments like this to show each other how much they are loved.
Tim and Lucy lace up their shoes, ready to embark on their run. Tim smiles mischievously as he gets up, and reaches behind him, handing Lucy a small gift box.
"Happy Anniversary, babe," he says softly, his blue eyes sparkling under the morning sun. "I know we said we would exchange gifts at dinner tonight, but I thought this might come in handy right now."
Curiosity piqued, Lucy opens the box to reveal a new smartwatch. She looks up at Tim, her face beaming with delight and jumps into his arms. "Oh, Tim, it's perfect. Thank you!"
"Yeah?" Tim asks shily, when they step away. "I already opened it and got it set up and synced with mine. I hope you don't mind."
Lucy frowns, surprised she didn't notice Tim wearing a new watch, but she blames it on the extracurricular activities they indulged in that morning. "It's okay," she says, leaning forward to gaze at his watch. It's gray with a dark blue strap that matches perfectly with her light blue one.
With the new smartwatches strapped on, they set up on their run, with Kojo bouncing excitedly alongside them. For the first few minutes the run goes on as expected, with Tim setting a quick, steady pace around the pond in their local park. They pass the Little Free Library on the right, and the bench with the guy lifting weights on the left, and it isn't until she almost runs into a tree that Lucy notices something is off.
As they make their way through the familiar park, Tim starts changing their usual route, taking unexpected turns here and there. Lucy almost crashes into a kid on a bicycle at some point and gets tangled in Kojo's leash at least twice.
Lucy laughs when it's Tim who almost trips after taking a sharp turn, but then she almost falls into a fountain as she struggles to keep up with the chaotic rhythm of their run. "What's going on, Tim?" She asks eventually, pulling on his hand so he slows down. They're both winded but Tim is somehow still smiling and for the life of her Lucy can't figure out why. "Did you plan a secret obstacle course for our anniversary? Is this some kind of Tim Test? Did I do something wrong?"
Tim chuckles, feigning innocence and shrugs. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I thought we could switch it up and take the scenic route instead."
Scenic? Lucy mouths, wondering if with scenic Tim means that he wants to explore the bottom of the pond, or get intimately acquainted with the trunk of the trees in the park. Still, she nods, and lets him continue to guide them in their haphazard run.
To her relief, the run ends a few minutes later and they make it back to his truck in one piece. They're all breathing hard, even Kojo needing to stop to catch his breath, and Lucy's thankful they had decided to skip breakfast that morning.
As they return home, Tim gestures towards his laptop on the living room table before heading into the kitchen. "Hey, while I get started on breakfast, why don't you check how our run went? The new app should show us a map and some cool stats."
Intrigued, Lucy logs in to Tim's profile and her brows furrow as the tracking app automatically opens. She loads the map, and her eyes widen in disbelief as she takes in what is being displayed. "T-Tim?" She stammers, trying to raise her voice so it reaches him in the kitchen despite her breath being stuck in her throat.
Tim appears beside her, making her jump, and she turns to face him, then back to the map. The screen showcases a winding line that spells out the words 'marry me?' in bold letters, mirroring the messy yet now memorable path they took during their run.
Lucy turns to Tim again, her heart racing, as realization dawns upon her. Her eyes shimmer with unshed tears, and her voice trembles as she asks, "Tim… is this…?"
Tim chuckles, a warmth in his eyes that matches the love in his voice. Instead of responding, he gracefully drops to one knee, and Lucy's hand instinctively flies to cover her mouth, feeling as if she's been transported into the middle of one of her favorite rom-coms.
"Lucy Chen," Tim begins, his voice filled with genuine emotion, causing tears to stream down Lucy's cheeks. "From the moment I met you, you've changed my life for the better in so many fucking ways. I was a little bit broken when we met, but with your smiles, quick wit, and incredible heart, you managed to put me back together so that I could feel I was deserving of your love… of your loyalty… of you. You make every day brighter, and I can only hope I bring into your life even a fraction of what you bring into mine. I'm the happiest when I'm with you and I can't imagine my life without you, baby. Will you marry me?"
Tears well up in Tim's eyes now as he looks up to Lucy and prepares to wait expectantly. But Lucy's response is immediate. She nods enthusiastically and launches herself into his arms. "Yes, fucking yes! A thousand times, yes!"
The ring box Tim had been holding slips from his hands as he embraces Lucy, their kisses overflowing with promises of love, joy, and the joint future they have both always deserved, but never believed they could have.
When they finally break for air, Tim retrieves the ring and gently slides it onto the fourth finger of Lucy's left hand. The delicate band, adorned with small diamonds and moonstones set in rose gold, perfectly symbolizes their love—simple, yet full of brilliance, and inconspicuous enough that it can be worn to work every day.
"Do you like it?" Tim whispers, and it's only then that Lucy realizes she's been completely enthralled, staring at the ring for who knows how long.
She nods and leans forward, pressing her lips against his. "It's perfect, just like you," she breathes, savoring each word against his mouth.
Eventually, they break apart to continue celebrating, but the taste of each other lingers. Their love intermingled, as they revel in the joy and certainty of a forever filled with pranks, love and laughter that's bound to be nothing short of extraordinary.
Tim and Lucy settle down for a cozy game night, ready to dive into a round of Monopoly. The game isn't their usual choice but Lucy had insisted and Tim was more than happy to indulge her.
Lucy has an impish look about her as she pulls out a custom-made Monopoly she had ordered from Etsy. "Look what I found, babe!" She exclaims, excitement evident in her voice. "I thought it would be a fun change to try a personalized game tonight."
Tim raises an eyebrow. "Personalized? How so?"
"Well, I found this Etsy seller that's all about creating personalized versions of famous board games. So she created a custom board and Chance and Community Chest cards that are all about us and our lives." Lucy beams as she explains, revealing the intricately designed cards and familiar locations on the board.
"O-kay," Tim agrees slowly, equally intrigued and apprehensive.
The game starts predictably enough, with the only indication that it is a different version, the fact that Tim is able to buy the 'North Hollywood Police Station' and Lucy buys Angela and Wesley's street. Tim then gets a Community Chest card that gives him $100 because he won the betting pool at the precinct and Lucy has to pay $50 to a charity for rescue dogs.
It isn't until they have been playing for a while that Tim notices the strangely specific nature of some of the cards he keeps receiving. This one tells him to pay $50 for a last-minute nanny replacement, and he frowns but pays anyway. On its own, the card is innocent enough, but then he gets a card that says "your baby ran out of diapers and in your rush to get to the store the cops stop you, go to jail." He goes to jail but now his spidey senses are tingling.
He asks Lucy about it but she shrugs and says that it's probably because she mentioned having friends with kids when placing the order for the custom Monopoly so the creator chose to include some things related to that.
Tim accepts her answer reluctantly. But then Lucy gets a Chance card that sends her to the preschool that they suspiciously pass every morning on the way to work and he glances up, unable to ignore his suspicions anymore. "Lucy, what's going on? These cards seem oddly tailored to our lives. And it's not because Angela and Harper have kids."
Lucy's been grinning ever since the game began, her smile widening ever since Tim got the first strange card. But now, her eyes are twinkling with excitement and something else that Tim can't name as she explains, "Those cards are a clue to something else. Do you want to know now or do you want to keep playing?"
Tim's heart skips a beat as he looks at Lucy, anticipation and nervousness intertwining in his chest. His girlfriend looks positively radiant and now that he really sees her he notices a new glow to her already bright persona. "What is it?" Tim asks, his voice shaking slightly. He has an inclination about what this is about but he needs her to spell it to him out loud.
Lucy's grin turns devious as she reaches into her pocket and hands Tim a card that reads, "Congratulations! You're going to be a parent. Advance to 'Parenthood Avenue' and start building your family!"
Tim's eyes widen, and a wave of emotion rushes through him. He blinks back tears as the dream that always felt just this side of attainable is suddenly staring back at him. He opens his mouth to speak, but is unable to find the words.
Releasing the card from his shaking fingers, Lucy sets his hand over her still flat belly and settles her head over his chest. "Tim, we're going to have a baby. We're going to be parents." Her voice trembles with excitement as she murmurs the words against his shirt, and her own tears start falling when she feels his tears on her skin.
He kisses her cheek and forehead, then gently pushes her back and leans down to kiss her belly. "God, Lucy. This is the best prank… the best surprise, the best news ever! I can't believe we're going to be parents."
"Are you happy?" Lucy asks, bashfully. She stares directly into Tim's beautiful eyes and wishes their baby girl or boy gets blue eyes like his.
Blue gazes into brown as Tim's thoughts mirror the sentiment, desiring not just one but two sets of his beloved brown eyes to meet every day. "Happy doesn't even begin to describe it, Luce. This is everything I've ever wanted," he says softly, taking her hand in his and kissing the two rings on the fourth finger of her left hand.
A beaming smile spreads across Lucy's face as she leans in, her forehead resting against Tim's. "I've never been happier, Tim. And it's all thanks to you."
Tim brushes a strand of hair behind Lucy's ear, and stares pensively up ahead. "You know, I can already see our little one running around, causing mayhem, just like his parents, and playing pranks on us and his or her uncles and aunts every chance they get."
Lucy chuckles and nods, because they will for sure inherit their mischievous spirit. "Good thing we have years of experience to keep up with them."
"Can't wait," Tim muses, ready for 9 months and a lifetime more of that spark that makes their lives special.
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches The King's Avatar - Ep 27
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Aww Baozi gets to sit this game out now that they have more players. At least he has one of his boyfriends to keep him company
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I still think the terms of this game are stupid given that it's entirely voluntary
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I am genuinely mad because this whole game was unnecessary beyond Sun Xiang wanting to stroke his own ego and Ye Xiu saying 'well, we've have to play against them eventually'. This was a showcase match which has now relegated them because idek why. I do not understand why Ye Xiu agreed to it under these terms. Was he so sure they were going to win?
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Oh no why would you just assume you were going to win. Especially when your place in the league was on the line.
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Oh thank god someone texted and the team didn't just walk back to that.
And, look, okay. They've won every game up until this point so obv they had to lose at least one to make it realistic. I'm just annoyed that the game they lost was one they didn't actually need to play.
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Uh, what?
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I'm a bit confused about the timescale of this. When she was talking to Mo Fan she said her dad died years ago but she and everything around her in the flashback looks the same as it is now. Like, that is clearly a modern laptop.
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Look at these good sweet boys trying to cheer up their manager. But, also, how come no one has texted them to say that actually they won.
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God he always has to say something. Remind me to talk about his hair some time. I have Thoughts and Opinions.
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The kitty has found a kitty.
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Oh my god that is not how you hold a cat. But aww he asked the kitty for advice
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Oh my god is Wei Chen going to get a tattoo???
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My son is...singing?? Holy shit look at him I've never seen him this relaxed and happy
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Is that a fucking Peppa Pig tattoo???
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LMAO it's fake!
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I love her
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Aww everyone went out to relax after the game and no one invited Baozi
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Feeling absolutely fine and normal about this
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Getting everyone to anonymously say who they think was responsible for the near-loss is going to backfire massively. They all have self-esteem issues (except maybe Baozi) so they'll all just blame themselves
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I'm not going to screenshot everyone but, yep, they all blamed themselves except Mo Fan who didn't write anything down I think because he assumed everyone else would blame him
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I...they...*gestures helplessly at the screen*...IN YE XIU'S BEDROOM
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Lowkey mad that you can't see that Baozi is sleeping with his head on Yifan's legs. MY OT3 ARE IN A CUDDLE PILE PLEASE SEND HELP
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Oh my god are they in dorms now? THE BUNK BEDS! Of course Baozi and Luo Ji are in one and Wei Chen and Ye Xiu are in another one #boyfriends
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Yifan in his boyfriends' bedroom where he belongs. Even if he is trying to wake them up and make them work out with him. Yifan, I love you, but no.
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Well, my son had to have one flaw and that flaw is that he is a chipper morning person. I'm with literally everyone else. Like I have to get up at 6am for work but no one had better try and talk to me until I get to the office at 8am
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LOL Yifan and Luo Ji are eating breakfast, Ye Xiu has fallen asleep at the table, Wei Chen is congratulating himself on finding them a house and everyone else has left
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proudahgase-exol · 1 year
Exo reaction to having a plus size gf
Warning : some sexual words and cussing ( idk why else 😅)
-The picture of the girls aren’t mine I got them from Pinterest
Note: every one is beautiful no matter the size you are beautiful in your own way and don’t let anyone make you feel like your not ❤️❤️❤️
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Hopefully my writing haves improved since last time I’m still working on it 😅😅😅
Tagging: @shreya76
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soulsanitarium · 2 years
Painted Skin (Chinese: 畫皮) is a 2008 supernatural-fantasy film directed by Gordon Chan, starring Donnie Yen, Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei, Sun Li and Qi Yuwu.
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In 🇨🇳 there are not so many witchcraft movies, but you might think that even our witches are originated in European folklore. In Chinese folklore there are few different goddesses (demons) that are like our succubus creatures.
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🦊There are some similarities between Kitsune 🇯🇵& Gumiho 🇰🇷but 🇨🇳fox demon is called Húlijīng 狐狸精.
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Typically fox spirits were seen as dangerous, but some of the stories in the Qing dynasty book Liaozhai Zhiyi by Pu Songling are love stories between a fox appearing as a beautiful girl and a young human male.
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📕The story was originally titled "Huapi" 畫皮 (1740). The words “painted skin” have become a synonym for duplicity that wears an outwardly human face but is inwardly demonic. It can be used to that something is Fake. Húlijīng can also be a temptress (or vice versa).
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🎥The film is saved by its famous cast, but its plot is sometimes tedious in places and a few special effects have remained of poor quality. One of my favorite actresses ZhaoWei is once again the best. Painted Skin was filmed also earlier but this version is maby easier to find.
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This is a Wuxia Fantasy Film so don’t expect realistic fights or rational explanations. Original text is about Man's "blind admiration" of it can lead to his dire downfall.
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🦊Belief in fox spirits Is still alive & well in some areas of Asia. Demons are part of nature, even where there is no fox demon, no village can be established.
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👹From the psychoanalytic point of view, fox demon is in all truth a castrating threat, a monstrous feminine. Usually it is after your 🫀and will eat it, as in the movie. But it can also use poison or suck out your life force. Fox demon can also help people.
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A young fox can appear as a young woman. An older one can take either form. The millennial fox becomes a celestial being. 💫
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captain-aralias · 2 years
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WIP Wednesday - Deleted/rewritten scenes from 'Unintended'
Unintended is my Carry On Reverse Bang fic, based on art by @asticou! It's about a fake engagement between friends.
it's finished as of the weekend! which means i'm between fics right now, so going to do my usual thing of sharing bits of fic from when my previous fic was a WIP.
the following contains major spoilers for 'Unintended', so don't read this if you haven't read the fic - go and read the fic instead!
thanks for tagging me today @facewithoutheart @ionlydrinkhotwater @hushed-chorus @forabeatofadrum @bookish-bogwitch @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @fatalfangirl @krisrix
tagging: @ivelovedhimthroughworse @technetiumai @erzbethluna @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @letraspal @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
💍 👇
Deleted/rewritten scenes
these are the bits that i kept because i re-wrote them a lot.
bits i've shared before:
baz fake proposal from chapter 1 *
sexy kissing from chapter 2
chapter 3 groping but in simon's POV
shepard in chapter 5
*i didn't say this at the time, but another reason i removed this scene was that i knew baz would do the real proposal and i thought i would have simon say 'see, i told you, you would propose', but he never did, because by then i'd written about 10k of crying and the tone seemed wrong.
from chapter 1
“All right.” I manage to keep my voice even. “Then what? We stage a break-up?”
“I figured you’d dump me.”
Well, that’s implausible. “Why? Did you cheat on me?”
“No,” Simon says. “You just realised you could do better.” He points into the case. “How about that one?”
“I hate it,” I say, without looking. I don’t need to. However nice the ring is, I’m not wearing something that I’ll forever associate with this moment. “Why don’t you dump me? Then you’d be the villain.”
“Nobody would believe that,” Simon says, brow wrinkled again. “And you wouldn’t be a villain, it just makes sense.” He points again. “How about …?”
“How about we try another shop?”
We try another three shops. 
Will we get to plan our wedding? The wedding Snow and I might have had, if almost everything about our lives was different. I don’t have anything embarrassing like a ring-binder of ideas, not yet, anyway – but it’s not as if I haven’t thought about it. It’s not as if I haven’t thought about how much I’d enjoy this.
from chapter 4
“No. Trust me,” he says into the phone. “You don’t want to upset my fiancé. He’s the sort of man who enjoys setting things on fire for fun.”
Simon’s turned away so he can finish his conversation. 
“I do not.” 
Not only for fun, anyway. 
“Yeah,” Simon says, ignoring me. “Yeah. No, tomorrow’s fine, thanks.” He hangs up, turning to me. Smiling. “Hey.” 
I lean in and kiss his cheek. (It’s not busy outside the Watford gates, but there are enough school children milling around that I think I can justify it.) 
“Hello, love. Been waiting long?”
“Nah,” Simon says, taking my hand. “Just got here.” 
We cross the drawbridge together. 
We’re here to seek the Crucible’s blessing – it’s a tradition for mage-mage marriages, another binding before the ultimate one. In this case, Simon and I are alreadyjoined, of course, and we have no idea whether we can be bound again. Or whether any magic the Crucible has will work on Simon now that spells bounce of him.
The binding can be reversed – plenty of mages are still left at the altar – but it’s a significant step. After today, our names will be entered in the next edition of the Magickal Record, our intentions publicised. 
I can’t help but think Simon 
i think i felt this scene was dragging. time to switch to simon, that feels like walking/like moving the scene on.
He dumped me again shortly after that – this time for being too clingy. I think that meant that I texted him more than twice a day. And tried to talk to him about what he wanted to do with his life. Definitely a step too far.
Now, of course, we all know what Gerard wants.
He wants to marry a nice girl, who doesn’t ask too many questions. I can’t blame him for that. There were times I thought that would be my future, too.
Fortunately, I think I have something a little better.
“What did you even see in this guy?” Simon whispers to me as Gerard and Maddy approach the Crucible together.
“Crowley, that makes even less sense,” Baz says, making a face. “You wouldn’t be my best friend if I was bothered by any of that.”
“But that’s not going to help us work out what to do about this engagement, is it?” I huff. “And it’s different, being friends and being married.”
“Is it?” Baz says, and it’s strange, but it sounds like he’s really asking. What would be different? Even though we both know that everything would be.
i had real problems with this scene, as you're about to see. we're trying to a) keep the mood UPbeat, simon and b) not give the game away that baz actually wants to marry him.
“Right, well. It’s obviously my fault.” I faff around with my fork, breaking the cake in front of me into smaller and smaller bits. I don’t want to look at him. “You couldn’t handle it anymore. My temper. How fucked up I am. The fact that I can’t even do magic. That I can’t talk to you about books or music—”
“Simon.” Baz leans forward across the table, between the cakes. He takes my hands, “stop.”
I stop.
“You do know that none of that is a problem for me,” Baz says, insistently. “It’s not as if I’m not fucked up. It’s not as if I don’t have a temper.”
“Yeah,” I say. “I know.” I do. I know we work as friends – it’s the rest that’s the problem. “That’s not going to help us work out what to do about this engagement, is it?”
“Well,” Baz frowns, “you could always say you don’t want to talk about it. When people ask – why you broke up with me.”
“I already told you––”
“Or you can keep not breaking up with me,” Baz says, interrupting me. “And I won’t break up with you.”
Not only about the cake. (Although he didn’t choose the chocolate, which is clearly the best.) But – if we don’t break up then we’ll have to get actually married.
Baz must know that. Which means …
Which means … Merlin.
Has Baz just asked me to marry him?
If we don’t break up, Baz and I will be getting married.
Does he want that?
Do I?
I haven’t thought about it before, I’ve never let myself think about it. Because this wasn’t real, because it all had to end and although I loved Baz, I knew we weren’t supposed to be together.
But now I’m sitting amongst the half-eaten remains of a dozen mini wedding cakes and Baz is in the other room talking to my gran and Penny’s dad about magickal binding spells. And I know I do.
I do. I want to marry him.
If we don’t break up, Baz and I will be getting married. Which sounds good – perfect, actually – except that that’s not the only question and I don’t know the answer to any of the others.
Is that what Baz wants?
Is that really what’s suggesting?
And can I let myself have him if it is?
end chapter. i really hated this ending, and then i remembered that rainbow always ends on a downbeat/stressed syllable. and that got me to the chocolate cake ending, which i really like.
from chapter 5
She hangs up.
I spell the music louder.
Somehow, I make it through the next day. And the next. 
Penny helps. Shepard’s still in Scotland – still unreachable by Normal methods and magickal ones. She sent him a bird, but it came back a day later with the note still in its beak. Penny says that means Shep’s underwater. She’s trying not to worry, but I can tell she’d like to talk to him about this. It makes me feel a bit better, knowing I can do something for her, too. She makes sure I remember to have a shower every day; I make sure she’s eating.
I make it through my exam on Friday, too. I’m not on my top form – obviously – but enough of what I’ve learned this year must have stuck somehow as I’m able to answer most of the questions.  
There’s a text from Baz waiting for me when I get my phone back: 
“Hope you didn’t fail. x”
It makes me smile, even though it’s kind of rude and I probably shouldn’t. 
Penny says Baz isn’t replying to any of her texts or her emails, and she thinks he might have eaten the bird she sent. He’s still talking to me, though. Not out loud, admittedly. He hasn’t answered my calls – he says he’s always asleep when they come through, no matter what the time is – but he responds to my texts. It makes me think he doesn’t hate me. 
“Why would he hate you?” Penelope asked me yesterday. “Isn’t this what you agreed would happen?”
It is what we agreed, but she didn’t see Baz’s face. He was so disappointed. 
But at least he doesn’t hate me. He remembered my exam. He sent a kiss.
I text back: “did ok i think. no thx to you. x”
Baz must be watching his phone. He writes back almost immediately: 
“You never needed me. x”
He doesn’t know how wrong he is. The only thing keeping me going is the thought that I get to see him again soon. 
“still on for brunch? x” 
Baz takes a while to reply to this one, even though all he needed to do was thumbs up. I see the three dots fade in and out on the screen a few times before his message finally arrives. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea right now, do you? We’re supposed to have just broken up. We shouldn’t be seen together in public.” 
OK, I guess that makes sense, even though I can’t imagine anyone’s that interested. Except my grandma and Jamie, for obvious reasons, and some reporter who keeps calling, trying to get me to say something rude about Baz for the Record.  
“we could go to the cinema instead,” I suggest because it’s dark. No one would see us. 
“There’s nothing on,” Baz replies. 
“come round, then? Penny won’t ask any questions. x”  
“Thank you, but I’m busy this weekend.” 
He’s lying. He didn’t even think of an excuse. 
I call him. He doesn’t pick up. He texts me instead. 
“Maybe next week? x”
Next week’s my birthday. Has he forgotten? Has he remembered? What if he remembers and changes his mind? We 
this was clearly a big deleted bit, but i thought simon was....... coming across too happy!!! YES. the opposite of what i'd been fighting the whole time. GET WITH THE PROGRAMME, SIMON. and i didn't need most of this - i needed to get to the lady ruth scene, so i just cut straight there and referred back to this.
“Not because we’re friends,” I tell him. “Not because you have to. Because I love you.”
Simon’s eyes are wide and blue. “Love—?”
“Not as a friend,” I clarify. “Not just as a friend.
No, he––
That’s not––
And anyway, even if it’s true––
It can’t be, but––
Even if he kissed me––
I shouldn’t. I can’t.
I can’t say yes.
Simon looks like he’s going to cry.
Not in a good way, but I think that’s fine. I feel a bit like crying too – pretty much always.
“Baz,” his voice cracks, “you deserve better.” 
this scene was going so great until i hit 'not just as a friend' - which i thought was PERFECT, and perfect as the end of baz's section - but i really didn't want simon to have to react while he was saying the next line i had in my head, which was 'Baz, you deserve better'. so i tried to write around it. for more than a week. (when i dont know what i'm doing, i always write very slowly.) this one is the first in my doc, but i can't tell if it was chronologically first. it's the closest to what i eventually went with.
“You’re it for me, Simon. There’s no one better.”
“There’s you,” I say quietly.
I immediately regret it – I sound like an ass – but Baz was looking so sad before and at least now he isn’t. He looks like he’s got the answer to something.
“Do you love me?”
“You know you deserve better.”
It’s the right thing to do. Tell him. It’s what I’ve been thinking, all this week. How selfish it was to think I could hold onto him. When I knew I shouldn’t. When I knew––
Baz is shaking his head. “I don’t know that.”
That he deserves everything?
“You should.”
“I don’t want anyone better.” Baz is still pushing, still holding on. “There isn’t anyone better. I’ve only had other relationships because I thought I couldn’t have you.”
No. That’s not––
“Ask Gerard,” Baz entreats. His voice is pained too; his face is so close. “Ask Tristan. You’re it for me, Simon. There’s no one better.”
He looks so sad. It’s breaking my heart, but I can’t let him do this.
“Baz …”
This is what I wanted. It’s what I want. But I can’t––
We can’t––
I shouldn’t have kissed him just now.
My voice cracks as I speak: my throat’s tight and hot. I swallow.
“You know you deserve better.”
I don’t know that.
I don’t know if I deserve Simon, but it’s not important. I love him. I want to be better for him
i have no idea what this came after, sorry
Is this too much?
Or not enough? I can’t tell. I’ve never confessed my feelings to the love of my life before.
It’s awful – and it isn’t, because Simon hasn’t said he doesn’t feel the same. He’s said the opposite. I think that’s good, even though he also looks like he’s about to cry – not in a good way. Honestly, I feel like crying too, but I also feel desperate and like we’re getting somewhere and, anyway, it’s far too late to turn back now. So, in for a penny …
“Marry me,” I beg him. “Please. Love.”
“I can’t.” He sounds wretched.
“Because you don’t love me?”
“Because I’m me,” he says. His wings
you'll see i kept 'about to cry - not in a good way'. i liked that. anyway - that's the end of that. fortunately after all the pain, the scene turned out well! but basically i wasn't ready to cut away to simon, but i had to cut away to simon - not just because the line was good, but becuase he deserves to react. ugh. but he had nothing to say. hard times. ok - something else. i wanted to put the reveal that baz didn't care about the goat into the wedding, but i ran out of time so i tried to insert it into stuff i'd already written.
Everyone forgets about me and Baz for a bit after that. That’s fine, though. The garden’s big enough that we can wander off without anyone noticing. I kiss Baz behind one of the greenhouses. He lets me push my fingers between the buttons of his shirt and bite at his neck. I keep us covered with my wings.
“I love you,” I tell him.
“I love you too,” Baz says, catching my face in his hands. “Also, there’s a goat watching us, so you might want to stop.”
“What?” I laugh and turn around. Sure enough, a winged goat is standing a few feet away from us. It’s not watching, though. It’s eating one of Lady Ruth’s plants.
I hurriedly let go of Baz and try and shoo the goat away. “Get off!”
Baz isn’t at all helpful, even though he has magic. He just watches. Fortunately, I know a few tricks from Ebb.
“Very impressive,” Baz says, as the goat wanders huffily back towards the house.
“Shut up, I got that goat for you.”
“You do know when I said I wanted to be married at Watford, I meant I wanted to marry you?”
“Fuck.” I had to get up early to drive Agatha and the goat here. “I mean, good. But––”
Baz leans “I love you
i hated this though, as it slowed down the action. so i instead broke up the swithin (originally petra, but she's too old by now!) and cake conversation to put the goat there. that worked better.
there might be a few other bits and pieces but that's the main stuff!! thanks for reading.
(i couldnt make the ring emojis smaller. so.... apologies for that)
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dylanconrique · 4 months
why did i low key get excited when i saw that fake text from lucy's "mom"???? why do i wanna see victoria and patrick chen again even though i despise them for the way they treat lucy. 😅😅
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strayrumia · 11 months
Rumia's Masterlist
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About Me (Personal):
Name: Rumia Age: 20+ Pronouns: She/Hers Ethnicity: Filipino-American Social Media: @SkyWarriorKirby (Main Tumblr Blog, Main Twitter, and Instagram) (I like anime and video games too, so you'll see alot of that over there LOL.) Fun Facts: I'm a 2nd Generation KPOP fan. I don't really listen to many 4th generation groups except for Stray Kids, ATEEZ, (G)-IDLE, TXT, DREAMCATCHER, and LE SSERAFIM. I used to write under the username Got-Seonyeondan and wrote for BTS, EXO, and GOT7. (Those fics you can find under my SkyWarriorKirby tumblr account.) I recently wanted to get back into writing again! KPOP Biases: [Lee Know*, Seungmin, Han (Stray Kids)], [Taehyun*, Soobin, Beomgyu (TXT)], [Jungkook*, V, Suga (BTS)], [Xiumin*, Chen*, D.O (EXO)], [Mark*, JB, Jackson (GOT7)]
About Me (Writing):
KPOP Groups I'll Write For: Stray Kids*, TXT, BTS, EXO, and GOT7. I'm an OT8 Stray Kids and OT11 EXO fan. Whether it makes sense to you or not, please respect that I will write for those specific groups. I'll Be Writing: Fake Text Aus, Social Media Aus, Fantasy Aus, regular scenarios, and many more! I will also write suggestive content, but also expect possible nsfw for some scenarios. Please expect fem!reader in all works unless otherwise specified.
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Stray Kids Masterlist
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TXT Masterlist (TBA)
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BTS Masterlist (TBA)
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EXO Masterlist (TBA)
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GOT7 Masterlist (TBA)
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Work In Progress / Coming Soon! (TBA)
I hope you're looking forward to what I have in store!
Thank you for stopping by <3
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firstprince-ao3feed · 1 month
The Red Room
by talesfromthesnogbox Henry's decided to totally ghost Alex after their New Years kiss because there's no way Alex could ever like him back... right? He avoids all his texts and calls, and even goes on a date with a pretty actress named Emily for publicity, but how will he ever be able to face Alex after their kiss? Henry's POV of the Red Room and Alex's bedroom scene from Red, White & Royal Blue, Chapters Five to Six, pages 123-146 (plus some movie-verse incorporation!) Words: 3245, Chapters: 2/3, Language: English Series: Part 3 of RWRB: Henry's Take Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Nora Holleran, Zahra Bankston, Amy Chen | Amy Gupta, Emily (Red White & Royal Blue) Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor & Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Henry and Emily become friends, Fake/Pretend Relationship, POV Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Gay Disaster Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Loves Alex Claremont-Diaz, Bisexual Disaster Alex Claremont-Diaz, Pre-Relationship, Canon Compliant, During Canon via https://ift.tt/dioXsmL
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