#chen yuzhi knew what he was doing
When you get a comment on your elven war au saying that a character would not attack their own people to protect the people they are currently with like...do you not know how war works?  Sacrifices have to be made and sometimes a peaceful, non-violent method will not work.  Yes, I know that a prince would not want to attack his own people but he also knows that he cannot keep his hands clean if he wants to try and protect these people he’s grown to care about.  War is ugly and sometimes it makes people do things they don’t want to do
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noraigo · 9 months
can we please talk about jiang yuelou and chen yuzhi?
if you told me a couple of months ago that i wouldn't get over a series about a hot-tempered policeman and a gentle doctor, i wouldn't have believed you. however, here i am and i cannot fathom the fact that this series is so underrated. the chemistry, the whole plot, the characters: chen yuzhi, jiang yuelou, chu ran, yu tangchun, among many others, are so well-built and i think that just for this, it deserves more recognition.
BUT, i’m solely here to talk about these two. can we appreciate how beautiful their relationship is? i am aware that they fall under the bromance trope, but you cannot convince me they are merely close friends, not when the whole series is based on a bl novel. although they start off a bit hostile (i know, i know), the evident infatuation jiang yuelou develops towards chen yuzhi and vice versa is so romantic. he finds everything the doctor does endearing, from his quiet surprises to the way he’s always trying to help him psychologically. yuelou suffers emotionally due to his bipolar disorder, with violent outbursts and unstability that makes him throughout the series, you get to know that yuelou is not the kind of person to seek help, that he would rather confront everything by himself than ask guidance. yet, somehow — he always comes to yuzhi when he’s uneasy or confused. it’s not a secret in the police bureau either, song rong and sun yongren (the most loyal characters i’ve seen in a series, i have to say) are pretty much aware of his liking towards yuzhi’s company. even jin dacheng himself insinuated that both of them didn’t have an innocent relationship at all.
the hugs, the touches, THE LOOKS! oh my goodness, their stares were the death of me. i am the kind of person who never skips initial and final credits, so i was very eager to know the hospital scene that happens at the very end of the credits, because i was sure it would become my favourite. i was right and i won’t forget the feeling i was experiencing: the look of relief on yuelou to see yuzhi alive before his eyes, but being on the verge of tears because he knew yuzhi almost didn’t make it? it's a mixture between guilt, relief and love, all in one. absolutely delightful. it’s a repetitive pattern though: yuzhi gets in trouble, yuelou goes crazy and once he’s safe in his arms again, it’s like a part of yuelou’s soul is being reassured that the most important person in his life is alive, safe and sound. because, oh my… in the novel, yuelou considers the doctor his zhī jǐ: a person who understands him deeply no matter what, similar to a soulmate. thanks to an user on tumblr and their translations, i could get to know that, in the audiodrama, yuelou’s feels go beyond platonic. “you’re more significant than friends. people touch you, it’s the same thing as them going after my life.” THIS IS SO RAW AND EMOTIONAL, I’M GOING TO FAINT. the fact that even when yuelou and yuzhi were in danger, as zhan junbai was watching them over, yuelou straight up says: (on my own words, as my memory has been failing me lately)
“is there something between us that can’t be said? we're of the same mind.” i’m so... give me a minute, please *inaudible screams and screeches*
one thing i noticed a lot while watching the series is the fact yuzhi is a very gentle, soft-spoken and intelligent character, which already makes him likable (oh, i LOVE kind-hearted characters) but when you see him through yuelou’s pov — slow motioned movements, timid dimpled smiles, a person whose demeanour is described as pure even — he becomes even more lovable and that’s how yuelou sees yuzhi. how crazy in love yuelou must be to stare at yuzhi while doing mundane things, such as having dinner together? absolutely not focusing on the plate underneath him. instead, grinning with doe eyes as he watches yuzhi looking at the snowy night. ROMANTICISM ON ITS PEAK.
however, for me, the most special thing is to see yuzhi reassuring yuelou by holding his hand so dearly, by hugging him out of relief to see him alive too, by cradling his hand on yuelou’s cheek to brush his tears away. THE ENDING, I CAN’T CONTINUE MY LIFE AND PRETEND NOTHING HAPPENED.
yuzhi is slowly passing away on the other’s arms. yuzhi always wants to be near him and it gets highlighted in his final words, he was too wishing to eat tang yuan with now commissioner jiang yuelou. even on death, he’s under the snow with him. even on death, yuelou’s fondest memories are with chen yuzhi, for he keeps their photo together close to his heart despite grieving his absence and having to take care of yuzhi’s little sister. yuelou simply sits on his home all alone, with the emptiest eyes which once had the entire galaxy shared with yuzhi. not moving, not doing anything. i felt like i was mourning with yuelou, i will never forget how he quietly lays down beside yuzhi’s body while crying his heart out when he realized the inevitable.
WHY? WHY IS THE ANGST SO BRILLIANT WITH THEM? THE LONGING, THE YEARNING, THE LOVE. i’m afraid i won’t enjoy anything that doesn’t remind me of them. there was a before and an after in me, it literally reseted my entire smooth brain.
everyone, go watch killer and healer. 37 episodes are definitely worth the time!
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just look at them, i will respectfully combust.
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cephiius · 6 months
Why is Jiang YueLou the "Killer"?
Do you think that Chen YuZhi's death is the full consequence of Jiang YueLou's initial attempt to half-kill him? That the embodiment of his pride-turned-pain and vice versa is how he could not save the people that he loved? That he cherished? That gave him meaning? That saved his life?
That the essence of Jiang YueLou as the "killer" isn't just because of the blood on his hands, but because he was never able to save the people that mattered to him?
His trusted subtordinates, who both died in battle alongside him. Sun YongRen. Song Rong.
The figure and mentor that took him in which became his family after he lost his first one. Bai JinBo.
His mother whom he grieved before, during, and after their reunion. Jiang ShenNan.
Chen YuZhi.
Perhaps it really was his strong sense of justice that pulled him to do it... maybe it is his first priority to take the odds with the only chance he had. His bureaucratic ideals were something long planned after all. But.
Do you think that for what he did to Chen YuZhi, specifically, Jiang YueLou was given karma for not preparing or warning the other beforehand? That he only had to believe that the other would be okay fully knowing in his field of work, it would almost always end otherwise? That YueLou's recklessness was a risk he was willing to make that took YuZhi's warm and careful humanness for granted?
That YueLou took YuZhi for granted, because the latter was the "healer" who was supposedly going to be fine until the very end, until he was not?
I think that at the finale of it all, YueLou was tired. He could not save his friends and family. Not even the person that faithfully remained with him throughout everything which occurred and helped him achieve his glory. Maybe YueLou knew that there was nothing else that could heal YuZhi. So he laid there, beside the love of his life, and stayed.
Because if Jiang YueLou could not save Chen YuZhi, he would at least stay with him and not take him for granted one last time.
additional: i think it would be a great thing to note how keying was alive. all this time. (interesting writing tbh) so chen keying basically gave his life, as the healer, and did manage to save the people around him. the people that meant most to him.
yes, chu ran died. that's a whole other thing and her own distinct person and arc. but. i'd like to emphasize that i think chu ran is one of yuzhi's greatest friends. therefore, he managed to save the two just right above that friendship. chen keying. jiang yuelou. his family.
(i wrote this mid-brainrot at almost sunrise after finishing the series lmao anw i still hate the ending, make the girls and gays happy tsk) (anw i'd like to hear ur thoughts!)
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quietplace26 · 2 years
I don't know if you could already tell, but I LOVE time travel aus. Here's one for Killer and Healer.
Chen Yuzhi was a modern day doctor.
Somehow, he ends up in the past after an accident that should have killed him.
Seeing how he was stuck, and with no way to get back home, he settles for doing what he did best. Heal.
Yuzhi finds a clinic willing to hired him and he begins his new life as a doctor in a another time.
He even gained a family memeber! A little girl wandered into the clinic one day, and Yuzhi, not having the heart to turn her away, took her in. Little Keying was his sister now~
Despite being in the past for a couple of months now, Yuzhi was still clueless about certain things.
One example being Police Commissioner Jiang Yuelou.
Yuzhi was told by others that the man was someone to fear and to never anger him. Hearing how terrifying and violent the commissioner was, Yuzhi vowed to never cross paths with the man.
To bad he broke that vow not even a few hours later.
Yuzhi huffs as he dragged the man into his home, yelling at Keying to get his first aid kit.
It was probably a bad idea, dragging a man he didn't even know into his home, but when Yuzhi saw him bleeding on the ground, he just knew he had to help this man!
To bad he never expected the man to wake up enraged, demanding to know where he was at.
Yuzhi tried to calm him down, but after the man said some not so nice things, Yuzhi felt all the niceness leave him.
Yuzhi quickly shuts the man down with some sharp words of his own, feeling some pride when the man looked at him in shock.
Yuzhi's mystery patient ended up leaving not long after, saying he needed to go, and even with Yuzhi telling him it wasn't a good idea, the man still slipped away.
Yuzhi didn't even get his name...
A few days past, and Yuzhi was still thinking about his mystery patient. Did he get where he needed to be? Did he get there alive?
Yuzhi sighs as made his way to the clinic, only stopping when he noticed crowd around it.
Squeezing through the crowd, Yuzhi sees what they were staring at.
Dressed handsomely in a police uniform and standing quite menacingly out in front of the clinic was Yuzhi's mystery patient!
The moment his mystery patient saw him and walked over to him was the same moment Yuzhi realized he saved a very dangerous man.
Jiang Yuelou. The same man Yuzhi vowed to never cross paths with was his mystery patient, and now it seemed he caught this dangerous man's attention.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
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Chen YuZhi and his tiny baby smile as Jiang YueLou works very hard to save his life by betraying him. And hurting him so, so deeply in the process.
He couldn't let him die, no matter what pain he had to cause him in the process. Nothing mattered but keeping him alive, making sure he survived, making sure he was still there. That was all that mattered.
There has to be a healer for the killer, there has to be a doctor for the officer, there has to be a Chen YuZhi for Jiang YueLou. There cannot be one without the other.
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@changeandmovingon x
The morning was quiet inside the combined house, there was a feeling of content inside that very bedroom though. All because of the familiar presence that rested by Chen Yuzhi’s side, a person who was very important to him because of the bond that they were able to create. A bond that he wasn’t going to forget anytime soon, it was important to him. Jiang Yuelou was important to him.
Fingers grasped at the pillow with those gentle fingers unaware that Yuelou had already risen for the day that was ahead for the both of them. They both had people that relied on them while he dealt with criminals, Yuzhi dealt with healing people from what ails them.
He didn’t stir when that familiar gaze turned their attention toward him, the sleep lingering deeply over him. It seemed that it was a good thing that they met underneath that building that night, it was the start of the many meetings that could occur afterwards. He wanted to be there for Jiang Yuelou, he wanted to be someone that he could come to when needed. He loved him, he would always love him. The floor of the room was a tangled mess because of the clothes that were quickly discarded from the moment that their lips met behind those closed doors. It was the reason why that thin cover was bundled at his waist, the reason why he was gloriously naked in that shared bed.
It was difficult to ignore Jiang Yuelou though, they always seemed to tempt each other from those simple touches to the kisses that are shared. Things that are shared on a daily basis. Those familiar hands were sometimes enough to stop Yuzhi from what he was doing depending on if it was actually work related or not, he was a good distraction when needed. Those same hands that were moving over his back, those same hands that caused those low moans and the small shivers because of those teasing fingers that continued to run over his skin. It was understandable why the teasing police chief really didn’t want to leave his side, he most likely would have spent the entire day just staring at him without a second thought.
That cool breeze brought in a comfort from the lingering heat, a warm summer that slowly was starting to disappear. Fall was going to be here soon even though those warm days continued to appear until late into the evening, He would quite easily voice his opinions, he normally did since he wasn’t afraid to speak his mind. Something that Yuelou knew well when it came to anything Yuzhi wanted to know whether it be good or bad, he never liked being the bearer of bad news though. The doctor was unable to resist the touch that continued to travel up his back and over that very shoulder, a touch that he leaned into despite him being in a deep slumber. Those marks were something that Yuzhi would have to cover to keep his patients from spotting those marks that were left against his skin.
They would serve as a reminder of the pleasurable night that was shared between them, one that thankfully Keying did not here. Those muffled noises by those kisses thankfully muffled anything that could have escaped through those doors. How they moved as one and how he felt when he reached that high resting underneath the one that he truly loved.
Slowly stirring awake, the sight of Yuelou’s face lingered in front of his face before a warm, sleepy smile appeared across his lips. He had yet to truly shake that sleep from him though, a good morning kiss would help though. He couldn’t help, but smile once again as their lips touched even if he was the reason why the police chief would be late for work once again.
It was his fault since he found it hard to resist Chen Yuzhi.
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viriyanon · 3 years
breaking down killer and healer's "achilles come down" gifset
i just want to talk abt this [x]. if u haven't heard the song, please do now. maybe as u read this.
why did i make this gifset? no reason. i was looking up the french sample of achilles come down on the internet and when i read the lore that inspired the songwriter, lying beneath each word and punctuation, i immediately thought, "this is it. this is killer and healer."
so i just did it while listening to the song as i picked the raw materials. the french sample is an excerpt from camus' book "the myth of sisyphus" that i havent got the chance to read.
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Je vois que beaucoup de gens meurent parce qu’ils estiment que la vie ne vaut pas la peine d’être vécue
i witness that a lot of people are dying because they consider that life is not worth living.
i intended to use the scene where chen yuzhi sat in the rain and yu tangchun blasted himself in junbai's ammo warehouse to represent this line but i realized it wouldn't align and make a great contradiction with the scene for the next line.
(yes my preference is pain)
i reread the line and felt like, this sentence holds much more despair than just a fit of rage and vengeance. it represents achilles' helplessness after patroclus' death and his war against hector that had become meaningless. for after that, he still had lost someone who became the meaning of his existence.
and i thought of zhan junbai whose burning power had to smother because of yu tangchun's death, aside from his failed dynasty and being stripped off of his wealth. even if he succeeded in building his empire, what could the big city give him? what could a bigger mansion do to mend his broken childhood? what could his power do to fill his emptiness? his heart yearns for love, to be taken care of and nurtured, to regain the childhood that's never been fully his, to feel a mother's arms again, but he didn't know how to admit these.
and it led him to the consequence of his stone heart. an unworthy life with nothing but the cold winter wind and pathetic death that noone grieved for. even the one he considered as the love of his life didn't want to meet him in the afterlife, or the next life.
zhan junbai had lost yu tangchun but he knew yu tangchun lost nothing. so he held tangchun's prayer beads, the only thing he could hold on to for a while to relieve his fear of death but couldn't be taken to the other side of the great divide, and ended the miserable life he didn't choose. the beads falling was a sign that nothing from tangchun would be spared for him to be possessed.
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J’en vois d’autres qui se font paradoxalement tuer, pour les idées, les illusions qui leurs donnent une raison de vivre.
Paradoxically, I witness other people who are being killed for their ideas, their illusions, which give their existence a sense.
on the other side, there was jiang yuelou who was "killed" there too, after witnessing chen yuzhi's life force withered, taken forcibly by his archenemy, not by a peaceful slumber. and his archenemy claimed victory on that, saying that jiang yuelou lost too. zhan junbai killed jiang yuelou's dream and ideas of living together with chen yuzhi in the countryside. he killed the core of yuelou's existence, someone who had helped him become human.
for zhan junbai had failed to metamorphose into a better person and it cost him the reason for his existence. he wanted to drag yuelou with him too, he wanted yuelou to lose the sense of life that allowed him to dream of the sunset in a quiet countryside.
alas, he didn't know about keying. yuelou survived the grief thanks to her but deep inside he was already dead at that time. he couldn't let himself dream again. his city was saved and his people were no longer haunted by opium but his sleep would only be visited by nightmares. like zhan junbai, he too was a shell without gunpowder. his existence made less sense without chen yuzhi but at least, chen keying filled half of it.
notice how i faded all colors behind yuelou and junbai except red shades? yes, i want it to look like their worlds dreaded the moment yuzhi and tangchun passed away. junbai had more prominent red in the gif, symbolizing the blood rain from the people he had killed and sacrificed for power also his strength, ambition, and malicious intention. while yuelou had a more brown-ish shade to signify the dream that'd been crushed so he had to come back to earth and live his life as it is. also a representation of his resilience, strength, and loneliness.
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Ce, qu'on apelle une raison de vivre est en même temps une excellente raison de mourir.
what we call a reason to live is also an excellent reason to die.
different from junbai and yuelou, i made yuzhi and tangchun's more colorful and flat. they were the good memories that brought colors to junbai and yuelou's lives. their existence rounded both the two men's sharp edges respectively. even though tangchun is not entirely sincere with the gentle touch but his sole presence already evokes a junbai that the executive himself doesn't know exist. alas, he just doesn't know how to embrace that other side of him who wants care and affection.
i intended to keep the colors because both settings explain what kind of story follows after each of them. both yuzhi and tangchun are under the sunlight, probably symbolizing hope and light to yuelou and junbai. but if you look closer, in tangchun's setting, it is raining while in yuzhi's, it is pretty clear skied. in some culture, rain that pours from a clear sky is named as "the rain of dead people", "fox rain", etc. dont ask me the origin i wont bother to go to the archive's building. accidental or not, it's really tangchun's part of the story. the rain can also sign their stormy relationship. as for yuzhi, it's too much of a clear sky and sunlight, like a day when everything is too good to be true and you should beware instead.
also, notice how the red and brown are kinda mixing so none of them are too prominent? and added with the reduced blackness so it gets the misty vibe? i want to make them look like a fever dream; something that's too good to be true. they are probably just in yuelou and junbai's head, pulling them back to the ground while fulfilling their desire of a good day with a good person sharing their dining table and food, and noone blames them for that. they are their ideas, their illusions, something they want to pursue, a dream comes true, a reason to live. but when that dream is crushed, they are back to the ground, to the painful reality, get punched and kicked and being told unworthy by life. that's where yuzhi and tangchun become good reasons to die.
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How the most dangerous thing is to love?
this is a line from achilles come down that stabs me the most. i just want to incorporate this part to the gifset to show where did i learn about the french excerpt from camus.
i suppose this is the tang yuan stall because yuelou and yuzhi were not near their house when this tragedy happened. also, yuzhi emphasized that he wanted to eat tang yuan with yuelou when he's dying and the director showed us this establishing shot so, i assume this is the tang yuan stall.
this is yuelou's dream that is killed together with yuzhi. a dream of a beginning of a life that's not lonely and dark. look at the steam wafting. i see that like a smoke from a burned dream. it's yuelou's burning passion and new spirit are being smothered by the snow. and the snow represents that one phrase about God taking back an angel home (if you read my fic, you'll know). it's a picture of fate.
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 3 years
ok so I tried to come up with three characters like you did for me but this was very difficult. so feel free to ignore some if you don't like it or feel like talking about someone else :'D but the beauty ghost/liu qianqiao (word of honor), yu tangchun (killer and healer, bc i know you like our opera boy) and seo moonjo (strangers from hell, bc i am always curious about you and this dentist lol)
Aaaah thanks for these! 💗 It’s been a joy to answer them, so I hope you can get through my ramblings about them. 
Referring to Give Me A Character
and I’ll break their ass down:
How I feel about this character
All the people I ship romantically with this character
My non-romantic OTP for this character
My unpopular opinion about this character
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
My answers under the cut: 
Liu Qian Qiao/ Beauty Ghost (Word of Honor) 
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How I feel about her: I love her and she deserves better. I’ve not finished the drama yet and I know surprisingly little spoilers about her. I just love to see her acting on her own accord, standing up for the person she loves. Being protective and so caring of Luo Fu Meng, it breaks my heart. From what I’ve seen, she’s gotten on my radar only recently - after they saved Luo Fu Meng from the prison, I got really excited to see more of her and them in general. 
I think she deserves better than that pathetic man whose name I don’t bother to remember. I’m scared of what the show will do to her but I’m so excited to see more, especially now that Scorpion got them in his clutches? She’s on par with him and I’m curious which direction this will go. However, as with many C-dramas unfortunately, she does not really feel tangible to me? There is always something missing, just a small piece that will make her feel more true to me. Maybe the drama will deliver on that? I’m not sure what to expect. 
All the people I ship romantically with her: Luo Fu Meng!!! Lesbian ghosts rights!!! Their recent scenes have been breaking me and I just want to see more of them. I want to know more about their past together, about their dynamic. Luo Fu Meng is her master but right now, Liu Qian Qiao is the one guiding and caring for her. It shows how equal they actually are, even if not in their title. Liu Qian Qiao’s devotion to her feels so burning and determined - whatever she has going on with that man just pales in contrast. She was ready to risk it all for her and she would never abandon her. She’s willing to do anything and I’m just praying for their lives - please don’t fuck it up, @ show writers. 
In short, I just need more of them. Please. 
My non-romantic OTP for her: I loved her interaction with A-Xiang a lot - she truly seems like an older sibling to her and it’s precious to see. I can see them being easily annoyed with each other but also fiercely protective of the other. I can see A-xiang being an unstoppable whirlwind and Qian Qiao trying to ground her, while being incredibly fond. I can also see A-xiang pulling her older sister out of her own head, grounding her and validating her? Tell her that she is more than she thinks of herself, and that she deserves a lot more than she allows for herself. I need more of their interaction because I’m weak for found family tropes and I need more of the ladies doing their own thing outside of Wen Kexing’s or someone else’s periphery. 
Also I want more interaction with her and the Evil Bodhisattva???? The potential that friendship has? Please gimme. 
My unpopular opinion: I don’t know any opinions? I’ve not yet dived deeply into the WOH fandom because I’m not done with the drama yet. I’ve generally seen little content about her and the other ghost ladies, which is a pity. Once I get there, I’m excited to dive into all the fandom has to offer. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I’m on episode 24, so I can’t really judge what the show is gonna do to her, but so far I wish for more depth. Less of that horrible man being affiliated with her. Less of her being subjected to violence. More agency. More of her and Fu Meng interacting, caring for each other, being in each other’s space. I hope her to survive and not be killed, so I’m crossing fingers. 
Yu Tangchun (Killer and Healer)
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How I feel about this character: OH BOY. I have freshly baked feelings about him, get ready. Warning for spoilers:
First of all, I always felt the drama did not dive into him as deeply as I had wished. Something was always missing there, but I can’t really name what. Maybe more depth, other than just being sick and out for revenge? He had more potential and I will get to it later. But from all I’ve gotten from him, I love how strong he is, and how much bravery there is in such a small body. He has his own mind and own agenda and doesn’t allow people pushing him around - I also love how deceiving he can be, even to his friends (namely Chen Yuzhi when he asked for that drug). He is a clever fox and I love that for him. Which also made him incredibly unpredictable to me in the beginning - I just couldn’t quite place him? 
In the end, am just incredibly fond and he deserved so so much better than the show ever gave him. 
All the people I ship romantically with him: Zhan Junbai, with all its flaws. From the first moment on, their tension just made me go ???????? the whole time. It was amazing and unsettling to watch, see its development and knowing this could not end well. A very delicious dynamic that always treaded the line of will they or won’t they (whether that refers to killing each other or otherwise). At some point I felt a little more invested into their plotline simply because it was so interesting and unpredictable. The mutual attraction is undeniable, which made what happened later even more heartbreaking and fucked up.
It could have never worked, even if Zhan Zhunbai had been less of a dick. They deserved a different ending - at least Yu Tangchun should have been the one to kill him, or at least they should have had a proper showdown together. After all - they were more than friends at this point. 
My non-romantic OTP: I loved his friendship with Chen Yuzhi, but I must say I would have loved to see him more with Chu Ran! If we imagine a different ending, they could have bonded together so much over what Zhan Junbai did to the both of them. They are both so gentle and headstrong, I wish we had gotten more of them together. It could be relaxing and freeing for the both of them. 
Also I’ve always wondered how exactly Yu Tangchun’s friendship with Jiang Yuelou worked? I think this got way too little spotlight. 
My unpopular opinion about him: I have no idea what is popular and what isn’t? Maybe that I sort of enjoyed the idea of Yu Tangchun joining Zhan Junbai, even though I knew it wouldn’t happen. Let me dream, that could have been a different level of conflict. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Oh boy. Oh boy. SO MUCH. Spoilers ahead if you haven’t finished the show: 
First of all, his ending?? It felt way too rushed and while not out of character, he deserved so much more than his death being an afterthought to the plot and a few sad gay flashbacks. The entire ending felt rushed and oh boy, could I rant about it here, but I will try and focus on Yu Tangchun. So yes, give him the respect he deserves. 
Another thing which I have mentioned above is that I wished they had given him more depth? Just a little bit more other than the trauma and agony he went through. I also wish I had seen more of his opera and his story with it - how he got there, how he thinks about it. We only ever got glimpses and I get that a show can only focus on so much, but still. 
I also wish his ending with Zhan Junbai had been different - in a sense that I wanted him to break Zhan Junbai, lure some genuine emotions on his face other than anger. I wish they had gotten more….closure? I don’t even know. It didn’t feel satisfactory at all. Zhan Junbai went through so much trouble to keep him and then suddenly he let’s him go and then he dies? It just went too quickly. If at least Yu Tangchun had been there to kill him in the end, or at least get some sort of closure. I’m rambling now because I don’t know what I wanted for them but it was certainly more than what the show gave me. I am so frustrated about the ending of the show, help me. 
Seo Moonjo (Strangers from Hell)
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How I feel about this character: Conflicted. That is the short answer to that, but of course I’m not here to give a short answer. Do I have to clarify that I do not condone the actions of a cannibalistic serial killer in real life? I hope not. Okay, let’s get to it then. 
Seo Moonjo (or Mr. Dentist, as I lovingly call him) to me is incredibly intimidating. Part of it is that Lee Dong Wook does an incredible job at depicting him as charming and terribly unsettling at the same time. From the first second he shows up on screen, you feel this presence - and you feel intrigue and fear. Which is what Seo Moonjo wants, it’s what he preys on. 
So when I think about how I feel about him, I think he is one of the best villains I’ve encountered recently, simply because he makes me feel the same way he makes Jongwoo feel. I’m very fascinated? I feel Seo Moonjo is a very lonely person, lost in his own ideals and morals. He has absolutely no sense of social propriety and does not intend to learn them. He’s so caught up in his own art and his desire for a certain life, it’s almost pitiful how much he desires it. But of course, once I feel a sliver of pity, he reminds me that he is - indeed - hell personified. I am still lowkey mad that he charmed me (why is being a villain so sexy smh).
Summing up, I love and hate him. What a creepy bastard.
All the people I ship romantically with him: Yoon Jongwoo, despite all the cruelty of it. I think comparing this show to NBC’s Hannibal is very valid, even though these two never got a proper development of their relationship like Will and Hannibal did. I absolutely think that Seo Moonjo is in love with Jongwoo and wants him to be his, wants to wrap him up in his life and make him the ‘perfect art-piece’ he had always wanted in his collection. No matter how sick it is, this obsession is probably the closest Seo Moonjo can get to feeling love - he does not know how else to love. 
So what do I want for them? I want Jongwoo to get his revenge, to make Seo Moonjo suffer as much as he did. I want Jongwoo to see eye to eye with him so they can walk with equal footing. I want Seo Moonjo to realise that Jongwoo has as much power over him as he thinks he has over the other. After this, they can be murder husbands for all I care, in true Hannibal-esque fashion. The emancipation of Jongwoo needs to happen first, and Seo Moonjo needs to realise that he is not the invincible one in this relationship. After that, they can have a good time together, no matter how fucked up that time may look like. 
Also, I am convinced that he ‘dated’ Yoo Gihyeok in a twisted way, before he went and fucked up his plans; and before Jongwoo came to cath his eye.
My non-romantic OTP: As mentioned above - Seo Moonjo is a lone wolf. Yes he had his pack and someone that guided him on this path, but none of them ever come close to him to see his heart. The show itself doesn’t give him much space to see a potential friendship except the one he has with Jongwoo. Jongwoo would be the answer for this as well. (also to be fair, I don’t wish anyone to be friends with him damn)
However, if I could explore more dynamics he has with other people, I would love to see it with Officer So. I think she is an incredibly interesting and strong character and the few scenes they had together were fascinating - she came as his patient and ended up being his enemy. In another installment of this show, I would’ve loved to see more interaction like that and see the development of them being pleasant acquaintances (and maybe Seo Moonjo realising that she too is worth his attention) to enemies. I want Seo Moonjo to find respect for her.
My unpopular opinion: I’m not into depicting him as fancy rich, as many do in fics. Yes he’s a dentist and surely has a ton of money, but I like the idea that despite this wealth, he would always be a shabby sort of person. Not decked out with a luxurious rooftop apartment and wearing dress-shirts every day and expensive watches; but rather using his wealth to make himself safe from detection, finding remote areas, buying utensils and appliances for his ‘art’. So no, I reject the vision of him lounging on the highest building in Seoul with a minimalist empty apartment. I see him in a ratty rundown but expensive old mansion/house that has many corners for his artistic endeavours. I’ve already picked the perfect house for him in Busan, on the top of a hill overseeing the city and the harbour. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I’ve mentioned it above, but I wish Seo Moonjo had gotten to feel more pain. We got Jongwoo’s liberation and Moonjo being proud of his ‘artwork’ while Jongwoo kills him, but that was not the revenge Jongwoo needed. In the end, Moonjo still lingers with him, as a constant presence, and he never got a taste of his own medicine. While watching this show, all I wanted was Jongwoo to break Moonjo’s heart. This would not make up the suffering Moonjo put him through but at least they would be equal. So I have my own revenge fantasy with this character that is more than ‘merely’ killing him. Being killed by Jongwoo just felt like an honour to Seo Moonjo and I’m not satisfied with that. 
Phew okay I’m done! Thank you for giving me something to ramble about, it was a joy!! 
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puppy-phum · 3 years
I’m too embarrassed to say this off anon BUT U GOT ME INTO BTS FIC CAUSE I READ YOURS AND NOW I CANT STOPPPP so tell me about across and beyond pls pls pls
I am so incredibly happy that someone is interested in my bts stuff ;; I haven't talked about these fics to anyone in ages haha. also thank you, so, SO much for reading my fics ♥ you are amazing!
but to talk about across and beyond! I started it during last summer bc I had finished the king: eternal monarch (which I enjoyed very much? it was surprising when it has such a strong romance aspect and I usually avoid those). the idea of some kind of alternate universe plus time travel was so interesting to me that this created itself! 
(sorry am placing this under the cut to spare other ppl of my rambling)
it’s a story about modern era young CEO Jungkook whose father testaments him this old flute with a request to solve a secret of his. Jungkook, who is more into painting and art in general than his father’s business, needs to solve the secret before he can give up his position as the CEO. so, he starts figuring out the flute and what it means, and then travels, first by accident, to this other universe that exists somewhere in a historical era. 
and this is where men with sword came along! I watched the first season and part of the second one and it wasn’t phenomenal or anything but I loved some of the characters a lot! especially king jian bin and his bodyguard/advisor(/boyfriend) qi zhikan (played by yi bochen who now acts as chen yuzhi in killer and healer if you happen to watch that. also yang hao’s actor from sand sea, zhu jian, is in this! a very random combo). so I took some ideas from that world when I created the universe for Yoongi who Jungkook befriends (and well, obviously falls in love with). Yoongi is the deputy prime minister of his city and very exasperated by this young boy that just happens to appear in his mansion. Jungkook is, however, a fresh wind in the middle of his tiring duties as his kingdom is facing a war. 
it was somehow very easy to assign roles for all the members in both universes (historical and modern) and figure out what Jungkook’s father’s secret would be and how it would all play out. I also liked all the pairings I chose: yoonkook, taejoon (obviously bc I adore them) and then 2seok in the modern world and jihope in the historical one. I wrote quite a chunk of this during that summer but then got stuck on the moment Yoongi finally gets to Jungkook’s world :’D I am excited to finish this at some point tho bc I love what I have planned for the ending (even if parts of it are very sad). 
here’s a snippet for you to give you some feeling of this:
It was fine. He wasn’t even sure he could bring Yoongi through, unsure of the way his flute worked, of the way the worlds twisted around him. No one in his own world knew about the real purpose of his flute and he was afraid to tell. 
He doubted they would take it as well as Yoongi. They lived in a modern world - magic didn’t fit in. And if anyone was ever trying to travel through the worlds with him, it would have to be Yoongi. 
He breathed in, slowly, softly. In the space between worlds there was no air but he tried still. Only his chest moved, nothing going in, nothing coming out. He did not need to breathe here because he did not exist in this space but he liked trying, liked proving the space wrong. 
Yes, he was still alive in that space. Yes, he still had his body, could see familiar hands by his sides, could feel his toes when he wiggled them inside his shoes. He could hear his voice if he spoke and could touch the sandy ground under his very much real feet. 
It was just that this space was not real. He took no space in the world while he was in here and that was the reason why being here twisted time, he believed. Time took no space in here either. It did not flow like it used to when he walked through. 
There was no air, only sand and the steel gray sky. Doors were open everywhere, and then Jungkook walked through one. 
“Wha- Where were you? I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” 
Namjoon hurriedly stood up from the couch he’d been occupying, phone still lit in his hands. He was wearing a sharp, light gray suit to fit his gray dyed hair and fancy shoes that had obviously cost a fortune. His round glasses glimmered in the lowly lit up room, and Jungkook could see the worried lines around his dark eyes. 
“I’m sorry, hyung,” he murmured and Namjoon’s eyes narrowed into slits. 
“You were not in that kitchen a few minutes ago,” his vice president observed and Jungkook felt the dread in his stomach. He was about to face the modern world. He was about to tear it apart with his magic. 
“No, hyung,” he answered softly, “I was traveling.”
the pov switches between Jungkook and Yoongi as they both of course know different things of their worlds and different ppl so here’s also a snippet of Yoongi’s pov too (bc I really do like this fic): 
“Get him a change of clothes,” he told Seokjin who bowed and went on his way. Jungkook looked at him with wide, surprised eyes, and Yoongi could see more stars in them, could almost taste the excitement. He did not know if it was the boy’s or his own. If it was excitement at all, tilting slowly towards something daring. 
“Don’t speak with anyone and stay by my side,” he instructed when they climbed into the carriage and started their way to the palace. Jungkook nodded, looking so very different in his new clothes. The robes he wore belonged to Seokjin, the two men sharing the same physique which guaranteed that the robes at least fit. All the layers of misty blue and shining gray made the boy look ethereal. 
They had not been able to hide Jungkook’s short hair but Yoongi did not think it mattered. He could lie it was because of different customs, that Jungkook was his visitor from a faraway kingdom. 
Technically, he was. If Yoongi believed in his stories - which he thought he might. There were too many details. The boy’s eyes were too telling. 
“Wow,” Jungkook gasped as they arrived, fumbling a little bit with his long robes as he climbed out with Seokjin’s helping hand. Yoongi hummed, looking at the golden palace with the eyes of a stranger. The palace looked unreal, like it had descended from heaven. With all its details and decorations, it felt like it had been made with the hands of a god. 
Was Namjoon, perhaps, from a heavenly bloodline after all? 
Yoongi shook his head lightly and then gathered his robes to his hands, climbing down the small ladder that had been placed next to the carriage. He wore robes with more brown today. There were still green details in his outfit to show his assigned colors but the dark brown was dominating, bringing out the delicate golden threads that crisscrossed all over his outer robe. On his back, there was a picture of a golden swan. 
“I’ll introduce you to people when needed. Remember to bow and speak respectfully,” Yoongi said once more and Jungkook smiled, nodding again. The boy had a tendency to forget his manners, and Yoongi really hoped they would not get into trouble because of a simple slip.
thank you for allowing this to me ♥ I hope you enjoyed all of my ramblings and these snippets ^^ 
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✨ weekend wip exposure club ✨
rules: post 7 sentences/a snippet of an unfinished work
@hyperbolicgrinch and @theotherwhybietoldmeso (happy weekend my loves!)
Another snippet from my Killer and Healer Rebel Moon au "Die Trying"
While they were heading to the building to evict the residence, up at the Longhouse, everyone was still standing around Bai Jinbo and Bai Yanli’s body in shock just as Chen Yuzhi stepped inside, making everyone look over at him before Jin Dacheng swallowed.             “Oh, Dr. Chen…you’re here” he greeted.  Chen Yuzhi dipped his head.             “You called, so I came” he replied before he walked over and stood before the two bodies, looking them over before he knelt down and sighed softly.             “What happened?” he asked.  Jin Dacheng shook his head.             “I don’t know…one minute everything was going fine and then the next—” he started, just as one of the villagers pointed a finger at him.             “This is YOUR fault!” she shrieked.  Jin Dacheng looked at her in shock.             “I didn’t know they were going to kill him!  How is this my fault?!” he demanded.             “If you hadn’t been running your mouth, maybe Bai Sir would still be alive!” another villager snapped, just as a fourth one frowned.             “What about the soldiers?  What are we going to do about them?” they asked.  Jin Dacheng shook his head.             “I don’t know” he replied just as Cheng Qing took a step forward and held up his hands in a placating manner.             “Stop.  Stop” he instructed before he turned and looked at everyone.             “How about this?  Why don’t we bring in the crop and fall on their mercy?  If we do that, we’ll make ourselves invaluable and they won’t be able to kill us.  It would make them need us” he explained, just as another villager nodded.             “He’s right.  Farming is something that we can do and they cannot.  If we show them how good we are, they will be forced to spare us” she declared, causing all of the other villagers to nod in agreement while Chen Yuzhi, who was still kneeling by the bodies, shook his head and huffed softly.             “Fools…once they have no more use for you, they will get rid of you faster than you can blink” he murmured before he shook his head again and pushed himself to his feet, making all of them quickly fall silent and look at him as he took a deep breath.             “Bring their bodies over to the clinic later…I’ll prepare them for burial” he declared before he slipped out of the Longhouse and headed back towards his clinic, leaving the rest of them to their delusions.  He knew those soldiers would not listen to reason, seeing as they killed Bai Jinbo and Bai Yanli in such cold blood without any hesitation, so if they could do that to them…what made the rest of the villagers so invaluable?  He then shook his head.  It was none of his business what they did…if they wanted to live in delusion and believe that the soldiers would spare them, then so be it.  But not him.  Not him.
Tagging: anyone who wants to play. This is open to all
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okay so heads up i’m drunk and i’ve decided to make it y’all’s problem. i’m joking i do not wish to be a problem anyway killer and healer thoughts below the cut bc i still have some sense of shame (and i’ve accidentally written like three essays condensed in one)
so i’ve seen a post that compares zhan junbai with boss yu and while i do agree on most resemblances there is one big difference between them that does make them incompatible, no matter what zhan junbai wants: motive. belief. zhan junbai believes in power over anything else and in my opinion does not consider other people as human beings. they’re just another pawn in his game, and that’s how he stays sane while committing atrocities. if others’ lives don’t matter, there’s no need to feel guilty as he orders their deaths. as long as they are considered to be pawns, it’s okay. then comes boss yu, who isn’t a pawn to be ordered. zhan junbai does consider him as a Real Person... until boss yu drops the act. then he becomes a possession. maybe he always was one, as i think i recall zhan junbai asking him multiple times to stay at his house.
on the other hand we have boss yu, who sees his life shortens before his very own eyes, and maybe he really does love to sing, but it becomes quickly apparent that he is driven by pure revenge, and he has nothing to lose, not even his own life as it is already forfeited by his illness. we could consider that either love for his family either pure hate for the person who murdered his family fuels his revenge. maybe both of them. he never approached zhan junbai in the idea of becoming Real Best Friends or Lovers: he straight up thought at first that zhan junbai was the one who killed his family and did accept to visit him bc of it. then he thought he was wrong about zhan junbai and used him as a pawn to get closer to zhan junbai’s uncle. i like to think that he was genuine when he took that knife for zhan junbai bc how the fuck are you going to plan to stay alive after receiving a knife in your belly at this era with a high chance of dying for someone you dis think was innocent is above me, clearly. but then i cannot see why you would hurt someone in the first place so i might not be the most reliable person on that question. anyway. i do not think boss yu has ever been his real self around zhan junbai except after zhan junbai discovers the truth. zhan junbai was just another pawn in his game, then turned out to be the king to take down. boss yu is driven by revenge and desperation as his life is shortened bit by bit. he has nothing to lose. that does make him the most dangerous of the two in my opinion.
so while i do think that zhan jumbai’s feelings about boss yu were real until he discovered he was nothing but a pawn to him (then it turned into obsession), boss yu never considered him as someone he could trust even less love. zhan junbai did get a taste of his own medicine and did not appreciate it. but instead of learning from it he decides to go feral. i mean i do not blame him (well yes i do but-) bc imagine the mental vibe check that this must give him. would you prefer to run away from your sins and go deeper or confront them and realise how fucked up you are, so much you barely qualify as human?
i do think that the most real, the most truthful boss yu has ever been was with chen yuzhi, the doctor who knew about his illness and with whom he becomes friends before this whole debacle. but even to him, he can lie without batting an eyelash. and he does so multiple times. on one hand, some of his lies are to help another friend (jiang yuelou). on the other they are lies to push further his plan (the drug to die peacefully, for instance.) but chen yuzhi is also one of the only person he can fully trust, as chen yuzhi does not hesitate in using his knowledge to knock off zhan junbai when boss yu is far from comfortable.
then chen yuzhi. he is a fascinating character, if only by his refusal to reveal anything about his own past but spending his time saving other people. it does tell me that he doesn’t know how to save himself from his own past or wishes he could completely avoid it, forget it, put it aside. so he doesn’t think about it. only matter the lives he can save; he did not become doctor for nothing. maybe then it does become quite hypocritical of him to treat jiang yuelou, but then other people’s problems are so much easier to deal with, aren’t they? also chen yuzhi is trying hard not to hold grudges (it doesn’t mean he is always successful, far from it), but when it explodes? no one is safe. he will suddenly look at you straigth in the eyes and destroy your entire existence till now. do you know more about his story? absolutely no. do you know better than to test his patience? hopefully yes. the dude does have a lot of patience, but it is never endless. and once you reach the limit, it does tend to be quite noticeable.
personally i also view chen yuzhi as the blueberry shot expresso type of guy bc people do trust him quite easily bc he seems so so normal and calm but there IS something that does not quite turn round as we say in french about him. he turns square. not necessarily wrong per se, but very different. the dude barely fliches as he has an axe against his neck. that was probably not his first time being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
jiang yuelou, him, is the most open in his affections. or dislikes. won’t even pretend to shake a damn hand even when his life depends on it. but will smile sincerely at chen yuzhi at their next meeting, despite arresting him in their first one. jiang yuelou is someone who is really sincere. to a fault. and isn’t that what distinguishes him from zhan junbai in the end? zhan junbai who lived under a mask, and jiang yuelou who can barely keep one for more than five consecutive seconds.
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rqs902 · 5 years
qcyn ep 11 -- can you believe the finale is tomorrow?!?
this whole texting section was so funnyyyy and i will honorably mention yet again that yao chi texting mc jin in english is so sweet
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li ronghao torturing xu longhan iS HIALRIOSUS 
 but i also pity the poor child LOOL
wait can we talk about chen tao’s spelling timao LOL
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and chen sijian’s face LOLLL
omg yao mingming’s message is so aww... he mentions liking yixing since he debuted in 2012.......
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omgggg fjj and wang yi theyre all so cute and screamy and i loveee 
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oh gosh the8 is really showing us how hard seventeen works to get their choreo super in sync wow they really must work so hard.... wow minghao giving up the center position bc he knows how important this is to these kids... he deserves more recognition as a great mentor wow
oh my goodness.......... li zhenning’s voice shaking as he says to shi mingze “if you can get into top 20, then you’ll have hope” is.... the most heartbreaking......... knowing that shi mingze doesnt.......... they literally were smiling as they went off into this corner to talk and are crying by the time they come out..... can you just imagine how much sadness and stress is constantly looming over these kids’ heads and tearing down at their mental health?? its all hidden and suppressed, but with really fragile borders, so as soon as you pick at the walls, their raw emotions come bursting through... 
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this just reminds me that even tho shi mingze is their cool, handsome leader, hes still the youngest in bg project............
can we please talk about how considerate of a friend li zhenning is and has been?? 
and this all took place before zhenning ever ranked into top 9.... so to them, this opportunity wouldve been really important for zhenning too, bc maybe he wouldve really needed it to get into top 9. but at least we know now.... he has enough popularity that they made the correct choice and hopefully more people will notice shi mingze as a result
ZHAN YU’S ARMSSSSSSSSS bo yuan’s hair!! i really like it!!!! wen yechen in pink!!!!!! his voice is so addicting i just wanna hear more of it... it dont matter that zhenning isnt center, he still shines :)) wait wu zelin’s voice i really liked it in retreat and we get even more vocal-like wu zelin here! thats a realy nice purple on qunfeng, hes really rocking this look SHI MINGZE I SAW THAT WINK frick minghao’s dancing is just so satisfying to watch wowow
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man he looks so good
wow i live for random zhan yu reactions (imma just collect them here LOL)
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after journey and mc jin’s friendship is so cute hahahaha
ok i see why elle thinks chen tao is a visual
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wang zhe and wu chengze have both really improved in their stage presence throughout the course of this show aw deng chaoyuan looks the happiest we’ve ever seen him on stage haha zhou shiyuan’s voice is really so cool 
i guess we’ll never find out why gu landi is in mc jin’s group..... is it bc yao chi is here? im sorry i love this song and i love a lot of the kids in this group but can you just imagine how much better this stage would’ve been if it were with more kids who had experience rapping....? last year’s “zero” stage just made such a bigger impression on me...... this is actually really such a contrast im---
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chen sijian is really the best at writing raps about his bros wow and like also he has the most creative lyrics i really appreciate wow such talent hes amazing!!!
a lost baby..
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the face of a legend 
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ever since i saw the “time” ballad version, ive had a sneaking suspicion that lin yuzhi is secretly one of the strongest vocalists on this show..... this is the face of talent
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idk whose outfit is distracting me more, xu bingchao or xixi’s LOL shao haofan looks so nice here wow and ding feijun is so adorable even tho this is a more mature concept but i still cant see him as anything but a cute child
maybe its the way they cut up the lines but idk this song didnt really show off their vocal abilities that well..... sorry xixi :( i think xixi’s voice deserved better time to shine on this show...... his and feng junjie’s voices are actually both so nice i was so impressed when i saw them singing in the oaca clips
this koala ad makes me very uncomfortable......
wenhan reaches into the box and pulls out..... costco brand blueberries??!?!?/1 hHhahahhahHAHAHHA 
lol yao chi being so sentimental... oh look at this photo of me with bubbles on my face (me: oh no here it come--) OH YEA ALSO CHECK OUT THIS FACE WASH!
wow kou cong!! a face i havent seen in a while aw! i cant believe they filmed all the yaa eps while they all still had colorful hair lol i guess ill never get to see lin mo on yaa /sigh/ or actually any of the tyger members cept jia yi.........
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his was the most heartwarming call.... no bias LOL
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feng junjie singing “the great artist” just---
this boy will never stop with the meme faces hHAHAHA
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im surprised this section was so short lol i was expecting them to spend more time on this group...
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jolin’s eyes are so wow 
feng junjie with the voice!!!!!!1 
still kinda wish jia yi had more opportunity to sing on this show......... hes like second main vocalist to zhan yu in tyger but i feel like he hasnt gotten to show his voice much :( he did really well tho!!! he really has impressive stage presence
omg lin mo’s super shy “1 day” ahhhhh 
omg wang jiayi looks like hes about to cry... the poor child....
yixing reaching out to apologize to them.... hes really so caring towards them...... wang jiayi just needs more confidence!! i believe in him too
where did lin mo get this white cap from? lol he chose the pink one..... on a related note, im so happy lin mo got to be in yixing’s group, bc from the beginning with namanana hes really really tried so hard to earn yixing’s recognition, im sure it means a lot to him to be able to learn from him like this and share a stage with him 
yao mingming too, i feel like he really values yixing’s recognition as well
i think all the kids in this group had to have known that picking yixing’s group would be the most tiring and require the most effort, but i think choosing this group regardless just really shows they came here to learn 
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omg like yixing is really /teaching/ them and i appreciate that
lin mo and xu fangzhou’s voices!!!!!!
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what is this awkward closeup
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why does fangzhou have wings lol
i feel like theres a lot of random awkward closeups of lin mo.... should i be happy about this??? LOL i dont think theyre all very flattering but at the same time at least hes got closeups....???? ? ??  
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you know how ive talked about how i love how much detail lin mo puts into his dancing, including even his slight head tilts? LOOK ANOTHER HEAD TILT 
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ooof lin mo getting to sing the chorus with yixing im !!!!!! im sure hes so grateful for this opportunity wow also i think i mentioned this with namanana but i really think lin mo suits yixing’s dance style, like its a style that hes pulls off really well, so i think he got to shine a bit in this performance :’)
ok i havent said this yet but what is with that thick black fade at the top of the screen its so annoying??? like why you gotta cover the top of their heads??? 
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wow we’re really getting a lot of random lin mo shots hahahha is this iqiyi repenting their wrongs from ‘spirit of the knight’ i almost am surprised how yao mingming isnt getting the most screentime but then i remember iqiyi has never favored yao mingming........ /sigh
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just look at how perfectly tilted / well-positioned lin mo’s head is wow and that gaze wow i just love his stage presence
yea im gonna have to rewatch this perf to gif the lin mo moments.... maybe after the finale tomorrow when ill be like oop lin mo didnt make it in oh well let me just wallow in his talent that the audience slept on by drowning myself in lin mo content (its not like i do that every day already)
LOL THAT CAMERA SPIN WAS SUCH A FAIL YOU CANT SEE ANYONE CEPT WENXUAN ADJUSTING HIS MIC HAHAHHAHA ok on a side note tho im glad wenxuan got to be in this group too!! yuehua’s dancer getting to show us his dancing again :’) and we all know he was discouraged being reshuffled into “maze” and i just wanna say wenxuan deserves more credit for being able to really go out of his comfort zone and pull off the cute concept in “maze” well even tho he didnt want to accept it at first! 
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hey yall is it just me or did you see lin mo’s eyes in that really fast flashy bit at the end of the preview for the finale? HAHHAHAHA i couldnt even screenshot it bc it was so fast, but i swear i saw his eyes so i think he was in it LOOOL
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oo i havent mentioned this before but i really like the sound of chen sijians voice, even when speaking... 
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aw honestly i wonder if lian huaiwei will really not make it tomorrow.....  
omg sun zelin in the ending credits!!!!
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OOF LOOK AT ZHAN YU’S JAWLINE (ooops sorry yechen ahhahhhaa)
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they must really like this part of the choreo?? 
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lol is this lin mo’s back
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tbh im surprised they didnt include lin mo in the ending credits but i think they were trying to make up for the loss of yao mingming time earlier LOOL 
ok well i have about 10 hrs until i gotta wake up to watch the finale so.... now to go watch fjj and hcx’s goodnight dachang HAHAH
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killerandhealerqueen · 11 months
Hi! How about a headcannon where everyone knows not to touch Chen Yuzhi or you're a dead man. All criminals know, if you don't want to die, don't look in Dr. Chen's direction. Yuzhi is difficult to kidnap, he knows how to fight well / with a policeman husband, and friends from the triad, you will be able to do everything/ But those who succeed do not live long. When the new gang caught Yuzhi and beat him up for not wanting to cooperate and for the fractures and bruises that the doctor left them during the abduction, they were sure that Jian Yuelou would take the hint and would not contact them. Only they miscalculated. The gang leader heard the phrase from a local bandit: "Chen Yuzhi is not a weakness of Jian Yuelou. He's his stopcock, the only one who can stop him. And you hurt him. Jian Yuelou will come for you and the whole city too. My advice to you, get out of town. If you can, of course." he added with a sneer. But the leader did not listen to the advice. And these idiots saw the appearance of the Jingchen Demon. Yuelou's rage knew no bounds. When the leader shouts for Jian Yuelou to be stopped, he hears from Yu Tangchun, who snuck in from the back door: "The only one who could stop him is now in a coma. You attacked the wrong person." I want the anger of the local gangs who respected Dr. Chen and came to the aid of Yuelou. I want Yuzhi's sarcastic answers to the demands of the gang leader. Yu Tangchun pulls out his daggers after learning about the attack on his friend. I wrote a lot again 🙈😅
*practically vibrates out of my skin* Oh, this is going to be delicious
This is going to be quite long, so it's going under the cut. Also, apologies for making you wait so long!
Jing City had two rules: 1) never sell opium and 2) never, under any circumstances, belittle, upset, talk down to, kidnap, torture, insult, accuse, attack, etc.…Dr. Chen Yuzhi
Now the first rule made sense but the second rule…to anyone who was new to Jing City, the rule seemed a little ridiculous, until it was explained to them
You see, Dr. Chen Yuzhi was the city’s most beloved and respected doctor, who treated everyone as an equal, even the gangsters
He was also Commissioner Jiang Yuelou’s husband, who was rather possessive of the young doctor and tended to…lose his temper whenever he thought that Chen Yuzhi was upset or hurt or whatever
All of the gangs in Jing City knew by now not to mess with Chen Yuzhi, lest they wanted Jiang Yuelou showing up at their doorstep like a feral beast ready to tear out their throats
And, to prevent any newer gangs from making the mistake of setting Jiang Yuelou off, they warned them about what was allowed to be done in Jing City
Most newer gangs listened, because they had heard of Jiang Yuelou and his temper and what he did to gangs who didn’t listen, but there was one gang who, when told about what not to do, scoffed at the idea that some police chief could hurt them if they messed with this doctor or whatever
Of course, the gangs warned them but the new gang didn’t care; they were going to rule Jing City and no “Commissioner Jiang” was going to stop them
It was a normal, quiet morning as Chen Yuzhi headed to work, humming softly as the cool fall air caressed his face
When he finally reached his clinic, he reached out and grabbed the padlock, about to unlock it when a throat cleared behind him, making him look over his shoulder to see a group of men standing before him
“Can I help you gentlemen?”
“You Dr. Chen Yuzhi?”
Chen Yuzhi nodded slowly
One of the men smiled
“Great.  The boss wants to meet you”
Chen Yuzhi frowned, just as the man surged forward and shoved a cloth in his face, causing his eyes to widen before they fluttered and he collapsed, his kit crashing to the ground as the men quickly rushed forward and caught him
Once he was unconscious, the men looked around before they carried him off, not realizing that a group of street children had seen the entire exchange
The group of children then looked at each other before they split up, half of them going after the men that kidnapped Chen Yuzhi while the other half went to go tell Jiang Yuelou had happened
When Chen Yuzhi woke up a little while later, he found himself tied to a chair in the middle of a warehouse, causing him to sigh heavily; it was far too early in the day to be kidnapped already
“So…you’re Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi looked up to see a man slowly walking towards him, a sly smile on his face
“Yes?  And you are?”
The man smirked
“Your new business partner”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“Excuse me?”
The man smiled
“You see, I created a variant of opium and I…need a distributor.  That’s where you come in, Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him in shock before he shook his head
“Absolutely not!  I will not help you distribute drugs!”
The man tsked and shook his head as he held out his hand, one of his lackies quickly placing a pill into in
“That’s because you haven’t tried it yet.  Once you try it, you’ll want to distribute it.  Here”
He then took a step forward and reached out, grabbing Chen Yuzhi’s face in his hand before he took the pill and shoved it between Chen Yuzhi’s tightly pursed lips, smiling as he took a step back
“See?  Ain’t it pretty good?”
Chen Yuzhi was quiet before he looked him in the eyes and spat the pill back in his face, the man flinching as the pill hit him in the face before he growled and clenched his hand into a fist
“Why you—”
He then swung and punched Chen Yuzhi in the face, snapping his head to the side
“You bitch!  Don’t you know each pill is expensive?!  You just wasted product!”
He then punched Chen Yuzhi again, causing Chen Yuzhi to gasp in pain and the other members of the gang to look at their leader with hesitation
“Uh…boss…do you really think you should be doing that?  I mean…you heard what those other gangs and triads said about hurting him—”
“I don’t give a SHIT about that Commissioner Jiang or the fucking rules…this doctor disrespected me…and disrespect must be dealt with”
He then began to beat Chen Yuzhi almost senseless, Chen Yuzhi’s pained cries echoing throughout the empty warehouse
While he was beating Chen Yuzhi almost to death, back in the city, at the police station, Jiang Yuelou was sitting at his desk, going over reports, when an officer stepped into his office
Jiang Yuelou looked up at him and raised an eyebrow
“What is it?”
“You have a visitor sir”
Jiang Yuelou frowned before he waved his hand
“Send them in”
The officer nodded before he turned and stepped out of the room, one of the street children stepping in a moment later
Jiang Yuelou looked at them in surprise
“What are you doing here?”
“Dr. Chen was kidnapped”
Jiang Yuelou blinked, almost as if the words didn’t register
The child looked at him calmly
“Dr. Chen was kidnapped”
When the words finally registered, Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened and he shot to his feet, slamming his hands on his desk
At the loud noise, the child flinched causing Jiang Yuelou to wince slightly before he took a deep breath and looked at them
“Who?  Who took him?”
The child shook their head
“I’ve never seen them before; they’re not familiar to us”
Jiang Yuelou hummed
“So a new gang then?”
The child nodded
“We think so”
Jiang Yuelou growled softly before he looked them in the eyes
“Do you know where he was taken?”
The child shook their head
“No, but a few of us followed after them.  When they come back, they should tell us”
Jiang Yuelou nodded slowly, just as a child rushed into the office, looking at Jiang Yuelou with wide eyes
“Did you find them?”
The child nodded
“Yes, but we need to hurry.  They’re hurting Dr. Chen”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened before he looked at the doors of his office
At their names, Jiang Yuelou’s three subordinates, Vice-Commissioner Jin Dacheng, and Chiefs Song Rong and Sun Yongren rushed into the room, their eyes wide
“Yes Commissioner?”
“Chen Yuzhi has been kidnapped and we need to act fast”
Jin Dacheng, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren nodded as Jiang Yuelou pointed to the child that had just entered the room
“Jin Dacheng, allow this child to ride in your car.  He knows the way to where Chen Yuzhi is being held”
Jin Dacheng nodded before he looked down at the child
“This way”
The child nodded and quickly followed after him as Jiang Yuelou looked at Song Rong and Sun Yongren
“Let’s go”
The two men nodded and quickly rushed out of the room as Jiang Yuelou walked around his desk, making to follow when he paused and looked down at the child who had reported Chen Yuzhi’s kidnapping
“Find out who kidnapped Chen Yuzhi.  Use your connections, talk to the other gangs.  I want a name”
The child nodded and quickly rushed out of the office as Jiang Yuelou followed behind, fire in his eyes
Someone was going to die
Back at the warehouse, the gang leader was still whaling on Chen Yuzhi until he finally punched the young doctor so hard that he caused him and the chair to crash to the ground, Chen Yuzhi limp in his bindings
As soon as he hit the ground, the subordinates looked at their leader nervously
“Boss did you…did you kill him?”
The gang leader said nothing before he looked over at them
“Let’s get out of here”
His subordinates looked at him in shock before they nodded, all of them quickly running out of the warehouse, leaving Chen Yuzhi behind, not even realizing that one of the street children that had stayed behind when the other child ran off to alert Jiang Yuelou was following after them
While they were running away, a moment or two later, Jiang Yuelou and the others arrived, all of them bursting into the warehouse before they looked around, Jin Dacheng immediately noticing Chen Yuzhi on the ground
“Jiang Yuelou”
Jiang Yuelou looked over at him before he looked towards where he was pointing, his eyes widening at the sight of Chen Yuzhi on the ground and tied to the chair
He then ran over to Chen Yuzhi and knelt before him, his heart immediately sinking to his stomach at the sight of the bruises covering his face
He then noticed that his chest wasn’t rising and falling, causing a cold chill to run through him before he reached out and placed his fingers to Chen Yuzhi’s pulse-point, silently praying that there was one
Thankfully he felt a pulse, causing him to let out a heavy sigh of relief before he looked up at Song Rong
“Song Rong, give me your knife”
Song Rong nodded and quickly walked over to him, handing him his knife that he always kept on him
Jiang Yuelou then took the knife and cut the bonds keeping Chen Yuzhi tied to the chair, handing Song Rong back the knife before he reached out and pulled Chen Yuzhi into his arms, carefully holding him close as he slowly pushed himself to his feet
“Let’s get him to a hospital”
After leaving the warehouse, Jiang Yuelou, Song Rong, Sun Yongren, and Jin Dacheng headed to the hospital, Jiang Yuelou passing off Chen Yuzhi to the waiting staff
While Chen Yuzhi was rushed to the ER to make sure that the beating he had sustained hadn’t broken anything serious and that he didn’t have any internal bleeding or ruptured organs, Jiang Yuelou paced outside in the waiting room, his entire body taut like a tiger pacing its cage
He didn’t know who kidnapped his husband and tortured him and he didn’t know why…but he was going to find them…
And he was going to tear them limb from limb
As he paced, Song Rong, Sun Yongren, and Jin Dacheng stood nearby, keeping an eye on him, since they knew that he was close to snapping
A little while later, the doctor came out and walked over to them, making the four men look at him
“Doctor.  How is he?”
The doctor was quiet and glanced over at Song Rong, Sun Yongren, and Jin Dacheng before he looked at Jiang Yuelou
“Your husband is very lucky to be alive, Commissioner.  He was beaten within an inch of his life.  He’s currently in critical condition and is unconscious…if he wakes up, it’ll be a miracle”
Jiang Yuelou was quiet before he nodded slowly
“Thank you.  Can I see him?”
The doctor nodded
“It won’t be a pretty sight, but you can”
Jiang Yuelou nodded and made to follow the doctor when he paused and looked over at Jin Dacheng, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren
“Go back to the warehouse and search it.  There’s got to be something there that will lead us to whoever kidnapped and beat Chen Yuzhi”
Jin Dacheng, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren nodded before they turned and headed out of the hospital, heading back to the warehouse
While they were heading to the warehouse, Jiang Yuelou followed the doctor to Chen Yuzhi’s room, the doctor dipping his head to him before he walked away, giving him privacy
Once he had left, Jiang Yuelou took a deep, shuddering breath before he reached out and slid open the hospital room door, stepping inside before he quietly closed the door behind him and made his way over to Chen Yuzhi’s bed, stopping at the foot of it
He looked at Chen Yuzhi for a moment, at his bruised and battered body and the tubes that were sticking out of it, and let out another shuddering breath before he slowly walked over to the side of the bed and sat down, reaching out to gently take Chen Yuzhi’s hand in his
“I’m sorry, my love.  I’m so sorry”
He then fell silent and just sat there, gently holding Chen Yuzhi’s hand in his, the only sound in the room the sound of the heart monitor steadily beeping
As he sat there in silence, just holding his beloved’s hand, the door to the room quietly slid open before a man slipped inside and walked over to him
The man smirked
“Nothing gets past you, Jiang-xiong”
Jiang Yuelou glanced over at the man
“You’re back from Hong Kong”
The man, Zhan Junbai, hummed softly
“I heard what happened to Dr. Chen.  I figured you could use my help”
Jiang Yuelou turned to look at him
“You know Jinma Hall no longer exists, right?”
Zhan Junbai smiled
“I know.  But I’m still San Ye and I still have ties to the criminal underground”
Jiang Yuelou hummed
“Think you can use your connections and figure out who did this?”
Zhan Junbai nodded
“I’ll ask Fu Cheng too.  Gang leaders like to unwind in opera houses…he might be able to ask around”
Jiang Yuelou nodded
“Thank you”
Zhan Junbai nodded before he looked at Chen Yuzhi
“How is he?”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“Not good…”
He then looked up at Zhan Junbai with glassy eyes
“They almost beat him to death, Zhan-xiong”
Zhan Junbai was quiet before he stepped forward and reached out, gently grasping him by the shoulder
“We will find them, Jiang-xiong.  I promise you”
Jiang Yuelou nodded weakly as Zhan Junbai moved his hand from his shoulder to his neck, giving it a comforting squeeze before he looked at him
“You should get some rest”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“I can’t leave him.  I can’t”
Zhan Junbai nodded
“I understand.  But make sure you rest and eat at some point.  Dr. Chen wouldn’t want you to waste away at his bedside.  You know that”
Jiang Yuelou nodded
“I know…I know.  And I will.  But just…not now”
Zhan Junbai nodded
“Of course”
He then gave his neck another comforting squeeze before he turned and slipped out of the room, leaving Jiang Yuelou alone again
While Jiang Yuelou was sitting at Chen Yuzhi’s bedside, back at the warehouse, Song Rong, Jin Dacheng, and Sun Yongren were looking around, searching for any clue they could find that could tie them to the kidnappers
As they looked around, Sun Yongren noticed something, causing him to kneel down before his eyes widened and he looked over at the others
“Hey, look at this”
Jin Dacheng and Song Rong looked over at him before they walked over and knelt down beside him
Sun Yongren pointed to a white-looking pill on the ground
“A pill”
Jin Dacheng frowned
“You think it belonged to Dr. Chen?”
Song Rong shook his head
“It’s not the shape of the pills he usually uses or prescribes”
Sun Yongren then reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of white gloves, quickly slipping them on before he reached out and picked up the pill, looking at it
“We should probably take it to a chemist and have them examine it”
Song Rong frowned
“But the only person who we use as our “chemist” is Dr. Chen…and he’s in the hospital.  In critical condition”
Jin Dacheng huffed
“Well there’s gotta be someone in this fucking city who can test this fucking pill”
“There’s no need to test it.  It’s opium”
Jin Dacheng, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren turned, their eyes widening in shock
“Executive Zhan”
They then quickly pushed themselves to their feet as Zhan Junbai slowly walked over to them and stood before them
“What are you doing here?”
“Assisting with this case”
He then held out his hand
“May I?”
Sun Yongren looked at his bare hand, just as Jin Dacheng reached into his pocket and pulled out a glove, handing it to him
“Put this on first”
Zhan Junbai huffed softly before he took the glove and slipped it on, Sun Yongren placing the pill in it a moment later
He then took the pill and held it up, studying it for a moment before he nodded
“I was right.  It’s opium”
Jin Dacheng looked at him in shock
“You can tell just by looking at it?!”
Zhan Junbai chuckled softly
“Vice-Commissioner Jin, it seems you forget that I was once the biggest supplier and distributor of opium in Jing City.  Yes I can tell just by looking at it”
Song Rong then shook his head
“How is there opium in Jing City?  The commissioner eradicated it after the fall of Jinma Hall and he made the rules!  The gangs know better!”
Zhan Junbai hummed
“Yes, they do.  But there’s been whispers in the underground of a new gang that has decided to ignore the rules…which would explain Chen Yuzhi’s kidnapping”
Jin Dacheng, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren looked at him in confusion
“I don’t understand”
Zhan Junbai motioned to the pill
“If this pill has been produced/manufactured, then they need a distributor.  It’s hard to do it on the street, because many gangs know better, but if the gang has a distributor like Chen Yuzhi, who can disguise the pills as medication, it’ll be rather easy to completely addict the entire city”
Song Rong nodded slowly
“And I’m guessing that Chen Yuzhi refused, and they beat him nearly to death because of it?”
Zhan Junbai nodded
Jin Dacheng crossed his arms
“And do you have any idea who this gang is?”
Zhan Junbai shook his head
“My spies are still searching.  But it won’t be long before we have a name”
Jin Dacheng, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren nodded as Zhan Junbai handed them back the pill
“You should go report that to Jiang Yuelou”
He then turned and headed out of the warehouse, Jin Dacheng, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren staring after him before Jin Dacheng huffed
“You heard the man; let’s go talk to Jiang Yuelou”
A little while later, Jin Dacheng, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren stepped into Chen Yuzhi’s hospital room, all of the men’s eyes widening at the sight of the young doctor lying in the hospital bed before Sun Yongren cleared his throat
Jiang Yuelou glanced over at them and raised an eyebrow
“Got something?”
Sun Yongren nodded before he stepped forward and held out his hand, the pill in the middle of his palm
“We found this in the warehouse”
Jiang Yuelou looked at the pill and frowned
“What is that?”
Jin Dacheng crossed his arms
“According to Zhan Junbai, opium”
Jiang Yuelou looked up at him with wide eyes
Song Rong nodded
“He said that it be the motive for why Dr. Chen was kidnapped and beaten.  This gang created opium and needed someone to distribute it because they knew trying to get the other gangs to buy and distribute would be impossible because of the rule.  So they kidnapped Dr. Chen and tried to recruit him, but he rejected them”
Jiang Yuelou hummed and nodded slowly but Jin Dacheng, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren immediately noticed the way his body began to tremble with barely concealed rage
“So they beat him, is that it?”
Song Rong, Sun Yongren, and Jin Dacheng nodded
“Yes sir”
Jiang Yuelou nodded slowly again before he looked at them
“Do we have a name?”
Song Rong shook his head
“No sir.  Not yet”
Jiang Yuelou nodded before he waved them away
“Don’t disturb me until you have a name and a location”
Jin Dacheng, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren nodded before they turned and headed out of the hospital room, Jiang Yuelou waiting until the door closed before he looked back at Chen Yuzhi, whose eyes were still closed
“Don’t worry, A-Zhi.  I will punish those that hurt you.  That’s a promise”
Over the next few days, while Jiang Yuelou remained by Chen Yuzhi’s side to keep an eye on him and his condition, his subordinates, his spies, Zhan Junbai, Yu Tangchun, and their spies worked tirelessly to figure out just which gang had broken Jing City’s two most important rules
Then one day, as Jiang Yuelou was quietly sitting at Chen Yuzhi’s bedside, the door to the room slid open, Zhan Junbai and one of the street children stepping inside
Jiang Yuelou looked up at them and raised an eyebrow
Zhan Junbai, however, didn’t answer, and just looked at him, causing his eyes to widen before he pushed himself to his feet
Zhan Junbai motioned to the child, making Jiang Yuelou look at them
“Can you take us to them?”
The child nodded, Jiang Yuelou nodding in reply before he looked at Zhan Junbai
“Let’s go”
Zhan Junbai nodded before they turned and headed out of the hospital room, Jiang Yuelou pausing to look one last time at Chen Yuzhi before he continued after the child and Zhan Junbai out of the hospital, only to stop in shock at the sight of nearly every gang and triad in Jing City standing before him
“What…what is this?”
One of the gang leaders smiled
“We heard what happened to Dr. Chen…and we’re here to offer our support, Commissioner Jiang”
Jiang Yuelou huffed
“How do you know what I’m going to do?”
A triad leader laughed
“Because we know you, Commissioner Jiang.  Dr. Chen was hurt which means that the poor soul has no idea what’s in store for them”
Jiang Yuelou looked at all of them and smiled slightly before the smile fell and a dark look entered his face
“Let’s go then”
He then stepped forward, the gangs quickly parting like the red sea for Moses as he made his way through the streets of Jing City, the gangs falling into step behind him
Meanwhile, on the outskirts of town, the gang that had kidnapped and attacked Chen Yuzhi were busy working on creating more opium, not even realizing that a literal wave of death was making its way towards them
As they worked on process the opium, one of the subordinates looked over at their boss
“Boss…aren’t you worried about Jiang Yuelou coming after us?  We did kidnap and attack Dr. Chen”
The leader scoffed
“If he hasn’t attacked us by now, I doubt he’s going to do.  From what I know about Jiang Yuelou, he’s one of those “shoot first, ask questions later” type of people”
Just then, a laugh echoed throughout the warehouse, making the leader and his subordinates freeze before the leader pulled out a gun and looked around
“Who’s there?”
“You think you know Jiang Yuelou?  Oh, you stupid, stupid fool”
The leader then looked up to see Zhan Junbai and Yu Tangchun up on the landing, both men leaning against the railing
“Who are you?”
Zhan Junbai grinned
“Jiang Yuelou is much smarter than you…and much more dangerous”
The leader scoffed
“More dangerous than me?  I doubt it.  I put his “beloved doctor” in the hospital.  He’s probably too distraught to do anything to stop me”
Just then, the doors to the warehouse burst open, making the leader and the subordinates turn to see Jiang Yuelou, along with every other gang in Jing City, standing at the entrance of the warehouse, a dark look on Jiang Yuelou’s face
“J-Jiang Yuelou”
Jiang Yuelou then surveyed the warehouse before he hummed softly
“Which one of you put my husband in the hospital?”
Without any hesitation, the subordinates (plus Zhan Junbai and Yu Tangchun) immediately pointed to the leader, causing Jiang Yuelou to look at him with narrowed eyes
“You, huh?”
He then slowly began to make his way towards the leader, causing the leader’s eyes to widen before he looked at his subordinates and pointed to Jiang Yuelou
“Stop him!  Stop him, you idiots!”
Up on the landing, Yu Tangchun barked out a laugh
“You idiot.  No one here is going to save you and no one here is going to stop him.  Why? Because you put Chen Yuzhi in the hospital.  You put the one person who can stop him in a coma.  And now you have a target on your back”
He then grinned darkly
“And Jiang Yuelou is like a homing missile.  Nothing will stop him until he hits his target”
The leader gulped before he looked back at Jiang Yuelou, who was slowly advancing towards him, and pulled out his gun, pointing it at him
“Stop!  Stop right there, Jiang Yuelou!”
Jiang Yuelou, however, made no move to stop and continued forward, causing the leader to panic before he fired a warning shot at the ground, only to let out a cry of fear as Jiang Yuelou continued towards him
He then looked towards his subordinates and motioned to Jiang Yuelou
“Well don’t just stand there, kill him!”
At his shout, the subordinates quickly snapped out of it and pulled out their guns, pointing them at Jiang Yuelou but before they could even fire, Jiang Yuelou drew his own gun and fired, hitting a subordinate with deadly precision without even looking
As the subordinate went down, the leader’s eyes widened before he raised his gun and fired at Jiang Yuelou, causing him to duck behind a nearby crate for cover before he stood up and fired at him in return, forcing him to take cover
The leader then let out a harsh breath before he peeked out from behind his hiding spot towards where Jiang Yuelou was hiding and hummed softly before he looked towards the large crowd of gang members and grinned
“Hey Jiang Yuelou!”
Jiang Yuelou peered over his crate at him, his eyes narrowed as he pointed his gun at the gang members
“Your husband ain’t the only body I’m going to be putting in the hospital!”
He then fired a shot into the crowd, hitting one of the gang members in the chest
As the gang member went down, the other gang members pulled out their guns and began firing back, soon turning the warehouse into a battlefield
While everyone was shooting at each other, Jiang Yuelou kept his eye on the leader’s position, making sure that he wasn’t being shot at before he quickly made his way over to his position, startling the man
He then raised his gun but before he could fire, Jiang Yuelou shot him in the leg, sending him to the ground with a cry
He then stepped forward and kicked the gun out of his hand before he knelt down before him, pressing the gun between his eyes
“I could kill you…easily.  Your life would be over in a heartbeat.  But I won’t do that”
The leader looked at him in confusion
Jiang Yuelou snarled
“I am going to do to you what you did to my husband”
He then punch him in the face, causing his head to snap to the side before he looked back at him, only for Jiang Yuelou to punch him again
He then began to repeated punch the man in the face, punching him until there was more blood than skin on his face
Once he had beaten him to a bloody pulp, Jiang Yuelou pushed himself to his feet and pointed his gun at the gang leader
“Tell the King of Hell the Demon of Jing City sends his regards”
He then fired a shot into the gang leader’s head, watching as his body fell limp before he raised his gun and fired a shot into the air, causing all of the gang members to freeze as he stepped out from behind the boxes and looked at them
“It’s over”
He then looked at the gangs who came to his aid and motioned to the warehouse
“Clean this up.  Destroy all of this.  And if I see any of this out on my streets, just know that I’ll be paying a visit.  Are we clear?”
“Yes Commissioner!”
Jiang Yuelou nodded
“Good.  I didn’t see anything that happened in here and I don’t want to know what happens after I leave”
He then continued out of the warehouse, allowing the gangs to deal with the opium and the subordinates in their fashion
After leaving the warehouse, Jiang Yuelou headed back to the hospital, stepping inside just as one of the doctors walked over to him
Jiang Yuelou looked at him with wide eyes
“Did something happen?”
The doctor nodded
“Dr. Chen is able to breathe on his own, so we removed the breathing tube.  I think he’ll be able to wake up soon”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened even further before he nodded
“Alright, thank you”
He then quickly walked past him and made his way towards Chen Yuzhi’s room, quietly opening the door before he stepped inside and made his way over to his hospital bed, sitting beside it before he reached out and took his hand, giving it a squeeze
“I found him, Yuzhi.  I found the person who hurt you.  I punished him”
He then let out a shuddering breath and gave his hand another squeeze before he fell silent, the sound of the heart monitor beeping in his ear, when he felt a weak squeeze, making his eyes widen before he looked over to see Chen Yuzhi slowly opening his eyes
“Chen Yuzhi”
Chen Yuzhi then slowly turned to look at him and smiled weakly
“Jiang Yuelou”
Jiang Yuelou then slowly stood to his feet, careful not to move too fast in fear of startling Chen Yuzhi, before he leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead before he gently rested his forehead against his
“You’re alright.  Thank God”
Chen Yuzhi hummed as Jiang Yuelou gently cupped his cheek in his hand
“How are you feeling?”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“Sore.  Everything hurts”
Jiang Yuelou nodded as he gently stroked his cheek
“I know…I know, and I’m sorry.  I’m sorry that this happened.  But I took care of it.  They can’t hurt you or Jing City anymore”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him
Jiang Yuelou nodded sincerely
“I took care of it”
Chen Yuzhi hummed softly before he yawned, causing Jiang Yuelou to smile softly before he leaned forward and pressed another soft kiss to his forehead
“Get some rest.  Get some rest, I’ll be here when you wake up”
Chen Yuzhi nodded and allowed himself to slip off to sleep, Jiang Yuelou watching him fondly before he sat down beside him and took his hand in his, lacing their fingers together before he gave it a squeeze
Over the next few days, as Chen Yuzhi slowly recovered, Jiang Yuelou remained at his side, only ever leaving if there was a meeting he absolutely had to attend or if there was a case where he was needed
Other than that, he refused to leave his husband’s side
When Chen Yuzhi was finally able to go home, Jiang Yuelou took off from work and took him home, deciding to just spend the day with him
As they relaxed on the couch, there was a knock on the door, making him and Chen Yuzhi look up before Jiang Yuelou looked over at Chen Yuzhi
“I’ll get it.  You just rest”
Chen Yuzhi nodded as he pushed himself to his feet and walked over to the door, opening it to find Zhan Junbai standing outside
Zhan Junbai smiled slightly
“How is he?”
Jiang Yuelou nodded
“Better.  Still sore, so he won’t be working for a while”
Zhan Junbai nodded
“I see.  Well, it’s good that he has you during this time”
Jiang Yuelou nodded before he stepped out of the house and closed the gate behind him, looking at Zhan Junbai for a moment before he held out his hand
Zhan Junbai looked at the outstretched hand with a raised eyebrow before he smiled and reached out, taking his hand in his, when Jiang Yuelou suddenly pulled him in for a hug, hugging him tightly
“Thank you, Zhan-xiong”
Zhan Junbai blinked in surprise before he chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around him, returning the hug
“You’re welcome”
They then pulled away as Zhan Junbai looked at Jiang Yuelou and smiled
“Take care, Jiang-xiong.  And take care of Dr. Chen too, understand?”
Jiang Yuelou nodded
“I will”
Zhan Junbai smiled
“I know you will.  Tell Dr. Chen I said hello”
He then turned and walked off, Jiang Yuelou watching him leave before he turned and headed back inside, heading back over to where Chen Yuzhi was sitting on the couch, absentmindedly stroking Xiao Bai (who was all over him because he missed him)
“Who was that?”
Jiang Yuelou smiled
“Zhan Junbai”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened
“Z-Zhan Junbai?  What is he doing here?”
Jiang Yuelou smiled
“He helped me figured out who kidnapped and attacked you”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him in surprise
“He…he did?”
Jiang Yuelou nodded
Chen Yuzhi blinked
Jiang Yuelou chuckled
“He says hello, by the way”
Chen Yuzhi hummed, just as Jiang Yuelou leaned over and pressed a kiss to the side of his head
“Just take it easy.  Just rest.  Today is all about resting”
Chen Yuzhi huffed softly
“All I’ve been doing is resting”
Jiang Yuelou chuckled
“Because you need it, dear”
Chen Yuzhi hummed before he shifted so that he was lying down, his head resting on Jiang Yuelou’s lap while the rest of him stretched out on the couch, Xiao Bai resting on his stomach
“Fine.  If you insist”
Jiang Yuelou chuckled fondly before he reached up and gently began to run his fingers through Chen Yuzhi’s hair, watching as Chen Yuzhi slowly relaxed and slipped off to sleep
As he watched him sleep, Jiang Yuelou couldn’t help but smile fondly
He had his husband back in his arms again
Everything was right with the world
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Prompt: Chen Yuzhi, on his quest to find info to cure Jiang Yuelou of his childhood traumas, meets Jiang Shuo and Qin Yiheng in a restaurant who is meeting with Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao. Yuzhi asks for Zhan Yao and Qin Yiheng’s help. (Jiang Shuo may or might not be a relative for Jiang Yuelou. MYbe a cousin?)
Ohh, a big crossover...I haven't done a three fandom crossover in a long time
Chen Yuzhi sighed as he sat at his desk, staring at his medical terminology textbook; this was much more difficult than he thought.  He knew a lot about the human body and what made it tick, but the human mind?  He didn’t have a lot of experience with that or emotional diseases…And he was quiet stumped on what he should do.  He then let out a heavy sigh before he closed his book and pushed himself to his feet; it was almost lunchtime.  Maybe some food would help.
A little while later, at a relatively quiet hole-in-the-wall restaurant, Chen Yuzhi was eating a bowl of noodles in a back booth when a throat cleared beside him, making him look over to see two young men standing beside his table.
            “Do you mind?” one of the men asked.  Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened and he shook his head.
            “Oh, no.  Please” he replied.  The two men smiled and sat down before the taller of the two men looked at him.
            “I’m Qin Yiheng.  And this is Jiang Shuo” he introduced, first motioning to himself before he motioned to the man sitting beside him.  Chen Yuzhi dipped his head.
            “Chen Yuzhi” he replied before he looked at Jiang Shuo.
            “Your last name…would you happen to know anyone by the name of Jiang Yuelou?” he asked.  Jiang Shuo shook his head.
            “No, can’t say that I do.  Why?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi smiled and shook his head.
            “No, no, no reason” he replied as Jiang Shuo tilted his head.
            “So, what do you do?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi chuckled.
            “I’m a doctor” he replied, causing Jiang Shuo’s eyes to brighten.
            “Really?  Oh, you’re just like Qin Er!” he exclaimed.  Chen Yuzhi looked at Qin Yiheng in surprise.
            “You’re a doctor as well?” he asked.  Qin Yiheng nodded.
            “Mmhm.  What do you specialize in?” he inquired. 
            “Chinese and Western medicine” Chen Yuzhi stated.  Qin Yiheng hummed appreciatively. 
            “That’s impressive” he mused.  Chen Yuzhi looked at him.
            “And you?” he asked.  Qin Yiheng smiled.
            “You could say I’m a general practitioner, but my focus really is helping those with mental illness” he explained.  Chen Yuzhi looked at him with wide eyes.
            “Mental illness?” he repeated.  Qin Yiheng hummed, just as two men walked over to their table, the man dressed in navy smiling at them.
            “Dr. Qin” he greeted, making Qin Yiheng, Jiang Shuo, and Chen Yuzhi all look up before Qin Yiheng smiled.
            “Dr. Zhan” he replied before he motioned to Chen Yuzhi.
            “This is Dr. Chen Yuzhi” he introduced.  Chen Yuzhi dipped his head.
            “Hello” he greeted.  The man in navy smiled.
            “Zhan Yao” he replied, just as the man in white beside him huffed.
            “What is this, the meeting of doctors?” he asked.  Zhan Yao looked over at him and gently smacked him on the chest.
            “Bai Yutong, be nice” he chided.  Bai Yutong hummed before he motioned to the booth.
            “May we?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi nodded and quickly grabbed his bowl, scooting over so that Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao could sit down, just as the waitress walked over. 
            “Can I get you gentlemen anything?” she inquired.  Jiang Shuo motioned to Chen Yuzhi’s bowl of noodles.
            “We’ll have what he’s having” he replied.  The waitress nodded and turned, heading off to make their orders as Zhan Yao looked over at Chen Yuzhi.
            “So, you’re a doctor as well?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi nodded.
            “I’m a doctor who specializes in Chinese and Western medicine” he answered.  Zhan Yao hummed.
            “You don’t see many doctors like you anymore” he mused.  Chen Yuzhi smiled slightly before he tilted his head.
            “You’re a doctor as well?” he inquired.  Zhan Yao chuckled.
            “Not a medical doctor, like you and Dr. Qin.  But I do have a Ph.D. in criminal psychology” he replied.  Chen Yuzhi nodded slowly.
            “I see” he murmured before he looked between him and Qin Yiheng.
            “So you both understand the mind pretty well?” he asked.  Both men nodded.
            “I say we do, why do you ask?” Qin Yiheng inquired.  Chen Yuzhi sighed softly.
            “Because I’m trying to learn about the mind and mental illness to help my friend find some sort of cure…but I’m having a hard time” he explained.  Zhan Yao tilted his head.
            “What sort of…illness does your friend have?” he asked.  However, before Chen Yuzhi could answer, the waitress returned with the four bowls of noodles, placing them before down before she smiled.
            “Enjoy!” she bid before she turned and walked away as Bai Yutong at Chen Yuzhi.
            “You were saying?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi nodded.
            “He…I’m not sure, if I’m being honest.  I know it’s tied to his childhood, and it’s triggered whenever he witnesses abuse…but I don’t know how to help him.  He won’t let me” he murmured. 
            “What sort of abuse?” Jiang Shuo asked.  Chen Yuzhi looked at him before he sighed.
            “I don’t know…his first explosive episode if I remember correctly was when I mentioned his parents” he explained.  Zhan Yao hummed softly.
            “Ah…I think I know what he has” he murmured, just as Bai Yutong huffed.
            “That’s great Cat…but can we eat first before you all start talking about this?  I’m hungry” he grumbled.  Zhan Yao laughed.
            “Sorry Mouse.  Yes, yes, let’s eat” he declared. 
After eating, Bai Yutong and Jiang Shuo went out of the restaurant to give Zhan Yao, Qin Yiheng, and Chen Yuzhi some privacy to talk. 
            “So…what do you think Jiang Yuelou has?” Chen Yuzhi asked once they were alone.  Zhao Yao cleared throat.
            “Right.  I believe that your friend has trauma or potentially PTSD from witnessing IPV as a child” he stated.  Chen Yuzhi frowned.
            “IPV?” he repeated.  Zhan Yao nodded.
            “Intimate partner violence” he elaborated.  Chen Yuzhi nodded slowly.
            “I see” he murmured before he tilted his head.
            “How does this affect him?  I’m sorry if it sounds like such a silly question, but since I don’t know much about psychology and still learning, I don’t truly know the effects, like you two do” he explained.  Zhan Yao smiled and shook his head.
            “No question is a stupid or silly question.  So, when a child is exposed one parent abusing another parent, they can demonstrate internalized behaviors, like depression, anxiety, and social withdrawals while also having an increase in externalized behaviors, such as hyperactivity and aggression.  Children who have witnessed IPV also have social integration problems, lower self-esteem, and lower school performance.  He probably has flashbacks and nightmares and has had them for a while” he explained.  Chen Yuzhi nodded slowly again.
            “Well, the aggression makes sense…it would explain why he gets so agitated and violent whenever he sees someone abusing someone else…the depression too” he murmured before he looked at Qin Yiheng and Zhan Yao.
            “How can I help him?” he asked.  Qin Yiheng hummed.
            “Well…the trauma is never going to go away; you must know this.  Trauma stays with you, forever.  But you can learn to control how trauma affects you and how to cope with the effects.  Once he learns how to cope and control his symptoms…he will get better and not succumb to the anger and the hurt and the rage and will be less likely to lash out” he stated.  Chen Yuzhi shook his head.
            “But how do I help him?  He won’t talk to me about it” he argued.  Zhan Yao nodded.
            “That is a symptom of PTSD, avoidance.  But it is understandable; most people don’t want to talk about their trauma.  They think it makes them weak and vulnerable.  And people don’t like to be weak or vulnerable.  They don’t like to show people their “ugly” sides” he explained as Qin Yiheng looked at him.
            “You said the two of you were friends?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi nodded.
            “Yes.  I’d say so” he replied.  Qin Yiheng nodded.
            “Then you need to not force him to talk.  Forcing will only shut him down and you many never be able to help him.  Give him time.  As much time as he needs.  Because when he’s ready to talk…he’ll come to you” he assured.
            “And make sure you’re willing to listen.  Don’t interrupt, don’t offer solutions.  Just be there and listen.  Show him that he can trust you” Zhan Yao added, making Chen Yuzhi nod as he smiled.
            “And remember, the healing process takes time.  It’s not a competition so don’t try to demand that he “get better” on a schedule.  Let him get better on his own time, on his own terms.  You can be there to support and encourage him and be there when he fails or has a setback, because those are inevitable, but don’t force or push him to get better.  That might only cause him to shut down” he stated.  Chen Yuzhi nodded.
            “Would…medication help too?” he asked.  Qin Yiheng nodded.
            “It can” he replied before he smiled.
            “And you seem like a competent doctor, so I trust you to make the right decision to help your friend” he declared.  Chen Yuzhi smiled slightly before he dipped his head.
            “Thank you both for your insight.  I really appreciate it” he thanked.  Both Zhan Yao and Qin Yiheng smiled.
            “Your friend is lucky to have you, Dr. Chen” Qin Yiheng declared as Zhan Yao nodded.
            “And if you have any questions, feel free to give us a call, anything” he instructed before he and Qin Yiheng handed out their cards to Chen Yuzhi, making him smile before he reached into his pocket and pulled out two cards of his own, handing them back to them.
            “Thank you” he thanked.  Both Zhan Yao and Qin Yiheng smiled as they took their card before Zhan Yao hummed.
            “We should probably see how our partners are doing…I’m sure Bai Yutong’s getting antsy” he murmured, making Qin Yiheng laugh.
            “Jiang Shuo too…” he agreed before they all stood up and headed out of the restaurant, Bai Yutong and Jiang Shuo waiting for them outside, Bai Yutong’s arms crossed in front of him.
            “You ready to go?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.  Zhan Yao smiled and nodded.
            “Thanks for being patient” he thanked.  Bai Yutong huffed.
            “I know better than to rush you when you’re talking about psychology” he murmured.  Zhan Yao smirked.
            “You’re learning” he teased, making Bai Yutong stick his tongue out at him as Jiang Shuo looked at Qin Yiheng, pouting at him.
            “Qin Er!  Can we go get pastries?” he asked.  Qin Yiheng rolled his eyes fondly.
            “You foodie” he murmured before he sighed and nodded.
            “Alright, fine” he agreed, making Jiang Shuo grin as he laced his arm through his.
            “You’re going to pay for them, right?” he asked.  Qin Yiheng gave a fond look.
            “Don’t I always?” he replied.  Jiang Shuo laughed and nodded as Chen Yuzhi watched, a small smile on his face; he hoped that he and Jiang Yuelou would get to be as comfortable with each other as Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao and Jiang Shuo and Qin Yiheng were with each other.  But first…he had to get Jiang Yuelou to trust him…to trust that he would help him get better.  Because that’s all he wanted to do.  Help him get better.  But he was sure that with the advice from his new…friends, Jiang Yuelou would be getting better in no time.
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Hi! I hope everything is fine with you, I'm sorry that I'm always disappearing, but I promise to improve))) I'm with Hadcanon. Supernatural au, where criminals can be people, or they can be dishonesty. Supernatural crime detectives are coming from Hong Kong. They are looking for a werewolf who can transform into another person and kills his victims. Those into whom the werewolf turned were usually arrested, but after a series of such crimes it became clear that they were also victims. Jian Yuelou is not very happy that his work is being interfered with, but you will not go without an order/although we are talking about Yuelou/ The werewolf has been choosing for a long time who he will turn into and chooses Chen Yuzhi. Who would think of a nice doctor? But Yuzhi has figured out the werewolf and is trying to detain him. Jian Yuelou and Hong Kong detectives see two Chen Yuzhi. Which one of them is real? Everyone proves that he is the original. Jian Yuelou is just asking a question from their past. It could be any question: about their meeting in Hong Kong, how Yuzhi was against using Wang Meng's mother to split him. The werewolf responds as most people think and thinks he has won. But Yuelou shoots the werewolf. The detectives are shocked, to which Jian Yuelou and the police from Jingcheng only grin. After all, Chen Yuzhi behaves quite differently. I want to shock detectives when they find out the correct answer. The werewolf was arrested or killed, at your discretion.
VITA!!! I've missed you and your headcanons! I hope all is well with you! I read the prompt and I feel like it reads more like a "shapeshifter" so I hope it's okay if I go with that
It was one of the odder cases Jiang Yuelou had encountered, a criminal who could shift into another person and commit crimes using their face
It was like identity theft…but worse
He had dealt with a few cases regarding the shapeshifting identity theft that resulted in murder and at first he had no sympathy for them until he realized that after about the third case that anyone could be a victim
Of course, anytime he asked the suspects if they knew what the person looked like…they could never tell him
All they could tell him was that they heard their name being called and when they turned around or looked, all they could see was their face staring back at them and before they could even say something, their face would just…disappear into the crowd
Of course, he and his team weren’t the only ones dealing with this sort of case as when he came into work the next morning, two detectives he had never met were standing in his office beside Bai Jinbo, causing him to frown
“Commissioner?  Who’s this?”
Bai Jinbo looked at him and smiled
“Jiang Yuelou, meet Detectives Han Zhang and Wang Duo.  They’re going to be working with us on a case”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened
“We’re partnering with them?!  But why?!”
Han Zhang cleared his throat
“Commissioner Bai explained to us that you have knowledge on a…shapeshifting killer that’s been terrorizing Jing City, correct?”
Jiang Yuelou crossed his arms
“Yes, why?”
Han Zhang smiled
“Well, your killer actually is from Hong Kong…he evaded us and now has made Jing City his…stomping ground, if you will”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened
“You let the killer slip away and let him come to my city?!  How can you even call yourselves detectives if you can’t even do your job correctly?”
“What about you?!”
Jiang Yuelou looked over at Wang Duo as he took a step forward
“You haven’t caught the bastard either so don’t go talking shit about us when you couldn’t catch him either!”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened and he took a step towards him just as Bai Jinbo stepped in between them
“Alright, alright, enough”
He then looked at Jiang Yuelou
“Jiang Yuelou, they’re our guest, play nice”
Jiang Yuelou growled but took a step back as Bai Jinbo looked at Han Zhang and Wang Duo
“We’re not here to play the blame game, we’re here to catch this killer.  So let’s put aside our differences and catch him, shall we?”
Jiang Yuelou, Han Zheng, and Wang Duo all looked at him before they nodded, Bai Jinbo nodding in reply
“Good.  Now, I will leave you three to discuss the case and no fighting”
Jiang Yuelou, Han Zheng, and Wang Duo all nodded again as Bai Jinbo turned and headed out of the office, the three men watching him leave before Jiang Yuelou turned and looked at the two Hong Kong detectives
“Alright…what’ve you got?”
Over the next few hours, Jiang Yuelou, Han Zheng, and Wang Duo went over all of their cases, trying to see if there were any similarities between their victims but they were coming up with bupkis as there were no correlations between any of the victims, none of them shared the same social circle, some of them weren’t even in the same social class…the attacks were just…random
And that made everything much more difficult
Just then, Song Rong ran into the office, looking at Jiang Yuelou with wide eyes
Jiang Yuelou looked up at him in concern
“Song Rong?  What is it?”
“Dr. Chen’s in trouble”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened and he quickly pushed himself to his feet before he ran over to him, Han Zheng and Wang Duo looking at each other in confusion before they ran after him, all of them heading out of the police department
They then ran to Chen Yuzhi’s clinic, stepping inside to see two Chen Yuzhis, both men turning to look at Jiang Yuelou with wide eyes
“Jiang Yuelou!”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened and he quickly drew his gun, Song Rong, Han Zheng, and Wang Duo doing the same before Jiang Yuelou looked between the two Chen Yuzhis
“Alright, which one of you is the real Dr. Chen?”
Both Chen Yuzhis looked at him
“I am!”
Jiang Yuelou growled softly as one of the Chen Yuzhis shook his head
“Jiang Yuelou.  You know it’s me”
The other Chen Yuzhi shook his head.
“Jiang Yuelou, don’t listen to him, I’m the real one”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head, not sure which one was the real one, before a thought hit him and his eyes widened
“Fine…if one of you is the real Chen Yuzhi…then you’ll know the answer to this question: how did Keying die?”
Both Chen Yuzhis’ eyes widened, as did Song Rong, Han Zhong, and Wang Duo’s, before one Chen Yuzhi looked away and the other shook his head.
“What are you talking about, she’s not dead”
Jiang Yuelou hummed before he looked at the Chen Yuzhi who wasn’t looking at him
“Well?  What’s your answer?”
That Chen Yuzhi was quiet before he turned to look at him, tears in his eyes
“A car explosion”
Jiang Yuelou smiled before he turned and pointed his gun at the other Chen Yuzhi, shooting him between the eyes
As the bullet pierced his skull, the Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened before he collapsed to the ground, his body doing a final shift to a melting pool of black goo
While Han Zheng and Wang Duo were examining the pool of goo, Jiang Yuelou walked over to Chen Yuzhi and wrapped him in his arms, pressing a kiss to his temple
“Sorry baby”
Chen Yuzhi sniffled and shook his head
“That was cruel”
Jiang Yuelou nodded
“I know.  I know.  But…I had to”
Chen Yuzhi let out a shuddering breath before he nodded
“I know you did.  But still…it hurt”
Jiang Yuelou smiled sadly and pressed another gentle kiss to his temple before he pulled away and looked at Han Zheng and Wang Duo
“Well, looks like we got our guy…which means you can get out of my city”
Wang Duo and Han Zheng looked at each other before they both held out their hands
“Thanks for your help”
Jiang Yuelou nodded and shook both of their hands before Han Zheng looked at Chen Yuzhi
“That question about your sister…was it true?”
Chen Yuzhi smiled weakly
Wang Duo and Han Zheng frowned
“We don’t…follow”
Chen Yuzhi sighed
“My sister was kidnapped a while back by some drug dealers…and when Jiang Yuelou was trying to bring her home, there was a shooting in the square that forced him to get out of the car and leave my sister behind.  Only we didn’t realize that the girl in the car wasn’t my sister but a doppelganger.  But we didn’t know that and thought that the girl was Keying…and a sniper shot the gas tank of the car and exploded it”
Wang Duo and Han Zheng looked at him in horror
“So…is your sister alive or not?”
Chen Yuzhi laughed and nodded
“My real sister is alive and well…and I actually have to go pick her up from school soon.  But your uh…whatever he was didn’t know that.  Or didn’t know the whole story”
Jiang Yuelou nodded
“Which is why I asked the question.  Because only the real Chen Yuzhi would know the whole story”
Wang Duo and Han Zheng looked at them both in shock before they huffed and cleared their throats
“Um…tell Commissioner Bai goodbye for us”
Jiang Yuelou nodded and watched as they headed out of the clinic before he looked over at Chen Yuzhi
“You okay?”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine”
Song Rong then shook his head as he walked over to them
“How did he even find you?”
Chen Yuzhi sighed
“I think I was being watched for a while”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened
He then shook his head
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”
Chen Yuzhi huffed
“Because I couldn’t see him.  I could just feel like someone was watching me…but any time I turned around, I didn’t see anyone.  Until today.  I was working at my desk, the clinic was empty, and then someone called my name.  I looked up and all I could see was my face staring back at me”
He then looked at Jiang Yuelou
“And then I remembered the cases you were working and…I knew it was the guy you were looking for”
He then sighed
“I tried to leave but I grabbed him and then we started fighting…Song Rong saw us thankfully”
Jiang Yuelou hummed and looked over at Song Rong before he clapped him on the arm
Song Rong nodded
“Of course”
Jiang Yuelou then looked back at Chen Yuzhi and smiled
“You ready to go get Keying?”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
They then headed over to the door, Song Rong following behind, and stepped out, Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi heading right while Song Rong headed left back towards the police station
As Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi made their way to Keying’s school, Jiang Yuelou looked over at Chen Yuzhi before he reached out and slipped an arm around his waist, pulling him close
“I’m just glad you weren’t hurt”
Chen Yuzhi hummed
“Me too”
Jiang Yuelou huffed
“Or that he didn’t try to commit any murders with that pretty face of yours”
Chen Yuzhi laughed before he looked over at him
“Does this look like the face of a killer to you?”
Jiang Yuelou looked back at him before he shook his head
“No.  Which is why I’m glad we got to him in time”
Chen Yuzhi hummed
“I am too…it was weird looking at myself and hearing my own voice”
Jiang Yuelou huffed
“Tell me about it”
He then leaned over and pressed a kiss to his temple, his lips lingering there for a moment before he pulled away and nudged Chen Yuzhi’s head with his
“I’m really glad you’re okay”
Chen Yuzhi smiled and nudged his head in return before he pulled away and looked at him
“Come on, Keying’s waiting for us”
Jiang Yuelou nodded before he and Chen Yuzhi continued towards Keying’s school, Jiang Yuelou’s arm wrapped possessively around Chen Yuzhi’s waist
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Hi! I'm with another headcannon. Zhan Junbai is suspected of drug trafficking and no one can get close to him. All the evidence points to him, but Junbai denies everything. Jian Yuelou finds out that Director Zhan has a beloved cousin for whom he is willing to do anything. Out of desperation, Yuelou decides to get closer to Chen Yuzhi (he is his cousin), but after meeting him and seeing that Yuzhi does not know about his brother's "second job", he decides to abandon his mission. Yuelow falls head over heels in love with the cute doctor. Zhan Junbai is initially wary of Jian Yuelou, but when he sees that he is in love with Yuzhi, he humbles himself. Only this does not suit Zhao Jingming, who has long wanted to get Yuzhi at any cost. He is infuriated that Junbai does not want to force his brother to marry Zhao and he decides to take revenge. He finds out that Jian Yuelou was supposed to be a spy and tells this to Zhan Junbai and Yuzhi. Yuzhi does not believe this, but Yuelou confirms it and tries to explain himself, but the doctor does not want to listen to him. Jian Yuelou is forced to go away, but promises Zhao Jingming that he will keep an eye on him. Junbai comforts Yuzhi, who has had his heart broken. Despite the exposure of Jian Yuelou, Junbai does not consent to the marriage of Yuzhi with Jingming, he knows that his brother hates his deputy. Zhao Jingming is furious and tries to take Yuzhi away by force. Zhan Junbai sees this and goes berserk. He throws him out and warns him that if he gets close to his brother, Jinmin will not be found. Zhao Jingming turns to Zhan Tianqing for help and he kidnaps Chen Yuzhi. Zhan Junbai is furious and goes to rescue his brother, but falls into his uncle's trap. Junbai finds out that his uncle framed him in the eyes of the police and he is the head of Jinma Hall/let Director Zhan be clean before the law in this universe/ Zhan Tianqing gives Yuzhi to Zhao Jingming and the scoundrel drags the doctor upstairs to the bedroom to get his prize. Yuzhi resists, but they give him drugs and his strength leaves him. Zhan Junbai is furious and tries to save his brother, but his they beat him and throw him at his uncle's feet. Tianqing did not forgive his nephew, who handed over all his machinations to the police and decides to teach him a lesson. However, Wang Meng saw Yuzhi's abduction and he contacted Jian Yuelou. They go with the police to rescue the brothers. Wang Meng saves Zhan Junbai, and Jian Yuelou breaks into the room where Zhao Jingming is trying to undress Yuzhi. Jingming does not survive Yuelou's rage. Zhan Junbai is happy to kill his uncle, because he dared to harm his brother. Yuelou carries the exhausted Yuzhi in her arms and they all go to the hospital together. Yuzhi comes to his senses and he reconciled with Yuelou. The policeman explained that he immediately abandoned his mission and wanted to be with Yuzhi for real. Director Zhan sees that his cousin is in safe hands and does not interfere with their relationship. I really wanted to write very briefly, but I got carried away again😁😁😁
Girl, if this is you getting carried away...then I'm about to go fucking ham (bit of a more mature headcanon, so, you have been warned)
Jiang Yuelou was suspicious of Zhan Junbai
He was very composed, upright, and what seemed to be a good man
But Jiang Yuelou knew better
You see, Jiang Yuelou had been tailing the man, for a while, because he had gotten anonymous tips that he was suspected of smuggling drugs
Hard drugs, like opium
And Jiang Yuelou did not stand for drug dealers in his city so he always had someone tailing him, just to see where he went
Problem was…none of his men could find anything on the drug smuggling accusations, which was annoying as hell because everything in the anonymous tips kept fucking pointing to him
And the other problem that Jiang Yuelou had was that…the man wouldn’t fucking talk about it
If he tried to bring it up in casual conversation, he would completely gloss over the question or change the topic completely, which was entirely frustrating and also suspicious as hell because if he didn’t have something to hide…he would just tell him
So, Jiang Yuelou needed another way to find out of Zhan Junbai really was behind the drug smuggling or not, or if he had a partner in the smuggling business
Of course, because of his extensive background research on the man (and because of all of the covert tailing he’d done), he found out that he had a cousin that he was rather close to: a Dr. Chen Yuzhi
And if anyone would be a good partner for Zhan Junbai’s smuggling business…it would be a doctor
So, he decided to go and see for himself about this young doctor and see if he knew anything about the smuggling operation…or if he had any hand in it
When he arrived at the clinic, he was about to step inside when he saw the doctor (who was quite young, in his opinion, at least a few years younger than Jiang Yuelou himself) kneeling before a young child, a bright and kind smile on his face
As he watched the doctor treat the child, Jiang Yuelou couldn’t help but think…that the doctor really seemed too kind; not the type of person that would work in a drug smuggling operation
But then again…it was always the kind, innocent ones you had to look out for
So, when the checkup was over, Jiang Yuelou waited for the child and their parent to exit the clinic before he stepped inside and walked over to the young doctor
“Dr. Chen Yuzhi?”
The doctor turned and looked at him with wide eyes
“Oh, hello!  Can I help you?”
Jiang Yuelou dipped his head
“Chief Jiang Yuelou.  I’d like to ask you a few questions, if you’re not busy”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he shook his head
“No, no, please.  Have a seat”
He then motioned to the chairs in front of his desk but instead of sitting in one of the offered chairs, Jiang Yuelou walked over and sat down on the edge of his desk, causing him to blink in surprise before he huffed
“What exactly did you want to ask me, Chief Jiang?”
Jiang Yuelou crossed his arms
“What do you know about the drug smuggling that’s been going on in the city?”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“Drug smuggling?  What drug smuggling?”
Jiang Yuelou frowned
“You’re telling me you don’t know?”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“No…I don’t”
Jiang Yuelou raised an eyebrow
Chen Yuzhi huffed
“Chief Jiang, if you’re implying what I think you’re implying, then you’re clearly mistaken”
He then looked at him before he took a shuddering breath
“I just had to treat a child who nearly died from getting a hold of opium a few days ago…do you really think I would be involved in distributing it?”
Jiang Yuelou looked at him with wide eyes before he shook his head
“No…which is why I had to come here and confirm it”
Chen Yuzhi huffed
“Couldn’t you have just said that instead?”
Jiang Yuelou smirked
“Ah, but if I said that first, you would have easily admitted it.  And everyone can just admit easily to something to get suspicion off their back”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him and frowned
“I take it you don’t trust or believe people very easily”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“Not in my line of work, unfortunately”
He then looked at him
“But I believe you”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened before he cleared his throat, a light dusting on his cheeks
“Is there anything else I can help you with?”
Jiang Yuelou hummed
“What can you tell me about your cousin?”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
Jiang Yuelou nodded
“Mm.  Does he know anything about the drug smuggling?”
Chen Yuzhi frowned again
“Why would he know anything about that?  He’s the minister of finance, he has no reason to go anywhere near that stuff”
Jiang Yuelou sighed
“I’m just covering all my bases”
He then pushed himself to his feet and looked at Chen Yuzhi
“Thank you for your time”
He then turned and headed out of the clinic, Chen Yuzhi watching him leave before he shook his head
Meanwhile, as Jiang Yuelou walked away, he placed his hands in his pockets and hummed; Chen Yuzhi definitely wasn’t lying
You see, Jiang Yuelou had been studying the doctor’s eyes and body language the entire time and he could tell when someone was lying…and the doctor definitely wasn’t
Not if his big, doe eyes had anything to say
People’s eyes were always telling…and Jiang Yuelou couldn’t find a hint of a lie anywhere in them
He then sighed heavily; he would have to go back and apologize for being rude
The next day, as Chen Yuzhi was sitting at his desk, working, a paper bag appeared before him, making him look up to see Jiang Yuelou standing before him
“Chief Jiang!”
Jiang Yuelou smiled slightly
“Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi then shook his head
“What can I do for you?”
Jiang Yuelou motioned to the paper bag
“Brought you baozi, as an apology.  And because it’s lunchtime and I haven’t seen you move from this seat all day”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before his eyes widened
“Have you been watching me?!”
Jiang Yuelou chuckled
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“Should I be concerned that you were watching me?”
Jiang Yuelou laughed and shook his head
“No; I actually just got here.  The baozi really are an apology though.  For yesterday.  I was rude”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he waved his hand
“I didn’t think you were being rude; you were just doing your job”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“No, I was being rude.  And I’m sorry”
Chen Yuzhi blinked again before he huffed
He then reached out and opened the bag, pulling out a baozi before he held it up
“I will take this then.  As an acceptance of your apology”
Jiang Yuelou smirked
“Thank you”
Chen Yuzhi hummed before he took a bite of the baozi and let out a soft hum
“Thank you, for these by the way.  I really haven’t eaten yet, so you saved me”
Jiang Yuelou huffed
“A doctor should know better than to not eat”
Chen Yuzhi blushed
“I know, I know, but I’ve been busy, so it just slipped my mind”
Jiang Yuelou hummed, just as Zhan Junbai stepped into the clinic, making Chen Yuzhi look up
“Oh, Junbai!”
Jiang Yuelou looked over and when he saw Zhan Junbai, he dipped his head
“Executive Zhan”
Zhan Junbai smiled and walked over to them
“Chief Jiang.  What are you doing here?”
Jiang Yuelou motioned to Chen Yuzhi
“Just came by to give Dr. Chen some lunch”
Zhan Junbai raised an eyebrow in surprise before he smiled
“Well, that was nice of you”
Jiang Yuelou nodded before he cleared his throat
“Well, I’ll be off”
He then turned and headed out of the clinic, Zhan Junbai and Chen Yuzhi watching him leave before Zhan Junbai looked back at Chen Yuzhi
“What do you think of him?”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“What do you mean?”
Zhan Junbai huffed
“I meant what I said.  What do you think of him?”
Chen Yuzhi hummed
“He seems…nice”
Zhan Junbai barked out a laugh
“Nice is not exactly the word most people use to describe him”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“What do you mean?”
Zhan Junbai hummed
“Well, most people call him aggressive, rude…an attack dog.  Sometimes, they even call him cruel”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“He didn’t seem that way to me”
Zhan Junbai hummed
“Well…just be careful around him”
Chen Yuzhi frowned but nodded anyways as he looked at the bag of baozi before him; Jiang Yuelou really didn’t seem cruel to him
He just seemed…distrustful
Later that evening, as Chen Yuzhi was heading home, he was surprised to see Jiang Yuelou sitting at one of the tables at the wonton stand before his house
He stared at the police chief for a moment before he walked over to him and smiled slightly
“Chief Jiang?”
Jiang Yuelou looked up in surprise before he smiled slightly
“Dr. Chen!  What a surprise!”
Chen Yuzhi chuckled as he sat down before him
“I could say the same”
Jiang Yuelou then tilted his head
“Do you live around here?”
Chen Yuzhi smiled and motioned to the house across the street from where they were sitting
“I live right over there”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened before he laughed
“What a coincidence!  I live right over there!”
He then motioned to the house parallel to Chen Yuzhi’s, causing Chen Yuzhi’s eyes to widen
“I had no idea we were neighbors”
Jiang Yuelou laughed
“I didn’t either”
He then tilted his head
“Have you eaten yet?”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he shook his head
“Oh, no not yet”
Jiang Yuelou huffed softly and shook his head before he turned towards the wonton stall owner
“Ma’am!  One bowl of wontons, please”
Jiang Yuelou then looked back at Chen Yuzhi smirked
“Looks like I’m going to have to be checking up on you more so that I make sure you eat”
Chen Yuzhi blushed slightly before he shook his head
“You really don’t have to do that…”
Jiang Yuelou hummed
“But what if I want to?  Will you let me?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him with wide eyes before he smiled slightly
“If you insist”
Jiang Yuelou smiled, just as the stall owner brought over the bowl of wontons and placed it before Chen Yuzhi, smiling
“Nice to see you again, Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi dipped his head to her
“Nice to see you too”
She then headed back to her stall as Jiang Yuelou raised an eyebrow
“I take it you come here a lot?”
Chen Yuzhi shrugged
“I come here enough”
Jiang Yuelou chuckled before he motioned to the bowl
“Go on, eat”
Chen Yuzhi smiled and dipped his head, beginning to eat as Jiang Yuelou watched with a small smile before he went back to eating as well
After they had both finished eating, Jiang Yuelou tilted his head
“Do you want to come by for some tea?  Or some other time?”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he shook his head
“I have time; tea would be lovely”
Jiang Yuelou smiled and motioned for Chen Yuzhi to follow him as they headed over to his house, both men stepping through the door just as a grey and white ragdoll padded over to them, meowing happily in greeting
“Xiao Bai”
Jiang Yuelou then reached down and scooped up the cat, giving it an affectionate nuzzle as Chen Yuzhi looked at him and the cat in surprise
“You have a cat?”
Jiang Yuelou smiled and nodded
“Mmhm.  His name’s Xiao Bai”
Chen Yuzhi smiled slightly before he reached out his hand, allowing Xiao Bai to sniff him before he pet him gently, Xiao Bai letting out an affectionate purr
“What a good kitty”
Jiang Yuelou smiled
“He likes you”
Chen Yuzhi chuckled
“He’s cute”
Jiang Yuelou then tilted his head
“Can you hold him while I go make the tea?”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened before he nodded and reached out, taking Xiao Bai out of his arms as Jiang Yuelou smiled
“Make yourself at home, I won’t be too long”
Chen Yuzhi nodded and walked over to the couch as Jiang Yuelou headed into the kitchen to make the tea
While he was preparing the tea, Chen Yuzhi sat on the couch and smiled as he gently pet Xiao Bai’s head
“What a good kitty you are”
Xiao Bai meowed and nudged against his hand, causing him to laugh softly
“Oh, you’re adorable”
“He’s quite cute, isn’t he?”
Chen Yuzhi looked up to see Jiang Yuelou standing before him, a cup of tea in each hand
“Yes, he’s very cute”
He then reached out and took one of the mugs as Jiang Yuelou walked over and sat beside him, both men sipping their tea in silence before Jiang Yuelou looked over at Chen Yuzhi and smiled slightly
“Would you like to do this again, maybe?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him in surprise before he smiled and nodded
Over the next couple of weeks, Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi began seeing each other
It first started off as simple things, like Jiang Yuelou popping by to bring Chen Yuzhi lunch or sometimes coffee, and then it started to escalate to them meeting up after work to have dinner and tea at each other’s house and then it escalated to them being seen together almost all the time (whenever they had a free moment of course)
Of course, when Zhan Junbai found out that Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi were seeing each other, he was a little…how do you say, nervous (just because of the rumors he heard about Jiang Yuelou) but when he saw how brightly Chen Yuzhi smiled and how loudly he laughed because of Jiang Yuelou…he found he had nothing to worry about
And the way Jiang Yuelou looked at his cousin, like he hung the moon and stars…yeah he had nothing to worry about
But while Zhan Junbai was happy for Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi…there was someone who was not and that was Zhao Jingming, Minister of Trade
You see, he had been eyeing Chen Yuzhi for a while and had asked Zhan Junbai many times to introduce his cousin to him or vice versa, but Zhan Junbai wouldn’t do so
And the fact that Jiang Yuelou was able to get so close to Chen Yuzhi and make him happy and smile the way that he did pissed him off even more
So, he decided to go talk to Zhan Junbai and demand to know why Jiang Yue-fucking-lou was able to date and be close to Chen Yuzhi but he wasn’t
“Because Chief Zhao…you are not a good fit for my cousin.  And I know him better than anyone.  And I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a hundred times, no is no.  Now please, kindly get out of my office”
Zhao Jingming growled
“Chief Zhao”
Zhao Jingming froze as Zhan Junbai slowly stood to his feet and looked him in the eyes
“Kindly get out of my office before I throw you out”
 Zhao Jingming blinked before he dipped his head and quickly left, Zhan Junbai narrowing his eyes after him before he sat back down in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose
How irritating
Meanwhile, as Zhao Jingming stormed out of finance building, he growled
He would have Chen Yuzhi for himself…but how would he get Zhan Junbai to give him to him?
He then stopped and smiled; he would just have to get rid of Jiang Yuelou
And he knew exactly how to do that
A little while later, Zhao Jingming headed to Chen Yuzhi’s clinic and was delighted to find Jiang Yuelou there, which just made everything easier
He then stepped into the clinic and smiled
“Hello Dr. Chen”
Both Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi looked up before Chen Yuzhi frowned
“Chief Zhao…what are you doing here?”
Zhao Jingming chuckled
“I was just in the neighborhood…but I’m glad I caught you two while I was here”
Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi frowned as Zhao Jingming smiled
“Dr. Chen, do you know why Chief Jiang approached you?”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“Approached me?”
Meanwhile, the hair on the back of Jiang Yuelou’s neck began to stand up…he knew damn well where Zhao Jingming was going with this
“Zhao Jingming—”
Zhao Jingming looked over at him and smirked
“What?  Are you going to tell him…or do I have to?”
Jiang Yuelou snarled
“Don’t you fucking say anything”
Chen Yuzhi frowned and looked between the two men
“What are you talking about?  Tell me what?”
Zhao Jingming smiled
“That Chief Jiang approached you to get close to Zhan Junbai”
Chen Yuzhi frowned and looked over at Jiang Yuelou
“What is he talking about?”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“Don’t listen to him—”
Zhao Jingming huffed
“The only reason he’s dating you is because he believes that your cousin is a drug trafficker and if he can get close to you, he can get close to Zhan Junbai and catch him in the act”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened and he looked at Jiang Yuelou with hurt in his eyes
“Is that true?”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“No?  Then why did you have Zhan Junbai tailed for months on end?  And only now you’re dating his cousin?”
Zhao Jingming then looked over at Chen Yuzhi and tilted his head
“Don’t you think this is all a little bit too convenient?”
Jiang Yuelou growled
“Zhao Jingming, SHUT UP!”
He then turned back to Chen Yuzhi
“Yuzhi, don’t listen to him”
Chen Yuzhi was quiet before he looked at Jiang Yuelou
“Is that why you came to me, that day?  Asking about the drugs and Zhan Junbai?”
Jiang Yuelou faltered before he nodded
“I mean, yes, but—”
“And was everything else afterwards…the apology baozi, the dinner, the tea…everything…was that just to get close to me to get to Junbai?”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“No, no, Yuzhi, it’s not—”
Chen Yuzhi shot to his feet
“Do you really even love me or do you still see me as a means to get to Zhan Junbai?!”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“Get out”
Jiang Yuelou frowned
Jiang Yuelou flinched at Chen Yuzhi’s scream before he sighed and nodded, slipping off his doctor’s desk before he made his way towards the door
However, before he left, he reached out and grabbed Zhao Jingming by the front of his shit, dragging him out of the clinic to give Chen Yuzhi some space
Once they were out of the clinic, Jiang Yuelou glared at Zhao Jingming
“You will regret that.  And if you do anything to him, I swear to god, God himself will not be able to save you from my wrath”
He then released the front of his shirt and walked away, Zhao Jingming staring after him before he smirked and looked towards the clinic
Now, he could finally be alone with Chen Yuzhi
However, before he could step inside, Zhan Junbai appeared and raised an eyebrow at him
“Zhao Jingming?  What are you doing here?  Didn’t I tell you to stay away from Chen Yuzhi?”
Zhao Jingming blinked before he cleared his throat
“I was just passing by, Zhan-xiong.  Nothing more”
Zhan Junbai narrowed his eyes
“Then keep passing”
Zhao Jingming’s eyes widened and he nodded, quickly walking away as Zhan Junbai turned and stepped into Chen Yuzhi’s clinic, only to stop and stare at his cousin in surprise
“Yuzhi?  What happened?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him before he shook his head, letting out a sob
At his sob, Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened and he quickly rushed over to him, pulling him in for a hug
“What happened?  Yuzhi, what happened?”
Chen Yuzhi, however, didn’t answer and just let out another sob before he buried his face in Zhan Junbai’s chest, Zhan Junbai hugging him tightly
“Did Jiang Yuelou do something?  Did he make you cry?”
At the mention of Jiang Yuelou, Chen Yuzhi just sobbed harder, causing Zhan Junbai to growl before he gently pet Chen Yuzhi’s hair
“This is why I told you to be careful of him…he’s a cruel man”
Chen Yuzhi whimpered and nodded as he continued to bury his face in Zhan Junbai’s chest, Zhan Junbai’s arms tight around him
When he finally calmed down, Chen Yuzhi pulled away and sniffled
“Jiang Yuelou…Jiang Yuelou didn’t really love me”
Zhan Junbai frowned
“What are you talking about?”
From what he could see whenever he saw the two of them together…Jiang Yuelou was very much so in love with Chen Yuzhi…so what did he mean that Jiang Yuelou wasn’t in love with him?
Chen Yuzhi sniffled and nodded
“He…he only got close to me so that he could get close to you.  To see if you were being the drug smuggling.  He didn’t…he didn’t really love me”
Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened before he growled softly; Jiang Yuelou would really stoop so low and play with his cousin’s heart…all for some case? 
Oh, he really had some nerve
He then looked at Chen Yuzhi and reached out, gently wiping away the tears
“Well, it’s alright now…you never have to see him again.  So, don’t think about him, okay?”
Chen Yuzhi looked him before he nodded but Zhan Junbai could tell that his cousin was heartbroken
And he didn’t blame him…he knew that Chen Yuzhi really loved Jiang Yuelou
At the thought of Jiang Yuelou, Zhan Junbai clenched his fist; if he ever saw the police chief again…he was going to throttle him
After Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi’s “break up”, Chen Yuzhi was once again single, much to Zhao Jingming’s delight
And because he was single, he decided to see the doctor almost every day and try and flirt with him, just like Jiang Yuelou had
The only thing was…Zhao Jingming was not Jiang Yuelou.  And he never would be
And Chen Yuzhi wanted nothing to do with him
Like, there were days Chen Yuzhi thought about calling the police station and asking for Jiang Yuelou to just come and take Zhao Jingming away but then by doing that he would have to face the police chief again and he wasn’t sure if he was ready for that yet, so he just decided to suffer in silence
(Baby, just call Jiang Yuelou, you know he’d drop anything and everything for you in a heartbeat)
But after a while, Chen Yuzhi just couldn’t take it anymore and decided to go to Zhan Junbai and ask him to do something about it because this was getting ridiculous
Of course, Zhao Jingming had to follow him, like some pitiful lost puppy and when they arrived at the mansion, Chen Yuzhi burst into the mansion and stormed over to Zhan Junbai, pointing at Zhao Jingming
“Do something about this”
Zhan Junbai frowned
“What’s going on?”
Chen Yuzhi huffed
“Tell him to leave me alone!  I won’t marry him, but he keeps asking me and I can’t take it anymore!”
Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened, and he looked at Zhao Jingming for a moment before he slowly stood to his feet and walked over to him, stopping before him, a good few inches taller than him
“Chief Zhao…I thought I specifically told you to leave my cousin alone…do I need to call the police and report harassment?”
Zhao Jingming scoffed
“You wouldn’t do that…because you know who would show up?  Jiang Yuelou.  And your precious cousin can’t bear to look him in the eyes right now—”
Before he could finish his sentence, Zhan Junbai slapped him, the slap echoing throughout the mansion
“Get out”
Zhao Jingming looked at him with wide eyes, as did Chen Yuzhi, as he pointed to the door of the mansion
“Get.  Out.  And if I find out you come anywhere near Chen Yuzhi again…no one will find your body”
Zhao Jingming blinked and opened his mouth to say something when Zhan Junbai snarled
Zhao Jingming nodded and quickly rushed out of the mansion, Chen Yuzhi and Zhan Junbai staring after him before Chen Yuzhi let out a heavy sigh as Zhan Junbai looked over at him
“Why didn’t you call the police?”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“Because he’s right…Jiang Yuelou would come.  And I can’t…I can’t look at him right now”
Zhan Junbai nodded slowly; he supposed he understood…but this was Chen Yuzhi’s safety they were talking about
If he knew anything about Jiang Yuelou, and he was pretty sure he did, he would put professionalism above personal feelings and take care of this mess
But if Chen Yuzhi didn’t want him to get involved…then Zhan Junbai would respect that
Meanwhile, Zhao Jingming was fucking livid
How dare Zhan Junbai 1) not give Chen Yuzhi to him and 2) how dare he slap him
He then let out a growl; he would get revenge on the cousins…but how?
He then paused before he smiled darkly
Oh…he knew exactly who to go to
A little while later, Zhao Jingming stood before Zhan Tianqing, the man raising an eyebrow boredly at him
“So…what is it that you want?”
Zhao Jingming smiled
“Dr. Chen Yuzhi”
Zhan Tianqing huffed
“So just take him”
Zhao Jingming shook his head
“I can’t.  Zhan Junbai won’t let me have him.  Which is why I’m here asking you to take him”
Zhan Tianqing hummed
“Well…you know I don’t just do things for free…”
Zhao Jingming nodded
“Oh, I’m well aware.  Which is why I’d like to offer you a little trade”
Zhan Tianqing raised an eyebrow
Zhao Jingming nodded
“I know you’re the real mastermind behind the opium smuggling in Jing City…and I’d like to offer you a scapegoat”
Zhan Tianqing frowned
“Scapegoat?  Who?”
Zhao Jingming smiled
“Your own nephew”
Zhan Tianqing narrowed his eyes
“Do you really think that by giving me my own nephew will get you your doctor?”
Zhao Jingming nodded
“I do.  Zhan Junbai is already under the police’s scrutiny…it would be like giving them his head on a silver platter.  What do you say?”
Zhan Tianqing looked at him before he smiled darkly
“You’ve got yourself a deal”
Zhao Jingming grinned
Later that evening, as Chen Yuzhi was heading home to have dinner with Zhan Junbai (as he no longer had dinner with Jiang Yuelou), a few of Zhan Tianqing’s men appeared out of the shadows and grabbed him, dragging him away, much to his protest
Thankfully, one of Zhan Junbai’s men, Wang Meng, saw what was happening and quickly ran to Zhan Junbai’s mansion, bursting inside before running over to him
Zhan Junbai looked up at him and frowned
“Wang Meng?  What is it?”
“It’s Chen Yuzhi.  Your uncle’s men grabbed him”
Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened
“They what?!”
Wang Meng nodded, causing Zhan Junbai to growl and shoot to his feet, rushing towards the door
“What the fuck is my uncle up to?”
He then rushed out of the mansion, Wang Meng on his heels
Meanwhile, at Zhan Tianqing’s mansion, Chen Yuzhi, who was still being held by Zhan Tianqing’s men, glared at Zhan Tianqing and Zhao Jingming, who were standing before him
“What the hell?!  What is this?!  Why did you take me?!”
Zhan Tianqing then looked over at Zhao Jingming and motioned to Chen Yuzhi
“Here.  I got him for you.  Now where’s what you promised me?”
Zhao Jingming smiled
“Oh, don’t worry.  He’s coming”
Just then, Zhan Junbai burst into the mansion, fire in his eyes as he stormed over to Zhan Tianqing and Zhao Jingming
“Zhao Jingming!  Uncle!  What’s going on here?!  How dare—”
However, before he could finish his sentence, one of Zhan Tianqing’s soldiers cracked him in the back with their gun, sending him to the ground
Chen Yuzhi then tried to get to him, but the men holding him just yanked him back before they threw him in Zhao Jingming’s direction, Zhao Jingming grabbing him
“You’re finally mine now”
He then began to drag him away, Chen Yuzhi fighting him the entire time
“Let go!  Get off!  Junbai!  Junbai!”
Zhan Junbai, however, didn’t answer and instead just laid on the floor, still, as Zhao Jingming continued to drag him away, dragging him upstairs
While they were heading upstairs, Zhan Tianqing looked at his men and nodded, his men nodding in reply before they began to beat the ever-loving shit out of Zhan Junbai
(Of course the bastard would have someone else beat the crap out of his own nephew…can’t be bothered to get his own hands dirty.  Gotta make someone else do it)
While Zhan Junbai was getting beaten to hell, Wang Meng, who had followed behind, saw what was going on before he quickly turned and rushed out of there
He needed to get help
He continued to run through the streets of Jing City and as he was running, he noticed Jiang Yuelou leaving the police station, as he had stayed to finish up some reports for Commissioner Bai
He then ran over to him and stopped before him
“You’re Chief Jiang, right?”
Jiang Yuelou blinked before he nodded
“Yes…can I help you?”
Wang Meng nodded
“You need to come, right now”
Jiang Yuelou frowned
“Come where?”
Wang Meng huffed
“There’s no time to explain, if we don’t go now, Zhan Junbai will die, and Chen Yuzhi will probably be raped!”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened before something shifted in them and he looked Wang Meng in the eyes
“Where are they?”
Wang Meng motioned with his head
“Follow me”
Jiang Yuelou nodded and quickly followed after him as they ran back to Zhan Tianqing’s mansion
Meanwhile, upstairs, Zhao Jingming dragged Chen Yuzhi to a nearby bedroom and shoved him inside before he locked the door behind them, so Chen Yuzhi couldn’t escape
Once they were alone, Zhao Jingming looked at Chen Yuzhi and smiled lustfully
“Finally…I have you”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head and slowly backed away from him
“Don’t you fucking touch me…don’t you come near me”
Zhao Jingming, however, just ignored his order and just slowly began to walk towards him, Chen Yuzhi backing away from him until his legs suddenly bumped against the edge of the bed, making him look back at it in horror
Shit, he was trapped
Just then, Zhao Jingming rushed towards him and pounced, pinning him to the bed
“Now I’m going to do whatever I want with you”
Chen Yuzhi, however, was not just going to lie there and take it, so he began hitting and fighting back, refusing to let Zhao Jingming touch him
As he fought, Zhao Jingming found himself growing angrier and angrier until he couldn’t take it any longer and reached into his pocket, pulling out a syringe full of clear liquid
He then took the syringe and stabbed it into Chen Yuzhi’s neck, Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widening as he looked at Zhao Jingming
“What did you—”
His eyes then fluttered as his body went limp, causing Zhao Jingming to smile
“Just something to…soothe your nerves”
He then took a step back and reached out, carefully shifting Chen Yuzhi so that he was properly lying on the bed before he got on top of him and smiled lustfully
Oh…he was looking forward to this
Meanwhile, downstairs, Zhan Junbai was still getting the shit beat out of him when the doors burst open and Wang Meng and Jiang Yuelou rushed in, their guns drawn
As they rushed in, Zhan Tianqing looked over at them and frown
Before he could finish his sentence, Wang Meng fired a shot at his leg, sending him to the ground before he fired shot after shot at the men beating Zhan Junbai, sending them all to the ground as well
Once they were all incapacitated, Jiang Yuelou looked over at Wang Meng
“Where’s Chen Yuzhi?”
Wang Meng hummed
“Last I saw, Zhao Jingming dragged him upstairs”
Jiang Yuelou nodded before he put his gun back in his holster and rushed off, running upstairs
When he reached upstairs, he tested each door by turning the knob and pushing them open until he came to one door that when he turned the knob and pushed…the door didn’t open
The minute he realized the door was locked, Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened before he snarled
No door was going to stand between him and Chen Yuzhi
So, with one swift kick by the doorknob, Jiang Yuelou broke open the door, causing Zhao Jingming, who was straddling and undressing an unconscious Chen Yuzhi, to look over with wide eyes
At the sight of Zhao Jingming on top of Chen Yuzhi, Jiang Yuelou saw red before he stormed over to Zhao Jingming and grabbed him by the back of his suit, yanking him off of Chen Yuzhi
He then threw him onto the floor before he pounced on him, grabbing him by the front of his shirt
“I warned you”
He then began to whale on Zhao Jingming, beating him until his face and Jiang Yuelou’s knuckles were a bloody mess
Once he had beaten Zhao Jingming unconscious (or at least he thought he was unconscious, the man wasn’t moving), Jiang Yuelou pushed himself to his feet and rushed over to the bed and gently shook Chen Yuzhi’s shoulder
“Chen Yuzhi.  Chen Yuzhi!”
Chen Yuzhi let out a soft noise before he slowly opened his eyes, frowning slightly before his eyes flew open and he gasped, beginning to fight against Jiang Yuelou, who blocked his attacks before he reached out and gently cupped his face in his hands
“Chen Yuzhi!”
At his voice, Chen Yuzhi blinked a few times before he slowly looked up into his eyes, which were full of concern
“J-Jiang Yuelou?”
Jiang Yuelou nodded as he gently stroked his cheek
“It’s me.  It’s me, baby.  It’s me”
Chen Yuzhi sniffled before he let out a soft sob, Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“Shh, don’t cry.  Don’t cry.  Come on, let’s get you to a hospital and get you looked at”
Chen Yuzhi nodded, Jiang Yuelou smiling softly before he reached out and scooped him into his arms, Chen Yuzhi’s arms going around his neck as he buried his face in his shoulder
“I’ve got you, baby.  I’ve got you”
A little while later, both Chen Yuzhi and Zhan Junbai were admitted to the hospital, Jiang Yuelou at Chen Yuzhi’s side the entire time
When Chen Yuzhi finally woke up, he looked over at Jiang Yuelou and frowned
“Jiang Yuelou?”
Jiang Yuelou looked at him and smiled softly
“Yuzhi.  How are you feeling?  Are you okay?”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
“I still feel groggy…but I don’t feel like I don’t have control of my body anymore”
Jiang Yuelou smiled and nodded
“Good…that’s good”
Chen Yuzhi then looked at him and shook his head
“I’m sorry…for shouting at you that day”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“No, it’s my fault.  I wasn’t honest with you”
He then took a deep breath
“When I first met you…I really did want to use you to get close to Zhan Junbai…to see if he really was the one smuggling the opium into Jing City.  And I also wanted to see if you were involved with the smuggling…because using medicine is a great way to smuggle opium throughout the city.  But…before we even spoke, I watched you with a patient, a young child, and I thought to myself…there’s no way this person is involved with drug or the smuggling operation.  He’s too kind.  And when we were speaking, I could see you were an honest person.  So, I put off my mission to use you to get close to Zhan Junbai…and just decided to get to know you.  I wanted to know more about you, not your cousin…which is why I kept coming back”
He then looked at Chen Yuzhi, who was looking at him with glassy eyes, and smiled softly
“I do love you, Chen Yuzhi.  I’ve loved you this entire time…nothing about our time together was fake.  It was very real”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he sniffled and shook his head
“I’m sorry…I said those cruel thing…I’m—”
Before he could finish his sentence, Jiang Yuelou leaned forward and gently pressed a kiss to his forehead
“Shhh…it’s not your fault.  It’s not your fault, sweetheart”
He then pulled away before he gently wiped away the tears streaming down Chen Yuzhi’s cheek, Chen Yuzhi leaning into his touch before he noticed that his knuckles were red and raw, causing him to gasp
“Jiang Yuelou!  Your knuckles—”
He then reached out and took Jiang Yuelou’s hands in his, looking at the knuckles in horror before he looked at him
“—what did you do?!”
Jiang Yuelou huffed
“Made good on my threat”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“What threat?”
Jiang Yuelou looked at him and smiled
“I told Zhao Jingming that day I dragged him out of your clinic that if he did anything to you that God himself that would not be able to save him from my wrath.  And when I saw him on top of you, undressing you…I lost it”
Chen Yuzhi stared at him with wide eyes before he looked at his knuckles again
“So what did you do, beat him to death?”
Jiang Yuelou shrugged
Chen Yuzhi looked at him in shock
“Jiang Yuelou!”
Jiang Yuelou huffed and pulled his hands away as he looked at him
“What, I was just supposed to let him do that to you, Yuzhi?!  Huh?!  No!  The bastard got what he deserved, and I don’t regret doing it.  Hell, I’d do it again if I had to”
Chen Yuzhi stared at him with wide eyes before he huffed softly and shook his head
“Attack dog indeed”
Jiang Yuelou smirked
“I’m just protecting what’s important to me.  Is that so wrong?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him before he shook his head
Jiang Yuelou smiled before he leaned forward and rested his forehead against his, Chen Yuzhi letting out a soft hum of content
“Just rest, Yuzhi.  I’ll be right here.  I’m not going anywhere”
Chen Yuzhi hummed and nodded before he looked at him
“When I’m discharged, I’m going to clean and bandage your hands”
Jiang Yuelou blinked
“You don’t need to—”
“And let them get infected?!  No.  You’re getting treated and that’s final”
Jiang Yuelou blinked again before he laughed softly and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead
“Yes, Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi hummed content, reveling in the feeling of Jiang Yuelou’s lips on his skin, not realizing that Zhan Junbai, who was standing outside, was watching the two of them
He had originally wanted to yank Jiang Yuelou away from Chen Yuzhi and tell him to stay the hell away from him but after Wang Meng told him what Jiang Yuelou had done and how he had saved Chen Yuzhi…he decided to let it slide
If he made Chen Yuzhi cry again like how he had cried in his clinic…Zhan Junbai would bury him
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