#cherry oneshot
imagineanime2022 · 2 months
S/O With Pretty Eyes And/Or Dimples
Kojiro Nanjo/Joe X Reader, Kaoru Sakurayashiki/Cherry X Reader, Ainosuke Shindo/Adam X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hiii i really love your sk8 the infinity headcanons can you please make a headcanon for joe cherry and adam with an s/o who has beautiful eyes just like gojo satoru from jujutsu kaisen and has the cutest dimples please 🥺🙏
Warning: Spoilers for the first season of Sk8
Kojiro Nanjo/Joe
🍝 Joe is no stranger to good looking people, there are a number of different people, men and women that throw themselves at him but he had never found someone that he wanted to throw himself at. 🍝 At first he thought that it would pass, that it was just seeing something new but the more that he saw you around the more that he wanted to have you all to himself. 🍝 Now honestly despite the clear jealousy that he showed towards those that showed an interest in you, he never thought the same might be true for you given the attention that he was given, you might need to use your fans to your advantage. 🍝 Joe would often poke at your dimples when he was teasing under your eyes when he was reassuring you.
You had been helping Joe out in the restaurant the past couple of weeks, it had somehow become busier and he needed all the help that he could get. It seemed that you tending to the tables seemed to attract a different kind of crowd, more men taking an interest in the establishment then before.
There were two problems arising from this, the first being some female client refusing your service since we all know that you weren’t what they had come here for and the second being that the male clientele were far too flirty and definitely weren’t there for the food. At first he didn’t mind too much but when it became a common occurrence and now he was standing watching you interact and sell his menu like a pro while avoiding their advances. “Are you going to just stand there and glare, you gorilla?” Kaoru asked. “What are you talking about?” Joe asked as his eyebrow ticked, his attention drawn from you for a second to look at his friend. “Well it’s clear that they bother you.” Kaoru said calmly, “I’d much rather enjoy my meal without your grunting.” “What did you say!?” He asked, his outburst caused you to look over at him and giggled, you excused yourself from the table making your way towards him. “Is everything okay?” You asked. “Just fine dear.” Kaoru answered “just asking how you put up with this beast constantly.” “Kaoru…” Joe warned as you shook your head. “He’s fine just the way that he is.” You answered tapping his chest as you walked towards the bar getting the drinks that the men had ordered. “I’ll take those.” Joe said softly as he moved past you poking softly at the dimples forming from your smile. “Stop that!” You scolded him, as you waved away his hand, he smirked as he leaned down pressing a kiss to your cheek. “What are you doing?” “Nothing.” He answered but you could see his eyes on the table you had just walked away from. “Do not ruin your business over me.” You scolded him “I can handle them.” “You don’t need to handle them, in fact I’ll handle them and don’t worry about the business Kaoru brings enough to keep this place a float.” He pressed another kiss to your forehead before heading over to the table. “Gorilla.” Kaoru muttered, pressing the heel of his hands to his forehead as you giggled. “Sorry Kaoru.” You muttered. “It’s not your fault, trust me, he’s been like this for years, you are the first woman to bring it out of him though.” Kaoru explained as you both watched him put on a smile and serve the table.
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Kaoru Sakurayashiki/Cherry
🌸 Cherry appreciated your beauty, everything from your dimples to your eyes and anything else that he noticed along the way, he wasn’t always good at saying these things out loud. 🌸 Carla would often be the one to compliment you, it would always make his eyebrow twitch, not to mention Joe getting under his skin by throwing you a few compliments. 🌸 You and Cherry honestly were the perfect couple doth in looks and interaction, it didn’t take long for you both to be living together and sharing your lives. 🌸 Cherry didn’t often get jealous of other people, in fact given his general vibe people very rarely approached you. All your antics came from inside your relationship.
You had been cleaning around the house while you waited for Kaoru to come home, you had been milling around the room. Since Langa had beaten Adam at Sk8, Cherry had been going through old pictures from school, you hadn’t noticed before but as you looked closer at the pictures he had left out you saw the piercing in his eyebrow and lip. “What are you doing?” Cherry asked as he walked over to where you were, you hadn’t paid attention, you didn’t hear him come in. “Just looking at your old pictures.” You answered honestly. “Oh those are not my best days.” He answered as he looked over your shoulder, you frowned. “What do you mean, I think you look very good in these, you know if I had known you then I still would have dated you.” You explained. “I’m sure.” He mumbled, you looked at him for a second before pulling him to the bed and prompting him to sit down. You settled in front of him pulling out your phone, you scrolled through an old album that had been saved to the cloud before showing him the phone screen. He looked down at the picture where you were smiling, full eyes closed, smiling, you looked happy. “Beautiful.” “Really?” You asked. “Of course.” He answered. “Even without the dimples?” You asked. “Huh?” He asked as he looked at the photo again, sure enough the dimples that now adorned your cheeks weren’t there. “I didn’t even notice.” “Mmm.” You hummed “now will you believe me when I say the same about you?” “That you didn’t notice?” He asked with a raised eyebrow, you narrowed your eyes before turning so that you were straddling his thighs. “That you were beautiful even despite the change.” You corrected “besides…” You leaned forward biting softly at his lip and pulling “it would have given me something to hold on to.” You hopped off the bed and headed out of the room. Kaoru watched you go, his face red as he looked down at the photo. Maybe putting in a ring for you every now and again wouldn’t be so bad. It’s the least he could do for you, giving him those stunning eyes and beautiful dimples.
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Ainosuke Shindo/Adam
❤ He had nothing to worry about the moment that he started to pursue you, his standing in both the skating and business world meant that no one ever tried to challenge him. ❤ Adam honestly has very stunning eyes himself, you were both the talk of the town the moment that you started dating, the perfect couple according to the press and most of his business partner’s wives. ❤ Adam made a point of complimenting you and keeping you close at business parties and outings. ❤ You’d often go and watch him skate, he gave you a mask after the first time so that he’d be able to come over and scare off anyone who got too close to you without giving away either of your identity.
You were leaning against the wall watching Adam in his match against someone you hadn’t bothered to remember the name of, your attention was pulled from the screen when someone approached you “Woah! You're so cool, are you a skater!?” The kid asked, you raised an eyebrow, you recognised the second boy, the one that people were dubbing Snow. The one that had beat Adam before you started dating. “I don’t skate here.” You answered with a small smile. “Your eyes.” The kid, Snow said as he looked at them. “Pretty striking right?” You asked. “Pretty is one way to describe them.” You recognised that voice as Joe, one of the other skates and a childhood friend of Adam’s. “Is there something that I can help you all with?” You asked. “I just wanted to know how my friend was doing, I don’t know what these idiots are doing here.” Joe answered and you raised an eyebrow, eye catching Adam skating over the finish line first, his eyes easily finding yours in the crowd as he winked. “We were just trying to figure out if they were a skater.” The red haired kid defended himself and you shook your head stepping back away from the conversation and straight into someone's chest. “Now what’s going on here?” Adam’s voice said softly as he leaned down, his words sounding like they were spoken directly into your ear. “Just chatting.” You answered. “W-what!? Adam?” The Red haired kid asked. “You know them?” You asked. “Well you know I know these two…” He pointed to Joe and Snow. “This one I know in passing.” He pointed at the red head. “Huh.” You grunted.
Joe, Langa and Reiki looked at you, honestly now that you were standing with Adam, you were far more intimidating. The way that you both slotted into what seemed to be familiar roles, something practiced and comfortable, his chin resting on your shoulder and he talked directly to you and no one else, they couldn’t even hear what he was saying over the noise around them. Both your eyes glowing in the light as you looked down at them, they had to admit that you had a slightly softer look then Adam did but you were both still a formidable pair and Joe wondered how any business partners ever held your gaze long enough to make a deal.
“Are you ready to go?” You asked. “I think so.” He answered with a kiss to your cheek, he turned you towards the car as he waved over his shoulder. “Nice to meet you all!” You called as you left.
“Woah… That is what you call a power couple.” Reiki said as you both disappeared into the crowd. “Best to stay on their good side huh?” Joe asked. “Langa already beat Adam.” Reiki reminded him. “I don’t think either of them hold it against you.” Joe said as he turned away “just try not to give them a reason to hold anything else against you, either of you.”
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Request Here!!
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cherrycrushes · 2 months
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too sweet - oneshot
jschlatt x reader.
part two; part three
a/n: yes, this is based off the hozier song :) oh yeah schlatts kinda a red flag in one (just how i like them 😌)
"good morning," you whispered in jschlatt's ear. yesterday night, schlatt had asked you to wake him up early so he could work. he stirred and grumbled as you slightly shook him.
"how do you wake up so happy," schlatt mumbles. you were always an early bird. him being the complete opposite.
"maybe you shouldn't have slept so late and drank so much," you chuckled. he slept around 1AM, busy streaming and indulging in whiskey.
he rolled his eyes at this, thinking about corrupting you just to get more sleep. you were a lifestyle youtuber. eating healthy, acting nice, and having good habits to show the public. when he first met you, he thought it wasn't real. he believed it was a front you put up for clout. he got closer to you just to try to break that shell you made. just to see your true self. while he did that, you guys fell in love. he learned it was not a farce, that you were truly too sweet.
he sat upright, barely noticing the cup of coffee in your hands. as his eyes landed on it, you passed it to him.
"thanks," he says as he takes a sip. you made it exactly how he likes it, black with one sugar. in comparison to your mug, which had schlatt's face on it, which had so much sugar and cream in it that it was almost white. one of the only things you indulged in. he smiled at this familiar unhealthyness.
as bad as it was, he wishes that you kept drinking and eating sugary foods. maybe he could put dip you into his acid, making you more bitter like him. you both sat in silence.
"but you know that we both get different types of drunk. i get off of it on whiskey, and you get drunk on life," he cleared his throat. schlatt looked at you for an answer, any type of bad reaction to make your sweetness sour.
"you're wrong," you smiled and looked at him. "i get drunk on you."
schlatt looked away, trying to hide his blush.
“you’re really too sweet for me, huh?”
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cherrybeartoast · 5 months
Fluffy Firstborn - Seungmin x Reader
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୨୧ a Cherry Fic ୨୧ inspired by a delusional dream and Seungmin's new hairstyle that's a little too golden retriever for my sanity to cope with.
Pairing: Seungmin x GN!Reader
Genre: Pure fluff (maybe the fluffiest fic I've ever written)
Warnings: None that I can think of!
Author's Note: I had the most delusional puppy love dream last night about Minnie and my own beloved dog, and I just had to write a fic about it so you can all experience it too. Sharing is caring, even if it's delusional!
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“Y/N, there’s a dog in our backyard,” Seungmin said, standing in the open doorway leading outside. He’d just gotten home from work and came to snuggle beside you on the couch, but he’d noticed something outside and gone to look.
“Mm,” you hummed, covering your mouth with your sleeve to muffle your giggle. “That’s really weird. Is the gate closed? Maybe it got in somehow?”
“Yeah, it’s shut. I haven’t seen this dog around the neighbourhood, though,” Seungmin replied, stepping out onto the back porch. You followed him, trying hard to conceal your smile. 
You and Seungmin had moved out of his apartment and into a proper house a little over a month ago, both deciding you wanted a bit more space and a place to make your own. Although you’d been living together for over a year now, it still made your stomach flutter even more so when you woke up beside him each morning, his hand flopped across your middle, face shoved into your shoulder and soft hair tickling your face, sprawled in your bed like a giant puppy. He’d been wanting a dog, specifically a big one for ages, but he knew it wasn’t really practical to have a large dog while you were living in your apartment. When you went for walks around the city or in the parks, he’d stop to pet every dog, and would frequently dog-sit and walk Kkami and Bbama, his friend’s puppies, when they were away or busy.  After you’d moved to this neighbourhood, Seungmin had very quickly become well acquainted with every dog on the street, knowing their names and breeds within the first two days of living here. It was like a secret code, a way of referring to your neighbours. You didn’t call them by their names, you called them (insert dog’s name)’s owner. It was adorable and hilarious and so incredibly Seungmin.
When you’d chosen this house, Seungmin had talked about how he thought the backyard was perfect for a puppy. You’d agreed, clinging onto his jumper sleeve, imagining a golden retriever or labrador running around, flopping beside you on the couch, following you around the house. Essentially, a four-legged fluffy Seungmin. The idea made your heart feel so warm you thought it would melt.
A few weeks ago, your best friend’s golden retriever had a litter of puppies. Naturally, you’d taken Seungmin to meet them, and he’d fallen in love, sitting on the floor and letting them crawl all over him while you talked to your friend. Whilst he loved them all, one in particular, the largest and most awkward, a little shy amongst the others but oh so loving when in Seungmin’s arms had caught his attention. Your friend decided to let him give the dogs temporary names to distinguish them until they were adopted, and he’d named that puppy Mini, despite the fact that he was the biggest in the litter.
You knew he’d wanted to adopt Mini on the spot, but he was also practical. He knew it was the clunky first part of moving in together, and there was a lot to do. The bedroom needed to be painted, furniture needed to be set up, more than one IKEA trip was guaranteed. So he hadn’t pushed it, but the other night, you’d seen him scrolling through the photos of Mini on his phone in bed one night after you came out of the shower.
You’d laid beside him in bed, and he’d put his phone down, nestling into you the way he always did. “You really want a puppy, don’t you, baby?” you hummed into his hair, wrapping your arms around him.
“Yeah,” he replied, because there wasn’t much more to say.
You pressed a kiss to his nose. “I love you so much, you know that right?”
“I love you too,” he smiled, cheeks flushing. And as soon as he’d fallen asleep, you pulled out your phone, and let your friend know that you’d be there to pick Mini at 10am tomorrow.
“It looks like a golden retriever, I don’t think there’s any goldens around here,” Seungmin added, snapping you out of your daydream. He was sitting on the grass by this point, fondling the puppy’s floppy blonde ears and letting him lick his face. You melted at the sight.
“Yeah? Do you wanna check its collar, see if it’s got a number we can call?”
Seungmin nodded, hesitating a little. “I know it’s so bad, but I kind of…want to wait a little before calling its owner. It reminds me of Mini, and…it seems to like me a lot.”
“I know, Min, but you should check all the same. Its owner’s probably pretty worried about where their dog’s gotten to. I’m sure they love their puppy very much,” you reasoned with him, biting back a grin.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Seungmin replied sadly, looking into the puppy’s big brown eyes and rubbing its ears before pushing its long fur back around its neck and reading the fine print on the navy leather. “Huh, that’s so weird,” Seungmin paused, then looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed, a knowing smile on his face. “That’s my phone number on its collar.”
“That’s crazy,” you gasped, sitting down beside him and resting your head on his shoulder. The puppy came and pressed its face onto your leg, and you petted its head.
“The even weirder thing is…” Seungmin paused, eyes bright. “Is that the name on this collar is listed as Mini.”
“Wild,” you hummed. “Maybe he’s your Mini, Minnie.”
“Mini Minnie,” Seungmin chuckled, then looked at you with his eyes wide, and for a hot second, you weren’t sure whose puppy eyes were more dangerous, his or Mini’s. “But is he really ours? We get to keep him?”
“Of course he is, baby. I wouldn’t pull a prank like that,” you giggled. “I’m not that mean.”
Normally, Seungmin would have some kind of comeback or roast to your comment, but he was preoccupied by the pile of golden fur in front of him. Before you could realise what was happening, he jumped up, pulling you into his arms, ran inside and threw the two of you on the couch, all the while being chased by a fluffy blur. You landed in his arms and the puppy sprang onto the two of you, licking your faces lovingly.
“Puppy pile,” he murmured into your cheek, before pressing a long, sweet kiss.
“Two puppies,” you grumbled, feigning frustration. “How am I ever going to cope?”
Seungmin giggled and licked your nose, just as Mini licked your cheek, and you squealed, slapping him softly with your sweater sleeve before snuggling into his chest, Mini nestling on top of the two of you. 
“I love you so much,” Seungmin whispered. “And you too, Mini.”
“I love you too, both my Minnies,” you smiled, body warm, heart even warmer.
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cowgirlcherrie · 10 months
𓏲 APPLE OF MY EYE ᵎᵎ secret admirer! abby anderson
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synopsis: love is a free spirit; crushing is even harder. It all started with a special delivery of anonymous treats at your door. While you were yearning that it would be your best friend sending them to you.
song(s): apple cider by beabadoobee
content: takes place in game universe. follows the events leading up to seattle day 1. violence. death. repetitive mentions of apples; eating them, imagery etc. mutual pinning. implied character death by end. blood. right person, wrong time. missed connection. kinda implied fem! reader. Joel death mention. death foreshadowing. intuitive knowledge of death. Closely follows the song.
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Crush and Crunch.
Crunching with your crush. 
It all sounded the same to you, the cracking of your vocal cords at the back of your throat pushing at enunciating every syllable in crush sounding like crunch; which were your teeth poking into an apple every Tuesday. Shiny Granny Smiths, on Tuesdays, Honeycrisps on Wednesdays, and Fuji on Fridays. 
You weren’t sure when the kitchen started getting apple deliveries; perhaps the never-ending garden of trees grown them with the perfect analytics to make sure they weren’t poisonous or synthetic apples but you weren’t complaining. The first time you tried an apple sounded ridiculous to say. Your first ever. You took the finely cut slice; detached from its core to your mouth, groaning in satisfaction as the flavors mixed together in your mouth like a rollercoaster. Juicy and bitter with a tinge of sweetness.  Just how you liked it.
Abby said they were even better with cinnamon. Rambling on about how sugar and spice equate to everything nice and the best finger-licking of your dreams. On apple days, during breakfast you found yourself sitting at a secluded table with Abby in front of you slicing the apples so they were easier to consume. Shared amongst the two of you as your hands reached for the same slices; Abby pulled her hand away to let you have the last. 
You enjoyed these bittersweet moments; like the apples of course. The sun beamed on Abby’s face in marigold and marmalade, as her blonde locks blew in the air slightly disheveled from when she went on patrol that day. Her fresh scent of pine, and fruit blend from her hair which was refreshing and comforting you. She took a final bite before flipping the knife down to take it back to the utensil bin for washing. Where then the two of you would part ways. It was never awkward. Eating apples in silence; you mean — because Abby had a schedule more vigorous and deathly than yours and you had other businesses to attend to. But she never would miss out on an Apple time with you. 
You’ve grown suspicious in recent meters. You weren’t one to talk about love either but it somehow found some way to bite back at you like the juices of the apple splattering on your lips when you would eat them.
It started with suspicious packages revealing themselves outside of your door, wrapped in a delicate ribbon, with a brown paper box tied off with the most absurd cursive handwriting that you could hardly read. But somehow making out, the delicate notion of
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An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Xoxo, eyes from afar.
So as anyone else would, at midnight, you stomped your way to Abby’s door pounding your fist into the wood until she slammed it open looking at you in bewilderment. Toothbrush in between her lips scratching her teeth; scrubbing away at any build-up as she watched you. Notioning with her hands for you to speak. She looked carefree, laidback her hair was down and she looked as though she freshly showered. 
“Thanks for the gift” you smirk, holding up the box with randomized love and self-care books with an intact nail polish set that was on top. It was a variety pack, swishes of different shades of pink and white, and even nudes to go for a clear coat; like a puff of cotton candy.
You were flattered, naturally, it was a sweet gift like a candy cane in the sweet summer breeze you wanted to just rip it out of the packaging and have a go. You also never had someone be so considerate of you. Thinking to bring you back something so pure and valuable that surely wouldn’t collect dust but you would bring out every month. You would make sure it wasn’t forgotten.
Abby furrowed her eyebrows, holding up her pointer finger motioning – one minute, running to the sink and spitting out the toothpaste rinsing her mouth off. 
“I didn’t give you that.” Abby specified, taking a washcloth to wipe at her hands and around her mouth as she let you inside.
“C’mon Abs, even if you did that’s—”
“I didn’t give that to you.” Abby’s voice was more serious this time, stern and strict with some urgency. Not that she was being rude about it, but she was trying to get you off her case. After a long day of patrolling where she did find goodies you would like along with some ribbons from a craft store along the way, Abby got to work making you a sweet delivery. After all, you deserved it. 
“But who else would know I like apples besides you!”
“Manny, Mel, Nora, Ow–”
“Okay I didn’t ask for names.” You hushed, fiddling with the box in your hand as you looked at the treats inside. Biting at your lips, it was like being given a hug but the person who gave it to you disappeared before you can offer one better, or even fully wrap your arms around them to give one back.
“This was really sweet I just wish I could give something back.” You mumbled, tilting your head down to look at the books yearningly. Amidst the violence, the blood, and the chaos, you still loved and that was what pushed you forward. That was what erupted a fire in you; triggering your passion and jumpstarting your heart like cables to a car. 
“I think you shouldn’t worry about it,” Abby suggested, not looking at you but folding her laundry to put away for safekeeping.
“What.” Abby shot back, acting as if she didn’t say anything prior, but you heard her well. Your friend, heart, and soul were being shifty with you; acting as if she didn’t care about your treats or that you were being admired from afar by someone with a sweet gentle heart. 
“Nevermind I’m being silly” You confessed, taking your words back and turning on your heels to leave her room.
Abby wasn’t going to let you leave. Lips parted as she watched your feet get closer and closer to the exit of the door.
“Show me.” 
You stopped walking, turning around slowly on your heels. Part of you wished it was Abby, though she would never really know. You watched the way she looked at Owen with appreciation but also disgust. How her love turned to hatred and pain. Abby wasn’t focused on you, you would think.
Abby wasn’t focused on you.
“I said show me,” Abby confessed, her voice as clear as day, “C’mere…” Abby patted the side of her bed where she sat comfortably. 
“G‘head tell me about it. I wanna see it too” Abby gave a smile. Truth is, behind her push n’ pull —  rigid love and aggression she still hoped for you. Amidst her passive-aggressiveness, she was giving the love she felt as though she would never feel again. The permanent hole in her heart that you kept on refiling and you didn’t even know. 
She didn’t want you to slip through the cracks of her fingers just yet. Hiding behind a mask, cowardly shying herself away from you. Owen wasn’t on her mind but having you think that especially as she set off on a spree for the man who killed Jerry, would fix that. You were a liability, she wouldn’t let you go. 
You made your way down the steps, to her bed tucked in the corner nook, sitting down as you opened the package. With that you started rambling, tossing the paper apart like a kid on Christmas, showing Abby the hardcover copies with a dopey smiley on your face. Abby couldn’t contain her own smile either. Watching as you went through each nail polish shade.
“Can I try these on you?” You held up a baby pink, it was in a ballet slipper shade, which would make a good neutral against her bright skin. 
Abby wasn’t going to resist, shrugging up her shoulders against her black long-sleeve shirt, pushing the shirt up on her arms, “Sure”
So you proceeded further with painting her nails that evening, toxic paint brushing on her fingers like a canvas —  while the two of you whisked away in laughter. It was like a red string wrapped around the two of your fingers, webbing you together and pulling you closer and closer until there was no gaps or lack of air. 
It was pure and for the moment you really valued it. What you didn’t know you had until it was gone. You wished you could have hugged her a little bit longer, and learned more about her besides what she was showing you at a service level. You wanted to know Abigail, not Abby. Before it was snatched away from you with the snap of the fingers. Get the gunpowder dust off the sea salt it was time for war. 
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 
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I like your hair today, and your necklace  xoxo, eyes from afar
Maybe it was the validation or the comments but you loved receiving the little notes wrapped in different color ribbons. Maybe you were looking forward to catching your second set of eyes. Lingering outside your door to see if they would show but it was always as if they knew your schedule. Catering to the perfect moments that you were gone to slip the delight at your door. 
The note of this week – bringing joyous to your being made you wear the delicate jewelry even more. At first, when you wore it, it was just a careless decision that you did for fun. Spontaneous and last minute as you untangled it in between your fingertips pulling out the birthstone necklace that was gifted to you from no other than Abby herself; weeks before the arrival of your secret admirer. But the moment you remembered, clasping it on around your neck was the moment you truly valued it even more. You were certainly never going to take it off. 
But your bright radiating aura, evidently in hues of pink and purple; signs of love and wisdom was shortly dimmed by the chatter during your afternoon meal. You were set to follow Jordan to the Serevena, patrolling being the last thing you wanted to do of the evening. Endless pit in your stomach nothing felt right. The snap before everything fell apart. 
Out for blood, out for vengeance was Abigail Anderson who returned with blood on her hands. Murderer!Murderer! Red-handed girl with fury in her eyes and a golf club sharp at the end splattering everything into two. 
Wrecking havoc; causing destruction. 
That was all you heard from Jordan as you chewed through the same-old burrito that evening. That was enough to make your eardrums bleed. You could feel your heart in your ears jumping out of your chest at the whispers of Abby’s name, eyes darting from table to table to hear if anyone had caught wind of such a subject: 
I heard she… 
Can’t imagine that…
That’s terrifying…
No Abby mention.
Coincidentally amongst Abby’s absence; the snarky girl was gone with the wind, and so was your secret admirer. The deliveries stopped coming, you were alone, with a set of eyes ‘watching you’ and apples to now peel on your own. . . you found it odd, but one thing for sure was that Abby would hear from you later, where you would gush about this admirer of yours and what you imagined them to be.
“Abs on a scale of 1-10 how attractive do you think my admirer is” You pondered, hands entangled in the pages of a fashion magazine. Fingers dusting away at the thin layer of grime and grey from the dust and dirt; signs of age.
“Probably like a 3” Abby confessed bluntly as she walked around her room moving vastly to pack away her belongings. 
Abby’s side of her room was neater in comparison to Manny’s, her laundry was folded, memories stored away for safekeeping, and everything was where it needed to be. Including your ribbon and the scissors she used — the bad duct tape she stole for security. 
“Okay, maybe a 5, it could well off be a creep,” Abby muttered as she continued to push different survival items into her bag, jacket first, followed by flashlights and extra batteries. 
“I don’t think it is though,” Abby froze, panicking instilling in her, it was like a vicious game of hot and cold, you creeping closer and closer to her and it was time for Abby to fall back and bring on the passiveness. 
“I mean imagine this, they send me a final letter asking me to meet by the gardens where they reveal their identity to be no other than —”
“Save that for a fantasy, I’m leaving” Abby spat, cutting the happiness in the air with a thick knife which was her voice that evening. It felt like a safety net for her to drop off bad news right after you gave the good ones, almost debunking it creating a hostile environment, and shattering the rose-tinted glasses off. Then you remembered who you were talking to, what you were doing. A flower in the middle of an apocalypse, Abby being covered in thorns. 
“Is it because you killed that man”
“What makes you think it’s…who told you?” Abby furrowed her eyebrows stopping her movement to let you get a good look at her face.  Abby was looking you up and down like you ripped the bandaid off her arm like you were digging your fingers into a cut infecting it with your fingertips and any active bacteria. 
“Word travels around here pretty fast, this isn’t knew information”
A beat. And then another.
“Are you satisfied” You perk up, not breaking eye contact with the blonde in front of you. The fresh azul orbs dilating under the words that left your mouth. She looked at you with such admiration, but the mention of Jerry was enough to make Abby swing hard as she was back in the room holding her weapon of choice. Who was she to play god? Be the bearer of death? Call of evil? Abby thought back to what she was fighting for: was she satisfied? It wouldn’t bring her father back but there was a price on her head. Preferably until her life was obliterated and gone with her head. 
“Because you don’t look satisfied” Your voice cracked, you were cutting into her skin and Abby was growing steadily uncomfortable, shifting her weight. Cracking her knuckles and rolling her head as she looked at you. Like a pretty Jem stone in a dimly lit room; all eyes on you she didn’t want to talk about this with you. Someone she was so emotionally connected with, god — anybody else but you.
“I…I need to go.” Abby stood up, swinging her backpack in her arms as you followed suit in the silence.
You stood up mimicking her actions taking your magazine in between your fingers and holding it close to your chest. 
“When will you be back?” you whispered, picking at the skin surrounding your nails as you rubbed your lips against each other as you rocked your body forward and backward. Abby’s eyes softened, looking at you up and down as she stuck her tongue in her cheek, clenching her jaw tightly. It almost pained her to say. 
“Soon…I hope, I’ll be back soon” Abby asserted. Abby bowed her head, cusping your cheeks in between her hands as she gave a chaste kiss to your cheek. Calloused fingers rubbing at your soft skin, It was a friendly thing, right? Nothing more?
She didn’t even like you that much.
But you on the other hand weren’t sure of your own feelings.
Like a tough game of tug-of-war, you wanted her, then you didn’t, then you couldn’t shake yourself out of it. You liked her and you wanted her. You wished and hoped that the admirer of yours would be her. The person you had sleepovers where you would laugh about your events and enjoy the delicacies delivered by your admirer you would have it no other way.
When she pulled away you struggled to find the words, hands jittery somewhere between reaching to grab your cheek or to wipe off her kiss with your hand. You weren’t sure how to feel. It was as if someone held a gun to your head telling you the right pill or blue.  
“May your survival be long” you reminded, holding a hand at your arm scratching at your sleeves.
“May your death be swift” 
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 
If you could do it all again you would. 
You were alone, deep into your ocean of thoughts as your happy moments were coming to an end? Did you take it for granted? 
The burrito you ate that evening wanting to come up, mouth sticky with bile. You suddenly didn’t want to patrol the Serevena and help Nora move supplies. It felt wrong – almost impractical like you were in the wrong place. Foot cemented into the floor as you stood at your bed. Shoving supplies into your backpack, tying a strand of the ribbon from your admirer's box around the handle of your bag. You wanted to be back at the base with Abby where the two of you would have your sleepovers, cut your apples, and have competitive matches in the shooting range where you would tell Abby she missed a shot and she would tell you, you held the gun wrong. 
Preparing to leave, doing one final spin at your place of comfort. Freshly made bed and sorrowful grey sheets, you wished for a happier time and a great release. Opening your door, you were met with one box before you would go. Picking up the lightweight box it almost felt impractical to even be wrapped. 
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Parting gift for the one I stole these for… don’t forget me Xoxo, A. Anderson Your eyes always 
You smiled to yourself, it was all you ever wanted. Your best friend really was your admirer and you just hoped you could reach her before she was gone and it truly could have been your last time seeing her. Unwrapping the terribly wrapped paper object revealed a shiny sharpened knife with a brown handle. It was Abby’s knife, the one she savored and used only for your apples that she would cut during your lunch breaks. Tears brimmed your eyes moving the object around as if it were malleable, smiling gently to yourself at the irony of it all. Quickly locking the door and throwing the paper that was used to wrap the gift away in the hall trash you ran to try to catch Abby who was already on the truck, across from Mel as she set off on her journey. As the sun was getting low, so were you who had to travel adjacent from your new fount lover. 
What were you gonna say?
Besides: I knew it, of course, you wanted her to know that you felt the same; in fact even more.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 
“There’s no real you are real right now”
“Shh– baby, I’m real” Abby hushed bringing up her hand to your mouth to silence you. “I’m real.”
You were currently carrying a tray of med supplies but soon it all crashed to the ground; metal tin hitting the floor as Abby backed away into a corner. She looked disheveled different than you had last seen her; whispies around her face. Like she cared a little bit more, but maybe it was because she was with you. 
You couldn’t help but bring Abby into a tight hug head against her shoulder, resting your eyes in full solitude. You were home amidst the violence and her going AWOL that had made Isaac angry with all of you. You lied thickly through your teeth when Isaac dragged you in asking questions about the location and conspiration Abby had going on.
All you could say was you didn’t know.
And it wasn’t a lie but in fact the truth there was not much you really did know. 
Abby held onto you as if you were going to be snatched out of her hands as the both of you cried. Sobbs shaking the both of you. Abby couldn’t stop herself from applying gentle kisses to the side of your head and holding at the nape of your neck during the hug.
“You look like shit!” you acknowledged pulling at the sleeve of her jacket to which Abby rolled her eyes and pulled your hand away.
“Ahh could be worse”
A beat. And another; comfortable silence filling the air between the two of you. You didn’t wanna ask but for your newfound knowledge, you had no other choice but to. You wanted her to know, hell you haven’t seen her for very long and this well could have been the last time you would ever. 
“So it was you? All along” you sputtered, snickering under your breath as you brought your hands across your chest, licking the base of your lips as your eyes wandered off.
“It was – hey! You opened the letters” Abby gave you a look of disbelief, half of it was due to her being scared shitless, others it was the fact that Abby could feel her own hands getting clammy as she rubbed them against the base of her jeans to get it to stop.
“It said 2 —”
“Weeks I know” “I was desperate”
There was silence again. 
“I could just kiss you right now I can’t believe you are alive” You blurted out, giving Abby the most gentle smile. Abby for a second felt her world move in slow motion as she stared with such unconditional love. 
“Then do it”
So you did, rushing forward, throwing your body against Abby’s as the two of you leaned in for a swift kiss. Her lips were chapped, slightly rugged but you didn’t mind applying your smooth ones to her as the movements of your body synched together in eternal sunshine. Nothing in this moment mattered, besides her lips on yours and her hands against your body. Abby’s fingers stroked at your cheeks eventually moving down between your jaw and your neck as she continued. No breaks; no air, until the sound of boots stomping closer to the room rang your ears, forcing you to pull away.
“Okay, I need supplies miserably Nora brought me to you, I have to go, I don’t know if this will be my last time seeing you: I hope it’s not, I’m not exactly in Isaac’s good graces – I think we both know that” Abby spoke with urgency, distrust but also sadness. Abby wasn’t sure but recently she’s been feeling as though things were slipping in between her fingers. She wasn’t sure how long this ecstasy and rapture would last, or the longevity of her contentment. Abby was certain the girl from the room; with the golf club and joel would show her face again.
“It’s okay” you assured, hands now at Abby’s biceps, lips rubbing against each other as you turned your head away from her face, shaking it slightly. 
“But don’t forget. . .” “I’m so incredibly infatuated by you” Abby whispered as she moved in closer to give a swift kiss to your forehead.
Now wasn’t the time for formalities or titles, but you wished with your fingers crossed and your eyes closed shut, that she would return for the conversation worth having. Full honesty and confessional where your girl that smelled of pine would tell you all her rushes of thoughts that nagged at her as she closed her eyes.
“Knife to the chest sweetheart, swing with your right not your left…it’s your better arm” Abby cautioned, pretending to bring her arm up to swing, giving a final squeeze to your cheek as she was headed for the door preparing for ground zero.
“Bye Abby” 
That was the difference, it was as if your body knew. Saying Bye instead of a see you later or, playfully threatening her to come back to you in one piece. Your eyebrows furrowed; your face scrunched as you cringed at your words, as mediocre as they sounded. You caught yourself doing that a lot and you weren’t sure why. Going from present tense to past tense. “I am” to “I did” to “I was” , this happened after you started dreaming. Dreaming that your body was against a cold tile, scrunching into a ball as you let out your last breath alone.
You knew. 
“This is not goodbye — don’t say that, it’s see you later!” Abby snapped, giving you a hand motion as she swung the door open, crouching down as she moved steadily through the room as it closed behind her with a loud CLICK! From the lock.
“I’ll see you later” Your hand went from waving to at your side as your smile dropped and abruptly the warm room felt cold. Very cold.
But you weren’t going to see her later. Body paralyzed to the floor as the bullet wound in your stomach bled crimson all over the floor. As red as the Honeycrisp apples you ate on Wednesdays. An auburn-haired girl rushes past you following the footsteps of Nora. You were crashing and your body was failing you. Whimpers of pain escaped your lips as you held onto your stomach like you had a bad stomach ache, rolling onto your side as your vision became a nuisance and blurry mess. During your last few moments, you thought of Abby and her bright smile, all the plans she had for the two of you, and how you were finally happy that you got your happy ending, 
But at what cost?
You weren’t going to get to drink apple cider with her or hug her again, and that’s what destroyed you the most as a salted tear fell from your eye. Apple was placed on the table rotting from the inside out, With Abby’s knife poked into its core. Death has met its match.
You were the apple of her eye, and you were destroyed and eaten whole indefinitely. 
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@beforeimdeceased @starologist @destielcore @rarestdoll @luvrgalore @ellsss @zahraaziza @emluvselandabs @abbyily @elliestrwbrry @mossc0vered @spacewlf @as2rid @ariianelle @spaceshipellie @lottiematthewsceo @emonopolyman @imamybubbles @mikasbby @trulygnomed
© cowgirlcherrie
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prettyflyforawhitelie · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel Beach! Headcanons
Characters: Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Angel, Husk, Sir Pentious, Nifty, Lucifer, Adam, Cherri
A/N: Hey guys! I am just so ready for summer to come so I can relax on the beach… so i thought it would be fun to do some beach headcanons for our favorite sinners!
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Definitely the one that organized this entire beach day.
Though this is supposed to encourage relaxation, she is sort of stressed making sure that everyone gets along. 
Very adamant that everyone wears their sunscreen.
Drags Vaggie into the water to play around and try to find fish.
Makes sure everything is as perfect as it can get. Snacks? Check. Tons of water and drinks? Check. Umbrellas and tents? Check. Speakers? You bet!
Once she tires herself out, she takes a very well-deserved nap in the sand.
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Spend the trip making sure that Charlie finally gets a day to relax and not worry so much.
The second anyone tries to splash her or throw sand at her, a full blown beach battle ensues.
Will definitely be the one to dig holes in the sand and see how deep she can make it.
Was planning on relaxing and sunbathing, but gave in to Charlie's begging to go swimming (and actually enjoyed it a lot).
The second Charlie takes a nap, Vaggie will guard her to make sure that nobody disturbs her needed sleep. 
Makes sure to put more sunscreen on Charlie while she’s asleep so she won’t get burned.
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This man is allergic to the sun.
Like, he’s covered from head to toe in sunscreen, wearing far too much clothing given the fact that he’s at the beach, and hides in a beach tent for the entirety of the day. 
Angel thought it would be funny to toss some sand into his tent until Alastor sent one of his shadows after him and he ran away screaming.
Like… Why did he agree to come??
He does enjoy listening to some of the music that Charlie plays until he realizes that it’s coming from a phone and not a radio (Al, who the fuck brings a radio to the beach?).
The only person that he lets come into his tent is Niffty, because she just over exhausts herself and takes a nap in the shade.
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🕷️💖Angel Dust💖🕷️:
Definitely the life of the party.
Is wearing the most stylish bikini and the cuntiest sunglasses, just a total beach diva.
Though Charlie insisted that the only drinks allowed were water and soda, Angel manages to sneak a couple bottles of Beelzejuice so he and Husk can actually have some fun.  
Builds sand castles with Cherri Bomb, gets extremely upset if somebody messes it up.
Absolutely demolishes the competition in a game of beach volleyball (Having 6 arms comes in handy). 
Also wins any sort of swimming contest that Vaggie challenges him to (Again, 6 arms really gives you an advantage).
Definitely sees some cute guys and fake-flirts with them to get Husk’s attention.
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He’s a cat demon for a reason, any time Angel tries to drag him into the water, the hairs on his back rise and he hisses in disdain. 
The group eventually gives up on trying to get him to swim, letting him relax in the sand instead.
Drinks almost all of Angel's alcohol stash and passes out in the sand, curled into a purring ball, wings protecting him from being burned.
Angel takes a picture of him like this, and when he later finds it in Angel’s room he threatens to kill him if he doesn't immediately get rid of it (secretly thinks it's sweet that angel cares enough to hang a photo of him in his room.)
After much begging, he agrees to play beach volleyball with Angel, Cherri, and Vaggie. He absolutely sucks and gets pissed if anybody makes fun of him for it (except for Angel. He’ll allow it).
Ends up carrying most of the heavy stuff after they decide to leave.
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🐍⚙️Sir Pentious⚙️🐍:
Decides to bring his Egg Bois, but ends up worried that they’ll literally cook the whole time so he makes a little hole for them in the sand to cool off. 
“Uhh.. Miss Cherri, would you like to build a sandcastle with me?” “Why? I thought we were mortal enemies, old man!” “Uh.. ummm… because I’m asking EVERYONE to build a sandcastle with me…!”
Hangs out in the water the whole time because it’s much easier to maneuver in water than on sand as a snake. 
Built a machine specifically made to drill holes underground, somehow ends up making an entire tunnel system under the sand. This eventually leads to Vaggie walking on a particularly weak spot on the sand and literally falling into the caved-in tunnel. She was pissed off, to say the least, and banned the use of any “inventions” for the rest of the day.
Really wants to impress Cherri and join in on her volleyball game, but is way too shy. He’ll just cheer her on and admire her from the sidelines.
Loves napping in the sun -  being at the beach is like laying under one big heat lamp, so his cold-blooded self delights in it.
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Because there are no bugs for her to kill, she will literally hunt hermit crabs for sport. It’s actually horrifying. 
Sir Pentious soon regrets building the whole tunnel system thing because Niffty starts crawling around in it and jumpscaring people at random. 
Somebody has to have their eye on her the entire time, or she will disappear without a trace and just - become one with the crabs?
Eventually tires herself out and takes a nap in Alastor’s tent (Much to everyone’s relief).
Definitely brings up the idea of going out to get a treat after, like ice cream or snow cones, which surprisingly everyone agrees with. 
Ends up sneaking a few small animals back with her to the hotel.
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🍒💣Cherri Bomb💣🍒:
Thought it was lame when Charlie insisted on a “sin-free” trip, but had a little hope when Angel told her about the drinks he snuck in. Got extra pissed when she found Husk passed out with all of the bottles empty.
Was the one who initiated all of the athletic games, she just needs an outlet to blow some steam off.
When she’s not playing in the sun, she lays on her towel and makes designs on herself using sunscreen so she can have some cute marks after she’s done tanning. 
Thought it was adorable that Sir Pentious set up his towel and things suspiciously close to her because it was “the only spot where the sun coated him evenly” (Like what? Dude could not be more obvious.)
Brought a surfboard because she used to love surfing before she died and tries to teach anybody who’s willing to learn. 
Sets off one of her bombs underwater to create the biggest wave anybody’s ever seen (it ends up soaking everybody else, and she has to make it up to them by covering the ice cream bill later).
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Only came because Charlie insisted that it would be a good father-daughter bonding experience.
Kind of puts everyone on their toes - can they even have fun with the king of Hell watching their every move? (This helps Charlie prolong her nap - nobody wants to joke around or mess with her in front of her dad).
Tensions are high until he joins the volleyball game and shows everyone that yes, the king of Hell can be fun too.
Everyone relaxes after this, but they relax more when Lucifer shyly gives each of them a rubber duck that looks just like them. When Charlie asked him about this, he replied “I guess if they’re your friends, they should be my friends too.”
Has a huge rubber duck inflatable pool float that he brings to float around on.
Claims that he doesn’t like going to the beach, but the matching swim trunks and Hawaiian shirt that he just happened to have in his closet says differently.
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Has the original dad bod and will 100% flaunt it and talk about how sexy he is (nobody is listening.)
Wasn’t actually even invited, but he ended up seeing the rest of them there and hoped that he could make them miserable if he hung out just close enough to them.
Steals Cherri’s surfboard and brags about how he’s about to demolish the waves, but absolutely eats shit and will never hear the end of it.
Doesn’t realize Lucifer is there until he sees him glaring at him from a nearby tent and gets scared shitless.
Will deny it if anybody asks, but he’s secretly looking for the perfect seashell to bring back to Heaven and surprise Lute with. 
Everyone genuinely celebrates when he gets bored and finally decides to leave (cue that one duck meme “ADAM!”) 💀
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bearw-me · 12 days
Hi! I was wondering if you could write an Angel Dust x reader (platonic) Oneshot. Where the reader is sad and just lying in their bedroom. And Angel Dust tries to give their friend some comfort and tries to make them feel better. Like maybe he does their makeup, they both dress up and go out into the city. And maybe Cherri Bomb joins them. But If your not comfortable writing this then that’s totally fine 💗
of course! i love writing comfort fics!💖
𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥'𝐬 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐎𝐮𝐭! — 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐮𝐬𝐭 & 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢 𝐁𝐨𝐦𝐛
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𐐒 ft : (platonic) angel dust x gn!reader x cherri bomb 𐐒 cw : fluff, bit of angst, mostly fluff, hurt/comfort 𐐒 summary : after lying in your bed for a couple of days, angel takes it upon himself to get you up and out 𐐒 wk : 1.4 k 𐐒 note : awwww we all need friends like these two!
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It had been two days straight. I mean... so far. You couldn't really tell what time it was right now. No sun poking through the crushed velvet curtains of your room, or a clock within your reach to tell.
Not a clue.
You sighed, rolling over onto your side, shifting in the covers of your bed feeling all but empty inside. The tears of yesterday dried and itchy on your skin.
Today, like yesterday, there wasn't a reason to get up.
Giving into the thought, you closed your eyes, beckoning sleep to wash over you again despite the fact you weren't tired. Just passing time.
Who knows if you found sleep, because the next time you woke up-maybe an hour or five minutes into your nap? There was a loud banging on your door.
"Hey! Get the fuck up and let me know you're alive!" You heard Angel's voice through the oak barrier.
You groaned softly, heart thudding in your chest. You didn't really want him to come into your room right now, seeing as the place was a mess and lets face it- so were you.
You let him knock until the noise stopped completely, leaving only a lingering shame hanging over your body for ignoring him.
What kind of friend would do that?
Then, there was a crunching sound coming from your door.
You finally sat up, watching as the lock from your door slowly rotated and finally clicked open. Angel's head peeking through the gap.
"Damn, you look worse for wear."
You didn't give him the satisfaction of an answer. Only grumpily rolling onto your side away from him.
The bed dipped next to you, the sheets you so desperately clung to stripped away.
"Hey!" You protested.
"Get up. And take a shower," Angel smirked, pair of hands on his hips as he started pushing you off the bed.
Each nudge pushing you an inch further off the mattress until all you could do was throw your legs over the side and finally stand up.
Angel took your hand gently, guiding you to your bathroom and stuffing you inside. "Use shampoo!" he yelled out through the door, huffing at you and letting his arms drop to his side. "It'll make you feel better!"
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The hot water relaxed your body beyond measure. Washing grime and the hopeless feeling that clung to your skin. The gentle pressure ebbing and beating against the back of your neck.
When you finally came out of the bathroom, you found Angel Dust cleaning up. Your bed made nicely with new sheets, as he tossed clothes that littered the floor into a pile.
"Heyy, look who's finally looking the part," he teased, his arms outstretched to rub your biceps.
It made you smile, clad in his fluffy white bath robe he had lent you. "You... You didn't have to do all this Angel," you said sadly, letting your eyes roam over the clean room.
"Nah, its no biggie," He walked over to your bed, producing a tiny hot-pink bag that was stuffed to the brim with makeup and all sorts of tools and brushes "Who else would I go out with tonight? I had to get your sorry ass up." He joked, taking a seat on your bed and patting the spot next to him for you to sit.
The offer genuinely warmed your heart.
Angel instantly got to work, cupping your face and pulling you closer so that he could work without interruption.
Then, the door to your room busted open with a loud bang!
"You girls ready to get fucked up tonight!?" Cherri smiled, her sharp teeth gleaming. Holding a makeup kit of her own, high above her head like a coveted prize.
The two of them sat at either side of you, cross legged and hovering close to your face. Angel cupping your jaw to keep you still while Cherri did your eyeliner, her hand resting softly on your temple to steady her hand.
"Keep your eyes closed!" She giggled, suddenly slipping into an uncharacteristic silence as she focused.
Well- the both of them were quiet, bated breaths as Cherri finished applying the black liner with a simple flourish.
"Aw there ya are gorgeous," Cherri smiled, holding a mirror up to show you, and your jaw dropped. The eyeliner perfectly suited to your eye shape. And incredibly fucking clean.
"Holy shit," you murmured, leaning closer to the mirror to get a better look, earning giggles from your friends.
"Not done yet, babe," Angel laughed, swiveling your head to look at him now. Cherri offering and handing him lip liners and glosses like a practiced doctor-nurse duo.
"How many times have the two of you done this," you mutter, Angel squishing your face to keep you still.
"We hang out all the time! Bout time you joined us," They agreed, genuinely having fun with you. A new face to doll up for a night out.
"Liner," Angel held his hand out, the thin pencil appearing in his hand as Cherri dug around for it.
You parted your lips softly like Angel instructed, the man in front of you applying it gently, his tongue poking out in concentration.
Every step the two of them made with you filled you with warmth. The dreary days literally melting away as the two gossiped to you. Angel spilling secrets about Val and the other V's, while Cherri promised to 'kill the fuckers' the moment she became an overlord. Laughs filling the room that was once clouded with sorrow.
Eventually, Cherri was sitting behind you, brushing your hair gently while the two of you judged Angel's outfits he presented to the two of you. Holding up two at a time with a smile. Looking for honest opinions.
"What the fuck Angiee?" Cherri whined, pointing the brush in her hand at the left one he held. A hot pink shirt that dipped low on the collar, filled with fishnets, boots and a skirt. "Don't just throw your clothes in there! I need to see my fucking jacket on this body!" She whined, Australian accent thicker when she was upset, shaking your shoulders to put emphasis on her words.
Like before, the two of them stuff you into the bathroom and waited outside. Getting themselves ready too while you dressed.
With a moment to finally have to yourself, you paused.
The person on the other side of the mirror wasn't the person you had saw merely an hour ago. Dark sleek liner and light mascara. . . Angel's perfect, deep pink lipstick outlining the plushness of your lips.
It was a sight to behold, truly.
The work of your friends transforming you into a. . . a sweet looking person.
You pulled the outfit they complied for you onto your body. The shirt leaving a heart-shaped cut out in the center of your chest. And Cherri's favorite leather jacket over your shoulders. The sleeves stopping just before your elbows, lined with pink feathers around the cuffs and wide collar.
Although a little hesitant, you poked your head out of the bathroom, feeling new to this. A little lamb stumbling out into the field for the first time.
"Goddamn!" Cherri howled, shamelessly praising how good you looked, pulling you out of the bathroom fully to get a proper look at you. "Told ya my jacket would looking fuckin' amazing on ya!" She gushed.
"My babies all grown up," Angel feigned tears. The two of them so overtly proud of their work, hooking their arms with yours.
Despite everything, feelings ebbing in your chest and rising to your head. . .
It felt good.
It felt good to be led out of your room, the two of them chatting and holding you close to their sides. Excited to finally step out of the hotel, coming up with the most insane plans and leaving the decisions in your lap.
"We could go get drinks? Go to a club? Maybe do something lowkey like a movie?" Angel listed off, glancing down excitedly at you.
"Oh! OH! We could go to LuLu World and ride the roller coasters until we're sick!" Cherri laughed, feeling more like a kid at the prospect. "Let's give hell a fucking run for their money!"
The two of them waiting for your answer, pulling you along as they clambered into the back of a cab, arms around your waist and shoulders.
Angel pulled out his phone, the three of your squishing faces together to commemorate the start of the wild night with a selfie, the two of them sticking their tongues out just to make you laugh.
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junosmindpalace · 1 year
Hii I was wondering if I could ask for sk8 Langa and Cherry with a s/o who went against Adam and he attacked s/o worse than any of the others?
FIRST SK8 REQUEST?!? Thank you for your ask!!
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LANGA knew that adam was intimidating, but he had faith that you could handle yourself against him. his reservations outweighed his want to support you, and so he tucked them away and opted for cheering you on and supporting you throughout the race. he was just the same as you, eager to get out there and skate against someone so skilled. everything would work out.
the race was going smoothly until half way through the track, it appeared that adam was getting ready to make some sort of move that you were unaware of. it came quick, adam turning around and running full speed using his board as a club to attack you with. langa could only stare and exclaim in fear as he watched you get hit with all the strength adam could muster on the giant tvs. he immediately went after you, pushing past the crowds of people to retrieve your unconscious figure from the track. joe followed and insisted on driving you to the hospital, langa not even bothering trying to convince him to tag along, but simply stating that he’d accompany you. he sat nervously in the hospital for a long while until he was forced to head home, but even a conversation with joe reassuring him that you’d be alright couldn’t calm his nerves.
he felt guilty that he didn’t voice more of his anxious feelings toward the race. maybe if he did, it would’ve prompted you to be more attentive to any dangerous tricks. the rest of his evening was spent getting lost in his guilty consciousness, and he was quieter and slower until your full recovery. even when you were discharged and feeling better than ever did langa feel horrible for not saying anything at all. you managed to snap him out of his all-consuming self loathing however, repeating firmly that he wasn’t responsible for your injury. a small kiss on his cheek solidified that. langa makes a note from the experience to work on communicating his feelings a little bit better with you.
CHERRY knew firsthand what adam was capable of. he was all too familiar with his style of skating (if you could even call it that). so admittedly he was nervous when you told him you’d be skating against the maniac. he was slightly surprised and was vocal in his concerns, reminding you of his wicked tricks and the danger of going up against him. you were insistent however, wanting to take the chance to beat him, if not that then improve in skill. cherry wasn’t going to force you out of the race, so he very reluctantly accepted it.
his eyes never left the screens displaying the race, constantly analyzing your move. even when he saw you doing well, his worry didn’t falter. his breath hitched as he watched adam prepare an all too familiar attack against you, his fears becoming reality right before his eyes. he wasted no time locating you and using carla to examine your condition after you collapsed. cherry comes off cool and collected when informing the others about your state, simply stating the known facts, but everyone could tell that he was tense with the deep frown etched in his face and the slight gruffness in his voice.
he sat by your bed and watched as you rested, planning a “i told you so" lecture for when you were feeling better. cherry mostly felt awful for not interfering more with your decision, however. he knew that adam was dangerous and was almost sure to pull some sort of stunt that would end up hurting you, but he still let you go out on the track. he used carla to monitor your recovery and took it upon himself to take care of you even when you got discharged from the hospital. he was scared for you, and it came out in the form of anger. you apologized for letting yourself be so careless, and cherry couldn’t help but deflate at the genuine guilt in your voice. he flicked you over the head with his fan and assured you that the sole person responsible was adam. cherry paid for all the food you wanted at kojiro's restaurant (and made him treat you occasionally as well) to make up for the guilt he felt.
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alldoll3dup · 5 months
I really want to write some hc of them , like they're so beautiful 😭
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anime-to-the-t · 2 months
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kanekisfavoritegf · 1 year
@nymphoheretic - Poppin’ Cherries Collab
warnings: degradidation, virginity loss(obviously), mentions of bullying, fingering, mean girl!reader, nerd!Armin, Perv!Armin, public sex
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Armin was fed up with you and your sweet smiles laced with venom. The verbal venom you’d spit out at him while keeping such a sweet smile on your face. You were considered to be one of the golden girls of your campus, smart, beautiful, and kind.
It was all bullshit.
Armin saw the way you used your pretty smiles as a mask for your rotten personality.
And he hated it. Hated how you never called him by his name. Only ever referring to him as a “virgin loser”.
So today, after your usual late-night tutor session at the always empty library, Armin stood up and announced that this would be his last time tutoring you.
“What?” you exclaimed to him.
“I didn't think it was this hard to understand. I'm done dealing with you.” Though Armin tried to make his voice rougher than usual, it wavered a little as you stood upright to his face. The sudden attitude had thrown you for a loop, making you raise your eyebrow at the boy as you stood in his face.
“What, am I a bad student? Do I not retain the information well enough for you?” You scoffed at him.
“No, it's not that.” He said, rolling his eyes a little.
“Then what is it? God, I wish you could get straight to the point. Wasting my time like the virgin you are. Probably want me to stick around longer so you can stare at my tits again.
“See, that's why. I'm done with the names and the assumptions. I can't teach someone who doesn't respect me. You don't even call me by my name.”
“You aren’t a very respectable person, Armin.” You said his name smoothly as if you had said it a thousand times before. Armin let out a small gasp-like whine, hearing you finally call his name. “You don’t think I can’t see you staring like you want to fuck me every time you tutor me. You think, what?That I can't see you fix your pants whenever I lean into you. I call you a virgin loser 'cause you are one.”
Your hands, now, grasped onto Armin's collar shirt, pulling him in closer. Your lips were inches from touching, you watched as Armin’s eyes drifted from yours to your gloss-covered lips.
The proximity was driving him wild. The scent of your perfume mixed with your coco butter lotion filled his nose and made him step back. You were dangerous. He hated how you got him so worked up with your words. Causing you to smirk, and Armin cursed at himself. Proving everything you said right.
Well almost everything…
“I'm not a virgin.” The blond boy spat out. Ears and cheeks becoming a little bit red from anger. If you weren't so pissed off, you'd find him a little cute.
“Sure you're not, Min.” You spoke back in a mocking tone. “The hard on you're getting from me calling you a loser is great proof.”
Instead of stepping away, against Armin’s better judgment, he closed the distance between the two of you. Pressing his weight into you and trapping your body in between his and the desk covered in your books.
“Armin, what are you doing?” You let out a gasp as you felt his semi-hard dick press against your thigh.
“What? Nervous?” Armin’s head was bent into your neck. Mouth hovering right next to your ear. His words were quiet. But still held a mocking tone. He sounded much different from the timid Armin that never once tried to speak out before.
“Of you? Never.” You chuckled, trying to mask your nervousness. Armin’s eyebrow raised in surprise.
“Don’t tell me. You're a virgin.”
“N-no. I'm not. Shut up, Amrin.”He let out a small chuckle. The irony of it all.
Armin's hands were now at your thighs, grazing up and down your skin. His mouth latched onto your neck, giving it a bite before pulling away.
“You talk big shit, but you’re still a virgin.” He scoffed while ripping your panties. This action caused you to let out a loud pornographic moan. “Pathetic. You are pathetic.”
His finger now rubbed at your cunt up and down, slipping into your hole “accidentally” every so now and then. Each time he did, you found yourself becoming better and wetter.
“Min, please.” You whimpered out.
“Please what? Use your words.” He smirked down at you.
You hated how much he was enjoying this. His power over you. He knew you didn’t have a clue what to do, and he was taking advantage of that. Making you beg him to do something, anything.
“Make me cum.” His usually sweet smile looked so much more intimidating now that he held all the cards.
You gasped a little at the intrusion of Armin's long and delicate finger pushing its way into your untouched cunt.
“Oh fuck, you are so tight.” Armin groaned at how you clamped down on his singular digit. He felt himself harden even more, thinking about how you’d squeeze down on his dick.
All you could do was moan out in response as he added another, stretching and plunging into you deeper and deeper.
“I think I’m going to cum Armin.” You panted out into his ear. But before you could hit your climax, you felt it dissipate into nothing as Armin pulled his finger away from you. Making you whine in frustration.
“Don’t be a brat.” Armin spat at you while undoing his belt and pants buttons.
“I thought you liked me being a brat?” You giggled a little as his ears flared red again. “You are blushing like a high schooler.” You said, laughing at his rushed way of pulling his pants down. Your laughs would be cut short, a result of Armin ramming into your pussy without a single care for you.
“You make my life hell, calling me a virgin and a loser, but you’ve never even been fucked.” His eyes rolled back as he degraded you. Keeping his thrusts erratic and hard as if he was just using you as a vessel for his cum.
“You’ll make the prettiest cum dump, won’t you?” He asked tauntingly, but when you didn’t respond, it caused him to slap at your clit, making your whole body convulse.
“Mhm, Armin. The prettiest” You slurred out, choking on your moans and salvia. You were slipping in and out of consciousness as you gave in to the feeling of your incoming climax. You saw white as your orgasm hit. Your nails clawed at Armin's shirt as he bit your neck, muffling the moans he released as he came shortly after you.
You tried to wrap your mind around the fact that you had just lost your virginity.
In a library….
To Armin…
Once he had pulled out, he held you in place. Watching as his cum seeped out of you. Before you could get up and fix yourself, Armin turned your body around, bending you over the desk.“What? Did you think we were done?”
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themuselesswriter · 4 months
A Day in a Demon Pig's Life
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Characters: Fat Nugget, Angel Dust, Husk, mention of Cherri Bomb and Valentino
Summary: Fat Nuggets tries to describe a day in his life
Word count: 1046
Warnings: implied abuse, implied slavery, implied prostitution
A/N: so... I did something instead of sleeping .-.
Credits: photos from Pinterest, editing app is picsart
I woke up at the sound of Angel preparing to leave, he was already at the vanity mirror, fixing his looks, he is a beautiful man, I don’t understand why he spends so much time fixing his looks into a perfection, practicing different smiles and most importantly, wiping all the tears, he seems sad, he always does, although never mean or evil, he never mistreated me so I have that at least. 
I know things were rough for him, I’ve seen how that… Valentino treats him with insignificance, as if he owns him, I heard Angel say a couple of times that he did own him, partially, and that he hates what he has to do for him, that he hates being touched and violated by him and everyone else on the set, which I didn’t understand at all.
I mean, I understand that he owns him, it means he looks after him right? Like the way Angel owns me and takes care of me, maybe he’s a bad owner? Maybe he doesn’t fill his bowl with food before he leaves or doesn’t take him on enough walks? Or doesn’t pet him? But the rest I don’t understand though, he usually mumbles this stuff while he’s calling Cherri on the phone while sobbing.
He noticed that I was awake so he walked to me and put on a genuine smile, a smile that I’ve only noticed around a couple of people, me, Cherri, and the bartender, what was his name? Husk! Yeah, I think his name is Husk, anyhow, he scratches behind my ears and I roll and do some tricks for him which seems to cheer him up, I earned a giggle from him “such a good boy” he tells me and kisses my head and leaves. 
The rest of the day is pretty dull, I eat, sleep, explore, play with Razzle and Dazzle, spy on the egg boys and repeat. 
It was almost midnight when Angel returned, I was laying on my bed next to his, I lifted my head up and looked at him, he was a mess, he was obviously crying, and he… he seemed hurt, yeah, he had bruises on his body and marks, he laid on bed and curled into himself, sobbing into his pillow, I hopped into his bed and looked at him a little worried, I walked to him and licked his nose, it usually cheers him up but not this time, no, this seemed to make things worse, he pulled me into a hug and kept sobbing, only now he picked up his phone and aggressively started calling Cherri who didn’t answer for whatever reason which only made things worse. 
I was getting beyond worried, I’ve never seen him like this before, he needed someone, not just anyone, someone who he looks at in a loving way, and if it’s not me or Cherri, that leaves us with… I slithered my way out of his grip and went out of his room, he didn’t seem to notice me, I rushed towards the bar where the bird cat resided, drinking from his endless bottle, I squeaked but he didn’t pay me attention, so I hopped on a stool then on the table, he didn’t pay me attention either. 
I saw a couple of glasses on the bar and I had a difficult decision to make, I gulped and ran fast, making all the glasses fall and shatter “hey! You little shit!” he said angrily, I looked at him horrified, I bit his hand, he screamed in pain, he looked at me wickedly, I gulped and ran, he followed me then stopped, I stopped too and looked at him pleadingly, squeaking, he looked at me as if his anger disappeared and instead was replaced with complete confusion, I went to him and bit his pants, trying to drag him, he didn’t move an inch “what do you want you filthy animal” I kept trying to drag him and gesture him towards Angel’s room, eventually he gave up once he saw how persistent I was and decided to follow me, this time, we walked together. 
Once we reached Angel’s door, I opened it enough so I can enter again and he can peak at him, I hopped into Angel’s bed and looked at him pleadingly, he seemed frozen, those demons are idiots, I swear it, I walked to him and bit his pants again, trying to drag him in “I can’t little fella… I… he didn’t invite me” I insisted “what if he doesn’t want to see me? What if he doesn’t want to be seen like this?” he tried to reason but I was hotheaded, I kept desperately trying to drag him inside. 
“Fat Nugget?” I heard Angel’s broken voice calling me, I stopped and turned to look at him, he must’ve seen Husk too because the other’s pupils were wide and he seemed stuck in time, either from embarrassment or from seeing Angel like this “what are you doing here?” he asked Husk “your little rascal shattered my glasses” Husk gulped nervously, Angel seemed disappointed, and let out a little oh, I walked back to Angel and sat next to him, he seemed to have calmed down but he was definitely still in a shaken up state, he sniffs and tries to hide his bruises and traces of tears “well… I’ll get you new ones tomorrow on my way back from work” he said casually, hugging his legs. 
Husk grew a bit bolder as he took a step inside the room “you… you’re okay kid?” he asked Angel who looked at him shocked, their eyes met for a moment, which was more than enough time for Angel to break down into tears again, Husk rushed to him, and we both cuddled him on the bed until he calmed down, Husk being more careful than me as his touches seemed well-studied and hesitant, while me, I kept licking his face and tears away once he laid down in fetus position, it was a rough night for him, that I can tell but by the morning he seemed to be back into his natural self, that’s one of the things I love about him, he always knows how to rebound. 
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ameliora-j · 2 years
— cherry chapstick 𐐪𐑂 stepdad!eddie
𐐪𐑂 summary → your stepdad knows that he shouldn’t feel the way that he does about you. but how can something that’s so wrong, feel so right when it’s happening?
𐐪𐑂 content → this is part two!! obvious mommy issues, angst, smut, impact play [belting, slapping], spitting, brat tamer!eddie, oral (m!receiving), heavy degradation, drug mentions, painal, eddie is a dick, dacryphilia, dark!eddie, mean!eddie, toxic!dom eddie, no aftercare, subdrop, rough sex with no aftercare, anal sex, cnc, arguing,  stepdad!eddie munson, stepcest, infidelity kink, kind of an oc but written in second person, a few minor descriptors of reader’s body, this is a very dark fic! i am in no way responsible for what you choose to consume on the internet. 18+ ONLY
𐐪𐑂 words → 2.19k
part one
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your mom had come home earlier than you expected. turns out that the ceo in los angeles didn’t need as much convincing as her company had originally thought. you’d been grumpy and short with eddie all week, uncaring of the attitude you were giving him.  
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“you’ve got arms and legs, get it yourself” you rolled your eyes. your mother was shocked. she glared harshly at you as you just rolled your eyes.
“yfn ymn, apologize right now and go to your room!” she exclaimed angrily. you rolled your eyes once more and chose to only follow the second part of your instructions. eddie was practically fuming as he watched you roll your eyes and received the brunt of your god awful attitude. 
“yfn ymn, apologize right now and go to your room!” she exclaimed angrily. you rolled your eyes once more and chose to only follow the second part of your instructions. eddie was practically fuming as he watched you roll your eyes and received the brunt of your god awful attitude. 
the worst part was the he didn’t even know what he did wrong. however, he knew exactly what the problem was. you were wound up so tight because nobody had dicked you down. your problem was that you needed the attitude fucked out of you. and eddie was determined to do that… especially if it meant that you’d cool out on your mom. because, although she got the worst of your attitude, eddie got the worst of her’s. and he was absolutely sick of listening to her complain and nag him all the time just because you had pissed her off. he decided to put an end to it. 
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that night, you didn’t show up for dinner. eddie inwardly rolled his eyes at your innate childishness and pettiness. you’d got that from your mother. but nevermind, he and your mother finished up dinner quietly, and she’d returned to her office to get some more work done. he knew that now was his chance, whenever your mother went to finish work in her office, she’d usually end up falling asleep in there. and he knew that she’d be so buried in her piles of paperwork that she’d pay no mind to any sounds echoing of the walls of your bedroom as he split your pussy open on his cock and fucked you free of your attitude. 
as soon as he heard your mother’s office door slam shut, he’d made a plate and took it up to your room. he knocked twice before opening it. “did you hear a ‘come in’?” you scoffed, looking back at him with a dirty glare. 
he took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. “i brought you dinner, brat.” he huffed, setting it down on the edge of your bed. 
“okay. now get out” you rolled your eyes and turned back to the nails that you were filing and preparing to polish. 
“i’m getting sick of your fucking attitude.” he growled at you, having to physically restrain himself from wrapping a ringed hand around your throat. 
“and i don’t fucking care.” you glared, looking from him to the door once more. “you’re not my damn dad, eddie. get the fuck out of my room.” 
“i am sick of your fucking attitude you stupid little bitch!” he shouted, roughly gripping your jaw as he stared into your eyes. 
you rolled your eyes at him. “yeah, so what? you won’t do anything about it now that your wife’s around.” you snarled out through grit teeth. 
eddie had enough. his eyes flashed black in a mixture of anger and lust as he gripped your throat and shoved you down onto your knees. you let out a quiet shriek as he slapped you across the face. it wasn’t enough to truly hurt, just to get your attention. the cool metal of his rings burned against your jaw as you moaned out. 
“open your mouth, slut” he growled out as he fiddled with his belt buckle and jeans. your jaw fell slack at his command and he fished his cock from his pants and boxers. he ran the precum soaked tip along your tongue, letting you lick and suckle at it for a few seconds before bullying the back of your throat with his thick cock. 
his heavy balls slapped against your chin as you gagged and gurgled around the extensive length of the man punishing your mouth. you coughed and sputtered, moaning as your saliva bubbled up at the base of his shaft, up against his balls. “that’s it little bitch,” he growled, grinding against your throat as you fought to take the girth of him. “take that big fucking cock… nice and deep down your tight little throat” he grunted lowly. 
you swallowed uselessly around him as your constricting throat fought to accommodate his length. he bullied his way deep into your esophagus, using your mouth and throat like his personal fleshlight. eddie reached to hold the back of your head. he pushed untill your nose was buried into the small tuft of curls at the base of his shaft and his balls were pressed up taut against your chin. he used his free hand to pinch your nostrils together, restricting all airflow to your lungs and causing you to heave, cough, and sputter around him as you tried to find a breath. 
“beg me to breathe, worthless bitch” he growled lowly. you tried your hardest, even with the obstruction in your mouth and throat and restriction of your breath. you coughed and sputtered around him, uselessly begging him to let you breathe. he did no more than laugh and slap you a few times with the hand on the back of your head. 
he held you down untill tears were spilling down your cheeks. your face was paling with the exertion of coughing and not being able to breathe and mascara was staining your face due to the tears blocking your visage. only then did eddie decide to let up. he released your nostrils and the back of your head. you breathed in deep lungfuls of air, the oxygen burning your lungs as you inhaled it like a drug. your small, perky tits rose and fell in time with the heaving breaths you took as eddie laughed above you, stroking his cock to the image of you so fucked out. 
he gripped your jaw once more, squeezing your cheeks together so roughly that it forced your lips to part. he leaned down and spit into your partially opened mouth. your wanton moan was met with another rough slap to the cheek and eddie spitting on your face. “bend over the fucking bed, whore” he grunted, slapping you once more. “and keep your fucking mouth quiet” he reminded. 
you followed his instructions, laying across your bed on all fours. you arched your back untill your chest pressed up against the mattress, your puckering asshole and dripping cunt being put on display for the ruthless man behind you. “count them out loud. you mess up, i start over. you skip a number, i start over. you forget a number, i start over. you stutter, stammer, pause, even breathe wrong and i will start over, do you understand me?” he growled. 
“yes…” you swallowed hard, breathing heavily as anxiety spread through your veins. “yes sir.” you whispered. 
“good. because i won’t stop unless you say a safeword.” he growled. that was the only warning you got before rough leather was coming into contact with your round ass cheeks and you were screaming out number after number as your stepfather whipped you with his belt. 
he made you count all the way up to twenty, whipping you with each number you screamed out. your ass was bright red, throbbing and sore. once he told you that you were finished, your body collapsed onto the bed convulsing with sobs as eddie moved around the bed. 
“open” he grunted, tapping the head of his cock along your lips. your jaw dropped lazily and once more he was bullying the back of your throat with the fat head of his cock. “you better get it nice and wet because it’s the only lube you’re getting.” he warned lowly. you moaned at the prospect of him fucking your virgin asshole open, your mouth salivating even more at the idea as a small puddle of your drool began forming on the sheets of your bed. 
“fuck baby, i’m gonna split you in two” he growled, tugging his cock away from your mouth. thankfully, eddie decided to show a small amount of mercy. he pulled you back up onto your knees, spreading your asscheeks apart and spitting down onto your puckering rosebud. he pushed a finger in and began to slowly fuck you with it, grunting about how filthy you were for letting a dirty and perverted old man use your pathetic little virgin holes to spear you on and milk his cock. 
he scissored your hole open before beginning to tease it with the mushroom head of his cock. he slowly pushed in, in, and in untill he was bottoming out. he stretched you in ways that were unimaginable, and you couldn’t do more to welcome the searing hot pain in your as than bite down roughly on your comforter to hold back a loud scream. tears pricked at the corner of your eyes, kissing your bottom line of lashes as your breath balled up in your lungs and refused to come out. 
eddie gave you no time to adjust before he was setting a punishing pace inside of the tight ring of muscles. “fucking hell, yeah” he growled. “squeeze my fucking cock just like that” he grunted. his hand weaved into your hair and tugged roughly against the roots untill your back was pressed up against his chest. tears were spilling down your cheeks, your face completely soaked with them as your body shook with sobs. “that’s right, fucking cry on that big, fat cock” he laughed cruelly, licking at the tears spilling down your jaw and neck as he roughly pinched, twisted, and tugged at your pierced nipples. 
“please cum, please cum, please cum” you chanted, begging with every drag of his thick cock against your never-before-breached walls. the searing hot pain never stopped, and neither did the drag of eddie’s cock against the tight walls of your ass. you sobbed and wriggled on his cock, wanting it to stop, but your couldn’t deny the puddle forming below you from your dripping cunt. 
“don’t run from my cock” eddie growled out. he grabbed you by the throat, holding the back of your head in his hand and placing you in a headlock. he slowly grinded his cock down deeper into your ass. “cry all you want to you stupid bitch, but that slutty cunt tells me you fucking love this” he spat, roughly pinching your clit, causing you to squeal as your hips stuttered. 
“you think i don’t feel the puddle that desperate little pussy is making beneath us, slut?” he grunted. “you stupid fucking toy, squirm and cry and beg all you want but i know you like this” he growled, beginning to fuck roughly into your little asshole. “your little pussy is just jealous that she’s not being speared on daddy’s cock” he mocked, pinching your clit once more before slapping it. “she’s gonna be even more jealous when i give this tight little ass a fat load of my cum, baby” he grunted. 
he shoved your face down into the mattress and began to punish your ass with his cock. “fuck yeah bitch, fucking cry for me” he growled. his heavy, cum-filled balls slapped up against your pudgy little clit with each thrust of his fat cock into your abused little asshole. “fuck i’m gonna cum” he gasped. he grunted, forcing his cock as deep as it would go into your puckering, tiny hole as his cock began to paint the walls of your ass wit a sticky load. he panted heavily as he rode out his orgasm, rutting into your ass and grinding his pelvis down against the fat globes of your ass cheeks. 
“maybe now you’ll learn not to be a little bitch” he growled, leaning over to spit on your face before pulling out. he pulled his clothes back on, slapping your ass cheeks once more before seeing himself out. 
“wait but da—“ the words died on your tongue the second your bedroom door slammed shut. tears of sorrow blinded your visage as you curled into yourself and began to sob softly. 
your heart dropped to the pits of your stomach as your mind ran wild with self deprecating thoughts. you laid upon the massive amount of pillows in your bed, body shaking with the weight of your sobs as that dark and all consuming headspace took over your body. 
eddie munson had completely ruined you. 
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[follow my library blog and turn on notifications to be notified when i post a new fic!]
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cherrybeartoast · 6 months
skz incorrects (but they're things my friends have actually said)
friends version since i found our quote books!! tagging @hannahhbahng bc their reaction was the cutest <3
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chris: he's actually a really nice guy once you get to know him
jeongin: do really nice guys bash people
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seungmin: you just like dry coughed in my ear
jisung: no it was actually wet i just drank water
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felix: its like…they're a human and gay. and youre also human but youre not gay
changbin: yes…wait what were we talking about?
felix: dangerous goods and hazardous substances, of course
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minho: my friend just texted me "sorry i'm going to jail i robbed someone"
jisung: haha
jisung: ha
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felix: they KILLED 250 DOGS
jeongin: WHO
felix: the MONKEYS
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jeongin: oh, you kicked me? i didn't feel i-NO SEUNGMIN DON'T FUCKING
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cherry-froggie · 1 year
is it okay if i request kaeya being extra clingy with the reader after he proposes to her like calling her to his office at random times to cuddle and clinging to her at the tavern please
Thank you ♡
the captain's love
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pairing — Kaeya x gn!reader
summary — You received a note from Kaeya: "My love, I can't stop thinking about you. Can you come to my office? I need to see you." After your engagement, his affection for you had only grown. What could be different today?
tags — fluff, as fluffly as Kaeya's coat (hopefully); reader is gender neutral
notes — thank you so much for your request!! this is my first ask so i was a bit nervous, but i really hope you like it! i did my best!! i also hope it's not too long!! since there was no specification of the gender of the reader, i decided to keep it neutral, i hope you don't mind!! :)
words — 2,6k
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As you stood at the top of the stairs leading up to the Favonious Headquarters, the beauty of the golden sunset stretched across the sky before you took your breath away. The cool breeze that swept through the air carried with it the sweet scent of the flowers that bloomed all around Mondstadt. You couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight as if the world was in perfect harmony.
You looked down at your hand, noticing the engagement ring that sparkled in the fading light. It was a symbol of your and Kaeya's love, the bond between you both that sealed your fate together. You remembered how it all began, how you had always seen Kaeya around the city as the Captain of the Cavalry, but you never thought you would find yourself falling for him. Once you started talking, you were captivated by his charm, his winning grin, and his smooth talking that made your heart race.
"Oh, my, what a surprise to find you here, dear," your thoughts were interrupted by Lisa, who had just left the knight's headquarters. She greeted you with a friendly smile as she approached you. "I was just about to come looking for you."
"I was looking for you too, Lisa. I needed to return these books to the library."
She was happy to hear that you had remembered to return the books on time, unlike others. She took the heavy books from your hands and handed you a folded note. "Kaeya asked me to give you this. He didn't tell me what it was about, but it seems urgent."
Curious, you opened the note and read Kaeya's words: "My love, I can't stop thinking about you. Can you come to my office? I need to see you." 
As you clutched the note in your hand, your heart began to race at the thought of seeing him. The mere mention of his name conjured images of his wonderful love, which had captured your heart from the moment you first met. The golden sunset that painted the sky with hues of orange and pink seemed to mirror the butterflies that spread through your chest as you thought of him.
Lisa looked at you with a curious expression, though you couldn't help but be lost in your own thoughts. The books you had been holding before seemed like feathers in your hand, insignificant compared to the weight of this moment. Kaeya's words were a beacon calling you to him, drawing you closer to the promise of his presence. "Hehe, your reaction is quite amusing, it makes me curious about what it could possibly say." She looked away towards the golden sunset, smiling and letting out a sigh after a moment of thought. "Given Kaeya's talents, I can understand why a note from him would make your heart flutter. Whatever the matter is, you should attend to it, don't let me hold you back."
With a final cheerful chuckle, Lisa said goodbye and left you to your thoughts, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for her understanding. You couldn't shake the feeling that something important was about to happen. As you made your way toward Kaeya's office, the world around you seemed to fade into the background, and all you could focus on was the man who had captured your heart.
As you opened the door, the comforting golden light of the setting sun bathed the room in a celestial glow. The sunlight seemed to dance on the walls, reflecting off the papers and books on the desk, creating a beautiful, almost magical atmosphere. It was as if the universe had conspired to make this perfect moment for the two of you. Your graceful fiancé, who had been sitting in his chair with his back turned to the window, rose to his feet and made his way towards you with open arms, a broad smile etched on his face.
You rushed towards him, eagerly falling into his embrace, relishing in the warmth of his hold. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and ran his fingers through your hair in a soothing gesture. His touch was like a spark of lightning, illuminating every inch of your body with a sense of electricity, sending shivers down your spine and goosebumps rising on your skin. You couldn't help but let out a content sigh as you closed your eyes, immersing yourself in the sensation of being with the one you loved. The safety that you felt under his touch was something akin to a ray of sunlight shining on your face, reassuring, and grounding you. It was as though the two of you were connected by a current, flowing seamlessly together and completing one another in every way. Slowly, you tilted your head upwards, locking gazes with him.
The soft, loving expression in his uncovered eye, which only appeared when he was with you, shined like the stars in the night sky, mirroring the same emotions in yours.
"I've missed you so much," he murmured, as you let out a gentle laugh. This was not the first time he had called you to his office just to be near you, but you couldn't blame him, the time spent away from each other felt like an eternity.
There were times when Kaeya would suddenly call for you to come to him just because he missed your presence. You remembered one time when you had been working late at the library to help Lisa organize dozens of books, and Kaeya had waited for you until late hours of the night, insisting on walking you home so you wouldn't have to go alone.
There was another moment when you had been feeling under the weather, so Kaeya sent a knight to bring you to his office, where he had prepared hot tea and pastries, then sat with you, making sure you were comfortable.
As a flood of memories washed over you, you were struck by the overwhelming feeling of gratitude for having found your other half. Each moment came back to you in vivid detail, painting a picture of all the times Kaeya had summoned you to his office, not for any official business, but simply for the sake of being with you. The way he looked at you once he saw you, the warmth in his embrace, and the way he couldn't help but be physically affectionate with you, all of it cemented in your mind as evidence of the unbreakable bond the two of you shared.
"It's only been a few hours, Kaeya," you replied.
"Feels like an eternity without you," he agreed.
"I know," you whispered, resting your head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat accelerate with each passing moment, as you two were reunited once again. As you felt his arms envelop you, and his heart beat in perfect harmony with yours, the desert of your everlasting longing was replaced with lush greenery, an oasis of love, where time seemed to have no meaning.
You nestled deeper into his embrace, feeling the world around you melt away, leaving only the two of you. The gentle swaying of his body as he held you, the way his fingers threaded through your hair with the tenderness of a butterfly's touch, it all made you feel like the luckiest person in the world.
Unexpectedly, his arms left your embrace. Soon enough, his hands gracefully placed themselves on your upper arms, providing warmth to your entire body. His touch was gentle yet purposeful, leaving you wondering what was to come next. You stood still, letting yourself fully savor the sensation and anticipate his next move.
"I have something for you," Kaeya murmured before reaching for a small, square-shaped box on his desk. The box was a deep blue, adorned with intricate engravings and a golden clasp that sparkled in the fading light of the setting sun.
As you took it from him, feeling its weight in your hands, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in your chest. "What is it?" As you ask, looking up at him with a surprised expression, almost asking him if it were okay to open the box only with your gaze. He asks you to open it, and, with bated breath, you opened the box to reveal a sparkling gemstone hairpin. It was intricately crafted in the shape of your favorite animal, and the crystal caught the light in such a way that it seemed to come alive. You couldn't help but be awestruck by its beauty.
"It's stunning," you managed to whisper, still in shock at the gift. "Where did you find it?"
Kaeya's eyes shone with pride as he explained, "I had it specially made for you. I even got to choose the type of crystal they used to carve it myself."
You couldn't believe the thought and care he had put into this gift for you or find the words to express your gratitude, but you knew that the hairpin was more than just a piece of jewelry. It was a symbol of his love, his devotion, and his thoughtfulness. It was something that you would treasure for a lifetime.
Kaeya reached for the ornament, lifting it out of the box with a delicate touch. He stared at it for a moment, admiring the intricate craftsmanship, the way the light caught the edges of the crystal and sent rainbows dancing across your face. He leaned in towards you, his hand coming up to gently tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
He carefully placed it on the right side of your hair, securing it in place with ease. He stepped back to admire his handiwork, his eyes glistening with satisfaction and love as he took in the way the accessory sat perfectly on your head, complementing your features and making you look even more beautiful.
"It's perfect, just like you," he murmured, his hand coming up to caress your cheek. He couldn't help but let out a soft sigh of appreciation as he took in the sight of you, adorned with his gift. "I wanted to give you something that would always remind you of how much I care for you." 
As his fingers brushed against your cheek, he couldn't resist the urge to trace the contours of your face with his thumb.
"You are so beautiful, [Name]," he whispered, his voice filled with reverence.
You couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through your chest. He leaned in closer, his gaze fixed on your lips, and you knew what was coming next. You closed your eyes and parted your lips in anticipation, feeling the rush of blood in your ears as your heart quickened its pace.
His lips met yours, soft and warm. As you felt the pressure of his mouth, you were overcome with a rush of passion, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pulled him closer. The kiss deepened, and you felt the world around you fade away as you were lost in the sensations of his touch.
His hands roamed down your back, pulling you flush against him, and you felt a heat building between you, and you knew that you never wanted this moment to end. As the kiss slowly came to an end, you opened your eyes, gazing into his, and you knew that this was where you belonged.
"I love you," he murmured, his breath hot against your skin.
"I love you too," you replied, feeling your heart swell with emotions.
He smiled and leaned in for another kiss.
Then, Kaeya gently took your hands in his. The way they enveloped yours, the strength of his grasp, it was as if he was claiming you as his own. You smiled up at him, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you as he returned the gesture, his lips curving upwards in a way that made your heart race.
"We should go."
"Yes, we should," you replied smiling at him.
As you passed by the corridor, you could see Lisa and Jean deep in conversation, but as soon as they caught sight of you and Kaeya's intertwined hands, Lisa's face broke out in a bright grin, and Jean gave you a knowing nod. They both bid you farewell as you continued on your way, the feeling of contentment settling in your heart as you were surrounded by the warmth the company of your love, and the well-wishes of your friends.
Together, you and Kaeya strolled down the cobblestone streets, the sound of laughter and chatter filling the air, leaving behind the world of responsibilities and obligations for a moment of pure, uninterrupted joy. The sun had already set, leaving behind a sky painted in blues and purples. The streets were bustling with people making their way home, or to their next destination, but all you could focus on was the sensation of Kaeya's hand in yours, leading you down the streets, toward the promise of a perfect evening.
When you finally arrived at the Angel's Share, the sound of laughter and conversation spilled out from the open door, along with the mouthwatering aroma of delicious food and wines. The friendly atmosphere enveloped you, making you feel like you were at home. You were greeted by everyone already inside, taking a seat at a table on the second floor. Kaeya led you to a table, pulling out a chair for you to sit on before taking his own seat.
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When you and your fiance finished your meal and left the second floor of the tavern, you found yourselves making your way downstairs to the first floor, filled with the low murmur of patrons chatting and the clinking of glasses. There, you saw Rosaria and Diluc chatting, with Diluc behind the bar, mixing drinks. As soon as Diluc notices your arrival, he smiles and greets you, and Rosaria turns around, her eyes widen with surprise, "Oh, Kaeya and [Name], what a surprise. I haven't seen you in a while."
Diluc, who had been behind the bar, makes his way around and joins the conversation with a smile, " It's great to see you both. What can I get for you?"
Without hesitation, Kaeya pulls out a stool for you, and you take a seat, while he takes the one next to you. As soon as you are settled, Kaeya drapes an arm over your shoulders, pulling you close to him.
But as the night went on and the drinks kept flowing, you could tell that Kaeya was starting to lose his inhibitions. His movements became sloppy and his words slurred. You knew that it was time to take him home before things got out of hand. Rosaria, on the other hand, found this to be a laughable situation, while Diluc looked at him with concern and slight disappointment.
After saying goodbye to everyone left at the tavern, you took Kaeya by the arm and helped him to his feet. He leaned heavily against you, chuckling softly as you guided him out of the tavern. The cool air outside helped to clear your head from the haze of alcohol, but Kaeya had had a little too much to drink. He was clinging onto you tightly as if he couldn't bear to let you go for even a moment.
"Are you okay to walk?" you asked, looking up at him with concern. He nodded, grinning down at you. "I'm fine, just a little tipsy. But I couldn't be happier, my love."
You smiled back at him, taking his hand and leading him down the street. As you walked home together, Kaeya's arm was around your shoulders, his head leaning against yours.
As soon as you both entered the house, Kaeya turned to you, pulling you close to him and pressing his lips to yours in a deep and passionate kiss and whispered sweet nothings into your ear. With some effort, you managed to get Kaeya to bed and then climbed in next to him as he pulled you close and wrapped his arms tightly around you before he buried his face in your neck, breathing in the scent of your hair. Despite his drunken state, his touch was feather-light. You smiled, happy to be in his arms, and closed your eyes, drifting off to sleep with the sound of his breathing as your lullaby.
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thank you so much for reading!! this was really fun to make!! i hope you loved it as much as i did!!
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prettyflyforawhitelie · 3 months
What if Niffty was a triplet?
Niffty, Shiffty, and Thriffty: Triplet Trouble
A/N: This is such a chaotic and creative request, and it was so fun to write! I can only imagine how crazy it would be if Niffty had two other siblings (ignore their corny names, but i feel like the rhymes are just so fitting lol). I just kind of took creative liberty here, and this one is kind of shorter than my other headcanons. If you were looking for something else or something longer, just send me another request and I’ll be happy to fix it! I hope you enjoy it!
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One day, when everyone was just doing their normal hotel duties, a knock sounded on the main door. As the group looks suspiciously at each other, Charlie practically beams with excitement: A new guest seeking redemption! Before she can make it to the door, though, it seems as if somebody had flipped a switch in Niffty. The second the noise was heard, she was already at the door about to open it. 
Charlie would say, “Oh, Nifty, It’s okay, typically I like to greet the gues-” but she is cut off by Niffty’s insanely high pitched and feral scream of excitement. When Charlie looks out the door, she sees… nothing. That is, until she looks about 3 feet down and is met with - two more Niffties? No, that can’t be right. “Uhm… guys?” Charlie calls out.
As the rest of the group comes to the door to see what the fuss is, they are met with two beings, similar in size to Niffty, except it looked like these two were - boys? They shared similar traits to Niffty: pink hair, one eye, fifties style suits.. but who were they?
“Ohmysatanohmysatanohmysatan you’re here!!!” Nifty would say. Before anyone could even blink, the two men would literally scurry like bugs across the hotel. “Uhm.. Niffty? Who.. who are these - things? People? Boys?” 
Nifty would reply, “Oh, I totally forgot to introduce you! Those are my brothers, Shiffty and Thriffty!” Charlie had been stressed enough with the general upkeep of the hotel, and to be honest, two more Niffties was NOT what she needed to lower her stress. “Oh!... why - why didn’t you tell us - me - that they were coming?” she would say through her best forced smile. 
Once Niffty managed to collect them and have them introduce themselves, the group quickly learned what they were dealing with. Similar to how Niffty’s name implied that she was “nifty” around the hotel, Shiffty seemed to be unable to stay in one place for more than 4 seconds, whereas Thriffty was very well-put together, seemingly good with his money. 
After a bit of explaining, it turns out that the triplets were a part of a crime syndicate and died together after commiting a heist. The only reason that the brothers hadn’t joined Niffty sooner was because she was swept away by the Radio Demon to work under his guidance. They had only just seen the commercial for the Hazbin Hotel and noticed that their sister was advertised as the housekeeper. 
Once Charlie had explained in depth the goals, rules, and guests of the hotel, the brothers decided that they would give redemption a try (whether they actually wanted redemption or just to never be separated from their sister again was unknown). 
In all, though their entrance was rather chaotic, Shiffty and Thriffty became useful assets to the hotel - Shiffty running advertisements on the streets outside of the Hotel and Thriffty managing the finances -  and even worked their way to being a beloved part of the Hazbin family.
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cubedmango · 1 year
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birthday wish
(rest of the comic under the cut)
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