#cherubim au
theohnocorral · 2 years
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silverorchideon · 2 months
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"Rule 47 of the Angel Handbook: Angels, to show love and affection to friends, family, and partners, will create figures of organisms with clay to simulate the feeling of creating life[1].
Bigger, more realistic, and more detailed figures are often reserved for new people becoming part of their choir[2].
However, do not feel alarmed if your local angel gives you a smaller, perhaps sillier statue! In fact, feel relieved! This means that the angel has already accepted you into their choir, and trusts you to love them as they are, in all of their quirks and faults."
Angel! Skizz Headcanon Angel! Skizz Headcanon Angel! Skizz Headcanon Angel! Skizz Headcanon Angel! Skizz Headcanon Angel! Skizz Headcanon
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veldigun alex cuz I said so (theyre inspired off of cherubim :3c)
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Venomania in an AU I may or may not talk about here- I did use a base, but I can't find which one it was at the moment, nor do I know who originally created it.
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I think she turned out great!
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troutfur · 3 months
With very few exceptions I'm not a fan of Christian coding or Christian imagery in my religious feral cat fiction, but you know what would kick ass? The founders being merged into a single cherub-like entity (so winged and four heads: lion, eagle, bull, and human).
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ociedoodles · 4 months
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Two sillies Wally Au’s character sheets
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kirby-souljourney-au · 6 months
Y’know what? Yeah, I’ll post this.
So. Seraphim, the sword Kirby finds in that post-story oneshot I’m working on. We know it, we love it — we all love an ancient sword enchanted with the conscience of an even more ancient being.
What if I told you, the Astral that’s in there, the owner of the soul used to enchant the blade…
Was one of Galacta’s ancestors?
Yeah. Yeah, they’re related.
More under the cut :33
So, for some background:
Seraphim was a Soul Matter Astral with Copy Magic, and while it was alive, it was one of its generation’s Heroes of Yore. It was about 300 years old before it passed, its death being due to health complications regarding its magic.
It specifically requested that its Soul and conscience be extracted, preserved, and placed within a sword to be passed down over generations.
Sera had a sister who didn’t have the same health issues it did, and survived a good while longer, continuing her bloodline.
Millions upon millions of years later, one of Galacta’s parents, Cero, appears! He’s the great-grandchild of Sera’s sister, and married & had children with Verist, a Heart Matter who already had a three-year-old at the time they started dating, said daughter being Cherubim, Gala’s and Valkyrie’s older sister.
So yeah! Sera and Gala are related! Cool, huh?
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blu3-f1nch · 11 months
Would you mind sharing what your version of Cherubim/Venomania’s story is?
There's uh.. A lot to share here lmao- I'm so sorry this is gonna be kinda long, but a summary nonetheless. My body horror drawings of him are not a part of this canon.
Short answer; Many of the original themes of the story made me deeply uncomfortable so I didn't just re-write Cherubim, I re-wrote 90% of the universe and Cherubim just ended up being my hyperfixation. Yes he is still a lust demon, but lust doesn't always = s-x, it can also mean strong desires, his strong desire was freedom. Boom.
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[Anatomy of the "False Angel" design can range heavily as he's essentially a shapeshifter. He can't just turn into random animals though-- I just mean that its anatomy can range from almost weasel like to humanoid.]
Long answer: For starters.. I re-wrote a lot of the universe, I wasn't super deep into the entire world and didn't want to spend more time reading the wiki than I already had (I'd been reading it for a few days trying to find specific information).
I re-wrote and/or added a lot of the gods, made an entire ranking system for the demons of the world, changed a lot of the lore- and really only did this because I was uncomfortable with one silly little purple haired mans' themes that led me into a week long spiral.
So for starters, his youth is much the same but is changed slightly. He wasn't born with any sort of facial deformation as I'm a tad uncomfortable with portraying characters who do abhorrent things because of a deformation/disability. Not to say people can't write these themes, I just was not comfortable with it under this context. Instead, he was born out of an affair, this he was known about to the public to some minor extent, but very little was known about him and he was kept out of the public eye out of shame. So he still didn't leave the castle much. [I do not have any concepts of him as a kid]
At one point he did have a taste of freedom, leaving the castle with his brother, as the two actually had grown up around one another and were rather close. They did this many times and Cherubim got to feel what it was like to have real friends outside of the guards and maids he spoke to, since his parents paid him little attention. He was caught however and after this was just kept in his room, rarely able to leave. He grew bitter and resentful, angry at his parents, angry at the world. He was just a confused kid. He had this deep desire to be free, so no one else could control him. These wishes attract a kind of demon known as an affiant. Hers [I call them Heirs] don't exist here in the same way that they do in the original work, they are something different. An Affiant is someone who has made a contract with an item of sin, so a human turned demon. Heirs are still born as purely beings of evil, but they have a bit of a different purpose. Anywho, aside from that, the Clockwork doll works differently here too. The original demon sealed within the doll has awoken and controls its body, though it still has much of its magic locked away. The Doll wasn't always this way but that doesn't matter. The doll was drawn to Cherubim for his deep desire for freedom and begun to speak to him, and over the course of a few years- until about his mid-teens, where they introduce the idea of forging a contract with a demon to get what he desires; Freedom. [I also do not have any concepts of the clockwork doll yet]
Cherubim is very off-put by this, he is not comfortable with this idea, and starts backing away from the clockwork doll, who is not pleased by this. She stabs Cherubim with the venom sword, forcing him to make a contract with the demon. In his initial moments, he had zero control over himself. He transformed into a being that would be dubbed "The False Angel," with the demon mostly in control at this point, it slaughtered the royal family. Cherubim was all that was left behind, going back to his normal form he would pass out. He doesn't remember much of these events, but he too was pinned as a victim; A fortunate survivor of some bloodthirsty demon who came in and slaughtered the royal family.
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It has been many years since then, he's now 27. My take on lust is not lust in the sexual manor, but a deep desire for freedom, freedom through the acquisition of power and being above all others. However, because of the re-write I made of the lust demons powers, he more feeds off of emotions of the people around him, so keeping his people happy is incredibly advantageous to him. For this, he's generally admired by the public while at night he slaughters other demons not to protect his own people- but to acquire their power as well. He's actively seeking out the other vessels to gain their power as well. He's very self-serving in this AU, but not a straight up s-x offender (makes me deeply uncomfortable lmao) So here's my description of the Venom sword and the powers it gives its affiant: "The Venom sword -- is a katana with purple runes inscribed on the weapons blade, and the weapon itself is able to shift and change its appearance to any weapon of the users choice. In order to make a pact with this demon, one must be impaled by the sword, which leaves a scar that persists through any disguise the user takes on. It allows the user to change their face, body build, sex, etc- though again the scar remains. And much like a few of the other vessels, it allows the user to take on a more demonic appearance that is unique to each user, though often reflects one aspect of the original demon's appearance when it wasn't stuck within the vessel. This demonic form is extremely strong, and is when the user is most powerful. The lust demon also grants the ability to manipulate the memories of others, as well as the emotions they feel. They feed off of the emotions of the people around them, and sometimes other people's emotions make it difficult for the user to retain composure and their typical mannerisms. They must feed off of others emotions to replenish their magic. Feelings of happiness, excitement, bliss, etc give the user the strongest boost."
Sorry if any of this didn't make sense, it's 8 AM and I'm sick lmao-- I didn't proof read.
original drafting/Older design
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This design felt too "human" to me, and so I started going with a more harpy/feline-like feel. This creature is supposed to resemble an angel, but something is supposed to be completely wrong about it. I don't feel like I hit the mark on this one, and I don't particularly like these drawings anymore- kinda got made fun of over them but I like them enough to share.
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Clothing stuff I never finished or colored, one of my friends had me make a furry design for him lmao The gold and indego/purple theme is what I have for his clothes, and I'm thinking about changing his hair color. It'll be purple still, but it'll lean more towards magenta like in that one body horror drawing I did.
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Here's the last of it, I don't have a whole lot of art of these designs honestly, I haven't fixated on him again and have been in bad art burnout-- just trying to focus on commissions and my OCs.
But yes, he doesn't go by Sateriasis Venomania because he never stole his brothers identity/had the memory fuge.
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spyroid101 · 8 months
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Hortus Infernal: Syringeon
"Have you seen Father around? He didn’t come by today..." "He's also a giant, but he's got more arms than you... and more faces... and more wings... Actually, he's got more...everything... than you, really."
Look, he's coming up soon, and we've seen what he looks like for two games now, so I am totally NOT jumping the gun on putting the Hortus Infernal design that's been in my mind's eye since 4 onto canvas!! I AM BEING GOOD AND I AM dying BEING PERFECTLY PATENT FOR 7!!! GDSHkjgj
Anywhooo... cherubim! Amirite???
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A beastly form for a wild girl
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muzzleroars · 1 year
Ight I hope you don't mind me putting this here but-
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This is my oc for your fallen gabe Au if that's alright!
His names Enoch (no relation to the book of Enoch) he's a throne angel so about one rank or two above Gabriel. Hence why his face is a bit more humanoid
Also side note he is a fallen angel of wrath but I haven't finished the drawing for that yesterday and this one's been done for awhile and I reaaallly wanted to show him off so I'll be talking more about him pre fall.
Basically after God's disappearance he was one of the founding members of the council (though not for long).
During the Sisyphus insurrection he lead the charge against Sisyphus unfortunately permanently loosing the use of his wings, rumor states that his wings were torn off by Sisyphus himself but the validity of this statement is iffy. Though it was confirmed they where torn off in the battle
Part of the reason he didn't get his wings back is because he's from one of the oldest generations of angels makeing his wings extra fragile (plus eh, more of a head cannon to me that angel wing are so fragile it's hard to heal them from terrible injuries like that)
Both before and after the Sisyphus insurrection though he was an avid believer in the "ferryman have paid for there sins" and to let them into heaven (part of the reason he's now fallen). He's also had a tendency to yell when he got angry (and he got angry a lot).
But the thing he's most famous for is haveing either A. Brought the idea of tearing the light from angels as a punishment to the council or B. Taught the council how to tear the light from an angel without God's assistance (like god had to approve of an angels light being torn from them before hand). But I'll let you decide whatever.
And he was all for this "tear the light" out of the heretics bodie's". At first the council didn't agree but once they realized how useful it was to keep people in check they also went full force on it.
Part of me is thinking he either went a bit Robespierre and went crazy with tearing the light from people he thought was heretics or he thought the council was going crazy with tearing the light from people (probably the ladder)
Eventually though the council got tired of Enoch yelling about how the ferryman should be forgiven. And whatever stance he had on the councils use of tearing the light out of people. and in turn used the very punishment he brought to the council against him, tearing the light from his body. Over the years heaven forgot about him and the council said he retired.
He became a fallen angel of wrath and there's a lot of ideas I have there but this is already a wall of text so I apologize. In short as a fallen angel of wrath he went a bit crazy from the constantly drowning.
Final notes,
He probably knew our favorite archangels, maybe interacted with Gabriel a couple of times from being on the council, and Raph from haveing lost his wings in the insurrection (the one patient he couldn't heal other then Micheal)but I don't think he was to to close to either of them. Part of me wants to think of Enoch as a kind of mentor to Uriel but that's up to you. I just think it would be neat since Enoch Pre fall and after the insurrection was a pretty decent guy typically spending most of his time trying to find ways to make heaven better overall, once haveing been this source of enlightenment turned into this monster of rage and anger.
It would probably hurt Uriel to see what Enoch becomes but not destroy him completely. But that's more for when I get fallen Enoch art finished.
Ight, thank you for dealing with my ramblings and this monster of an ask I just really wanted to show my boy off.
OOOOH i really like the idea that he introduced light being torn from angels and so, whether he knew it or not, he ushered in the age of the council's tyranny once they realized how useful this could be. tbh it's interesting to consider a council corruption arc, although i do think they were at least already halfway there just from assuming god's throne (they 100% encouraged michael to leave and i think that was the tipping point into "anything goes" for them to maintain power) also attached to the idea of a primordial angel, sort of one of lucifer's time, who were made before much of creation and act as advisers to all the younger sets (CUTE to have him know and work with uriel) makes it all the more intriguing in a character sense when the wiseman falls as an angel of wrath...falling deeper and deeper into that pit of concern over heresy, what he brought into heaven, and the denial of the repentant. poor guy ;o;
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hex-mania-animatics · 7 months
Cover finished March ‎24th, ‎2023, video finished May ‎11th, ‎2023, posted to YouTube on October 6th, 2023
More Evillious Chronicles Twin Dragons AU woo! (The AU I'm working on with @lovedtogekiss for those who don't know). Unfortunately for y'all, I did decide to age restrict this cover because, well... It's Madness of Duke Venomania. So I'll be info dumping all of the Lust Arc stuff on the post sharing The Portrait Glassred Drew. This way, y'all actually have something listen to while reading lmao
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angelsrealm-moved · 1 year
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1004 ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ─ sol’s bday!
1004's SOL is being exclusively interviewed by ANGELS today! send in your dying questions for the birthday girl!
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lemonberyy · 11 months
while im here actually. art dump
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bloodswap human Calliope, one with makeup and one without. because i CAN suckers. isn't she silly? And a little ominous? A touch murder-y?
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this one is her cherubic design! i put a lot of thought into the references i can make with her outfit. Namely though, I wanted to kind of make it look like a complete mish-mash of several inspirations from LE, haute couture, alt callie, and a few other bloodswap designs I'm familiar with. She's the LADY OF SPACE! Referred to as Her Grace of Space. The Goddess of Vast Light. She isn't exactly going to be subdued in her look. She wants everyone to look upon her with immediate recognition, and following it will be fear.
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This one I JUST finished. Like last night at eleven pm just finished. Rendering my beloathed... This is inspired by song lyrics from Circle With Me by Spiritbox and Cyberhex by Motionless In White. I really like the idea of the imagery of Callie consuming the Green Sun. It's striking!
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this is calamity in fantasystuck. she in fact compl abhors this dress . No cheek nonsense because TECHNICALLY she's dragonborn but i cannot draw dragons. I have one setting. It's cherubim.
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this one is from a post canon au. i have a bazillion words as to how caliborn is on earth c it's all headcanon but it's all good and silly and he is Short and she is Tall (i also have a bazillion words for why Callie is able to start maturing properly post canon)
you know what, past me? this is my post! im gonna put all two-bazillion words on here actually. what am i thinking hehe? my post is a place for my words. silly joan!
So, for why Caliborn is on Earth-C. I honestly had fun rationalising this one!
For one, Caliborn is very, very cold. Another thing is that- I don't think cherubim were meant to go into black holes. I'm pretty sure that, while yes they mate near them, I don't think they fall in. It's something I feel is just something that doesn't happen. So cal being trapped within one is notable. But, we aren't talking about Caliborn being trapped! We're talking about him getting out.
Honestly if he were to tell it, he'd say he "FOUGHT TO GET OUT." or something. But the truth is he fractures,* his young body is rejected and he falls out. He retains only the passive effects of his godtier, like an understanding of timelines and being able to traverse them. But he has no control in this state.
*What do I mean by this? I basically think that he and le are seperate entities. In a lot of ways they literally are! Le is a combination of several souls and abilities and powers. He kinda reminds me of how the Condesce can learn all caste abilities. Caliborn has the abilities and knowledge of several godtiers including his own complete mastery of time. So, when Caliborn falls out and onto Earth-C, it's just a fraction of his soul and body. He's young again because it's a portion of his (falsely) mature body and he's very weak because it's only a portion of his soul. The rest is in the black hole. And due to some fuckery, he can feel it too. It's cold. He's constantly dizzy and disoriented. He is especially unnerved by this because cherubim are... this incredible species. He feels sick without context for what illness feels like. It's a pretty terrible experience for him but he's at least well enough to still be terrible to everyone.
Now for Callie. Honestly this is one is more simple. Her life ring fills her body with the very force of life! She may not have predominated, but she is full to bursting of more than enough energy for her body to age correctly. She can grow wings, become much taller, and toned. She doesn't really understand it yet but she really likes walks and runs because it's her body telling her to exercise and maintain her muscle mass.
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alt callie...... 🥰 that's all send tweet
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this is a magical girl au. one with her soul gem and one without. i have a bazillion words on all the symbolism here actually. For one I made her wish to be beautiful, which is why her face and everything is very Pretty and Sculpted and Lovely. Secondly though. Her soul gem, the space symbol in her birthmark, is a whole thing. She thinks her birth mark is a blemish on her looks, and seeing it not only A) remain after her wish and B) be her weakest point in a battle felt kinda like a slap in the face. (However it couldn't be erased because she Does like it. She just doesn't quite realise that). ALSO the space-looking symbol behind her? It's not Space! It's void, but she's FILLING IN THE SPACE... it's also Roxy's pink! They r soon to be dating... fills the void in her heart? Eh? Eeh?
anyways. uhhh homestuck cherubim are ok i guess
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oso-nan · 2 years
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peace and love….
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ragneda-r · 10 days
Detroit Bible (?) AU
Basically all androids are angels. (Markus is an archangel and jericho crew is cherubims). There's no demons and there is no Hell, all humans go into Heaven after some purgatory-therapy.
Sometimes angels descend from the sky in human-like nonorganic bodies to live some life and have fun.
Humans totally unaware.
This long set-up was for my original true pairing:
Biblically accurate cherubim!North/Richard Perkins.
Don't ask.
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